TIIJU OMAHA DAILY BEE : THURSDAY , DECEMBER G , 1804. a * * a * a J sf X r X A A a A * Now is the Accepted Time. Have you a horse or a cow that I I you clou't want to feed this winter there is no way you can find a customer e l tomer so soon as by patronizing The Bee want columns. Thou , sands read this -page , the very people .1 ple you are after. VI ll ) iv . for ad ' " , 250 pays a 17-word ll. li * i Servant Rlrls and others socking employment , do not have I to wait ICIIR for results through thcso want ads. SPEC1RL NOTICES. Advertisements for these columns will lie taken until 12-30 p. m. for the evening , and until 9:00 : p. tn. for the morning and Sunday edition. Advertisers , by requesting a numbered check , can , have answer * addressed to a numbered letter in tare of The Bee. Answers so addressed will lie Delivered upon presentation of the check only. Hates , I'.ic ' a word , first Insertion , Ic a word thereafter. Nothing taken for less than 25a for tlrst Insertion. Thcso advertisements must run consecutively. SITUATIONS WANTED. ' OUNO MAN WANTS PLACE TO EARN board while attending college. Rooses' Dullness college , 15th and Farnam. A S03 JTO PIRE INS. CO'S. A YOUNG GENTLEMAN , 23 , with several \ears' experience In the Ins. bus. desirous to Improve his position. Is open toiii situation with an Ini. Co. after Jnnuaiy 1. Highest references. Address C. II. M. , room 202 , Herald building , Chicago , III. A M73B 7 WANTED MALE HELP. .WANTED A FEW PERSONS IN EACH PLACE to do writing ; send stamp for 150-page book of particulars. J. Woodbury , 137 W. 42d street , N. Y. City. B m WANTEO-EXPERIENCEO COAL MINERS TO go to Sherldin , Wyo. Apply at ollkc Sheridan Coal Co. , 1605 Farnam. B 132 MEN OF GOOD ADDRESS CAN PROCURE steady employment at good pay hy calling at 1310 Douglas St. B-M732-DK LABORERS , TEAMSTERS. STATION MEN ; south ; work near Memphis ; ship dally. Itra- mer's Labor agency , llth and Pnrnnm streets. B-MC33 C SALESMAN IN EVERY COUNTY. 75 00 month and expenses. Olllce , furniture , adver tising furnished. Uoodi ; nononoly. Experience unnecessary. Address 1C. S. Co. , 132 Colonnade Mdg. . Boston , Mans. B M737 C IWANTED , SHOEMAKER TO DO PIRSl'-CLASS repairing ; none other need apply. 171 li and Douglas. B M740 C WANTED FEMALE HELP. WANTED ; LADIES , IP YOU WISH EMPLOYment - ment nt jour homes , tend self addressed en velope for descriptive circular and commence work ; good wages , Alfred Knitting Company , Wlnthrop , Mass C M643 7 IWANTEp. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE- vvork In small family ; apply 11 to 12 a. in. front door C27 S. 23th avenue. C 712-1 * " APPRENTICE WXNTED _ AT M4 N. * street. C M734 S > FOB BENT HOUSES. HOUSES , F. 1C. DARLING , BARKER BLOCK. D-493 HOUSES IN ALL PARTS OV THE CITY. THE O. P. Davis company. 150 } Farnam. D 434 KELKENNY & CO. R. 1. CONTINENTAL BLK. , D 435 GOOD FIVE-ROOM COTTAGES , MOO PER month. L. S. Skinner , 310 N. Y. Life. D-43S CHEAPEST 6-ROOM COTTAGE. WITH BATH In city. Reduced to 115.00. 3033 California st. D M433 FOUR-ROOM MODERN FLATS , 29TH AND Lcarenworth. J , W. Squire , SIS Bee bldg. D-M500 NICE LAROE HOUSES IN DUNDEE PLACE cheap till spring. J , W. Squire , 248 Bee bldg. D-M500 HOUSES ; BENAWA & CO. , 103 N. 15TH ST D M761 FOR RENT , HOUSE OP ROOMS AND BARN on Park ave. Inquire at 422 S. ISth st. D-858 TIRST CLASS MODERN 12-ROOit HOUSE 1019 Blnney , 110.00. Wlthnell , 207 N. Y. Life. D M1 FOUR-ROOM COTTAGE , 61C WILLIAMS ST. D M243D20 * FOR RENT CHEAP FOR THE WINTER one S-room house , three 5-room cottages. J A. Scott , Omaha Nat'l bank. D M272D22 FOR RKNT DKSIRABLH DWELLINGS all parts of Omaha. U. ,11. Sheufe , 43. ! 1'axtu block. D-334D24 * J.ROOM COTTAGE , S. E. CORNER OP 23RD and Clark street. EnqulrelSSl Jackson street. . D M238 E-ROOlt COTTAGE. 119 NO37TH , TAKE TAR nam car. Apply at Stoctiel stove store.D D 431 6-ROOM HOUSE. 311 WOOLWORTH AVE. one 3-roon , 1301 California st. D-K3D1Q * TOR RENT , MODERN 8-ROOM HOUSE ; AT tic , stable. 2C23 Seward street ; apply nex door. D-M584 31r HOUSES & STORES , F. D , WEAD , 18 & Dougla U W5-31 FOR RENT. ELEGANT 10-R. MODERN DWELling - ling ; large born , nice lawn ; location 21st and Spruce. W. N. Nason. 407 Brown block. D M674 8 WEST ZSU DAVENPORT STREET. EN quire & < 18 Capitol avenue. D MC90 C * roil RENT. 8-ROOM COTTAGE , WITH ALL modern conveniences , 2112 California street. Ap ply Milton Rogers &Sons , 14th and Knrnnm sts. D-M6IC-8 FOR RENT , HOUSE NINE ROOMS ; FURnace - nace , bath , etc. , at 3 ! > 1 nnd Farnam , J27.00 ; nl o cheap houses , 15 00 anil J10 00 , different parts city. Dexter U Thomas , 401 Bee building. D-M735 TOR RENT , ELEGANTLY FINISHED , 8-ROOM , all modern Improvements. 4W N. 23.1 street. D-MT33 9 FOB BENT FUBNISHED BOOMS. SOUTH ROOM FOR GENTLEMAN. Inquire 1319 Dodge. E 003 VERY DESIRABLE FURNISHED AND UNfurnished - furnished roonu , with board. Ill 3. ZSth street. n-403 ROOMS. SINGLE OR UNSUVTK ; MODERN : ir.-J Capitol avenue. U M691 c 'FURNISHED ItOOMS ; HOUSEKEEPING. 20M Ht , Mary's avinue. E M61I TWO FRONT ROOMS ; ALL CONVENIENCES. 211 t * . 24th itreel. U-M66I 8 FURNIHHED ROOMS POR HOUSEKEEPING for man and wife. Rent taken In board. 319 N. J7lh street. E-711 TWO ROOMS. TURNISIIED OR UNPUR. nlslKd. Kit Davenport. K-M723 ffWO WARM. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR housekeeping , cheap. Bill tit. Mary's avenue. K M7J3 6 * FUBNISHED BOOMS AND BOABD. THREE HANDSOMELY PURNIHHED FRONT rooms , with all com elnencn , for gentlemen only : location very desirable. Apply to 2019 Ha.rncr street. _ f M441 ll FRONT ROOM. WITH BOARD , W13 DOUGLAS. . _ F 103 Uli NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT. with board. Call at lift Douglas. F-2SI D23 ffHB HILLSIDE. 