Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 08, 1894, Page 11, Image 11

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Combination of Boorish Inllaonccs Yesterday
'Weakened Wheat Considerably.
Increase In the Visible Supply
of B * Much 11 mi Iho 1'roTlous
Week Helped to DUcourago
the Ilnll * .
CHICAGO , Dec. 7. A combination of bear
ish Influences , prominent among which were
lower cables , weakened wheat today. Hay
closing He lower. May corn gained % c ,
. May oats He nnd provisions closed slightly
lower. The bullish effect of yesterday's
purchases of Wheat for export at the sea-
x board was not reported this morning. The
rain which fell In the night had some part
In obliterating It , but a dispatch from
TVnshlnBton repenting some utterances
which Secretary Morton of the agricultural
bureau had previously published with re-
Rard. to the growth of wheat production In
the world was said to be the principal
cause of a universal desire to sell wheat
nt the opening , nnd which resulted In the
loss In a moment of all of yesterday's gain.
The Kngllsh markets were a shade easier ,
Liverpool quoting ' /id decline. The north
western receipts at Minneapolis and Duliith
were 71C cars , ngalnst DJC a year ngo. Pri
mary market receipts were 023,000 bu. ,
nnd shipments from the same only 27,000
bu. , nnd the nggrcgate of the shipments of
wheat nnd flour from Atlantic ports was
225,000 bu. The opening transactions In May
were at from GO'/fcc to 6D7jc , not much at the
higher figure. It worked off to 694c { , at
Which point Pnrdrldge became a buyer.
During the remainder of the session It fluc
tuated the greater part of the time be
tween COc and D'J&c. dwelling longest nt
Da > ; c to 60c. Among othem who threw
over long wheat was Hosenkrnnz. A pros
pective Increase In the visible supply of ns
much ai on the previous week helped tc
dlscourugo the bulls. Continental markets
nre quoted linn nt the close , but English
markets continued their opening weakness ,
Slay closed at G9T8c.
Corn was llrmer , notwithstanding the
weakness In wheat. This was due to the
, . fact that local receipts were considerably
, r nmaller than expected nnd that cables cninc
firm to higher. There was good buying ,
both to cover shorts and for the long ac
count , but with moderate offerings. May
oolcl at from 49c to BOVic , and held the
advance up to noon. Tha market held Its
own during the last hour , -May keeping
most of the time at Duc nnd closing al
that price.
The oats market still continued wlthoul
any particularly Interesting feature. A
Hllghtly llrmer feeling existed In sympath >
-with crrn. May sold from 32-He to 32e
bank to 32c , nnd closed at 32c.
Provisions were dull and weak. Hog re
cclpts were not excessive. Prices show c
decline of 2V4c In pork , lard nnd ribs. He
cclpts of hogs , 31.000 head ; 18,000 head estt
mated for tomorrow.
_ The leading futures ranged as follows :
Articles. I Opou "nigh. | LOW , i cio3.
Wheat.No. 2
Dec rr
May MH
Corn No. ' . ' . .
47M 47J
Jan 47 7 >
May 4UH 00
Oats No. a. . .
Dec 20 H 20M SOV1
Fork per bbl
Jan 12 00 12 00 11 0.1 12 00
May 1'J 32 > 1'J 35 13 30 13 35
Id rd,100 Iba
Jan. * . . . . 0 OS 0 05 0 00 0 021
May 7 11 ! } 7 15 7 IB
Short Hlb -
Jnn. . . . 5 07W 0 00 B OS B07)
May U 20 0 20 0 17 U VI )
Cash quotations were as follows ;
FLOUR Quiet nnd unclmnKeil.
WHEAT No. 2 spring. C9'.l < ff liic ; No. S sprlns
nominal ; No. 2 red. D5Vt05T > ? ic.
CORN No. 2 , 47V40 ! No. 3 yellow , 41 > lc.
OATS No. 2 , 23V4c ; No. 2 while , 32 > i > 33c ; Nc
8 white , 31 > ii 32VjC.
RYE No. 2. 4Sc.
IJARLEY No 2 , G30S4c : No. 3 , 4733c ; No. 4
FLAX REED No. 1. J1.43.
TIMOTHY SEED-1'rlme. $5.C035.CS.
PROVISIONS Mess pork , per bbl. , $12.00
12.12 % . Lard , per li Ibs. , J0.87'ii36. . Shot
ribs , sides , loose , J5.SCifl.OJ. ( Dry salted shoulders
boxed. I5.12WW5.23 ; short clear sides , boxed , $6.2
. .
WHISKY Distillers' finished poods , per gal
SUQAHS Unchanged.
The followlnc were the receipts and shipment
today :
On tlia Produce uxch.iua today Ilia butter m ir
hct was ( lull : cruauiory , iKa'JSMo ; dairy , 12O21o
KfK , Bteady ; ' . " 'Q''Jc.
Yctttrdiiy'B Quotation * on Plonr , drain am
I'roYlnlniK. IMutlllH , Etc.
NEW TOHK , Dec. 7-FLOUIl-Ilccepts. ) J2,7
tibia. ; exports. 18,400 bbls. ; wiles. 11,100 i > kg
Market weak and buyers withdrawn. Southei
flour , dull. Ityo Iluur , dull nnd easy ; sales , 4
liblB. Iluckwheat ( lour , nominal ; (1.E001.90.
COUN M1SAL Knsy ; wiles , 201 bbls. , 1,0
eacka ; yelluw western. J1.16W1.M ; Urandywtn
IlUCK\\TinAT Dull at nSflCOc.
UYL : r-i k r ; boat loads. Kittle.
HAni.I3Y Steady ; wealern. C3itC4c. ,
> 1IAUI.KY MAI.T Nominally steady.
J W1IBAT IleeelptH7J,10d bu. ; exports. 85f
bu. ; Rales. 3,215,000 . bu. futures and. 113.004 b
unot. Kpot market c-.ity ; No. 2 red. In ntoriai
elevator , C04c ; f. o. b. , 024c ; December cloSi
nt 61Hc : February , 62062'le. closed' ' at 62M
March , C263c , rlonert at C3c ; May. 63
cloned nl U" c ; June closed at GlHc ; July ,
No. a closed nt 6lc. f
COHN-Kecelpts , S6.0 bu. ; eximrtsr 2,100 bu
alm , 2C , * > .DX > bu. futures nnd 93,0031 bu. sue
Kliot market steady : Nn. 2 , 5"W57'iC 111 elevatn
BtranuT mixed , 6H'jffl2o In clevalor ; C2i > j21
delivered : No. 3 , 50o In elevator nnd 51c dell
oreil. Options closed nt VI" net advance ; Jim
ary. KHOMHc , closed nt 63c ; Hay , 5J e54'i
cloxeil at &IHc.
OATS-Ilecelpts , 10.1SO bu. : exports. 100 In
sales , in.lWO bu. futures nnd 83.000 bu. epi
Kpot mnrkct llrm : No. 2 , 3lo : No. 2 delivers
35Ho : No. 3 , 33o ; No. 2 while. 39c ; Nn.
white , SSic ( ; Iraek , white western , 37fl2c ; trac
white state. 37O42C. Options ijlllet : No , 1 , 3 :
O3SMC , clroed nt 3JVJc : February. 35HW30O , clns
tit Stic : Mny , ar.VjWJCHe , cloned at 3 Hc ; Decei
ber close < l at 34 0.
v HAY -Quiet ; shipping , 50Q53c.
HOPS Uull ; state , common to choice , ol
SWTcr new. liWIS'.ic.
HIDES Firm ; wet salted N iv Orleans , i
lectcd. 43 to 63 Iba. . tc ; Texas dry , 21 to
Iba. , 6H < c.
tKA'riIKn-Quli't ; hemlock self , n. A. , llg
to heavy weight * . HHWISc.
WOOL , Quiet ; domestic fleece. 17Q33c ; pulU
I'HOVISIONS-Uoef. quiet. Cut meats , qul
Ijird. steady ; wi-strrn iteam clcieed at ! 7
asked ; mlej. 8J3 llorcea at IT.i2ViU7.2ft.
UUTTmt--Qulet : western dairy , IHSICc ; we :
crn creamery , 1682jo ; fair factury , lOJjlSc.
PETHOI.Kl'M Nominally llrmer ; Unlled cloa
Ot SS ic bid ,
KOHLS' ; strained. Jl.30ai.35Vj.
TI'IH'KNTlNK-Stcady ; 27iiO c.
OUANOKSVeaKr fancy , boxes , 11.87 ! olhe
CHKEMti-Qulet ; state , larfte. OOtlVlc ; sma
fi l 't klms , 3HV9c ; full skims. s
EX1US gulft ; stale and Pennsylvania ,
Ice houEe. 17U2c ; western frwh , Utfiiio ; n ul
cm , 22t/21Hc ; ruses , | 3.Mfl.OO ; receipts , l.i
HIOK V'lrm ; domestic , fa'.r to extra , 44t6j ! !
Japan , 4' , UI > ic ,
TAMJOW 1-Mrmj city , 4\ic : countr > ' . 4ic. !
WOI VBHUa atrady ; New Orleans , open kctt
good to cholc . : CU37o.
PIQ IIlON-Dull ; Scotch. J19.WOM.OO ; Anw
can. J1S.OOO13.CO.
TIN-Htcody ; Straits. I13.6S ; sales on 'chin
IS tons December tin. 113.70.
COTTON KKI > OlU-Qulet. Quolatlons : Prl
rrudej 2ltf3 Hci oft crude , ijtfjlc ; prime whl
SlU32c , nominal.
SI'Iil/TEll Weak : domestic. W.ITW asked.
I.iAlSteady ; brokeis' price , IJ ; exchat
prtco for spat. J3.I2H.
COPPKH-KtronB ; brokers' price , 19.73 ;
clianca price , JS.OO asked.
Liverpool .llHrhrts.
