, . . : . 20 TilE OMAILk : DAILY DEE : SUN DAY , DEOE\UWt \ , 189.1. L - - - - - - - : CLARENCE. By Bret Harte" , I _ , - 1 . , . ( CopyrIght. IS'I by Dret IIart ) ? . IART n.-Chapler I. Night at last anti the stir and tumult \ of 11 great fight over Even I the excitement that had swept this portion of the battlefleIt-offlY . 11 smal lectlcn of a vaster arc : of Miuggle- 1 Into which ! 1 brlgallo had marched , held Its own , been beaten back , recovered Its ground and , pursuing , had passell out of I forovpr , : leaving only Its llead ' be111ml ) , nml knowIng nothing more of that struggle than Its own Impact and momentum-even this wild excite- ment had long since evaporated with the stngIng smcke of gunpowder the acrid smell of burning rags from the clothing of n dead loller fired hy a burltug shell , or the heatell rock of weal and leather A cool breath that seemed to bring hack once more the odor of the upturned eorthworlt3 oleng the now dumb line of battle , began to move from . the suggestive darkness beyond But Into that awful penetrala of death and silence there was now no Invaslou-thero lied : been no retreat. A few of the wounded hall been brought out under fire , but the others had been left with the .leall . for the morning light and succor I.'or It was known that In I , . that horrible ob5cnrlty riderless horses , fran- tic with the smell of blood , galloped wildly here and there , or , maddene.1 . hy wounds , plunged furiously at the Intruder ? , that the wOUlletl soldier , still armed , could not always - ways distinguish friend from foe or from the ghouls of camp followers who strlppell the . dead In the .lartesH ] and struggll with the dying. A shot or Iwo heard somewhere In - . that ohseurlty counted ns nothing with the , . long fuslalo , that had swept It In the Ihy- time ; the passing 01 a single life , more or less , amounted 10 Ito In the long roil cal of the day's ( slauhter. But with the first hlals of the morln Bun-and the slowly moving "relief detail" : from the camll-came a weird hal resurrec- ton 01 that ghastly field 'Chen It was that the hang rays 01 sunlight , streaming many a . ' anile beyond the battle line , IlrH pointed , out the han'est of the dend where the reserves - serves had been IloHte , ! There they lay In - llells nnd ( plies , killed by solid shot or burst- : ' ing shells that hall leaped the battle line to t , plunge Into the waiting rnl , beyonl , As the . , sun lifted higher its beams fell within the r , range of musketry ] fire where the llead lay thicker , even as they hall fallen when killed outright , with arms extended , and feet at ' all angles ] t the dclii . As It touched . these dead upturned faces , strangely : : enough It brought out no expres- : : ' ' ion of pain nor anguish , but rather as , . t death had arrested them only with sur- : , ' prlse all awe I revealed on the lips ef . those who had been 10rtly wounded , and ; hail turned upon their side . the reler which , death hind brought their suffering , sometmes even with a sml . Mounting higher , I glanced upon the actual bale hue , curIously curving for the shelter of wals , fences , anti brcastworlcs-antl here the deal lay , even , as when they had lin and fired , their faces I . prone In the grass , but their muskets still : . ' resting across the hrenstworts. ] Exposed to . grape and canister from the battery en the : ridge , death had como to them mercifully also-through the heal , and throat And now 4 ; ' , - the whole field lay hare In the sunlight- ] broken with grotesque shadows cast from 2 sitting , crouehln , hal recumbent , but always : rigid , Igurls , that might have been elgles ef their own monuments One half.meelng ! , soldier , with head bowed between his stif- t cued hands , might have blood for n carven ' flgiire of grief at the feet 01 his dead corn- ; fgure /rlel rade , A captaIn hot through the brain In the act of mountng a vail lay sldeways ! hal J e across I , his lips parted with the word of conlnamI ( , and sword still pointing over the , barrier the way that they should go , ' : hut It was not until the sun had mounted . lrgher that It struck the central horror of the \ - . field and seemed to linger there In dazzling : I perslstenco , now and then returning to It In ' , startling flashes , that It might bo seen of men and those who brought succor. A tiny i . " brook hall run obliquely hear the bate lIne . i. . , I was here that the night bclore the battle i : friend all fee hall filed their canteens side : c i by silo with sOdlerly ! recklessness ] , or per- :1 , Imps a higher instinct , purposely IgnorIng . 'J , each other's Ilresence. I was here tha tl ] . i i , wounded hind afterward crept , crawled , , t f smid dragged themselves ; here they hall pushed , : } ? . ' wrangled , striven nml fought for a dralght , c- : of that precious fluid which assuaged the , " . thIrst of their wounds-or happily put them ' ; out of their misery forever : here , overborne , 'f 1 . crushed , suffocated by numbers , pouring their " ' ; own blood Into the flood and tumbling after J i. I with their helpless bodies , they dammed 'I . the stream , until , recoiling , red and angry , - . ; . It had burst its banks and overflowed the ( . t cotton field In n brave pool that now sparkled . In the sunlight . But below this human 'dam , -a utile away-where the brook still crept th : ' sluggishly , the ambulance horses sniffed and . started from It. " , ' , f" The detail moved \ on slowly , doIng their work oxpellllHsly and apparently cnllsly , t but really only with that mechanical move- , mont that saves emotion . Only once were ' they moved to an outbreak of indignation- : , . the discovery of the body of an ( fcer whose llC'ltets vera turned In&lo ] out , but whose t hand was still Ught : grasped on his buttoned ' walstCat , as I resisting the outrage that : hind been done while still In life. As - ' the men disengaged time stiffened hand . mm' mething slipped from the waIstcoat to the . ; rottnd. The corporal picked It UII alHI banded I to his officer . I was a scaled ! paclc. 