Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 13, 1894, Page 8, Image 8

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    8 THE OarAfTA DAILY BEE ; flllUKSDAY , PJECEMBEB 13 , 189-4.
Bttnttt Olaua Headquarters This Tear aa Ee
fore is at Morse's ,
All New Goods , Now To } * , Now llooUi , Not !
Trinket lloxcs , } < Toilet Sets ,
Handkerchief ! ) All Xcw Goods nt
Morsel Special lhur dnjr Sale.
Handkerchiefs that will Interest , a lot c
ladles' H. S. ones , wo will sell tomom
( Thursday ) at Cc each.
Another lot of flno handkerchiefs that w
will offer for 84c ! each.
Children taught to make their dlls' ward
robe and get a complete wardrobe for thel
dool , Instructions with each garment , on sal
only here.
Warm weather prices on blankets , bu
for a cold day. Thursday we will sell a fu
sized blanket for 43o a pair , all blanket
reduced to hot weather prices.
Men's fancy colored heavy ribbed undei
garments , $1.00 goods for 47c.
Men's natural wool shirts and. drawer ;
they ore $1.25 goods- , for 76c.
A manufacturer's stock of purses bougl
at GOc on the dollar , In four lots :
Lot cne , 15c purses for 5c.
Lot two , 25c purses for 13c.
Lot three , 35c purses for 17o.
Lot four , GOc purses for 25c.
Pour Lc Moncholr perfume In the followlr
orders :
May Bells , Musk , White Rose , Ocea
Spray , M ss Rose , Heleotrope , HoSe Gcrai
lum , Crab Apple and Franjaepanlse , all at 1'
an ounce , bottles furnished.
Novelty suitings , double widths , In all tl
now colorings , at 2Gc.
44-Inch silk and wool mixture storm scrgc
etc. , 7Gc grades , for 32c.
A lot of double width novelty black gooi
for GOc a yard , G2-lnch wide astrakhan ;
$2.75 a yard.
The big basement room Is a perfect par
dlse for the children , there ore toys , gam
and dolls , sleds , rocking horses , fire engine
everything that the human mind can co
cclvo of , more complete than ever before
this stcck , and as to prices , we simply t <
you that you can't In justice affcrd to mal
purchases In thla line elsewhere , because \
undersell them all.
Sweet , sweeter , sweetest. We have poun
tiy the hundred of choice mixtures. They1
sweet , at 7o per pound
Taffy , all of the flavors , made fresh eve
day. It's sweeter , at lOc per pound.
Choice assorted creams , In fancy poui
boxes , the regular 40c kind , they're t !
sweetest , at 25c per box.
The china , store was never so pretty
new. Business Is good , but It's a wend
wo don't sell twice as much. Wo have t
largest room , the largest stock , the be
selection and the lowest prices In town
china , glass , Idmps and brlc-a-brac. B
your presents of us and they'll lie right.
Santa Claus headquarters.
Sixteenth and Farnam Sts ,
Further Progress at the Committee Mni
Lust livening.
Twelve members of the charter revlsl
committee were present at the meeting la
A communication was read from t
Builders and Traders exchange suggest !
that contractors on public works shall
their bond Include payment for mater
furnished and that before final estimates c
paid assurance shall bo given that labor a
material have been paid for.
It was questioned whether the suggestl
Should be Incorporated In the charter a
City Attorney Connell was strongly oppos
to It. It was the opinion that the provlsl
might be made a part of the contract uni
which public works are let. The letter w
The amendment providing that propei
owners whp had petitioned for paving U
had been laid might pay simply the Intcn
on tho'amount for the first five years a
the principal In annual Installments In t
five years following was discussed at 01
length. It was agreed that this wet
make It easier for property owners who h
to pay for rcpavlng before original pavl
was paid for , they now having to pay
ten annual Installments , beginning with t
flrst year. Colonel Chase thought tt
when rcpavlng was done the cost shot
come out of the general fund. He was <
poied by the majority , \vho declared tl
would be unfair between taxpayer and U
payer. The man who had petitioned :
granite or asphalt In the first place a
whoso pavement was good Indefinitely shot
not ba compelled , It was argued , to pay
the replacing of cedar block , which his 1
wise neighbor had asked for , because
was temporarily the cheapest. The sugg
tlon was passed upon with favor.
Joseph Mlllard advised that It district.I
provcment bonds bore Interest seml-annua
Instead of they would sell belt
No action was taken In the matter.
