I 8 THE OMAJIA DAILY BEE : TTUESDAY , DECEMBER 4 , 180-1. Joint Oommitt.e of City Council and Com mercial Olub Desires Radical Boform , REORGANIZATION OF FIRE DEPARTMENT ttntluicnt of Insurance Coiupmilci I-x- prcnscd with Urcnt UlTcct Feeble Water I'rcsuiro Augmented b ; IVcuk 1'lro Department Mnn.iccmont , The special committee composed of mem bers of the cltyi council and the Commercial Club which has been cngag'd In Investigating iho deficiency In water pressure and other fire fighting facilities concluded Its delibera tions at the council chamber last night and decided on a report which will recommend r a radical reform. U will recommend the re tirement of Chief Qalllgan , preparatory tea a thorough reorganization of the flre depart ment and the addition of new men and ap paratus. Tha only witness examined last night was Captain II. E. Palmer , who was supposed to represent ths Insurance companies. He was asked to tell what he knew about the big flrcs that have occurcd In the city during the past few years. Ho testified at length as to the circumstances of the Omaha Hard ware company flre , where ho said the flre- men wer * fifteen minutes getting a Rtream on the building. Then they were unable to Cot a stream above the second story. At the Umo of the flre In ths Omaha Republican building thcro was an absolute lack of water pressure and the building was destroyed by a flro that could have been easily quenched If there had been a HUCIclent pressure. At the Farnam Street theater flr.'i the fire men were from flvo to eight minutes In get ting a stream on the flre. U was alleged that If the- firemen had got Into the building nt the start the blaze could have been con fined to the stage. The Morse-Coe flre was a shining example of bad management and Insulllelsnt water pressure. INSURANCE COMPANIES FBAnPUL. The witness then went on to declare that the leading Insurance companies had con stantly shown a disposition to withdraw their business from Omaha. Far three years the losses paid In Omaha had amounted to twice as much an the premiums. The companies had complained both of the Insulllclcnt water pressure and of bad management on th ? part of the flro department. They cited the fact that other cities of the slzo of Omaha had twice as largo lire departments and expanded twice as much In maintaining. Unless EOIIIC radical action was taken fully CO per cent of the Insurance business would bo with drawn. During this tlmo rates had been ad vanced fully 40 psr cent and this was n direct burden on the men who owned prop erty. The companies had agreed that If a reform was Inaugurated those which hail withdrawn their business would return anil the last reduction In rates would bo with drawn. The charg ? had also been made thai there was a lack of discipline In the flre de partment and that the chief was > not (11 ( foi active service on account of bad health. When asked what the Insurance companies would require the witness said that the ) would be satisfied IT three new engines were purchased , together with a sufficient amount of hose and enough men to work them. The } also want a larger main on Douglas street and some additional hydrants In the business district. They also want a man Imported nnd placed at the head of the department who Is familiar with flro fighting In big . cities and with modern appliances. ' South Omaha cut an Important figure Ir the matter according to the witness. Tin companies depended on assistance from tin Omaha flre department In calculating thcii risks In South Omaha and on account of thi weaknesaT'ot ' the Omaha department $300,001 In South Omaha Insurance Ijad been with drawn during the past sixty days. If th < packing houses could not get Insurance here they -would have to move to BOIIIP other cltj and Omaha was consequently Interested t < "this extent. There had been u contlnua tendency on the part of the companies t < reduce their lines , and where agents wen formerly free to write n line of $15,000 , thej were now restricted to $5,000 or ICHK. The witness admitted that some of- the InCreased - Creased Imzards might bo charted 'to the In crease'In the extent ofelectric wiring In buildings. Three or four years ago there was little or no lighting by electricity In business buildings. There were probably n dozen risks In the city on which the risks had been advanced on account of alleged de fects la wiring. OPINION OF THK COMMITTEE. After hearing Captain Palmer's testimony the members of the committee went Into ex ecutive session to agree upon n report. The > were closeted for a little over an hour am ! then , It was stated , that they had sub stantially agreed upon a report which would probably be unanimous. The report will bo drawn up at a meeting to bo