THE CXMLAITA DAILY BEE : TUESDAY , DEOEIMHEll 4 * 1891 , COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Bull Newa in Wheat from Foreign Sources the Feature. SHORT SELLEFS RESIiTcD TO THE LAST for a Tlmo Tlioy Worn Hucc f"1 but Were. . J'lnnllr Itoutcil imil tlio Cloilne 1'rlco for May AVns nt nn Advance. CHICAGO , Dec. 3. Bull news In wheat , principally from abroad , came In with the llrst dispatches In the morning nnd kept coming along all day. Short sellers resisted the early attempts cf the buyers to put the market In line with the news , nnd for n time were successful , but they were Jlnally routed and the closing price for .May was nt nn advance - vance of Uc per bu , , while December rose Ho. Corn made the Insignificant gain of He , oats advanced ttc , nnd provisions also advanced a little. The opening transactions In wheat were nt a range cf from dOTta to C0e , with n grad ual sagging tendency during the next two hours , although foreign mnrkets were re torted firm nnd the Argentine crop giving n much poorer promise than the earlier esti mates. Exporters were reported to hnvt bought about 600,000 bu. of No. 2 red In New York at out ports en Saturday'nnd to hav < pnld 2o over the price of the December future for some of It. They were also salil to be again taking wheat freely In New York this morning , nnd that made thai market show more strength than did Chi cago. The northwestern receipts were agalr heavier than a year ago. That and the prospect of a larger Increase In the visible supply than had been generally looked foi on Saturday had n restraining Influenci upon the local bulls during the /orcneon and when the" visible was finally disposed ol tit nn Incernse of 1,215.000 bu. the nmrkel quickly struck the higher plane. The sen' board sent very bullish opinions. New Yort wired that there wns a demand for frelgh room for Liverpool nt 7'fcc per bu. The wheat on. ocean passape Increased 1,328.00 bu. , and the visible supply decreased 1,420 , 000 bu. Closing cables were very strew nnd sci was the market here near the end at which vlme about seventy * boat loadi were the reported sales for the day at thi seaboard. May opened Vo higher , at C0)4e Bold at from CO' c to flUljct closing at GHsC. The corn maikct had n. narrow rnngi today , May selling at from -fl'/io ( to 49' ' > jic a : Its highest limit , nnd JD-lie as the lowest will 49V&C the trading txilnt nt the elope. 11 ? celpts today were 440 carp. Instead cf COJ , a : estimated , nnd of the total only IS cara.wen of the contract grade. The visible -suppl ; Increased 1,026,003 bu , , against n decreasi 'for the slinllar period last year of 315,000 bu Aside from a firmer feeling and falt-loca business , the oats market \KIUI devoid 'o features. Huyuw orders possibly. exceede < those to sell , and that , with a firmer'feelUii in corn , .caused prices to go up slightly May , after opening at from 82',4c to U2c closed nt 32Kc. ' - The provision market was dull -but Ilrm Trading was chiefly confined to rlbs til near the close , when , lard and pork came lifer for a larg'er share of attention. At'the clos < January pork was up lOc and May 16c fc the day. I > ard pained 2VJ.C for May and rib DC for both deliveries. The leading futures ranged as follows : Cnsh nuotntlnnn were as follows : FI.Ot'R UnrhniiBed nnd Ilrm. WHEAT No. 2 Kprlmr. 69U(61Uc ; No. EprlllK. 6tC ! Nn. 2 ml , 66'tTO36-1ic. CORN NO. 2 , 46Uc ; No. 3 yellow. 43c. OATH-NO. 2. 29Vic ; NO. 2 white , 32'i32i < No. .1 white , 32 33c. HYK-No. 2. 4Se. HARLKY-No. 2 , 5305lc ; No. 3 , MflSS'.ic ; Ni 4 , 46M5Hic. FLAX HM EH No. 1. J1.4S. TIMOTHY HEKn-1'rlme. J5.C5. I'UOVIHIONH Menu polk , per bbl. , J12.23" " ,12.371/5. Lard , per 100 IbH. . J7.021J. Short rib : iKlileir ( loose ) , JG.oaiiO.L'O ; dry xnlted shouldei (5.5005.67' ; elicit clenr , sldea ( boxed . WHISKY Dltllllers' flnlshed goods , per Bal SI 23 . " KUGAR I'nclmngerl. The lollowlnf vrrt the receipts nnd ( hlpmeni today : On the Produce oxetiaujo toil ly the luitisr mat hct was BteaUy : creamery , 1423u ; dairy. 12$22c 1.KKV , steady ; 17322C. YOU 1C ( llIMCIt.VI , .II Yoitcrilny'E Quotation ; on I'liiur , ( inilu an rrovlnlniu. MntitU. NE\S' YORIC , Dec. 3. FLOUR-Recclpts. ni,4 bbls. ; exports , 1,400 bills. ; salex , 8 , CO ] pkgs. Ma ket strong , lloldern are ankliiK moiu money < ftprlntc patents and lutkeiHhlch 1ms shut o1 ilenmnd. Exporters bought tprlng halters nt BllRht ndvnuce. City mill pntentf , SI.OOW4.1 winter patents , f.SOM3.5 : : ! ; city mill cleurr , (3. : winter straights , } 2.00i2.75 : Minnesota jiatent I3.33T(3.C3 ; winter extnts , tl.9rnii2.40 ; Mlnneito linkers , K.0002.3 : > ; winter low Bnules" , ll.'Olfil uprlnc low Knv\e \ . 11,7501.00 ; pprins extrn J1.3HC2.30. Southern Hour , dull ; sales , non common to fnlr extra , I2.53iT2.75 ; good to choir )2.40ff2.95. Rye Hour , xtendy ; tmles , 1,500 litih miperllne. t2.63S'2.75 : fnncy , } 2,85if3.00. Hue client Hour , dull ; Jl.' , . UUrKWHKAT null ; 55UGOC. CORN ME\L- < } ulet ; pales. 2,000 Kicks ; ytllc extern , $ I.SOSfl.8i > ! llrundywliip , J3.03. RYEDull ! cnr luls. 4J50c ; best loads , 6C03 ! HARLK.Y Steady ; wi-stern , C3fiC4c. 11ARLKY MALT Nominally steady. M'UKAT-ller.-lpts , 183,800 bll.J e.\portli , 107. ! bu , ; sales , 5,355,000 bu , fittuies and l U.OOO li ppot. Hpot market Hrmer ; No. 2 red , stoic ni flcvator. C0c ; ntlont , C2'ic ; Kebrunry , CS'X ' nllout ; No. 1 northern , COVie , dellvcied ; No. haul , 7tc , delivered. Options were Ilrm i dny , but not ns istronif as expected , In view tlio muss of bull news at bund , consisting very stroni ; nnd rally rabies , A bin decrease tli" English visible supply , decreasing Inter ! lecelpts , an unexpectedly small Increase In t vlslblx supply unil fnlr exjmrt ptirclmm' ! ' , Tra wns rather dull nnd lluetuatloiiR small. Soi lone wlu'iit wiia Mil ; cliixed nt HWlo net n vnnce ; No. 2 red. January , closinl at C1GU1H Fehmnry. GiKMiGiHc , closed nt G2c ; Match , ( iC3fc { , flONMl nt M'iC' Mny , 64 > i.OGI 11-HV , cloe at ClKo ; June , CSy.c ; July , 6 } l-lCliCJ'.ii' , clos at G5Vic. CORN-Recelpts , 101,700 bu. ; exports , 1.000 hi rales , 210.000 bu. ; futures nnd 05.000 bu ypol , i market weaker ; No. 1 , 57Mc , elevutor ; 6S',4c , i llvered ; yellow 69Hc , delivered ; steamer mlxi tl'io ; No. 3 , GltfSUsC. Options iiulet , but gi rrully tinner on Bmnller lecelpts Kith whe : closed at HRUc net ndvunce ; Jununry , 63r53' rlose.1 ut UUc ; May. 53 l-lC Mnc , closed 63c ; December , closed at 5tr. OATH Receipts. 