An amendment agreed on at a prevli
meeting giving the mayor and city cour
the power by ordinance to order p
Ing or repavlng without petition , In c ;
within thirty days no protest Is filed
property owners , was modified In such
manner as to restrict such paving or
paving to Instances only In which the w <
will connect city paving with city pavli
or city paving with county road paUng ,
this without the protest clause.
Carbonic acid Is largely mcd In champag
It U excellent for bowel complaints , i
Cook's Extra Dry Imperial.
Via tlio Hock Inland "shortest Line n
Fastest Time.
To all points In Kansas , Oklahoma , Ind
Territory , Texas and all points In south
California. Only ono night out to all pol
In Texas. The "Texas Limited" leaves Oi
ha at 5:15 : a. m. dally except Sunday , land
passengers at all point ! In Texas 12 hours
advance of all other lines. Through tou
cars via Fti Worth and El Paso to Los .
Eeles. For full particulars , maps , fold
etc. , call at or address Rock Island tic
cfllce. 1602 Farnam st.
Via the \Vnlmsli n. U.
On November 20 , December 4 and
the Wabash will cell tickets at one fi
with $2 added. For tickets or a copy
the Ilcmcseekers' Outdo call at Wab
office , 1502 Farnam street , or write.
O. N. CLAYTON , N W. P. Agt. Omahi
Cheap Itatei to The tVent.
On December 4 and IS the Union Pac
will tell flret class round trip tickets to
points In Kansas , Nebraska , Colorado , W
mlng and Utah at a rate of one standard 1
class fare for the round trip , plus $2. R
Dt wonderful proipcrlty of the irrigated <
trlcts along the line of fho Union Pacific ;
take tills oppartiinlty to sea lor yourself.
Forfurther Information , descriptive prlr
\tter , time tnWes , etc. , call on or addi
r nearest ticket agent or
O. T. A , U , P. System ,
1303 Farnam St. , Omahi
Cede ) Institute of Blslr. Neb. , U the 1
u4 only guaranteed euro of the liquor , n
pbtne and tobaccd habit
They Are en All Over the Honso Sco 6tl
Page of This Paper.
Note tlio Clonk nntl Clothing Special * o
5-Spccli l I.lncn Sale The Tollow
Ing Grocery nntl Provision 1'rlces
Arc Powerful Trade U'lnncri.
We arc showing a great many new novel
tics In fancy linens , the handsomest line eve
displayed by any house , and at prices with !
reach of all.
Towels from Gc to $1.EO each.
Napkins from 2Sc a doz , up to $10.00 doz.
See the cream , bleached and Turkey re
damask \vo are offering at GOe yard.
Look over our display of lunch cloths , wit
napkins to match , at $2.00 , $2,50 , $3.00 , $3.5
& set and upwards.
$1.60 white bedspreads at $1.00 each.
Sco tlio handEomc line of dresser scarfs c
ICc , 2Dc , 3Gc , EOo up to $2.50 each.
See the 6th page of this paper.
Just received , a big lot of light colored oui
Ing flannels , In mill ends , from 5 to 15 yard !
on sale at 8c yard. Last year \\o got ICc fc
these same outings.
Oil red and fancy dark calico , standar
prints , best grade , 3l c yard.
Yard \vldo bleached muslin , eoft finish , r
remnants on sale tomorrow , 4c yard.
New yard wide eiderdown flannel , 60c yar <
Heavy unbleached cotton flannel , Gc yard.
Cotton batts , 5c , lOc , 15c and 20c roll.
Large slzo crib blankets reduced to 39c
See the 5th page.
Big line of blackboards goes on sale ti
morrow on 4th floor.
