. . , . _ . _ , . , . . . . , , . ' - - - . . . , \ . .L'n" ' .I1 > " . . . " ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' " - - - - - - = . - - - - ---4------------ : - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . . I / - - , TILE OAJIA DAILY . DEE : : MONDAY , Dl CE [ nER 17 , 18.1. a : THE OMAHA DAILY flEE. . l COUNCIL . n.l l S. OFFICE . . . , . NO J l'EAlL STREET . - . .r _ _ _ _ _ _ - t . Delveed by carier to any part of the ctt7. p . n _ W. TILTON , Lessee. TEIrfI NE8Duslne8 ! ofct , No. U : nIght t lor , No. 2 ' . \'TJU. ' . . Jl.\Ull - . , ; . - _ . IIoItjt ljxTIuY. Grand ] hotel , Counci muls , rened Ocl. I. Mayno neal Estate agency , 539 Droadway. ' The Dcember term of the superior court 'i opi thIs morning. The schol boud will hold Is teguar ] monthly meeting this evening. The cal of the state against Watson , on appeal from police court , Is bookel for 1 trial In the dIstrict court this morning nev Alfred Knoll , formerly pastor of TrIn- ' Iy Methodist church of this city , now at MOllale , was In the city Saturday viitng frlenls , Regular meetng of St. Alban's loge 'No. 17 , KnIghts of I.thlas , this evening. Work In the third Ilegree. Al members requested to meet al 7 o'cloclt shari ) . The council wi hold another adjourned meeting this evening , and will try conclu- slcns once more with the Union ! avenue and South Seventh street ordlnnnces , George Johnson , the thIrd of Deputy United 4 States Marshal Wray's assaiants at Albin last fall , Is e" ] to be In Jai In Kentucky I , awaiting an ofcer to brIng him hero for trial. trial.A A meeting of the charitable people of the city will he heM this evening at the parlors of the I lrt Presbyterian church , for the purpose of devising ways and means of as- sistng the poor this winter. Chief of Police Scanlan return from Des Moines yesterday afternoon with larry L. Palmer , the lies Moines museum proprietor , In custody. The charge of enticing away : a child appears on the books a the police station , and he occupies a cell at the city Jai _ _ _ _ _ _ _ We are asked every few daYR whether we . write fre Insurance Of course wo do , and In the strongest companies : In the world. We will not have any but the best In our \ office. Lougee & Towle , 235 Pearl street , . \ . 11ifl4ON : lHO . Great IllhJny Inr1n8. ; . CLOAKS AT COST. CLOAKSIIALF PRICE. Monday , the biggest bargain lay of all. Come early. Children's $3,00 , .00 and $5.00 heavy wln- tor jackets , ago 4 , 6 and 8 years , only Mon. day , $ ! each Misses' $10,00 jackets at $5.95 each , Our entire stock of ladles' Jackets at $3.98. $5.00 , $6,50 , $7JO , $ P.OO , $10.00 and $12.50 that formerly sold at $7.50 to $20.00. Misses' $5.00 jackets , age 12 to 18 years , $3.33 each. Ladles' $20.00 and $25.00 seal plush cloaks , In small sizes , Monday $5.00 each Ladies' navy blue $5.00 and $6.00 triple cap macklnloshes , Monday , $3.98 each. Ladies' dOlblo tocture $7.50 and $10.00 $0.00 03 maeklntosheR. Monday , $5.50 ant $6.98 each , - ( In navy and blacll. DOLLS ! DOLLS ! DOLLS ! Closing out our entire stock of dolls at less than half price 100 kid body and dressed dolls , that were 35e , SOc and C9c , go Monday at 25e each All our fInest 1111 body dolls . worth 50c and 75c , go Monday at 39c each. Children's $ i.00 white Angora fur sets , $2.49 $ set. Children's $2.00 lynx fur set , 98c set. and Terrlfc boas sacrlfco of ladles' fine fur muffs Finest quality of beaver , mink marten and anl Perslah fur muffs , Monday , $6.98 each ; were $10.00 and $12.00 ' . De/wer / , mink , stone and brown marten , \ animal head , fur ncelt scarf , Monday , choice $ U8 each.DRESS DRESS GOODS AND SILKS. All our 75e and $1.00 32.lnch fIgured Irap- ery silica . Monday , 39c yard More than n thousand yards of 24'lnch ' plain China silks , every color , worth SOc and Ole , Mcnday , 29oyard.BENNISON ] , DENNISON BROS. . Council Bluffs . Tr"mcndoll Drop In the Prics of Cent Commencing Saturday , December 15 , we will sell ladlcs' garment at prices never be- ' fore 1mown In the history of Council Bluffs coat trade. To begin the agony wo start with a line of ladles' Newmarkets worth from $ ] 2.00 to $17.00 , also a line of ladles' jackets worth from $5.00 to $10.00 , all In one lot nt 950 each. Only one to a customer Lot 2 comprises a line of black , navy and ton ladles' jackets , full length and large sleeves , worth from $12.00 to $19.00 , to go now at $3.69 each ; ; Lot 3 Is an assortment of capes and jackets : the capes are fur trimmed , extra length , and worth $25.00 ; the jackets are made from the best clay worsted , lined throughout wih an elegant satin ; the old price wn $22.0 but they hqvo dropped to $ G.89. At $7.7 wo show a beautiful chinchilla chInchia jacllet. latest style , a very nobby garment and sold early In the seas * n : t $19,00 . - " $9.00.- 26 plmh garments that woui Irng : In seasonable - sonablo weather from $25.00 to $40.00 , to go ' \ at the mll weather priCE of $12.00 each. - All guaranteed Walker & Salete plushes These five Items only give you a small Idea as to the prIces we have made on coatI. . ' . Cal and see other bargains throughout the " 1 stock These bargains are only to be found , \ at the BOSTON STORE FOWLER , DCK & WALKER , Council Bluffs , In. Sterlng I1Ver. The cclebratcd ) Gorlmm Manufacturing company goods at reduced prices Tea- spoons at $3.50 per set , All other goods In the same proportion. Engraving free. C. D. JACQUEmN & CO. , 27 Main St ' The EncyclopedIc Dictionary and all art I folios . Brownie books , etc. , bound at More- house & Cos. , Opera glasses , t5c a pair , at Wollman's , f09 Broadway _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 'Vashorwomn use Domestic soap. Council lul Hull Invgnchhhe ' . 0 At an early hour yesterday morning the members of the Council Bluffs Whist club returned from Omaha , where they were the guests of the Omaha club. 'he scalp which has been so ofen torn from the Omaha club by its competitor 01 this side of the rver : again adorned the Iawke'o belt , the score being 32 to 1. Shea Ild I. M. 