Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 11, 1894, Page 8, Image 8

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Omaha Business Men Beady to Back th <
State Fair Project ,
further Consideration of the Matter' '
Evcnlng-tltt'ii Delay In Stndlng Notice *
Proven Kxiiiparntlnir Uncaurnelni ;
Jtcports from I'rampt Committed.
Business men interested In securing thi
Btato fair , la connection with a mile tracl
and racing association , for Omaha , met a
the Commercial club rooms last night , will
W , V. Morno again In the chair.
Secretary Utt reviewed briefly the pro
cccdlngs of the two former meetings anc
then announced the following committed
appointed by the chair to secure subscrlp
tlons , as provided by a resolution at tin
last meeting , and to report at last nlght'i
meeting :
Lumber , John A. Wakcflcld , Frank Col
petzer ; owners of horses , W. A. Paxton
Clinton Brggsjland owners , Curtlss C. Turner
nor , A. L. Reed , Alfred Mlllard ; coal deal
ers , Jeff W. Bedford , George Patterson , V
B. White ; banks and Institutions , Luthe
Drake , F. H. Davis , V. B. Coldwell ; rea
estate , George N. Hicks , E. A. Benson
George H. Payne ; retail dry goods am
clothing , Emll Brandels , W. R. Bennett , R
S. WIIcox ; other retail "dealers , N. A. Kuhn
C. S. Raymond , Robert Roicnzwelg , Wll
Ham Fleming , Arthur S. Brlggs ; brewers
William Krug , George Krug ; saloons , brew
crs1 committee will appoint this committee
wholesale dealers , F. P. Klrkendall , Ma ;
Meyer , J. O. Gllmorcj hotels , Thoma
Swobe ; railroads , John S. Brady , J. E. Utl
Charles A. Coe ; attorneys , Frank E. Moorcs
C. S. Montgomery , John D. Howe ; Soutl
Omaha packing houses , B. A. Cudahy , W
N. Babcock ; ' South Omaha 'retailers ' , E <
Johnston , H. C. Bostwlck.
Mr. Mcrsq stated that he had the abov
list all made out and delivered It at the Con-
merclal club rooms with Instructions to hav
the notifications typewritten and sent out I
each commltteeman at the earliest posslbl
moment , but notwithstanding this Importunlt
for some unaccountable reason Secretary Ui
did not get them out until Saturday aftei
noon. He must have realized , said M
Morse , that all possible expedition was ne <
ossary In this matter , inasmuch as the bl
for the state fair must bo put In by Januar
1 , and the different committees were CJ
pectcd to report at the Joint meeting hel
last evening.
The reports of thcso committees were ne ?
in order , but as they had only had the shoi
time since Saturday afternoon to do an
work the majority of them were unable 1
make any progress , and hence had no n
port to make.
Emll Brandels , temporary chairman of tl
retail dry goods and clothing commute
reported that his committee had put In a
hour canvassing yesterday morning , and It
retail dealers would guarantee a cash dom
tlon of $5,000 to push the project to an earl
and successful Issue. He added that 1
thought It would hs no difficult matter i
raise $50,000 among the business men , as a
they waited upon were extremely enthusiast
and willing and anxious to subscribe , whlc
statement evoked some very vigorous ai
J , E. Baum , chairman ot the commute
on locations , reported that It had receive
propositions err five different locations , an
after careful consideration of all the advar
tagcs offered by each , recommended tl :
selection of the Plcard tract of ICO acres , li
eluding what Is known as the Omaha Drl'
ing Park association property In the propos
tlon to It from the land owners. It furtlu
recommended that a permanent organlzatlo
bo effected as soon as the subscrlptlor
would make it possible. It also rccommcm
ed the appointment ot a finance commltti
to take charge of all subscriptions and otlif
matters of a like nature. No action wi
taken on this report.
John A. Wakeflcld offered a resolutlo
that a committee consisting ot Mr. Mon
as chairman and the chairmen of all tl
soliciting committees ho appointed to ha\
charge of the further hiterests of the Sta
Fair and Race association , and that the
meet with the subscribers to the project i
a meeting to be called for next Tuesdo
evening. The resolution and amendmcr
was adopted.
Mr. Morse said that he considered it hip
tlmo to discontinue the adopting of rcsoli
tlons and appointment of committees ; tin
thcro was but one thing for the buslne ;
men of Omaha to do , and that was to rail
the money "necessary to carry out the plai
already outlined ; that the soliciting comml
tecs pattern after Mr. Brandels' commute
get out and hustle and ascertain how muc
they could swell the pot.He declared that tliei
was but one thing that could cut any fl |
uro ia this enterprise , and that was mone ;
and money only.
Right here came a damper from Stcreta :
Utt In the declaration that the state fair w ;
only a sldo Usue to thts matter , that it w ;
n race track and association that the peep
wanted , and that if subscriptions were to 1
taken with the Idea that the state fair w ;
to be located here two sets of lists would hate
to bo circulated , as many of the men tu
scribing for the fair would not want , to su
scribe If they felt that the move was on
in the Interests of a racetrack. .
