. - - - - ( o ; : . . I . - - - - - TIlE OAIIA DAILY nEE : SUNDAY , DECEMIIE1 16,1894. ! ) ! _ _ _ - - - - - - - - . TIm OMAHA .SUNDAY DE& - - - . COUNOITi 181aUF'1. ; I pFFICD , . NO. 12 I'EAUL STnEfJ1 i - h. - - - F r I _ Delivered by . . Cnle l Iny part . of the cl , . J J' n. W. TIL70N , Uuee. ' Tm.CT10NrSnu.ln S < nCl ! No. U : nlql editor , No. 2. - - - - - - - - - - - - I : -----i- . - Oran hotel , Council Dut3. reopened Ocl 1. Ma'no HOII I sllte ngncy 139 flroalway. ( ] The Oanymlo ] Wheel club will hoW a spe- cIal adjourned meeting tomorrow evening. . All member or LIly camp , Ioynl Neighbors - bor of Amerlc on social , Ire requested ] to meet at Irs. J. Y. Smllh' Monday evening , the 17th. Iy order of the oracle. At St. Ilul'l church at 4 o'cloclc this afer- non the choir 1'1 sing "Vanlate Domino" , anti , ] "Deus JIelcatur ! , " by Hlr John Gou , end ] "Hejolce Orely , " by Oalsb ) ' . William hawks . foreman of the Oaklnnd avenue paving : , wits arrested ] yesterday ] on the charge of committing on nssnlil and battery on a man named Turner anti will have a bearing Monday at 5 o'clock bororo Justice Vlen. - Vlen.n \n Information hos been fed by n. I ) . , Galowoy nli J. H. I.orlson of Sliver Creek - - township charging on 011 mnl , A. Oenn , with insanity. lie will be brought In Ion- dny for nn examination by the commissioners of insanity. The proposed debate between Rev. T. ; Wiliams ot this city and Hev. C. W. Savllge ; of Omaha wi not cOle oil os announeel ) , n9 Mr. Sn\go ( ) has refused , stating that lIe has learned that when a lan signs articles for a 115019slon he makes a mlstalle. The Concordia Loan anti Trust company had nn Injunction issued from the superior court yesterday restraining W. W. - IIeIdler & Co. and rslo Harris tram removing any or the property away from 101 West Broadway - way unl the rent and damages to the property - erty had , been pal" The Ancient Order ot Samaria Is thc latest alllton to the secret orders with henc- , Iclary features. I claims origin In Englali In 1G9G , but Is new here and local councils are being organlzell In Council Bluffs and Omaha. Its ritual Is based on the biblical account of the Samaritan woman. 'Ve ore asked , tvcry few days whether we wrIte fire InsUrance. Of course we do . and In the strongest companies In the world. We will not have any but the best In our omce. Lugee & Towle 235 Pearl street. U'hnt "un" Is Dnl" . Just what ho has been doing right along , I selling dry goods at pries that can't be met by competitors. holiday goods now dlvde ! the honors with all other bargains , and you get more for a dime or a dollar than you ever you dreamed : of before. How docs this strike Story books , lc. Games , 5c. Silver plated tablespoons 9c. Silver Plated teaspoons , 7c. Klr body dolls , bisque heads , 18c Dressed dolls , , 35c. Celulold frames 10c. Celulold Christmas cards , 15c. Hair ornaments , 19c. Table covers , smoking sets. games , mlr- I 1ows , frames , vases , glove boxes hOllker- I chIefs , mumers , gloves , sik mitts . shawls , ; cloaks , lodles' hats-oi suitable for Xmas 'P , presents to friends or self , and all at less a than you can buy them at wholesale. .1 . , - VAVRA'S NEW Dny OOODS STORE , 12 Droadway. Remember the BrowJes' entertainment at - , Dohany's Thursday Decmber 27 , for the - I benefit of the Christian home. , ' I'EIldONAL . J'.IIIJUICdI'JIS. Mrs. E. H. Hart hu returned from a i visit to ChIcago. - Mrs. Shleler an.1 family of. Lake City , Ia. , - are the guests of J. H. Clark and family . on . Sixth street. . . . . Mrs. E. Austin of Neola William Conton ' f of York , Neb. , and Mrs. Naomi Morse of . : . Richardson. Springtleid , 1. , ae. guet of Mrs. W. 1 Rev H. N. Allen , father of Rev E. W. 1 _ : Allen of this city , has resigned his charge at .f Elmwood Neb. , and will move to Council . Bluffs. During the wInter be will engage In evangelical work. Extraordinary Offer. Oter. , . , For a short time. we offer choice of our - . entire stock of exclusive styles or fine dress patterns and " French robes at exactly bal , ; _ prl e. . . Choice or our stock , of French challis , all wool goods . at lOc 0 yard These gees are very desirable for wrappers and well worth bOo a yard. , . BOSTON STORE . FOWLER , DICK & WALKER . , Council Duas , ' 10. Dig reduction In black dress goods. c Gas cocklas stoves for rent and for sale at Gas Co.'s omco. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Domestic soap outlasts cheap soap. . Tried to Wreck . - Train. Several attempts to wreck traIns on the - . Milwaukee road at Unterwood have resulted In arousIng the dander of the patrons or that road 'to quite an extent. As regularly as the night rolled around some one would pie up cordwood on the track and then walt for I grand smash-up to occur. But the last ' : part of' the program was always prevented I. by the timely discovery Friday night a . - ' watchman who lied been stationed at the 1 tool house saw some men engaged In piling obstructions on the track , but Ihavlng a . wholesome regard for the wel being of his I own cuticle , he let them complete the work - before going out to take a hondo The flyer ; , was duo In abut twenty minutes. le removed - ¶ I moved < 1 the obstruction and then gave chase , to the felows , whom lIe claims he had not . , e lost sight of. 'Vbon be caught the fellows ' 4 they turned out to be John and Henry , Damiz , aged , 13 and 17 , sons of a German : ' farmer living near Underwood. le took , them before a justice of the peace , who r- . bound them over to the grand jury. They - " , were released on bonds of $600 each. I Is . " claimed they unIt wltted . . , . , are only hll wIted. : . II' \ly In Illv'r . One Dr the most taking features connected - , ' with last week's poultry shoW was the feral , , exhibit of J , n. McPherson , the florist. The two east wIndows In the leebe building were . fled with plants of all kinds , arranged with , such Ionsumate ski as to atract the attention - . ton ot everyone who passed One window contained a majestic rooster of yellow and . I' white chrysanthemums , bearing on his back . a little lady who announced that she was going to the poultry show and the other a large here shoe of roses , carnations , and smilax interwoven Each ball for I foreground - ground al array of ferns , palms , foliage plants dwarf oranges and other tropical and . . " , domestic feral beaptes , and th' whole dll- play was marked by geol taste and a regard I for the artistic that pleased the eye of the critical observer. . A special discount gIven on all holiday . - gods tQ church or school enterttnmejts at the Boston Store. , , FOWLER , DICK & WALKER , - . Council Bluffs , Ia. ; Hherhhl Cn"l. ' ' This now coal from Wyoming for sale C . only by Ii. A. Cox , 37 Main street Telephone 48. Ask for circulars . t ; Jllrrl&11 1.loonlo k ' The following marrIage 1censes ! were II- sued by the ounty clerk yesterday : Name and Addrebs Age. Andrew I' . i'eterson. Council Bluffs . . . . 