UVBIIPOOU Dec. 7-WHKAT-Spot. nul
deman.l i or ; No. J rul. fold : No. 2 red m > rl
tacks cxtmumed ; No. 1 hard. Manitoba , 5a
No. 1 HJllfarnln. to 4Hd : futures opened ei
aitj unvhauKod ; buslnes * heaviest on mlddlo
ultlons ; rloMHl steady ; Uoei-nilu-r , It ; Jnnua
. Ds l'Jchi-uary. 8 * Vid ; March , 5 * d ; April ,
' '
cbuN-'anot , steady , American mixed. 6
futures cpvnetl stradr , with near and dlsli
lK ltlon Id hlshrr , but rraclwl aod clo
Htnady t unchanged prlcen ; buitneu luvtvlett
mklills positions ; December , 5s Hd ; January ,
7d ; Vvkrunry , 4s Oil ; March , 4s W ; April , 4s
May , 4J G > 1.
llXl7H-8leadr ! drinutid moderate ; St. Lei
fancy winter. W.
PKABCanadian. . 4 lid ,
PUOVI8ION8 llacon , Cumlx > rlan.t cut. !
SO-Itw. . > s ; Ionic clear light , 9M > li-lbs. , Us : | i
clear , ben\-y , U-lbs. , 33s ; short clror bucks. Hi
It-Ib * . . s W , stiort clear middle * , heavy.
Iba. . 34s ; clear belllm , nWlO-lbn. . 3i . shouldi
Mqvaro. lUrU-lbs. , K . hams , short cut , HC
Ib * . 4U. U f. extra India mem. 71s. 3d ; prl
mt a , Itetd. 1'ork. prime mess , Una western , I
prim * mesa , medium. Us > < L I ird. dull ; prl
w lern. St d. rellned. In pall * .
CUKUSIf VUm' demand moderate ; Ot
American , white , S0 W ; Hnest American , col
ored. SI M.
IlUTTKIl Fln it I'nlted fllates. B8s.
TAMXW-Fln9 North Amtrknn , nominal at
23 * .
IloaiN Common , 3 101.
COTTON HIKU OilI.lxcrpool , rcflned , l sM.
I.INHKKD Oil-20 * .l.
PETIIOM-UTM Ilellnwl , t W.
HOPS At Ixindon ( PnclHc coast ) . (2 loo.
The receipts of wheat for the past three days
were 195,000 cental * . Including 17,000 centals
American. The receipts of American corn for
the past three days were 6,700 centals.
Condition of Trndo nntt Quotations on
Staple nnd 1'uncy Produce.
nUTTER Packing stock , go ; fair to good coun
try , 109l2c ; cholca to fancy , HOltoi gathered
creamery , 1920ci separator creamery , 23c.
KOOS-Strlctly fresb laid , 21@22c ; fresh ( cold
star nice ) , HffJSc.
LIVK POULTRY Old hens , 4Ho ; spring chick
ens , GftSHc ; ducks. CffG'/ic ' ; turkeys , ( e ; heavy
loins , Cc ; Reese. Ca
iRESSBD 1 > OOLTRY Chickens , fair , 4l45c ;
choice large , Cc : choice small , C',4"c : turkeys ,
fair to BOO < I , 6c ; choice heavy , 7fc ; e'.iolce small ,
8ft9c ; , ducks , fair to good. Gffl'c ; fancy , 83Vic ! ;
geese , fair to good , 6ff7c ( fancy , SCrSHc ,
GAME Prairie chickens , per doz. , $3.7504.00 ;
grouse , per doz. , J3.23fi3.50 ; blue wins teal , per
doz. . $1.5001.75 ; green wine teal , per doz. , Jl.iS
( JI.50 ; ducks , mixed , per doz. , JI.OOO1.23 ; canvas-
backH. Jl.0fl f5.oo ; mullanls Bnd ml beads , J2.60
( J2.75 ; quail , Jl.2riWI.35 ; deer saddles , 12fn3c ;
antelope saddles , 710c ; small rabbits , 73480c ? ;
jack rnbbltH , Jl.
VEAI. Choice , fat nnd small veals are quoted
nt r c ; large nnd coarse , : ! f/lc.
CHEESE Wisconsin full cream. Young A ,
13c ; tnlns , 12Hcj Nebraska and Iowa , full cream ,
lie ; Nebraska and Iowa. pirl : skims , 7 Sc ; Llm-
burg r , _ No. 1 , lie ; brick. No. 1 , lie ; Swiss , No.
'lIAY Upland hay , J9.50 ; midland , J3 ; lowland ,
$150 ; rye straw , JO , Color mnkes the prlca on
hay. LlRht shades sell the best. Only top grades
bring lop prices.
PIGEONS-Old birds , per doz. , 75c.
POTATOES Wcslem stock , cjr lots , G00G3c :
small lots. 6. > { ? 70c.
OLD UEANS-Hand-plcked. navy. $2 : Lima
bean * , per lb. , 64c. !
ONIONS On 01 dors , G3070C.
CAI1I1AGE On orders , Hie.
CELERY Per doz. . 2.11J40C.
SWEET POTATOES-IIoino grown , $2.75 ; Mus-
cntlno. J3.
REETS Per bbl. . J2 ,
CARROTS Per bbl. , J2.
CAl'LIFLOWER-I'cr doz. . $1.5031.73.
HORSERADISH-Prr lb. , 7ffSc.
I'AHSNIPH-Per bbl. , $2.
RtrTAUAOAS-lVr bbl. , $2.
PARSLEY Per doz. bunches , 35040C.
TUHNIPri . $2. '
SPLIT PEAS-Per lb. . 3',4e.
OREEN PEAS-Per bu.i Jl.t301.35.
RADISHES-Pcr doz. , 35 40c.
LETTUCE Per doz. . 35040C.
QUINfKS-Calironlla. per 60-lb. b . t.2Sni.1.
APPLES Good stock , per bbl. , J2.BOiff2.75 ;
Michigan stock , 13 ; New York or New England ,
PLUMS California , none.
PEAHS Winter Nellls , $2 ; Vicars , $1.73.
OIIAPES Concord , none ; Malagas , per 83 to
tf-lb. bl > U. . Kinfts. JT.M'ijy.K ) .
CHANnEUUIES Jerseys , fancy , $10.50 per bbl.
OUANQES Florldas , J2.73.
IIANANAS-rCbolce slock , J2.00S2.50 per bunch.
LEMONS Malaga. $3.73 ; fancy Florida , sizes
ZM and 300. $4.0-M(4.25. (
OYSTE11S IXL , EC : medulm , per can , 15 * .
horse shoes , 12c ; exlra standards. 15c : extra ! > <
lecls. 17c : company selects , 2Io ; New York
counln , 25c.
NEW I'IGS-Fancy , 13c ; choice , ISgilc ; Cali
fornia , bags , Sc.
HONEY New York , 17c ; California , ICc.
MAPLE SYIIUP Oallon enns. per doz. , $12.
NUTS Almonds , ISfflOc ; English walnuts , 12c :
Illberts , lie ; Hrnzll nuts. Re : eastern chestnuts ,
no good stock ; sliollbark hickory nuls , per bu , ,
J2 ; large hickory nuts. $1.75 ; fancy raw peanuts ,
Cc : roasted peanuln , 7Vic.
SAIIEU KHAUT Choice while , per bbl. , $4.50
per half bbl. . J2.50.
MINCE MEAT Fancy , In half bbls. , per lb. ,
C',4c ; 10-gal. kegs , 7c ; condensed , per case of ;
doz. pkgs. , $2.75.
FISH Fresh caught croppies , perch and sun
Huh , 3@5c ; buffalo , znc ( ; pike nnd pickerel , C@3c
cntllah. SflOc ; black bars , 1213c.
CIDEn Pure Juice , per bbl. , J3.50 ; half bbl. , $3
HIDKS No. 1 green hides , 3'ie ; No. 2 greer
hides , 3ic ! ; No. 1 green united hides , 4Ho : No. I
green sailed hides , 3Vic ; No. 1 green salted hides
23 to 40 lbs.i 4Vic ; No. 3 green salted bldca , K ti
40 Ibs. , 3Uc ; No. 1 veat calf. 8 to 15 Ibs. . 7cr No
2 venl cair , 8 to 15 Iba. . Sc ; No. 1 dry Hint bides
8c ; No. 2 dry flint hides , 4c ; No. 1 dry saltei
hides , 5c ; part cured hides , Vic per ) b. less thai
fully cured.
SHEEP PELTS Green salted , onch. 23COC
green salted shearlings ( short wooleil early skins )
each , 5&15c ; dry shearlings ( short wooleil earl ;
skins ) . No. 1. each. iiJlOa ; dry shearlings ( shoe
woolcd early skins ) , No. 2 , each , 6c ; dry flln
Kansas and Nebraska butcher wool pelts , pe
Hi. , actual weight , 5@8c ; dry Hint Kansas sm
Nebraska murrain wool pelts , per lb. . actua
weight , 40Sc ; dry Hint Colorado butcher woo
pelts , per lb. , actual weight , 4'8V4c ' : dry ( Un
Colorado murrain wool pelts , per lb. , actua
Wright. 4fiCc.
TALLOW AND GREASE-Tallow , No. 1. 41
4'.4c ; tallow. No. 2. 3Hff4c ; grease , white A , 4VJ {
4'e ; grease , whlto II , , 3oh grease , yellow , 3Vic
grease , dalk , 2Uff3c ; old butter , 2 2Vic ; bees
wnx.lprlnw , 17j'20c ; rough tallow , 2c.
