TITB OMATIA DAILY BEE : SAIVRDAY. DECEMBER IB. 1804. _ _ . _ 0 ( , t , , I'.rjriTjrj i * . _ _ . _ _ _ [ Now is the i' ' Accepted Time. i * i Have you a horse or a cow that iM you dou't want to feed this winter 'J ' there is no way you can find a cus ! , I tomer so soon as by patronizing The Bee want columns. Thou , ' .I ' sands read this page , the very people ' . . ' ' . , ple you are after. ads.'J ! ' 250 pays for a 17-word ad , I' . I .jM ' , * , Servant RlrU and others sooklnK employment , . do not have M I I to welt ICIIK lor itsultb lluoURh llifbount ads. SPEG1RL NOTICES , Advertisements for these columns will be taken until 12:30 : p. m. for the evening , and until 9:00 : P. m. for the morning nnd Sunday edition. Advertisers , by requesting n numbered check , can have answers addressed to a numbered letter In care of The Bee. Answers so addressed will lie delivered upon presentation of the check only. Rates , l'4o a word , first Insertion , lo a word thereafter. Nothing taken for less than 25o for firm Insertion. These advertisements must run consecutively. SITUATIONS WANTED. COMPETENT OFFICE MAN DESIRES PO3I- tlon at once. Address D 37. Bee. A M8lj WANTED MALE HELP. IWANTED-A FEW PERSONS IN EACH PLACE to do wrltlnRi send stamp for 150-page book of particulars. J. Woodbury , 127 W. 4.'d street. N. Y. City. D HI WANTED-EXPERIENCED COAL MINERS TO BO to Bhcrldnn , Wyo. Apply at olllco Sheridan Coal Co. , 1C03 Farnam. B 492 A HUCKSTER WITH RIG TO WORK IN THE city. 821 S. 13th8lrccl. _ HT lHL IMO.OO AND EXPENSES PAID COMPETENT men flrsl > ear , or large commission. Belling by sample staple goods to men hunts. No peddling. Experience unnecessary. For ceale < l particu lars Kcnd stamp. Household Specialty Co. . 73 4lh slreet , Cincinnati , O. B M99) 15 * HALEHMAN IN EVERY COUNTY. $75.00 month nnd expenses ; olllce , furniture , advertis ing furnished , goods monopoly ; experience un- nncessary. Address K , S. Co , K2 CJlonnade Illdg. , Boston , Mans. II-.M9M 15 * WANTED FEMALE HELP. _ WANTED coMrnTHNT GIRL FOR GENERAL housework , must bo n good took ; ( Jormnn or Dane prcfetreil. Bring references. Mrs. D. II. Wheeler. 2C21 Harney street. C 820 14 LADIES WIHHINO TO SECURE STEADY homo woilc all wlnlcr call 318 North 15th stiert. NVANTED , INTELLIGENT YOUNO LADY stenographer ; one ppeakmg French prefeirtd. 'I'crniancnt position. Address D 07 , Bee. C M9C3 1C * FOR KENT HOUSES. HOUSES , F. K. DARLING , BARKER BLOCK. D 493 HOUSES IN ALL PARTS OF THE CITY. , THE O. F. Davis company , -IWJ-Farnam. D 494 KELKENNY & CO. R. 1. CONTINENTAL BLK. D"'r ' HOUSES ; DENAWA & CO. , 108 N. 15TU ST. D $1761 FOR RENT. HOUSE OF 9 ROOMS AND BARN on Park avc. Inquire at 4 : : S. l th nt. D 85 FOUR-ROOM COTTAGE. D18 WILLIAMS ST. D M2I3D20 * FOR RENT-CHIJAP FOR THE WINTER , ono 8-rooin house , three 6-room cottaKcs. J , „ A. Scott , Omalm Na'l ' ,1-Vt. D M272D2J TOR RENT-DESIRAIlLn DWELLINGS IN all parts of Omaha. U. H. Shcafe. 432 Paxton block. D-33ID21- C-ROOM HOUSE. JU WOOLWORTH AVE. : one 3-room , 1304 California st. D 233D19 * FOR RENT , MODERN 8-ROOM HOUSE ; ATtic - tic , stable. 20U Howard street ; apply next door. D M5S1 31 * HOUSES & STORES , F. D. WEAD. 16 & Douglas D-60J-31 UASILY HEATED. ALL MODERN , 8-ROOM house , 3010 Jones , (2).00 : also 3010 Mason stiect 8 rooms , line location , (27.50. ( S , K. Humphrey 92S New York Life. D-M847 15 FOR RENT , HOUSE NINE ROOMS ; FUR nace , bath , etc. , at ! 2J and Farnam , 127.00 also cheap houses , (5.00 and S10 00 , dlfferen parts city. Dexter L. Thomas , 401 Bee building D M735 FOR RENT -ROOM COTTAGE. IN GOOD RE inlr. city water , 110.00 per month to good parties , 119 N. 37th , 1 block from Fnrnan car line. Innulra at Stoetzel'a stove store next to postofflce. D 701 120.00 ; EIGHT-ROOM HOUSE ; BATH ROOM and furnace , John R. Webster , Board Trad building D-M770 COTTAGE OF SIX ROOMS. ALL CONVENI enccs , desirable location , three blocks from opera house. Enquire on premises , 613 8. 17th st. T. J. Flttmorrlt , . D-79S ONE FLAT. STEAM HEAT. LINTON BLOCK John llamlln , 817 Union blk. D 793 NEAT 7-ROOM HOUSE. MODERN CONVENI cncci , 1 block from Park avenue car line. Ad drc E. D. Uvans , care Cady Lumber Co. D-M ! > 03 li TEN-ROOM MODERN DWELLING ; FINE LO cation. Apply to W. F. Clark , 2203 Douglas. D-M810 15 FOR RENT , STORE. 1011 FARNAM STREET six-room Main , corner Howanl and llth streets ; llve-ioom cottages , 22 > 1 and Clnrlc streets ; rents reasonable. William I * . Byrne , room 314 First National bank. D MS18 15 8TEAM , CENTRAL , MODERN. UNEQUAH3D 3 , C , t > . 7-room houses and Hats , Tlzanl.ll \ N. 21th. D-TO-1S * MODERN ID-ROOM HOUSE , JOIJ BINNEY. U-MKU J13 FOR RENT. KLEGANT FINISHED 8-ROOM house ; all modern Improvements ; No. 400 N. 2Jd street. U MWG 16 FOR RENT , VERY DESIRABLE SEVEN-ROOM cottage on 211 li avenua nnd Farnnin street , rent low It taken ut once. Inqu're ' Nelhciton Hall , D09 1st Nail , bank bldg. D M953 20 roil RENT. FURNISHED COTTAGE OF seven looms ; 20th * Ue t , corner Douglas ; rent moderate ; furniture may bo bought at a bar- R.xln ; family lenvlnic city. Inquire Netherton Hull , room Vfl , 1st Nell , bank. D M8JS lit FOR RENT. 1MIOOM HOUSE. ALL CON . venlences , Davenport and 19th , $10.00 per tmnlh , The llyrun Reed Co. D M951 16' FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS. I-LEASANT SOUTH JIOOM FOR GENTLEMAN. Inquire 1819 Dodge. E 303 FURNIfiHED ROOM8 ; HOUSEKEEPING. W24 St. Mary's minue. E M917 TWO ROOMS , SINGLE OR ENSUITE ; MODern - ern ; lilJO Capitol avenue. i : M5I1 17 1 NICE FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED looms for light housekeeping. 