p - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , , , ' ' I . ' " T ) .Y " . ( " . f'tJ : . \ 14 : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ TilE O\AllA DAILY BIDE : -H .rND..i\.Y : , DECEMIIIDII 16 , 189. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . . . . , I - _ - . - . - . - . . - . - . - . - . . - . . - - . - . . - . - . : - . - , - . - . - . - . - . - . - . - . .e. . . - - s - - e - r ' - . . , - . r.1 .1 Nowisthe 'I' [ ' i ' t Accepted Time. t . H I. I- h1 .1 . 1 Have you a horse or a ow that I I i I you dou't want to feed this winter - I j ij there is no way you can find a cus. jj i I. 1 tomcrso soon as by patronizing j- jJ The Bee want column's. Thou , - jJ sands read this pag-e , the very peo- " J , , I. _ after II I .1 I pIc you are . t- 1 , .1 II , . " . I . I. , $ : jJ ; I 25c pays Cor'a 17.word ad , i . , .1 . - I' , .1 1 , .1 0 I - F ervnntgIrc n :1\1 : CllheMl cokln employment . do not hBVO 1 , H , . . , 10 W bit I tLI for luulthlujh ; thee \\Ult uds . . . _ - . . - _ ' . - . . - -e . - ' - . - ' _ - . _ - . _ . - 0 _ . - . _ . - . _ S - _ . S - _ ' . .U I f , I 8PEGllUNOT1U3. , . - Advertsemenls fo' thee columns Will be tak.n anu 12:30 : v. m. tor the evenIng. nn.I until 9:0 : p. m. for the morlnl nnd Bundny CIttIOfl. , . check. . Adverttcrt. by requesting a numbered can have nnswer" "Idrus.1 to a numhered letter en care at The 13cc. Answcri so mldr.ssed will be dellvere4 upon re8entntlofl of the check only. delver" . \ I word nrsl Insertion. lc a worll thereafter. Nothing taken for Ius than 2So for Crt Ir.5ertlon. Irl Inserton. od\'erIBemenls mu.t run conl.cuth"ely. SITUATIONS WANTED.- COMPI TENT OFIlCH MAN n SllH IOSI. . . . Bee. A-MSlj ton nl on c. Adllres I 37. WAUTFD BY A COMPI:1'INT WOMAN , A plae to work In I small private tnll ) ' . A.l. . IresA I 62. Bl' A-D7 lG. WANTE flY CAPA1. YOUNG MAN. SIT- tiatton In etOlO : best or habIts and grocery etnr hl.ls recommendations : cIty rrerencc : will tnII. Ad- . drss C. A. ( Iarrleon . cIty. A-MU3 18. SITUATION AR nAY n NIGHT ! WATCHMAN In bank hotel. wholelle or retail store. Go V reference. AMdress l I. l e. A-13j 16' , 'Wi' h _ . ) . l'OSITl BY AN ALL AROUND ' butcher. Speaks . nglsh and German. Box . "utcher. nn. tt p 39. Dunlap . Ia. A-I3 16. WANTED-ALL HELP. 3VANT1D-A FEW PERSONS IN EACH PLACE to do wrIting : lend stomp for IW.pnge book ot portculara wrltnc J. Woodbury . 1 : W. f1 street I N. Y. City. D-I i 3VANTED-UXVEflIENCED COAL MINERS TO go to Sheridan. Wyo. Apply ot office Sheridan . Coal Co. . lGr Farnam. D- TENOI'flAPllEltS 1lOOKI1MPEflS. SALESmen - men and tou.hcr desirIng p09110ns In TomBS . S are invIted to ollres9 The Texas Buslne9s Invle . . . Iludnall. propretor . DatIng . Tex. . nS7 lG. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . WANTED. MAN IN EVERY TOWN AND cIty to act 19 manufncturer's agent and m.r- chadlse cl broker : rootS salary : no capltnl needed : Inclos go . Norbert 'f . Wesor . . broker. liutter . I'n. D-98DIG. WANTED . MAN WHO CAN GIVE US EVIdence - WANTEI. nhlt ) . to c9tn.18h general agency for flrst-clase lIne ot goods and can Invest sme rrt.ca8s csh merchandise. " 'e will pay such man good faIr salary and share ot proltts. Applicant please give business experience antI Inanclul - V worlh. Address Manufacturer . D 68 . , B-99G Bee 0111cc. 16' V " .W PER' 1.0 ) C.\SI VOlt DISTRIBUTING circulas : endoso 4c .U . 8. II trlbulng Bu- . o. " VV ! . Chicago. D- 9 ; 16' , SALESMAN 'WANTED TO SIiLL DUEI.S I'IntlnUm Ink to d.aler8. The brat Ink made anti a good seller. Liberal commission. Send I col sel.r. ' 1162 nrond- . r.terence. Duel Chemical IVorks 'lG2 . ' IJ.-R3 16. wny. New York. 'lW3 V idEN TO SELL flAKING POWDEU 'ro TilE grocery trnde. Steady employment ; experience V Icery . $15.00 monthly salary and ex- I penses or ) . It offer ratsfactory address 01 orcr : penss once with particulars concernIng yourself. U. . V B. Chemical Worlls. Chlcb" ii-iG7'16' V WANTED. t.O0 MEN AND TEAMS TO SELL our teed gnders &O : Solay S75.OJ to $0O.0) per month according to abtllty. The LlehOeld ' 1g. Co. . Webster City . la. 1J-MUC8 J15. SALESlmN WANTED. $5 A DAY : NO DEI.IV- . crIes or collections : e sly outfit free : side line or exclusl\'e. Address ManufactureRs . : l Market - ; I kel Bt. . I'hladelphlo. l'u. D V WANTED , SALESMAN HAVING ESTAn- ; . trade amongst grocers by Importing Te.\ V Illh.l . Address . I' . O. Box :0G. New York CltY 1l-D79 16 V MEN AND WOMEN TO WORK AT HOME ; I pay 18 to $ G per week for making crayon Ior- V traits : new pltente m.tho : anyone who con - . I I rend or write can do the worll nt homc. In , spare tIme. day or e\'enlnl : semI your address : V 1 send work nt once Ii. A. Orlpp. German . Artist. T'rnc. 10 B-D82 16' WANTED. ENERGETIC MAN OR LADY IN V every town : t such wi give tt.ay. profitable ' emlloment. W. 13. Iiurkltart . Clncliinatl. D-981 16. O. WANTED. AT ONCE. AN EXPERIENCED I N- , cyclopetlla canvasser to introduce our new cycopla eanIS8er . Cal or address " ' . . T. Marshall . 1 Crehhton blocll. n-12j IC' WANTED. LIVE SOLICITORS TO .HAND.E VV , nn artIcle that sells on slghl. Our agents ! are V V making $ .0 to no.O daIly. J. A. Jodor.l . & V Co. , 12 Dcar"or aIred Chicago. 13-114 16' V , WANTIm. MAN WITh PUSH 'co INTRODUCE a new article nnong merchants and stablemen - men In Omaha and every city and town In NI'- S . braeba and surrounding FtntesIYS : $9.00 tier ' ln \IYS \ dun sells on s'gh : n < compett on. Ad.lrcs. with stamp American P.lfg. Co. . 4t Iuce V . street. i'IiIIadelplIft. * Pa. U-IU23 U' . V . WANTED-FEMALE HELP.V : LADIES WISlNG TO SECuRE STEADY home worl alt winter cal 31 North 151h 8troet. . V C-I9 16' WANTED. INTELLIGENT YOUNG LADY I tenogrlher INTELLIFNT : French lreerrcd. I I'ermanent position. Address D G7 , Ilee. . lo.llon. V J . G 16' - - WANTED GulL FOR GENERAL ] OUSE , work casy Zilace . moderate \ues , 11401 JackSon . . . Son It. .91.1G. . VANT1ID. LADY 'CO wome AT HO I F : . $15.0 V weekly. No canvassIng. Send stamp. E.tele MonIomei7631 _ 16th lIt . Denver . Colo. HAVBYOU SPARE TIET WE CAN I'Un- nl.h light work nl hOle to ladies nl faIr Pay ; e no cnn\'asslng : no fake : send 210 postal note for aupplics to make , tG.oorlh at walk ; In. V Structions. .te. ChIcago l'ress Clipping bureau : , .trctuns. LkeHdo Bldg. . Chtrago. C V Aa11NT WANTED : I.AliliSb : IIXI'IIIIIENCIII ) VV canvauerB or wIth large social oC'lualntance V CI\ner , wlh ; It sells at sllht ; Ihcrl "Visis I commlsllon. Address Visit Co. , Lacrosse. 'Vis . , ounsin. C-VS 16' A pmtMANCNT POSITION \T $13.0) WEEKLY II guaranteed any lady who will wo111 for us quietly ul home Iny : all mnlel'lnl free : replY \lh V stamped envelope oi Wumul's lutunt B.nl'nt . ( . , Jolct , ill. C-DDI 16' 'VAN1' D. A WOMAN TO 'rAKE CAlE OF baby . O2 B. tOth , or City steam laundry. . ba"y. . . I C-10016' ADDR1SSUS : OF YOUn NI lGnnOlS WANTEI ) . ADDmSSrS sw.00 her thouBMd ralh Iluid Illull writers : V _ enclose stamp. Addressing Bureau. lOG VA . 2lh lit . N. Y. c9711G. WANTED IADY TO GO TO DES MOINES ; , iintd ; small security . 