2 , Johanna Sorensen . Council Btf . . . . . . t9 James Brawley . Omaha . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 r ) , } Ihubelh Jennedy Omaha . . . . . . . . . . 18 - Henry H. Hunks Freeport , Ill . . . . . . . . 2 ' Edith Cormun , I"reeport " , ill . . . . . . . . 20 holiday ltites. , . ' 101d" ! lle. , . The Rock Island wii sell round wil lel trip tickets - etl to statons within 200 mIles st excursion . rate Deeemler 22d to 25tb , and on December 31 and January 1. . "o for return to and Including - . . , eludIng January 2d. I . . Sterling slIver tablespoons and fork. . 'Oc ! ' ' oer ounce . at 'V Iman's. ' . . . Selected . hard wood for beating 8toveu. , . . , n. A. cox , 37 - Main Itreet. 'tel ( ) ' ? Tbo laundries use bomelie aDp. . ' ' ; Ileadquarterstor tOYI at Crockweli's. , NEWS ' FROM COUNCIL BLUFFS - , Mts , Stecge Proposes t J ve Harry Ptmcr } Boy for Her Own , FATHER AR ESTD fOR KIDNAPING - Mother Dave the Chili Away but the rather Wanted the Utlo l'clo" Rnll Coaxed 11m Away from 111 Adopted I'"rcnts. - As a result of a little misunderstanding between Mrs. Emma ' Steego of this city and . ] Harry L. Palmer' Des Moines the Inter Is nol speeding hIs way from Des Moines to Council Bluffs to answer to the charge Dr ; enticing his son to leave : a couple wIth whom ; the lOll was lIvIng to follow hIs father's fortunes - . I ; tunes , Palmer was formerly In the theatrical bus- I incas In Omaha , but lately.has had charge of 'I ' , a museul In East Des Moines . lie had ' some : trouble with lila wire and they sepa- rated Mra. Pllner found It Impossible to keep their little boy and allowed ] him to be adopted by Rev. Theodore Steege , pastor ot the German Lutheran church on Seventh avenue - nue , near Sixth street. No divorce had ever been granted eIther Palmer or his wife , but alto thought that 10 long a ! thisy hall sepa- rated her signature to the articles of adoption was all that was necessary . and theY were male out aceordlngly. ) ' One tIny In the latter part of Inst October I Palmer came here and hall an IntervIew with Mr. and Mrs. Steege < at their residence , G27 Seventh avenue. lie toll them that they had no lalm on the child , and he proposed to. tnllo It away with him But Mrs. Stooge had become attached to the brIght little fellow anl toll l'aimer In effect , that right or no right , she 11roposed to keep the lall. Palmer left , but managed to Induce the child to leave his new home and go with him Where he went was only a mater Dr conjecture , but last Friday Mrs. Steego learned that he was In Des Moines and took steps to get hIm. She med on information charging Palmer with h kllnnplng , anel a telegram to the au- thorites at Des Moines brought about his hnmClnate arrest Chief Scanlan left for the Capital City yesterday morning and Is expected - pected to reach home today WIth his prisoner. DEN : ISOS JUl08 . Great Hol"I'y Bargains. CLOAKS AT COST. CLOAKS HALF PRICE. Monday the ' biggest bargain day ot' all. Come early. , Children's $3,00 , $4.00 and $5.00 heavy win- ( er jackets , age 4 , G ar.-S years , only Monday - day , $1.25 each. Misses' $10.00 Jackets at $5.95 eaeh. Our entire stock of ladles' jackets at $3.98 , $5.00. $ G.IO. $7.50. $9.00. $10.00 and $12.50 that formerly sold at $7.50 to $20.00. $2.10 Misses' $5.00 jackets , age 12 to 18 years , $3,33 each. Ladles' $20.00 and $25.00 seal plush cloaks , In small sles , Monday $5.00 each. Ladles' navy blue $5.00 and' $6.00 trIple I I cap macldntoshes , Monday , $3,98 each. ; Ladles' double tecture $7.50 and $10.0 mackintoshea . Monday , $5.50 and $6.98 each , In navy . ali black DOLLS ! DOLLS ! DOLLS ! Closing out our entire stock or dolls at less than half prIce. 100 kId body and dressed dolls , that were 35e. SOc and 69c. go Monday ot 25c each. All our finest kid body dolls , worth SOc and The , go Monday at 39c each , Children's $4.00 white Angora fur sets , $2.49 set. Children's $2.00 lynx fur sets 9Sc set Terrific sacrifIce or ladles' fine fur muffs and boas. murs Finest quality of beaver , ' mink marten and Persian fur murs , Monday , $6.98 each ; were $10.00 and ' $12.0 Beaver , mink , stone and brown marten , animal head , fur neck scarf , Monday , choice ' $4.98 " . each. , , , . Mondly , " , _ DnESS OOODS AND SILKS. All our 75c and $1.00 32-lnch figired drapery - fgred cry silks , Monday 39c yard. More tha'n a thousand yards of 24-lnch plaIn China. siks , ever color , worth 500 mind 65c , Mcnday , 29c yard. . DEN ISON .DROS. , Council Bluffs. IN 80CIET ' 8 8WIULlSG WIIRL Trolley ParleA and Other } venti that have Afforded D1vrtlsmont' The "trony party , " which Is provIng so popular a means of entertainment In eastern cites , was given. Its first trIal by the socIety world of Council Bluffs lat Tijuraday even- Ing. Mr. and Mrs. I. M. "rernor and Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Dmmock have the honor of Introducing the fad locally , and the suc- cess with which , they did so seems to IndIcate - dIcate that It wi become a popular one In Council Bluffs. A special motor train , which had been tastefully fled up for the occasion , waR boarded at the corner of Broadway - way and Sixth street , and a trIp was taken to . Druid 11111 . In northwest Omaha. The motor was the "Goliah" ot tim Omaha. & counci Bluffs Bridge company , and / speed of twenty-fIve miles In hour was maintained throughout a good portion of the ride. Returning , the party went around the PIerce street loup and finally landed at the start- Ing place. The remainder of the evening's festvlt s took place at the Teynor resl- denco on First avenue. An Informal musicale - ale , In which quite a number of the guests partclpatcd. with dancIng and other amuse- ments mOle the evening 0 very enjoyable one Dainty refreshments were served. The folowIng were among the guessf ! Messrs. and Mesdames D. M. Sargent and A. W. Relkman , Mrs. McKune , Misses Fapnle Reynolds - nolds , Grace 0bore , Nellie Zurmuehlen , Bartlett , .Jtnnie Keatng , Angola WIckham , Elsie Butts . - Elott or Chicago , Jeanette Gardiner of Lyons Pate Woodward of chicagO , ali Maud Morrison of Fort Madison ; Messrs. J. L. Paxton , Ii. A. Woofibury , G. H. Mayne , T. C. Dawson , Edward Everett , C. II. Ogden , 'W. L. Thlckstun , Harvey Smith , Zurmuehlen , jr , E. A. Wlcltham , and II. L. Janney. Mrs. Jphn G. Carlisle entertained a large party of lady friends Friday afternoon at a reception at , her home on South Eighth street. Mrs. Carlsle received . assisted by Mrs. Bartlett . In whose honor the entertainment - meat was given. The rooms were handsomely - somely decorated An orchestra from Fort Omaha discoursed very sweet music from a bower of palms and terns In the conserva- tory. Time dining room was decorated In white and green. Mrs. D. 