held at Mr Montgomery's otllce at 11 o'clock today , am ! will probably bo presented to the city coun cil this evening. It will find In substanci that there Is a lack of water pressure am that the present system should ba reinforced by larger mains and additional hydrants It the business portion of the city. It will alec declare that there Is a lack of efficiency Ir the flro department both In regard to nunv bcrs , apparatus and discipline. The pur chase of at least three now steamers of tin most powerful make will be recommended together with additional hose and a matcrla addition to the present force. It will asl that a now chief bo employed nt once , win must bo an expert , who has a thorougl metropolitan experience and Is familiar will the best methods. The new chief will bi expected to effect a thorough reorganlzatloi of the department. Ask for Morn At the meeting of the flre and police com mlssloners last night Commissioner Strickle : Introduced a resolution -requesting the mayo : and city council to authorize the purchase o three first class steam flre engines and 5,00i feet of hose , and to alco provide funds fo : the maintenance and equipment of the name After a short discussion the resolution wa adopted. _ _ > No agent In the domestic domain serve so well as Dr. Price's Cream Bakln Powder. BROKE BREAD WITH BOOTH. Onmliu Citizens Meet the Knlvntlgu Arm Leader at Ctoio Jtnnge. It was a closer range than at any tlm during General Death's sojourn In Omah that a limited number of Invited guests wcr permitted to see and shake hands 'wltji th author of "Darkest England" and the greo head of the Salvation army of the world at breakfast given In the general's honor yes tcrday In the crypti of the First MethodU church , a breakfast that was provided by th ladles of the church and therefore complot In all the essentials that go to make u such an affair. The table was arranged I the center of the room , three sides of hollow sqrare , with the guest of honor c the head. To his left sat Ilev. Frank Gran and to his right Mrs. George W. Hoaglam the lipstess of General Booth during his vis to Omaha. In addition to these there wei present representatives of the business , pn fesslonal and social world of the inctropoll II. T. Clark. W. V. Morse , General J. I Brooke , U. 8. A. ; J. Laughland , Wllllai Fleming. Rev. D. D. O'D'ell , Beth Ede Baptist church ; F. W. Ober , Howard Bali rlge. J. H. DumoBt. I ) . 8. Baker , A. I Tukey , W.F. . Allen , W. II. Koberson. Lou Bradford , Dr. 8. D. Mercer. Erastus Bcnsoi J. II. McConnell. Hev. D. W. Shank , editor ( the ChrlstUn Advocates H. J. Penfold , P. I Pcrlne , Casper E , Yost , Ispac Carpenter , V It. { { ennett. The Salvation army was repri eentea by Colonel Lawley , the general manager ; Captain Taylor , editor of U American War Cry ; Major Humphrey , MaJ < French and Enitgn Heed. Letter * of regn were received from P. C. arable. J , II , Ml lard , Alfred Mlllard. Victor II. Caldwel CurtUi Turner and others. Upon the completion of the menu Ro Mr. Crane expressed a welcome to the uei rat and called upon the gucsti to ftel that hey were In a Methodist class meeting and Ither auk questions or make nhort speeches , ia no sot toast had been prepared , Her. Ir. O'Dell said thai It ho had not been a nptlst he would undoubtedly have been a member of the Salvation army , which irounht out a chorus of lheir ! hcfirl" from the English members of the army. Ho spoke of ils deep Interest In the work the Salva- on army wan doing and how ho had In- looted Ils method while In Europe , am } specially In London , Manchester , Blrmlng- mm and other towns of England , Mr. II. T. Clarke Tallier surprised his rlends by telling how near he came to being Salvationist and would have been If occa- Ion demanded his presence on the streets iat the Salvation army might be accorded ic same privileges as were granted minstrel ands and soap venders. This was In the arly days of the Salvation army's advent nto Omaha and the city council ndeavored to put a stop to Its marching on ha itrscts. MW AND IIANUSOMI : . \ lllcli Cluss Cufo Which Hits Just Ilccn Opened. At last Omaha has obtained a first-class estaurant , fitted up elegantly , so located and onducted that gentlemen may take their vlvcs or lady friends to dine or lunch at any line of day or after the opera , and bo as- urcd of being served with the best that an be procured In any market. Mr. Henry Scharf , who has so successfully onducted the Schlltz restaurant for the pat. ear and earned die gratitude of the male nembcrs of Omaha's population by his ability s a caterer , has Just opened the "Scharf 3afe , " for ladles and gentlemen. It Is ocated In the new Schlltz building , on Slx- ccnth street , very convenient to Boyd's