KUItS Hear , black. No. 1 large. $20.00f23.00
No. 1 medium , $13 : No. 1 small , $3.001710.00 ; bear
black , yenrlluga. No. 1 law. $12.00&15.00 ; No.
medium , $10 ; No. 1 small , $7 ; bear , black , cuba
No. 1 large. $6.0flffS.OO ; No. 1 medium , $3.00 ? 6.00
No. 1 small , $1 : bear , black. Montana and Rock'
mountain , No , 1 large , J18.Wti22.oo ; No. 1 medium
$11 ; No. 1 small , $10 ; bear , blade. Montana year
llnga. No. 1 large , $12 ; No. 1 medium. Jl ; No.
small , Ji ; bear , black , Montana cubs , No.
large , JC.GO ; No. 1 medium. JI.W ; No. 1 small
$3 ; bear , silver' Up , No. 1 Urge , $20 ; No.
medium , $12 ; No. 1 small , $8 ; bear , silver til
yimrllngs. No. 1 large , $11 : No. 1 medium , J3
Nn. 1 small , $5 ; bear , silver tip , cubtj , No.
large , $ C ; No. 1 medium , 14.54 : No. 1 small. $3
bear , brown. No. 1 large. J20.OOiiT25.00 : No.
medium. $1C { No. 1 small. $11 : l ? nr , brown , year
llnga. No. 1 large , $10.00312.00 ; No. 1 medium. $9
No. 1 small , $6 ; bear , brown , culm. No. I large
$7 ; No. 1 medium. $5 ; No. 1 small , $3 ; badgei
No. 1 largo , $1.00 fl.50 ; . No..l medium , 61c : Nc
1 small , We ; tlnher. No. 1 large , $3 ; No. 1 medluir
$ ff ; No. 1 small , Jl ; fox , Hllrur , as to color ac
cording to beauty. TJo. 1 large , $100 ; No.
medium , $60 ; Nn. 1 small , $50 ; fox , silver , palt
according tr > beauty. No. 1 large , JW ; Nor
med'um. $30 ; No. 1 small , $20 ; fox , cross , No.
large , $7 ; No.1medium. . $3 ; No. 1 small. JS
fox , red. No. 1 large , Jl.SO ; No. 1 medium. J1.2J
No. il small , tli-lof , gray. No. 1 large , 75c : Nc
1 medium , OOc ; No. 1 small. 4'c : fox , kit. No.
large , COc : No. 1 medium , 40c ; No. 1 email. SOc
lynx. Nox 1 large , $3 ; No. 1 medium , J2 ; No.
small , $1.50 : marten , No. 1 large , $2 ; No.
meJIum , $ i:50 : ; ND. 1' email , $1 ; mink. No.-
large , COC3c ; Nn. 1 medium , 40a : No. 1 smal
S.TCJ mink , dark.No. . 1 birge , 6Jc ; No. 1 msdluir
4'c : No. 1 nillnll , 3ic : moUTtiln linn , perfect hea
nnd feet. No. 1 large$1.0' ' > 31.iV ) ; Imperfect sk'm
2.r fWo : otter. No. 1 large , 18 ; No. 1 medlun
$ G.OOQ7.0J ; No. , 1 small , to ; otter , pale. No.
luge , $7 ; No. 1 medium. $5 ; No. I small , $
racconn. No ; 1 large , Ii ) j70c : No. 1 medium , O'h
No. 1 nmall , 33c : raccoon , black , as to beaut ]
No. 1 large , &V3J2.04 ; skunk , black , cased , No.
large. $1.2."i ; No. 1 medium , 75o ; No. 1 small , 54 <
skunk , fhort slilped , Nn. 1 large , $1 ; No.
meillum , 70cr No. 1 small , 45c ; skunk , narro
striped. No. I Inige. OOc ; No. 1 medium , 40c ; Ni
1 xmall. . * > c ; skunk , brnad striped. No. 1 } urn
2)O2 ) > : wolverine. No. 1 large , 14 : No. 1 medlun
$3 ; No. 1 small. J2 ; weld mountain , ' No. 1 larg <
$3 ; N . 1 medium , $2 : N < x 1 small , J1.50 ; wol
prairie. No. 1 lurge , CJiifWc ; No. 1 medium , C'i ' )
No. V small , 40cj leaver , per skin , No. 1 iarg
J5.OOOC.00 ; No. 1 meillum. JI.BO ; Nn. 1 email. J :
beaver klls. Nn. 1 large , 12 ; No. 1 medium , J1. &
No. 1 small , 75c : muskrals. wlnler , No. i Iarg
6J/r > c ; No. 1 medium , 9c : No. 1 small , 7c ; muil
rats , fall. No. 1 large. 48Cc ; No. 1 medium , 7i
No. 1 small , Cc ; inuskrata , kits , 2Q3o.
8t. I.ouls Onnnrnl Jlarkot.
ST. LOUIS. Dec. 7-FLOVR-Dull. unchaner
WHEAT Opened bearish on forelKn _ IIOWH nt
t. lurgo Argentine receipts , closing ti ? Ho belo
yestenlay's close ; No. 2 rel , cash , & 2 c ; Deccn
ber , 53Hc bid ; January , 5lc ; May ,
t. CORN StronK on unfavorable weather , clo
In ? ViW.4 up ; No. 2 mixed , cash , 4c ; Dccer
, ] ber , X0'c : January. 45o bid ; May , 47V c.
OATS Firm , higher ; No , 2 , cash , SOftc ; u
cemlwr , 31c ; May. 32c.
llYi : N'othlnr ; doing ; No. 2 held at Sic ,
I1RAN Sncke.l . , east track , CSc.
CLOVER PEED Steady : good , J8.50C8.82.
TIMOTHY 8EED-JI.75tt5.30.
HAY Steady ; prime to choice prairie , J3.0 < 1
14.04 ; prime to choice- timothy , $10.00011.00.
c ; EOOS-Mim ; 19o.
SPELTP.R-Ilel.l nt J.1.10.
CORN MEAl/-J..05ff.10.
COTTON TIES Unclmnsed.
PROVISIONS Pork. landanl , Johbln
JI2.30. Lard , prime ste&m. $ ( .70 ; choice , JJ.s :
Dry salt meuls , bx > so shoulders , $3.25 ; longs ai
ribs , JMS'i ; shorts. J3.25. llacnn , lucked shot
ilerB. J .U : Innxs , JO.STVi : ribs , $7 : shorts , $7.12
RECEU'TS Klour. 4 , - bbl . ; wheat , 7,000 bi
coin. 61.000 bu. ; oils. KW > bu.
SHIPMENTS Flour , 6.0W bbls. ; wheat , non
corn , l.OUO bu. ; oiits. 3.000 bu.
Wool .Market.
ROSTON. Dec. 7. The American Waal BI
tt ; Cotton Reporter ays of the wool trade : Nothli
Is nt manifest In market
iff. present condltlo
iff.d ) ; which la calculated ti > depress or elate tlia splrl
of Uio trad or of our minufaclurers. Prices a
sy practically unchanged. Considerable wool Is BC
syIt Ing all the tlmo In moderate quantities at cv
It rent rates. Thn demand for domestic wool co
tlnues to bo about the sam In character ai
quantity an prevailed during November. T
ugKrwIe volume of transactions for the we
Is somewhat diminished by ( ho occurrence
the annual Thankszlvlni ; holiday. The sales
t.'iu week amount to 1.7IM.OOI ) Ibc. domestic a
id ; 371,000 Ibn. furehcn. making a UU1 of 3,171.1
ll . . against a tiKul of 2.170,5 < Ibs. fur the pi
Is , vtous week and n total of 5"S7.i > W Ibs. for t
corresponding week lust yenr. Tim Bales sin
January 1. 1VJI , amount to 135.5J4.51i Ib * , agaJr > Ibs. a je r ago. The sales In N <
. Stt i Ibs. anl In
H ff Yuik amountc.1 to Phllad
plila they aggregateil 1.C31.SM Ibs ,
ffS 8T. 1X > L'I8 , Dec. " . WOOb-Sleady and t
S elmnged ,
05DO3TON. . Tttc. 7. Clearing * . $14(45,597 ; b
me Uncc * . J1.S7J.M7.
LONDON. Dec. T. 4 p. m , Gold Is quoted
eat liueno * Ajrrt * at JtJ ; llaJrld. 120' '
Hi. Petersburg , V ) ; Athens , 77) ) Home , 103.W ;
Vienna , 10J.
1IALTIMOUR , Doc. T.-Clcarlngs , $ Z.IOJ,615 ;
bnlancts , $331,428.
NEW YORK. Dec. 7.-ClearIns , 191,995,512 ;
balance * . Jft.527OI > ,
PHILADELPHIA. Dec. 7.-Ctcnrlng9 , $10,41-
731 ; balances. 11.371379.
HERf.IN , Dec. T. Exchange on London , S
days' light , ZO marks JJVi pfs.
NEW TORK. Dec. 7. Lnxard Frercs will ship
Jl.ZJO.OOO ROM by tomorrow's steamer.
ST. IXL'I8 , Dec. 7.-ClenrinK , $1,239.911 ! ; bat-
once , $031,621. Money , dull , 5 7 per cent ,
1'AniS , Dec , 7. Three per cent rentes , lOJf
47Uc for the account. Exchange on London. 25f.
MEMPHIS. Hoc. 7.-ClearlnBS. IIM.C09 ! lial-
nnces. JM.rxXi. New York exchange selling nt l < ttr.
LONDON. Dec. 7. The amount of bullion none
Into tliu Dank of England on balance today Is
CINCINNATI , Dec. 7. Clearing * . tt.16S.CO ) .
Money , 2l per cent. New York exchange , 230
40o premium.
NEW ORLEANS. Dec. 7.-Clcarlu < cs. 12.1(9,70 ( ! .
New York exchange , par ; commercial , $1.2. > per
} 1,000 discount.
CHICACJO. Dec. T.-Cleartnus , I17.SOI.OOO.
Money , 4fIV4 per cent on call ; M/8 per cent on
time. New York exchange , 33c premium , filer-
ling exchange , commercial , J.CT ; I.S6)i.
NB\V YORK , Dec. 7. The October 'earnings
of the Atlantic system of the Soulhsrn 1'uclllc
rnllroail were : draft , (1,813,813 ; Increase , J103.06J ;
net , $565,832 : ilectcase. $10,07. The steamship
Etrurla , Balling for Europe tomorrow , will take
out 350,00) ounces of silver.
There \Va3 Increased Activity Iti the Spccu-
Intlvo Snuurltles.
