o THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : THURSDAY , DECEMBER 10 , 1804. COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Thcro VRS a Very Dull Session in Wheat Yesterday , PRIMARY MARKET RECEIPTS LIGHTER AUruneo In Corn and Strength of CnblriVro the Incentives to the AVhlcli Cloicd IHislncss Mo rirm. CHICAQO , Dee , 12. There was a very dull session In wheat ilurlng the greater part of the day , but It closed with consider able animation. ISnrly weakness pave place to strength caused by better closing cables. Compared with yesterday's closing prices , wheat Is \\c \ , corn He nnd oats a small frac tion higher. Pork , lard and ribs were llrm. Wheat opened nerveless and dull. There tvoro sellers of May nt from C9'&c ' to DS'Ac , nnd few buyers at over G'JVfcc , nlthoiiRli one "five" brculit ( C9c. The small business was chiefly responsible for the dead heavi ness , but some of It arose from the fact of the principal shorts having covered yettordny and left the open Interests conllned to those who had Hold May wheat against their holdIngs - Ings of cash nnd those who had bought the name. The northwestern receipts were lighter than of late , but still In excess of those of the year before. The exports of wheat from New York were fairly good , but none of the other Atlantic ports shipped anything to tpenk of. Primary market re ceipts were lighter than usual. The closing cf the foreign markets , as reported by Beerbohm'H cable , gave Liverpool U penny to % penny higher , nnd the continental markets as holding the gain reported of them ut the openlnp. The price of May , which had gradually worked ( town to from 59'/4c ' to Wc during the Ilrst hour , hud recovered .ugnln by 12 o'clock to 69V4c , or to within 1-liic of the closing value. The market be came strong In the last fifteen minutes of the session. May advanced to from KCJic to G3c , and that was Its value at the close. The advance In corn and strength of clos ing cables were the Incentives to the buying which closed the market so firm. The crowd In the corn pit was larger than for some time back , and there 'was an apparent nervousness among the traders. The small receipts supplied the motive power for an advance of % c , which was recorded for the day. Only four cars of today's receipts were of contract quality. New York re ported six carloads of new corn taken there for export. The most of the day'H advance In price occurred In the last twenty min utes of the session. May opened at 50c , sold nt Wic , nnd advanced near the end to COHc , and closed at that. The Interest manifested In the oats mar ket was very meager and trading was light and rather llrmcr. The range of prices , Jiowever , was very light. May opened at 32c , sold at 32c , and back to 32c , clos ing at 32c. The provision market was firm on some diminution In the receipts of hogs and the strength In corn. Hog receipts today were 34,000 head , and for tomorrow 37,000 head are estimated. Pork advanced 17Hc , lard V&c , nnd ribs from. 7'/&c to lOc. The highest prices of the day's range were prevalent at the close. Freights on corn for Buffalo , 3c to unload nnd 3 ! c to store through the winter. Tlio leading futures rang.nl as follows : _ ArUclc8. _ | Wlicut.No. 2 Dec 64M May wf July SK 00 Com No. 2. . Dec * Jan. . . . . . . . . i7 Moy BOM 4UN Oats No. 2. . . May Dec % SOU Pork per bbl Jan 11 00 11 ns 11 87W 11 05 May 12 20 12 30 12 20 12 30 Lnrd.iooiba Jai 0 85 0 02H fl 85 0 02M May 7 10 7 IS 7 10 7 15 Short UlbB Jan. 5 05 G 00 6 05 _ May. 0 lilt 0 20 0 1'Jhl U 17H Cash quotations were as follows : FLOUK Steady , unchanged. WHEAT No. 2 spring ; E9Q61lic ; No. 3 spring , nominal ; No. 2 red , COUN No. 2. 47Hc ; No. 3 yellow. 44o. OATS No. 2. % < ) : No. 2 white , 32'JJ32Uc No. 3 white. 32 33'ic. IlYE No. 2. 49c. UAHLEV-No. 2 , C2C53c ; No. 3 , 4052c ; No. 4 , 4Sc. 4Sc.FLAX FLAX REED No. 1. J1.48. TIMOTHY HEED-I'rlme , J3.55. PROVISIONS MCES pork , per bM. . Jll.95@12.00 , Lard , per 100 Ibs. . J0.87H. Short ribs , sides , loose. JS.SOiiO.OO. Dry salted shoulders , boxed , 6ft'SUc : short clear sides , boxed. CV40G&C. WHISKY Distillers1 finished goods , per gal. 11. 3. SUGARS Cut loaf , 3j granulated , } ( ; standari "A , " $4. The following were the receipts nnd shipment : today : On the Produce ( xoiianzo to.lay the butter mar ket was steady : creamery , 13s23c ( ; dairy , 12O20c. Eccs , steady ; 1.0 he. NK\V YOHK RKNEKAL MARKET. Yesterday's Quotatlonn on Flour , Urula null Provlnlons. Jlctnln. KH : NEW YORK. Dec. 12. FLOUR Receipts , 28 , KW bbls. ; exports , 8,800 bbls. ; rales. 7,100 pkgs Market dull but fairly steady. Trade only Ir trucking lots ; no export demand ; city mill pat ents , J4.COC4.13 ; winter patents , } ! .SS < 83.15 ; cltj mill clears , $3.33 ; winter straights , J2.33Q2.75 Minneapolis patents , J3.0303.70 ; winter extras Jl.90tf2.40 ; Minneapolis bakers , J2.003.CO ; wlntei low grades , J1.70W2.10 ; spr.ng low grades , J1.71 Cl.SO ; tprlns extras , Jl 8:92.33. Southern flour dull ; common , fair to extra , JI.80O2.40. Ryi Hour , mipeillne , } 2.COi82.75 ; fancy , J2.803.00 Duckwheat llciir. easier ; Jl.5. 1UTCICW1IKAT Dull ; MifCOe. CORN MUAIj Yellow western , $1.1861.20 Drandywlne , J3.OOfl3.C5 ; sales , 350 bbls. , 2 , < X > eacks. UYI'1-Car lots. 04fS6c ; l > oat loads , 53fflJSc. HARLEY-Western. G3B 4c. 11ARLEY MALT Western , 7007JC. WHEAT Receipts , HC.tO ) bu. ; experts. 121,40 1 > U. ; sales , 1,080,000 bu. futures , C4.000 bu. fpot Kpot market firm ; No. 2 red. In store and ele valor , COH&Wic : nlloat , T4i02V4c ; f. o. b. C2ic ; No. 1 northern , C9c , delivered ; No. lianl. 