THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SATUHDAY , DECEMBER 8 , 1804. THE OMAHA DAILY BEE , COUNCIL BLUFFS. , - NO. 12 I'ljAUk STUEET. Dcur&l by carrier to nfjy part err the cltr. " r II. W. T1LTON , Lessee. TEj.nriioN office , No. 4) ; flltor , Nj. M anxon j/jjA' Grand hotel , Council niuffg , reopened Oct. 1. Mnyno Heal Estate agency , 039 Broadway. The monthly mcetlnB of tlio Qnnymeda Wlicct club will be held next Monday even ing. ing.The The Laillcn of the Maccabees will meet In regular session In K. 0. T , M. hall on Pearl street at 2:30 : o'clock today. Friends and lovers of music are cordially Invited to attend a pupils' recital at the Con servatory of Music tonight. Admission free. A man named Wymnn , who lives at the corner of A\cnue C and Eleventh street , fell from n scaffold yesterday afternoon whllo painting and was badly bruised. Special meeting of St. Albans' lodge 17 , Knights of I'ytlilas , this evening for work In the second degree. All member * and vlcltlng Ttnlglits requested to bo present. The prisoners were arraigned befor ? Judge Smith yesterday afternoon. The Jury wan dlschaigcd until next Monday , when the trlnl of criminal cases will be begun. J. C. Morgan , formerly In the newspaper business In this city , more recanlly of Kear ney , Neb. , claims to have secured a position In the government printing office at Wash ington , I ) . C" . , where ho now Is. Oscar YounUcrman was arrested yester day for net heeding the warning of the city authorities to clear away the rubbish from the sidewalk In front of his store on Upper 1) ) road way. Ills hearing will take place In police court this morning. Knrl and Peter Outzen , two young men , nro accused of pitching on and beating an 11-year-old boy , Eddie Knrrell , who lives In the country. They wcro arrested yester day and will Imvo a hearing In Justice Vlen's court this afternoon at 2 o'clock. Fred Orccn and Hants Hongs , with an other darky boy abaut their age , started a war upon Abraham Stein , who keeps a stor ? at the corner of Ilroadway and Thir teenth street. They threw bricks at him , called him vile names , dared him to como after them , and threatened to kill him. Ho had them arrested for disturbing the peace. Al Flaherty and John Wallace , who are related , enjoyed a family row yesterday at their Jiome , northwest of Crescent , and n lo.ided gun played a star part In the melo drama. Unfortunately for Mr. Flaherty the gun was tn his hands , Ed Wallace claims , when It did the playing. Flaherty was ar rested on a warrant Issued by Justice Vlcn , charging him with assault with Intent to commit murder. The city authorities arc beginning to doubt that times are very much harder this year than usual. Yesterday a seedy looking tramp called at the city Jail and asked for lodg ing because ho was too poor to buy a placfi to stay. I Id said all he had was a Jack-knife , but the Jailer searched him all the same , and finally succeeded In collecting , from the vari ous nooks and crannies of his wardrobe $37 Ip cash. Cases of this kind turn up every now and then and rather tend to make thS officers skeptical. We have two nice six-room cottages on Avenue 0 , near Twenty-ninth street , vxhich wo will sell at a bargain If taken at once. Bay window , good cellar , water In yard , large lot. Small payment down and balance In Installments. LoOgco & Towle , 235 Pearl street. 1' 1'AltAVIt.ll'llS. John P. Organ has returned from Avoca , whore he has been attending district court. Miss Frances Bartlett of Elgin , 111. , Is visiting Mrs. J. A. Carlisle on South Eighth street. William Klpplnger and wlfo ( neo Newton ) left for Augusta , Ga. , Wednesday evening , wid will visit other points south. Chief Scanlan and Marshal Canning re turned last night from Lincoln , where they attended the chiefs of Nebraska convention. The fad and all fads nro popular of the day Is the razor-toed shoe for ladles. They will be still more popular when the ladles know that Byers Is giving away the finest 55.00 shoo for $3.50. , y < > Cash On IOn I/ . On and after December 10 , 1894 , I will sell for cash only. C. F. Nelson , corner Broad way and Frank street. _ James & O'Kesfc , real estate and Insurance. Oil cake , $1.40 per sack at Davis' . i IIuiiturH .Mustn't Trcapuss. Complaints nro being made by some o'f the formers living In the vicinity of Council Bluffs by reason of the violation of a law passed by the state legislature at Its last session with reference to trespassers upon private grounds. Hunters , It seems , have not confined their attentions to wild game , but have even shot and