NEW YORK , Dec. 7. There was Increased
activity In the speculation on the Stock ex
change today , and the market was char
acterized by a marked degree of strength ,
with the exception of slight reactions at the
opening. Vtnong the most prominent Influ
ences was the Improved prospect for the
passage of the pooling bill. Western Union
advanced on a report that the next quar
terly statement would show a surplus after
deducting- the regular dividends.
Sugar again broke the record of Individual
sales , exceeding 193,000 shares. The prom
ised directors' statement was not forthcom
ing. The stock lluctuated widely , the final
sale being only ! & per cent below the best
and 4 % per cent above yesterday's closing.
The preferred gained 2Vi per cent. There
was heavy covering In the grangers. St.
1'aul was sold at the opening by London ,
but the local buying was active. There
was an Improvement on the day of l',4 per
cent. Northwestern rose 1'4 per cent and
lost only H i > er cent. Burlington reacted
% Per cent on the early trading , but on
long buying In Uoston the ntock rose lt
per cent , reacting % per cent nt the close.
Uock Island advanced steadily , closing at
the best and 1 per cent above last night's
closing price. The other more Important
galn.s on the day are Tobacco , 2 per cent ;
Cordage preferred , 1 % per cent ; Cordage
common , 1V1 per cent ; St. Paul & Omaha ,
1 % per cent ; Western Union and Lead , Hi
per cent. The market closed strong. The
bond market was firm In the early session
and after midday became strong. The total
transactions were $1,835,000.
The Post's London cable says : Ameri
cans were dull and flat today on the ex
pected gold shipments from America. The
Hunk of England Is said to have reduced
the selling price of eagles to ' ,4d per oz.
South Americans were weak on the contin
ued rise In Argentine gold premium. The
trade returns for November are fairly satis
factory , considering the low values.
The following were the closing quotations
on the leading stocks of the New York ex
change today :
AtClllBOll. . . . , Northwestern
Adams Express. . . do ptd
Alton. T. II N. Y. Central HOW
do pfd N. Y. iN. E 31 1 <
Am. Express. Ontario * W 13 *
llaltlmoru .VOIilo. Oregon Imp 10
Canada Pacific. . . . Orezou Nav 20
Canada Southern. . O. S. L. & U. N. . . .
Central Paolflc. . . . Pacific Mall
Clies. & Ohio P. D. & . E
Chicago Alton Plltsburg 150
C. , D. i 6 Pullman Pnlaca. . 15(1
Chlcauo Gnu. . . . . . . Heading
Consolidated Gns. ItlchmondTcr. . . .
C. . C. . C. ASt. L. . . . do pfd.
Colo. Coal & Iron. . n. o. w
Cotton Oil Cert. . . . R. G. W. pfd
Delaware & Hud. . Uock Inland
Del. , Lack. 4 W. . . 81. Paul 60H
D.&Il. G. , pfd do pfd 118H
1) . iC. F. Co St. P.i. Omaha. . . .
Erlo do pfa
Erlodo pfd Southern Pacific. . 10
Fort Wayne Sugar Hennery. . . .
G. Northern pd. . . Tumi. Coal & Iron.
C.AK. I. nfd Texas Pacific ?
Hocking Valley. . . T. .to. Cent. pfd. . 7
Illinois Central. . . Union Pacific. . . . .
St. P. ftDuluth. . . . U. a Express
K..tT. pfd W. St. L. & , P
Llko Erlo & West do pfd
dopfd Welli Forgo Ex. . . 103
LakeShore Western Union . . 88-
LeadTniBt Wheeling , I * 1C. . lOfl
LoulHVllloiN. . . . 64 do ptil HO
L. fc N. A M.81. L 28
Manhattan Con. . . . O. & U. O 10 ?
Memphis AC G. K
Michigan Cent. . . . MM N. L
Mlsnourl Pacific. . C. F. iL
Mobllci A Ohio. . do pfd
N.1sHvllloCliU. ; , . . II. &T. C
National Cordage. T. A. A. & N. M. . . .
ilopfd T. St. L. & K.C . . . .
N. J. Central dopfd 7
N. &W. pfd S. K. K 12
North Am. Co. . . . do pfd 38W
Northern Pacific. . Am. Tob. Cede ! W
No. Pac. pfd do pfd 107
U. P. . D. &O
The total sales of stocks today were 3T5.27
sliares , Including : American Sugar , 103,029 ; Uui
llrmlon. 2'.800 ' ; Chicago Clam 13 , oc > ; Distilling i
Calllefecdlng , 2,300 ; I ulsvllle & Nashville , 8.8'M '
Manhattan , 6,800 ; Missouri I'aclHc , 2.70' ) ; Nei
Jersey Central , 2,900 ; Northwestern , 7,900 ; Head
Ing. 0.600 ; Hock Island , 5.DOO ; St. 1'aul. L9.0O1
Southern Hallroad , prefened , 3CW ; Wtster
Union , 9.009. _ J
Now York .Monov Mnrket.
Easy at 1I4 ! per cent ; last loan , 1 per cenl
clnsoil at 1 per cent.
C <
8TEHLINa EXCHANGE Slronff , wilh actuc
business In bankers' bills at $4.SStt4.&Si ! for < !
mand and at Jl.87'i04.87H for sixty rtaya ; poste
rales , $4.S7V41.88 and Jt.88'iif4.8'J ; commerck
Lllls. JI.86'i 4.SIU. !
GOVBIINMBNT 1IONDS Klira ; siale bond :
quiet ; lallroad bc-mls , alrons.
Cloilng quotations on bondi wer as follows :
U. S. f > s. roir ! > . & U. U. 4s . HH
U. S. Es.coup Erlo'Jds . 07 >
IT. B.Is , re ? G. II. & S. A. Os. . . nn
U. S. 4s. eon n ( I07H . n
U. S.2H. roe H.&T. C. Ca . 1055
Pacinelisof ' 03. do Us . ioo >
Ala. Clasa A M. K. tt T. lBt4a. . HI !
Ala. Cl.isi II < lo2 < 14n . 411 !
A1.1. Cl.iss C Mutual Union Os. Ill )
Ala. Currency. . . . N. J. C.Gcn. Os. . . . 111) )
11. Now Con. 4s. No. Ista . lilt
Missouri ill lo''ilH . SH
N. C. Us N. W. CotiHolH . 14'Ji
N.O. Is Mo S. P. IJcb. fia 109
S. O. uonfund U. n. WCBI. lata. . . 71
Tenn. now Bet tin St. P. Conaols7s. . 1:10 : ;
Tonn. naw Hot B : do C. A P. W. Bs. 112 !
Teun.oldGA 70
Va. Centuries St. L..VS.K. Oen.O. 101 !
00 dcfurrcU. . . . * . Tex. 1'ae. lati . H7 !
Atchlnon 4s do2ilH . 20 !
ilo'.M A U. P. IsU of ' 00. . . 103 !
Canada So. 2dn. . . \7c8tShoro4a . 103 !
C. P. istaofOS. . . So. U. U . HO ;
I ) . & .K. O. 7s . . . .
Sun FrancUco Mining HCOOK Quotation * .
SAN FKANCISCO. Deo. 7. The omclalcloMn
Qtioiatlona furiululiiif BtokB toJ.iy wjrj ai fol
lows :
Alta 20 Haloit Norcrosa , , luu
Alpha 0- . . l' ' JviBtlca aa
Aiiuca 40 Kentucky Con 'J
llelclicr 70 Lady Wash Con. . 7
lloat&Dolcher. . . . VII Moxtcati 07
Ilodlo Cou 60 Mono S
llnlllon 20 Mount Diablo 10
IlulwcrCon B Oectdeulal Con. . . . 7
Caindonl.i 10 Ophlr lfl.-i
Challcneo Con 30 Overman 12
Uliollnr fil 1'otonl 44
Coutldcnco OB savajo an
Con. Cal & Va 333 Union Cou 37
.Con. Imperial 1 UtaliCoii. . . U
Crown Point 0:1 : Yellow Jacket , . . . . 4H
UoiildACurry 48
Sllvor btra. 01USQ1H' : . Moxlcnu clnllarJ , 50 }
Olc. Drafia , night , Sc ; talegraphle. 7We ,
Hniton Hti > oc ! ( Junt ltlun .
BOSTON , Dee. 7. Call loans. 2 ® 3 par cen
tlmo loans , :1H : I per cent. Closlu ; pricea f <
Blocks , bonds and mining aharon ;
A. T. AS. P 4M\Ve | tliisli. Elee. . . . 32
Am.Suirar. OIHV. . Elec. pfd . Bl
Am. Sucar pfd , . . , Atchla m 2da IN
liar State Haa 10 } { Atchlson 4b . 04
DellToloplione. . . Itm Cen. KleclrloBa. . . HU
lloHloni Alli.iny 200 Iloatiu A Montana 32
ItoMou AMaluo. . . IluttoA IloHton. . . lu
c. n. .vg 72 Ualumcti Hucl.i. . 288
Pllcbbun ; H2H Coutenulal . CO
( ion. Klcctrlc 3U franklin . 13
Mexican Central. . 3UH 7
N. Y.&N.B 01 Osoeola 21
Old Colony , IHO Qtilncy UJ
llublier. 42 Tamarack
We t Knd
Nnir York .Mliilnc ijaic tlnai.
NKW YORK , Dec. 7. The following are U
cJoalnj mlntiiv uuoutlonbi
liulwer. , . . S Ontario 8.M
Cholor. 40 Ophlr 101
Crown Point 40 Plymouth Ht
Cou. Cal. & Va. . . , 323 ulckallrer. . 10U
Ii > .vlwoo < l 41) dopfd isoo
UouldA Curry , . . . 33 Sierra Nevada , . . . Bl
Halo iNorcroHS. . HO Standard. , 101
Homcbtako 15d Union Con si
Mexican 0 Yellow Jaoket. . . . st
LonUon htocic Quotatloat.
LONDONDoc. 7 , i P.m.
IIAIt 8II.VBIt-28U < 1 per ox.
