Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 16, 1894, Editorial Sheet, Page 12, Image 12

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    : : - - I
. , , .
" _
. .
: - 12 , _ _ , _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ rIlE OMAhA DAILY 1 fliEr ; , : AtTNtJAY , OEi\rn.ER ) \ 1.0 , lS91. , _ _ _ . ,
- -
. . _ - _ _ , . - _ - _ _ _ _
= ) . nOSIWNrRl. . l lor. .
- - -
, lUn.ISIrn rV IW1IINO. . .
- - - - = = - - - - - - - -
alty flo ( Witlintit RUnln , ) , Ono . . . . 8 8 0
bal Iro1hnlt
3)nlIy lko nnd Ilnd : , ) ' . OI ) ) 'nr. . . . . . . 100 (
1nly flx I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 'I
V Thr"o " 1nritt' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Z t
: Bundn "lonl'8 lee , One Y'r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 C
! ntuNII I. " . Ole 'int . . . . . . . . . . . . 161
' V , 'Yel'kl ii.e. One Ylr . . . : . . . . . . . . . . . . Cd
OrFI !
Omnha The 1e flutI.Ung. .
V Houtl Omah" , Iorcr 1IIIIn/ l , 'flunlourth ) Sts.
Council Ilurs , 1 I''nll Sttcet .
oulcl ( Hflc . 31 ? thnlber of Comme. . c" .
V New Yoik. ! om 31 1 II onll ii ; . 'fllbuno I3lig.
'Vnshlngllm , JUj I" Street , N , W.
MI communications tel.Ing hi news enl oH-
ne\8 .
communlentnl I'eldllnl <
tlJnl Al Illel' sholld 1m IMt"sM T. " , the 1..lor.
MI butoe Ie1tet nn" t-emlItnnoe RIQUI4 be
huslne" leter ! temllnnC8 Rhou'
oddrcsell lu The II } 'lbI8hlll cmln ) ' .
Omaha , lj" f 8. cl""s Rnll Ioolol , ' ! 0.1018 10
Le mall" tiarzil'h' , I. limo orlet , .r Ihp mnny.
Qtge H. 'I'M htUiC Iecrclnr of The Hee pub-
llmmlilng ( cnfltpflfly. ttmmg duly pwoIn , 1)8 tint :
V htlR
the actual number of foil nn,1 cOllete cope ,
or time 1)iIIy r.lllllf * . I\'cnlll 01,1 , unllny I" "
lrlnted IheJI the l0nlh ! , uf Noctmmbtr. Th'JI , \n
, 08 f0110w5 ;
, . . I. . foloWI : . . . . . . . : . ; 10. . . . . . . . . 21.GI
2. . . . . . . . . . , 17. . . . . . . . . . 21..m :
a . . 2,2s : Is . . . . . . . . . . 22,1.3
. . . . . . . I.
4. . . . . . . . . . 2162 : : D. : . . . . . . . . . : /.Bt /
G. ; . . . . . . . . 2I,3 ; 21. . . . . . . . . z/rlt /
6. . . . . . . . . 21,111 & 1 21. . . . . . . . . 2),1)
I . 21V2G ' ) 2J. . . . . . . . . 21.431
7. . . . . . J
. . 3,2& , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 .2dl
8. . . . . . . . . 2Stt ,21. , ) . . . . .
t 9. . . . . 21S3. ,21. , . . . . . . . . 2 .33'
. . .
10. . . . . . . . . . 21.IOS 21 . . . . . . . . . 21.7l )
11 . . . . . 22,4,1. " , . . . . . . . . . I.IZ
. . .
t . 1. . . . . . . . . . . 2),97 ' I : . . . . . . : . . . 2.0. &
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,
31 . . . . . 21rm ) ,2' . . . . . . IUlt8
U. . .
V II . . . . . . . . 2)tG2 ) ' 2J. . . . . . . . . 2 .OZO
V r 1. : : . . . . . . . . . . . 21t02 , 2. . . . . . . . . . 1 . ! S2
V Total . . . . . . . , . . . . . , . . . , . . . . , . . . . . . . . .0:0.0:1 :
, , . nd retund
Less lcJuctloumm for uI.old n relumt
1 cOllies Ieluetols . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " 1.2:2 :
. Totnl p.j't1 . . . . . . . " . . . . , . , . . . " . . . , . , f41,372
taIly n\'cln hat ctrcutatloli : . . : 21,612 J
Daly ! g ) II : ; ii {
Sworn In Icrole , 10 nnl Iu"Icrlb,1 In my ltcS-
lmco Ihls 3l , I day or Dc'cmhor Ib ll.
elco ( , " , ) : N I' . 1"11. , Notnry I'ublc. )
V I IOW 1\01s us If the , l11Hlele ) ? 1'lr
V woull ( eat Its Uht'lsIIIS ; IUllw 's lit
l'ekltig. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
.I'he Sllte HOllll ) ( nt 'j'IIIHI101Intol ¶
hUH leCOIIIlllet ! thnt the luxlmll
tl'cight rte cnse : le Illpellet ) ( ? to the
COI.t of Inst rtpfti't. ) lit this the llrt
IH emlwltr eQrrect-ltlt lee It leUI
I . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
: Old Fort Ullim wOlltl nn'olll : n : sit-
6 , III'h site fO' a gO\'elllent Iltl'Y
J school \Ve In'esule ) the ieln'usla Iele-
t , gllol II cOlgl'ess 1111l'ccltcs ) the flct
V Ill will tnlIctol : Iii accord wih locul
: f seltllelt In the matter.
, Time new' hue pf the Postal Telegraph
i . COIPIIY ) letw ) cn Ollhl Ild SUIt
; V 1. : Prlcl co his ' just lecn coiimimlt'teti.mL'hii
; cntm'II'llllg ) e'olttpitIIy Is rapidly cover-
: lug the elth'u country ' anti IH 11'ely a
; V hl- ' co 1 lIe tO' of time great Westel
V Union.
'fhe Bee tOlO'I'OW wi contain time
t fu ) text or Mr. Uo ewltels Beatrice adV -
: V , 4t'ess. As t chltel ) of clrl ' 110llcal
' ' It will ' ' of Intel'cst and
V history , wi prove 111
, V value to tholsl1ll of readers who have
tnlen nit their l'clldenco In this state In
. recent yeart. V
. l An Omaha railway olcll expresses
, V itiniself Iii Ollosllon ) to mll'oad rate
. Ilooln ) , 01 the 1'01\1 that railways wi
; not keep faith In any compact I1l1c ,
: i That Is obviously true . yet the lil'lnclllc
: Involved In time Ilw Ilrphlllll ) Ilooln .
V lecelt ' rCllule < hi the house , 18 10 less
: motmimd and COllClllble ,
V :
\ The government hiss 1pelt miions pf
; , \ V dollars In recent years In Missouri rive
: 1111'OYlmclts above Ill below o Ilh 1 ,
: .V . 'whie this city his hld to get along .
f ' with meager 1111'011'hltons ) for thc lair-
. , : V 110sc. Thieve Is reason for the hope that
, ' . V Omaha's claims will Hoon receive rccog-
' nilon nt the hluls of congrOss.
V . , ,
. , W. P. St Jolm of thc : [ m'cllte batik
V of New York . who Ims hecl associated
: , with the silver buloluh'es for thc past
. , I ten years , has uIIell'cll before the
' banking nnd . currency cOlllsslon of thc
: \ , ' house t II'esIt ) the views or the eastern
clplllsts who are favorable to free
" , slh'er. The eastern CllllhllstH ) who are
, . fl\orblc to free sl\C' tire about ns
scarcoas hcn's tecth.
V scrrco ,
V T Is fortunate that the II'olotels of
. ' . the irrigation mO\mumt h.1C ciosl1
V ICIIIW : ' for their con\ton . next wpel
. ' The Ilcoille of the central west know
. - : tlm ub,4e1'vmttloim the work accoimipilsimed
V by 1llgatn cntcI'IJ'lscs Ill they see
b ' ; the himlimortaimee I of 1 Rtltewldc movc-
ment looklimg to time elmconrmmgeiimemmt of
L V Il ' effort to reclaim . the arid muds of
time wUBtel lll.ton of thh state .
