, * fZ -s v---r * " ' 'w ' - - . - - - . . . . - t ' - t ! n.HIJr.-1 : > : , .1 . * II t : r a"f , ' ! AIlA'tf\ "ur ' )0 ' ; i - - ' ' ' : - ' ; ; : ' - ' ' ' ' ' - : : : ? , ' - " ' - - . " . - . - - . - _ . . . . ' - : ' : : " - : - ' = . . . . . . . _ . - - - : - - . . - - . . , . . . , . - . . TIlE O\AHA \ DAIT..IY JJJal STbA'Y ' DECEMBER 1Sn.l. ' I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ : rT , . - . . _ _ _ _ _ 16 , _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 'T _ _ _ - - - - - - - - - - - LEAVES A LETTER AND WILL Papers from Mrs Notson Indicating that She Intended to Oommit Suicide. , ' lOSING IN A BATTLE AGAINST ADVERSITY r\VOUItI \ VouItI Taka the Childrcn with liar-Asks rorltlreneu far the nrcnllfnl Step About toUo - Tnken-.Jolan tush the % i1tnItrntor. A package of papers , has been found hlch gees to shew that Mrs. eton hall \p tetermlnell to ki lersel and her two Ito - ones. These paper together wltl the paM up life Insurance polcies and the deed to mler property , were turned over to the man hem she Intended to appoint as her all- ; appint Inlstrator. The relatves ef the missing oman and Immediate friends of the family were calM Into consultatlol that night to discuss the documents. In this package was . a latter dated December 7. 18tH , whIch began by saying : I "Deoro I leave the world , taking my children with me , I want to make a state- Ient 11 justice to my friends. " She then ; wont on to state that anD life insurance pole , had become nonforteltblo and that Iho wanted It ctected and the proceeds used In paying her debts. She appointed 'John Rush of the Nebraska Savings bank as her administrator , and askell him to pay all her debt , and then apply the remainder to- ward paying the mortago on her mothor's 1mousc. WAS OLAD TO 00. In this letter Mrt Notson said that she was glad to leave this wcrid . and that for the past three and one.half years she hall . ItrugRI agaInst adversity , as serious illness and ' other reverses hiul kept her In debt until she had wearied Dr the unequal struggle and bad given up all hopo. She hall that she had made some serious mistaks last fall by leaving her schbol work .to 10 work for a publishing house and engage In iolltics. She snlll that she had risked all that she hall nnll hall lost. Mrs. . Nots.o" said that she had tried to man- age well , but that since August 1 , she hall risked too much had banked on uncertainties - ties and hml been left. She sale that she coulll have discharged her Indebtedness In four Dr five years but ' that her creditors had shown no In liaton 'to be lenient with hot She asleeu God to forgive hertho dreadful - ful step she was abolt to. take and snlll that she was weary of life and would take her darling children with her rather than leave them to the mercies ot a cold world. . , 'z I. She thanked the tlends Who hall helped her and hoped that no one would surer because of her rash , act. She asked forgIvnes and dated the letter l , at 8 'o' lock Friday 'evening. The Informant of The Dee said that all at the papers Ilhl been turnell over to John Rush Who , would ' follow out the woman's last wishes . " \ 10 bas her last will.and testa- mont which she mAde several months ago just before submitting' to a dangerous surgI- cal operation. After ' learning of the contents of the letter - ter . time relatives of Mrs. Notson doubled their efforts In dragging the river. and to- day the searching party will bo largely rein- forcell. The contents ef the papers which have 'K been turned over So 1ir. Rush will be made F - ll. ' public In n few days hut at present he will snake no statement concerning them. REWARD OFFERED FOR THE I3ODY. . - ) ' Mrs. Notson's father C. D. Cook. arrived "at holno last eveniig dbotdgrk' ' was nil worp .out with his effOrts toecovdr'th , bodie of orJ daughter and graUl hldren. lie said that durIng the pat few days ho hae , - searched cyery loot , .ot . the . river's bottom fromGibson ! to' thQ. nqqtlot \ the . South Omd l'sctvd hod ! tbt IQlt WI"gol to cdE f ' ar Unut Ilio IHrc11 tdd'ay. lie Is "organlzlng- ' ' laty to put Irthi : mloxt'2week.searohlng along time dyer. Last night 'he had a number of ] laC sprinted offering $50 reward for the recovery of the bollles' 'He describes Mrs. . , - Nets n as' being blonde . with light brown' hair , hazel eyes about five. . feet . nine Inches tall , and weighing about ' 10 pounds. She was dressed In a dark woolen skirt , with a terra cola waist , puffed sleeves and . . _ _ s trimmed . with bead ornam nts. She wore a 4 black .tal cloak , with 'a cape ; neither of 'which I'Wcr lined. The chIidrer' . 'aro Dora , aged 5 'oats , ahe Willie . age G. Time totally of the missing woman are pos- dtve that she has committed suicide , and 'm fnld that the contents. of the letter were correctly - rocty reported , but that they hall nol yet intended to make them public. Mr. Cook said last night that hevas confident that he would soon find the body. Mrs. Cook Is prostrated with grief since nlling the latter , and has given up hopes ot ever seeing her daughter again E. T. Wllnms , relative of mlrs . Notson , lisa arrived from Chicago , and fs assisting In time search. ' , . . - , m ASKNG FOR THE CANAL. , ) Douglas County antlOmabma Citizen ' . Who Wnut tim i'roposltlomo Itosubmuitted. A petition rending I follows Is being clrcu- Jatel In the city : . To the Honorable Board of County Com- mhuloners ; Dr Douglns County and the Omahn Cinal and Power Company : Oen- tlemnen-We . the unlel'lgnct , citizens and : citzens taxlayers of Omaha wmo votedagalnst the canal bond prol11 lon wj0 the lust general clletoll , do respectfully request a fsub- mission or the canal bond Proposition at the earlest possible day so that we may use our bet endeavors to give Omaha the canal and 11rOSIerly. So far the pellon . has been signed by : . D. Smith , N. Kriebeo . M. -Knecht , J. Hansen , O. O. flnpp . James Hodges O. Smith , O. J. S. Crenville. David Knox 'Vllam I3ougimton Henry Jones , clmaries A. Aithous . A leo petition without the statement that time signers voted against the canal proposi- tion , has been subscrlbel to by John C. Ilowarti . 