124,400 bu. ; exports. 20J b Bales , 93,000 bu. futures ami 73 , OO ) bu. spot. S | market tinner ; No. 2 , delivered , 35c ; No. 3. 33V No. 2 white. 33iit33Hc ; No. 3 white. 37Hc ; Irai while , 3C 41V4c. Options II nn with whciit. I not active ; HosM ut ? c net advnnci ! ; Jantr rlofed at 33c ; Febmury. 33Hff33 > Jc ; May. 36V IWc. closed at SOUcj December rloned ut 341 HAY Steady ; khlpplnif. 60B57Vic ; good choice. COOTlto. 110PHSteadyi state , common to choice , o IW7u ; new. lOUlSo ! Puclrto ronst , Jljtltc. HIDESFlim ; wet wilted. New Orleans , Ircted. 45 to 65 pounds , 5c ; Texas dry , : t to IwunJj. 6Vifi-Cc. IiUATIlBH-quIrt ; hemlock sole. 11. A. , Hi to heavy wnlRhts , UUOlSo. \VOOI/ Quiet ; domettlo llceci * . 17f33c ; pull PROVISIONS Ile f. quiet. Cut meats , niil tilckled I > e4llep , 6f7 > ' : pickled shoulders , 6 ! t'/ie ; pickled hams , SWfi'.iiUinl. . steady ; we crn steam closed at J7. 10 ; city , G'tc ; ules , tlcrtio ; closed at 11.35 , nominal ; January. $7 nominal ; Mny 17.66 , nomlnul : rvtlned , steai vontlnent , 17.70 ; comuound , S'.jc. Pork , di alts. 150 bbli. ; family , JllWm.OO. IH'TTKIl I'lwtHllnlt we tern dairy. 11CI western creamery , 15iGo , western factory , 1 14Uo ; El lu . 2 < oj Imitation creamery. 13j : tote lUlrv , lSOi34 ; "lute rrrulurr ) ' . 18 < { 23c , C1IEESE--Htcady ; stuto. Inrxe. Sfril'ii.em : 61i io ; part klm , : Hi9ci full skims , 'ii/3 , KUHSteady ! ; state unil 1'ennii IVHnl.l. ; r ri Iterator , llUnc ; wcatrrn fresh , Kli,1 nouthein , : jic ; caMS , J3.:5O4.W ; receli 6.537 pkxa. TALIX Firms city til per pke ) , 4 c ; co try ipkxs. fleet , fiio e < tu qiullly. PKTROLKl'M-Noinlnalj" l'nlte.1 closwl t : Mil ; \Vuuhlnwlon , bbbi , , 14Yanhlniiton. ; . bulk , U.U ; refined. N w York , | SI5 ; Phlladelp and Baltimore , JS.10 ; Philadelphia and llaltlrni In bulk , 12.60. ROSIN Steady ; strained , common to re I 30 I.J5. TINE-SteBd 2728c. ItlCE titfnrty ; domtstlc , fair to extra , 4 IHo ; Japan. 4ij 4Ho. ' MOI AUSER Blradys K w Orltulll , open ket out ) to choice. M337c. PIO IRON bull ; Scotch , I1 .W M.OO ; Am can , tlO.OOtfI3.00. XIN-Eojyi Strain. J13.M aik d ; plates , d | tU oa 'cluni , BtturJay , S3 tuua S , O. , Mny t , on day'i notice , 11173 ; today , 23 Inns B , 0. , Jnnanry to M y , ono day' * nailer , $13.30. Hl'llLTKIl Qlllct ; domoitlc , 13 , . LCAI > Hiendyi broken * price , W ; eichnnsr , for M.ot. t.12H115 , COl'I'KR-nnn ; brokers' rrlcf , 9.J1'i ! ex- ch nK prlcf , 19,50 nuked. COTTON HEED OIIqtllet ; prime cVude , ! Ul flZSMo oft crude. nf2c ; yellow , butter Kradrs. SIllMc ; prlmo yellow , W.ltfSOo ; yellow , utt ! Sc. gradtt , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ OMAHA OKNnilAL A1AUKGT. Condition of Trade ntul ( Juotntloni on Stnplo nnd Fitncy I'roilucn. The local butler market Is vcrj * weak and dull. Receipts for the past week were large and re ceivers have found It n dlfllcult matter to keep stocks from accumulating. Chicago Produce says of the butter .situation : November , It wouM appear , has accomplished something In shape of reducing stocks of butter In storage. The coolers reported Friday motnlng but 42,000 tubs cm Imnd , compared with 67,000 nt the opening nf the nt'.nth , a reduction of 15,000 tub ] In thirty days. Thro figures arc ofllclal , but a good many people In the markist are dolnff a lot of figuring to try and nrrlvc nt some Idea of where the BooOs have beeT placed , So far ns the trade knows there has hoen scarcely demand enough for stwiiRc Rcodi to tnke 3.0.0 tubs. Ho far as the locnl triulc Is concerned , It Is doubtful If It took 1,00) tubs during the entire month. Of course tie ; largest proportion of goods In storage nt this point were held by outsiders parties nt eastern points who came here nnd bought their goods ami stntvd them In Chicago. The show1 PR In eggs Is still more stnrtllnir. If. ns Is given out , there are only 121,000 cases left In the coolers nt Chicago , them has been a gu d record made In consumption of storage eggs through the mont'.i ns well. The trade wns prepared for the announcement of n shnrp re. duclUm In the stock of eggs , ns It wns known that they were being pushed , but In butter the disposition of 15,000 tulm during the month Is n genuine furprls * . At the opening cf the season there were close to 100.000 tubs held In storage ut Chicago , nnd about 820,000 cases of eggs. Thp stock of epgs wns leporltd rcducral to 219,000 cases nt tiio 1st of November. Htocks of butter In coM storage nt Iloston the 2 < th Innt. , ns shown by the olllclnl figures , were 72.IWO pkKS. , compared with 94 , W ) one month agn nnd 141,000. the highest paint of the season. Stocks of stornie l-utter nt New Yolk nre esti mated at' from SO.OOO to 33.000 tubs. One-fourth of this Is June creamepcs , the bnlniice low grade * . A month ngo there were 88,00) tubs. The receipts nt the principal markets of the country for the weeks ending on dates at head of column ? , were as follows : Nov. 33. Nov. 21. NDV. 11. Nov. 9. Chicago . 15,802 16,999 16,847 15,857 New York. . . 29.U4 30,348 27.734 29.342 Iloston . 12,375 14.C97 13.108 12,358 TotMs . s,3C3 62,012 67659 67,657 DUTTER Packing stock , 8c ; fnlr to good coun try , 10J12c : choice to fnncy , 14JflCc ; gathered cieamery , 19B20u ; separator creamery , J3c. EOOS Strictly fresh laid , : iW22c ; fresh ( cold storage ) . ICWISc. LIVE POULTRY Old hens , 4c ; spring chick ens. 4@IVic ; ducks , 6c ; turkeys , Gc ; heavy toms , 4OJ'ic ; geese , G'4 c. DREHSEU POULTRY Chickens , fair , 4 4'4c ; choice large , 6c ; choice small. 6c ; turkeys , fair to gocd , rrfJGc ; choice heavy. 