MONEY-U per cent.
Ilia rate of dlicount In the open market
both liort ami three monthi bltu U Ti per ct
Slight Increase ia Gatti'o ! t ecoipta Gives
Buyers LUtlo Ghana'at ! Prices ,
> i
Attempt ! to Sqacrie 1'itll' ' MdKtljr Ilcuauia of
Actlra Competition for tile IJmltcd
Line of Offerings Under
Unities Suffar Boino.
FRIDAY , Dec. 7.
There * was a perceptible' Increase In the
supply of native feed steers today , although
the quality ns a' rule was nothing extra ,
the greater portion of the offerings consist
ing of half-fatted stuff. Thorn was less
snap to the trade than was generally antici
pated , but decent grades found ready buy
ers nt steady to strong prices and were
picked up reasonably early. There was a
disposition among buyers to neglect the
very common grades throughout the day.
Huyers squeezed the market on common
cows and heifers , but purchased the better
grades readily at steady to strong prices.
Limited receipts of co\Vs ami heifers' the
past few days strengthened prices even on
the common stock , but with a fair number
offered today canning grades sold down to
the low prices paid early In the week. The
market in general was steady to a dime
lower , according to the quality of the offer
The market on stock cattle Is never very
lively the latter part of the week , and today
was no exception to the rule. Local dealers
took up the moderate offerings nt about
steady prices , a fair clearance being ef
fected. Representative sales :
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. 1-r. No. AT. * Pr.
U , . , . 942 $2 85 1..1300H30 19. . . . 999 | 3 45
1. . . . 900 SOT 41. . .1110 330 1. . .1010 3 CO
8. , . . 917 3 10 S. . .1013 3 SO 2C. . .IOC ) 3 CO
17. . . . 811 3 25 .1200 3 35 20. . .1275 4 DO
7. . . . 953 3 23 .1010 3 45
siiirriNa AND KXPOHT.
21. . . .1073 330 40. . . . 1200 SCO 1..1000 373
20. . . . 9S1 3 CO U. . . .1187 373 1..1270 5 00
2. . . 010 1 CO 3. . . . C80 1 75 1C.,1010 225
0. . . , 903 1 15 10. . . . 951) 1 75 1. . . . 830 2 23
1. . . 830 1 23 2. . . . 915 1 75 ,695 2 25
4. . . , 810 1 10. . , . 8M 1 SO 8. . ,833 2 30
10. . . . S75 1 25 7. . . . 778 1 81 5. . . .1000 230
] . . .830 1 S3 1..100) 1 M 3. . . . 916 2 40
2. . . 903 1 23 4. . . . tlu 1 85 1. . . 900 2 40
6. . . 810 1 35 12. . . . 749 1 S3 3. . ,783 2 40
2. . . 910 1 35 2..1005 1 90 , 805 2 40
1. . . 8.10 1 33 2. . . 935 1 90 1. . . .1310 2 40
3. . . KM 1 40 15. . 1002 1 90 4..1112 2 40
' ' ,920 1 40 4. . OS1 2 00 23. . . 983 2 CO
a' . . 878 1 40 > lor.o 2 oo 1..1210 2 DO
2. . . 7CO 1 40 2 ! ! 8M 2 00 K. . . . 981 2 CO
2. . . 975 1 40 1. . 9G4 2 00 2..1000 2 C3
13. . .908 1 40 4. . 975 2 00 8..1046 2 63
L. . StO 1 40 1. . .1120 2 00 1..10M 2 55
1 .900 1 43 n. . . 816 2 0) ) 1. . . . 950 2 D5
1. . . . 980 1 CO n ' ' . C33 2 00 1..1280 2 CO
1..1020 1 DO i' . .1070 2 10 10. . . . 993 2 00
2..1110 1 DO i. . , 930 2 15 27..1043 2 70
1. . . . D20 1 DO 27. . . . 811 2 15 2..1230 273
4..1012 1 CO D..113S 2 15 0. . . . 970 2 75
3. . . . KM 1 CO 4. . . . 985 22.1 1..130) 290
2. . . . 925 1 CO 1. . . . 790 2 23 1..1230 300
C. . . . 876 1 DO B. . . . 99S 2 23 1..1S80 3 25
7. . . . 780 1 DO 4. . . . 940 2 25 1..1380 3 DO
6. . . . 983 1 CO. 2. . . . 1035 225 1..1WO 400
1..1010 1 75
3. . . . 740 1 85
11. . . . 482 1 50 2. . . . 380 1 23. t 1. . . . $00 2 13
1. . . . D10 1 CO 1. . . . 910 ICO , 2. . . . 713 233
2. . . . D15 1 60
5.-326 1 73 1. . . . 110 300 2. . . . 130 3 SO
2. , . . 100 2 25 i. . . . 130 ; co 1. . . . 180 4 00
I. . . .1180 1 33 2..1C70 ISO 1..12IO 2 00
1..16.SO 1 50 1. . .1120 1'90 1..1770 2 03
1..I350 1 CO 1..1410 1 W 1..12CO 215
2. . . . 903 1 CO 1..1100 190 1..17.V ) 223
1. . . . 8(0 ( 1 50 2..1155 1 90 1. .1440 2 50
1..1240 1 C5 1..1150 1 93 1..12SO 2 DO
1..1120 1 63 1..1300 1 55 1..1500 2 75
1..1510 1 C > 1. . . . 630 300 1..1670 290
1..1249 1 75 2. . .1255 2 00 1..1390 3 00
2. . . . 710 1 75 1..1210 2 DO 1..20JO 3 73
1..1500 1 80
1..1S10 200 (
1. . . . 810 1 CO 1..1020 3'60
4. . . . 410 133 20. . . . D75 250 1 , . . . 550 2 CO
4. , . . 357 200 1. . . . 730 240 23. . . . 834 2.CO
2. . . . 535 2 00. . 15. . , . ( > . . 2 40 16. . . . C41 250 *
3. . . . 403 2 00 1. . . . 520 2 4ft 11 , . . , 833 2 55
22. . . . ? J1 2 10 1. . . . 510 2 40 1. . . . 840 2 CO
26. . . . 877 2 13 13. . . . 673 2 40 4. . . . 673 2 65
2. . . . 630 S 20 12. . . C8t 2 40 3. . . . 803 2 C5
1. . . . 870 2 23 4. . . . CoO 2 40 1. . , , 500 2 63
7. . . . 751 2 25 1. . . . 489 2 40 .1. . . . 913 2 70
12. . . . 6 ) 2 25 2. . . . C53 ' 2 45 49. . 841 2 75
13. . . . 455 231) 2. . . . 620 251) 933 275
7. . . . 574 230 40. . . . 62 ! ) 2 CD 1. . . . 840 273
11. . . . 972 230 7. . . . CIO 2 50 6. . . . 833 273
No. Av. Pr. Nc. Av. Pr.
2 steers . 1330 3 W 69 steers . 1143 3 CO
3 feeders. . . . 1010 200 OS feeders. . . . 918 2 4i )
12 steers . 873' 2 9i ) C ulcers . 792 2 CO
Standard C.ittlo Company ( cornfcd ) .
Icon- . 9CO 200 3JCOWS. . 1087 303
10 cows . 9C3 ICO 1 cow . 820 175
21 cows . 1007 2 63
1 cow. . 950 2 00 6 cows . 783 200
8 cows . 877 2 63 3 cows , . 933 2 C3
1 cow . 810 263 7 cows . 1000 263
21 cows . 980 275 32 nteers 981 325
Illinois L. O. H.
1 cow. . COO 200 2i cows . DOO 200
1 cow. . 840 2 00
II. C. BarlletL
1 hull . 1460 1 90 14 slcers . 1117 3 40
67 steers . 1101 3 40
21 cows. . 933 2 70
Sand Creek Caltle Company.
1 calf 360 1 8ri 1 calf 231 250
1 steer 1030 3 2. . ) 1 Bluer. 1370 .1 20
1 steer. 1100 3 20 1 steer. 820 3 20
1 cow 790 1 60 1 CDW C20 1 CO
2 cows C75 1 CO 1 cow 850 2 25
1 cow. 1070 2 25 1 cow 6S ) 2 2 >
1 cow. 1030 2 25 1 COW 1140 2 25
1 cow 68) 2 23 2 con-s 690 2 25
1 cow CM 2 25 1 COW. 910 2 25
D5 cows 773 2 23 1 steer 900 3 2) )
IIOQS The receipts so far this week show
liberal Increase over fame psrlcd last week , an
while there arc a BOW ! many pigs and Infcrlo
lioss comlns there Is a Rood number of Rood fn
hORS to be seen In the day's supply. While th
demand was confined to local buyers their order
were sufllclently larBC to tn ! > e care of the rathe
Untiled number offered , and under Bhnrp compc
tltlon Iho market opened Do to lOc higher , a
which basis the bulk of the IIORS Hold. To war
the close , nfler urgent orders hail been fillet
values weakened , and the market finished rathe
quiet. However , the pens were cleared of n
holdings. The limit reached nns S4.E5 for
toad of choice 383-lb , lines , while several ROO
loads sold at JI.W and from tlmt on down to )
for light mixed packers. The bulk sold at frci
(4,23 lo )4.45 , nRalnat a bulk of yesterday c
from (4.15 to (4.40. Representative Bales :
No. Av. Sli. Pr. No. Av. Sh. Pr.