71ViC , dellvere-cl. Options opened firm 01 tne cables , but declined under a dull trade , nd vanclng again nt noon ; generous extwrts. llusl ness was ijulct In the afternoon , but the maske ruled firm on the higher late cables and fal local buying ; closed Uffttc advance ; No. 2 red January , BOftHClo , closed nt 61c ; February , CIS ? C2c , closed at C2c : Mnrch , C2HJCS'ic , closed 'a Oittc ; May , C3U&63 11-lOc. closed at C3c ; .lun closed at G3V ; July. C3 15-10e54',4c. closed 11 64Uc ; December. CO 5-10iJCOc ! , closed at C0c. CORN Receipts , 1M.700 bu ; expnts. none Bales , 470,000 bu. futures , 65,000 bu. fixjt. Spo market quiet ; Nix 2 , CGlic In elevator. Dilic afloat Bleamcr mixed , 61c asked ; No. 3. 43VS049C. Op tlona declined early on a story that the gran committee hail reversed the Inspectors' declsloi on fctir cais nnd made them No. 2 ; later ther was a sharp reaction on light icceipts ; closei Uo up on late months nndic off on December January , 63Hfi63Hc. closed at 03c ; Februnr' closed nt S3Tio ; May. 63HW34 5-16c , clostd u & 4Uc : December , 63t034Hc , closed at 644c. ! OATS Receipts , 14,400 bu. ; exports , none ; sales CO.OcW bu. futures. 6ouO Im. pnt. Spot marke neglected ; No. 2. 3l-C34V4c : No. 2. delivered ! 5Mi435Hc : No. 3. . delivered. 34 c ; No. 2 white 34W39Uc ; No. 3 wh'te. 3Sc ; track , white western 380 Co ; track , whitestate. . 3Si4c. Options dull January , 34H 35c , closed at 34o ; Kebruar clOBwl at 3514c ; May. SCHCSCWc , closed at 36Hc December closed at J4Hc. HAY Steady ; ehlpplnc , DOflWc ; good to cho'ce HOPS Quiet ; state , common to choice , old > tl'7c ; new , 6 12Vic ; coast. 3'j 7c. HIDES Steady ; wet rnltca N w Orleans , se lectrd. 45 to 65 lb . . 4HO5CJ Iluenos Ayres. dry 20 to 24 Ibs. , He ; Texas , dry , 23 to 60 Iba. , 6Q6Uc WOO t , quiet ; domestic Ileece , lQ33c ; tiullnl 191T24C. LEATHKR Steady ; hemlock sole , llueno Ayrea. llglit la heavy weights , HUc. PHOVlSlONS-lleef. teady. Cut meats , dull plcklnl brlllen. 6W7c ; plckletl hams , B Uo. Uin ! stradlrr ; western steam clrsed ut J7.2U ; salei l.JW tierces , bulk : export. J7.15 7.17',4 ; city , 6H ( Hc ; sales , lee tierces ; January closed at J7. ! atked ; May. J7.25 ntked ; retlr. l , steady ; com round. SHijlHc. Pork , quiet. I1UTTKR Quiet and steady : western dairy , 10' ' Oltci western creamery , ! & < > : ic ; wettern factors lOQievt Klslns. 24c ; lirltntlon creamery , 13W15c tale dairy. 12BS3c ; stale creamery. lS S3c UHEiaiQulet ; small , ttttflS.- ; part klms. 3 ! C9c ; full iklms. ! fi3c. EGQ8 Dull ; tate nnd Pennsylvania , 23OKl > ic Ice hi use , 17 (2Jc ; rvcrtptu , 4,011 pkg . ; wtiter tr h. KtiiHiic ; oulhi > rp , IlS'SIc : cn ? , < 2. < 0ir4.0 TALIX\V-Dull but flrra : city (13 ( per pkg. 4 cj country ( pkgs. free ) , 4Tia ' IMjrrROLEUM-Sleiidy ; United closed at 8 Vi ROSIN Strained , common to good. tl.50Ol.37V TL'RPENTINU-Qulft and steady ; S7 ifl2Sc. niCD-Htvady ; domestic , fair to extra. 4 ( CUoi Japan. 4HW4KQ. MOLASSES Hteady ; New Orleans , op n kettli good to choice. 28tf3Ic , ORANGES Weak ; box , 7SCOJI.OO. I'ICl IRON-Dull ; Scotch , > 13.UO W.OO ; Amer can , J9.MKJ13.00. TIN Rarely iteady ; Slrolti , J14.15. SPELTEH-Steady ; domwlttc. JJ.EOC1S3. LUAU Strongj broken * price , J3 ; excitant price , J3.1JH. COPPER-StrooK ! brokeri' price. J9.M ; n rhanr pHc r J9.7ii aal on 'change , W ton * Ma tin at 114.1V. COTTON SEED OIL-Qulet ; quotation * con Inah yellow butler crmlcn. 30oi prime yellow 21 Cf2Vc > yellow off 1'iildiB , ; " 4i2.i' ; , prime wh'tc ' , Jifflie nominal. , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ OMAHA OKNUHAl , .MAUKKT. Condition of Trnda nnd Quotations on - Slnnlo nnil 1'nncy J'roduco. nUTTEn-l'acklnB itockj | c ; fair to good coun. try , ltiOic ! cholco to fancy , l J5c ! | natliered creamery , 19020c ; scpatator creamery , 2fc. naOS-Btrlctly fresh laid , : iC2c ; fresh ( cold ctorage ) , ICQlic , MVIJ POL'I.TIlY-Old h ns , 4H05c : sprints chickens , ( QCHc ; ( Jucks , tcj turkeys , Co ; heavy terns , 6c ; Ketse , tf. IJUUSSEU I'OUI.TnY-Chlckcnn , fair , 6c ; cholco lafge , 6c ; choice small. 6'i0"c ' ; turkeyB , fair to good , Cc ; choice heavy , 7G8c ; choice small , KiOc ; ducks , fair to good , 697c ; fancy , 8U8'AC | nce e. fair to good , C 7. : , fancy , 8O8HC- , . GAME Prairie chickens , per doi. , J8.7o < 14.00 ; grouse , per dnz. , J3.2501.COi blue wing teal , per doz. . Jl.fV31.75 : green win ? tenl , per doz. , Jl.Ci. Ol.W ; ducks , mixed , per doz. , Jl. 0 1.23 ; canvasbacks - backs , JI.OOU5.C7 ; mallards nnd red heads , J2.&Q ff2.7 ! > i quail , > 1.2..fil.20 | deer saddles , 12@13c ; antdopo saddles , 7OIOc ; small rabbits , 75@80c ; jack rnbblln , Jl. VEAI/ Choice , fat nnd small veals arc quoted at Cc : Inrgc and coarse , 3MI- . CHEIISi : Wisconsin full cienm. Young A , 13c ; twins , IZ'.Sc ' ; Nebraska nnd lown , full cream , lie ; Ncliratka nnd lown , part skims , 7fl8c ; Lltn- burger , No. 1 , He ; brick , No. 1 , lie ; Swiss , No. 1 , UQ13C. HAY Upland hay , J9.SO ; midland , J9 ; lowland , (8.50 ( ; rye straw , JO. Color makes the price on hay. Light shades , sell the best , Only top grades bring top prices. I'lOEONS-Old birds , per doz. , 50890C. VEGETAIILES. POTATOES Western stock , car lots , .COgCJc ; small loin , C.'ijnOe. OLD REANS-Hand-plckcd , navy. $2 ; Lima beans , per lb. , 6Uc. ONION8-On orders , G3 70c. CA11HAGB On orders , H4c. CELERY Per doz. . 25JJ40U. SWEET I OTATOE8 Home grown , J2jj Mus cat Inc. J3. I1EETS Per bbl. , J2. CARROTS-I'er bbl. , 12. CAULIFLOWHR-IVr doz. . J1.60S1.7S. HOItSERADlKH-Prr lb. , 708c. PARSNIPS-Pcr bbl. . J2. IU'TAIIAGAH-1'er bbl , , J2. PARSLEY Per doz. bunches , 33O40C. TURNIPS Per tbl. . J2. SPLIT PICAS Per lb. , 3'Ac. GREEN PEAS Per bu. . Jl.25gi.35. RADISHES Per doz. , 35 40c. LETTUCE-Per doz , . 