'rime officer receIved It with the carelessness whIch long experience of these : ' pathetic missives from the dying to their living relations hall induced mil dropped It tI In the 110cket of his tunic , with tie half dozen 51 ' : othets thlt he hind , plcltell up that mtrlng , . , and . moved omj.s'Ithm the detail. A Ite further on they haied In the attitude of k : attention as a mounted oncer appeared rIdIng slowly down the hue . There was something more than time , . habHual respect of their Bnperlor In their f faces aim ho came forward For It was the ( general whr hail conlnlnlled time brigade time i day beforetho man who leaped with ono bound Into the forward rant ] of ummiiitary 'c p leaders . I was hIs Invinello miiary lUll led time advance , Ilel1 back defeat agaInst , - over\hehnlng numbers , suslalned time raiiy . It . lmilres8cII his suhonllnate officers with his own 1110vlatllg purpose , and oven Impressed . sirnomig them an ulmost Ilperstllous belief In his destiny of suces. I was this man 'imn hld done what It was deemed Imp03slble tu ' 5e dowhat oven at this time It was thought r unwise and unslraterle to do-who had held ; n weal 110sltnn , of apparently no Imortance , ! under time mamlate of an Incomprohenslble : Cder from his snllerlor-whleh a best asked only for I sacrifice amid was rewarded with a t "lctory. lie bad cleclmatell his brIgade , but c time wounded anll'dylng hUll cheered him as . ho passed , and tIme m'vlvors lull pUruel1 time enemy uut the bugle ] called thom back . POI bUeh a reeHl1 ho hooked still too young and even elomlnlto , albeit lila Imamidsomo taco . was dark ald serious ant his manner ' : tacituirum . , ills quick ere hall already caught sight of 4 , , the l'led body el the otcer auth contracted , t Al the captain of the detail saluted 11m , ht i ? ' saul , curtly : Li "J Ilourht tIme ormlcrs were to fro upon anyone * ono 11 ecratng tIme dead ? " ' 'They ore , nenel'ol , but Ihe hrenaa Ilon't gIve tie ) chance. That's nil yonder poor fellow - low saved frol their claws , " rqllrd time officer , us lie helm ? 111 tile ealcd racket , "It ba no address , " Time gelel'al tool I , euml1l the en\coN , . , thlulI It into his belt , and saul , "I will ale : . charg of It . " The sound of horses' hoof o'IP from the rocky roadside behuinI . the bush , 10th IC : ' uruittl . A nuinmimer of ilehmi oiilcere 'turnet. nlllcr Icld olccrs wore ap. fr llroachlllt , "The division staff , " eat ! the captain In n lower voice , raing back They clne slowly forwarll , n central figure on 1 gray : bone leading here , al In imiLcry . - A Ihorl , thlrlc.set man with I grluled beal1 f' ( Io-cl' croppel' nr ull al inscrutable m"uth , 5 and the serious forma\y { ( f a respectable country de4con In his aspect , which even the single Illr on time shoulder strap of his lose tile anI' ' 1ls ! Eollierly Iet In the aadcije r could no emmilrely obiteate i . lie - find ! cvi- , denty perceived ) time general tl brigade . . . an'l quickened his here u tIme hUcr drew up. The staff followed moro iclnuroly , but still with some curiosity to witness time mec - ' lag Or the first i nerll cf the ur ! ) with time . ktQlt . The division genef1 , Elut d. hut II- "jn ' r I' ' . ) , : most instantly withdraw hll leather gauntlet ant offered his bared hand to the brigadier. Time words of the heroes are scant. The dawn UII detail , time waiting stall . lstened , ThIs was all they hearl : "hhmmllock tells ia ) 'ol'ra from California I" ! i "Yes , general " "Ahmi I lived there , too , In the early days Wonderful country Developed greatly since my time , I stmppoae ? " "Yes , general , " "Oreat resources , Finest wheat growing country In the world , sir You Ilon't happen to Iwow what the actual crop was this year ? " "hardly , general , but something enormous " "Yes , I always said It Would be. Have a cigar ? " lie handed his cigar case to the brigadier. Then ho took one himsel , lighted It nt the smouhlerlng end of the one he hall taken from hl mouth , was -IJut to throw the stump carelessly down , html , sudlleny ] recollecting himself , lenell over hIs horse and dropped It carefully a few Inches away from time taco of a lead seller , Then straighten himself In the saddle 1m shovell his horse against the brigadier , moving him a little further on , wlilo n sllht movement of his halil kept the staff from tohiowing. " "A heavy loss herd" ! "I'm ulrahl so , /enera ] . " "It commidn't be heped ] We lied to rush In yommr hrllallo 10 gain tml" and occupy the enemy untl we could chnngo front " The young general looked at the shrewd , coli eyes of hIs chief "Chunga tronl ? " he eclmoemi "Yes , Before a gtin , vas fired I appeared that the enemy was In complete po seslon of all our plans , und Ial'w : every detail of our formed rnovemuemmts Al hall 10 he changed. " The younger milan now instantly unllerstood the Ineomprehenslhle order cf the llay before. The general of division contnued : "You un- dem'tmmmit1 , thcrefore General Uranl dertall , , Ihat II time face or this ' Ixlraordlnar treachery the utmost vlllance Is requlrell , amid a complete surveillance or your camp followers miamI civil- lals to Ileleet . the actual sp ) ' within our lines , Ct .alor we are hrhorlng who has be- como .u . ' sessCI 01 this Informaton , You wi o\'erhaul your brigade , and wcel , out all sun- poets , aud In the which ' position you arc to take tomorrw and the pnnl10n ] you wil occupy , you will see thnt your private quarters - tern , as wel as 'our hines , arc cleared of all hul those you care much lor. " I reined In hlb horse , again extenlCI his hand , saluted ] , unll rejoIned his stafr. Brigadier General Clarence Brant re- mnlned for a