3.1 ,161 160 $40) 4S 182 . . . $435-
49 181 . . . 4 10 78 218 200 4 35
85 151 160 4 10 77 217 12) ) 433
10A 150 210 4 ID 134 2)7 ) . . . 4 35
132 143 4 10 87 214 100 4 35
. . . 4 15 75 211 200 4 35
84 154 Si ) 4 11 63 236 SO 4 40
83 1GI 40 4 15 Cl 223 2W 4 40
110 155 . . . 4 15 C7 193 80 4 40
3(7 ( 176 . . . 4 20 . . . ; . . . . R0"440
99 161 80 4 20 14 267 84 4 40
91 ! 202 210 4 20 73 23S 12) ) 440
3 253 . . . 4 2i (9 237 SO 4 40
4 215 . . . 4 25 (3 203 40 4 40
3 311 . . . 4 2.1 40 256 12) 440
8 ! ) 172 IS ) 4 23 CO 211 44 4 40
81 178 4' ) 4 25 9 2)5 80 4 4)
81 175 80 4 23 103 211 12) 4 40
34 IDS . . . 4 23 G3iV.i.,276 S2) 4 45
62 204 40 4 23 ,70.i..u..2.1i . . . 4 4.1
ISO 40 4 2S 21..235 12' ' ) 4 45
37 193 IS ) 4 25 63..236 { 200 4 45
"M 2DI 41) 4 25 . . . . . . . 44 4 45
4 179 n ) 4 25 71..258 2W 4 43
96 175 40 4 25 ' ; , , ( . . . . : 16' ) 4 43
61 284 520 4 25 ,58 247 IS ) 4 45
13 164 . . . 425 ' 217 4) 443
4 250 40 4 25 U.I.-.239 16) ' 4 4 !
63 158 . . . 4 2.1 13 239 81) ) 4 43
51 217 44 4 30 83..213 ICO 4 45
76 203 ICO 4 3 < > 53..292 104 4
80 IM 12) 4 20 . , . ; . . . . W 4 45
71 201 . . . 4 34 G3..J..2S5 4) 443
8li m . . . 4 30 G4..1..25I5 . . . 4 4 !
G * 193 200 4 SO . . , , . . . . 124 443
79 177 . . . 4 3' ' ) C < > ; 265 4) 4 41
36 201 120 4 M 07 230 214 4 W
83 177 . . . 4 30 16 343 . . . 4K
91 1S9 Id ) 4 ! 2Vi 63. . 232 104 4 K
61 192 120 4 S2V. < il > 343 2)0 ) 4 V.
81 214 200 4 33 . . , . . . , : > 40 4 U
W 211 1C ) 4 35 Cl 2S2 80 4 W
47 230 12) 4 35 62 , = S3 40 4 K
nus AND notion.
1. , 240 . . . 2 00 ' 83'i. ; ' . . . . 4 , . . 3 OC
4 47 . . . 20i ) 'SI..ill. ' . . 91 . . . 3 OC
JJ 65 . . . 225 4 < 115 . . . 3 K
1 150 . . . 25) 2 , 255 . . . 30
7li 44 . . . 250 Cl , 81 . . . 30 !
1 130 . . . 2K4 74 . . . 31 !
Cl 73 . . . 265 13 103 . . . 32 :
3..180 . , , 275 t 95 . . . SO
3 IN . . . JW tn > 113 . . . 17 !
BHEKP The supply consisted < rf two loads
common muttons. Market quotably unchange
Fair tn choice natives , $2,25f3.00 ; fair to go
westerns. JiOHftM ; common and stock slice
$ I. 5ty/SOO / ; good to choice 40 to 100-lb. lanil
Ht. I.oula Il o Htoolc Market.
, BT. iJOVia , Dee. 7.-CATTLTS IlecflptJ , 1,1
head ; shipments , 300 head. Market firm ; fair
Rood natives , U.0003.10 ; stackers , (2.10O2.73 : BO
IVxas steers , ( J.OOtf3.eO ; Texas cows , 11.9002.45
HOQ3 Receipts , 6.SOO heart : shipments. 3 , '
head. Market stead ? to stronKi hr&vy , (1.3
4.W ; mlicd. (1.001)4.40 ; light. ( U0l.30. .
HIIEKI' ICecelpls. 700 head ! shipments , not
Market steady , unchanged.
New York Lira Stuck HurkeU
NE\V YOHK. Dec. 7. BREVES Recelp
, 3.360 head ; it cars on sale ; active. BIS
1 stronger ; closed little slow ; native steers , rx
I to prime. J.W > J.10 , half breeds , U.2SO1.75 : oxi
lJtWtfJ.Mi bull * , C.oif.S ) ; dry cuws ,
European rabies quote American sleets ut tflllo
per Ih. . rtr * s l weight ; refrigerator Ix-ff nt 7tf9 < % .
BIIEKP AND LAMrm-Ilecrlpls , 8.000 ; on
rnle , 20 cnrsj shwp steadyi lamtm WflUc lower ; '
sheep , Inferior to fair , (2.0WI.50 : Inmbs , Inferior
to choice , (3.504fl.23i I MI > , l-nnndlan , ! . ,
IIOOB llecelpts , .1,573 head ; on sale , ono car ;
firm. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Ilo'.drrs acnornlljr Asked Higher Trices
lings \Vrro Strong.
CHICAGO , Dec. 7. The cttlmntcd receipts of
cntllo for today were 3.000 head , making & 2.000
head for the weelt m far , against 41,761 head for
Hie same time last week. There was considerable
firmness In nil branches of the live stck market ,
there being no valid excuse for nay other condi
tion. Holders generally asked higher prices , and
while they did not always get them , the average
was slightly better than for yentenlny. Tne
range of quotations were frcm 12.25 lo ( . ) for
Inferior cows to fancy Christmas steers. Stiles
below (3 were few , ns were those of over * *
Kales of hogs were nt an advance on ycstcr-
day'.s prices of from DC to lOc. Tha demand was
active at from > 1.3. > to (4.70 for poor U prims
heavy , from (4.23 to 14.63 for medium weight *
and from (4 to (4.45 for light. Hut little busi
ness , was done nbove f4.60 ami not a. large
amount above ' (4.30 , the bulk of the sales tain *
within the comparatively narrow limits of from
(4.30 to ( I.CO. The gain' In strength Was a result
of the Increased receipts and the advance yes
tcrday In the value of hog products.
The sheep mntkct opened about steady and
closed weak. The quality of receipts today was
not qullo equal to that of the two preceding days.
Quotations were from (1.25 to (3.3 > for Inferior
to extra sheep and from JJ.23 to (4.21 for poor
to choice lambs.
Hecelpls Cattle , 8,000 head ; calves , 300 head ;
hog * , 32.040 head ; sherp , 12,000 head.
The Evening Journal reports :
IIOOH llecelpts , 32.000 hend : official yeslcrday ,
59,434 head ; shipments yesterday. 10,339 hend :
left over , about 22.000 head ; quality fair : mnrkct
active ; prices steady ; mlos innged nt (3.8W5.4)
for light ; (1,10574.25 for lough pacltini : H.100
4.65 for mixed ; (4.30IM.70 for heavy packing and
shipping lots ; pigs , (2.30fpl.OO.
CATTLE Hecelpts. 8new head ; receipts yeslcr
day , 11,027 head ; shlpmenls yesterday , 3,217 head ;
market dull ; prices CftlOc lower.
SIIEEI1 llecelpts , 12,000 head ; receipts yester
day , 12,130 head ; shipments yesterday , 1,043 head ;
market easy and DiflOc lower.
IlccolpU mid DUpiHUlim nf Stuck.
Official receipts and disposition of stock m
shown by the hooka of Hie Union Stock Yards
company for the twenty-four hours ending at 3
o'clock p. m. , December 7 , 1591 :
Cars. Head.
Cattle 76 2,132
lings 78 D.CSO
Sheep 2 103
Horses and mules 1 23
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
Omaha I'acklnc company 1,123
O. II. Hammond company. , . , f,7 1,267
Swift and company C63 1,697
Cudahy Packing company. . . . DC3 1,503
L. Decker n
A. Haas 75
n. Heeker & Degen 10)
Carey 130
llenton & W C
Hamilton & B 121
J. Lobman 157
Shippers and feeders 252 113
Left over , 203
Totals . . A. . . 2,131 6.C15 2)3
Kansas Cliy Llva Stock Mnrknt.
KANSAS CITY , DOS. 7. CATTLE Tlecclpts ,
4.00) head ; phlpments , 2,500 head ; market s'rong
anil active ; Texas strers , (2.60&3.60 ; Texas cows ,
(1.85 f3.2. > ; beef Btoers. (3.f5H.30 : native cows ,
(1.8502.80 ; stockcrs and feeders , (2.25ff3.13 ; bulls ,
HOC.S llecelpts. 13,000 head : shipments. 800
head ; market fxiZlOe lower ; bulk of sales , fl.lMf
4.35 ; heavies , (4.H0I.3) : packers. 14.2WI.30 ;
mixed , (4.20fT4.30 : lights , (3.5094.30 ; Yorkers , (2.90
© 3.30 ; plgsT (2.3303.60.
SHEEP llecelpts , 3.000 head ; shipments. 4.0W
head ; market steady ; prices ranged (2.2:03.25 : ,
Stoolc lu Hljjlit.
llecord of receipts at the four principal mar
kets for Friday , December 7 , 1S94 :
Cattle , Hogs. Bhceo.
Soulh Omaha . 2,152 6.6SO 203
Chicago . 8,000 32.000 12.000
Kansas City . 4,000 13.000 3,000
St. Louis . 1,800 6,909 700
Totals . . 13,912 57.CS ) 13,903
Coffee Market.
NEW YOniC , Dec. 7. COI'I-'EE Options closed
wonk ; sales , 34,500 tags , Including : December ,
( lt.2014.30 ; January , (13.EOSJ13.95 ; February.
(13.75 : March , (13.20 < i13.50 : April. (13.25 ; May ,
(1190JJ13.10 ; September. (12.f50129' ; October ,
(12.85fl3.00 ; spot coffee , nio. dull : No. 7 , (15.75 ;
mild , quiet ; Cordova. (13.2:019.00 ; sales , laic
yesterday , 1,100 Imps Santos No. 6 nt (16.50 , spot ;
40i ) bags Hourbon Hantos No. 5. (10 ; today , 1,000
pkgs. Maracnlbo. p. t. Warehouse deliveries
from New York yesterday , 20,697 bags ;
New York Block today , 221,533 bags : total vis-
Iblj supply for the United Slates , 635,000 bags ,
against 446,855 bags last year.