1TH AND DODGE ; LARQB south roams , steam heat : first class table. . _ F-40J g BQUTII FRONT PARLOR. ALSO SMALL RMS ; board ! reasonable. The Rose , MM Harney , D83 FRONT AND SOUTHEAST ROOMS IN lnrr , detached boute ; well heated , toil Ht. Mary's avenue. F MT04 J3 _ FOR HUNT. ELKCIANTI.Y FURNISHED t im heated room * . 0 } ] 0. nth , u it ) 11 rUBNISHED BOOMS AND BOABD. Continued. LEGANT , LAROE , WARM. SOUTH FRONT room nnd private board ; best accommodations. 2110 Douglas street. F-M7I1 7 * TOrt BENT STOBES AND OFFICES POR RENT , THE 4-STORY BRICK BUILDING. 916 Parnum street. This building has a lire- pioof , cement basement , complete steam heatIng - Ing fixtures , water on all doors , gas , etc. Ap ply at the.omce of The Bee. 1 910 OR RENT , DESK ROOM , J5.00 MONTH. 331 Board of Trade. 1 452 AGENTS WANTED. VANTED , AGENTS TO SELL MRS. SHAPFER patent cake griddle ; sells on sight ; positive proof you can realUe $25.00 a week ; send stamp. Iqvva Griddle Co. , Delavnn , Wis. J MG31 9 GOOD SOLICITORS , BOTH LADIES AND gentlemen , to sell mineral mater ; active agents can mnhe money. W. G. Albright Co. . Bruns wick hotel. J M703 8 EOPLE WANTING LUCRATIVE WORK CALL nt Frnnklln hotel , 211 N. ISth st. J 729-7 WANTED TO BENT. BOARD AND ROOM IN PRIVATE FAMILY by man and wife ( no children ) ; central loca tion , price riasonable ; references. Address D 19. Bee. ; C-707-5 VANTED , 5 OR C-ROOM COTTAGE , MODERN mproviments ; state pilcc. Address 1) IS. Uce. K-C93-7 * BY' MARRIED COUPLE , 2 OR 3 FURNISHED or unfurnished looms , with or without board ; references. Address D 23 , Bee olllcc. 1 UNFURNISHED FRONT ROOM , STEAM heat , bath , 10 minutes from ICtli and Farnnm. Address D 8 , Itee ofllce. K 693 STOBAGE. STORAGE , WILLIAMS & CROSS , 1214 HARNEY M-503 .TORAGE . FOR HOUSEHOLD GOODS ; CLEAN and cheap rate. R. Wells , 1111 Farnam M-rtOl BEST STORAGE BUILDING IN OMAHA. U. S. gov. bonded warehouse. Household goods stored. Lowest rates. 1013-1015 Lcavcnworth. M 503 WANTED TO UUY. * N ? V * . . . . , T ilTY & CO. CLAIMS. PRI PJfARD , 1713 PAR'M ' N 50G I WILL GIVE J22.000 CASH FOR 22-POOT LOT on rarnnm or Douglas between 15th and IGth. J. J. Gibson , 317 First Nat'l bank bldg.N . N 237 SECOND-HAND BOOKS BOUGHT POR CASH. Antlquaran book store , 1519 Farnam street , FOB SALE FUBNITUBE. FURNITURE AUCTION AT 1111 FARNAM ST. Saturda > s. 10 a m. Robt. Wells. O 507 I WANT TO SELL 7 A COOK STOVE. y A BASE BURNER ; % . Not because they're no good , but because I don't use them ; cook stove Is No. 8 ; base burner Is medium size ; not much money re quired nor 2d hand dealers. M. R. Ulil , 1334 B. 29th st. -0-6S8 5- FURNITURE 26-ROOM BOARDING HOUSE , centrally located. Rent low. A bargain. D 9 Bee O 594 FOB SALEHOBSES , WAGONS.ETC. PHAETON , BARGAIN ; NEW CLOTH. LEATH- cr , paint , JG3 ; another , J2S. Drummond C'geCo. FOB SALE MISCELLANEOUS. IF YOU BUY , BUY TUB BEST : MACKINtoshes - toshes , rubber boots , aictlcs , syringes of all kinds , gas tubing : all best quality. Omaha Tent and Awning Co. , 1311 Farnam st. Q-50J CHEAPEST CHICKEN AND ORNAMENTAL fence made. C. R. Lee , 901 Douglas. Q 610 CORN FODDER TOR SALE. FOUR BLOCKS north Lead Works , Ea , Omaha. Tom Anderson. Q 911 D16 * WEGMAN PIANOS , BRIDGEPORT ORGANS , Woodbrldge Bros. , 117 So. 17th. Q-235 PIRE BRICK. CAR LOTS. 114 ; SMALL LOTS , )15 M ; lire clay , sand , gravel , screenings. Wm. J. Wclshans , 831 Board of Trade. Tel. 1639. ( j 456 DJT WOODBRIDGE BROS. HAVE NO ROOM FOR the- following goods In the'r ' elegant new quar ters and to close them out , are offering them for less than they could be bought at auction. 1 Standard organ. 112.00. 1 Bay State organ , $18 W. 1 Smith American organ. $20.00. 1 Shonlnger organ. $22 60. 1 Klmball organ. $30 00. 1 square Ilallct & Davis piano , $85.00. 1 Upright new piano , $187.50. Wnodbrldge Bros. state agents Wegman pianos , 117 So. 17th St. Q-637 B AN EXPERIENCED AND COMPETENT LAD' clerk and stenographer wants situation ; ca give good references. Address D 20 , Bee. Q M7I4 9 * THOROUGHBRED HOLSTINE HEIFER CAL for sale. 311 North 15lh St. Q 727-5 * MISCELLANEOUS. FOR LEASE. INSIDE TRACKAGE LOTS. ! 21 , Bee. R-M715 FIRST-CLASS DAIRY FARM FOR RENT , Good barns , Ire house , excellent pisture , sprlni water ; ono mll from South Omaha. Charle ; Chllds , ISM Lcavcnworth street , Omaha. R-M738 12 * CLAIBVOYANTS. MRS. DR. II. WARREN , CLAIRVOYANT. RE liable business medium ; 7th jear at 119 N. ICt : 8-Slt THE CELEBRATED CLAIRVOYANT AN palmist , the young Mme. Romalne. has ai rived In the city and can be consulted on a matters ; thousands have been made happy b ; her advice ; those wishing conect advice o business , changes , journeys , marriages , law suits , family , etc , , call on tha madama an be convinced she has no equal ; letters con talnlng stamp promptly answered ; business rtrlclly confidential. Hours , 9 to 9. 1617 Cli cage street. 8 MGSO 9 * MESSAGE. BATHS. ETC. MADAM SMITH. 603 8. 13TH , ID FLOOR , room 3 ; mmtiage , vapor , alcohol , steam , mil- phurlne and sea baths. T M619 8 * MASSAGE , MADAME BERNARD , 1421 DODGE. T-M724 18 TUBKISH BATHS. TURKISH RATH ROOMS , EXCLUSIVELY POR ladles. Suite 109-10 , Bee Bldg. 655. PEB80NAL. VIAVI : HOME TREATMENT FOR LADIES. Health book and consultation free. Addresa or call Vlavl Co. , 310 Be * bldg. Lady attendant. U 413 MABSAGE KLCCTRO THERMAL BATHS , chiropodist. Mm * , Post , 319ft & llth St.U U311 THE BELLE EITERLY CORSET , MADE TO order from measure. IN ) 1'araam street , U-MW DIAMOND niOTOS. 75C A DOZEN AT I'ROC- tor's. HI B. Itth at. U 710-Ji DR , T , W , STONE , (19 N. V , LIFE , TEL , Gil U-M7K PERSONAL. Continued. COMPOUND OXYOEN CURES CONSUMPTION , ashtmo , bronchitis and catarrh. Home treat ment , J6.00 per month ; 3 dn > ' trial free treat ment. Itoom 810 , N , Y , Llfo HUB. , Omahn. [ U-M713 MACKINTOSHES & RUUDER HOOTS. 