Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 17, 1894, Page 4, Image 4

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' .4 , . ; ; . ; - . . . : i ' . . .
E & - - 4 : m - , ; . TILE OMAHA DAILY DEEr MONDAY , DEOEl\D1ER \ 17 , 189. : . . -
- - -
. - - -
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- _ _ u _ _ _ _ _ _
E. nOSEWATCl 1 : < lto'r.
, . 1 _ _ _ - _ . - - _ - . - - = = . : - - - -
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- : -
TIRMS OF sUnscrnPTIo ; .
1AIIy nee ( Wihout Sunlay * ) . One Year..1 8 0
Alt Ik e and Sunday , One Year . . . . . . 10 O
. Ift al Months . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
'rhre 110nlh. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 r
Sunday lie . One Yenr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 0
, tntiirdny lee. e. Une YPat . . . . . . . . . . . . I M
Weekly lee. l One Yenr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S5
, fJmahl The net 11uII4ng.
1 Suth Omaha . Corner N onf Twenty.tourth st.
Council niirr . . 12 I'Mrl Slree .
Counci Ih1. 1
Chlca , Office. I7 Chamber at Commprce.
I New York. 31 i. 1 nn,1 1. Tribune mdg.
w ' \ ahlnglon. 10 I" $ tret . N. W.
; , Alt communlcnttona relalhR ! to news nrnl etli.
tonal male * ahould be addrefRcd : To the Jdltor. )
. All bualnpu letters and remlltnncei should be
Idllued to The Jee lublahln , CtnhIflfly.
Omahlrnta. . checks end VotoIflcO orde. to
bo made paynl , . tl ( tip orl.r of the company.
RTATIMINT : 01 , ' C1ltCUbATlON .
, , . of The BeP Put ) -
OeorRe 13. Tzachuck. "lcrllnry Jl Iub-
tithing compan hplnR , lOW sworn. "nya tlol
the RcluAI number of full and complete CpPI !
" of the Morning. NVnlng and Hun.lny leo
printed during the month of Novcmber . 181. was
aa fOllowN :
1. folow . . . . . . . . . 2.UC 18. . . . . . . . . . 21.GI
2. . . . . . . . . 21.1GI 1. . . . . . . . 21.t&
3 . . . . . . . . . 2TB r I. . . . . . . . 2.)7G
. 4. . . . . . . . . 21.G2 ( 1 . . . . . . . . . 2)4l
I 6. . . . . . . . . 2lt.U 2J. . . . . . . . . 21.GI )
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , ) .
I. . . . . . . . . 21.173 21. . . . . . . . 2J.1.I )
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
' . . . . . . . . 31.2r. U . . . . . . .21.431 )
B. . . . . . . . . 2S.Ct 21. ! . . . . . . . . 2,1,2:1 ,
9. . . . . . . . . . 21.G3 : 21. . . . . . . . . 20,3n
10. . . . . . . . . 21.1'18 ' 2. . . . . . . . . . 21.79 )
It . . . . . . . . . . 22.4S0 21. . . . . . . . 2.1,123 )
I. 1. . . . . . . . 20.8 7 21. . . . . . . . :
)3. ) . . . . . . . . 21,001 28. . . . . . . . . l9tGS !
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
II . . . . . . . 2'J2 ' 29. . . . . . . 20.020
I. . . . . . . . . . % G70 :0. . . . . . . . . 19.98
Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .t9.Gi :
Leu .leJlcUona for unsold aiU returned
copies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.2\2
Total sold . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,
aold. . . . . . . . . .CI,372
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Daly'ergu net clrcllnl' . . . . . . . . . 21.GI
fworn 10 horore mc flti1 Rubscrlhed In l ) ' 1re3 -
: ence this 3.1 . day of \pccmher. 1Sil : ,
( Sl'II , ) N. P. Jgl . Notary I'ublc. ) '
I the nigLIIsts ICCl Oil killing cach
other or It the I'ate thc ' hnve becl do-
' II ! for tl ( Ilst twelve mouths the uobl !
0 ort of sel-lefelRe will 800n le reckoned
fllfllig ( the lost Irts ,
' ' le will bc hl Iti RIsslou
' The legislature wl begin IR !
. two wcel1 fl'om tomon'lw nt high h
; ' ti 1100U , Iml a high h old tme Im ' lIP lX-
ll'ciell ) at the ( Hlale cnlliol from tmt
. tune ou till the day of ndjonriinntiit.
Soulh OUlhl , could he ovIrlcl nt
one-halC the eXlllse to tiiX1)1tCtS ) If nu-
: uexcil to Omaha. Auuexnton luSt lInt
lIe defm rel ( too long . 1'lt the taxpnyer8
of Omaha decline to nSlnme the growing
Ilhlc Iebt of hm' thnmllnl suburb.
. . The rOtl Jellhlcaus ) of Nehmslm
t wi find the Beatrice : speech , which Is
. l llolshed ( lu this Issue , i-et'y luterest-
c lug nHl IUHtl'nctve renclul I Is a cou-
r \'llnton 10 Ihe Political history - .of Ne-
hlslm that should hot hc lost ullon the
t'lslnl Iencrton of relHllcnns ,
, 'Ve hOll to see a Nebraska statute
} roYhll for rphl counting of votes on
election day In cites oC 10,000 pOIHla-
tlon aUl oyer There Is 10 reason Wh3'
. election results should not lw Imownln
IJOlllatol editors lr 8. p. m. of election
( lay. AIIIC'clls of all parties demand
I Wh ' rot ' ' for It
t It W'lly lJ'o\'lde ?
i v Thc terrible tragedy enacted II Coon-
'k - ; cl lhlrs yesterday will fall like a paI
, O-el the social life of that stall old cl ' ,
. ; M The year just lIra wll to a close has
. . been fraught with mal ' cxt\O'lhul' '
, mil ch'erul c\oIIR : , Illl Is pcrhallB ext -
. & v t Jectl ) too much that this Ylclnl3' shan
; oe sJl'e n share of Ilh'C'se late.
I .Tohl Burns , the greatEnglishi labor
leader . In hIs uldl'css : Ihls evclhll leaves ,
- . ' . but tie one hnlleHslol upon the mlll1d .
. . , : of our llcoille-thl ) t laboring mel Illust
addrcRs thlmsclvcl to thc tasl or muulc-
i ; Illl'reC0'm-hls visit will prove of vast
. llelolt ) to this city. I Is true of Omahl
working men , ! I It Is of thosc Iu other
: cites , that they sock to bring about reforms -
( O'ml It long mnge , whie neglecting
to strike at abuses II their own etiviroit-
1 ; '
ElllperorVilhlani has cOltrlb tcd $ : OO'
. . towm'l the lln'chase of 'homas Carl -
. l , l 'Ie'l house with a \'Icw to Its com-cr-
. . slOI Inlo a museum. All thin hl'clUse
- 1 the IU\l-henlcl Scothmal hal lCCI n
hero worHhlplll' . alil ( his hero was : tile
chum of VoIal'e , alcl the COIIUCrOr of
- : Iltla 'l'hm'esa II thc \I'S IglIIRt the
. HIJsbnr s , The . Gm'luU emperor
. 'J ' 'uull have tonc a much motc sCIHlhle
. ( J thing If he hall cOlt'lbnlcc the $ rO
- . . towUl : the rcIcf of poor wot'I.llg mel *
: " at the PI'uIslal Clllll1
I The Canallll Prelilier Is said to lIe n
VietilIl of court etiqtlettq which -
Tlctm etqlclQ relulId )
: him to IIInlmotollc88 for houts 01 his
, legs waiting for Queen Victoria 10 put : Iii
fl IilleaEahiCe. Such a 81111 might bc
too much for 1 CIIIUIII II'mler , hut
. I ; wouIl ho ) child's hillY for the average
. A1I'I'IcIl olce seeker , who \1 HlaUl
like 1 stork 01 010 ) leg fO' halt 1 day II
, the Itilte-rOOlIl of the whie house YI1it .
