THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : 1TIUDAY , DECEMBER 7 , 1894 , TIIE OMAHA DAILY COUNCIL BLUFFS. OFFICE , - NO. 12 PEA11L STREET. j ( - Delivered by carrier to any part of the city. [ , II. W. TILTON , Lessee. THLCniONnS Iluilnon office , No. < lj night editor , No. tl. itlXOll MltXTW . William II. Hunter nnd Miss Jennie Thor- wlng were married at the Ogden house last evening at 0 o'clock. A marriage license was Issued yesterday to III in a. Klecf , aged 24 , nnd Stella HawooJ , aged 22 , both of I'ottawattamle county. A sneak thlel entered the resldonco of William Qronewcg Wednesday night and ntole an overcoat belonging to a domestic. Unity guild will hold Its regular meeting this afternoon at 2:30 : at the homo of Mrs. < " "Bllchter , SCO Lincoln avenue. Friends always welcome. The W. A. P. A. will meet In regular session at their hall , 101 Main street , Fri day evening , December 7. By order of the president. The Young People's Society of Christian Endeavor will give an entertainment In the parlors of the First Presbyterian church this evening , The Postal Telegraph company has com menced building ItB new line from Omaha ' ' to Council Bluffs In the alley between Broad- May and Avenito A. Rev. A. N. Coc of Omaha will preach al the Second Presbyterian church next Sun < day evening. He Is part Indian and wai for two years Interpreter In the United State : courts. James Coylo was arrested yesterday or the charge of keeping a house of prostltu tlon. Ho was placed under bonds of $10 ( to appear this morning at 9 o'clock In Justlci Field's court. C. II. Sherradcn lias sued out a land lord's writ ot attachment upon the prop erty of George II. Mcschendorf and A F. Pokorny , at 333 Broadway , for J478 du OB back rent. Lillian L. Ooehrlng and E. O. McQIllet liavo each commenced a suit against thi Postal Telegraph company for $99 damagei for cutting the trees In front ot 520 and 62 : Washington avenue. The cace of J. H. Dentley against Charle v E. Hamilton came to an unexpected end li * * the district court yesterday , owing to ai agreement that was reached between the par ties , by which Dentley received $150 Insteai of the $350 he asked. Addle Prlscllla , the 1-year-old daughter c Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Williams , died of lun fever and pneumonia yesterday morning c 1-20 o'clock , after a three weeks' Illnes : The funeral will probably take place Sunda nt the residence , 420 Harrison street. i H. O. Cook , the newly elected justice c the peace , lias decided to open up his ofllc January 1. In the room on Pearl street foi merly occupied by Justice C. A. Hammci 8. T. Walker will take the office now occuple by Justice Fox , and Justlcs Vlen will sue cecd himself at the old stand. JuOgo McGco rendered a decision yestei day In the case of M. M. Marshall ngalns William Sledcntopf , Involving a lot of nc crctlon property In the vicinity of Bl Lake. The decision Is In favor of the dc fendant. Ho also decided the case of Mr : I. C. Barnard against Constable C. Wcsle In favor of the plaintiff. Wlllard James was out walking with lady friend of Ills , Miss Jennie Bllllck , lat Wednesday night , when a quarrel arose an James Is said to have made several blood thirsty remarks about murdering her. II was arrested and the charge of assaul with Intent to do great bodily Injury stand agaln&t hlml on the books at police hcai iiuartcrs. Ho Is to have a hearing In Justic Field's court this morning nt 9 o'clock. Frank Schroder , who has charge of th telephone exchange at Avoca , mqt with Eorlous accident yesterday while dellverln some market reports. A gang of houe movers were at work In the street and li went to step across the rope running froi the house to the windlass. Just as li stepped over U , the rope Groko and he we thrown Into the air , striking , when he cam ddwn , oh' his1 face. It was at first feared-thi one eye had been gouged out , but a furttu Investigation revealed the fact that ho we merely bruised up badly about the head an face. face.Bob Bob Limerick will revisit his old homo ne : week , when William Hall and Adolph an Albert Rachwltz como up for a trial on tl charge of breaking Into railway cars. It cald that he has weakened , now that h fate Is scaled , and Is willing to see as mat ot hla former companions as possible con down to Fort Madison to spend a year i two with him. Judge Smith ycstcrdi Issued an order to the warden at the per tentlary to deliver Limerick up to the slier of Pottawattamle county , so that he mi be brought hero to testify. During his sti hero lie will bo confined In the county Jail. Rd Bates , the city poundmastcr , Is In peck of trouble