1311 FAR U-813 KHTEEN ELEGANT CAUINET 1'HOTOS IN 3 different styles , ll.O , at Cowan's , Ml Ilroad- way , Council lllufts. U .M 6 1J27 Ol'EN DKCEMIIER 3 , 1SD ) . TO THE LADIES of Omaha. Neb : Two ladles from llonton , Mass. , will open rooms at 1810 Chicago street for the benefit of suffering women. Thcao Indies have had a wide experience In treating chronic nnd acute diseases uy the latest meth ods. Ladles , cell on us , state jour case plainly , and we will lw sure to give you relief ; ilo not suffer longer ; consultation free , Olllce hours , 0 a , m , to C p. m. ; Saturdnjs , 1 tn E p. m. U-M4U DM 1'UI'ILS TO LEAItN STENOdHAl'HY IN llt'S- ln" olllce evening" , laplil advancement ns- Bured. Address D 52 , llee. U-721-7' MONEY TO lOAN K13Alj ESTATE. LIKC INSURANCE POLICIES LOANED ON or bought , r. O. Chcsney , Kansas Clty ( Mo. < ANTHONY LOAN & TRUST CO. , 318 N.V.L1PE , loans at low rotes for choice security In Ne braska and Iowa farms or Omaha city property. W & 15 MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED OMAHA real estate , lirennan , Love & Co. , 1'axtnn hlk. CITY AND FARM LOANS AT LOXVEST rates. I'usey & Thomas , Klrsl Nal'l bid * . MONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST HATES. THE O. 1\ Davis Co. , 1603 Tarnani st. W 518 LOANS ON IMPROVED & UNIMPROVED CITY property , (3,000 and upwards , 6 to 7 per cent ; no delays. W. rainam Smith & Co , Ii2i ratrnm. CHAS. W. HAINEY. OM. NAT. 1JIC ULDQ. W-341 MONEY TO LOAN ON OMAHA REAL KSTATE at a per cent. W. 1J. Mellcle , 1st Nat. bnliK bid " -Oil , LOW RATES MADE ON GOOD LOANS. J. W. Squire. 2H Bee bldff. W SB CITY LOANS. "cTAr STARR. 615 N. Y. J100 TO $5,00) . T. I > . WEAD , ICTU & DOUOLAS. WANTED TO BORROW 1750 ON C1OOD FARM 1GO acres , Improved , In Iluftalo county , for one to three jears. Address Lock lit ) * 133 , Omaha. LARQE LOANS. LOW HATES. SMALL LOANS , short time. II. II. Harder & Co. , Bee Uldg. MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED OMAHA property. Fidelity Trust company , 170J Inr- nnm street. W M690 roil A LIMITED TIME , A FINE RESIDENCE Bite , corner SUlli nml Dodge , JIQ.OOOOO ( pivln * luld ) Tull commission to agents. \ \ in. Flem ing , 14th and Douglas. RE M719 rOR SALE. AT A DARQAIN. MY RESt- dcnce , between Curt and Cumlng streets ; will tnko ti In trade. Wm. Fleming , nth and Doug las. RL M71S MONEY TO .LOAW CHATTELS. MONEY TO LOAN ON FURNITURE. 1'IANOS , horses , wagons , etc. , at lowest lates In cltj j no removal of goods ; strictly confidential ; > ou can pay the loan oft at any time or In any amount. amount.OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO. , 200 8. IGth street. X-G23 MONEY TO LOAN ON HOUSEHOLD FURNI- ture. pianos , horses , wagons , or nny kind of chattel security at lowest possible rates , which you can pay back at any time and In nny amount. FIDELITY LOAN GUARANTEE CO. , Room 4 , Wlthnell block. X 023 J. D. HADDOCK , ROOM 437 , RAMGE HLOCIC. MONEY TO LOAN ON PERSONAL 1'HOP- erty. Harvln Loan Co. , 701 N. Y. Life bide. X 521 BUSINESS CHANCES. CASH PAID FOR ENDOWMENT POLICIES IN old line companies. Send description. A. K. llrocUlesby , Box 233. Hartford , Conn. _ FOR SALE , ELEGANT FIRST CLAPS SALOON In Nebraska , town. 10,000 Inhabitants , nourishIng - * Ing business , acknowledged belt trade In town ; price , 12,600 , half cosh. License until . May 1st , and stock cash. pad health t use , . of bale. Apply Jrlbune , pfflcfy C9SJ3 | , CORRESPONDENCE OR INTERVIEW IS SO * llcHcd from parties satisfied with 8 to 10 per cent In a legitimate business ; Investment under full guarantee of principal and Interest , ; stand ing and character unquestioned. P. O. Uox COS , City. Y-M717 AN ESPECIALLY GOOD CHANCE TO THE right party who can command Jl.OOO 00 or { 5,000.00 to enter and old established business. Address P. O. Uox C03 , City. Y M710 FOB EXCHANGE. A GOOD LOT IN EAST OMAHA TO EX- chnngo for young work horses or mules. Lamoreaux Bros , 04 S. 16th. Z-627 BANKERS AND REAL ESTATE AGENTS Take Notice Hard times has made It possible to get hold of good business blocks In Omaha and take farm lands In exchange. I solicit correspondece. J. J. Gibson , 317 1st Nat. bank. Z 801 30 ROOMED BOARDING HOUSE. CLOSET1 , bath rooms , all modern Improvements ; first clans boarders , highest gradu of furniture , large amount of supplies , will exchange furni ture , etc. for house and lot and part cash. Quit on account of health. J. M. Slmernl , S5S Uee bide. Z 703-10 FOB SALE BEAL ESTATE. GARDEN LANDS , 6 MILES FROM POST- olllce , easy terms. Call at 940 N. Y. Life. RE 52S BARGAINS , HOUSES , LOTS AND FARMS , sale or trade. F. 1C. Darling , Barker block. RE-629 POR SALE. NEW 4-ROO1I COTTAGE ; CEL- lar. cistern , city water ; cor. 30th and Sahler ; 51.230.00 ; long time. Inquire 1318 Parnam. Sam uel Burns RE 630 BARGAIN , 1TO TO 1,500 ACRES OF CHOICE land 6 miles from Omaha P. O. cheap. Liberal terms. Address C , 12 , Bee , Omalm. MODERN 12-ROOM HOME. VERY CHEAP and on easy terms. 2013 Btnney st. RE S18 EXCHANGES AND SALES : CITY PROPERTY , farms , merchand'se. ' Garvln Bros. , 210 N : Y , Life. RE M2J3 HOTELS. HOTEL BARKER. 13TH AND JONES STS. 75 rooms at 11.60 per day. DO rooms at K.OO per day. Special rates to commercial travelers. Room and board by week or month. Prank , Hlldltch. manager. 633 AETNA HOUSE ( EUROPEAN ) . N. W. COR. 13th and Dodge. Rooms by day or week > 533 COZZENS HOTEL , OTII AND HARNEY ; steam heat , electric bells , telephone , baths , ex cellent culsene. elegant rooms ; 11.00 per day ; (4 00 and upwards per week. 634 LOST. LOST. HOUSE PLANS ; DROPPED PROM buggy November 8. Reward for return to 603 McCaguo building. MC32 6 * LOST , ON PARNAM STREET OR THE Dodge street reid , two parcels , one done up In newspaper , containing coat , vest and under wear ; one pinned up In a phavvl , containing clothing , new and old. Plnder will please write to W. O. Norton , Waterloo , Nb. , and get row ard. M7M 6 LoVr-HLACK GORDON SETTER DOG , WITH white breast , black leather collar. Reward far return. A. J , tilaup , 14th and Williams Losl-731-7 TJNDEBTAKEBS AND EKB ALHEB3 II. K. BURKET. FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND embalmer. 