'V. Bushnel pre- , shIell ( over the Ice cream and Mrs. E. W. Hart poured coffee , while Miss Mole lee looked after time wants or the guests gener- ally. aly. aly.Mrs. . C. lit. han gave a enslngton party Friday afternoon at her home on Oakland avenue The ladles brought their sewing and a pleasant afternoon was spent a de IghtuI tea rou'dlng ol time pleasures of the day Mrs. J.V. . Chapman gave another of the series of receptions In honor of Mrs. J. D. Edmundson Wednesday afternoon at her home , corer of First avenue and Sixth street. An audience of fully 400 people assembled lt the First PresbyterIan church last 1.'rllay night to witness the perpetration at a nov ely In the shape of a church social In which the ladies were Dusted from their tme-hon- ored Illace al entertainers and compelled to sit by and merely bo entertained. All the kindly little offices. such aIrepnrlng \ lunch , walhln , dishes and the like , were performed by time men , The decorations bore the un- mistakable impress of masculne fingers , An amusing program was rendered. Seven men , whose height ranged from five feet to six , gave a concrted declamation , somewhat on Chic style of "children's Ilay" exercIses , big letters on the breast of each spelling out the word "wolcome. " The "Festivai ot Days , " the libretto of which was manufactured by C. H. Judson , was gh'en by Messrs. Charles ltch , Ed Parsons . Ed Fitcim . C. H. Judson , W. S. lgdon and W. I' Ofcer , the C- tunics being rather spectacular In style and the pcformance ludicrous In the extreme. The entertainment was a financial success , about $60 beIng \lourC \ into the church per fund a a result Miss Orahl entertained delightfully a company - pany of frIends at her home on Mrnstr street Thursday evening In honor of the Mandolin cub of Omaha Amen , those preset - et were Menrs. O. AndreB. CJaude Btoek- b&n , Wi $ StrkY , VIncent Cucent. Wrl&ht and TInley Combs of Omnlm. and Misses Claulen. Pie , Coler , Lena Clausen . Caldwel and hanson . &ld laaon. Muter I. B . Rohrer entertained about , - - twenty of his boy friends Thursday evenIng at hIs home on Vine street. The evening was spent In games . and refreshments were served. Mrs. Frank PURey entertAined I large party of her lady friends yesterday afternoon at her home on Third treet. The decorations Were elaborate and tasteful and an enjoYAble time was Iad In spite of the disagreeable weAther outside. Tomorrow evening one of the most noteworthy - worthy attractions of the season wi be at Dohany's theater , "Iii Old Kentucky. " Aside from Its value aR a mirror of life as I atu' ally Is In Kentucky , the piece Is full of novel and hIghly entertaining dramatic situations. The plckaulnny band has made obI ; hit everywhere , and the race between hal a dozen Kentucky thoroughbreds Is the very zenith ot stage realism. Next Tuesday evening after their regular driil , the Dodge Light Guards wilt enter- tain their friends at an Informal dancing ] pnrty. Only those who hold printed ] invitations - tons to the parties that have been given by this .orgammlzation this wInter all who have since received verbal Invitations will be ad- Invitatons wi mittefi . On the 27th the guards wi have another of their select parties , to which Invl- tatlonR have been Issued. Prof. E. H. Eastman and Miss Iabermans entertained their Sunday school classes Frl- lay evening at time reslden or Mrs. Deb- blngton on Parlt avenue. The large residence was thrown open for the guests and nil en- 'joyel1 themselves to their heort's content. Games and ] other amusements were Illul/ed In during the evenIng , and at 10 o'clock de- lcious refreshments were served. Those who were invited were : Misses Colelou/h , Ouren , rledler I , I foliand . Messmnore Boesche flails- back Jelerles , Kirkland , Mcintyre . Walker , Wrlht , Stevens Mayne , Tate and Georgia 1 nebblnglon ; Messrs. IiV. . Sawyer Bern I I Sawyer Gross , lirugger ARkin , Squire , Hnverstock , Morelmo'use , Gould Edwards , Parsons , Snchman , 'V. Sawyer , Empkle , Josselyn and Dyer BOOK lEi'ARTMENT . . 110ston Store. hero are the prices , they speak for . them- selves : 1,000 12 mnos 19c books , our price le each. A line of copyright 12 mos by the rol- lowing authors : Mrs. Southworth , Frances Dernet , Elza Dupuy , Lee Hentz ali Mrs. Stephens books that have never been pub- lshed . for less than $1.50 ; our prIce 25e. eaeh.Uurt's Uurt's Here Library , the finest edition of 12 mos. on the market , our price SOc each. Dora lustrot d books lIe each. Zig Zag Journeys and Vassar Girls , 50c. each - eoeh.Padded Padded Seal Poets , 98c each , fled Line Poets , SOc each Mary J. Holmes' works. 75c. Augusta J. Evans Wilson's works , $1.25 ; each . . Den Hur , 98c. - Prince of IndIa (2 ( vol. , ) $1.98 set. Marcela , $1.50 each. - 50 per cent saved by buying chmiidremm'm , books at the Boston Store. ' ; I FOWLER - , DICK & ' WALKER . , Counci Bluffs : : : 'Vants to Make hollers. f 1 James Alngham of Minneapolis was In time ; , city yesterday and held an Interview with 4 number ot the leading business men of th : city at the Grand hotel for the purposeor making some arrangements for the formatU of a stock company to manufncutre boilers ! I Council Bluffs. Among the citizens who werp present were : Prof. H. W. . Sawyer. Alder . men F. O. Oeason , U. H. White . C. .H. Nlch- olson and D. ' Grahl , and T. J. Evans , F. J. Day W. C. Dickey and George R. Wheeler. These gentemen were present by invitation of the secretary of the Merchants and Malll- factuer" association , FronW .Trlmble , whb started the meeting by moving that T. 4. Evans be appointed ehalrman pro tem. This motion was carried and Mr. Evans took the chair. I Mr. Alnghom laid hIs scheme before t ; 'e' meeting , which was to organize a stock con - pany which should engage In the manufactuo of a boiler whIch he had Invented , and whlc , , he claimed , was In general use In all parts , ot the country. All he wanted was stock 0 the amount of $3,000 to set the business 1 its ! , and he would take two-fifths of t e entire stock as hs ! share of the proflts. _ I e shid there was a profit . of 100' percent In' t , for those who subscribed . He had chos n Council Duls'beuse of Its superIor ralJro d facilities and"lls'eorness t6 t all pottions f the field which iL-was . Intendd' to suppl . After he had laid . the matter open for time I - spcton ot the meeting I committee was a I- ' pointed 'to look Into his claims. I canals s at Messrs. Gleason . Day and Kimball. A- other meeting will be held next Saturday t 2 o'clock to bear the report of the commlt r. Tremendous Drop II the Prics of Coat. . Commencing Saturday , December 15 , , re wi sell ladles' garments at prices nevcr b - - fore known In the history of Council Bluffs oat trade. To begin the agony WI stah with a line of ladies' Newmarkets worth from $12.00 to $7.0. also a line ' or ladles' Jackets worth from $5.00 to $10,00 , all In one lot at 95c eaeh. Only one to a customer. ' Lot 2 comprises I line or black , navy anti tan ladles' jackets full length and large sleeves , worth