Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 17, 1894, Page 10, Image 10

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10 : . _ - - - rrITJ1 ! OMAhA : DAILY )3.1 ' : ONDAY , CE\BEU : 17. ' . 1$91.
: : I
t1ItrIbutIon of b eel le nllll patrone ! ! ; , for In ,
thl dILrlbutIan of felleral p.ttranage In those
distributon { !
days there " 'R I great ! dEal thrown to 1 cere :
taln clau of democrats that 111) ! ) been In the '
oM ( combine , with the corof'\lvI repub1I .
Cns , ns they Ilyl ( themselves. My oipoI.
ton to Hitchcock and hb cohorls of federal
employeI In Ilerenu or trite republIcanism
Aud In that contest 1 slak@l nil 1 IJOlescl
anI' life itself , lnd against IO 'Hr& arrayed
11 army of ! lnl.rr1 Federal ofCholers and
railroad mercenaries , with Inllnle < resources
of capital 01 their command and a Ilbsllzel
, press to champion their cau e.
1 want 10 relate 10 you one single instance
to allow you to who these people relorl.
After The Omaha flee had ' been published
scarcely a little over a year II was destroyed
IW an incendiary , nnl ! ) after I had borrowed
money and secured credit , to get I new plant
I was sent for by a prominent bank prull nl
In the city of Omaha and taken Into the bank
parlor , ant , ho said : Now , then , you ore
fighting I bigger power thou you can possibly
overcome. You mint either quit this fighter
or yon are hound to go umler.
We hold a mortgage al the building
In which , O I are publishing your Paper ; we
hold some notes of yours and we want you
to pay UII right now " I was indignant , antI
turning to the president ( . and cashier , I sold
3 to thel , thel and there : "I urn not ohle to
meet there obligations at this tme , though
the security Is 11111e , Rnll you arc getting 12
per cent compound Interest , and the Interest
has been ( Jll up , to late , hut I will endeavor
. to gel the iuoiiey from sOlneholy , but I want
: . to say 10 you that If I go down I 10 with
the flag flying ; I will lever surrender ; I swill
i pulverize the institution before I give up ,
: 0111 I will lenr yield In the light. ( Great
1 : applause )
Bul ( $ thm this was only one of the In-
stances. There were Personal asauls ; there
were prosecutions and , persecut'ns , The le
was declared 10 be lot a neWSllper entitled
, to mail privileges , and IJOstmosters endeavored -
ored In every way to prevent Its trlumls-
! SloTh At every step one obatacle after an-
' other was p acct In Its way In nil these
, contests from day to day and from year to
year the paper n3ver wavered. : Every
republican canrllato relol'et its Rur.port. .
. fly Its aid the rellbicns : carrlct TouJlas
: county for the frt tme In 18i2-lt hal
not been republican before that In ten yoarJ-
carried It by the hard : erorts that I mad In
: the campaigns , and . so It was from one year's
. end to the other to 18i6. But II 18il , when
Ooull came IJersololy to Nebraska to con-
r trot the republican convention , The l e entered -
. tered a prote against the nomlnnton of a
canlidato ( who hat been foisted upon thc
party against Its wIll by the power of money
and by the preESlre of corporate vcait1i
I want to recur : : another Incllent : In
: the winter of 18i6 , on the ova of the senatorial -
* atonal contest for the re-election of the scn-
j ator that had heen hut In by the votes of
the democrats anll flIflCOflhIdOOh)5-thflt is I
, \ !
aboul alt they were-pohlywogs I wi cal
thom ; ab.ul that time a conDplracy was
; hatched In Omaha to bring me Into a can-
: fhict wIth n bI ! ; , burly negro , hired to do me
% up. I swill read just a rlrton of the report
t as I 'appeared In the Omaha Herald-cen.
I tnlnIy not inspired by me. This Is In the
Herald of February 16 , ISiG :
: A Cowardly , nod Barbarcus Atnck Upon nn
Editor. ,
d Mr. Edward HOewntC' Beaten with I
"Billy" In the 11111 of an In-
V turlatell Itufllaii.
The Life of the Victim almost Despaired Of.
The Fiendish Assailant nnd his Accomplice
In Jail.
: Popular Indignation and Threatening of
Lynch Law.
In its Isue of Montav , thc 61h Inst. , The
Omaha Bee pubHshel1 In its local columns
- In account of the hrtaldng open the Saturday -
urday night previous oC the safe In J. E.
Boyd's ola ? on Thirteenth street. COI which
robbery two ngrocs , named respectively
, Sparks and Newtcn , were arrested In the
Publication In question this language was
. used :
. "Sparlts and Newton were known to have
been out on u spree during al Saturday
night , spending money freely and bucking
the tiger at a colored len on Douglas ,
street. "
To the average reader there was nothing
especially oIenslve ! In < the language nothlnl
hut a , colored politician , anl bummer named
. Richard Curry , WUR oC I different opinion
for al the morning of the 9th he Published
lOg In the card Republican : of this city the folow-
OMAhA. Fob 8-'fo Edward Hosewater ,
Publisher of the Omaha Bee : In your paper
' oC Monday evening February 6 , YOir an
article In which my Place oC business Is
, spoken of IS a "colored deu. " You wi
. ' . pleas explain what Impression you Intond-
cd 10 leave upon \ the public mind hy the use
of those words , whIch nR generally Interpreted -
preted would place me before thIs community -
munity In a most unenvIable light.
( SIHnell. ) H. D. CUURY.
, . To this inquIry Mr. Rosewater one of the
tersest and most vigorous writers on the
. western preSl rCbltlled with the follow-
Inn editorial , prefacing It wIth Curry's card :
. "You evidently take exceptIon to . the Col-
lowlnn paragraph :
" 'Sparlts and nnother colored man named
Newton were known to have been out on I
spree all of Saturday night spending money
' , e freely and bucking the tiger at I colored
; den al Douglas street. '
. - 'I'hls paragraph In The flee's
prgraph appears Te nee'l re-
port of the Boy safe burglary , with which
plrks has been chorged. Although no reC-
t- erenco Is made to your place of business (1) ( )
you nlmowledgo that the coat fIts you by
makIng this tnqulry. and your question
1hal be answered wIthout reserve.
. , "According to Webster , a den Is a customary -
: tomary place of resort ; a haunt , ( retreat :
ns , Cor edtlnIlo. a den of robbers , I den at
misery and vIce.
. "A colered den may be either I cus-
. tomar Illace oC I'esort a disreputable haunt
of vine and misery , painted In colors , or I
may be 1 dlsreputnh haunt frequented hy
I.ersons o color It may he h3th. ( Laugh-
tr. ) I your place of hUllness ) Is such 1 ten
the sooner you got more respectahle ) cmploy-
ln.eItt tilt less tanger there wIll be of your
. being insulted by Paragraphs like the nbove.
, Since you have scen lIt to propound this
' conundrum , we may u well say that while
s : The lce Is ever ready to demand for , and
nccol'll elllli rights to the colored man wih
those cIIO'ell by the white man , It also be-
leves that colored men tiialt , be made
amenable to the laws t1Jl punish " 'ico and
crime In white men J nl you Intmat ,
your place of bmncsO Is a don where col-
' ored men buck the tiger and spend their
haril-ennimeil money In gambling amid kindred
, Crimes , the lels you say about I the hotter
for the reputation of the colored raco. "
The foregoIng was 11hlshel ) In The Bee
, ; I weclt ego tOla ) ' . since which tIme no Imb-
4 lie mention has been made oC the matter ,
. and those of our citizens who know the
, character of the colored IndIvidual who was
- . Ito desirous of being insulted were of the
, d ottlnlol thnt he receIved Just what hc dc.
served ut the hands of The ilee.
Yesterday afternoon , between [ antI G
. o'cloc\t \ , Mr. Rosewater svent into the UnIted
:1 : States court house Oi business , anti n few
t , minutes later ! r. George Jewel spoke \ to
' Smih Colc ' . a negro bllCltlllh , who was
standing al the corner of 1OUJIIH and I"lf.
. i f teonth whereupon Corey responded with :
3 "no you lee them thlmpers over there ? "
pointing to Curry , who wal : leisurely pacing
, , back nll1 turtle II front of Alien's drug
store Oi lie 011pOSiO , corner. Jewet Ilked
, 111 what he meant , whn Corey replied :
' 'rhere's going to he lively times over
- there II 1 few minue" . "
AbOUt thIs time I' . Iosewltr came down
Fifteenth Itl'lOt and was met It the cor-
tier by Curry . who cOlmencelt talking wlh
hums In relation to the publicatIon above
11m reaton 11uhleaton ulove
. referred to to which Mr. Hose"ltel' 11.