'freynor bat : lllto and IIWlls eight pints , 1awson , und V. I. Treynor beat Wilbur and ] AIm ten points , WatHman and AtchIson beat Wheeler and Small Ilne anl one.hal points , Wickham and MaYlo bat Read ali Ileheart one and one.hal points , BarHow and Lauterwas- ser beat McCague mil Heath three points and IUIC ) ' ali lendrlclls were beaten by Weber and I unkhauslr one poInt Kltrnordlllr Offer . For a short 'hub wo , offer choice of our N entire stock of exclusive styles of fine dress . ' patterns Nice. and French robes lt exactly half ChoIce of our stock of French challis , all wool goods , lt 19c a yard . Thee goo al are worth very SOc desirable a yard. for wrappers and well yard.BOSTON BOSTON STOrE , FOWLER , DCK & WALKER , Council flluffu , Ia . Big reduction In black dress goods . /herldlnl Coal. This now coal from Wyoming for sale only by II , A. Cox , 37 MaIn strect. Telephone 48. Aslt for circulars. Gal cotkln ! stoves for rent and for sale at Gu CO.I olce , Domestic soap outat chtap soap Bourlclul' musIc house has few expenses ; high grade plana are sold reasonably , ha 16 ftutman street Uueer l'eopie Bound at Morehouse & Co. , 65 cents per olumo only _ _ _ _ _ _ _ tS plr Only beautifupresents at Crockwell'g . Iomolte soap break bard water Allowed Iltf the ClaIm . The Dead or Sup rxlBor at their meet- lag Saturday " had up for consideration the calm of" the Women's Ohrlstan association for $3 for the care pr a number of hoboes 'Alonglng . to KeUy's army when It visited Ibis c - last Iprln After seine discussion I wa decided to allow half the bill and let the women look to the city for the other halt. The bart adjourned until December 31 , by which time It Is thought the Council Bluffs & Lake Manawa Electric Railway company will have gotten Its affairs Into shape so that definite acton may be taken , "I"t : "u\rA Ii I i lnt Just what ho has been doing right along selling dry goods nt prices that can't be r t by comp lors. holiday goods now divide ] the honor with all other bargains , and you Iel fore for a dune or a dollar than you ever JrCned of before . now doe this Itrlke ! ' , . , . . . vein . = . , , . " ' " Story bok , id. , . . " Games , 5. , I , _ 1. Silver 11101011 tablespoon , ! e , Silver plated teaspoons , 7c. Kid body dolls ( ] , bisque heads , tSo DrencI ] dolls , 3lc , Colulo"l frames , 10c. Celulohl Christmas cards , 15c. carls hair ornaments , 1ge. Table covers , smoking sets , games ; mlr- rows , frames , vases , glove boxeR , hOllker- chiefs , tnuflhers , gloves , silk mitts , shawls , cloaks , ladles' hatl-al suitable for Xmas presents to friends ( or self , ali ] all at less than you can buy them at whollsll VA vnA's NEW DRY GOODS STOlE , 12 Iroadway , Elegant line of cut glass 'Volhnan's , ,109 Droadwa ) ' . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ The laundrIes use Domestic soap. holIday Hlte , The nock Island will sell round trip tick- eta to stations within 200 miles at excursion rates Decembcr 22d to 25th , and on December 31 all January 1. good for return to and In- eluding January 211 Remember the nrownles' entertainment at Dohany's Thursday , eclbcr 27 , for the benent of the ChristIan home , I 20 per cnt discount on all trimmed hints at Mrs. Itagedahe's , Ground oil cake $1.30 hM at Morgan & Co.s drug store , 134 Broadway. Eagle laundry , 724 Broadway , for geol work. Tel. 157. Davis sells drugs , paints and glass ch all , Typewriter supplies - - at lndley's , 337 D'd'y. James & qKeHe , real estate nail ii.stuance. - A DASH OF THE CHEYENNE. luw Young ! ' \nrrlor IhmdCred Three " 'IIIK uf" J"rCllhtn ; Outfit , "Talking of bal Indians , thc ones that make most trouble are not the old warriors , " said the veteran plains freighter to the New York Situ "Thcso have male their reputa- ton and got wives and ponies , and have little ' to gain and much to lose by going on the warpath against the whites . With the young buck the case Is different. lie wants plunder for / start In life , antI . , more than that , he wishes to lall a name for himself In his tribe So he Is always ready 10 start llst- Ites , and will take desperate risks to capture scalpS or horses. "ThIs brings me to an attack by Indians upon a freighting train , made up of wagons drawn by six-mule teams , that was traveling In company with mine from Kansas City to Denvcr In the early 60s. I was done In such a way and was so UnXllectel as to be almost laughable , although I cost the outfIt eighteen geed mules , sOle freight and a good deal of bother In repairing damages and get- ting straight ngaln. "At that time the Indians were at peace with the whites , so no trouble was looked for frcm them 'Vo had come to n deep prairie ravIne , with a good-size stream flowing along the bottom of it. My train was In the load and had got across the gulch to the high prlrlo beyond , while the last wagon of the other outfit wan In the bottom . just puling out of the stream. , "We Iwdn't seen an Indian or a sign of one for weeks and as they were supposed to bo friendly , nobody was keeping very much of a lookout. There came a tremendous yel- InC that made every man In thc rear train Jump , and round a bend In tim bank , 150 yards up thin creek , came about twenty-th'e young buckl In war paint , whooping and shaking blankets to stampede the mules o they role their ponies on the lead run for the rear wagons. Tim rear most teamsters Jumped to the ground and ran for the head of the train The Indians pall no attention to them , but went for the last three wagons. While an Indian jumped to the scat of each and caught the reIns and whip , others seized the mule' ' brIdles and helped turn them down the creek Before the teamsters ahead could fairly realize what was going on the Indians had run the mules and wagons Into the water a short distance below While 11me of them unharnessed or cut loose the mules others overhauled the freight , taking whatever struck their fancy. " 'hore was no escort along and but few extra men , so , of course , the first thing to do was to get the other wagons out of the ravine as son as possible. Dy that time toe Indians . had plundered the Captured wagons , and , driving the mules ahead or them , were oft , out of the gulch and across the prairie , sao from any pursuit that wo could make. 