7j8c ; choice piiinll , RJi > 9u ; ducks , fnlr to good , 6jp7c ; fnney , B08ic ! ; geese , fair to good , C7c ; fancy. SCS'/tc. OAME Prnlrle chickens , per doz. , J3.r > 0i3.73 ; grwisc , per doz. , 13.2503.60 ; blue wing teal , per dnz. . J1.50S1.T5 ; green wing tent , per doz. , J1.23 1.60 ; ducks , mixed , per do * . . I1.00R1.25 ; canvns- bncks , H.08'4.60 ' ; mallards nnd re < l head * . J2.50 2.75 ; nunll , J1.604T1.75deer ; saddles. 12B15o ; antelope saddles , 10011c : small rabbits , 76fSOc ; Jack rabbits , not wanted. VEAL Choice , fat and small veals arc quoted at 5Hc : large and coarse , 34T4c. X'HKESU Wisconsin full cream. Young A. 13c ; tMn , J214c ; Nebraska and Iowa , full cream , Ilo : Nubrapka'ufld Iowa , part iklms , 7 So ; Llm- burger. No. 1 , lie ; brick , No. 1 , He ; Swiss , No. l--I4 M3e. HAY Upland hay. J9.60 ; midland , J9 ; lowland , J8.50 ; rye sit aw. $6. Color makes the price on tiny. Light shades cell the host. Only top grades lulnc.tov | prices. 1'lQEONS-Old blnls , per doz. , 75c. VEGETAHLES. POTATOES AVestern stock , car lots , 6 ! 65c ; email lots , ' 70A. OLD I1EANS Hand-picked , navy , } 2 ; Lima beans , per In. , 6Hc. ONIONS On onlers , 63070e. OAIIIIAOE On orders. 1'Ac. CELERY Per doz. . 2.'jfi35c. ( SWEET POTATOES-Per bbl. , $2.75iJ3.M. DEETS-1'cr bbl. , J2. CARROTS Per bbl. , $2. CAULlKLOWER-Per doz. , (1. 5001.75. HORSERADISH Per lb. , 7J8c. PARSNIPS 1'er bbl. . J2. RUTA11AOAS Per bbl. , J2. PARSLEY Per doz. bunches. 35040C. TURNIPS Per bbl. . J2. . .SPLIT PEAS Per lb. . 3' c. OREEN PEAS Per bu. . H. 2301.35. RADISHES Per doz. , 3iI40c. ( LETTUCE I'er doz. , 8540c. FRUITS. QUINCES California , per 60-lb. box , J1.60. APPLIES Oooit stock , per bbl. . J2.r04T2.75 Michigan Block , 13 ; New York or New England 13 * * 5 ' PEACHES None. PLUMS-Callfornla , none. PRUNES None. PEARS Winter Nellls. ll,75 f2.K > . GRAPHS Concord , none ; Malagas , per 65 ti GS-lb. bblB. . gross. 17.5W9.W. CRANllERRIES-Cnpe Cod fancy , 110.0010. & pur bbl. TROPICAL FRUITS. ORANGE'S Fictions , 12.75' BANANAS Choice stock. 12.0002.50 per hunch LEMONS Malaga , $3.75J4.CO ; fancy Florida sixes 250 and 300 , ! 4.00@4.23. PINEAPPLES None. _ Coffra Market. NEW YORK. Dee. 3. COFFEE Option opened steady , with September 25 points higher October 40 points higher , and near months 5il Points higher : ruled generally firm on Europeai buying orders ; closed firm nt SOO40 points ne advance ; sales. 40.750 bugs , Including : Decem ber , 113.9014.00 ; January , 1I3.55W13.70 ; Febru " ary. 113.30 13.40 ; March , 113 ; April , 112.75 ; May 112.354J12.75 ; August 112.35 ; September. 112.30J 12.40 : closed , . January. 113.63ifl3.65 ; February 113.30Sn3.40 ; March. ! 13,0013.03 : April. 112.70 $ 12.73 : May , 112.65S12.75 ; June. 112.60iai2.GO ; July W.I5I91J.65 : August. 112.40JI12.50 ; October , 112J W12.50 ; December , 113.95. Spot coffee , Rio , Ilrm No. 7 , 115.75 ; mild , steady ; Cordova. 118.23i319.00 Kales , none. Warehouse deliveries from Ne York yesterday , 3,630 bags ; New York stoc today , 31,370 bags ; United States .stock , 2S9.03 bags ; nlloat for the United Stntes , 241.000 bags total visible for the United Stntes , 530,057 bagi against 400,820 bugs last year. , SANTOS , Dec. 3. Ma'rket ' quiet ; good nveragt 111.90 : receipts , 1G.OOO bags : stock , 380,000 bags. HAMItt'Rll , Dec. 3. Market steady : prices ur changed to sl pfg advance ; sales , 2U.OOO bags. 11AYRE. Dec. 3. Opened steady , UdlUf nil Vance ; at 12 m. . . Irregular , W declne to % t at ! vnnciat ; 3 p. m. . Irregular , unchanged to 1 decline ; closed Irregular : December , unchanged other months advanced &f ; total eales , 40,0t bags. RIO DE JANEIRO , Dec. 3. Quiet : No. ' ' Rio , 112.70- ; exchange , lld ; receipts , 1,000 bags a cleared for the United States , 8.000 bags ; clearc for Europe. 1,000 bngs : stock. 205.000 bags. Weekly report : Quiet ; exchange , slundnrt 112.30 ; exchange. 11Hd ; receipts during the wee ! 2I.OCO bags ; shipments to the United States , 62 , OW bagj ! ; stock , 203,000 bags. KlRlu litittor Murket. ELGIN , 111. . Dec. 3. BUTTER Firm : sale : 2.400 Ibs. at 23 > ic ; 39,180 Ibs. at 24c ; 23,220 lb ! ut 23c. STOCKS AND 1IUNUS. " " " XI 'Coiitrolllnc Interest In Securities Yottordu ; \VIIH tbn President's nie * < ace. NEW YORK , Dec , 3. The controlling It fluence In the stock market today was Hi president's message. Before It wus pul llshctl inklings ot Its tenor touching SURE hiul been received by houses who operal for thtt trust managers. This fnct wns cv deilcccl by the course ot the stock nnd t the very heavy selling therein. BUR : opened U per cent higher , but wns Immi dlately forced down Hi per cent , to SI ? At the lower figures a bull movement w ; started , based on the resumption of work i two of the trust rcllncrlcf * . nnd good buyln carried the price up " % percent , to 86 Hut the Improvement was not mall tulned nnd on larpe offerings the etoc broke 4 per cent , to S2M. the low point of U day. This llcure. was reached just as tl text of the president's message reached U street. The bears renewed their demanstratlot against the Block , using the recommcndi tlon for the removal of the protective prli clplc In the sugar schedule , but , as 3 the thing had been discounted and tt stock took nn upward turn , rallying U4 pi ccut , to 8IU > with a Ilnal reaction of % pi cent , maklni ; a decline on the day of. 2 per cent. , It was known the preeldent would BUI Best a plan for the reform cf the current and the general feeling In speculative cl clcs was that the publication of the pro Idcnt's. recommendation would have , a sot effect on share values. Consequently , d pplte the Influence of the depression Suifur , the general market was fairly wt held during the morning and early afte noon , and when the message had bei hastily Bcor.ned by the street there was i evident desire on the part of the shorts cover and the room traders took the bi side of the market , with the result th the market recorded a general advance , tl Improving- tendency continuing to the doe The advance In the rates of- sterling e change and1 the great probability of KO exports on Saturday would have had weakening Influence en share values und ordinary circumstances , but today tin were not factors of the situation. Pacll Mall