momenl wih his head bent In admiring contemplation of the coolness of his \eteran chler Iller this excling tIls- closure and the strategy wih which he had frustrated the traitors' success. Then his eye caulht time scalet iacket In his belt. lIe lechuncaly ! drew I out alll broke ] the scal The envelope was fled with papers . _ . and memnorantitmrns As Ime l glanced at them his face darkened ard his brow knit. He glanced quickly around him , The staff had trbted away ; the captain and his detail - tai were continuing their work at a little dIstance He tool I long breath , ho was hodlng ] In his hund I tracing 01 their 11- sWon ! , even of the position he was to occupy - cupy tomorrow amid : detailed aceJunt or ' the movements , plaits and force of the whole division as had been arranged In council of war the day before the battle . But there was no indication of the writer or his In- tentions. tentons. lo thrust the papers hurriedly back Into the envelope and placell I this tune In his brest. He galloped toward the captain "Let me' see the officer from whom you tool that packet ? " The captain led him to where the body lay , wlh others , extdnded more decently on time ' grass awaiting removal , General Drant wih difficulty suppres-ed an ejaculation . "Why , it's one at our own men ! " he said quickly. "Yes , general , They say It's Lieutenant 'Valnwrlght , a regular of the division sup- ply department " "Then what was ho doing here ? " asked General Drant , sharply. "I can't make out , sir : unless ho went Into the last advance as : volunteer 'anted to see the fight , I reckon lie was a dashIng - lag follow , West I'olnter-and n southerner , . " too-a Virginian. , "A Vlrglnlunl" 'eehoel I3rauit quickly " . " "Yes , air "Search hIm again , " said Trant quietly. lie had.recov . rCl his usual coolness , anti as tIme captain agaIn examined time body , he tool out his tablets uld wrote a few lines. I I was an order to search the quarters of I lieutenant WaInwright all bring all papers , . letters and documents to him. Ho then hmeckommeil ono of the detail toward him. ' 1'alte that to time provost mauhnl at ommce Wel , captain , " ho added calmly , lS time omeer : gall1 dlproached luau , "what do you fluid 9' " "Only this , " rlturnel1 the captain , wIth a hal smile , prolluclng email photollaph , "I SUIIIOSO It was overlooked ! , too " Ho handed It to Urant. There was.a . udden fixing of the com- manllng on'cer's eyes , but his face dId not otherwise chango. - "Tho usual find , general But ths ! time " rather a handsome woman , "Very , " said Clarence Urant quietly . It was the portrait of his oln wlel PAnT n.-Chapler If. So complete was his control of velce and mannr that ; I ho galloped back to his quar- tern no one would have dl'eJmed that General Brant hal just 1001ed : upon time likeness of his wife from whol ho hall Isrtell ] In anger fOlr years age' . Still less wOlld they have sue- peete the II11Ular fear that came upon him thnt In sonic vague way she was connected with lImo tmcachmery he haI Just discovered lie had he31"1 from her only ono , and then through her late hueband'3 lawyer In regard to her Calol'nla Ilrollerly , and believed tblt she hal gene to her relations In Alabama , where site had Il tfed herel with , the Eouther r.Use oven to tIme acrlfco of her Ilrlvato forlune. lie hal heard her name mentond In the BOllher press as a facinat- lug society leader , and even eoadjutrlx of southern pohiticians-but. he had no reason to believe that chic had tIen so active 01 so desperate a Ilat In time struggle . lie tried to think thlt his uneuhlcs : sprang trout his rlcolerlon uf the Ilrc'lou5 treachery of Cap- Lila Plnelmcy , amI the Ilart that she hall played & In time California conspiraey-altiiougim ho hUll long hlCd acquitted her or the be- trayal of another trust. But there was a fate- ful slmlar\y In the , two cafes. There was no doubt tt\t this LheulouammtVaimmwrigimt ] was a traitor In } c lllpthat he had BUC- cumbed to thmlerable sophistry of his class : II ri11\1 ; , to lila superior allegiance to his nattvc Ttate , hut , yas ) there the Inducement - meat of rnoll r cmQtomm or was the Ilhoto- graph only th ! souvenir of a fascinating prlesle s of rcbellon whom time dead man Ipd meT There 'r l pedials len of feeling than scorn In the first ilieston , taut p wa . ne"ertheleu , relieved when Ute ( ) rovost marshal found no Inclqlnatng p7miers In Wainwrlghmt's eftect. Nor did bo reveal to the division general time finding of the pboto- graph , I was lulc nt 10 disclose the work . of the traitor wlhbut adding ' bat ml/ ' ht - - - - - - - - - - , - - a clew to Ills wife's patcipaton In It , , nearer or remote. There was risk enough In the former course , which his duty lnadn Jm- perative. lie hardly dAred to thInk ! of the : past day's slaughter , which ' , line WI no ' doubt now , hall been hue to . , the previous work of the spy and how biB brigade had been selected ] , by the Irony of fate , to suffer for and yet retrieve it. I she hall a haml In this wicked plot , ought he to spare her ? Or were his destiny and hers to be thus mon- strously linked together Luckily , however , the exposure of the chief offender and the timely discovery of his pa- prs enabled the divIsion commander to keep the affair discreetly silent , and to enjoin equal secrecy , on the part oC Brant. The later , however , did not relax his vigilance , and after the advance the next day be male a minute inspection of time ground he was to occupy , its approaches anti connection with the outlying - lying country and time rebel hines , increased the stringency of picket anti sentry regula- tons , and exercised a rigId surveillance of noncombatants and civilians within the lines -even to time lowest canleener or camp fol- lower. Then he turned his attention to the house he vas to occupy as his he11lquarlers I was a fine specimen