Irom $12.00 to $19.00 , to go now at $3.G9 ench. Lot 3 Is an assortment of capes and jackets ; the capes ' are fur trimmed , extra length , and worth $25.00 ; the jackets are made from time , beat . clay worsted ! . lined tlrOlloUt wln un elegn satin : tie 010 price was $22.0 but they have droppe\ to $6.89. . \ At $7.75 we show a beautiful chinchilla jacket latest style a very nobby garment and sold early In the season at 19,00 25 plush garments that would $9.00 : In 'en- : sonable weather from $25.00 to $40.00 , to go at the mid wedther prIce of $12.00 each $2.00 All guaranteed Walker & Sealete plushmes These five Items only give you a smal k I a as to the prIces we have mode on costs Cal and see other bargains throughout he tock. These bargains are only to be found at the ' _ BOSTON STORE. I FOWLER , DICK & WALKER . pounel Bluffs , Ia. Sterlhil buyer . I The celebrated , Gorhom ManufactUring company goads at reduced pdoe 'T a- spoons at $3.50 per set All other . gdoda In the same proportion. En'gaylnfree. . C. 13. JACQUEMIN & CO , 2 ' Mdin-'St. " . Crock wel bns time lineaL novelties niutQ , , l'erslstod In Testifying , , . ' ' Tom Carter was given a trIal In the dis- trlct court yesterday on time eju1rge of rob- bing 1 canning foctory. lie had a falling out wIth his attorney , Colonel Dailey . over the question or whether ho should plead guilty or hot Daley advised 11m tl do 80 , but Carter had thougl up a story which he was very anxIou to tel the jury The disagreement - ment was so'vlolent that Carter at last asked Judge Smith to appoint 11m another attorney . torney . Daley was alowed to stand as his torey , however. Thirty minutes of cross- examination splintered Mr. Carter's story , ho\vever. \ The case went to tIme Jury during the afternoon , and about 10 o'cloek last even- Ing a verdict or guilty was returned. The Jury In the case of the state against Burton , who robbed the residence or Mr8. 1 11. Baird and , Mr. Langmade , returned a verdict ot guiity . I Time Brownies Are ComhlJ' I One or time most unique and original enler- talnments of the season will be. the appear- ance of the Brownies at Dohany's on December - comber 27 , for the benefit or tie Christan Home. There are over 130 children In the home and nearly all ot them will take part In addition to thele features the Cox famiy , the famous musical celebrities . will help fill out the program. The rad-and all fads are popular--of the day Is the razor-toed shoe for ladl s. Thy will be still more popular when the ladles know that Dyers Is giving away the finest $5,00 shoe for $3.50 , The Encyclopedia Dictionary anti all art folios . DrowDle books etc. , bound lt More- house & Co.'s. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Uueer l'eoll. Bound at Morehouse & Co. . 65 cents per volume only. _ _ _ _ _ _ See Crock wel for the mot beautiful and dainty Christmas novelties made thIs year Domestic soap breaks bard water. Clalmi Ho Was liruggad. P. A. Stabl , from the wilds of Nebraika . visited Council Bluffs Friday evening and proceeded to the notorious house at 13 , Pierc street. le bought a bottle of beer and then another . After awhile he found Ilmsel Inl out In the yard , with lila overcoat goime , his chain dangling frol his vest without an ) watch attached , and his purse , whch : had contained about $6 Jqpsh , among the miss- ing. He alleges Lurat ho was 11rugged. LUle Mills , Nellle-pte and Bertha An- deson were Neletfte larceny from the person and their 'm-na1 l companions , Horace Durnabee and John Lindsey , with being Inmates - mates of a house ot fame. ChrI8t iii lnods Delaven has a fmarkallr , large ali tile- gant display of XmAs ali holiday goolls. You see the beautiful \ articles In l hlJ show bculartcles windows , and , oh , my I how cheat "Is sell- lag them , almost gIvIng u. ! , them away. Dourlclus' music haute , bas few expenses ; high grade plans Fare sold reasonably 1G Stutsman street ' , I Only beautIful Pfc's nts at Crockwehi's. 20 per cent disccintjon all trimmed hats at Mrs. Itngdalo'ai : , I.onnunc""lun , In Trouble . The stotement published In time telegraphic dispatches lurIng the last few days of time troublt that has befallen the Union Building and SavIngs association of Des Moines [ has awakened not a little Interest In Council Duls , from the fact thnt the association hns a branch In this city. One of the stock- holders In Burlngton has made application to the district court of Polk county for the oppolntment of 0 receiver to wind up the af- fairs of the concern , and the case Is to have a hearlnl next Tuesdny. The petitioner has become dissatisfied wih the way the ossoeln- tion's affairs were managed. J. J. Steodmon of this city , a stockholder In the company , has gone to Des Molneh asa a representative o the Council muts branch for the purpose of learing anything that may be of Interest to the numbers of the local branch , lie will probably stay there until the hearing on Tuesdoy. tn the meantime the president Dr the local banch has cal ! a meeting for this afternoon at 2:30 : o'cloek at time old Knights I of Pythlas hell , over 193 Pearl street , for the purpose of taking such action as lay be necessary to protlct the Interests - terests Dr the brnncim All members are requested - quested to be present. Secretary W. s. Hehlnoml of the association , whose headquar- ters are at Des Moilies , has written J. W. Del of thlR city a letter In which he states that the affairs of the assocIation are In good shape , as wi appear train the investigation. lie ascribes the octon of the BurlIngton stockholder to a conspiracy on the pnrt ot other , stocklmolders. - - - Ground oil cake $1.30 hlmd al Morgan & Co.s drug store , 134 Droadway. Eagle laundry , 724. Broadway , for good work. Tel. 157. DavIs se1s ! drugs , paInts and glass eh np. Typewriter . supplies - - at Findiey's 337 D'd'y. James & O'Keefe , , real I estate and i.a'.zeance. . - Elks Special Sculon. Mr. Daniel Sully a.nd. his company will be In Omaha tomorrow , taking . I ( lay'S lay-or on account or recent changing his route. When Mr. Sully's time Is not wholly engrossed - grossed with professional business his thoughts naturally tUrn toward the Elks , at which order hc II a prominent anti honored member and has beAn for many years. SeDan Don says to himself , says he : " 1 don't mind Ir we give the OmAha Elks a line time Monday evenIng " The mater was quickly arranged. A notable social sessIon will therefore talt place at the Elks' lodge roms , 132 Farnam street , tomorrow ( Mo- day ) evening at 10:3 : o't < ck. Brother Sully ali all the gentel a pf his company have already Iccepted Invlfnlons to 'be present. The members of N Trip To Chinatown corn- pony , playing at Do } ' 's , and the Prodigal Father company , . 'plmtying at the Empire will also be invited.The : Elks who desire tickets for theIr trends cnn procure them tcketl Monday ot Frank , . Kimball . . Merchants " hotel , or C. S. Pltel . American Express "ofee , 130 Farnam"t I ' NT ihr ' ' 1' ) Army. . WASHINGTON , Dec. 15.