8 THE OMAIIA DAILY BEE : SATURDAY , DECEMBER 15 , 1894. IIAYDEN BROTHERS , Oollossal Display of $76,000 , Wortb of Bolls , Toys , Games , Etc , AND THEY MUST BE SOLD Itencl Advcrtlneninu on rifth I'ncc Urcnt ale of llotibjr Homo , Mien Fiji.Vncons mill Drcfucil Unit * Suturiliijr Plush Goods Half 1'rlco Hntiirdny. SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT. The full troop of Drownlcs have returned from the cast and will liold a reception and give a performance In our Dodge street win dow next Saturday. Don't miss them. CO dozen boys' Iron axle express wagons Sat urday 7Gc , worth $1.00. Remember Saturday only at this price. price.DOLLS DOLLS , 250. Saturday morning a special counter of 25c kid body bisk head dolls , GOc quality , 25c ; also un this table a lot of flno French kid bodies , worth 7Gc and $1.00 , and some big dolls slightly soiled , worth $1.00 to $2.00 , your choice 25c. DRESSED DOLLS , 4SC. Over COO dressed dolls on a counter tomor row at this price ; they're worth double and three times this price. Among this 4So lot are isomo PATENT FRENCH DOLLS , 48C. Jointed bodies , movable eyes ; they are worth fully $1.25 ; only 48c. DRESSED DOLLS , $1.23. Fully costumed , dressed to our order and with finest French cashmeres , momle cloths , whipcords , girl and boy sailor dolls , not a doll In the lot worth less then $1.75. The moat of them are $2.CO and $3.00 dolls. Saturday $1.28. HODDY HORSES , $1.48. Saturday a lot of $2.00 and $2.25 hobby horses In one lot at $1.48 ; another lot of SWINGING HORSES , $1.87. That arc worth $2.75 ; on our counter of PLUSH BOXES , $1.23 , Collar and cults combined , reduced from $2.00. $ HALF PRICE. Our entire stock collar , cuff , manicure , comb and brush , work boxes and particularly the handsome. PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS , Prices sliced In half Saturday. Our stock of toys , dolls , games , all kinds of Christmas goods , Is one that would In point of variety and cheapness do credit to any of the largest eastern stores and prices cut In half. IIAYDEN BROS. BENEFITS OF A LEAGUE. Bucli nn Orgnnlr.it lun In In the Interest ) ) of Commission Men. A. Warren Patch , of the firm of Patch & Roberts , commission me ? of Boston , was In the city Thursday as the guest of E. B. Branch. Mr. Patch Is the secretary of the National League of Commission Men , and Is very enthusiastic over the success of his or ganization , which has for Its object the elevation of the commission business. Ac cording to Mr. Patch the league Is striving to encourage fair and honorable dealing be tween commission men and shippers in the country , and by admitting to membership only those firms that are known to bo re liable and responsible , a check Is placed upon the operations of the fraudulent com mission firms that are to be found In most every commercial center. "It Is so easy for any one to get Into the commission business , " Bald the man from Boston , "that every year fraudulent firms spring up In nil the market centers of the country and after advertising and getting In a lot of produce from country shippers they sell out and lave for fresh fields , withcut settling with their shippers. Every reputable commission man has felt many times that the operations of such firms were a disgrace to him , as they caused hhlppers to look upon all commission - mission man as dishonest. This feeling has become so str ng that responsible firms arc joining the league and as none others can gain admittance It will bo the shipper's own fault If ho Is deceived. Another advantage of tlio league Is that It makes the leading commission men of the country acquainted with each other , and acquaintance am ng business men , you know , leads to business , As an example of this