: \ V Time socialists of Gt'IHIY have a way
of showln their IISI'spcet for royally
V by keeping their RCltl whcn they are
V nslcll ( to vise In legislative ! nHsellh R.
: This iiegntive revolt wits stm'IIcIngIy ; I II-
; V . hllt1tctl lt llllch , whel 010 of the
. V soelithist-tleimmoeimttle Icmlt'l retained
his seat whcn I ) time lllhers of the
city cOllcl were nslml to I'IRI IR n
, : , tolwl of gratitude for . time mince re llt's
# Ilsllelsltols of charity . WI'llg II time
thlllC of taxes fl'Ol hil Blvl'lln sub-
sects ' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
; ' Otto of the Cl\ses of time' slitinkage II
: time Hcho1 fllil 1II111wtollelt ) for the
m Just hulf of the lscll 'l'lt' IK said to 10
/ time ilelleit lit time ' '
11elelt II tClIII'nr ) Rchool flld
" , caused by the failure of 1111,1 ) II which
V tint stuto 11\1 . lI'IIOSIS ) , 'l'hIH wi Il Oll
, of , time HIIJl'.tH II whll'h the legislature
wi 111'0 to tulw 11 Iltcl'est. 'l'he COl'
V , SttUtol . llllwH It hlCllhult " 1101 time
JeHlslltt.o , to 1111 : II'O\hol ( ) for } repine-
V. . , ' 111 nil losses to time school fund ulII
, tleh action IhOlhl ( ho tUIWl lt time
i' ' earliest 1I0lslil0 loment , e\'Cl 11 n dl-
, : . . I'cet tax his to bo Im'led ,
. : ; JtUlHe Jell\nl hus : m ; ; ; - II'chlcll thlt ' time
V : wages of enmpioyes of 1 1'1110111 nuw
V : ' Ullel' cOltrol of timm fmlel1 court cult-
, ' not ho garimisimecil. I SUl1 I II'cIHlol
holds good wih respect ' to time Xorthl'I11
. Pacille . emmtiOye8 of time Ullol l'ucll <
V 10/11 / Immm : ) ' 111'0 HOle hlh'lltt him I , mu-
' tlouHh the h\ws \ Qf Ncblslm I' do-
eldetily favorable to (111lorl'S of 11.
' rO\ll lS wel us these of 11'lm to COt'-
'V Ilonltoll ) 111 I 11 S. 'J'heo are lem-
; bet-s-elect ' .
CI1.ehcl or time Il' Jlutu' who 1'0 now
' . formUlltlj bills designed to fncltuto
J time collection of Ilhts of ClllloI'1 Time
iai' coimmimmittee of time fedei'mttloit
' IIW l'JJlh'o 1cdcltol of labor
will dOlhtl ; ' cOltet IUll I bili , yet
J V time ) ' wi not SuCk to Ihlohl IU ' 11U
: V . who 111'l'l n II'letce ) of chl'ntl ! his
( creditors. 'l'ho subject 18 one entitled !
t careful Cusllcrton
V ' . 1. . H _ .1. , _ . & , . <
flit lb I W.I r , 11VD I A IT 1.1 r H7I.F. . I
'lh dehdon of .1tgo ] Woods 61 time ,
rlINlI ! circuit comt II time D'hs ( (01'I I
tClt CallR hnn revived time very grave II
ISlm11 II'ol'ell In time 11'llt 1Ullll. .
strike. Tht ! issues 1 will 11'\01 ho sct- ,
tll Ult lucy ole Iwttll riglm ( . 'I'iiei'o !
amp ! sou,000 l'l'rIHIH emopinycti 1) ' the !
1'011'0\1 : comllllles of time Pnlcil HIII's . :
:11 there UI'I iOOOOOOO ) ( ) of Ileollte vitally i
cOlel'llcl ! In tIme Jfl. lc'll ' 1111 , unll'l
lCI'I'Ulllcll ) olwrlul If , A Il'I'lcnu rail- i
WI : ' : , whlh COI'I lime IMIII l1tlII ( or
01' Colileree . nlll immdtmslry . Pulle
sit fety 11lIIIIIR 1lt I I i Inlhll I I hut tlC I I
ulclntlOllhle force l time elelwlt
11111 II aims tlie block these Juhlle )
imigimvmmys 0' Il'lllel' tlnsl : O\'In' thl'm
mlnimgercmns It timerefore becomes or' '
imnrnmmlomnmt ' IIIHI.tI'C thnt 1110111
Rlllw shah hc 11H1' Immmpommzille ; , , lot hr
fovct' or hr COlllls ( ) ' seu'vle" . hut umm-
11m' COlltol1 thot-wl secure fair may
ilHf ( fni imettiumt'nt ' to n ) maliroiul : , em-
PImmYes anti attach them 10 thc ser'icmt
imy seif-lmmletest , 'hls 1 : time II'ohlcm
thnt JURt lie I 80h'cl , II. the vemy near :
future Illcsl lie cul lt I'r' II to le
Illul/.tl / Ignll IHI again Ilto Iltlustllll
'l'ime overage A IcllCI1 wOIInglnu Is
so constit tiled thnt he wi ll'miVe ) thtmum-
lens 111 e\'el the gaiin's lit the us.
lC'tOI or wil 1 lie bclewl to 1m his II'
nlplnhle : rlgimt Ullll 01' forum of / \ ' -
l'I'llll'lt.loug I thl'Re 1II1cuahle :
rights II time right of IsRocltoU for IU'
bail II'oll'Cttl ) 1111(1 ( mmmlvammt'cmmment or
1'0 mi ni ( Illp\CHtl. 1 I 1111 nlnthll' m m t Is I Ihe I I
l'lglt 10 wlhholl his sel'\'ll'el \ I1n the
( olltols 1Hlel which thc ' mite to le
imi't'fomimtetl mite miumsmmtisfimctory or oppres-
1lllfO'lcl : UIRn tsrlclO' 0' olllre-
sh'e. 'j'hcso 1I111nlltuI : riglmtsnmei'i -
calm vollcimmgitmeim viil mmttr surrender.
. en wIHIlngll'l wi I\\'I I Rlr1CI\lel'
.t'll COlselIS of OlllliolR relulelel hr
titlE ' ( ell ! gh'cl ench wOIIllglnn . the
right , 10 lefnRe to wOlk 11'1.IUnj he
wi not Iltcl'fpl'e wih the III who lliH
hell hl'pl ( to tmmke his 1IIIcI ( l'eROlt to
\Oll'ICI ! ! II nlcllltlg to coerce his
( 'mmmiloyers ) to Iccclle . to his dCllllls
either 1:11 : ; ulh.lll11 0' colecln'I ' lS
, mmmelmmler of httiHi' ' /tl I loim.
II mCllel ) I Ilhol O'gnllrltll :
Time decslol of hc I CUIltR II the Dabs
case has , howe\'el gOle ole sl'l fur-
timer ' ' ' that the
Ir ) 1I'lctcal : dccl'eellg
olcCIH of labor l nll7ltons simall . If
eljoilell from orllerln I ll 'COt , he )
lllnlthlhie ) for its viohmtioim. 'hIH Ilosl-
lion Is tll\1 : on the grolnll that rail-
l'tiiiS early l'imIteti Slates mals 111
Ihat , 111e' the luterslate cOllcrco act ,
1'llwlr emnimloycs hecolc ) subject to fcd-
PI'aIIC lla ton to protect the 1)i'iCi'tY ) ) of
Ihe lnlell Slates whie I II tim trltlt ;
I i thll 11eellIon . . Is sustained by thc su-
II'Cll c'ourt.c . Hhll havc reached 1
stage In our jl'ISII'\11cuce ) \ that Ilst
eon ( 0' 11 tel bring alolt rlwn ' sit-
' b ' federal - . If this
Iler\'lslou ) by felel1 ulthorl I
IHCOleS ) ! the fxl policy lit dealing \ with
the mlt'Oll II'ohlem time railway maim-
agc'l wi 11\0 to Hlllllt to rClulatons
that will )1acc eimmiloyes under thc pro-
tcctu care of time o\'crument , just thc
uuo al I : the mlh'Olls were owned
and ollrtml I ' the goveritnmeimt.