over the recant action the council In ruling that any one who stock Is taken up while * running at larg but who Is too poor to pay the required fe vhall have It returned to him without tl payment ot any fee. Ho claims that wl feed at Its present prices there Is little e couragcmcnt for him to look after cattle i the streets , when ho stands n good chan of having to pay for the keeping of t animals out ot his own pocket. He also stat that a number of people have turned th < horses out purposely In order that the cl might bavo to pay for their keeping. " \Ve l ave two nice six-room cottages i Avenue O , iieur Twenty-ninth street , \\hn we will sell at a bargain If taken at one Day window , good cellar , water In yard , lar lot. Small payment jloxvn and balance installments. Lougeo & Towlu , 235 PC : street. . NI5W ATTRACTIONS This Week nt the lloston ritorn. Special sale of ladles' and children's ki goods , fascinators , hoods , Ice wool thaw etc. etc.Extra Extra largo size all wool fascinators , colors , noc each. All wool fascinators In blacks and tan , : each. each.White White and black Ice wool shawls , gc size , GOc each. See bargains In Ice wool shawls at 7 $1.00 , ? 1.50 and $2.25. Children's all wool hoods , all colois , I each. Infants' Saxony hoods , silk trimmed , woi be cheap at 75c , now 45c each. > Special number In ladles' hose , op < length , fancy colored tops , worth SOo a pa now 29c. A 25c quality ladles' yarn mittens , now : a pair. Dig reduction In ladles' black quilted sats eklrts. See bargains marked 31.39 and 11. FOWLER , DICK & WALKER. Council Dluffs , la Store open every evening. "Snow Dound1' ' fair open Saturday ev < I"S from 7 to 9 o'clock. lOc admission. jvBKAo.vaz. r.iit.tait.ti'itn. Kirk Patterson Is 111 with pneumonia. Mrs. J , H. Purccll la visiting friends Dunlap. Mrs. M. F. Rohrcr has returned from visit to Avalon , Mo. John Keller has gene to Los Angel Cal. , to spend the winter. Captain A. II. Sniff of Missouri Valley , e tor of the Harrison County News , was In city yesterday. Mr , and Mrs. H. W. Main of Hastln Neb. , are In the city , the guests of J. Attention and family , on Tenth avenue. MUs Nettle Wallace , who spent Than Giving with her parents In this city , has turned to Tabor college , accompanied by M Adele and Master Edwin Brooks , who hi been visiting friends here. Herman Leflerts returned yesterday fn Wlnona , Minn. , where he has been taking six months' term of schooling In tht art engraving , watchmaking and the like. Is accompanied by Dr. A. B. Turbox of \ nona , who Is thinking ot starting a slml school In this city. Know Hound Pair. Has. met with such good success that htv decided to continue during Satunl giving a matlneo from 2 to. 5 o'clock , pletilng program. Chocolate and Icecrc lor sale. Admltslon , 10 < x NEWS FROM COUNCIL BLUFFS fomaao : of William Parks is Taking on a Most Practical Phase , AFTERMATH OF A MU3D-R DONE IN 1870 Money Lying la the Tlrtt Mntlorial Ilnnk for Twontj-Four Vcnm Now Clnlmed by the Htnto for the School Fund. W. M , McFarland , secretary of state , Is In the city looking up certain matters con nected with the estate of William Parks , who has been dead for more than twenty years , but whose money , to the amount ol ROOO. Is still on deposit In the First Na tional bank of this city. There Is a ro mantic story connected with Parks , which Is known probably to very few , even ol those who knew him In this city during tin CDs and 70s. Ho came to Council Uluffi In 18G3 , from St. Joseph , Mo. , and hired oul as a teamster for Edward Crelghton , whc was then engaged In building the first over land telegraph system between this city an < ! the south. During the winter , while the men wen hauling poles from the mountains In Wyo > mini ; , they were caught In a big storm They cut their oxen loose and escaped then * selves on foot , leaving the animals behind as they supposed , to die In the snow am Ice. When the springtime came they wen back and were surprised to find that tin oxen had In tome way managed toeathei the storm , and were sleek and well fed , ai though they had lived on the fat of tin land all winter. This surprising dlscov ery led Crelghton to think that there mlgh bo a fortune In raising cattle , and he wen at It , putting Parks , who was very shrewd although Illiterate , on a ranch In Wyomlni as his manager. A man named Frazer wa Installed as Parks' assistant. One day Fra zcr pretended to be sick , and lay abei while Perks got breakfast. While Park was stooping over , Frazer , who had trans fcrred all the guns of the ranch to hi bunk , shot him In the back and killed hln Instantly. Frazer had learned that Park