lag to get II ClllCO to put II his 311)1)11- ) )
{ Itol for 1 ( 'olsuhlhlll to Loochoo ,
Dnholty 01' Patlolll wihout a mi" -
1t' 0' COllljiflillt. )
- . Tile tlilyii 1111(1 hours of the ' '
tn alil hot's rCII' I'\
tlowl ) ' uhhllJ nwa3' , nlil JO II'llCrlt
, , . . lUHI ) ' \ hel'l IllJollh'cl ) ) 10 the ! Omnhl
, , lOStllice. ) 'l'ho HUS11INe ) nlmullIhl
long hours of wl n'wnlhlg which alix-
lULls t'lilttbIlIitI' $ 1'0 holY ilittlergoulIg
I l'l'cals n Hlmll1 hiHtllce folowll ;
, 00\111111 first aCCsHlol 10 thc throne ,
. , WI'1 II ( 'C'IIII InCll dumocml , wloso
. . Ilntl'II'Ilcl hCl'1 exllailstt'd . IlvnI'lt
to his enrageti tttiIiigs lit the '
111 clraJ111 fl'I'IIIIS II Ih\ memol'a'
. hielh'all : * ) halllwl ) ( , I Is quite time
for nttothitjt ' taLst for the .
Ilolhel' fl'llt ! clclt of dls.
COllollio emuiditlules.
I . 'fho cllef ) 'CIHOI Hlnlld fOI' the I'l'-
, ' flsnl of ( o'CI'UO' JnCIIOI uf lown to
. Stliill ( ( Or re-election is thc
. . , stlll fO' re'lICClol II molllwllll
blultli' lie COltlliltttL'tl upon lie t ln'aHol !
, . . of tlo lo'cnlell Kelly 11'1) ' uf ( 'OUlOI _
wealm'/ 'lo Iloplo of that 11110 Imuw
: Ihat there was 10 iWI'll or the 111n to
; ' 11'ot the I'm ) ' , whose larch 1'lsl\'I'll
: fUl ) ( lLlllOllStL'atetl tlnt facl. Hlll the
l ? f , _ 10wI railroads hauled the 'ivi'tiems to
tilt ) 1IR111111111 rh'II'ud IhllllCll Ihel
; Ditto 1110ls soil all trouble aught ha\'o
, - . . been obviated. Hit titt'y chose Ilotlr
, . COljrlO uiid viitrapetl : J lelNon ) Itito I11e.
big 1 COIlllcuOUI ) Sllcchwlo * of hhilel
by 1111'1111 ! his Hilto tiolthI'ry before IU
Inofllh'o nail teC'111leNS ! body or 11)011.
' , Time 1lh'atl Ire I'Fclell' Wlh Iuvhll
, olo\utOl Jackson to the llJllotro * which
lie bolls , alI to tllHn must ulo bu ut-
1) rIbutetl ' his downfalL
. . . ,
, . . .
r . _ f ' " ' . - 1 , . "n. . s. . . . . _ . - -
Ululer ( our constitution the legislature
18 11reclct to } lvllo by law for nn
enumernton of the Inhnbltnnts of tile
state In the year 1S and every ten
3efltg thercarlcr. Now ten years thereafter .
after * mean In the year 1S : , anti the
Is whether not this :
qucston or provision
or the consluton should 01' must ho )
cltrrct out ? On general II1ncplcs ) It Is
Incumbent u\on [ thc legislature to coiii-
III ' with the constitution In slllrlt ns
wel as In letter. There are occasions ,
however , whel cotlllnncc would not
Il'omole the l.u1lo wcfnre. : This , In our
judJlcnl , woull be thc case II regard
to tile tlkln oC a slate census during
the coining ) 'cn'
Ncomslw , II till her history , his never
Reel such hard tmes IS m'e before her
t1\ln the comll tell lIlolitilS. No mnt-
tee what elleTI'IHeS wo mny project or
tlclcl'lnl.e . our pcoplo ) Clnlot hqpo for
relief fl'ol thc ( llrC\'nlhl1 11ellrcs lon before -
fore the next grain crop Is harvested
nlll mal'lwtcd At the very lowest esti-
mate It WoUld cost nt least $ OOOO to
take tlc slnle ( ( celistIs. At thc Il'cRlnt )
tmo ( thieve Is 10 surplus In the trcasilry
to ' this ' . 81111 thieve Is hot
cover ( 'xleilse ) nll 10t
lel ' to be ( luring lie J'xt two years.
I w\ take every dolar that cuu ios-
i4lily ) be rnlsed by taxu lou 10 nwct the
clelnuds oC existing 11tches of state
O\'I'melt nud hIllY the l'ullln CX-
penses of the various state IUHtulonl
There IR , mOI'cO\'l'r , n cryitig demnnll : ( for
relief fl'om tl Ill'outh'stlclwn sections
of the slute that must he met In Nome
war. I Ito ( state cnn mlm ; O.OO be-
shIes the cUlcnt ftuli to CO\'l' necessary -
SIU'Y IP\oll'latols ) It shcmll devote lint (
Rtl for the relief . of thc settlers Ithm'
lhnl siilIilItler It on CenSt1 supervisors
all cnuJcl1 oJs , ' 1 l his Illght * lc a hnrl-
ship for ) olllcans who have set their
hl'IU.ts ullon ) h ( ting Iml takIng thc slate
census , but this class of pcole are used
lo 11Ball0111lCI tH.
The taxIlyers of Nebraska will , wc
fed sure , prefer to forego whatever oen-
ml ht be dtrlved from the statistical -
clis might bl t'l\'ct flom sl.ts-
Lcullnto\lmtol which thc lenslS : gathi-
ei ers woull he ablc ) to ImlJlt. For I our
part , we llouht very much whclhm' the
Infolmtou woullbe wo\th the CXIICISC
If thc slnte ( ' ' full to
cyeu ( tlenst' : ) was ful
o\'cI'lowllg ,
It3U1I'i'UX ( . IS rItI.tStC4. /
'fhc cot'euton to be held It Kenr-
Hey tOIUJ'l'OW aul \'IllleSlln ! ( ' . In the
Inlcl'cst of 1lIJaton In Nebraska , ought
to oe largely ntelulcl There II no suo-
ject of greater lullllnnce to our leolJle .
thun thnt of irrigatllig thc semi-ari(1 I.
minis of thc state , which consttule
about ) one-third of our lireIb These
Itlls loHBCSS all thc qualities necessary
to renlN' thou abuntnnl ' 11'oductYC
If they were sUllplcl ) with sulclcnt
liIOlStuIIC. I Is belIeved that this can
be ) Iono without Imy dithiculty. There
II comlJlent ) ! cnlueellng autholly for
time sinlellut that the SUIIII ) ' of water
In our rivers anti stlllns : Is nmllw for
irrIgating the cutle region rcqulr-
lug It multi givIng It nil the moisture -
tm'o needed. I thIs . can be done its
accomlshmcnt will ml'an : nn Immcne
glln to the IlroRllrly of thc state _ lut .
tug the extensive somni-arid urea In a
condition I to produce el'OJI regularly
every year , regardless of the rainfall ,
' ' ' the ' ' ' of
wouII increase lJ'odnclh'e IWer
the state nt least : one-Ihh'd There Is
rom In that region for I large polulhu-
ton , which woull materially . increase
the . encll prosL-rltY. [ Within thc past
year Nehrskl has : lecn losing pOlmlu-
tlon . chlcl ' from the region that necIs
h'l alou. I Is very likely to contnue
to do so I soJelhlu Is not done to In.
duce IICoJlc to rellln lu that sectIon of
the statc.