Mr. Morse corrected the gentleman In r
conception of the object of the work In hai
nnd stated emphatically that the p-lmary Usi
was the securing of the state fa r , as the ml
utes of the last meeting would show I
an amended resolution of Mr. Walsh , whli
amendment , however , tailed to manifest
Belt on the secretary's records. It had be
overlooked or lost by his typewriter.
Mr. Hicks also took occasion to oluclilal
declaring that the object mainly was for t
state fair , then the race track , but both ,
all hazards. Ho thought thcro would bo :
difficulty In settling the matter speedily
Mr. Morse's suggestions were put Into exec
Mr. Baum stated ( hat he had no fears whc
ever that Omaha could secure the fair
its buslners men took right hold of It In
vigorous and aggressive manner.
Mr , Morse suggested that it might
apropos to again state by resolution that t
object was to cccuro the state fair , It It con
be cecurcd , a mile track , racs and exposltl
association , and anything and everything cl
calculated to Invigorate Omaha's business I
terests and to bring crowds within its gati
but before this suggestion could bo acted
the fire In the Consolidated Coffee compan ;
building broke out and the meeting was hi
rledly adjourned until next Tuesday evening ,
Delicate as a hot house flower the flav
of dishes made with Dr. Price's Baking Per
_ _
lulmlctl Deadly GUI.
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Mahoney , the ae
parents of lion , T. J. Mahoney , narrowly <
caped death by asphyxiation Saturday nig
The couple reside with their son , John ,
2C18 Davenport street , and retired as usu
When the light was turned out the val
was not entirely closed , and the gas fill
the room. Mrs , John Mahoney went to t
room to call her husband's parents to brer
fast and found them nearly dead. Be
were unconscious , and a physician was su
moned at once. At noon ye > teday Dr. Coflm
eald that Mr. Mahoney was a little eas
nnd would probably recover , but Mrs. A
honey was itlll very low and her chain
were slim. Just how the accident occuri
jio ono seems to know.
Good champagne repairs waste. It you f
tired try a bottle ot Cook's Extra Dry I
perlal Champagne ; boquet unrivalled.
Vr , Murtilti'i Itutnrn.
Superintendent Marble of the city Echo
was back at h s desk yesterday. Ho I
just returned from the funeral ot his daui
ter , Margaret , who died In Philadelphia t
weeks ago. The funeral cervices were h
at the residence ot Dr. John 0. Marble
Worcester , Mais. , where- the presence ol
largo number of friends and a profusion
Coral trlbutea teamed to the esWin
hlch Miss Marble was held by those wh
ad known her best. The services conslitci
mply of a prayer and two opproprlat
coins , which \vero read by the officlatlni
lergyman , nfter which the remains wer
'ollowed to their last resting placf. Mrs
ilarble and their remaining daughter nc
ompanled Dr. Marble on his return and theme
ome of the family will now bo here.
llnfden Ilroi ,
On and after this day and until Cbrlstma
o will keep our store open evenings to ac
ommodate our many patrons who canno
omo to our store during the day.
Auction Be euro and attend the ealc of fin
ones , draft , drivers and chunks , Wednesday
ec. 12 , at ono p. m. sharp , at the Unto
lock yards horse and mule market , Sout'
Imllngs of County Court Sustained li
Wlieclcr Knt.itn Mutter.
Ira Bachelor made another effort to get th
) ert Glendower Wheeler case before th
ourts yesterday and was knocked ou
gain. The action came up from the count
: ourt , where Judge Baxter had made an ordc
cmovlng Gust Hamel as guardian for th
nlnor child of Bert Wheeler , deceased , an
irdered Hamel to pay over $1,935 , the mone
if the estate. Hamel had receipted to th
lounty court for the money and had take
n lieu thereof a mortgage on some Ktmba
lounty sand hills , owned by a brother of .
. Eller , who as county Judge had appolnte
lamel as the child's guardian.
Hamel appealed from Judge Baxter's orilc
o the district court and on Friday Judf
lopewell confirmed the action of the count
udge. Then Bachelor , Hamcl's attorne ;
vent before Judge Scott and asked to hav
he appeal heard again , as he was out ot tti
tty when Judge Hopewell made his rullni
udge Scott took the matter up ycstcrda
nd said he would strike the petition froi
.ho files If the attorney for the new admlnli
ration would make a motion to that effect ,
lamel had filed no appeal bond and no pit
.ton In error. This motion was made an
ho appeal finally set aside.
Grow Out or u Cattle Deal.
Judge Charles L. Benedict , judge of tli
United States court for the eastern dlstrli
f New York , appointed to that position b
'resident Lincoln , Is In Omaha as a plalntl
, n a suit against the T L V Land an
Cattle company , n corporation having ll
icadquartcrs In Newark , N. J. , and ii
anclies and business In Logan county , Ni
raska. The suit Is brought on thlrtce
iromlssory notes of a total value of $9,7 !
ivlth Interest for a couple ot years.