carried off domestic fowls. It Is probable that the public have not yet learned the now law , and that a no tice will bo all that Is required to put a stop to most of the lawlessness. The statute now provides a penalty of not to exceed $10 and costs upon every one who hunts with dog or gun on the cultivated or enclosed land of an other without nrst obtaining permission from the owner , agent or occupant. ' Miss Jessie Clark , formerly with Mrs. Nlles Is pleased to announc ? to her friends that she has started In business with Miss Edna AVctzel at 337Broadway. . Will do stamping and take orders for art needle work. A full line of silks has been received. Copps Chuer iinit llorb Tonlo Can bo purchased only of the G. U. Wheeler Brewing company , Wheeler & Hereld , Coun i- cil Bluffs , la. _ Selected hard wood for heating stoves. II. A. COX , 37 Main street. Tel. 48. Telephone McsseumtT Hey * . Manager Atkins of the Council Bluffs end of the Nebraska Telephone company Is aboul to Inaugurate a system of messenger service : on somewhat the same principles as was formerly used by the American District TelJ. graph company. Frequently telephonic mes sages are received from out of town or Ir town either , for that matter , which hav to bo delivered to parties having no 'phone Boys are to bo hired to work .from 7 o'clocl until noon and from 1 o'clock until C to de liver all such messages. This will great ) Increase the efficiency of the service , am provo an accommodation to the patrons o the company , _ At Broadway Methodist church , P.OV. W II. W. Hces. D.D.lll lecture Monday even Infi , December 10. on "Epitaphs , or Grav Jokes , " a. comic lecture by a Jolly man Brim full of mirth and merriment , sens and nonsense. Admission. ISc ; children , lOc ' Dry plno kindling for sale. Cheaper thai cobs. H , A , Cox , 37 Main street. Telephom 48 * Eagle laundry , 721 Broadway , for goo < work. Tel , 167. Typewriter supplies at Flndley's , 337 B'd'j Domestic toap outlasts cheap soap. Hlghts nf MII Ailmlnlitnitor. A case Is now on trial In the 'district cour In which the question of whether the at ] mlnlstrator of an estate has a right to drai money from the Odd Fellows. Henry Ger hetmer died holding a membership In Counc Bluffs lodge No. 49 , Independent Order c Odd Fellows , but had no relatives to whor > the death benefit could be paid. The ail mlnlitrator tried to draw the money , whlc amounted to about $50 , but the lodge I fighting him on the ground that the rules c the order give no one but the widow c other relative of th deceased the right to be come the beneficiary. Novelties In needle art Lcuons In en : broidery given. Mill M , Sutler , 10 Peai atreet. _ _ Bourlclus' music house bai few expcniei high grade planes are sold reasonably , n StuUman street. _ Oai cocking stoves for rent and for sale a C Co. ' office. NEWS FROM COUNCIL BLUFFS J ( J * Lndlam's Operations at Sionz Falls Hnvo Echoes in Several Towns. SEEMS TO DE A WRY SMOOTH PERSON IIU I.luo I * rratcrnnl I.lfa Insurance , but Ho Drift * Off Into Other Iluslnes * AVIicnoter Ho Scon Chance to Onhi n Uollnr. The Bee lias a telegram from Sioux Falls , S. D. , which says : "J. J. Ludlam , who came hero from Council Bluffs some tlmo ago and went Into partnership with L. A. In- wood In conducting the Ninth Street hotel , silently stole away late Sunday night , leav ing nothing to remember him by except several hundred dollars of debts. Mr. In- wood says Ludlam beat him out of several hui'dred. dollars through the partnership deal. Ludlam , according to Mr. Inwood , Is general agent for the Masonic Benevolent association of Chicago , and his sudden de parture from hero will at once be reported to that association. " Ludlam arrived In Council Bluffs from Illinois last spring and spent two days hero trying to Induce Secretary W. J. Jamison of the Masonic Benevolent association of thlo city to organize the state of Wisconsin and Install him as general agent. Jamison Investigated Ludlam's past record , and find ing It not of the best , refused to make any such arrangement. As Is commonly donp , howt'vcr , ho gave Ludlam a few blank ap plications and Ludlam wrote some policies , receiving the regular commission. He was never a regularly appointed agent for the association. About six weeks ago Mr. Jami son received a letter stating that while working as the agent for the Covenant Slu- tunl Life Insurance company of Galcsburg , III. , he buncoed creditors to the extent of $450 , and the creditors arc now looking for him. Ho has a wife and three children In Illinois In abject poverty , the wlfo having to