'fhe lltlons of thc railroads wi husH l
the dmmy whel RICh COllltOIS shall ) re-
\ . Whnt the railroads shell < have
done lommg ago , mil whlt tl ' simoultlVulo
voluntarily 10W. iS to exact loyal lud
clcllut service from every cmplore : , but
itcCOm'd to each emplorc steady cllo . ' -
, melt fair pay , Imlluc tleltmeut nail
promotion IlnRcl ) upon merit timid bug
service . I this wCle done railroad
strikes wOlld hc rare . If not absolutely -
itmtiOSSI1)iC. ) [ est of time railroad :
strikes thl1 have occlI'cd wlhll hate .
yeat's coUld have been averted hy mmmii- i
tual concession all arbitration , but
autocratic immanngers who do hot own
t thousull dolu'3 of railroad prolllt '
have entllell losses ulon thel' com-
IIUles Imolntn to miion ! and
jeopnll7cd time lives anti Ilh : of their
11Ltron8 iyV their despotic dealu wih
emtmpboyes it nil general II1lcllellnCHs ) ( ,
Time great body of American : worllng-
mcii . Ill especially time 1'llwar ; em-
ploycs , should CllclYOI to ll'lu about
the sol11 Ion of the IJ'oblcm on those Uues. .
It the ' ) ul together In favor of a veil
digested 111uu that wi Illuce . evemy em-
plo 'l of n ralta < tinder , o\clnlcut
Hllll'\lslon aud prtecton and 1IIIIIrc
t'aiiwmty mummimagers to submit nil differences -
elces that Clllot : 10 ) Imlclll ) ' settled
to Irbltrton courts and 1llllton
juries of dlslnlercsted ( experts they will
obviate nil future lucenth' ! for sttls ,
' ( AJtIU . ) TIm SVOw 1 SC1.lJ1 .
I Is reI101.t.d from : Wlshhljtol thlt
SClatU' Vl'St IH dttcllllcl ! to makl nit
tiffot't to get 111 thc 11 to ImC11 the
smugni' Hchcdlie of the " 'lson tarifF act
10twlhstllll the nctou or time dumo-
cmtc t caucus adverse to the coimshiera-
tel of titl questons itt the II'l"Hlmt )
sessioii. 'j'ho 111. It Is sititi . which time
l5Simm'I ) HeUltOIuutl couHllclcll Is
the IcnSI'e pnsscl ( ly time hOlso just
before the cioe of thc hlst Rcsslou lal-
lug 11 sugar frees , amid which the fnauco
commltel ! of the HCmto reported wih
In nlCullcnt . II'O\'IUu that 1 duty
of .1 ) e. ccnt sholid lu le\ICll "I suugat-
of oi'emy gramie , I'lmiultl ' the diffei-
el tli amid dlscu'iimtlnatiimg d I tel 1m-
Ilosell 111el' the existing II w ,
I I : Is uitderstootl . that In tlll t mo\'e-
melt \ l. . Ylst wi ha\e time IIIIIIOlt : ) of
SelatU'1 . ( hi'miy . YIII Ill I tow other
11emoel.1 tN , Ilul If ho Nhol11 10 genl'I'-
Ilr 1IIIIIICItll ) h i ) % ' time I'ellllelll ho
wi l HICCeHSfl1 II ll\ln this bill
tlIH"1 UI' I I t Ii thou ht tu Ito 11'
likely , ho\\ ' e I' , thlt time 11 UN
nllllled Ir ) I hH senl tc wi l'ccI'h'o 11
nUl'nUI U'OOtl' . According to ti-must- t
W'rtimy Ilfo\lton , should the 11 he
tllwn 11' ' , time rOlllll'uns ) ) wi offer ummi-
lerOIH 111'llllcnll , cO\I'II umeau'iy
till the lu'lf RehcllulcH , 1111 the Ioll - I
Ilul II'U wi lul : 11 effort to multI '
1 II'q\-lslou ) for IIYlcnt of bounty on
time Inlt CI'oll Q1 < ollstlc silgiur . 'J'hul
the fmuc tbat. ' to considcl'ton of II '
cite 01Lt ; ' 11elentul tll'1 hills
vouiml iirtii4 ; V ' thc .
woull 11J V } 'llscusHlon on en.
Um hu'lf ( I Hon wi doubtless Oil'
crate to < dlat ( IIY effort to get Ul1 the
' bili .
SIIII' bi.
'j'hlt there II n very strotmg tC1111
itt lutl bl'1lls of coumgress thnt sonme-
timing ought to be lolo to llck the ex-
actions of time sugar refitting mOlolloly )
them l'l bo no tloubt. Time Hlglllcllt
11eclrntol of lime in'esideimt In hil itmm-
1Itl ICI O that "so flU 11 time Slgll' -
schelllll IH co.eel'll < , 1 WOlll lo glad ,
umitder existing. nggmnvatlomms . to '
nnler oxiltng. aggl'nYltunl. see
e\'el'.r IIU.tcu of II fe I'e 1 t I I ubuity 11
favor or rcllca sugar stricken out ot
our tariff law . , " ulilouhllly I coim-
l'\nll m In l n 1njoll or time mmmciii-
hC' or { 'OIjIC . . ni I 1111'tOlhl '
Is hr 1 lrnJOII of thc 11collle. As the
II'l'sllell polumtedly said : hl wih nIl
thl' favor 10W IccIJled time oulgar - ' -
lnlll Illen'sl 11 otii . tariff Ilw , I
stl Inugnilhes to tl ( e t11t or closed
l'efhll'llS 1111 thOllluls of < lslIU'll'll
wo\I\\U , It woull eel 10 preeumt I
loll18S ! case for iPasCaimflhle ) legislative
ititi. , " In a I'Cl'l Ilter\lew , Hell'l'-
Reltlt\c WISI , ' hll'1UU , of thc ways
1111 InCllS coimtmimtee ! ( , urged tl ' I Is
the IIJCllt\e duty or COI t'CSI' toe -
Ill'11 the oume-elgimtim of n edit. dimly . 01
I'cllell sugar : , time ell ' l'XCISO for which
11 tie Ilrotcctol I gives ! the trust.
I \oull RCl'UI , imot'et'em' , thll the
dlalces : are IICI\'olhle tn this leuJ
11ule , .111 lllohhl ) ' thc only chl1e
that trill iC imumule in thc schelhlle
tllt wi Ic ) IIHlc II sugar .
Is tl strike out time Itscl'lnlnntll ditty
of .'Uth of I (1'lt ou sugar 1m-
lll.tCl ( f\ol cOlltll'H that pity au ex-
. '
' . ThIs be' tlomme If
110t.t Imomiitt3' lust be'01C WI
( ! XIHct to 11'ecltoled to its time mm'-
la'Iof : ( l'I'11lr , DCIII'k and other
cOltleltnl ( l'ollt\leH for our . cattle amid
to Ietaln thusl' mimnm'kets for 01' imog
II\fhlCls. amid the t pt'esstmre thn wi he
lmm'oimgimt 1110n congl'ls to tin xt\vny wih
his I dlsci'Iummiuiuitimmg duty can hU'llr :
fnl tu have thc desired result. ( Jnmm-
gl'eR wi uot , It Is saCc 10 say , disre-
11'11 : the lell\11 of the great meat pro -
Ihlclg.lltCICst of the coummtry.
nuum.m , I" t ' ] T.UN , ISSUCtTJl' - ' .