0.V. . Sues W It. Alexander , H. Williams , Dexter I. . . Thomas , . V. ' . E. Hitchcock . H. G. Limbaclt W. A. Webster , II. K. . Smih , N. E. Dlbrance , If. L. I'ease C. W. Thompson J. F' . helm. C. A. Elmen 1 . Wilams & Smuith . A. D. Parker it.V . ' Ilreckenridge . H. I. Daldrlge , E. M. Dart- Iett . I- ) . O. Ihoads { : E. G. Starr , J. D. IlUse . A. It. Dufrene , J. Ii. lunler , W. S. Ilali . J. M. Buchann , C. W. Wedel , Doston Store , Hayden Bros. . James Morton & Son company , Orcharl\ & Wihelm Carpet company , T. 1' . Cartwrlght Wool & Co , Ielcy , Stger & CD. . lobrceker Stove company , Dewey & Stone Vurnlure company , Goolma Drug company , Charles Shlverlele & Co. , reeland , I.eomts : & Co. , 'Iholpson , lelden & Co. . W . . : - n. Bennett COlnpany , Stellhens & " Smlh , ii . -1 : I' . Whimore , Ilofo Dry Goods company , , Oatqh o Luman , Swart , Mcltelvy & Crane , J. . . Drexel & nosenzwell Shoo coumpany People's ' ' - utnlluro pne Carpet c mpany , Nebraska , . Clohln company , W. J. Van Auman , . Chorbs M. Powcr . ll1 Johnston , E. J , ' , ' Se'leorl & Co.V. . G. Sloan & Co" , A. O. , naymer , Dcleman Dros. . George W. Driggs , . J. Q. layzl t. CUdahy Packimig companYr F . A. Crissym , . J. Thompson Babcock ' ' 1 l'ah , Clams mmmlVnfl ' Paper company O. ' U. hammond I'Jeklng company , lennl31n l1ros. , J. M. Glasgow , D.nlleraon , T. H. Itosa . J. F' . McHe'nohls , Id. Goldstein , 'Fimeodore'olz . John J. flynn , E. n. Mun- show , 1) . J. Corrhta . Chaltwlclt & Ickens ) , Otto Maurer , E. . \ . J roth . W. n. ( oefrey , 'C. n. Scarr , II. larlln , Hannon & Welch , : r. Heafer , C. E. I.'ost , Max Ounsowsky , 1. Meyer , L C. Obon , Beavers Dros , Fred Brodegnrd , U. Strttlmol , F . I' . I ree. JAn & lire , T. Sulivau , W , Byrne , P. 1' . 1utmger . Darling & Son . Paul lcnnl , Dr. . - . U. J. Aberly , F. I. Uarnea , 'COIDA : J. ; , O'Nel , Uurnet Ural. . . Short 1'"le\ $ torle . 3v. . Carter 0 colored man , was arrestee yesterday af\rlOn by l ) teclh'e" Dunn amid 1onnhue anll Olcl' SIIe and \ Ilarnes. Ue was booked nt time station us ci burglar. alAton 1 llrrlar. lie Is suspected or having aluln from u oaloon at ' ! 'wcltelh and I.uk9 Itrlets nbommt two wCfkl ego a IUtIlty Qf clnr. olont I1n ) men nlnlnir n \ In\ Cigar stand 10 . n bHbet shoat th" corner of Twenty. fourth al Coming streets where a box of 1 bx thQ cllt' were tound . ho refused to be urrclte\ when the I ) cor nppear.d . and 10 'aJ only aftt' 1 . ( Mllli , In which he , threw OhiO uf Ui # oi1iQrI through time win. UU orf thIOUlh cow , that hIia : ub . uCd. r. II suspected ( hxving bOnlmiiSd btbjr " luspcted Ivlni t'l bur"tItlp OII tb' ln Jo.l. iai'4Utto . . 01 lCmmnsa . City hl ' \lten t Chief S..y asking him to look for let busb.n" ) . wmo hal been missing .o Js4y a 13. 10 I A labrl lean . - his wife has . heard that he has been seen In this cl . Mag Joimneon. 1 colored 'rostute who assaulted Detective Haze with 1 lIghted 1 lamp . l rl1lY night , WM sentenced to ninety days terday. itt the county jail In police court yes- . TlmiTl"l t' TlB lt r Congress llnrnpercmlinan Jrnrt to 1.lls' latn for Iulnn Tarrllory. WAShINGTON , ncc. 15.-Discussing the probabilities of legislation for I change In the government of the five cvlizell tribes of Indians , Representative Wheeler chairman . man of the Ilouso committee on territories , said : "On December 15 , 189. In discussing the bill for the admission of New Mexico , I read from the treaties of 1835 and ISG the clauses which guarantee thnt no portion ot In < lan territory should ever bo embraced Dr included within Dr annexed to any tern- tory or state , nor shal either , Dr nlY part of either ever bo erected Into a territory with- out the tll anlI free consent of time legislative . tvo authority of time tribe owning the snme. "The sixth article or the treaty of 1835 provided that the Inllan should be 'pro- tectcl , against interruption \r \ Intrusion from citizens of the United Stales who may at- templ to settle II the country , ' In reply to ; time proposition then made to , violate these I treaties , I called attention to the law which was ennctell on time 3rd of ' Iarcl , 1893 , which ) Ilrovhlcl for a commission to negotiate with the five Indian tribes for the purpose of the extnguishment ot the national Dr tribal title to their lands , with a view to limo ultimate creation ot a state of union with the torrl- tory now occupied by the said tribes of In- diana "I stated that this commission hal been appolnt and was proceeding t negotate with these Indian tribes and I expressed the opInion that we ought not to talc any acton by congress until the commission hall exhausted every effort to negotiate with these Indians In the spirit of , limo law by which time cmmission was created. Tie commission has been negotiating now . for a full year. and I regret to Ray It has not succeeded In amicably agreeing . on some