support herself and children since her husband's disappearance. IliniNO ! C'ONL'KAUT I.KT AGAIN. City Council Tics tlm 'Mutter Up for I'lvo Vmirs on the I'lilliulolplihi Sclu-ilule. The city council held a meeting last evsn- Ing , prefacing It by the usual star chamber session , during which Hie aldermen spoke their minds with comparatively little fear of the consequences. At the meeting at which the public was kindly allowec\ be present , the nsw contract that was drawn up by the special committee , consisting of Aldermen HIshton , Grahl and White , with reference to city lights , was read. It bore the signatures of the officials of the light company. By It tie | contractors agreed to furnish 123 or more arc lights for five years from December 1 , 1804 , at a cost of $81 per light , per annum , according to the Phila delphia schedule' , overtime to be paid for , by the hour at proportionate rates. There was considerable opposition to the adoption of this contract , several property owne's making splcchcs against It. Leonard Everett called attention to the fact that In these days of rapid scientific progress , five years was a long time for such a contract to run , as In two years possibly light could bo procured at one-twentieth the present cost. But In spite of It all , the council firged ahead and ratified the contract , and Urewlck was the only one who voted against It. John Wallace's bill for grading intersec tions was laid over. < M * The now ordinance giving ths Omaha Bridge and Terminal Railway company the right of way over Union avenue for n ? ! ngl6 track , was brought up for Its first rri.dlng. It requires the company to establish a depot at the corner of Union avcnu ? and BroaJwuy , run trains dally at least , carry passingers and freight , "spend at least $75,000 In im provements during the year 1K03. By the terms of the ordinance * this franchise cannot bo. assigned to any other company1. After being read the ordinance was laid < vcr. City Attorney Hazelton presented his re port with regard to the city's right to va cate Seventh ftreet. He said that while property owners had the right to preserve their property fro'ni danlage's7 they had no right to object , on slight grounds , to 1m provements which would be of great advan tage to the public generally. It was for the council to determine whether or not the Im provement was needed , and If It was It had the rlgiit to have It made. Alderman White at once moved that the petition of the Rock Island Railway com pany for the vacation of the part of Seventh street lying between Thirteenth and Four teenth avenues be granted , but City Clerk Kurmuehlen read several remonstrancej that had been placed on file. One of these con talned the ndmts of about twenty-five pFop- erty owners on South Seventh street. Among the petitioners were the Sisters of Mercy , the Scandinavian Baptist church and the school board. Without any parley the council dis regarded the wishes of all these petitioners as had been agreed upon In the star chamber session , and granted the Hock Island Its pe tition. The contract for grading F.fteenth avenue was awarded to John M. Hardln. Alderman Spetman called the attention of the council to the fact htat under the Phila delphia schedule the. lights were not started until an hour or so after dark , and were left burning an hour or Ed longer In the , morning than was necessary. He wanted the light committee , aided by the city and the electric light company's electricians , to revise the schedule co as to remedy these defects. This was done , and the couflcl adjourned to meet next Tuesday evening. IUN.NIM : > N nitos. I'liennincnnl Cloak Snlo Today. Sale begins Saturday morning. Every cloak In our store must go. We are overloaded the extreme warm weather . the whole cause. Stock must bo reduced nt once. t e Como for your clonks Saturday , AU our misses' f-I.GO nnd $5.00 jackets go . today at (3.33 each. Misses'navy blue beaver jackets that were < $7.50 , $8.CO and $9.00. now $5.93 , Nenrly 100 ladles' Jacketa , nil styles , that were $10,00 , $12.00 and $15.00 , go Saturday : nt $7.50 each. EVERY CLOAK MARKED DOWN. $13.0030Inch Astrakhan fur capes today . $8.50. $18,00 nnd 4CO.OO Astrakhnn fur cnpss , today . $8.50. n.8C 8C Everything In fur capes nt cost and under. > SPECIAL NOTICE. Saturday evening we offer ladles' pure silk mittens , with fancy crochet backs , one pair d to each customer , 33c pair. Wo want every Indy In Council Bluffs to get a pair of these mittens. Saturday even ing , only 33c a pair. BENNISON BROS. , Council Bluffs. irtd Killing Off Arkunnuiu. iw