'ho teamsters sent a shot or two after them , but ecuton were , too badly ratted to 10 any lX' "When I saw by signals that there was trouble In the rear I formed my wagons In a circle , and sent all my spare men to help the other out. All the help we could give , however , was to lend a hand In getting the wagons out of the creell-one of them was upset-and In puling them out of the gulch. There they had to bo abandoned ! , together with lS much of their freight as the Indians hall left , until wo could get to a staten where more mules could bo bought to send back senl to haul them In. This delayed the train for a week , while I . kept on , and the Denver frm to which my goods were consigned held time market at their own prices durIng that time , 'Ve never got any trace of tIme robber Indians or their plunder. All that could ho known about them was tIme report of the badly scared teamsters who saw them. By that we knew that they were Cheyennes , and very young bucks , some of them being boys not than 15 ' old. " apparently more . years olt , THE RUINED PANAMA OANAL. A tcoimo of Desolation 1111 uf \ thl.ull ' ' \111Ihll1 " .nltl , I that often mentioned New Zlalanter of Macaulay's Imagination I tired waIting for tIme chance to sketch time ruins of St. Paul's from a broken arch of the London ] bridge , ho might find diversion In a visit to thb Isthmus of Ianam' ' lIe can see there the mask of wealh ant the ruin of the works of man to such an extent as may at least whet his appetite for the feast whIch the I nglsh hIstorian suggested might b his lie will ECO there nature In the act of undoing the labors ot man. Time great scar on the isthi- mus Is rapidly healing . Ilos of excavated material are washing back Into the channel Tlio wharves are failing Into the vater . Acres of machinery are rusting Into Ilssolu- tioti. On the Isthmus are nearly ,000 mies of steel track with locomotives and thousand of dump carts , now bait hidden In the tropIcal - Ical growth. Se\'enty.slx great steam shoes \ ' es : stand sub by side In the excavation , bur- led In time luxuriant vegetation , so that onh the gaunt arms stand up above the greei What a Picture 1 I that to emphasize the Impotency - potency of mao In his struggles wits , na. turel Whatever be may appropriate for his own use , and whatever form be may give to what takes , nature will set to work to n" posses It some tUne. Jlr slow processes will wi reclaim It all unless man maintaIns a constant . Btant warfare to keep it. Of all time unnum- beret millions of dollars which have been expended 01 the Panama canal , It Is said 9 PC1 cent II going to waste ; and wi be utterly ( terly lost unless the work on the vast enter- price Is resumed actvely . , Soil ) < of the machinery - chinery has been housed and ca\'ed \ for , Most or' It hiss been abandoned where last used , and where I Is now rotting or rusting its usefulness away , useulnes aWI ) . ' AdvaU.IU\elt \\'omen. . Mrs. Strongmln -1ere Im working night and lay for the advancement cf woman , but I'd like to know what use you are la the world 14 h' , 1.-1'1 working for the emancipation of ran. "El ! how ? " "I'm trying to make eton cheaper , " "Tho IdeAl What for ? " "So ' that even the ploret man can afford enough to atop his ear with. " A CHRISTMAS IN TiE ARCTIC - - Rccolcctcns of a Natal Day in the 103 Bound Regions , MRS. PEARY RELATES HER EXPERIENCE 1. V. ' , , , I : , ' ' . to . _ \ .1 A Chrlstm )10J : from lomo Jecelcl1 % Up NeAr the 1'010Good Cheer Amid Arctic hJnrkica-Thie Christ- Inns Sports ( Copyrighted ' , 1094. ) I cannot say "Chrlstmas dawned"-as , Christmas storlC usually begin , for wo had ' not seen the sun for two mcnlhs. I was the 24h lIar of October , at hIgh noon , when we last looked upon oh Sol's smiling face , and then he only bobbed up over South Point for a few moments , filled our little bay with his golden light , nodded a frIendly good-nlghl ali went tooth for the wInter. From that late tIme twilight of mIdday grew dlmmcr and dimmer , the hours of its duration ] less and less , until unchanging darkness . enwrapped tie during tIme entire twent.four hours On Iecelb r 21 the Bun had reached the southern limit of his wanderIngs - Ings and was just on the point of coining north again , B that wo were making our Christmas preparations at "tho witching hour of midnight , " and that the midnight of the Arctic imlghmt The bay had been frozen over lor nearly two months , and numerous snowstorms had thrown over the dark rocks and new bay Ice a fleecy covering , which reflected back the meager light of the stars or gave additional brilliancy to the Arctic mmmociiighit. Every alternate fortnIght the moon circled around the heavens gradually lengthenIng her stay In time sky until for eight or ten days she never went below the horizon at all , though regularly retring behind the moun- talus which surrounded . us on three sides. Then just as grdualy she shortened our alowance of light until for eight or ten days she left us altogether and only the stars cave - - us light . The ecemb2r moon was with us nt Christ- milan tlimme , all as early as the 18th of the month Mr. Peary hall taken advantage of the light , amid had gone with Entrldn , Carr and SwaIn to Jongarllullsoh , tlmirty-flve mies way , for a load of dog food. lie took a through traIn-two sledges and thlrty.lve dogs-am was home again the next day. The day folowing AstrulI and Lee went to 'I amall , twenty-five mies distant , to bring In more material for the dos' Christmas dinner , while on the 21st Entrldn amid Carr went to Jonlardluksoah to try the experiment of midwinter deer shooting by moonlight . Dy the 23d everyone bat returned from the , various trips and was given two days rest , I GO as to be In god condition for the athletic sports which were to come oft on Christmas day.Our Our larders were now well filled. In the cverel , passageway which ran entirely arount the house hung a dozen reindeer and bunches of delicious salmon trout fresh from the mcuntaln lake back of Kongarllultsoah , where they had falen victims 10 the persistent pa- lence ! and unerring skill of the EskImo ! , who speared them through holes cut In the ice. Some of the trout weIghed between four and I five pounds and were gladly welcomed to our larder as something that did not come out of I tin can. The cache or storehouse for dog food