'ho rccoJmelulltol of I bit . gngele
Ioole , state mUmot' , lit hil report to
the gO\C'101 fmt' nlCullents to the
Inw go\clnhlg IHlllu 1111 1011 UfSO'
elatols WIS wllll ' nllmuvel ) ( iy ) time
eOl'l'nUOI of the Ncll'lslm State !
leagtle. Auditor ? deere Ugel thlt : time
Inw "bc Ilull inure fectc nltl less
eummmbersoumme. hu t better to emmable 1 cor-
I'CCI IntlII'ltatol 111 cnhluce the
misefmmhiiess" of uissoelatioims . Time
rlo\th of coopclth'c hOlc hnllUng
In the state anti thlOlglllt thc cOlltr '
cOlleltls time JI\'Clelt to the fostcI'-
Ilg l'I'of . legisiators. 1'xllellelc : Is
( 'Olstlnt 1111'O\'IIJ on ell sHteJH ,
So rapid mite time chalgeH that 11\s of
live amid ten years ago are uulUcll for
the cOlltons of today. Time lrcRcnt )
lmtt' of Nebraska folows too closely time
original imomimi'stead net or 18i . amid J-
sl'lctH wihin imari'o' h01uls thc opera-
lols of coollmt\e nssoclntons , Too ;
mllclI hlo\'ntons , howe'cI' , shonll not
he conutcnancm1 ' 'hl wisest plait II
that which CXIJllcnce In time older states
justifies tutu cOlmCuls , And thcI'c Is
nit nhlllnlce ) of eXIcllencc to draw
front hit f01mlntl Ilclulments t thc .
Nebraska law Time 1)tesemit law Is open .
to 'mal ' ohijectiomms . one of whIch , as ,
stated ly Atitlltoi' : loore In nn address :
bl'foll thc league , Is the II'cmlln bid
systeimI of 1\'uldln ioaua. Time re-
stdetcll holdll or Rhlres Is cOlshle cd
too low cud ahonil. bo illatCL'itmhhy In-
cI'caRct1 Itt V Ohio mimi Pennsylvania ,
where thc association 10'Yilenl has
i'cached Its highest dc\'elopmcllt , no
lmit Ii I ! placed on the holln of , shares ,
t11 time fear of clique control , which ,
sutgesti l time 'l llhiton In. Nelraska ,
Is 1l\ ' howll to hc grouimi11eis. : . " .
There 'otigimt 't ' tii be no great , ! ( lncnl '
In Iccllln ' the lcsh'cl improvements
In the IIW , whether In the COI'm of'l '
umcmlJcntH to the lu'cseJlt law or time
enuctment of a compreimensive mcns-
' coverimmg the host features of build-
m'l ! co\crn lest fCltucs bulll-
lug and loan laws of other states. The
majority . of legislators are falllnl with
the ' beneficent Iltucncc of co-operative
associatons Inll may be relied on to
give thel' sUl lior to meuR1'ci designed
to encom'lgo thel' growth. and safeguard - "
guard time IHvlngs In their kccplng.
In his 11t IlulI report the secI'cUry
of time Intmlor : renewed his rccolmelll-
ton of legislaton which might hay the
fomulaton for t wise , comprehensive
forestry srRtCI to 'be' 111111cl ) to time
lmher Ullon time ImbUe ) lulls mul forest
reseri'ntioils. lie referred to time bill
Intldncell itt time htRt session of con-
gl'csS , which lat been approved by time
llul olc and uumcous forestry asso-
ciatons , nml Null that the ' IIIRRue of
Home sticim meusure won\l' he n sub-
Btuntli stride In thc dl'cclol of ) ) IC-
paring : for 1 forestry systenm which
\ ' ' to the of this
would II1CSel'\'c ) people
co\mtr I , great In'olluct now illentfll ,
hut ft'oJ the Wlut of Intclgcnt care
lell 111111 - wasted . ant lelenlslie <
This lelS1'c his reccuitly hccn Uuler
coimsidertilion hi the . liousc. I 11'0\11eH )
that UIIOU the uulhol.I ' of thc HCCI'ctt'r
of tim Iltollol dead 01 growl trees mi )
le l'emu\'Cl In order fo II'olote ) time
Jl'owth of time young tiimmhier . 'rhc
seerehury Isuuthorlzell to c8tnblsh rlgu - .
Illous I ' which the tm'ces Hcluctell for
felling shl ) hc appraised Iml tm'uIll
over lit Ilnlcl ( IIIUltls to time several
imumrchmasers. 'l'ho mOI ' : a i'isiiig fl'll
time sul of time wool Is to 10 lJplel to
time culture 1111 II'CSCI'\uton of the
rl'cstH , I 1)11-tn of time forest rcscn'l-
lols llro\'e letter Il'l fur lJlcul1o
thll for tmbel' cult ui-c the imm'esimheumt
immuuy . oil time I'CUmlClllltol of the HCC-
' ' ' or lie ( interior , restore timeumm
retll' Inlellol lestl'c Ihcl ly
im'dhllmmmlitI0mm to the 1IIIc tomull for
homestcllI settieiimeiit. A geol ( deal or
ol111SllUI ) ( ) to time lenHt : ( WUI tie-
'eilt'i. ( ( I 1V1fl4 lechu'cl b ) its Oi" "
1I0loUtH to bo n tchmno to facilitate time
iimdumstm'y of time tllel' ( I thle\'c 1111 I
' ell ( list If thl'HO ' '
wns . urged thlt lell'clltol'l
wel'111'lltcll to cutter time forests
UIIC' this legislation ; they WOII soon
( 'orrtilt , time agents of the 1111 olco
1111 111'SUO their work of tieoimitlout
wih IllnuI1' . ACCOI'cilll ( to olelni
ltlteUHut , ( hulling time tel years between
18S0 111 umo ( lumber tO t time value of
101 thll $ ; -)4oootxo . ) hits II'eu tiumiimsv-
fiI ) ' cut on time public 10l111 mimi time
Ioll'miatol still goes mm. Time ulhulto
l'I'SUI everybotiy emma see. 'fime westcI'1
l'eHet'\'ntoli wi wlhll time life ( him
of n 1'J'Utou be leuul'll of timmmber
'l'int secretary . of the lutel'lor says lu his
report : " 11 view of time large lumler
of dl"llrellnlols ) UlloU Ihesu rcser\'CI It
seelI IIIIII'itJre thlt COIgr'AI should
1111roll'llle ) Hulcleut 10Ie ' to 111110 ut
ICst ouo IIJel'lltellelt UJOI each
rosel'\'Itol imimul upon the hU'gl'I' reserves
to IJ'0\11e hll wih I Imtclelt uUlher
of IHslstlntl tl ) re\clt time Ilhlc )
lll'lel'I ftm being wllloul ' tie-
stroyetl. ( " 'hel'e mire HOIO cogeimt
menlm'cs Iguhllt time II'ullosell lgtsia-
tou , hut there 11 alto eel l'eUSOI t
. L.
I Illc\1 ) t5 its operation woull give
11II'r 11'otcclol to thc forests or time
Public 110lnln thnl tll > 10W have , nml
hit , 'Il'\\ of time Cnct limit I has b&eim 111'
11\O\'cll by time Sel'lctrry of the interior
utah thc ) . ( cOlllssloler we thllk
couigm-esstirut safely adopt it. With all
the ( OlsIIOI'lun this Iltl' hiss 10'
cl'h'l'll Inl.wHh } time CXI111lc or fureigum
JO'OIIIIIto \ Jullo us It would seem
lint ( cont'mp ought tn he ) able to rloch
n wilc HhRlfhu ' of thc vrohiemn of forest
II'Cll'I'\'lton. I Is Il\cul to 1111'1 -
" Ir
Itl1l wh-\l "f \ hns 10toug ! sluice 1010 so.
UXI1fZcV-2f , ' 'co..melA Jut w.
