THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : TUESDAY , DECEMBER 4 , 1894. THE OMAHA DAILY BEE , COUNCIL 1JLUFF8. OFFICE , . NO. 12 PBAllti BTHEET. Delivered by carrier to any part of the city. H. W. TIL.TON , Lessee. TKI.r.PnONE8-Bu lnsji offlcr , No. 4J ; nleht editor , No. 23. antiui : MKX llnyns Real Estate agency , 539 Broadway , Mrs. Mary Hgan died at her residence , 1022 Seventeenth strict , Sunday evening at 9:30 : | " /b'clock. P. Fecncy and nuth R. Wright , both of Council muffs , were married liy Justice Field yesterday. The funeral services of Mrs. L. J , ClillJs will be held at 2 o'clock today at her resi dence , G2G Seventh avenue , Hcv. Dr. AsUIn officiating. Two cases of scarlet fever were reported yesterday , the victims being Hey Devol , 302 Willow avenue , and Armlnlus Van Order , 1021 Seventh avenue. A "Snow Hound" fair will bo given Thurs day and Friday at 18 I'earl strc't. A novel entertainment by the ladles ot the Congrega tional church , Free admission. Qood meal , 25 cents. Thanksgiving day a team belonging to John Wlllemans pot away from him while he was In Krcttlch's place just fast of .the city. When It was returned to him his coat nnd a watch It contained were missing. Ho accused John Suit of stealing them , and Suit was arrested yesterday. He will have A hear ing In Justice Field's court this morning at 10 o'clock. L. I'lttlnhall wns given a hearing In Jus tice Fox's court yesterday on the charge of committing an abBatilt on F. Kooene , a neighboring farmer In Lewis township. Kooene was there , with a face that btlll bore the marks of the terrible beating with a hatchet he had received. At the close of the testimony the 'euulrs took { be case under advisement. Charles Golf , the second-hand store man who Is charged with disturbing the peace , was arraigned In police court yesterday morn ing and said that as he was a member of the Salvation army It could not be that he swore. [ On. the contrary , he said that the woman who | ' * had him arrested did the swearing herself. Us was Riven until this morning to prove up his good reputation. i AVe have two nice six-room cottages on Avenue O , near Twentyiilnth.streetNinth we will sell at a bargain If taken at once. Day window , good cellar , water In yard , large lot. Small payment down nnd balance In Installments. Lougee & Towle , 233 Pearl itreet. LIMITED. Price * Mnilo to Close Oat Quick. ' La'dlfs' kid gloves , misfits , -slightly dam aged , 1'Jc a pair. i Odds and ends In ladles' kid gloves , ivortl from $1.00 to J1.76 ; to close , 39c a pair. ( Children's ll wool scarlet underwear , anj size , -worth up to "fie ; , to close , 25c each. Ladles' flno cashmere hpse , regular 40 ( good ? , reduced to 19c , or 3 pair for 50e. "Only 3 pair to customer. " lOc Saxony yarn , Gc skein. ISo Angora wool , 12Vic. 8c outing flannel , Gc a yard. t9c ! French flannels , 2Sc a yard. Don't fall to pec this bargain. Holiday opening Tuesday , December 4. Store open every evening until Christmas. UOSTON STOKE. FOWLEH , DICK & WALKER , Council muffs , Iowa. A Square Too 'And a square deal go-together when Dyers . the fchoe man , makes the deal. The nev square toe shoes delight theladles. . iAiit.trns. Tom Clark , the well known traveling mar left yesterday for San Francisco. The following Omaha teachers visited th Council IlluffH schools during the past week Misses Hamilton , Cooper , Dawton , Lewli Underwood , Dome , Drown and White , an Mrs. Mann. Until you have tried Dr. 1'rlce's Crean Hakim ; Powder you will never know how goo U really Is. Won't I'ny for 1'nvlng. T. J. Evans has commenced a suit In th district court to restrain County Treasu-t Iltcd from selling a lot of property belongln to the plaintiff , and located In Evans' Brldg Perry's flrst and Perry's second addition for unpaid special taxes. The taxes wei due for curbing , grading and paving , bt the plaintiff alleges that the city counc awarded the contract without any author ! ) by charter or ordinance , and without flr determining what kind of material hhould I used. The material used , ho bays , was d ' fectlve , and the paving Is now In a state decay and ruin. The contract was nwarili without any public notice being given th U would be awarded to the- lowest blddc On the fcttength of all these allegations Jud | Bmlth has granted a temporary writ of 1 junction , and the case will be tried on 1 merits at the next term ot court. l-'emnlo M onry n l l.emn. Go to Chambers' ball next Wednesdi evening , December G , and learn how to b como a lady Mason. Play lengthened ai revised since It was given In Masonic lit with such success , Only 2G cents Inltlatli fee. Including dancing afterwards. Bane of Grace church. Copps Cheer urnl llorb Tonlo Can bo purchased only of the G. n. Wheel Brewing company , Wheeler & Horeld , Cou ell Bluffs , la. Washerwomen use Domestic soap. Alnrrlago The following marriage licenses have be Issued by the county clsrk : Name and Address. Ai Charles H. Hurke , Council Bluffs I.oulHo M. Uugan , Ieavenwortli , Kan . . . . 