3SQ40C. FIIUIT8. QUINCES-Ciillfornla , per W-lb. box , Jl.2iJJl.50. PEACHES-None. PLUMS California , none. PRUNES None. PEARS Winter Nelllfl , J2 ; Vicars , JI.75. APPLES Good stock. Her bbl. . J2.M32.73 ; Michigan stock , J3 ; New York or New England , J3.25.GRAPES GRAPES Concord , none ; Malagas , per 63 to C8-lb. bbls. , gross , J7W8.W. CUANDERRIES Jciseys. fancy , J10.M per bbl. TROPICAL FRUITS. ORANGES Florida * , per box , 150s , 170s and 2COK , J2.76 ; 12J flze , J2.CO. RANANAS-Cholce stock , J2.0082.50 per bunch. LEMONS Malaga , J3.75 ; fancy Florida , sizes KO nnd 300 , J4.OOK4.2ri. PINEAPPLES-None. MISCELLANEOUS. OYSTEIIS-IJCL. Sc : medulm. per can , 1'r. horse shoes , 12c ; extra standards. 15c : extra tw lects , 17c ; company selects , 21c ; New York counts , 25c. NEW FIGS Fancy , 15c ; choice , 1314c ; Cali fornia , bags , Sc. HONEY New York , 17c ; California , IGc. MAPLE SYRUP-Gallon cans , per doz. , J12. NUTS Almonds , ISOlCc ; English walnuts. 12c ; filberts , 12c ; Drazll nuts , Sc : eastern chestnuts , no good stock ; shellbark hickory nuts , per bu. , J2 ; large hickory nuts , J1.75 ; fancy raw peanuts , Oc ; roasted peanuts , 7Vic. BAUER KRAUT Choice white , per bbl. , J4.GO ; per half bbl. . J2.CO. MINCE MEAT Fancy , In half bbls. , per lb. , GKc ; 10-gnl. kegs , 7c ; condensed , per case of 3 doz. pkgs. , J2.75. FISH Fresh caught croppies , perch and sunfish - fish , 3@5c ; buffalo , 3Wc ; pike nnd pickerel , CgSc ; catfish , 8f9c ; black baits , 12QI3c. CIDER-Purc Juice , per bbl. , J5.50 ; half bbl. , J3. HIDES No. 1 green hides , 3'4c ; No. 2 green hides , 3lie ; No. 1 green salted hides , 4lic ; No. S green salted hides , 3 < , c : No. 1 green salted hides , 25 to 40 Ibs. , 4Hc ; No. 2 green Baited hides. 25 tc 40 Ibs. , 3Uc ; No. 1 veal culf , 8 to 15 Ibs. , 7c ; No. 2 veal calf , 8 to 15 Ibs. , 5c ; No. 1 dry Hint hides. o : No. 2 dry flint hides. 4c ; No. 1 dry salted hides , 5c ; part cured hides , V4c per lb. less than fully cured. SHEEP PELTS Green palled , each. 25COc ; green raited shearlings ( short wooled early skins ) , each , G15c ; dry shearlings ( short wooled earl > skins ) , No. 1 , each , SWIOc ; dry shearlings ( short wooled early skins ) . No. 2 , each. Be ; dry fllnl Kansas and Nebraska butcher wool pelts , pel lb. , actual weight , & ® Sc ; dry flint Kansas and Nebraska murrain wool pelts , per lb. , actual weight , 46c ; dry flint Colorado butcher wool pelts , per lb. , actual weight , 4ftC'ic : dry fllnl Colorado murrain wool pelts , per lb. , actual wrtght , 46c. TALIXJW AND GREASE Tallow , No. 1 , 4j 4Ho ; tallow , No. 2. 3',44c ' ; grease , white A , 4V4C 4V4c ; grease , white I ) , 3c ; grejse , yellow , 3Vic ; grease , dark , I'if(3c ; old butter , 202',4c ; bees wax , prime , 17i20c ; rough tallow , 2c. FUHfi-Uear , black , No. 1 large , J20.00025.00 ; No. 1 medium , J1S : No. 1 small , SS.OOftlo.OO ; bear , black , yearlings. No. J large. J12.00O15.00 : No. 1 medium , J10 ; No. t small , J7 ; bear , black , cubs , No. 1 large. 58.00ft8.00 ; No. 1 medium , J5.00O6.00 No. 1 small , Jl ; bear , black , Montana and Reck ) mountain , No. 1 large , J18.00022.oo ; No. 1 medium , J14 ; No. 1 small , J10 ; bear , black , Montana " year lings , No. 1 large , 112 ; No. 1 medium. JS ; No. 1 small , Jo ; bear , black , Montana cubs. No. 1 large , J6.50 ; No. 1 medium , Jt.OO ; No. 1 small , J3 ; bear , silver tip , No. 1 large , J20 : No. j medium. J12 ; No. I small. J8 ; bear , sliver tip , yearlings , No. 1 large. $11 ; No. 1 medium , JS No. 1 small , J5 ; bear , silver tip , cube , No. 1 large , J6 ; No. 1 medium , 14.50 : No. 1 small , J3 ; bear , brown , No. 1 large. J20.00U23.00 ; No. 1 medium , JIG ; No. 1 small , J12 ; bear , brown , year lings , No. 1 large , J10.00@12.00 ; No. 1 medium , 18 ; No. 1 small , J6 ; bear , brown , cubs. No. 1 large 57 ; No. I medium , IS ; No. 1 small , S3 ; badger , No. 1 large , Jl.0001.50 ; No. 1 medium , 60c ; No. 1 small , f.0o ; Usher. No. 1 large , JS ; No. 1 medium , JS ; No. 1 small , J4 ; fox , sliver , as to color ac cording to beauty. No. 1 large , J100 ; No. 1 medium , JX ( ) ; No. 1 small , ISO ; fox , silver , pale , according to beauty. No. 1 large , JM ; No. 1 medium. J30 : No. 1 small , 520 ; fox , cross , No. 1 large , 57 ; No. 1 medium. S3 ; No. 1 small , 12 ; fox , red , Nu. 1 large , 51.W ; No. 1 medium. J1.25 ; No. 1 small. Jl ; fox , gray. No. 1 large , 75c ; No , 1 medium , 60c ; No. 1 small. 40o : fox , kit , No. ] large. We ; No , 1 medium , 40c ; No. 1 Email. 30c lynx. No. 1 large , S3 ; No. 1 medium , 52 ; No. 1 small , 51.50 ; marten , No. 1 large , 52 ; No. ! medium. 51.W ; No. 1 small , Jl ; mink , No. ] large , 60Q6Sc ; No. 1 medium , 40c ; No. 1 small 35c ; mink. dark. No. 1 large , 65c ; No. 1 medium 40c ; No. 1 small , 30c ; mountain lion , perfect heax nnd feet , No. 1 large , J1.002.00 ; Imperfect sk'ns 25W50c : otter. No. 1 large , JS ; No. " 1 medium J6.00O7.00 ; No. 1 email , 55 ; otter , pale. No. : large , J7 : No. 1 medium , J5 ; No. 1 snjall , Jl raccoon. No. 1 large , 0070c ; No. 1 medium , 50c No. 1 small , 35c ; rncconn , black , as to beauty No. 1 large , 50cftJ2.00 : skunk , black , cased. No. striped , No. 1 large , GOc ; No. 1 medium , 40c ; No 1 small , 25c ; skunk , broad striped , No. 1 1arg < 20HJ25C ! wolverine. No. 1 large , J4 ; No. 1 medium 53 ; No. 1 small , 52 ; wolf , mountain , No. 1 large S3 ; No. 1 medium , 52 : No. 1 small , JI.50 ; wolf prairie. No. 1 large , G5Q90c ; No. 1 medium. COc No. 1 small. 