V OMAHA DAILY BEE : MONDAY , DECEMBER 3 , 1894. rji TIT. : rjYL : zzzz : ivri * r ± 7j r ! i I I Now is the I * ' Accepted Time : .1 i * * i. Have you a horse or a cow that you dou't want to feed this winter there is no way * you can find a cus tomer so soon as by patronizing i The Bee want columns. Thou , i1. . sands read this page , the very people ple you are after. VI I ' . , 250 pays for a 17-word ad , i ij * Servant plrls aid others scoklnj ? employment , do not bare to wait IOIIB for iciults thiouRh Huso vvtuit ncls. SPEG1RL NOTICES. Advertisements for these columns will be taken until 12:30 : p. m. for the rvcnlni ; , and until 9:00 : p. m. for the morning and Sunday edition. Advertiser * , by leiiuestlns a numtx-red check , can have imswcis addressed to a numbered letter In care of The Bee. Answers so addressed will be delivered upon prcsentallon of Iho check only. Italci , l',4o a word , first Insertion. Ic a. word thereafter. Nothing taken for less than 23o for flrsl Insertion. These ndveitlsemcnls must run consecutively. SITUATIONS WANTED. TOUNO- MAN WANTS .PLACE TO EARN board srhllo nltpndlni ? college. Hooaes' Iluslness college , IBtli nnd l-'arnam. _ A & ( X > WANTED MALE HELP. WANTHD A FEW PnilSONS IN HACII I'l.ACE tn tin writing ; send stump -for liO-piiue liook tC particulars. J. Woodbury , 127V , 4.'d street , N. Y. City. 11-491 nxi'iMUENcnn COAL MiKnns TQ KO to Sherlclnn , Wjo , Apply ut otllco Sheridan Coal Co. , 1C03 Tarnum. 11 JOi MIJN OP GOOD ADDUE83 CAN I'ROCUIIB steady employment nt good pay by cnlllnsc al 161C DoUKloa yt. H-M7JMU _ SALnHMBN , SALARY On COMMISSION TO Introduce our ' ; oo < ls to the tntle. Permanent position , Ktupla line , fast sellers , WK prollls , pleasant work. Aililresi with stamp. King Mfg. Co. , t ; 4J , Chicago. _ U-MISi 4 * YOUNCJ MAN TO LOCATE AT LINCOLN IN charge of limnch house ; salary. General busi ness experience only necessary. Addrews D 11 , Dec. U-M612 4 GOOD MAN AH ADVnHTlSINO JVOFiNT 1JACH comity U. B. ; no cnnvaF Ing ; casli paid ; en close Htamp. Kenrns Co. , Greensburc , Ind. I1-MCJ7 3' WANTED BAI.IMMKN TOR LING ClOAltS ; full particulars. Address with stamp , Sumatra Cigar Co. . Chicago. Ills. U M023 4 un.iiiimni. SOLICITOR WANTED. TO vvoik on paper six jears old ; weekly clrcula- Uon KUaruntrcd 10,000 ; 5 per cent commission , payable as cash Is collected : n splendid oppor tunity for a solicitor ; no other need apply. J. 8. Iljutt Bui. Mcr. , Lincoln , Neb. 11-CS1 1 * "WANTni ) , A noon BROOM MAICIIR AT rnu- menl Broom Co , Fremont , Neb. B 4S1-1 WANTED rEMALE HELP. "WANTED. AN KNURdnTIC , t'APARLn ivoninn ; iidflllon permanent. Ample icmuner- htion. Addieas l > W , Bet. " " ' " \\JANTEU ; . I > AIHISiiIP JOU WISH E.MPI.Or- fntnt ut ypuij h ims , .sonit JV2lf addressed en velope for descriptive ch'iUlar and dommenco \vrrk ; Kood wa es. Alfied Knitting Company , Wlntliivp. Mans I' MCIS 7 WANTED. COMTETENT NUR I : von YQIJNO baby m 207 H. 3'Jth street * ; best of reference - C C7G 4 FOB BENl HOTJSES. _ HOUSES , V. K. DAIU.INQ , I1ARKUR WJOGK. U 133 IN AI-I. PARTS OF THE CITY. THE O. F. Dav la company , 1J05 Farnam. p 194 KpLKiN.xv' ' & ' Co * i , CONTINENTAL BMC rOll RUNT TWO S-ROOM KLEOANT niUCK Ji6ues ; all moilcrn ronvenlcnees : 1 block fiom Wulnut Hill motui , | 2o. Cumptrollcr's ' olllcc. - KEVEN-UOOM MODEUN FLAT 3 BLOCKE fiom Bee Imllillnff , JK. 00 Omaha Real Estate und T\oi8l Co. , room 4 , llee bhlg. 1W437 GOOD riVE-llOOM COTTAQES. J8 00 1'EIl month. I. , ti. Hklnncr , 3KJ N. Y. Life. D.-4M cnn.u'nsT C-ROO.M COTTAOE. WITH BATU In city. Reduced to J1J 00. 3033 California st. D M48D TOUR-ROOM MODERN 1'LATS , MTII ANT Lcavcnworth. J. W , Ocjulre , 219 Bee \Mx. \ U-M500 KICU IjARflE HOUSES IN DtlNDEB PIACC cheap till spring. J. W. Hqulro , 2IS Bee liUltc. IJ-MSOO iiousEa ; BKNA\VA & co. , 103 N. UTU BT D-M7C1 TOR RENT. HOU.Si : OF 9 ROOMS AND BARN on I'atk uve. Inaulie at 42 S. IStli st. i D-8')8 KlUST CLAKH MODERN 12-ROOM HOl'Sll M19 Illnney , IO.OO. Wlthnell , ! 07 N. Y. Life. D-M1 Fbun-nbbsr.coTTAaB. cis WILLIAMS ST. O MS4Jt0 roil unNT-niKAP FOR THE WINTER fine 8-room houtr. tluee 5-ioom PottuKrs. J A. Scott , Oinuliu Nat'l bank. U-M.T2D2J G-tlOOM FLAT , REASONABLE TERMS. IN quire 1913 Uoi D-S03 I'Oll RENT DHHIRAIILE DWF.LLINGS n al | parti of Omaha. II , H. tihedfv , 432 r.ixlui jilocl. . D 33ID.4 _ B-ROOM COTTAOn. fl. 15. CORNKR OP 21111 tinil Clark street. Uniiulrel523 Jackson blreet. S-llOOM eOTTAOn. 11 } NO. 37TH. TAKK TAR hum cur. Apply at Htoctzel tovo stuie. K-ROOXt HOt'SE. Sll WOOLWORTH AVC. tine 3-ivom , . 1804 , California l. n-CTP19 * FOR" TIEN-C-UUIOU Biucic iiouai : . i rooms , mmlern Impruvrments ; Ko. 104 i ( leorgli ttve , J. 11. tiuncml , SaO and 31i Ben bhltr. J'OR RUNT , MODERN S-ROOM HOt'SIJ ; AT lie , stuWe. iilj tienaid ilicct ) api < lv ilex UHir. -MMI 31 " FOR RF.NT. KIOUT-ROOSI IIOfHlJ. ALL MOD ern l ipiuvejni.iUi. No. 406 N , 23d street. _ _ IOl'SES .1 STORES , F , D. WU.VO , IS & Dougla _ _ U-.bQ5.31 1'OR RVNT : , "S-ROOM COTTAOn. WITH AL1 inQilern cuavenlrnies , Apply Milton Roxem i BMi , Nth and I'arnam streets. D-MiK 8 H , n. COW ! CO. , 1M N. ISTII. } S 00 , S-nwiil nuHlein house. 1313 N. 17th. $10 ( X k-room , ino < U'rn. 2114 Eisklno. 8 rooms , moilerr l > rn. 3223 J'ncltli1. tia.OO. rooms , 1S N. 19tl ? i.OO. und lament list In Omaha tn select frun V-room Hut. Hjutbeam tonier 16lli nnd leaver worth. H.W. JJ1 I 4 I'NT. KtUOANT 10-R. MODERN DWEI linger la run harp , nlco lawn : 1'ieuU.m ! lit an Hilrucn W , K. Nason , 407 Brown block.M674 D -M674 8 gQR BEKT FPRNISHED ROOMS. fLHASANT BOIJTII ROOil TOR GKNTLEMA > Iruiulre I'JH Dcxlio- . H 303 FRONT ROOM. KTKA1 luith , li ) minute * from 16lh anJ Tarnan AilJrM U S , ! ) e olllce. K-03 VKRY IlKSlUAIII.i : rUH.MIHIHin AND U > ( urulalii-J ruonin , vilth boarJ. 