The defense alleges that whllo the noti
were given they were taken up and In the
lead Judge Benedict was given bonds of U
T L and V Land and. Cattle company of tl
ralue of $25,000. Mr. Benedict alleges tin
he bonds were not legally Issued and h :
efused to surrender the notes. The catt
: ompany also presents a counter claim <
iomethlng like $23,000 , which Mr. Denccll
alleges has no foundation In fact. The ca :
lias been on trial for several days before
ury In Judge Blair's court and will not 1
completed before this evening. Judf
Benedict's court was to have opened In Ne
York yesterday , but has been adjourns
"or a week owing to his Inability to leave tl
case now on trial. J. E. 'Rlley Is the mai
gcr and promoter of the T L V Land ar
Cattle company.
Interest .Moro Tliau I'rlnclpnl.
Judge Keysor and a jury are hearing
case growing out of a chattel mortgaf
ransactlon In which usury Is set up as a d
'ense by the giver of the mortgage. J. j
Yeager borrowed $25 from the Omaha Mor
gage company and paid Interest on the loa
at the rate of $2.50 a month for sxte :
months. After no had paid $40 In Intere
on a $25 loan he found the mortgage in tl
hands of L. Griffith , who sought to take po
session of th'p goods. Yeager brought su
'n replevin anil presented the defense
usurious Interest. Griffith , ot course , pleai
the Innocent purchaser act ,
I'rlco of u I-CK.
During the visit of Kelly's army at We
ton last April a party of Omaha citizens ei
gaged ono of Jim Stephenson's hacks i
drive to Wcston one dark night. On tl
way the pole of the buggy broke and caus <
a runaway , In which Driver Nemeyer ws
very severely Injured. He was confined I
a hospital in Council Bluffs and lost 01
leg. He brought suit against Stephens ;
for $25,000 damagps. The case Is on trial b
fore a jury In Judge Keysor's court.
Suit AeulnstVhlpplo. .
Suit was commenced In the county cou
yesterday against Albert Whlpple , tha a
leged absconding bank president Crawfor
The action was In the form of an attacl
ment against the United States Nation
bank ot this city and in favor of the Ga
City Hat company for $560 ,
Smiles abound wherever Dr. Price's Crea
Baking Powder Is used.
Pulled from Under u lied In n Cue
Jtoom ut the Paxton.
Yesterday afternoon Detective Savage ca
tured a young _ man named Frank Smit
alias G. E. Crawford.
Yesterday forenoon Crawford went in
J. J. Philbln's ticket office and stated th
he knew a friend who had a 'mileage boi
for sale cheap , and asked Mr. . Phllbln
send his clerk with him to purchase It. Tl
ticket broker gave his messenger boy $
and told him to go and make the purchas
The swindler took 'the boy to a store i
Farnam street , induced him to give up t ]
money and then skipped out the back doc
leaving the boy watting for his mlleai
book. When the young man grew tired
waiting he investigated and found that ]
had bene duped. Mr. Phllbln gave t
money up as lost , but chancing to pa
through the lobby of the Paxton hotel , sa
the swindler eating his dinner. Crawfo
saw Phllbln at the same time , and whl
the latter stepped to the telephone to c :
a policeman he quietly left the dining roe
and ran up the stairs. When Detective Sava
arrived he was compelled to search the houi
Ho found his man under a bed in one ot t !
guest rooms on the fourth floor. Up
being searched at police headquarters near
a dozen railway passes were found In t
prisoner's pockets. Most , If ijot all , of the
passes are supposed to be forgeries , and t
detectives will hold Mr. Crawford for a f <
days while they investigate his record.
Crawford was in 1893 "employed in t
auditor's office of tha Northwestern rallrc
at Chicago , and the passes ho has are I
1893. He has n permit to rldo at half rai
over the 13. & M. in Nebraska.
MurrhiBO l.lctmtea.
Marriage licences have bc'cn Issued by t
county judge as folllows :
Name nnd Address. Ai
Tom V. Allison , South Omaha .
7.oa. Z. Scott , South Omaha .
Secretary C. Green , Omaha .
Alice Lee , Omaha .
John llcnsman , Omaha .
Minnie Jargstorf , Mlllard .
Edward Menkln ? , Arlington .
Nellie Tlmperly , Bennlngton .
William Urnyton , South Omaha .
Mrs. Susie Miners , South Omaha .
Julius Grimm , South Omaha . . . . . .
Mary Jetter , South Omalm .
Oregon Kidney Tea cures alt kidney trc
bles. Trial slzo , 25 cents. All druggists.
Kliot llotli of tlio llrothcri.
CERRILOS , N. M. , Dec. 10-Eluterlo L <
ba shot Emll d'Lao In the head at Pe
lilnnca , seventeen miles west of hero , li
night. The shooting was the result of an i
Krudge. David d'Lao. Umll'u brother , ash
Leyba why he- shot Emll , nnd Leyba thei
upon deliberately shot him In the brea
Kmll may recover , but David will sun
die. Leyba Is In JalljU Albuquerque.
BHUADER Qeo. 'VY- . aced 8 years 5 mont
beloved son of Mr. and ilra. Clias. Bhrai
and brother of Wm. J. and Clias.