40c ; beaver , per skin. No. 1 large J5.00 G.OO ; No. 1 medium , J4.CO ; No. 1 small. J2 beaver kits. No. 1 large , J2 ; No. 1 medium , Jl.DO Nn. 1 small , 75c ; muxkrats. winter. No. 1 large 8010c ; No. 1 medium , Sc : No. 1 small , 7c ; musk rats , fall , No. 1 large , 4QGc ; No. 1 medium , 7c No. 1 Binall , Co ; muskrats , kits , 2Q3c. Liverpool AlnrUeitH. LIVERPOOL , Dec. 12. WHEAT Spot , quiet demand i > oor ; No. 2 red , winter , 4s 9V dt No. : red , spring , stocks exhausted ; No. 1 hard. Manl tolm , 3s 7d ; No. 1 California , 5s SHd. Future : opened quiet : near positions 1 farthing lower nm distant positions unchanged ; closed steady , will near positions Ud lower and distant position > 4d lower ; business heaviest on nearest and mor dlntnnt no * tlona ; December , 4s liKd : January 43 9Vid : Febiunry , 4s Cd ; March , 4s lO tl ; April 4s lO'.id : May , 4s ] 0 d. CORN Spot , steady ; American mixed. 5s. Fu tinea opened dull und unchanged and closei quiet , with near positions 102 farthings lower business heaviest on near positions ; December SB ; January. 3s Cd ; February , 4s 5d ; March , 4 5d ; April , 4s 5d ; May , 38 M. PLOUR-Dull ; demand fair ; St. Louis fane ; winters. WH. PEAS Canadian. 3s lid. PROVISIONS Ilacon , quiet ; demand moderate Cumberland cut. 28030 Ibs. , 33s ; short ribs , 2 Ibs. , 3ts ; long clear , light , 38Q > 45 Ibs. , 33a ; Ion ; clear , heavy , to Ibs. , . 33s ; short clear backs , light 18 Ibs. , 36s ; short clear middles , heavy , 53 Ibs. 34s Gd ; clear bellies , 14 16 Ibs. , 45 * . Shoulder * square , 12V18 ll . , 27 Cd. Hams , short cut H l < Ibs. , 43s. Reef , extra India mess. 62s 9d prime mess , COs ; refrigerator beef , fore quarter ? 3V4d ; hind quarters , f > Kd. Pork , prim mess , line western , KM ; tine medium , M 9d. I nrd , dull ; prime western , 3Gs ; refined , I : pnlls. 37s Cd. TALLOW Fine North American , nominal , 23s CHEESE Firm : demand moderate ; fines American while , 50a Gd ; finest American colored Els Cd. RUTTER Finest United States , 75s ; good , GOi TURPENTINE Spirits. 20a Gd , ROSIN-Common. SB lOlid. COTTON HEED OIL-Heflncd. IBs Gd. LINSEED OIL 2ls 3d. PETROLEUM-Rellned. 64d. } IILEACHINO POWPER Hardwood , f , o .b. Liverpool , 7 I0 . Cotton Mnrnrr. NEW YORK , Dec. U. COTTON Quiet ; mid dllng , 5 H-lGu ; net receipts. lCG3 bales ; for warded , 2.WS bales ; salos. 315 bales ; tplnnere 215 bales ; stock. 108.MS bales. Total today : Nr receipts , 55.SS6 bales ; exports , tu Great llrltalr 7.55S bales ; to the continent , 14,313 bales ; stock 1.186,533 bales ; consolidated net receipts , 222.79 bales ; exprrts , to Great llrllaln , 1.5S7 bales ; t France , ,31,900 bales ; to the continent , 79.41 bales. Total since September 1 : Net rrcelpti 4.42),2 ) 0 bales ; exports , , to Great Rrltaln , 1,251.31 hales ; to France , 387,9:0 : balei ; to tha contlnenl 1,182,775 bales. NEW ORLEANS. Dec. 12. COTTON-Qulel sales. 2,400 tulles ; to arrive. 2.C50 bales ; receipt ! 16,407 bqlea : exports. Great Rrltaln , 8.347 balei continent , 8OiS bales ! coastwlao , 2,100 bain stuck , 358,211 bales : futures , steady ; ealrs. 236fi ( balra ; December. J3.ll bid ; January. ! 3.19&5.2 < February , J3.Z7tf5.28 : March , J5.3M5. | ; ; Aprl J5.37Q5.XI ; May , J5.42S5.44 ; June , J5.47fl5.49 ; Jul ) J5.UV5.S4 ; Augutl , J3.M05.M ; September , J5.I bid ; October. J5.83. ST. . LOUIS , iv > c. 1Z.-COTTON Steady ; mU dllng , 6 .3-lBc ; lalfg , 600 bales ; receipts , 7X ( biil ; rhlpmvnti. not rrported ; itocka , 57,7 ( baler. OALVESTON. D c. R-COTTON Mlddllni 3Hc ; rain. 2,159 lial s ; receipts , 14.48) baits ; i porti , 3.C8S bales ; stock , 307MJ bale * . Mlnucupollt Wheat Market , MINN13APOLI8 , Dec. l-.Ther were fal cleumncr * i < whtal nnd flour today and prl niary rrctlpt * Indicate ) a ilackcnlng of the i < celpts , althouifli In Mlnnrapolla und Duluth th oontlntied to tw In excvu of la t year , but Ih ttluur wheat moyement in noticeably bebnd la\ \ ear , Pit lnulnoM was glow The crowd seems be well out of December , nnd thnt month Is drad letter , with July coming Into pnnnlnnirr. .n h WOK n little higher nnd In n llttla demnnd om millers Itecc pis her * were 1'jl cars , ngnlnst 3 last year , nnd nt Dutulli and Superior 3C1 it * , ngnlint 14' ' ) cam n yntr ago. Cloxct De * mber , G7'ic : May , 594c ; July , 60c ; on track , o. 1 hard. & 3Uc ; No , 1 nottliern , MVJc ; No. 2 orthetn , MUc. Hour , qu ct , Uullj ( tret pat- nls , J3,1003.50. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ STOCKS AND 11OND5. ccurltlci Opened Htrone nnd nn Advnnco AVns Recorded In Ornneer * . NEW YOIIK , Dec. 12.-The stock market jencd strong nnd active nnd nn nilvnnce ns recorded , which was most marked In 10 grangers. In the general market n Ighcr lone prevnllcd , due to the passage of 10 pooling bill In the house yesterday , ugar broke % per cent In the Initial trnd- ng , but Immedlntely became buoyant and moved up 1 per cent. Burlington nnd Hock si ami made n similar advance ; St. I'aul % er cent , Northwestern per cent , nnd the est of the shares traded In li to % per ent. At 1:15 : Cotton Oil common weakened nd sold down 1 J , to 2J per cent , and the referred 1 per cent , to GS. At 1:30 : Hur- ngton and Sugar gave way % per cent , nnd he general list H to % per cent. The de- resslon wns , however , of brief durntlon , nd nn Improvement took place , the only xceptlons to which wns Cordage preferred , hlch reacted 1 % per cent , to 14Vi. There as ICSH activity between 11 nnd 12 , but ie > tendency continued upward. Cordnge old up l'/i per cent nnd Sugar % per cent , "he granger-were without change. Iletwecn 1 nnd 1:30 : Sugar and the other ctlve shares were strong nnd recorded nd- nnces , Sugar lending with n gain of 1 per ent. At 1:30 : a general decline set In , which ontlnued In force up to 2 o'clock , Sugnr ccllned % per cent. The