1618 Chicago it , , telephone 90 , MO SWANSON & VALIEN. UNDERTAKERS AND embalmers , 1701 Cumlng at , , telephone 1060. 637 M. O. MAUL. UNDEUTAKEH AND EMbalmer - balmer , 141T Farnam St. , telephona 225. > M3 C. W. BAKER , UNDEUTAKEIt. < } 3'S , 15th ST. 633 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. ARMATURES AND CONVEnTEIlS ItHWOUND ; torage t > atterle < recharged ; eltclrlcal and gen eral meclilnlita ! superior work guaranteed. Omaha Electrical Work ) , 117 ani ) Cl ? 8. Uth at. ELECTRICAL ENQINEEHS AND CONTOAC- tors for electric lleht and motor plants and all klnai of electrical conitructlon. western .Kit ; . trio Supply Co. . 411 anil CO S. Uth et 5U HAY AND GRAIN. BUY YOUn HAY IIY TON Oil CAR LOTS. WE buy bay. A. 11. Bnyder , 1515 Hurt it. Tel. 1107. Sit NEUUA8KA HAY CO. , WHOLESALE HAY , craln and mill atuff. tt'e or * alway * on tut market to buy or sell. H02-4-4 Nlcholai at. 647 GRINDING. nAZons , aiiEAna , CLIPPERS , SKATES , etc. A. L. UnJcland , 1M 8. llth. ( U STEAMSHIP LINB. ANCIIOIl LINE MAIL ! , .STEAMSHIPS-SAIL regularly every BnturJauJonm New York for Londonderry and Qlamcow. Circnsuln. Decem ber a , Z p. m. i l.'tlilopln , December S ) , 7 p. m. Bnloon , second clnns nnd otcernKe , single or roanitvtrlp tickets from New York or Chicago nt reduced rules to th principal Scotch , English , Irian and all conti nental points. Tor m5irey onlers , drafts , out. ward or prepaid ticket * , apply to any of our local agents or to Hen er 3n liros. , Chicago. BUILDING & HOW TO OKT A HOMK'lm SECURE OOOD Interest on savings. Apply to Omaha L. & II. Ass'n , 170 Heo bldg. OVM , Naltlnger , Sec. 5(1 SHARES IN MUTUAL nASS'N PAY C , 7 , B per cent when r , 1,13 yenrs old , alnaya redeemable. 1701 Tarnam' bit , Nattlnger , Sec. COAL. D. T. MOUNT HAS REMOVED HIS COAL olllce to 2 < X > B. 16th St. , Drottn block. E52 EXCELLENT BUHST1TUTE for Imrd coal , and 3.50 ton chrnner. 1005 Tar- nam street ; main rntruucu Hoard of Trade. TYPEWRITERS. _ STOLEN TYI'EWItlTEnS OFFEIIKD FOU unlo should make jou Butplclous ; funny they are mostly Smith's Try one nnd you will understand why. rull line ot supplies. Smith- 1'rcmlcr Co. , 17th and Farnam , telepllona 12SI. Ml _ HORSES WINTERED. ADDRESS I1AUTON & PHELPS. TEL. 1051. 507 N. Y. Llfo bldg. M1J8D31' _ „ _ _ _ - DR. I'AUL. DENTIST , 2020 HURT ST. G43 OARPENTEKS AND BUILDERS , C. E. MOItRlLL. CARPENTER AND JJl'ILDER , paper hamtlng and nlKiii. brick work nnd plas tering. Olllce , 409 S. 14th St. , telephone 408. 557 STOVE BEPA1BS. STOVE REPAIRS FOR 40.000 DIFFERENT mnki's of stoves' . Water attachment and cdn- ncftlona n specialty. 1207 Douglas street , Omaha Stove Repair Works. C50 DYE WORKS. SCHOEDSACK. TWIN CITY DYE WORKS , 15.1 rarnnm street. Dyeing of every descrip tion and dry cleaning. 658 WHOLESALE COAL. JOHNSON BROS. , WHOLESALE DEALERS IN all kinds of coal. Correspondence solicited. IOCS Parnam street. 660 OPTICIANS. OMAHA OPTICAL CO LEADING OPTICIANS. J. r. Ponder , manager. Ejes examined flee. 222 S. 10th St. , In Klnster's drug store 410 17 MASQUERADE COSTUMES. GENTLEMEN AND LADIES CAN RENT masquerade costumes at 114 South 16th st. 231-D13 * PLUMBEKS. JOHN ROWE & CO. , PLUMBING STEAM AND hot water heating , gas tlxlurcs , globes.421 S. 13. 541 JOB PB1NTING. REED JOB PRINTING CO. , PINE PRINTING of all kinds. 17th St. , B $ building. 63 COBNlOjE. WESTERN CORNICE WOftKS. GALVANIZED Iron cornices. 1722 St. Mijrj-'s ave. 633D21 DBESSMAKlNG. DRESSMAKING IN FAJIOTES , 431G GRANT * . : ! U73D 15 SHOBTHAND AND TYPEWRITING. VAN SANTS SCHOOL ' .Oft' SHORT HAND. N. Y. Life , Omaha. /orj'clrcular. . Ml MUSIC , ABT AND LANGUAGE. O. , P. . GELLENBECKAEtBANJOIST AND ' teacher. ,181,0 , California street. ait BUSINESS DAMAGED MIRRORS RCSILVERED , 713 N. 18. BIcyCLES. . M. O. DAXON , 402 N. 16TH , 535 The Ognhtlln T.uiul nnil < : uttlo < ompany. Pursuant to the requirements of the statutes of the state of Nebraska , the Oga- lalla Land and Cattle company hereby gives notice that the total amount of the In debtedness of said company on the Gth day of December , 1S34 , the day on which the annual meeting of Its stockholders was held , was $1,830.01 , the same having been Incurred for current expenses and sundry Items , and also the sum of $20,013 for un- n'il distribution certificates , which money n the hands of the company's treasurer to pay the same , but has not been called for by ther stockholders , .to whom such dis tribution certificates were Issued , and also , In addition thereto , the sum of $3,782.41 , for real estate taxes , which are not payable until April 30 , 1895. EDWAKD F. LAAVRENCE , President. JACOB NKWMAN , AUGUSTE RICHARD. WILLIAM A. I'AXTON , A. II. SCARING , JONATHAN ADCL , EDWARD P. LAWRENCE , A Majority of the Coord or Directors of said Company. Chicago , December 5 , 1891. dCd2tm BUUKAU. SUES & CO. , Solicitors. Bee Building. OMAHA , Neb. Artvlco FUER RAILWAY TIE CARD Leaves iBUHLlNOTON & MO. RIVER. I Arrives OmahaUnlon | Depot. 10th & Mason Sts. ) Omaha 10:15am : Denver Express 9:35am : 4:35pm.Blk. : Hills. Mont. & Puget Snd. Ex. 4:10pm : 4:35pm : Denver Express 4:10pm : 6:45pm..Nebraska : Local ( except Sunday ) . . 7:4Spm : IllSam..Lincoln Local ( except Sundayll:25am ) Leaves [ CHICAGO. BURLINGTON & Q.IArrlves OmahalUnlon Depot , 10th & Mason Sts. | Omaha 445pm ; Chicago Vestibule > :5uam : > :4 : ! > am Chicago Expresr 4:23pm : 7Wpm : Chicago and Iowa Local 800am ; llitbam Pacific Junction Local 605pm ; LeavenlCHICAGO , Mil * & ST. 1'AUL.IArrlves OmahalUnlon Depot. IQt'i & Ma son Sts.l Omaha * C:00pm : Chicago Limited 9:30am : llilOam..Chicago Express ( ex. Sun. ) . . . . 