was sold down on a report 'that O penhelmer , who had gone to Paris to ma ! terms fop a close connection between P cltto Mall tint ] the Panama railroad , had r turned without having accomplished hla ml slon. The stock declined 174 per cent fro the opening price , rallied ? i per cent on pu rhuse * to co\vr short contracts , and clns at a reaction of U per cent , making a , lo of 1U per cent from the closing quotation Saturday. Tobacco rose 3 per cent , to I reacted to lKIV4t and rallied to P5. Chlcu U. Th Post's London cublo nays ; The to U.rl markets today were quite co.od , America rl- have risen on expectation * of the preulilen rlU message , which la awaltvd with much Intc U ; cst. inicea. however , llolshed under t : to best. Othet markets were. Rood , The 1U slnn loan to be Issued next week will prob- nbly bo 11G , 000.000 to 20,000.000. A new China sterling loan will soon foe coming out. It In anticipated that KOld will Ipnve New York for Kurope almost Immediately. Ons declined l'A per cent on sales rumored to be In llcpjldntlon by n bull pool. Good buyers were found nt lite lower llgurca nnd the stock sold u | ) V per rent , but n renewal of the Belling catty1' ' N los < < -f 14 Pcr cent , of which Hi PIT cent had been recovered nt the close. All of the granger group made galnft on the dny nnd closed at or near the best figures touched. Northwestern , made the only Important Improvement 1 % per cent on buying by Chicago to cover n short Interest , The other grangers nre up U per cent each , The coal stocks were benefited by the united action of the sates agents In fixing rates nnd production. Delaware & Lack- awnnna made an ndvunce of 2'1 ' nor cent , nnd the others of the group made H per cent advance , except Heading , which Is down M per cent on sales by Philadelphia , I.ako Shore rose 1V4 per cent , to 136's , lost the entire advance nnd rallied to 130 In the Until sales. Lend opened Vt per cent higher and then broke VA per cent on fears that the president would treat It like the other protected articles , but subsequently re covered 1 per cent. Lead preferred fell oft 14 per cent. The changes In the rest of the lint In the main nre In the direction cf higher prices. The bond market was strong during the morning , but In the afternoon trading there were some recessions. The closing , however , was Ilrm , the transactions being large , the total being } ,1,073GOO. The following were the closing quotations on the leading stocks of the New York ex change today : I'lilillHtUI .Notes. nOSTON. Dec. 3. Clearings , 116,857,349 ; ba ances , Jllli53. balances , 15,830,407 , HALTIMOItn , Dec. 3. Clearings , 12,082,15 balances , 1110,153. I'lIILADKLI'llIA. Dec. 3. Clearings , 112,41 ! 330 ; bal.incta , I2.4C1.378. 1'ARIS , Dec. 3. 4 p. m. Three per cent rente 102f 72'ic for the account. MIIMI'IUH , Dec. 3. Clearings. 1525,877 ; bo ances. 171,630. New York exchange , par , sell In CINCINNATI , Dec. 3. Money , 3iS6 ! per cer New York exchange , 25C50o premium. Clearing 13,010,750. WASHINGTON , Dec. 3. The cnsh balance the treasury today was 1161,256,781 ; net gel I103.9C3.419. ST. LOUIS , Dec. 3. Clearings , 15.747,131 ; bs nnces , 1S77.6C5. Money , dull nt 687 Per cer Exchange on New York , ISc premium bid. LONDON , Dec. 3. Oold Is quotid at ISuen Ayres today at 2C5 ; Madrid , 1200 ; Lisbon , 22.1 St. Petersburg , 50 ; Athens , 77 ; Rome , 107.1 VUnna , 103. CHICAGO , Dec. 3. Clearings , IZ.071,000 , Mone 4O4V4 per cent on ; 58 per cent on tlm New York exchange. 40o premium. Koro'gn e chance , i Irons. Sterling , commercial , NEW YORIC , Dec. 3. The receipts of gold the subtreasury today on account of the never ment loan were 1500.009 , maklmc a total of | 4I COQ.OM , and leaving a balance to be p-ld In tt city of 1400,000. Une payments at Iloston , Phil delphla , Chicago nn4 Ban Francisco have be sufficient to complete the balance of th * ! 5S,600 , < require * ! for the payment of the entire loan. I1URLIN , De. 8. The contract for the nc Rumlan loan of S.OUO.O > , or 1100.000.000 , at J r cent , was signed here today by the Pa con S sel chaft , the MendelsBhons and the Hide roder banking house. TheHouree auiette SB that the loan Is destined for the redemption the 6 per cent txmdi ot tha Russian raJIwai which were taken over by the state during- lait few years. Th weekly statement of t linpciin ! Hank of Germany nhows the follow ! clwnsea , ua compared with the previous nccout Cunli In hand , decrease , 1,500,000 mark ! stream notes , drcrt-iiK , 4M.OUU marks ; other tecurltli decrease , 2.C80.000 mark * ; notes. In clrcuUitk Increase , 18,210,000 marks. Exchange on Londc da ] a al.Ut , : o marks J3'i i > tg. OMAHA LIVEOCK MARKETS Only nn Average 3lnm to Open the Week1 but Conditions Improving , VI ' BRISK IKQU.RY . , , FOfl BEEF CATTLE i i Prices on All Sorts ( Jo'Up nt Least n Ulmo Coirn mill Rtoeltcrs Also Sell WollIIiiffActive im.l llhcr. MONDAY , Dec. 3. Receipts toilny wpre 172 cars In nil , or about nn nvernBe Monday's run. Of these 117 cnrs were entile , not nt nil n heavy run for the llrst day of the week , and the gen eral chnrncter of the receipts wns no Im provement over lant week. The buoyant tone that pervaded the market the Intter part of InHt week was very much In evi dence tcday , and with n good line of buyers In the ynrda It was mighty poor stuff thut could not he readily sold for n.10o . ' advance. There wns nothing choice on sale , but fnlr- Ish warmed up unlives , of which there were several loads on sale , brought $3.25 to $3.53 , and n bunch of very good fat rangers brought $3.80. The movement WUH free and a-comparatively early clearance made. Cow stuff was In light supply and brisk demand nt unevenly higher prices. One buyer nld ho paid "all the way from steady to a quarter Vtaher than Saturday. " The average advance wan lOo to IGc , and eon- lined Inrilly to fair to good stock. Cnnners slrowed little Improvement. Veal calves ruled slow anil weak , and bulls , stags ar. < l rough stock generally a shade stronger. Business In stockers nnd feeders wns not on n very extensive scale , but prices , as n rule , were firmer , with stlllers the principal outside buyers. There was not much de mand from the country , and low grade stock cattle were more or less neglected. GooJ to choice feeders are quotable nt from $2,70 to $3.25 ; fnlr to good nt from $2.35 to $2.60 , ami common grades from $2.25 down , llepresentatlve sales : DRESSED BEEF. No. Av. Pr. Nn. AT. Pr. 4. . 