Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 16, 1894, Part I, Page 4, Image 4

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# - - ; . ; . V''T"r " ; ; ; : ; ; r * k'
I t
t _ . d : , TIlE 01\tAJI.A DAY DEE : SUNDAY , DEOE1 ER 10 , 1894. \
- Rules n Debutante Should Observe if She
Wnnt t Dc Bele ,
IceepluM , I.nne'co" ' . unit UnnelnJ ] 'nrLc.
cult Out thl Ih.ell % In ] .lrIO Nnm.
Icr-IAttIo 1'rnmlio for tl
r Ncd Sctci * Iayi
What R i thlrly longIng o\'ery Bchool gIrl
. ha for thal mys.orlous bEIng "oul , " which
means such magnifcent privhlegoB and ius.
lIllUes , and , yet after the first roses c the
4 ? comIng out tea have faded , after the first
blushes have cooled a bit , and that first
wild beating of the excited young heart
has been n little sUled , n god many girls
. who are out this winter , and , 01 other girls
hue found before them , thAt the'dcbutante
has her trials and perplexities , too. Such n
Itt I of them a there seem to hot One nenr
SUsp2ctod1 for example , while one was n
mere snip of a school girl that Il waR goIng
to bo such R harl , thing to find conversation.
In dreams of future balls and dinner parties
that were Indulged In when one should have
been studying grammar one always Imaglncd
i ' cno's self conversing with tim airy brilliancy
cf one of the Iluchoss' blonde and witty
heroines or preserving one of those coldly
, , fascuUng slrnces that In novels always
i , ( ) rove so IrresIstIble to the very best parU In
t the Iook , And flow 10 and Iehohl I one
of those IJroud silences Is InIulgCI , In one's
r partner promptly excuses himself nnl , never
comes back for another dance the whole evening .
, lng , and rn attempt , at airy badInage gen-
eraly results In covering one's head In the
cold gray light of the morning after the ball
and squirmIng In repentant anguish at the
. lilly . vapid s0111 ( that persiflage has repeated -
peted to one's self at this unchcerful hour.
There once was a girl who carried the
story of thIs particular form of wretched-
: JHA to n young married friend who though
she had the fnest baby In the world , could
; yet remember with perfect ease her own
debut four years before. ,
, , "Yes , Indeed sahl the friend , cheerful .
"I remember quite well all the silly things )
I . said. I often cried over them and felt I
could never look the people who hal , Istenee
to them In the face again. Dut I'l tel you
what-things that would sound fearfully
silly In n person of m ) age , m fearful
wIth a baby and all . are just thought to he
r deliciously Innocent and gIrlish In a debu.
tante. Pink cheeks and
{ dimples carry off so
much. After all , one must learn to talk . and
practice Is the only way 10 learn. One must .
make mistakes at first : you wIll Improve
every day : don't let yourself be discouraged : :
your blunders don't sound half so bad to
: others ns they do to you. " After which that
. , Ilartcuar ! debutante went away comforted.
Thero's another PerplexIty the debutltr (
: Is going to be confronted with , all that's
t. the secret of what makes popularity. She
sees that pretty girls and cever : girls and
rich girls all have excellent chances to be-
. gin with , hut that even those wIth all these
things In their favor don't Invariably make
a success , whIle occasionally girls who
aren't really pretty . nor witty at all , nor
rich either , come In and make R tremendous
t success of It rIght over the heads of girls
; with the qualities they lack She wants to
know ] why that Is. Well . the Iest way to
: find out Is to ask one of the men who dance
t , with that sort of R girl as many times as
she will say yes durIng the evening.
"What do you see In Mary Jones ? " you
lay. "She's not pretty , and she's not very
g clever. "
Thea the young man will look at you as
I . If he suspected you were not only bad tempered -
. pored , but a Ito jealous of Mary as well .
S , ii- and answer : "Oh , sbe's not a beauty , per-
haps , but sho's an awfully attractive looking
I : girl" ' , , don't yoU think . IO ? und 100klnJ
' such a , good sort. . , '
, . Td when you , come to analyze what "a
. good sort" means you'l find that I Implies
t. " Mary Jone , Is 10ly and gay and good temper -
per d. 'and' ' > crmseffsh about 'trifles. She
k doesn't say nasty things about other gIrls :
( she Is willing to leI everybody share In her
? fun she never pllys any little mean oclal
i trick : she Is nol taken up with herself aU
. , the while , and she Is honest , genuIne , frank
and kindly. She Is the girl who likes to
i , talk to old gentlemen tD ghvo them the
pleasure of a bit. of gvo tle
bIt gay gossip with a fresh L
t. r young girl : she takes time to be civil to the I
. old ladles , shin sympathizEs with bashful
. girls younger than herself and Is good between I
; whiles to awkward boys. She doesn't dangle
, about In hot rooms all day munching bon
bona . 4.nhl rcaln ! novels but Is full of Interests -
toccata and occupations , and has the buoyancy
slut vigor or high health and ' overflowing
4 Bplrlt The important part Is that she
to sn't pretend to be any of these things , ,
t o but realy Is what she seems to be. The ;
. dehiutante wl learn In time . as every enc
, . . does leain , that while It Is very easy to ;
pretend I Is very difcult to deceIve people I
! with . Our friends .
wih pretegsts. frends all know our
. r al characters pretty well , and the way to
, snake people think wo are good tempered and I
; : kindly Is to be cod tempered and kIndly. ! .
. Another larson the pretty debutante Is ] ear-
Ing while she flits about ball
whie fls bal rooms like a
I frisky young butterfly Is the lesson of adapta- :
r bihity. A little experlen teaches her that
: even though she was the cleverest girl In
! school and the valedictorIan of her class II Is
' best nol to talk philosophy or discuss serious
problems between the figures In the cotillon.
She will have plenty of proper occasions to
"how what she know , but In the bal room
such topics are heavy " ! Il unsuitable ] , and she
t , had much better content herself wIth a merry .
I give and take or nonsense and nothings , ao
that nothIng I. losl when the dance comes to C
break la upon the' sentence. Or If the debutante -
* . tenth happens to be of the purely butterfly
order or mnd : she will soon learn when she C
. t , chances to sit besIde some grave elderly man I
at dinner that though her innocent chaler
' may amuse him for the moment he will easily .
. tire of It , and her belt plan will be to listen
. to him instead lie will be sure to enjoy lsten tnle-
, lug to I paIr of Irlh. young eyes that glva
respectful attention to what he says
, There Is realy , when one comes to thInk of
. It , no end of
II thing that this apparently care x
free girl debutante must bo busy with learn-
Ing. One Is to drop mosl of her school. girl ' !
t.4 llang and be rather more careful with her
sonhnces. Another Is to steer carefully be-
; twecn the Ilanger of Ielng 1 " carefuly "
, . or a tiresome young prig. 'fa lear that notes C
must be answered at once and all engage
g meats carefully kept even I they happen not
? to be amusing ones . She must learn , too the
hard lelson of governing her tongue , and be. :
lag discreet In her talk , lest she alienate I
friends and get herel Into dllculles , which : I
' i- , . i perhaps , the ( most cllrull lesson of all .