615pir ; i IC1I OmahalU. P. Depot , 10th & Mason Sis. ) Omaha ll:05am Eastern Express 5:3 : < ; pni 4:00pm : Vestlbuled Limited 9:40am : 65am : Mo. Valley Local 19:30pm : t:45pm : Omaha Chicago Special 315pm ; Leaves I CHICAGO , R. I. & PACIFIC. ( Arrives OmanalUnlon Depot , 10Hi & , Mason 8ts. | Omaha EAST , > IKOOnm. , . Atlantic Exp-etfs lex. Sunday ) . . . 6:05pm : 6:23pm . Night Express . 9:50am : 4:30pm. : . . .Chicago Veatltuujf Limited. . . . l:03pm : HUtpm. . Oklahoma Exp. ( l C'U. x Hun..ll:3'jpm : EfiT.i _ C:15.\m.Olvlahoma : * Tefm Iftc. ( ex. 3un..ll:30pm ) : l:10pm . Colorado "Limited . 4.00pm Leaves I C , ST. P. Mit& O. lAirlvei OmahaJ Depot 16ta and W lnter Sts. I Omaha 9:30am. : . .Nebraska Pas en3er ( dally ) . . , , 8:15pm : 4:35pm..Sioux City Exp > esi ( ex. Sun ) , . .lt-.50am 610pm ; St , I'auM.jtnllcJ. . . . _ . . _ 9:40am : Leaves I 1 < \ , K. & MO iVALLU > . I Arrives Omahal Depot 15ta and ( Webster Bis. ( Omaha J:10pm : Past Mall and t3xpre 4:53pm : Z:10pm.ex. : ( gat. ) Wyo. cx.ui < z. lion. ) . , 4Mpm : t.05am..Norfolk Express ( faunaay.10JOum : 4.(5pm..Fremont 1'ass. ( e . 'Sunday ) . . . . 7:50pm : tilOprn St. Paul Exprbea ; 40am Leaves n. U. , ST. J. & C. li. I Arrive * _ Ontaha Unlon Depot. 10th & Mason SH | Omaha 't\iam : Kansas City Day ICxpieu ; 48pm.K. C. Night Ex. via. U. P. Trans. * - -U- , Leaves MISSOUUI PACIFIC. [ Arrives Omaha Depot 15th and Webster" Sts. I Omaha B:45am : St. Louis Expresa , . . , t:00am : > :30pm : St. Louis Express 6:05pm : 6lOpm..Nebraska ! Local ex. Bun. ) . . . . . . 9lOam ; L aveil SIOUX CITY & PACIFIC. lArrlv'el Omahal Depot Itth and Webster Bts. I Omaha < 700pm. . . St. Paul Limited ; 4Uam _ . C1TV & PACIFIC. IArrlf OmahalUnlon Depot. jOlh A Mason Hts I Omaha 6tiam : Sioux City Pauener. . . . . .lll.20pm 6ilOpm Bt. Paul Limited. . 9:4Jom : "Leaves ! UNION'l'ACIKIcr' lArrlv ei OmahalUnlon Depot. 10th a Masqn 8ts. | Omaha 10.00am Kearney Uxpres * . -t l:4ipm : llSpm : . . . .Overland Flyer , . > i:3Spm : 2:15pra.Beatrice : tc Stromib'r x. ( x.Sun ) . l:4pm : 7$0pm : Pacina Exprcts 10Warn : tlSOpm Fast Mall 410nm ; lAUVCil WABABII'RAILWAY. IArrlv s _ 4)jULh | Unlon Depot. lOlh & Maun Sts.l Omaha < ; Mpm , SU Louis Caoaoa UaTlT , U.bpm A NOVEL ENTERTAINMENT TO LADIES ONLY. -ON- 1JEAUTY CULTURE PHYSICAL CULTURE AND THE COMPLEXION Hy IliP wprlilr iniMM IIKAUry _ ami uonri.EXiuis si'KuiA.i.ivr. MME , M : YALE , -AT- I'cr ' rn T TOMORROW , 7th , AT 2:110 P. ill. TICKETS NOW ON SAI..E at Box Office o Theater. Secure your scats In advance , as hundreds will be turneil awny. A GRAND AND GLOlllOUS REVELATION To Uio world. Dcauty can be cultivated , 1y youth restored and preserved. Wrinkles and every trace of ago removed. Gray hair turned back to Us original color without dye. man DAZING IJEAUTY. MMBL.M.YALBL . . THE PERFECT WOMAN. Who at 11 looks as fresh and lovely as any beauty ever seen at IS. Showing the power of her art In preserving youth and cultivating beauty. Ladles , bring your note-books and pencils to take down valuable recipes to bo given you by Mme. Yale. Ileserved Seats at Box Office of Theater , price CO cents. Lectures commence at 2:30 : E liar p. Doors open at 2 o'clock. Grand Musical Programme. LADIES ONLY. Ladles are respectfully requested to be promptly seated at 2:30 : p. m. MME. M. YALE \\ILiL , APPEAR IN Athletic Costume , And create a sensation on her Marvelous Cultivated Beauty of Face and Form. HER CONFIDENTIAL ADVICE. Ladles who attend this lecture will receive Mine. Yale's confidential advlco and Instruc tions , which cannot be obtained outside of this lecture. GENTLEMEN POS1IIVELY.NOT ADMITTED " ' ' . THE'PROGRAMME : How to develop tlie bustl How to walk. How to cat. How to sleep. How to preserve health. How to cure female weakness. How to euro liver or kidney trouble. How to euro and prevent consumption. How to cure constipation. How to develop chest nnd lungs. How to make the figure erect. How to Increase height. How to straighten the limbs. How to develop the limbs and make them shapely. How to develop the arms. How to make the hands and feet small and shapely. How to Increase flesh. How to make flesh firm. How to reduce flesh. How to obtain perfect health and preserve It. How to breathe. How to live. How to remove wrinkles. How to cultivate natural beauty. How to become young again. How to preserve youth. How to obtain a perfect complexion. How to remove and cure Moth Patches , Freckles , Blackheads , Acne , Eczema , Sunburn and Tan , Sallowness , Pimples , Coarse Pores , and any form of Complexion Defects. MASSAGE. Its Importance and proper movements. How to make flabby flesh young and youthful. How to restore the loss of contour. How to flll out sunken cheeks. How to make eyes clear , sparkling , brilliant and beautiful. How to make a thin , scrawny neck plump and white. How to make the checks natural ! ? rosy. How to make coarse pores flue grained. How to make the brow smooth and white. How to make the mouth shapely. How to make the lips full and ruby red. J IN ATHLETIC COSTUME , Will give practical lessons by going through the different movements of her system for developing and making perfect the female form. EXPRESSION. Haw to use the eyes. How to laugh. How to educate the expression by the power of thought , shotting the Influence of the mental qualities to educate the physical. Every organ of the body subject to the men tal forces when In a healthy state of action and under the careful guidance of a cultivated restraint. THE HAIR , How to cultivate a thick growth of eye brows and lashos. How to restore gray hair to Its natural color without dye by circulating Its natural coloring matter. How to stop hair falling In from 24 hours to one week. How to create a luxuriant growth of hair. How to keep the hair In curl and arrange It becomingly. How to remove and euro the growth of su perfluous * hair. IMPORTANT MENTION. Tills lecture to be given