plans by which the land should be allotted In severalty and a' territory , ostablishedwlth a government similar to those enjoyed by time people ot other territories. I stl hope this desirable purpose may be consummated , for It Is very clear from the evidence we now have of the condition of that country that unless some amicable agreement Is reached congress wi , bo compelled to pro- coed to act according to its best 'judgment with regard to time five civilized tribes. The treaties have virtually all been abrogated by force of circumstances und by the ac- tons of time Indians themselves. They are bounded on nil sides by states or territories and they have themselves by enactment of their councils . invited white men Into their territories . until they now number four or five men to one IMlan . : . I J'rDn1\1 01 ! SOU."DlISS tJ' ( lTTLI Charles W. Inker Shows UI time dtbsurdlty of time Oermnn Complaint CHICAGO . Dec. 15.-In reply to the In- Quiry as t what reliance : Is to be placed In the charges that time meat inspection of the United States Is Inadequate , and thal the imposition ot restrictions was made In consequence - sequence : r. Clm'anles" W. 'faker secrctary ecrltary of the Natonal Live Stock exchange , says that he Is authorized to say by - others In a 110slton best to know that ti0 governmental Inspecton ot live stock and m at products for exportation Is up to I very high standard and Is more thorough than ever before anl known. The following extracts taken from the , report or the secretary of agriculture for 189 show what Is being accompllslmod ! . "Tho most effective work rendered by the depart- meat of animal Industry to the commercial Interests of ' this country during the past fiscal year bas been In dnspecUon ' of meat for the export and interstate trade. At forty- six abbatolrs situated In seventeen cites the number of animals i inspected has Increased - creased fromJ4,485533 inc1893 to 12.944,066 In' , 189 . The.amount of.'pdrk' ' microscopically examined for export during , tImeytcar : ' was 35,437.931. poupdscbut In , the 'yeae 1893 It i wdsonly " , 2OG7.14jO ; ; , poUn4sin.1894 ; i,310,410 ; ; places from as.mny. , different carcasses have been 'microscoplcally exnmlnEd under ' , the direction of 'his' 'burenu. , Governmental inspection of live stock Is so satisfactory to the foreign Insurance com- pantes.'ho ' Insure against mortality , that , they have reduced their prem1ums an cattle as f lows : Five years ago tt was'$10 ! ' per head : three years ago $5 per heado ; years ago ; $ r.80 : per hend. Now such hiktrance Is placed In foreign companies al 62' % cents tQ 75 cents' per head. The risk froh' ' , common causes Is now the sam as It was n yean' ago consequently this reduction bi foreign companies In the 'premium Is owing' ' the impartial . . syajernatic . sclentnc : . ' ; thorough governmental inspection , which precludes the possibility healthy stock. of shipping any but - , . perfectly For the past tWo years thero' luis never been a ounl of animal food product. . that has been Inspected by our goverdment rejected - jectel by any foreign country until a week ago last Monday ) when Germany claimed to have found trichinae In our pork. Live eat- tie ole have been exported after Inspection , and have been of such a imigh.standard as' to quality and health that no animal hns been rejected by all the foreign governmentS until a few weeks ago , when Germany pretended to find Texas fever among .some cattle. Texas fever has not been known among our catte for many 'years. . . SIWIl ' l'Jw < EOTn'JOaC Tl' . Extraordinary Story Told at is Trial of Vhlttocalperms tim Uuargla. ATLANTA On. , Dec. 15.-ln the trial of time Whitfeld county whie cappers here evl- , dence of a highly sensational nature was given by one of the witnesses . The case on trial Is that of limo United States against C. C. Drown , Derry Turner and William CelIa- . The witness who furnished Iman furnlshel the sensa- ton was Mr. C. F. Ogle a wol known citizen - zen of Tilton. Mr. Ogle said that In the spring of 182 he met a crowd of men In an old barn at TUon to form nn organization for mutual protiction. lIe had been advised to Join It because he would be safer inside than' outside ot It. Among those present were J. P. Joyce constable ; Alfred Whitner Lorenzo Harris , JIm Townsend . Tom hayes . W. A. Adams. Three weeks ago he met time sauce crowd several miles 'from Tion for the purpose of elec\ng aificers. The officers elected were : Charles Drown , cap- lain ; W. L. Brown , lieutenant , and Green Tredway. Rufus Green , W. G. Griggs and rank Morgan , referees. . \1 of these men were present nt the mneeting . alil V. ' . L. Brown , a Methodist Ireacher ) , was also 11res. ent. In talking with other men In Whit- fell county he found that they were muem- bers. Time witness then told the court that Green Tredway and Mr. Paul Trammel , United States revenue collector for the Northern 'Ilstrlct of Georgia , Mn Trammel Starr state senator from that district . , Representative . resentatvo Longley ! Mr. Martn ot .the firm of Jones & Martin . lawyers , and Mr. John Black . mayor of Dalton . were members thc organization and would protect ' any of them who got Into trouble Dr were In the state courts The story Is not believed here . Collector Trammel and Mn Starr both anl laughed at the statement. "Wimy I Is wel known , " sid Mr Trammel - mel , "that both Mn Starr and myself have been very active to suppress lawlessness In that part of the state The charge Is ridicu- bus and there Is not one word of truth In it. " _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ 1'"UUnl uf ( ! ub.1 Huger Siomm. WAShINGTON , Dee. 15.