103 N Y. Ute. arl11 ; Bmal lecurly. . C-U0 = , V A.LADY on GI'NTI.11IAN WITh SOME with an interest have ' cnn employment : money In a profitable b.isinesz. I Cuinlng street. . lJllne. V . VV 1 l.rollble cumlnlWtfl. V . FOR RENT-HOUBES. . UOU8ES. F. 1. DAnLINO DAller Il.OCIC. D-93 hOUSES IN ALL 1'\tTS OF 'CUD CITY. TiE ' . 101BIS ' : O. I' . Davis cOll'an ) ' , ltO l.'amam. D-IH . , KELK1iNIY I co. 31. I , CONTINENTAL , It 1ILIC. : UOUlml ; lmjAWA 8 co. , i3 N. WCl ST. ' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ D-Ili61 _ V ' 'R IIENT . hOUSE Ol 9 ROOMS AND DA1N V on Vstk eve inquire It C ii. 1th 51. - V ; f-m . 'Ul.lOOl coT-FAaD. U Wn.t.IAMR ST. ' t _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Ulm2' _ ' , , 'R nm'r , hOUSE NINE 110MB : FW1. , V . pace bath elc. . lt t" and I"un.am. 021.06 : . alia cheep IIOUi , ' .r soil 510.0. diffeirul ; - ; arts cIty , Dnter L TbciT.Is. 101 Uee butLlo : . , IJi , V corrAaIa. NEAR lANSCl PM1IC. - lCK ; 1-uloolt IIOU1ILI , m WOO.WOU'fU ,1 ; ; .RO1t lOUIU " 9kw pas 11" 1 C.ICorll it . D-UD1' . - - - - - - ; - FOR RENT-HOUSES- ContltUed. . FOIl ImNT-cnT FOR TiE WlTEIt . FOI FOI I.room house. three 5.room cottages. J. A. Scott . Omaha Nnt'l bnnk. D-:1i2D2 Foil ItINT-IES1RAlILfl - - 1\w.I.umS m FT- block. DES 1. ' : H. Sheafe. D-33121. 432 Ilxton - - - - " FOIl m NT. MODglN 8.100M 10USI : AT. tic. stable. 2G2 S . wlid sleet : nl.ply next . te. Itn"le. daor. - D-MSi 31. hOUSES & STORES F. D. WL'AD. lG & Douglas 1)-631-31 FOR RENT-G.IIOOM CO''Ao IN COOl ) 1W- pair city witter . SO.O per month to good pirtles. lD N. Eth. 1 I'er .Ioce from Flrnam car lIne. Inquire ot Stoctz I'1 stlve stnle. next to postufllce. V D-iC2 $2000 : EIIT.nOOM TOUSE : n.\TI ROOM $2,0 turn ace. John n We"ster. UOIII Trto D-i.6 . - building. : COTTAGE OF SIX IIOOMS ALL CONVENT. OT\GE . deIrble location. thlee blocks from opera house. 1'n'lulr" on premises. GU S. 1th st. ' 1' . J. Fitamorrls. 1-7Vj ONE LAT. STEAM hEAT. LINTON ULOCK. John 1nmln. till Linton blk. i-79S STEAM. CENTRAL. M DEUN. UNEQUALED 3. 5. 6. 7.room houses and hats. Tlzonl. 2 N. 24th. 1)-ill-iS' MODERN 10,1001 hOUSE . 219 IIINNIIY. ] . : 1l39 J13 FOIl RENT. ImANT FINISHED 8-ItOOM house : nit modern improvements : No. lOG N. lId street. D-M936 16 loon RENT , VERY DESIRAlLE Sl YEN-IOOM cottnge on 2jth - avenue and Furam street : rent eotige I taken nl enc . II'lure : Neth.1 ton Hall , . W9 ls1 NatI. bank bldg. fl-MU3 20 FOR 1 NT. FURNIShED COTTAGE 0 seven roms : lath street . corner Douglas : rent moderate ; furniture may . be bought nt n bargain . gain : family leaving clt ) . InquIre Netherlon hall . room 09. 1st NatI. bank. D-M9,2 18 FOIl nENT. 12-ROOM HoeSE. ALL CON- venleflces Davenport and 19th. $10.00 per mnth. The U'ron Heet V Co. D-M9Ii 16' DESIRABLE , MODERN . CONVENIENT hvuse. Inquire 421 S. 2th 8treet. D-997 16' $5.0 IENT FOR FIVE-ROOM HOUSE. Wl.- hams & Ilton , room 31 IcCaae "ulhlnl : U-Mill 18 EASILY HEATED. ALL 10DE N. 8-ROI liotise. Gl0 Jones . $ .0 alBa 3016 Mason street. S roms , fine location . $27.5. S. K. : Humphrey . 92 New York Lit. D-M1J1 2. CIEAIEST 4-ROOM COTTAGE. WITh BATh . In oty. : Reduced . to U .OO. 303 CalIfornia st. D-9i5 16 FOR ' RENT-PUBNISHED ROOMS. PLEASANT SOUTH ROOM FOR GENTLEMAN. Inquire 191 DOdge. E-30S FURNISHED nOOMS ; IIOUSEK16EI'INO. 22G St. Mary's avenue. E-MG1 TWO nOOIS , SINGLE OR ENSUTE : MODem . cr : 1920 CapItol aVenue. E19t I ? ' a NICE FURNISHED OR UNFUIONISIIIiD UNl'UHN1SlED rooms for lght houBekecpln 1112.3. 1th st. . V ! EIS80 IT' 3 FURNIShED ROOMS Ii'OIt HOUSEKEEPING Fn for man and wlte. Rent tlken In board. 31 N. 171h Itr.et. , E-71 TWO FUHNISIED ROOMS . MODERN ; WILL rent for light housekeeping , no children. 2 Cass. EJ9i 17' FURNIShED ROOMS FOIl HOUSEKEEPING. : GI St. Mary's ovenue. E-MOG 17. FURNIShED ROOMS. DOUBLE OR SINGLE : can arrange to suit any I'nty : Private family . : till convenlenccs. Apply 30 S. 26th Btt. ct ) . H-ill 16' FUUNISIED SOUTH ROOM WITh ALCOVE : WITILCOYE nit modern conveniences ; good locatIon. :01 Dodge sln't. H-Ill 16. FURNISIWD IOOM WITH ALL MODERN conveniences suitable for housekeepln nt 317 South 26th Btreet. Cal on Sunday or In the evening. E-9G5.1S. - - FURNISH ED ROOMS AND BOARD SOUTU FRONT PARLOR : ALSO SMALL RMS : good bard : reasonable. The Hose. ZJ21 Harn ' . 1"-56 D29. NICELY FUINISlED ROOMS FOR " RENT . with board. Cal ot 2101 Dougla.F2S6 F-2S6 03 LARGE FRONT I100M. WITH OIl WIThOuT hour nil conveniences : Vllvut" famIly. 607 B. Oth strcet. 1"-1186 NICELY PUnNISlED ROOMS . WITH ALL modern conveniences and Urt.clas board. 12 Dodge. F-SZ-16' FRONT ROOM WI'U UOAISD. 213 DOUGLAS. F-103 Dli' TlmEE IANDSOME.Y FUINISlED FRONT rooml. wIth all coLveniences . for gentlemen lorne only ; location Street very delh 1.le. Apply " - to - 2019 . ) 1"-88-2. PARLOR FLOOR : OTililli ROOMS MODERN. JLOOI 01'IEt 10DEIN. AIJI.ly 231 Douglas st. F-MIll-is' PItYATU FAMII.Y WI.L ACCOMMODATE four couple. furnIshed rooms whIt or without board ; sentcmen reterrcld. I 2)9 Bt. Mary's avenue F-M704 J3 ELEGANTLY 1 " UIINZSIIIID . LARGE Fl0NT Parlor with board cheap It taken II on.e. 162. Can sU'eet. 1"-970 16. SOUTh FIIONT ROOM . WI'rII FIRST-CLASS FIONT 1001. WlfI FlST-CLASS board. for two : houBI modern : rcrerences. Address . dress D 64. lice 1.-9i 36' ELEGANT ROOM AND DOAnU m ARON- able. UO Oars. -Mill 215' NICELY FtYRNIIIIICD FRONT ROOM AND ' alcove , with beard. In I'rivut" tall ) ' . for two teachers . two gentlemen or couple. ID l'ark avenue. ' O\.nlo. I.-Ht 16 10Ut JOOMS WITI GOOD DOAnD. 2105 iotiglas. F-MlIG 11' FOR , . NT-BTOEB A FOIl RENT . TIm tSTORY BRICK BUILDING 916 Fnram Btreet. This building hal a tire- proof cement bsemen I. complete scam heat. lag flXtues water on all hoots. gas . oto. AV' ly .t the omco ot The Dee. I-Ill REST I.OCATEI XiiiJG STORE WITH FIX. UU\0 \ JX. tures cheap. Ttzard , 021 N. 21tb It. I-ill-IS' Fan ItENT. nESI IOOM , $5.0 MONTH. 31 hoard at Trade. 1-52-2 V AGENTS WANTED. AGENTS WANTED TO BEJ.L ALUMINII1 ( l\eclollel : aluminium flexible sites i3leu. double wear at leather I : breed rake and paring knives ; 15. ( ) sold by agents in ninety days : Adlr..s. tnlve with stamp , AluminIum Novelty C. Canton . Ohio . J-M2 16' SALESMEN 01 AGENTS MAICE Y ea > ) selling lule to order $13.60 . rants n. shirts $1. lacklutOhu. II. hunter l'olorlng Co. , Cinclunaui , O. J-M9 F14' SALESMAN W'IONTIII ) TO sm.J TIE IAI'l dlbh wo.hel to the "holCalo and retail trade. 'Valhl'l and dries the dishes In two minutes Without wetting the lIngers. $5 a week and all expenbes. Lity positIon : no haiti vork ; can make 'bi , ' ) a \ eekJ fII Address W , dpv harrison ee ( . , Clerk No. 1. Columli. Ohio. WANTCD. LADY AOIN1'S TO SELL THE beal \ ' elrln and belt selling clet on earth : lho hlygcia. For parleulal write the Western Clet ) Co. . lIt . J.\I" , Mo. wrlo J WANTED. AGENTS TO SELL ALUMINUM sps1s1Ilo ' . New goods tar the holidays. 1m. menu vreilts. Alt goo4. < dtvereL free. ) Sample In l'lulh lned case IDe lullrated catalou. frc. UusU Alunllnum Co. , Metlnah 'temple , . ChIcago lii. J-97 Ii' WANTED CASh PAID FOR CmCULn 1)15- tributlnr . Address Reid Novelty Co. . Ills E UII It Ialiu City , )0 J-9U U' AGENTS WANTED V Cntnue AGENTS WANTED TO SEI.L "FUELiNII. . the great coal saver : excluSive te < rlo : 20) per ccnt profIt : sales immense ; eample. 