937 13 0. ) 12. . . 957 a 30 4. . . 917 3 15 ' .1017 3 40 7. . .110S 3 25 n. . .10S2 3 45 19. . . .1147 3 25 23. , .1193 3 50 40. . . .1110 3 25 40. . , .1125 3 55 IS. . . .1083 330 cowa. 4. . . .1035' 1 7S 2. . .1055 2 23 3. . . . 816 1 „ > 1. . .1130 2 2 > 2. . . .1165 1 73 19. . .1010 S 25 2. . . , 940 1 75 . 880 2 25 3..1133 1 SO .101K ) 230 2. . . 835 1 SO s. . .1021 2 0 1. . . 9CO 1 80 * ) " . 840 2 30 o " .1030 1 85 4" , ser , 2 35 oi" .102) 1 W 16. . . 911 2 35 12. . . 911 1 90 7. . . 91S 235 3. . .1123 1 91) 33. . .1012 2 3.1 1. . . .1160 2 00 12. . . .1019 2 43 1. . . .12M 200 1. . , .1050 2 4o 14. . . 9CO 2 00 7. . , .1110 2 45 2. . .US' ' ) 2 15 25. . . . 936 2 45 1. . . 921 2 15 38. . . . 994 2 67 > 6 8. . , . 7f6 2 15 S5. . , . 9jO 2 0714 3. . . 44 2 25 1. . . .1070 2 73 HEIFERS. 9. . 590 1 10 12. . . . C70 1 73 2..10H3 235 340 1 10 2 , . . . 1030 235 CAEVES. 2. . 355 1 15 9. . . . 221 2 00 1. . . 130 3 00 1. . , 220 200 1. . . . 100 200 2. . . 173 3 00 BULLS. 2. . . 940 1 75 2..1300 2 00 1..17CO 2 00 1. . . 800 1 C5 1..12CO 200 1..1C30 2 10 1. . .1310 1 80 BTOCKERS.AND FEEDERS. 3. . . C56 1 60 1. . . . 55' ) 2 35 6. . . , 944 265 1. . , 300 1 75 7. . . . . 'Ml 235 20. . . 950 2 90 3. . 930 2 15 1..J1030 1. . . ,1170 3 00 20. . , CIO 225 4. . . . 412 2 45 1. . . ,1050 3 00 1. . , 700 22" 4. . . ,1092 3 00 2. . , 9CO 2 23 41. . . .1073 3 05 2. . , 450 1'12CO 44. . . .1091 305 WESTEIiN CATTLE. No Av. Pr. i No. Pr. 1 bull 1240 J200 1 bull 1370 J2 09 2 bulls 1390 200 2 cows 1035 2 30 4 cows S90 230 . )9 feeders. . , . 6CC 235 10 feeders. . . . 744 235'ii3 ' feeders. . . . 802 2 3 > 1 feeder COO 2 35 13 feeders..1313 3 00 19 feeders..1073 3 0022 feeders. . . . 100J 30) IRAHO. OREGON. 240 steers 1179 3 35 HOGS The fresh supply today was sllghtl ) heavier than week ago , but Included over 40 < Sioux City hogs billed direct to Hammond , Th < receipts Included se\eral loads of choice hcavj hogs , hut the general quality of the orferlngi Vtts hardly as good as It was Saturday. Puckers ns usual , monopolized the trade , but ns the ! nearly nil wanted Borne hogs nnd as reports fron othcMnarkels were favorable , trade ruled brlsl and prices strong on the good heavies and Btroni to a dime higher on light weights. The heavle : grades sold largely at from $ I.M to 14.CO , will choice lands at from 14.05 to 14.70. Light am light mixed stuff went at from 11.10 up to tl.S nnd plus nt from 11.75 to 13.10. Iluylng wns brlsl throughout nnd by the middle of the forenooi the pens were cleared , the bulk of the decen weight stuff golnjr at from 14.50 to 14.CO. a against from 11.35 to 14.CO on .Saturday and fron 14,20 to 11.40 one week ago today. Iteprescnta Uvo sales : S1IBKP The supply .wait liberal , but made u very largely of thin ttnU'rn stock , undeslrabl for kllleis. Good mutton ; and lambs were I very fair request and quiitnbly steady. Fair t dunce natives are quotable at from 12.25 to 12Si fnlr to good westerns' 'ttt ' from 12 to 12.70 , coir man and stock sheep n from 11 to 11.75 , good t choice 40 to 100-Ib. lamb's from 12.50 to J3.C ' " " Representative eales : - No. ; * Wt. Pi. 101 native ewcn . . . ' , . , : ' , . . . . . 93 1200 ISO native wethers ' v . . ' 2 2 25 Receipts itnd llpoltum of Stock , Ofllclal receipts an/1 rdlf position of stock f shown by the books of , trie Union Stock Yart company for the for't | Ight hours ending at o'clock p. m. , Monday , . , December 3 , 1C94 ; ItEClilPTB. T " Cars. Ileai Cattle . , . , . 117 2,91 Hogs . , , . , . 45 3,61 Bheep . t . 10 * , S DISPOSITION , ' Cattle IIoci G. II. Hammond company , ) , . , , , . 104 1,2 ! Bwlft and company. . . . 912 1,0 , Cudahy Packing company . . . 6t2 1,4 : Hamilton & Stephens. , , , , . . , . fl , U llecker . > . . 3 J. Lobman . . . , 243 , Nelson Morris . . 273 A. lln . ' . . . . . . 43 . R. Decker & Utftn . , 371 . Damron . ' . 3 . Vansant & Carey . , . [ 0 O. H. Hammond. Hloux City , . 4 Hhlppers and feeders . 335 Left over . . . . . . . . . . . . , JW 4 Tola ! . . . . . . i . . . . 3.204 Nt. I.ouU I.Uo Hlock Murket. BT. LOUIS , Dec , 3. CATTLE Receipts , hlpmrnln. 100 hend : market activentul . . at 6V1&P higher ; native ulcers , 130) Itm , tl.SO ; light. 12.4'Wi.CO ; cows. U Clf.4l ; Trim steers , 1,000 II , , , . , 13.20 ; light , 2.4J (2.70 ( ; cons , tlO(18-ltecelpls , f.,100 head ; shipments , 1.600 bend : market sitting , active nt fifflOc higher ; host heavy , 14.60flf4.7U ; medium and good mUed , 14.40U4.4S ; fair tn med'utn light , ll.2HH.35 ; com mon. t3.COff4.00. H1IEEP Receipts , 20henil ; shipments , none ; miukrt llrmer ; routhweMern mixed , 12.60 ; lambs , 13.75. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ C'llICAUU LIVE STOCK. There \V 9 n Strong .Mnrkot for llrcf Cnttlo Yesterday. CIIICAOO. Dec. 3. There was a strong mar ket for beef cattle. For Monday the arrUals were unusually small , Useful shipping nnd dressed Ix-of steers generally fold nt from lOo tn 15c higher thnn ( in Friday , nnd ntmort any thing fit for slaughter could be dispose ! ot nt some advance. Chilntmns cilllc were Inquired for nnd may he ( ( tinted nt tl.25tC.63 ! , t'.ioURh thus far nothing fold iiliovo 16.43. The Ktcater part of trnlay's rtffeilngs consisted of commi > n to good lix to l,350-ll > . steals , und from 1J.75 to ti took the bulk , Hough , thin steels told around 13.23 , nnd choice tiround 15.60. The demand for hogs wns Active nnd slightly better pi'ces pirv.illeil. The receipts wete 1X ( * ) head ICFM than for last Monday , and , In antici pation of moderate tccelpts for the trniilnder of this week , buyers weie lest benrlHh , Prime heavy hogs were not at nil plentiful and t.ley wen- wanted ut fiom 14 8J to U.S3. The quality a\crngcd common , the hulk of the receipts coming from Iowa , ntid the prcnler imit of the trading was below 14.75 , or nt from 11.6' ) to 14.70 for heavy nnd medium weights ntul nt from 14.20 tj 14.40 for light. The best of the light hcgv sold iiround 14 50. The sheep mntket wns active , w th prices on sheep from 10o to 16c lower nnd en lambs from I So In 23c lower. 