market wns trong nnd nctlve during the lust hour of uslness. Sugar sold up 1 % per cent , the rangers ' , to % per cent , nnd most of the ther shnreH dealt In a small fraction. A otnble exception was Canadian Pacific , vhlch declined 2',4 per cent. Speculntlon rns strong In tone nt the close. The bend mnrket ruled strong throughout he day on n Inrge volume of business. The Evening Post's London cablegram ays : The markets were quiet but good , vcn Americans showing a much better one , although the finish was under the > est. Two and a hnlt million dollars have iccn engaged for export on Saturday from America to Kurope. The Kvenlng Post says : The Russian loan s n grent success. At the subtrensury In his city It wns said thnt no feM hnd been ngaged for export up to 2 o'clock. About 2,200,000 has been withdrawn this week , but lomo of that , It Is believed , Is for the pur- lose of repaying the banks gold borrowed or the purpose of paying the government or the bonds. Some has been withdrawn or the purpose of having It weighed to see f It wns not too light for export. At the ofllce of Lnznrd Frercs today It wns said hat they will probably ship about $1,000,000 on Saturday. The following were the closing quotations on the leading stocks of the New York ex change today : bid. . . ; The total sales of stocks today were 230.S7 ( shares. Including : American Cotton Oil , 3,600 ; American Kugnr , 9,200 ; Burlington , 8,000 ; Chlcngc GIIH , 3,100 ; Dlstlll'ng & Cuttlcfeedlng , 23x Erie , 0,500 ; Manhattan , 2,600 ; Northwestern , 2,700 Ilock Island , 4.900 ; Reading , 2.700 ; St. Paul , 18,309. IS'OIT York .Monev MarUnt. NEW YORK. Dec. 12. MONEY ON CALL- Eosy at l'/4 pep cent ; last loan , 1V4 per cent closed at 1V4 per cent. PRIME MERCANTILE PAPEH-2-i@5 } ; pel cent. STERLING EXCHANGE Dull , steady , will ictual business In bankers' bills at J1.SSM4.8 : for demand nnd at | 4.874.8S for 04 days ; postei rates , t4.S3Hft4.89 and Jt.SUWWl.il ) ; common-la bills. J4.SG 4J4.SGy . SILVER CERTIFICATES OHc bid. GOVERNMENT 1SONDS Firm. State bonds , nactlve. Railroad bonds , strong. ' Cloilne quotations on bondi were a * followi : Coffee Market. NKW YO11K. Dec. 12. COri''EB Optlor opened steady , at 10 points advance for Octobe with uthrr months unchanged to 10 points di cllne. ruled generally dull , cloml uteady , at : points drcllnr tu & iwlnta advance ; Mies , 9.71 barn , Including January , 111.45 ; March. 112.81 May , II2.SO ; Hrptember , il2.35ttl2.40 ; Octobe Jll.45. Hnot coffer , Illo. dull ; No. 7 , 115.75 ; mile dull ; Cordova , 118.25019.00 ; sale * , 1.000 baf Hanton. Nos. & and 7 , at 118.25 ; d pXii * . Jamaica anil 809 pkts. Marucalbo , p. i warehouse deliveries from New York yettri-du ; 6.1(5 lwr ; New Yoik stock , 329,769 bugs ; Unlit Blutea ntnck , 263,482 bugs ; afloat for the Unite main. 211.000 ban ; total visible supply for tl United matr , 474.4U bags , against 4 , 13 IMI | a t jeur. ill AH A LIVE , J JOCK MARKETS Ight Rnn of Algeria Marks the Middle of a'fiuii Week. ITTLE CHANGE IN , { THE CATTLE TRADE 01 t , . * V , i ujcrs Inclined to-llf i'nrtlculnr nn to Quality nml Co4t-lloB llegln nnd End WoakrwlUi ; nn n Lltllo lllghcr. WKDNKSDAY , Dec. 12. The run of stock\va $ light today , only 1C3 nrs In nil. The three days' receipts foot p , In round numbers , 0,000 cattle , 15,800 , ogs , nnd 1,550 sheep. Compared with the rst hnlf of Inst week , this Is nn Increase f.about 1,500 cattle nnd a decrease of 9,600 DBS and 1,000 sheep. The cattle market In all essential partlc- lars was but n repetition of Tuesday's ratle. Hecelpts were somewhat lighter , but bout the same as to quality. Iluyers , too , xhlblted the same partiality for the handy it grades , and were Inclined to nested the cnvler cattle , ns well as the commoner nnd hlmier grades. Prices , however , averaged p about steady all around. There wns no change worthy of note In lie cow market. Supplies were light , nnd vlth a very fair demand prices were very enerally In Tuesday's notches. Veal calves uled perhaps a shade stronger , but the market for bulls , stags , etc. , wns barely teady. In stackers and fqedecs there wns a fair lefifee Of activity , and prices , as a rule , Cf i . ly liell ) > tlle demand being amply ulllclent from all sources to readily absorb he very moderate supplies. Good to choice eeders ore quotable ut from $2.80 to $3.35 ; nlr to good nt from $2.35 to $2.75 , and com- non grades from $2.25 down. Itepresenta- 16 SIII6S i ' DRESSED 11EEK o. Av. Pr. No. Av. 1'r. No. Av , Pr. 1. . . . 900 J2 CO C. . . . 991 J3 10 43..1074 J3 4- . .1187 2110 1. . 1070 3 23 17..1237 3 0 . .10SO 3 00 2 810 3 25 to. . . .12)3 ) 3 7S .J010 3 10 T ! ! 8SO 3 23 3. . . .1403 3 85 . . 87 3 10 2) . . 3 25 S ) . . . .1240 4 00 3 10 39. . .1023 3 40 4 00 SHII'I'INd AND KXPOIIT. 2..1203 350 21..1S1G 4 DO 17..13C5 460 CHRISTMAS CATTLE. 21 steers 903 260 60 sirs. Tex.1003 285 K. J. Lyklns. 1 cow SCO I 21 1 bull 930 1 25 3 cows 933 165 35 cows 844 233 4 feeders. . . . 903 260 63 feeders. . . . 900 300 O. W. Allen. 2 bulls 9SO 1 I 12COW9. 31 1 CO 7 cows 794 1 CO 12 cowa C91 2 15 67 cows S84 2 55 6 feeders. . . . 803 2 75 BCUTII DAKOTA. 3 cows. 1146 1 60 1 bull 1150 1 85 2 cows 112) 1 9) 19 cows 1049 2 45 WTOMINO. Wyoming Live Stock company. 10 steers. 12C7 433 12 steers 1233 435 D. C. Bacon. 