-Specinl ( Tele- gram.-The ) levetIr1ubseace granted Cap- tain Thoml , C. .q'l\bury. ' \ Sixteenth In- ( entry , Department'pr ; "the , Coiorndo , js extended - tended one monthao I . TI\o following trf.tOrs In th - Ninth infantry - fantry are orderentCptaln Alfred Morton , from company I to .eompany C : Captain William 1. . , . Carenter . " ' ! roln Company C to Comnpany.I " . , , . .am l"j " , , . " " " . Leave ot abs1mqc Foten days Is granted Fleet . Lteutenailt'lWlS ) D. Ureen ; Seventh infantry . acting nlslstant luartfrmaster : The following trlrsrer In the SIxth cavalry - airy are made : First Ueutenant George H. Snds. from trop I. to troop F : First Lieu- tenalt lrhoml H. Slavens , . from . trool ) F _ . . . ' . - - , , to trop L. . . : i 1 FIrst Lieutenant George H. Sands ; Sixth cavalry , Is relIeved from duty at the United States military prison , Fort Leavenworth , Kan. , and wi Join his troop. I . _ - . - Saengerbumiit's Second AnnIversary. On the occasion of the second annIversary of its Institution the Omaha SaenKerbund proposes to present quite an elaborate program - gram toduy. The Saengerbund orchestra comnpose of well known and favorite musicians - clans , will open the festivity with an over- ture. A welcome by the choIr will jollow thIs and an address by the president at the soclet Mr. Jacob Sauerwein , u noted local musician , Is slated for violin solaR by Rail \VlnlnrosltY. . The succeeding num- Raf Is a duet 'by Miss I.leberknecht und Mr. Peter Ialser. Storch's "Nachtzauber" Is thereupon to be given by the Saenger- . bund. alI the program Is to . ace its close bunl. In the "Hnuptprobe " a play with song In one act for which extensive 11'eparatons have been made. g- ' . Careless lIttle Shmootlng. I Time 14-year-old son of Ed Wittig , was The'yea1oll 'Wltg accidentally slot in- the leg whie playing nea r hIs father's barn . 83 South 'rwenty- first street. FrIday aftem-noon . just after hav- frst returned from Echool. The bullet en- t rell about live Inches below the knee and rallged upward. but the physicians ( ailed Ulwanl. to locate it. I Is not , known who fired the shot , but I apparently . come from the west. , Jml10rlnnt Contract frol Ju la. . BEThLEhEM , Pa , Dee 15.-An Im- port contract was awarded to the Dethlehem Iron company today by the Russian bovern- ment. I calls for 12.000 tons of armor plate , the whole contract for Russia's two new battle shIps. - batte . TJfIE(211.l ; I'JIIo 1IItul".S. . , ' . _ , - , ; ' 1" - John T.orml I wel known historian or Stamford , Conu . dlell yesterllay. Ed liouglmton the artist , of 'rom-ommto , who shot himsel Friday , lied yesterday. - Mnl. Sarah Agnes luveme 'er , widow or un ex.mmiyor at New York died yesterday . peaulter $ eeiy' $ honrs , In New Yorlt were fxed pefauler $25,0. lIe li lodged In I.udlow street jail . A rumor gained currency that the mayor of . Kansas City hud been simot I was en- trely false. James litirns wnntell In Denver for hurg- levy and highway robbery , has been arrested In Junsal City. A premature explosion of a blast at IAUls- yule yesterday killed one man uld danger- 0181y wounded two , , William Taylor 11/1 / been sentenced tl he hanged mit. Rehmolll , JY'l January 11. for' the murder of 'SuUII-e Dad Doty. Adjutant General Joslnh Porter of the New York National guards Is dead. lie had In apoplectic lU-lke a few days ago Time dernlcton : a Cushier McJeans of the Indian head NJUonat bank or New hampshIre prm lEe : U amount to $10,0. hus . thm Savannah Judge Fish : prlerell the AmerlcuB & MontlopHY roall sold on I eb- ruury 2 next , Ixlq tpe minimum price at $ ,6.0. . - The 1 Jnch liner IA C'imammmpngne tonIc out of New York ) 'est.eIIIY $ .r8 [ ) . wih one cxceptloim'thie 1argtJt amount ever sent 01 excepton one ship . J 1 Albert Forbes or Indianapolis , Tad. . when sentenced to the workhnu8e confessed to forgery saying h1P lhl riher 10 to the penitentar than , /workholse. . Hlrry J. Shmollman . _ formerly managing editor of 'fexas S\WpgS \ , founder of the ] ndianaimolimi J'eopr all afterwards one or the vubllsimers \ or Wit arId Wisdom , Is dead . Oliver P. Jewel ha been found guilty of murder In the first degree pt Quthrle , Okl. , ror the killing of James Maginnis near Woodward last month , and sentenced to death. Henry M. Jomeroy , aged 70. a personal friend of Lincoln companion at Grant amI acquaintance Arthur , , dlel $ at hmmd'anapolls. arqunntlnee lie waR formerly part owner of the fit Louis Globe-Democrut , but died I pauper Kasmer homer , a German , aged 49. lost his temper and /llllded his wife to death with I 1Ieeo 0 / furniture . lie then sat table wltlm an ' book down at I wih open Ilrl'er In front of , him and hot himself ' through the lmead At PeorIa the dirctors of the Whisky trust , before adjourning , Issueti a circular time contents or whIch they would not dl- vulle , J was admitted . hmowever that It touched on relanl&uton. I was ILo tie- clded to purchase several new distIlleries . MORE BRIBERY UNEARTHED Oaptin Oreedon anti Policeman Tome Make Oonfo sions MANY P,10MINENT P.RSONS IMPLICATED - Crecdon Drtnls Hole Wal Compelled to l'nr lfi,000 to Obtain his Commls- . II lomm nA CaptaIn-timid to U"hl n COII.eUtor'l lilmi. - NEW YORK , Dee 15.-Captaln Creedon's confession was time biggest sensation brought forth by the Lexow eommttee ! . In itself the captain's statement was merely I confirmation - frmaton of testImony elicited before the committee the previous day , but the startling facts , essentially Interwoven wih this sen- satonal exposure , atached the taint of ltS- honor and corruption upon len who have held some of the most responsible offices In the gift of the . gi conmmmiimlty But public censure Is not heaped on Creedon's heod. lie Is a warscarred'eteran whoso record for thirty years wih honor ali distinction . Ito Is A warcnrred veteran whose record shows that In twenty-threo engagements or the civil war he risked his life for his coun- try. Time eaptaln's fault Is forgotten by the popular mlud In sym\thy for his present trying 10siton and respect for his past rec- ord. Time day was replete wih exciting and lramnatio Incidents In dramotc consequence of the I Lexow committee proceedings , throughout the ofclol channels that bear relation to the public departments Involved relaton In- vestigatlon . Commissioner Sheehnn , when , told of Creedon's statement , asked : " .Who got the money ? " ' When told this poInt had not been fmmlly Ieveloped , he said : "That's what' they want to find out. I they keep up their lnvestiga- ! Investga- ton long enough , I guess they will . " CREEDON CONFESSES ALL. The scenes In and around the meeting room of the commltre In the old Tweed court house were Intensely dramatc ammd 1 sensational. Jen were moved hy passions and emotions they hall never felt before The court room was fled with