1112 a. llth st. _ _ _ _ 13 M8SJ 17 I FURNISHED ROOM 3 FOR HOUSEKEEPING for man and wife. Rent taken In board. 319 N. 17lli street. _ U 711 FURNISHED ROOMS FOR GENTLEMEN OR married cuuple. housekeeping. 606 North 17th. . _ _ _ E-M935 U TWO rtlRNIHIIED ROOMS. MODERN ; WILL rent for light houickerplug ; no children. WOJ * > " " - K-M931 - 1J _ _ _ FURNISHED ROOMS FOR HOUSKICEFpTNa. JCll bt. M ry' avenut. U M9U 17 . ROOMS AND" BOARD FRONT ROOM. WITH HOARD. Z\)13 ) DOUGLAS _ 5ouT'LF2.ONT PA wn : ALSO SMALL RMS ! rood board ) miontblt. Th Rose , Harney ! NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT. lu-"r' with board. Call at 07 Dougla * . F-JM Da FRONT ROOM. WITH OR WITHOUT boarU : nil ronvinlenccs ; prtvato family M ; a totn strvnu r _ NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS. WITH ALL 2 ? * , convtnloncea anU Ont-clau bo rd. FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD Continued. THREE HANDSOMELY FURNISHED FRONT rooms , with all coi.veniences , for gentlemen only ; location very desirable. Apply to 2019 Harncy street. F-889-2S' FOUR ROOMS WITH GOOD BOARD. 2103 Douglas F 910 15 * VANTED , A COUPLE TO BOARD IN A PRIvate - vate family. AOdresa D 47 , Bee. F M807 11 * PRIVATE FAMILY WILL ACCOMMODATE four couples with orlthout boaid. Rooms ulted for housekeeping. 2019 St. Mary's nvc. F M704-J3 'ARLOR FLOOR : OTHER ROOMS MODERN. Apply 231i Douglaa st. F M9-U-1S * FOR RENT STORES AND OFFIOES FOR RENT , THE 4-STORY BRICK BUILDING , 816 Farnam street. This building has n fire proof , cement basement , complete steam heatIng - Ing fixtures , water on all lloors , gas , etc. Ap ply at the olllce of The Bee. 1 910 BEST LOCATED DRUG STORE WITH Fix tures cheap. Tlzard , 2il N. 21th " ' - . . , ls. ? OR RENT. DESK ROOM , J5.00 MONTH 331 Board of Trade. 1-432 20 AGENTS WANTED. AGENTS WANTED TO SELL ALUMINIUM Mieclaltles ; aluminium llexlble shoo soles , double wear of leather , bread , cake and paring Knives , 15,000 sold by agonta In ninety days , Address , with stamp. Aluminium Novelty Co. , Canton , Ohio. J M962 16 \GENTS MAKE 3.00 DAILY. NEW INVEN- tlon. Retails 23c. 2 to 0 sold In n house. Sample ftcc. Forshce & Makln , Cincinnati. O. J M033 15' SALESMEN OR AGENTS MAKE MONEY easy Bellini ; suits to order J13.W , pants J3 , shirts SI , mackintoshes , S3. Hunter Tailoring Co. , Cincinnati. O. N J-M9C1 FU STORAGE. ITORAGE , WILLIAMS & CROSS , 1214 HARNEY M 50J STORAGE FOR HOUSEHOLD GOODS ; CLEAN and cheap rate. R. Wells , 1111 Farnam iEST STORAGE BUILDING IN OMAHA , U. S. cov , bonded warehouse. Household goods Btorcd. Lowest rates. 1013-1015 Leaveaworth. M 505 STORAODrRANK . _ EWERS , 1211 HARNEY. WANTED TO BUY. 'ITY ' & CO. CLAIMS. PRITCHARD , 1712 FAR'M N 503 I WILL GIVE 122,000 CASH FOR 22-FOOT LOT on Farnam or Douglas between 15th nnd ICth. J , J , Gibson. 317 First Nafl bank bldg. SECOND-HAND BOOKS BOUGHT FOR CASH. Antiquarian book store. 1519 Farnam stieet. - * FOR SALE FURNITURE. FURNITURE AUCTION AT 1111 FARNAM ST. Saturdays. 10 a. m. Robt. Wells. O 507 FURNITURE 26-ROOM BOARDIN6 HOUSE , centrally located Rent low. A bargain. D 9 Bee. O 591 FOR SALE AT A SACRIFICE. CARPETS , shades and furniture which have been but little used nnd almost new ; also house for rent. In- qulru 405 S. 23th aveune. O M9o5 FOR SALEHORSES , WAGONS.ETC. PHAETON , BARGAIN ; NEW CLOTH , LEATH- tr , paint , $03 ; another , $25. Drummond C'ge Co. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. IF YOU BUY , BUY THE BEST ; MACKINtoshes - toshes , rubbsr boots , arctics , syringes of all kinds , gas tubing ; all best quality. Omaha Tent and Awning Co. , 1311 Farnam at. Q 503 CHEAPEST CHICKEN AND ORNAMENTAL fence made. C. R. Lee , 901 Douglas. Q 510 CORN FODDER FOR SALE. FOUR BLOCKS north Lead Woiks , Ea Omaha. Tom Anderson. Q-911 DIG * WEGMAN PIANOS , BRIDGEPORT ORGANS. Woodbrldge Bros. , 117 So. 17th Q-235 FIRE BRICK , CAR LOTS , $11 ; SMALL LOTS , S15 M ; flra clay , sand , gravel , screenings. Wm. J , Wclshans , 331 Beard of Trade. Tel , 1039. Q 456 D27 FOR SALE , A LAUNDRY OUTFIT , AND building for rent ; a tig bargain for cash. Ad dress D 45. Bee. Q-M90S U FOR BALE. A STABLE ON 3707 N. 1STH. CLAIRVOYANTS. MRS. DR. II. WARREN , CLAIRVOYANT , RE- llablo business medium ; 7th year at 119 N. 16th S 511 . nKNECIA. THE MOST clalrvojiint of the 19th century , 1617 Chicago street. 8-M897 J12- M SSAQIS , BATHS. ETC. MADAM SMITH. 602 8. 1STH. 2D JLOOIl. room 3 ; massage , vapor , alcohol , steam , sul- phurUia and sea baths. T M60I 15 * MASSAGE , MADAME I3EUNABD , 1 1 DODQE. T M7i4 18 TURKISH BATHB. TURKISH DATII ROOMS , EXCLUSIVELY FOR ladles. Suite 193-10. Bee. Uldg. 655- PBitBONAL. DR. T. W. BTONE. 10 N. Y. LIFE. TEL. L U-M7W MACKINTOSHES & RUDDER DOOTS. 1311 FAR U-51J THE I1ELLE EPPERLY CORSET , MADE TO cnlcr from measure. 