1 * . Feoney. Council Bluffs lluth H. Wright , Council IHuffs William II. Hunter , Council muffs Jennie M , Thornlng. Council lilulTs . . . . Arthur L , . Andrews , lUione , Neb Mary A , Poor , Iloone , Neb Always patronize the home- article , Sp lally If It Is better. Cook's Extra Dry I perlal Champagne has no equal. Dry plno kindling for sale. Cheaper U cobs. H. A. Cox , 37 Main street. Tclcplu 48. Eagle laundry , 724 Broadway , for g ( work. Tel. 157. Bourlclus' muslo houeo has few expenc high grade plants are cold reasonably. Btutsman street. Dr. I , U. Parsons , Archer block. Tel. : The laundries U80 Domestic.soap. Ornnd Army omcrru. The following officers have been elected Abe Lincoln ppst , and will b * Installed the first jiitetlns In Janua'y : Coinmam A. N. Scrlbner ; senior vice commander. A , Spauldlng ; Junior vice commander , S Johnson ; chaplain , I. 11. Kltsell ; quar master , James Jacoby ; olflcer of the day , Brooks ; officer of the guard , John Epptri Trustees , Ucorge Miller. C. S. Hubb ; Frank1 Grass" . Ileprcuentatlve to state campment , Q. Miller , Lost August while wornlng In the lion field I became overheated , wan suddenly tacked with cramps and was nearly di Mr. Cummlngs , the druggist , gave me a t of Chamberlain's Colto , Cholera and I ) rhoea Remedy which completely relieved I now keep a bottle of the remedy bat A. M. Dunnell. Centervllle. Wash. All school children under 10 years of will be admitted free to the pet sleek si In the Etseman building , from 4 to 6 p. r Grand holiday display at the Doston S tonight. , hard wood tor heating stoves. . A. COX , % 7 Main street. Tel. 4 vfound oil cake $1.30 bhd. at Morgai Co.'s drug store , 134 Broadway. Davis elli drugs , paints and glaa * ch Domestic soap outlasts chtap soap. NEWS FROM COUNCIL BLUFFS General William Booth Tells the People of the Salvation Army's Work , TWENTY-MNE YEARS OF BUSY LIFE Growth of HU Idea of Reaching the Worldly Men and Women Illustrated Methods of the Army In Spreading the Word. General William Booth was erected by an Immense audience at the Broadway Methodist church yesterday afternoon. People began to enter the church an hour before the time advertised for the general to make his ap pearance , and the big room was two-thirds full half an hour before the meeting com menced. It was just aoout 2:30 : o'clock when a fpeclal motor 'train from Omaha pulled up In front of the church and the honored guen alighted , accompanied by his staff , Colonel Han ley , aide-de-camp , Staff Captain Malan and Captain Taylor , all three of England , Brigadier French of St. Louis and Major Halpln of Philadelphia. The train also bore the Salvation Army band from Omaha and quite a delegation of army men anl women of both cities. General Booth was conducted to an nnte- room adjoining the platform from which he was to speak , and an Informal reception en sued , during which the pastors of the city took advantage of the opportunity of shaking him by the hand. When the general ap peared upon the p'atform the vast audience arose and gave him the Chautatinua salute , filling the air vlth a shower of fluttering white handkerchiefs. Dr. Stephen Phelps of the First Presbyterian church extended a welcome to him In a few brief words , and the old hymn , "All llnll the Powers of Jesus' Name , " was sung with the regulation army vim , the staid and dignified audience some what forgetting Itself In the enthusiasm of the red-vested warriors on the platform. Major Halpln's concertina did yeoman's serv ice In keeping the audience on pitch. General Booth spoke of the uniformly kind treatment he had received since coming to this country and the words of cncouragcmcn' that had been given him. Two purposes had been realized by his visit , the first1 to re move the prejudice that was once felt against the army by those who were not faml'iai with Its alms , and the second to encourage .the members In their work. Fifty years ago he was under conviction of sin , and when the