of time ohl colonial llanter's ] house , wih Its broad verandas , Its great detached offices anti negro quarters , and hall , thus far , escnped the ravages anti Iletng of the war. I had been occuplell by Its owner up to a few days before tIme engagement , anti so great had \een the con- denco of tIme enemy In theIr success that It had been used as the confederate headquarters - quarters on the morning of the decisive hat- tie ! Jasmine and rose , unstained by the sUlphur of gunpowder , twined aroulll Its ruln"d columns all halt hid the recessed windows ; time careless lower garden was still In Its unltept antI unplucl luxu- rlnnce , the court yard l'efore the stables alone showed marks of the late Iiltar ' oe- clpaucy , anti was pulverized by the uneasy horse hoofs of the waiing staff . limit the mingled Impress of barbaric prodigality with patriarchal simplicity was still there In the domestla arrangements of 1 race who lived on equal terms wih strangers and their own ser\anls. Time negro servants still remained with a certain cat-hike ] fidelity to time pace : and adallted themselves to the norlhern Invaders with a ehld-llt enjoyment of the novelty of the chane. Brant , nocrtheless , looked ] them over with an experienced eye , and sat- Islell hlmse ] of their trustworthiness ; there were the usual number of "boys , " gra ' - , hlre.l nnd grizzled In bOlly service , and the " " " " tIme kitchen , "mammies" and "auntes" of Itlchen There were two 01 three rcoms In the wing whch sti contained private articles , ple- lures anl souvenirs 01 the famiy , amid a "young ally's" ] boudoIr which Brant , with characteristic delicacy , kept carefully isolated ] and Intnct from his mlt1ry houseloll , amid accesslb'e only to the famlry sen'onts Time room he hall Felcctell for himself was nearest It-a Fnal , Illalnly furnished apartment with an almost conventual sllplcly In Its cOd ] , white wals amid draperies antI tIme narrow , nun.Io bell It struck him that I might have belonged to some prim elder daughter or munition aunt who hall acted as housekeeper - keeper ) , as It commmHled the wing all the servanls' offices wih easi access to the central - tral hal , There followed a week of Inactvl ' , In _ _ _ . . , lfr . . s- . . . . - - p 'i ' : TJ , ' - - : , . . . . - . ' " , SAW ills ADVERSARY Cm.LAPSE. , which Drant felt a singular ] resemblance In this souther mansion to the old casa , at Hohles. TIme afternoon shadows of the deep . verandas recalled the old monastic goom/of ] the Spanish house , which even the presence 01 a lounging ] officer or waiting orderly 1II1d not entirely dissipate , and the scent of time 'ose , and Jasmine from his wIndows over- came hIm with sad memories. He began to chafe nnder this inaction , and long agaIn for time excitement of the march and bivouac , In which for the past four years he had . burled his past. lie was sitting one afternoon alone ] before hIs reports and dispatches when this influence . seemed so strong that ho hal Impulslvey' ] ' laid ] them aside to Indulge In a long reverlo. He was recalling , his last days at RabIes , the ) early morln ! duel with Pinckney , the re- turn to San Francisco , and the sudden reso- ] ulon which sent him that day across the continent to offer his services to the govern- meat He remembered his delay In the wester town , where I volunteer regiment was being recruited , hIs entrance Into It as a prIvate , his railid selel ton , through time force of his sheer Jevolon and intelligent concentration , to time captaincy of his com pany , his swift promotion on hard.lought fields to time head of the regIment , and the singular success that hall followed his re- sistess energy , which left ] him no time to thln ] of anytiming but hIs duty. The sudden Intrusion of his wo upon his career , even In this accidental and perhaps Innocent way , had serously ] unsettled him The shadows were growing heavier and dceper , It lacked only a few moments 01 , the eunget bugle when lIe was recalled to himsel by that singular instinctive conselousness- common to humanity-of being Intenty looked at lie turned quickly-the door behind him closed softly . lie rose and < 1 shipped Into tIme hail. The tall figure of I woman was going down time passage. She was erect and grace- rul , ' but lS she turned toward the door lead- ' log to time onces , he distInctly sav the gaudily turbanCI head and black ] slhouele of a ne- gress Nevertheless , ho haled a moment at the door of the next ream. "Seo who that woman Is who just passed , Mr Martin . She doesn't seem to belong to the house. " Time young officer rose , put on his cap , and departed. In a few mlJutes ho returned . "Was she tall , sir-of a goo figure and very straIght ? " "Yes " "She Is a servant or our neighbor's , the Many ] ; who occasionally visits time servants here. A mulatto , I think , " . - Irant reflected. Many of time mulattos ] and negresses were of good figure , anti tie ) habit of carryIng burdens emi their heads gave them a singularly erect carrIage. Time lieutenant looked at his chief , "Havo you ally order to give concernIng her , general ? " "No " said Brant after ' , sall a moment's pause , all turned away. The officer enmiled . I seemed a good story to tel at mes of this human weakness of his handsome , reserved , and ascetic-ioking leader I , A few mornings afterward Brant was Inter- ruptc over his reports by tIme almost abrupt entrance of the officer of the day Ills face was lushed , and It was evIdent that only time presence of his superior restrained hla ex- citenment. lie hell a paper In hIs ' hand . "A lady present timid order and Ila8 from Washington , counterIged by time division general , " "A lady ? " "Yes , slr-sho Is dressed 'a such , Bnt she has not only dee\nel the mpost ordinary clviii- ties and courtesies we have offered her , but . imas Insulted Mr Martin gad myself .ha Martn ! nl mysel grossly . and demands to be shown to you alone " Drant took the paper 'I' ' WS1:1 ' : 'peclal or- der from the president pabhum ' lhs Malda Faulkner through He ! f etrl , lines to visit her uncle's home , . knowq , ne "Liray : Oaks , " now held anti occupie4 , a the , eadquarleu of Brunt's brigade , \ order to arrange for time preservation and d119 sal or certln family effects and prh'atq _ 9Iw.rlx , th ; ! Bll remained - mained th le , or to take Ind orry away such Jry property , find Invoking all necessary 11 ald assistance fron tbo. UniLed . .ttes fqrces In such upifmcy . n w l SunterIKn ( ) by th division commander I ' vat prfeetiy rg - lam' and of undoubted authentciy , He had beard of pass.i . of this , kind-ahe terror of tIme an.y-Iuue , In Wlhlngton' - under aome . strange controlling Influence .Dd against 111 . - - - tal protest , but ho did not let hIs 81borll1nale see the uneasiness with which It fled hIm , "Show her In , " he salll quietly. lImIt she hall already entered , brushing scornfully past the officer , and drawing her skirt aside 'IB I contaminated. A very pretty southern girl , scornful and red-lipped , clad In 1 gray riding habIt , and still carry- Ing her riding whip clched omInously In her shim , galnteted hmand "You hove my permit In your hand , " she said brusquely , hardly raising her eyes to Drnnt. "I suppose It's all straight enough , and even t It Isn't , don't reckon to be kept 1 waiting with those hirelings , " "Your 'permit' Is 'etralght enough , ' Miss Faulkner , " sid Dranl slowly reallng her name from time document before hIm , "but as It does not seem to include permIssion to Insult my ofcer / rQI will perhal1s allow them frt to retire , " lie made n sIgn to the officer , who passed olt of the door. As It closed ] , he went on In a gente , but coldly unimpassioned 'oIce : ' "J perceive yotu Ire a souther lady , anti Uleri'ore I need not re- mlnll yell thnt It Is , not considered goad form to treat even thm slaves of these one docs not like uncivilly . and 1 must therefore - fore exneet that 'Ol Iwl keep your active animosity for mysef : " The young girl Ilel her e 'ee. She hd evidently not expefell to meet n man so 'olng , so hmmundsoumme so refnCI , anti so cell ' Invincible Inb nmnner. Stl less was sIte prepared for that kind I of antagnism , In keeping lp her : reconcertell attitude toward time "northern blrelng" alma had mat with official bru'lloness , contemptuous ; silence , or aggrieved intlignatlomi-but not h- Ing as cxatierating as thIs. She even fancied exaperatng that thIs elegant hit snlonlclooklnsoller / ! was Inwarll ) ' mocking her She bit her red hip , but with a scornful gestlro of her riding vimii ) , said : whll reckon that yotmr Itowcdge ! of soulh- er ladies Is , for certain reasons , not very ' ' . ext emmsive. "i'ardon me. I have hall the honor oC marrying one , " Apparenty more exasperatell than before site turnell upon him abrnpty , "You say my pass Is all rlht Then 1 presnme I may attemmti " to time business that brought mae here. . "Certainly , but ynum wi forgive me If I Imagined that an expressIon of contenlt for your hosts was no IIrt of It. " 10 rang n bell on the table . I was responded to by an orderly. "Senll all the household servants here. " . The room was presently 11ed with thl dusky faces 01 the negro retaIners. here and there was the gleaming of white teeth but tIme majority of thc assembly wore thr true negro acceptance 01. the Inlorlance of "an occasIon " One or two even affected nl official and soldierly bearIng And , as he fuly expeeled , there were several glances of significant , recogliton of the stranger. "You'wl give , " said Urn cterly , ' 'every all amid attentiOn to the wants of this YOln/ lady , who Is here tc repre 'CI ' : the interests of ) 'Otir old mter. As she wi he entirely dependent - pendent upon you In all timings connectell with lr visit here see to It t hut shg loe5 not have to comraln ! 10 me of JIY inattontiomi'-or to b2 obliged to ask for other assistance " As Mss ! Faulkner , ahbimit ] a trifle paler In the choclt , but as scornful as aver , was about to follow the servant from the room , Bralt stopped her with a coly ] ] eOlrteud gesture : "You will Inderstand , thererore , US Faulkner , that you have your wish , 0:11 : that yon will nct be exposed to any contact wllh the members of my military family , nor they with you " "Am I then to be a prisoner In thIs hiouzo - and under a free pass of-your-president ? " she said indigmianthy. "Dy no means. You arc free to csm and go. and see whom you hilease. ] I have no power to control your actions , but 1 have power to control theirs , " She swept furiously ] from the room. "Tht Is quite enough 10 fill her with a desire to flirt with every man here , " said Drnt 10 hlmse\ with a faint smile , "but I fancy they have had a taste enough of her qualy , " Nevertheless , he sat down and wrote n few Ine3 to the division comander , pointing out that he had already paced ] time owner's pr- ! vate property under strict surveillance , that It was cared for and perfectly preserved by the househoil servants , and that Tile ! pas was evidently obtaIned as a sUbtertuo. , . To this.ho . receIved a formal . reply , regretng Ihat time authcrlle Washlngton ; still found sit ' necessary to ] 1t.1 this kind ,0rJ rlk end burden on the army In , the field ] , but' thai the order emanated from time highest authority and must be strlcl oheyed. At time , betel 'of ' tIme page , however , was a cimaract'uristic line In the generalIs 'own hand : "Not , the kiiiti I that Is dangerJs : . " A fush moulel I Drant's cheelts a3 IC , contained not only a hidden , but a Icrsonal ] signiflcammce. lie thought of his own wife . . Singularly enough . a. day or two later , rlt dinner , the conversation turned upon the In- tense sectional feelnln of southern women- prQbably Indnced by \helr late experlenc Drant at the head of , the table , In his habitual abstraction , was scrcehy following the some- what excited dlcton eLm Colonel Sirangeways , one 01 his stal "No , ilr , " reIterated the indignant - dignant warrior , "baka my word for I , n southern woman Is .not to be trusted on this point , whether as a sister sweethmtart or wIfe . Atid I when she Is trusted Rime's bound to get thO better of the man In any 01 those relatons I" The dead silence that followed , the omInous joggle of a glass at the speaker's elbow , the quick ! , sympatheto glance that Drant instinctively fell was directed to hIs own face , and the abrupt , change of subject , could not but arrest his alonton - even I he had overlooked the speech His face , how- ever , betrayed nothing I hind never , how- ever , occurred to hIm before that hIs family affairs might be known-neitlm& had ho ever though of keeping them a secrel. I seemed so purely n personal anti private misfortune that he had never dreamed ot its having any pubhic . Interesl. . And even now he was a little ashamed of what ho believed was his sensiivener to mew convontOlal ) criticism , which , with the instinct of f proud man , he had despised. Ho was not far wrong In his sardonic IntuItion of tIme effect of his prohibiton upon Miss Fhtmhicner's feelings. Certalny ] that young lady , when not engaged In her mysterloua occupatc of arranging hEr unco's ] elects , occasionally was seen In the garden and In time wo",1" beyond. Although her presence was the blgnal for the "oblique" of any lounging "shouder ] strap" or time vacant' "front" of a psted sentry , hc seemed to regard their occasional proximiy wIth less active disfavor . Once when she had mounted the wall , to gather n mlgnola bossm ] time chair by whIch she hud descended - scendall rolled over , leaving her on tIme vahl . At a signal from time guard room two SapIJers and miners appeared , carrying a scaling ladder , which they placed silently against time wall , and as slenlY withdrew . On aim- other occasion time ame spirited young lady , whom Urnt wait , satisfied would have Ilrob- ably Imperlcll her life under fire , In devo- Itn to her cause , was brought IgnomIniously to bay In tIme field by , that most allpuling of omesto animals , . the wanlerlng and un. trammeled cow. Brant could not help smi- lug as ho hear the quick , harsh cal to "turn out guard , " saw tIme men marched solidly with fixed bayonets to time vIcinIty of the alrlghted animal , who fed , leaving time fair stranger to walk shamefacedly to time imitise le was surprIsed , however , that she should have haled before his door und with tremulous Indignaton said : "I thank YOI , sir , for your chivalrousness In turning n defense lea woman Into rdleule : , " " 1 regret , MIss I aulcer , " began Urant gravely , "that you should believe that I nun able ] to contrl I the nd\'ances of farm yard cattle as easily as- " but ho stopped as he saw that the angry ash of her blue eyes , as she darted front him , were set In t ars. A little remorseful on time following day he added a word to his ordinary cap hitting when he passed tier , but site rotalned n re. praehful silence , Later In the day ho roe celved from her servant a respectful reo cluest for an Interiew and was relieved to timid that she entered hIs presence with no trace of her former luggres lon-but rather wIth time resignaton of a deeply Injured , yet not entrely unforgiving woimmaum . "J thought , " chit began coldly I'lhat I oUlht to Inform you Ithat J would probably be able to concludonmr bUlln0s here by the day after temorrowammd hat t you would ' then : bo relcvc of my presence I 1m aware , In- deed , " she added , bitterly , "J could scarcely help perceiving , thatl I hiss been an exceedingly . ceedlngly irksome ammo , " "J trust , " begamlranl , coldly , "that no gentleman of my command has- " "Nol" she interrupted hIm quickly , wih a r turn of her former 'manner ' and a paulon. ate sweep of her band. "do you suppose for a moment that I ins apeaklng-thot I am even thminking-of tbmi What ore Ihey to me 1 " , ' "Thank you , I Si glad to know that they are nothing , andl tla I may now trust that ) have consulted my wishes and have ' , - ' . U U a l.a RAYMOND'S , , LIST OF . . . . . . OLD . CHRISTMAS GIFTS FOR YOUNG. AND . Make a presentation worthy of yourself-tnake it one of everlasting usefulncss-or surpassing beauty. 1'his list is large-but it does ' ' not begin to' express an idea of the thousands of new Christmas Faicies : awaiting your inspection at our store. . . Gorham's Chafing Dish " Rtccf ! BOtk 'cltt Each Chafng Dish S > rl. STERLING SILVER 1 : 'T ' ' 18- FOR BABY. RAI7MOND'S \ . . "b' IOND"S Nickel Plntcllol solid hair lair Jrlhl COlh , . CHAFING , DISH IAH- eOol'- ) Halve h'owticr Box. Boxc t CI7Al" Pul 8izo hot uvatet' ' : WnNo , 'l'u'mmi' : : mtumd . 1 lale. Pail , ebony ' hullct : Hntc , FOR FIVJ. DOLLARS UI11 Il tilmoonS , : lS ' ) Slloon \ l-TTTB Pooll 'uRherR. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , : . .J \ I8 : - Dress httmttoumm . . Time ii o tw lmnpioveti iiii , lluiilem. SIEOI ' \L , llo 10W flll'O\ct Hh 10hlel'I GOLD GIFTS I ) SPFC . 1 \\'I'TI. alcohol btii'mtem' . Chmristmmtns tpoomi . .l I , , ) : i . . ' \ ' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Hrl1lny : Sllom I-OR \V 01 \ EN. PHICg' < ---4 ia 1nlfl' ! 1111 ] . 'olk. 4 Bracelets troocimes Belt Buck , Je\eled. , " . :5. GaLl Nnpldn ) ltimmge.'I GIFTS Cimateinimmes Bon lIon Boxes. CHAr iNt DISHES at ALL PRICES _ " I .1 CZlrlnas , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ FOl" 13ABY CZlulnas , JC\ell'll. - UP ircsti . 11 I t Ions. . Cimmutelaino Wtichme ( . c IOO 1 . I'imms lalne'llches. STERLING SILVER ' ' 0 : Iii'nR : : Dhlmon.1 l'emulammts . STERLNG _ 1O. Cimitimma nnll 10ellls , DlnmOl1 Drape. 