1803 Farnam stre : . U-JUI7 OPEN TO THE LADIES OF OMAIIA. THE ladles from Iloston at 1819 Chicago street have tieen very successful the past week. Do not hesitate to call and talk with them , as one of their methods will be sure to suit your case , for they have had a wide experience la treat ing clironlo and acute diseases. Olllce hours , to G P. in. ; Saturdays , 1 to S p. m. Consulta tion free. U M4 4 D2S * DIAMOND I'HOTOa. T5C A DOZEN AT I'ROC- tor's , eil B. 16th st. U 710-J1 A GENTLEMAN WHO WORKS NIGHTS wants a roommate who vvoiks days ; has well furnished dawn town room , with steam heal and gas : cheap rent to right party. Address D K. lite olllce. U M931 IS * CA11INET PHOTOS , 11.00 DOZEN. LARGE one , framed , 13.00 ; worth JS.OO. Cowan's. Ul llroadwuy , Oxincll lllufts. U M43S D27 VIAVlT HOME TREATMENT TOR LADIES. Health book and consultation free. Address or call Vlavl Co. , Ill ) Dee bldff. Lady attendant. U-MJ MASSAGE ELECTRO THERMAL UATIIS. chl-opodlat. Ume. I'ott , Jl ii & "th St. COMPOUND OXYGEN CURES CONSUMPTIONi ashlma. bronchitis and catarrh. Home treat- mint. S&Oi ) per month : I days' trial free treat ment. Room tlO , N , Y , Lite Did * . , Omaha. U-M711 A LADY THAT LIVES ON CAPITOL AVK. . In the Jd ward , withes to see the tall gentle man that was dressed In light ( rey suit ol clothes that she had an offer of m&rrtace frotr last September. Address D ( I , Dec. U-MM3 W MONEY TO LOAN HEAL ESTATE. LIFE INSURANCE 1-OLICIES LOANED ON or bought , F. O. Clicsney , Kansas City , Mo. ANTHONY LOAN A TRUST CO. , 3IS N.Y.L1FE. loans nt low rate * for choice security In Ne- bratka and Iowa farms or Omaha city property. MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED OMAHA real estate. Urennan , Love & Co. , Paxton blk. W-517 LOANS ON IMPROVED & UNIMPROVED CITY property , 13,000 and upward" , 0 to 7 per cent ; no dclais. W , Farnam Smith & Co. , Ul ) Farnam. W 519 CITY AND FARM LOANS AT LOWEST rates. Puscy & Thomas , First Nat'l bldir. MONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST RATES. THE O. F. Davis Co. . 1005 Farnam st. W-513 CHAS.V. . RAINEY , OM. NAT. UK. DLDO. AV 31) HONEY TO LOAN ON OMAHA REAL ESTATE at per cent.V. . 11. Molkli' , 1st Nat. bank bid VERY LOW RATES MADE ON GOOD LOANS. J. W. Bqulre. 218 llco bids. i'TfU CITY LOANS , C , A. BTAIin. 615 N. T. LIFE. V * W1 1100 TO J5.000. F. D. WEAD. 16TH & DOUGLAS. vv C04-31 LARGE LOANS , LOW RATES , SMALL LOANS , ihort time. II. II. Harder & Co. , Ue UldR. W 7 ! 1 MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED OMAHA property. Fidelity Trust company , 1702 Far- nam street. W-M6J8 MONEY TO .LOAN CHATTELS. MONEY TO LOAN ON FURNITURE. 1'IANOS , horses , wagons , etc. , at lowest rates In city ; no lemoval of goods ; strictly conllilentlal ; you can pay the loan oft at any t'ma or la any amount. amount.OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO. . 300 a. 16tli street. X 5M MONEY TO LOAN ON HOUSEHOLD FURNI- turc , pianos , horses , wagons , or any hind of chattel security at lowest posslblo rates , which > ou can pay back at any time and In nny amount. FIDELITY LOAN GUARANTEE CO. , Iloom 4 , WUhncll block. X 5M J. D. HADDOCK , ROOM 427. IIAMQE 11LOCK. BUSINESS CHANCES. CORRESPONDENCE Oil INTERVIEW IS SO- HclH'd from partlea Batlslled with 8 to 10 per cent In a legitimate business , Investment under full guarantee of prlnclpnl nnd Interest ; standIng - Ing and character unquestioned. I' . O. Ilex 605 , City. Y-M717 AN ESPECIALLY GOOD CHANCE TO THE right party who can command H,000.00 or J3.000.00 to enter ami old established business. Address I' . O. IJox " 603 " , City. " _ _ _ } ; iM71li FULLY EQUIPPED""I'LANINO "MILL , LIVE town , notihcnst Nebraska ; exchange for lander or sell. Address room II , Frenzer block , Omaha , Neb. Y M90J 25 roil HALE SALOON AND FIXTURES IN A cnnd count v tc'v n licence to run sH n"n li . W. S. , 310 Dee Illdg. V 017 10 7,5010D CAhH , Jl.CM.OO FIRST CLASS I'lllST mortgage farm paper and three to six thousand equities In cholcu Nebraska Hmls ta exchange for n good stock of general merchandise or hardware : will also exchange a tine clear n'sl- ilcncc In Kearney. Tor particulars , addrosa 1506 Eighth a\e. , Kcaraey , Nob. Y M033 ! ! ) EXPORTATION Et'IlOPEAN WITH EXTEN- she lelntlons abroad wants capltillst with J15.000 for exportation of horses t. . > Kuropcnn trnrket. DO p r cent to Investor annually AdD - D & 3 , Ut otllce. Y SM9-23 FOIl SALE OR TRADE , ONE OP Tllli ! I.i > ing meat markotn on North 24tli htruel. Stock , fixtures , hoiso and wagon , only J3M.O ) . Hest of reasons for selling. O. 1' Hastings , 1C1C N. 24th slreet Y MM ) ! ! - FOIl EXCHANGE. A GOOD LOT IN EAST OMAHA TO Ex change for young work horacs or mules. Lamoieaux Dros , E06 S. ICth. Z-G27 II. E. COLE CO. . 100 N .15TH. WILL PAY cash difference or assume mortgage and give you clear property for your equity tn house and lot. Wo always have what you want. Z 91S 15 WILL TRADE A * 3,000 STOCK OF FINE clothing for peed stock of dry goods. Address D HO , Ueo onice. Z-M9H 17 CLEAR LAND AND J5.000 CASH TO TRADE for business or lesldencc piopirty. J. D. Z t- tie , Diown 11IU. 55 8tS-18 FOB SALE REAL ESTATE. BARGAINS , HOUSES , LOTS AND FARMS , eals or trade , r. K. Darling , Uarker block. , RE-5ZJ FOR SALE , NEW 4-ROOM COTTAGE ; CEL- lar. cistern , city water ; cor. 30th and Saliler ; $1,230.00 ; long time. Inquire 1113 Farnam. Sam uel Buino RE 530 MODERN 12-ROOM HOMttCHEAP.201 I1INNEY RE-MD43 JU FOR SALE , AT A BARGAIN. MY RESI- dencc , between Burt and Cumlng streets ; will taKe ii In trade. Wra. Fleming. 