" \'l'ret } that Ir ho had Imo"n that he
. ( Curry ) considered hlmselC s seriouslY II
jurll I ) the llublcntons In the first In-
' , stance the columns oC 'rho Bee woull have
been at his service tor the publcaton oC
any communication ho might have deBlrel1
t to write. 'fhe wors hlll barely upon
fllltcl when Curry drew 1Ihorl , "hilly"
' , fror 1sllo pocket , anti. quick as "hily"
. dealt Mr. HOteWItII' halt 1 dozen terrible
blo"8 upon the head. After iso had dent
, . tilts Colfey wnlketl up and grasped Mr.
; 1toaewater , held him and remarked to the
other colored bully :
" 'fhert you've hit him enough , "
At timid MI' Rosewater
* thll UOlewutt' managed to ( roe
hlmlolC nntl ran acre : . Fifteenth street , hut
was ut once \ufued end overtaken by
Curry near McCaIre"Immedlatlly east
oC Alien's , 1111 there pounded a second thee
. by Curry. l ' this tIme a crowd had collected -
- lected and Mr. Josewater was rescued from
' the utnclO oC his cowardly , brutal assail-
, emits anti carried Into Mien's drug store.
11. MICeland happened to he passing and.
' WI8 caletl In. In a Ihor tIme a buggy
, was procured and Mr Rosewater was con-
veyed to his residence on Farnam street ,
. between Seventeenth and Eighteenth , he
- ln then In al In8el8111e condition.
Upon being from
Ulln stpurated trol the victim of
his blind fury Curry huntled his weapon
to his confederate . Corey , who threw It
down a stairway near Alleii' where It waa
, &Cerwards round and Is now In llosseaatou
- or JudJ' Porter The two brutes I05Se8101
rested IIY Cocltlblo lanlon IUII taken to
' the police ofce , 1 large crowd following
I and crying , "I.ynch them I J.ynch them I' - I
No attack was Ilde .UlIOI the two pris.
criers , however , but they were lufel ) Srls-I I
' ' . 1. , ' - - ' - - , - - - - - -
. .JUf' ' ' I'- , f-\Wl" " r-
veyed to the police orce and there ar-
ralUIN ) on a charge oC assault and battery
MI' Hoswater'l conditIon 18 one whIch
(111 1'9 the great st apprehension He Is
attended by Dr Corman Dr lcClelnnd
find Dr Ierrer A Hernld reporter Inter-
viewed Dr. MeClelond nt n late hour lasl
night and learned the Patient was being
waited upon by his wIfe , Mr. Helman and
J. , J. r. C. .lowett , and that no one else ,
wih the exception tC the IlhIIlan ! were
nlowed to enter the rontn , I It Is ot the
utmont Importare that the stiffener be kept
quiet , 1 inflammation of th bruin Is liable
to net In , In which case the result would
certainly prove fntnl. The skull , ' not
fractured , but there 11 n severe wound on
the forehead and two others just boclt of
lime heft enr. nnl mltllcn to this , the head
Is very much hrutsed , ni It was letel ul.
mOlt to a pull During the night Mr. ROIp
water became partially conlou and
woulll ( tnlt In ni almost Incoherent manner :
of the assault. 119 lIfe Inns by a thl pall ,
anti If lie recovers It Will only be In eon-
' ' 'uence of his being skillfully attended ,
Ills family arc very much distressed , hut
his 'liCe displays commendable , fortitude nod
sufferer renders . most clclent aid In cnrng for the
Curry has been In Omaha n lumber at
yenta and Is well known here. At one tIme
he was IlrqJrletlr eC I large barber Ihop on
iougias street soil did I Bplctlll 111 I Ile !
'rhen hc was l'fllected by both whIte and :
black , Ul he cvllenty lumow his Place anti
ItCllt It. Latterly he has drifted , into poll.
tCI nod has heen somewhat sought after by
republican wire puleri about election times .
niftier tile Impre"llon that he controlled ,
the negro vote ot Omaha The result In he
has become worthless antI insolent , and for
n yeal' cr two past has bn cf the 1m prel.
sIomi that hc ' the .
Ilon wns must important jer-
sonago In thin section. . \ the Inst term of
the district court he sorrel lS I Juryman ,
nnd ilmis male I a polnt to crowd hln"elC
Into a theater anti , seat himself with white
people whenevcr n theatrical company of
any note has vIsited Omaha The lieu never
hits charged 11m with keeping a . disreputa.
tile rcmort . 1111 IC he hind ha.1 . n.llsre\ltl' !
to keel his tm 1th shut the plblc wouhl
nc't hnve sUllpMel1 : ( hiR 111acc wns the one
referred tf In thin publication . oC which he
cOlpluln" , 'rhi' Hrhl , however , distinctly
Rtllls that this IoU11a11 Street establish.
mont 13 thl resort oC 1'llnls , estahlsh-
and sneak thieves , white anti black , Ind
IO. " "nlll , have been 1'ltell by the polce long
\\'el \ , I swill not continue 10 read the whole
story. Suffice II to ray that I , \s laid up
for three weets ] or more , anti had to keep
tram doing any serIous work for something
like three months. Whie I was c llnell to
my rom and bell a SPecial grand jury wns
coiled anti Curry was Indicted for an assault -
saul wih intent to comlil murder. I was
found b , the grand jury that Curry 1It beel
put \ to this bloody job , and the only thing
thai pre\nttl the indictment of the : wh'te rur-
fans , mostly connected with the Postofce
deprtment , among whom was Paul Vander
voort from being Indicted with him was
that I was not absolutely provcn before the
grand jury that they knew that tIm assault
was to bo male with a slungshot. Under
the Indictment 1 trial was had , which I dil
not attend , and Curry was convIcted , He
was taken out on \al and an appeal was
made for him to the supreme court. During
that perIod , which was In time summer of
13iO , when there wns a national campaign
pending , Senator Hitchcock , through whom
he was being supported , had Curry enlisted
In the cailipaign. In the due course of time
I new trail was ordered , anti after the sec-
end trial and another appeal to the supreme
court Curry was sentenced to four years In
the Ilentental' sod taken to Lincoln. He
hud not been there fur months when Senator -
ton hitchcock himself sweat to Ooverncr
Garber durIng my absence from the state
and procured that man'tu pardon , carried
that pardon hImself to the penitentiary and
delivered It to Curry.
I sweat to know who was hounded : I want
to kmiw who was the victim of hatred and
malco : ; I want to know who was entitled 10
the sympathy of loyal republicans and pa
triotic cItIzens of Nebraska.
Let 00 now recall some Incidents of the
great senatorial contest of 180-7. In the
summer of 187G the republicans of this state
were arrayed against the renominaton and
re-election of Mr. Hitchcock. The presence
of Jay Gould and Sidney Dillon In Omaha
svhlle the republIcan state : convention was
hod : at Lincoln , and the ( act that after a
four days' struggle the majorIty hind : turned
Into n minority , excited the people so Intensely -
tensely lrt there was a very exciting CJm-
palgn. And my object In recallIng that cam-
paign Is simply to show you the parallels be-
twcen what happened In 1876 and what
happened In 1891 : "At a republican ratification -
ton meeting held nt the Academy of Music
on Tuesday evening , October 23 , I87G. at
which addrcsses were delivered by Oovemor
Saunders , General J. C. Cowin , General
Mnnders'n and Judge Clinton N. Driggs ,
the following arc extracts from the addresses
delivered upon thai occasion. " I will read
yon extracts from those ao as to enlighten
you I 11\ bit about past hIstory.
"Tho democrats talk about reform and re-
trencimment We can reform our own family
and not ask our neighbors to help us. He
btlev21 the republican party was the only
one for the colored man to vote wIth ; the ro-
publicans . hal given them their rights as cll-
zens and they owe lito the republican party. "
The speaker then referred to the infamous
unauthorized and uncalled for Interferencl of
C. H. Gere , chaIrman of the state central
committee , In our local affairs. Ho gave n
concl.o history of the republican split , relat-
Ing the facts as to the two committees , show-
lug conclusively that the anU-llchcoclt ticket
was the only regular ticket , thaI It was In
the field first , and was composed of as good
men as the Eun ever ibone upon. lie was
proud of It. ( Applause. ) lie was a regular
republcan : and helped to organize the republi.
can rarty twenty year ago , and ho could not
and would not be read out of that party by I
lot of upstarts anti hirelings. ( Applause )
10 hal spoken In rJaln terms and had called
the Hitchcock party the bread and butter brig-
ade , and he reiteratEd the statement. If
we are lost In this election II wi be rIng
within ring all over the country. You can
Leo the hirelings trailing In and out of the
poslofce to get their orders
We must rise In our immighmt and put this Sort
of business down Thts Ltat of affair Is
tearing down the republican partY-a party
thaI oUJht to stand for I hundrel years for
the noble deeds II has accomplIshed.