had some money on deposit In some banli for he had kept all his books for him , an his evident Intention was to kill him , ge the certificates of deposit cashed , and ski before his crime was discovered. Dut hi plan miscarried , for some men who ha been working only a short distance awa heard the shot and rushed In. Frazer wa captured after a great struggle , and nai rawly escaped being lynched. He was flnall given a trial at Cheyenne and sentenced t a life term In the penitentiary at Detroll Mich. Ho was pardoned out a few year ago by Governor Thayer of Wyoming. Parks , It Is supposed , had had some troi ; bio before leaving St. Joe , which had cause him to take an assumed name. At an rate , absolutely nothing has ever bee learned of his relatives from that day I this. In 1870 he deposited $3,000 In th First National bank of this city , but n one has ever appeared to claim It as h heir. Indeed , the fact of Us being In th custody of the bank was lost sight of unt a couple of years ago , when Judge Deemc In some way or other fished It up from th musty court records and put the state ai thorttles on the track of It. E. W. Daver port was appointed administrator of Park : estate , and commenced proceedings In tli district court to secure judgment against tl ; bank , with Interest from 1870 , In order ths the money might be turned over to the stal school fund. The court had ordered th : the money be paid over , but the bank r fused , on the ground that the court ha no Jurisdiction to appoint Davenport at mlnlstrator. Lately , however , the bank he changed Its mind and proposed terms i tettlement. The secretary of state Is no Investigating with a view to nndlng whethc the state would bo warranted In making t' proposed settlement or In pushing the sul The $3,000 , which has been drawing con pound Interest for twenty-four years , amoun to something like $15,000 now. SNOW 110UNO 1'AIIl A SUCCESS. Unique EntortnlnniBiit that the tlonnl I.ndlen Arc Pushing. What Is a "Snow Bound" fair ? The que tlon was most happily answered yssterday those who visited the entertainment prc fered by the ladles of the Congregation church. Whlttler's "Snow Bound" was t underlying Idea , exemplified by snowy drape ICs , and frpsty ornamentations entirely cove Inr walls and celling , and completely trar lurmlng an. ordinary store room Into a fal bower , with all the beauties and none the discomforts of winter time. One had gaze twice tb realize that the deft fingers the women could BO transform and gra linen sheets and cotton batting as to rl\ the art of Jack Frost himself. The booths where January articles we sold were snow thatched , while Icicles frlng the eaves. Above the- roofs appeared t winter sky , with the wild getse flying sou for warmth. In ono nook was the old we with Its snow covered sweep and Ice bou bucket. Trees , with only the snow for fc age ; birds of the north , warmly feathen and other bits of landscape and scenic ' feels , were ingeniously arranged by the i of the skillful crayoning of Mrs. Rallsbai who adorned the walls with appropriate lit sketchings and mottoes , while at the rear the room was a largo landscape a see from "Snow Bound. " A large brick fireplace , with Its old-fa : loncd ornaments , and grandmother In her roc Ing chair with lur knitting , were amo the realistic features of Interest. No less r were the snowy tables , spread with all I bounties from a well stored and sklllfu managed kitchen. There never \vas a mi novel and happy combining of the art of t cook steve and that of the easel. The lad who received were dressed In white cotl dresses , and , with powdered hair , looked II queens of the snow realm , while those tending the tables' were no less charmli White prevailed everywhere , and yet by so mysterious arranging all winter chllllu was lost In the warmth of beauty. The fad and all fads arc popular of I day Is the razor-toed shoe for ladlos. Tl will bo still more popular when the lad know that Byers Is giving away the fin (5.00 shoo for $3.50. Cuih Only. On and after December 10 , 1894 , I will s for cash only , C. F. Nelton , corner Bros > c way and Frank street. Selected hard wood for heating stoves. II. A. COX. 37 Main street. ' Tel. 48 James & O'Kecfe , real estate and It.suian Oil cake , $1.40 per sack at Davis' . Dcnth of Mri. l < 'ornmn , Margaret , the wife cf the late J. , L. F man , died of paralysis yesterday morning 10:30 : o'clock , after a nlre days' illness , the home of her daughter , Mrs. ruymer. c ner of Twenty-eighth avenue and Mai In street , In Omaha. She leaves four chlldr Lee , Harry , Mrs. E. P. Johnson and M a A. C. Haymer. The funeral will take pli tomorrow afterncon