-Consul General Wilams , at havana , has submitted 10 the State department a published account of the Ilroceelngs , of a meetng of the Cuban sugar manufacturers and cale growers , convoked by the boarJ of plalten for the purpose of adereulng time Spanish l'arlament upon the subject of Interal retorm. 'fhe meeting resulted \ hI time ecndlnl of the folowing cablegnmmnm . through the governor generll. to the minister for the coronles at Madrid " 1'hl atmgar malufacturer and cane grower usemblCI II muss meeting petition your e. ce'lency for the Immedlah abolition of the Illlutacturlng tax together with the lead. lug dimly on sugar and 10lalu because of their burlhnlomencl on the product . 'Vo Ilk you therefore to mal , I strong recom. mondaton to l'arliament 01 the petition for reforms Inehpensabo $ : to the life of this coun. IT ) ' . " whleh are act forth II the rUJluUonl adepted a' Wavrly Couple FIOie. 'VAVERLY , Mo. . De. l5.-Waveniy s cet ) I lu'ual by the dOlltlncnt of 1lanchl nel a 'Gy ar-ol granddaughter of leY 'VIla" { Dell , W.I known Ihrolholt this and other . western stntes. . The bridegroom I" David a business mail . Dn\1r YanceY1 I .oun blsln , ! ! mat. The destination or the . couple Is unknown SpInr 111L1 l'I.UID ( Vl.T ; S.s lie ( hmmiy Jttch'NI Ten Tho\nll 10lnn of limo Holtn Ionty. Nll\S' YORK Dec. 15.-Snmuel C See ! , the detnullng bookkeeper of the She and I Leather bank , will he arraigned for trial In time United States circuit court on 1lon. day. His attorney , Angel , IntmnteI ! today that tim defaulter would throw himself on the mercy Dr the commrt . The attorney says Seely received not more than $10,0 oC the money stolen from the bank which was given to him In mime rnllll from $2 : to $2O. for which Fredertck laker took his notes. "I have In my tlossesslon , " said Angel . "ahout hair a dezen of Ihsc notes . their . aggregate nmolnt bring $300. "Seely told . me one dny that he always , thought linker woull make goild their steal- Inl ! nR : lerrlt ( linker's clerk ) had toll him that linker was worth $50.0) n. narly nil cr which was In real estate. When Scaly woul1 lk nleer to tIny up Baker woul\ \ put him oft by saying that his % roJerty , was In stch a conditon that It could not le solI eXcelt nt n great atrlncc. " After a time . 1 : eel ' says , he saw time sit- unton b comlnA more hopeles wih each passing ' day , but this seem to have mitmie < I no difference to Biker , who continued drawing motley rm the hank until Scc1' wnrned him to desist. The story of SeelY's nhht from Ihls city . his nlmles walulerllltS before reacliimmg Chi- cage and his meeting with ! c reachlnf who delivered him over to the \olce , Is one II which terror and Inrtltude are most strongly hlended. Lawyer Angel relates that Scly loft the hank for the last time after so Ilxlnlt time boDIes thlt by conlar- Isol with those at time paying teller , the exact nmoult or the defalcaton could hnve heen clscoven',1 , wihin haIr nn hour. Body then took the midnight train over the I'eirn- sylvania road for Wahlnlton. where hI remained - mained a few hmotmm's. going thence to liar- rl burg , Pa. . which Illace he reached In the afternoon . Ho then bough a , ticket em Cimicago , wh.re ho arrived the next slay . Sunday . nt 10 o'cloclt In tIme' morning . "At no time during the remainder of 'his stay itt Chicago " said Angbl . "slid SeelY mnke nny ntempt to disguise himself. lie was all the While In I condition brdcrint ! ! on mental collapse. ! ' "I ran away , " said Seely , "because I was utterly crushed tn health anti SIlrlts , each night betnl n ! leelleR one , and I 'felt somewhat relieved In mind when apprehended . although . at Irst 1 made , I denial . of my Identt . . " " ' 01\1 Ills 'Vito nlt Ih&htnr ilnmmrdoroci. JAMESTOWN , N. Y. . Dec. 15.-Mr. James Winslow Shearmnn and lier daughter - ten , ! rs. Clinton Davisho ' d on n farm near here 'ere' J ur- tiered by unknown people toln" " ' . 11 : . , Shearman was nhsent during tile fOreton and part DC the nCernon , and when he.h" turned home about 4 o'Cloelt he 'wns , lmornl- let to Ind his wife and da\II\ter \ \ lying 1 , dead In the house. There Is no clew to the deae perpetrators or the crime . nlhough it . I ! up- parent that the motive was robber ' ; "Cor " th house was In confusion , bureau drWtrs' having been ransacked , as Ie I search"for money had been carried on . , - . _ : . " Five , TIO\Sllul Fire lt Ulcl nock. ' GLEN ROCK . Wyo. , Dee. l.5-SpeIal ( Telegraan.-The Masonic ' hal her ! anti . all buildings In that block were totally le stroyetlby fire this morning , L3s estmated nt about $ .0. . _ , : . . J . , ' % 'onimqmmeIcet Ullit C'ioqecl. . WOONSOCKET S. D. . Dec. 15. - - The Bank' Dr 'Voonsocltet has gone Into yoluntary lkuidation. The depositors will likely' . be 11ald " full. _ _ _ _ p _ _ _ _ 1ERSON,1L 1' , 1 , lal l'IIS. lone. J. R. Whiney , Carroll , la. . Is ' . at ' time . Del- guest S. P. Lldel , , Lander , , Wyo. . . . Is ' a' ' Miard I : D. 0. Spencer of Kansas City Is at tho1 Darker. . . . ' ' , Dr. P. J D eklns n , . Leal S. D. ; Is at the Paxton. . . . O. P. Iamer , Sheridan , Wyo. , Is , a time DIlono. ' ' i . VUln.Hunt ; . Clafrmott.-WYO. Is J ti .Del lope guest . . _ _ . . . . , . . . , . ' . . ' 1 Ora Haley , .Laramlo , Wyo. ; II registered at 'time ' , Ptxton . . . ' " . ' ? , . : , " ' . . & ' 1. ' : : I/ ! " John Grayson 'and vIfe . Creston its. ; are at' the , Paxton. " J. P'Tihlg , or Hospers , , Ia. . Is slopping over 'at the Darker. . J. 