Then there Is the lea r\ ' be learned of not
L ooklng ] bored every tIm . ulD feels the sensa -
. ton , lest one wound the feelings of khlly snsa-
people who are unlucky enough tD be dull ,
S r I wl be necessary to teach herself how dul ;
rid of bores without being rude , which Is a x
"hole art In itself , and again how to meet ai 1
, - ImperlnenC wIth dIgnIty. and hew to re .
j have the shyness of timid people wIth her
. own calm confidence . Let th , debutante : never
. think thul lessons ended with the closing of r
- II . the school . room door : indeed , now that she !
, / " I gay young woman In society they are reallI
jut beginning , and wil take more study anl
arb far more difcult to lear than any she
I ever found In books .
There will be a let up In the social whirl I
this week , IJrpartons for the ChrIstmas I
. holidays taking precedence over teas ,
] unch ons , receptions and dancIng parties .
However , Monday Mn. 0. W. Wattel partes. i
entertain the Don Ami club lt the wi I
hotel Tuesday , Mrs. Dallas Dache wIll give
a enslngton tea . Wednesday , Mr. A. S.
. - : . Carter and MIss lmebaugl will give a
. , I'- ' dancing party , For Thursday Mrs. rank C
.nallOm announcs a Kensington ; 0 : the
' same evenIng Alls Drake will give nuother
dancing party. Ueyond this there are few
: announcements for the week
The 10ed Ihlelul J'III" .
, ; The dance Jven by } ( r. and Mrs Lewla
p. , nee Tuesday evening was I delightful affaIr -
. faIr 10 everY way , The floors were can .
. ' vaed and dancing was enjoyed until a late
I. . hour . Mrs. ltd receive her guests In I
becoming gown or white chiffon. At l t
' 1
I o'clock a delicious supper wu served.
IUI'pr nre.
Those present were ; Colonel and Mrs .
1 \
Worth Mr , anti ides , MChtnna , Me and
Mrs. McCord Mica DlallO , MIss Yates , Miss
S terling . Miss Itlhgaalt , 1u neIey , Miss
I loaghanc ] . Me and Mrs , Chlmb rl , Lieutenant
Ild Mrs. Wright . Lieutenant and : rs. lIen-
ham 1 , Miss Curtis , Miss DIsk , :1. Dandy
MISs ideKenna . Miss ! urna , MesH . . iconntze
I 'otriCc , Sa'inder : ! ( Iarnesu , Doane , Itamil-
ton , 1)can , ( rwln , \Vffson . Gannett , , FRlmer
lud Drake. _ _ _ _ _
Corning of the Thin , Heo Chub.
Tile Yale Glee and banjo club will gIve ,
concert In DOYII's theater on Saturday evenIng -
Ing i , December 29. and from what Is known
about the club lovers of music will have
nn opportunity or enjoyIng a musical treat
The concert II given for acry worthy
cause , as the Ilroceed ' ! era 10 be elevated
ca o n fund for the assistance : of poor students
nt t t'ale Old students Bay It I the best
club since the days of 90.
The following Is the program :
Dead Ideal Maceli . . . . . ) . . . . . . . iSousa
Dnnjo Club.
Ainu ( n ter. . , . . . . . . . . . . . , . . .Sheparll
othhe. . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . , .
Mr. L.apham and Club.
Merr ' Men. . _ . I.nplam . . ' . , . . ChI\ . . , . .Moshter
Llcleshied. . . . . , . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Mt. Green and Club.
Pretty ia Il. 1. . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . .Nellllnler
IAn' It.
Banjo Club-Wnltz-Mhnoiia Blossoms ,
. . . . Club-'Ynlz-llnloln , . . 1ossom9
ThursdnY-Arr. . ( II Shepal'.I ) . . . . . . .Moloy
Soclt Son H-D. Ie g. ' Psi U. Carm Ynlen
1nl110ln CluIOml.'c NolUte..Mntnl
Sweetest Stol'Y Ever Toll. . . . . . .Stulz
MI' . Green and Club.
TutU Frutti . . . . . . . . nnl . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . ,
PAnT li
Blnjo Club-The hlutterliy..Bendix
O'cr the J.nk . . . . . . . . . Kltchel.Shellard
Negro SwecI' Quartet. . . . . . . . . . .
Chiatixecin. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Mr. J.lciliald and Chute.
I right College Years..lurand . . . . 'St
The following Is the personnel ot the club :
J. St. J. Nolan . president of the Glee club :
( 1. II. Howard , president of the banjo club :
F' " I nawson , business manager. Gee club :
First Tenors-Oeore Jacobus , 95 : J. St. J ,
Nolan ' 95 : C. S. Stephenson ' [ i B. : G. W.
Van Slylle , ' [ 5 5.V. ; . J. J.pham , ' 91 : O. G.
Schreiber , 98 : second tenors , W. 3. Sheehan ,
M. B. ; J. II. Richards : ] . ' 95 : T. Me. E. Debe- :
voice ' 95 : " ' . ] C Dnclworth ' 95 I
S. ; henry J.edyaT , 91 : Id. J.
Dodge , ' [ S. First basses , D. J. Spock , ' 95 :
W. O. Vlucelt , ' 96 : Grenvilo Parker , ' 98 :
C. I. 1elgs , ' 95 S. Second basses , J. E.
Cooper , ' 9 : : E. C. r.aclrand. ' 96 : F. itt. Ter-
ri. ' 96 S. : J. F' . Eagle ' 96 : E. T. Bell . jr. ,
' 9G S. Banjo Club : I\anjeual \ : : ps , O. M.
Howard , ' [ : S. : W. n. Black , ' 9 : S. : F. F.
Brooks ' 9G S. : D. I F. Moore . ' 96 S. Piccolo
banjo . J. . L J\ountze. ' 91. Mandolins , F. D.
Stephenson ' 9i S. : L. H. Motcalfe ' 91 S.
Banjos , G. D. D. Lamb , L S. ; A. H. Clark .
' 95. Celo , J. L. I'arko ' 91. Guitars , D. U.
Wilcox . ' 95 S. ; H. A Hamln , ' 95 S. ; J. E
Good ' 95 : F. J. H. Drookfeld , ' 91 : H. D.
Konllo , ' 97.
For air ; . It.'iiryVyinan. .
Thursday afternoon Miss Chandler enter-
talned her friends between the hours of 4
anll 7 , when the rooms were fled with young
people , brought together to meet Mrs. henry
W 'man.
The table In the dining room was decorated
In i parma vIolets and deep red roses ; violet
satn streamers were suspended from the
center chandelier to the tour corers of the
square table ending In bIg butterfly knots
of the ribbon. The gas globes were shaded
In I violet crepe , and the same delicate ef-
fect or color and decoration was carried out
In i the china and bon bans.
Miss Kountze poured chocolate , and Mrs.
Myron Lamed served tea a 13 Husse. In :
the small room adjoining , the decorations
were peculiarly suggestive of the holiday
season , which we are about entering upon.
Everywhere was holly-under the chande-
lers h , over pictures , grouped In pIcturesque
clusters In corners and over doors , while
the gas globes were covered In red crepe to
complete the pretty ' effect. At a side table
Miss Drown served the orange frappe from
n great huge bowl , banked up In holy and
f ruit . oranges bananas and rich red apples ,
a delicious bit of grouping , suggesting
planty. Miss Palmer and Miss Margaret
Drown assisted In this room acid { wore cacti
a , spray of holY as a corsage bouquet. Miss
Gertrude , Rngwal and I number or prtty 1
girls also aIded the hostess In entertaining
her guests. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
1rr : 'Unlngcr Celebrates Ills UrUul : .