The importance of each lndis'duai : elector
In this country exerclsn ! I free , spontaneous ,
unboughl Iufrage , cannot ba underestImated .
( Applause. : ) This I the only country In the
worll where the ( eoplo control their affairs
In every department of the overnrnent . In
Germany and England the people have the
right of election In only one branch of the
government , but In the Un led State every
brancQ of government Is reacheq' by time pco-
pie. Every tme : time government reaches
forth its arm you , the people , are behind I ;
your voice gives It Impetus : your decision Is
final. I has been laid thai the elector IS a
sovereign. Lei us see It II Is so. Hc Is In
theory How U I In Practice ? Now time
great contest Is going on In this natIon ,
throughout the whole extent of the country.
Shall American electors have a free anti un-
bought ballet ? That b the national qucHlon
tomlay. 'fhat's why lh ! Ilcol.'e of this country
swill never trust the destines of three million
free electors created by the republican rarty-
the treedmuen-to our adversaries . ThB people
wi not Cay that we shall turn thEm over to
the democracy.
I hope the Pople swill Insl1t that the ballot
shal he unbought , that they will go to the
pls and vote without the pressure of the
railroads . I am a frIend of the railroads-or
the UnIon raclfclll It should nol lay its
han1s on the vote of the employc I owns
the labor of the emmiployc' but It does not own
hh manlled , I should only Perform the
functions allotted to I , nalely , of constructing .
Ing and operating a railroad . The constiu-
ton gives tu each state two senators and the
r'ght of representaton In congre' , but I tall
to find an.thlng In the constitution that
makes the Union Paclfa or n. & Id , entitled
to United Statu senators for each corpora-
tlon. That II all the controversy I have with
time raIlroad.
The most 'tal luue today Is whether or
not an honest vote shall conlrol this country
and st4te. Now , sirs , all republicans lay
not approve It , all republcaas ! may not
applaud It , but II II nevertheleu true , and
that Is , that time republican party tOday Is
dragging l- the verge of the grave. Can
you deny IU Look nt Indlana-I nt New
York-aye , look at Nebraska. The ropub-
Ican party , I ny , lisa had the lariat placed
around Us neck , and has been dragged to Ihs
verge of time grave , and why ? fly the demo.
cattle party N I at al , Dy the virtues
of the demcrat'o party Nol lt all. De.
cause the democratIc party was better than
the republcn party ? Not at all. What lisa
done It , tbenT SImply the thing that you
and I cannel deny , though we lenten It
\ Jl tears In our eyes , with sadness In our
hearts , wIth a crow In our 80ul.-orrnpUon
within our own party . We mention It with
- - - - " - _ _ _
w.W _ 1
" .W ; . -
that . feelllp I mention I with that feeling
Why , when J thlnt ! that blt a tow years
ago wo stood In the all1 phalamc of time
republican party In the bate for the ns-
ton-lhal 8lriomus part , nnd 13 other party
ever toom1 ' In a national phnlonx equal to It
II the worlll , tlthcr II ancient or mOllern
history , and there Is not adem' crt In
the house ! but will acc rll Ie candor when :
I make time remark-tho republican party
that stood ' up and with one word fred
, OOO slaves , with one word said that
the nation should be 0 nation of liberty ,
with ' one word and with a strong arm Plt ;
down a rehelen , rising above party , rsng ; :
above sectIonal influence , rIsing above ttc-
tional strife they stood al that
lonal , , imp time
when every gO\rnm nt , when every Iatol
In time civilized worM was watching 13
with anxious eyes. Now , sirs , this noble
party , this party that a few years ago CJr-
rlel Ohio by a hlndrCI thousand laJorly ,
13 teday dragged down , down tD the verge
of the grave. lint you honest republicans ,
can "au tel me why this Is 1 Is I the
virtue of the dcmocr.1Uc party Nol I
Is rooted ! corruplon I That l what It Is-
rooted corrupton 11 the republican ratmks
Now , gentlemen , I I Proposed 10 change
this-but . lmow7'e have local ISlles In
our county today on this very "ueston. ; I
I may b& permitted , tD digress for one iD
moot , and prebably you wIll b3 Interested
somewhat thcugh no inane than I was , I
should like to soy thai I went down to ,
LIncoln I few wQeks ago , r don't know
what I went down , there for-laughter-but ( )
r ! mow what 1 Cle hack for. That con-
venton said I shoul retire to ray oIce
and lhere do my legitimate busIness , payIng
no attentIon to politics. 1 dll not follow
those dictates exactly , and whie retiring 10
my educe antI : doing my legitimate 1 duty I
10 raise my arm ali my voIce agaInst these
hands that are draggIng ! : the republican
part Into al everlasting grave ( Apmhammae. )
I to I here now , and I I did not 110 I
here as I dhl al 1.lncoln , where hunllreds
ani ( hlldres , ) of men \er n.sembled when
I there raised m ) voice against the corrupt
hands that were controlling the conventIon !
anti nominatIng Icn , I would be lIke that
perllHou watchman , who , racing the blld-
lag al fire alll its Inmates sleeping soundly
In their btls , crleJ out , " 5 o'clock and all's
swell , " I dll IGt do thnl. I trust I never
3lal ] do such I lhlng. I say all Is not swell ,
and that wihIn the ranks of the rapimbhican
. plblcon
part ) . We do no speak today wih raspct
to thIs ! stale alone , hil with respect tD all
time states throughout the minion.
Mark this language. : That wns spokoa In
BiG , in ! the centennial ! year , by as goo1 ! are-
publcm : as Ge oral CowIn. WIHre are those
watcl11cn on the tower today 1 I have
alwaa endeavored to perform lY duty feor-
lesly and consclentlousl" I dId not cry
5 o'ccck : anti , all's swell' when I saw the re"
pUblcln flag trailing In the mire of corrulI-
ton ; when I saw the party chained to the
rairoad charlol. I did nol cr ) ul'l swell
when I saw the repmmbYami ' . part ) last year
surrounded by InflelCei that destroyed Its
free wl,1 , and free government and made II
nothing but the tool of n great corporation.
I did lot cry [ o'clock and nil's swell when
I Base republicans al Lincoln des troylng popular -
ular confidence In the party hy corrupt
schemes and jobs that were sure to destroy
the party and confdence In Its Integrity. I
1id not cry all's we I when I saw , as I mlsl
have and yotm must have had the chance to
see within time past few years , that the re-
publcan party , when It hind put Into its
pbtorm pledges and tailed 10 redeem them ,
and went back to the people asking them for
another term I was because I desired to
save the party from the tidal wave of pop-
ulsm In 1890 thai I and other true rellb -
Henna went to Lincoln and entcred I prptest
aganlst the disreputable methods and bal
faith , und said to the state commIttee : "Let
us live up to our platform pledge anti let us
put a ticket In thc field thai w\ command
popular respect and confidence , and we will
have no difculy In electing it. " ( Ap-
pause. ] ) The railroad republicans ' have
charged thai I 11ve sought to convey the
Idea that I svanted to dictate the candidates .
wante candlJtes.
They could have put up any man any man
with n clean , decent and honorable record ,
for governor last time and hal my cordial
support. I had bug before the convention
poInted out the defects In the record of the
candidate they dId nominate and I could not
very swell uesny What I had saId anti I culd
not support hIm " wIthout stultifying myself
and destroying whatever influence I have
or have had with time masses or time people ,
who believe that I have some IntegrIty left
yet. ( Applause. )
Now. I swill read you a little more lila-
tory. This was whal General Cowin said ,
mark you , and not what I said. This Is
what he said back In 1876 :
"Th republican vcten or the state of
Nebraska along the line of railroad cor-
porlons today are not exercising the rIght
of freemen , and I am prepared to prove
what I say. Now , sIrs , I attempted t
make a few remarks In the state convention
at Lincoln , wblch I propose to finish right
Ilcro. I Is with respect to a gentleman for
wbom I have the hIghest regard , for
whom I have the blghest respect and who
will nol dispute anD word I say. That gen-
temm : Is S. H. 11. Clark , superIntendent of
the Union Pacific railroad. Let moY thai
I do nol question his personal character In
even one respect I had I conversation with
hIm before time September primarIes . and
I vent to his ofce and asked him whether
he was influencing the votes of the Union
'aciflc emplDyes , and he told me no I
told him I was glad of that , for I believe
that amen ought to vote as their cmsclencs :
dictate , and thai when I Is attempted to
intImidate , trammel or Influence a voter
against his honoH convictions I blow Is be-
lag lruck at the very foundations Df the
gvernment itself . Now , I said , can I go
to your men and say you are not attempting
to Influence them , and they may vote as
they pleas ? He said , 'No , air. ' I asked ]
why not ? What did he lay ? Gentlemen ,
employes of the Union Pacific road , Mr.