2.cent stamp 812 Noble street , I'hlladelphla , I'n. . I'hlndelphl" ! ' 16' WANTED . AGENTS I VImYWIE E FOR eletricAl door ( name plates e'n' . etc. : tend . able In the dark ; write for terms on free Mm- pIe" New Era Co. , 29 Indlnnn street . Ciii- . cno . Ill. J-97216. . WIlY DO IEOII.1 COMI'LAIN OF HAnl time. . when any 'omnn or . m:1 can make from $5 to no I lay easily. All have henll oC the wonderful success ot the Climax II.h Washer : ret many arc apt to think they cnn't make mnney selling ItI : but anyone can make mone ) ' . because every family wants one. One agent hne made $478.16 In the last three monlhs. after paying all expenses nnd attending tn reg- nfer l'a'lnl ni "penstI nnt ntM.lnl rg. ulnr business he.IMs. You .Ion'l have ti can- .fl55 ; ns soon as licohile know you have it for \'n. nl ( ( I . , 1'\le sale they . .n,1 for I UI8h " 'ash or. Address the Climax Mig Co. , 15 Storr Aye , Columbus . Ohio. for particulars J CIIAN'Ii OF' A LlI0ETTMli.WANTlID. lINER- CIANlI OJ Ll'ETUI1WANTI : getic . re"\on8111. I".rth's for "tate. city. county and town agencies fur sale lt ( lnrk'A Ip,1 ( 'roSq Electric Natural Mc.liclnzilVntcr . Salve . Salt. . pte. Not I Ueverage. , A natural mciii- cine. l.therl tnitc'otnents , antI ' , II money to the right IlrtC.lresA lug Inpll Mineral . Water ! Co. . Dig RapIds . Mich. J-87 16. WANTED-TO RENT. I WANT TO RUNT TEN T POliTY ACIEq wihin ) : nre miles at Istofllce. A.1lreel ] . 69 . 1ie. K-Ill IC' - - - - - " - - - 3 FtT1tNlil1ii1) ANI ) ONE 1lotT1tNI5lIlIt ) III IfII'DNI UNI"ImNI1 counts , . heaU,1 . for light hou..klIlnl. near Sherman avenue itintor n.'r city : state prIce. A.hlw9 I W. lice. ) H-lI116' : : IlOOM COTTAGE. FOYION1SIII7I ) on UNPUI1- G.I00M COTTAO 1"1lNI llm tNPUI. ntsltetl . centrally Iccnted. AdLless N 2. 1 ( . K-MI2 IS' STORAGE. STORAGE. l IANI CS\'lIltS 11 HAnNI Y. 51-TO 3 STOn\On I'I 10USElOI.D ooons : CLEAN slid cheap rate. ItVelis . 11 1'analn. : ' St-Ill 'II-5 IST : SToRAGE nUl.UNO IN OSIAIIA . U. S. : g'w. bonded ' ratohuus. , household goods JV. stored. Lowest 101 < 1013.101S Lea\enworth. < 51-105 WANTh"D-TO BUY. CITY & CO. CLAIMS. l'lTCIAnD. liI2 N-TOG IR'Sl LV I WILL GIVE f22.o CASh FOIl 22FOOT 1.0' on Farnam or Iouta9 bel\ een 1.th and 16th. J. J. O"son. 31 First Nut'l bank N-231.D-:0 bldg. JEIRgy CATTLE WANTII. : PAY CASh FOR cows . helr.rs nnd helter c lves. Want n. Ai- . D . N19C9 16. dress 63. le - FOR SAL1-FURNITURE. ' . FURNITURE AUCTION AT 11 F.\tNAM ST. Saturdays . 10 o. m. ltobt. ' % 'eiia. 0-501 FOI HALE A1' A SACRIFICII. : cAitPETS. shadel anti furniture whch have been but Itla used anti almost new : also hous fur rrnt. In- 'Iulre Int : H. 2jth n\'eune. 0-SlITS : SOLID OAK SIDIIIIOAIII ) FOrt HALE A1' LESS HIF10.ln - half price. Call at : . N. 1th Street. 0-102 1. FOR BALE- .HORSl.S , AGONSETO. lIADTN. flAItOM4 ; NEW CI.OTI. LIIATII- er . paint Sw : another 111. Drmm nL C'ce Cu. 1'-5142G 1)55 FOR SALE-MIbOELLE.NEOUS. . - U' YOU DUY. BUY TIE BEST : MACKIN- toshies ru.t r boots atctlcs . syringes or all kln s. gas tubing : all best quality. Omaha Tent and Awnlnc Co. . 131 Furam sI. Q- OD CHEAPEST CHICKEN AND ORNAMENTAL fence made. C. n. Lee 101 Dou lns Q-510 CORN FODDER FOR SALE FOUR DLOCIiS north Lead Woiks Ea Omaha. Tom Anderson. Q-91 D16' - - - WEGMAN PIANOS. BRIDGEPORT OHOANS WoodbrIdge Bros. . 17 So. lih : Q-S FInE mUCK. CAR LOTS $1 : SMALl LOTS $15 1 : tIre clay. land. gravel . screenings. \Vni. J. Welshans 331 Donld of Trade. 'fet. IGS9 , Q-416D27 FOR SALE A , LAUNDRY OUTFIT "NI buildIng for renl : a big bargain Cur cosh. Ad- dress I 48 . Dee. Q-5I90S IS FOR SALE. A STABLE ON 3i07 N. 16Th. . V V Q-M899 15'V FREE ! nom : HOW : 'TO S\FCILATE ; - c"duly on thlgnllnand" "toek marll.I. . SIC- the on lImited mlugln9 extlnlned. ConIes & O : . . Halo LuLng. : ChIcago . ill. Q-OSt 16' Fort SA I. FURNITURE . TEN- OOM HOUSE on Capitol lull . or exchange for god notes : rent reasonbale. Address E 1. Dee. V . Q-1l8 16' FOR SALE. FURNITURE OF lOOMHOW > well located : house for renl. Apply to C. Thornlo . room 8 ½ CreIghton Lluck. V V . 8U Q-l2 16' FOR SALE. A GOOD FUR OVERCOAT FOR .snle. Call and tee It nl Dr. H. H. l'nton's : dental 0111cc 1&2 Douglas street. Q-99 16' FOR SALE NEW LATEST IMPROVED NA- 10nai cash regi8ter. Inquire 30 S. hum street. Q-SI1'll 22 MISCELLANEOUS. FOR RENT . 20 ACRES FINELY IMPROVED farm 4 miles from , South Omaha. Inquire A. S. Ilitchic . & 1 Knrbach 111k. H-I03 10 CL IRVOY ANTS. MHS. DR. H. ' WARREN CLAI VOYAN'C. IOU- Ilblo busln.1 medium : 7th year nt 19 N. IGth S-GI MMII. IICNECIA TIlE MOST WONE ; , clairvoyant at the 19th century 161 Chleac" street. S- (9 J 1. - MASSAG1 . BATH2. ETC' - MADAM SMITH , & S. 13TH. 2D FLOOR . room 3 : masuge. vapor alcohol stenm. suI- Ihurne and Ba baths. ' -Sfll7 2. MASSAGE , MADAME BERNARD , 1421 DODGE. . : IIWP1.E. TURKISB. BATHS. LADES TURKISh AND ELECTRIC BATHS , complexion treatment bUst devebopniont manicure - cure and chlropodlBt. Mme. I'Ost 312 \ South 15th strect. PERSONAL. DR T. W. STONE 810 N. Y. LI1'E. TEL 61. ! CKINTOSIES & nUDDD BOOTS 13 FAIl - TIE BELLE E1'I'JIIOLY CORSET , MAUI ) TO order from meaBure. 199 I'arnam street , U-SUIT I-me OPEN TO TIE LADIES 0' OMAIIA . TILE ladles from Boston at 181' Chicago tree have been very successful the ( palt week. Do not hesitate to call and talk Ih thcm. as one oC their methods will "e sure to suit your case for they have had a wide experIence In lreat- lag chronic and acute dl.a'.I. Olco hours , 9 to 5 p. m. : Saturdays , 1 to 5 p. m. Consuita- ton tree. . 1)-MIGI 1)26' DIAMOND PIOTOI. TIC A DOZ1 * AT l'nOC- DIAIND tot' . . 61 B. Ulh et. DOZEl U-710-J ! CABINET 1'10TOS. $ .0 IOZEN. LARGE one framed . f3.0 ; worth $ .0. Cowan' . III ' Broadway Cvncl Bluffs . U-MI3G D21 VIAVI : I0ME THEATlENT FOIl J.ADIES. lealh book and conlulotoa trce. Address or call Vlavl Co. , 30 lee bid ! Lady attendant. U-5 MASSAGE ELECTItO ThERMAL BATHS. ELECO TIE IAL DATIS. cbl'opcdl.t Sime l'Olt , al9S. . 15th 131. StU-U U-Ri COMPOUND OXYGEN CURES CONBUMPTION . ahtma . bronchitis and catarrh. Home treat. taent . $6.0 per month : a days' trial tree treat. ment Room 810. N. Y. Life hide. , Omaha u- nu A LADY THAT LIVES ON CAlITOL A VC" , In the 3d ward wishes to see the tail gente- man that was dressed In a light grey suIt ot clothes that she bad In offer at marriage from lest September . Address I 5t. hoe . U-M935 20' MARRY : I' YOU WANT A HUSBAND 011 wife rich or Ismor . send 2c stump for mali-I. monlal paper In plain sealed wrapper. Sir . antI SI-ti . Drake , 155 WashIngton street Chicago U-9bG . 1 1. < FIFTY DOLLAI1S ItEWA Itt ) . 