Shrader , Sunday , Dec. 9 , 1891. Funeral
take place from family residence , 1618
27th St. . Tuesday afternoon. Dec. 11 ,
2 o'clock. Interment Foreat Lawn. I
neml private.
THOMAB-Edlth C. ( nee Brown ) , wife
Alfred Thomas , at her residence , 118 Noi
Twenty-foul th ftrf t. Sunday evening , I
ceraber 9 , U9I. Interment at Cincinnati ,
0-Inch line Blenched Dnmirk , All Linen ,
60o Yard.
co TnrRO Atl on fifth I'nijo for Special
Cloak nnd Clothing I'rlccs Also Jowolrjr
nnd .Underwear Santa Cluus Head *
quarters from Now Till Clirlitnias.
GO-lnch fine blenched damask , all linen , al
Oc yard , cheap al 75c.
72-Inch wide bleached or unulcnchei
amnsk at 76c , would bo good value at $1.00
3-4 full bleached , * all linen napkins , $1.0 <
Full slzo white crcchct bed spreads , extr :
eavy , at $1,00 each , \\cro $1.25.
9-1 unbleached sheeting , 12'XiC yard.
Long napped , heavy twilled , unbleachei
ctton flannel reduced to Go yard.
Dest grade of bleached cotton flannel foi
ho money ever sold In Omaha at lOc yard.
New assortment of light colors of bes
ngllsh flannelette , just opened , lOc yard.
Large size crib blankets only 50c pair.
Full standard dark prints , only 3V4c yard
Ready made pillow cases , lOc , 12V4c am
5c each.
Ready made sheets , 4Bc , COc and 55c each
18-Inch wide brown linen twilled tcwllni
inly EC yard.
We placs on sale tomorrow a big line o
iur own make of bed comforts , filled will
> est white cotton , good material , at $1.50
1.75 , $2.00 and $2.25 each.
If there Is any particular part cf ou
mammoth dress goods stock In which wo ex
ell It Is our black and navy serges.
40-Inch black and navy , worth 50c , 33c.
45-Inch black and navy , worth 59c , 39c.
40-Inch black and navy , worth C5c , 46c.
4G-lnch black and navy , worth 7Gc , 49c.
40 and'47-lnch black and navy , worth 89c
48-Inch black and navy , worth $1.00 , 65c.
48-Inch black and navy , worth $1.25 , 7Gc ,
62-Inch bladk and navy , worth $1.25 , C9c.
The above goods have all been bcught 01
he free wool basis and are as cheap toda ;
as they will bo sold at any tlmo next year.
Dcdel Institute of Blair , Neb. , Is the bes
and only guaranteed cure ot the liquor , mor
ihlno and tobacco habit.
Via tlio Hock Island liartcftt Line one
Fastest Time.
To all points In Kansas , Oklahoma , India :
Territory , Texas and all points In souther ;
Jallfornla. Only ono night out to all point
n"Texas. . The "Texas Limited" leaves Orha
ha at 5:15 : a. m. dally except Sunday , landln ;
lasscngers at all points In Texas 12 hours I
advance of all other lines. Through tourls
cars via Ft. Worth and El Paso to Los An
geles. For full particulars , maps , folder ;
etc. , call at or address Rock Island tlclce
ofllce , 1602 Farnam st.
Via ( ho Wuh.isli It. R.
On November 20 , December 4 and 18
he Wabash will sell tickets at one fare
with $2 added. For tickets or a copy o
the Homeseekers' Guide call at Wabasl
office , 1502 Farnam street , or write.
G. N. CLAYTON , N.r. . P. Agt. Omaha.
Cheap Katos to tlioVc4t. .
On December 4 and 18 the Union Paclfli
will cell first class round trip tickets to al
points In Kansas , Nebraska , Colorado , Wyo
nlng and Utah at a rate of one standard firs
class fara for the round trip , plus $2. Reai
of wonderful prosperity of the Irrigated dls
; rlcts along the line of the Union Pacific am
take this oppartuolty to see toe yoursslf.
For further Information , descriptive prlntei
matter , time taWes , etc. , call on or addres
your nearest ticket agent or
C. T. A. U. P. System.
1302 Farnam St. , Omaha.
Now Onmlia Limited Train.
On and after Sunday , November 4 , th
Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul "elcctrl
lighted limited' " will leave Omaha , at C r
in. , arriving In Chicago at 9 a .m. Rcmem
ber this train carries dinner a la carte.
C. S. CARRIER , Ticket Agent.
1504 Farnam St.
Itcascr Collection Contributes Orcatly t
the KfTect uf tlio UUplny.
What Is Intended to bo the permaner
exhibit of the Western Art association ws
opened In the public library building yestci
day , and while the collection does not reac
the standard which was originally contetr
plated , owing to the Indifferent pntronaf
which was accorded the previous exhibit ,
Is sufficient both In extent and merit to be
credit to. Omaha and to the organization.