Hon. George W. Liningr celebrated , his
sixtieth birthday 'esterday. Owing to the
abeno of Mrs Lininger from th city , the
usual family gathering was dispense with ,
but Mr. Lininger was the recipient of the
congratulations of his many friends and their
best wishes for many happy returns of the
day. Mr. LinInger has been , an active citizen
of Omaha for tweaty-two years. Twelve of
those years have been glvep up to public :
labors for the benefit of PIO city. He has :
been at the head of the art movement
which Is slowly It Is true , but none the less : '
surely , giving Omaha a national ' promInence.
I Is almost entIrely . to l tr Lininger's per
sonal , efforts that Omaha U [ becoming one
of the recognized art centers of the cuntry
and thaI. she stands far n1ead of all western
cities. hits magnilcent collection of works
or art are visited by thpusands or people )
every yea and its influence upon the development -
velopment or art has been marked. In busl-
ness cIrcles Mr. Lininger 'ha ' never been
found In the roar ranks of those ! who revote C
theIr time and mans toward increasing the I
material wealth of Omaha's publc-spirie L
citizens , In the best sense of the word and L
his thousands of friends and wel wIshers
In Omaha unIt II wIshing hIm many happy
returns of the day he so quietly observed L
yes terday. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
A ! oldier's' SweetheRrl
Lieutenant T. it. Wilson of the Seond
UnIted States Infantry , who has been
stationed at Fort Omaha for a number of
years past and w'ho'ls well known In Omnl :
social cIrcles has frequently published readable -
able stories of the novelette type li , HarpAr's
and ether prominent magazines and he has
noW collected n number , and Issued them to
the pnblc In book form. The volume con -
talus "A Soldler's Sweetheart" all six other
short stories , all written wIth a strong ham I
and each possessing a eharacterlc dash of
military colorIng. The book will Interest al I
lovers of short stories and will be partlcu -
lady entertaining to the reader who a
more or less acquainted with the romantic
side of the only too often hum drum existence -
once In frontier army posts. TIe book Is i :
printed by John L. Odeon & Company of this
city , while Lieutenant Prince of the Second ,
aided the author In the arrangement of tle
title page , which Is 'a vary cover conceit
well worked out and wIth true artistic
feeling . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
:1 lra. Mlibrrei's Tetl.
In honor of Mr3. James Watson , who Is I
visiting friends In town , Mrs. Joseph II. Mil .
lard gave a very charming tea Wednesday
afternoon. The beautiful rooms , with theIr
artistic nooks and vistas , were dainty deco
rated In carnations and maidenhair ferns ,
while the hal glowed wills palls and deco
ratve plants At ' o'eloclt the tea table
wIth exquisite silver and delicate chIna was
brought Into the large ] drawing room , and
light refreshments were served . ,
The guests were Mrs. Watson , Mrs. J , N.
H. Patrick , Mrs. henry W' Yates , Mrs .
Dandy , lt Brooke . Mrs. Collins and Idle S
Colns , MI's. Ouy Barton , Mrs. L 4.
Id. Bennett . Mrs. Coutant , Mra. Yost ,
Mrs. Pritchet Mrs. and Miss ilanseom
Mrs. Garneau , Mrs. 1oyd , Mrs. Charley
Greene , Mrs. Bradford , Mrj. Cowin , Mrs .
Ileahi , Mrs. Lacy , i
h'Ju'Ct UIII Five. i
Mr. and Mrs. Horace Darnum , 1 : & North !
Eghtenth street entertained very pleaanty
at high five Wednesday evening Eight ta -
bles were occupied and sixteen games played ,
resulting In Mrl. Phillips and Mr. Hoot wIn
ning first prIzes , Mrs. Hoot and Mr Josellh
Hedman the consolation Ilrlzes. There were
Ilreent :
Mr. and Irs. harry Ilaskehi. Mr. nit tI
Mrs. lalsel Mr. and Mar. Date ) ' . Mi .
ali Mrs. Hedman Mr. and Mae. Root , Mi - .
and Mrs. I'erclval Judge ana 111. Hoot\ \ elds ,
Mr. amI Mt Stuart , Mr. und Mr . idilloit L .
MI' . ansi . Mi's. n. H. Walker , Arthur Anjel I. ,
Mrse Angel Iclr . anti Mrs. Palmater , Mi
und Mrs. Peterson. Miss Maud Peteron :
Mr. Phiips , Miss 'runser , Miss Rela ' 'ur-
nr , Miss L'man.
EIIOI' Mlr Eitotaiett. ;
Mrl. W. S. Phelps entertained In Iry
enjoyable mariner a large number of the ' went
hers ef Vests Chapter No 6 , Order of the
Eutlm Star , at her residence , 107' South
Seveateenth street , Wednesday evening Al
the visitors were ushered hoW the handsome
and commodIous double parlors upon their
arrival , a cordial w.lcomo upn greet
them In the very air , and they were made to
feel that they were truly welcome on the
occasion. The cares and anxieties of bush-
ness were cat aside , and all enter Into the
spIrit of the evening There were games
send musIc. Mrs. Judge elker recited In a
very pleasing mnnner I couple ' of choice
selectons which were highly appreciated. A
sumptuous repast liar ] been prepared which
was served at the chose of the evenlng's
Among those present were noticed Judge
and Mrs. Felker , Mr. anti Mrs. Drown , Mr.
and Mrs. lcrvan. ! . Mr. and Mrs. SteCenson ,
Mr. and Mrs. GIbson . heIr. and Mrs. Douk ,
Mr. and Mrs. ilattereon.
Mesdames Fishier Sayre , Anderson , Shur-
hey , Westberg , Hendricks , Gamble , Acker-
mann , Salisbury , Jettries. Misses Gamble ,
Anderson , Sayre , Jeffries . Wiide . laude I.
and U , ' V. Wallace. Messrs. DavIs , hiahhigase .
licker Morton , Gamble , Bouk Simpson
Colonel nnt. .i 1' . Worth's Iccllltnn ,
The dancIng reception given by Colonel
and Ides Worlh Saturday evening Dccciii-
her 8 , was declared to be . Iy those fortunate -
nRte enough to be present the ( most success-
ful affair over given at the fort
Tire unusually large number of dancing
men present was a relief after the great
scarcity of the masculine elemenl which has
marked most of the functions of the wInter.
The hop room was beautuly decorated ,
with fags , dnd the stage where the reedy-
Ing party stood was transformed Into a
bower or levelness Iy the aid of palms ,
flowers and military decorations.
Colonel and Mrs. Worth were assisted In
receivIng by Mrs. Brooke , Mrs. Ylon , Mrs.
Benham and Miss -arlng. During thee evenIng .
Ing a delicious supper was served In the nfl-
Joining rooms , and the coloeiei's healh and
good wishes , were quaffed many times In hIs
famous punch.