Granulated sugar , 3cj oatmeal , 3'/ic ; rlc
3' c ; corn meal , l cj sugar corn , 5c ; ca
tomatoes , 7 ! c ; hominy , 3'/4c ; castlle toll
soap , 2'/4c ; laundry soap , 3c ; mince mca
V&c ; preserves , 5c lb. ; soda crackers , 3V4 >
ginger snaps , Gc ; currants , S c ; large raisin
The possession ot "horse sense" Is a doub
ful compliment which Is almost dally bi
stowed upon some member of the huma
family. If a fellow happens to achle :
some end which his friends believed to I
beyond his Intellectual grasp the allegatlc
Is nt once made that his "horso sense" ca :
rled him through. A careful analysis i
the mental capacity of the horse places
valuation upon this e'ement ' which few m <
would bo likely to admit paralleled the
own acumen. For Instance , In the pla
"In Old Kentucky , " which opens a thn
nights' engagement at Boyd's theati
this evening , several Kentucky thorougl
breds are seen In an exciting batt
for honors on the Lexington race track. (
these a beautiful mare , known by the In
perlal title of "Queen Bess , " has been n <
Judged by horsemen throughout the counti
to possess the very highest order of equli
Intelligence. The management of "In 0
Kentucky , " realizing the Importance of su <
an animal to a stage race , procured "Que <
Bess" at a high figure from a well know
Blue Grass breeder , nnd she nightly captur
the rich Ashla.nd Oaks stake In the pla
There Is no fault to bo found with the ac
Ing of "Bese , " It Is true , but her extreme
bad , taste In the selection of friends Is
source of continual annoyance to a ve :
captivating little actress , and a proof th
"horso seme" In the same high degree po
sessqd by a man would render him a vc :
obnoxious person.
The coming ot .A Trip to Chinatown"
the Boyd on Sunday evening next brln
with It a knowledge that Mr. Charles Hoyl
farce comedy lias excelled , so far as the a
nals of theatrical history are concerne
all precedents. For six hundred and flft
six consecutive performances It held sw ;
at Hoyt's Madison Square theater , Nt
"York. So fams the realms 6f farce comei
are concerned the marvelous success of '
Trip to Chinatown" has never been n
preached. In the production at the Bo ;
not only will the complete New York ca
ba seen , bul there will be an entire carlo
ot scenery from Hoyt's theater , and It m
bo remarked , Incidentally , that It Is soni
thing new for n farce comedy production
require an entire carload ot scenery. T
company Includes Harry Conor , the origir
"Wcllaud Strong ; " Julius Whltmar
Richard Karl , Harry Gllfoll , Geraldlne M
Cann , Nellie Parker , Cora Tlnnle , Sai
Klrby , Margaret McDonald. The company nl
Ircludes the sensational dancer , Bessie Cla
ton. Every one will remember the cm
mous success ot "A Trip to Chinatown"
Boyd's theater last season.
The Philadelphia Press , In reference
"The Prodigal Father , " the attraction
the Empire for week of December 16 , saj
The Globe theater opened Its season \t \
evening with a large attendance to wltm
the production of "The Prodigal Fathei
No one witnessing the perfuiiiiuni-e woi
ever dream that It was only the second tit
that It had been produced by the company. T
prompter's aid was nol required and t
company sustained the action all throu
without a moment. The play Is changed
some respects from last year to allow t
Introduction of jpeclaltles , and to those w
like the latter the play cannot fall to be m (
than satisfactory. Nobody would regret t
) oss of the legitimate In the substitution
the vaudeville , ns the latter Is of ai fir
rate quality , and It takes the place of son
thing mediocre ; really the change Is mu
for the best. W. S. 1C. Mack and Ned Me
ro'e made their first appearance In t
legitimate line , well known stars In varle
and they made decided hits. They need hn
no fear for the future of their ventu
Billy Jerome was Just ns funny as ever
his parodies , and brought down the hoi
repeatedly. Frederick V. Bowers has a gc
voice and filled his Bohemian role very wi
Harry Cottrell made an acceptable sis
minister , and Thomas H. Sedgwlck ,
"Dodgo's Man Smith , " was a decided I
provcment over hlu predecessor. J
Sedgwlck gets all there Is In the charac
out ot U. Miss Nellie Sennctt. as Do )
Bond , was as full of fun and frollo as cot
belmaglncd. Miss Fair , as Kate Dod :
has an excellent part and looks decldei
pretty. She does Itvell. . Mils Jear
Graves , as Tacy Dodge , filled her post i
ceptably and sane ewectly. Miss L (
Theme , as Beadle , ought to make a rcpu
tlon on that solitary presentation of t
"Bowery Girl. " Elsie Lower , as the ch
Blrdlklns , made a big lilt. Her dancl
was deservedly encored. In fact the wh
piece went off In first-class shape and i
cores were the order of the evening.
Oregon Kidney Tea cures all kidney tr
lies. Trlul size , 25 cents. All druggists.
llnrllnctou Honto.
Every Thursday. $25.00 saved.
City ticket office. 1324 Farnam street.
h Mnrrlage T.lccnues.