opera louse , as well as the business center. The eon : Itself Is moil Inviting. The floor In Ichly tiled and the paneled walls and cell- UK finished with white and gold In the re * let work , with soft blue centers In the wall viiicllng , and delicate cream tint In the celt- ng to harmonize with the slightly darker mo of the floor tiling , Numerous elegant lectrollers adorn the- walls and celling , and n the whole no handsomer little resort Is o be found In any western city. A glance at the menu card discloses a most xtenslve range'of oysters , game , meats nnd ither dishes prepared In all the various tylcs of gustatory preferences that modern iiillnary art and science has perfected. The irlces are very reasonable. Mr. Scharf's experience and managerial ability are such as to Insure him the greater part of the best trade of the city when the ull merit of "The Scharf" becomes known. ' ICXCUKS1O.V. To Houston , To.x. On Tuesdays , December 4 and 18 , I will tin landseokcrs' excursions to Houston , Texlas , 20,00 the round trip. n. C. PATTERSON. > 425 Ilamge Block , Omaha. Now Onmliu I.linked Tniln. On and after Sunday , November 4 , , tin : hlcago , Milwaukee & St. Paul "electric Ighttd limited" will leave Omaha at C p. m. , arriving In Chicago at 0 a. m. Remember this rain carries diners a la carte. C. S. CARRIER , Ticket Agent. 1604 Farnam SL llurllDRton Itcuito. PERSONALLY CONDUCTED EXCUR SIONS TO CALIFORNIA. Every Thursday. $23.00 saved. City ticket office , 1324 Farnam street. Opium habit and alcoholism treated. Yean of experience. H. W. Hyde. M. D. . 407 Pax- on block , Omaha , Neb. Taconia Hani ; Will CJuU lltiMnrsi. TACO.MA , Wash. . Dec. 3-Owing' to the generally unsatisfactory business conditions he Tacoma National bnnk closed Its doors .his morning , having decided to liquidate , Cashier Snyder gives the bank's liabilities nt J212.0M rtml ll ousels at $312,009. The > ank has paid out J712.COO In the last twenty- three montltp. It wn one of thebankE which xuspciided In 1S93 nnd reopened In Jceember lust. Since that time the bank ias settled with a large number of Its do- lOsitarH , but l > elr > fr unable to get back theli 'ormrr business the directors decided to gc nto liquidation. Prof. Louis Falkenau , late state assayer of California , writes : "Dr. Trice's Cream Jalting Powder makes flue light bread , and I can recommend It to all wishing wholesome food. " _ _ S. J. Larkln of Denver Is at , the Merchant * . S. L. Kellogg , Pcrolval , la. , is at the Del- one. one.W. ' W. F. Rogers , Sioux City1 , la. , U at the Barker. Judge Broady of Lincoln was In the city yesterday. ' R. F. Cromelln , Washington , D. C. , Is at the Mlllard. Eleven members of the Rainmakers arc at the Barker. J. A. Barber and wife of Columbus are at the Merchants. A. D. Clark , Edgemont , S. D.as at the 1'axton yesterday , Ten members of the Bunch of Keys com pany are at the Barker. C. E. Burnham , wife and daughter , ol Tllden , are guests at the Mlllard. Colonel Alexander Hogeland and wife ol Lincoln were at the Merchants yesterday. The Slaters Harcourt and their mother , with the Rainmakers company , are registered at tha Barker. II. B. Reed , representing the Dnzzler com pany , and Ed Cosgrove , agent , are domiciled at the Barker. S. S. Rust and wife. J. L. Blanchard and wife , Oakland , la. , took dinner at the Mer chants yesterday. > Miss Ella Klrker left yesterday for Daven port , la. , where she will be the guest of he : aunt , Mrs. J. 13. Klrker. Mr. and Mrs. II. Code , Mr. and. Mrs. II , M. Nells and Mrs , W. E. Brock of Crete took dinner at the Paklbn yesterday. Dr. Amelia Burroughs , who has been verj 111 , has gone south to spend the winter , stop ping at Eureka Springs , Ark. , for a while. Mrs. J. D. Coulo of Minneapolis , nccompan led by her children , Is visiting her mother Mrs. Schwalenburg , on North Elghtccntl street. II. T. Cooper and family , Whitewood , S. D. are at the 1'axton. Mr , Cooper Is the newly- elected treasurer of Lawrence county , Soutl Dakota. Chief Galllgan visited his officeIn the clt ; hall yesterday , the flrst time In six weeks Ho Is slowly recovering from his recen serious Illness. It will be about ten days ye before Jack will be able to run to fires. John II , Sturgls and W. D. Young of St Joseph , J. S. Brown and E. B. Morgan o Denver and St. Clalr Street of Kansas Clt ] are In the city to attend the Smith-Yale : wedding tomorrow evening. They are a the Paxton , Arrivals at the Mercer : W. B. Buck , Nev York ; J. II. Brandlmore , New York ; C. A Bowman , Chicago ; C. II. Beach , Portland W. II. Mtttkln , Portland ; Mrs. J. T. Ayre and son. Elma , la. ; O. II. Swlngley , Beatrice P. W. Sears , RavennarS. L. Kelley , Chicago S. M. Gaul , New York : J. A. Perkins. Chicago cage ; L. II. Beason , Salt Lake City ; I. Mai lory , Denver ; J. A. Love , Denver ; M. F Rohrer , Council Bluffs ; C. Arnold. St. Louis U , O. Parker , Boston ; Michael Cudahy Chicago. iiH nt the HotcU. At the Dellone W. II. Wlthrow , Fremont C. A. Whyman , W. A. Preston , Lincoln John Ilceee. 