1 feeder 1250 223 3 feeders..1103 283 64 Bteers 1194 3 M HOGS The llsht supply today was In th ( nature of n continued surprise nnd the 10.0CK falling off tills week , la dltncult to explain. Th < quality of the hogs , however , was very good ni a rule. Packers were not inclined to boon prices any on account of the lighter rccelpti and the market opened out slow , with prlcci rather weak than otherwise. Later , under tin Inllucnce of frea buying , n , rather firmer feellni obtained , and , although the extreme close wai weak , the general average of prices paid was i shade to Co higher than Tuesday. Heavy hog : sold at from 14.20 to i4.60 , and light and Ugh mixed stuff at from $3.75 to J4.15. There was i good demand for pigs at llrm figures , fron (2.25 up to 13.70. There were quite a few In ferlor light loads sHIl unsold nt the close Oood weight loads sold largely at $4.15 to 14,35 us against 11.10 to M.SO'JTuesday and 14.25 ti 14.40 on last Wednesday. { Representative sales : No. Av. Sh. Pr , A No. Av. Bh. I'r. 20D M 22V 120 4 25 425 4 25 4 25 425 4 25 4 25 425 423 425 4 25 425 4 25 427 ! 4 30 4 SO 4 30 160 4 30 200 4 30 EO 4 30 4 30 120 4 ! 0 120SO SO 4 30 * 4 30 160 4 30 120 4 30 120 4 3 40 4 30 160 432 ! 200 435 40 435 435 320 4 35 bO 4S5 40 4 40 200 440 SO 4 421 240 460 3 100 2 25 1 270 3 25 Ell 48 2 M 33 82 325 1 320 2 M . . . , . . . . 335 t 115 S 71 4 112 350 1 170 275 36 101 3 LO U 155 275 93 IK 3 60 31 65 275 44. , 127 3 C5 72 60 26 ! 01 132 3 C5 . . a , sw ju. . . . m . . . SM . . . . i < X > . . . 3 00 IIS. . , , ISO 40 S 70 SIS . . . 300 ( } 183 40 1 70 . M . . . 800 I SO . . . J7S : < w . . . 300 SIIKKI' The supply was Insignificant , but mile up In quality what wan larking In innn- ly. There won n very ROCK ! ilcnmmt nml Iho eager offerings noon chanced Imnds. Come mcy lambs brought 14.25 nnd n bunch of choice 'ed natives , wether * nnd Inmlm Inotight J3.ZO. "air to choice natives nre quotable nt | 2,23f3.oO : ilr to good xveMern * , J2.OOfl2.S3 ; common nmi nek sheep , | I.Ouff2.00 ; good to choice 40 to 10-10. lambs , | 2.SO3,85 , UeprcsciUtUlv ? sal j : To. Wt. I' ! . 9 Block ewes , , , OS Jl M .0 ' Dakota mixed , . . . M 290 19 native yearlings . , , . , 100 320 9 native iambs 115 4 25 ItccelptH n ml Disposition of Stock. Official receipts nnd disposition of stock as liown by the books of the Union Stock Yards ompnny for the twenty-four hours ending nt 3 'clock p. m. , December 12 , 1S9I : IlECEIPTS. Cars , Heml. 'utlle ' 87 2.W13 IOR3 1. . C2 4.770 tieep , 3 195 "arses nnd mules . - > * 1 21 DISPOSITION. DISPOSITION.Cattle. Cattle. HOBS. Sheep. tnnha racking company 1,090 J. II. Hammond company. . . . 137 1.2S7 49 wlft and Company sso 1.137 147 'uilnliy Packing company. . . . 290 998 i'llson 20J . Becker 79 elsnn Morris 110 . Haas 259 . Decker & Dogcn 239 'nnsnnt C9 nmllton 3S nrey 23 . . . . . . Ix > bmnn 3 .enlon & W C7 jhlppers nnd feeders 309 247 9 , eft over -.40) W3 Totals 2,963 5,858 203 tmiUAUO MVK 8VOCK. [ 'nlr Dcmnnd Kxlstcd for tlio DIITcrrnt ( Irixlrs of Cattle. CHICAGO. Dec. 12. A fnlr demand existed or the different erodes of cattle and there ns a reasonably llrm set of prices. Most of he supply went out of sellers' hands nt from i2 to J2.75 for cows nnd heifers nnd nt from to $ I.CO for stcern. Christmas steers were juoteil nt from $ G to { 6.40 , though to' bring more han l8. Vthc offorlnpw would need to bo super- 'ne. There was Inquiry for utockcrs nnd feoilers t from 12 to $2.35 , nnd for'veal culves nt from 1 to $5.25. Hog receipts were much lighter than expected , 'ho decreased receipts nnd the llrmej- tone of he market for hog products led to Incicnsed Irmness. In Kplte of the soft weather und the slackness of the shipping demand , sellers un- oaded nt nn advance of from 5c to lOc. Common .t > prime heavy grades were taken nt from $4.23 .o $4.C3 nnd poor to choice light nt from $1 to 4.33. Only a small part of the supply sold out- Ide the limits of from $1.20 to $ I.C5 , the popular irlce being from $4.20 to $1.30 for averages from 50 to 200 Ibs. nml from $2.35 to $4.33 buying most of the heavier weights. Although not nctlve , n fair business was trnns- cte < l In the sheen maiket. Prices were veiy uneven nnd averaged weak , but yesterday's ollt- Idc quotations still held good. A gcodly number if sheep were held over , nnd , with today's 13,000 liead , made the pens inther full. From $1.25 n " 3.25 was paid for poor to choice sheep , nnd 'rom $2 to $1 for lambs. The majority of sheer Hales were nt from $2 to $2.75 nnd the bulk of le lambs brought from $3 to $3.75. HKCK1PTS Cattle. 16,000 head : calves , 300 licadj hogs , 32,000 head ; sheep , 13,000 head. WISSTKKN PACKING 1NTKKKSTH. Supply of Hogs Continues Fur lu ICxccss of the I'rtivallliiE ; Expectation * ! . CINCINNATI , O. , Dec. 12. ( Special Telegram. ) Tomorrow's Pr'ce Current will say : The supply T IICKS continues liberal , somewhat In excess of irevnlllng expectntlons. Packing for the week tvas S35.000 , compared with 470,000 last week and 265,000 n year ngo , making n total of 2,890,000 ilnce November 1 , against 1,075,000 n year ago. 'romlnent places compare as follows : ht. Louis l.lvo Stock Market. ST. LOUIS , Dec. 12.-CATTLE-Rece'pls , 2,60) ead ; shipments , 600 head. Market strong , higher ; native steers , good to choice , $4.6605.35 ; fiilr to medium , $3.4004.00 ; feeders. $3.23 ; COWR , $2.Or.fi- .75 ; Texas steers , fed , $3.5503.75 ; light , $3.750 , .00 ; COWF , $1.7582.25. 1IOQS Receipts , 6,800 head ; shipments , 200 lead. Market strong , lOc hlnher : no choice heavy on sale ; good heavy , $4.3504.45 ; good medium and mixed lots , $4.1004,25 ; common t ? fair light , .3.7004.00. SHEEP Receipts , 3.100 head ; shipments , 400 lead. Market active ; native mixed. 12.4002.70 ; sheep and Iambs , $2.9003.23 ; lambs , $3.85. Now York l.lvo Stock Market. NEW YORK , Dec. 12. REEVES Receipts. 