Among those present were : General and
Mrs. nrooke , Colonel and Mrs. Parke. Colonel
1)1 Mrs. Sommers , Miss Sommers Mr. and
Mrs. 1cKenna , Miss MclCeneia. Miss loaeee
Miss Dewey Miss Curls , MIss Pugsley ,
Colonel and Mrs. Hamilton , the Misses
hamilton , Miss Stewart , Miss Iteose
Miss Smith . Miss Balcoeuhe . .Ieu.
tenant and Mrs. Wright , Lieutenant and
Mrs. Abercromblo . MIss Hlmelnugh , Mr. and
Mrs. D. I Wheeler , jr. . Miss Bughes , Miss
McCeland , Miss Wright , Lieutenant and
Mrs. Denham , Captain nnd Mrs. Sarson
Colonel ' Bates Colonel anti Mrs. Yilton . Miss
Ylo'n , Miss Keller , and Messrs. Dookmler ,
Penn , Hines , We1s , 1eArthur. Kinzie Wit-
son , Quay , Krccle Charles Wilson . Hedlck ,
Gareau , i3aldridge . Gulori Doane Robert
Patrick John Patrick , Fairfield , Clifford
Smith . Davis , Rector , Saunders Berlin ,
Prince , Cark , Mullen , Seay and others ,
wire Uojg" Luntlc" ,
On Wednesday Mrs. George II. Doggs
entertained a number of her friends nl a
luncheon In her beautiful honto Twentieth
and Chicago streets. The magnificently fur-
nlshld rooms were profusely decorated with
artistically arranged floral decorations . , The
profusion of roses of different varheties . scat-
tered throughout the rooms , produced I most
charming effect. There were about 100
guests present and each one ' was supplied
with a delicately hand paInted luncheon
card of European production. Music was
supplied by a mandolin orchestra , which i
discoursed the sweetest of airs during the I
afternoon. Everything was arranged with
great skill and tie menu was of the most
elaborate kind.
Thee following Is the lst of guest : Mrs.
Alexander Miss LIla Alexander , 1lrs , Hansom -
som , Mrs. Haler , Mrs. Hawley Miss Cook
Miss Clara Hawley , Miss Mary Hawley ,
Mrs. DanIel Baum , Mrs Cook , Mrs. Kinsman ,
Mrs. Stubbs , Mrs. Ilartman , Miss Hartujan
Miss Welsh , Mrs. Wessels Mrs. Sprague ,
1rs , Larson lr $ . Wheeler , Mrs. Ogden ,
Mrs. Buck , Miss Buck Mrs. Coutant Mrs.
Morse , Mrs. Barker Miss Barker , Mrs. Parker -
ker , Mrs. Bartlett , Mrs. CarrIer , Mrs. Davis
Mrs. MeShano . Mrs. - Jonas , Mrs. War r ,
Mrs. Raymond , Mrs. McKell , MIss McKell .
Madam Claim , Mrs. Paxton . Mrs. White ,
Mrs. Moore , Mrs. Kennedy . Mrs. Parrine ,
Miss Wells . Mrs. Gillespie . Miss McShane ,
Mrs. Rector Mrs. Sloan , Mrs. Hussey , Miss
Alice Alexander , . Miss Imogen' Alexander ,
Mrs. Benson , Mrs. Whiney , Mrs. Sholes
1rs , Brown Miss Brown Mr $ . Meyer Mrs.
Allen , Mrs. J. E. Baum , 1rs.Johnson ; Mrs.
Dickey , . . , Irs. ; Stigr . 'llrs , Mereih" llrh
Snyder , Miss Collier , , Mrs. Clarke , Mrs.
IIcks , MIss Graves , Mrs. Purvis , Mrs. CaIn ,
Mrs Van-Court. , . . ' . - . . " .
I'leluant Cant 1'srty.
' 1'1117.
Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Wherltt delightfully ,
entertained a party of friends al their cosy
home on South Twentieth street last Wednesday -
day evening The major portion of the
evening was devoted to cards , progressive
high five formIng the diversion . at the conclusion -
elusion of which was served a dainty three-
course ' luncheon. ThIs was followed by
music In whIch Mrs. 0.V. . Johnston and
Mr. CocMel share the honors.
Mr. and Mrs. Wherlt have a gaceful
way or entertaIning their guests , and upon
this occasion they were pleasantly asslsfed
by Miss Standish and MIss Anna Williams .
Miss Stephenson and Mr. Cockel were the C
adepts In the card gamed and curled : off th C
handsome trophies.
Among those In attendance were : Mr
'and Mrs. G. W. Lawrence Mr. and Mrs. Sam ;
Hines , Mr. and Mrs. DavIs Cable , Mr. and 1
Mr O. W. Johnslon Mr. and 1r Victo
Leaderlch . Mr. and Mrs. A. Ie Squier " Mr :
and Mrs. D. E. Griffith , Mr. and : Mrs. Albert' '
Topping Mr. arid Mrs. F. E. Mo1lulen , Mr
and Mrs. F. E. Hewitt. Misses Williams , '
Chapman. ' WItman , l\nlght Manchester , '
Stephenson , Lemon , palsy Lemon , Horn :
berger , h1smond. Mary Esmond. Khl , Rhener ,
Van Brunt Council Dufs : Standesh , Hake
Messrs. Burl lgh. Dr. McMulen , rn G. :
Lndes S. Humphrey , Bird , Hobart Waite
Fed Able E. J. Iroy , Frank Standeshe . A. J. ,
Beaten , 0.V. . Williamson , ! ' Williams ,
Harry Cockrehl . Mr. Sues , Me' and Mrs .
Pixley and Miss Conaway of York ;
Eec ler Ilu r , 31R , ' Scoti. : -
To Introduce her sister , Miss Scott , Mrs
Frank At. Richardson gave a delightful re-
cepton Friday from 2 untIl 4 and 4 untIl C .
The pretty homo ot Mrs. Richardson ( n , Cap
Itol avenue was mo.t tastefully decornted I ,
wih American neauty roses , palms and ferns ,
whie the dining room was resplendent with r ,
lilies of the valley , the table , beIng In pink
which , with the pretty linens. made an
effective decorative picture. At no time were
eUectve deoratve tme
the rooms uncomfortably crowded , prmitng
the guests to- mingle freely and Interchange ;
pleasantries throughout the afternoon. 1rJ.
Richardson was assisted In receiving by her
sister , a very pretty and intelligent young
woman , the hostess being gowned In a becoming -
coming old rose taffeta silk with black
chiffon bodice , Miss Scott wearing a smart
frock of black satin with yellow chifon
heodice . and carrying vIolets. 1 r3. Ichardson
was also assisted throughout the rooms by
Mrs. OICor < . Mrs. McIntosh , Mrs. StebIln ! ,
Mrs. Irvine , Mrs. Arthur n. Srnihs , Mrs. Eli C
W. Pesfltio . lbs Hoagland , Miss Sterling of
St Paul Miss Sharp , 1Us1 Ida Sharp , 11ss :
Brown Miss 1elel , Miss Buck , Miss Ltnd-
soy anti MIss Frances Gilbert . After Ule
guests had gone the receiving party and their
hnstlnds were given a dinner by Mr. ant
Mrs . nchardaon : and the evening anl
splendidly _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Jln 4'bter'i IIICt
For her guest , Miss Deal , an exceedingly
pretty and stylish girl from the south land ,
Mia Webster gave a lovely dancing leant ]
I ' rlay evenIng. Although the hostess was
suffering from illness , site was able In her
amiable , pleasnnt manner to dIrect the enter
talnment of her bre.ts , Mrs. Webster ant ;
Miss Doak receiving. The house was bell -
lanty decorated with yelow chrysnthe-
mums and dancing was enjoyed In the dIning
room and both parlors Miss Webster WI
gowned In a smart costume of light blue
satire , 1lss Doak wore Illnk silk , trimmed
with velvet , while Mrs . ' , 'ehster wore a
heavy black satin. Among the fifty guests
present , the following are recalled : MIses
Smith , , Burns , Crounse , Hngal , Duck ,
Lindley , Margaret Brown , the Ilssea
Iamlon , MIss Uoane , Miss Palmer , 1 lis
Imebaugh , Cheandier Mn . and Mrs. Meikle ,
Captain Crowlcr i Messrs. Uean , l'ennVchis ,
Everett , Mnyne , Miss Moore , Mn. Wison ,
Mr Crofoot , Mn Mullen , Mr. Wilkins , Mn :
Cudahy Mn Ganreett , Mr. Mercer . Mr. Pal
men Sixteen numbers were danced and the
evening was one of rare enjoyment.