212 H , JJtli stree K-Sft ! _ _ > _ _ i _ NK'KI.Y I'URNISHED ROOMS \VIT1I THIS olosi bounl. 1721 Dodge. u Vii-1' J IIOOM8. BINClLK OR ENBUITE ; MOHER.N C pliol aveau . t _ K M4U Ft'RNISIinO ROOMS ! lIOUaBKBEl'INd K tit Maty a avenue. _ iM t7 HICUI.Y Fl'RNIBIlKD FRONT ROOM , 8TK.V ! b ) t. Telephone l.Mt , K M6tt FRONT itooM8i AI < L tU a. I4tli street. FURNISllUU ROOMS kXR UQll housekeeping tor ( no young Udlo , reference AJdreis. D t , Be . U-4S1 ! _ trwo WARM. Ft'RNisunn nnoMB TO , ch * p , kill ill. Mar > venu . FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD THREE HANDSOMELY FURNISHKD I'RONI rooms , with all convelncnces , for Kentlemei only ; location very desirable. Apply to 201 llarney street I' M4I1 U FRONT ROOM , WITH BOARD , 2013 DOUGLAS F 103 DK NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT * llh board. Call at 2107 Douglas. F 288 D22 TUB HILLSIDK. 1STH AND DODGE ; LARGI south rooms , steam heat ; first class table. F 102 8 * | TWO SOUTH 'ROOMS , FIRST CLASS BOARD 2105 Douglas. F 457 1 * SOUTH FRONT PARLOR : ALSO SMALL RMS good board ; reasonable. The Hoae , 2021 Harney T 508D2J * PLEASANT ROOMS WITH BOARD ; CAN AC commodate a few day boarders , 1810 Ch'cae street. F MC6C 4- TWO SOUTH ROOMS , FIRST CLASS BOARE 2103 Douglas. r M677 G * LAROD SOUTH TRONT ROOM , BAY WIN dow , modem conveniences , with board , reason able. 2400 Cass. F-MMS 1 FOR RENT STORES AND OFFICE ! FOR RENT. THE 4-STORY BRICK BUILDING MS Turnam street. Tills building has a lire proof , cement basement , complete steam he.il Ing Mxtnie * * , water on nil Moors , gas , etc. At ply at the ofllce of The Bee. 1 910 FOR RENT. DUSK ROOM , $5.00 MONTH. 33 Board of Trade. 1 432 AGENTS WANTED. WANTED , AGENTS TO SELL MRS. SHAFFEl patent cake griddle ; sells on sight ; posltlv proof > ou can nallta J25.UO aeek ; send stami lena Qrlddlo Co. , Delavan , WIs. J M651 S WANTED. AGENTS , EVERY CITY ; JUST OU1 nothing like II ever seen. Loom Is stamp holiU and molstenei. Sells nt HEht ; every ban ! olllce , store nnd business man wants one. Ir structlons nml sample by mall , 75 cents. 1 > ou mean business write for out/It. / Poitals nc answered. Tha Cincinnati Ture Aluminum Co Cincinnati , O. J MC30 4 GOOD SOLICITORS , BOTH LADIES AN ! gentlemen , to t > ell mineral mater ; active agent can make money. W. O. Albright Co. , Bruni wick hotel. J MC63 3 * STORAGE. STORAGE. WILLIAMS & CROSS , 1214 HARND M. > rt" 'f i' - h.M 003 STOR'AOD FOR 'HOUSEHOLD tjooosi .CLEAI and cheJp rate. 11. Wells , 1111 TaraamMM4 M-M4 BEST STORAGE BUILDING IN OMAHA , U. f gov. bonded wniehouse. Household peed stored.1Lowest rates. 10131015 Leavcaworth. M 505 WANTED TO BUY. I CITY & CO. CLAIMS. PRITCHARD. 171. ! TAR1 ! ' ' N 508 I WILL GIVE J22.000 CASH FOR 22-lfOOT LO on I'arnam or Douglas between JSMi , and ICtl J , J. Gibson , 317 1'lrst Nat'l bank bid ? . N-237 SECOND-HAND BOOKS BOUGHT TOR CAS1 Antlquaran book store , 1519 Farnam btreet. ' N 800 DH HAVn CASH BUYERS FOR 6 TO 8-ROO1 houses , east of 24th street , north oC Cumin ; Gnrvln Bros. , 210 N. Y. Life. N M592 a WANTED , GOOD SECOND HAND HO water heater ; give size , make , price. Addrc : Gurney. Yankton. a , D. N M5M 3 * WANTED. AN OLD CAVALRY SABER ; MUS bo cheap. Address I > 7. Bee office. N-M683 3 FOR SALE FURNITURE. FURNITURE AUCTION AT lilt TARNAM S' Saturdajs , 10 a. m. Robt. Wells. , O 507 CLOSING OUT ENTIRE STOCK OF FURN ture , stoves , etc. L. Altmnn , 808 N. l th.050S 0-50S FOR SALE. CARI'KT , SHADES AND FUI nlturo at 4W So. 23th nve , . O-C01-3 FOR SALEHORSES , WAGONSET ( PHAETON , BARGAIN ; NEW CLOTH , LEATI cr , paint , $03 ; another , > 23. Drummond C'ge C I'-M4i6 D2i 2l > .00 BUYS GOOD HORSE FOR HACK , D ] livery or diuft ; weight , 1,150 ; call at one Room 30 Karbach block. IV-MGM 3 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. If YOU BUY , BUY THD BEST ; MACKII toshes , rubber boots , aictlcu , s > rlngea of a kinds , gas tubing ; all best quality. Omal Tent and Awning Co. , 1311 Furnum st. Q 503 CHEAPEST CHICKEN AND ORNAMKNTA fence made. C. R. Lee , 901 Douglas. Q 510 CORN FODDER FOR SALE. FOUR ULOCIi north Lead Works , Ea Omaha. Tom Anderso Q-911 Did' WL'GMAN 1'IANOa , BRIDOEPORT ORGAN Woodbildge Bros. , 117 So. 17th. Q-2K FIRI3 BRICKAR LOTS. 14 ; SUALl LOT 115 M ; Urn clay , sand , E'avel , screenings. Wi J. Welshans , 3J1 Bpald of Trade. Tel. 1W9. _ Q-438 D21 CORHI WHEAT ! OATS ! WRITE OR 'Win for prices on mixed or whole curs o ( cor wheat , oats , feed or Hour , delivered In yo town. W. J. Crandall , Firth. Neb. Q-M47I 4 < MISCELLANEOUS. FIRST-CLASS DAIRY FARM , GOOD BARN Ice house , excellent pasture , spring vtaler ; o mile from South Omaha. Charles. Chllds. 1 ! Leavenworth street , Omaha. R 433-3' ' 1'OR RENT , HW-ACRK FARM. 4 MILKS FRO South Omaha , well Improved. A. S. Rltch 11 Karbach Bill , Omaha. R 000-1 CLAIRVOYANTS. MRS. DR. H. WARRKN , CLAIRVOYANT. R liable business medium ; 7th year at 119 N. H 8-C1 THI3 CELBBRATED CLAIRVOYANT A ? lulmlst. the young Mme. Uomalne , has t lived In the tlty and can be consulted on matters ; thousands have been mad * happy her advice : those wlihlnt cancel advice business , changes , Journejs , marriages , la suits , family , etc. , cull on the madame a lie convinced ehe has no equal ; letters cc lalnliiK stamp promptly answered ; buslm strictly confidential. Hours , to 9. 1617 Cl eago street. B M6SO tl MASSAGE , BATH8. ETC. MADAM SMITH , W2 S. liTII. 2D FLOO mom 3 ; massage , \apor , alcohol , iteam. s phurlila and sea baths. T MC19 S MAMAQE , UADAXIE BERNARD , 1421 DODO T-22J-D-J TURKISH BATHS. TURKISH BATH ROOMS , EXCLUSIVELY Ft ladles. Suite 109-10. Be * Bldg. 65j PERSONAL , VIAVI , HOME TRKATMENT IXR I.ADII Health book and cpnsutatloi | free. Addreu call VUvl Co. 3IS Be * bids. Lady attends U-51 MASSAGE : KLUCTRO THERMAL IIATI chiropodist. Mm * . 