Clark , wise Is present apd wi not dispute
what I , say , he replied : "
Mind you , General Cowin was eimaking
tbls speech In the Academy of Music , and
right In front , In one of the front seats , S.
Ii. H. Cark himself was sitting. He made
that lIght to his face , and thIs Is what he
said : .
"Mr. CowIn , our company looks upon It
18 to their Interest to carry the hitchcock
ticket , and they expect our men to vote thnl
ticket. They expect mo to Influence tbem to
vote , and my tenure of emca Is no stronger
than that of any other empyo on this road
They look 10 10 to sea thai our employes
vote time Hitchcock ticket , and I cannot
avoid it. "
You can imagine what n sensation Gon-
oral CowIn's slatement created In that body ,
amid , In Iplt , of all efforts that lho Union Pa-
cilia malla at that time , just as In spite of
all the efforts of the Burlington and All other
roads made this year , the railroad employes
voted lhclr own conselentons convictions ;
they stood for good government and repull-
cal prInciples better than sumac ot time rlch-
eat men In this state , who went out and sold
lhemse'es body nail soul to those corpora.
tees and playell catl'aw for tmn lt the
tall cmi ( Applause )
. . The methods of the late campaign are a
disgrace to the state of Nebraska NEver
shah It be writen again In our history : never
ahoull you hear such I thing as that any man ,
railroad manager or banker , woull discharge
nn cmploye simply for expressing the opin-
Ion tbat n certnln man should be elected
governor ; or lhsl any man has stigmatized )
ni employe and Iprlvell him of hIs livehl-
hood by putting the brand of Cain upon
him , sending him anoa' ' 1111 abroad to try
for emimphoymmient I say PolitIcal blacklist 18
I crIme : aim I said nt Ol.'hn the night before
election . " 0 ought to have a stalutB
that swill make It a penal offense , that wIll
send any maim to the penitentiary who swill
endeavor to compel an emllloyo to vote by
dictation or who will , discharge an employe
that dares to vote his own Eentments , ( Ap-
plauEe. )
Now lei read the .
me conclusion of Gen.
anal Cowln's speech : "If a stand up by honorable -
orable macn and oposition 10 corrLption Is
len opositon crr % ton I
bolting , I am a bOier-put lIon the record ,
I 10 evpoe 1 man that has bough his
wny Into the senatorial chair ( ' the United
States wIth mcney Is bolting . 1 am I bolter , "
That la what General Cowin said In 186 ,
and that lentlent Is just as goO today
and alwaya will be wih honest and true republicans -
publicans everywhere. Now , Ihen r will
call another witness upon the stand , Here
Is what General Mander.on sid In n speech
lad el October 27 , 186 , al a republican
meeting In the SIxth ward :
, ,
"I , for one , have got enough of this
thing. ( "fplaule , ) I there Is no other way
to get out of thll ( thIng except 1) an Irreg-
1 i _ _
i - . - -
ular maveent , 1 propose to go Into such :
a mc\me f 901 thing that has \elpl.1
talell this 'J ltl , was the convlct l In the I
mind of c'erolHlchcok man that
this aenatrtisl fanll1ate for re- Iecton would I
not th repubhicamma to their
permits , tile1 I republcons express I
will In tle p : mmmanles. We knew that It :
woulll be 9 , , ml that In I few days I
\oul be tppratIvo for lS 10 lake smmeh .
cOlne as ! WOI\ \ , ! emancipate us fr01 this I
state of nl.1Itl. , So , 1 am not afraid of be.
log charged ( ' wIth being irtiiar . limit there
arC some who are sensitve and desire to oct
with the fqclol\ that has plrsucJ the course
of r gllnritYI : To these I say the Arm.
strong le11ltlve ticket stands frmly
pblted lrn the pllform of port regular-
Iy , The Irtulent and time right Is with its
In this contrp1fry , am' ' I will show that
fact to your entire satIsfaction .
"We expect to send these gentlemen 10
the legislature , and 10 don't expect that
they will 'ote t : scnl' ' 11chcocl back to the
senate. ( Apimlatmee. ) Hichcock at hi ! meeting .
ing the ether night said that I certain cus-
tom hall grown up that when 0 maim hind
served one term In the senate he was reo
tlrell to that body. I don't know of any
such custcm. r know Ihat some men ha\ i
been returned several times . Such men !
Charles Sumner shonhl be sent back for a
lifetime . but we can'l agree that hitchcock
should be sent back for a lifetinme . ( Applause
and laughter. )
a a S "I.ook at the wait : Inluenca wlcled
by hitchcock , who his Ilder him an nrlY
of men work hI ! for him lay nlll mmlght.
( nr the speaker enlmerated many of the
ofcea to bo filled by the luKgelon ) of our
United States senator , nlll deareeateJ the fact
that there were so I\an ) ' nPP311tO ofcers
to be Used for corrupt Ilurpoees. ) All time
commls.los are Iseucd at tIme sugJeslon of
hitchcock , He hos ustll this great power
not to place good mel In positions , but to
pl1ce In iCstion men who work Ilght and day
for hitchcock , I 1m for applyllg a remclly
, to this great evl , ( Applause. ) Anti that Is
the one-term plnclple , unItes a man he u
second ClarleJ Sumner I do not believe
1 , time divine right of kings , or that any man
hs 1 blrthrlghl 10 rule In this free counlr ) ' ,
I am for the one-lerm principle , os a party
purifier. I Governor Saun1er or Jude
Driggs ore elected and wOlld try for I stcom
term I woull run against them myself. "
( Laughter . ) And ho dk amid was mysel. .
"I.ast n'glt , I ultlentand , Snotor hhitcim-
cock made 0 faint denial of the charges of
crulltol Inl bribery. There Is a man II
this room. wihin reach of my voIce , who
told me Ilcheock , after six 0) 'cari , had at
last beel brought to the bar mil pleadell not
guilty , lie Is now on trial nt the bin of pub-
lie opinion , I wsh to God he cOllII clear
himself of these terrible charges. r refer
him I to the cue of SOlllcrlall , anti , although
Sommerlall I deal , , there Is wil to he a lv _
Ing witness-a reputable anti Iiolest businss
man In this '
city-of time statements of Som-
mcrla himself and who sub.tantates tIme
charge. 1 would I Iw to hear a ep"cllc denial
of this dlRrge " !
" -el , I won't ' quote thIs any fnrther. I
have slmp.- gone this far to fhow yomm that
I very good many able , earliest and honest
republicans In . thIs suite have II years I.ast .
taken exactly the positon that I have taken
this year with the exception that they did
not have the responsIbility of cdllng a news-
paper to which thousands upon thousands
oC men who are not as swell Informed look
for candId , disinterested and homiest adsice.
I ! a 'matter of history that the repub-
lcns of' thIs state deliberately refusell to
elect a legislature that would favor the reelection -
election oJ ; M . Hitchcock. Thereupon another -
other effort was made to bring about the
same thing thai , had happened In 18i anti
1875. u combll'to : between conservatve rc-
publcns , or rather , boo(1er ( republicans . amid
democrats. Mr. I-hitchcock
Hichcock had ben a clams-
mate of Pelon , the nephew oi Samnel J.
Tiden , an\ Int arrangement was entered Into
between those gentlemen whereby It was
t'edgod ltat ! the vote of Mr hitchcock In the
United Statest ! senate should be , cast for
Samuel JI' Tiden , a against , Rutherford D.
Hares , aild 'timht the democratic members of
the legislature of Nebraska should , help to
re-elect hirni . with the aid of those boodle
repubilcans. .
Now , , , where wns the Honorable
Charles t 1 I Gore about thIs time ?
Ho was. cjiairmaa of the repub
lican state'central committee ; , he was , the
watchman on the tower ; I was his function
thM to sound the alarm und notify the an-
tonal committee , that great danger was Im-
pending ; that the party was abet to be
sold out . and that the president of the
United States was to be sacrificed for the
Unltcd. States scnatol'shlp In Nebraska.
Where was be about that time ? Down In
Lncoln ! , aiding and abetting this very con-
spIracy and crying 5 o'cock : and all's swell.