] : nl"ILluet for leI Urlhol
Miss Louise . Nester gave a party In honor
of her brothers Philip and Henry and their
distinguished guest , Mr. Joseph H. Ient or
Glasgow , at the home of her parents on
Park Wild avenue lat Wednesday evenIng
The evening was most delghtuly spent ,
many game were played , elegant refresir
meats ared , and dancing was Indulged la
until a late hour ,
Those present were : Misses Sadie Elgin ,
1110 Foley , Ruby Forbes , Etta Thompson
Anna Pomy , jqra rOmy , Myrtle Hyner ,
Clara Oentom ft1'Iella Wilcox , EmmA Itent ,
Reta Itasmusf , hello McI'hal , hectic Net-
son , Susie Curtis , Clara Curtis , EmmA
Nester Louis or ; Messrs. Fred flyner
Hey Ayes , 1elmrod , Robert Cans ,
cliff Forbes , ' l1omy rank Itater.
Joel Wright. Smith . John D'ers. Ed
McKenna'il Koopman . lert Wicox.
Joseph n , I t . I'hlp Nester . Henry
Nestor. _ r _ _ _ _
unesco , I : s. icis. Club.
Wednesday \ i ng one or the prettiest
dancing pates of the season was given nt
their hal , 1ltGHRney street , hy thee young
ladles of tIre N B. F D. club. Miss Schock
were a prettyjsck anti red gown and
carried red roM : Miss Carlo Meredith was
In a black nndu4fhw ' sle ; Miss Edith Fond
teas daintily cosn'nCl In black and wore
pink and wtettc.ioaesr ; Miss May Swanson a
pretty wheRe Ilt : Miss Gentle Wright ap-
Ilared In a reel gown ; Miss Nellie Shaul ace
wore white mull antI pink eases : Miss Laura
Fisher wore black trimmed wih green Miss
Frankie holland . white crepe red roses ;
Miss Bertha Holanl , black silk . reel , roses :
Miss nose Dewey white silk ; Miss Grace
1.lgh dark green with pInk roses : MIss Lee
Glnes , black suIt , trimmed with jet. '
The guests were : Misses N. E. 'sTrighet
Norn Williams . St John , E. L. Hoag. Gussie
Clark . Nellie Hunter , Elsa itartenan Freee- I
hauf , Edith Howe Ida Lloyd Carrie Schroeler
Llntlquest . 'iarwood Higley , Theorna Adda
Whlppl , Rosa 1.lngstrol , Munnay 0 ilmore .
Kunkle . Ncwln , and Messrs. W. E. Stockl
learn , < M B. Wnighet C. P. Haclenburg , C.
I Conkln , C. P. Butler , J. M , Theompsott .
Bert Corhert. George Fisher. I red Fisher .
Claude Btockham , Guy Andrews. Dr. Alex-
coder Fred Ooe're , W. P. I.ehmer , A.
flank J , H. Campbell . Rirod . M. M , Robert-
sore C. Scarborough , Dan Brewer , A. C.
H iler . Edgar Smith , M. Smith , E. L. hong
W. n. Langhlu , C. O. Neilson . E. T. Lowery ,
Gilbert , Foster Slefkln Perry J. 1' . Cooke ,
. 1. Cooke , Dr. Dorwnrd , Mosher , Garrett
Cole rican. '
1'11 Silo lelelt of n l.ndlcR' Club.
Monday evening a very entertaining soci-
able was hek at the resdeme ) : of Dr. and
Mrs. J. F. Hertzlann , IIG North Sixteenth
street consisting of choice selections on the
harp. h violin and piano. also comic recitations
Iy Mr. Clarence Elliott , singing by llss
Nellie Hathaway and Mr. George
Morris . also selections on the piano
by Miss Dora Miler and Miss TI . Itsehke.
Thee following ladle and gentlemen were
present : Mr. and , Mrs. Mrcsser . Mn. and lrs ,
Olan , Mr. aced lies . Fich , Mr. ani Mrs .
Piattner . Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Livingston , Mr.
and Mrs. R. II. Maxwell . Mr. and Mrs.
Decker Mr. and Mrs. George Morris . Mr.
and Mrs. George Elleti , Mn. and Mrs. John
Lucas , Dr. and Mrs. Hertzmann , Mrs. Will-
Iam h Rawitzer Mrs. Green , Mrs. Julius .
Tneitsclrke . Mns. Thomas Anderson Mrs. 1
Clara Lyons. Miss Cool Miss C. Inthawa )
Miss Van Dyke . Miss Kelley . Miss Laura
Sleeften . Miss HowItzer , Miss Dora Mihlen .
Mss Alice Gillan . Mis Treltschke Miss
Dohn , Miss Nellie hathaway , Mr. Val , 11r I
Gentry Mr. W. Stad , Mr. C. Elliott and Mr.
George hhlc1eox
During the later part of the evening a de-
lcious u supper was served nt which ni par-
t iclpated. The socIal was given for the bene-
fl f or a ladles club and.a handsome sum was
l'r.tJ Art [ ' , uty.
Wednesday evening was given one of the
daintiest arl partps of the season at tbe
home , of Idles Elzaeth Kellogg . In honor of
MIss Zela Cornel : who leave soon to make
her home In Chlcapo. Drawlng was thc
feature of the eV ; - the first prizes going
to Miss Cornel and Mr. Orenlnger. Miss
Crawford and MJhj3rosyn were consoled with
the booby prlzet .
During the . vjeg light refreshments
were served. Tbko present were : . Mr. and
MI'S. Frank Or linger : Miss' Rose Smith of
Denver , Miss Steta Deacher , MIss Clara
Crawford , Miss Hose Peterson , Miss Nora
Larkin Miss Zela Cornel , Miss Elizabeth
Kellogg : Messrs. Joe Bishop . Will Deecher ,
Martin Brwn , Leonard Strang , George Gil-
, e.ple , i'rof. , McIdnpih . . , -
. i11sl } ' 'J.I iiotnl"s.
Miss Emily \ tf entertained a aiim-
ber'otiieryoieatcids . at the ' "of-ler : :
paren . Mr. an4 " ? trs. George W. Wnreha .
2603 North Seve onUI avenue , FrIday even-
Ing. Thee In tandance were : IUss .