representative representatve citizens who were desirous or hearing the testimony. The captain hod sold emi the wit- ness stand that he had paid no money for his captnlncy. . But alter Captain Schmltberger hs , who , Is under Indictment , refused by advice ot his counsel to answer a question , Creedon was , allowed on opportunity to tel the truthm lie told It. He had been reared In that part of Ireland where the role of an Informer - former was deemed the most despicable ot human eharacters ; he had preferred to sacrI- flee himself rather thnn implicate those whom he said were his friends , but he had thought the mater over during the night and decided to tel all he know The wit- Iess splte slowly with downcast eyes. He w s moved by conflicting emotions and the sympathies of his auditors went out to the whie-haired vei ran. In a straightforward , though shame-faced manner , he told how ho had risen from the position of patrolman to a sergeant. How at last a captaincy was offered him for money. The expenses of educating his eight chidren had been very heavy and he wonted the position of eapCaln with its increased emoluments. But be had submitted the matter to his frIends. They raised the money The amount necessary to secure the appoIntment was $15.000 , because Sergeant Wigand had offered $12,000. His frIends , Barney Rourke and John Ieppenhagen , secured the money ostensibly on , his notes. lie had paid the money to ex-Assemblyman John J. Martin . I was his understandIng that the funds went to Police CommIssIoner Voorimia now police justice. The conclusion of Captain Creedon's testimony - tmony was followed by an Impressive pause . Then Mr. Gal apologized for puse. captain the unpleasantness he had experi- enced Tears suffused Creedon's eyes. 1 sympathetic tremor , ran through. the audi- ence. , . . : . , COPLIMENTED DY GOFF. J - "And , " continued ! r. Gaff , "It 15' the unanimous opinion of this committee that In , view of the splendid services yoU have re4. dered to your country and to the communl - , the publc Interests will not be subserved 1y dtsturblng you In your position as police ca _ taln. " 'I . . Then there was a burst or applause su h as no man could stop. Captain Creed n arose. i He looked straight ahead Tea s fled hh eyes , and his race twitched wI h emotion. Then each member of the co - mitten amid Counsels Goff , Jerome and Mo s shook his hand warmly. There ' was anoth r burst of applause , and Captain Creed n w4lked from the court room cryIng. Me . trembling with pentup feelings , grasped h s hand In sympathy. _ Then J. H. W. Reppenhagen testified th time he handle the money. lie was given t e money . and In turn he handed gven . 0 to' "Honest" John Martin for the $0.0 f Commissioner Voorhis lie kept the remaitm- ! lag $5,000 for himself. lIe was the go- between , 'Reppenhagen swore Voorhi led I hd said be did not get the money. Mr. Gel said ho had subpoenaed Martin , but word had core that that Individual was suffering with naralysla ' . : I ' It ; : vas durIng the afternoon session that Mr. Golf first learned of Captain Creedoq'a suapeimsion The committee became excltqd. . "Subpoena : all time commissioners , " yele Senator Bradley . . I The ' subpoenas were issued , 'I looks as though the men who tel the truth .are to be suspended by the police board , " sold Senator O'Connor. I "it Is abomimmable " was Senator Lexow's verdict . . , I AGREED TO REINSTATE \ iIM. Everyone spoke at once. Indignation pre- ' vaiied. 'The subpoena otcers soon performed their work , and Commissioner Martin assume - sume the witness stand. He had not known that the committee was desirous of retaining Captain Creedon. or he would have ; done otherwise. . He hind voted for Creedon's 1 suspension , upon the recommendation of Superintendent Jlyrncs. Martin saId he was ' desirous of working In harmony with the commitee In purifying the police depart- ment. lie promised to do all In lila' power to restore Creedon. Then there was more applause , which was increased by the appearance of Superintendent Dyres. He said Creedon'mm case was different - ent from thot.of. . . other accused police cap- tains. When Creedon was appointed he swore that ho had haiti no money to secure the appointment. Time superintendent had recommendell the suspension because of Creedon's perjury , anti because Crcdon had acknowledged his guilt before the committee But ! r. Byrnes also promised to do al In his power to obtain Creedon's restoration . Time aullence applauded the superintendent. The commitee adjourned until Tuesday to avoid al of the apXIOUi speculation beIng indulged - dulged In as to the next slop In thIs startling expose. Polee Justice Voorhis , who Is now one of the most talked of len In New York , has denied In tote the allegations made against hll < before the senators. Sold he : "Heppen- hagen never spoke one word to mo In Creedon's behalf. I have never received from Creedon , either directly or indirectly . or from any other member ot the police force , one penny for any Influence I may have exerted - erted , " and the justice laughed scornfully . "t mlgbt add , " sold he. "that the morn- lag Creedon was allpolnted J Ilad an Inter- view with him In time presence of President Martn , 1 asked him If hb had used or caused to b used any Improper irmftuence . Ito declared he had not " Another feature of this day or sensations which was generally dIscussed on the streets , was Mr. Golf's invitation to lebord Croker to appear before the committee and deny the charges made agaInst him. Mr. Golf referred to testimony given by Moran , the tugboat owner , about payment of money to RIchard Croker "Now , " said Mr. Golf , "it Mr. Croker would hike to clear himself of this charge of extortion we will be very glad t have blm appear and vindicate 111m- " self. Mr. ( loft Bald the only reason why lie had not subpoenaed Mr. Croler was because he mIght refuse to appear on time ground that lie Is In .no way connected with the police de- partment. Icbard Croker was asked Ir be would accept Mr oor'l invitation to appear before the committee. "I did not know that any chargel bad been made against me " . " " tbere's to Bald Mr. Croker "No nothing vindicate that ' I know of. " The commluloDerl reinstated Captain Creedon. Two resolutions were offered L ) ThROAT AND LUNG AFFECf NS , TI.IE SPECIAL OFFERNOvV MADE TO SYFERERS Sb1RERB Until January 1 Dre Copeland and Shepard Will Mnlce aSubstnU lReducUon in Charges to A 1 Wi 0 Apply for TrcntmontTho Ofor i8 Open to Now Patients and Old . & 1Iko . Cutarrh or time noe. thro"t or llrolchlnt lubes always end"nrrA the limngmi. ThlA I. C8InrlI ) ' tram , lii cull weather. Time SureSt Ilrntoctolul"tllt lurlCII hlJ , trolbro lies In cimeimig 'hronl Rnd hrll"hlni nlmlnts be- lorotho dllnRn Illrr.ulA Into time chest . For this reason every Irrsll,10 hRA clUnrrh o' imo hrnl UI throait , cheat hmalims . CUII" . 