'IMi- pens were practically all full , In tunny Instances being crowded. Tn- day's receipts wer - estimated nt 17,000 head. Quotations tnnged from 11.25 lo 13.4) for KIK-I ! to choice sheep und fmm 12 to 11.10 for Inmlis. The majority of sheep sale * \\L-IH nt from 12.2 > to 13 , while from 13.60 lo ! 3.9 < ) took mitt nf the himbs. RECEIPTS l-T-le , 14.0K ) head : cnlves , 400 bend ; hogs , 42,000 hend ; cheep , 17,000 head. The Evening Journal tcpoits : 11OCS Receipts , 42,000 bend ; olnclal Saturday , K.223 head ; left over , about 2.00-1 heid ; itiallty | fair. Mn-kft fnlrly active and linn , with pr'c s nltout 6e higher. Sales tange at tLOuiH.lft for light. 14.21 ( H40 for rough lurking , tl.2' < ! fl.5 for mlxe.1 , 14.60dT4.85 for henvy packing and shipping lots and 12.60ft4.Si for pigs. CATTLE Receipts , 14,00) head ; nuuket active Btid lirm at full previous pi Ices. 8IIEEP Receipts , 17.000 head ; market rtrady nnd In moderate demnnd , Now York I.lvn Stork Mnrkot , NEW YORK. Dec. 3. REEVES-On sale , li cars ; active throughout ; Rood caltli' . steady ; others. 15c higher ; unlive steers , poor tn prime , 13.55Q515 : oxen , 12.10 4,25 ; bulls , 12.0082.40 ; dry cows , 11.25fc3.00. European cables quote Ameri can steers at 9i10',4c per lb. , ilrotseil weight ; re frigerator beef nt 6if84e ? ; no exports toilny. CALVES Receipts , 7K ( ) bend ; quiet ; veals , 'ic hlKher ; other cuhes , steady ; vruls , poor to pilme , } 6.00iS.70 ; Krnssers , 12.00H2.60 ; western calves , 13.OJiH3.50. SHEEP AND LAMUS On sale , 43 cars , or 9.000 hend ; Ilrm ; 'fcfiUc higher ; sheep , po ir to prime , 11.60J3.00 ; lamb ? , common to prime , 13.00 Sf4.25. HOOS Receipts , 13,000 head ; Ilrm ; Inferior to choice , I4.60fl5.00. Kansas City Live Stock Market. KANSAS CITY , Dec. 3. CATTLE-Rccelpts , 600 head'shipments. ; 2.20) head ; market for best , nn and active ; others , steady : Texas ulcers , 2.50JJ3.25 ; Texas cows , 11,76812.25 ; beef bteers , 5663.00 : native cows. Il.40fi1.40 ; stockers nnd eders. 12.10f3.50 ; bulls. 11.50S2.75. HOGS Receipts , 6,600 head ; shipments , 600 ead ; mniket , sluing to 5c h'g'.ier ; bulk of pales , 4.40JH.60 : heavies , 14.4504.75 : paikers. 14.J5ff4.70 ; ilxed , 14.20B4.65 : light * , } 4.00f4.30 ; Yorkers , 4.20lij4.30 ; plus , 1273i)390. .SHEEP Receipts. 300 head ; shipments , 100 ead ; market steady. Stock In Sight. Record of lecelpts nt the four principal mar- els for Monday , December 3 , IS'jl ; Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. outh Omaha 2.906 3,652 2.39 blent' ! 14,01 2.000 17,000 fansas City 7,600 6,500 300 t. Louis 3,3Jl ) 6,60) 2)0 ) Totals 2i.SOC : 37.C32 19.859 Liverpool JlHrUets. LIVERPOOL , Dec. 3. WHEAT Spot , firm ; emand mixlerntp ; Nit. 2 red winter , 5s Id ; No. 2 cil spring , stocks exhausted ; No. I haul , Manl- oba , 6s 6d ; No. 1 California , 6s 4Ud ; futures pened lirm , with near positions of led winter d higher nnd distant position 3d higher ; closed teady. Business wns alilt equally distributed , ) ecember , 6s yd ; January , 6s Hd ; February , i l il : March , 5s 2d ; April , 5s 'J'i'i. CORN Spot , Ilrm ; American mixed , 5a ; fu- ures openevl Ilrm nnd closed firm , builurs htfjivi- st on early positions ; December , 5s d ; .luminry , s 6Hd ; February , 4s 6Hd ; March , < s 5Vid , April , s Ud : May. 4s Slid. FI.OL'R Strong ; demand modcinte ; St. L.uU ancy winter , 6s. PEAS-Canadlan , 4s 10'id. 1'ROVISIONS , llticop , steady ; demand Improv- ng ; ( ' 'umbethiiul cut , 2Sft30 Ib ? . , 28s Gil ; short Iba , 28 Ibs. , 34i > | long clear , light , MiH" > lb . , : ; eng clear , heavy. 55 Iba. . 33s ; short clear backs , Ight , 18 Ibs. , 35s ; short clear middles , henvy , 5 Ibs. , 34s ; clear IHIIoH.14016 Ibs. , 34s 3d : houldct-H , square , 121H18 Ibs. , 23s. Huinx. short ut , 42s Cd. Iltef , extm liidhin IUI-FH , 67s M ; ? rlniR mess , 66 3d. l 'iul , dull ; prime western , 7s ; relln < Hl In palls , 3Js , RefrlRerator beef , fore quarter , 6 > id ; hind quarter. 3 ? d. TALLOW P tie North Ameilcan , nominal. 23s. CHEESE Firm : dpnvind ruwlerale ; line t American white , 60s 6J ; finest American colored. Is 6d. HUTTRR Flne t Ignited States , 75 ? ; good , 60s. TUIU'KNTINE SplrltB , 2s : Cd. ROSIN Common , 3s 7V4d. COTTON SEED -Llverpool relined , 12s Cd. I'ETHOLEUM-Retlned. 69 fid. HOI'S At London ( Pacific coast ) , 2 13s. Nt. Louis Uenerul Market. ST. LOUIS , Dec. 3. FLOUR-Fiim , unchanged , but with tendency upward. WHEAT Nervous and unsettled , but really Irmer , closing % fie tin ; No. 2 red , cash , 63V ; December , 53iQ153'ic ' } ; January , 54''C ; May , 58c , July , 58yc. CORN Tame , with light speculntlon ; nrmed up late wtth wheat , closing about % o higher ; No. 2 mixed , cash , 45'io : December , 4JHC ; Janu ary , 45c ; Mny , 46 tf4CI c. OATS HlK'.ier ; No. 2 cash , 30ic ; December , 30',4c ; May , 325 c , RYE No. 2 , east side , 53',4c ' nsked. IKAN ! Quiet ; ( Xc bid , east truck. FLAX SEED-11.41. CIXJVER SEEI > $8.23 8.75. TIMOTHY SEED 18.30. HAY Unchanged. IUJTTER Slow , unchanged. EGdH-Higher : 18'Ac. LEAD-12.90G2.d2Vi. SPELTER-M.Uli. CORN MEAIli.03C2.10. . WHISKY 11.23. COTTON TIES Unchanged. llAaHlNa-UnchangiHl. PROVISIONS Pork , standard me's. Jobbing , 12,62 . Laitl , prime steam , 1G.67111 : : eh'ilc" , $7. Dry salt incut B. loos. ) xhouldvis. } 5.2i ; longs , 16.12' c ; i HIM. 1C 21 ; shuits , JC.SiH. Iticon , packol shoulders , 16.25 ; longs , 17 ; libs , 17.I : ! ' , & ; uhoits , 17.23. 17.23.RECniITS Flour , 6.000 bbls. , wheat , 10,000 bu. : corn , C3W ) bu ; oats , 32OiX ) bu. SHIPMENTS Flour , 4,000 bbls. ; wheat , 1,0)0 bu. ; corn , 2,0X ( ) bu. ; oats , 9,000 bu. Murkot. NEW YORK , Dec. 3. SUdAR Raw , dull ; fair rellnlng , 3c ; centrifugal , 96 lent , 3'ic ; wiles , tiotie , Redned. quiet : No. C , 3 ll-lOfiSTJc ; No. 7 , S'SIW ' 3 13-16C ! No. 8 , 3U03 ll-1Cc ; No. 9 , 3 7-16St3c ; No. 10. 