The tallowing marriage licenses were
sued yesterday by the county clerk :
Nam and Address. A
CuBslus F. DennU. South Omaha
Helen U. Barnes , Heaver Crossing . . . . . . .
Peter W. Peterson. Omaha
Tenn Pcdcrson , South Omnha
Byron Swcnzv , Omulia
Josephine J , Johnson , Omnha
Ludwlc Frank. Omaha . , . . . . . , . . . . . , .
Mrs. Mary Scliultr , Omaha
William Among , Louisville. Neb
Mrs. Ellen ChUda , Louisville , Neb
John Henry livers , Omaha
Mlna C. Hcunfeldt , Grand Island
William Schmltt , Omaha
Alma Youncbtrs , Omaha
A cough , cold or ar throat should not
st neglecUd. Brown' * Bronchial Troches ar
remedy , and give prohipt relief.
cts. a box.
Tomorrow Wo Put on Sale on Immcns
Stock of Pine Shoes and Xtnas Shippers.
A Great Opportunity to Hay n Uiefaf Xmn
Present clicnp Kvory 1'nlr Lntcst
Style nnil lint Class Our
Great Tliur daj Sale.
Thursday at Haydcn Bros' . Is the time t
get them cheap.
Men's velvet embroidered opera $1.25 silt
pers , 75c.
Men's fine velvet chenille embroidered $1.E
slippers , 95c.
Men's fine velvet russet quarter embroWere
$2.00 slippers , $1.25.
Men's wine goat Faust hand turned $2.C
slippers , $1.25.
Men's fine russet goat Faust hand turne
$2.75 slippers , $1,05.
Ladles' fine felt beaded opera $1.50 slipper
Ladles' fine $1.00 felt house slippers , GOc.
Ladles' fine $1.50 felt congress shoes , 95
Ladies' $2.00 dongola patent tip butte
shoes , 95c.
Ladles' fine $4.00 patent clamp hand turm
button shoes , $1.75.
Ladles' fine $3.00 cloth top patent tip bu
ton shoes , $1.98.
Ladles' fine $3.50 welt patent tip "pic" t (
button shoes , $2.48.
Ladles' fine $3.50 welt narrow square patci
tip button shoes , $2.48.
Ladles' fine $3.50 Ludlow dongola patent t
button shoes , $2.48.
i Shoes and Xmas slippers.
Tin ) IMllluril Hotel
Is making special ratca to permanet
boarders. Tab'o the best In the city.
J. E. MARKEL & SON , Proprietors.
Now Omaha Limited Train.
On and after Sunday , November 4 , U
Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul "electr
lighted limited' " will leave Omaha at 6 ]
in. , arriving In Chicago at 9 a .in. Remen
ber this train carries dinner a la carte.
C. S. CARRIER , Ticket Agent ,
1504 Farnam St.
ifTorts of Some Operators to Hum Out
Now Mini.
Harry Class of Denver , one of the swlfte
senders In the employ of the Associated pres
Is visiting his Omaha friends. Some tv
years ago Class was working for the Weste
Union in Omaha , and while- here he earn
the reputation of being a "swift" on t :
sending side. He came to The Bee office
copy the Associated press rpirt. At th
time "Silver" Moore , the second fastest send
In the United States , was sending out of Ka
sas City to Denver and Omaha. He learni
that a new man was on the wire In The B
office , but did not learn who ho was. Ju
before starting In on the eleven hours
lightning work that constitutes a night
sending Associated press report , Moore tc
the man at Denver :
"There's a new man at 'Be' tonight. Wat
mo put It up his back. "
"All right , " answered Denver , "go ahe
and paralyze him , " and they both chuckled
the telegraphers' way over the wire at t
fun they were going to have with the grce
It so happened that Class was sitting by 1
Instrument and heard the convcrsattc
Pretty soon "K , " which Is Kansas City , bsg
to call the circuit. "Ok , " answered "C
( Denver ) , and "Ok , " answered "Be" ( Oman ;
Then Moore began. Six hours he sent as
his IIfo depended on rushing that repc
through , and for six hours the new man
"Bo" copied him right up without a breo
Lunch time came at 11 o'clock , and Kans
City and Denver compared notes on t
Omaha man. "Pony" Moore was watchl
the repeaters at Ellis , Kan. , and heard t
"Say , " he broke In , "don't you fello
know who that new 'man at 'Be' Is ? Tha
'CJ. , ' " Class' signature , by which he w
known to operators cast and west.