groaned-as did every one who hd to enter It-under the weight of over 1,000 pounds of the met of walrus which we had killed ] the previous August. So , feelng asmred that that most Important part of Christmas festivities-a got dinner -ould be provided , instinctively my thoughts turned toward decorations. How I longed for the holy branches with their red berries , for the festoons of crow foot and the aromatc boughs of pine , which are so suggestive of Christmas cheer. But out of doors , was a wilderness of whiteness ' , only time bold pre- cipious brow of Mount Dartett , towered up black and threatening , ani even that was lined with white where the clnging snow- fakes had round a resting place In the marks ' left , even on that rugged brow , by Father Tlmc. I was confronted by a paralox-not ing green to bo hal In all Greenland . Turing from the wildow wIth I sigh of disapp. Intniemmt I overhauled my rathtr scanty stock of finery and discovered some pretty ribbons , with which I decorated the photographs of our deal ones whIch hmummg agaInst the wall. Next I took the stars and stripes which had flown at time Falcon's masthead and draped them against the wall. The brilliant colrs seemed to light up the room and give It a holiday appearance , which waa highly encouraging to "tho Committee on decoratons , " Thou . front their secure resting place , I brought the veterans or the previous campaign-the fags that had nude the long journey ever the Ice Cup with Mr. Peary two years before , and had flapped their sllen folds In the breezes of Independence flay Their colors were dimmed and stalnel , their foils wrInkled amid creased , their edges frayed amid toni , but they reprtsented what wo love to have about us at all timnes . aild especially at ChrIstmas , that Is , ol friends. I would have been dusk If I had imported my Christmas eve fr.m New York before I had fnished time decoratIng of the room. I would have rung for lghts ! at home , but the lights had bcn bUllng all lay and every day forweeks , so that operation was unneces- sary. Tie long evening Passed quickly away In the genial company of our Ito daughter , now vcr thre months old , who entertaIned us with songs . ( ? ) ant laughter In alternate but unequal parts. Despite the fact that site had spent two-thirds of her life wIthout the light of the sun , she was time roundest , rosiest , merest ! baby In all Greenland ! , anti In fact , I was told by time natives , young and ] old , thai alto was the fl1 t "kabloonah immickanlnny" ( white man's baby ) they hud ever reoim ( They might have added , and the only cne. I was so accustmed to bavlng Mr. I'eary jump up and rush out at all heurs that I paid mme particular attention to hIs lepartnre when ho suddenly glanced at time clock amid dashed wildly out of the room A anl moments later , feeling 1 rush or cold air , I called . out the usual warning about a draft en the baby , and , not hearing time door close , loolled ( up to see tIme caUS3 of the lelay and beheld my husband strugglng wih a good sized box , which bo fnaly succeeded In bringing Into time middle of the room Upon inspecting this myslrlous looking bundle moro clsely I found that It bore time following legend : "Mr , : Ir and M.- ? Peary AnnIversary Ledge , "Dowdoln Bay , "a recoin ml. "Per Santa Claus Express. "To b3 delivered and opened Cbrlstnaa eve at midmiigimt , " Involuntarily I glanced . the clock and saw that It lackld only a minute of time specified tme , amid I unlerstoot at once Mr. l'cary's haste. The 11\ was hal off when the cl ck begun to strike and I heard the man on watch cal out : "It's Christmas , boysl Get up and bo ' " mer ! Christmas hall Indeed come , and before us were the remembrances of kind rrlends , packed montls before and sent with words of love and good cheer over many a mie Cf stormy sea amid frozen ocean. As \8 lIfted Ifod out the little presents one after auother and read the kind meslges that accompanied accompanie them the luml whIch somehow had risen In my throat grew larger and larger , the lights becme mister and mister , until , when I unwrapped a little bowl mind unwrappe ltte a tiny apeol and read II my own mother's hand the heart 1 prayer for the welrare of her daughter and little grandchid , I could se no more , but made use of my woman's privilege amid indulged In a good cry. Mr. I'eary welt out wih his usual abrupt. I ness , but must have entered very quietly , for ! bo startled mae when I at last looked up and saw hint watching . " ' " ew mime "Ccmo , dear , hp sat , holding out a glass of champagne and throwIng A heavy shawl eve my shoulders he took me by the arm and let me to time door which opened to the south , For moment We Btod silently looking over I moonlit bay , trying In vain to make our eyes travel a far A our thmoughts , then ho wblaered ' again : "Come , dear , " and to- Ithor we drank "a merry Christmas to those we hove , " love. . . I I S I I I . I I was 10 o'clock before the breakfast dishes were cleared Away , and the final prep araUons were Immediately begun for t\e great tests event ot the day-thC ] - athletic co- . During their trips to th& neighboring set- temenls the boys had In\'Iel the natives to come to the "rary Iglod" ( I'eary house ) after so many sleeps , aUlrlng them that there would be lots to see and more to eat ThIs later Inlu m umt prcvzuh sl on maty to ( om'sak ? thiir owp ' shitgt5.Ifd ' for several ] alhelr \ 0'1 'sI daY vIs t rs had mel qIyip. } ) The natives arc mtlchJ more preentablt In winter than In summer , for the freqmot SIW storms t9 t which they arc exposed wash their Iur ? and faces , ahd ti\y usual ) ' ar- rived with glowIng cheeks and sparkling eyes . Their broad , squatty figures , much magnified by their huge deerskin kooletahs ( fur sweaters with heel atqimed ) and their white bearskin trousers , made ' , then look like strange anImals , while time n l\lCll \ strings of coarse black hair hanging over their faces ! ! anti part ) ' veiling their small , gleaming black eyes added no little to their fierce np- arance. But their looks bole their natures , for they are mle , patent , Intelligent and faithful , and their frIendliness has won them a warm place In the hearts of all those who come In contact