I was not I member of the national com-
mitee then , but I constituted myself the
watchman on the towcr. I wired to Zach
Chandler , who was then the chairman of
the nalonal republican committee , apprIsIng
him of thIs conspiracy. Perhaps
that perfidious svalchman Mr. ' Gere , will
have the audacity to deny thai there was
such a deal but the truth of my statement
will be confirmed by leading democrats. InstructIons -
struclon were lent to this state from the
Tiden headquarter-S to E. A. Ale who
was then the chairman of time democratic
state central committee . to proceed to LIncoln -
coin and dragon the democratic members
Into Ino 'to cast their voles fer Hitchcock ,
as they had done for hIm In 1871 and for
Paddock . In 1875 , and bo did it. HB came
down m and endeavored In every way to carry
out this dell , but just about that time con-
iress ' changed thIs whole procedure by pasa-
lug the electorl commission law , takIng
1 rom the senators the power to vote In or
Qut any presldenl , and the result was that
Hitchcock's opportunity to trade his vote In
the United StatN senate for the democratic
vote of the Nebraska leglslaturo passed
away. Time democrats declined to vote for '
him and 1m was not re-elected. But the ;
perfidious watchman al the tower , Mr. Oere , 1
and all the railroad organists hold Mn I
hitchcock UI > as a pillar of cloud by day
amid : a pIllar of fte by nIght to all repub-
lcans , whie they denounce me year In and
year out for preaching the gespel of loyal
republcan IFi In Nebraska and savIng the
party Crol cDrrup and dishonorable co-
ahitions. A few days before time electon the
state committee went even further than
that The sent out n letter lhat was clr-
cubted broadcast throughout the state , In
which It was charge that I had hounded
P.V. . IlchcocJt Ihrough thai man's honorable -
able career , and nol content to stay my
malice at the tomb I hall invited the EOn ,
who 18 now edlcr of time World.Herald , tea
: ban"uet at the opening of The nee build-
tog aaml SEt before the son a Ilolsoned test
In time shape of an attack on his dead . father .
Isn't II scandalous for any man or any
campaign cmmitee to disseminate such
alanderst What were lhe facts ?
When that ' young man cam to manhood
years I ' 'olmlarly came to him and aid :
"I don't crrr the sins of the fathers to the
ons. Wlilterer fight I have hind In politics
with you tath'er does nol need to b3 extended
to you , " ' And the first tl : < after he came
of age . anti became I candidate for office In
our town : the po llon of counciman , I went
Inlo the prhnlles and supported him against
William 1" . 13cchel , helped to nominate him
ammd worlted fat his election .
When hb was' ' about 10 start the Omaha World I I
he called lit roy olce and asked mo 10 pub11h 1
the pros ectu ! for his new paper , I was ,
imiserted free of charge. " 'hat would you :
do If you were runn'ng n dry goods ltore , for i
Ilshmce , Qr a drug store , and Eomehody
should come to ) your place amid say : "I have
a amlng pster by which your customers
sire Inforn t tnt I propose to open a store on
tIme opoite side of tIme street , In which I
, ' /1 und r tl .you and give people cheaper
and better gos for lois money than you
do , beside giving them better treatment ? "
Would you ! e wlllg to hang lP such a pos-
her In yourltore window I did it . I let
h'm announce that he was going to publish a
cheaper anti better paper , and when thai
paper first came Ol I wrote In editorial con-
gratulatng him upon corIng Into the edl-
tonal ! proresslon"and exprelng the hope thai
time paper would b succeuful.
When The Bee building was opened Invl-
tatol' were Issued to all the Omaha news-
I'aper people , and among them Ar. ! hlltcim-
cock lie attended time entertainment nol
one word was Iterell In his presence thaI he
could take ecpUona to ; nD reference what.
ever was made In relatIon to his father , or
to any quarrels between hIm amid mc. II
la , however , true that The Bee of thai same
mornIng conlalned the histry of the Ilaper ,
which was celebrating its eighteenth anni-
versary. Among other things was a recital -
ctal of Its early struggles and time fights
throughout whtch I h.ul passed , compled
by one at my lub-edlors. You could Qat
write the history ot The Omaba lee without
writing something abut those deslerate
. . ,
- - - - -
btthes. You could nol possibly relate the
Incldenls wihout referring In some form 10
the contests that were wOlell hetwcen the
supporters and opponenls or Senalor Hitch-
cock Amid yet that was maliciously 10111.
fell Into n poisoned feast , gotten UII to Insult
the Icmory of a deoll man antI to destroy
antI stgmatze the young tuna who Is his
Whal excuse was there for this outrage ?
I h\e : I family that Is entitled ) to a much
consllrnton os those of other mel ; amy
cimlimiron ho'e as mimumelm prhle In my repmmta-
ton 01 other IteOllle'8 chlllrel have In the :
reputation of their I'nronls : and I ought to
hove sOle Immunity from Inllscrlminale
slander , and common decency ) ought to be
exhibited by reub1knn organs and
leathers when they deal with mile IllvI1unl )
My I actions I 1 politician , ) actIons as an
editor are open for publc 11eclsslon , but tIme
dlsCISlons shouhl be within the bourlls of
truth anti decency , and nol bose1s fabrications -
tons , dcalolona and charges of ReOU111rel.
Isimi of description , of which I '
ISI every descrlplon le\'er
. ! 'elell 0111 of which ' I hall ne\'er thought
for n moment ,
In the 'nlo letter , which wns scattered
hrosdcast by the republcan state comimamittee .
there Is also this charge : That The Omoho
lee wns built tip 11) . 0111 has been Ilintalrell
al the expense of the republc3n party , anll
that the patronage of the rellblcon port
was the chief factor II making I whet I Is
today , I beg you to remember that there Is
10thlng In time hlstor of The nee lhat
\oul justIfy such nn assertion. Prom its
Ince\ton \ to the present day The lice has
heen mnlntored fll patronized \ by the mlhle
elas of people. by time laborer. the mechanic
amid hy the mrchont , because It gives them
their mmiomiey's worth , amid not because I ad-
VOCJtes a Political dogma of ammy Ittl No
republican ever pall any lone ) to I IS a
contributon ; no republcnn has ever been
blaclonnled ! out of I dollar , or been cciii-
pelet 10 contrlbnte : dolar , whether' he
was a cortilate or run office holder , and I
( iefy my trallucers , anti have lme and again
defied thieiii. to nal any republcan candidate -
data or state ofcer , even those that were
hnlleachd two years ngo , to COIO to the
front nll show that for 1) support , time
support of Time Omaha Bee , either for election
or re-electou. the" have ever been naked to
contrlbnte one ( lqhlmlr. All the J\lcal
IJtronage thaI hills come 10 The Bee , from
ratonal , state or local republican ofcals ,
that Is , 1lvel to It ns I hart ) paper , In any
form whatevcr , would not pny the cost of
Ithlcaton , wages , paller nHI 110age for
five days.
I"e ta
What Is time fact nbont other repuhlcan
Ilapera : II : thIs state and to what extent ,
hove they bemi subsidized ? Take , for In-
stlnce , time .1.lncoln Journol , whcl ( oles
Its existence , almost entirely to pDlteal
Ilatronage and levies upon vammditlates. I
hove talen : time trouble recenl " ' to ascertaimm
to what extent lhat sheet has levied 1(1n (
republcans and Illon the pore ] o the
stat of ehrnska I find that belwcen the
years 18il , when : The Bee was startemi amid
the present time that Ilapor has drawn out
o the state treasury $ ilG,146.i2 , as follows :
1S1 , . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 1,5,81 :
1872. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . srO
1873. , . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30,151Gm
1871. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.0iI1,9 : :
1875. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20,601.53 . : .
18i11. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . 3.rli.7 : :
1i. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8,91)3.21 ' )
187S. . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7,72.n
hST9. . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21,413i
1ss0. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3. 1,81
issi. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 21.338,29
1882. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .08/1.20 /
188:4. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
issi. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ; . . . . . . . . . . . 21.7:2.08 , : .
18 : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47.991,12
18 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:1.137.31 :
1837. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27,880gi
1583. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22OG4).17 )
1839. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31,639.53
loop. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25,7841.15
1891. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8542573
1.302. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20,056.4(1 (
1893. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16,730.24
1191-11-12 of year. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14.255,38
aranti . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ , .
Or $18,602.77 PIn year on time average. Asimle
from this , Charles H. Gene , editor of the
State Journal , served two years as aecretary
of time State Board of Transportation at $2,000
per year , niakimig 4,000 , end four years as
a United States hostmaster at about $4,0h10
Per aminmini , or a total for postmaster of $16-
000. Thms ! , added to lmis salary received as
secretary of time State Board of Transparta.
tion , svould give imim $20,000 as the total
aniotmnt received by imins on tue side during
lila connectiomi svithi the Journal ,
In time very near future I propose to pub-
lishm every voucher drawn by the Burlington
organ antI to shmosv the people of Nebraslca
swimere their money has been going amid where
the people are paying their taxes. ( Great
applause. ) Four lmundred amid forty-aix thou.
samul dollars , and that does not represent one
dummio of salaries and perquisites ; that does
not represent a tithe of the steals at time
state capitol , time drippings out of the various
state Institutions , tlmat found thou' sway Into
the pockets of those publIshers and their'
reiatives. There aught have been $500,000
fIgured out for that concern durlmig the period
svhiie Time flee has boemm running ; and yet
timey modestly tell us that they are doing
this all for their love amid mievotiomi to time
repubhicamm party , ( Laugimter. ) I venture to
assert that $15,000 i a small consideration
of what timey have got in this last campaign
for flghmtimmg tue battle of the republican party
at. 5 cents per copy. It was a s'eritabe golden
harvest for them that Time lice did not sump-
port the candidate for governor , What swommld
imave become of tlmeom it Time Bee had supported -
ported imlmii7 You can now ur.derstand why
tlmey are so anxious to kwmsw whothmer I still
amn a republican. ( Laughter. ) If I should
stay out of the republIcan party there mighit
be $15,000 contributed every season , so Santa
Clatma svouId iias'o to fill their stockimigs with
loads of silver dollars , and gold dollars , amid
greenbacks , every tlmmmo Christmas camno
around , to sas'e time repimlmlcami partyl
( Lauglmter , )
I have another sway altogetimer of sawing -
ing time porty. They do not have to pay me
a dollar or a dime. ha 1802 I went out and
made a fight , as I hail the year Imevious. :
Wimea repubilcami commgressmen amid senators
swore imidimig in cyclone collars I canmpaigntd
it ; I issued thounantis of papers , & 0,000 at a
time , Iii the interest of time repubhicamm party ,
wIthout cimargimig a penny , and I spent $2,100
in cold cash , , on $150 of which I am tthh
payimmg Interest , for time sake of
saving time repubhlcamm party 1mm 1892 ,
But their saving the republican
party Is always computed in b'g
dollars and cents. 0 , yes ! Timey would like
to save time Imarty ! Why was not Mr. Gene
on hand Iii 1876 or 1877 , svhmemi time national
success 'of ' time party swamu at stake in timat
( leniocratic deal , and It lacked but omme turn
of time wrist amid time whole governnmemmt. of
time t'nlted States would Imave passed into
demmiocratic imands , mint ! yet they were will.
lng to close theIr eyes , anti now they are
howling , and they want to know why I aiim
still a republican. Tlmmy fech anxious tlmmit
I should not remminln in time Imarty too long :
that as smoomi as tifa next cammmpalgem comnes I
ought to lie out of it migaimm , so that they
ss'oulti imas'e another opportminity to take
their little delve of $15,000 or $20,000. I do
hot think timers will be any necessity ( or
timat ; I think time republlcaims of Nebraska
have been taught a very wholesome lesson
and tlmere swill be no mmecesalty of defending
any canilidate the next timne m'e imave a. cammm-
paign , amimi , if we have ao defensive camii-
.4ign 'sic will have 25,000 mmmmtjority , jmimmt as
sure as the sun shmimmes in time day. Therm ,
would have been 25,000 to 40,000 title year ,
and tlmey would have savemi $150,000 to time
railroads and time bankers alomme if timey hind
just miens that timlimg-iaughter-and ( ) I svcuitl
not have charged timenm one immmiy , either ,
for doing eli time good work that could he
done. There would not have hieen mimmmcim to
say , either , it would miot. have beemm a very
hard job ,
Now , fellow cItizens , you are all Interested
In good government above all things , Yomi
mire cttIzemms of Nebraska first , anI repubhi-
cans afterward , and , acting as patriotic , homiest
citizen , you will see to it that honest inca
ncctmpy every ollica imm time state , mind when
honest men occupy every office in the
state ' Nebraska will forgo ahead and be one
of time mmiost prosperous states of time union ,
'l'hmat is the mrograin for time repubhicrm imarty ;
put imonest nice to the front , drop thmaa oitl
mvlmeel horses that have imlayed thmeniaelves
out long ago anti have very debatable records ,
Bring young memo to time front , let the very
beat bloo4 In ( ha state comime forward and
participate In the lmommora ammd emoluments , mmmiii
do mmot- let anybody have a mortgage on all tlm
otfices or some offices durlmig a whole lifetime -
time ; let every mmian have a chance , anmi give
thioo men preference that lmave shown merit
as good Ammmericamm citizens , as homiest , loyal
republicans. and have shown themselves
smorthmy of confldemmce and imave mmot mart.
gaced timemselvea In ra iroad headquarters.
They attacked me a few Weeks ago , they
absolutely denaunced me anti The Omaha
lice , for insinuating tlmat there ss'as a contest -
test dCmmdIng , or rather timid there was a
contest contemplated , anti everyhmotly that
knows as mmmtmch as I do knows that there
% vero mnessemigers rummnlumg back aimd forth
from railroad lmcadqunrters , fromim time czar ,
back and forth to republican headquarters
every few minutes of time tiny ; that aim cmi-
gino svas kept standing roil hot anti neatly
to proceed omit of Llncoimm into hiroken lhoss'
( upon the drop of the lint , amid thmzmt they were
jumat si alting to see swlmetlmer time hlmirlingtomm
road was neatly to foot the bills. That 1mm
a matter of history , amid It ought to lie no-
com-deth In our history ,
lIE hill'UliLICNi FOIl PItINC'hl'LE.
\'hat kln'i of a lmart' svouhti the republican
party be If It had to go to time imeamiquartors of
miii the railroad comimlinnies of time Umilteil
States amid inquire whotim timey svaimted for
Presliient : if they had to go there and Imi-
qmmiro Whmo simommhui be appointeil suprenio jumulge
of the United States ; if they Imati. to go
there every time time ) ' svammteti to appohmit
( leirgates to a national comivemitjomm ; if they
hind to go to railroad imeniqmmai-ters for numy-
timing anti everything ? I say a Party that
cami't stanti cmi its owmm legs Is not sworthi sup.
porting. ( Almlihaumse. ) It ehmoimiml stanti mmpomm
time solid foumiiinttomm haiti for it by time muon
who swore those Fremmiont hiadges , the mmmcmi
who imiscnibed free speech , free soih anmi free
men upomi tlmeir bamummer' , Let it lie saul by
time rcpumbhicamis of Nelmraakmi that timey hmns'e
got imralims eimouihm amid Integrity emmoumghi to
govermi timemmiselves , Time ) ' domm't have to
got George W. hlotlrege , S. II.
it. Clark , Mr. iitmrke , or ammy
other railroad mammagers to tell themmi ss'hmo
shmoulmi or almould not lie a caiiiiimlatp , hit they
simommltl take atlvce amid counsel Iromu time mimmss :
oZ their party , time imomiorimble mmmcii that reline.
semit time svishme of a majority of t iue true
amid loyal repimbhicamme. Timtmt is tIme advice I
w'oumltl have to gis'e timemim , nmmmi I do hot care
whether timoy es'er smlmmiit mime limb ii rhmimb-
licaim comivemmtion or mmet. I mmmii a relmuiimlieaum
from prlmicipie , anti tint for revemmume , numd I
do hot care how mmmumcim time biooulsmickers i'hmo
hmammg around repubhicamu imealimltmam-ters every
50050mm , or Imow mimimnlm timeec' corporatiomi mmmcmi
svimo have to get a railroad gramilmig com-itract ,
swho imavo got to have nut immterest Iii time ties
timat are haitI tIll near hiilliumgs , or a coimtract
aomimess'hero In Tuxas , hmavo to say. I
tiiimmk It Is aboumt timmie for time relamblicami
hiarty to rule Itself nmitl miot imns'e to take
railroad comitractors' nmivice its to what timey
suhmoimhtl or swlmat they imimotmid not do. ( Ap-
imlausc. )
Amimi ss'lmen thmat is ilone svo ss'iil imavo s'ic-
tory. I trust that time timmie is mmciii' at hmammml ,
mimith I really believe thmnt It is ; I believe Clint
55'O are cmi time eve of it miew era , ammd that ,
svimlio time ohih imenihe ar. good for eoummsel , anti
while I do mmot object to nmmy mmmii becaumso ito
Im mis mmlii as I aiim , ammil mb hot ss'aut to have
hmlmii exelummicti from high olilces , time ehmromiic
Political lmackme svhio have heemm Imiumigimig ni'oumid
seekimig olhlc for twemmty-iis'c or thirty yenra
mumiul make a his'ing out of 0111cc , amid mmotlm-
Imig else , otmgimt to be set hack for a svhmilo
and let sonicholy else comuie to time ( remit , amid
(1VO ( its cammdidtmtes wlmo have a good rcdord
as lunmiest citizemis , and mmot , a record as
good ImohitIcians ,
.A Pmttehi of Immelmicimlie ( fi'aimuci maui time
ll'im of l'racm itlmmm'rs ,
A correspondent of time Cinclmimiati Enquirer
relates ami imicidemmt in time meteoric career of
Neti Marsimall , a Kentucky lawyer famed for
imis Iersuasive oratory In ammte-bellumn timimos.
lie svcnt to tit country ommce to defend a
negro cimarged svIthm grand iarcemmy , Iii those
days a negro before a cctmntry squire imtul as
little slims' as a mmionlcey iii a cage of lions.