1 ! role en Uiw ; i { . v. Martlr Ulalr. At the Mlllard-H. M. Sullivan. M. Me Shery , Hroken Bow ; J. SI. Perclval. Lincoln F. 10. Durnhatn , Madison ; F. Faulknei Schuyler ; Q. M. L llang , Lexington. At the Arcade 11. R McDonald , Pendei J. D. Shcrbrook , Wlnnetoon ; W. a. llakei GcorKO Roberts , Crclshton ; T. J. Smari Wood niver ; a. 1 . Reynolds , Ulysses ; t I.oomls , I. Moore , Ord ; 8. Fuhrman , Sehuy ler ; John Mllllken , Lakeuldoj N , C. Prati Albion. At the Merchants D. II. Drlessen , Bloom Held : Fred Webber , Randolph ; llVuds worth , Qua rtoburff , n. Uroatu. B. J. Nnns ! < Wayne ; August Dorman , Wlsner ; S. I Alley. Wlsner : J. B. Dew. Tecumseh : K. J Wilson , Beatrice ; Albert Walking , Llneolr AL. . Mason. Tekamah ; John llerry , Chad ron : I * . U Sorrlck , Geneva ; Mrs. T. \ \ Whitney. Miss Wlillnex. Bcnuyler ; Q. Whlteaker. Kearney. IIAYDEN BROTHERS 3read 2o a Loaf , Ham 0 (3-4o , Oiaokors 3 l-2o , 27 Lbs. Granulated Sugar $1 , READ ADVERTISEMENT ON FIFTH PAGE. Jnlienrcl of linrcnlns In Mlllluory , Women's Trimmed nnil Untrlinmcil Sailor lints Stylish Hutu , 81.BO-Uttlo Girls'Sntlu anil Surnh Uonnots Just In. SATINE EC ; tomorrow satlnes , nrmures , momto cloth and 30-Inch wl'do Henrietta , vnnh goods department , alt Go yard. MUSLIN , 1 0 YD ; mill remnants , bleached nuslln , only 10 yards to a customer , U4c a ard , CALICO , 3VSC ; full standard dark calico , Iglit calico , largo figures tor comforts , Indigo iluo calico , a limited ciuantlty to each cus- omer , tomorrow , 3 > c a yard. KEMNANTS tomorrow of table linens , rashes , flannel , cotton flannel , shirtings , glng- mm and wash dress goods , sale tomorrow nly. 'HUMMED HATS $1.150 ; these dollar and a mlf trimmed hats , no two nlikc. of course , nre just as good as wo ever sold ourselves or $2.50 ; don't miss them. GIRL'S SILK DONNRTS ; a new lot , Just n , prices as low as ttc , and as good and Ino as you want them ; new styles. TUIMMCD HATS , $2.48 ; at this price we mvo stylish trimmed hats , with best of ma- crials , that you never saw less than $4.00 to $1.50. $1.50.WOOL WOOL FELT HATS 93C ; a new lot Just received , they are the flno quality , sold for $1.25 and $1.50. L1TTLD BARGAINS ; fancy feathers , Ic up ; Ips , GOc bunch ; flowers , 25c bunch ; velvet covered hats , $1.00. WOMEN'S BLACK HOSE , 12C : fast ilack hose , seamless , made of double and Avlstod yarn , worth 20c , 12Vic pair. WOMEN'S BLACK HOSE 19C ; Double heel and toe , extra long legs , a quality worth 35c a mlr , for IDc. LADIES' UNDEUVESTS 15C ; these arc mtural gray , .bought last summer , when noney purchased goods cheap. Send us your orders for this1 bargain. IIAYDEN DUOS. Queer People. We now have nil the numbers of Queer eople , and those wishing any of the numbers 'ram ono to eight will please call at the bus- ness olflco of The lice. Only 10 'cents per number. No coupons required. Tim mitccT M > ITHIUN ) : HODTK VI11 the Itaclc ls'uil : Mutrtcst Line anil l'"i st < 'Ht Time. To all points In Kansas , Oklahoma , Indian Territory , Texas and all points In southern California. Only one night out to all points n Texas. The "Texas Limited" leaves Oma ha at G:16 : a. m. dally except Sunday , landing passengers at all points In Texas 12 hours In advance of all other lines. Through tourist cars via Kt. Worth and El , Paso to Los An geles. For full particulars , maps , folders , etc. , call at or address Hock Island ticket onice , 1C02 Farnam st. CHAS. KENNEDY , O. N. W. P. A. IIAKVEST EXCURSIONS SOUTH. Vl.i the Wubiuh It. It. On November 20 , December 4 and 13 , the Wabash will ell tickets at one fare , ultli $2 added. For tickets or a copy ol .he Homeseekers' Quldo call at Wabash of. ! ice. 1502 Farnam street , or write. G. N. CLAYTON. N W. P. Agt. . Omaha. Chcnp Jlatca to thf Wost. On December 4 and 18 the Union Pacinc will sell first class round trip tickets to all points In Kansas , Nebraska , Colorado , Wyo- mlngind Utah at a rate of one standard first class fare for the round trip" , plus J2. IleaO of wonderful prosperity of ths. irrigated dis tricts along the line of the Union Pacific and take this opportunity to ECO for yourself. For further information , descriptive printed matter , tlmo tables , etc. , call on or address your nearest ticket agent , or II. P. DEUEL. C. T. A. U. P. System. * ' 1302 Farnam St. , Omaha. Clirup KTctiralonn. On Dec. * 4th the Missouri Pacific railway will sell round trip tickets at