14th and Doug las. RK 'M71S FOR A LIMITED TIME. A FINE RESfOENCE Bite , corner Suth nnd Dodge , 110,00000 ( paving paid ) . Full commission to agents. Wm. Flem ing. Kth and Douglas. RE M719 EXCHANGES AND SALES ; CITY PROPERTY , farms , merchand Be. Garvln Bros , , 210 N. Y. Life. RE M233 BARGAINS. SALE OR TRADD. IN HOUSES , lots and farms. J. N. Frcnzci , opp. V. O. RE MS32 J8 FOR SALE. LOT 60X150 42ND AND MASON. 125.00 cash , J10.00 per month ; price 1700. Omaha Bicycle Co. , 323 N. ICth St.R R E 831-23 $3000 CASH BALANCE , VERY EASY , NICE cottage home. We have 'em from 3 rooms up. II. U. Cole Co. , 10S N. 15th , R-E-91J-10 IRRIGATED FARMS NEVER FAIL ; FRUIT , potato , grain and stock farms for sale on easy terms ; correspondence solicited , n. II. Palmer , room 306 , People's bank , Denver , Colo.REM930 RE-M930 WE HAVE FARMS FOR SALE IN AUMOST every county In eastern Kansas and southwest Missouri ; It will pay you to Investigate our "cash rent plan" of selling farms. Wo can give you better terms than an > body ; farms Improved ; possession soon , J. H , llrady , Crawford bldg. , Topelta , Kan. RE M9iG ! Jli * HOTELS. HOTEL BARKER. 13TH AND JONES STS. 75 rooms at 11.50 per day. DO rooms at ROO per day. Special rates to commercial travelers. Room and board by week or month. Frank Hlldltch , manager. 632 AETNA HOUSE ( EUROPEAN ) , N. W. COR. 13lh and Dodge. Rooms by day or week , 633 COZZENS HOTEL , 8TII AND HARNEY ; ( team heat , electric bells , telephone , baths , ex cellent culsene , elegant rcomi , 11.00 per day ; Jl.OO and upwards per week. K UNDERTAKERS AND EBIBAIiMERS H. K. DURKET. FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND embalmer , 1613 Chicago St. . telephone 90. US SWANSON & VALIEN. UNDERTAKERS AND cmbalmers , 1701 Cumlng at. , telephone 10CO. M. O. MAUL. UNDERTAKER AND J3M balmer , 1417 Farnam st. , telephone 223. US C. W. UAKER , UNDERTAKER , 611 0. 13th 8T. 133 HAY AND GRAIN. BUY YOUR HAY DY TON OR CAR LOTS. WE buy hay. A. H. Bnyder , 1515 Burt it. Tel. 1107 , 613 NEBRASKA HAY CO. , WHOLESALE HAY. Grain and mill ( tuff. We are always on thi market to buy or isll. 1402-1-6 Nicholas t. t.SIT HORWES WINTERED. ADDRESS BARTON & PHELPS. TEL. 1054. 107 N. Y , Life bid * . M42SD31- HORSES WINTERED , 3.00 AND II00 PER month. Address Hopper Bros. , Elkhorn. Neb. MS37 27- OPTICIANS. OMAHA OPTICAL CO. LEADING OPTICIANS. J. F. Ponder , manager. Eyes examined free. 122 S. 16th t. , In Klnster's drug store 411 17 * WHOLESALE COAL. JOHNSON BROS. , WHOLESALE DEALERS IN all kinds of coal. Correspondence solicited. Farnam itreet. MASQUERADE COSTUMES , GENTLEMEN AND LADIES CAN RENT uniquerado costumes at 114 South 16th st. U1-D1I * PLUMBERS. JOHN ROWE & CO. . PLUMBING STEAM AND bo I water beatlnr , cu fixtures , globes. 421 8. IS. 6(1 ( JOB PRINTING. REED JOB PRINTINO CO. . FINH PRINTING of all klada. 17th st , ! ) bulldlnff. Ml DENTISTS. Vtt PAUL. DENTIST , KM HURT BT14 } Gives Perfect Satisfaction Wherever Tried. SOLD KYL'HYWUEnB THEN.K.FAIRBAHKGOHPAHY , CHICAGO.- ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. ARMATURES AND CONVERTERS REWOUND ; ttoragc batteries recharged ; electrical and gen eral machinists ; superior work guaranteed. Omaha Electrical Works , C17 and 619 8. ICth st. BU ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS AND ' CONTRACtors - tors for electric light and motor plants and all kinds of electrical construction. Western Electric tric- Supply Co. , 418 and 420 S. 15th at. Gil LEATHER"BELTiNcf. CHAs. A. "SCIUEREN & Co. . Mfg. 30C So. 12th st. 817 STEAMSHIP "LINE. ANCHOR LINB MAIL STEAMSHIPS-SAIL regularly every Saturday from New York for Londonderry and Glasgow. Clrcassla , Decem ber 22 , 2 p. m. ; Ethiopia , , December 29 , 7 p. m. Saloon , second class and steerage , single or round trip tickets from Now York or Chicago at reduced raini to the principal Scotch , English. Irish and all conti nental points. Tor money orders , drafts , out ward or prepaid tickets apply to any of our local agents or to Henderson Bros. . Chicago. BUILDING & LOAN ASSOCIATION. HOW TO GET A HOME OR SECURE GOOD Interest on savings. Apply to Omaha L. & U. Ass'n , 1704 Bee bids. U. M. Nattlnger , Sec. SHARES IN MUTUAL L. AND B. ASfi'N PAY C , 7 , 8 per cent when 1 , 2 , 3 years old , always redeemable. 1704 Farnam St. , Nattlnger , Sec. 515 COAL. D. T. MOUNT HAS REMOVED HI3 COAL office to 209 U. llth St. , Brown block. CS2 BHERIDAN COAL , EXCELLENT SUBSTITUTE for hard coal , and $3.50 ton cheaper. 1G05 Far- cam atrect ; main entrance Board of Trade. 633 LOST , LOST , LADIES' I'OCKtVJTOOK CONTAINING > 5.0D on 21th lC't ) ccnbii.ni-er ; and Blnney. Finder will recel\ e rev.'anl liy leaving name nt Hunter's grocery tore. , 1 910 11 * LOST , LADY'S IlLACM * . POCKETUOOK , CON- tnlnlng J.'i.OO , on 21th , l > cnnh/i Sponcei nnd Bln ney. rindi-r will reoy\ir , ic\\ard by leaving same at Hunter's grocef 'stfire. M957 13 * WTOVE REPAIRS. STOVE REPAIRS FOT { " W.OOO DIFFERENT makes of stoves. Water attachment and con nections a specialty.W120J Douglaa street. Omaha Stove Repair TV.grlts , D50 ITOLEN TY PEWRITI RSlvfrt OFFERED FOR eale should make you KUnlclous ; funny they are mostly Smith's. Try one and you will undersland uhy. Full line of supplies. Smith- Premier Co. , 17th and t'Arapm , telephone-12SI. , -j na - Mi- CARPENTEHB ANDiBUILDERS. . E. MORRILL , CARPENTER AND BUILDER , paper hanging and signs , brick \\oik and plas tering. Olllcc , 4'J5 ' B , llth St. , telephone 40S.C37 C37 CORNICE. WESTERN CORNICE WORKS , GALVANIZED Iron cornices. 