Time case swas a plain one. TIme negro hind
taken sonic swimeat to null , amid wimhhe time
miiiiier was grinding It lie hmati stohoq a sack
of flour and put it. in his swagon. Wimen im
left svltim his owim flour time miller missed this
sack , and pursued him , fimmding time stolen
flour in time svagon. The negro admitted
steallmig it , mind offered to pay for it. It was
not possible to imiako a plainer case. Mar-
shah let time ss'itneases tell timeir own stories
as they 6hmose. lie svas criimpletl by am-i mmccl-
dent and on crutcimes. Wiiemm the lirosecu-
tiomi hind concluded Its testimimommy ime lmad no
proof to offer , but he rose , amid , leanimig on
his crutches , began to speak. Cotmrt swas
held In the open-i air , in the "aqimire's" yam-mi ,
umiderneathi time simade of a locust tree. Timers
was a small mound lmi the yard , ni-id hme
stood on that , The toss' spectators cius-
tered around imim , People who camne along
the turmipike stopped amid stayed to listen to
him. Dinner timne came , anti , though time
squire always made everybony eat dinner
svith him when ime held court , lie forgot It
tills time , Marshall spoke on , and I laid on
time bluegrass listening. If ime imad kept on
speaking I would be there nosy , I cammnot
ummdertake to describe that spceclm , It was
nerly three Imours In length , amid canmo very
near convimmcing everybody ss'hmo imearml it
that a negro ougimt to be ahioss'ed to steal time
keyhole of heaven ( rain St. Peter amid mmever
be punished for It. Time court Imeld time
negro over to the circuit court mmnther $10 bail ,
and took Ned Marshall's check for $10 in
lieu of bond. Ned Marshall's check wasn't
worth the tenth part of a copper cent , and
the court knew it , anti knew that thi. , law
didn't ahloms' a check to ho taken In lieu of
If that ss'as not eloquence , please produce
your orator.
At Plttsburg last sveelc Attorney Iteardon
was defemiding a client charged svitim Ihiegai
liquor sehhlmig , whoa Ruth Woodruff , a former ,
chiemmt of Reardomi's , s'as called to thie stand.
"You have been hmre before , imaven't you ? "
saith tIme attormmey. "You ommglmt to know , Mr.
iteardomi , " she replied. "Amid yonm were semit
to time swork hmouse , sveremi't you ? " " \"eii , I
gave you enougim mommey to keep mae ommt of
it , " retorted Emitim. "You were inmucemmt , of
course , " persisted time attorney sarcastically.
"Well , you said I swas , " replied Rutim , Tlmis
ended her cross-exnmication.
"My good woman , " said the learned judge ,
as related by the PimiiafielphmIa Times , "you
must give am-i answer 1mm tIme feswest imszibho
swords of wimichm you are capable to time plain
auth itimmiphe uuestlon wimetimer , wimen you
were crosshmig time street witlm time balmy cmi
your arm , amid time onmnibus was comimmg down
on the rlghmt aide and the cab on the left
aaml time brouiglmam was trying to Imass time
onminibus , you saw time plaintiff between time
brougimamn anti time cab , or wimether and svhen
you saw him at mill , amid whether or not
miear the brougimam , cab mint ! omnibus , or
eIther , or any two , amid which of timem no-
spectively , or ibis' It was , "
A Natural Question-Judge ; Time accused
uleclares lie partook of various heavy wines
at your house on the eveolog lii question ; 1mm
that correct ? Wltaess ( a Iammdiord-hium ) ,
I certaiimly rememhiem' lmrs ordering severiil
bottles of choice Burgundy , Judgo-fletmiiy7
Amid , pray , svimat. dlii you gmve imim ?
"I cam sorry , " saiul time rural justice , "hut
there Is no evidence against you , amid I'll
imavo to turmm you loose , swithi just a himme tom
contemmipt of court. ' ' ' 'Butt ' , your imommor , I
imayen't mmald a wortH" "Yes , but darned it you
miidrm't look iti"
lie ( it mm , Zmmti ,
A mm-manufacturing flrmmm wimichi was besieged
svtth applications for work , says hlmurper'mm
liazar , hung a sign micar thU entrance of Its
ostolilisimnient with the legend , "No Help
Wanted , "
One mmmorning there aIipearei before time
imead of the imouse , to wlmoni ime was known ,
1.- , a no'er mb swell , wimo devoted imis timne
to dreams of lmohiticaI glory rather timamm to
books amid accoumts , , '
"Mr. 5- , I waumt a job , Aim usual , I'm
out. of work , Cami you give mum somnethming
to do ? "
Mr. 5------ hiatt formerly t'mnployemi time imp-
pllcant , anmi was commmpiliemi to dtmcimarge Idni ,
not so mmiucim for neglect mum for gemmeral Iii.
capacity to knuckle down to good , solid
work ,
"My dear fellow , I'm very sorry ; but didn't
you see the sigmi when you camne in ? " said
Mr , 5- , very klnmiiy ,
"Yes , I saw it , " I- replied , "but you'vo
oftemm ( old ens l'mmm ho imeipt' '
L- was emnptoyed.
Oregon Kidney Tea cures all kimhney trou-
bies. Trial size , 25 cents. Alt druggists ,
110 ; : Island 'S'lgmmIutr ,
Hog Island , on time Virginia coast , svimere
Mr , Cleveland took a sommmewlmat celebrated
outing , was once bougimt for $3,000 by a
New Yorker , wimo expected to send the cemltmr
timber of time lsiammd to New York for use 1mm
shmilmhuildimmg , but foummtl time vemnturo uulmrotlt.
able bee.suae of this cost of transportatlomm. 'I'hms
timber In qimestlon wima haul bare by lbs en
crommehrnent of time sea impon sand chines that
had imunleci old woodlands , Time wood hums
restmrrecteti was far moore valuable than grow.p.
log timuber ,
(1(1.0,811' tflIUT itlX ,
Ihumgh O'Donnell , time labor mugltator ( toni
homestead , who mmtummiped l'emmneyhvnnia iltir-
lag the late eimnmpaign In the itmterest of ccv.
oral republIcan candIdates , it is aminoumnccd
ss'ill act ems Imrivate secretary for Commgreas.
oman-elect lCumlp , from time Northmummiberiamid
district ,
Commnt Constantine Nigra , limo poet , at
Presemit Itnhiamm anibasamlor at Vienna , reiatoi
iii hii latest book that as a dmiltl of C lme once
lmlayemi th role of an angel mit comiie private '
thmeatricals , adding this conimmieimt : ' 'As ' a
child , an nmmgeh ; mis a nmaum , a uliphomuatlat-imosy
are time mmmigimty fallen I"
Mnor Mornill , who has been elected gover.
liar of ICammeas , l a miinn of Immmimrcsstve
Imhmysique. lie is os-er six feet tnhh anti Imis
200 imoulmds of Ileiuhm are sweil hiroliOrtiommeti ,
lie' is Iii imimulmy sways time maInstay of lila-
s'atimn , his Place of resiilemice , aimd highly'
polmtmlar with his neighbors.
1mm tue life of time hate Iermn Bmmckhanml ,
wimloim immms jmmst milIearel in Emiglmsntl , It Ii
rointeti hint one timmie "lie amid mm frieit1 , riding -
ing toward l.ommdomm on a s'er' dark mmlghmt , host
their Sin ) ' . Ihumekiandl therefore dismmmouimiteml ,
mmml , taking imp a hmmuimulftui of earth , smumelleth
it. 'Uxbrlmlgei' hum exclainieii , imla geological
mmose telling imlmmm time precIse locality , "
? iI. Y. Cimumimiw is time ( lihmlomiimit of time Chinese
hegatlomi \'asimlngtomm , swimose thiorotmghi
1 : mioss' hedge o t Eu gi ishm iii akes hi i mu t lie mimeihium in
of commmmmmtmmmicatiomi tmctween time iegrutiomi anti
time ItCSS ) amid public. Mr. Cimumnig is a "t'aho
gramimmate amid a mmmcmimber of time Delta Ilahihma
UpsIlon tratermmlty. lie Is omie of time tlrst
of time Chmimmese oihlcials able to speak Emiglisim
wlthmammt a trace of forelgmm nccemmt.