Mr.'and Mr * . R. C. Francis returned last iwn evening from a ten days' sojourn In Forl nctl Smith , Ark. Both were there for the pur ofm pose of giving testimony In the Conductor m Brown murder case. They were on the idch Missouri Pacific train three weeks ago when ch .Pullman Conductor Brown was shot and Is killed on the platform of the coach. The of authorities had arrested the train crew and or the roadmatter and tried them for murder , The chrge was dlimlmd , largely uponthe testimony of Mr. , and Mrs. Francis. While there Mr. Francti ftllowehlpped and became irl acquainted with several hUndred of the train robbers who bad business with the courts , among the. number the noted Henry Starr. The latter held his leve In front of the 10 jail and distributed phptogrnphs , which show him to ba a , smooth-faced boy , 21 yean old , witha' very bright but very bad -eye. Francis sayi the floating population of the town is made up of 500 jurors , drawn from all over the Ute and TCXHI , and several thousand witnesses Human life Isn't worth very much down there , and the Way to get a dis tinguished reputation without getting Into trouble Is to get on the bench and sfnteppe men to be hung. The Judge that has the longest string la the biggest man. One Judge who holds cfinrt where he can look out upon the permanent gallows has ninety men to his credit , and has lots of new material to work upon. HUSTON STOKE. Itevticd I'rlco I.lit for Sntunlny. All remnants of all wool dress goods at half price. Silk remnants , worth from COc to $1.50 , now 33c a yard , 25c Engllih cashmere , 12 } c n yard. lOc colored Saxony , Cc a skein. Angora wool , 12'.c { a ball. Ladle. , ' 40c cashmere hose , 17c , or 3 pair for 60e. ( Only 3 pair to customer. ) 19c quality Infants' all wool , ribbed hose , IOC , 3 for 25c. COc quality ladles' cashmere hose , 50c a a.1. ! Ladles' all wool skirt patterns , regular .00 quality ; while they last , 50c each. 25c chlldrens' mittens , 12 > ic a pair. Ladles' all wool mittens , 15c a pair , worth 5c. $1.00 quality Infants' knit hoods , silk Immed , 45c each. 7Cc cotton blankets , 48c a pair. Cc canton flannel , 34c a yard. FOWLER , DICK & WALKER , Council Bluffs , la. Mlclmcl Duliiii Kxoncr.ttcil. Early In November there appeared In The ee n report of n case tried In the district ourt at Sioux City wherein AMlitir Rhys ued Waller Strange for $30,000. H was barged that certain jurors had ben bribed , case was reopened for an Investigation f the charges and a hearing was had Jovembcr 7. Among the Jurors examined ras Mr. Michael Dolan , an old rastdcnt of loux City. The correspondent. In reporting he testimony of Mr. Dolan , misrepresented hat gentleman's testimony. It was stated hat Mr. Dolan , In his testimony , said that e had made a trip to Boston at Strange's ixpensc , and that the latter had botlghu a lane for Dolan's daughter. To this pub shed statement Mr. Dolan enters a positive cnlal , and upon careful examination of the ifllclal transcript of his testimony given In ho case It Is shown that no reference is : nade , either by witness or attorneys , to a lane , and the testimony shows that Mr. Jolan's trip to Boston was made at least a ear prior to the trial of the case. It was , lso shown that Mr. Dolan's conversation with Strange In reference to the proposed lalo of a lot owned by Dolan to Strange oc- iurred nearly a ysar prior to the Jury trial. Ir. Dolan has resided tn Sioux City for wenty years and Is regarded as n man of ntegrlty and gpod character. The report as lubllshed did Mr. Dolan an Injustice and It Is uo the gentleman that a correct statement t the case be made. 1'or the Children. W. A. McGulre , a well known citizen of > IcKay , Ohio , Is of the opinion that there s nothing as good for children troubled with olds or croup ns Chamberlain's Cough Rein- idy. He has used It in his family for sev- ral years with the best results and always ; eep 'a bottle of It In the house. After hav- ng la grippe he wad himself troubled with a severe cough. He used other remedies .vlthout . benefit and then concluded to try he children's medicine , and to his delight it eon effected a permanent cure. President Sun ford Talks. President George P. Sanford of the First National bank has offered to settle the case f E. W. Davenport against the First Na- lonal bank for $1,750 , but It has not yet eon decided whether or not the proposition vlll be accepted. This offer , he claims , Is easonablo enough , considering that there Is good deal of doubt as to whether the utate as the slightest claim upon the estate of EVIlllom Parks. In view of the