1'o.t. 31) < a 8. lilh St. THK BKLLB Kl'l'KRLY COR.HKT , 1IADB order tram measure , 11)9 Fmnam strat. L-M2I PERSONAL. Continued. MACKINTOSHES & RUBBER BOOTS. 1J11 FAR FUTEKN ELKOANT CABINET l'HOTO3 IN 3 different styles , S1.99 , at Cowan's , Ul Ilroid- way. Council Bluffs. U M43 D27 OPEN DECEMBER 3. 1891 , TO THE LADIES of Omaha , Nib. t Two ladles from Boston , Mass , will open rooms nt lilt ! Chicago streel for the benefit of suffering women. These ladles have had a wide experience In treating chronic nnd acute disease * by t.ie latest meth ods. Ladles , call on u ; , state your case plainly , nnd MO wilt be cure to give you relief , do not suffer longer ; 'on ultatlon free. Otllce hours , a. m. , to 5 p. m. ; Sundays , 1 to G p. m ? C-M4C4 D28- OSCAR SUNDCLL , THE SHOEMAKER , FOR 13 years with G. W. Cooh , has removed to a lith street , nrst door north ot Douglas. U 338-D1 MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATJE. irn INSURANCE POLICIES LOANED ON or bought. F. O. Chcsney , Kansas City , Mo. W-514 ANTHONY LOAN & TRUST CO. . 31S N.Y.LIFE , loans at low rates for choice security In Ne braska and lown farms or Omaha city property , W-515 MONEY TO LOAN ON FARMS IN DOUGLAS county , Improved and unimproved Omaha real estate. Fidelity Trust Co. , 1702 Farnam * t. W-G15 MONKY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED OMAHA real estate. Brennan , Love & Co. , I'axton blk. W-617 CITY AND FARM LOANS AT LOWEST rales. Pusey & Thomas , Fir it Nat'l bldg , W-M2I8 M.ONHY TO LOAN AT LOWEST RATES.THE O. F. Davis Co. , 1503 Farnam si. W 518 MONEY TO LOAN AT IX5WEST RATES ON Improved and unimproved OmahA real estate , 1 to E years. Fidelity Trust Co. , 170 ! Farnam. .OANS ON IMPROVED & UNIMPROVED CITY properly , 13,000 and upwards , C to 7 per cent ; no dela > 8. W. Farnam Smith & Cj. 112) Fainam. W-519 HAS. W. RAINISY. OM. NAT. UK. BLDG. W-311 IONEY TO LOAN ON OMAHA REAL IJSTATi : at 6 per cent. W. -Mclkle. . Isl Nat. bank bid W 621 ERY LOW RATES MADE ON GOOD LOANS. J. W. Squire. 215 Bee bldg. W 522 'ITY ' LOANS , C. A. STARR , CIS N. Y. L1FK. ,00 "TO $5,000. F.'D. WEAD , 1STH & DOUGLAS , W601-31 VANTED TO BORROW 1710 ON GOOD FARM ICQ acres. Improved , In Buffalo county , for one o tluee years Address Lock Box 133 , Omaha. W-WB-7 ARC3E LOANS. LOW RATES , SMALL LOANS short time. If. II. Harder & Co. , Bee Bldg. W 57 31 MONEY TO 'LOAN CHATTELS. IONEY TO LOAN ON FURNITURE. PIANOS hbrses , wagons , etc. , at lowcsl rates In city no icmoval of goods ; strictly confidential ; joi can pay the loan off at any t'me or tn an } amount. amount.OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO. , SJG ( S. ICth strict. X-C23 IONEY TO LOAN ON HOUSEHOLD FURNI' tur ? , pianos , horses , wagons , or any kind ol chattel security at lowest possible lates , whlc , > ou can pay back at any time nnd In an ) amount. FIDELITY LOAN GUARANTEE CO. Room 4 , Wllhnell block. X 523 B. HADDOCK , ROOM 427 , RAMGD BLOCK X 52D IONEY TO LOAN ON PERSONAL PROP , crty. Harvln Loan Co. . 701 N. Y. Life bldg. X-524 BUSINESS CHANCES. CASH PAID FOR ENDOWMENT POLICIES It > old line companies. Send description. A. K. . Brocltlesby , Box 233 , Hartford , Conn. Y-M850 D14 FOR SALE. 2C-ROOM BOARDING HOUSE ceatially located. Renl low. A bargain. D I Bee. Y 594. VANTED ; PARTNER IN ESTARLTSHEI pacing bulstness ; musl be good buslners man require Jl.OOO. Addiess D 12 , Bee. Y MC47 4 VANTED. PARTNER WITH EIGHT HUN ( Ired dollars. Rare ; chance. Address D 17 Bee , Y MC83 3 " FOR EXCHANGE. ' . GOOD LOT IN EAST OMAHA TO EX change for joung work horses or mules Latnorcaux Bros , M S , ICth. Z-52J BANKERS AND RCAL ESTATE AC.KNTf Take Notice Hard limes has made U possible to get hold ot good business blocks In Omahi nnd take farm lands in exchange. I solid correspondece. J. J. Gibson , 317 Isl Nat. bank Z SOI TR.ADE ; 1CO-ACRE FARM IN BROWN COUNTS near Niobium river ; good buildings , runnlni water nnd about 75" acies of heavy timber , al fenced ; will trade for stock of general met shandlse or stock hardware. Joseph X rzan box'695 , Schujler , Neb. Z 030 3 IOUSE AND LOT. BRISTOL ST.,1 1.300.0 } FOI hoises. F. D. Wcad. 16th and Douglas.ZC.031 ZC.03-1 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. GARDEN LANDS. 5 MILES FROM POST oltlce , easy terms. Call al 940 N. Y. Life. RE 528 IARGAINS. HOUSES , LOTS AND FARMS sale or Irade. F. 1C. Darling , Barker blook. HE 529 FOR SALE. NEW 4-ROOM COTTAGE ; CEL lar , cistern , city water ; cor. 30th and Sahler (1,250.00 ; long time. Inquire 1318 Famam. Bam uel Buintf RE 530 BARGAIN. ICO TO 1,600 ACRES OF CHOIC1 land 6 mllei from Omaha P. O. cheap. Llbcra erms. Address C , 12 , Bee , Omaha.RE RE SO ; Dll MODERN 12-ROOM HOME , VERY CHEA1 and on easy terms. 2019 Binney st. RK 91S GREAT BARGAINS Which must he sold within the next few days 22 feet on Cumins bt. | Double store In Dupont Place. 4-room cottage In Lowe a addition. 10-room house In Credll Foncler , nne frull an lots of It , ground 88x147 , J..OOO lot In Creston for JSOO.I ' And other BIG BARGAINS. Fidelity Trusl Company , 1702 Farnam street. RE-239 WANTED , FOR A CUSTOMER , AN 8 Ol 9-room modern house In Hnnscom Place or \ ! clnlty ; must bs cheap foi cash. Fidelity Trui Company , 1702 Farnam si. 11H M2I3 EXCHANGES AND SALES ; CITY PROPERTY farms , rnerchand'se , Qarvln Bros. , 210 N. 1 Life. 11E Mi33 WE HAVE BUYKRS FOR NEAT 5 OR C-ROOT cottages , must be snaps , for all cash. Fldellt Tiutt Company , 1702 Farnam street. RE 242 FIGURE IT YOURSELF. WE WILL SEL you 5-room house nnd lot , 1800 00 , vValklng < ll : tance of business. You pay $15 CO a month c J1SO 00 a yeir tent. Don't you gel a home f < nothing ? JI.400.00 , very easy terms. 