'rhe ohjcct of the State Irrigation as-
sociatoxi Is to Rtmulate interest lu the
subject aud to 110moto acton on the I
putt of local nssociatloit.9 . for nh'mclng : !
the cause. , I II II iurchY practical , lns- .
mess ( Illestloll . alid us such It possoses
11eston. mt . 10jscsscs
for - citizen of Nebriska
a1 . every ciizen Nnlmslm :
who desires to see the state grow unll
il0S1)t. Time fl'mel the mOlchlnt timid
, thc mluufnctm'lr are crlualy coucerued
lu lavlu the great foml'lull m'CI rc-
clllmcll , 111 till these Interests shoult
unltc In fnrthc1ug its attainment.
A SOCt.I,1' ' l'W10/1r.
I was a had pollill mlslulw ou the
part of 1 Elll1)erOLViiiiIlIi ) lu II'Olloslul )
, tle Ilosccuton of the SOChllsl1 who rc-
fused to cheer him on the occasion of
his OIluhtg thc Iclchslu . amid time ac-
tou of thut horl ' lu IJII'ovln ) ) , hy u
most deCSive vote , tile relcrt : of thc com-
mltce Ih'erte to Il'oscculon'UI a
victory for time socialists or a'ery posl- )
tyO kind.Vliaever ( lay bo said re-
' ' ' of thc rcfusal or
gardiig * lie I 11'011'1013' :
lie ( Hoclulst JCmhCrR of L1lIameut to
cheer time uI1Iel'01' , a cuslom or long
l4tluildImlg . thl't'o waH II 1\8Ion IJS t
their right 10 do 10 , 111 ; ths ! Hhonll hlvc
1)0011 ) recognized by the cUpcrol' . I the
soclnlMlg dlle to take his molot of
' their dissntisfmctlomm ii'Ithm
Jlulfl'Htnl dllSltHfuclol : wlh
existing IIo11lcli conditions It wa ( heir
II'h'lcgt ) tl the . 1111 ( 1' mIlrO' , 'II\1
Nholhl not ha0 : dlHlrct hill CXII'cMslon )
or dcfcrence that ( wouhl hlye hecl ) In-
AluCH'I' . 1lowlng : time Hentlcltl ( of the (
socialists he Hhoull lot hayo tXllccht !
or ( lt'sirtl fll Ihem 1 courtesy ) ' Imicomi-
siliteilt it'lii ( tiielm ' ivehi kmiolvll ltttittitle
Hhtlnt wih Iwh' WII ! 1wowI itlurle
10wll'ds tIme govermittient. Alt when
they hul 11 the 10st II'olounccll ) mal'
1m' posHlhlo ) sho"n 111' feeling It was
I ll'C0 ) of folly , 110rltory to the 1m.
11'I'111 ) character all IUJlly , to 1l'ol1HO
10 II'oscculo tileili.
I Wil eyiielco of a wI'almess : II the
cltmmrtmcter of time ' ' that ( luu1
CIUU'll'h'l' 1m CUIII'OI' ( lot
been $ uli4ilectOtb . nUl It Is lot surlrIs- )
immg to 1111 It Hhltcd ( limit he hUH lost lu
IIOIIII' ) 1'l'Nlwct fOl' his wlHdlm , wllt
the old chiamicelior , who HCeJS to he
Jel'ely a faelollu to tilt ) empcror , Is
niso Illl to IUI'o fullm II Ilblc ) estecm.
' 11o HelehltaJ ( II1hlJ reftiAeti ( o uulhol'
IZt the Il'oseculou ) of the socialist mem-
1)11 thus Ih'lu'llJ that they uctcil
U1111 timely rights , whut wl tilt Imleror ! )
holy do ? Uo l'lllt Ihlllo1 ) lie matct' -
wlllnt imnikliig 1lmsel' rllcUlous , III (
yet ( his would ! o whwr thul 10 UIIIllul
tl the ciltIrts , ItS lift Clllcl'lol' thl'l'Ut. (
t'iteti to 110. heclulo It Is hlghl ll'olm. )
bin that the 10'lrlllt wOIIt ho
beaten thel'o nlll thus thc emperor ho
110tol ) t'lII\t. fIll time notion of the
Hclchtlu ! 11 In time la tro or u rebuke .
'l'ho ctlcI'1 are that Bmllcror " 'lhtl
hud mantle Ul' hil . IhHI to take the lout-
tor to the courts before the ctou Q
- . . - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Parliament. This Is to be inferred from
the ( remark or the chancellor. I such
Is tIme case he wi take that course re-
Jarllcs9 or any olnlon , IHbUe ) ) br 111.
ynle. Ills imperial pride has hccn hut
anll he wl not be con lent until he has
exhausted every effort to 1II1sh thosc (
who dhl the * lujury. Socialism Is imink-
lug steady progress li Gcrnlll ' and
time o\'el'IUcnt . wl not check Its advance .
vance by Ilm'suluJ lie ( mcl who arc
' oC tmv ' refused to ahow
guilty liavitig slt1Il rerulcil
time cmJeror the usuul respect 01 a pub-
lie occasion.
ST"T ! I.Wl 1.UOIT1 ( ( ) ;
Local sentutmt . rlvorahll to time
to ' Miller Into
proposition COU\'CI.t MicI IJrk
UX1JOslion gl'ouuls Is rowll fro\ day
to ta3' . There are three 11'ollsllonl )
Ilel1u before time Comluercnl climb
commlteo for the sale or lease of cer-
tnln tracts of I'ount for slate fair
111 11rh'llJ pnrP'Ilscs. ) . Men who
hovc * mooney to Inyest In stale full hul11.
tugs hesitate to 110 so upon leased rolml
nnll ( douht Is cXII'eascll ) whether cnouJh
moue - cnn be mlset for thc Ilrclum * oC
an nllcqnnte ( tlc of ground III for time
coustructon of 8ulnble hulllhtgs thereon -
on for lie ( 11\'lJOSO ) conlcmplntcl1. 'l'ho
easy /II ( ra tona ( I war out of I he ia : t.
le' ( Is for all IntcI'esls to cothlnc ullon
: [ ler pm'k. 'l'hmere Is ahsohllcl ) no
\'a1t ohjccton thereto and tlc rcnsous
for locatu ( n state full 11 Miller park :
Ire so llicut ) alll con\'luchl that ( here
81ou11 Iw no fm'lhm' deimiy hi rcnchln
I coucluslou 'l'hls city his : plll for
the ; Uler 111Ie tract Inll ( its title ttel'cln ( !
cnuuot he tlstnrhl1 ) 'Ilo UIHIr which
milight othcrwlsc OC spoilt In the II\
chase * : oC gl'oull could lc apl11ell ) to the
coult'ueton of 8ubsllntaI exposition
buildings , which wihin thcmsoh'cH
could be made architecturally nu at-
Ircton to thc 1)001)10. ) . ) No one cal tenr
thc accessibility of the lUlcI' ' park
trnct Thieve should lo no ( m'lhe' 110-
Imly In thc sotlmcnt of this matcI' .