A lili ) recently luh'otllcetln the holie
or rell'l'illnth'l's loll/ to lulforll '
In the cOllcrcll1 law of the .IIIOIH
states or tlc ummiomu. I imt'OimoseS to
crclto n conlissiol ! tl Imr'Pmime code
of II'ocelhl'C ) him thc federal cOlrtB , I
Is II'o\11e\1 \ ( limit thll CIlllsslun shall
IH'cIJro comics of suhslnlt\'e ) law upon
subjcct/ or cllmercnl ull mmmercnumtiie
luw , und cSlleclll ' thc In' UIIOI ) smiles :
unll sellers' Ipus , stollll e lu h'IUs1n.
time Ihlhll . of clu'I'llr : le olnhlo
llllwr , time 1111j nlil ( XlCIt01 or
II'ells anti time Inw of 1101litC . I'cla- .
tioitii , hlChlllg Inll'lnge timiti Il\.te.
nlil U1IOI HICh othel' toPics or he t law
ns ; to whIch It 11 ' Rcem 11csllll ( ! to
time COIJllsslonerH thnt there shol11 he
IIU'OI'lly thl'oJghout ( time cOllh' ' ; 1111
10 im'eilme ) ) comics of ch'l II'OCChl' ( ! 1111
ci'iumtiimal ll'ol'lthu'c for the- courts of thc
Uulcd Stlte , Dl'nfH of II'olloSetl Im'/
mire to he slhlltctl II time coimmummls- ;
SIOlC' : or : the several stnlcs Ill tern-
tories thlt : hlu IPIJllted or mummy imeme
after ! 1111lohtl cmimmitmissioimei'm4 \ au uulfm'm
Inwl for theh' Ill\lce nll cooJemtlol ,
'Jhe ! 1111'tllt OhJl'Ct or thlH imiensuim'e
IH to hnye Home ullform 11'ICttC lit the
gll'at comlell'hll states re nlllll cdli-
Illclnl 111 ( tel's. I Is \'gell thnt time
\ s'ay him whIch the country Is Imlt to'
gelhm nlil the II'0IJ1IeRH ) or commmmmmummi- I
cntlol tivei' IltOlltate Iollel mllw It
tlesii'tiihi' 10 ' emmd to the wide
11ellllie 'llt aim elll whl'
IIIm'elcel loth 11 statute law Ill the
Iltm'lllelnton ( ) br l time courts of time states
of the Inw lelchnlt Hlch.quetoIH . .
as I hoc or time dclh'el'r of sel1.1 fol
a 11cht uftel' . time cI'eatol oC the ( leit. )
the Inblt of 1 first \llorsel 01 1
10te as cIH1lnlwr , the Hahllr ) of common -
mon - Ct1t'iiei'5 , . Ill time lJIWr or ur-
Imowlellllg leels , tile COIstalt . cals-
' ' hecause the tiecisioums In
lug animoyahmee hcealse ) dcclslols
dlelelt Sttitl'S'tti' so flol the e lit
other ( stmttOs' or' In 'ho sUlil'eIH court oC
the United States. Some ll'oI'ess In
directiut or tmitlforimmity haH lmeeim
tIme dh'ecl l ( ullf0'II leeJ
imtathtt hr time . leetl s of state railroad
comllsslon r : hell : lualr inVasit -
tou UllelfhlnuHl1lees of the Intelstlte
Commel'ce'L'I \mllslol. \ all I Is desh'ed
to cOlthljQ , , Ils H 'ltem of l'ecOlllell- (
lug the best Ilws lit othcr COllClcl1
rehittloiis. ;
It t ; Is stmgktcd ns not iimmiikitly l 'that
Home of ( lid lawyers who wi appear
before I tik $ 11 iijumse judiciary comlltee
In advocayyjf thc huh will . .11\ocnte
! alYocn.t leJlslnton on corlnln Slh- )
j cts amid If7ch ? 'Ull ' a 'GIY IIolul : question -
ton ns t t e extent anl 'RCI/C of
fet1ojai p ) ! ' . I Is mmint2miuied , In soinc ,
1 rt ; , the. 11.n < ; fr , < 9'pfss' ! ' '
i'eulle { \ mC'CO . 1\tw cn time stales
cmlii bc ext mdti { to cover KlCh suljccts )
nH .the labltr of cou lon carriers whcn
emigaged lu m Intorstl te COlpllCC , mil
the Ynll1 ' of commercial llllel' nnd nI
comlcl'cll tr uSlctons between parties
who are citizens of different states
This would bo such I bong stride In
time dh'leton of clntll7uton ( hint It
Is likely to clUse 1 lively l1ehnto In
cOlmltcc nld I heal of 011110slion If
I IH reposed In , thc house Time
question of , ummifonnm laws nmuommg the
queston .llfol'l nlong
states , llrtclll1r upon subjects of'
commmimmet'clni 111 mcrclhtle law , hl8 re-
ceh'cll ntclton for IcVC'11 years paRt
11'01 the National ' , Bar ns.ocllUon smith
there ClU be : no' doubt about its 1m- I
purtaumce. 'liforml In the conlnercal I
law of thmQ lrlols ( Stlt.o thc union ! .
woull cC'hllnl ) he 11 the Ilterest of a
mOI'o lil'OJillt Iml leter tlmlnlst'ILton
01 justice , wliln It would Hlmplf ' timework
work of business amen sitU their legal
itl'iSem'8. -
Time State Board of Transportation
asks tiovtm'nor ! , Clolnso to l'eCOIICHl II
his fOlthcolhl lesRlge that thc IcgIH-
Iltllo Nhll Inlc al 11111rollrilton to
cover the expense of Ollcnll flol time
dcelflon of .11 tcc Brewer II tIme mnxl-
111 rlto cnse. So flu' HO good. Slnl
fm'OIH thlnlfl ) ' reccl\cl1 I time hoam'tl
woull now tinge time 0\'C'101 to I'ecom-
mClul thin t time legllll tm'c shnl tlIspmMmse
wih two of its thl'co secretaries who
are drwll $ , OO I year for doiimg
Iothln cxcelt ) imeiping to Ret 111 ) 1IIIs
for 1'11'0111 politicians , IUCIlu iwhummmu-
vies amiti Cou\'oulons nlul fuim'umislmiimg
railroad orgmmmms wih i'emumhy-nmntio mime
nOlloly el1ol'lnll , ( lucy woult Illace the
tn'llnyorH of thl Mtl 10 11ter HOle 011.
gatinims. Onl 8ecrotnl' IR ni time state
hoard imeetis , In view of ! time 1uct that It
has no other funetolt than to register
the edicts of tlC railroad iimalmimgens.
I usa \ bc a cURtom to cllct
hlw 'pl'j. CII\Iv11o : , Ilho1l mon u111
il-ofessiumuiithitlclUtm5 ; tl I , ) seats In the
state { IcglnHl IJi'c. Little Intel'eHt Ii
shown In , imsjjumg ' time great hOllr of
hlfhu'fH imicum' 3 11'01Il'l ) ) ) rt'prcseimteul lu
our stale . T , \l'Jmaldn \ . 1011r. yet there
lit no Inte\esl I as ' 11111.tnut IH time tuttle
iimtenvst. llwl dei'ohve . U\OU fHIO of
ilmtllmltri t ( if time fortimcommmlimg miessioum
time l ) ) fO.throllnRcsslol
to < \ mlq ' \i In im'oimmolioii ) of tuttle .
1111 to IIh'lt time ( OIIII'CO of Xe-
hl'nRlm flo111 ! trlhlrlHtR whl wi seek to
Hoem'c time II\stnHo \ of IIWs el'llcntnl
/'II""l"II1 !
. . . . - - . : "
) V r ,
. '
' .Shoult SnmlIs.
, ' .mrier.iournai.
'I Ii
Kate Flel , zvks : " 4re we financial cow-
} ? " lndecf . )01 Observe how every
motherH son tif ) Is rUlhlnl orwarl1 to
settle the natIonal ' finances ,
'lu Cuckoo I. Cnlll !
ViarwaI City Htsr.
Time civi service Is extended to all classes
or goverment olciis and Is exrUnR a
IlrlfyllC Innuelce 11 American Ioltcs
which the ccuntry would never have known
had I not been fur Grover . Clevelund ,
, ' HUll Xehnuka In.
i'h'ladeipimIa HI'cord.
Ther Is lkelY 10 ( sl > rllG up midway
betwl''n thuAtiantuc and Pucilo roust a
"rlllc souroe 1 ot luga' supply. Time sugar
beet grows In' Utah 10 a great size and 11
Ilerteclon at saccharine quality. The s's-
loin at Irrigation makes the crop a matter
ot certaInty . TimerS Is nothIng to hlmler
the Illutuctur.o 'ot sugar near to the
acres wherl thQ beets grow and I can he
I > ut upon the mnsrke ( at prices which the
trust cot meet. on t' J Atlantic und 1 aclc casts CUl-
- - ' " "q
SI't'Vllfl ( .l1OT ( t T rut : 1'1'1.1'IT.
'JJull . 'lUTS , TJI . .