2,000 head. Market lOc higher for common nnd prime ; steady for medium grades ; native sleern , KOT to prime , $4.0305.25 ; oxen , )2.5)04.15 ) ) ; bulls , 12.0003.25 ; Ory cows , $1.2503.20. European cables quote American steers at n011c per lb. , ilresseJ weight ; refrigerator beef , 7Vi4i9'ic. Exports today , " 00 beeves , 100 sheep nnd l.COO quartern of beef. SHEEP AND LAM11S Receipts , 7,100 head ; active , tjc higher ; poor to prime , $2.0003.60 ; ambs , common to good , $3.6004.30 ; choice Can * art OH. $1.60. HOdS Heee'pts , 12,700 head. Market steady ; $4.5004.90. Kansas City Live Stock Mnrkct. KANSAS CITY. Dec. 12. CATTLE Receipts , j.200 head ; fhlpmentB , 1,70. ) head. Market slow nit steady ; Texas steers , $2.2Ti03.90 ; Texas cows , II.6302.10 ; beef steeia , $3.0005.75 : native rows , H.2T 3.CO ; stockera and feeders , $ i.2J@3.50 ; bulls , ,1.9003.00. , HOGS Receipts. 7,800 head ; ( shipments , 700 head. Market strong to 6c higher ; bulk of sales , $4.1004.45 ; heavies , J4.3004.60 ; packers. $4.25 ® 4.50 ; mixed , $4.1004.40 ; lights , $3.7504.10 ; Yorkers , $4.00H4,10 ; pigs , $3.0 ; 3.80. SHEEP Receipt2,400 head ; shipments , 600 head. Market slow. htock In Sight , Record of receipts nt the four principal mar kets for Wednesday , December 12 , 1S9I : Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. South Omaha 2,605 4,770 195 Chicago 16,000 2.000 13,010 fansas City 4.2JO 7,7W 1,600 St. Louis 2.900 6,800 3,100 Total 23,705 51,270 17.885 St. I.oills General Marifot. ST. LOUIS. Dec. 12. FLOUR-Stendy. WHEAT Strong ; nominally H0'.ic higher ; No. 2 red , caeh. 62c ; December , 534e ! ; January , cVKc ; May , 6GK03G ic. CORN Higher on estimates for tomorrow , closing ? i0 > Hc up ; No. 2 mixed , cash , 46 ! c ; De cember. 46o ; January , 434c ; May , 47Vic. OATS Firm , higher ; No. 2 red , cash , SO'.ic ; December , 30o asked. RYE Dull ; pales of Mlnnestota , 64'io. KRAN Strong ; east track , sacked , Clc. FLAX 8EI3D-$1.40. CLOVER SEED Good to choice , $8.4008.70. TIMOTHY SEED-I.7505.25. HAY Steady , unchanged , IHJTTISR Dull , depressed ; choice to fancy separator creamery , 20022c ; choice dairy , 17018c. EOGS Weak ; 19c. LEAD Firm ; $2.85.- SPELTER-Dull : $3.10 asked. CORN MEAI. $2.0502,10. WHISKY $1.23. COTTON TIES 63c. RAGGING 50CV4c. PROVISIONS Pork , standard mess , Jobbing , $12.25. Lard , prime steam , $6.70 ; choice , $6.S2li. Dry salt meats , boxed shoulders , $3.12 % ; longs , $3.87Vi ; ribs , $6.00 ; shorts. $6.1214. Racon , packed shoulders , $3.23 ; longs , $6.75 ; ribs , $6.87'/i ; shorts , RECEIPTS Flour , 3,000 bbl. ; wheat , E.OM bu. ; corn , 43,000 bu. ; oats , 16,000 bu. SHIPMENTS Flour. 6,000 bbls. J wheat and corn , none ; oats , 30.000 bu. Now York Diy Goods Market. NEW YORK , Dec. 12. Tlio announcement ol the sale of 27,000 pkgs. staple and culoied cotton goods attracted chief attention. Still there has been more business In other makes of colored cot tons than natural under the circumstances. Agentt quote the price of 36-nc'.i ! cottons BB follows : Hero , 60 net ; Farwcll , 6c ; Dwlght Anchor , 6c : Cumberland , advance ! to C'ic , nnd Hope , "al value. " Pretty fair business done In prlnteJ fabrics and fancy prints. Printing cloths quid and steady at 2&c. Philadelphia drain Market. PHILADELPHIA. Dec. 12.-WHEAT-U < higher ; No. 2 red. December , eo'.MfCO'.ic ; Febru ary. 624062c ! ; March. C3'S063 c. COHN ! 44C'/io higher ; No. 2 mixed , December 51 > 4@51c ; January. ElXc. UnliitliVheut Market. DULtlTH , Dec. 12. WII CAT No. 2 hard , cash 60ie ; December , 69Jlc ; May , 62c ; July , C4c ; No 1 northern , cash , 69V4c ; December , DSTic ; May 61ic ; July , C3c ; No. 2 northern , cash , Mic ; No 3 , 63J4c ; rejected , COjic. tiunar Market. NEW YORK , Dec. 12. SUOAR-Raw. dull fair refining , 2Tic ; centrifugal , SC tot , 3ic ! sales , 62,773 bags Ilrnill. 87 test , p. t. , 2,864 bag South American. 84 test , p. t. ; refined , cjulet. 'FriscoVlieut Quotations. SAN FRANCISCO. Dec. 12. WHEAT Qule and steady May , $1.02. 4)11 Market * . ANTWERP. Dec. 12.-PUTROLEU1I-13 pal. and UU sellers. Wool Market. ST. LOUlS , Dtc , 12. WOOL Quiet , wlthou Chance. - Financial Note * . BOSTON. Dec. 12. Clearing * , | 1 , CJ3,4M ; bal ancen , J1.8O.70I. 11ALTIJJ.ORB. Dec 12. Clearings , $2S95 , 74 balances , $263.269. NBW YORK. Dec , 12. Clearing * , t9,160W7 ! balance * , $ iC48,202. IXNDON , Dec , 12. Gold I * quoted today o Uuenoa Ay ret at 264 ; Madrid , 1WJ ; Lisbon , 2300 Gives Perfect Satisfaction Wherever Tried. SOLD EVERYWHERE ! THEN1FAIRBAHK COMPANY , CHICAGO. ON SAI.E AT rpHE GREAT FORCED SALE of Household Furniture announced in * ' is nt The ' Furniture and Sunday's papers now on People's Carpet Company's establishment , aud such a veritable feast of bargains has seldom - dom been soon in this city. On account of being over stocked every sin gle piece of furniture , carpets and stoves and all the crockery has boon greatly reduced in price. Do not delay , but como at onco. Remember , "Tho succulent worm awaketh the early bird. " NOTE TiiESE LOW PRICES. Chamber Suits $1975 Folding Beds 17.80 535 Chiffoniers 7.15 JlssJi1 Sideboards 13.25 gsrfiSi Extension Tables. . . . 4.95 JW China Closets ' 14.90 JM Kitclicn Chairs 24 W Pictures 39 . 