1722 St. Mary's avc. G55D21 SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING. VAN SANT'S SCHOOL OF SHORT HAND. N. Y. Life , Omaha , Ask for circular. C61 MUSIC , ART AND LANGUAGE. G. P. GELLENBECK. BAKJOIST AND teacher , 1810 California street. 814 BIC STOLES. M. O. DAXON. 402 N. 16TII. 535 OMAHA JICYCLE CO. , 323 N. 10TII ST. 50 GRINDING. RAZORS. SHEARS. CLIPPERS , SKATES , etc. A. L. Undeland. 100 S. 14th. Z.C3 DRESSMAJilNG. IN FAMILIES , 4J1B GRANT. tS7 D-15 BUSINESS NOTICES. DAMAGED MIRRORS RESILVERED , 713 N. It. BUREAU. SUES & CO. , Solicitors. Dec K. OMAIIA , Neb. Advice FHEB. RAILWAI TIME CARD Leaves iBUHLlNQTON & MO. ItlVEIUAirives Oiphhal Union Uepot , 10th & Mason 8ta. | Omaha 10:16am Denver Exiirteg 9Marn : 455pm.Hlk. ; Hills. Mont. & I'ugot Snd. III. i:10pm : 4:3ipm : Denver Express 4:10pm : C:45pm..Nebraska : Local ( except Hunclay ) . . 7:45pm : 8:15tm..Lincoln : ; Local ( except Sunday.lliiJam ) Leaves IC1UOAUO. UUKl.INU 1'U.N Ac 1 ] i Arrives OmnhalUiilon Depot. IQIh & Hasan Sts I Omnha 4 : < 5pm Chlcaco Vestibule vxj.im : ! > :4&am : Chicago express 4:20pra : 7Wpin : Chicago and Iowa Local 8uu.un : U : 5am Pacllle Junction Ixical CilOpm . MIL. & UT. 1'AUL.IArrlves OtnalialUnlon Depot , 10t' > & Mason 8ts. | Omaha "C:00m : Chlcaco Limited 9:30nm : llilOam..Chicago Express ( ex. bun. ) . . . . C'.lSprc Leaves IClllCAUO & NO1UHWESVN. I Arrives Om 'ii > | U. 1 * . Depot. 10th ft Mmon Bis ) Omaha If.OSam Knstein Kxnreis 6:3i : > i > m 4:00pm : Vestlbuled Limited SMJam CKam : Mo. Valley Local 10:30pm : t4ipm ! Omaha Chicago .Special tilSpni Leaves I CHICAGO , It. L'4 J-AClt'lC. | Arrlvca OmalialUnlon Depot. 10tiMaaou ) Hts. | Omaha EAbT. lliOOam..Atlantic Eicress ( ex. Sunday ) , . , 0OJprn ; 6:2Spm : NlKht Kxpress SiSOain 4:10pm..Chicago : VeatlbUled Limited. ! . . lMpm : U ; 5pm..Oltlahoma Exp. ( tua P. ex Sun..ll:30pm " 6IIam.Oklahoma : & Tcis Er. ( ex. Sun..ll:30pm ) : I'.lOpm Colorado fLImlted 4:00pm : Leaves I C. , 8T7 irTll. & O. lAtrlvcj ' OnialioJ Depot 151hand _ | ycBater 81s. I Oir.alia 9JOam..Nebraska : I'aessngor ( daily ) , . . , 8:15pm : 4:3Spm..Sioux : City r.xpress ( ex. Sun..ll:50am ) : 6lOpm ! at. raul/i.lmUoiS.t 9lOam : , . . . Depot 18th andJ Vijluter His. "Leaves ! K. C. , ST. J , iFc. li. ( Arrives" OmnhalUnlon DfpoJ , 10th & Mason Stt. } Omalia tt5am : Kar.fum City Day Einrpss , . ' . . . C:10pm : * L av5 j MISSOUHI"I'ACIFIC. . [ Arrived Omahal Depot 15th and Webster Sts. | Omaha t4iam ; St. Louis ixpress 6:00am : :50pm. : . . St. Louis Express C.OSpm HlOpm Nebraska Local ex. Bun. ) Leaves ] HIOUX ClTY & PACiriO | Arrli J Omahal Depot lith and Webster Sts. I Omaha eUupm .St. 1'aul Limited. > SMOam Leaves ! SIOUX CITY & 1'AClVlC. TXrrtves" jpmahalUnlon Depot lOth & _ Hason 8ts. ) Omaha CTuam . . .bluiu City 1'umenter . li4Jpm ) ; , .Ht. 1'aul Limited . MJam Lojives | 'UNION 1'ACIt'IC. " ' ( Arrives Omaha ] Union Depot. lOlli & Mason Sts. | Omaha 10 00am . Kearney llxpresj , . . . . , . . . S:45um : liltpm . Overland Flyer . 6:3jprn : SilSpm.Beatrlce & StromibgEx.ex.Sun ( ) . J : 5pm I : > 0pm . 1'acino Express . 10:65am : Fast Mall . tilOpra WA.I1A8H 1UILWAY. [ ArriviT maJiajUnlon Depot. IQlti tt Mason Bta. | Omah * liipia : at. Louis Caaooa Hall U. pm This extraordinary Rejuvcnator li the mnsl wonderful discovery of the BKO. It hns been endorsed by tholcadlngnclentltictncn ofKutopa KUd America. U it < 1 y n n 13 purely vege table. Itudjan Btops Picmatufcr.css . of the discharge In aj clnj'3. Cures ' BEl'OBS Constipation , Dlzzlncja , Fnllliifr Bentatlon % Nervous Twitching of the oycs und o.her J aits. Strengthens , Invlsorntes nnd tones tl.o cntlro Bystom. llndyun cures Debility , Ncrvousncrs , Emissions , and ficvclopes nnd restores weak organs. Talus In the buck , loses by day 01 night nrobtopped quickly. Over i,000 ! private endorsements. Prenmturcuesainimislmpotenpy In the first Btago. ItlsnfyiniitomoftemlnalweaUne'sniid b.arrcnne83. It can be stopped In 20 daya by the use of Hud van. , , , The new discovery wtsnado by the Special ists ofthoold famous Uiutrun Mudical IiiHll- tutu. His thostrongeit vltallzcr made. It la Very powerful , but harmless , fold for fl.CO a pacKngoor ti packages for 5.00 ( [ plain scaled \VrIttengunrantfOglvenforncure. ) . If you buy six boxes and aio not entirely cured , six morowlllbosenttoyonfrco of all charges. Sand for circulars and testimonial * . Addicss HUDSOfl MEDICAL INSTITUTE , 1032 MARKET ST. , SAN FRANCISCO , CALIFORNIA. At a good restaurant . . . ° * . . . . . > von often onlrfi' Ihosoclt'lleatncII.ilie.s with do- llcloim BIUC"S. which you do not hnvo nt home. Hut did It uyur occur to j on that with Liebig COMPAjxlY'S EXTRACTOFBEEF nn n slockqr banls. yon could have Ilioao very tllHhc.sinndo In your o\vn kitchen ? Miss- Marie Parloa tclln yo how. , t 100 of norrcolpei lent postpaid by Uaiichy ft Co. , ' . ' 7 1'arlt 1'lace , Now York. Cures the effects of self-abuse , excesses , emissions , Impotency , \arlcocclo and const'pi- tlon , One dollar n l ix , Blx for J3. For sale by THE GOODMAN DRUG CO. and LESLIE & LESLIE , Omaha , Neb. Curio Case Wo