The pictures occupy four galleries , whlc
are fair.y well filled with paintings , both I
oil and water colors. Ono gallery Is bur
with some of the best paintings of tl :
Llnlnger collection and another Is occuplc
with those which were left over from tl
previous exhibition. These have bee
previously discussed , but the remalnln
galleries are Jmns with a collection whlc
Is entirely now to this city. These arc U
work of Mr. William Aaron Reaser <
Paris , and most of them tm\
been done within the past t
years. . They Include pictures , 'sketclu
and studies of nearly every description , bi
those most highly prized by the artist ai
a number of small figure pieces which he hi
painted during his travels on the contlnei
and which present a remarkably accurate d
llncatlon of some types of continental llf
Several of these have been accorded flattcrlr
positions at the Paris salons , and come '
Omaha with the prestige gained from t )
commendation of some of the best critics i
One of the most happy efforts of the , art !
Is , a small figure painting , "Two Workers ,
which Is catalogued as No. 8. It reprcsen
a French homo scene In which a mlddl
aged matron Is knitting , whllo an Infai
child sits at her sldo and Industrious
assists her by tangling her threads like
mischievous kitten , The characters are tn
to life and the effect Is very pleasing.
One of the paintings which has attract !
the most attention from local connolsseu
Is No. 129 , ' Sunrise on the Waal. " This is
morning scene In Holland , where the genii
ot tho. artist Is abundantly Indicated. Tl
Irregular stretch of river with Its marsl
banks and the broken clouds tinged wli
the glow of . .the dawning day present
beautiful iifcture. It Is still unfinished , i
there ore ono or two features remaining
be brought out , anil when ttie Idea ot tl
artist Is finally worked out enough warm !
will bo added to dispel the chilly effect th ;
now seems to bo the only drawback to tl
success ot the picture.
"Making the Morning Fire" Is a stu <
from a character that ' .s reproduced In se
eral of the pieces. An old woman U plyli
a pair of bellows on the fireplace , and tl
serious Interest which she takes In the we
fare of the flickering flames Is faithful
No. 152 Is Interesting , as It reprcsen
a corner of Mr. Rtaaer's Paris studio. He
a small table Is set with a Bohemian pr
fusion , Indicative of the true artist , and t :
draperies of the apartment complete a ve
pretty thing.
The unfinished portrait of Miss Leo
Plait , an Iiwa girl , Is No. 9 , and wh
this Is completed It promises to be a me
attractive picture.
The landscapes represent fomo of the me
. . .
Cor. IStb and hrnam Sis , , OMAHA
t > . \vrnv tti.nnir.WMinilfl
cautlful nooks Infe-ilio * old country , and altc
ncludo a number i ot pretty nccncs In Iowa ,
which have been uecutly added to the or-
Ist's collection. Mrviieaser expects to leave
its collection In iiOnjafm tor about tiifcc
ivceks , after which ) * It. will be taken to San
"rnnclsco , where b expects to spend a year
r two ID 8lildylngth artistic features of the
California scenery.
While the exhibition Is not designed as a
ource of revenuei the expanses ot lighting ,
mngtng , etc. , nro ( considerable , and an ad
mission fee of 25 cxntf Is charged , which In-
ludes the catalogue. The collection Is well
vorth careful study , and In time the man
gers hope to create sufficient public Interest
o warrant a gradual Increase In the extent
f the exhibition.
The second annual tour of Jacob Lilt's
cry successful drama of Ulue Grass life ,
'In Old Kentucky , " has been auspiciously
naugurated and another season of prosperity
s undoubtedly In store for this capital play ,
The seven months' stay at the New Yorli
Academy of Music last season prevented tht
production from visiting many cities , ani
hercfore It will bo entirely new to a greal
majority of theater goers , especially in tin
vest * Its prime features , however , have beer
nado more or less familiar through tin
general attention given to them by the
Iramatlo writers of the country. The strlk-
'ng novelty of a brass band , composed en <
.Irely of diminutive darkles , and the gcnuliu
racing scene will particularly arouse Intercsi
among theater goers , and the general ox *
ccllence ot the play Itself , will doubtless
combine to attract large audiences every-
where. "In Old Kentucky" comes to tin
Boyd on Thursday evening next , for the re
nalnder of the week , with Saturday matinee
Patrons of Boyd's theater will recognize r
welcome visitor on Sunday evening next Ir
the coming of Charles Hoyt's farce comedy
'A Trip to Chinatown. " The engagemeni
will be noticeable for more than one reason
The play holds the record of having had i
onger run In the metropolis than any othci
production , no matter how elaborate , that ha !
ever been seen In the city of New York
The presentation to bo seen at Boyd's theatei
s Identical with that given In New York
Not only does It embrace the same cast , bui
every particle of scenery and all properties
.n . fact everything down to the minutes !
detail , Is brought to this city for this on
; agemcnt. The cast Is the same , Including
[ lorry Conor as Welland Strong , '
S'ewton Chlsnell , Geraldlne McCann
Margaret McDonald , Harry Gllfoll
ind that famous little lady whc
133 danced her way Into the hearts o ]
the people wherever she has appeared , Bessli
layton. "A Trip to Chinatown , " It Is safe
to predict , will moro than repeat Its success
of last year.