a St. Louis firm wrote mo ono tlmo that they would like mo to ship to them a car of New England apples and they would see what they could do with them In St. Louts. The firm was a member of the league , and wrote me because I was also a member. It happened that I dm not nnvo the apples wanted at that time , and so turned the letter over to another Boston firm. They asked me what I knew about that St. Louis house , and if I thought they would pay for the apples , and all I had to do was to call attention to their membership In the league. The apples \\crc shipped , and a number of other cars were ordered , and a business amounting to thousands of dollars was the outcome. The same thing Is happening every day as the league becomes bet ter known , and commission men get better acquainted with each other. In Jan uary wo will hold our second annual meeting In New York City , and wo expect delegates to bo present from all the leading cities of the country. " Mr. Patch called upon the commission men of Omaha and Imparted to them some of his enthusiasm for the league. Omaha Is one of the league cities , and It Is expected that this city will be represented at New York by a full delegation. The Omaha firms belonging to the league nro Branch & Co. , Whitney & Co. , Clark & Co. , Rlddell & Co. . Straight & Howes , Icken & Wohlers and Porter Bros , company. There nro two or three other firms that are considering the matter of joining , and It Is expected that by the tlmo of the annual meeting Omaha will have a membership of eight or nine firms and perhaps more. Analysis by highest government authority pronounces Dr. Price's strongest and purest of all baking powders. JOHN BURN'S MEETING. It Will Iln lloltl nt ( Vnslilngtnn Unit Next Momliiy Kvciiliic. The committee on arrangements appointed by the Central Labor union to make prepa rations for the Burns meeting , report having secured Washington hall for the occasion. Mr. Burns and Mr. Holmes , labor mem bers of the English Parliament will speak thcro on Monday evening next. The committee did Its best to secure a larger place for the meeting , but Washing ton hall was the best to be had. It Is not expected that all will be able to hear the distinguished visitor , but the loss of the Exposition hall by fire a few days ago left the committee with no other avallab'e place. Mr. Burns and Mr. Holmes are expected to Arrive In Omaha Sunday morning. Mr. J. K. Fowler , secretary and treasurer of the Corlnno Mill , Canal and Stock Co. , ot Corlnne. Utah , In speaking of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy , says : I consider It the best In the market. I have used many kinds , but ( Ind Chamberlain's most prompt and effectual In giving relief , and now keep no other In my borne. " When troubled with a cod | or cough give this remedy a trial , and we assure you that you will be more than pleased with the result. _ " II.UlVr.ST KXCUIWIONS SOUTH. k . ifW via Ilia WntmMi II. It On November 20 , December 4 and 18 , jiell tickets at one fare , tickets or a copy ot GuIJa call at Wabnh street , or write. O. N. CLAYTON , t W. P. Agt. Oratna. t Bedel InitltuU of Blair , ffeb. , ti the beil nd only guaranteed cure of the liquor , mor phine and tobacco bablt. * I' Sent Duck Co Sioux City. Josephine Ltghthold , a young- woman wn < recently arrived from Sioux Cltv. was The G. W. Cook & Coe shoe stock is now being closed out by creditors at about half price. The crowds that attend this sale every day assert the fact that shoes have never been sold so cheap in Omaha. Remember , $50,000 stock of fine shoes at about your own price. Rubber goods of all kinds at cost. Christmas Slippers at cost. 203-205 South 15th Street. transportation by the county commissioners and sent back to thnt