011011011 DOLLAJB W"If. O PIFY . OIOE Barler or Hlagar I.'alh' N. V. died November 27 . iill. A rewonl ot 55.0I "r Jnll I ) ' the undeulgned for satIsfactory PIVOOf l or the wher'- abut" or death ot his hon . George M.rel\t IJ'rller. my , Dudley & Cohen attorneys , NI. ogara Falls , N. Y. U-921G. SENt ) FOil LITTLE 100C. IOW 1'0 Hl'IIC- ulatc successfully In the grIn untO stock mmii- . Iet. mallet ) free. Comatock , Hughes & Cu , Wale building . Chicago. U- 83 16' MONEY TO LUAN-1tIA1. Et'.ATE LIFIS INBUIIANCE I'OLICIEB LOANED ON LIY'J INSUIANCI'OLICIlS 01 oujbl y' . O. ChCney , Kansas City W . Mo INTIONl LOAN & TRUST CO. . m N.l.LU''J. loan8 at low rat. for choice security In N. brauka and Iowa farms or Omaha city property W-5tS ' MONEY TO LOAN ON IMI'ltOVEl > OMAHA T LAN Ul'IOVlm OMAIA real estate. Brennan Love & Co. , I'uton bik , ' w-m . LOANS ON IMI'nOVED & UNIMI'ItOVED CITY prperty.p.O and upwardl. C to 7 per ceot : no ldl" 1W . Faral Smith . C , 1 % larnam MONEYTO LAN AT LW.ST RATES. TUe . O. 31' , J"Vt Co. , 5600 Jarnl at 1. . - - - - S I o MONEY TO L-ItEAL ESTATE. -1-REAL . ' nued. i " CITY AND 'AU 'OAN8 AT LOWEST rles , I'us.y & 'ly6ttit. . First Nat'l bldr. n W-Mm 0 LII ] CUAS. W. MINEl tIM. NAT. DK. BLDG. , h W-Ii3 " 'p- - MONEY 'o LOAN ON OIAl. REAL ESTATE at 6 per LAN . . D\,7tlkP" " . hat Nat bank bId I W-5 . ' 11 I - VERY LOW nATE MAUE ON GOOD I.O.\NS V " 'V. Squire. US Dee bldg. 'V-U CITY LOANS . C A STARR. m N. T. \ LIF - : 'N V " W-S 1100 TO $5,000. F. D , WLAD , lOT ! ! & DOUGLAS. $0 1.0. WJAD . W Ot.3 LAIGD I.OANS LOW nATES. SMALL LOANS . short time . I. U. Harder & Co. , Des hlidg V-6S 7U MONEY TO LOAth ON UI'lOVED OMAHA prpel ty. Fidelity Trust company , liOZ I'nr- nam street \V-5t696 - MOIiIEY ' 1:0 LOAl-CRA''TELS. 10NEY'XO ' MONEY 10 LOAN ON I"UINITUt. i'IANOS horses . \alonl , etc. , I lowest I ate In city : no mo\'al ot gods : strictly eonUdental : you Can pay the loan off ot any tine or In any or amount. Smount.OMAHA MOnTGAdl LOAN CO. . 30 S. 16th Itreet. X-U MONFY TO I.OAN ON nOUSEUO.D FUIINI. lure. pianos . horses wagons. or any kind at chattel security nt lowest possible rateS . which 500 cnn pay back nt nn ) ' time and In any amount. l"lnEf.1TY LOAN GUAlA'Tm CO. , Room 4 . Wlhnl block. X-5Zj - - - - - J , U. 1IAUDOC'KltOOM m. lAMOE I.OCIi. BUSINESS CHANCES. COllESIONDINCI' : OIl INTEIVmW 19 SO- Iclld tram parties latbOed "lh I to 10 per cent In I legitimate busIness : investment under full guarantee at principal and Interest : stealIng - rul Inl and character unquestIoned. I' . O. Box . 6S. Clt _ . ) _ . _ n .n _ _ Y-MIT _ _ _ \N 1ISI'1CTALLY GOOD CHANCE TO TIm rllhl party who can comma"1 $ t.WI.o or $ : 00.0 to enter and old e8ta"lshel bURln.n. Address P. O. Box COT . City. Y-MT18 : I'UI.I.Y l QUPlEl NG. MI.L. LIVE town northeast Nebraska : exchange for lander or sell . AdLren rom ii . Fiepter block , Omaha . 1. ITch. l'leJz.r Y-Mi03 : , I Ol SAI.r -HALOON ANn FIXTUR S IN A good eouol ) ' bun. lIcence to lun six mnn'hie. W. S. . 350 lIce ! tg. ' -9l7 IG $ I,50d.01) CASH , $1,660.00 FIRST CLASS FIRST nUl'tgnce Iltl1 latier ' and three to six thounll ! euites In l'al N.hrfkn lands to exchange for I good stock . or general merchandise or . clear reM hnnlware : 'vlttaIso exchange a hilto elelr wt.also exchanle I 11. , I.lee In Icnrne , ) ' . For particulars . n.ldles150 11511011 \ : , Ienrr.eyNeti. _ Y-M93 2 EXI'OItTATlON-jltItOI'l1AN WITH ENTIiN- NI\'e lelnUunR abtnd wlnts capitalist with U5.0 for exportltlon at h\r.es ! tl urnpean market. 60 tier cent to Investor anu31) ' . A"- I & Bee oiiic' . Y-9ID.2 FOIl SALE on TIOADJI . ONE 01 TilE BEST paying float malkets on North 24h street. Stock fixtures . hose and wagon oaly 0300.0) . Best or renEons for soiling. C. F' . ln.tng. 161G N. 21h stl"et. \-51151 l. 1'Olt I SA1N. FIST CLASS SALOON CI N- tri ) ' Iocatcd . Address D 60. Boo ohhic. Y-9CC.17 CHEMICAl ANALYSIS.'il ANALYZE ALL klnls If solids und lIquids and furnish working formulas. Sletlils ooale. 'f'rm" mo.lernte. " 'rite. Earl Chemical Works . nG Ilroadwny . . New Yorl , . Y-99t IS' 5101111 THAN 0 EASTERN MANUFACUR- erR WOnt relrCRntut\'e. throughout the west general or tr\l e ! rommercnl directory wIth full InOlllon , lh\aIUI..t \ tm I'crsonal Inter- views Will be mnpcItTou for 60 cents. H. 1' . wi " : & StrahI D.Vcnl Illr.I' ; , : _ Y-96 iT' IMVY11lt. WISCONSIN UNIVERSITY AND law graduate , larke i' tquaIntance . e"perlence. wants to "Olle wlth'ol.Ier lawyer anti 11\ It \ . n.c < eL. A' dress p ; tG , , Ilee. Y-l0 16' I'IIYSICIANS : SPgCIAI ACTICE FOIl 'sale nl your iigurt. .Akldrcss 1' . 0. V Un 631. . . Y-127 IC' 'r W YOU hAVE . \10 1' EIOIT hUNDRED dollars that you woultlke 10 invest In a geed . . Ilvebusiness d.lress 1 3. 1 -13'J 16' ONE THOUSAND , DOLI.AI1S CASh . BALANCE sccurelt paper wl .luy estnbl.he'l ) lumber and coal business In Itown : eastern , Nebrasioa. Nu SWrI' . Aldl'ES , Dox' 35. EIhor. Neb. V : ; ; : : Y-11219 WANTI : I COMPETENT IUS1NESS MAN with S.o ensh.Hb tale charge at a , manufacturing - luring . olIlce. Addle D 67. lIce , ouilce. ' . 4 " ' : , t - 'J V V-ill 16' WANTED PAI1TNIIT1 YOU [ III MAN VhRE tel'red , to take Interest In a , well established and paying bURlneu In thIs city : ' 0fliV good busineso loan , wlucupl/l. need address 'E ' . 5 . lieu oilier' . r-1371G. FOR EXCHANGE. A GOOD LOT IN EAST OMAHA TO EXchange - change for young work horses or mules. Lamor.aux Drol . 20 S. 16th. Z-G21 U. E. COLE CO. . 106 N .15TH. WILL PAY cash direl'ence or assume mortgage and give you clear property for your equity In house and lot. 'Ve always have what you want. ZOISIG WILL TRADE A S .OO STOCK 01' FINE clothing tor good stock ot dry goods. Address D 66 . lice 0111cc. Z-M91 1 CLEAR LAND AND S5.O CASIIVTO TRADE for busnefs ! or lesdenc : pr p rty. J. D. Z't- tIe . Drown ' ! k. 11-143-iS' . TWO BRICK STORE BUiLDINGS. ONE dwelling Iioise . In Almn. Neb. . all bringing god rent : three hundred anti twenty acres ot land tn 111n count ) . . Neb. . eighty acres In Jcnee count . Ian. : alt clear land Is Irt- class : thf" hun.he : nail twenty . acres nice smooth land Norton Cunt . Kan. : saudi in- cumbrance Address J. H. Kesterson Superior . Neb. Z-VSS 16. I HAVE A CI.RAI 1.01 IN SOUTH OMAHA. .worta $800.0 : what have ) 'ou to trade for It . 1 Address D CI . le p111cc . 11-5110)0 20. TO IIXCIIANGII FOR CLEAR LOT 1.ROOM modem cottage . beautifully lee.rntcd ; good bur. moo goot nelgh"orhol. lose to . car hue ; nice sightly place 1"ldely Trust company . li02 bihty ; . . /-SllGi 2 IGO ACRES OOOD NCnn.\BKA LAND FOIl trade. Williams & Stittun McCngue Z-M103 building. 18 _ FOR IIXCIIANGE. A 1.0:0,0 : SIOI S1'OCli. - Address Box 3G. GrIswold Ia. Z-MI2 15' - FOR SALE-1UTAL ' ESTATE. - DA OAINS. hOUSES ' LOTS AND FARMS . ule or trade. F. K. 'Darling . Darker blocll. V E-523 FOR BALE NEW 4.110051 COTAGE : dEL- lar cistern . city water : cor. 30th antI SaltIer , $ ,2.0 : long time. Inquire 1:1 Fart om. Sam' uel Burns. E53 MODERN 12-ROOM 1IO5I11CIIIIAI'.HlI INNI Y 110DEnN I'E-M913 J13 FOR SALE AT A D.\RGAIN. 'MY 111151- dence between Burt and Cumlng streets ; will take % In lrade. Vim Fleming , Uth and Doug- In. ltIm7-MIlS FOR A LIMITED TIME . A FINE RESIDENCE site . corner 3th and Dodge , 510,0.0 paving ( paid ) . corer Ful commission to agents. Wm. I lel' log . 1th anl Douglas 1E-t79 IIXCILANOIIS AND BALlS : CITY I'ItOl'EItTY. farms . mercimandse : Gorvll Hros. , ill N. Y. Life. IE- (2i BARGAINS. HALE OR TRADE IN 10USES. lots and SAJE . N. Frenz.r , opP. I' . O. V ItE-M8l2 JS FOR SALE , LOT X150 .2NI AND MASON $29.00 cash $0.0 per ' month ; price $ . Omaha Bicycle Co. . . at N. IGth Bt. . E-891.23 - _ . - _ I $300 $ CASII I3ALA6CII.'IIIOY EASY NICE cottage home 'V""ave 'em tram 3 roms up. cotage . Cole " ' 15111. . I. ? 