light broke the Idea of a Salvation army was born In his mind. There were two worlds , the Christian world and the worldly world , and they knew as little as possible of cne another. His object In starting the Salvation army was to bring religion to the worldly world In a form that would Ju at tractive , for without making it attractive It would never get a footho'd. WENT AFTER THE WORKING PEOPLE , "Tho army was not born full grown , wltli It1 * general , lieutenants , majors , captains and all that , as many suppose , but It com menced without any fixed plan , and grew gradually Into the form It now has. Th ( question was , how to get the attention of the people. I knew that It was not In a mai to look at heaven , and not want to go there to look at hell and want to make it his home to look at Christ on tiie cross and not wani him for a Savlo/r. They would laugh a ordinary churcli announcements , for thej felt It a vastly more Important thing to knov how they were going to get money to pa : their landlord or their grocer the next tlmi he made his round. To get hoU of till : class I made It a rule to employ whnteve ; means would attract them , whether it wa' ' according to usage or not , provided it wai not contrary to the prlnclp'es ' lalJ dbivn ii the bible. Oh , we ve made people's ha ! stand on end more than occe. But we'vi made the devil's stand on end , too , that la If he's got any hair. "In the twenty-nine years that have clapsei ' since the army was first organized our flag have fluttered In forty-nine different couu tries. We have a newspaper that circulate amorg 50,000,000 people In the course of ; lear. We have local officers who- spend thel leisure time in making street parades , carry Ing on the work of the army , and minister Ing to souls. W bellevo In saving the bed as well as the soul. When we get a man' soul In the right condition we put his bed In the same condition , and wo have It under stood that we have a right to his faintly , hi pockctbook and everything else ; that If he I pious Sunday hs must be pious all week , t At this point Brother Halpln , whos 1 "amens" had been constantly growing 1 f frequency and vehemence , shouted out In t tone that attracted the gercrai's attentloi Turning to him the latter said , In a gooi nnlured sort of way : "Keep still there : don't you see you've gi company ? " Brother Halpln blushed a deep crlmsoi and tic | general , to put him at his case , sail "That's all right ; fire n volley , boys. " In ths volley of "amens" that foilowe Brother Halpln's voice rang out loudest i nl1 , and the general said "Now you'll fc better , " and went on with his speech. 1 hit several digs at ths methods employed I many churches , and saldi he did not see ho . a man could count himself a Christian at . 'I ' turn the co'd ehoulder on a Salvationist. 1 : : did not believe In demoralizing men by gl | Ing them ch.ulty , but In making them woi for what they got. Thera were very fe men , he thought , who are honest , Industrlou truthful and economical snd who suffer fro poverty for any great length of time. I closed his remarks by ro'atlng a number Interesting anecdotes Illustrating' the wo : done by the army. CAPTAI MALAN'S EXPERIENCE. Then StafT Captain Malan was calle.l up for a song. The captain Is a good-lookli young Italian , with a sweet tenor voice , & just enough of a brogue to make him Intc estlng. While Brigadier French played t guitar he sang a song in his native tongi intcrpolatlrg between the lines cxhortatlo and soliloquies , which were str.ingt icmlnlscent of "II Trovatorc. " After had sung ( and there were many who thong lila song the best part of the aftcrnooi service ) he prayed. Ho told how had left father , and mother , and t > on , a daughter , and home , and friends , and tin ho hesitated for n moment , as If huntl far a word to fill out the list of things had forsaken for the service of the Lo General Booth leaned forward and whlspsi In a tone that was audible several rows seats back : od " " "And user. "Yes , Lord , and beer , \oo \ , " and went as If nothing had happened , while even 1C most reverent dropped a quiet snicker , collection was taken and many dimes t nickels were enticed from their hiding pla 15. Into the tamborlnes of the Salvation ar girl ? . The meeting was closed by the si Ing of several" more songs , and at 4:15 : general left the church and was hurried the transfer depot , where he took a train by St. Louis. at Miss Rico will hold a sale of art neei er , work and china paintings