5-rooi house , full lot , line locution. Sl.COO.OO , 8-rooi house , shade trees , fine lot. splendid loc.itloi 11,15000 , very easy terms , C-room cottage , a on one tloor. Cozy home near business. ll.OOO.C E-room cottage , small barn , nice lot , (1501 dnwn , balance to full you. Vacant lot , 00x12 27lh and Spauldlng , (100 ( X ) . THKSi : ARE FORCED AND ARE OFFURE AT HALF VALUE TO MAKE QUICK SALE ; II. E. Cole Co. , 108 N. 15th. RE M633 ( A BEAUTIFUL MODERN HOME ; , 10 ROOM nnd barn , for clear cottage , lots or eood lam W. Q. Templeton , 4 ! N , V Life , R13 MW3 6 JC.2S PER ACRE ; FAMOUS BIO HORN big crops and home market ; great plac * fi home building ; price good to December Is transportation free. Yellowstone Park Land Irrigation Ass'n. S. W. Cor. 16th & Dodg * at ; HOTELS. D r HOTEL BARKER , 13TH AND JONES fJTS. 1 75 rooms at ( l.fO per day. " " DO rooms al (2.00 per day. Special rates lo commercial travelers. Roe and board by week or month. Fiauk Illldltc : manager. (32 AETNA HOUSE ( EUROPEAN ) . N. W. C01 Dili and Dodge. Room * by day or week. 633 COZZEN8 HOTEL. 9TH AND HARNE1 steam heat , electric bells , telephone , baths , e cellenl culsene , elegant moms ; 11.00 per da ; (4.00 and upward * per week. Ml LOST. LOST ; WHITE ST. BERNARD DOG ; NO CO ! lar ; return to 181 $ Cap. Ave. and receive r ward. Lo t-MW7 3' LOST ; SMALL BLACK SHORT-TAILED COG ! rell spaniel doc ; my name on collar ; rewar N. A. Hill. 533 H. 29th avenue. C61 4 LOST. CLASS PIN. IN FORM OF 8HIEL' bearing Inscription on face "Shalluck 94 ; " I turn u > 2244 Landon court and receive rewar Kdwln T. Snobe. M6TS 3 < TYPEWRITERS. STOLEN TYPEWRITERS OFFERED IX sale should make you suspicious ; funny th are mostly Smith's. Try one and you w understand why. Full line of supplies. Smlt Premier Co. , 17th and Farasra , telephone 1284 11. K. nURKET. rUNEXyj DlRECTOn AND cmbalmer , 16U Chlc WANTON & VALIEN.vVrtPKRTAKI3RS cmbalmera , 1701 CumlnSjjriV telephone 10CO. Ma ] MAVLVNDBi&AKnRAND KM balmer , 1417 Farnam M /tjlephone KS. tM W. BAKER , UNDURT-AMER , 13 B. 16tll ST. M i. "J ELECTRICAL , SUPPLIES. , RMATURHS AND CONVTfJiVrKIlS REWOUND ! storage batteries rcchabtMH electrical and gen eral mechlnlsls : superior work Ruarnnleed , Omaha Electrical % Vorl s | U7 and G19 H. ISlh iU \A. \ . " 1LECTR1CAL HNOINITVIUH ; AND CONTRAC- torn for electric light nnd motor plants nnd nil kinds of electrical construction. Western Elec- trio Supply Co. , 418 nhd lit ) S. IJlh st. 513 HAY AND GRAIN. UY YOUR HAY BY TON OR CAR IXJTS. WE buy hay. A. H. Sn > der , 1515 Burl si. Tel. 1107. 616 EBRASKA HAY CO. , WHOLESALE HAY , grain nnd mill stuff. We arc nlnavs on the market to buy or sell. 1402-1-6 Nicholas el. 547 BUILDING & LOAN ASSOCIATION. OW TO GET A HOME OR SECURE GOOD Interest nn savings. Apply to Omaha L. & H. Ass'n , 1701 llee bldg. O. M. Natllnger , Sec. 041 KATIES IN MUTUAL I * AND B. ASS'N PAY 6 , 7 , 8 per cent when 1 , 2 , 3 years old , alwaja redeemable. 1701 Famam St. , Nattlnger. Sec. 5(5 COAL. > . T. MOUNT HAS RKMOVHD HIS COAL ofllce to 209 a. 16th St. , Brown block. K2 HKRIDAN COAL. EXCKLLENT SUBSTITUTi : for hard coal , and J3.W ton cheaper. 1603 Far nam strcci ; main entrance Board of Trade. 553 HORSES WINTERED. DDRESS BARTON & 1'HELPS. TEL. 1034 , 207 N. Y. Life bids. , M128D31 * DENTISTS. JR. GEORGE S. NASON. DENTIST , SUITE 20 ( I'axlon block , 16th und Farnam sts. Tel. 712. 543 3R. I'AUL , DENTIST , 2020 BURT ST. 519 CARPENTERS AND BUILDER3. , E. MORRILL , CARPENTER AND BUILDER , paper hanging nnd signs , brick work and plas tering. Olllce. 409 S. 14th St. , telephone 408. 057 STOVE REPAIRS. 3TOVC REPAIRS FOR < 40,000 DIFFEREN1 makes of stoves. Waler attachment nnd con' necttons a specially. 1207 Douglas street Omaha Stove Repair Works. 550 DYE WORKS. CHOKDSACK , TWIN CITY DYE WORKS 1521 Farnam street. Djelntr of every descrip tion und dry cleaning. 558 OPTICIANS. HE ALOE & PENTOLD CO. . SCIENTIFIC opticians , 1408 F rnnm st. , opposite 1'nxtor hotel. l.'jfs examined free. 551 MASQUERADElcCpSTUMES. GENTLEMEN AND jVADIES CAN REN1 masquerade costumes ttt"lir'Houth ' 16th st. 231-D19 * WHOLESALE ! COAL. OIINSQN BROS. . WHOLESALE DEALERS Ifi nil kinds of coal. Correspdndence solicited. 10X Fnrmm street. ' " 060 ' * PLUMPERS. OHN ROWE & co. , PLUMBING STEAM ANI hoi waler healing , gasxlures , globes. 421 S. 15 , , . Oil REKD JOB PRfNTlNG Cb.'J'FINE ' PRINTING of all kinds. 17th E ( . ' , Uudllunildlng. , 6C3 .CORNICE . ? ' . ' , VESTERN CORNICE WORKS , GALVANIZE ! Iron cornices. 1722 SI. Mary's ave. 635D21 DRESSMAKING. DRESSMAKING'IN FAMILIES , 4318 GRANT. SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING. VAN SANT'S SCHOOL OF SHORT HAND. X Y. Life , Omaha. Aslc for circular. 551 MUSIC , ART AND LANGUAGE. G. F. GELLENBECK. BANJOIbT ANI teacher , 1310 Callfoinu street. ail BUSINESS NOTICES. DAMAGED MIRRORS 11ESJLVERED , 719 N16 662 GRINDING. RAZORS , SHEARS. CLIPPERS. IjAWN MOW crs. etc. A. L. Undeland , 10 $ S. llth. 063 PAWNBROKERS. I. MAROWITZ LOANS MONEY. 418 N. 16TH. T ' 58ID1J BICYCLES. M. O. DAXON , 402 N. 16TH. , 535 BUUBAU. SUES & CO. , Solicitors. Dei . OMAHA , Neb. Advice FUKB RAILWAY TIME CARI Leave * iBURLlNGTON & MO. RIVER.lArrlvei OmahaUnlon | Depot , lOlh & Mason Bls. | Omati 10:16am : Denver Express , 9:33ar : 4:33pm.lllk. : Hills. Mont. & Pugel 6nd. Ex. 4:10pi : 1S5pm Denver linpress 4:10u ) tl5pmNebraska : Local ( except Sundav ) . . 7:4Jpr : 1:15am..Lincoln : Local ( except Sunday.ll:23ar ) : Leaves ICH1CAUO , BURl.INU'llJN & . Q.IArruea OmahaH-'nlon Depot. 