1.I - 91lG IRRIGATED FARI1VIIIt " FAIL : FRUIT . potuto. grain and V,5 mqlc farms for sale on easy terms : corrrspon < ence .jolrleL. E. II. Palmer room 306 , l'eoplu'PAlk. Denver Colo. . ) 1111-MIll If. I ! IE-IU30 WIIIIAVII FAIt5tI 1PR SALE IN ALMOST FAIl l'rm every county In cafiItLi I , Kansas and auutm.1 MIssouri : It wll Y you to investigate our "cash rent 1lan' # , .seling forms We run give you better .ieeit titan anybody ; ( arias beler .ena anbudy Improved : po.eUI . ' soon . J. II. DrauIy. Improve Crwtord bldgi , 'J'rlokl. ICun. hill-MEG Jl2 . - eVo.J . Wl HAVE A CU ) TME1 1'01 CLI'A1 OUT. side lots : bring l lbr delrll'tuns eUlly. , . tielity 'trust compu5')702 I"IJ num slre'I. dlty coml'/UY.702 _ 3111-51106 r $8,500.00 WILL 1IUyA1qU/i1lTIIlt 01" A m.CK 8r.0 Wl.I : tl % ' ivod "uI. S. i.ermanently I Ol rentt'tl ; thIs prerty , worth $1.0.0. and la I the best bargain wo' ' ever offered. OVililains i ) .Iittan . : leCage bUidIng , Im- 10 18 $060.00 6.nOOll COT'AQ1I ANI LOT : $0.0 $9.0 : balance COTAO ; larg" list. IL. Il. Cole Co. . \1 N , llflt I -MI2 19 WANTl ) TO lIllY 5 on 6.100M COT\al to be mon' : cash. 1. 13. Cole Co. 1-M121 . lO N. lMh. 19 VOlt SAI.I HO ACRES WI L ( , IMPIIOVEI ) , land In lhluu Itiver'alley . Seward cuu ty. IB.0 per acre : worth 540. J" 03. Clinton . ide- Murphy block Lincaln . Ntb 1111-138 16' A II'I.I NOD INVI STMlm'r. TWENTY acres . lust west ot cIty ; near Loved ' street : must lie sold 01 rnce . Write owner , 1. O. - box ( .91. city. II:11 J HO'.JL . 10TlL lAICBt 131 ArD JONES trrs. 75 rooms at $1.10 per day . to rooms at $ . o Per day. SpecIal rates to commercial traysieri. Rom anti board by WICk \f monlh. Frank hiliditcim . toaneger . tl AETNA 10USE \EUItOI'EAN. ) N. W. CR 1th and Do& : . ltcbmua I day or week. , r . , - - - - - UNDERTAKERS AND EMBALMERS n. Ie. BUREET. FUNERAL DlFCn AND embAlmer , 1615CliIcaVi. It. : , teephone _ t m SciN & VALIEN. UNDERTAKE1S AND SSON . 101 Cumin& It. , tlrvhoM 106' M. O. MAUL UNDERTAKER AND 1151' balmer 11 Faam It , telephone W r % . C. W. BA1LIO . U24DERTAIIL'R . a B. 16th Uq ST. ELECTRiCAL SUIPLLES. AlMATURE9 AND CNVE TE S REWOUND : storage batteries recharged : electrical and gm- eal mcchlnlBtl1 ; superIor work gtharnnteetl . Omaha Electrical Works 61 and 619 5. IGth S sl . - - - - - - - EIIRCAI , DNGNImnS AND CONT AC. tori for slctria light and motor piStils and all kinds of electrIcal IC construction. Western Eie. I ! tile Supply Co. . 41S and t2 B. 16h s. 51 BUILDING & LOAN ASSOCIATION IOW TO aliT A IOlF on SBcunl GOOD interest on savings. Apply to Olah L. & U. Ass'n. liOI leo bldg. AIplY . Nattinger . Bee. Gl SIAnFS IN MUTUAL L AND n. ASS'N PAY f . 7. 8 per Cent when 1. t. 3 years old always redeemable. nOI y'arnam It , Nnttncer , Se HAY AND GRAIN. BUY YOUR IAY lIT TON OIl CAn LOTS. we buy hay . A. U. Snyder 1515 Burt .t. 'el. 101. its ElnASICA HAY CO. . WllOI.ESAIlI IA Y. grain and mill stuff.Vim are nlwn's on the market to buy or saIl. l02.1.6 Nicholas it SI I : HORSES WINTERED . ADDRESS BAnTON & l'lIIILPS. Tilt. . ibid. : . t01 N. Y. Lie bldg. 51128031' . _ - _ . . 1128D3t. I0mmS WIXTIlItlID . $ .0ND $1.0 PEI month. Addl'ess Hopper Bros. , lllimhlorn. MS81 Neb. 21. COAL ' D. T. MOUNT HAS RE10VED IllS CQL ofce to 2 13. It1 Bt. . Brown . block. 652 - - - - - - - - ' - - - SlmRDAN COAL EXCELLENT SUBSTITU'E for haitI coal , and $3.50 ton cheaper. 1605 Far. "mh street ; main L entrance Board of 4 < : . 653 TYPEWRITER' . STOLEN TYPEWRITERS OFFEIOEI ) FOR lale should moka you suspicious : funny they are mostly Smlth's. Try one and you will wil understand why . Full line at supplies. ) Smith- Prml.t Co. , 17th and Y'arnam. telephone Smih. 1SI. & : i . STOVE REI . STOVE REPAIRS FOR to. 00 DIFFERENT makes at ato\'ep. Water attachment and con- nectons 0 specialty . 107 Douglas Itreet Omaha Stove levalr OVoiks. 12) - CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS C. E. SIOIORILL . CARPENTER AND BUILDER , paper hanging and signs brick work and pias' tering. OthIce . t0 S. ltb sl. . telephone 40S . 5 LOST. STRAYED . FROM POPPELTON AVENUE Saturday morning . black cocker spaniel collar with ) ' .low ribbon on : $5.0 rewar.t. . rewar.t.LstlG 17. BIC YCLES. M. O. DAXON 102 N. 16Th ! . m OMAHA BICYCLE CO. . 32 N. 16TI ST. 890 WHOLESALE COAL. JOhNSON Imos . WhOLESALE DEALERS IN all kinds ot coal. Corrc.pondenco solicited. 100S Pnrnam atreet. Ito OTICIANS. OMAHA OPTICAl , CO. LEADING OPTICIANS J. F. Ponder mana .r. Eyes examIned tre. t22 S. lCth st . In Klnslcrs drug store. U6 17' MASQUERADE COSTUMES. GENTLEMEN AND LADIES CAN RUNT masquerade costume ot li South lGth 21-DI9. It. V ; PLUMBERS. JOHN ROWE A CO ; . PLUMBING STEAM AND hot water heatIng gas tlxtutes . globes. 421 S. t5. 51 - - - V CORNiOE. WESTERN CORNICE WORKS . GALVANIZED Iron cornices. 172 St. Mary's ave. G55D21 SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING. VAN SANT'S SCHOOL OF SHORT hAND N. Y. LIfe Omaha Ask for cIrcular. 51 MUSIC , ART AND LANGUAGE. G. F. OIILLENBECIC . BANJOIST AND teacher 1811 CalIfornia streel. , I JOB PRINTING. REED JOn PRINTING co. . FINE PRINTING at all klnd9. 17th st . Dee buldln : . 563 GIINDING. RAZORS . . SIIIIAI1S . CLIPPERS , SKATES etc. A L Undeland. 106 S. 14th. 5GS LEATHER BELTING. LEATlEH BELTING CIIAS. A. SClmUEN & Co. . Mtg 2 So. 12th 51. Iii BUSINESS NOTICES. DAMAGED MIRRORS RESILVEnED , 71 N. 16. 563 TAKEN UP. TAKEN UP. ONE hAY 10RSI . WITH HAI.- . tcr on. li07 Center street . M-122 13' DENTISTS. Dn. PAUL. DENTIST 22 BUIlT 1T. m RAILWAY i-1fflE ' CARD Leaves IIUItLINGTON & MO. IUVEI.IArrh'eB Omaha \IIU.1NOTON \ 10th & Mason . Sts.I . Omaha 10:15nm. : .7. : : Ielv'er 1 "press : . . : . .9:3nm : Ilipm.Itik. : 111115 . Mont . & l'uget Snd. Ex. 4:10pm : 1:3pm.Ik. 4:3pm. : . . . 111. . .Denvr 10nt. Express. 1'Iet . . . . . . IOpm : 6:1\un.Nehrskr : Local ( except RUTHlu ) . 7:151'm : 8:15al.Llncoln : Local . ( except Hunday ) ? .l :2ant : , Leaves \CICAGO \ ; I\UINGTON - &Q.IAiVs : . Omaha Union Depot. 10th * & ! ason Sts.1 Omaha 4:45pm : . . . . . . . . . . Chicngo\'esttbuie. - . . . . . . . . . : W n : imChlro'sthule . . . . . 4:20pm : 0 7:501In..Chlrn0 : , nail Iowa Local . . . . 8:0al : 11:35am..l'nciiie Junction Ioeal. . . . . . Gl011m : I.cav.sC \ , \ : - 1 I . : . I'AUL.I.trrives 'Oluha Union Iepot. bum & Mason 1B' ' Omaha G :011. : . . . . . Chicago Limited. . . . . . . 9am : 1IlOamn.Chmicago : _ Express _ JeH . b ) . 6:15pm : . - - - . Leaves ICIIICAGO \ & NOltT1lWI1ST'N.IArries OmnahmohlJ. V. Depot . 10th h _ & Mason His. I Om'ilma 1 :05.Im. : . . . . .I'astrr : Express . , . , . . :3pm : 4:001mm..estibuled Linuiel. : . . . . . 'J:4mun : G:5 : lr. . . . . . Mo. Valley Local..10:30pm : :4rpm : ; . . . .Omlha Chicago H"eclnl. . . . 2:15pm : I.enns ChICAGO , n. I. & lACU"W. I rrh'eR CHIAnO Omaha I _ Union Depot - . 10th & Mason lOts.I Omaha _ _ _ _ _ -ES1' _ , . IlCioam.Atiantio : Express ( ex. Sunday ) . . 6:07pm : G:25pm. : . . . . . . .NIht Express : . . . . ) . . GOipl 9:50"1 ) : 4 :30pm. : .Chlcao Vestled ! I.Iinttoil . . . 