Tuesday J. Wednetday , December 4 and G , at 128 Foil am street. AH are Invited. jrj Cash Dni > on , On and after December 1 , 1891 , I will rd , for cash only , B. F. Nelson , corner Bri enw ° y nnl Frank street. Poultry StioIT Optn > . BSt The annual exhibit of the Pottawatta at- County Poultry and Pet Stock assocla id. opened yesterday in the EUeman build the whole west half of which Is filled > coops of the latest pattern. Not all of tl ne. are filled BO tar , but it Is expected that ay. day will see a largo number of other exh ! In place , Aheady there are more exh ! sge on the ground than were at any time o\v year , and the prospects are very flatte { or a highly successful entertainment. ore James & O'Keate , real estate and l/.s'jia Oil cake , U-0 per sack at Davis * . Domestic soap breaks hard water. , ! Will Hue for 85,000 , Constable Wesley yesterday served ni on Nora Murphy , the queen of the Is south of Manawa , that Michael Whets had commenced a suit for $5,000 $ darn gainst her In the district court tor false imprisonment. It Is remembered by readers of The Bee that Mrs. Murphy has had Whet * itone and numerous of his friends arrested lime nnd again for cutting timber on land that she claims Is hers , and the present suit Is th outcome of the difficulty. The petition Is to be filed with the clerk of the district Court on or before December 27. L B. Kllpatrlck of ihllmore , Cal. . had the misfortune to have his leg caught between a cart and a stone and badly bruised. Ordi narily ho would have been laid up for two or three weeks , but says : "After using one bottle of Chamberlain's Pain Balm I began to feel better , and In three days was entirely well. The peculiar soothing qualities which Chamberlain's Pain Balm possesses I have never noticed In any other liniment , I take pleasure In recommending It. " This lini ment Is also of great value for rheumatism and lame back. JMmlo at the drum ) , Henry Smith's Troubadours will glvn a concert In the rotunda of the Grand this evening. The vocal and Instrumental music will undoubtedly bo very pleasing. Ladles are especially Invited. There will bo no charge for admission. Opening * Of holiday goods at the Boston Store to night. Open every evening until Christ mas. See show window display. Fowler , Dick & Walker. CITV COUNCIL ritUUUBDINGS. Long Secret CD n fall Followed by u Short 1'ubllc hesftlon. The city council held Its usual star cham ber cession last evening In the mayor's pri vate cflics with the door locked and the lights turned low. The mayor and all the councilmen - men were present. It took just an hour and a quarter to do the business of the month , and at 0 o'clock the aldermen marched to the council chamber and hold a short meet ing for the purpose of ratifying the star chamber proceedings. The bill of the electric light company for $930 was not allowed. The report of the health Inspector stated that he had condemned twenty-five pounds of fish and fifteen pounds of chloltans , anil that he had made thirteen Inspections of the milk of all the dairies of the. city and found every one above the requl'ed grade of rich' ness. ness.The question of letting the contract foi paving- Second avenue seemed to have beet ; laid over until Friday night. The opening of bids for grading Seven teenth avenue was deferred until then. The ordinance vacating Seventh street from Thirteenth to Fourteenth avenue was brought up for final consideration. J. J Stewart , O. P. Wlckham , John Churchill am T. J. Smith protested vigorously agalns turning the streets over to the railway cam pany , asserting that the council had n < right to do so to the detriment of the ad jacent property. The matter was finally referred forred to the city attorney for an opinion. The petition to abolish the chain gang wai laid on the table. The auditor was Instructed to transfe ; $2,000 from the police fund to the genera fund to take up general fund warrants. . A resolution was passed throwing off th fees cha'ged up by the poundmaster to stock found running at large whose owner are too poor to pay. A petition for an electric light at the cor ner of Benton and Harmcny streets was r- ferred to the ccmmlltee on light. Petition for the abatement of the llcens on Dohany'o old opera houte , now known a Liberty hall , was grant-.d. A committee of th-ee was Instructed t look into the bill of the electric 1'ght com pany. It is composed of nishton , Grahl an White. The committee on streets and alleys wa given powtr to act on the question of local Ing a catch basin at the coiner of Washing ton and Oakland avenues. Oi adjourning the council reconvened a a board of health , and Mr. Gleason move that the usual custom be followed of obollsli Ing the office of health Inspsctor during th winter months. By a straight party vote , to 2 , It was decided that tin city's sanltar welfare demanded the services of n dsmc cratlc health Inspector In winter tlu sam as In summer. An Invariable guide to success.n | cooUjng- Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder. r V for tlu Mulca. The sealed verdict which was returned h the jury In the casj of Anna Swaney ( Pacific Junction against F. H. G.