'H. J hnston and wife of Dostwlcle are ' Arcade , guests A. l3ryson . and wife ' ot Manning Ia. , are nt the Merchants. " F. E. McGnnis of hastings . Neb. . Is stopping - . ping at time Darker. ' , . " ' A. V. ' . Kennedy , ' Buffalo , 'V 'o. , Is registered - 'tered ' at ' the Deliono . ' . . J. P. Darrett of time Missouri Pacific 'fs stopping at the Darker. Fred G. Hease , Sheridan 'Vyo. . Is regis- tered at the Merchants. ' E. T. Letson and John Willis of' Eurek , Kan. , arc at the Merchants. Frank Beard . the' "chalk talk" man 01 Chicago - cage Is registered at' the Paxton H : D. Curls of Grand island Neb : , 'li I making his headquarters at ti Dark ! Colonel T. H. Stanton phlef 'pa'ymmmastr , , . Department of the Plate ; returned yesterday frommi a pay trip. ) Mrs. Dan Davis , wife of Detective Davis returned yesterday from a month's visit with returnee vtsl wih relatives at Minden , Ia. . . Frank Washburn of Ogden , superintendent of the Union Pacific hotel department Is at the Millard . accompanied by Mm's ' Wash. ' burn. howard D. Smih of the Board of FIre and Police Commissioners Is slowly recoverIng - lug from the recent 'injury to his foot and expects to be able to attend a meeting of time board eariy In tIle coming weele. Hon. Victor Derbower of Ilho. formerly a resident of Omnha , Is In the city the guest ot his brother , Mr. Ellis Derbower , receiver of the American Water Works company Mr . Derbower Is now a member of the Idaho legislature , and anticipates a hot fght over the election of a United States senator to succeed Senator Shoup , who Is a candidate for re.electon. Con ressman Wils .Sweet , an old-tme Nebraskan , Is alsO a candidate for the Shoup succession N"hrlukllO lt Iho i IIotls . At the Paxton-Mattlmew Caring , Plats- mouth : John Dwyer , leu trice. At the Millnrd-W . H. Jiarstow . Crete : Mrs. A. J. Diii . Mrs. A. Fcnwlclt , North Plate. At the Arcade-S. II. Gudduhl . Charron ; J. D. McCormick , Bertrand ; A. 1. Stuckey , Brleen Bow. At the Mercimants-Chmarhes S. owler , North Bend ; Ii. , V. Wolverton , Pierce : O. g. Whitman Oxford ; A. I. Barr. 1' : . M. Thomas , Stanton : F. 1. Olmslead , last- Ings ; C. J. Warrlclt , Fremnommt At the Mercer : J. E. : Dyers Chicago ; C. O. Carpenter , Abilene , Ian. ; H. H. Wallace . Tel < amnh ; L. H. leaon ; Salt Lake : J. W. Story , Cincinnati : D. Crewel , Fremont ; S. M. Leemme E. D. Baker New York : C. B. Urn- ham St. Louis : J. ' " ' . home . Hooper , Neb. ; Jv ' . hamilton anl wife Des Moines ; I. . L. Spo'oner , Council Dufs : C. R. Collins . I. ' 0. Stoker Phiadelphia : J. W. , Hewitt. I'ort. land : ' M. Horton . William orrest , Chicago ; U. Id. Wallace , Seattle , Wash. Nebr.sklUI In Chicago . CHICAGO , Dec. 15.-Bpeclal ( Telegram.- At Chicago hotels : Great Northern-T.ue w Spratlin . Omaha ; 'rheoore \ neschla , Nebraska City . Grand Paclnc- I McCor. Ciy. lcCor- muiclc Omaha. Clifton-Mr. and Mrs. I. . V. ' . Snow , Lincoln . irL.1TiiJlf JllW.X. Fair for S.br.s" . Y1eel't Local Rains $ tmmmday Moriming . SUld. , Jlorllli. W ASlINOTON , Dec. 15.-The forecast for Sunday Is : 1.01 Nebraska and Kansas- I.'nlr , except local rain In the easter por- tons Sunday morning ; cooler 'north winds. For Iowa and Missouri-Rain In the earl ) ' morning mmnrtlmwemst : air ; cooler ; Suth winds , becoming For South Dakota-Fair ; cooler : north. west winds. 1.oenl 1ecord. OFFICE OPTHE WEATHER DUREAU , OMAHA . Dcc 15.-0maha record or temperature - azure and rainfall , compared with the cor. rIlondlng day ot past tour years : 1891 1893. ISn IsL Maximum temperature . 49 39 31 : ln'mum hmperuture. : . . 4 H 16 30 Average temperature . . . 45 26 25 33 PrecipItation . . . . . . . . . .41 , 2 .0 .0 ' Condiion of temperature and precipitation at Omaha for the day and since March 1 , 18& : Normal temperature . . . . . . . . . . . . , . ' ldxCe3s for the day . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Norntal preciptttion . . . . . . . . . . . . ,03 Inch Excess for the dly. . . . . . . . . . . .U Inch Total preclpltattn since March 1 15.61 inches Deficiency since Mac 1. . . . . 15. & Inches , , 1 A WELSh . Observer - - iI I , I' lx . 1.0.J : Jit'5IG5lTfflCII0'LLS. _ r I. The concert to b clv/ITlrs ( < lny evening of this week nt the ! ' \ PArk Methodist \ Episcopal church unlejOle direction ol Organist Alien gives pmmntas3ot being ' n very pleasing success. 'ho' , \rnm has been wel selected , and the risWJI , ' \ be Inter. eating In time fact Ihntmny of the per- formers are pupils of : N Alien , who has taken great care In the orlngement of the program , which Is as follows : Chorus-t the hliils'imtl'nles Ito- soulll ) ; . . . . . . . . HIS ' \/n' . . . . . . . . .Hlchar Church ehtr. Piano Solon ) Yalsl aJor..Chol'ln ( b ) Ornd Polka de Concert ; . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . Bartet MIss Nettle M. tH\erl ' : : ) ' . Vocal Solo-Intermezzo ( Ca'alherimt Jttmsti- cann ) . . . . . . . . . . . . CnValcrll . . ' . . . Hmt- : ! 3liss Grace Crawf'ortl Ilnno Solo-l alenol.Ot"w. , . . . Rubenstein 3tiss Millie Davis Violin SoloScena 1199 : Ballet . . . .De Heriot : lr. J. I. Cook. Double Sing nnd Quartet l'Iay . and . . . Solo-We'll . . . . . . . . Gaily . . l'insuti Mrs. Mnynll . Dennis alll Clark , Miss Ella Crawford , Mes rs. Cramer , Ianiels Dule anti Piano Dlet-ll'pcll Cimaffee Dunce . . . . . . S. Smith 3Ilss : lapne Imoyio RII , Mr . Allen . Vocal Solo-Ior . All Dternhty..Maseimeromm : i. . W , J. C. Iutlnl Cramer. Plalo Solo"alse Caprice . . . . . lttmbenstein : Miss Kate Kimmibill . Itecitntior-The Catholc ] 19alm. l. . . . . . . . . 