1 :0Jm : 1:351Im.Oklahoma : Hal , . Ito C. Ii. ex Sun..Illli'tn ) : -V _ _ _ _ _ _ 'VEHT. :1510.0klahoma : & Texas lix. ( ox . Run..1:0" : .Op ! ! ! ! .Colorado 1.lml..II. . . . . tu/ : ! Leaves I C. ; Hi1'M. & O. : IArh'eB Omahl I Depot 15th and 'ehaler Rts. I Omaha 9:3am..N.hru.ka : lu..enger ( 'llly ) . . 8SI'm : ' 4IIpm..Sioux : City llxpress ( em. tiutmll5Omtn ) : Jm..Bloux . Ciy . l'aui L Lltnhteit. . lun..llm : 6II'I. : . t.- ! I.al',9 I-I i- ; ; I1& MO.VALIJIY.I . A'iTes Omaha Dept IGth and Webster Hts. 1 Omaha 2:10pm : . : " . Fast Mail and-I ipr.8. . . . :551.m : 2loptnex ; ( . Sat. ) Wyo lix. ( ex. Mun ) . :55pm : 2IOIII.lex. : Express ( CX Sunday . ) . . 10:30am : 4IlptnFscmont : xJres 1'.8. ( e\ Sunday ) . . 7:50pm : Ell' tS511..I'lemont ' : I ' I ! ! ! P. . ' ' . . . . . I.eu\"el K. C. ST. J. & . . C. II. ' 'rrlves Omaha I Union l.I'ot , 10th & Mison Sls.1 Omaha 94lnun ; . . .I Hansas City - lay. -lfxl'rc8s. ' . . 6ioP : : 9t5pm.lC. : C. Night Iix.via : U. I' . 'fruns. G:5'1 : : - ' ' Leaves MIRROUJIACI"I : I rrl\s' Omahn Depot 15th and W't .ter fIts 1 Omaha " tt:4Tam : . , , . , , . ; . St. - Louis Express . . . . . COam : : ) . ; . ; . . huts Express . . . . . . G:0I'1 : ' GlOptti..Nei'iitskit _ I" > 'Ie. unJ.I n ! .I. . : . . : . I.eans SIOUX ( ITY & IA'W. IArrl\1 Omaha I Depot IGlh nail ' Webster Bt8. lOmnaha I : . . . . . . . . . . . I'aui 1 J.lmle . . . . . - : .llatn OII. ! Leaves . RIIX CiTY ' & I'A'Il'IC. Arrives Omaha . \ Union Depot , lath k Mason Stl.1 Omnha 6llnm.iIiOUX : - City l'aseenger : : . O:20pm : : : . ; . .t.aui14niited. . . . . . . Dlram ( I : LeiWI ' - ' ( ; l"I-I IAVri ' ; a\sl Union Depot . 10th h AImtsonlOtLI Omaha 10:010. : : : . . . . .ICcurey 1"lrfHs.7. ; ; . : . 3t5PI : : . . . . . . . \ Fln.I. . . . . . . 5:3 : 1'1 2mltItn : , Beatrice 6. Htromsh'g hhx. ( ex.iun ! ) . 3:151mm : ' 7hlptn. : . . . . . . . ' ttrom.'g ' . . . . el.tun.3tSI'm . . . . .10:5rol : 7:3lln. 6:3011. : . . . . . ' . . " , I.'ll SluJi _ t. . , . . . . . . . I : IDII Leave' WAUAll . - lArrives Omaha Union UOllt. 10th & Stamina 8tl.1 Omaha : , I fanna IJWUlCiw : CITY OFFICIAL NOTIOES. NOTICI OF TI SITTING Ol Til CITY COUNCl AS A HOARD 01" h1QU.LI56AT1ON. To the owners ot the hots , parts ot lots antS real eslnle abutting on or adjacent to the streets . alleys or avenues herein n\nNt ( or sluate,1 In whole or In part withIn any ot the tIltrlels herein "peclnelt : You and cacti ot 'ou are hereby . notfed that the city council of the city ot Omaha will sit as ) honrd ot equnlzaton , In corn- mllee room A. In the city hall . Omaha Nebraskn . 01 Friday . the 21st day ot Dc. comber . 1891 , from 9 o'cloclt n. m. to I cluck p. m. , tor the purpose oC considering aunt equalizing the luflole lev ) ' of special taxes anti nlReSBments ni shown by "Pro' "ORCd " PIons of Assessment" tOW on 01 lii the olco ot city clerk nnll cOrrect- InK 01) ' errors herein , nnel or hearIng . all coinpiutints thot the owners or ProPertY ate to he nlelc(1 anti taxed may 11rO\IHt \ : snid special taxes old oeMmcnls l > ol10lClt to be levIed being necessary to cover the cost ot the several Improvemcnts dilly outhorlre.l It ( he made and tOW completed , os fol. lows : To cover the cost at olu\lhlK ntlisnhlcci * , tinder the super\IIlol of the BOlrI ot Health b Which cost I itt I'rollolell , by n rellol'l duly adopted by the citY council In assess OS follows : Wlliom Fitcll folowl . lot 3. block G. City , S r I 40 Mnmle Desmond , et al . lot 8. block 171 , CI ) ' . 21 t 'ro cover the cost of lIylng p rnlncnt ! "Idewaltl . which cost It Is proposeti lY ) n : report dthi' odoptt(1 by the city counci to 081(11 on thl property l for which they were laid 11 folows : E 10 ftv 1 , - , t 3 c lot 3. hlcok 10 , City . $12 GI Lot 4. block 4G. City . 23 1 E 22 f lot 6. blelt li3. Clt ) . . i4 21 Ii I . C. r lot 7hlock ' 19G. CIty , 74 82 II . 2 lot 7. Irck Si. City , [ G 32 W ! lot 7. hlocl 1' . City , M 32 Lot 8. block II I City H6 0 : N H c lot I. hlock if . city , 1792 S 88 r lot 1. block 1. CI . " ' , 139 1 c. Lot 3. block 15714 . City , C , : iG Lot 1. hlncl 181\2 \ , City . (71 ( 41 Lot r. hlr.l , 1In PI , ' 'i1) ) ' ) N 44 'ft - - lot I ; - bocle ; i.kii. City , 8 l 00 II 22 C lot 2. hlock 20l' % . City 2 20 Lot i. block 2051. ( .iit' . lOG W Lot 8. block ( 2. City . 2i1 8i Lot I. block 3. Call1ol 11 add lR' G8 Lot 4. block 3. : Cll'lol 11 tttld ! . 71 40 Lot 1. block 3 , Capitol 11 ttdtl . 12 m ( Lt 6. block 3 , CapItol 111 amId , 125 88 Lot , 1. block .1. 1 CapItol . Hi timId . 102 41 W 22 ft lot 9 block 12. N. Y. SmIth's od 90J Ii I iO r lot 9. block 12. II. V. Smlth's ad S970 Lot 15. KoUlitze'g "A" OII ! G 21 Lot 5. block 2 , I'erkins' lubllv lU ; 60 Lot 6. hlocl 2. Perkins' silbdiv 81 Oi To cover ' est oC 1 ) 'ln suhllv ! 81h- walks . which cost Il Is pi-OPOIICtI by 0 report duly adopted by the city councIl . to assess on the property for which they were lain . ni follows ; Lol 8. block 9. City , $211 ITS Lot 1. block , I. City 21 (7 F 22 f 10l 8 , block 71 . City , 1 : 48 Lot I. block 19G. CIty . 281 C. : Lot 2. block 196 1 . City . 8 43 Lot 4. block 100 . City . 99 2 N lot 8. block 19G. City , 165 87 Iot 1. block 191. City , 2 7" Lot 5. block 197. City . 9869 Lot 6. block 191. City , 81 18 Lot 7. block 197 . CIty , 81 18 Lot 8. block 197. City V 98 67 N H r ot 15 f strIp between 7th sand \ and lot I. block 201 City 80 72 N 41 t e 44 f loll. block 26 , CIty , 1632 7 Lot 8. block p. City 21G G F 1,4 lot 10. block 1911. City 216 6 W 32 t lot 2 block l9S1. . City G f E 62 t lot 3. block 3. Capitol 11111 . 82 01 W 40 t ( 102 f lot 3. block 3 , CapItol 11111 . _ 43 40 \V 28 f lot 3. block 3. Capitol HIll , 30 30 S v lot 4. block 3. CapItol lull . G ; 05 Lot . 13. Coburn's sub 74 3i 'V 16 f lot 1. Coburn's sub 92 24 Lot 3. Hal Place . ! 2 80 Lot 4. hall Place . 62 80 [ Lot 2. block 1. Marsh's add G Ii S 85 t lot 18. lI11rl1 & Caldwell's 12184 'V add rs' . ! f lot 4. block 10. McCormlek's 192 21 'V 63Y t lot 9. block 10. McCormlck's 'itld . 186 93 ! S 4 f lot 1. bIeck 13. McCormick's add 94 [ 8 S 4 ft lot 2. block 13. McCormIck's 69 65 Lot 1. block 1. McCormick's arid 45 56 Lot 2. block 1. McCormttlck's add 94 5 Lot 7. block 8. Iteed's 1st add . 83 18 Lot 8. block 8. Reed's Isl arId 8 41 Lot I. Rustin's add to Plainview . 55 33 S 130 t lot ii . block 7. Subdlv J. I. Redlck's 171 16 Iol 1. Terrace add 219 0.6 I.l 31. TerrAce add 60 42 11 lt t lax lot 21. sec. 4. 15. 13. 28 G ! 5 To cover the coat ot Iln ! 0111 scale hole and paving same with Ifphalt on 13th street between Hartley slreet and Farnam street . which cost I II prposel ! . by a report - port duly ndopted by the cIty couticil . to assess : on the property adjoimtin . as follows - On the north of lot 5. hlock 13G. v City being the property adjoining . $74 01 To cover cost of l\vlng alley II block 50 , city In street Improvement district No Gi5. nmounlng to the sum of $1,312.66. which sum It Is proposed by a report duly adopted Iy the city council to ! less on the real estate Oi each side of said alley , pro rate AS per foot frontage and the usual scaling back process In depth from alley one block rAte per foot $2.28. To cover the cost of opening and extend- inc 131h street from the'aley north of Nich- nina street to the south line of Paddocl Place amounting to the sum of 13.318.W. . which sum Il Is proposed by a report duly adopted by the cIty council . to assess on the real estate ni follows ; On lhe east 132 feet on that part west oC 1th street and that part east of J3th street of tax lot 8 , sCC. 15 , 15. 