fact that 'arks ' was a non-resident of the state of owa. Mr. Sanford claims that the estate hould go , If anywhere , to the state of which 10 was a resident at the tlmo of his death , lo denies thi.t cqmpound Interest IB to be sod in computing the amount now. due , and vcn considers It doubtful- 'Interest can 10 collected for more than six months , this line for which the certlllcate'of deposit was irlglnally Issued. A. E. Kllpatrlck of Flllmore , Cal. , had the misfortune to have his leg caught between a : art and a stone and badly bruised. Ordi narily he would have been laid up for two or thtee weeks , but says : "After using -one jbttle of Qliambcrlaliv'S I'ftln Balm I began to feel better , and In three days was entirely ivell. The peculiar soothing qualities which Chamberlain's Pain Dajm possesses I have never- noticed In any other liniment. I take pleasure In rcponiroendlng It. " This lini ment Is aso ! of great value for rheumatism and lame back. * > 'tyt f * , JT .L. _ 1 - Ground oil cake $1.30 hhd. at Morgan & Co.'s drug store , 131 Broadway. . < 't - * ' S. - t Snow Bound" fair will be open this after noon from 2 to 5 o'clock. Admission , lOc. May Heal All. Wlllard James , who Is charged by JennU Bllllck , his sweetheart , with trying to make an angel of her with an ordinary pocket knife , Is making a heroic effort to placate the young lady , with a fair prospect of suc cess. Justlc ? Field granted him another con- Jnunnce until today , nnd yesterday he rustled around for a marriage license. When .he license was pnrtly made out It was dls covered that James lacked a year or two of being old enough to contract matrimony lie had to go and hunt up his parents , and there is a possibility of Cupid fulfilling ils contract some time today In time to prevent the further prosecution of the suit. Davis sells drugs , paints and glass cheap. Washerwomen use Domestic soap. Fred Didn't Stout a Wheel. Officer Baker returned from Des Molnes yesterday with Freel , the young man who wns supposed to have stolen a rented bicycle from S. M. Williamson & Co. , but when he arrived It was found that the prisoner was the wrong rnnn. Instead of being Frank Freel , his name was F. K. Freel. Sailor hats nnd caps , 25c. Miss Ragsdale , 10 Pearl street. The laundries use Domestic soap. t iriSATHKK FOKEO.MT. I'alr nml Cooler with Ji'oitli Wlnd for N'c- braflldi Today. WASHINGTON , Dec. 7 , The forecast for Saturday Is : For Nebraska and South Dakota Fair ; cooler ; north winds. For Iowa and Missouri Fair ; decidedly cooler ; south winds , becomingnorthwest. . For Kansas Fair ; decidedly cooler ; vari able winds. I.ocnl Itccord. OFFICE OF THR WEATHETI BUIIEAU. OMAHA , Dec. 7. Omaha record of temper ature and rainfall , compared with the cor responding day of past four ye rsi 1SOI. 1803. 1892. 1891. Maximum temperature. . . . 60 48 20 ,35 Minimum temperature 41 22 22 15 Average temperature. . . ; . . M . .31,21 ; 25 Precipitation 00 T 1.30 .00 Condition of temperature and precipitation at Omaha for the day and since March 1 , 1SD1 ; Normal temperature i. . . i.31 Excess for the day 19 Normal precipitation 01 Inch Deficiency for the day 01 Inch Total precipitation since Mnrcli 1 15.09 Inches Deficiency since March 1 15.87 Inches Itoporti from Otlinr Station ) nt H r. SI. "T" Indicates ( raceof imx-lpltallou. U A. WKLS1I , Observer. Harper's Bazar glvea correct Information about fashions tar everybody for } i,00 a year. AFFAIRS AT-SOUTH OMAHA ma David Idle Astai ltcd , and Bobbed by a Oouplo ofjHighwaymon , 1WO SUSPECTS -ARE UNDER ARREST 43 I Iko O'llcrn , AVIio forsook tin Alleged Htnnttpox 1'ntlent uml'HVitlkol Into Tow. ) , Ulll Uo I'rosq'ciltnl Difference of Opinion About tlio due , David Idle , n farm .hand , wns slugged and ebbed about 7:30 : ojcToclc last evening In the car of Herman Cellar's saloon on Twonty- ourth street near N. The man cfalms to ave lost $35 In cash. He was struck over 10 right eye with some sort of an Instru- icnt which Inflicted a painful wound , and nay yet cause the loss of the eye. ' Idle Is employed by Mr. Van Zandt feeding nttle Just south of the city. Ho received Is pay yesterday and came to town , Ho eturned from Omaha about 7 o'clock. Ho rst went to John Thompson's saloon , where o hnd n , drink. Ho then went to Cellar's , here he took another drink. While In its place Idle met several strangers. Two f them asked him to play n game of even-up. Idle said he didn't want to play nrds , but would treat. Ho displayed a $10 ! 11. After the round of drinks Idle stepped ut of the back door for a moment. Here o was assaulted. The first blow felled him. to felt one of tlio men going through his ockets and implored them not to kill him. 