3f3 11-ICo ; No. 11 , 3 5-lCc3'ic | ' : No. 12 , 3'4 l3 7-1Cc ; No. 13. 3 13-lCc ; off A , 3 13-lC t1Cc : : ; mould A. 4 5-16f44e ! ; stundiml A , 3 IS-ICUItic ; confectioners' A. 3 15-lMH > .ic ; cut Iciuf. 4T ( < ( U 6 1-lCc : powdered , 4 6-lCiJ4'ic ; gninulated , 4 1-10 ® ic ; cul > es. 4 6-lCff44o. ! LONDON , Dec. 3. SIJOAR-Cnnc. very dull ; centrifugal Java , 11u lid ; muscovado , fair iclln- Ing , 9-i 3d. PHILADELPHIA. Dec. 3. Refined sugars de clined Uc today , the lesult of nn overstocked market nnd , the demand. The Franklin refinery slnrted today , but It Is running on thort time. German granulated sugar Is being laid down bete at 316c. . nnd this probably has something to do with the day's decline , Ktinnns City Market * . KANSAS CITY. Dec. 3. WHEAT Very dull ; No. 2 hard. 63c ; No. 2 red , MGJl c ; rejected , 48 ; sample sales , Mississippi river , f. o. b. , No. 2 hard. 60c ; No. 2 red , nominal , 67c. ( ORN-Stttidy ; No. 2 mixed , 41 iG42c ; No. 2 white , 42'ic. OATS Firm ; No. 2 mixed , He ; No. 2 white , 30 ? 31e. RYE No. 2. nominal. 47B48C. FLAX BEED Dull : ! 1.K ! 1.33. 11RAN Scarce , nrin ; 635i65c. HAY Weak ; tlmpthy , 17.008S.OO ; prairie. 17.CO RUTTER Stcojly ; creamery , 16822c ; dairy , 13S ICc. ICc.EOOS Firmer : utrlclly fresh , ISfllS'.ie. ' RECEI1TS Wheat , 1,200 bu. ; coin , 37,000 bu. ; oats , 11,000 bu. SHIPMENTS None. Minneapolis VVlioiU Market. MINNEAPOLIS , Dec. 3. WIIEAT-Opencil quiet , but rather firmer In the morning , later declining Blight ly under nulto heavy offerings. Iiter there were fair buying orders from out- 'side and locnl buying , altogether cieatlng a rise of about So from the lowest point , with the maiket cloMnu ? > ° higher than Saturday. Ducember , 69c ; May. 61c : July , 62c : on track , No. 1 hard. 61cj No. 1 northern , COo ; No. 2 north ern , Mo ; receipts , 371,000 bu. ; shipments , 10,0-M bu. Thera was still u good demand for cash , whether In etorw or on track. Farmers In the country ore selling lean. Flour , firm and higher ; estimated vroductlon for twenty-four hours , 40,000 bblr. ; shipments for came time. 33,617 bbls. ; patents , 13.2563.50 ; bakers. 12.15tf2.85. Visible Grain Supply. NEW YORK , Dec. 3. Th ? visible supply of grain Saturday , December 1 , a compiled by the New York Produce exchange. U as followc Wheat , S515ao(0 hu. r Increase1,215COO bu. ; corn , 4C6- , 000 bu.i Incruase , 1.024,000 bu. : oats. 9,740,000 bu. ; lncrra e , 649,000 bu. : rye , 477,000 bu. ; Increase , 33,000 bu. ; barley , 3S09OOObu. ; decrease , 140,000 ha Duluth "Whent Market. DULUTII , Dec. 3. WHEAT Close : No. 1 ban ] , carh , 61Vtc ; December , 61U ! May , 63 > Jc ; July , < 4Kc ; Nn. 1 northern , cath. ( We ; DecrmUr , 5 > Uc ; May , tic ; . July , 63Kc ; No. 2 nohthern , cash. 57c : No , 3. Me ; rejected , tic ; to arrive , No. northern , We ; No. 1 hanl , Cl'.tc. Demupit for Oil Kxceiilvr. 1'lTTHUl'RG , Dec , 3. Oil advanced from t2T | at the op n'.ng to Hi a shoit time today , bui OTHER SOAP DOES ITS ORK 5o VEU ONE TRIAL WILL PROVE THIS. made A Thanksgiving Story , E | E was at a boarding1 school to spend his fir t Thanks- § 1" giving away from home , and this is what the lonesome little fellow wrote home a few days before Do you blame him ? ' 'When tlio Turkey's in ihu even , And the 'Tutor's In tlio pot ; AN hrfii tlio Cranberry's n boiling , And tlio Pudding's smoking hot ; ' When the nuts arc cracked iin'tl ready , And iho raisins huap the plato , And you fool so awful hungry That you'd rather die than wait , THEN y.ou'll remember mo. P. S.--PA , can't I oomo homo1'1 THANKSGIVING WEEK is always a busy one with us , particularly in our Crockery and Stove Departments. Our Crockery department Is of spe- CO dozen hard wood antique finish clnl pride to us. Kverythlnff conceiv DINING CHAIHB , with brace arms , able In China , Crockery , Qlnssware , hand made cane peata , double stretch Cutlery , I'lateil Ware , Lumps anil ers all around , embossed backs. Reg Clocks. ular price , 11.23. Thanksglvl.ig Pr co 74oEach Our Spscial Thanksgiving Offerings , 0 dozen massive Rolld oak , hand ' polished DINING CHAIRS , with wide Thariksglv'ne Clclor Pltahors quarter sawed oak panels , handsome In cleur , fire polished , crystnl glnss , ly carved and to match the table men hold nearly three quurts. llegulur tloncd above. Regular price $2.00. price GOc. Tha iksglvlnx Prloo 51,48 Each This Week 290 ThanUsglvIn t Tumblara SIDEBOARDS For tomorrow or ns lonpr no they One of the many bargains | n side- beams IB described I\H follows : Constructed last , a first class crystal table tumb ler , one dozen only to a customer. structed of the best selected oak. It Worth 60s per dozen. measures 4i Inches In length by 20 Inches In width ; with bevel mirror This Week 2c Each menBurlng 2-1 Inches by 14 Inches. U ThQnkBilvIng Carving has a commodious shelf overhead , Knlvos and Forks , supported by tasteful brackets appro With genuine stnR handles , Merldan priately carved , two drawers with Cutlery goods. Worth $3. roomy cupboard below ; the case work Is all paneled ; the trimmings are This Week $1.85 P.2lr solid cast brass ; It Is mounted on Thanksgiving Salts and Peppers good castors. It Is worth every cent of $20 , but our In blue , rose or white opalescent tints , with lleur-iie-lls embossed dec Thanksgiving Prloo Is $11.45 orations. Worth 15c. From our Stovj Department Th s Woo'x orly Gc Eac'i THAT BIRD must be cooked , and SPECIAIi PRICKS en n. beautiful cooked right. To enable you to do It line of celery trays In French and we make a remarkable offer of Just Vienna China and embossed glass. 