SANTOS , Dec. 7. Market strons ; Good average
Santos , (12.90.
HAMHURO , Dec. 7. Market Irregular ; prices
' ,1 © ! pfg advance ; Hales , 22,000 bagx.
HAVUE. Dec. 7. Market opened quiet ; fall
at Vjf advance : nt 12 m. , quiet nt Uf decline ; nl
3 p. m. , steady and unchanged to 'it decline ;
closed steady nt net unchanged to Mf advance ,
IHO DE JANEIRO. Dec. 7. Market firm : ox-
change. 10T4d ; receipts , 1,000 bacs : cleared foi
the United States. 3,000 bags ; cleared for Europe ,
none ; slock , 193,000 bags.
Kansas City Murkots.
KANSAS CITY. Dec. 7. WHEAT Lower ; No
2 hard , cash. 62053c ; No. 2 red , ClWJl'/ic ' ; re
Jccted , 4Cir47o ( ; sample sales , f. o. b. , Mlnalsslpp
river. No. 2 hard , COc ; No. 2 red , 67@58c.
CORN Weal.- . > , ic lower ; No. 2 mixed , 420I2HC
No. 2 while. 43fttp43c.
OATS Dull ; No. 2 mixed , 30V4c ; No. 2 white
RYE Firmer : No. 2 , nominally (1.33 1.31.
1JRAN Firm : C3 61c.
HAY Sleady ; timothy , ( S.OO@9M ; prairie , (7.5' '
1IUTTER Dull and weak ; creamery. lC21c
dairy. 13 16c ,
EGOS-Falrly octlvc : 19c.
RECEIPTS Wheat. 14.000 bu. ; corn , 40,000 bu.
oals , 11,000 bu.
Minneapolis \Vhuut Market.
MINNEAPOLIS , Dec. 7. Wheat went lowe :
today and closing prices were Vac below yester
day. The trade hail considerable to coiilem
with In the shape of n report from Washlngtot
Riving a bearish statement about the world' ;
crops. Northweslern receipts continue heav ;
and ahead of lust yc ir. The strength In coin I :
a factor that may cut a Ilijure In wheat trading
Cash wheat was easy at SSTlffSOu for No. 1 north
em , with millers fa'r ' buyers of tiackh it
Receipts , 416 cars. Close : December , 67Jc ; May
5 T4c : July , COTic. On track : No. 1 hard. 59V4c
No. 1 northern , DSVic ; No. 2 northern , DG',4c.
Mlhvnukito Markets ,
MILWAUKEE , Dec. 7.-FIXWR-Qulet , sleady
WHEAT Sleady , quiet ; No. 2 tprlng , 58Uc
No. 1 northern , Clc ; May , 59 ! c.
CORN Firmer ; No. 2. 45c.
OATS Firm and active ; No. 2 white , 32t4c
No. 3. 3232i.ic.
11ARLEY Qulel ; No. 2. G2Vic ; sample , 51031V4C
IlYE Steady : No. 1 , COc.
PROVIHIONS-lIlglicr. Pork , (12. Lard , (6.8J
HBCEIPT8 Flour. 5,000 bbls. ; wheat 19,00
bu. : barley. 45,000 bu.
SHIPMENTS-Flour , 7.000 bu. : wheat , 1,00
bu. ; barley , 2,000 bu.
Cotton MnrKpr.
sales , spot , 3.000 bales ; to arrive. 1.60) bales
receipts , 15.411 bales : exports , to Oroat Urltalr
5Ml ) bales ; stock , 472.611 bales ; futures , steady
Bales , 49.300 bales ; December. J5.26W3.27 ; Janu
nry. (5.2S3.S : February , (5.33ff3.3-i ; Marcr
J3.39f85.40 ; April. (3.4405.45 ! May , (5.49 ; Jum
(5.5105.50 ; July , J3.W4fj.Cl ; August. C .6t3i5.C < j.
ST. LOUIS. Dec. 7. COTTON Firm ; mIO
dllng , 5'ic ; Bales , 1,300 bales : receipts. 8,800 bales
shipments , 7,200 bales ; slocks , 61,200 bales.
Now York Drjr floods Market.
NEW YORK , Dec. 7. There was more bus
ness dotaff In all deparlmenls of cotton BOO , !
and dress fabrics , nnd Ihc collective sales fi
fuluro delivery were fairly linportiinl , A di
cMeilly better feeling was manlfcsleil by vlsltln
purchasers , and the opinion Is grnwlng that va !
ues are at the bottom. The jobbing price e
Atlantic J cashmeres and X f-erxes have liee
advanced to 2Cc. Printing clolhs are steady 1
thru nt 2c. Sales for the week were aboi
260,000 pieces. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Clitcnco Krult Marknt ,
CHICAGO. Dec. 7. The Earl Fruit compnn
sold one car California fruit nt auction todn'
realizing the following prices : Emperor grape
half crates , (1,4031.80 ; double crates , (2.C3O3. &
persimmons , 90c.
Dululli WhPiit Market.
DtTLUTH. Dec. 7. WHEAT Close : No.
liard , cnBh , C054c ; December. 69 0 ; May , 62Ki
No. 1 northern , cash , 69V4c ; December , 6sy i
May. tlc ; No. 2 northern , cash , CC'.ic ; No.
Hncur Murliet.
NEW YORK. Dec. 7. SUOAR-Raw. qule
sales , 3,010 bbls. domestic at New Orleans ,
come here , at 3Uc ; refined , dull ,
FrUco U'lioat Quc.tulloin.
December , 9JHc ; May , (1.02.
Miincliestar Tcitllen.
MANCHESTER. Dec. 7. Cloth and yurn n.ul
at unchanged prices.
Captured Thrcoof tlia ThtoTos.
HENNESSEV , Okl. . Dec. 7. The posse
farmers who have been following the band
horaa and cattle thieves near the Ole
mountains In Cheyenne and Arapahoe cou
s , ties , seventy miles west of Hennessey , ca
turcd three of the thieves and drove the ba
ance away , after wounding several of tbet
The outlaws will be turned over to tl
Johnny Connors HiicUs Out.
CHICAGO , Dee , 7. A message from Dor
Inlck O'Malley of New Orleans states th
Johnny Connors of Springfield , who
chequer , and John Morley , chief secretary
December 13 , lias backed water and the fig
Is off.
Oregon Kidney Tea cures all kidney tro
bles. Trial size , 25 cents. All druggists.
Prospects for Business After January Gen
erally Oon ! dered Good ,
Winter \Thttnt Aercngo Shows nn Increase
Over Last Vcnr Iran Imluitrjr AH
l > onn to HHYO n Much
llrlgliter I'rospeoU
NEW YORK , Dec. 7.-11. a. Dun & Co.'s
review 'says : It la Ullllcult to detect any
change In current business. Prospects for
business after January 1 are quite generally
considered more hopeful. The mi-ctlng of
congress and the announcement of the new
currency * plan nnd of various bills proposed
have not affected the situation perceptibly.
On the whole , agricultural product * arc
scarcely strong , and wages of labor do not
advance , but there Is reason to expect the
employment of a somewhat larger working
force nfter Monday. The expected govern
ment report of the result of feeding wheat
to cattle and hogs can ttcarcely have > Influ
enced the market. The receipts of wheat
arc larger than expected and the exports
smaller , but foreign accountfl , particularly
the Argentine account , have helped an
advance of 1U , cents. Estimates of the
winter wheat acreage Indicate an increase
of 1.9 per cent , with conditions somewhat
better than last year. Although corn re
ceipts have been much larger than a yenr
ago'and exports not one-sixth as large , the
price has changed but little. Cotton lias
fallen again to Gi cents , very close to the
lowest for many yearn , and actual receipts
from plantations arc larger to date than In
1891 , when the > crop was over 9,000,000 bales.
Neither abroad nor here are there Indica
tions yet of more than un average consump
tion.The Iron Industry seems to have distinctly
brighter prospects at Chicago , but bessemer
Iron has sold at (1.25 ut I'lttsburg , steel
rails have been reduced to $22 there nnd
wire rods and nails are weaker. Compar
ison of prices there and In the east shows
the lowest average yet recorded. Taking
prices of October. ISM. ns 100 , quotations
have fallen to 55.7 , and are so Blinded that
substantially half the price has been cut
off. In four years. Southern works are offer
ing Iron hero and In New England at low
llgures , and the competition leaves scarcely
any prollt.
London speculation has depressed tin to
13V4 cents and copper Is In only moderate
demand nt 9V4 cents for lake. Domestic
lead la n shade stronger. The wool manu
facturer has been doing 3 per cent more
than last week , but 92 per cent less than In
1892 , and the average of 101 qualities of wool
quoted by Coates IJros. Is 14.79 cents , the
lowest ever known. The manufacturers ore
receiving more orders , and much confidence
Is expressed that they will be. able to con-
tlnuo production nt about the present rate
after January 1.
The failures this week have been 383 In
the United States , against 385 last year ,
and forty In Canada , against forty-two last
Aggregate of Ituslnos * Trammeled by thq
Associated Hanks I.uMt Work.