one fare ( plus $2.00) $ ) to paints In Arkansas , Texas , Okla- liomo , Kansas , Louisiana. For particulars inquire at company's offices , N. E. corner 13tl : and Farnam. or depot , 15th and Webster. J. O. PHILLIPPI , A. O. F. & P. A. THOS. F. GODFREY , P. & T , A. Queer I'coplo. We now have all the numbers of Queci People , and those wishing any of the numbsrs from one to eight will please call at the bus iness ofilc' * of The Bee. Only 10 cents pe ; number. No coupons required. A Cntlln , Colo. , MUM Semis ( * 5.1-t for Nc- tirnaku Drouth SnITerer * . Recently Mayor Gcorgo P. Bemls penned an appeal for aid for the drouth-stricken set tlers In the western portion of the state. Its publication In The Bee met with a re sponse from Mr. Isaac Gantz of Catlln , Colo. , who sent $5.14 to be applied to the relief fund. The amount was turned over to the State Relief commission , as the following receipt will show : OMAHA , Dec. 3. To the Editor of The Bee : ' I have received through you , n money order for $5.14 sent by Isaac Gantz In behalf of the citizens of Catlln , Colo. , to be used In the relief of the drouth sufferers ol Nebraska. W. N. NASON , President. Prof. John M. Ordway of the Massachu setts Institute of Technology reports : "Dr Price's Cream Baking Powder Is free fron all adulteration , harmless and pure In Iti Ingredients , and mixed ' Jn the-right proper tlons. " Murrl.ign I.lccnno . Marriage licenses were Isssued by tli county judge yesterday as follows : Name nnil nddress. Age Samson Frank , Omnha 2 Addle Newman , Omaha 2 Henry Sullivan , Omaha 4 Mrs. Josephine Shear , Klroy. WIs 4 CharleH Weed , Omaha 3 Bessie Cailfon , Omaha 2 How the MosmguVu Iliinillod , The president's message , which appears liTho The Bee , started frdm Washington on foul wires at 1:30 : o'clock yesterday morning , am was "relayed" here andaent west , with Den ver , Ogden , Sacramento Vud San Ffanclsci copying on the game number DC wires. The re celvlng was finished at 4:25 : nfm. The wire worked veil and there was not n hitch b any kind. Receivers from Washington were W. A. Hooper. C. K. Cralle. A. C. Mangrun and F. E. Abbott , ( all using typewriters , The senders to the coast -were Uert Caldwell B. W. Stoddard , J. B. Prlchard and. W. E Wakeflcld. Eight flner operators could nebo bo picked out of any office. The , work wa Chirioliilla Clonks $12 Eac , , g' ' . ! ! Eco u lint others sliuwti 310.00 , then scd these n 12.00. Sco what others show a (20.00 , thcu SCO tlicso a 1 1 0.00. ' \Yo \ Imvo many nov styles just In. COFIELD i'AXTOX 1ILOCK. lane under the supervision of Night Chlcl Operator Owens slid Mi neslstants. The niossago cotrtnlncU a little over 18,000 words. Ezra Kendall , the well known eccentric omcdlan , will produca his latest comedy sue- ess , "The Substitute , " at the Fifteenth Itrcet theater fonthrce nights , commencing 'hursday , December fl. Mr , Kendall hasj become thoroughly Ident ified with the partlcalar style ot role which 10 has Interpreted ! for many seasons , that of ho old countryman style , and while his new play gives htm ample opportunity ns a Comedian , It also enables him to offer a haractcrlzatlon much more refined than In onner productions while equally amusing. The supporting company Is said to be thoroughly competent one , Including ns It lees the popular little eoubrette , Miss Jennie ) unn , Leo Hardman , a. II. Williams , William Dupont , Gertrude Potter nnd others. The management have adopted a unique ystem of advertising , namely , every Jady attending the advance sale between 9 nnd 10 o'clock on Thursday morning , December C , vlll receive n reserved seat free. Kntla Emmelt , the star of "Klllarr.ey , " vlll visit Europe tha coming summer , spend- ng Ihe greater part of her time In England nil Ireland. She will bring back with her a new play , widen has been a Ixmdon suc cess , nnd will also negotiate with two world amoiis drnmntlsls , ono English and one French , for new plays to bo written , espe cially for her. MUs Emmctt's Intention Is o return to melodrama of the higher grade , such na she made her flrst success In. Miss 3mmett comes to the Fifteenth Slreet thea- cr next Sunday afternoon for an engage ment of four nights , with matinees on Sunday and Wednesday. Eugene Tompklns' "Dlack Crook , " In nil Its original splendor , comes to the Boyd fov .hrco nights and Saturday matinee , commenc- ng Thursday next. The company that Is to present this time-honored spectacular play s the same that enjoyed euch a lengthy nnd irosperous run at the Academy of Sluslo for 100 performances , and nt the Boston theater. Uoston , for 150 performances , and at Me- Vlcker's theater , Chicago , for eighteen weeks duiltiR Iho World's fair. The ballet , of course. Is