Alice Ferguson Ma13l' Gordon , Dora Fred-
ericksen , Maude Merriott ; Emma , Munnecke ,
Eva Bell , Ellen ASkwlth , Cenle Russell .
Florence Parmelee ; Masters , Claude rerclva ,
Doane , Powel , Paul Robinson , Charles
' '
Ilk . Fred Hess , Ernest Morton , Ray
Howard Riddell , George lalre . , John Freerlckson ,
The evening was devoted to musIc , dancing
and plying games. , .A lunch l . was Iere ,
and all the young people report n delightful
time. _ _ _ _ _ _
tme.ralrness"l for tire I'nliicoton NhbC. .
The following ladles have consented to act
as ptroneses for ' the PrInceton Glee cub
concert nl Boyd's Thursday evening Decem-
'ber 21 : Mesdames ' .7. N. : H. Patrick J. M.
Woolworth , H. 'V. Yates , George Pnitehett ,
Thomas KhIpatrickCasper E. Yost , James K.
Chambers Warren Id. Rogers , Horace .
Ludington , ThollS A. Creighr George Worthington -
Georc Worth-I
Ingon : Joh H. ' Brooke , L. hi. Bennett , T. L.
Kimball . George 13. Lake , Ben D. Wood , O.
M. hitchcock , J. C. Denise , Robert D. Peatle ,
H. C. Akin Lewis Reed G. C. Barton , Joseph
Darker , W. E Ailtn ; J. : hi. Wilson , Thomas .
Swobe , Mien Rogers , James McKe'nna.
- -
Volms' ire Soclely.
Miss Dolly Poi&dk has returned from cbl-
MIss Palmer entertained . the Magazine club
last evonlng.
Miss Bessie NOGtn , who has been Quite
Ill , Is convalescent. :
Mrs. Koler entertained informally Monday
afternoon for Mrs. .Benieam.
Miss Cobugh of , Springfield , a. , Is the
guest of Mrs. H. M. Hnyer.
Mrs. Chlrles Squires Is spending tire week
with her cousin In St. Louis.
Mn . Earl Gannett returned home on Tuesday -
day after a long stay In the east .
Colonel Bates gave a handsome dinner tea
1 few frIends at the post FrIday night.
Mr. and Mrs. Marble and Miss Manbhe
leave taken apartments at the Madison.
Mrs. W. N. Nason left yesterday for San
Autonlo , where she will spend the winter.
H. D. Reeves and wIfe have taken rooms al
22 North Eighteenth street , with Mrs. Godso.
Mr. Schier D. 'Doysen , 2510 Harney street ,
leaves today for a visit to his home , Clinton ,
la.1rs. . J. H. Cox and daughter Helen of
Denver , Colo. , are the guests of Mrs. L. A.
Miss Phillips , who has been the guest of
Mercer hues Burns , Is new visiting her aunt , Mrs.
Mr. Harry Stel ilelJ of ChlcagQ Is visiting
his sister , Mrs. WillIam Wolff , al 25tO Har-
, ,
ney stnet. ' '
1r , Lyman O. 'erTey , who formerly lIved
In Omaha Is her ' & ' . , for . a short stay , havIng
arrived Monday. )
Mr. Miller of 'iriu1ln ' , Penn , will spend
Sunday In omali air ' the guest of Mr. and
Mrs. L. J. Drake 7
IIB Webster wilt /0 to Nashville , Tenn ,
January 1 , wleerdtsted will vIsit Mica Beak .
who Is now her ' .
Miss Lila ' Aleqerettr - gave n pretty card
party last evenlg Tor Miss Welch , Miss
Peck and Miss Gr7rit.
The many frleOl , or Mrs. 0V. . Ames will
b pleased to knoW . she Is hOle from thee
hospital and doie1tridehy.
Mrs. E. B. dolnF ; , , : wlo has been confined
to hier hOle byhllness for several weeks
past , Is now able to b' ' eut.
Ed G , Gyger , Iwho has been visiting In
the city since T anksgvlng leaves next
Tuesday evening , for New' York
llss Inrrleta Tstum goes to Chicago thIs
weak to b maid of honor al the McGee-QuIck
wedding on thee 26t or December
Mr. and Mrs. Clement Chase are reeivIng
the congratulations or theIr many friends on
the bIrth of 1 sect Thursday morning.
Miss Pugley , who has made so many
friends durIng 'her visit whir Miss Curtis , returned
turned to Chicago Tuesday aferool ,
Mr. C. I. Schmidt leaves for New York
today , where he goes to make arrangements
for the transfer of his 'family t that city .
Last Monday evening letra. Ul ( gave a
small party for thee young Ileople at Fort
Omaha to celebrate the bIrthdays of herself ,
Mrs Parks and Lieutenant Arnismith . 'hich
all fall upon the same day " The only town
guests were Miss hughes and Miss fleece
Mrs. LInda 'IVigman ' left yesterday for
Superior , where she will visit wih Miss
Brown expecting to return after the heolideys.
Prot Gaynore's dancing class was given a
little dancing party at Garfield hal last
nlhl. TheY enjoyed 0 IlsQuerade on
Thursday evening
The Collins bomo on Capitol avenue bu
been taken Iy Mr. Lewis . who will occupy
I t while his family during thc owner's absence -
enca from Omaha. '
Mr. and Mrs. Milton Barlow returned
from ther wedding journey last Thruraday
They will not bo at home , however , to their
friends until I'ebruary I ,
Miss Mae Mount creel Miss Bertha Sloan ,
who are PUlils al Miss nrant's scnool , Chel-
cage , wl return to their ! homes next Sun-
day for the Christmas hrohidays.
Mica Mae Sllh has just returned from a
two weeks' delghtul visit wih the Misses
Clara anti , Genevieve Ehhick . Inughters ot Mr.
all Mrs. Buick of I'remont. Neb.
11ss Mae Smith has just returned front . a
two weeks' delightful vIsit with the Misses
Clara and Genevieve Ehhick , daughters of Mn ,
antI Mrs. F I. EUck of remont , .Neb. lr
Miss ICinsey who leas just returned franc
Kansas leave lice early part of this week
for Part Niobrarcr where she will be the
guest of Miss L'eey until after the holidays . "
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wilson Batn. who :
were on their way to California and Old
Mexico , stopped In the city a few days of
last l week , visiting the fancily of Mr. Isaac
the tIm.
The Thurlon Rifles heave Issued invitations
for the celebration of their first anniversary
at the mustering of the company : Into the
Nebraska national guard , Monday evening ,
December 17.
Miss higgins of Chicago , who Is to be the
prima donna In the " " .
tonna "Sleeping Queen an-
rh'el In town last weele. Miss Higgins Is
the Juesl of her sister Mrs. Wheeler . , of
Sl Mary's avenue.
Miss Emma Pearson of alrbury , Nob. ,
Is I the guest ot Mrs. I ) . S. Baker al 100G
South Thirty-second street 1ls3 Pearson Is
i o Io married on January 1 to Dr. " ' 1 S.
Conrad of Hastings.
The Misses Gardiner and Miss Elliott . who
hnve ben so royally entertained In Omaha
durIng the past week , retured to Council
Bluffs Friday . where there Is more gayety to
follow In their Ironer
Mr. and Mrs. Newton Darkalow can no
longer be counted among the residents of
Oeieahra the sickness of their Infant daugMer
necessitating their removal to Denver , ; where
Mr. narhlow has engaged In business.