New York Sun : There mire In the city a
half dozen or I dozen clergymen who seem
to bl craz for notoriety anti wl'lnl ' 10 do
anything to Obtain it. A number ot them
have brought 8hnnl ! upon the Pulpit.
Chicago Dspntch : 11ev. Dr. 11.lhur , a
New York divine . preache,1 , a sensational
sermon lest BunlIay. In tims course ot wll < h he
chargel1 that the teachers In the New York
publc schools were compeled to pay tribute
to politicians. The Hoard at Iluclon
Irompt ! calil upon him anll 11emnn < ell
prof Whereupon the dominic cra\nshe,1 ,
completely mind admitted that he was "mimerly
talking for elect , without any idea that ( ( the
newspapers would get hell ot it. "
Minneapolis "Imes i : A member at a tash-
lonablo church tn this city , who Is nu enthusiastic -
thuslaslc admirer at his pastor said ot him
the other tlay that he "Is a true minister a
man at God-more than thaI , he Is a man at
brains. " This I almost cqual to the remark
ot the genlrntl tvimo writng to his church
paper described hlB Pastor aB a great
IJrrcher , "who never falls below the average ,
but often rises above It. " This suggests the
old story at the English IJarSOn who was
encl berating I pnrlshlone for some offense .
and who wouimd UII with time remark : "In
acting ns you do . you lot only sin agolnt
God , but treat mo wlh posll\'e disrespect. "
ChrtStal Advocate : A trade which has
recently sprung Into I Is In our jlllgmenl
an attempt .to make "gain 01 gothiiumess. " We
refer to the trnfc In "lmalividtmni CUllS" for
the I.ord's su"per. Enterl1rlslng manulac-
tuners , with "al eye to LImo mnll chance , "
ot certnln
have taken nllvRnlage at the scare
fashionable church ) circles , growing out ot
the discovery 01 "mlcrobrs , " or disease
germs , on Ihe rim ot thc CII ) containing the
communion wine , anti are orerng for sale
very email glasses , tn which time wIle can be
passell separately to the cOllnunlcanls , 'Vhen
the sctentst Ileepetl ' through his microscope
and tlscovcrelt the 10isonolU germs and 1110-
claimed danger bUBllss right nt once saw
n source or revenle , anti " 1\1\llual ClPS"
are en the marltet , or may be manuacturCI
10 order on short 10tce , IhlallthrolY toes
lar lxomht this trade-it Is a sAnitary mcaB-
imme for the money that I In it The whole
thIng In ridiculous Wo do not blame the
trade ; It Is their business to meet demand ,
to create it , It possible ; but It Is only a
"fad , " the outgrowth of a lear The scare Is
1 clear CaB 01 running before getting hul ,
And this makes the craze for "lltlvldlnl
" followed by sensible
cups" too siy to be folowCI )
and religious peollle. Admltlg the p03sl-
blty of danger . no wel authenticated case
of a contagIous or Infectious dlseas ? has bee
traced 10 the single cmii ) . as far lS we have
heard or read Amid relglou ! peolie who love
and appreciate the communIon of saints ought
to be time very last to give counlelance to
I that which , at ammo etmolce destroys , I 10t
the cssence taken away lt least the sem- :
blancI ot Christian - commullon . ,
1."M'LI , I'l ) THINGS.
The 1tumtlanml , VI" , Herald celebrated the
centennial of its birth on the SLit Inst 1
. ' look It ,
doe1'l _ . " . _ , _ _ , . _ 'h . . .
TIlt young men are Ul le lell , II "UIHU
Carolina . and already things have taken on
a corona of carnmimme. '
The man who shaves himself may be par-
done , on time grounds ot economy . , for Indulging -
dulging In cuttIng remarlls.
Texas has a deficit , of iOO.OOO In time state
trensur ) ' . with little prospect ct making It
good. There Is nothing . small Ibout time
Lone Star state.
Congressman-elect Sauerherrlng of Wisconsin -
sin pronounces I Sowerlng. He IB I Cana-
dlal by . birth . amid naturally drops an h V out
of respect for motherland
The sudden departure ot Sherlock Holmes
Doyle from New York was "robably duo to
the premature publclton at his opinion that
Phiadelphia Is the finest city In America
Nathan Strauss ; Tammany's orIginal C-
dldate for mayor finds more comfort In sell-
lag coal to the poor at ' wholesale rates than
could possibly be extracted from the dlstrlbu-
ton of Spoils.
, A great deal of the gayety of the western
world Is lost because no one has atachell t
copious transmitter to the lower house of
congress. - There Is an opening for genius
'end enterprise. V V
i ' The ' aius-eyd cops. of St ; Taul . tan be
bough cheap In job hOtS. Seelvy , the de-
! ' faulting ashler , visited that c.ty , had a
I dispute with a haclman and was taken to
jail. He was treated with gentlemanly con-
'amid dismissed. Notwithmstandlng
i . side raton 'anl Notwihstanding
the kindness shown him time Ingrate reserved
hIs Identity and $5.000 for Chicago ,
Tim Chrstmas : number at the New York
Herald latt Sunday Wt superb In every rea-
ture. The color printing surpassed 'anything
yet attempted by newspapers , illustrating In
a most attractive form the perfection at mod-
era printing. Hitherto Je } tparer attempts
In that line resulted In dismal chromes . Time
Herald's color work was notably artistic ,
degbful to the eye and charming In' the
bending of tones. The fact that the worlci
In every detail was done In the Herald once
lurnlshea evidence of the marvelous completeness -
ness ot its plan . ,
Th Oklahoma judge who.e notions or judicial -
cial dignity are 10t without precedent In
Nebraska commanded a convicted crook to
stand up. The ttemblng victim tottered to
his feet , and received , In addition to a severe '
hecturo a sentence of hard labor for life.
With trembling lips and tear-filled eyes he
moaned "Great Scot ! . The hard judclal :
hines suddenly vanished and I smile of In-
etable sweetness spread over his honor's
teatures "I observe with satisfaction . " said
the judge "that though steeped In crime
you have an Intelgcnt grasp of the dIgnity
and capacity of the court I appreciate time
compliment . sr : . and cheerfuly reciprocate .
Sentence I suspended during god behnvlor. "
Hev , L. A. Lamberl of ScoUs\le. N. y" ,
succeeds the late Mr McMasters aB editor 01
the New York Freemnn's Journal Father
Lambert Is regarded as one 01 the most
scholarly clergymen In the United States , and
Is adummired by men or oPToolng creeds for
hIs famous "Noles al Ingersol ; " and Ils
progressive spiri , Until recenty he was
time edtor : of the Phiadelphia Catholic Times.
Scotsvile. his parhh home , Is In the dio-
cese of Dshop McQuaid , and lila presence
there Is not voluntary on the bishop's part.
ather I.unbert : had a little difculy with
McQuaid several years ago , and the upshot of
It was that the purled gentleman received
Luch a crlcal ! skinning that un appeal was
made lo Homo for mNCY. Some balm was
10urell on his wounds , but he could not de-
pris'e Lambert 01 his parish. I Is a slgnll-
cant tact Ihat Lambert's introductory over-
ture In the Freeman's Journal IB a scathIng
reply to BIshop McQuaid's aUack. Qn Arch-
bhhop Ireland
I Is pleasnter to receive than to give ,
The New York Press Ilresents this pretty
domestic Idyl :
"WihI you get me a Christmas bock , my
dear ? "
She naked , with a kindly IonIc ,
And here he aumsus'ereil " , : "My darling , I'vo got It
And he gave her a pocketbook.
Then she hugged and Idssed him tor.a halt
u minute ,
For shl saw there was somelhlng hanlI-
some In it ,
Harlem 1.lte : Grace-Arc you sure imbue
loves you ?
Dick-I'osittve. She said ahe would rather
have me lave my money than buy hlr a
Christmas Ilrescni.
Revenge Is wuveot-tmough ( old the cr-
Yet 'tis very human ;
For Chl'lstmas ) gIfts \e now may buy
Neckties for ' tIme women I
"Some people , " says 'rruth , "wish yomi n
merry . Christmas : JnRlca,1 , or glvlna you n
pmdscmit because It's easier to I'ay the com-
"lmell oC the season than It tl to settle
with Santa Claus "
here's a tip from the Household News :
Take mistletoe ;
A dash at Bnow ;
I , 'rhen 11"1 I sprll ot holy :
To sweeten timimi ,
You steal a kiss
l " rm the red hips ot i'oiiy.