101 h & Mason Sts I Omahi 445pm ; Chicago Vestibule : Wur t:4Sam : Chicago Kxpress 4:23pr : 7:50pm Chicago and Iowa Local S.OO.u HiXam Paclflo Junction Local. . . . . . . C.Oipr LeaveolCHlCAGO. MIL. & ST. PAUL.IArrlveJ OmahalUnion Depot. 101 v & Mason Sts I Omah , C.OOpm ChlFnro LurTlted sliO.ir ll:10am..Chicago : Express ( ex. Sun. ) . . . . 6:15pr : Leaves IC111CAGO & NORrHWEST'N.IAtrlve ! OmahalU. P. Depot , 10th & Mason Sts. ] Omah ll:05am : liasiem Rxpress SSupi : 4:00pm : Vestlbuled Limited 940ai ; C:6oam : Mo Valley .Local . . . , l < ) :30m f.45pro Omaha Chicagot.Bpoclal. . , . . 2lipi Learn I CHICAGO , It. It : ( PACIFIC. | Arrives OmabalUnlon Depot. 10th. & Mason Bls. | Omah _ w-t1ilCi ll:00am..Atlantic : Eicrcsg , < ei. Sunday ) , . . C:05pi : :25pm : NlKht ICipxess > .60pi 4:30pm..Chicago : Vestlbuled Limited. . . . l:03pi : Um pm..Uklahoma Exp. S15amOklahoma ; & Texas KK. ( ex. Sun..ll:30pi : ItlOpni < .ColoTado 1.lmllt.il 4.00pi Leaves I F. , B. & - MO. VALl.Ui. ( Arrive ; OmVhal Depol 15lh andlyultster Bts. | Omah t:10pm..Fast : Mall ; * ( ) J xpress. . . . . . . 4:5opi : t:10pm.ei. : ( Hat. ) Wyo. ex. ( ex. lion. ) . . 4Upi : : OSam..Norfolk ExpresI KK Bunday.103ijai ) ; 4Upm..Fremont : I'ass. ( > n. Runday ) , , , . TMpi : 610pm ; Bt , FaUl Eiqi ea 3ttlj : 'Leaves ! K. O. . tfC.'Ji'tifc''U. [ ArrUV Om haUnlon | Depol. loth * Mason Bis. ) Omali Kansas Cltji "Dar" > ip re us fi.03pi tMSpm.K. C. Night Kt--Yla. U. P. Tram. :5Qai Leaves ! MISSOURI PACIFIC. I Arrive Omahal Depot 15th and Webster Bt * . | Omat > :45am. : . , St. Lout * K press . - , , ( ; 0oa > :30pm : . . . . .Bt. Loul * Express 6D3p : tiltipm . . . .Nebraska Local ex. Sun. ) . . . . . . ; lOa Leaves ! UIOUX CITY & PACIFIC. ( Arrlv Omahtl T > pot 15th and W bsler Bl . I Omal e.OOpm 81. Paul Limited ! 40j I avesl SIOUX ClTY ; PAClFia ( Arrive OmahajUfilon Depol , 10th & _ Mason 81s. I Onial t,65am Sioux City I'asieniceT. .To.Mp 610pm ; St. 1'aut Limited. . . . . . . . ! 40a Leaves ! UNION PACIFIC. ( Arrive Omaha I Union Depot , 10th & Mason Sis | Omal 10 00am. , , , , , . Kearney Cxpreis . 3:4ip : tlDm : . . .OT rlnnd Flrsr. 2:15pm. Beatrice & 8trom b'ir ii.ex.Hun ) . S:43p : 7 : pm . i.Paclne Kxpreu . 10:5ia 190pm . . .Fast Mall . UOp L av i | W A BASH RAILWAY. IArrlv tl < r.ahUni | < m UapoU 10th Si iiason Sis I Om * tMpui ; tit. Lou I * Cannon Uall CO-OPERATIVE HOME BOllING Cho Nebraska Stnto League and Its Im portant Work , STATE REGULATION AND EXAMINATION Collnpso ot Spncnlntlrn Concerns In Illlnoli rrcclpltntnl by ( imclnl Inspoctlon Spicy tR AdAoclntlou Dolngii In rlouK Section ) , The third annual convention ot the Ne braska Leagtio of Local Ilulldlng and Loan ntboclatlons will be held In Lincoln on Tues- lay , December 11. The basis of represenla- Ion Is two delegates to each association In he state. If every association Is represented he convention would be composed of 163 del egates. Hut there Is no likelihood that a convention so large and representative will > e held. Heretofore a majority of the asso ciations have held aloof , permitting the nero progressive associations to bear the Minions whlio nt tlio same time sharing In .ho fruits ot victory without loss ot time or expense. The Nebraska leagiio was organized In Lincoln In September , 1892 , nnd the first regular convention was held In the capita ! city the following December. The prime ob- [ cot of the organization was to secure a systematic and effective enforcement of the aw governing building and loan associations n this state. Legitimate associations were njured in business and discredited In vari ous ijuartcrs by the operations of wildcat concerns. Hundreds of people , misled bj promises of getting rich quick , were Induced to Invest Iri outside Concerns , only to flml themselves swindled out of a portion or al of their payments. The state was flooded with these srrftolh , conBdienccle&s fakirs , parading with the livery of honest co-opera' lion and enriching themselves at the expense - penso of Innocent Imestors. People could not then distinguish between the legltlmatt and the spurious building and loan asso ciations between the mutual society and that founded for the benefit of the managers Hence the odium attaching to the opera tions of the spurious affected the popularit ) of legitimate associations and retarded thcli growth. Owing to these conditions some action was necessary to secure eiiforcemenl of the state law without fear or favor Nexl to that was a demand tor state rcgulatlor that regulated and state examinations thai meant business. These wore necessary meas ures to relay the foundations of public con * fldence. The league vtas the child of thai necessity. WHAT TIID LEAGUE HAS DONE. Although the league has not received thai generous support its work should inspire yet It has gone ahead with the task under' taken and has accomplished an Incal culablc amount ot good. Qy Its persistenl demand for enforcement of the law spurious concerns have been driven from the state Tim law does not distinguish between staff and Interstate associations. In fact , 1 favors the latter more than the homo instl tutlons. But It requires all associations t < make annual statements , sworn to by lh < proper officers , and to submit to official ex amlnatlons at least once a year.t Yet tin foreign concerns refused to comply , or at tempted to evade the moderate terms of tin law , and by their noncompllance vlrtuallj excluded themselvrs. These were the flrsi fruits of the agitation started by the league llio good work has continued steadily Vo two years. The wildcat concerns have flee the State. Annual reports and examination ! are now systematic and effective. Varloui attempts to repeal or amend the law havi Jieen defeated In the