-anella fc $5,000 damages on account of the death < her ron was opened by Judge Smith In tl district court yssterday morning and four to be in favor cf the plaintiff In the sin of $228. That was the value of the team i mules that -were Wiled , as estimated by tl jury. U was hel-l that th3 dead man wi guilty of contributory negligence , and hem that his administrator could not recover dan ages for his death. The fad nnd all fads are popular of U day la the razor-toed h'lioe for ladlos. The will be still more popa'ar when the ladli know that Ilyera Is giving away the line $6.00 shoe for $3,50. Of holiday gcods el the Doston Store t night. Open every evening until Chris mas. See bhow window display. Fow.c 1e 1 & Walken 1Y Y Doston Store open evenings. Grand 1-tilid : v opening tonight. Fowler. Dick fc Wa.kcr. d e Ten per cent discount on all trimmed ha . this week at Miss nagdale's. ' ' Gas co.klmr stoves for rent and for sale J' I Gas Co.'s offlce. n Doston Store holiday opening tonight. Sto open evenings until Christmas. ifk IN THE DISTRICT COU.1\ City Must Pay Tint l.l litlnj Ullt-Prl onarH rr.ilsuu I. Judgment was tendered by Judge Ambrc against the city of Omulm und In favor the Standard Oil company for $1,113 SS. T Metropolitan Street Lighting company f signed its claim ngnlnct the city to t Standard Oil company , but the city us the amount In paying expenses of contlr Ing the contract of HIP defunct compai The court held tliut the assignment w binding and gave Judgment ngalnst the c accoirtlngly. Judge lilalr Is In Sarpy county boldl court nnd will clocc \ > y the buslnem thi and resume the healing of cases In t : court on Wednesday morning. Six persons were urralgned to plend the criminal court yesterduy.lo White , charged with the burglary of II. Ogleby's residence , pleaded guilty. Jan Itlley , ehaiged with forging Hugh AI phy's name to n check on the Omaha I1 tlonal bank for J8.25 , pleaded not gull an Max II , Freeman , charged with the 1 IIP ceny of two astrakhan jackets from J. IIPA ThlcCabe. pleaded KUllty. Mrs. Ilhoda A Flant , charged with adultery , pleaded ; nil guilty , Thomas Uradlnugh , charged w the larceny of a bicycle , pleaded not gull uv John Barry , charged with stealing n phc ' graph camera from Harry D. Iteed , pleai not guilty. lie The case ot the state against Artl to Brock was called for trial In Judge Sec lor court. Before the jury was called Br changed his pica and admitted Ills guilt. Judgments were rendered by Judge A le- brose yesterday afternoon an follows : AIT lend lean National bank iis-alnn Daniel Kem ton ct nl , for the plaintiff. $288.31 ; PR rth Brewing company against Kdgerton , pli tilt given possession , of two rooms on eji ment suit : Schlltz Brewing company agal John Tldemann ct al , for the plain lell J1.104 : Nebraska Savings bank agal id- Charles L. Van Camp , for the plain J1.C07 ; Charles K. Collins against J. Perry , for the plaintiff. J22.2C4.G5 : / Gunther against A. H. Uonccken , for nlc plaintiff. $3 , 2.GO ; Charles B. Ulcc nga ! Ulchman & Co. , for the plaintiff. $1.11 ! Ion Kennard Glass and Paint company aga ng , S. D. Mercer , for the plaintiff , ilSS.90 , In the county counrt T. L. Van Don Ith seeking to collect a claim against Itlcti em Hogeboom on an account that has t toast - running for a number of years and Inch honey , montjy and a horse , and amount : something over $400. , ast John Evans was tried before a jury Judge fJcott'B court yesterday ufteini ing charged with house breaking. He Is acm of having broken Into the house of Bart Homatka and having stolen u. pair 01 ice. pants therefrom. Mrs. TJartha Buckner has been appoli special administrator in the estate of I rlson Buckner , deceased. Judge Scott announced yesterda ) thai would not hold court after thl week i the February term. He said that he lice been busy In the court since last Febru and and now proposed to take a rest. one ( _ iges [ tchcs. Trial size , 25 cents. All druggist MEANS MUCH FORM ROADS Scheme of Northwestern and'BnrUngton to Interchange Business a't ' Crawford. _ i m ' FORMER MAY INCREASE ITS HAUL If Agreement U Concluded. 