at 3:45 : o'clock from i residence of Mrs. Johnson , 1028 Fourth a nue , Rev. E. J , Babcock officiating. Miss Jessie Clark , formerly with Mrs. Nil Is pleased to announce to her friends that i has started In business with Miss E. Wei at 337 Broadway. Will do stamping and ti orders tor art needle work. Copp Cheer untl Herb Tonic Can bo purchased only ot the O. R. Whee Brewing company , Wheeler & Horeld , Coi ell Bluffs , la. Dry pine kindling for sale. Cheaper tl n cobs. H. A. Cox , 37 Main street. Telephi ) a.f 48 > _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [ o Eagle laundry , 721 Broadway , for gi I- work. Tel. 157. Ilr Typewriter supplies nt Flndley's , 337 B'I I * llledoriuan Demi. L. Biederman died lait Friday at I Molnes' . aged 47 years. He was formerly business In Council Bluffs , and was v known throughout the state by reaxon Mi prominence In Odd Fellowship circles. was past gram ] master of the grand lodge of Odd Fellows of Iowa , a thlrly-.tecond de > grco Mason , and was a membsr of the Knights of Pythias , Modern Woodmen tf Arnerlca and the Iowa Legion of Honor. The funeral occurred Sunday. Guitnvus Adolpliut Honored. The western conference of the Lutheran synod of Iowa , ID setslon tor two days In St. John's English Lutheran church , ad journed last evening. The sessions were of deep Interest to the people In attendance , and the discussions of topics assigned were lively. Expressions of warm commendation were extended to the good people of St. John's church for their cheerful hospitality and earnest spirit shown In the work of the church. Hev. 0. W. Snyder was mads sec retary of the conference. December 9 being the tercentenary of the birth of Gustavus Adolphus , the missionary hero of Protestantism , the pastors of the conference were Instructed to fittingly ob serve that event In their respective churches with appropriate ceremonies. The evening services at St. John's next Sunday will bo on the "Life and Work of the Golden King of the North , Gustavus Adolphus. " Hov. A. B. Shrader preached the closing sermon of the conference on the theme , "Personal Loyalty to Christ. " Next week the ladles of the church will hold their annual apron sale at No. 18 Pearl street. Aprons from abroad ore being sent In and a splendid variety from which to se lect Is assured. Bourlclus * music house has tow expenses high grade pianos are sold reasonably. IK Stutsman street. Ground oil cake $1.30 hhd. at Morgan Co.'s drug store , 134 Broadway. Davis sells drugs , paints and glass cheap Grand hotel , Council Bluffs , reopened Oct. 1 , Washerwomen use Domestic soap. of Cronon. Tomorrow will wind up the annual ex hlblt of the 1'cttawaUanilo County Poultr ; and Pet Stock association. The patronagi has been excellent and the exhibit has beet very successful throughout. Judge A. Y Blcknell has done his \\ork to the Eatlsfac tlon of all , and no complaints \\ere heard c the results of his findings. That he has th right kind of an eye for a Judge of poultr ; was shown by his success In catching one o the exhibitors In nn attempt to "dcctor" i defectively marked fowl. A couple of whit feathers In the wings were all that pre vented It from being perfect , and the ownc undertook to remedy that little defect by Judicious use of dye. In looking at It Judg Blcknell n tlced what an unpractlced ey would not have detected. "I'm afraid yo didn't use Just the right kind of dye , m : friend , " said he to the owner , \\tio happne to bo standing near. He took a wet clot and rubbed It on the feathers , and the dy came off , leaving the white feathers startn the embarrassed owner In the face. You Are Invlicil To come with your friends to the Llbrar party tonight In the Presbyterian cliurc * parlors. Sweet songs and refreshments. A < ! mission , 25c. _ Domestic soap outlasts cheap soap. Novelties In needle art. Lessons In ir broidery given. Miss M. Sutler , 10 Peal street. Sailor hats and caps , 25c. Miss Ragsdali 10 Pearl street. _ The laundries use Domestic soap. Ho No Uuine. . COUNCIL BLUFFS , Dec. 6. To th Editor of The Bee : We notice In your papc a challenge frm the Council Bluffs Junto foot ball team. We have twlco defeate them fairly , nnd have firmly refused to pla them again. In regard to the game of las Saturday , wo admit that two of their player were absent , but that was their fault , nc ours , and It Is a rather small excuse t make after being beaten. We have occjpte no challenge from them and do not Intend t do so , consequently It Is Impossible for ther to claim a game against us. HIGH SCHOOL JUNIORS. Gas cocking stoves for rent and for sale t Gas Co.'s office. _ Domestic soap breaks hard water. THE