with them. With thIs wlhl escort wo now went down to the bay , where the boys hall cleared away the soft snow and had laM out the courses snoanl on time smooth Ice Time moon wa still behind the eastern mountains , leaving the bead of the bay tn deep shallow , while town at the mouth , ten miles 'way , wo saw the Ice of Inglefele gul Ileamlng In the moonlight. The tops of the western cliffs were already slvlrC by the ativaimcing lght , but mill the eastern t : oe was draped In the deepest black except \ here the moonbeams like truant children hall outstripped - stripped their sedate mother and were tobogganing - bogganing clown the crevlcd surface of the easter glacier and shootng far acroi the bay , leaving behind them a broad stream of light. There were eleven events on the program , Including foot races , races on ski , races with sledges anti llog teams , high JumpIng , broad Jumping and hurdle racIng. The contcstants stood about , mumed In furs , stamping their feet to keep ! warm until It was their turn to take part In an event , and then they would strip oft their great deerkln "koohetaims , " step Oh of their enormous dogsldn overboots and take their places on the scratch . , clad In woolen shirts amid trousers and sealskin Ilamlks or boots . The ofcial starter would say "get ready , " then bang would go his pistol , and off would . go time racers. , , , ' . . . I was n strange sIght to 1001 lown upon , thlro In the white light , on the Icebound b : ) . . The smal group of fur-clat mortals , the Caucasians , moving about with restless eagerness , peerhlg ahead 'to catch a glimpse oC tIme dim forms In the diatammce whose rapidly . Idly moving feet broke time silence with theIr rhthmlcnl hatter ; the Esldmos , standing I : stolid silence or 'hcusslng ' in their deep gutur s the curious antics of that to thel most curious animal the white man , as hl jumpct about on the Ice , from time to time tittering wild , unearthly yells-to the rIght 01 them the western cliffs gleaming now from base to summit In the whie moonlght - - to the left the steep slopes of the eastern shore , up which time shadows were rapidly stealng In their Ight before time advancIng moon , which even now was peering over the plateau to ascertain the cause of the comnmotion-behmiiid them , Mount Bartlett's rocky front , and nesting at its baSe thc only house within a radius of lOO miles-bc- fore them a great sheet of frosted silver , the bay ice with the moonlght on it. . To the Esldmos the mot amusing event was the sledge race , for which there were two entries. Time natives laughed good- naturelly at the way the contestants handled their teams , evidently fully aware that ther was ono thing at least ntl which they could beat the wonderful "kabloonahu" . ( whie man ) . r [ - ' The llurdle race was closely contested , and proved a most interesting event. In Its arrangement - rangement It was probablY the most unique feature of the program. ' For hurdles we hal a product of the tropics--bammiboo poles-rest- Ing on a product of the atics-plhlars of snow-the whole lghted ! by' the lurid rays of red sIgnal lamps , which were placed as a warning to the runners vher to jump. : Clarke and Carr got away together on time . start , and moved like tuvo aitomatons oper- ated by the same machine Sldo by side they atel sped away , sIde by side ' they took the hurdles - dies one after another unt : It looked as If the race would end In z1'dead , hat. There were only three moro , lmiirts \ to leap , and still the contestants were " sbouller to ahmoul- sUI der. At the first of thes " Clarke rose to Jump n fractIon of second before Carr , a' the next he was lalf over as Carr left the . ground , amid at the last ole be was clear of time stick as Carr jumped , and wIth this start In his favor reached the string I winner . nor by three paces. I left the boys playing tag between events to keep warm and went UI ! to the house to look after the dinner , which was going to ba a very swell affair. Mts Cross had baked some nce : wafers the day before , and we were going to lervo them with Ice cream-mad from condensed milk , of coursefor dessert. Even now , In this land of pleilty , I hook over the menu with the feelng that wc had a first-chess dinner , and . I Imow that every one of my guest , as he came up with his appetite sharpen by hIs exerlons and the cold , bracing air , felt that no tonIc wa needed to make him do full justice to the rmoeah h When wo came to dstrlbuto : time prizes It was fonnt that Clarke won eight of the eleven events and was , therefore , awarded a narwhal horn , the prIze for the best all- round athlete , besides scooping such minor prizes o a deerskin , boxes of nuts and can- dies , jars of jam , bottc3 of lIme , gape and raspberry Juice , plum pudding , with sauce , eto. , etc. , not the best training diet In time world , but the material for many a midnight feast . After time award of prizes It was time to , feed our menagerieeighty Eskimo dogs- ' and for this ( purpose several hundred pounds of walrus meat , very ancient and . ] very tough , were cut Into pieces weighing from one-hal to one 111 a hal pounds each The dogs were already on time alert and I needed no cry oC "huclt ! huclt ! " to b lnr thp snarling . fighting , yelping pack about the heels of the feeders . Hector all Mike . the two St Derards brought from the States , towered above the pack stately and dlgnlfell , but this aIr was soon lad : aside when the pieces of meat were lcatered among time dogs , ror thel .It was fight and wIn or go hungry The dog who was fortunate enough to get hold of a piece of meat Immcdlately bolted It whole for fear some other canine would capture I , and also to enable him to enter again without unneces- sary loss of tlmo II the free-for-al fght for another tid.bii. In honor ' of t'e day we gave them an extra large allowance of meat , and I hope they apprecIated - precIated I , though I have my doubts , for an Eskimo dog Is always hmuimgry Every ono now went Into the house and soon I heard such exclamatons as "Say , have you got a collar ? " "Jove I look at this te ! " and time like , from which I Judged that time boys were dressing for dinner and were dIscovering that civilized finery