News percolates ! all the war from
T.lncoln that time private O\'UC'j of a so-
called nOlmal school hulllu nUll of n
tract of \1'0111 Imown as Lilcoin lark
are halchll a Hcheme to get nn nppro-
1I'Iaton out of the fOl'lhcomlng Icglsln-
t\'C for the itlL'CilItSe thcrcoC. When (
thnt IH bIle lie IIople of Lincoln wi
graciously tcnlle' ( Iho tract for IJm-ma-
ueut slntc fair grounds and ! uldln s
all also for the : tual t'cunlou of thc
Gl'aud Atumy veteramls. I must le nd-
mUted that this 1111 ) promlscs a far
better nsslmce : oC n state fall site at
Lincoln thlu thc orl lull phm ) of Inl- :
\'ntc subscriptions not long ago mlopted
! y the citizens ot thnt cl ) ' . Should
Omuha get the state fall our peo111e , of
course , would lo eX1Jcctel 10 raise u
fund to cover the cost of permanent
buildIngs for state faIr ptmrjosesand ) :
coull not hopc to SecUre and probably
would not asle a legislative upproprla-
tiOll. I Is a fact , however , that time
railroads have combined wIth lie I.ln-
coIn people to secure the location of
both time Grand Army reunion all tim
Stlt fall It Lincoln for hclr nlxt rc-
Bllectvc tm'ms of five 3'ears. Whether
or not the business men of Oninlm wi
he able to cope wih this combination
remulns to hc secn.
Senator Yoor1tccs' and Rcprelcntnth'c
Bland hlve announccd . thcl' intention
t maim un effort to have paHsel nt this
session or congress a bill for the free
colimage of Rlh'er. The Indiana senator
Inforled thc count.y of his IHn'Ilse
' h the nieditmin of lutct'\'lew
tt'ou nlC1tn In \ ,
amul time Missouri con rC8SUan. who was
defeated at time last election . gave : notice
In the house last week of his Intcnton I
to bring forward a but if the coinage 1
commIlc CoUld le Induced to stand ly
him Time melhellhlll of this committee -
tee consists of se\'enlcen , nine of
whom Ire II favor of thc fi'ce coinage
or silver , but I few of them do not seem 1
disposed to have nn3'thln done looking I
to that policy , doubtless for the sum- I
clout ' that ' lmow It woimld be ,
ccnt t'cUn : tmt tlc3' woull le
futile. I Is notcd ni II HllgUll' fiict .
thnt during the last scsslon whenever
It was Imown fl'CI sliver was marked
for cOlslllllon one 0' mol of time silver -
\0' mcn emi the committee tulcd to np-
pear , and I Is said that the slme experience -
rlence Is likely to attend the mcctnls
of thc conlultl' lt this session. Stl
h' , B1aul Is reiloricil ) ( to he detcI'mlnCl
to persist In the effort to get a free cell :
age bill before the houRc. " 1 shan con-
Ulle In InI' efforts to Iect'e action hy I
the comlitee , " ho II quoted ns sa'llg. .
"nnd shal not cease uut tha 4(11 ( of.
March. I believe we will le able to report -
port II hi ) , nlt when It Is before tile
blouse there wl le no I'ouhle about
passing It I think time chanccs of Put-
tiug I free coluno bill ( thl'ouh the
house arc better than they have becn
IIItorot'e during limo con I'ess. "
'l'hm'e Is l'caRon to believe , howcver ,
that ( lie zcal of : Ir. Btc : warps Ills
jimtlgmmiemmt. Free coinage doullcHS hus
ns strong I HtJIIOlt ) IOW al It hnl ever
liati ill ( hits cuUgl'IHS , hut It by no Il'nns
( oiiows ' that the chauces or ImRHlu : t
free coitlIlge hi uro better nov ttn
tl ' have heretofore beemm. : Ial ) of the
nt\'Ucutc8 of free coinage Iu I'OUJI'CSS
recognize ( lie ! fact that ( them I ; hardly :
n IoSMllll ) ' of cnlcln I IIUlt'O for
the free mil uulmled coinage or silver
11I'lnl time 11'lcf life of this conJI'CfH ,
nlll , thm'cfllc , ( hey will Jut HUllIOlt )
Mr. Hlnld II his whul ) Ilrol11HI ef'm'
10 ( acml'o such ! 'Jlslato l. HCHh1's ,
these men lnrll'I' ) hull that ( If 1 bill could
ho got thl'ouJ1 CIlgI'SI It would en-
couuter ni cxeculYo veto uJll nobody )
will . ll'ctcuil ( limit a huh Coilli he passed
over time ohjlclons of time president. I
Is titter ( oily , thcI'etol" , for Yoorheel
mtiid lhhtilid to " ' time sliver I
1111 Hunl keep Ull I Illn-
( mu. Not ommiy I Is thC'O JO good purpose
to hu served 1) It , hut It tCltS 10 keel )
ul\o I tcclUI of 11Hh'ust ( , 1ltcularl )
nUou torclJ1 Investors In Amcrlcan
l > ct'llul , who tire slusll'o to every
fualelll 10\'emeJt . Iwro which 8O\1
to thl'euh'n , howe\'ct. re\otlI > ' , the ttI -
rudnton of time CUl'jJc ) I II nole-
\\'olthy ( limit tle ( lH'l'stlit'ut mude uo
reference to silver lu bus IISsaj ( thus
hUlllyln that ( the suljl't hlll been dis-
mlScd tro\ his 1111041. . I CIlo coimli.
dl'ntb' Hall that ho bias not ctuJut his
olllulou re t'lllg silver , III this gives
UISUnUCO that uo free coinage bill can
hecmc In\
'l'ho most lutereslug piece of news
received lu O\lhn for tOIU tmo Ilst )
hi time InUOUUcOll'lt ( mimi Sioux City
. _ . . . _ .
p-.1-- -.1e - " - - - - - ' -
lint ( the IllinoIs Central has tlnly * con-
eluded to c ; \l one of its hues Into
Omaha. Tlul'nlr thing wc hope Is that
time report ,1 , tjhl founded. The exten-
slou or thoU ols Celtral wouIl ellen
for Omaha It } ' "t'y large sectol ot COUI-
try whIch 1mRSS1d bo Iuuexcil by our
mCI'chluts. elI it . '
'rho Aluel nl l'ellcmton , of Labor
voted Iowu-thl" , ll'ollosiiou In favor or
Ilostal ( sn\'lnl banks , while ( hey
aloiliell rosf11\fons ! \ lu favor or Nchemes
that wuuIl b.clttt them ( much less nll
are ituprnctie4Lljie. There . arc sOlclhll
like fifteen Ihlulrcll millions of
wage wOI'ks' mOier II Amer-
ICII R:1III : ! t banks 01 which
the deposItoiiu ' io not hra11 than
rlullsluto'io ; Ih'a" more
a per cent , WillIe they like ( ito ( rIsk or
losing ' ' ' ' of their t savings lu
every 1IIIu3' ) hell sa'II s
case of the ( colllRe or the Iliutituitiolls .