by Mme. Yale will verify woman's progress and Inventive genius aa nothing ; else has over presented Itself tn the history of the world. It U every woman's duty to attend and celebrate the victory over old age. GUIDE TO 1JEAUTY. Ladles living at a distance or those unable tp attend these lectures are Invited to send their name and address with C eta. postage , and Mme. Yale will mall them her Quldo to llwiuty , a dainty little , book containing ex tracts from the Madame' * famous lectures and valuable advlco on cultivating beauty. Consultation free at Temple of Deauty or by mall. Address all communication ! ) to MME. M. YALfi , Headquarters 140 State St. , CHICAGO , ILL. Awarded IMesl Honors by the World's Fair , Late Events that Ilavo Increased the Dls- tmst Among Oornpoting Lines , NOT ABOLISHING STREET COMMISSIONS .Missouri Pnclllo Ono ( if the Spcclnl Mnncirs Looked Upon n * u 1'oaal- bio Uutciiinu. There stems to be a disposition to Ignore the agreement entered Into last week by the lines formerly comprising the Western Passenger . association on the part ot some ot the lines In the transmlssourl territory rela tive to the abolishment of commissions. It Is ! now charged that the Missouri Pacific has been allowing commissions to agents , who have divided up these commissions with pros pective Texas passengers In order to secure I'tl the haul to Kansas City , where the business has been turned over to the Missouri , Kansas & Texas , a road which refused to become a party to abolish all street and other com missions except those absolutely provided for ini by ; the former Western Passenger assocla- tlon. It Is nascrtcd by competing lines that the ninety and odd passongts taken out Tuesday by the Missouri Pacific to Texas and points In Arkansas vsoro largely Influenced by the division of o mtnisslons which prompted thorn to travel over the Missouri 1'aclfic. Until yesterday the olllclals at local headquarters vvers not officially Informed that an agreement regarding commissions had been entered Into by lines formerly members of the Western Passenger associa tion , but jcsterday n telegram was re celvcd from General Passenger Agent II. C. Townsend , wherein ho stated that street commissions would hnvo to be dlscontlnncd nnd b na fide rate ] would govern hereafter , and that a faithful observance of the ngrre- m nt would be expected from the ofllclals here In view of the charges mode that the Missouri Pacific waa paying commissions In Ignorance of the agreement. As Mr , Townsend - send U with President George Q uld of the Missouri Pacific , President Clark nf the Union Pacific , n'nd officials of the Missouri nacflc ! , shooting quail In Texas , It ould hardly bo fair to presume that Mr. 'ownscnd ' would Instruct his subordinates efore the expiration of the hoinuscckcM \curslons to the southwest that they vvou'd ' ave to play fair with competitors. However , the commission business has been cactlonary In character , nnd roads living p to the agreement made last week now ! iow a disposition to doubt the faithfulness t competitors and the railroad atmos- 'here ' grow a murky In character , while It learned the possibility of n new Western 'asscnger ' association agreement grows more azy as the prospective members face one nether for the final struggle. Tuesday several lines received telegrams rom the heads of the passenger departments n Chicago that lines formerly comprising ho Western Passenger assoclallon had agreed liat all rates be restored and that no re lictions be made for theatrical or party 'Uslness ' of any class. Certiln lines have ot received these telegraphic advices and the esult Is bad blood all around. If this sort f thing continues there can 1)3 only one re- nit , differences of opinion as to the advlsa- Illty cf reforming the Western Passenger . ssoclatlon , and the utter and complete de moralization of rates In this territory , here Is little business anyhow , and the time cems ripe for a good bht-fashlonid rate ar. COAST It.lTf S ltisTOItit : ; ) . Transcontinental Linns Itoiiuivn the 1)1111- uultlna In thn U'ay of itu Agracmant. CHICAGO , Dec. C. The transcontinental nes decided today that , effective M > reh , round trip rates to the Pacific coast would o advanced $10 , except in the case of ( ho Iiasta route , where the advance will be only 7.50. All round trip rates to points In Mon- ana and Colorado have been withdrawn for a portion of the year. Instead of putting . hem on sale for the entire year , as hero- oforo , the round trip tickets will be on iale only from May 1 to September 1. Col- rail o and Utah rates from the Missouri Iver will bo 'restored to the old basis of .18.75 , the present rate being J10.7G. This action Is not , the roads claim , an elevation f the rate , but a restoration ot the tariff which was 'm. effect before the present de- norallzatlon began. This change on the Utah nnd Colorado rates , which becomes ffcctlvo at once , carries with It the restora- .lon of the old local rates between Colorado and Utah points to the same basis In the mine proportlqn as the through rates. The general meeting of the western lines ndjourncd this morning to allow the trans continental lines to meet , but Is scheduled , o meet again In the morning. The facility tvlth which the transcontinental lines got ogether today practically removes all the obstacles In the path of the formation of a general association. DlillT OIT Till ! I'ACIFIO UUAUS. Two Millions of ISnml * to Ho 1'nlil hy the ( Invurnmrnt Next .Month. WASHINGTON. Dec. 5. Within the next month U ; p vrnment will be cal'cd ' upon to pay JJSC'0' ; ' of Central Pacific railroad bonds. It will be the first payment made by the government on hese bonds , Issued years ago to subsidize the building of the road across the continent. They ran for long terms , nnd hese terms are about to mature. The $2,302,000 next month will be followed by another $2,000,000 next November. The rail roads are primarily responsible for the pay ment of the bonds , but as they wore issued and guaranteed by the government , congress lias anticipated , by Its effort to fund or extend the debt , that the government would have to mest the maturing bonds. Chairman Ilellly of the house committee on Pacific railroads does not believe that a solution cf the Pacific roads debt can be reached at the present short .ssalon of con gress. The committee labored with the problem throughout the last session , and evolved a bill known as the Hellly bill , by which a settlement satisfactory to the govern ment and the roads seemed possible. The bill Is now on the calendar , but the Interests are so vast that Mr , Ilellly decs not believe they would bo passed upon during the hurry of a short session , although ho would be glad to have his bill .enacted , It Is probable , therefore , that ttie Pacific Suffer untold miseries from a ECDSO of delicacy they cannot overcome. BRADFIELD'S Female Reoulator , ACT5 AS A SPECIFIC. It causes health to bloom , and joy to reign throughout the frame. . . IT NEVER PAILS TO CURE. " Mr wlfo Lai been under treatment of leading phjr- Iclani three yoirn. without boneHt. After uilug tbreahottleior Unibruui's FXUILK UiounTpuiho can do h r own cooking , mlll > lii a anil wadilng , " N. 8. IlRYtK , llendorion , Ala. unADFIELD nrOUUTOU CO. , Atlanta , On. Bold by druniiU at 31.00 per bottle. LIFE Ci. E. C. WEST'S 11EE7E A1TO AH ! TIEATMEHT is sold under positive Written aanrnntfe , by nutliorizcd ajonts only , to euro Weak Memory ; Ix ) ot Drain nnd Ncrvo Power : Ixitt Manhooil ; OulcknoMj Night Jxjustes Kvil Dri-unu ; IJick of Oopridoncei Nervimsntna ! LflBsltudoi all Drains ) LOBS of Power otUieUonnratlvoOrciaus In olthcr net , caa\ed hjrovor.nxortlfii ) , YonthfulKrrors.or Kico * i > o U o of Tgbacco , Opium or Liquor , which loiula to MUc.ry. COniumptlorj , Intanilr nnd Dontlu Hy mall , SI a box ; six for | 5wltli : wrltWhfttiaranlcq to cu r or refund money. Wcst'l Lint Full ruro Hick Headacha. lliliounc a. Llyor Complaint , Hour Hlomaih. Iy ) pep ia and Constipation. OUAltANTKEU Ueuedoal/by QooJmiin Drug Co , OautliJL roads problem will be Inherited by the rcpubj llcxn congress assembling a year hence. It will then bo nn Imperative question , which can no longer be deferred , as two Issues ot bonds wilt have matured before the next congress opens. It will bo necessary ! there fore , to arrange a speedy plan of funding or extending the bonds or clso provide for their payment. ' 1't The Central Pacific company 1ms In tha treasury t ! to the credit of Itn sinking fund $5,707,205 , and the question has arisen whether the government could not appro priate this fund to the payment of the bonds on maturity. The net of May 7 , 1S7S , which directed the creation of a sinking fund , doev tint seem to bo clear on that point , nnd Sec retary Carlisle Is now considering the ques tion with a view to a settlement bofora January 1C next , when the bonds fall due. OI.M'.Y ASKS loiiMom : KICIUVIKS. : I'riMiMit Onci nil thn Union TnrlllnVcro Appointed \Mtliout ( lovitriniUMit Commit. DBNVUK. Dec. G. United States At torney General Olney today filed In the United States court of Colorado n petition for the appointment of additional receivers for the Union Pacific Hallway company , similar petitions having been filed In other states through which the Union 1'aclflc rail roads are built. The petitions are addressed tn the honorable judges of the circuit court of the United States. The United States attorney general avers that the receivers heretofore appointed have been named with out the consent of the United States. Ho represents that the United States Is a holder of a lien on part of the Union I'aclflo rait- way between Kansas City nnd Denver In the amount of more than $0,000,000 , no part of which Is yet due. The petition recites many official acts nnd also asks that Fred erick U. Coudert and J. W. Dome be added to the list of receivers In this court. Itnllvviiy heir * . Freight Traffic Manager Munroo of the Union Pacific has gone to Chicago. A. C. Dunn , formerly city IIU-U ngont of the Omaha road nt Minneapolis , was nt Union Pacific headquarters yesterday. General Manager Hurt of the Klkhorn has been called Into Chicago on matters con nected with the proposed Uiirllngton-Ulkhom tleup. Clarence P. Hlgnall , formerly cashier of the passenger department of the llurllngtoti but now editor of the Gas City ( Ind. ) Journal. Is In town visiting olil fr ends. II. 11. Kooser , homesick and dlsguited with Dsnver , returns to his old desk In thq offices of the Missouri Pacific today and will assume his old place as contracting freight agent. _ _ : cointi' bYi.LAiir , 1'Ilger et nl against Terrence ct nl. Ap peal from Mndlson county. Heversed nnd cause dismissed. Opinion by Commissioner Iivlne. When one ngnlnst whom n Judgment Imi been rendeied seeks the nlllrnmtlvo aid ot a court , of cniilty to iclleve him from that judgment , he must n\cr nnd prove that ho had a meritorious defense to the action In which Judgment was rendered. Thin Is true , even though the Judgment ha void , provided nt lenst 111 invalidity does not appear on the fcco of the record. Wagner et nl nsnlnst State of Nebraska. Error from York county. Opinion by Com missioner Irvine. In misdemeanors there nre no necessaries. Those whose- - conduct Is such that It would constitute them accessories before the fact. If I the principal offense were a felony , are , If I It be u misdemeanor , guilty ns principals. 