legislature. Severa state associations which attempted to Intro duce unauthorised methods of business havi been called to tlmu anil hiallo to conform f the limitations of the tow. A thorough" over hauling of , association , 'constltu'tlAns and by laws 'was hall by the State Banking Boari last December , and the result was the ollm ( nation of catch-penny nAveltlcs and th suppression of the expense fund scheme. In the work of reform the league rcceivei the hearty co-operation or the State Banklni Board and the state bank examiners , and ti their combined'efforts Is due the stead ; growth and sound condition of mutual asso clatlons In Nebraska at the present time In two years the number Increased fron sixty-four to eighty-four , their assets havi nearly doubled , and they have been Instrn mental In building 3,700 homes In the state IMPROVED METHODS. There are other features which commeni the league to the support of all associations young and old. Progress Is the order cf th day In all things. Co-operation as a prln clple In unchangeable , but the systems b ; which It Is put In practice are constant ! ; Improving. The methods of twenty year ago have almost disappeared. Indeed , ther has been a revolution of systems within tci years. Associations must keep pace with th procession by adapting themselves to nev conditions. Improved bookkeeping , mor exact divisions of profits and other develop mcnts , or become lost among- the camp fol lowers of the advancing army. The bour bans may bo tolerated In the procession , bu they are not a vital part of It. No botte moans can ba had for keeping abreast of th times than frequent meetings of active assa elation inch and the discussion of the varlou problems that arise In the course of business This Is ono of the objects ot the league , an the program for the coming meetingwll cover the Held o { co-operat'.on thoroughly , In view of the many benefits accruing fror membership In the league , and the fact tha the state legislature is about to meet , whic will require some attention , the officers urg all state associations to sand representative to the convention and unite with them 1 furthering and fostering co-operative bom building. .LOOK BEFORE YOU LEAP. The , Bee has repeatedly shown the ircssslt for caution in Investing in associations mad attractive by gilded promises of huge profit ! An association with headquarters In an ai joining state may bo all Its managsrs cialn but to the vast majority of patrons of bullil ing and loan associations the promise afford no guarantee of performance , nor does th names ot prominent citizens attached to th certificate Insure the Investor against lesiOn On the other hand , the home assoclatloi whlo | not as pretentious as Its national rlva affords that security which comes ftoi knowing Its managers , partlculaily In It meetings , watching Us business method : and having at all times access to the book : Herein lies the foundation of solvency. Ever member Is a partner In Its affairs. If li has a doubt It Can be readily set at rest. H may watch his savings Increasp. rtetermlr the ability o'f tha officers ehoa n , and In oth < ways contribute to the success as well i the security of the association. In a won the Intelligent .shareholder may know ever act of the olUcers and thus judge for blmse whether or not his Investment Is safe. Nor ot these conditions obtain In an assoclatlo with headquarters distant from his bom He pays hla dues month after month , but 1 knows nothing Of the conduct of affairs b yond what the annual report brings. Two recent Instances may be cited ar added to the mountains of evidence alread adcuniulatod. The Illinois National i Btoomlngton , 111. , la In the liands ot a r colver. It had 40,000 stockholders ropad I In Various states. The swindled shareholdei appointed a committee to examine the bool and the report proved a sensation. Out i the 1105,000 paid In dues for the preccdlr quarter only a small amount was left , member of congress was paid $200 a monl out ot the fundH , or about 1500 for evei meeting ho attended. He refunded ' $2,00 Another ofllcer was paid $200 a month will iSCROFULA * Miss Delia Stevens , of Boston , Mass. , vrrltca : I have always auflcreU ( rum hereditary I- Scrofula , for which I tried va- i rloua remedies , nnd many reliable . E clans , but none relieved mo. After talcing I lx bottles of m > < mi jta I am now well. f I am very WkVCIICII Kratcful to you , ' as I feel that ! n n u saved me from , llto of untold agony , nnd shall take ! pleasure In Breaking only [ words of prtlbo for ibo I wonderful medldno , and cured ) la recommending 11 to alt Tmtlu > BU ! ui Bli MMMH W llt4 Frit. SWIFT SPKCIFIC CO , Atlanta , dft. tudrltiK niodlclno Iri Europe. For twenty- ve months two omoen divided tlie otpeino Ullll , TltpY HOt.0 THE SACK. Iloforo tlio collapse cnmo very olflcer hail tilo-idcd his stock for cash -nnJ Ictt the ills- tint shareholders to hold the Back. The cport of the committee Is a scorcher. It ays' "Wo are clad because we are able to turn lie searchlight on na rotten mid as corrupt n Instltut on us ever disgraced this fair city , n Institution that wai reaching out with is avaricious hand and taking the money ut of tli ? pocket , aye , and even the biend ut of ttio mouths of honest , hard \vorklns topic , and hold It up In Its true character , eehlns In rottenness , ta a confldliiB pe.plc. n thi'lr mnd desire far R ln sonic of Its olll- ers have not only broiiRht dlssrace and ruin | > on thciiistlve-s , but have robbed , > es robl > eil , hrough tli lr rtcKllKcnco and carc- pasneas , to say the least , yon and s out of our hurd earned gain . 