11m. cull hrnlUhlnl or sore 111' ' . shnll < seek safety 11 11rol'rr trentmclt before time col.1 ) nll ChnllM ' nl whiter work greater immiemmi. TI extenat hell tn time greatest hmomsflmle mmtmmmm- her \"h' ) ucel their services . Irs , COI'OI"111 nli "hcp'll ' wit treat nil who 11'1'1) ' Iu 110 cOlhrr Rt n fen rate s , low t1mzt ammo mmeetl smay nw.my . The alter IS to mill , UI < n't amy c01cl I"ltecl days yet r"Inlll it.ttJtCAiANI I LAS IISU. \Iu , ,7. r. limm'mt SllnkA : nr Iho l'erimmmmimence ul Irr ( 'mire . The real trustworthiness-the true scientific excellence-of any system of disease tteat- ment Is not tested by its bringing a Ito bain to pain , I lIttle sleep to restless agony , but In its llcep reachlnl fer secret causes and its absolute eiadlcaton of the seed polson and seed principle or sickness. Amid In speaklll oC thms t : quality of perimmammence In Imer emmre , Mrs. J. F. hunt , a former patIent , wife of time seli known dairyman , 2544 Ave. nue 0 , CouncIl Bluffs , says : -.t'- 1\I ' Mrs. J , F , Hunt , cait Avenue 0 , Countill Bluffs , Ia , "Nearly two years ago , mis my fm-lends will recall , I pubimatmed a , statement In time manors relatIng to time Cceuits of a eotmrse 01 tm-euttmmmemmt by Dr. S1mpnri , A chronIc emmtnrrlmiml trouble iual , Involvet ny lungs cml I Immul nil the slgmms of begmmmnlmmg commetmmmmltIon , lncimutliumg care lungs , a. lmnckIng cough , short lrentlm , evening tevcr anti an nlarnming loss In weIght anti sircngtlm. 'rmme'best mmysIcmnmn ) ; in CouncIl illtmifim anti Onmumiun , miller ( ailing to Imelp me , ordei-t-i mime to g.m In the west as my only elmance. After a thorough Irish or a change to climate I catume iack , Imonme wIth my disease ssIi actIve anti timretmtemming. I tmmen tonic mm. course of tmentment m Ith Bra. Coimelani nnl Slmepnril , who pmommtIy ctmred me , "amoco that time I have often been tmuestlonal as to simet1mer , subsequent to may cure , tlmem-o luaU . evet. l'een ' any return of the p1.1 syamptoms ; mIucther lIme wasting cotmgiu reapmwimre..l . : wimelimer time % venlmnesa , the fever , time valmm amm,1 time lummg symptonma came lack again. "Time only trutimfuil answer t have bc-en able to rime to all m.ucim InquIries Is anl has been' Yes , the cure brought tIme by Dr. lmem.arl was not merely a little rest from smmrfering , it was a tm-Ut' anti genuIne and lasting cume. ' Fem two years my Imcaith has been prnctlcaily perfect imntt I nnm today as well as 1 ever was In my life. " _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . OPEN TO ALL. Bear , in mind that any chronic sufferer , whether from catarrim or other seated and distressing chronic mnaltidy , may apply any time at 311 and 312 Now York Life building and receive fromn Bra. Copeland and Shepard the most emcient treatment now in vogue at a nomulnal fee-rate a month , including medi- cmos , to cifico and mnaii patiemuts alike. Triaf' treatment free to those applying 1mm person. rosraits-va.mt alcc.aIITY , Feels That lie OsvcjmHtaLlto to , Ir , Cope- Init anti Slmeparit-Ail Accompishemt by ham IaiI Tremitmnemit. Under dale November 9 , I84 , Mr A. ' 'M McCarty , postmaster at Oelrichs , S. D. , and a leading mercimant , wrcto the following letter to Bra. Copeland and Simepard : Commissioner iIurphy. One provided for time release of time suspension of the aptain mmd the other called for a conference between the president of time police board and Chairmnan L.exow of the senate committee concerning Creeden's case and other matters. Coni- missioner Sheehan cast the only vote against time first resolution , the second being carried unanimously. it was the genral understand- lag at police lmcadquarters timat Superintend- eat Byrneswas alone responsible for Captain Creeclon's suspension at time executive session of the poilco baird yesterday. ' It. is known that the cimlef was bitter against time captain from time moment lie imeard that Creedonhad confessed time payment of time money. Superintendent - intendent Byrmies said today : "I imave as yet said nothming of the course I shall pursue - sue toward any one , eltimor directly or mdi- rectiy. It is not for me to override the police conmmnissioners. Anythimmg that I shall do shall be in time nature of holding an investi- gatlomm as to whetlme there are other officers of timis kind in time city ; and , if so , who they are. " . MADE A CLEAN BREAST OF IT. Justice Voorhies reiterated today his tie- idais of yesterday and added that ho did not think Imimsolf called upon at this time to vindicate hmisnself. He timomigimt time proper person to begin explanations was Jolla Martin , who , it is charged , 'bandied time $10,000 wimicim is said to lmave been raised to induce Voorhmies , wlmen lohice commissioner , to appoint , Captain Cr edon. "It lays wltJm Martin to prove what ito did wIth time money 1mm question , " . "Nevertheless , " said time justice , "I am litre , and my books and private papers are at.home and can be produced , I aiim ready to go before time conmmittee at any time. " Policeman Thorne , wimo figured in time tea- tisnony adduced at time recent trial and conviction - viction of Cumptaism Stephenson , made a confession - fossion today , implicating several officers. lie was taken to tIme otlice of Assistmmmmt. Din. trict Attorney Lixmdsay and mnude a clean breast of time Stepimensomm affair , amid timemi wont on to give a complete story of black- mall and corruptlolm In time police department as lmo know It. lie hmaa been a policcmmman for six years. Tlmorzmo lmas been attacimed to time Leonard street station durlimg time comnmasmd of Cap- taina Elicins , Siebort , Stepimcnsoim , Cross , Sclmmittborger , Dolmerty and Acting Captain O'Toole , Mv , Lindsay said time story , as told by Timorno. corroborated time testimony aim brouglmt out on time trial of ex-Captairm Stepimenson. lie said also timat Thorne had positiyeiy refused to be a witness for 'Stepimonson ' at time latter's trial last week , an 1mG dId not want to again perjure himself. Timorimo was released Oii bail. Au a result of Timorne's cormfesalon time grand jury will hiavo a charge against a imumber of imigim officials of time police department - partment laid before it next week. Thmorno went into time entire system of bribery anti corruption anti montiomieti smasno after nanmo of men whmo imavo imitluertO not been charged at all , implicatilmg timemmi all in time elaborate system of corruption. letectives are watclm- lag certain parties wimo must kimow chmarges will be brougimt. against thmemn and wimo , It Is thmoughmt , mmimiy want to escape from time juris- thictiumm of thue courts. - Ortierod to lIccousit time 'otei , KANSAS CITY , Dee , 15.-Judge Shover in time circuit court today lmnnded down a do- cisIott In time mmprmhlcation for a recount of time votes cast In the recent elections ' ordering - dering U rcommnt. Many cases of f'rauml ver.e charged iim the election of certain clii. corn , but a recount imad been refimsemi time commtestees by Recorder of Voters Owsley on time ground of lack of jurisdiction , In lmis decision Judge Shover says Owsley has vower to recount , and bade hum do so. - Itlilad ivitii a liar of irtjmm , 1EXICO , Mo , , Dec. 1J.