large nnd one ol the principal features. The principal dancers are Slgnoras Tornnghl and Stacclonl and Slg. Blancldorl. The ballets , marches nnd specialties and scenery nro wonderful In the extreme. Among the new features maybe bo mentioned The New Soldier Boy , The Bowery ballets. The Musical Dolls , The Cigarette , The Bold Soldier Boy , and Mardo the Marvel , and nn entirely new Idea Ir living pictures will be Introduced. Next Sunday Cosgrove and Grant's come dians will open nn engagement of four nights nt Boyd's , with a new version of the fa miliar farce comedy "Dazzler. " Slncp It was seen hero the piece has been entirely re written. Happy results nre always obtained whet Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder Is used It works to perfection. IlKAl.TV M.\KKii. INSTRUMENTS placed on record Decembei 3 , 1894 : \VAIIIIANTY nnnns. Illcharil Sharp nnd wlfp to O H Sharp , lots 1 , 2 , 4 nnd 8. block 9 , Mcycis. H & T niM $1,00 Link Ilecord to F Ai ( . 'imp , undlv > 4 of lot 3. block 2 , Andrews & It's mid 211 iV'nlnut 1IIH Pnvlnua nml Investment com pany lo SV HchiiK , lot ft. block 9 , nnd lot 14 , block 23 , tVulmit Hill 3W C H lialcs to .7 P S.icKctt , lot M , block 11. Orch-Mil Hill : I A Nolle nndlfi * to Thfiidoic ClmiRh , lots ] G to 19 , block " , . I'oppletotl's add to IJIUhorn 2S : Union Stnclt Y'irl comprmy to South Omnhn Iliewlni ; no-inclatlon , lot C , block 11. In 1st ndd ln < Homh Omaha CO r f , lion i > 1l to Joseph' llrndbury , lot 7 , block 1 , Iturton'K BiilKllv 3oi \V nutterlleid nnd wife to. Anton Uilson , lot 2. block 11 , " Clovefrtale. . . , 00 1 13 fuller nnd wife lo Gilbert llluc , lot 4 , Clark's subdlx * . . * . . . , , ! „ 1& Ql'lT CI.A r nKRDS. T. G II Sharp nnd wlfo to A H Graham , un dlv ij , of lot ! ) 1 , 2. 4 and C , block 9 , Mcyeis , U .t fa ndd 50 1 I1 Gould tt nl to ! ' I' Omild , lot ) ' , ( , , Mlllatd & C's ndd A 11 HalncH to V i : Cutlet , lot -Clark'a eubdlv Special master to Xatloinl I.lfo Insurance company , lota 31 nnd 1nnd B ' . of lot 32 , Stcwurt riaci- 10,00 Same to same. C7 feet of w W feet nnd 120 feet uf n 13."i feet of w CO feet of lot 11. block C , H K IlORerH1 mid 14.92 IITIIH to 11 It Whitney , lot G , HuscaU'8 Bilbdlv C Bamo to C K Hate" , lot i . block 11 , Oichard Hill 16 Sheriff lo Cleorue HmiB , lot 9 , block 4CS , ( ! mluHli'\v CO Same to 1 ! L ) Noiton , lot IS , block t , I.nkc View 1,20 Total amount of transfers $32,90 Admission. In New York City , for five con secutive years , the proportion of Deaths from Consumption has been three in every Twenty Persons. Epidemics of Cholera , Yellow I'cvcr ' and other diseases of similar character , so ter rible in their results , occasion wide spread alarm and receive the most careful consid eration for their prevention and cure , while consumption receives scarcely n thought , yet Ihe number or their victims Rinks into insignificance when compared with those of consumption. Comparatively few people know what to do for their loved ones when they see them gradually lose strength , lose color , manifest feeble vitality and emacia tion , or develop a cough , with difficult breathing- hemorrhage. Cod liver oil was for a lotiff time given in all such cases , but the poor success attending its use coupled with its nauseating taste has led many practitioners , as well as the public at large , to place their main reliance in Dr. Piercc's Golden Medical Discovery. It de serves early attenlioii and will prove eflcct- tial not in every casebut in a large percentage of cases , and we believe that fully 98 per cent , of all cases of consumption can , if taken in the early stages of the disease , be cured with Ihe " Discover } ' . " Dr , Pierce does not ask people lo believe until they have in vestigated for themselves. A pamphlet has been published having the names , addresses nnd pholographs'of nJargc number of those cured of consumption , bronchitis , lingerinpr coughs , asthma , chronic nasal catarrh and kindred maladies which will be mailed free to those sending for it with their name and address upon a postal card , or you can have a medical treatise , in book form of 160 pages , mailed to you , on receipt of nddress and six cents in B tamps. Yon can then write Uiose cured and learn Ihcir experi ences. Address for IlcoV , WORLD'S DISPIINSAUY Mr.DiCAL ASSOCIAT/ON , lluffalo. K Y. Cor. 12th ancUHoward , Streets , Under now management , will furnlili HT- TKK MEALS and 1IETTEK UOOMHIall stout licatud anil electric llKhtodl tnuii any hotel I Onmlm fortho nito of S2.OO per dity. Koorn with bath $ - > .SO and W.fti. Try thoMorcor next tlmo you visit the clt ) Tauo the lliirnev street eurut Union Itapu to 13th struct. From \Vobnur struct UopO take ear to Howard Rtrcot. Jl , ENA A NEW LINK GUFF Both the method and results when Syrup of Figs is taken ; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste , and acts gently yet promptly on the Kidneys , Liver and Bowels , cleanses the Bys- tcin effectually , dispels colds , head aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro duced , plonsing to the taste nnd ac ceptable to the stomach , prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects , prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances , its many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in CO cent bottles by all leading drug gists. Any rc'liablo druggist who may not have it on hand will pro- euro it promptly for any one who wishes to try it. Do not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAH FRANCISCO. CAL. LOUISVILLE , KY. tJEW YORK , ff.V. This extraordinary Rcjuvenator Is the inosl wonderful dlKOovcry of tno aie. It hns been endorsed by the lending scientific men of Kutopo J ca cuj America. x < a _ U u (1 y a 11 is purely vege table. Iludynn ttopj Premalureness lofllioJIschurgef jlui.'Odaj-s. Cures Constipation , Dizziness , Fulling Sensation ? , Nervous Twitch. tig of tno eyes and other pails. Strengthen : ! , invigorates and tones tl.o entire system , lludyau cures Debility , Kervoufiicis , Kmlssloiis. nud envelopes and restores weak organ" . 1'nlns In the back , Josses by day 01 night are itoprcd quickly. Over 2,000 private endorsements. I'lematureuesn means Impotcnoy In the flrst ftnge. I tin tt yraptoraofkemlnal weakness and barrenbess. , It can be Stopped lu 20 days by the Ufeoflludvan. The new discovery wnsmido by the Special ist ) oftlioolU famous lludi in nodical Iiintl- tuto. Jti * thostronKcsi y.talizcr made. . It Is very powerful , but harmlra . gold for Jtl.OO a paclngeor < i packages for % Xk.y ( plain scaled boxes ) . Written guarantee given for a cure. If you buy six boxes and are not entirely cured , six more will bo Bent to you free of all charges. Send for circulars and testimonials. Address HUDSON MEDICAL INSTITUTE , 10S2 MARKET ST. , SAN FRANCISCO , CALIFORNIA. AMUSISMliiN TS. 4NI3HT3 BEGINNING Sunday , Dec. 2. Popular Priced Matinee Wednesday. IUTURN or THU FAVORITES. AND Tlinm GRBAT COMPANY When they will m-csent for the first tlmo In' Omaha , their laughing success , With the Strongrtt rnrce-Comedy Company ever ortrnnlzed , Including MIs-j lSAljLI.C ! UHQTJ- II ART. Siieclnl carlcnd of new nnd beautiful eccnery , nnd Btnrtllne eluclilcnl effects. 1.OO1C OUT I'Oll Tlin ( WHAT CYCLONE. AND ItAIN STOH.M Ol- ' REAL WATER. llox seats open Saturday morning at usual prices. (5TH ( ST , THHATHE I'Ofllh.llt ' 1'JtlCKS. Toll-phono 1531. mr.Vft. . . I TONIGHT AT 8:15. : HOYT'S A BUNCH OF KEYS , on TUB nornu Ada Flotlmer ns Teddy ; C. W , Ilowsor na Snaec" , and n clever company of comedian * , livery lady ntteinllne 'Vcdnesday'a matinee will receive a liamlsjme souvenir. ! 5ih ST. THEflTRE " & Telephone 1531. ( i-1-x s.i eunn.ir M.HIXJSE. EZRA KENDALL In Ills Now Play , "THE SUBSTITUTE. " The runniest He Hi or Had. N. II , Every lady attendlnc the ndrnncc sale Thursday moinlnk' , Dec. Cth , between the hours of 9 nnd 10. nil ! receive a reserve < 1 rc.it free Prepared from , the original fo mula pro rerved in the Archives of the Holy Land , Urw ,3Ban authentic hUtory dating baoicCOOycars. A POSITIVE CURE for all Stomach , Kidney and Bowel troubles , especially CHRONIC CONSTIPATION , Trice BO cents. Sold by all druggists. The Franciscan Remedy Co , , 181TJ4T 2UBE.I ST. , CHICAGO. ZU. 1 * 2 for Circular i an ! Illustrated Calendar. For sale by Kulin &Co. , 15Jli & Douglas BAILEY , THE DENTIST I'axlon Jlloclt , Ili anil I'ai'HttiiiSt * High-Glass Deatal Work at Reasonable Prices Prdmpt and courteous treatment clvcn to nil Painless extraction ot tunh without can or chloro form , Full not lietli on rubber fJ OJ. 1'ooplo llv luir away fro.n Oui.iua waitcU 'u > ju tlmOuy lliey nro In llic city. HenJant. T lti > heno 10& derma That's n mystery. Take ( Payne ) ami work out the two missing words. Cut It out nml bring it to the Nebraska , stat ing your height , weight ami appetite , whether married or willing to be , and in return the first successful answer will receive first prl/.e , 4ia guess on how soon the cunal will bo built. " Kach answer must be accompanied by elcventecn cents worth of Columbian stamps. Little folks' clothes arc nearly everywhere sold on the same ridiculous guessing plan. Guess it is worth so much more , because the patterns are desirable , or perhaps Sirs. So and So's boy wears one of 'em , and the demand might in crease. \Ve don't trouble ourselves about what others do , but what we do. No guessing here. Small boys' suits arc here A veil represented. I/.irgc collection