Minneapolis Times : She'Wel. my dear ,
we alght to gel the chldrcn lomethln !
nice tor < hrstmu ! this year .
He-rel , I IUiOHO 10 ; ant yet money Is
awfully scarce
awfuly Hhe-\el. 1 must know how much I nm
10 have for this imumposo . 'hnt Is the limit ?
He ( absentiy-Four ) dollars Is 8S hhih as
I usually play . . -
Mentat and financial agony 18 the Indian-
allls Journal etching :
I II oh , for un hue In the southern mica ,
Where the weulher Is always pleasant ;
\S'Imere the pocketbook from Itruln Is free ,
And a " palm lent tan worth Ilennle three
JI nit that I mal worklnl on salary need he
thllkll , ! at : avllG UI hits money to
buy tor "her" I
As a suitable Chrlms ! present. ,
- .
Succesor to t Judge Alvo1tc General Swnim
Agitates the Army
! hulhl i.lber lie ' \lllutntml . 1 : lmber ot
1'rollt0. W11 l'olow-t.lrltclllt
Cross tier MIY lie mm . ilummo-
Icllr )
107 F Street , N. W .
\VASI1I NUTON . ) ) ectlblr ! 15.
SI'cculalon Is rio In army circles now as
to who wi 'he tIme choice of time President In
the polntmenl ot a judge advocate glncrnl
to nil the vacancy which will be caused by the
relremenl on the 22d Inst ot General David
G , Swaim , now Judge advocate genernl , with
the rink of brigadier generl , The losl
Ilrominenl candidates . art Joseph U. Doe at
\Isconsn : , who Is nt Ilrlsent the aslsllt :
secretary of tvnr . amid .sslslnnt JUdge Amhvo- , ,
cato Orneral 0. Norman I.tber , who has
been , since July , 188t. actIng as Judge mI-
\ocate general I fs a6lltel ) ' Imposslblo 10
toil at resenl who wilt b selected by the
Ilrcsldent for time OlllJolntmenl , as hc has nut
) 'el gl'en any Intlllon as to who wi be
his cholco In the emmutter. Whie n-goOI heal
has been said nnd done by thin Irlends ot Mr.
Doe In urging his nl'llolllmenl. Il Is not lt
all lely : thnt the 11rlshlont will choose I
civiian , who has had mme record as I sohlor
aut consequently would not bo specially fitted
for time position. AlI then It Is Imrohnble
thnt time nppolnlmont wi he mallo over tIme
hoalls and over time raul of the old and cx-
perlencell soldiers whn have I record uon
which to base ther caim ! Time strongeHt
Irgument which has bew lut forlh In laver
01 time nlll0lntment 01 Colonet Llebor 1mm . that
whlo Iclng oS jIlgo advocate general In
the absence or Oouull Swntmn ho hus become -
come thorQ\lghly \ _ amiar with tIme worltngs
of the office amid its dulos ali hence Is Ile-
cUlarly Iltcl for time ' PositiOmi amid wouhl be
tIme rlghl man for the npitoimmtmmmemmt Ho-
sides , It Is Urged that to give time appoint-
mcnt to alolher Insllnl 01 Iromolng Cui-
onel 1.leher would be extremely clseuurleOls
10 thal officer , 11 view of the fact that ho
has been 110111 the work ul his superior for
so many years , Ilhougl mint receiving time
henefts of time rank nor recelvln time pay of
that crade. So that It npllcars lt Ilresent
ae I Colonel Lieber Is thc IllrsOI wno wil
general. bo select d to be time next julgo advocate
Of course , It Colonel Lieber , or , hi fact any
other colonel In the army shal be appointed -
pointed , the change wi result 1mm' evcrai
promotons in the lower gnes , On time
other hand . were 11' Doc to bo the persal
chosen for thom position mme changes In timeline
line would result. Howo\cr , taldng for
gmnted thnl time appolntmenl as judge aI-
vocata general will go to Colonel Lieber I
few predlctols can be safely made as to
some of the consequent changes In the lower
grades. Lleuteimnt Cohommli l William Wln-
thrOl will be made colonel vice Lleber ! nd
Major Edward Hunter will go UIJ to the lieutenant -
tenant c.lonelcy , vice Winthrop. These two
promotons will be made on account of time
seniority of rank of the Indlvldlls , As a
result of these two promotons there wi be
a vacancy In the grade of major. ThIs appointment -
pointment wi also lie with time 11resllent.
upon whose choice It depends. There are
now about forty applicants for this postttomm.
Among the number Is First LleutenAnl Enoch
II. Crwder of the Eighth cavalry , who Is
now nclng judge advocate 01 the Depart-
ment of the Platte. As wih the appointment -
mont .of a judge advocate general , It Is impossible -
possible also to foretell who wi be pro-
meted 10 the majority 'Vhle I trill not be
sato to say that Lieutenant Crowder trill be
made major I can be stated with assurance
that his chances for the position arc most
oxcellomit . V
Papers are on file tram the friends of a
number of the applcants , and 'many strong
letters have been recently received In behat
or LIeutenant Crowd . urging his appoint-
rnommt Should ho bo selected hIs positon trill
bo flied ' by the appointment of one ot the
senior second lieutenants . I Is likely that
this later apppointment would go lo Second
Lieutenant Nathaniel F. McClure of the
"ourth cavalry . who Is the next In lute of
vromotlomt tenants In the list of senior second lieu-
\Vlmlbo the above statements are In the nature - .
ture of predictions , It Is not at all Improbable
that the Promotions will occur t Indtcted ,
It Is not likely that time president -
dent wi depart from the customary rule and
appolnl a civiian to time position of judge
advocat general In the person of the assist-
ant secretary of war , Mr. Doe. However
there will be some uncertainty , and ft the
. same time anxiety until the momea when
, ! r. Cleveland announces In an ofclr.1 order
what lila choice will bo
i Congressman Mercer tOday recmivetl the
: designation of an inspector of thu lostofc ( ,
I department to " vIsit Omaha and Ivestgnt :
I the condition at the service with a vle1 01
reporlnf concerning time necessites for In-
creased service between Omaha and South
Omuha. Mr , Mercer believes that the packing -
Ing houses trill Boon receive needed relief In
this unatter. 11. Mercer today sccurell time
admIssion of tIme Delevue PhoenIx to the
mails as second class matter.
The pstofc case at Marion , Ia. . Is likely
to develop a case of lorgery Montgomery Del
= ' . ,
ot Marl.n has wrien two letters . mklng - . .
charges against a leading anll Ate for time
postmnslershlp These letters Ire ilerted
In handwriing anti , signature lut today' '
tiara tras flied a letter signed ltentgomery
hleii , written by mu different hand , numfi bear.
lag an altogether dlffereumt method of emlgmuu-
time. 'rhls latter letter withdraws lImo charges
nail denies thoni. Omme or time other of the
eonmmunicntiomms Is uunqumesttonably a forgery ,
btmt no clime to time identity of tIme crimiminsi
hiss yet been olmtnimmemh. Time deparhmment tvili , V
however , lmmvestlgato time came , :
A nostofilce line beoum stabliahed mit Island ;
Pmtrk , l'ottawattamimio county , 1mm , , wIth u
George hi , Cmitteriin as i'oatmnstcr. Tlmmh.
name of time nostoihlco at Minnie , DickInson m
comimity , hiss beemi cimamigeil to Oriefoms. '
J , H. iiyans was today appointed test-
immiuster at Garden CIty , Clarke coummty , 5 , U. ,
t'ico F.V , Neu'eih , resigned.
Secretary Smmuitim tomlay aimpointemh 'mV. it.
iticimards of South Dakota a transcriber Iii
time oflico of time comnummisetoner of time general
lanih oflico.