can only Rive n rough Idea of the shnpe of tills cabinet ; Ha decoration and de tail nre beyond nny attempt of the engraver The entire cabinet Is finished In fcolld ma- hotrony nnd marrjuettry. Kvery openlns , panel nnd Joint Is framed In brass , Hrass bands , collnrn nnd mouldings of the most elaborate character hnve bs employed. The cabinet within Is carpeted with slllc tapestry of a rare floral pnttern. IleneatU the lloor la nn enclosed cabinet for private treasures. The back of the cabinet la lined with rich plush , and the shelves are cov ered with the same material. The glass front in double-curved , It Is one of the beat curio cabinets wu have ever offered. Wo nro showing many new nnd novel styles In that always useful article , the "Parlor Cabinet. " The assortment now In perfect will It be so a week later ? Make your selection now whllo our stdck Is com plete , Charles Shiverick & Co. FURNITURE of Every Oo3crptlD.I ! Temporary Location , J2OO anil J''OH LtHttylna Straal. HOTEL BLOCK. -Mr"it" /'TTWC1 IVMirirjtircuiiilnrii / . ( ± W l t/UxbiU Trrlloru HVI'IU/.IH. It ) ou don't believe we ran euro your c&s , . oniB to our onice and see vvhat e can do far you. We are the rnly specialists who will take > our case on small weekly pj > m nts and fur * nlih all medicine * free. Connultatlon free. Cor respondence solicited. Cure guaranteed In CO to ID < laya ORIce open on Wednesday and Saturday erenincs. from 1 to t. Office hours t'3Q a. m. tu CIO p. m. DIN8MOOR REM1SDY CO. . Room lit , New York Life Building. Omaha. , UM Uaiaolo Tempi * , Chicago , FOUR ACES DID THE QUEENS Judge Baxter Listening to the Details of n Poker Gamo. WOES OF A MAN WIID TOYED WITH A TIGER Mot tlio I1rnn In It * Drnvor I.ulr nnd Now Them U n Suit In tliu Courts An iiiti-ViiUlnt | ; lilted Judge Baxter Is ho.trlni ; Hie case of Samuel Meyer against the Union Stock Yards National bank and the Nebraska hlvo Stock Commission company cf South Omalm In a suit to recover the sum of $13D allcsed to be duo on a check muJo to Thomas Moody , n live stock dealer. Behind this suit there Is < | ulto a little story of how Moody got fleeced out of the money while on a visit to Denver , and after losing tlio money ho stopped the payment of the check. From allldavlts In the case It seems that some tlmo ago Mr. MooJy visited Denver , nnd In the course of hU wanderings around the city , stopped Into "Soapy" Smith's place on Market street. This place Is conducted as a cigar store , but In the rear of the store there la n small green covered table over which many of the hang ers on whllo away their time In ascertain ing the value of four aces and full houses. This Is what they were doing when Moody dropped In. Ho wanted to be sociable , and after Inquiring the limit of the stakes and the ante ho pulled out a wad of green backs nnd took a hard In the game of poker. Ho met with varying success for a time , until dually he diew four queens. Ho was Eiira that this was n winning hand , and he determined to spring a coup on the moun taineers. Ho would just give them a touch of high life , so to speak. Ho didn't have money enough to play ns high as ho wanted to , and offered thecheck. . None of the players would cash the piece of paper , but finally Smith did so , and Mr. Moody bet the whole amount on the hand. When It came to n show down It was found that one of his opponents held four aces , and ho scooped In the big pot , whl o Moody didn't have money enough to buy a night's lodg- ItR. Ho protested that the game was not on the square , but to no purpose. Tlio check \\as turned over to Mr. Meyer , who tent It to Soutli Omaha for collection , but before It was paid Mr. Mnody protested against pay ment , and now iuc/or Is trying to bring the aid of the courts to his assistance to recover the cash. In his own behalf , Moody alleges thai ho Is not a gambler , nnd Is unused to the dark ways of running up a cold dock. In the afternoon Moody's nttorrey present ed an nllldnvlt fiom the defendant to the effect that ho had been drugged In one cf the saloons near Smith's place and did not know anything from " until G o'clock on that day. Ho Is of the firm belief that some of Smith's gang spotted him as \lctlin on his arrival In the city , and arranged matters so that ho was drugged and then they robbed him of the check. Ho denied signing or giv ing the check to any one for any purpose whatever. Ho alleges that the check must have been stolen from him wlillo ho was In a dazed condition. Expert testimony was given to show that there was considerable resemblance In different slg atures made by Moody and the one endorsing the check which was the subject of controversy. Judge Baxter held that the cheek had not boon feigned by Moody and that the phlntlff had not fully established Moody's Identity as the man who ga\e the check to Smith. He also held that Moody was entitled to the money which the check calls for , and ho dismissed the cases , against the Stock Yaids bank and ths Nebraska Live Stock Commission company. He will retain the money In his possession for some tlmo yet , ns the plaintiffs gave notice that they would fllo a motion for a new trial. fitolcn by Dm Hired -Man. Frank Baker Is a well-to-do farmer living near I'ender , Neb. He conducts his farm on money making principles , and until recently had a husky