13. $7.6.0. Oi the east 132 feet of that part west of 13th street and that part east of 13th street ot taX lot No. 9 . sec. 15. 15. 13. $ i,331Oi $1,3181 On lots In Paddocl Place abutting on 13th street at $38.07 each $ ahutlng ' 10 cover the cost of grading 3Gth street from Farnam street to Dodge street In grading dIstrict No ; 12. amounting to the sum ot $89.51. which sum II Is proposed b a report duly adopted by the city br to _ . . nssess . . _ . _ _ on the . _ _ _ . real L _ . elute _ . on . each . _ side _ or aZiLfl screut lUH L'urnam street 10 Dodge street pro rata per foot frontage , accord- lag to usual scaling back process , In depth frotu the street , as per disttict created ; rate ver front fool , $ i.70596. To cover the cost of gradIng half howard street from 33rd street to 86th street , In grading distrIct No , 110 , amountIng to sii1,49 ; , which sum it is Proposed , by a report duly adopted by the cIty council , to assess on the real estate on both sides of half 100w- turd street , from 11fld street to 36th street ro rata as per foot frontage , and accord- log to the usual scaling buck process in depth from the street one lot , 1)Ciloot , 50.20565. 'ro cover the cost of .grading howard street from 33rd street to 36th street , in grading district No. 111 , amounting to the sum of $761.00 , which sum it is proposed , liv a report duly adopted by the city council , to assess on the real estate on each side of Howard street from 33rd street to 3Gtl street , pro ratio POt foot frontage , accortling to the usual scalitIg back process1 In depth from the street to the first alley , or center of block , rate per foot , 50.36174. To cover one-halt 1110 cost of gramhing 33rd street from Farntum street to Dodge street , amountIng to time sum at 550.00 , which sum It Is proposed , by a report tltily atlopted by tim cIty council , to missess on thu real estate on each sine of 33rd street ( miii Fuurnutn litleet to Iodge street , 5ro ratio per front foot , according to the usual scaling back process , In depth from tile street to center of block ; rate per toot , .iJGl16. V 'I'o cover one-halt ( lie cost of grading Woolworth avenue from Second Street to 6th atteet , anountitig to the sum of 5832.81 , whIch aiim It Is propoced , by a report duly mtdopted by time city council , to imsoess on the real estate nit both sides of Woolworth avenue , froln 4th street to 6th street , 11-0 rata per foot frontage. flInT the usual seal. ing back prucess , in depth frotn the street to alley ; hate per foot , 10.78867 , 'l'o covet' cuic-llait tne cost of gradimig W'oolvortli aventie from 32d avenue to 86th street , ttrhhouihting to tile SlIm of 1737.00 , which sum IL Is proimoseri , by IL r.Iport tltiiy atlopted by tile cIty councIl , to nscoes on the real estate on l'ith lmlea of Woolworth avenue from 32d itventio to 3611i street , I'm ' rata per foot frontage , according to Ohio usual acahiiig back pmoccns , in depth ( ruin the street , its foliowutI IIttIImWuJIfl Plitce , 150 feet ; In Orliiin & Ilunithm's utddltion to center of html , rotc per loot , 50.26711. To cover omie.hnlf time cost of' grading Ihickory street , from 221 avCntio tn 13th street , and 38th street , from Woolwoi thu avenue to L'entel' street , alIlOUhItiflg to thu sum of 51.2113.47 , whlehi sum It is pruposoth , by a report duly adopted by tint ct' ; couiieli , to assess Oil tile real etmtto on butn cites of Hickory street from 321 i7vfnime to 36th street , antI Old atreet , ( loin \'o8Iivtittli avL'ntie to Center etre t , plo rota per foot frontage , according' to thin utuinl scaling back lIrocess , itt tlepth ti-non tIle street an follows ; 1"ronl hIckory street In ( ; minIn & Hniithi'th athilitioli , to the center of iut : In I lunscona I'iuce , thin depth of tiweo hots ; frini lId street on the , 7Vest miila , liT' ) feet ; on the etist Ido to ) line of litillin & Ilinith's addition , IOtute p01' fermI , 50.25S32. 'ro cover tlto Cost of conitriictimig newer In Ihewar 1)1st-Id No. 203 , ouiiouiilhijg to the sum of 510,195.53 , a'hilehi um it Is lll01)su'I , by a teport duly adopted by time city coutm- elI , to naless on tile ht'Zll entait , on each alto of said sewer In saul Hoover 3)Istrict No , 203 , Pro ratio per foot ( romitmige. according to thin tistmal tcaling buelt lit'oCeia. lii tiopift from tito sewer , as uwi' thlitrict erualot , provldod that corner lots having a iewci' ; on both frontages shall Ito ( or Our : longer ( rniita0 only ; rate PC- toot , ti-mill. age , 50.71763. 'to correct an error In thin arusHlIchlt tnadO to cover the cost of daniages ( or ox. tending 1'11ein iStleet , ( rein 33'li sit set in 14th btreet ; the part of mIsmnute as lielelim. after mentioned hia'Ing been crronoohisl' am.sessed on the Sotitil 132 feet Cf tax hot i , whereas , time alnoulti should have beoii its. semised ( in them ot1thl 13 ( evt ot ta 1t IT section $4. 15 , 23 , Thoroor. , tot th puuiic - . - V - CITY OFFICIAL NOTICES. Continued. of correcting such assessment , It It' ' hereby imloPOsed to itsi'ess on the south 132 feet or tax lot 5.1 , sectIon 34 , II , 13 , the amount of 5199.82 by supplemental levy , ( t p01' benefits by reason of extendIng l'helps street from 13th street to 11th street. 'Votl are ( tirther notifherl that saul "Pro' 1)080(1 l'lnns of Assessment are now subject to tile inspection and examination of any of the owmlers of said hts , Parts of lots or 1)10065 of real estate , or tile inspection ni' examInation of any other PCi-SOfl Interested In saul Pr'Ioscd asseasmenta , at the omce , ) of saId city clerk , and tiirtt by a report of 4 , a conutnittee of said Cotillell , ( liii ) ' litiOlitetI , It ii ; vroposed tiidt thllleM for good ntlII aiim- cieiit entise It 1ua5' be otherwise ordered niiil deterinitteul , that tile cost of said irn- limorements respectively be assessed on the several hots , Parts of lots anti pieces of real estate , as shown by oakl proposed plans or flsseI'iiflIChlt , VtOtl and each at 3'Otl ni-C ) hereby notified to appear before said llonrml of lqunlixatIon at the 0111W nun Place above specifIed , to hhlaki ? flhl5' complaihit , statmuont or objection you desire concerning ally at saId Proposed levies and assessments of spoclal taxes , JOHN T. IIVANS , CIty Clerk. Omaha , Nob. , Dcc. ii , 1691. Dli dCt e&u - PROPOSAIS S'Ohl S11'i'FIt CONNEC- TIONS. Proposals ovllh b received by the secretary of tlte' lionrul of Etitication up to alirl lnclud. , ( . lug 2ilontla' , Decemuicr 17th , at 5 o'clock , for tile construction of a Vsever coniletloti for thli''alnut 11111 school lioulse at 44th anti ' Ilatnilton streets , lii iiecrtlnnco with ltna and CliecitIcatloils how oh Ille In the oiilccs of time secl.'tmlry . in tile city ball , . 3. 