10 " I'tI ' E N title gnllll locl I < 118 , Dlnmnll Itiitgs . I' 1\ . - - Itimlgn-l'lalui , ' Chl"ed and Eye Glasses. ! Canes "t , &Oc muath ump . ] Ierll lUngs . , . CalI iloiders , STERLING SILVER . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ UV _ _ _ _ _ 1\1 _ _ _ _ _ ll. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Glo'q Solnl.c ! Chunn _ Garter hiuckies . Cigar Cnses FOR \V01VIEN Bucltes. CI1ar Glove hitmttoimermm . Cigarette Cases. , felt llumcicie , . . I cl hair l'lns. CIJllHgne Ollencrs. Bon Bon foxes GOLD G I Fl'S I Hit 1ln : , Cork 8crew Hoot I 1001(3 , leart Loclcets Cigar flux Openers ) limmrhmcs , Hnlr Ilu ! Jewee.I ] Cigar Clutters . Hlu ihehl ! . FOP l1E N . Cnl BelR. lint 1lnl. Jeweletl Cigar Boxes. ( hntelnlnc In eels , Jewelell. F'ltmsi I { ' , . ( ( ) logmme ! hhotticts . . IolAnele Chnlns Key' Hlngs CooAne , 10tes. Cigarette Boxes buckets , JewI'lell. Key Chains , Czarina : , Jeweled Clgnr Cuttvumi. lanlcure Artieht'm' . Inl , BulonH ( , Hmmmerles. ! Corl Screws , Necklaces Jeweled. ? mimtstmehme Comubs lcrles ' . lidtmttOmmd ! lmls. Neck ] Chnlns. :11111 ' Brushes. Gltcr Fo : ! 10'01. . J'oh ) Chtmuimmim. . , Opera Glnsse l'mlzmicim ' Safes G love Hnltles. . I ! lt ; ) IIel s. Opera , GISS ] lohlcls , I 10cl , < Mirrors. ( hove 8011nllcl. 10xes. IOY 1.hlA ! . . , \ , l3ndamtts. Jewele.l ] 'uimcils. ' h1'mt i'lmms . Ke ) ' Chnln Padlock Umeelets. i'ipt'mm. lltimmmiiceuc'hmlef Boxes IIII { ! Jewelell. . Pin Cushions , Pocket Knives I ' Hnlul'erehle PhI 11n1ch 8afl' , Jeweled. lurRes , Suehenler ) lucltes , I.nrgmmi'ttea. 1latch Safes , Penholders. Smimoking Sels. lolll1les Articles. l'emmcils. , . ncls. Smottng lUngs , Jeweed. ] Sha\'lng .S'i'tmi. I : Illcule Artcles. i'ocket Kuilves. Huhy lUngs Smmmifn ; ! HlnGs . Nectle Nni'cs . loCiet , Jt'cie.i. ] Scissors. ScamC ; ' , Poo\'t Inl'es . hthitmble ' ' , SSSOr SC\ Pins Pin Ctn'hmiomumm. ' 'lmoplece Sleeve Lmmks ! Shoe humus . Salve Boxes ! Scarf I ' Ins , Jeweled Saplhllc Hln s. 'rape : :1'aSlle ! Scissors. SUsleUII Chuckles , Stick 1lnl Jeweled 'ooth Brush holders Soap BOXCR , Society . I'.mblems Tortoise Such Combs. -atehes Siteic ! l9ums , l'll Fobs , Vimingamettes. \'ntcim . Hle IhlR . . TiC holders . ' . ] VhH1aleles. 'nlcl Chains. Sluopping I.lsts. 110 Jes'ehed 'Vntch Cases , Jeweed ] V'imistics. . ShoPtllng ] . I Vest lollers. . . - - _ _ _ _ _ .rlces. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - ' . . Have ) ' 0t seen our lle'v Cut Glass Palace. C ' So RAYMOND , " \ ; ' ) . JE"ELER - ' ' - , ; : . : . ; , . - . . , . -lt ajid Doug/as Stlcc . , , OJeit Evenings till C/listmas , . . r''u ' _ , " ' ' ' ' 'H--'f Ib f- _ _ . _ 1 _ _ . _ , . . . 4 : " t. Rugs . as Gifts S S . - : \ : : .as _ . Are desirable , as one has too and little - " - - ' --5 never many so lte money buys a I , ; c ' . ' ' . , . handsome ] present. Our December lug { Sale surpasses all others.Ve \ : . . , . ' ' ; . : 'a.V tlm. . , i - : . " . have , prepared for i , and no lot of rugs has been too large tor ! this sale- . ' : ' : , - V ; , . ' Our experience of last year proved to us that great quantities could be' . . . ; ' : sold at low prices - . . . : " , " j ; : , prces ' ' ' S . r. , -'S "J ; , IO"'S'IVPN\ . " : ! > UGS - I. - . : , . ' , _ . . . : . . : . h.\ FUR U GS- S : " . : . . t. " ' . . . I , ' . " , II' : ' " " , 6 feet by . 3 feet.$3.75 ' S . . ' . , . , ; ' . : , ( , ' ' ' . , 60 inch by 30 inch. . . . 2,50 . 54 inch by 28 1cl. . S S ' : ' : ; : . :1' ' . . , 54 inch by 26 inch . . : . 2. 10 . ' . white , blackgTaycacl , $2.50 . : S. . ' , , : . ' . . ; ' : . . . . 48 inch by 21 inch . - . 1,50 , " TURKISH PRAYER RUGS- ' : ' . ; : . : \.1 , ; 36 inch by 18 inch. . . . 1 00 , . ' " ' Each S750 , $9.00 awl $1 11 1.00. . . , , 1. : , ; . . MOQUET1E RUGS- . S S 1 MOQUETERUGS- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , . S "I : S 72 inch by36 inch. . . $3,75' , , ' { . ; " " ' 60 inch by 27 inch. . . , _ 2.0 , See this Christmas Rug display . : ' ; ' ' , I ; . ' : ; : . . . ; " 36 inch by 18 inch. . . . ,90 . in west , window. " . " " ' . , , . S S S . 'i , , .f ( , , , t . " : . " 'l' ,1 " ' : ' . , . , ' , . S ! ! - ' . , . i , . . " 1. : ; .51,1. S . : ' , ' 'ii.5 , . ' 5 5 Orellard' & : : .I' Wilhelm. ' , . , . . , Wil11ell S $ " " ' ' - t S . ' S S . ' : . , . , . . . . , ' . S. 5 " . : . . t . . " ( ' ; : . .j , i. . I S CL11PET CO. I ' , : 'S. ' . S ' . ' , ' ( " . , " " . ! . , . , , . . S ' , . S , S , 5445 . " . " : " , , . . , , " ' , -:7 : 5 if ; ' f _ , , : , : . 5 r 1414-16-18 Douolas St - . Sr S ' . - S - - - - - reserved your anJmosl' for \ , " retured I.rant quietly. "If tlli 16 bO , I mmcc no reason for your hurryIng your departure In the least , " She rose instantly . "I have , " she mimI slowly , conlrolll/ ; her eJ wih a flght fall I effort . "Iou 11 some one who will take ] muty lY duly off my hands. She Is a servant of one I of your nelgimbors-wimo ] Is an old friend of my unclo's-the woman Is famiar with the house and our private property. J wi give her full. Instructions to act for me-and even an authorizaton In writing I you prefer H. She Is already ] In time habit 01 comIng here but her visits will give you very little trouble , And , as she Is a slave-of ] , as you cal H , I bele\oa chattel , she will be al- ready quite accustomed to the treatmcnt which her class are In the habit of receiving from northern hands , " Wihout waitIng 10 perceIve the elect of her Iarlhlan shot , she swept proudly out of time rooun "I wonder what site means ? " mused Drant : as her quick step died away In the passage , "Ono thing Is certaIn , a woman like that Is altogether too impulsive for a spy , " Later , In the twilight , he saw her walking In the garden. There was a figure at her side A Ilto curIous , he examined It more closely from his wimudouv I was already ] famiar to him-the erect , shapely form or hIs nclglibor's servant , A thoughtul bold passed over his