'hey took every cent he had and ran down lie alley. Idle Informed the police of what had taken lace. Insklo of thirty minutes Charles Jompton and Hugh Hanscn were behind the nrs as suspects. It will bo shown that hese two men followed Idle out of the back oor when he left. When searched at the tqtlon , however , neither of the men had ny money. Judge Chrlstmnnn refused to nc- ept ball for the men last night. WJMj J'IlOSiCUTI5 : MUCK. liargcil with Ilclnij Too Indifferent About MproiKlInc Mmillpiix. Mike O'Hern , who was employed ns nurse t the pest house , has dually been placed nder arrest. The charge Is violating the dlnnnce covering contagious diseases. O'Hern lives nt the corner of Twenty-third nd J streets. He was employed to nurse lasmussen. the smnllpox patient , at the pest ouse , nnd remalred for two weeks , when e deliberately walked away and came direct o his residence In this city. The hous\ as fumigated nnd the clothing worn by 'Hern burned. O'Hern , however , did netti ng voluntarily to prevent the spreading of he disease , nnd It is for this reason that o la to be prosecuted In the police court. The complaint was filed by Police Officer Dave Mulcahy , and It was he who made the rrest. O'Hern wns found at his residence nnd ave himself up without any resistance. On he way to the police station he dropped In nd got his nttorney , Mr. .Bell , who signed bond of $100 with Mike for his nppenrance londay at 3 o'clock , O'Hern ttntes that the reason he left the est house Is because he1 wns starved out , nnd urthermoro that .Rnsmussen did not have he smallpox. O'Hern"has hnd the disease limelf , and thlnkarfle. iughL to know some- hlng about it. On'the other hand , three hyslclans , neither of-whom , however , had ver treated a case' of * smallpox , declared It o bo a full-fledged'easel from the start. Chief Brennansays 'Hint O'Hern and the atlent were glven plenty to eat. It hns now been over1 n month since Rns- nussen wns taken-to th.e pest house , nnd no hyslclau will adnHt flint he has attended Im regularly , TheT'sNliole ma'tter Is pretty well mixed up , , and'will : be , thoroughly In- estlgated. Not disputing In the least the blllty of any of tjje * physicians who have ooked at the subject , ttliqre are many cltl- tns who would like to have some experienced mallpox-iihyslclantskira look" at Kasmussen , n order to get < . . 'iUIteHrilon - to whether e has had smallpox or , not. raid Firemen' * IJall. The annual ball by the South Omaha paid Iremen was given In Bauer's hall Inst night , ho plnce wns packed to the doors nnd netti ng whatever occurred to mnr the festivities. Chief Smith , Assistant Chief Holland 'nnd 11 of the'flremen took especial pains to lave the guests enjoy themselves. Although the department Is much smaller ban It should be the efficiency of the present orce has been commented upon more than once > of late. The men nre all active , cool nnd attentive to business. They certainly made a social and financial success of their larty last evening. , Ho Stole a lilblc. A thief with a considerable nerve and the aid of a skeleton key opened the front door 3f the First Presbyterian church and carried off the church bible. It was a very large and costly book. Rev. R. L. Wheeler snys 10 will have something to sny about such doings In his sermon Sunday night. Music City ( iosslp. The brick Is being delivered for the paving of N street. Mrs. Charles Griffith Is visiting her parents n Minneapolis , Kan. Miss Jennie Morris has been visiting friends In Kansas City for the last three weeks. There Is talk of the' Taxpayers league in vestigating the transactions of the Board of Education. < Miss Alice Griffith has accepted a position In Mr. Godfrey's jewelery store at Twenty- fourth and M streets. The feast of thet. Immaculate conception will bo observed In the Catholic churches here today. Services will be held nt St Brlgdet's church at 9 o'clock In the mornlngr and at St. Agnes church at the usual hour. Suffered , Scratched and Bled. Doc tors No Kcllcf. Cured by Two Sets Cutlcuru UemcUlos. Nothing Ilko Ctmcuiu ItCMEDlcs was ever manufactured. For three icars have I suffered with a ere head. J would out all over my hcnawlth pimples which would form n watery matter , and I would hare to scratch until I would bleed. After doctoring with two doctor ) for three years , more or lees , I finally made up my mind to try jour OOYIOUIIA riEUEMKS , With rcsuJtentlrely-satlsfaotory to tuc _ AJtcr using tno letu I 3uXcotlrcIy cured. Ihavorec- omtnemled