The go\'cI'nlcut 1) 'S a per cuut to bond
holluls : 01 101 lS. W'liy could Jot the
govermlltient a cent 10 the
gO\'CI'UtClt lar per wage 1
wOi'ltl' ? The . postal savings houl.s of i
other couliries have been 1 source of
stremmgtli to thc gm'CllmeutH , nl1 nt lie (
sale tmo hn\'e Jlule savings Ilcllslts
Ihsolulel ) ' snfe.
Oh , TheMe Cruel Sneers
' . .
Since Il has heen learned lIst a good
mOllY "democrlc" senatorS will oppose
Secretory Carllsle' ! currency 1)130 the num-
hr of people who believe ( \ lhe secretory -
creased tory 19 on the right track has greatly In-
A 1eln 1'hrl , t.
New Yorl ; 8un.
An Interestng tale Cram Indlnln tells of a
hay oC 4 that Lifts wih the greatest ease
hIs father who weighs 176 potmntis. 'fhls Is
nothing. Thieve Is a boy of 2 In Missouri
that caries hIs greut-graIIICnther. who
weighs 20 potmods. The power to carry a
Iend weight should not be judged , CI'Ol the
treak-dowmi oC the democrntc party .
TOo He 111 , lot , In ( . ) , , vratio.i .
Ch\ngJ Tlrne.
The month oC necemuel' Is less..tiinn half
over and the \ ( thllrwlls at gold from the
lrenllry "In.e itt & beginning already . nmolnt
to $12.70l.G08. 'AI.e time wi soon he rll for
another John A. Stewart to Imlrlotcnly
COllie to time lelp oC the /overnlen tet his
Illcturc In all tIme papers nB that oC n sea-
sacrilcng patrltl and withal malee $ 1ij0.-
0 llrol on the eal.
- . I
1'ffer' " Seit.iIln llpiiirle. :
ChIcago Trlbun
Senator Perer ought to be credited with
having made one sensible remnt'le Ho 15
reported to have said .tmt 'there . Is no criticism -
IcIsm whIch the hankers mad3 to the sub-
treasury Illln oC the POPUISlS which Is nol
applicable a hunlredfolt" ( to the state hnnle-
aplllcnble 11111'edColt"
lUg scheme oC Secretary CarlsiI The p6p- m
ulsts proposed 10 Issue money on n certaIn
parcentage oC the value oC actual products
prcenln/e , Willie Carlisle proposes to
Issue moncy on the capital stock of the
bankers. orrather on their sUlpOSCd capllnl
stock , tile reality at which could nol h. ns-
cerlalned so closely as that oC wheal or
cotton stored In government warehouse.
coton Cnrlsle's plan Is the more objectionable oC
the two
. -
A 21iuchi-2et'detl Udorm.
Now \ " York Trlbunc. .
A reform wlireli l has . tong been desired
wi ! be Intro \ned \ by the final enactmqnt
of a bill In relation to Public printing and
the dlstrlbutQU at public documents. The
reCorm wi not , he so Cur-reaching as some
oC the advocates 'or sweeping changes huve
desired . but ! lclt legislation ns now seews
attainable wltlve an Importnnl step , In
the direction QI II'tonnl prcres I Is qx-
pected that the 'HI wilt not only do awllY (
with a varletpf , buses. but secure a sv-
lag of hundr1ds jf thousands of doUnrs.
Among other , things . I provides for the
placing of gdCrallcnt ; publcatons In de-
osltorles thr9 ( ghnul the cOlntr ) ' . where
they will be aMess\ble \ lo Ute people. Public
librarIes arc dt ' , lP b'e supplied with copies
In n mere complete and satisfactory manner
than herelofore" .
. S
r I
The UIJht or Nepnllcr. .
JCIlc-go , IcrlJ ,
A bill prepail'by the attorney general at
the province ofCucbec has been Introdueld
In the leglsldt defining the rights ' 'of '
newspapers In libel aults. A person bring-
Ing n suit for 111,01 shall give security for
costs. A newspaper publisher shall have
nyc days notIce of the commencement of
a sull. giving time lo male and prInt a
satisfactory apology No verdict shal be
rendered In any suIt for more than actual
dnmages. In accordance with the troof ,
Where more than one newspaper Is sued for
the same libel one Judgment only shah be
given In aU the suIts , whIch shall be shared
by the various defendant newspapers. This
Is Car Inadvnnce at legislation In the United
States for the protection of the press from
specnlalors In lbel suis , and as It Is 0
government bill Ills sure S to become a } aw.
The ran Scandal In Indiajits.
Indianapolis News
The movement to secure some leslslaton
this winter whIch shah put nn end lo the
scandalous railroad pass business ought to
meet with success. These passes are frequently -
quenty wIl < ed for end even demanded by
the men who receive them and even when
this Is not so . they are not oren refused
when sent I would seem that a man of
the most ordinary delicacy would know that
these ( tvors are nol extended to him as a
matter of , compiiment . but sImplY for the
purpose of establishing friendly relations
between hIm and the rairoad , To b ; sure.
thera are a great many cases where no ef-
feet Is produce upon the recipient at the
pass. But that Is nol tile point The Intn-
Uon Is to produce an eCtect amid therefore
the sending of the pass Is an Insult to the
man who receIves Il. The theory Is that he
Is a man who can be Influenced by thIs
cheap Con of bribery.U .
Union Labor and : Municipal . Reform.
Chicago Times.
The suggestion of John Burns Ihat Amen-
can trades unionists strive for the betterment - I
mont of municIpal governments Is wise.
The municIpalty touches lhe workingman
al a dozen points where the national government -
ernment affects him In one. With better
administration at municIpal affairs theme
would be greater wihiingness on the part oC
heavy taxpayers 10 permit the exterlQn at
the ( unctiolls of the munIcipalty and the
nppnoprJation oC money for public worls
The trades union vote In Chicago , I solidly
weidet . ald Intelligently cast could . secure
an hanesl council and county board , could
compel. what the trades unionists 10 loudly
demand ( lie abolition of the contract sys- ,
tem In pUhlo work ) , could secure such 1
franchises should
treatment at Public Crnohlses as
bring a proper revenue to the ) Iublo while
reducing the price of service. There could
tie 10 more Inlellgenl advice offered work-
InGmen than this of John Burns.
7'IIR EXEGUT/J'R HR.Tlr 1301.
New York Sun.
Oh grim and silent sentry box
'l'hat stands silent nIt night and day
Before the house where Grover lives .
To wan the folks away ;
Oh grim and silent sentry hex
la\'o you4pOine . ther lo sty ?
Whal right ' Is hid within your wals7
What Cor < To you eXIress
That you IhbUld stand a menace there ,
To threlten with duress
The tree-horn citizen who comeR
To see hls',1 : 17htnesB7
Do you enclosd tyrnt's sivord ,
'lIme patrlot's blood . t 81I'f Iwor
Do ) 'OU enclose . clanking chain
'fo hind th p\oJle'R will ?
Or have you ccked and primeti within .
A loled tlrlf bill '
PerhalS you'1Ia\0 inside of you
A living dli'1flprat ( .
\Vilo notwltlstnndlng Politics.
with Grover stl stands pat ;
Or1 If you 'i ' * ve grim sentry box ,
111 lease show u , where he's at.
. -
Do you .nclose "a cuckoos nest 7
Or Ilpullllo swell ?