hired man'In his employ. One day last week Dakar knocked oft from work for a fe.v days , and with his \vlfu , went to visit some friends , leaving the hired man In charge of everything. The hired man Im proved the opportunity , caused by the ab sence of his emiVjyer , to largely lncic ! > o his bank account. He loaded up a bunch of fine , fat hogs and took them to Wlnslde , where he so'd ' them at a good figure. Then ho went back nnd stofu about everything of moveable value In the house , packed all In a box and shipped them to Omaha. Ho came down after them ThursJay night , but in some manner he had received a "hunch" tunt an olllccr was on the lookout for the claimant of the goods. Constable Allen was at the depot with a writ of replevin , and n warrant for the arrest of the hired man , but his bird was too wary , and failed to fchow up , so he had to take the poods and let the tnicf get away. The hogs were located In the South Omaha stock yards , where they were ra- plevlned by Mr. Baiter before they could find their way Into Mr. Cudahy's big packing house and be made up Into sausage and hams. hliocp II id hituyeil r'ur , Fur Avvny. George W. Boyer nnd Charles W. McCoy have commenced suit against Charles H. Reynolds and Andrew D. Hullt to compel them to make an accounting of the business done by nil of the parties under the firm name of Charles D. Reynolds & Co. Ths firm was organized for the purpose of buying and selling live block and during the past summer A Severe Winter is especially trying to people with weak lungs. The great est care must be exercised and every liability to cold carefully guarded against. Should a cold be contracted , followed by a hacking cough , fickld ap petite and the o'hsr well known symptoms of consump tion , use should at once be made of A sc'cntific preparation of OZONIZED COD LIVER OIL , with GUAIACOL THE KIND PHYSICIANS PRESCRIBE It contains the elements nec essary for a speedy return to health , The Oil supples the required , nutrition , the Gtiaia- col destroys the tuberculosis germ , while the Ozone fur nishes rhc active principal of life. It is superior to all other remedies for the cure of con sumption , and is easy to take FOR SALE BY KUHN & CO. , 10th and Douglas 8troot8 OMAHA. here were purchased 5,000 head of Colorado and Mpxleun theep , which were taken up Into vestern Nebraska nnd South Dakota , where a portion of the animals were sold at a Rood irollt. The plaintiffs allege that they have not yet received their share of the procefda and ask for on cqnltnblo adjustment. The court has Issed an order restraining the de endnnts from disposing of any of the property itnd to prevent lieynoKls from leaving Douglas county. Reynolds denies that such a firm lias ? ver been In existence nnd will make answer o the suit before January 14. ( tunic \\lin from Hunk. The Charlei McDonald buik of North I'latto recovered } S9I from the I'.icltcrs Na tional bank of South Omnha In Judge lllalr's court yesterday afternoon. It was n suit tn recover tjtls ttmounl In behalf of Abshlro & ? onway of North IMnttpvlio arc patrons ot the McDonald bank , The evidence went to show that on the > 3d of lait August Abshlro Conwny shipped two carloads of cattle lo .he commission ( Inn of lloytr & Co. of .South Omaha. This llrm cold the cattle and clo- msllod the money In the 1'nckers National subject to payment to the North 1'latte Ship pers through their bank. The nc.xt day the [ 'ackers National discovered that lloyer & . had overdrawn their account , so they ! tit held on to the money to prevent nny losslble loss. The North I'latto bank tried o collect the money , nnd on bulng refused payment began suit lo recover It. The Jury wrought In a verdict for tlio full amount. Coii lili < nilily I'.tttMl DIIVVII. \ ] ury In Judge llla'r's court awarded Krank lohnson $1 jesterday for the damages sustained on account of being arrested by Officer Arnold on June 2 , lSKi. ! On the above dite Olflcsr Arnold was palrol- ng a beat In the lower end of the city nnd ho alleges that ho saw n man wandering around n an aimless manner. He suyj that the man could not glvo his nnmc or any account ot ilmself , so he sent him to the police otatlon 'or ' sale keeping. Friends of Johnson teen s- cured his release and he was not prosecuted under any charge. Sometime ago Johnson lied a suit for J 1,000 damages against the po > Iceman nnd Ms bondsmen and secured the verdict as stated. of thn ( . 'nnrH , Sheriff Drexcl has net yet liken Sam I'ayna o the penitentiary as has bo n rspirted. The Meyer Hellman administrator case U still occupying the ntlcnllon cf Judge Dullle. John L. Webster has brought suit flgajnat ho Hank of Commerce to recover fees which ! i alleges tire duo him for legal services , Unlge Ambrose Is hearing the case. Today Judge Keysor will hand down the leelilons In the following coses : Charity Smith vs Divld Mount , Ann K. Campbell va M. J. McCafticy , Novel Markwood vs F. W. Kitch , Samuel Hllchle vs C. Uowley. George \V. 1'ayno has commenced suit In tie ! llstrlct court against 1'hllo Hmnsey to re cover $1G7039 and Interest due on a Judgment vlileh ho was awarded In Mexico In 1891 , but which his never b-en paid. Dr. James A. Kelly of South Omaha was nrrosttJ yesterday on complaint of Klmcr K. Miller , who caused a warrant to be Issued by Justice- Smith