FACULTY Cornell ColloEo Greek I.otter Socletlc Ignore the Professors' Orders. CEDAR KAPIDS , la. . Dec. C. ( Sped ! Telegram. ) A sensation has been created t Mount Vernon by the distribution of a hm ( bill containing extracts from Clff rjnt rapsj giving nn. account of the doings of Cl chapter of the Sigma Nu fraternity. TI handbill served us a bomb exploded In tl faculty , nnd the professors are nt an Utti loss to know what to do. A year ORO H faculty of Cornell college had n sharp coi test with the Greek letter societies , nnd was supposed that the fraternity men he been completely squelched. The studcn belonging to Chi chapter of the Sigma ti fraternity were given the alternative < withdrawing from the order or leaving tl college , and It was futthtr ordered that tl chapter be disbanded. The students a parently complied with the demands of tl faculty , nnd for a long time there has bc < no Indication of a revival of the fraternlt The faculty is dumbfounded to find th meetings have been held resula ! ly and th the membership has Increased , .Incise Hush W. Miixwcll Doail. DES MOINES , la. , Dec. C-Speclal ( Tel gram. ) Judge Hugh W. Maxwell died tr. . mornlns at the home of his daughter , Mi Charles Harlan. Judge Maxwell was o of the most widely known Jurists of ccntr Iowa. He WP.B born In Vermllllon , count Illinois , and was CS years of age. He carte to Iowa In 1852 , settling at Imllanola. D censed was for four years district nttorn and Judge of the district court eight yeai He came to Ues Motnes In 1S75 and lat spent a year nt Carthage , Mo. , and th went to Tucson , Ariz. , for nearly two yeai He had been in poor health for a long tin Qnoor Conduct cit 11 Voting runner. CEDAU RAPIDS , la. , Dec. C.-Specl Telegram. ) Otto Altmnn , a young Germn who has been working near Montlcello , It in , home last Tuesday nnd has not been Ret since. Ho was Industrious , of good habli t5. - possessed of considerable money , nnd \ % 5. to have been married to Miss Kate Oslrl 5.1C In a short time. After arriving here 1CS wrote Jo Miss Oelrlch tht ho would nev return home. The cause for his strnn action is unknown , and Miss Oelrlch prostrated by his desertion. loirn I'lijBlcluns Organize. ROCK RAPIDS , la. . Dec. C. ( Special. ] The physicians of this county met here yi terday and organized a county medical BO ety , auxiliary to the State Medical ossoc tlon , with the following officers ; Preside ] Dr. D. W. Lewis , Inwood ; v president , I 55. T. Holtsclaw , LarchwooJ ; secretary , I O. 0. Cottam , Rock Rapids ; treasurer , Dr. McNab , Rock Rapids. Nine ot the flfte regular practitioners of the county were pri ent. Knocked Down unil Kobbcd. CEDAR RAPIDS , In. , Dec. G.-Spec ( Telegram. ) Charley Stoddanl was knock down while In his stable at Spirit Lake la night nnd robbed of J2C5. There Is no cl < to the robber. Scarlet fever prevails at Strawberry Pol to on alarming extent. The public schoi have been closed and all public meetln have bser > postponed as a precaution ngalr further ppread of the disease. There ha been two deaths and a number of otlu are seriously 111. 16 Collcco Springs 1'rcibytory Adjourns. e" CRESTON , la. . Dec. C.-Speclal ( Te gram. ) The College Springs presbytery the United Presbyterian church , Includl the greater portion of southwestern lov adjourned tonight , after a three , days' si slon. Rev. Mllford Tldbnll of Shannon CH retiring moderator , preached the open ! sermon. The attendance was large , ma visiting ministers from northwestern M gourl being In attendance , fc'uvlnjc ( inico ut Tlpton. CEDAU RAPIDS , la. , Dec. 6.8pec Telegram. ) Tlpton Is In the midst of t greatest religious awakening that city c\ experienced. Evangelists Alexander a Williams are holding a series of rneetlr tluro and there have already been 200 cc versions. _ For Ilobbery unit I'ojUbly Murder. WICHITA , Kan. , Dec. 6. Zeb Ward , I Bryant , William Hupp and Kid Muldoi young local toughs , have been arrested robbery , and may all be held for murd In They assulted and robbed Michael Klnn ill who stand * but few chances of living. Pi of of the stolen money was taken from I le prisoners , all cf whom nave confessed. MIDWINTER ' n TvT'YnPTrMVT ' O A T T RT .iDlpCTION SALE Of Men's , "Boys' and Children's TTTATr . MEN'S OVERCOATS Men's warranted nil wool Melton nnd < Sfcr" " "Iff Beaver Overcoats , with or without velvet collars , formerly $5.75 Bold at $0.50 and $10.00 , are now down to MEN'S SUITS Men's doubleor blnjrlo breasted casslmoros , $10 50 worsted or cheviot Suits , the handsomest winter suit over sold tplUivU In Omaha , for $10.50 to $18.00educed to BOYS' CLOTHING Children's 2-pleco suits , all wool cnovlot