Or Is I Ih\\t \ \ sme one's a clam
Ot whIch ' ( too tire the shel'
Whnl are you there Cor. sentry box
Bay , can you rely tell r
I' C'LC 1"1) ) 71'.0. '
They call him T. Caltmly PlaH , but ho
heeds nol.
Ten cities In Massachusetts went rcpub-
Ica : last TUesday.
Queen Llis ' sympathies are still wih
Oro"er. She has the bOII. !
Senator Merrill of Vermont makes a speech
about ularlty , once I year. This explains his fio- -
With a few blows Mr. Lavigne places 1m.
self In time I llzlmens class. lIe has made
a kllo
Judge lolman 1ropoles tq omultte filed-
congress stone by writing a book after retiring from
According to lie ( teslmony , NeW York's
" llnest" were so called en nccunl of lhe
penalties they imposed and collected.
l'entuck boosts of t citizen who has
been struck by lightning four ( lilies and still
lves , Copper tanks arc relable conductor
In the hlicyon and vociferous days of frontier -
tier life toughs notched their gunstacks after
every Idlng , Now the molem pug notches
the chin before ordering the hearse.
Was SUsan D. Anlheny Is said to be one
of tile best Irel maIlers In Iho United
Slates. Think at the number of dyspeptic
morlals Susan might have male happy hail
she cultivated that rare and Ileady talent
New York Is so delermlnu1 lo climb the
Ialce that one WM convicted for tile trifling
offense of hitting a fruit peddler for tour
baskets at peaches l theme ancient rights
and privileges are dispensed with life on the
force wi not be worth the buUons.
The connrslon of Chlunmen by beans at
young wrmen Sunday school tc.chers does
nol appear th bo a blooming succss. Among
ito catch of n raid of an ollum , den II New
York were the laughlers of three cerg'men ,
schcols who had married Ilpls In their Sunday
Mrs Minnie JeCeron. or "Oranny" Jolter-
son. RS she Is familiarly called . Is dying In
NeYorll at the age at 109 yenrs. She was
uarl n slave al the plnntalol o\vned by
Thomns Jefferson lho third presldenl or I
the Ulltel Slates , nt Shal wel Albemarle I
eiiimty'a. . . al Marcim ' . 1785 , RtI has
been exhibited In different parts of the
country al several cccnsions as lho oldest
colored woman In the world She has nine
chllrel , flfty-sei'emm grandchildren amid
lwenty-slx great graumdCiIiIdrclL
I Is said that Emperor Wiiam Is n
great admirer oC what Is called In Germany
time "Helchesler omcer" style at curlng the
moustache , with points toward the corners at
tie eyes. Hnv'ug been told that a Berlin
hairdresser hal a special treatment Cer this
sort ot ornament , he sent for him , amid
ordered him lo dress the imperial moustache
daily In tim desired style The event Is time
talk of Berlin , and the artist . liaby . who
gets G marks Car each visit Is delghted
with the effect of his lrealmenl.
Whalever hope lie country cherished with' '
regard to the maintenance at Chicago and
London on n peace footing has beemm dashed
into the mire and traied In the gutter.
Conan Doyle snubbed the Lake City and
complmenlw Phla elphla , DIl that 10 itself
would nol constitute a casus beili. Now I
Is slpplemenlel with n reported expression
at John Burns towlt : "ChIcago Is a pocket
edition at helii" A declaration of war will
folow I it " .m hI shown Ihnt nlrn , . rlnlv
said ' t- Already . " the " decks ' - T lh "p' cs r
being cleared for action and preliminary hal
shat Is In evidence The Trlbune's haing
gun signifies blood or retraction. No attempt
Is made to refute Durns' assertion , unless the
statement that Burns spmt only thirteen
hours In the clly-three of them In tile sluls
-ho classed ns such. The Tribune forgets
hint an active man can see n great deal of
Chicago life In three hours , It he goes out
for It _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _
Convict contract labor has been abolished
In New York stnle.
The Ohio State Trade and Labor assembly
wi hell its nnnunr meeting Jhnuary 1.
Last year trades unions In England spent
about $2,000,000 for out of work benefits.
The next national convention at the'Knlgls
at Labor will be held In Washiington D. C.
Piece work has been auolshed In lho gov-
ermlrnent printing , ofce and eight hours Is time
The garment worllers of Baltmore are
going , 10 wage a fierce battle against .Ul"
I , sweating system ,
Carpenlers' union No 12. St. LOllis , and
clgarmalfrs of Holyoke IISS" , have adopll" ]
plank 10. A. F of L. plaUorm
A referendum vole will be alien by time
International Typographical union on the
question at nnnual conventions.
E. J. Daly ; general secretary at the Lal-
ers' Protective unIon. recently vlslt d Dalt-
more and other cites In that vlclnlly
Nearly Oie-hal of the mcrnbeus . at the
Knee Pants Makers' unIon at New York are
on strike agaInst a reduction : lt wages.
Through the exenL'ns of lhe nlc,1 tradp
cOlncl In lhnl city all the newsp'erJ In
Utica , N. Y. are floating al their mastheal
the union label.
President Sellers at time Retr.1 Clerlls' Nn-
tiermal Protective association has Issued a circular -
cular lo state organizers . urging theta on
with their worl
, Act ! rdlng to the cent 1 of 1890 there were
In' this country 4171S1O wage worlcrR , 1r,00-
00 unemployed 1.700,000 farm laborers ) .
1.400.000 tenant farniera . .
Syracuse Post : McSwatters-I hear Hogo
the liumnorist has broken his neele. McSwlt-
ter-W.l. thal'a a funny snup. McSWJ
St. Louis RepubhioAidershotj-row : did
Cameron lose all hut mOley'f haney-Why ,
ho invented I machine and tried to protect
hIs patenl.
In lartolS Journal : Teacher-Tommy
easily would ? ) ' 0 say that a man lies easy , or lies
Tommy-It delends 00 lie man.
Plain Dealer : I wihibe n and experience
for the unreturned conresslan to ionic
back over the pant two years and see neg-
lecle opportunities for doIng worse .
Chicago Trluune : Ulpen A. Cummlng-
The Cat Is , sir women need more exerclsc.
Im J"III to give my wife a Christmas IJres-
emit of I Cool bal
'reiius Y. Knott-I'm nol. \ ) ' wife does
enough kicking alrea y.
Buffalo Courier : Junlorus-The governor
writes . In reply lo my last letter aaking
for money. that he Is on the verge ot giv-
Ing up In despair Sopimomorocmis-'j'lmat's en-
couragin. lly dad curtly informs me that
ho doesn ' l Iropso t give UI' at all .
Life : "Ivo . been I'oncerlng over I very
singular thing. "
"What Is I ? "
"How ) lltlnl I ring on a woman's thin
finger thumb. should " Place you under that woman's
Atlanta Consttuton : "Can you /Ing the
old . Miss Smith ? " " '
songs Ilss "Oh , nol I wnsn'l
burn then I"
Detroit Free Press : She-This Is 0 drcad.
fully close rooni. 1 shall suffocate 1 am
sure. I feel my breath going now
lie-Don't worry. my dear. I hud much
better go Uln aloJI.