city yesterday after noon. The young woman was until recently employed In Sioux Ulty. but she loved not wlseliAa a result she , Is in a dcllcato condition , and on. her arrival here she was In n penniless condition. An effort was made to secure a place for her In the Open Door , but the Institution could not take1 care of her , as she Is not a resident of this countj' . The girl told the police matron that two other slrls In the same fix were about to be sent here on Monday , so thnt Woodbury county would not have to sup port them during their Illness. The county authorities have received Information that this Is becoming a common habit of certain cities to shift their unfortunates and poor people onto Omaha. In each - In stance of this kind the applicant will promptly bo Bent back to where she came from. _ Oregon Kidney Tea cures all kidney trou bles. Trial size , 25 cents. All druggists. Till : D1KUCT SOUTIIKKN KOUTli Vln tlio Itaclc Island Hiortost I.lno and 1'nntrnt Time. To all points In Kansas , Oklahoma , Indian Territory , Texas and all points In southern California. Only one night out to all points In Texas. The "Texas Limited" leaves Oma ha at 5:15 : a. m. dally except Sunday , landing passengers at all points In Texas 12 hours In advance ot all other lines. Through tourist cars via Ft. Worth and El Paso to Los An geles. For full particulars , maps , folder * , etc. , call at or address Rock Island ticket office , 1002 Farnam st. OIIAS. KENNEDY , 0. N. W. P. A. STATK IUK1GA.TION ASSOCIATION. lionrnoy , December 18th and 10th. For this Important convention the Union Pacific will sell tickets at the rate ot ono faro for the round trip. Tickets on sale December 17 and 18 , limited to December 21 for return trip. Men prominent In the Irrigation question will be present and address the convention. All the latest Improvements In Irrigation machinery will bo on exhibition. This con vention will prove a liberal education on the subject of Irrigation In all Its branches. HARRY P. DEUEL , City Ticket Agent , _ 1302 Farnam St. Chenp Itntes to the Wct. On December 4 and 18 the Union Pacific will tell first class round trip tickets to all points In Kansas , Nebraska , Colorado , Wyo ming and Utah at a rate of one standard first class fare for the round trip , plus $2. Read ot wonderful prosperity of the Irrigated dis tricts along the line ot tlio Union Pacific and take this oppartunlty to see for yourself. For further Information , descriptive printed matter , time taU'es , etc. . call on or address your nearest ticket agent or II. P. DEUL , 0. T. A. U. P. System , 1302 Farnam St. , Omaha. lliirllncton Itoulo. PERSONALLY CONDUCTED EXCUR- SIGNS TO CALIFORNIA. Every Thursday. $25.00 saved. City ticket office. 1324 Farnam street AtfXOUti CKMKXTS. There will bo a grand matinee of the popu lar success , "In Old Kentucky , " at Boyd's this afternoon , and the record-breaking en gagement will terminate with this evening's ' performance. It Is likely that the matinee record will bo shattered this afternoon , and seats should be reserved early this morning. "In Old Kentucky" Is beyond question the best drawing card of the season In Omaha thus far. Hoyt's "A Trip to Chinatown , " under the management of Messrs. Hoyt & McKee , will be at the Boyd for three nights , beginning tomorrow evening , and It will be a notable engagement , not only because the town com mences to grin whenever a Hoyt production Is announced , but with the present coming of this fertile author's most successful play It Is to be Interpreted by the original New York company that presented It for C53 consecutive nights at Hoyt's Madison Square theater , New York. The cast Includes Harry Conor , as "Welland Strong ; " Harry Cllfoll , as the "Walter , " Introducing his famous whistling specialties and exhibiting his art as an adro'.t "mixer" of drinks ; the charming "Widow Guyer" Introduces Geraldlne McCann , with pretty Sadie Klrby as "Flirt ; " Bessie Clay ton , the sensational dancer , who seems to be creating no end of comment everywhere , Is also In the cast. A carload of scenery , de signed and painted by Arthur Voegtlln , to gether with properties and accessories , even to the minutest detail , will be Incidental to this production. The sale of seats will open at 9 o'clock this morning. Mr. Berrle Jarrett , advance representative of Mr. Stuart Robeon , arrived In the city to day. Mr. Robson will bo the Christmas at traction at the Boyd. "Tho Prodigal Father , " the coming at traction at "The Empire , " commencing with Sunday matinee , December 16 , has mada a pronounced success In all the. larger cities In which It has been produced this season , and should have the same treatment accorded It by local play-goers. The plot Is said to be a novel one , replete with funny situations , bright songs and attractive dances , and Is Interpreted by artists of superior excellence , Including William Jerome , the noted parodist ; Edward Monroe , W. II. K. Mack and others. The Empire has been entirely renovated and will prove a complete surprlte to Its patrons on Sunday next. A cough , cold or sore throat should not be neglected. Brown's Bronchial Troches are a simple remedy , and give prompt relief. 25 cts. a box. Good Dry Weather Corn. II. A. McDuffeo was In the city yesterday exhibiting some samples of corn which he raised last Benson upon his farm , which is located on the Elkhorn bottoms two and a half miles south of Valley. This corn Is known as the "Mammoth White Pearl , " and stood the dry weather of last summer far better than any of the other varieties of corn raised In that vicinity. This corn yielded a trille more than flfty-flve bushels per acre , and many of the ears are from twelve to eighteen dnohea long. With IJrmlil Army Honors. The remains of Chauncey Wlltse arrived from Fullerton yesterday afternoon over the Northwestern road. As had been an nounced , the Grand Army of the Republic had charge of the services. At the depot the collln was taken from the strong oak box and Major Clarkson wrapped It with the stars and stripes. It was then placed In the henrse. The Grand Army of the Re public pall bearers were : W. H. Christie , U. S. Wllcox , E. A. Parmelee , C. K. Bur- meliter , D. M. Hnverley. SI. II. Hlsdon , F. U. Bryant and II. M. Stone. The citizen pall bearers were J. II. Mlllard , Samuel Or chard. P. J. Nichols , C. H. IJrown , G. M. Hitchcock and Howard Kennedy. From the depot the remains were con veyed direct to a grave In Prospect Hill cemetery. The regular Giand Army serv ices were held nt the grave and the cus tomary salute fired.o Oregon "Kidney Tea cures all kidney trou bles. Trial size , 25 cents. All druggists. Nnw Oumhn Limited Train. On and after Sunday , November 4 , the Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul "electric lighted limited' " will leave Omaha at G p. m. , arriving In Chicago at 9 a .m. Remem ber this train carries dinner a la carte. C. S. CARRIER , Ticket Agent , 1504 Farnam St. The Mlllnrd Hotel Is making special rates to permanent boarders. Table the best In the city. J. E. MARKEL & SON , Proprietors. ItlKI ) . THORNTON William , 3-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Thornton , died at 1 o'clock this morning , nfter nn Illness of ten days , from scarlet fever. Funeral private. iOC'.tZ. JtltKl'tTlES. The funeral of Earl Gondon will be held at 2 o'clock this afternoon at the residence of L. N. Gondon , 4100 Lafayette avenue. The regular meeting of the department ot education ot the Woman's