Gemioral Cassiums M , Clay's roomy olmi miinn-
sloim'lulteiimihh , Is fumil of iuanmlsomimo aim.
tiqmmo fumrmmitumre that sroumhii tlehighmt a eel.
hector. Aimiomig time other rare nrtieles In
time house are Portraits of time Czar Alex.
nuder mummil time royal fammiii3' , Preseiitetl to
General Cia ) ' imy time emmiperor hmiimmseht , Time
old lCemmtmmcitinmm has always disimemiseti a flmme
iiopitaiity at Vhmltehmnhl , It ha one of tim ' '
shmosw lmiaees of time Ilimme Grass region , antI
s'isitors , especially fcmuimdmio ones , arc chmarmn-
Inilil' emmtertnimiemi there ,
A. Conan Doyle ss-as astonished wimen a'
Ibostomi calimmiamm told Imimmi ' 'lie ss'ouhml rather
lmas'e a ticket to hmis lecture thmami time fmire , "
ho thought lie ss'as tras'climmg lmmcognlto , amimi
mtsietl thmo mami hois' lie foimmmti imimmi out , The
mmian rmilhleil timat ' 'imp icmmess' huh flS a niemimhier
of time Caimmimemi's Liternry gumiitl , to wlmioim time
lecturer's lthmicrary hail 1)01mm telegraphieti in
ativammce , i-intl that lie recogmmlzetl I ) ' , Doyle
to be time mimnim , becaimse his cot-it Immimeha lmati
been evtlemitiy grasped by Ness' York report-
era , imi hair mammlfestiy cumt by a I'imliatlehiimia
barber , huts lint secimmimigly saved svltim dUll.
culty from time Imlrates by svimomn ime was smmr-
rotmniiett at a Chicago htmmicheon , swimiie imls
overshmoms bore traces of hlmmffmtlo mminmml , mmml
timero was an odor of a Utica cgar : upon
his persomm. " Time tioctar surrendereth at in-
discrettomm , and gave time fellow a ticket for
imis sm'hiolo fammilly.
Samuel Edisomm of Fort Gratiot , Mich , , time
vemmem'uble father of Thmomimas A. Edison , is mmow
1mm his tHU year , amid is in ( mmli possession -
session of all his faculties. lie is known ho.
cahly as "Umicle Sam. " Speaking of time great
imivemmtor , atm old resitiemit of Fort Gratiot says :
' 'As for Tomn Edison , ss'hmy , as I remmmemmmbr
imlmn-ss'ehl , no omie timoughmt lie swas s'ery
smart ; ime tmsed to be called 'Edison's fool , '
I remmiemnbor how lie used to sit about time
store witim Imis head 1mm hits hands , always
mmmoping anti always Ill time sway. lIis folks
em- any ammo else always hmtmti to speak to lmimn
half a dozen tImes before lie would seemi to
hear or pay ammy attention ; and I remnenibea-
one day wimemi naked If ime was deaf , and I
told hlmn I didn't believe lie could Imear it
thunder , ime thross'ed up imis Imemul amid scowled
and saul : 'I svlshm I swas atm mleaf I couldn't
hear it thmundcr norsecit lighten , ' "
Time possibility for tIme attaimmnient of wealth
and aulttmencmo svhlclm this country offers is
shown in the career of Isaac II , liumiter , who
swims born In slavery. lie had alniost at-
taimietl Imis imiajority before he hooked imito a
acimool book. Frons ills early youth ime hail
immterested iminiseif in politics , and in later
years figured conspIcuously 1mm time reconstruction -
struction Cf time state of Virginia , hhiim rise
In IOhItlCS svas rapid. In July , 1869 , lie syas - '
selected by the Virginia consorvatlve state
COtfliilittOO to deliver time welcomning speech
to time late Gilbert C. W7aiker omm ills election
to time governorship of Virginia , lIe was a
delegate to time democratic convention which
mmoniinated Cleveland aisti hendricks , and for
sixteen years svas time tm-misted frlommtl and con-
fhilential secretary of time late Lieutenant
Governor Dorsheimmier. Mr. Hunter is a real
estate lawyer and is wealtimy ,
'l'svhst lirotime'rs sit '
Vesieymmmm Vimlvcraity 'Who
Omits'S mb 'l'old Aimart.
Artimur and Arcimer Young of Now Britain ,
Commn. , twin brothers , wlmo are as ahike as
two coppr cents , or as time proverbial peas in
a pod , entered. mSVesieyan university timia
autumn In the freshman class , anti time dim.
culty of distInguishing timmim has led to no -
end of mistakes , Time Young brothers say
that time joke , being to them of about tsvermty
years' stamimling , has becommia a trifle old ,
Iii college chapel they sit next to each
other , miami if one of timeni happens to "cut"
the chapeli monitor , whoso duty is to reeor
absences , lisa to flip up a cent to decide which
of tImemmi lie mmhiaii mark absent , Botim tss'ins
are on the 'varsity foot ball team , amid although -
though they mire riot Imeavy , they have dim.
tingnmishme4 thmemmiselves as being about time
pimmcklest players on time eleven. Timey swear
simmillar bammdagemm wrapped around thmeir
tow-colored heads , and timeir sleeve.
less jackets are alike stained witim
tIme bule ( lye of their jerseys. Time other day ,
iii a practice gmuno , time ball swam fumbled In
a scrimmage , anti one of time twIns fell on it.
Arcimor was playing halt back on time 'varsity ,
and Arthmur was limmed up on time scrub , A
doubt at once arose in time mind of Coach
Steele as to which aide aimouhti imave time ball ,
that ( unctionary , like everybody chime , being
unable to distinguish time tsvimms , Accordimmgh
lme ran up to time man wimo was scrambling to
hits feet witim time ball , and amiketi 1mm a loud
swim Isper :
"Say , wimicli Young mare you , anyhow , 'var-
city or scrub ? "
One of tIme iirotimers had an entrance commdi.
then in coins brimncim of imis hirelmaratory work
anti mc tlatxm was sot for time special examnimma.
tion. Time brotimor who limit ] time condition
markeml against imim reamaimmed 1mm imlui roomn ,
wimllo the other twin took time examination
auth liassed it with flying colors , 'flmls lmmmp-
honed bicauso a mmilatake was nmatlo origimmahly
1mm chargIng time wrommg twimm with a condition ,
Asia iViil lmmd in I'opnmiatlom biut Ammiericis
svthl SIiov ( Irest ( lmmimi ,
A well known Frencim statIaticlamt comnputen
time following flguires , based on present statis.
tcs ! , for time end of time twemmtietim centimi'y ,
According to lmi tables time polmuhatiomm of time
eartim at tlmat tinme will be :
Europe , 780,000,000 , ( mmow 301,000,000) ) ; AsIa ,
ll00,000,000 . , ( now 830,000,000) ) ; , % mnerica , 685 , .
Cimoco. , ( mmow 125,500,000) ) ; Atmatraila , ,0CbO , .
000 ( mmow 5,700,000) ) ; Africa , 200,000,000 ( how
170,000,000) ) ,
Thmuis Anmierica swill lie first 1mm regard to increase -
crease and Europe meconil , while time ratio of
Increase swill grow steamilly larger in Aimierica
auth mmmmmmmtier iii Europe. 'I'hme theciirmt , of time
ratio of immcrcaa i , : : : may be already observed -
served 1mm Frmmmmce , sviii extemmd In relation to
Gernmany , Italy , Ermglammfi , etc.
'FIme PoimUlatIoti of limo various countries at
time end of time next centuary is glvemm timumm :
ltmmimimia , 340,000,000 ; ( Jermnmmny , 115,000,000 :
Frammee , 56,000,000 ; Cimlmma , 550,000,000 ; Ummitd
States , 400,000,000 ; Mexico ammtl Brazil , 150 , .
000,000 ; Canada , 40,000,000 ; ArgentIne fle.
imublic , 30,000,000 ,
Engiiait will probably ito siiokomm In 1904 bj"
mnoru timami 500,000.000 , ( Ioruian by 1W,000 , .
000 , Frencim by 120,000,000 , Spammisin amid I'ortu.
gueso by 235,000,000 people ,
( imm. rolatilim ,
9lerbemt is going to call imero tonight , "
said time fair girl ,
"lie is ? " saimi time parent , with poker play.
immi ; temmulencies.
"Yea. "
"Well- " and lma glanced at time massive
boot whmicim reposed on time fender , "I'mtm
glad you mnentiommed It , Time hmrUdent coursa
for me will be to raise tna before imo etI
a chance to call. "