AUanl Constitution : "I see Penny Liner
has gone to work for the gas company. "
/one /us
"YOI don'l tel me. 1 thought he wa I
poet ? " _
pet Veil . that II what fled him for the gas
company. meLers " You see he was well versed In
Indlanalol Joural
I was I music teacher bold
\'tmo loved a fall young maid
And when to her his love ho told
Something 1111 timid lie sa'ed :
Light at my IW ! 1h' te'a brghl ret
I love you near or fnl"
The maiden turned her head away ,
And gently murmured
"Such Ilghty nonsense doesn'l go ,
You're not this lan for ml ;
I wnnt I man who has the do .
Bo you're nol In it. Hi ? "
Highest of all in Leavening Power.-Latest U S. Gov't Report
LW DeVA1 Bakes
TIB i'noi.izqn .ntrr. .
Chicago Jera1 : The 8u'Jcrvblon ' , ef the
interstate Cmmerc comm'.slon over loois
for whIch the bill provIdeS , amply protects
the people. Thl commll lon will become a
body wlh tmelhlng te do. I will bo llolhe.I '
with power whleh Il tn exerclsc. I will
be able 10 aecollllsh nl least sonic of time
beneficent objects of its creation and 10 repay
In part its cost to the overtaxed puble ,
St. Paul Globe : The IftlUre eliminates
competition as n factor In deermining rates
and leaves IlIa the
le.wEs eompnnles to settie . Il for
tlmenisclu'cs . subject only lo the Judicial re
striction of their re : onnM nesl. I Is here
that the ( decision of JUdge Brewer In ( tie
Nebraska state case becomes of the utmost
importamice. In ( that case the state hegis.
la"lrc hail fixed the niaxinutinl
" maxllum rate of freiglmt-
ale within the limits of the state. Judge
Brewer hell that . while the act was comistitu-
lonll , the limit fixed wns nol n reasonable
one , and set aside the act of the legisiattire.
I this remarkable decision Is sustained It
robs lie stale of ni power over the corpoimu-
lens engaged In transportation within its
litilIta. unless the initial amid terminal Ilolnls )
are within time state I transfers to the
tederal Jlllcinry tim tower to Bay whether
frelghl rates are or are nol reasonable for
all railroads engaged In Interstate conlimicrce .
Chicago Tribune : The new state of affairs
wi be very plenslnl 10 railroad , managers
and eastern slockholders. The owners of
watered slack will be e1elghtC1 when they
see that paying tIIu'itlends whIch never was
Paid Cor The sellng value of lie speculative
third amid fourth mortgage bonds wi n,1vnnc
handsomely The slack market , espcaly of
time "water " will be lively , amid the brokers
wi congratulate themseh'es on "Ihe 1m.
provemenl In business" which cougres has
caused by stopping competition and legahic-
lag pooling. But the people will have an
uneasy feeling lint somehaw their burdens
are growing Intolerably heavy. They dill nol
nolc tile additions of n few ounces al the
times when the ) ' were made but sUlh1enly
Il will occur to them that they are now over-
weIghted. The tnrmer wIll perceh'e that I
Is becnls ? of the heavy railroad charges he
has been getting so little for nil his pr01ncls.
The city consumers will Eel hint they are
\ ) 'ing too much for all the ( articles they
consuiime compared wih the home cost be-
cause the enhanced railroad rates are toe
high amid because producer and consumers
! nnl
"rC being forced , under Judge Brewer's dce :
lion to pay elvl ells on biions of abet
which represents nominal , nol actual . Ilalll
In capital. _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ .
J1 USW.I 1 ; .1 XI ) lftl .1.17W . " ' ( ) TES. ;
A new comic opera emi nn Indian subject
Is i to b3 Jroducel Washlnglon next mouth .
and its name Is "SI-Loolah "
"The New 'omnn" Is In its last week nl
Paiimler's New York ] , where "gsmeral
wi bo revived next Monday. I
He- , George Walters at Austrara I is'nit- .
Ing a dramatized versIon oC "Joseph amid Ills
Drcthren" for George ltegnold.
" 01 Hoss" Bi 10ey al the DJuo amI
"Young Hoss" Bl GIllette nl the Standard
New York , appmr to be doing n fine busIness -
mess ,
"An Unomcnl ! Patrlol' Is the title at
Jnmes A. Herne's new pIl ) I wilt bc pro-
ducd simultaneously In London amid New
This Is the worst theatrical season ever
known. Ium1rclls of unemployed actors and
actresses are walkIng ! iTirradway . New York
looking for a Jou.
Virginia Harned Is the blesl actress to ob-
tain an "ad" founded on ( hue molh-caten
< <
story of Iat jewels. VirgInia ! Is lo star next
.seasomi amid there you are
Calve al time Paris Grand opera house wilt
crfglnato the prlmn donna role In Dalto's
'Meflstofolo . " a new opera that Salnl-Saens
has promised the managemcnl
"Tho Doslonlans" are olng well al lie
Broadway , New York , where they are la be
followed on January 1 by Augustus Pltou'e
big llrducton at "Mm Sans Gene. . "
Mary Anderson.Na\'arro says that for seven
years she loved her work on lie slage. Then
the excitement nnd publicity became distasteful -
CuI lo her , and the last rear at her life be-
hind time teotghls was almost unbearabie
Quito a sensation has ueen made In New
York recently by the boy violinist Juania
Manen a Mexican prodigy whose wonderful
prlCormances have given him the name at
the young "Sarmte , " . I. . Is said lint
Mnnen's success In New York on the ' 'Ieln
has ber as great as was young hioffniann' !
on the plana. I
Next year Il Is proposed to have an equal
number of American and forogn ! voices II
the Abbey & Grau Opera company amid Mr.
Abbey hopes In the following season to have
a native chorus lhroughout. All the prima
donnas at Importance this year In Italian
opera are Americns , with the single excep-
Uon of Melba . who Is . an Australian.
'StD SUaGl . nUNS.
The New York Truth soliloquizes :
That Adam Chrlstmns loved wlhcause.
'Ve cannot but believe :
For while he had no Santa Claus
He had hIs Christmas Eve.
The -Knnsas City Journal Incautonsly pic-
tunes the local stringency :
See the mahlen Christmas shopplng-
Ittmaiiliig pushl/ " . scarcely slopping ;
Ilitimer . thither . .
Hlllcr. flitting fying.
Looking much and little buying ;
Weeks ot labor strain intense ;
Sum expended , - , sixty cents.
A shalow of future events haunts Chi-
cngo. hear the Inter Ocean :
Full soon we'l see the Christmas tree
With lovely Alb dawn bent ;
And In our pocketbooks we'l lid
Therc'a nol a single cenl
- _ _ p _ _
rAKES 1'WI Trl7I7lt CJ1,1 "IrTOn
OMAhA , Dec. G-To the Editor of The ?
Dee : In your Issue of the 191h nIt . there Is s
synopsis of nn address delivered by Wmaa.
celar Can eld before the Ministerial Associa'
lon of Omaha on "Igler Itiucathon" duro
Ing the last Quarter at a century , which II
lie opinion of the wrier toe great InJuslet
to the character of the institutions of le/rnlna
of that day , and also to reflect strongly on
the Integrity and moral honesty of these hmnty-
Ing control of such institutions.