y9ur rcmtdles to several-persons , and they all tell ro ? they are No. ) ' . yur druggist is doing a ntco buitoeis in CURCUIU UcuEbics , elnco my cure. I have u'lvcli UliQ tbu privilege of uilng my name M proof o 31j ir cd'cloncy. I enclose my portrait. A. F. O1UMM , photographer , Mt. Uorob , Wls. SALT mm CURED My wife has been troubled with the salt rheum for four years. Dtiting this tlmo doctor * of Wisconsin , Illinois , * nnd the molt omluoat of Chicago , failed to giro relief , I bought the CuTicititA ItKMEPlBi , arm sire used onlyonobox of CuTicuiiA.onocttUo < ( f CCTlcuitA SOAP , and half a bottle of C&ricoiu KESOLYEXT , and these have cured her completely. C. M. STONE , HI State St. , Chicago , 111. CUTICURA WORKS WONDERS There Is no doubt that U > CtrricunA HEUB- Dies dally perform more wonderful cures than all other skin and blfiod remedies combined. They Instantly relieve nud speedily euro every humor of llio ikln , scalp , and blood , with loss of hair , from Infancy to ago , from pimples to ocrofuu , when tbdUcst phyalclaaa f Il. Bold throughout the world. . Price , Crricmti , toe. ; Biur , 24o ; IUKH.TINT , ( i. rorrrn Dncu AND Oil EM. Conr , Bolt I'roprltton , Doitoq. Kf" Haw to Cure 8kla Dlieuei , " milled free. 1'LKB , bUckhtidi , reJ , rdugb , tbipjfrd , and PIM oily ikln turiil by CUTICIWA tidAiv HOW MY DACK ACHES 1 Back Acliei Klduoy 1'aiiu , and Weak- oeti , Boteaets , J-ameneas , Strains , and r.ilni reliever ) In une inlnnte bjr the Cutlcura AutM'alu rUtter. , Fashions CQmpoqnd cathartic rplllfl/bluc pills , "cat. otnel of other Cicrdu- rial preparations , Bhdald not be lined In tbcec days of cnllnut- cnccjmculcnl science , jwben It is so caeylo 5 pet a purely vcRctable pill m concentrated form , ouiyar- coated , in ftlasa vials , nt nnv More vbcro tncdu clues ore kept. Dr. I'lcrcc vaa first to introduce a Little Till to the American people. Many have imitated them , hut none Lave opproachcd hla " Tlcaaant Pellets " Jn true v.-orth , or value , for oil laxative and cathartic purposes. Once Used , they arc Always la Favor. Assist Nature a little now nnd then , with n gentle , cleansing laxative , thereby remov ing offending matter from the etomach nnd bowelo , toning up tfnd invigorating the Hvcr and quickening its tardy action , nnd you thereby remove the caule of n multitude of distressing diseases , tuch ) , ns headaches , in digestion , or dyspepsia , biliousness , pim ples , bleaches , cruptJQps , boils , constipa tion , piles , fistula and maladies too numer ous to mention. If people v/ould pay more attention to properly regulating the action of their bowels , they would have less frequent occasion to cajl for their doctor's ser vices to subdtic attacks of dangerous dls- cases. That , of all known agents to accomplish this purpose , Dr. Picrcc'o Pleasant Pellets arc uncqualcd , is proven by the fact that once used , they are always In favor. Their secondary effect is to keep the bowels open and regular , not to further constipate , as is the case with other pills. Hence , thcirfrrcat popularity , with ( sufferers from habitual constipation , piles and Indigestion. They absolutely cure sick headache , bill- ousncss , constipation , coated tongue , poor appetite , dyspepsia and kindred derange ments of the stomach , liver nnd bowels. A free cample of the "Pellets , " ( t toy doses ) on trial , is mailed to any address , post-paid , on receipt of name and address on postal card. Address for free sample , WOULD'S DIS PENSARY MEDICAL ASSOCIATION , No. 663 Main Street , Buffalo , N. Y. OVERSTOCKED WE NEED MONEY. And if you need the gcods the following prices should effect an exchange : Axmlnsters , $1.25 a yard. Moquettes. $1.00. Velvets , S5c. Body Brussels , S5c to $1.00. Tapestry Brussels , 46o to S5e. Ingrains ( all wool ) , 50c to COc. Ingrains ( unions ) , 45c. Ingrains ( double cottons ) , 22c to 35C. These prices are for cash only. 407 BROADWAY. IS WOKTH ANT NUMBER IN THE BUSH. Especially If It bo a "XJmi i/ Umbrella , " that glre - meay tiatiyeof bail taite ami rare- lc .inra , Unit tnaltfn th man lelto carries it ( / . - ( . a ir /-ii/ iratureofa iientlrman. "TWO IirAXl ) , " a cane and tim- brella ! linn1 tlom that suit you'/ A Iia > ii1tomestiillnh rune , that can be ehanactl info a beautiful srretrcabla umbrcltit In an In- giant They are "tiroln oitf , " anil are /icimfaniJirof. . nob- litest new thing of the season A. beautiful jircnent tn jiatirsrtfor anil frlenil. KlcHantly careea , rare ivood handles , mounti'd in solid gllver and quid. T.lko l/outo xccthcin , andlotfofuthcr norflltra. M. WOLLMAN , - - 4P9 Broadway. NEW LISLE IB. E. C. WEST'S 1I227E is Bold under poeitjvo written ennrantoe , by authorized ngontn only , to euro WenU Memory ; Lioiw o [ Brain and Nerve Power ; Ixwt Manhood ; Unicknceg ; Night Losses ; Kvil Drenras ; 1 J > ck of Confidence ; Noirousnoee ; Laenitudc ; all Drains ; Loss of 1'ower of the Uonorativo Orcann in either eoz. caused hyovor.nxortion , Youthful Error ? , or UBO of Tobacco , Opium or Liftupr , which lends to Misery. Consumption , Insanity and Death. Hy mail , $1 a box ; six for $5 : with written iraarnntco to euro or refund money , wcit a Liter Fills euro Hick Hoadncho. Hilionsness , Liver Complaint , HonrHtomnrh. Dyspepsia and Constipation. GUAltANTKKU issued ouly by Goodman Drue Co , Omaha. The HOME BAKER and ROASTER Is not a luxury , biit a necessity. Makes tough meat tender ; saves all Its tlavorand rlchnesn ; bakes bread moist and makes dry bread fresh ; Is caclly handled when In oven Write for circulars fully describing this and also six-blade choppers , combination dipper , frying pan , cake griddle , etc. Agents wanted , CHAS. SCHULTHEISS , 013 1'oxrl Ht. , COUNCIL 1II.U1 I'S , KMVrt. GEO. P. SANFORD. W. niOKMAN. Freildent. Catbler. Firsi National of COUNCIL BLUFFS , Iowa. Capital , $100,000 Profits , 12,000 On * of the oMeit taoki In th * itat * of Iowa. W * eollclt your biulneu and collection * . W pay i per ctnt on tlm * dcpotlta. W will b to anil * erv * you. Sims & Bainbridge , In the State und Kodorul Courts. Itoom j J-7-a-V , Bbuxiul Ulock. Couutli iiiuiTu , lovra No OTHER SOAP DOES ITS ORK ONE TRIAL WILL PROVE THIS. Sold everywhere made by KUL.LX SET NOW REX AD Y. "In this gorgeous-covered book arc depicted wonderful things about the Queer People sure to delight the Little People. ' * The Chaittaquan. IMAGINE TOE AT SCHOOL STUDYING Bears , Foxes , Wolves , and Porcupines racing through the Woods on Bicycles. Babbits galloping - loping around on snow-shoes. Elephants walk ing upright , wearing Btove-plpc lints. BaU dancing a horn-pipe. Fairies making mam moth puddings , and a thousand more such fan tastic antics , and you get some conception of PALMER COX QUEER PEOPLE. THE STRIKING GENIUS OF PALMER M a unique , humorous artist was recognized upon the issue of his first BROWNIES BOOK , hut it is more fully displayed in inPEOPliB because of their far greater nnd richer variety , comprising Animals , "Wild and Tame Birds , Fowls , Fairies , Giants , Goblins , Mcrrymcn" , Moh- archsetc. . , etc. His inimitable faculty of telling jolly stories in merry , jingling verses , and then with matchless genius illustrating them in the most captivating manne * conceivable , is certainly Marvellous and EflDltESS DEMGflT YOflflf . The world has known no Genius as a Juvenile Artist to compare with Palmer Cor. He commands the Inquest copyright of any Juvenils Artist or Author living. ' A1- f _ > _ NEWEST , TRBY ARE INDEED THE PRETTIEST WITTIEST , JUVEH11S BODES OUT , DON'T FORGET IT. YOU GET THE BENEFIT of the price by the 25,000 lots in thi distribution , which is running far beyond our expectations. . 2 Pngres , BRflftWfl I Printed iu Colors , BVtlBBU Illuminated Covers. Wo have trebled our first call for supplies , and assure you that the children not only of our readers , but those of their friends as well , in fact , those of THEIR UNCLES , THEIR COUSINS , AND THEIR AUNTS. shall bo supplied if they como for thorn. It is only 10 cents a copy \vo ask. Don't miss a single number. * will got you the full got and give you raoro fun than 85.00 spent any other way. If you have part , you should complete your series nt once. Wo will mail , postage paid , wherever desired in the United States. Call or address , THE OMAHA BEE , ( BUSI ICB ) Omaha , Neb , to * * NOW IS THE TIME TO BUI STOVES HD MM FURNITURE My prices have always been lower than any other store in the cltyi but now I am going to make you a Cnristmas present. Look at some of my prices. A ( $10.00 Cook Btovefor . $ 7.5O i $30.OO Stool Range for . $24. OQ 12.00 " " . 0.00 38.00 ' " . 30.4Q 10,00 ' " . 12.8O | 42.0O " ' . 33.0J& Radiant Novelty Base Burners and Elmhurst Surface Burners areas fine stoves as can be made.Look at the prices. i $44.00 Radiant Novelty . $38.20 $32.00 Elmhurat . $38.00 40.00 " ' J52.00 28,00 SO.i 38.OO Elmhurat 30.40 And all other stoves in proportion at CHAS. SWAINE'S , 740 B'way ANALYTICAL CHEMICAL LABORATORY. C. L. Decker , Pharmacist , 200 Main Street - Council Bluffs. NoUcesi CIIIllNEl'B CLEANED ; VA\JI.fl Ed Uurkv. at W. H. Humtr'i. Ul iioum : OF 6 on c iiooiiB wmt cnnvrnltncc * ; no children. Addrcii clHce ,