'ortli Vila1 Mattresses 2. Worth JO.OO .98 Worth Blankets 1.25 W Lace Curtains _ 1,18 K1 Portieres 2.90 YwiJ1 Baussels Carpet 59 Yw"1 Ingrain Carpet 29 W600rcth Linoleum 39 Terms-OASH OR EASY PAYMENTS Formerly People's Mammoth Instill mant House Open Monday and Saturday Evening ) . ? t. Petersburg1 , 50 ; Athens , 07 ; Home , 100.30 ; Vienna , 103. PAIUS , Dec. IS. Three per cent rentes , 102f 35c for the nccount. PHILADELPHIA , Dec. 12. Clenrlnus , J11.C17- 181 ; balances , 1S'J5,81G. HEHLIN , Dec. 12. Exchange on London , 8 daya1 Eight , 20 marks 424 ! pfR. MEMPHIS. Dec. 12. Clearings , J3a7,27r , ; bal ances , J115.553. New York exchange , selling at jar. NEW ORLEANS. Dec. 12. Clearings , $ .2,7(0,70 $ . New Yoik exchange , bank , par ; commercial , Jl discount. CINCINNATI. Dec. 12. Money , 2WC6' per cent. New York exchange , 25G10o premium. Ilenrings , J2,411,7M > . I1OSTON. Dec. 12. The d'rectors of the Ameri can Hell Telephone company have declared the regular dividend of 1V4 per cent. ST. LOUIS. Dec. 12. deal Inns , S4,4,23) ) ; bal ances. J398.304. Money , dull , G07 per cent. Lx- changc on New York , 25c premium bid. CHICAGO. Dec. 12. Clearings. J16J64,000. Money , 4B4V4 per cent on call. 6G per cent on Imp. New Yoik exchange. Me premium. Ster ling , commercial , J4.6Cg4.873J. OctoBcnnrliin Hunk Wrecker on Trlnl. CLEVELAND. Dec. 12. The trial of Horace Steele , president of the wrecked Palnesvlllo Savings bank , was begun In the criminal court today , nfler having been postponed for over two years. Steele was ndlcted on two counts of forgery shortly after the bank went to pieces , Hnlph I'nlge , tha cashier of the bank , who was Indicted at the same time. Is now Bervlns a. long term In the penitentiary , nnd David It. Paige , who was also charged with having aided In the collapse of the bank , ( led to South America , where he stilt lives. Mr. Steele Is nearly EO years of age. The popularity of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and the high esteem In which It Is held leads us to believe It to be an article of great worth and merit. We have the pleasure of three prominent ure of giving the experience nent citizens of Iledoiido Deach , Cal , , In the use of the remedy. Mr. A. V. Trudell says ; "I have always received prompt relief when I used Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. " Mr. Jamea Orchard tays ; "I am satUfled thnt Chamberlain's Cough Remedy cured my cold. " Mr. J. M. Hatcher Bays : "For three years I have used Chamberlain's Cough Rem edy In my family and Its results have always been satisfactory. Schema to Iteleiue SUcrter. MONNETT. Mo. , Dec. 12. Eight bandits , well mounted and armed , have been sighted several times recently near here. The theory , based on good1 evidence , 1s that they are preparing to hold np the train on which desperado "Skceter" of the Cook gang , re cently sentenced to thirty years In prlton , Is to be removed to Detroit , and release him. All are known to b friends of. the con victed man. Mr. J. K. Fowler , wcretary and treasurer of the Corlnne Mill , Canal and Stock Co. , of Corlnne , Utah , In speaking of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy , says ; I consider It the best In the market. I nuve used many kinds , but find Chamberlain's moit prompt and effectual In giving relief , and now keep no other In my home. " When troubled with a cold or cough glvo this remedy a trial , and we assure you that you will be more than pleased with tliu result. ArlSquaces $ 1.98 Worth II.GO Smyrna Rugs 1.24 Worth M.2& Misfit Ingrains 6.65 $14.00 Worth Iroa Beds 6.75 $16.00 Worth HallHaclis 5.90 114.00 Worth Baby Carriages 6.50 113.00 Worth Center Tables 1.65 Worth $4.60 Parlor Suits 24.75 Worth . $00.00 Lounges 4.90 $12.00 Worth Oil Heaters 3.75 Worth ra.co Base Burners 12.50 $26.00 Worth Oak Heaters. . . . . . 6.75 $14.70 Worth Ranges 9.75 $22.00 Worth Wire Springs 89 Worth $2.60 Dinner Sets 6.75 $14.60 Worth Piano Lamps 4.90 $12.60 Worth W YORK 1,500 MILF.SFnOM OMAHA HUT THK TELKOnAPII , COUDINED WITH OUII PIIIVATK CODE , UEDUCEH THE TIME TO A 1'KW MINUTES AND THE EXPENSE TO A FEW CENTS * T , E , WARD & CO , Bankers and Brokers , 31 & 33 Broadway , New York City , STOCKS , BONDS , GRAIN , COTTON , COFFEE. Dought and Bold for cash , or curried on 8 to S per cent , margin. Commission 1-10. IV YOU WANT TO KEK1" 1'OS TED YOU SHOULD BEND FOK OUII DAILY MAUKKT L'ETTEn , WHICH TELLS YOU WHEN TO BELL AS WELll AS WHAT AND WHEN TO DUY. You BlmuU iilun Bend for our CIUCULAR , which gives some valuable suggestions In the way oi avoiding IOSJCB. ir you will examine every ac count you ever bail which showed you a losi , and then figure out what you would have made fol lowing our rules , you will cay your losses wcra unnecessary. 'We hare the target ! ojflcei , employ more cirri * . mnm brokers , have more private wires , vie more telephone ! , and Itave a larger number ofeuitomert than any other broken' office In the world , It you are making money where you are , don't change , but K you are running l > efilncul ! euia ohanc < > . If you are speculating In the NEW YOHK STOCK EXCHANGE , quit at once and try the CONSOLIDATED , where you can nave half the commliilon , and all ot the Interest , It you wlib. CORN For delivered prices on Corn or Feed of any description In car loads lots. Writt or telegraph W. H. BOOTH & CO. , Kansas City , Mo. Weights and grades guaranteed. WM. LOUD ON. Commission. Merchant J Grain anil Provisions. Private wires to Chicago and New York All business orders placed on Chlcagl Board of Trade , Correspondence solicited. Cilice , room 4. New York Life Building Omaha. Telephone 1303. NEW is. i. o. wiai'fl urns MID mm immur ia sold under ponitiio written eaarnntee , by authorized agents only , to euro Weak Memory ; IJOH ot Drain and Nerra 1'owor : Ixut Manhood : Qulckneno ; Night I s8c j I'.ril llreamo lJick < ConCdcncoi NervoiuneRe ; lia&altndoi ill Uralni ) Ix i of Power ot the Generative Oraan : In either oz , caused lirover.niortiou , YouthfulKrrori.or Kzcoui'ra U o of Tobacco , Opium or Liquor , vliloh leads to MUory. ConsumiiUon , Inunlty end Death , liy mallla box ) ilx ( or tSrwItli written guarantee to euro or rutnnil moner. wicvi Llrct PUli cure Hick Headache. IHUoutDMi , Mrer Complaint , Hour Htomnrh , Oyanepda taut CoruUpatloo. UUAUANTKKU Issued oulj by Qoodmaa Drug Co. Omtba.