311cc Stehia . McCimsmmoy . Solo. . . . . ! . 1 . . Stela . : . . : 1cChlsner. IS8 Bes11 Selgwick Piano SoIc-Taimnhmnuser.\Vngner Miss I llli . Jones. Chorus-D Iiabyiomc'msVmmve . . . . .Oouno < \ Church Cholr. , ! r. Franz Adeimanmi one of the 11lular violinists ot the city , has completed arrange- monts for a concert to bo given at Young Mcii's Chrlstnn association hal on Thursday - day evonhl , Decembr 27. Mr. Adolmann wil b assisted by Mips Bslo Lincoln , so icralmo . of liostoim . who wi sing Elsa's Drcm from "Lohmengrimm . " with orchesta accomnpanimeimt . also 1 mo. Mudmmtoterimmg , ) vho will b hearst In' 'the ' lentolssohn "Concerto , " with acompaniment of string quartet. ! r. Butler . 1 concert master together - gether wills the Boyd theater orchestra all other instrumentalists . will compoC the or- cimostra which will number about twenty- five "Ieces. Mr. Allehnann Is coming to the front a a solo violinist . and well he may , ns his tutelage umler Jochlm 111 In the 1ulol orchestra at Hamburg with Von l3ulow Itu- bonsteln and oUter great cOlluoor ! has , \el equipped him for arUctc work. Ills Iolo number for this concert wilt be the "Otimellim Fantasie' , " by Erimst. The orchestr wi play the Zampa overture several nlm- ber by Oilet and time Tammmhauser , March . ' ! r. Thomas J. K'lly will give the third of his Sunday areraMn organ recitals today beglnling promptly It 3':30 : p. m. He will bo 'nsslsted by ! Ir. Will MacCune bnrltone. : ' The following 11rogriln will be given : ' PART I. ; rsan-arch In . . . . . . . . . . . I Ogan-Serenatn.'mloszlcowski ' Organ-Largo , front a. 5onata..hleetlmoven . 'Organ-l . ' an are . . . I . folnta..Beethoven . . . . . . . . lemmlns ' t" PART I , Om'gnin-Mnrcim Celebre. . : . . . . . . . .Schubert n-Hhapsodle No. 1. : . . . . . Saint Sael " 'Volc ? -There Is a Green lUl Far Away , . , . . . . . . . . I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ooulloe . , Orgn-Nocture. Mr. Will . . . .lculo. . . . ' . . . . . . . , . ChopIn , - . Time following I the' t8am for tIme mu- 'scnlo ! this afternoon ' a'14fl' ' $ aints' church : ar'e. , . , . 4W'Snlnts' . Organ-Fanfare. 1.1. : 1'lt- . . "Lemmen . Mr. W S.r'tMmishull. Flute SaloThe lr , S.rtIJhll. . . . .Stcclunlst . Mr. olae ' nltJ'on" , : Piigrim's Chorus. . . . : . . .lle. . . . . . . 'Vagner . 1 r. MarshnJi. Quintet-List the CherblcnHost..Gaull :1s9 Dolan Miss Pojtem .llss Johnston Mrs. Marshall . Mr. T. . . . Wijitbread. , 1 Marshal. ; : . . : . T' . , . . . Wlltbread. . b . Improvisation . . . . . I.I. . . . . . , Jadasohn I . Mr. 3Ini'lmall. . Soprano SoloA v , Jr Q' . ' ' . .1Iascagnt . llss Mamle'3fUijeimhotf . ' ' Mamle'l 111chhor. Fanhisl Rememlrnnce ' \ IPrgue..Iocl Mr. Pedersen : , , . Battle la ' ' h.from , Rlltz . . . . . " : Va ler , Mr. Mpisimaii. . . . . . . " 'T I' 1 " ' . ' . " Tlo usual mlnlcnle "iI1cu at the&First Congregational church , this , Sunday . r rndo" , ? a a , pcIQcJ : ' ' 'wgd11 qi i tS , Iw\obr' flr ls' d" by : ! I'bo EI , \artet. . cOnslSt. . : ' y Ing ot'Mr. ; AI J. Vankuran , 'r. E D. Treat 'Mr. W.- S. McCuno . . 'Mr. F ; J. Darton. The . program ' Is i lS . ( ollowsl I 1 " ' . I OhnuPreli ' and' ' gue. . . . : . . . > .Zun'el Quartet-T Caummot , . Always . Trace the ' . . Quartet"r . . . Cnoy Alwus. ! . . . . .d . : : . . . ti . \ I' ' t ' " . . ! : 'iio"Tencpl&'Quateh" . TI "Tjnple' . " . . . . . . . . . . . . . Organ-Lullaby . . ; . . : . . . : . ' . Vogt Cant Iene . . . . . . . . . . . . . ; . . . . . . . DuboIs Solo-Sancta Maria.- . ; . . . . . . . . . . . . . Faure _ W . 8. M Cune. Organ-ElevatIon - 'In ) . . . . . . .Salnt Saens Quartet-Gently , Lord , 0 Gently Lend Qunrtel-Genty . . . . . . . . . . . . : . . . . . Oenty . . . . . Derner The Temple Qunl.tet. Orgami-Offertory , In E fiat..alome . . . . Solq-Cantique . do N ( . tat. . . . . . . . . \ . . . .Atum " Mr. F. J. .Barton. Organ-Postlude In ] . . . , . . . . . .Chadwlclt Mrs. F. F. Ford ; , Organist. The fourth public plano'recU l by the pu- Ills of Mr. Martin Cahn , assisted , by Mr. Herbert Butler , ' violinist , and Dr. Charles l3rmetens viola , ' wIll be' given 'Vednesllay evening In the roms of the Woman's club In the Boston store building. TIle program Is' ; wel selected , aJ the following will show : Duet-Forest Lie. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Koeilng , Ruth and Katie Wiley. Polonaise . . . . . . . . . . Kate . . . . . . . 'Vley. . . . . .Merleel ' Anna White. , EtudeHummlng ( mr < Whie. \ ) . . . . . . . .Perlo Georgia Kennard. Mazurka CaprlceSprlnl ( Dawn ) . . . . : ason , Mabel DaTher. ( a ) G lAue. . . . . . : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .nach ( h ) 'Echo. . . . . . . . . . . . . : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .RaI Corlne Paulsen. mllromltu- : Inor. . . . . . . . . . . .Schubrt F'rederickaesselS. . Hondo SenUmentnle. . . . . . . . . . . . .lrocheles ' henrietta tees . Impromptu-D Henrteta . . . . . . . . .Schubert Huldaim Jonsson. By lloonlght. Hultah . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Dendel Josephine Bell. Grand TrloPlalo. Violin.nnd Viola. , . Violn. . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . .Inace Lachner Antante con mote , Ahiegro. Andante , Scherzo , Allegro assai Allegro , con apirito. Corlne P81lsen. Mr. Butler , Violin ; Dr. Iaetens , Viola. As a finale to the ConlregaUonal fair a little operatn , "The Sleeping Queen , " will be given Thursday evening nt Washington imahi. This is . full ot catchy , pretty airs antI time voices procurell for the leading parts are all excellent and it wilt no doubt be a great success. The principals are Miss Higgins of Chicago , Mrs , O. W. Johnston , contralto of tim Hanscom Park Methodist church ; Mr. Weir and Mr. 'VhUbread. As a curtain raiser "Which Is 'Vhleh" will be given by Miss Cook Miss McKel , Miss Taylor , Mr MeKehi . and Mr. Cook , al of whom have previously won laurels In amateur Iheatrlcals. Doth of celenty these productons1 glvel. . doubtless be ex- Mr. Albert Wallerstet,1cavos Omaha this e\'enlng for a course of si4f4y at the Chicago conservatory of musiq under his former teacher , Sig. Carpi. 0' I , -r'-n : . . Mr. . Hagenow of tlme4Stimte university will play Br Daotens' vlolnoncerto lt one of the conservatory . . concerts ' "do If ' . . ' Mr : Bert Butler - Ond . . Charles ' higgins arc contemplatng a trln'.IQelpsla some tine ; In tho' early spring flr ! : lly Under some of time famous leachers Off ! the university . The score of Br 13te'a cantata , "Con- stance , " Is fnlshee and the chorus ha begun . gun rehearsals I l ' ) " - Miss Myrtle Coon Will ! , "Ing a Bolo at Trinity cathedral this s'eng : . Triniy , . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ amLi' ! - Mr. Martin Cahn's 1)\mf I ) \ , will give a re- dial next Wednesday , .9'qmming at the \\'onman's club rooms : ' . - . , The usual Christmas musicale st Irownel hal will b6 given Thuneay evening De- ember 20. _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ Time popularity of Chiamnbtrlaln'a Cough Remedy amid the hlgb 9st 'em II which It Is held leads us to believe pattr le sn article of great worth amid merit , We have time pleas. ure of giving the experience .of three prommmi- cent citizens ot Iedondo Beach , Cal . In the use of the remedy' . ! r. A. V. Trdel says : "I have always received Irolpt 'relief when I u.e Chamberlain's Cough Itenmedy . " Mr. J&me Orchard says : "I ama satisfied that Chamberlain's Cough Hemedy cured my cold " ) Ir. .1. . I. lat her says : "I or three year I have used Cbanibenian' Cough nem- edy In my family and its results have always been satisfactory . : p : Oregon ndcey Tu curs all kidney tfO ) ' Wee Trial size % cont. . All druggists - - I * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ' * _ _ - - - _ _ . * : I DEP'T. SHOE Hayden .5 rose DEP'T. SHOE : . . - - - - - * - * * Great Xmas 5LIPPEH AND 51-IOE SALE MON- } ' MON1 . 1 ' { , 'I ' 7 i-s - I i i i r r ' . r r' i * lr,1 D 1Y. : . Over cighteen hundred pairs ' of line Xlnas . Slippers K * 0.and Shoes on sale 1 at bnt < rupt f n 'A ' great ' opportunity ' - * * to buy a useful Xmas present chea . ' ' ' ' 4 $ 1r " 1 ' _ _ _ 1 I * * 1 ' . Only DBc A'londay . . - ' 1 . : . . : ; . I 800 fne PaIrs Chenele of thc'sc Embroider- Men' Yfi W ' , : - _ _ _ _ _ _ . - .cd Slppcrs on sale Monday at j 4 . worth t'i7 - * 90c a pair. They are $ , * , Only DBc $1.50 verywhere .ft ' - * Monday - - ' ' . , , . - . . " ' Pairs l.en's Velvet _ Em- Only 680 $ Ladles' finc felt 600 .t * 1adles fn broidered Slippers at l'onday ' [ . : bead embroidered itt . .el br0dered 15c a pair Worth $1.2j. Men's $ I. 2S slippers fine hand turned Russet l'aust These fine Melton 1 'F , ' . M Slippers $195. Vorlh $2.75. Cloth . . $ fne I.2j Ovcr - . * . $ . , . 750 ' . . Monday , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . gaiters , i ' ' . , . , i ' " ' 680 Monday { . . Ladies homc comfort _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ' , .i , ' . Icitcongress $1.50 , " . " 'sl . ocs . . . . ' , Ladies' fine Dongola i i } * , . , " " ' : ' ' Button $3.50 welt 2'L . . 1- , ' : . J i , ' . . " ' ' 950 I Monday Shoes , W " ' ' " lCS Lt . . . Only $ l.DB AIonday" i $ } * } ' " , . . ' _ ; . ' , Boys fine leather _ $4.00 Leg- $2.48 Monday : : , ' 1" . , . $1.98 IVIonday A fine A' { * } . ' . " . gins fnc . 4t' t ' I . . . Xmas present for a boy. . * 6 , * : tHAYDENBROS. . , : 1. , * * ! . - . . ' ' ' , : ' ' Shoes and Xmas Slippers. ' , * " ' . . . . . . . . * ih . . * . * . * * .1' * : _ _ ' * P ' 2 $ . * * * . * * * * * * * . . . . $ * ' . * * * . $ . I * J h ' - - ; . " . ( - . . . . . , H.1"J . . . - - . . : : , . . . . sJ . ± N'a..mn . . . _ . - . . r" " , " , "le. . , . : i ' .1 . 5 i . . . 1I - . - - - - - ' _ _ _ ' _ ' . . . " " . ' . . ' . " . . . . . - . ' . , . . I . . , . . . .4. C..4 . ; .e , . . ' 'Thursdav Evening , . , " .BOYD'S TMEATRE . , . ' 11 " ' DEC. 20th. . " ' . . .Elaborate IU'oducton oC .Shcl'i an Knowlc . t. 1 immortal Tv gemly in Five Acts , , . . H , . " ' , ' . . . , , I . . , VIRGINlUS : . ' . . u , , , I .J : . , E'pGAI { OWENS . .asf : Virginils. " : t : , ' , ' Supported by lcIII ' 50 li ? rlc. " . 6 i : For the ! ; dn of I J I NebraGl ; 'dg ' U'N ioKI ! f , The T , Associaod . rites j Nebraska odg No1ofP , P , 4 , 6 I ) e Sale .of Seats Wednesday . morning U3lllL L POES [ WiL PRfVAIL , at Box Office. PROS 4 . . . . . . , , Ofice. , , . . . . . . . . , . . e . - . - . ' . & .C44 444. 