"H-a , h-a , " came Class' little chuckle
the wire , and the fun of putting It up a ni
man's back was over for that night.
Federal Grand Jury to Ho Called Hack i
Capital National Affair.
The federal grand Jury , which has be
In session since November 21 , was d
charged yesterday afternoon without coi
pletlng Its labors. The work of the Jury w
brought to a sudden close for lack of fun
with which to pay tlio per diem as stlf
lated by law. The Jury yesterday foreno
reported twenty-six Indictments and othc
were reported'ln the afternoon. Public c
pectancy Is on the qul vivo to learn whetl
or not the Investigations into the Capl
National bank swindle at Lincoln have be
productive of any definite results. The ju
has taken voluminous testimony from r
celver Hayden and the two government exps
who have been at work on the books 1
several months , and the head bookkeep
R. C. Outcalt , casliler of the defunct bar
has been In the city 'for ' the past few da
and It is believed ho Is as much Interest
In the action of the grand Jury as any 01
It seems to bo the general opinion that t
Jury did not complete- its Investigation
Capital National affairs and Judge Dun
gave It out quite plainly that It would
called back to finish the task before ma
HOLBROOK Mrs. Mnrcla H. The fune
services will be held nt the Second Presl
terlnn church , North Twenty-fourth n
Nicholas streets , Friday , December 14 ,
10:30 : a. m. Interment , Pi aspect Hill.
3 JOHNSON-Knte A. , wife of F. W. Johnsi
nt 517 Williams street , age 45 yea
Funeral Saturday , December 15 , nt 10
m. , from residence , "He glveth hla
loved sleep. "
DAL/ELL Evelyn , daughter of J. A. r
Vina C. iralzell , on Sunday , Deceml
9th , 1S94 , aged 3 years and one man
Interment private.
, )'rii9 U Coming ,
John Burns , the great labor advocate
England ? who Is now In Denver attend
the convention of the American Federation
Highest Honors World's Fair.
* > > * ?
A pure Grape Cream of Tartar Powder. Rs
\m Ammonia , Alum or any other adult JKP
. .abor , will speak ttn.tnli city on Sunday , Do
ember 18. The h ur and the place of hold
ng the meeting tbdd not been fixed. Th
rork of arranglngotof the meeting la In th
ands ot a committee * which will make a re
ort within a dayior tuo.
Inlm at Attornrff III th Sam Porno Mur.
d -Case. .
Attorneys for Sam Payne are much cn <
ouraged by the finding of proof to show tha
'eter Swanson , who Was on the first Jury Ir
ho Sam Payne murder case , U a citizen oi
Swanson says tlitt when the questions wen
sked him by the. Judge , the answers t
which seemed to make It plain that he wai
lot a citizen and led to the discharge of tin
ury , he did not understand them througl
gnoranco of the English language. It op
ears that he took out first naturallzatloi
tapers In 1869 and has ever since been i
oter In Nebraska.
Pnyno's attorneys think that they cat
hercforo show that Payne was twice placet
n Jeopardy for the same offense.
The Will StniuU.
H took two \veeks for the attorneys to go
ho evidence in the Hamacclottl will case be
ore the Jury , and It took the Jury about twi
minutes to reach a verdict.
Mrs. namncclottl died about a year ago
eavlng property valued at $30,000 , which sh
lequeathed to her sister , Mrs. Qlbbs , and he
dopted son , Francis. The legal heirs sough
o break the will on the ground that th
\oinan was not of sound mind at the tint
ho Instrument was made.
The case was given to the Jury Tuesdn
venlng nt 5 o'clock. The jury went to dlnne
; nd Immediately after returning found a ver
diet , which was sealed nnd opened In cour
yesterday , admitting the will to probat
and o\errullng the claims of the contestants
Minor Iii-gnl .Mutters.
J. D. Callalmn has commenced suit agalm
Imrles W. Sack for $260 rent In the count
The case of Benedict against the T L i
till on trial before a jury In Judge Keysor'
F. D. Lowe has commenced suit In th
county court against B. S. Uood for $675 o
promissory note.
In Judge Hopewell's court a Jury Is liearin
he case of Hartlett against Wlgman , a sul
'or attorney's fees amounting to $97 ,
King , Carlln & Lowe have commence
stilt In the county court against George Boye
McCoy company for $350 on a promlssor
note growing out of n cattle deal.