and casslmoro which sold up to $4.50 , S2.50 Now reduced to CHILDREN'S DOUBLE-BREASTED REEFER COATS Age * 3 to 10 years , always sold for $3.50. $1.95 Reduced to BOYS' CAPE OVERCOATS Ages -1 to 14 , in pluln fabrics , Reduced well nnd durably to made , dark shailo , jhoap for $3.00 , $1. ! HOYS' OVERCOATS \gos 14 to 19 , a durable garment with or without velvet collars , worth $3.50 , Reduced to PHENOMENAL SALE OF Half Price : An entire new stock of canes Just opened value from $4.50 to $0.00 , all to be cleared ou In our hat and cap department , 2nd floor ; at $1.93.LADIES' LADIES' NEWMARKETS , $1.75. ladles will find a cane one of the most useful In order to make room for other goods we and acceptable and have presents ; come ' have taken table No. 2 ladles' newmarket them laid by now ; the prices will astonish which were marked $2.95 and put them 01 you , particularly on ths silver mounted . table No. 1 , making 211 newmarkets wortl canes. > from $8.00 to $15.00 , colors black , dark blue BIO CIIOWD3 , BIO SALES. brown , drab ; sizes 32 to 38 , at $1.75 each. Tree wool nnd the lateness of the season MISSES' LONG CLOAKS. has demoralized prices casti" ' Our cash of Sizes 8 to 12 years In navy , cardinal an fers are accepted by manufacturers and Im deep red , will bo marked about Va prlc porters who must conveVt Jt1elr | stock Into Thursday morning. money. In our ladles' cloaks , 42 Inches long , black LADIES JACKETS , , $1.98. blue , brown and tan , at $10.00 and $12.50 Thursday morning wo1 plnfce on sale 340 other dealers charge $15.00 to $20.00 for sam ladles1 heavy all wool Jersey Jackets , regular goods. i. in HOmiSTHETIMFH ) BUH STOVES MD KITCHEN FURHITUR My prices have always been lower than any other store in the city but now I am going to make you a Christmas present. Look at some of my prices. A $1O.OO Cook Stove for $ 7.6O $30.OO Steel < mge for $24.0 . 12 OO 0.60 38.0O " 30.41 1000 " 12.80 42.OO ' 33.01 Radiant Novelty Base Burners and Elmhurst Surface Burners area : fine stoves as can be made. Look at th9 prices. $44.00 Radiant Novelty $35.20 $32.00 Elmhurst $2 ' 5 40,00 ' 02.00 25.OO " 20,0 38.0O Elmhurst 30.40 And aU other stoves in proportion at CHAS. SWAINE'S , 740 B'way KELLY WRITES TO BEMIS. Gcncrul nnd IIU Army Still Thanking the Mayor unil Citizens of Omiilm. Mayor Bemls received the following letter from General Kelly yesterday relative to the treatment which his army received last spring In Omaha : OAKLAND , Cal. , Nov. 13. George P. nemls , Hsq. : My Dear Friend I have often fancied you might desire to learn the result of the Industrial nrmy's work. I feel the result has justified the means , and feel more especially that If there were more men In this world like yourself we would never have had to make the march , 'iet I am Bure the time will come when. Instead of sitting down to wait for pome miracle to be performed to bring the mass of labor out of the bondage they now endure , we shall have an element of the political freedom of ' 7G. I will never forget you nor the many kindnesses you have shown us. The men have never ceased to speak cf you In the most plowing terms , and your kind letters were a source of much pleasure to myself , and at home with my little fnmlly of wife and two children I take pleasure In rending ' them nloud to all who may be present with' us. You know that I thank you , do you not , for your kindly Interest In a "submerged nnd fallen humanity ? " Say to Mr. Itosewater of The Bee that I owe him thanks , too , also to others , Neclry , Scbrlng , Denver , nnd some thousands of warm-hearted people whom It wns my pleasure to meet while sojourning as Gov ernor Jackson's uninvited guest near Omaha. God bless you all , and I trust In the beneficence of an nil wise Creator , who cores for the sparrow , that you shall nil i have the smiles of prosperity. While thlnga personally nre far from prosperous , yet I hope for the best. , , My old comrades nre coming oacK , and among them my old drummer , who Informs me of the kindness shown him while re turning. Your name has been mentioned around the camp flres night after night , and will continue to be , with reverence and reSPeCtGE ffi CHlffirTy. ° GE . KELLY. mox . ft > Itettor Fccllns MntilVc nnd Contracts Heine Mnda nt Ai | T ine : < | Prior * . CLEVELAND , Dec. 6. The Iron Trade Review this week snyd : Although Decem ber Is usually markedly halting business and a i general walling for hW year develcp- ra ments , Its Ilrst week haq ehown goodly sales of steel and Iron. Chicago- seems to lead , the central west has b.een somewhat less ( active and the minimum of activity appears In the east. Reports ugreu that