Clmam'les hi. iinbbitt of Iowa , a $1,600 dccl ;
iii time Interior ( lepartumcmmt,1 has tendered lmis
rcsignrmtlomi ,
hioui. J , J. htichmam'hsomm , tlcumiocrmmtic nattonal
comnmimitteommian for Iowa , is hero hookiumg after
sonmo Pemsommal interests.
lr. 1. . 1 , . Crawfom'mh has been appointed
cml exaummimmlumg stmrgeoui for time neitsiomi bureau
mit lirokemm hots' , Neb ,
iviti 'i'tice , time iigimt tgmmimmst iimimhl to time V
i.eglsltmmre p
SAN FItANCISCO , lec. 15.--'I'ime i-eptmb-
hiemimi stntc centumul counmimittee , iii exeetmtivo
session here today , ilimmmiiy iemiulvel to eon-
test the electioum of Jmtmmms II. Ilmidtl as sot'-
c'rmmor A comimmnittec of '
set'cmm ttims mippotmmtctl
mmnder lnstrumctiomms to go before time state leg-
taInt U ro mm mmd deimimmummi em. recoti mm t o C t lit' cii Urn
t'otu for state oiileem , imumttetminuiy time vote
of San Irmtmmciseo , itemnmbhicnim noilticiamis
nmofess to meliet'e timat time cotmnt of time t'oto V
of Semi F'm'amictsco uvlil overcome lummtli's mile-
raitty ot I imm tlmo State. 'i'imimi tidbit
macens mu bitter iighmt in time commmimmg state
legisimitumre , W'imtclm eenvemms cmi Jaumumary 8.
Timntmgim time legishattmre is ot'erwlmeiummlmmgly
rcpmmmihtcmm mm , imumimmy iii ulmieimtial m cpubhiertmms arc
Olilmoseti to time coimtest.
imcVrmmI idi coimtest.S % ; , Ioiimripl Mis.img , ,
SAN FltAChSCO , Dee , 15-Up to a lat '
imommm' tommighmt umo report hiatt beemm received Of V
time steanm cmhiioms Mommtsermnt mimmd Nec-
mmmuimtvn the forimmem' Imomim Nmmmmnimmmo and
time imtttct' front Comnox , it. C. , mimmd botit ,
mire liv , ' ( itt'i4 o't'i'dtmi nt timiii taint. In ems-
mimic cimcios it is gemicraill' believed that V'V
hotim'csm'eis humut'o liceum lest , Soimme anxiety
is mmhso ( cit for time bark Oem'ntmmmin : , coal
Imuleim mmmiii I ii iitCCim dit ymi omm t ( emma Semi t tic ,
amid time ltmmnlmer lmtilemm lmam'k Coltimimitimu , eleven
dat's omit frommi l'urt ithakely. Ailvtces daily
coining to imamul mmii go to mmimbstttimtimte : time
earliest reports , wimimit stated timttt the no-
cent gale rns omm ( It tIme utmost severe ever
Del'L the umortimemmi cenmmt.
1'rmm iii i 1 ohumor S'mm m ii ced too 1,1 to.
LOS ANr.urES , Cal. , Dec. 15.-Ait'n John.
semi , time yoummig rancher tvimo pleaded guilty
to complicity 1mm time two train robberies '
imear Itoscoc , 1mm otto of trimichu a brakemuan
timid a pmisscmmgemtvero killed , tt'as mmrrtuigmmed ,
for sentemice timis afternoon , Witim tears V
mmtreamlmmg douvmi imis fmice Joimimmimmi neiteratet V
hmhm coimfessiomi amid beggol for time cheunemmey
of time commrt , Time munim ntis nemitemmeed to life
linprisonmnemtt itt San Qimentimi imemiltemitimury
anti sumouvemi signs of relief wimemi lie fully '
realized timmut ime imad escaped time mlcatim penalty -
alty _ _ _ _
- liontim irrivcs mit Oiimlmtmmti. ,
OAKLAND , Cal , , Iec. 15.-General Wli-
iiamn Booth , comnmmamider of tint Salvation
ni.mmmy , arrtt'etl imero today numd trill remain
ummmtit ittomiday , wimemi ito will go to San Frau.
cisco. 'rime Smulvatloumimits of Oakland and
Suit Framicisco received their lender with
considerable ( hismmiay. p
JJL.IST.S 1"VUOM 12.1,11'S IIO1H (
Tim closet ot prayer ougimt to be carpeted
with praise. , .
The religIon that costs notlmlng is worth
just timat emmucim ,
The nina who does not look ahead soon
has to fall back ,
Time devil s generally close by triton the
preacimcr trades lmorses.
The iniportaumt. timing Is not hmov bug we
are going to live ; but imow
Time , religion of imoino people niakes you
wonder if they were baptized 1mm Ice tvater.
Time man who timinhes time world owes Imim
a iving finds it Imard nowadays to collect
the debt ,
'limo devil lilecs to see time man jein the
cimurclm who expects to do all lmt tvork wiLls
imis mouth. V
There is no wisdom In imaving a man to
watch a wimo believes tlmat stealing
chickens is riglmt.
It Is a great deal easier 'for ' eaten people
to pray for time preacitor timan it is to do
their part toward imis support.
An infidel is a maim wimo builds a imouso
without windon's , and then blames Cod. because -
cause ho hams to hivoin , the dark ,
Washington Star ,
All ' all Is peace ; the sun shines fair today ,
ii'd to making liar
, everything invites ; V
The ship of state rides forth in waters clear
And all that's needed is to geittly steer ;
Sweetness anil light time atnmospiiere per-
; gas with charming grace dia- -
A Vonths more and our careers are
Out' votes are cotmmited anmi our say is sakh-
Our minutes on giory'mm page no more we 1
Aiatth'fh'meY'hl vanish from time pay roll , too.
But , uoimm what may , our fates we ii calmly
\ by trustfuimtess complete.
. l bI'IN JIr1rN1JGs V 6
I I-:1i.ti : tS ' V V , :3O 1' lit ,
Ho1idayS V V
V ,
- , Happiness I. .
V HooplaS
S U B I' Id N D S It S
-Fine silk flflil mmatimm V icitnoiiiiiies _ All SMOICINQ JACIC-
cmnbroldered 1mm oil time imow effects ummml Ii'l'S of hiiigilsim
colors and eoverai novelties in bug Jacket Ciotims , qtmiltcmh
styles , tmhmawh kcrcimiefs and imatlim trinmmmmed , frommm
immmmfliers ; extremeiy $3.10 to l.OO.
V heat effects , . . "
lthegmmnt milk , hmarmmicOim I
frammmoa , natmmral uvood IIATII 1101155 of 1
lmttmmdies , all lmrlces , IIUFFLE1IS - lix- ferry c'iotim and Shier-
V tra Ilimo iimmo e f immmro miowim , frommm ( 1.00 to
Caslmmere nummi l'ais- l5.OO.
C ii I D it S N 'S hey wool inufliers for I
\VliAIt , mmmdi aim elderiy gemmtlemneim , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
fancy waists , caims ,
ties imoae and noveity ,
, ' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -
suits , TIlSSSiNO ANI )
- STUISNTS' ) OO'Ni3 ,
ni.ovss DrivIng
TiltS-Tlmouaflds of gloves Jtm Smighialm . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ V
'em. , Au time late V
styles and new colors. buck , fine Mocima , tiog
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ skin ammml ciievorctte , IIANDICIIRCIIIIIIrS. V
Iremmmm gloves , highmt -A beauttfui itmme Cf
130YS' LEGGINGS weighmts , in urumiressomi Lttieim hlammdkcrclmic'n ,
-Time boy doesim't. live Imematitcimemi a it 4
that would mmtt like a Ititi , Itagliahm buck , iialim , , in fancy colors V
atr of heather leg- dog skin , colt skin mmd phahm white , A
gings , and Fronctm kid. Full very fimie and extra s--
- - line of Icnt's drivhxmg ( iUality Jo ! ) 1311k Jmmt- V 5
tial ilantikercbmicf ,
BOYS , CAVIl OVI'it- cud street gloves. Our regular lIe , We
COATS-Very 1 o w Fur gloves armd lined re going to immako a
imrlcs on cape over- gloves of oil descrip- speciai price of tithe
coats semi reefers timts titna , V otmo at SOc , V
week ,
. \ . ' : : ' aiid Joui.,1mm