The case of Benedict ag'alnst the T Ij '
Ijnnd and Cattle company , which has been o
rial before Judge Blair and a Jury ton mor
: han a week , was decided yesterday. Judg
Blair Instructed the Jury to return a verdlc
'or ' the plaintiff for $13,500.
Judges Ferguson and Dufllo have agreed t
licar the application for an Injunction In th
Polish Catholic church troubles , rcstralnln
Wowaleskl and others from Interfering wit
ho church property. The application I
made by tht corporation which has control c
the church but which has not been made
party to any of the actions that are pendln
n the courts.
The case Of Charles McDonald Bank et i
of North Platte against the Packers Nation !
Dank In South Omaha Is on trial befoi
Judge Bhlr. The North Platte firm sent
shipment of cattle to a South Omaha comml ;
elon firm nnd received In payment a certll
cato of deposit In the bank amounting to $80i
When the plaintiffs sought to collect tli
noney on the certificate It was found that tl :
bank had seized It to satisfy another clali
against the commission firm. Hence th
suit. ( _
Ho Claims to Have round Some of Id
Nut4on't , Clothing.
About noon yesterday a switchman name
Craig found a book strap hand
on the river bank , about one-half ml
south of Boyd's packing house. Mrs. No
son's name was'Written ' on the plate. A ha
black veil and a hatchet nnd some pins wei
also found near by ; Foot prints were nli
found In the mud near the water's edge.
The hat , veil and hatchet were taken I
police headquarters , and are now In the po :
session of Captain Mostyn.
Some of the experienced detectives still bi
Hove that Mrs. Notson and her children ai
alive and well , and that she will bo four
with her husband In Chicago before mar
days. They think that the hat , veil and stn
were left on the river bank on purpose :
mislead the officers searching for the woma :
There Is no proof so far that the wearlr
apparel found belonged to Mrs. Notson. Eve
If It did there Is no conclusive proof that tl
missing woman Jumped Into the river. Rel ;
tlvcs of Mrs. Notson do not take any sloe
In the suicide theory.
Chief Detective H. P. Haze called on Co
oner Maul about 1:30 : o'clock yesterd !
and requested that official to drag the rlv
at the point where Mrs. Notson Is supposi
to have Jumped In. The coroner refused
have anything to do with the case until tl
body or bodies were produced.
Parties who have known Mrs. Notson call
at the police station late In the afternoon , b
failed to Identify the hat , claiming th
while they had seen the woman frequent
they had never seen her wear It.
A second-hand dealer , when shown the hea
gear , said that It was an art.cle which h :
been purchased at his store yesterday 1
some man whom he did not know.
Detectives hired men last evening to drt
the rl\er near the point where the hat wi
found , but this was without result.
Trouble Oier Cotton Trlllic.
ATLANTA , Ga. , Dec. 12. Some Interes
Ing developments have come to light In tl
fight between the Seaboard Air lines ai
the Southein Hallway and Steamship ass
elation. It has now developed thattl
railroad made charges against Comml
S2.48 Each.
Just such as lim
sold at $5 and SO.
81.08 ,
of half wool oido
down in four co
ors you'll pay i
for these no botti
than ours at $1.03
Perhaps He Might See
Better If ho held that paper a Illtle closer ;
certainly could see , not only much better , ti
perfectly , If provided with a pair of propei
fitted ipectacleu. Nrar-Blghtedncai , uncurrect
by Kla cs , ImpoBci a ge\ere tax on the eyi
which are nredle ly weakened by the strain I
> ohd In trying to misuse them. Defccti In v
Ion crow , Ilkt weed * , without cultivation , and I
dangerous to overlook thorn. Whatever may
thought of a tax on Income , a tax on the ilg
will never do ; aa It I * apt to leave the taxera o
of tight. We tery eye perfectly , NO UHAHC
The Aloe & Perifold Co , ,
HOB Farnam Street ,
Opposite Paxton Hotel.
loner Btnhlman , nnd announced thnt whlli
t wns not opposed to the niwoclntlon It wni
tntngonliitlo to Ita present commissioner
The cotton trntno bclnp the cnuse of tin
contention , the Senbonru suggested thnt tin
rnmo be managed by n cotton commlfl
loner with jurisdiction Independent of thni
of Commissioner Stnhlman. The proposl
Ion Is under consideration.