'nVi.nrgo Vnrt of the Ellcliorn Will He nt to DUpoinl of the Ilurllnston Now Western 1'nsscngcr Association , M . Details arc row being coitaldpred between General Passmc Agent Francis , of the Bur lington and General Passenger Agent Bu chanan of the Elkhorn looking to an agree ment between these two big railroad corpora tions which , If It can be made , means a great deal for both roads. The agreement con templates nothing more than the Interchange of paisenger business on the part of the Northwestern with the Burlington at Craw ford , Neb. , where the former crosses the tracks of the latter road. The passenger representatives have had this matter under consideration for some time nnd such pro gress has been made that the agreement has been put In writing nnd will b3 submitted to Mr. Buchanan In Chicago today. Should a conclusion be reached the de tails will probab'y be made public before the end of the week. Heretofore the Northwest ern has been delivering Its northwest pas senger business to roads at the Wisconsin river , receiving for transportation the short line route between Chicago and Council BlufTa. By the contemplated arrangement the Northwestern will be able to Increase Its haul 470 miles , the dlstancs between the Missouri river and Crawford , a by no means small factor In the matter of passenger earn ings. In the event the agreement Is con cluded betwen the roads , It wl 1 place 0,000 miles of the Northwestern system at the dis posal of the Burlington , nnd may be the means of rearranging the present contract between the Union Pacific and Northwestern , although this docs not seem possible In view of the present close relations existing be tween the "Overland" system and Its ally. It la understood that a line of divisions has been agreed upon and It Is on'.y the minor details which now keep these roads still talking the situation over. Both Mr. Fran cis and Mr. Buchanan left for Chicago last night and It I : thought a definite conclusion will be reached within the next few days. HT1LIt'AK 1'KO.U AN AOltnKMKST. Transcontinental I.lnc * Making No I'rogrcii Tonurd nn Undcnrtundlng. CHICAGO , Dec. S. The transcontlnonta lines have so far failed utterly In making any progress which will lead to a settle mpnt that will enable all of the westerr roads to get together In one agreement. An other general meeting of all lines Is slated but It Is difficult to see how It can amount to anything so long as the transcontlnenta lines have agreed \ipon nothing tending t ( Stop the demoralization In their territory. The western roads held a short meetini today to consider the questlon , , of removlni their orders from eastern territory. Thi Rock Island has already taken Its orders out but Eome of the other llnys [ ! , notably thi Alton , do not see their way ar to follo\ the lead. Nothing definite was. decided upon Third Vice President Trucwlell of th Rock Island has assumed UIQ , duties of gen eral manager of the tjatcm because of th resignation of Mr. St. Johi\ \ , Eainlngs of the Rock Islapfl f6r the montl of November arc estimated at$1,149,463 , decrease of $144,8JO compared tylth the csll mated earnings of the systdinjlor the monl of November , 1893. v , . , Only Scimeililncr to"\VoVk On. General Passenger Agetjl L'Uniux of th Union Pacific , who has jink returned fror the meeting ot nags nger agents now bolus : held In ChlcagH with u view t Cormlng a new a sociatlcrfi , told to a Be reiiorter tliHt the prospehlb''Hoemeil quit bright for a Hew ussoclatlonjilbiit that h did not expect anything definite before th last of the year. "Jf all the other road go Into tht > new ns-soclatlon , " * ald Mi Lomax , "the Union Pdclflc will be foun with the rest , but we don't propose to SR ! an" agreement until we know that nil road are to be parties to It. The plan as oul lined for the new association through th press 'elves the men something to wor upon. That was Its only object. Kverybod Is voting In the affirmative on all question ! allowing the vital details to come up In Hi general meeting after the committee ho accomplished Us part , cf the work and ready to report. It will then be tlm enough for everybody to show Ills ham The Canadian Pacific Is acting with tli others , but you can't tell what the Canadla Pacific and See lines will do until the agrei mcnt Is completed. Tn view of the grec amount of work to be done , the roads ha\ united In it pledge to ie. tore rates to tli basis they were on November 1 and prohlb the paying of ctreet and other commlsslor except as sanctioned by the oM agrccmen "I shpll not no to Chicago for some tlrr now , allowing the others to do some po tlon of the woik , while I catch up with m own business. 