51 , ( ILLI4AN , Secretary Ilotird of lltlitcatlon. DlSsutilO . - A.T = T V UUItFAU. StflS & CO. , Solicitors. lJeo tIhilidIlIg , OMAHA , Nob. Advice 1"1tL1L 2Itli 2'IIJl..i rius. A glass of sparkling , fruity chanlpagno can scarcely be Blare invigorating than an " avening slichIt In witnessing an lllterpretatlon of Charles hoyt's greatest farce comedy atIecees , ' ' 4 % . . Trip to Chinatown , " which wIll be seen at the Boyrl this evening anti the two followIng evenhilga. This engagement vill be tiotabbo or lilore titan one reason. 'The Musical Trifles , " as the author mod- catly roclaiiiis his play , has ltad a rtn of 656 performances In tile city of Now York , at ilcyt's Madison Squharu theater. Thmimt excels the lomigest. run lutowti to flIi PreviotIs New York production , regardless of how preten- tiotis it lila ) ' have been. "AdonIs" has next approachlell it in a run of 603 performances , anti "hlutnpty Dtmmpty" 483. Mr. hoyt has Ootemmined to give Omaha the farce Identical with Its liroduction in New York , even to tiio smallest detail. The cast includes l1arr Caner , vlio created the part of "Welian Strong , " Geraldine McCann , Sadie Kirby , Newton Cillanell , harry Gilfoil , Margaret V McDonald , anti , as a fitting climax , Bessie Clayton , tim phenomenal dancer , who not only caused a furore in time Inetropolis , but set staid old Boston agog with iter marvohotos manipulations In time way of eccentric i - tag. Another unusual event incidental to timis production , unusual because It hiss nevOt- before been Paralleled In tlto hIstory of farce comedies , vlli be the bringing to this city of a complete carload of scenery built by Voegtlin for this produc- lion. Farce comedies have not hitherto , even in Mr. Hoyt's brillIant career , caused the transportation of ceaic effects so elaborate. The great success of the play ! n this city last year Is still fresh In this minds of our theater goers , butt even those vimo have hearth it before wIll be delighted wIth tnuici that Is now , including some liretty musical numbers noticeably " V , : "Keep a iCnockln' , " "The Pretty Widow , " "Crisp Young Chaperone , " "Yes , I'll Be Your Sweetheart - heart , " "Itubea and Cynthia , " "My Little Maid in the Moon , " and whistlIng extraor- .Itn ry , to say nothingot the over popular "On the l3owery" tilatV Is brIstling wIth flow hIts , fully abreast to the present era. The career of Daniel Sully In the character or "O'NeII of Washington , D. C. , " has been V remarkable for steady advancement. He has bten before the public as a star for about nine years , having first begun to shine wIth brilliancy In "The Corner Grocery , " The ' next step in the right tllreciton was the pro- ducton ! of Loander Richardson's "Millloi- aire , " in which he astonished tito vubibo atid critics , for his role in thIs play was an cx- V acting one , and ho acquitted himself with great credit to his artistIc power , the depth of which had not been deemed equal to such a part , Not satlIfled to stop there , however , he has provided himself wIth a play of a much higher order than any in which he has heretofore - toforo boon seen , and will demonstrate the tact at Boyd's thirater during his engagement , beginning December 21 , that it Is easier for , l studious artIst to rse by sheer force of tIe- temniinatton titan It II for one who is not stu- dlous and ambitious to maintain his position Imi thu sphere in which lie may find himself IS the result of oarler efforts , "O'Neih of WashIngton , D. C. , " his new play , is a cleverly written story founded on tlio history of notable events which occurred . - in Washington. The inevitable love story sup. plies muchm of the interest , but the substance of the play Is of tile trIals of an Irishi.Amer- lean Inventor , tile role in which Mr. SuUy appears. In time evolution of the play a gret deal of comedy was developed through tle contrast of tue honest old Inyentor with I t. byists , lohlticians amid the veiI known char. actera who Infest time pational capItal. During imis engagenuent at the Lloyd on the 21st , 22d and 23d lasts. Mr. DanIel Sully will present his new play , "O'Nol of Wash- ingtomt , 1) . C. , " In which are depicted the no- cial , political and milItary sides of life at thb national cnplal. The repertoire hero may also include "Time Millionaire. " Monday es'ertlng , December 24 , that in. imiiitablo comedian , Stuart Robson , will beh an cuigagemnent of titreo nights' duration at the IloytI , Monday evening , December 24 , Oliver Goldsmitim'mi inllmlcrtal cotnody. "Sie Stoops to Conquer , " will be given , wIth Mr. , s Robson an 'l'ollny Tumnplcins. At. tue Tues. day , ChrIstmas , lnatillee , Joimn Iluckmmtone Baldwin's cimarming comedy , "Leap Year , or The Ladies' PrivIlege , " vIil be played , with Mr. flobson as Mr. Dhonyaiua Diunplee , a itusbantl on trial. Tuesday and \Veilnosday evenings hironson Ilowartl's great comedy , "Timo Henrietta , " will be the bill , wIth Mr. itobsomi In lila famnoiimm character of hlertic the Lamb , Thursday evening of tills week there will be presented at lloyd's , James Sheridan Knowles' sublime tragedy , "Vlrglnitms , " for the benefit of Ohio Assocatecl Cimarities of Omaha , and given utnder the auspIces of Nebraska - braska lodge , No , 1 , Knights of l'yhitlas. Mr. J , Edgar Owemis will appear an Virgittius , and will have nearly fifty people In his support. V Ankle from the intrinsIc merit of tue play , the charItable nature of time itroduction should appeal - peal strongly to the pubbc , antI a crowded house ho Imi attendance. Scais on sale at. tbe box 0111cc Wctlneoday , Regular prices. The young alan whio wrote the hiright farce comiietly witim thin happy title , "Time Proiligal Father , " which coinee to tlto Iit1piro theater all this week , commencing with iilatiIICO to. , they , Is a very clever yotmuig iunn , wimo lisa sprttmig Into promimlence wititiii the pant tow l.ears. Ills name Is Glemi SlatDonoughi , and ictoro lie became a playriglmt ' .vau a reporter oil CII0 of time New Vent PaPers. lie crjms lmollestIy by his titcatriaI bcmit , for hii imiothier was a famous aetrc3S In her clay. \Viiiio Ito 7.fl $ ml reporter lltmtimlfli ; 80 lntlCh interested young MacDonaugli , who , by time \l.n ) . . ii tinder 30 , as flatters pertaining to limo stage. Ito ovami preparlmtg himself for his real carter by tai imlg It deep imlterest in the ( healers and iti peys ! of all iiortmt , conse. rjucmltly liii' trlrmids tt ore not surprIsed to bear thai It s'as SIaclnouIm ) 'a Ito wrote the libretto for "The Algerians , " the uiucct'somful CiJOIlIC opera , for v1mlcii Itcgiuiahtl tic IcoVon turnisiitd time 10011(731 antI Marie Tenulleet tltts hhntriohlio pCiWCiNe.'O this clover youn tnlll , whose imonil Is full of bright , lively ideas , ryote "lolmnomiico'n at Six , " arid th the latest success , "Miss Dynamite , " also for Slat-il Janson. h'ow ito eppears us Olin mmitlior of the farce cwrtcm1' , "Tue I'rodlgal Father , " What other plays or opt'ros or ( ni-con Imo has "Cli the flru " so to spouk , is known botioi to himself Ihmr.hi to tim bi 3IhtshlO world , /oltogctlmer Macfl0miouiolm ha botim very t'mtc'evaful , lie bears hiia homlrir6 incolcly and is as limet , itod itt bri wite when hit , writer hoiiew him as one of the bright YQUII El Ii viio "ui-Its tip" tao's sad ficio toi' t otroDQ1Jt ; pres.4. _