Veterans of tlio Lnto War Itomoraberoil by
the General Government ,
WASHINGTON , Dec. 12.-Speclal.-Pen ( )
lena granted , Issue of November 2S , were :
Nebraska : Original-John Shlvcly , Uur
veil , Qarlleld county ; Michael Bchmlth
ioone , ttoono county : Charles S. antes , At
clnson , Holt county ; Oliver H. Taylor , Aldn
tall county. Additional John A. Me
Murphy , Omnha , Douglas county. IncreaHi
Jerome U , Casnvnnt , Ponca , Ulxon county
Iowa : Additional William Howden , Mtlr
rny , Clark county ; William Wusko. Sumner
Jromer county. Restoration Finley G
Stevens , Iowa tnlls , HnrJIn county. Orlglm
vldows , etc. Adallne Delong , Albla , Mon
roe county.
CImunccyVlItzo Dcntl.
Chnuncey Wlltze , ono of the pioneers o
Nebraska , died nt his homo In Fullertot
csterdny. Mr. Wlltze was CO years of nge
ind In Mi younger days followed the pro
'esslon of civil engineering. Hu was oni
of the llrst surveyors In the state , and rai
ho lines of many of the llrst additions t <
he original site ot this city.
Jack Wallace ns arrested yesterda :
tor stealing a bushel of coal from the coa
yards at the county poor farm. The prls
oner pleaded guilty , and was fined $1 ant
Six carloads ot ere for the smcltlni
works passed through the custom house tin
nornlng from British Columbia. Thj
Cudahys also received four cars of tin fron
The flro fund was depleted to the extent o
10,000 by the last appropriation ordinance
This amount was transfered to the genera
tund to make good the amount flitch wa
previously loaned to the fire fund.
The final estimate In favor of the liar
r Asphalt company on the repavlng of tin
Intercsctlon of Seventeenth street and Capl
tel avenue , amounting to $2,154.25 , has bee ;
allowed , also the final estimate of $841.86 li
favor of Hugh Murphy on paving Jacksoi
street from Thirty-sixth to Thlrty-elghtl
Officer Sullivan arrested Harry Spence
yesterday on the charge of being a fug ]
tlvo from justice. Not long ago a tallo
shop In Leavenworth , Kan. , was burglarize
and some clothing carried away. Spence
liad on one of the stolen suits. About
year ago Spencer was arrested for robblni
commission houses here , and confessed t
seven burglaries. Ho was tried In the dls
trlct court and got out on a technicality.
That's how the trouble grows
Therefore , guard agains
taking cold by precaution anc
proper clothing.
If you have been careles ;
and contracted cold , check i
before the cough develops.
If you have a cough and i
is of the dry , hacking kind , i
is really a serious matter , anc
needs prompt attention ; be
cause : The neglected cougl
leads to consumption.
A scientific preparation o
fortifies the system against tin
attacks of disease by rendering
the constitution strong and vig
orous. Under such condition
the cold cannot findlodgement
the cough is not developed
consumption is unknown. Ii
cases where the cold has beei
contracted , the cough devel
opedandthe well known symp
toms of consumption are presen
even when the disease ha
become chronic this greatsci
entific remedy will relieve an <
KUHN & CO. ,
15th and Douglas Streets ,
Have You 52.
Ready-Made Legs ?
If you have , ready-made pants
are plenty good enough. But
if your legs were made for you ,
X N , have
pants made
for you , too.
Then they'll
fit. When
you can get
Mads to Measure ,
all-wool , full of style and wear ,
why put up with ready-mades
that pinch here and bag there ?
We make a whole suit for
$13.25 and a fine Melton over
coat for 10.25.
408 North 16th , Omaha.
1'axton JUoeli ,
10th unit I\trnam3l
HipU-Olaai Dtqtal Work at Kja-oaablo Frio :
Prompt and ourljo'ti treat nan * gl\m to th
PainleBH oktractlon of teitli without f.ii or chlorc
form. Killlsot toutli on rubbirtJ 03 , I'oapla tlv
( UK away froui Qmuha waited 'ipou ttio d-iy llu
train tlio city.
itttniiant Ttlcobont 101 n rm n > nnk < i
Volume for 1895 will
1 contain a remarkable It
Series of Articles upon the ItEdison
scientific possibilities of the Edison
future , one of them being by
Geo. Parsons Lathrop ,
who will tell what problems
Edison is studying. The
No other weekly paper gives
so much of entertainment and Way.
instruction for so low a price.