35 highest grade eastern made Rang Your friends will cull TlintiUsglvlne es , nt half price. We thoroughly guarantee . Greet them In n plcasantl iRhteil eve. antee every one , although much be hull.Vo have the finest line of hall low the lowest wholesale price. lamps In the city. They are very swell Speolel 'orThlo Week WE ARE Hose nnd Ruby GlobePendant Hall Complete house furnishers and noth Lamps. Worth J3.00. ing else. Our store Is looming with J3.00.Only such bargains In household Roods as Only 52,49 Each we never saw.'It would wcirpay'you Our further Thanksgiving offerings to look us over , whether Intending : to are : purchase or not. particularly at this Pillar Ex'omlon Tables Thanksgiving time , when all that careful preparation means In the way Solid oak , 42 Inches wide ; heavy ofassortmcnt , prices nnd services In FI bblanttnl Roods ; quality and work at your disposal. This Is the time of manship guaranteed. Worth $12. the year to help the good wife out. This Week 55.98 Use us. T RM3-CA3H OR PART DOWN AND BALANCE WEEKLY OR N1ON TH1.Y. Formerly People's Mammoth In 31 ill ni ant House Open Monday and Saturday Even'ngs. caused no excitement , nnd there were no pales lecorded. It wns cnufcd by the bullish Held reports for November , which showed that the dally aveuigc pinductluli for the mouth was 7,50."i bbls. lir 1'i'nnsylvniiln , agnlnxt 7.83S bbls. Ill October. TIP | lepnrt nlno shows the dally nniK to average 61,2 2 Milt , and the dully ship ments to average 1)7,07 ) : . ' , th Hhlpinents c.\cecd- Ing the production by 25.CTO bbls. dally. Wool * iitiMnc. ST. LOriS , IVc. 3.- WOOIHteady ; Missouri and Illinois , mul nni , HTHWKunMis ; and Ne braska. 10fni < : UVuan nnd liifTISc : Dukotns and Wyoming , ute. , JWl'Jcj lub-wufhwl , fair to ohtMce , 2'Hr-lc. LONHON , Dec. 3.At the wool nucllnn sales toilay a varied iixsottment was iiffftnl. The bid ding was fulily active nnd prices llrmly held for all gooil parcels. Yoikshln- was u fn-e buyer of meilno rniss-bnil and ( lei ninny nnd I'IMIK-C bought nierlnn. C.ipe of ( lood llnpo nml Niitnl wool sold very well. TinSIM leu has been nhoit- eued and will i-lcwR ThuiR.lny of this week , Instead ' of bnlc.i olrcn-d stead of I-'rlduy. TJie number today 10,274 , of which l.Oiw were withdrawn. Th following BIB the Hales In detail : New South Wall" " , I.Ci'i'J bales ; fufiuivd , R'idtils 3'id ; gren y , 4'i8d. ' . Qun-imlaiid , 3,3iO bales ; M-niiipil , Sdftls ; Kit-usy , 4flll.i ) < l. Victnrlii , 2,107 bales ; scoured , 7d8ln Sd ; giiMsy , 4' ' iiM. South Aus tralia , 71 bales ; gienuy , 4'4 ! ! > 8i1 , Tnsniniilu , 9 bales ; greasy C'id. New Keulnnd , i ) bales ; scoured. Gttdtfl * l'4d ; gimcy. 4'iWSil , Cupn of Good Hope and Natal. 1.U3 bules ; scouted , OlidQIs 4dj greasy , S' " AIUwatiKee MIIAVAl'Kr.B , Dec. 3. FLOl'R-Hlrady. WIIBAT I'lim nml .active ; No. S Hiring. Me ; No. I northern , C4'.icr JIuy , CUTic- . ( ORN-Qulel ; No. 3. 4D > % OATS-Steudy ; No. 2 white , S2C | No. 3 , 32H < & 33. IIARLKY-Qulet. UYB-Stroily ! No. 1 , COe. PHOVIHIONf Htf-aily : p.iiU , 112.M ; lard , 17. RKCIIII'TH Klnur. IC.CO-J hhb , ; wheat , 7.JOO bu. : barley , 43.COH bu. BHII'MKNTH nrtur , 30,700 bhlH. ; wlieut , 7,2M bu. ; barley , 103,400 bu. _ No iv York Dr.r tlooiU Murket. NKW YORK , Dec. 3. There bus been meteor or less demand for moderate nuuntltlra of sen * sonablu goods us the it-Mil t of imleis tn meet current wants , still the business tviifhed In such manner was not Important. TluiHigli thu forwanlliiKs of light wulght wools In the execu tion of spring ordeis many pales wetv le-ached. but otlicrw IfH HIM market was dull , I'i luting cloths weie dull und Ilrm nt 2i < ! for Cl Hqnurei regular welcht. .Salea ot odds ot fair Impor tance. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1'eorlit ( irttln Mnrkot , I'KORIA , Dec. 3.-CORN-Actlve , llrm ; No. I , 43c ; Nil. 3. 42ic ! ; No. 4 , 4 1(40. ( OATS Active. Him ; No. ! white , SO % J31c ; No. 3 white , 3)i4f(31Hc ) ( , RVK Hcttrci * ; No. 2. nominal , Sic. WHIHICY I'lrm ; high wltm linris. 11.13. HKC'KIITH-WhPut , S.liio | , u , | com , 4 , :50 bu , ; outs. 27 , 5w ) bu. ; i > e. 1l > 00 bu , ; Imrley , 23,400 bu. HIIII'MIJNTBVhrnt , UK ) hu. ; coin. e.VI bu , ; oatv , ( , COO bu , ; rye , none ; barley , 31'JOO bu. Cotton .MurKei. NPAV ORLKANS. D.-o. J.-rOTTON Kacyj mldrtllntr , 8' c ; low middling ; to ; gtrfnl oidlnnr ) ' . 4Kc ; tot ivc lpt , 21"Jl lm | " ; grom , I'J.Sl'i Uilen ; exports , 1oni.twlni4WJ bulen ; mlvf , 7W bules ; stock , SU.IK4 bale . ST. IXt'IB. P-i < . 3. COTTON .Steady ; mid- dllnr , ISo ; no rults ; ( ecelpts , ll'.Rno Ixileii ; ship ments , K.COO bales ; stuck. 4liSO ) bult-ii. I'rliKOVheat MurUet. BAN FRANCISCO. fc. J.-WIIKAT-KaiUrj May , ll.W ! ; cleared , 7I.7W crntuli. Oregon Kidney Tea curei all kidney rron * ble- . Trial ilze , 25 ccnU. All druggUU , "The " Four Hundred" The BinallcEt * ? watch made i n America. The only watch move ment ever matlcof solid gold. If your Jeweler Is nimble tit eliow you tlili curiosity write for the address of it dealer who canto The Uuobor Watch Worlis , Canton , O. For delivered prices on Corn or Feed of nny description In car loads lots. Wilts or telegraph W. H. BOOTH & CO. , Kansas City , Mo. Weights and grades punrnnteed. WM. LOUD ON , Commission Merchant t Grain ami Provisions. Private wires to Chicago nnd New Yor * . All business orders placed on Chituza Uoard of Trade. Correspondence solicited , Olllce , room 4 , New York Life Building , Omaha. Telephone 1203. / : / > r Kits' I Vvternns nf thn I.iituVur Remembered by thn 4lru ral ( jovrriimeiit. WASHINGTON , Dec. n.-(8peclnl.-Pen- ( ) slons sranted , Icsue of November 20 , were ; Nebraska : Original Kecs I' . Kvuns , Teko- muh , Hurt ; Hinllh O. Htcer , Gibbon , Buffalo. UelHoue Jitmea 1) . Quest , Hhelton , Uuffalow ItelsHtie und Increase Charles v , McCnlla , UrynoIdH , Jefferson. Original widows , etc. Hannah l'lllood , Crawford , Dawes ; minors ] of John W. Cray , uialr , Wushlngtun. Iowa : Oilglnul Wu hlnttoi Work , elation ; Wright : Uanlel Paddock , Council llluffs , I'ottnwultamle ; llruben Hull , . Charles City. Kloyd ; Cyrus II. Kcelc-y. Mltclitlvllle. I'oik. Additional Samuel Aukney , SloflreKor , Clayton. Increase John W. l.cake , Cllntod , Clinton. Itetstmc tieorxe Newport , Indian * uln , Wunen. Original wldowH , elc , Barati A. Hunt. Columbus City , IXMIHU | ; James Welch , Newton , Jueper ; William Mills , father , Illchland , Keokuk. Colorado : Original Jeremiah I/oency , I'ueblo , 1'ueblo. An extended popularity , Brown's Ilroncblal Troches have ( or many yean been the matt popular article In ute tor relieving ecu- * and throat trouUwu /