4 4-- , - 4'U - , Useful Gifts. ' ' ' 'l Gifs. FUR CAPES from $ ll 98 to $ Z25 each. ' , , FUR COATS ( rom $27 to $275 each S \ " FUR hECK SCARl1S from $1.25 to $20 each ' ' I I FUR MUHS from 49c to $20 each I . " . Children's FUR SETS $1.33 and $ l,98 each Jr - . " " - - ' / CILUEN'S ' CLOAKS { from 50c to $ ZO each ' -r ' LADIES' CIAIS { from $4 $ 98 to $45 each LDIS' ' ClTH CAPES from $5 to $45 each LADIESiVRPPE11S \ from 98c to $ t2 each LADES' ' SILK { WAI'fS \ ' from $2.48 t ) $7 each ' LADIS' ' SUITS from $8 $ to $50 each LADIS' ' NAGKlN0ShlES frm $2.98 to $30 each t . LARGEST VARIETY - , . Of MIlde-lIl ! Gurmcnt Shown 11 Onnhu . . . I ' , Latest Styles. ! . / ' o"v'est Prices. " " . O.ISCOFIELD i' I CLOAKSSUI1S.FUS. ClOAKS.SUIS.fURS. PAXTON BLOCK , , - _ _ _ u _ _ _ J'E. TRJt. ' J'RA'SIV " . "Itcruls of the l.mitu IViir UOlolbereI by the C"frll ; UUVOrllHlt. WASINOTON , Dec. I5-Special.-Pen. ( ) ' Sl019 granted , issue of December 1 , were : Nebruslea : Original-Samnuoi I. . Oraham , A hlalll , i3auimdera . Addltiomial-James Jill. lhgamm . hampton , Hamilton. SupI1lcntnl- David hover York YOI'lt. Orlglnul widows etc.-SOIhla Smih , Centrl City , ? .Ierrick. . Iowa : Original-John A. ltewlrt , Indian- ola , Wurren ; David C. Spaur Dallas Mar- tori. 1encwat and increase-Samuel : ' 'ym' . i'cil. hticeviie Mitchell. Ini.'reuse-Jomnes D. rel. Ice vi McHobel . Lisimon , Linn ; Charle huh , alas John DunuII , Benlonport , Van Huren. . OrIginal widows -I.ouill Wflt , Fort Mallson , Lee : Margaret A. Tracy onthm Branch , Guthrie ; Elizabeth Ii. BUrge 1orth Inglon , Des Moines ; Achtl A \ ' 1ckers , , Monroe , Jasper : minor of Illary DUSI , hmmdependence . Buchanan. South Dakota : Origiimal-SViihiomn . 11. Whuley Dakota City , J'ennlngton ; Iar. shah V , Coil . Madison , Lake Increa o- George Iulerson. Lily , Ias' . Iteissuc- Wllum Ii , Gimlet' , Carthage 111et North Dalotu : Immerease-Josinim l'carHon , Janmestowmm . Slulsimman . Issue of December 3 were : Nchraslea , : Renewll-Jnlll H. Church 'i'iideii , I"II , son hmmcrease-I'eter Bolt . Vi Wit. Sallo : Wllul 1. I Greenlehl , St enilmm g . Jimim mm aomm . Original widows . etc.-Jieimshi M. Cmven , Ienkleman , Iuniiy. Icwa : Orlglnal-Oeone nalf . Dlwonllrl. Scot : Stowa Roberta Ilummipton . I.'mnle- In : Joseph \almer. I"alr/cll. lullton. ( , Rohrt H. ! elerlh , Trenton , Henry. Aihihi. tioflal-l'rasttms C , Hathbun , Cedar Falls . mack Hawk : J tward 'J' . I.ta. Irl.lvlew. ( Louisa , ftestgratlon-\\'esiey I. . ll'Ulll , Helnbeck , Onlnd . Orhlnal widows ott'- wldOWtj Lucy C. Stockton Leoim Dectur ; I alnuh I ox. Hock I als , Cern Oordo : Isaac : 'J'holus ( amber ) , Aduir Adair. Colorado ; Original-Timothy S. Netteton , . Den\'er , Aralmalmoe ) . Oregon Kidney Tea cures 11 kidney treu. bits. Trial size , 25 commts . All 'iruggkts . _ Boyr\s ' . ' ; ' ' ' : 11 " . , : It. I TlnEJ ' NIGhTS , ILIYI NU ' ' loozN1Ni su.nuy ! 'J , OED ' 16' _ . , . ' 4 HOYT'S " MUSICAL TBIFLIO . Ij JJ A TRIP TO CHINATOWN , " In I New Dress , with all 'tho ORIGiNAl . .1'V Tonic CAST ' including I'.1Rl Y CONOR. Time sale opens Saturday morning It usual prlceE Di \W \ n' ' HOLDAY If I U V i " ATTRACTION Tum NmUTS AND CIIS''MAS MATINEE. nc inning Monday Dec. 24. STUART ROBSON Under time dlreclol or Mr. \1. n. Hayden , 11 time following rei'ermolre ' : MONDAY . I'VIING. ' - 11B STOOl'S ' . " ; : gl { WJl : ; ? TO COQIIIiR C1IIOISPSIAS ) iA'l'INID. . "I.U.\I Yfll 1 ? . " Chrlstl11 Imt ; W"dI3"lV . Evetmiimm.m. "J I ? ; 1Jr.'JIn'I"J'.t. " Pale ol"ns fatu.'ny. ' Night I.rlel's : Fret : floor , f ammO , I m : balcol ' ( (1 ) . " 'ti 75' . Osfati- nee Iu'lces : I.'h'stoor. . reserved , l general udmisslul. 76e ; IJlcOI ' , GOo mind 7 : . . $ ' - - ' - - J0Y5 ON N rHT Thursday . , Dee 27th The Princelon UnivBrsH Glee , anjo ana Mandofin Clubs 10glhl'lllco. . H'ah ( on sale ] oe.20. : . Aimctiomm : solo ur ht l > . Oi Il'e. :2II. $ IH1'Yi1P D' ' LLY ' ' DU , U ANEW . PLAY - - - 1'lflA V fll,1 : ' of 'i'ilhilE N1Ghl'r.Nr n 11iIDAY 1)11 ) . 21 1'IIIg Nllr : I iuutt I , t I'IJU a m iVl"iA'i' / ) M A'I'l NlD I I I 'fho 1.lorlu } rl" ! I'J\lerlaU COlc < lan ' . , SULLY pAIIIEL PAN1EL , Jrst ; time II Omn it time QIA'I coo tr IC cel or Ills CUlcrr . . . . O'11oI i ! , W8s1in ton , D , G : - Im : ' 'UI' M\N.O'.WMt lOiD ) . STAHTI.ING - DI.EC'i'IIIC/mI. - EFFECTS I Hule OpelS ' 'hur.l , y mOl nlll ul I Ihl I ( nnwln" ' " luIICS' 111.1 iloci' . tOe , 70o In,1 " . ) ) : "akony , Gu alt 15c. - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ EUI : F1 IRE1 I 1'I'iJi.iIi l'IIIOWI , 1 W , J. BURIItISS , Ms"n3gor. Air , 'IWI WPI'I' : ] .Iatnco I ' 1Ol'"Y ' 2 ; : :1. : ) 'J'llllhI815. ; C.I : SIACiONJt'JIl'H ( ICDONOtUU'H , , Jolly , HIlu-fplllll I'mud ( 'orey , "THE PRODICAL FATHER " 'fhlr,1 . ) 'tar or l ' 'Fm Iuniiiuai , ( i4uc'ceas. . A I.'AI'I ( 'om.r I : 'i'hIIlFI I : l " I'I. Malnut.fnu,1s ) ' anti Hlurd IY. l3oimiimg - - - - wwk - ! ec' - . : .i , "It 1lllro:11 : Ticket . " \VnfllJS \ ' MUSIC HALL I'iii have a groat. ititractiomi fur time I Iroat cOlln Wil Itrnetol tl'J .Ix wee ka . cnnllllcln I : lii omm ml miy. 'fu v . 10 , ' ! ' _ Otl 1'ldll'l aolobratud : 't'yrimicaim ( Ultutto : wil aplJoa there , con lltln : or iilliI . OTTO i'IGliTI . . . Teunr amid Vanlmlor I 1'/11'1. ' 'luur Ild Mlt.\I.OI81OI. ! . . . . . . . . . . . . . Warhor . . 1,11)-s , ) iOIh24 hII'i'ZOfj . . , . . . . . . . . . . . .I , " MilS \OSISA 11.1.701. . . . tollrlnl :18S m.SA 1"WITJ. , . . . . . . . OOltl'/\ . . / 'J'hla Qlalott hil tmvololl \1'1 reat "ue I'I rur over two YUll1 wltl China. O.-ller In this c'otmmmtry , nl1 ! imo dOlbt mm good . m'.imiy of our 1" ldur' will bo , 11001 / ' . have 11 OJIur'lnlty 1 lmu.tr thms'so Siimgers IUllt War- ' til'SO tlnler hiluii atpaiim . l' . 1101 Ilaln. ; EVER's' trI Y IIATINEF3 < ' , . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-a I VIty HVININU . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0-\ : j