After an absence of some months , Mrs.
Booth , wife of Captain Booths of the Quarter-
master department of the army hRs returned -
turned to this city. Captain need Mrs. Booth
are Quartered at the Madison for the wInter.
Mrs. Collins and Miss Collins leave the
first week of January for New York City ,
where they will spend the winter. They
s ail early In the spring for an extended
tour or thee continent , revisiting famlar
spots In thee old world.
A dainty Informal luncheon was given on
Tuesday by MIss lergaret Drown. The dcc-
orations were all In ferns , with a center
piece completing thee cool and refreshing ef-
fect. The gest ! were Miss Elliott . the
I Misses Gardiner , Miss Cdy and Miss Col-
, petzer.
Mrs. James E. Boyd gave on Thursday a
very beautiful Kensington a large number
of guests being present throughout the hours
of the KensIngton. Delicious refreshments
were served , durIng the afternoon . the reels
looking particularly attractive In theIr feral
The members of Success lodge No. 135 ,
Brtherhood of. Railway Trainmen
wilt give their sixth annual bal on Thursday -
day , January 17 , II 'Vashlngton hail. These
gentemen"never do anything by halves and
judging ' fern the past. the affair will doubt-
less 'bo 'an unqualified succe s.
Mrs E. P. Brinegar entertalled al high
five Friday evening at the Madison. The
guests were : Mr. and Mrs. I\elar. Mr. and
Mrs : Miller . Captain and Mrs. Beetle , Mr. and
Mrs. Thompson , Mrs. Hail . Mrs. Beale Mrs.
Touzaln : Miss Lndis , , Miss 110r8e ; Mr. " .
Kennedy ; . Mr. lapp , Mr. Wood , Mrs. . :
' "Mr ' .nd "lrs 'WD' Carrier , ' 131 'Sut\
Twenty-ninth street , entertained the Me.rry-
Go-Round High FIve cub : Saturday evening ,
December 8. Those present were : Mr. H. D.
and Mrs. Edward howell , Mr. and Mrs.
Crook Mr. and Mrs. W. A. ShropshIre , Mr.
and Mrs. Drown , Mr. and Mrs. Canfeld ,
Mr. anti Mr. Campbell . Mr , and
Mu. Vaughn , Mr. and Mrs. Jlunter ,
Me anti Mrs. Green , Mrs. Hohen , Miss
Crowe , Miss Lea\.lt. Mesus. Clayton , Jones
and C , S. Carrier
Mr. and Mrs. T. F. Golden entertained
the Blizzard Igh Five chub Friday evening ,
Mrs. ' Ii. Sehaler and T. cub Golden wInning
first prizes , Mrs. SteelIer and 0. 1n'wnrll
taking the booby prIzes. The members of
the club are Mr. and Mrs. Sauter , lr ? , and
Mrs. Sclettffer . Mr. and Mrs. hayward , Mr
anti Mrs. Golden
Mrs. John U. Urooke entertained at lunch.
eon Tuesday Mrs. Pnitchudtt , lrs. Patrick
Mrs. Cowcn , Mrs. Bennett . Mrs. Wood Mrs
Barker , Mrs , Uandy. Mrs. Yost , Mrs. Hellck ,
Mrs. Content anti hirer Uarton. After the
luncheon highs five was played . Mrs. Prichett
winning the fIrst prize , whlo Mrs. Hedlcle
won thee booby prize.
Mrs. rank B. Pricey gave a large recep-
ton yesterday In Council Buls , which was
attended by several prominent guest from
Omahn. The house was belutfulr dec.
orated In smiax erich roses anti , every Iletal
wa com \I etc. Mrs. Iuse ) ' was assisted by
her sister Mrs. Robert E. Montgomery . and
Miss lennor 1 Mont/omerr.
The Omah/ Whist cub entertained the
Council Uhlls Whist club nt their n\art.
lents In The leo IulhlnJ last evening.
There was a team tilt lt duplicate , whit ,
ntrr which there was some eholco vocal and
Instrumental luslc and a Ilalntable collation ,
oVer ' one conccrnell agreeing tIed the en
lag had been most felcltousl ) ' spent.
An unusually \lensnt card leanly was gl\'en' '
Tuesday , evening In honor of tire Misses Garl-
mar excel Miss Elliott by the Misses hicuca . ,
The reels were prettily decortell a Iaul.l
tables were fled whir lelny'ers Miss Ham-
Ion amt Mr. 'Vayne won thee frt Ilrl7es
and , Miss Jeannete Gardiner and Mr. Bert
Wheeler the second prizes
1str. Charles F. Cathin . secretary of the
Western Art association . wil deliver his very
popular lescrlptve anti lustratl lecture entitled .
titled . "Ollliises of the Whie City . . or "The
Beauties anti Wonders of the , orlls Fair . "
before tIre member of the " 'esler Art
: . association . In the Lininger art gallery . 01
Tuesday evening December 18 , at 8 o'cock.
In honor of the lhses Gardiner and Miss
Elliott , who have been feted the \asl fort-
nIght Miss Caly ent.ertalnCI with a lancing
Ilarty Wednesday evening. The house was
prcttl ) deconetteel the music was excelent
arid the artistic surroundings adle,1 greatly
to the oharm of the occalore I was In all
learticulars one of the prettOt dancng : par-
ties of the season ,
Miss Louie Drake gave a' most charming
dancing \arty Thursday evening In honor or
the Misses Gardiner. Miss Dral was
Rsslstel In receivIng by Miss Gardiner her
sister having been compelled to attend an
entertnlnment In Council Bluffs. The three
rooms adjoining the drawing room were can-
vased aced used for dancireg AIout fort )
guests were present.
The Whist club was entertained Friday
evening at the residence ot Mr. and Mrs.
D. H. Wheeeler Jr. The following members
were present : Mr. anti lrs , Hedlcll , Mr. anti
Mrs. Deuel , Mr. all Mrs. Inwn1 Mr. neil
Mrs. fitch . Mr. and Mrs. C. W1 Hamiton ,
Mr. and Mrs. Bradford . Mr. and Mrs. htogers ,
Mr. anti Mrs. Wheeler and Mr. Chas There
were also present Mr. and Mrs. Gurley and
Miss Dunely.
FrIday , evening last the lanhalan Social
club gave another of Its delghtful parties In
Erhling Iall Those present were : Mr. and
Mrs. T. A. Cobry , Mr. and , Mrs. S. Collins ,
Mr. and Mrs. A. Bennett , Misses Mterpiry ,
Garnity , Itiley , hleaiey , Ciarke , Nestlebusie ,
Shannon , Cosgrove , Gentleman , L. Vorwald ,
C. Vorevaid , Wilson , A. Wilson , Dailey ,
Whalen , Yotenge , Benson , Ses'eiedby. Hagerty' ,
Mc0uire , Burr , It. Burr , itey'noitls , Casey ,
- ' - - - -
O'Connor , Matson , Flanagan , Cahaicene ,
Lenin , \'s'ctIn , Morris anti Rllcr ; letestrer. hint-
pIty. Pyle , Ford , Smith , Casey , McGuckirsr'
Monaghan , Cahealane , banern's'hl5on , Dailey ,
I.ciglrty' , Gilbert , Knapp , ( lerhley' , Itiley ,
Pitney , T , fly'noieis , 3 , lteynoleler , l5ctersen ,
O'Ilrl'n , Koesters , Quinn , liagerty , Conklin ,
hlonteingiraven , 'c's' . Reilly , McCcrmack , fIrstly ,
Morris , ltualeesrt , Foley , McGrath and \Vct , .
alec ,
hits , Mcintosh cirtericined very' charminfily
\S'efinestlay aftencceosi. Tue heeuso was deco.
tateel with yellow chrysrrntheirnrms. Mrs.