club will bo held at 3:45 o'clock this afternoon. Mrs. Towne , Mrs. Newton , Mrs. Andrews and Mrs. Heller will take part In the discussion. Will Forest has turned over his saloon on Farnam street , between Fifteenth and Six teenth streets , to Andrew Bell and left the city for the west. He left a letter to Bell saying that domestic unhapplness was the cause. Mrs. Forest , who Is Mrs. Bell's sister , and Mrs. Bell have assigned their interest In the saloon to Andrew. A. L. Morris was pardoned by Governor Crounse yesterday , and last night he enjoyed his freedom with his family. Morris IB a book canvasser , and several days ago he- was arrested on the charge of stealing law books from tome ot the legal firms about the city. Ho pleaded guilty to two counts of petit larceny and was sentenced to six days In Jail and fined $25 and costs. He was pardoned because It was shown that his family was In destitute circumstances and needed his help. Made from the most highly refined and ex pensive ingredients , and leaves neither acid nor alkali in the food ROYAL BAK1NO POWDER. CO. , 1M WAIL ST. , NEW-YORK. f \ .v , tlong cut , black and blue and tan r -v . , ; t. , kersey Overcoats , with velvet „ > . . collars , 48 inches long , for. . . * 0.- V " ' " ? * - ' , . , . Black diagonal worsted overcoat Vi with velvet collar , medium * . * length , 44 inches , worth at ' " . least gi2 , all wool , at Blacker blue clay worsted dress sacks and cutaways , suits in regent cut all wool , neatly trimmed and lined , bound or unbound , at Black or blue clay worsted suits in sacks or cutaways , cut extra long , the best imported goods , made up in the height of fashion The 13th and Farnam , Omaha. I'JUl b OX A L P.IK AUK.I V11S. W. H. Wheeler of Deadwood Is In the city. F. W. Wllllard and wife , Chicago , are at the Barker. Kenzlo N. Walker of the Ninth cavalry Is at the Paxton. C. B. Morrison and w.fe , O'Neill. , Neb. , arc at the Barker. Chaplain O. J. Nave and wife , U. S. A. , are guests at the Merchants. A. F. Marshall and wife. New York , arc registered at the Barker. Major John C. Watson and wife of Ne braska City ore guests at the Dellone. Knights of the grip registered at Hotel Barker are : W. F. Green , Council Bluffs ; J. S. Shaub , Louisville , Ky. ; F. S. Plumb , Lin coln ; A. F. Marshall , New York ; F. W. Wll- llard Chicago ; C. D. Bell , Chicago ; W. C. Price , St. Louis ; II. Montague , Chicago ; Ed S. Smith , Chicago ; C. M. Frledberg , San Francisco ; C. B. Morrison , O'Neill ; F. J. Lester , Chicago. At the Mercer : H. R. Williamson , Chicago cage ; Jacob Kolf , St. Louis ; G. B. Moore , Lincoln ; M. F. King , Lincoln ; O. P. Hanna , Sheridan , Wyo. ; William Hunt , Clearmont , Wyo. ; W. H. Whealon. Deadwood ; O. II. Swlnglry , Beatrice ; R. E. Wotzkl , St. Louis ; James Rlst , Chicago ; H. C. Hackney , Den ver ; J. McDonough , Denver ; II. H. Wallace. Tckamah ; C. A. Hoagland , New York ; George K. Palmer , Chicago ; E. S. Peffer , Chlco , Cal brH ki ns tit the Motels. At th Pnxton T. C. Koch , Fullerton ; John Q. Maher , Chadron ; II. II. Robinson , Klmball. At the Arcade II. II. Cherry , Hastings ; Mrs. J. Watts , Nora Watts , U. B. Ilhea , Friend ; W. A. Lamson , Kim Creek. At the Dellone It. G. Strong , Ponder ; Geoige A. Murphy , Beatrice ; II. H. Presser , M. L. Blackburn , Lincoln ; It. W. Campbell , Grand Island : John A. Hooney , Nebraska City ; W. F. Hammond. Elgin ; J. F. Dlener , Syracuse ; F. G. Hamor , Kearney. At the Merchants F. J. Snyder , Wahoo ; George Farr , Pender ; S. S. Alley. Wllber ; Charles Stall , Beatrice ; W. H. Orton , K. S. Bailey , Fullerton ; F. W. Wetherlll , Ctmd- ron ; B. W. Wolverton , Pierce ; D. J , Gates , Albion ; T. A. Cameron , Tekamah. NobruaUtiriH In Chicago. CHICAGO , Dec. H. ( Special Telegram. ) At Chicago hotels : Grand Pacific G. Worthlngton , Omaha. Hotel Grace E. P. Smith , A. C. lioysen , Omaha. Clifton A Walton , Omaha. Saratoga Mrs. A. Demor- est , Lincoln. COUM1T TIIIS TO MEMORY LATEST STYLUS-LOWEST PRICES CLOAKS.SUIT.FURS. ! ! Bor , I6ib and hrnam Sis , , PAXrON BLOCK. XMAS GIFTS. FOR YOUH FATHEH. MOTIIEH , SISTER , BROTHER , FRIBND OR LOVER. SOLID GOLD SPECTACLES. SOLID GOLD EYEGLASSES. Eyes tested free of charge. OPERA GLASSES , from J2.50 to $12.00. CHATELAINE CASES , large variety. BAROMETERS AND THERMOMETERS. An Elegant Line of Novelties. W. I. Seymour , our optician , has been extremely successful In lilting glasses to hundreds of the best people In the city. Lenses Exchanged Free of Charge , The Aloe & Penfold Go , , LEADING. SCIENTIFIC OPTICIANS. 1408 Tavnnm Street , OppeBlto I'axton Hotel THE LION DRUG HOUSE , " liPlL * tf * Wo mean Of thing * that cause slclcnes ? an.1 distress. Has It not occurred to you tha ovcrynowand then you nlioulacloans3 and parity your system ? You got "Ioiv , " "bilious. ImvouclicsiiiKl p.tlns forom ro-uon and anotlior. KKttl * VOUIl Jtr.o'Jl > IlK.l&THV. Car totyontXKKVUVSSrSTJSM. Inipuro blood and "broken up" norvoa will soon wreck th most healthy porson. . ' . ' . . . ' l.oaAX'i.iMUSAi'.llirKK.l - CKKKin'h going to the front more rapidly , glvlnz better satisfaction and producing butter results than any known romady. Try It and see for yourself the banonts to ha dorlvud from Its uvi. "Up to date" Tha best. None other llko It , None comparoi with It. Logan's Barsanarllla and Celery Porsnlo " 1-UII""U by druggists. . J"j ! Ifdly , Irfcn F "Pn la arc ! Cflciy Ccmrnuy. On nhn Nebraska. I'rlcafM per bottloi 0 bottles for 5 00. Shipped t > y exnruEs to nry part of the United States. CHEAPER THAN CANAL POWER The OTTO Gasoline Engine will furnish you power at a cost of 5O to 4O per cent less than the price proposed to be charged for power by the Canal Co. Per particular cal 1 on or address , Th 5 Otto Gas Engine Works , 321 S. 15th St. , OMAHA , NEB OR. ru.cc RE w IB Til K ONLY SPECIALIST WHO TlltATHALL PRIVATE DISEASES , Wcnkncm nndFccret llitoidoriof MEN ONLY Uvcrr euro vuaranteed. SO jrer ' oinvrlenco. Byemrsln Omaha. Hook Vita. 1-Kh.V Farnam Ml. , OSIAII.lt JVIMI. BAILEY , THEDENTI3T I'axtun Jllock , .0//i / uii uVarimm it * Ulas t o i.al / jrk at Enroaable Priojs Prompt a-U onrtiiii troitment nlvoi to th PaluluHH uxtrao lion or to itti without gas or chloro form. Kull nut tjjtli o.i rao'jjr < ! .UU , 1'uoplo llv lat away from Oiiiabi waited upaa the day I Ley arc to the city. Ltdjr T l < t > b6ot 10M * , dtnn M M- The Mercer Hotel Cor. 12th nud Howard Strooti , Under now innnaRninrnt. will furnish IIT- THIl MEAI.H and IIBITCH ROOMS ( all heated and electric Hunted ) ihitn any hotel In Oiiiiilia for the rate of S2.OO per dny. Rooms with b.itli (2.50 and KLOU. Try the Murcor next tlmo you vIMt tlio city. TUKO the llurnoy slrcDtcurut Union Doput to 1'Jth streuu Prom Wobntur street Douof take car to Howard street. 11. Manager * Ntooklioldorn' Miictlng. Ofnce of Lce-Clarke-Andreesep Hardware Co. . Omaha , Neb. , Dec. 7 , 1W1. Notice Is herbcy given to the stockholders of the L < e * Clarke-Andreescn Hardware company that the annual meeting of the stockholder ! , of the company will be held at the olllccs of the * ald company , 1219 , 1221 and 1223 Ilarney nil eel , In the city of umalm , In the state ot Nebrauka , on Tuesday , January 8 , A. I ) . 1C&5 , at S o'clock p. in. , for the purpose of electing a board of dlrcctoro for the com pany to serve during- the ensuing year , and , to transact such other business as may b presented at such meeting. Attest : H. J , LEG , Pr ldent. W. M. QLASB , Secretary. Secretary.D7 M t < J t Suu