1 i-omctlmcs think the pla proposed for the new association li ui wteldy , but then U servea as a basis of cm Flderutlon , and that , 1 believe , Is all It wi ever Intended foi. " o The flashing eye , the buoyant footstep , tl rosy complexion , can all be traced to the s perlor food cooked with Dr. Price's Crca Baking Powder. Wrecked S.illors Iteturtilnc llomr. SAN FRANCISCO , Dec. 3.-rThe steam City of Illo do J.inelio arrived hell ? toda sixteen days from Yokohama. Her Aslal : advices are of even date vlth the news i reived on the Northern 1'nclllc steamer VI torla , at Victoria , on. Saturday last. fact , the City of Hlo de Janeiro sail rlKhtPcn hours cailler than the Victor The Pile brought Captain W. H. Joy , f < > merly of the American hhln Richard Pt sons , and the crew of that vessel , will was wrecked on the- coast of MlnjJorla , o of the Phllllplne Islands. The Parsons w 3- coal laden , from New South Wales 310 Manilla. Sbo was lost In n typhoon on t 10Hi 271 h cf September last. Six of the crew , HiU eluding the mate , ccok and stewatd , wi : Uy - lobt. The wrecked vessel was owned y- Rockport , Me. yi' i' I'oll nnd Iti-oUii Ills llk. ; . "v"r" " Dec. 3. William Allen , a I'll ig crton watchman , slipped on the pnow , fi re ing on the Phurp edge of a sidewalk. I Imrk was broken near the Hist lumbar Jo ) In and ho Is entirely paralyzed below the bl in Uamlncctomy , or removal of a bectlon inC. the Bplnal column , will be performed as I C.en only chance for saving his life. ir- ira - l.'nl.irilcii : Wyomlnc'i state Unlvcrnlty. ay. y.r . UARAMII3 , Wyo. , Dec. S. ( Speclal.- ) , r- la the Intention of the trustees of the Sti II. II.A. . university to begin the construction of i other building In connection , with the u rot vorslty pioperty In a 8hot time. 1 tlio mlldlng will cost $20,000. ' ' : o- oed 1'iir Ilio UiilUrJn. W. A. McGulre. a well linown citizen ni ' McKay , Ohio , Is of the 'opIMon that th t's is nothing as good for children troubled w uk colds or croup as Chamberlain's Cough Re ' ejy. Ho has used It In his family for s era ! years with the best 'results and alwi IBSt keeps a bottle of It In the house. After h ) St Ing la grippe he was hiriiself troubled w In. a severe cough. He ustadirothcr remet ct- without benefit and then ! Concluded to ist the children's medicine , anil'to his dellgh 13t soon effected a permanenti.cnre. Iff , H. movement * ot Heneolnc yts pl . Doc. S lex At San Francisco Artlved Cltv of the de Jane'ro , from Hong Kong and Yokohai nat At Hamburg Arrlved-aVu sla , from t .90 ; York. . nst At St. .Tolins. N. F.-iArflVed Assyr from Glasgow , for Halifax aiHl'Plilladelp Is At New York Arrived Berlin , fi ird Southampton : Perlsia , from Hnmbt Cevic , from Liverpool. to Oregon Kidney Tea cures a ! ! kidney U In bin. Trial ilze. 25 cents. All druggists. on , sed Children Cryfc ted Pitcher's Castorla. ar- arhe Children Cry f ntll Had Pitcher's Castorla. Children Cry1 ? ad- ' Pitcher's Castorla. Men's Overcoats. We must furnish you with that overcoat or ulster that you've put off buying till noiv. We know we've got to make prices to do it and here they are : Long cut , black and blue and tan kersey overcoats , with velvet collars , 48 inches long1 , for , . . Black diagonal worsted overcoat with velvet collar , medium length , 44 inches , worth at least $12 , all wool , at All wool , blue , brown or tan , beaver Qvercoats , extra heavy weight , 50 inches long , Italian 1 lined Extra fine blue or black kersey overcoats with silk sleeve lin ing , 50 inches long , full box style H. Cook Clothing Co. successors to Columbia Clothing Co , , 13th and Farnam Streets , Omaha. SEARLES SEARLES SPEGUU3T5 , ChnnlJ WE Nervous Private AND CURE Spaciil Treatment Mail , ConsiHitloi Fro Catarrh , all clisuasss of the ness , ThroiU. Chest.Stomach.I.iver.BlooJ Skin anJ Kidnsy tlisttasjs , Lost Manhood and all Private Dis eases of Men. Cull on or aUilrcsi , Dr. Searlcs & Searlis , Omaha. . Nob. Str cot ery. y.lo lee e- ic- icIn In cd la. WEST'S HZB7S A1TD BEAUT TEEATIIENU la.r TB. E. B. r- is cold under positive