face as ho mutered : "So this Is to be her deputyl" ! ( To Bo Contnued , ) S , . Now Orleans' : " 1"0 liloek . A New Orleans paper says that the dome of tit DId SI , . I..ouis hotel , now the Hotel Royal , 'wbere Governor McKinley slopped , was famous ' before the war as the slave market of .a&wS Orleans The planter and slave rcllanl set the St Louis hotel a a , sort n meeting plate , and the slave block und r the great dome was a connnience that grew' more and more popular. I was herB that Abraham Lincoln , when a boy , stood and wft hed the sale of slaves , and it wak liVre that , he made the remark , afterwards . wards so fantousu "If I ever get a chance to hit that 11 hit I bard " During the banquet , after time meeting , at the Audi- torium , Governor McKinley stood over time spot whore the slave block had been enl mnam3e lilt response to the tent which the enlhull"Uc'loutherner ' drank to him , - - : iooic .ur ; Tl'J iW.JJfl' C.IS/ l'rcshloll or the l'uriucom Irlo : , Cum I'auy Ilsal'pculs with the aloiey. , CHICAGO , lec 1t-Chmaris S. Purlnglon , president of tIme I'uriumgtop Bride ] conmpuny , PurlngoJ Irlct eOlpany l Is missing , lime falher-In.law , T. S , Dob. bins , who was his business associate , charges him wih the misappropriaton of $ Ioooo of time firuum's money , Purlugton was at his amce Thursday of last week , when le sent a note to his wife saying imo was going to Milwaukee , to Le absent a few days , lie heft then , wllo t saying anything to time olco attaches , and hiss not been seen slnco , neiher has any word IJeen received rrom him , It was thought heIght have been foully dealt with when hIs dlsappeur. ance was first noticed , 8S nO ono buspcett'l any irregularities In hIs business affairs , An Inveslgton , however , Br Dobbhl says , reveals that his accounts wih time cor- panr were not correct. 'rime a\onnt of the discrepancy Is not yet lown. Time mlssln ( man was presIdent and general manager of the Iurlnglon Brlee Manufact1lrln company - pany , capitalized at $100,000. Mr Dobbins was time secretary amid treasurer I was he who hut UI ) tlO capital ] , All of the stock was held In time faintly , While lobbiummm fur- nishmed time capital , lie abiowed his mmon.int.iaw one-hmalt of time imroflts , 'I'imis was conmaither. able for a period , but during last year time business was comiducted at a loss , "Ills crookedness does mint cover a hmeriod of unore than a uontim , ' ' said Bobbins , "html he getaway away u'ltit all may ready cash In that thumme. Time way lie did it 'vas to collect bills due the firnut mind imocket time : nonmey , " S Iialrynmmeum lit ( 'ommveutIoui , NEW YOItIC , Dec. 15-An cntimmmshastho meeting of time rnenbers of time New York Mercantile excimange and of time New eric Auxiliary association o time Natloumal Iairy union , was imeld hero , George A , Boyce of this New York Auxiliary league , imresided , Time object of thm mncetinj was to receive time report of 0 , W'liaon of Iigin , iii , , secretary of time Nimtiommai Dairy union , l'res- Went Boyce , in lila introductory muidrese , stated that time object nail tirovince of time dairy union was time suppression of frauthu' lent tramo In imitations of dairy products , amid then introduced Secretary \'iisomm , ushmo , irm Rn sble address , spoke of tIme work being doao by the National Dairy union for time suppressi nm , by nmtthonal and state isginla. tion , of frmum.Iuient . tenSile hum dairy products. S Ycum gczmmce on ii U ummlur'm"t , I'i'tjmer , l'AUI1)ING , 0 , , Dcc , 1t.-Amm attempt was mrmatho last mmhght to blow ump the imouse ot DavId hart , father of time mmmurtlerer or time Good chmildrenm , Titree tiyumamito cactridgea were useth , but oumly ( no eximiodod , lied all gone off tIme itemise us'oulti imavo been vreclced , Hart aumd imimm taimmily are tcrrilmiy trigiiteneti mmiii left thmhmi umtornunmg to go to relatives in iimdiana , 'rIme conmiumom , ideas court lit immui. . diimg is now being adjommrnemi ( romim ihay to day' , so that time rnurlerer , Cimurles Hart , unmay bo arrnlgsmetl witimouf. its hieiuug publicly known , imm tiumme to ntteummimt .L lymmeiming , It Ime pIeadu mint guilty his trial will take place In some umehgimburing couumty. Eigii , ' , , 'iImuuamimi % Ymuii I iui mm mm ( Jirumor , SAN FItANCISCO , Dec. I6.-Timo Savings Loan bank iii trying to fintl time heirs of Alexander Uunitii , believed to have hmeen lost on time Itteamner Golden Gate' , which was burned off time Mexican coast In 1862. ' 'rimlrty.tut'o years ago b'unithm depositeil $2Q ( iii time bank , \Vitim time imecujimmuhuttemi intel'- eat it now aunommrmts to $ IS,000. Snuithi's old. ' eat clmiid , it limits imecum Iemmrumeil , wait to ! oiiow her father cii time muext steamer mr Brooklyn , where imor relatives lived , If olive , Jane Is umow 10 years old , mind is time ommiy direct lmeiu' to her father's estate , comnpm'immed in time money at time Savings Loaxm bank , - - Now Yorlc 'i''Chiy hlimmlc 13tltomileImt , NhS' YORK , Dec. l5.-'flie woekiy bauih atatcunment shows time fohlouvlmmg cimauiges : Reserve - servo , increase , 443l7 ; basis , 'lecrease , $862,200 ; specie , increase , $6,376,900 ; legal toumders , decrease , $6.24 4 .300 ; deposits , do. crease , $1 ,246,300 ; circulathoum. decrease , $22- ( mOO. The banks now lmoimi 33,34,825 1mm cx- cc.ss of the requiremnemits of this 25 per cent rule , S ? dr , J. K. FoWier , secretary and treasurer oftimti Coriumumo Imlili , Caumai mmnmd Stock Co. , of Corhnno , Utah , In speaking of Cimaniberlain's Cougim Itemnedy , says ; I consider it this best mim time tmlimrieet , I have used many kinds , but find Cbmaimberiain's unost proummpt and effectual 1mm giving relief , and miow keep no other in my. imomne , " When troubled witim a cold or cough , give hue remnedy a. trial. and we assure you timat ) 'ou wihi be more than Imleased wIth thmi , result , .fl. 2t . .