charging Kelly with practicing ncdlclne nnd surgery without flrH having iiroonrod a state license ns required by law , Dr. Kelly has been practicing medlclno In the Magic City for the past several years. Judge Ferguson Is hearing the divorce suit of Fannie Page ngtliut Rlam M. Page. The , iletalls are not fit for publication. Mrs. Page ulleges cruel conduct , neglect nnd divers other reasons why slio should have a legal separation from Ivlam. All of the evidence was not In when court adjourned last night , nnd Judge Ferguson continued the hearing until Monday morning. Whllo walking along North Seventeenth street on the 24th of last Juno , John Flem ing stepped on a defective place In the side walk nnd was thrown against a telegraph po'e with such force ar to cause him great bodily Injury. John says that ho Is an clec- trotyper and can earn $20ft per month , but his lilnchs prevented him from working for soma weeks. The full laid him tip and his uoctor's bill amounted to ? 1GO , For the loss- of his time nnd suffering John wants the city to pay him $5,500 and costs , for which amount ho has begun suit In the "district court against the municipality. Catarrh Is n constitutional disease. Hood's Sarsaparllla Is n constitutional rem.dy. It cures catarrh. Glvo It a trial. CLOSF.D THE SESSION. Mnsoin Hold Their Aniitml Meotlnff nnil P.locc Olllrorfl. The grand chapter of Nebraska lloyal Arch Masons concluded the annual session Thursday light. Tlio motlns was held In Masonic hall , Sixteenth street nnd Capitol avenue , where the lollowlr.g oflcrs [ were elected : Frank 13. Hul- lard. North Platte , G. H. I' . ; C , J. I'helps , Schuyler , D. G. II. 1' . ; C. C. Illttenhotise , Hastings , 0. K.j n. H. Henry , Columbus , O. S. ; W. T. Whllmarsh , Omaha , G. C. ; J. J. Mercer , Omaha , C. II. ; James OInsmore. Heb ron , G. P. S. ; George B. Whitman , Oxford , G. H. A. C. ; J. 8. Harmon , Tecumsch , G. M. T. V. ; H. A. Thnrton , Lexington , G. M , S. V. ; JV. . Maynard , Omaha , G , M. F. V. ; Jacob King , IMpilllon , G. S. Lait evening n banquet was given by the lied Cross at Masonic hall. It was followed by a ball. A large number of society people of Omaha and other cities In the state par- tic pated. _ Tor a morning nip a bottle of Cook's Extra Dry Imperial Champagne Is the thing. H will muko a wiener of you. TH Y CANNOT AGBEE. Conimlisloiii'r.i Ajjnln Postpanii Srlootlnn ot n Now I'lrn Chliif. The selection of n new chief of the flro department Is still In prospective. The Uourd of Fire and I'ollco CommlHalonera held unothcr executive session yesterday afternoon , but when the doors were opened they announced that no notion had been lukcn nnd thnt the matter sf.od exactly where it did before the meeting1. Thcro was evidence of a decided dlffcrulico of opinion on tlva fncos of the members , nnd they hurriedly separated nftcr tlio manner of inc-n who bud cntliely failed to net to- irotlicr When Mr. Hcdell flrat arrived In Omnha It was expected that he would be eli-i-ttil at otife. It la now claimed Hint Mr. HlrlcUlcr Is not prepared to vuto for Mr. Itedcll , and B.A Mr. Coburn nmltet no secret of the fact that ho Is for Mr. Sailer lh matter will bo allowed to haw ? flro until Mr. Smith recovers - covers fiom bin recent Injury and can ba present. Mr. iinlter'H friends nto cxertlllfT all their Inllucnco In his behalf. Mr. Iledell went b.ick to Phlcngojaat nlclit. The popularity of Chamberlain's Cough Uemedy nnd the high esteem In which It is held leads us to believe It to bo an nrtlcla of great \vorth and mcilt. We have this pleas- tire of giving the experience of three promi nent citizens cf Rcdondo IJeach , Oal. . In the nso of the remedy. Mr. A. V. Trtidcll saya : "I have always recelvtd prompt relief vvhon I used Chamberlain's Cough Kpwdy. " Mr. .lanua Orchard says : "I nm satUflcd that Chamberlain's Cough Remedy curfd my cold " Mr J. M. Hatcher says : "For three yearj I Imva used Clmmbsrla n's Cough Uem edy In my family and Its results have alvvayj been eatlsfactory. Spnrtlni ; ( ! iin lp. The cportlng department In very lull , con- talnlng all the late gorislp nf the turf , a iplntcd budget of wheel ncw.i , a review nf the late foot ball season , uhootlninuws K.I lor o and a complete and Intereillni ; coinpeiulluiu of local athletics of all kinds. Oregon Kidney Tea cures all kidney trou bles. Trial size , 25 cents. All druggists. IU'.AI/1'V M.\llKii. : INST11UMKNT8 placed on recent Dec. 13 , IS94 : Ellen Wntts nnd liu lmn < l to I , HoliUun , luls I tu anil C 41 frrt loin C f > 10 , l > lni > U U. Waterloo , , , . . . } 1,000 A L Norbcru ami hunbanj to ! ' IVoj.l I , lot D , Muck 11. Orchnrd Hill DM Tliomaa Hoctnr und wife to J U Wnltuiv , n W feft. let 13 , Mock 61. Houth Omalm . . . . . 890 Q H Muck and wife to U r Adams Cu , lot 21 , lil' lt 6 , Walnut IIHI . . . . . . . . 1,000 Ni'llle I1 Wllllsmit to II O Hand , I IH 24 und 23. Htevvart 1'Uce , , 1.500 J K Mrllrlile nnd wife to I * J Ilamimn , lots ,6 ami 7 , Mock S. Wt-st fumlnrf tV John Hcluiinoclifr to OV Cook , lot I , liloclt t , Durton'x suMlv. . , , , , . . , . , , , . , , , 109 Q A Ntlinn to Jovphln > I'lUviT , Vs lot 12. Wofk 'A , " l'io"iu"l I'loco . . . , , 7W llclDirilltan I ml and Trust company to Alfred Mayliew , lot i , block t , IJurr IMai-o W Total amount of UnnsUrs. . , . , . , .HIV