-Joimn Cunning. imam , Li. blacksmithm , struck J , P. Denton , a prominent. citizen , on time head with a bar of Irota today and fatally Injured him. Ien. ton hued mm. ouarrel witim Cunningimimni iii time latter's shop and wrns leaving the ilace wimcfl Cuanhtmgham attacked hIm. CunnIng- imam escaped. - ClauS Ilhist Arraimmo I. MINNEAPOLIS , Dcc , 15-Claus A. flhixt was arraigned in the district court under time grand jury cimarge , chmarglng him witim time murder of Catherine Glng. The pica was ) & A. Id , ltcC.mrty , 0dm iche , S. B. ' 'I feel it in ) ' ditty to mrite you at timis tIme. I cam now tmatislletl 0117 0(1CC for eatmurrlm I , pcrmlmnnent , I have mmot takemi any mmmedlclno for mmt-nri' timree mmiofltim , nmml I simm gln.i to Pa ) ' 1 feel lIke a mmcmi mmmnn , I lmat'e lwen wreteluel train cninrrlm t.t tIme whom s3etemu , imicimmiimig ( itt , l'ln'lIer ' cmi kidneys , whim mmri'omts , Inmpalrmmicnt tar hi-c years ( inme , no.1 lave ( rlel nil tIme 'smIle cures' wttlttmmt mmtmy i'enefll ' , imlmu'tm I realized may cntnrrhai mmnmtal ) ' Was goIng to Ittli limetS a Inst resort I gave lire. Coin-land mmmi Simepant ln ) ' siattm'r-ul ) eon.lltin . , cmectlmmg ; tIme sanme ills- ni'Poltmtmmment flntl fnIimre * mis lm'iore. ' ( im lirat s'et'lt I notlce.l a great Iimimtnwemiit-mmt , miuIclm iuvo mmmc commrmm ge , ntmi I kept rI glmt mmmi. Note It ha. tim-rim Hire , . montims plmwe 1 flnlshed , end I alum sotmimd mmnl % eclI , I niti etmtlsmieti time cut' , . Is permanent. I rmwo mi1' life to trs , Comielanti nnil iimelmnr,1 , anti rerommuemmU nil , tmlferems it' go to Iltemim , I wIll nnswet' nIl letters anti give tIme pmmblic tiny Infnrmmmattomm I comm. TImy have S domie ror mime immt Imunmy otlmem-s fniial to do , ' ' oii MAY BE CURED AT HOME. S'otu heed imot imimilergo u Item m-xIemmso ot conm- tug to Otimmilmit for mm pinrs.mmmil coimsuttatlon wIt ii ir't. Cmpi.'iasmtt timid Simoptirui. miy thmn pertectcii mmmetimott ci time mmiii systnlmi examim limatmom , , dIutgiiosI mmtmn truatniotmt mire made Jmst mu' . mmccmmrmmtn nmmmt cnmmmhiictti mlimtl simecess- lut as 1mm time tiflico vnrk. Setmit for qumostiomu bimimmlc timid lmmmmmits of cured imattcmmti. l'o.tmimmmstcr ateCarty , a it.o evidence Is ilimotoil todat' , vxts curomi thirtmmmgii thmo nmmalls. % ' $ ' cnmmmmut you ho cured tim thu smmmmit , imimmim- mIni ? , Time systemn Is immtleeti in a serious state wimen bothily lirostration , constamit. pain anti a general sick feeling are liresent. Such . I _ i ' - T \ A-r ' ' - . ; . ' vb . : S ; : . + / / ( , \ . was thmo case of Miss Frances Dworak , 1447 S. l4tim street , employed in tIme factory ol Katz & Nevens. Miss Dworak says : "Sty conditIon had been one of steady pain for months beroro I began witim Dre , Copeimunti Simepard. I wan always in mulsery , every day- yes , every imour. The greatest distress was In tIme nelcimbormood , of time lIver on the right side. The deem , aching and Intense soreness. with a feelIng of fullness and welglmt , nmado me wretched.'iien I felt ( lint I could endure it. no longer I went to Dr. Shepani , wimo gave. ma nronmmfl relief and cure. I found that my blood vns thin , my liver enlarged and sore , and that I Imntl neuralgia. My treatmmment was aimed at these several troumblea. In a. short time I Was all right , amid I have been stronger and healthier ever since. " 'DR-S. COPELAND & . 1100MB Jt1 AND. 312 NIIW ) I1l LIFEI BOthflINOt OMtI1A4Efl , omce hours-S to 11 a. m. 2 to S p. m , ' EvenIngs-Wednesdays almU 8aturdays only , S to 8. Sunday , 10 to 12 m. OF 46.000 , : ,4 RoyalHardfflanPianos . MAF4UFACTUED We have sold over ' 709 in this ho- cality. Isn't that proofof their quality ? Not Cheap , But Good , NUELLER PJA1O & ORGAN CO. , 103 MaIn St. , Council Bluffs , ra. Those who bought them : . Mrs. William Osborne . , . . . , . . OmahuaNeb , Martin Quick. . . . . . . . . . . , . , " " Clara T. Rapp. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " " N , 10.Vailace' . . . . . . . . . , , ' " C. S. lil ins . . . . . . . . . . . . ' . . - " " Dr. J. M. Ilorgimlum. . . . . . . . . " " 4 \v. A. Clark. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " " Mrs. Mary Nobbs . . . . . , " " Thomas I ) . Crane. . . . . . . . . . . . " " W. Y. Teetzel. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . II. B. Roberts , " " , . , J. IS. Bouquet . . . . . . . . . . . Cora M. Sinmons . . . , , . . . . . Council Bluffs , Mrs. T. H. C. Ensor , . . " " Mrs. J. 3 , Danmron. . . . . . . . " " / Mrs. 0. W. IteflIn . , , . . . , ' 1 J , C. Wilcox. . . . . . . . . . . . . . " " . ¶ .i , ' 9 V.1 , A. Clark. . . . . . . . . . . . . . " " K. V. Goerne. . . . . . . . . . . . . ; " " Mrs. M. Itager , . . . . . . . . . . .v ' " 'I A. N. GrillIn . . . , , ' Mrs. Ammnat. . llrmmdbtmry. . t " " Mr. Keefe , . , . , , . . , . . . . . . ' . ' 'I ' I Grahmanm l'ark , . , , . , , , . . . , , ' 'I ( Continued next Susmmhay. ) NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. SOUTH OMAHA , Nob. , Dcc' . 12. 1191. Sealed bimiim will be received itt my office until Timtmrmmtlmmy at 12 o'clock ( noon ) , December - comber 20 , 1191 , ( or commatructlng an eight- ( tot imm'iclc sewer thmrotmglm the prolerty of limo Union Stocic Ynrtiim company. l'lanr. imieCi1IcmmtiOtit timid nil informmmtlon relative to time work can be obtained mit time c4lico . 1' of time company'S enghmmeer , room No. 302 , Excimtmngo lluilding , Houthm Omaima. ' m All bids snust be accomnimmmlmieml with a certified clmeck for $500.00 hmnyabie to the company , 'fho rlgimt is reservami to reject - , many any or all bids. -v. N. BABCOCK , General Manager. ' , Dil d6t&B ' - -Sec1a NoHce Cohijefl J3hzff-- ' . CILIMNiIYS CLEAN1Dl VAULTS CLIIANEn. ' lId Burke , at SV , U. llomer's , f.3S liroadway. liOU8li Ot' I Oil C 110011 $ WITH MODIlltN convenIences ; tie children. Address B 7 , 1k. otllce. vAN'rrrn , COMPETF.NT WIlL FOIl Qfi4- oral huousewoik. .Appiy at 10' F'ourtim street. s'AmTmI. ; 110MB FOil it ( iiItI 13 Yi9AilU old , to work Icr i-cr lcmard. Address Steward Grand hotel. _ - - - - - - deferred , but It is understood bmo will plead guilty and throw himself on the mercy of time court. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ilmiportIf trtAII' J'alr The followiimg is time final report of the auditing committee of time St. James orphan. age fair rccemmtly imelml in Exposition ball ; Gross cash receipts. . . . . . . . Value of goods received and tuOt dusposd of. . . . . . . . 611.21 Exmmennes of . . . . . . . . . . . . $ . . . . . . . . ' Net casim to orpimatmage. , , . 7,817.50 Value of goods delivered to orphanage. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 616.25 ' , , . . , , . , , , , , , , , . , , $9W.1U