left , to take care of itself during an Arctic wInter does not Improve In appearance . However , when at lat the dinner bell rang there trooped Into the iing room a dozen ! well-dressed " " wol.dressed gentemen , with "storo clothes" and "bihed shirts" galor , ; 'as dIfferent from the furelad bipeds who tmuJ disported themselves - selves on the ice In the foremmuon la the dinIng - Ing table , wills its IQwiwhle cloth and oilclottm.covered sparkling glasses self , wa' . from lie every.day , olcloth.covered " ' A Ret Cliff house cocktail ! was handed each genteman as he colt ( hits ! place , and , all standln . drank to "A merry Cimrislmas , " Then with many a jell atj ] jest wo talked of home , of other ChmrIstmuas.lays : ! , of Christmas dinners In general , and rays one In par- tcular , which , thanks to' "tho skill of Mat and Mrs. Cross , presel\t \ dhe following wel prepared Ilshes : , , MEl3 " 1 Broiled Sulmon ' ' mt , " Potato Patties . with Tomato Sauc , ' Paties. , Olives. ' " Pickleti , ' 01 vet. Plcklet Hoast Saddle of , "tnlson with ( ranbhIY Sauce Masimeti Potatoes. ' Oreen l'cas Stm'Immmc Beans , Ice Cream and Cake Oranges . Cheese Call , Nut , Halelns , ' Cimanipdgmie ) Cigars , Champglc Cigarettes. Coffee . ' Our spirits rose as the t1nner ) progressed , and wo were soon as jolly a party-as snug , al comfortable , a wel fcd-a any 10 be found , OVEn s far south a the equator , We toastEd the fag above us and wouut up the merry evening with that old sailor toast , "Sweethearts and Wlvel , " wih the accent 01 the sweethearts , for with the eceptol of Mr. Peary none of Ule centemen wa'larrle. One of the new rifles used br ) the Italian aoldl rp , scnda a bal wih force eough to go thtough live Inches d solid oak at a distance of . ,0 feel o NEXT GOVEUNOR OF IOWA Jackon' Sucesor May Do Ohosen from Among t Goodly Number , - SEVERAL WHO WANT TiE PLACE BADLY \1101 to Tnllo tIme ChRnen of Jil Salnr" Sllltln. iso NeceRstt 80f Ufo In lIes : [ llnell the ltcpmmbll. Clla Comssent DES MOINES , Dcc . IG.-Sp ( elat-Tho ) letter of Governor Jackson withdrawing from the race for governor line thrown the p011(1- ( clans Into a fever of excitement and opened ] up time political campaign much earlier than usual ] . The annouccement was so entirely unexpected that the odct : poltcians have been literally swept o their feet anti a dozcn prospective "sltes" have beemm smashed to Pieces , The certainty of election Is a new factor that wIll bring Into the arena the whole lst of gub rnftorlnl aSlllrants and ] fully n score of names for this Important ofco may bo Presented to time next repub- lcan state convention. While this Is true , I Is altogether probable that the contest will b fought out emi well established lines and between time mrhus conflicting forces now striving for party controi. In the first place the prohibiIonIsts will make an effort to unite either upon General F. M. Drake or Lieutenant Govcror Dungan , and under good leadership woull bo able to practically solidify the southern amid south- ' western parts of the state on this issue The young men , as well as the so-called liberal element , \t oull be satisfied with SlC- retary McI'arland , and ( le fight wIll likely narrow down to these candidates . In the IJrelmlnary struggle however , the Issues arc liable to be obscured and Innumerable "dark horses" and "favorite sons" wi be encour- aged to shy their casters Into the ring. Drake's chief strength lies In his church connection , his extensive acquaintance and his large railroad intereets Dungan has a Ilrlo i ) lsonal Colowhll Inon ! veter1 ! moli- ic i ; - and especlay with former legislators , and will probably craw to his support a large share of the ant.monopoly contingent. his against age , which imlmn Is nearly iO , will be slghty CIO ' C OF TIE YOUNG MEN. McFaria , who Is now serving his third term as secretary of state , ha3 had n 11lenoui- enaly successful career In politiCs , and wIll enter the race with the prestige of succcss II every former political undertakimmg. lie wIll bo loyally supported by time young men's league , unless a new candidate - date Is sprung from that section by the scud delegations from the extreme north amid cast. He has also elcmcnts of personal strength whIch will trw to him a heavy , scattering vote. Polk county , with , Its nearly forty votes , wIll go sold to McF'arlammml unle.s his supporters from the socled river coun- I tics become "too loud" and demonstatve ant thereby frighten the prohlbltonlsts. : Shmot1l l : D deadlock happEn between thes three le'aders l . the dark horses that would bo led Into time ring are "too numerous to nba- Uon. " Mayor Isaac L. HII ! of Des Moines would be among the first. Ben Clayton of Warren ( formerly of Iotawatamle ) would n't bo averse to being consIdered In this list. Should Mm' McFarland drop out A. D. Cmh- mains of Des Moines , Iowa's famous orator , would develop surprising strength , although hs : nomination would hardly be acceptable to the extreme prolmibitioniste. Tal all In nil , the contest Is goIng to be th liveliest political tussle that has taken place In this state for many a day. ROADS MAY DE DBATEN. While time Board of Railroad Commissioners - sioners have gIven no Intmaton as to what Its decIsIon will be In the case now pending , II which the railroads ask for an Increase of local freight rates , It becomes daily more and moro evident that the result wl bo a milJleto and overwhelmIng victory for the farmIng and Jobbing Interests. The railroads have been utterly unable to make the show- lug called for by the commissioners , and the recent order , of the board requiring I more specifc statement , duly itemized and verified , of their local business , has sounded the death knell of theIr hopes. The jobbers have been ably represented before the board by ex- Railroad Commissioner Frank T. Campbell , who ho proven more than a match for time skillful jugglers at figures employed by the railroads. . Mr. Campbell- concuslv.ly shown that the railroads In many Instances have volun- tariy male lower rates than thosc fixed by the commissioners , and whIch the railroads' attorneys Insist arc not paying. In thc very beginning of thIs stubbornly contested case the railroad