purchases of foundry Irons have tteert expanding In the past four weeks and trie , dumber of buyers willing to contract far Into 1&95 has In creased , a signs havu ( appeared that the tendency was upward nxUier than a con tinuation cf the decline that has been prac tically without Interruption In the past two years. Prices are easy In spite of the better demand , the strong statistical position of coke Iron up to December 1 and the Improbability nl probability of any Appreciable Increase for ne some time In the capacity of furnace aci tr tlvlty either north or south. The situation 1U as to Bessemer iron Is not clearly devel oped. There are some few sales , Including January delivery , on a basis of 110.40 to )10.GOk I'lttsburg , and the coke uncertainty la not to as greatan extent a handicap as In the past three weeks. 111 In the central west some vessel material 111n has been bought and more Is hanging lire. n , Inquiries from car shops have imparted : T more life to the western trade , but the mills seem to have lost all assertion on prices. rt Had a Wlfo In Nebnuka Already. he ATLANTA , do. , Dec. 6. William Dicker- son , a well known mechanic who married a OEO. P. SANFORD. A. W. RICKMA1 President. Cashle Of COUNCIL BLUFF3 , Iowa Capital , - - $100,00 Profits , - - - 12,00 One of the oldest banks In the state at law U'e solicit your biulnesi and collections. V pay t per cent on time deposits. W * vrlll pleased to sc and servo you. ' " " Special Goliijeil CHIMNCTS CL.UANKD ; VAULTS CI.EANU lid Uurke. at W. 0. Homer's. US Broadway. WANTED. AGENTS , LADIES AND GENTLl men , to sell the Homo Maker nnd Roaster. V ptll n polluhed steel pan now for ( ho same prl you formerly paid for the black Iron pans. AI cake griddle , frying pan. C-bladc chopper col blnatton dipper , knlfo sets , etc. All usefi fast Belling household articles. Call or nddic Charles Scliulthelss , 513 I'earl street , COUIK Hlufrs. lu. % 12-year-old girl a few years ago , Is In Ji for bigamy. A woman living near Omali Neb. , reached this city , recognized the mi as her husband and had him arrested f bigamy. _ ji/rt. coxxoit'H itEcoranr. GRAND ISLAND , Neb. , Dec. C. To t Editor of The Dee : Permit me through t columns of your paper to make a correctl of the publication which appeared In yo Tuesday's Issue In regard to the cause of t sickness of Mr. Thomas Connor , agent the I ) . & M. railroad at this city , and 1 mental condition at that time. The report of that Issue does him an Inli tlce , and If not corrected might b ? del mental to him In the future. Ho had been a pleasure trip through the south , and wh there contracted malarial fever , with Its usi results , such as delirium and disturbance the nervous system. He had not had si flclent rest and nourishment for a period two weeks. Ills aberration of mind mai tested on his return home was not unusi following this condition. There was not that time , nor has there been any cau for such report as appeared In your Tuesda ; Issue. Ills present condition Is entirely satlsft lory , and verifies the above statement. WILMER D. HOQE , M. D , Attending Physician , Is Mlclmcl ItritcnM Thomas Murphy ? DENVER , Dec. 6. Chief of Detectlv Leydcn believes that Michael Reagan , i rested here as a vagrant , Is Thomas Murpl alias "Kid" of "Little Hell , " Chicago , who wanted In that city for the murder of Q S , Colllander at 117 Oak street on electl day. Reagan bears a close resemblance a photograph of Murphy and has a scar the right side of bis chin , which IB oat Murphy's distinguishing marks. Mllllnniilrn 1'rlitcron Dead. DETROIT , Dec. 0. Captain John Prlds * the millionaire capitalist and vessel own died in this city today , aged CO , HAYDEN NEARLY EVERYBODY IN OMAHA KNOWS WE SELL SILK Oliea.pest > ON FRIDAY MORNING , FROM 8 TO 12 A. M. , WE ARU GOING TO HAVE A GREAT Special Salef Evening Silkso , N PURK WHITE , CREAM , NILE , INK AND LAVENDER. EXTRA QUALITY BROCADED SATINS AT C9 CENTS A YARD. These are guaranteed to be absolutely every hrcad silk and really worth $1.25 a yard. The quantity Is limited , so come early If you want to get a beautiful evening dress for half ts value. DRESS GOODS IN COLORS OUR CHALLENGE BARGAINS All Seasonable Goods. .Id-Inch COVKHT CLOTHS , All popular mixtures. Would be n good value ut CiOc. Ueinember the width , full DO luclii's , at 25c Per Yard 40-Inch All Wool ftll'EUIAL TWILLS , 39c Per Yard Itcenlnr stock price has been GOc. Not n Job lot , but Bhowu in a full Hue of desirable shades. 