2. Thciefcre , under nn Information charg ing the defendant with procuring , aiding and abetting nnother to commit an assault with intent to wound , the ilefcmlnnt may be convicted of nssault nnd bittery. . ! . An information which in npt words clmges the commission of nn offense which the Btatute makes a felony , la not bad be cause It does not chnrgo that the net waa feloniously committed 4. Where inni tlculnr Intent Is an essen tial element of"u crime , bne Is not guilty na nn { accessory before the fact to such crime unless he. participates In or has knowledge of such Intent. Hlshop against Mlddleton et nl. Error from Lancaster county. AtllrmeU. Opinion by Cominl < > boiicr Irvine. * It Is unnecessat r to plead what1 the InW presumes. Therefore , n pleading which avers fncts from which the law presume * unothci fact sulllclently pleads that othpr 2. 'Assignments of error not specifically * called to the attention of the court by briefer or nrirumeit will be deemed waived , nl * though a puty In his brief states generally" that he does not desire to waive nny as signment. 3 The decision In Singer Manufacturing company against Fleming , 53 Northwestern llcp 220 , In tegard to the validity of the act to provide for the better protection of the earnings of laborers , servant ! ) nml other employes of corpoiatlons , firms and Individ uals engaged In Interstate business ( Sec tion C31 c f Code of Civil 1'iocedurc ) , fol lowed nml reulllrmul. I The term In the title of that net , "cor porations engaged In Interstate business , " construed with lefcrence to the object of the net , means a corporation doing business and employing men In tills state , nnd hav ing In nnother stnto .such a situs ns to permit of Its being reached by process of ganiMimont there E. The act referred to applies to a casa where the debt was inuuned before the passage of Uie act , and was assigned In good faith to iv third person after Its pas sage , but where such third person there after again assigrcd It for the purpose ot evading the exemption laws of thin Htate. C. An assignment for the purpose of evad ing the tftcct of our exemption Hwsvnn unlawful , ns well n- after the passage of the net , pnd the net affects only the rem edy. Its application to the case of debts Incurred pi lor to Its pissage does not there fore Impair the obligations .of contracts. 7. Evidence examined and held uulflclcnt to sustain the verdict. Stale against Slate Hank of Wnhoo. Original. Opinion by Commissioner Hnian. Klngsley loaned liauin JJ.OOO , secured by a mortgage on real estate. L.ulenburger ; had sold the real estate to liaum and ho bet rowed this money to pay for It. Tito cashier of the Dank of Wnhoo negotiated the loan for liniim , nnd , by agreement be tween liauin , hadenburger and the cashier , the taller was to receive from Klnsgley the proceeds of the loan and pay the tmmo over to I.adcnbwger. About November 1 , 1M2 , the cashier received the dtnft nnd col lected It , but on I.adenburgpr's dcmandlni ; the money , falsely alleged there waa n de fect In the title to the real estate and claimed the right to hold the money until Biich defi'ct should be cureil. I.adenburger consented to this. December 31 , 1832. the cashier mailed to I.idenburger a certlllcnto- of deposit , rcclllntr that the latter had jle- poslteil In the bunk the Klngslcy money , payable to the order of himself "In person" anil on the return of the certificate en dorsed "when the land title to liaum Is straightened out " January 23 , 183J , the bank wn found to be Insolvent , nnd at the suit of the attorney general , placed In the hands of R receiver. Ladenburger de manded of the receiver the payment of his claim In full as a preferred clulm. Held : 1. The controlling , the test question Im the rase Is , was I idenburger a voluntary creditor of the bank ; was the relation sub sisting between them that of ordinary de positor and banker ? 2. That the agreement of the pnrtlca that the cashier should negotiate the loan and receive the proceeds thereof for l.nileribur- ger did not make the latter a voluntary creditor or depositor of the bniik. 3 One may Involuntarily become tho. creditor of another , but from thu very na ture of things the relation of hanker nnd depositor can bo created only by consent of both parties , 4 If A , without Iho knowledge of n , de- Roxlts a sum of money In the bank to the liter's credit , then until It ulmil be In formed thereof , and expressly or by Impli cation , recognizes the deposit an such , the bank will hold such money In trust for IJ and not na his banker. C. That the false representation of the cashier that there was 11 defect In the title to the real state , nnd that he was holdlnir Undenburger'H money until such defect should be cured , was a fraud on the latter , and his conduct In permitting the cashier to retain the money for the purpose alleged. should not be construed Into nn Intention or a consent on his part to become a depositor of the bank. * C. That Iho certificate of deposit was , un der the circumstances , nothing moro than nn ncknovyledKinent In wrlllmr that thn bank held the proceeds of the Klngxluy loan for I.adenburner nnd would pay the sami * to him when the title to the real estate should be perfected , nnd the inero holding- of this certificate of deposit by l denburger1 was not of I self sufficient evidence- es tablish that ho thereby recognlzutl himself aH a depositor of the bank , 7. That to make one a depositor of n bank. and , lr > ca.se of Its ' Innolrency , to limit such person's rlKhts against the"a * ct "uiereof to thosh of an ordinary creditor , ( t must appear tlmt such person became n depositor of such bank voluntarily S. That the title to the money received by the bank from Klngsley for LndenburKer was held In trust by the- bank for him awl the title to suth money did not pass to Uio receiver 9. That when n fund Is once Impressed ! with the character of n trust , such trust character continues until changed by Uio convent of the benellclury ID That I < adcnbur er waa entitled to lmv hU clulm paid aa a preferred claim.