Itustin assateti Mrs. Mcintosh lii receiving ,
se'hile through the rooms were Mrs. Colts ,
hirer. A , L. Iteed , Mrs. Ilertabrook , Mrs. hr.
vine , Mrs. Will Itedlek , Mrs. ( Jifforil , hits ,
Franle hticir.erdson , MIss Scott of Prhceceton , . . '
ill. , Miss Mabel hielconebe , Miss Copeinnel ,
Miss hfniglet , Miss Iloagland anti \ilss liter-
hug of St. Pain ,
Mr. Milton Nobles runt ! Ida dramatic corn-
ineny hras'e offered to play a benefit for thee
Ladles Aid society' of All Saints' chrircir at
lloyd's opera house on Jarueary 18 , antI the
ldhos heave grateftihly' aceepiel thee proposi-
tloee , Tire play cviii lee Mr. Nobles' bct
productIon , "Front Sire to Soee. " Mr. Nobles
is an oil creel valued frIend of Hector Mackay ,
anti ethic lila charming wife Is always a guest
at tine rectory when in Omaha ,
Iiit'itntlones leave beere neceI'eel from Cap-
taire lIdwarti li. ltaeeeieil to thee marriage of
Ida daughter , Miss Sara Fiilzrebcthe htamrelahh ,
aced Lieeetemeeest W'ihiiatei Henry Monford , U.
5 , \'s'etlreestlay evening , Jameemary 10 , 1805 ,
8 O'clock , met Fort hieh'ieerson , Georgia. Mr.
Mortorci was for is ireernber of years core-
ilecteel wills tine Nebraska National bareic of
tirfs city , hater entering tire army , arid passed
inter exaneuineetloet fo' a secoeeti hicut'ceacecy.
Miss hhirnebaugh is always a gracious leos.
toss ansi men chocolatnelre Tlrtersday attemeoon
teas once of time dehighticel fnrmmcthomea of a s'ery
beisy week. Miss lhinimcheaugle was assisitl
in receiving by Mrs. Cohes , Mrs. Heed , Mrs.
Itoinington anti hirer. Harry McCormick , Tire
mouse evas eatiulslteiy decorateti therocmglnotrt
in leink , o'erythnhreg behteg in macmany withr
tire lereraihing color. Qneite a nuneber of
young woneen were present derring thee tracers
of time feruction , eshicle teas franc 3 emretil P.
Friday evenmieeg hiroveti to be a mmcost'emijoy-
able one to ti ) meeemiers of thee lrortnsighthy
club , as theey were emetcrtaimecei at tine henries
of Mr. ansi Mrs. Isainhe Ilmehe , 2011 Socetie
Thirteenth street , Tue evonlmeg was spent in
playing heighe five , after which elainrty refresle-
merits crone served by tire cheernelng lrostess. . "
Thtoo iwesemet were : Mr. aced hIrer , L. 10 ,
Corley , Mr. need Mrs. hlraelemr , Mr. aned Mrs.
Isainhe Ilale , Misses Grace Kenney , lray ,
Wertz , Aeemca Kennesiy , Agrees Kemenedy ,
Messrs. UantV. . ICeterecy. henry' Bltnmn ,
Crepe , Robert Aitcicisoce and Oelnicir.
Ice ironer of hirer.Vatsort of Cinicago Mrs.
J. It. iclihiani gave a dehighetfui tea \Verinos.
day- afternoon , There crone only the old-time
frieruls of Mrs.Vtetson merited , and all thnor-
ocighehy enjoyeei having a Clint with tins very
leoluriar woreisee. leerirmg their stay tea was
seervei. Among thee guests were : Mrs.'s'at -
some , hits. Yost , hIts. Ganeieau , hirer. 11oct11 ,
hirer. Ilrnehtord , hits. W'ohster , Mrs. Patrick ,
Mrs. Ilnerescoen , hire. I'ritchett , hits , Bennett ,
Mrs. hlrooko , Mrs. Yates , Mrs. lloyd , Mrs.
Colitres , Mrs. Coutneret , Mrs. Cowin , Mrs.
Daeerly' , Idles Collins erect hiiss Ilnmnscoree.
Mr. anti hirer.V. . Rex evere pleasantly seer-
nnised at their heorne , 1612 Soeethr Sixths street ,
hhoretlay evening , lelgir fire being thee amtrse-
eeeent of thee evening , after whriche refresh-
relents were served. Tleose present were :
Mr. nut hirer. W. Rex , Mr. and Mrs. Id , Mul.
vileihl , hirs. J. Sullivan , hirer. Id. Rhodes.
hirer , A. Fitzpatrick , Miss Millie Kauffmeian ,
MIss Anecereda Burquist , Miss Gibson , Messrs.
Will Gorruan , I'at Nooeean , Oliver Monniih ,
Fitzgerald , H. 11. Gear , Wiredherger , Victor
Benson , F. Kauffman. Mrs. itinodes amid Mn ,
Noonan won time first lerizes , Miss liurquist
amid Mr. Kauffman time coeesoiation vnlzcs.
, .
. 1 _ _ Raymond's . . List
. ' . ' ' ' 'eo'Oj. page 20. . ' ' . . : ' - , '
- ' : : c " -
. . . .
' .
. F , ' ; . , . C CI ' ' )
' -
Kelley ; Stiger & Co.
' . . An Extraordinary .Opportunity
: : C , .
, _ - -
: . - " . - For , sixd ys , commencing . Monday morning , . we shall give
: : a
: : : : : c ; , : ' ' ' ' ; :
. , : ' ' ' On oui entire stock of Black and Colored
. , ' : . _ , DRESS GOODS ,
The mot Attractive , Sensible and useful Christmas Cut
YOU could possibly select. I
Our entire stock of Crapons , Crapes , Novelty Dress Goods ,
Henricttas , Cashmeres , Serges , Broadcloths. Sacidogs , Granite Cloths , Plaid ,
Stripes and every known weave in Black and Colored Dress Goods to be found
in a 'svcll selected stock.
' ' 7'/eis side incIdcs all o'ir Cream Fzbrics i Cas4mere
znd Wool for evening wear.
We have adopted this method in preference to advertising - '
. tising the usual January mark.down sale , which is often misrcprese'iting and'
liable to misunderstandings. ' I
. 20 Per Cent.
Will be deducted from our lowest prfces.
' 'IA/i Goods Marked in Plain Fiii'rcs. "
Our object in making this offer is to reduce , in the next six
daysour Dress Goods Stock which isentircly too large for this time of the season
" This Is Cercziiily a Gre& OftOi1Ufli'fye"
And should be taken advantage of by every intelligent buyer
of Dress Fabrics.
Kelley Stiger & Co. ,
Cor. Farnam and [ 5th Sts.
- -