© e 9
The Volume for 1895 will contain Fascinating Serial Stories ; more
than One Hundred Short Stories ; Household Articles ; Weekly Edi
torials , Popular Science Articles , Glimpses of Remote Corners of the
Earth , Anecdotes of Famous People , Weekly Health Articles and a
Page devoted t ; the Children of the Family each week.
Subscribers who
$1.73 at once will
receive The Companion Free to January 1 , 1S05 , and
for a full year from that date. This special otter in
cludes The Thanksgiving , Christmas am ! New Year's
Double Holiday Numbers.
Boston , Mass.
Wo moan ot things that oauso stateness and distress. IIixs It not occurred to you tha
every now nntl tlion you should cloijso nnd purify your system ? You got " ! OKV , " "billons ,
Imvoaches unU pains for ona raason an 1 another , KKKl" YOVll HLtl > I > llll.l&TIU' . Care
toryourXKttl'OUS fti'HTllM. Impure blood and "broken up" nerves will soon wreck the
most healthy per on.
T.oa.lX'S S.tKS.ti'AlliKL.1 AffD GCKKltr is Eolns to tlio front rnoro rapidly , glvln ?
better satisfaction and producing bettor results than any known remedy.
Try Hand boo for yourself the boncflts to b3 derived from Its u > e. "Up to date. " Tha
best. Mono other llko It , Nona compares with It. Logan's Hars.xparllla and Calory , For sale
by druggists.
1'rjpirj.lby InjaT Sira pirllli ail Crleiy Company , On nlmNebraska. I'rlcatl.d
pot Uottloj C bottles forfQ CO. Shipped by oppress to ncy part of the United States.
is Couch-Chair.
There are many fashions In Easy Chairs ,
Just as there are many fashions In Comfort.
Out there Is one chair which In Hsolt supplies
nearly all the fashions of comfort from the
flat bed to the erect seat.
This Interesting piece of furniture la the
Morris Couch Chair. Strictly a chair , It Is
convertablo Into the most perfect of couches ,
with the pillow adjustable at any desired
Or , In an emergency , the couch may ue
used as a bed. The head rest Is then let
down perfectly flat , and with the aid of a
down pillow and a blanket you have a com
plete , most comfortable bed.
Such a creation as this Morris Couch-Chair
dlspences nlth halt a dozen pieces of furni
ture , for II makes them unnecessary.
You will need no easy chair , no lounge ,
no smoking chair , no reading chair. Hero are
six different articles of furniture combined
In one piece , and the changes can bo mads
by the occupant without arising.
Just the thing for a Christmas present.
Charles Sliiverick & Co.
FURNITURE of Every Doaorlptlsi
Temporary Location ,
1SOO ninl J'-'OH JJouifliifi Street ,
\Ve icnil tJH murvelnm French I
Itcmedr CALTHOB f , nnd I
Iriul Kuarantfotliat L'ilTiios w III [
HTOI > lUrb > rtrr < A. Kmluloni , I
tt'Hf : Kncroiulorrit , \ arlcoctle E
and W.Sl OKK Loil Vlror. |
Vie it and fav t/saliijied.
il4tf.t , VON MOHL CO. , .
6 U lD > rlcu if U , ClirluiU , Ublo. 1
Prepared from the original fo mula pro
per-reel in the Archives of the Holy f.aud , bat ,
, ngan authentic history dating bacitCOOyeara
TOT all Stomach , Kidney and Bowel
troubles , especially
50 cents. Sold by all druggists.
The Franciscan Remedy Co. ,
131 ViZ SUHEit 81' . , CHICAGO , or.
li for Circular iaul Illustrated Calendar.
For sale by Kulm &Co. , 15th & Douglas
The Mercer Hotel
Cor. 12th anil Howard Streets ,
Under now imuinuiiniont. will furnish I1T-
TEK MKAI.Sund llnTTEH IlOOMSall ( atoaru
homed nnd electric lUhtodi th in any hotel In
Onmhn for thu ratu of S2.0O per duy. llooins
with nulh * 2.50 and & 10J.
Trv tlio Mnrcor next time you visit the city.
Tuko the llarnuy Htruntcarat Union Depot
to llth ! Btroot , Prom Webster street Depot
tuUo cur to Howard street.
II. HILLOWAY , Munaaer.
For salO by nil First Class Dealers. Manufactured by the
Factory No. 301 , St.