of patterns and styles , perhaps not the prettiest in the land , according to some queer tastes , but they're the best from the best houses in the country. Can't do any better unless we could com municate with planet .Mars. There is no guess work about our prices either the only guessing we are at is how many new patrons each suit will make. Our prices are a motto , "cheaper bought cheaper sold. " For Two Wc arc nble to funiish > 'ou n9 U * * U gjo.l a suit as anyone at $3.50. This week in particular. Got a hold of a tremendous lot of children's clothes lately , when our buyer was ransacking the markets for second purchased. For Three iUlirioprrI" score of new designs and styles. They're cheap at So. 00 and reasonable at $ ( i.OO. They're of cassimcre , worsted , tweed , cheviot well prenared to challenge the requirement of a real good boy. Fnr * Twn-nn'n A linc of bo > 's' cnPc ror Awo-an a- OTcrcoit8 : nnd nistcm of excellent material , sixes up to It ) yenrs , is another good thing for this wjjk. Thsy'rj worth $1.00. The rest , as to make and ( it , we leave this to your judgment. This is children's week. Lee k after the little one's wardrobe - robe and if you n-dson ; ; clotlus , leak arotinJ town and wind up at our place. Economy demands such a shopping. Perhaps He Might See Hotter If hn held that paper a lllllo doer ; lie curtiilnly could neo , not only much hotter , but , poifectlv , If provided wllli a palrof prupaily luted ppccturlos. Noar-slKhtednt-Ht , iincor- rccted by glasses. lmp > > bUj a t"vero tax ( in ttioryoH. which uro ncedlesbly weakened by the stialn Involved In trylnu to mlstisu them. Uufeots In vision srow , line wuodslthoulciil - tlvutlon , and Its dtuiKuimia to overlook - look thriii.Vliutcvor may be thought of a tax on Income , a tux on the a filit will iiovoido , as It Is apt to luavo ilio tn.M'rsout ofIght. . Wo lit ovt-i-y eye perfectly A'o e/uirfro i'or fosr- tnitio The flloe & Penfold Go , , 1403 i'lvrnn'n Street. UpiiObllci I'axtoii Ilutol , SCIENTIFIC EXPEll I OPTICIANS. THE LION DRUG HOUSE , J < > I Our Four I Big Clinchers. j In 8 years our business hns grown from one establishment to ? 54 , with ; eco agcnls. What built up this enormous business ? These four arguments all clinchers : PRICE. FIT. STYLE. GOODS. In perfect fit , correct style and quality of goods , we have stood side by side with the first-class tailors. In price , well , see these samples : Panls . . . . - . , $3.00 Suits $13.25 Topcoats . . . . $10.25 Made to your mcnsuie. Don't Wear ReadyMade - Made When Tailor- Made Costs Less. PLY1UTHROCK PANTS ' | OVERCOATS It ! I SUITS COMPANY ; 408 North 10th , Omaha. Wo ecnil trio manrtlnui Krenrh I ItemedCALTHO8 free , unit it I leail guarantee tlmt O lTHOi will I KTOI-l > l.flur r .tiinU.lon : , I ClTIti : Hprrninlorrhcii. Vnrlfuwle I ad HKN rout : I.o.t \ Igor. / 'st ft and /ov ifsatiij'ti , Aldr.M.vOM MOHL CO. , . ( kit iBtrkin llt.U , n.tl..ll , Ohio , I FOR BOTH $24.00. $ What could bo finer for a guest room than this pair of bedsteads , executed In enameled whtto Iron , with polished brass trimmings ? The entire top of both head and foot Is In brass brass posts , tops , rail and ornaments. The frames are light , but very strong ; easily moved or taken apart , clean and neat as wax and they harmonize with any sur roundings. Wo have them In all brass at slightly Increased csst. Ono Important point must not bo over looked. These'bedsteads have the new swell foot , allowing the clothing of the bed to full straight to the flocr without being "tuckeil In , " as In the ordinary patterns. Separate beds are recommended by all physicians Catalogue of thesa goods sent upon appli cation. Charles SWverick & Co. FURNITURE of Every Description Temporary Location , X2OO nnd JL'OS Hntiylna Stcoot. MILLAUD HOTEL I1LOCK. ' f TTTPT" Primary , Srronilnrn l/UJt&Jbi rllaru If > ou don't believe wo can cur * your cms , onie to our office anil ite what we can da fai you. Wa are the only iptclallsts who will taki your cate on email weekly payments and fur- nlih all medicines free. Consultation free. Cor. reiponilence tullilted. Cure guaranteed In CO u > 0 daya. Office mien on Wednesday and Balurdaj evening ! , from 7 to 9. Office liouu 9:80 : u. m. U C:30 : p. m. IJINSMOOIt IuMiUY CO. . Itoom 812. New York Life IJulIdlnc. Omnlia. , ITOj Masonic Temple , Chicago. DR. McCREW IHTMR ONLY SPECIALIST WHO TUIATH ALL PRIVATE DISEASES , WoaknoH anclt'ccroi Dliord < nio ( MEN ONLY Krerjr cure ruirantocd. a < > jrcur. ' tmierlonoe. V loan In Ouiaha. Hook Kri'o. I4lh .k rur TRYA q EXACT SI7E PERFECTS THE HERCANriLE IS THE FAVORITE TEH CENT CIGAR , For sale by ull First Class Dealers. Manufactured by the F. R. RICEMERCANTILE CICAR CO , , Factory No. 301 , St. Louis , Mo