written cnnrnrlce , by irch mitlioriz < > d nsents only , to euro Wcnk Memory ; ch Ixiss of Brain and Nerve Power : Lost Mnnhood : no I-'fil Drenms Lnck of Oaipknceo ; Nifht Losses ; ; as Oonfulonco ; Nervousness ; Lnssitndo ; ell Drains ; to LosHof Power of the donorativoOrcnniun either ho BOZ , canned by ovor-niortion , Yonthful Lrrorp , or Inre KrccsoiVo Use of Tobacco , Opium or Liquor , re which loads to Misery. Consumption , Inennity ut nnd Doath. By mail$1 a box ; six for SS-w'th ' writtpncnarnnlootiicuro or refund money , weti I LtTtt Plus rnre Blck Hendacho. Biliousness. Liver Complaint , Hour Ktonm'-li , Dyspepsia and Constipation. GUARANTEE ! ! issued only by Goodman Drug Co , Omaha. "CUP1DEHE" Carer the effects o ! selfmse , excesses , emf ions , Impotency , vo-.cocelo and consti pation. One dollar a box , six for ? 5. For talc by THR GOODMAN - MAN DRUG CO. . Omaha , Neb. cf ore 'm ith SKINS ON FIRE ov- jys \Vltu agonizing cczemai and other av- Itchiug , burning , bleeding , tcaly , Ith blotchy , and pimply sklu and icalp dlacutei , ore IniUutly relieved and lies pecdlly cured by the celebrated try CimcL'iu KEIIEDIEB , the greatest t It eklu cuiei , Lloodjiurtlleri , and Uu. mor remedies of modern UQO. bold throughout the world. Hlo ma. lew- Ian , lila. rom irg ; o- : . mi ORI ; . HIMDOO REMEDY \ \ A OT reoCVCU TBI i r- ItlUDLTB U 80 D Y * . ' Cure all utToul ll a i. Falling Mtmor B3 imitation , but IniUt on ! buy on " " ' " " " youFdru iTini "not"go'f"u7w "wlU.i n"dlVpr liVltt or SOLD bjr Kuhn&Co.Cor.ijthandDoulati3t . , nd I. A , Fuller & Co. , Cor. lith and Douglui Sit. . OMAHA , NEB Behind the Blinds. We announce for Thursday next , beginning at 10 a. m. , our formal CHRISTMAS OPENING , which will be the most interesting sight overproduced in this city. The blinds will be closely drawn and the J store flooded in a maze of electric lights all day Tnur sday. 1GT11 ItUVOL.lS ST. RAYMOND OF COURSE And his song is one of HE earnest exultation and DOFS Joy * ° wou'd ' yours be if you knew wlutt lie knows that 010 Main street is stocked with more bargains in Shoes , Hats , Underwear and Furnishing Goods than any other store in Conn , cil HI nil's and Omaha. He uses but few notes , you perceive , and you will need but few notes bank notes or coins to get pos session of stylish , handsome and comfortable things. Expenses of doiiif- business at 010 arc 50 percent less than further uptown , and this is one of the many s.-crets of the 1m- mouse success of V. 13. IIUGHBS , Tlio Loading Down Town Merchant. THE NEW COLUMBUS . . . Time King1 Is tlio utroiiRcst , moit accurate nnd beat WATCH mode In Am-rlcn. All Jewelers Imvoor will Retlt. 1'or further Inrormatlo.i send ( o tlio manufacturers NEW COLUMBUS WATCH CO. , COLUMDUS , OHIO. DUFFY'S PURE MALT WHISKEY. All Druggists. Notice Goliijei ) CHIMNEYS CLEANED ; VAULT8 CLEANED. Ed Burke , at W. B. Homer1 * , MS Broadway. LOST OH STOLEN. A SHEEPSKIN HALTEIl. itttse return to Hea olllce. WANTED , AGENTS , LADIES AND GENTLE men , to veil the Home linker anil llonster , W Mil n pollrhed gttel pan now for the name prlc you formerly | > altl for the flack Iron i > an . All cake BrlJJIc , frying pan , C-tlaile chopper com blnatton dipper , knife > et , etc. All usefu fj l gelling nouneholii artlolea. fall or addret Charles Hcliultlieles , 613 I'jearl Btrttt , Counc. * lllufte , U. IS WOKTH ANY NUMBER THE BUSH. If It lie n "Jluihjj Vinbrillii , " Hint ( /re - niciii/ ( > < { [ / / * ' " " ' limte inul care- li MIK'S * , Unit limit en lit in ( in ir/io fiirrlrn It a icnl'lllfcar - Iciitimiofti iientleniiin , "TITO Iff ll.lffn , " n rnne umtum- liftlln ! How < Iocnthat tut ! ytnt ? A liiiiiilnjiiicni/l ( ! li cniif , that ran l > t rhaniiril Intii a linitttlful utrelceuble umbrella In an tn- utttitt yhcj/arc Mttfo In uuc , " dnrI art the Imiitlxtiiiiriit , neb biest iieif thlnu uftlie unison , .i beautiful jireu-nt to youmetfor ' > ! > fi'lt'Hil JCIrifinitlif citrml , > < ! < troml lulllillrit , i/ioioifrit III mllil ftlrrr anil iiolil Like I/onto netliein , amllottof other norilllen , M. WOLLMAN , - - 400 Broadway ' OEO. P. SANFORD. A. W. IUCKMAU. PreildenU Caihltr. First National of COUNCIL BLUFFS , Iowa- Capital. $100,000 Profits , 12,000 On * of th * cldut tanki lo th iut ot low * . W * tollclt your builneai anil collection * . W pay i per cent on time depnilt * . W * wilt tit Cltaied to * and * erv * you. Sinn & Bainbridge , In the State nnd Poderul CourtsItooia UO-7-8'9 , SliUiurt llloolt , Uuuucll HluOV , luwn