NEW YOUK , Dec. 7. The following table ,
compiled by Uradstreet's , shows the tola !
clearances nt the principal cities and the
percentages of Increase or decrease , as com
pared with the corresponding week loal
year :
voston , but sales of dry goods are du
Amont ; central western cities Clovelni
and Cincinnati arc exceptional In rcporth
KaliiH In demand In a few lines , nnd ut tl
llrst named from manufactfr.T8. Ths mov
tnent of staple merchandise from Detrc
and Loulsvlllo la characterized aa fentur
less. At Chicago oalcs of clothing exec
those In a like period In 1893 , but the dlsti
button of Hhoen , rubber RoodH and har
ware Is smaller. St. 'X.ouls jobbers report tl
heaviest demand from nearby countr > dec
era to llll In stocks , and a better feelli
In thf llnlehed Iron nnd steel trades. Ka
BUB City jobbers Bend an encouraging t
l > ort , based on effortH to push trade In Tex
with favorable results. North of Kan
City and west of Chicago trade reportH a
leas favorable because of unseasonable op
weather , and throughout Nebraska and a
jacent regions , owing to the need of nil
Homo or all of these characteristics npp
to Omaha , DCS Molncn , Milwaukee , Ht. I'm
Minneapolis and Duluth , the last' imm
urmounclng the departure of the last la
vessel for the HCUEOII. The agercgate D
luth lake shipments this year are over 1,00
000 tons over 1&33 , btt | receipts are a trl
smaller. The tendency of prlcon Is to I
creased flrmneaa.the list of btaplea sliowl
advances l/clng longer than that on whl
quotations are not maintained. As ut Lc
don wool sales closed 5 per cent htshcr
than the opening for good varieties , that
tnple la regarded ns having advanced , nl-
though quotations for territories nro nomi
nally only steady. American jnirchnucji nt
London amount to 6RX ) bales. Wostcrn tan-
ncra report n 7 per cent advance In the
price of calf skins , nnd Uhlcano nnnottnccs
soles of pig Iron nml St. Louis of scrap
Iron nt Improved quotations. The more Im
portant decreases In quotations refer to
sugar , cotton , tin nnd lard. Live hogs hnvo
been lower nt Kansas City , but higher at
Merchants nnd manufacturers nre reported
anticipating that business will remain well
within conservative lines during the win
ter , with a moderate Increase In the spring.
At Cleveland manufacturers nrc Inclined to
regnrtf the Industrial outlook for the sprlnff
ns promising only reasonable activity , whllo
nt St. Louis Jobbers anticipate a good trade
In the spring and declare themselves satis-
tied with the business of the past six
Then1 have been 3,011,000 bushels of wheat
( Hour Included ns wheat ) exported from tlin
United States ( Canada none ) this week ,
compared with 2,6M,000 bushels In the llko
week ono yenr ngo , 4,401,000 bushels ;
two years ngo , C.KM.COO bushels thrco
years ngo nnd with 2,041,000 bushels In the
llrst week of December , 18'J ) . Crop Interests
In California have been Improved by season-
nble rains throughout that state. Ban Fran
cisco wheat exporter. ' nre expecting nil pnrljr
shortage In tonnage. Groceries and fancy
goods are In better demand nt Toronto , but
dry goods nnd clothing are quiet.
Miiftt Kurp Aurnlio fur \Vcok. .
DENVER , Dec. 7. Sixteen men nro en
gaged In this city upon a contest of endur
ance , a prize of $500 being offered lo the ono
who keeps awake the whole week. The men
are 1n a large room under the cyo of watchers.
When a contestant Is seen to doze n boll U
struck. If he falls to wake up he Is counted
out ,
INSTRUMENTS placed on record December
7 , 1S91 :
Fred Stein to Fred Krtu ? Hrewlnc com
pany , lot 7 , block 1 , Hhull's 1st add..J 3,472
J W Elmen and wife to J W Johnson , lot
2 , Hock 3 , Cleveland 1'lnce 4,020
J H McSlmnn nnd wife to .1 M Dougherty ,
lots 10 , 11 , 12 , 23 and 21 , block II , Clover-
dale 2,000
M L Walker and husband to Ilnrmnn
Schcll- loin 21 and 22 , block 1 , Knli'Il
Place 12.00J
O A Shannon and. wife lo tt A llnickrn ,
lot C9. ( .Uses' add 6,000
M F Nemec to M K nnd Anton Sndll , n
Hot lot SO , block 4 , KmmUc 2d add 1,509
V Cook nnd wlfn to A L LlRhttoot , lot
1 , block 3. Iledtord Place 1,000
A O Peterson nnd wile to D II Cameron ,
lot 17. block 1C. Hansrom Place 0,500
Leoimld Heunenhofer and wUe to M J
Peck , lot 4 , block P , Hhlnn's 2d ndd 3,000
Omaha bink lo It Jl James , lot
20 , block 3 , Dentnan Place 75
O W Ceott nnd wife to O W Waltles , lot
32 , block G , Jerome park 1
Jacob Kendls nnd wlf to C W Cook , lot
1 , block 3 , lledford 1'lnce 1
Special mnsler lo O F Davis company , lot
IS. block 14. Clifton Hill. . . . 1,025
Same to M G Slocumb , lot 21 , block I1G ,
Dundee Place 334
Sheriff ti * E A Hracken , part of block E ,
Hhlnn's odd 3.835
Total amount of transfers J 15,703
Children Cry for
Pitcher's Castoria.
Pitcher's Castoria.
ditcher's Castoria.
Ull 0V I ilflDIIUO W UUl
163-165 Dearborn-sL , Chicago.
! 5 Wall-st. , Nc w York. 70 Statc-st , Bostoj
nought and Bold. Corrogponainao Solicited.
"The Four Hundred'
The emnllcst
\vatch made
in America.
The only
watch move
ment ever
inndo of solid
II your jeweler
Is u n a b 1 o to
dhow you this
curiosity wrlto
for the address
of a dealer who
Tlio Duobcr Watch Works. Canton , O.
For delivered prices on Corn or Feed o (
any description In car loads lots , wrlta
or telegraph
W. H. BOOTH & CO. ,
Kansas City , Mo.
Weights and grades guaranteed.
Commission Merchant
Grain and Provisions.
Private wires to Chicago and New York.
All business orders placed on C uugJ
Hoard of Trade.
Correspondence solicited.
CJtllce , room 4 , New York Life Building i
Unmlia. Telephone 130S.
Leaves iHUHLlNOTON & MO. ItiVliR.IArrlve.
OmahalUnlon Depot , 10th & Mason tin. } Omaha
1 Oil Jam. Denver Bxpiess 93jam' ;
4:3pm.I31k. : Hills , Mont. & Puget Snd. Ex. 4:10pm
l:30pm : Denver Express 4:10pm :
C:45pm.Nebraska : Local ( except Sunday ) , . 7:45pm :
. .Lincoln l ocnl ( except Sunday.ll2Jum
leaves IU111UAUO , 1IUUL1NGTUN & Q. I Arrives
Omaha'Union ' Depot. 101 li & Mason fils.1 Omaha
4tSpm ; Chicago Vestibule U-.ioam
9 : < : > om Chicago Expreii 42Jpm ;
7Wpm : Chlcagc/ and Iowa Local 800jm ;
ll : > 5am Pqelno Junction Local d:05pm :
LeaveolCHICAao. M1U & ST. 1'AUL. I Arrives
OmahalUnlon Depot , lot \ & Matpn 8ts. | Omaha
"t:00pm : Chlcaro Limited :
ll:10am.Chlcaco Express ( ex. Bun. ) . . . . Cilipm
Leaves ICIIICAUO & NORTIlWESa-N. I Arrives
OnmhalU. P. Depot. IDlh ft Mason Hts | Om ha
ll:05am : Eastern Express 6:30pm :
4-.OOpm Vcstlbuled Limited ( :40arn :
C:5iam : Mo. Valley Local lo:30pm :
tMSpm "Omaha Chicago Special 2lpni ;
Leaves I C11ICAGO II. I. & 1'ACTKIC. ( Arrives
OmahttlUnlon Uepol. 10th & Mason tiu. | Omaha
ll:00atn..Atlantic : Exp-css ( ex. Sunday ) . . . 605pm ;
0:23pm : Night Express 9:50am :
40pm..Chicago ; Vestlbulcd Limited. . . . l:0opm :
HMpm..Oklalioina : lixp. ( loC. 11. ex Hun..ll3Upm !
BinnmOklahoma ; i Texas Ex. ( ox. Sun..ll:30pm ) :
liiopm Colorado Limited. . . 4:00pin :
I C. , ST. I' , , M. & O. ( Arrives
Oniahal Depot 15tliandVebiter _ _ 8ls. I On , aim
73 0am. . . . Nebraska Passenger ( daTly ) . . . . 8:15pm :
4:3jpm. : . . Sioux city Express ( ex. Sun..ll:50dm :
9t lOp m. . . . . . . ft. Pa ui Limited . :40am :
Leave * I F. . K. & MO. VALLETI fArrlv ? "
Omalial Depot 15th and Wjbster Sts. | Oniaha
t10pm ; . . .Fait Mall and Uxpre * . 4Sipm :
t:10pm.ex. : ( Sat. ) Wyo.ex. . ( ex. Man , ) , . 4:65pm :
:0tam. : . . Norfolk Kxprezs ( ex. tSunaayj..WWam :
4 :55pm. : . . . Fremont I'ass. ( ex. Sunday ) . . , . 7Mpin :
C jlOpm . . .31. Paul lixprees . tMQjrj
Teaveij R. C. . Blj7 c7"u"ArrUos" [
OinaliaUplon | Depot , 10 Hi & Mason Sis. ) Omaha
. Kansas "City Day ICxprcHs , . . . . 6upm ;
.K. C. Nlebt Kx. via. U. P. Tram. tfiam ;
Oniabal l Depot 18th and Vfebntar HU. | Omaha
* | :4Sam. . . St. Louis "Uipreai.'i . , ( Tooant
Nebraska Local ex. Bun. ) V.lOjrn
Teavesl eiOUjTciTTT PACIFIC. JArrlr.j
Qm h | Depot HU > and Webster Sti. [ Omaha
tuCprn at. Paul Limited. . KKOam
Union Depot. IQIh & M . oit HU. | Omaha
, tiluux City Pusnengir . .ItJTWpni
Ht. Paul Limited , :43am :
OmabaUnlon | Depot , IQlli & Mason 8ts. Omaha
, . , . .litarnvy priss ,
tiUpm Overland Klyer . i:13pra
tltpm ; U atrlco a Btromib'ff Ix.tx.8un ) . l:4ipta :
1lOr > m. Pacino Cxprea
130pm Fast Mail .
l.iuvesl WAUAHIt RAILWAY lArrlves
Oflialial Unlon D nol. IQIh & T Mtuton BU. | Omaha
lMptu , .OU Loula Cannon Uall