"Tho Dazzler , " ono of the very besi
farce comedies that the Boyd has presented
recently , Is drawing the patronage that II
so richly deserves. There will be two mon
night performances of "The Dazzler" and f
special matinee on Wednesday afternoon , a
which the prices have been made 50 cent :
Tor the first floor and 25 cents for tin
Referring to "Tho Prodigal Father , " tin
Newark , ( N. J. , ) Times says :
" 'The Prodigal Father' at the Lyceum thli
week Is an excellent comedy. With Just i
dash of horseplay to give It spice. It pro
duces fun that Is fast and furious. The com
pany Is ono of great and even power. Tin
many curtain calls which the second act ) re
ceived from the well filled house attested Iti
success here. The story Is simple. A
wealthy old geographer starts out to explon
Africa , but the day' before his steamer sail :
lie meets with a diversion In the shape ol
a serio-comic actress. He straightway give :
up his scientific ideas and tags after heifer
for six months. He receives no encourage
ment , so gives up the chase. Arrived a !
dome , he tells his family of Imaginary ad
ventures In the dark continent. Compllca
tlons entirely unlocked lor follow him Ir
scenes that are both ludicrous and touches o
nature. The company" made up of ex
cellent material. "All are young people , and
to Judge from thclrr style last night , eac'l
has a brilliant histrionic future. "
This funniest , of plays comes to the Emplri
for the week tit December JO , commenclni
with the usual Sunday matinee.
No one knows Just how good Dr. Price's
Cream Baking Powder Is until they try 1
and compare the splendid work it does will
that of other kinds.
Veterans of the Tjito War Ilumcmbored bj
the ( icnurat Government.
WASHINGTON , Dec. 10.-(8peclal.-Pen ( )
slons granted , Issue of November 27 , were :
Nebraska : Original John II. Hrown
Halgler , Dundy. Additional. Daniel Gran
ger , Kemma , Knox. Renewal Hugh M
O'Neal , Bellevue , Sarpy.
Iowa : Original John S. Plxley , North
wood , Worth ; Thomas J. Trulock , Prim
Khar. O'Brlon : Gyrim W. Iloblnion. Uowp\ |
nuchnnnn. Renewal nnd Increase Join
Ilynold3 , Clinton , Cl ntou. Original \vldowf
etc. Almfro Hawu. JuIulcln , Ida ; Umliy Al
Hetelngcr , New Albion , AllamnUee ; Luclnd
Wobster. Leon , Decntur ; Orisa F. Tylei
Ionia , Chlcknsaw. Widows Indian , wurs-
Mnrgaret Uule , Hpworth , Dubuciuo.
Wyoming : Increase John II. Simmermar
Terry , Fremont.
Montana : Original Christian Ille , llelenr
Lewis and Clarke.
South Dakota : Original John R , Olm
stead , Vllas , Miner.
H of the action of
medicines , or vegeta
ble compounds , upon
the stomach , and tests
in many hundreds
of coses , long ago
convinced Doctor
Chief Consulting
Physician to the Invalids' Hotel and Surg
ical Institute , Buffalo , N. Y. , that all cases
of Indigestion , Dyspepsia and Liver Com
plaint could bs cured permanently1 if the
right treatment were given. In support of
his belief that he had discovered an altera
tive extract which ho called "Golden Med
ical Discovery , " that would cure these dis
eases , he collected from all parts of the
country the evidence of those who had
used his medicine , and he has asked the
public to investigate for themselves , as he
would be glad to furnish the names and
addresses of thousands of people who have
used Dr. Tierce's Golden Medical Discov
ery. All interested should send for a little
medical treatise on Dyspepsia , Chronic Di
arrhea , "Liver Complaint , " Biliousness ,
Constipation and Piles , published by the
World's Dispensary Medical Association ,
Buffalo , N. V. , and mailed on receipt of six
cents in one-cent stamps. This book also
contains the photographs and testimony of
many persons who have suffered from diseases
eases of the digcstive'organs.
THOMAS FtErciirni , of Clifton Station , Fair
fax Co. , Va. , writes :
"I suffered the terri
ble tortures for ten
years with what your
5)r. Fierce's Common
Sense Medical Advis
er describes ; as 'Gas-
tralgia' ( pain In stem-
nch ) . I employed our
home-doctor took H
dozen bottles of sarsa-
parllla with no bene
fit ; then I took one-
half dozeu bottles of a
celery compound with
out any benefit : then
.eight bottles of Iron
tonic , yet I was no bet
ter ; tills was In 1889.
I then took six bottles
. ° f DrTierce's Golden
, , , ,
Tnos. FLETCHBB , i on . Medcnl | DUcovery.
which madt a new man of me. I am now fifty-
two years old. nod for the past five years I have
worked very hard on my farm , it U impossible
for me to say too much for the'Golden Medical
Discover } . ' "
Wcnineti nnrtFecreH
Ererr euro guaranteed
Bo yc r esuerlenee.
8 rein In Omaha.
Uook Free.
1-1 ( li .liF rimmSU.