commission laid down the rue : that they would not consent to an Increase In rates unless they were fully convInced that the present rates were unremuneralve , and the burden of proof was cast upon the corpora tons. Time most ample opportunity has been given the corporations to make out their case , and on time other hant the jobberD , shippers and farmers have been ns freely permitted to puncture the pretensions of the railroads and show up their fallacious rea- sonings I the htarln hqd Me" ex I rt" or on n _ sided no one could predict what time result would ba , but time case has been so well con- tested that there Is little doubt ot thl final acton of the board. Whatever their findings immny , be , the facts . . and gre.s.bro . . ght. forth wIll IO a valaDO comrlUUOI to raiway litIgation and ought to bo of considerable ! value to other states In fixing just and reasonable - sonablo charges for transportaton , Hccl"uln TI'uo. To ascertain the time at night the Apache Indians employ a gourd on which thc stars of time heavens are marked. As the constela- tons rise In the sky tIme Indian refers to his gourd and finds out the hour By turning the gourd arounl ho can tel time order In which the constellations may be expected to appear. Time hill people of Assam reckon time and distance by the numbcr of quIls of betelnuts chewed. I will be remembered how , accollng to Washington Irving , Governor - ernor Wouter van Twler dismissed the Dutch colonial assembly Invariably at the ht I puff of hIs third plpo of tobacco. A Montagnls ] nlian of Canada will set up a tail stick In the snow , when traveling ahead of friends who are to folow , lie marks with hIs foot time Ino of shadow cast , and by the change In time angle of the shadow the oncoming party Cn tel , on arrIving at time spot , how far ahead time - leader Is llnl1Crnbly OIP"o.I , "I'mn agaInst It , sah , " said Colonel Cyahter of VirgInia , to the Truth , "I'm against thIs Idea of women's votng . " "What's the objection f' "If they vote , It's only logical to expect 'em to rUI fob office , sah , " " 'Vei ? " "An' the woman that's the most attractive Is going to get the most votes In my dlltrlct every ( line. The Idea , sah , of gettIng UI ) In public , salt , and expreling the opInion that any one woman la mo' attractive than other women who have been mentioned by name , would bP a breach of gallantry , minim , un. worthy of any but time most barbarIc circles or society , salt. " . . ' 'ho"llf If I'our Aces , Amolg the feral pieces given to members of tIme house on Mnday ; , says time Washington - ton Post , was a mysterious device on Hepro- . . . . . . . .4. . SCROfULA * MIss Della Stevens , or Boston , IIISS" , writes : I Iiye always suffered from hereditary Scrofula , for which I trIed various . rlous remedies , and many reliable physl. clanS , but none rclc\"elmo. After ( akin six bottles of I tins now wel . I a 0 very grateful to you , IS 1 feel that itauveth mo fem 1 lJleuluro life of in untold speaking agony only , and shal tile words of praise for tie wonderful medicine and GUf6 In recmmending I - to all ! Trstl . OD 11 inS Skla Ducuu thlm.4 r" . BV 'IFT SPECIFIC CO. , AUantl , GI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . sentatve Burrows' desk , which excited un- usual Interest , I consisted of four panels , which ! ere thought was Inten.lel to repe- sent 1 rcnlt'rlA easy chair , In allusion to Mr. Durrowa' boom for the senate , but opn ! Ion \1 divided ] , and one member spienty remarked thAt the four panels represented four aces < "What are four aces good for ? " the sapient mcmber asked of Representative Dave Mercer cf Nebraska "Wel , " said the Nebraskan , thoughtfully ; "in some parts of the country they aIn't good for n blanked thing unless you have n gun , " , . Au Oriental soFa . An unused single whlto Iron bll has been put to usa and disguised ] In a very clever way by a friend of maine living In n very small fat , said a wrier In nn English magazine , In one earner . against thus old blue of the wil , has been hung a width ef dul red cotton , and Into this corner h.lS been thrust the beth , Across tIme mattress Is thrown 1 curtain of dll embroider Against the wall , about n thlrl ] of the way from the hlal ] of the boil , has been fastened nn iron crane of curious pntrl , from time rail . whIch hangs a Qunlut . eastern lammip Over the crauo Is thr , wn n long piece of richly embrohlercil silken drapery , time ernie of the drapery fall- lug over all concealing eiher ell of the bcd , Innumerable Pillows of bright hucs bestrew . strew this originaly planmll sofa , nli no macro desirable suggestion of the Orent ! Is to bo fount ammywimere. S The ' , hhll 1.\gIRRO. ' A purely whlsto language , used on Gom- era island , In the Cnnnry Archipelago , Is a sort of pendant to the lrul language of Caineroon Time Oomern can carryon a conversation by lean8 of whistng , and be understood by time person with wimommi Ito is whmistlimig a. mmmile oft. Time whmisthlimg is quite artictmlato amid is a kind of trammsiatiomm of comimmnomi speech into whistlIng , eachm syllable having its peculiar tone , so thmat evemm foreign wortis calm be wimistleil. We are acquirimmg ( ho hmtngtmngo 1mm ( lila coummitry'lmen a mann tells a "whopper" we convey our sontimnemmts by mmicans of a wimistle. p A Trmmtlu .51 mmrlc , In time : mmtat shops of towns 1mm New Mexico and Arizomma time visitor frommu time east is apt to notice ( lint the dresseti carcasses of simechm imnvo a ttmft of voi still nttncimmitl to time heath amid tail , This is heft Imy tIme hotelier to as- stmre time customer ( hint It is mmumtton amid mmot goat flesh they are bumyimig , for iii timese terrftorhes mmmany fl&1cs of goats are reared mumti pasttmretl by tba smmmall Mexicaim rammchmmnen to be killed for tooth f.r time Ioorer natives. Roast or stewed kiti , with Chile eiiier , sauce , Is an esteemned dimmmmer dish at time tables of immany well-to-do Americais amum ] Spanish-Ammmerieami citizens. \\AVES \ \ YOU CANNOT SElL Nchthmer Cmmn Soss thefts Them , limit toit ' , time % reek 11c' .iakeEerysyher. , The gas exhaled from your lungs Is much heavier thman time air nmmd , its you know , per. fectiy colorless , If this gas had the' tes ( Color 3'nmm would see it fall to timO floor , b. semmro time figures on time carpet nail risd along time wnimmseoting at a rate tiepentiitm uiomi the nunmi.mer of 1)et5O1i5 iii tue room. hay time timmies the waves rolled over the table you would cease to wonder why p o. 1110 whmc , lie in Ill-ventIlated houses r' ' $ 4 almost always sick , hmarticularl' Iii cold weather , when doors nmmml vinmlews are shut , A ( lull headache , bad taste lii the umouthi , fatigue after exertion mimiti faihimmg , cttUi. cicims appetite are ammieng time evidences tmma bat ) air has Weakemied time system. So far sit ) clearly marked thisease limos appeared , butt tIme ttotiy is mit time macroy of time Ilrs % attack , as acripplcii Bhmilm is imelpiess iii ii stormim , A stimnumlant of irrepronehmnbie quality wIll set thihmign right aim all who hmmtvo umseti immffy's l'uro Mast Whiskey know to their joy. They iimmd Iii it a means of qsiickenIn time torhitmi tmlood , assisting digestion , allay- big any mmers'omms Irritation , nmmd so stirring time emiergies of time tctl % ' us to (5mm issltimi time commmeqmlemmces of cimill and sudden cx. 1)05(1 re , Uticensing care lit excrcisei , iti time selecs (10mm ut unterlmihs nnd lit every stage o tnmmistmtncture' , immffy'sInlt is mlistimigtiislmc Irons otimem' i imlhtey bY its mmmedIclmmah virtume amid by thu lmmitit' ( lint immi stigmoestetl a cotmmlmrisomi betweemi it amid time llmltl water of a. mmiosmntnhms spring. CEO. P , SANFORD. AV. . RIOKMAN. I'remimlenL CashIer. First Natlo nal Bank of COUNCIL BLUFFS , Iowa. Cnpital , . - s1oOODi Profits , . . - 12,00t. ! ) One of time oldest tnnka In time state of Iowa. % so solicIt sour tmumtneu anti collections. Wi pay S ncr cent on ( lame mlepistts , we will bu pIs&d to see sinS servo you. NoUce Coltijefl J3Ik1ffJdP4 cItlMi'4lVS Cm.EaNgD : VAUITS tfl.IIANUD. ii : miumke itt Vt. 13. homer's , tam liroadway , \'AN'I'ED , COML'IITL'NT Gilt ! , FOil GOON. oral housework , Apply at 102 Fourth mtreet. - - - -a S 'What s ' Castorla is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infmtnts and Children. It ContaiIlS ucitlicr Opium , Dlorphino nor ether arotIc substance. It Is a barnslcss substitute ' for Poregoric , Drops , Soothing Syrups , and Castor Oh It is Pleasant. Its guaraiitco is tllirty years' use b Illh1ons ofDlothcrs , Castorla dostroysWorrns anda11ay feverishness. Custorla prevents vomiting Sour Curd , cures D1arrha.a and 'Wind Colic , Castorla rc11cvc tootililig troubles , curcs cosistlinatlon atid flatulency , . ' Castorla assimilates tim food , regulates tire stomach and. bowels , giving healthy and natural sloop. Cmi. torlo 13 the Children's Inacca-tho Motbcr'8 Friend. , Castoria. Castoria. M Castorla lean excellent medicine for cimil' . ' Castoria Is so vcll adapted to children thiS urea , Mothers have repeatedly told mo of its recommend it as superIor Lenny prescription good effect upon their children , " inown to mc , " Ba. U. C. Osaoon , IT , A. AncmiEa , Im ! . D. , Lwehl , Mass. 111 So. OxfordSt , Brooklyn , N. Y. 'I Castoria is ( lie best remedy for children of " Our physicians in time children's depart. which I Au aepiainted. I hope ( lie day is not ment have spoken hIghly of their experi- ttrr distant when mothers will onsider the real core in their outside practice with Cantons , interest of their chultlrea , cud use Cimatoria in. amud altlmougim we ommly lmve among our stead of time variousquack nostrumswhmicim are ummedical supplies what Is known a regular destroying their loved ones , by forcing Opium , products , yet we are free to contcs th the morphimmo , soothing syrup and otimem' hurtful merita Cf Castoria has worm ' t Look with agents down their tbroats , thereby sending favor upon It. " them to prcamaturo graiet" UsiTizo hlospiTiS. s.ae Isvautwtv , Ba. 3. F. KmNcncroz , flostn. Maa Conway , Ark. Atune C. Ssmirn , Thvs. , Thzo Centaur Company , TT Murray Street , Now York City. He Sings ! ' . OF COURSE And bin son ' is one of 'I . . lIE cnrncstcxtdintiomi and DOES , joy , So s'otilt1 yours . ' . : . - - ' , ho if 'ttt ICIICW vIi.mt - . lie kilow's-timat I ) 11) ) Matiti street I - f stoalccd vitln mmiorc bmtrgaiImH ho Shs e , limits , Umldcrw'car timid Fiirnislmlmsg . Goods titan simmy other store lit Coulk- I. cii UhtiiTsi timId Oimialmgt , hIta usus but / ' few notes , yost es cive , nti'd I . I Y11 % iii isced but f.v mootes- . ' - . bank itotes or COitIt3-t ( ) get pos- . . SeSSOmI Of estylisim , lmnndHommle siiid 'I , - . COhmiIOEtlIbit timimigs , Exiinscs o ' . .4'C. - : - ' .is lIm1g bimsimcs at 019 Ltt'e 50 pts' cemit - ; ' - , . - , - - - - - lest ; tunis ftit'tlica' uptown , rimiti tIml ha - , . .z _ : : . : - = - : ' _ _ omlu of time mnmnny secrets of the liii. ; ) joJ _ _ ' ; : _ mhlOihSC stiicess of -1'r _ - , _ TJ3. iIUGHJS , - . . . ; - Time Loading Down Town Morcha u. . _ - 'v' NUW IS TIlE TIME TO BY STOVES AD ITCI1EN FURNITURE My prices have always been lower than any other store in the city , but now I am going to make you a Christmas present , Look at some of my prices , A $10.00 Cook Btovofor , , , , , , , , , , $ 7,50 $30.00 Stool Range for , , . , , , , , , $24O a 12.00 " " ii . . , , , , , , . ' 0,60 I 38,00 ' " " , , , , , , , , , 30,4Q 10 00 I' 5' ii , , , , , , , , , , 12.80 42,00 " " " , , , , , , , , , 33,60 Radiant Novelty Base Burners and Elmhurst Surfaio Burners ai'o a fine stoves as can be made. Look at the prices , $44.00 BadiantNovolty , , , . . . , . $35.20 $32.00 Elmhurat , , , , , , . , , , , , , , , $25.00 40.00 " lb , , , , , , , 82,00 I 25,00 " , . , , ' ' ' . , , , , ' , ' 20,00 28,00Elmhurst , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , UO.40j And all other stoves in proportion at CHAS. SWAINE'S , 740 B'way - _ _ _ -GouclL LUFF8- 'llfLAcu.io . STEAM DYE LUFF8:1 :1 c2" , cI1 . ! ) . , . All kinds of Dyeing . . mind Cleaning done in the highest style of : time art , Faded and r ( A ! - . . stained fabrics niade : . 'YW0 , to look us good as 4 _ _ - _ . D Y E new. done Work arid promptly delivered In mmli pam-ta of the 1z1 country , Send tOt price list. 1 LtILI . r. ' - _ - ' - . , -1-- _ _ ca - _ _ _ _ _ . ' .i'I'(3fJ'IQfOI _ ntmir . _ _ - - : -rM-c- , weiteru Bluff. , Iowa Depot , 'J'm' , CouM 4 .1