Thn &apelior musl hne been exceelnglJ
untortun' J In his Ispcdaton with the eel-
logos ef the pal quarter of n century , If this
report ef his a,1rsl , I given , Is i not greatly
nl variance with the facts In the cnse. I II
'very true ( list there has ben a great Id\'tnct
In 1IY respects II higher as well ns In this
more common branches of elucalon , bul
Ihere WAS n principle of integrity and mortl
honesty unlerl'lng the whole educational
work In the colleges of n quarter oC I century
ago that wil nol be rut to blue blush when
brought In contrast with the mlntgement anti
curriculum 01 those grand In81tutots of (
lemurmiing of which we as AmerIcans auid a
ChrIstian people are teddy 50 Proud. The
chancellor umust have been born in a very
Utlluicky ( lumme , cur it must have supervened
very 50011 thereafter. For lie says , it lila
observation of time unodus operandl of those
colleges was not very superficIal , that In his
college ( lays boys usually uvent to coilege
because ( lucy were sent , ilot fromn any desire
on ( heir part to get an education , and the
facumhty therofCre lroceeded on time theory
that their tlumty was to hack imp a few Parcels
of knowledge and insert them lute the lOCkOiS
antI under ( lie hats of ( lie boys without their
kimowiedge or consemit , and "that overytlihmg
was machine-like and ( lie .sbmdent was toni-
veIled to believe that time niore Icnowieilgo
lie left behind when leaving his alma mater
( lie more successful he iimus beeit in his cal-
tego life. " Alit ] ( lien lii veniilcatioum of this
fact lie reltra to time ciass rooni exercise.
wlmemm by lot a certaIn student would be
called upon to stanul up when lila mmnme ii'as
drawn , imut such a ( lung as discntsioii or
oxplamiatlomm by a professor was unlueard of.
Auitl thini add * ( hint it student slicuid liai'o
dareti to ask a qtiestiOIi of a hirofesmor lie
would have boemi semut to coventry for trying
to curry favor wihu ( the faculty.
Now , Mr. Editor , this rehearsal of tim
imractice amid cimarat'ter ot college iirofessors
and of that which constitutes a college
Is completely at variance i'itii coliege CUStOimIS
a qtuarter of a cemiiury ago , as well as of
( lioso mug nmmterlor to that miate. Iii coit- ,
flnumiatiomm of tlil aesertioli let a case In
Poiilt be cl4ed , sliowimig timat there was no
mnachiiuiellke ivork in tue colleges of ( Ito
earlier part of tllis century , nor amiy Pack-
lug of Parcels of knowledge In the pockets
or lmts of time attmdentsot those tIunes , nor aimy
effort " , iiade to chtlmhei the student to believe
when leavimug imis alma mnater thuat time more
kmiowiedge lie ieft. belmimid tIme niore sulccesS-
fuI his cohhiege life had beemi , " In the fail
of 1830 , at conlinericetllellt of time wInter
( cmi ( there beiuig thmemi a winter term amid a
suimmiiner ( cmi of college ) , a class of twelve
or fourteen boys enrolled as atutlemits of
Jefferson college , Canoimsburg. Pa. , and coin-
nlencemi ( lie mutimdy of time Latimi grammuar
( Ross' ) . The umudersigned was one of tlimut
miumber. 0mm of this class had already been
for two seasois engaged in tIme study of the
Latiii graumnar , but time faculty said lie was
hot simillcientiy accurate in his knowledge i'
of time fundamental mrlnciples of the gram-
niar to proceed witlm his former class , therefore -
fore lie was placed in our class to again
apply his mind to time rudiments of tiumtt
language. Now this case shows that a
college faculty sixty-tour years ago believed
tlio lundaimiental principles stored in time
brain , instead of a few parcels of knowledge
packed into pockets or hats of ( lie students.
vas their "theory" of a college educatIon.
Now , It was time writer's privilege to be
a regular student at college train 1830 to
September 1836 , excepting aim absence of
three sessions whemi emmgaged in teaciming 'r
school , amId during timome years never knew of a
student who was at college unwIllingly. .
No teacher or profeasor or any science could
have been more genial , polite or ready to
give Imistntictiomis or ailswer any questtoiis
than were tIme professors of timose days.
And why tot ? Thmey stood en the same
platform of Christian integrity that 'now
gives moral worth to , ( lie faculties of Yale ,
Harvard or lniumceton. In thioso days thctj
studied Aloxander' evIdence of Christianity ,
and practiced tiio principles of Wayland's Y
moral science , and therein stood their
equality with those grand nuen of today ,
Who can think for a moment of such men
as 11ev. Matthew Brown , DD. , L.L.D. , so
long time distinguished scholar and abie pres-
blent of Jefferson college , condescending to
such practices as charged to college faculties
a quarter of a century ago. If such were ( lie
educatiomial institutions of years gone by
the inquiry COnIes , from whence then has
come those men of literary renown and ( lint
deep research have glided the intellectual
uirmamnent of our age , and crowded the
different learned professions with so many
men of renown ? I
J , 3.1. 1lJIIN , A. M. ,
lloni-sL lionio limuic ,
I'Iulindciphla Times.
The more suchl conventions an the Iulinne-
ajiohls gathering the better. 'riiose who engage -
gage iii them arc not practical politicians
iii time , comnlomi acceptation of the term , but
they arc poInting out the evils of tue day
to ( linac WIIO imi the near future will ilnd. is
way to organize for successful reform.
Agitation is the initial step and ( lie agtta.-
( ion for better city goveriiment begun In
Phihudelphia Is certain to spread to all
American cities as a prelhmninmmry to tim . , . . .
general overthrow of corruption amid inefil-
ciency Ia municIpal administratioum.
lZll2 : ts OIlN UNi'1r. 8s30 ZiVI1NINGS Z'
. . I-Iappiness
-Fine silk and catin ICIlliClilifFS - All SMOKING JACK-
embroidered in ' cit .time new effects timid 11TH of Enghislm
colors and severmi novelties In lomig Jacket Cloths , quilted
styles. shawl kerchiefs and satmi ! triuummed , ftoun
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - mnuihiers ; oxtremimely to ; is,00 ,
neat effects ,
. IJMIJItELI4AS - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Eiegant sum , paragon
frames , natural wood BATh ! I1OJIEH of
handles , all prices , Cloth amid lider-
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ tra Ibmo 11mm Cf euro down , from $3.00 to -
Caaliuumero amid Pals. iG.OO ,
ci ii r La I ) Ii II N 'S hey wool mnuifleru for
WEAR , aucim as elderly goimtlemuui. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
fancy waists , caps ,
ties , hose amid imoveity
. -
suits. - DRIISHING AN ! )
GLOVES - Driving
TIgS-Thousanda of
'cm. All ( lie late gloves Jim Enghisim
styles amid new colors , buck , fine Mocha , dog
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ skin and cimeverotte. IIANnKEI1cIIIEFS.
, Dress gloves , light -A beautiful lIne of
BOYS' LEfiG1NOS weights , In ummdresseml Liememi Ilandkercimlefa ,
-The boy dooamm't live imemstitchod a a d
that would nct like a ldd , liiiglisii buck , 1)15tH. ) In fancy coloi
hair of leatlmer leg- dog akin , colt skin and vlain white. A
glmmga. and French kid. mull very flume and extra
- . line of lent's drlviimg quality Jap 1311k ml-
tIal hfaatlkerchiet.
BOYS , C4PE OVER. and street gloves , our regular 75c , We
COAT-Very 1 o w Fur tlhoves amid himmed ar going to make a
lIricha oh cajie over- gloves of all descrlpspecial lirice of this
obats and reefers this timua , one at &Oo ,
Reliable Clotlllerd , S. W. Com'jir Flfteeiitli and ! ) ouglas Sts.
- . - . *
. - - -