Both the method and results when
Syrup of Figs is taken ; it is pleasant
and refreshing to the taste , and ncta
gently yet promptly on the Kidneys ,
Liver and Bowels , cleanses the sys
tem effectually , dispels colds , head
aches and fevers and cures habitual
constipation. Syrup of Figs is the
only remedy of its kind over pro
duced , pleasing to the taste and ac
ceptable to the stomach , prompt in
its action and truly beneficial in its
effects , prepared only from the most
heal thy and agreeable substances , its
many excellent qualities commend it
to all and have made it the most
popular remedy known.
Syrup of Figs is for sale in CO
cent bottles by all leading drug
gists. Any reliable druggist who
may not have it on hand will pro-
euro it promptly for any ono who
wishes to try it. Do not accept any
LOUISVIUE , Kf , Nl \ \ YORK , N.Y.
This extraordinary Rejuvenator Is the most
wonderful discovery of the BRO. It has been
endorsed by the leadlngnclcntlllc men of Euiopo
. J cud America. , j _ _
Duilyan is
purely vege
Hudjati ctops
ofllio discharge
lu : days.
Constipation , Dizziness , Falling Sensations ,
Nervous Twitching of the ycs and other parts.
Strengthens , invigorates and tones the entire
organ ! ) . _ - , , .
night are Hopped quickly. Over 2,000 private
endorsements. . . .
Piematurencss means Impotcnoy In the Bret
stage It is a tymptomof tcmlnal weakness and
barrenness. It can be stopped iu 20 days by the
The now discovery was made by the Special
ists of thoold famous Hudson Blodicnl In ll-
tutu. ItU the strongest vltallzcr made. Ills
very powerful , but harmless. Bold for 81.00 a
paclcngoor d packages for J3.CO ( plain sealed
boxes ) . Written guarantee given fora cure. If
you buy six boxes and are not entirely cured ,
fix mnro will bo sent to you free of all charges.
Bend for circulars and testimonials. Addreea
1082 MAIIKET ST. ,
is sold under positlvowritten ennrnrtcc , by
Authorized njents only , to euro Weak Memory ;
IxiB8 of Hraln and Nerve I'owor ; Lost Mnnhood ;
Oulcknoen ; Nicht Losses ; Kril Dreams ; Lnckof
Confuionco ; Norvousnoba ; Lassitude ; all Drnlne ;
Loss of Tower of the OonorativoOrpnns in cither
BOX , caused hyovor-oxortion , Youthful Iirror § , or
Kiccaeivo Use of Tobacco , Opium or Liquor ,
which loads to Jlieory. Consumption , Incanity
nnd Death. Hy mail , Sin box ; eix for S5with :
written cnarnnteofo euro or refund money. Wet
liter rifil euro Hick Hcndnche. HilioupnoBS.
Liver Compliiint , Himr Htomnch. Dyspepsia and
vonBtipatlon. GUAHANTKEH issued only by
Goodman Drug Co. Omaha.
Adam's Clothes
Were remarkably simple and in
expensive , but they would hardly defer
for the U. S. , A. D. 1894.
Our clothes are remarkably inex
pensive , also note these prices :
Pants - - T S3.OO
Suits - - - 3.25
Topcoats - $ | O.25
And better matciial for a little
moru money. We give yo.u fine
quality , perfect fit and the latest cut.
We Make Suits
That Suit.
408 North 16th , Omaha.
EhrrlfT * Halo.
By virtue of nn order of attachment am
garnishment Issued out of the district cour
of the Fourth judicial district , within ani
for Douglas county , In an action whereli
the KltchlnirK Worsted company la plalntl !
and Clarence J. Canan and John J , Ilellei
partners an C. J. Cunan & Co. , are defend
ants , I did on the 28th clny of Novembci
A. D. 1891 , nttacli an the property of th
said C. J. Canan & Co. u mlscellaneou
stock of tailorings , coiiBlstiiiR of cashmere
cheviot nnd Knickerbocker suitings , broad
cloth , worsted cloth , overcoating , buttoiu
thread , llnlngn , nnd the fixtures contains
In the store room of C. J. Canan & Co. o :
Knrnam direct betwen 12th and 13th street !
In the city of Omalm , and by virtue of a
order of gale on attachment Issued out a
the district court , and to me directed unde
date of the 6th day of December , A , D. 1S9
and duly signed by Frank K , Moores , cler
of the district court , I will on the 20th do ;
of December , A. D. 1S94 , at 10 o'clock a. m
of cald day , at the above named store roar
of C. J. Canan & Co. , sell at public auctlo
to the highest bidder for cash , al of th
above described goods nnd chattels and fix
tures situate and being in said store roorr
to nutUfy thu Kllchburg Worsted compan
the sum of one thousand and three dollar
(11.003.00) ( , and Interest on Jl.000.00 from May
1893 , at the rate of 6 per cent per annum
and the coits of suit , according to the judg
ment of the paid district court , rendere
Sheriff of DouEli * County.