4d-Inch Navy nine ENGLISH SERGES. A mngnlllcent quality. An absolutely water-proof fabric , and would be a good value nt Ooc. 39c 'Per Yard 50-Inch All Wool NAVY BLUE CHEVIOT , 57c Per Yard A regular .f 1.00 grade , having the pop ular HOUGH KINISH. This fabric It being used extensively for skirts. ft'i-Inch All Wool FANCY CHEVIOTS , 25c Per Yard Two separate lines. Regular stocl price , OOe. All Wool and Silk and Wool IMPORTED NOVELTIES , 59c Per Yard Former retail prices , 75c , ? 1 , and $1.2. Also a separate Hue of German Tulle Cheviots. BIG TOWEL SALE FRIDAY lluck towola , honeycomb towels , dnra- isk towels , TurklBh towels , Knotted ringed ) hemmed nnd hemstitched tow * els , worth 1-k' , 15u , IDo nnd 2oe ; all on wo long tables. Choice , | Qc each ; onlv 0 towels to each customer. Extra heavy lon nnpped unbleached cotton llnnnol on sale at 5c yard ; well vorth lOo yard. A & | ) cclul bargain table on which you vlll find sntlno , GMnch-wldc ( covert cloth , novelty suitings and honrlottn cloths , worth lOo nnd 16o ; only 5o yard tomorrow. Komimnls of linen crash at 5c , Go nnd ' { c : just about half price. Remnants of tlunnels , outing flannels , able linens , shootings , etc. , to close. BLANKETS , LOT 1 11-1 white wool blan kets , regular price ? 2.r > 0 per pair. Our Closing Out Sale price per pair only LOT 2 11-1 line wool blankets , weight [ > yj His. , In a boft Hesh color , positively worth nnd regularly sold elsewhere at : $1,00 per pair. Our price per pair to close only LOT H-10-1 line wool blankets , same style and color as lots. $ Q nn Our price per pair to close /.IIII LIUU only LOT 4-11-1 "Femvlek" white wool blankets , positively < worth ? : t.OO per pah. Cut- 2,50 , price per pair to close only. . CUTLERY. COO pairs genuine'stag han dle carving knives and forks , warranted steel blades ; regu lar cutlery store price , $1.00 per pair. Our Closing Out 98c Sale price only i DINNER SETS. 200 best English ware dinner sols , Od pieces , In a new shape and the new decorations , bols such as the regular china stores sell at .fll.OO per set , to bo offered by us during the next three days at only 85.69 100 best semi-porcelain dinner sets , l.'H ) pieces , in 0 new and beautiful deco rations , sets such as almost every china store In this city sells at $23.00 per set , to be offered by us at only 314 , 9 KAYDEN'S PRICES Do not need Striking Head Lines People want Values these times. Fresh country butter for 7Jo and lOc. The very finest country butter in 1 , 2 nnd 3 pound rolls for 12jc. Thin butter is positively fine and is the product of Nebraska cows' milk. " MEATS AWAY DOWN , California sugar cured hams OJc ; salt pork 0 Jc ; sugar cured No. 1 haras only Oo. FRUITS AND NUTS. Oranges lOo per dozen ; mixed nuts only 7Jb Ib. Como hero for anything you want in fruits. , i HE earnest exultation and Joy . So would vours ; lie knows that 019 Mnln street is stocked with mor. : bargains in Shoes , Hiits , Underwear and Furnlshitig Hoods than any other store in Coun cil HI nil's and Omaha , lie uses but few notes , you perceive , and you will need but f.-w notes- bank notes or coins to get pos session of stylish , handsome and comfortable tilings. Expenses ol doing business at 1)19 ) are 50 per cent less than further uptown , and this ia one of the many secrets of the im mense success of The Loading Down Town Merchant. WEI DON'T SAY MUCH ! A 1 y . 1 nrl3 nlin V "invtmn ) Mtwto cw. . w . , Hc. IUII& a Utiy . our Warranty Goetwilh Each Machine. Tlio South wick Dallnc Press I ; . - > 2-liorse. full-circle machine. It has the litrcest Iri'd ' opening of any t'onlltiiiotis-H.illtiK , Doiiblo-stroko 1'rossm the World. Dales tight ; drnft light. Capacity ; Construction ; Durability-all the BEST. Power Press Talks. They talk in tons ths language of profit. They nre easy Hellers. They ara a double stroke press. Profitable to handle. Writs for catalogue nnd discounts , SANDWICH MFG. COMPANY , Council Bluffs , Iowa , CouncilBluffsPaintOil&GlassCo , , LARGEST EXCLUSIVE PAINT AUD GLASS HOUSE IN WESTERN IOWA. "We carry a fall Iiri3 of all ktnis of Paints Oils , Glass and Painters' Supplies. We are manufacturers of Art Glass and can make you anything you want in that line. "Wo carry a full line of Window Sash , glazed and unglazed , and will make you bottom prices on any sash , that you want. Our sash are all Council Bluflsmake. We have over 1,000 hot-bed sash in stock. Como and see us or write for prices. Nos , 1 and 3 Fourth Street , c- -COUNCIL BLUFFS- STEAM DYE WORKS All kinds of Dyeing S and Cleaning done In 1 the highest style of the art. Faded and , y stained fabrics madft it to look as Koot ) 44 as new. Work promptlU asn > n done and delivered to In all parts of the jn country. Bcna for jnot price list. O. A. MAOlIAJf , I'ropr'oton. Broadway , near Nond- western Depot. Telephone 22.