A locnl crockery dealer , who Is well posted on chinn ,
claims that the reason China went to pieces at Port Arthur
is because of the lacking experience hi Pekin' . Sing Long ,
the diplomat laundcrer of Cnmlng street , attributes the
defeat to the fuct that It takes a good many pieces of China tea
a set for a Jap to feast on. Secretary Gresham is trying to
persuade the emperor to give some China to the Japs as n
Christinas present in order to keep Shanghai from the
bphtllets. (
China makes a lovely Xmas present among the rich , but
the non-rich must look to something more useful and less
ornamental. A suit of dressv nnd warm clothes is the thing.
Sensible and appreciative.
ThcNebraska has p rcparcd a Xmas surprise 2 splendid
suits extraordinary values a good deal better than we've
ever done before.
- A A
Five Six
Dollar Fifty
The $5.00 one Is really a $10.00 one. All wool to begin
with , strong and service-rendering cheviot and tweed ; Italian
and wool lined , light , dark and blue , checked and mixed pat
terns sack style.
The $0.50 one is a close companion to any $12.00 suit in
Omaha nobby , dressy and stylish some H-bnlton cutaway
sack ( the newest cut ) , some one , and some 4-button sack.
The fabric is blue diagonal cheviot , similar to richest mer
chant tailor garments in appearance , at least double
warped farmer satin lining and finished in a manner becom
ing any first-class cloth.
A forerunner to Xmas gilt-edge value Xo. 1 You'll hear
of usin a few days again about other Xmas things. Watch
Our announcements. _ -
Perhaps He Might See
Better Ifta \ held that paper a little closer ; ho
certainly could sec. not only much better , but
perfectly , If provided with a pair ot propeily
titled spectacles. Near-slKhtcdness , uncorrectcil
by RlnBBca , Imposes a Bc\cro tax on tlio c > es.
which nre needlessly weakened by tlio strain In-
volvil In Irving to misuse them. Defects In visIon -
Ion grow , like weeds , without cultivation , nnd It's
dnneerous to overlook them. Whatever may ba
thought of n tnx on Income , n , tax on tlio sight
will never do. as It Is apt to leave the tnxeis out
ofplcht. Went every eye-perfectly. NO CHAHQB
The Aloe & Penfold Go , ,
1408 Furnnm Street ,
Opposite Paxton Hotel.
Is the Htrn'igest. most nccurnte nnd lx > .it WATCH
modeln America. All jowclers Imvoorwlll eetlt.
For rurtlir Informntloii Rand to the manufacturers
ftTTTf T1 J'rlMiuriircoiul ry A- Tertian" SVl'lIH" * .
It you don't believe wo can cure your case ,
rfomo o our office nncl ce what we can do for
you. We are the cnly peclnlliti who will take
your case on mall weekly payment ! and fur-
nlih all medicines free. Connultatlon free. Cor-
lesuondenco lollclted. Cuio guaranteed tn CO tote
to daya. Office open on Wednesday nnd Saturday
evening * , from 7 to 9. Otflc lioiirs 9:30 n. m. to
Iloom 812. New York I.lfe Building , Omalm. .
1203 Masonic Tcmnle. Chlcaco.
There are ninny fashions In Easy Chairs , "l
Just as tliero nro many fashions In Comfort.
But thcro Is ono chnlr which In Itself supplies
nearly all the fashions of comfort from thg
flat bed to the erect seat.
This Interesting piece of furniture la th
Morris Couch Chair. Strictly a chair , It Is
convcrtablo Into the most perfect of couches ,
with the pillow adjustable at any dealreil
Or , in an emergency , the couch may b
used as a bed. The head rest Is then let
down perfectly flat , and with the aid of a
down pillow and a blanket you have a com
plete , most comfortable bed. >
Such a creation a : this Morris Couch-Chair
dlspcnces with half a dozen pieces of furnlV
ture , for It makes them unnecessary.
You will need no easy chair , no lounge ,
no smoking chair , no reading chair. Hero are
six different articles ot furniture combined
In one piece , ami the changes can be mado'
by the occupant without arising.
Just the thing for a Christmas present. < .
Charles SMverick & Co.
FURNITURE of Every ! Ohio."l
Temporary Location ,
J20O unit I''OS Uoiiitliia Street ,
Prepared from the original fo mula pro
rervedln tlio Archives uf the Holy Lnml , hav
, agan authentic history dating baaiOOOyeors ,
for all Stomach , Kidney and Bowel
troubles , especially
I'rlco CO cents. Sold by nil ilmnc'sts. '
? he Franciscan Remedy Co , ,
ui Viwrunat sv. , OHIOAOO , ill.
"VJ for Circular unl Illuctrated Calendar ,
For sale by Kulin &Co. , 15tli & Dou'laa
Vt'o pnil th * mnrteloui Krtnch
lirmcdy CALTHOS frev , and n
Icuul KuarantcetliatOllTiiOBwIlI
fiTOP IM.rlmric A nmluluna ,
CTIIK Mni > rfniilorrhrn.Vurlcovtlo
uid IinKTUIIK 1.0.1 \ Igor.
Vie it anil pavfiatisfttil. \ .
14r ! . , VON MOHL CO. ,
Uo ! AmtrltiD it'"t * > ( lofliBiil , Ohio.
For sale by all First Class Dealers. Manufactured by the
Fuutjry No. 301 , St. Loul8M