'rough ! by honest labor and toll , hey ha\o handled > oiir money and ours kith such gross carelessness mid criminal legllRonca that It Is etniply appalling and nrnl > 7.lng. In otdtf to inve a few paltry ollars out of the expense fund to rake Into lielr own coffers they ha > e made Invcst- iienta and loans vvji.ch Indicate either the Tossest liicoiiipetency or vilest corruption , n , ) when they saw the deplorable and In- olvent condition to which suoh a 'reckless ourse had Inevitably plunged the inttltutlon , nstead of standing up like trim men aiU uttering their losses with the Innocent stock- oltlers , those who had trusted llieni. Their ; reed not satisfied , they again shcmed their rue character by withdrawing their Block , at he came time telling th ? anxious and Imitilr- ng stockholders on the outside that the situ- Urn was right. This course alone should orever brand them without honor or honesty , nstcad of standing by the Milk IIR ship , they nanned the lifeboat themselves , and left the tookholders to go do\\n v\lth the abandoned raft. Judas lacnrlot betrayed his Christ for thirty pieces of silver , but the con- clousncss of his wrong-doing so weighed upon his mind that he went out and hanged ilmself. In these respects he dlffertd front ho offlcers of the Illinois Uu.ldlng onri1 Loan ssoblatlon. " AVIih careful managenient the Illinois will > ay 50 cents on the dollar. THK AMERICAN A DAIIUNO. The American Uulldlng , Loan and Invcst- iient company of Chlcigo sees the Illooinlng- on concern and RODS It ono better. It had a apltal of $50,000,000 on paper , and operated rom -Maine to Mexico. The usual varieties f n'tock were baited for ( ho gullible , and low the. Hsh did bite ! On the first of the rear Us assets amounted to $920,771 , and in nortgages In twenty-seven states were \ < il- led at ? 2 > ,94l. The mamgors did not con- Ine themselves to 11,01 tpagei Investments. , Ioney poured In so rapidly that they con cluded to take a fljer or two In other dlrec- lons. They bought a theater and ran a nighty ballet. Next they added a grotto o the. collection , then a clay bank for the irodntlons of aluminium , ad stillernnd th'ti an assortment of.and banks for $1,000 a lot , vorth $100 an aero. So tlio money vent , and \ent rapidly. So rapid was the pace that the nanagcrs are now Indebted to the assocla- ! on to the amount of J'J.j.-IOl. and for loans on bogus security in St. I'aUl $ . ' 0,430. The report of the receiver , filed In a Chicago court , holds out the Inducement of SO cents on the dollar for victims , Speaking of this rotten concern , the Chicago Herald sjys : "It Is late In the day to warn " 18 public against wild-cat building , loan , trust , In- restineut and mortgage associations , but the Icrald has been faithful to the Interests of he people In this respect from the beginning , flic alleged "national" associations especially should bs objects of thorough and suspicious scrutiny by the people who are Inclined to nvest money tinder their brilliant offers of profit and ad\antage. A statement of ono f these affairs , now passing through Insolv ency procesdlngs , was published In the Her ald last Satutday. and it is typical of many , f not cf most. Institutions \\Ith similar lames and schemes ot business. It is doubtful whether this concern ever saw n solyont hour fiom the beginning of its existence , and there ar ? _ mora like It than ' ; here are that' have enjoyed precarious 'Mn- icrvals of sohepcy. The trouble with' thesi concerns that ha\o gone Info bankruptcy , 'or are going , Is ! scalawag liianagetVienf The money received fron\ \ customers for invest ment Is loaned to tha officers of the associa tion or thslr"favorites on bad security or jiono nt all , for purposes ol speculation , or .0 be merely squandered In profligate and riotous courses of life. It Is doubtful whether the' , institution described in the Herald will pay 30 per CMit dividends to : he dupes who , placed hor.cst money In the liands of its officers , . "Good character and financial ability an the bsst Fec.ur.Ity that the managers of loan associations rtn offer to thslr customers. This is why thff state associations , ' ha called , me preferab'if' to tlio "national" associa tions The IDJIagers are known In the communities 'where the associations are located , and their leputatlon Is something of a Kuarantdeto , Investors. The "national" associations , are operated by Etranscrs ; their agents in other states can give no evi dence of trustworthiness ; they have nollilru but the brilliant promise * of their pros pectus and their enibossed and gilded cer tificates of membership , " ASSOCIATION NOTES. * National astociati us have formed a league to luck against nutrlctlro laws. The flm annual report on the condition of building and loan associations in Callt.rnla shows 137 associations In the state. They have 100.607 shares in forc > , hold $19,808,041 In mortgage loans , and divided profits amounting to $1,451,490 , The assets amount to (20,8.20,08. ( ! . The associations tire divided Into thue classes locals , nationals and cj-opsia- lUo banks. There are. 127 of the firiit class , eight of the second and two of the third. The expenses of the three classes per $100 , respectively , wcie .60 , .01) , l.OC. The mem bership is 3I.ICS. The delegates ch fen by the Mutual ol Onnha to the State League convention arc Messrs. George Helmrod and W. N. Nason , Th3 Occidental of Omaha has organize ; ! u local board In Nebraska City. The report ft the Oh'o Inspector cf bu'ld- Ing and loan associations for 1S13. just issued , is an elaborate statement of 741 organiza tions , The leport shows that the associations ot the state lo.t during the panic year 189 only one-eleventh of 1 per cent of the assets , or $ C9G77. IVrtunately this \\as met b > the contingent funds n-qulred by state law , The 741 associations have ISJ.itSn deposltlnp members. CS.903 borrowing member * . nmJ $2 < )1 , < 1CO,005 Hibtcrlbed capital. During tliE year assets Increaied } . " .ISl,0.i" . depositing members decrased 1.853 , and borr-wlnf members Increated O.ottt , LATEST FBOD1 THE LIARS' CLUB , Tlireo IiullKOAtliro Vurm Tolil lijr Its IMosi Vrrncluus AI mbpr . In a Virginia foreit the othsr day , says tin New York Hecorder , a very large tree wai cttt down , near the heart of u'hichva found a lock of hnlr , or rather two , Inter twlntd. of darker ami lighter ineihei. II ] carefully spllttlnE the oed the Initial ! "I. S , " and "P. I1. " \\ero dlscoered. falntl : legible. In what must Lave been the bur ! several hundred yearn' ago , By carefullj counting the rings which covered the Initial they were found to mpport the theorj tha the mystic letters stood for 1-o-li-n , or "Join Smith" aivi "I'ocahontas rpwhatnu , " who i lock * of hnlr had been In. some lomanll mood Intrusted to the keeping oC the clef bark. bark.Not content with slaughtering wild duck In the usual method , Henry Jones of Currl tuck procured a Gutting gun and loaded th cartridges with bird shot. Concealing him self , he waited until n Urge flock nppronehei him et great speed with a faun-Ing wind When they hiul nearly reached him h opened fire. The destruction terrible but uch wrs the Impetus of the blrda on the force of ths wind that almost the entlr Hock which he xUntjIiterod flapped dyln upon his hlillng place , and bsnealli thel mangled bodlcn Jcnei p rjfhcd miserably b retributive vuffocatlou. A lady In Thomatton , Me. , hai < a cat- Fanny which had Kitten * , as cuts Q name frequently do , llenrlng her mistress 're mark that the Kittens must all ba ( Ironnet ! 1'annv removed them one day to a tafe hid Ing place After a day or two she brough them back to the mistress with an air o triumph. It was then teen ( hut the ha with teeth and claw a lorn to pieces mi nl canvas and cork life preserver and had fa l ened a piece ot cork around each kitten' neck. Moved to pity by the tight , the ml tret * tald : "Kanny. not one of your kitten shall ever be hurt , " At ( hi * the Ititelllgeii mother took oft tha bits of cork and wect t ileeo In perfect confidence. QUEEN OF THE GARDEN ) can of Rochostsr Cathedral Dircusaj * the Oulturo of Roses. UTIIOR OF A CLASSIC UPON THE SUBIECT imltutvd lo ! o blintri In lliiQluiul nml Do- cluicn ( hat tlio Ainrrlruu TlorUt Itn * NotliliiC tu l.rurn In l > rvi > liii- ] IIIR HIP Itnyitt flou-cr. There's n rose looklnir In at the wltuluv In ever } ' condition of llfo , it ilnys of i-Diitent nml i-njoyment. In IIOIIM with lilttertie s rife. \heiv 'er < > tlu-io's n mnlle of tine xslfe , As blight s n lur.im from nbove , TIM tinmse looking In at the lndo\v Aiul llllInK- the ilwclllni ; with ly\c. " "That Is my philosophy of roses , " said. Dean lole as 1 asked him of hU favorite recrea- on , "Hul your love for rocs does not account or ) our marvelous success with them , doei : , doctor ? " I asked , referring to the Informa- lon contained In his book on roses now In Is twentieth edition. "Ho vvlm would hart * beautiful roses In hi * rardcn must have beautiful roses In his heart. Ic must love thorn wet and always , To win he Hist woo , as Jacob wooed Laban's daughter , liough draught and frost consume. He must lave not only the glowing admiration , the eu- hn la. m and the passion , but the tentiernasi. lie thoughtfulncss , the reverence of love , " \as the parnest , poetic reply of Itochester'a can , "and , " he concluded , "remember to alva - va > s spell them with a capital. " Tlin ORIGIN OK UOSU SHOWS. Dr. Hole was the originator of rose shows n England , At one display In St. James mil In 18. > S which he undertook there were ver 3.000 exquisite varieties shown , 1m pro- cntlng 506 different kinds. Thirty-six silver ups were awarded , a couple falling to the hare of the doctor. "What suggested this show ? " I queried. "A laudable and successful effort on tha > art of some Nottingham mechanics'to do th ame thing ; so , after all they were tha rlglnators. That'tcene lusplied me , " and tha' ' ean settled comfortably back an he told of It. 'I had a noteof invitation asking mo to sen ome roses. I thought It was an April fool oKe. for how could any one make n showof lowers In Nottinghamshire In April. 1 wrote hem a trifle brusquely 'What kind of roses ? ' If your reverence will come he will SPO. ' vas the rejoinder. So I went. It was sleel- ng and dismal. I arrived at a small hall vherc most ot the village conviviality was leld and was meet at the door by a bluc- iloused workman , with u rose In his coat. Good , ' I thought. I didn't expect to see even a slnslc flower. Judge of my utter aniar.e-1 nelit when I found a loni ; deal table simply ovcred with roiea And what do- you think ormcd the vases ? Why , ginger beer bottles , dost of the growers had off their coats as hey had only a few moments to run In from vork "That afternoon binall admissions were charged , to pay for the hall , I being let Irf tee , on account ot bslng In the same business , is Mr. Thackeiay told me that he was donti ly once- when he went Into a side show to see n giant. Mr. Thackeray was six feet four Inches high , you remember. "Well , this country rose show flllel me with irneH r to ve a'ld tl e oiitcime win UngUnd's > lg fashionable displays. Hut I can say that have yet to see belter loses in two varieties than those I saw In ginger beer bottles that dismal Haster .Monday In Nottinghamshire. " HIS OWN nosns. "And jour own rpscs , doctor ? Do you looU itter them yourself ? " "Mostly. " he repllpd , "I am not n jlflinau Catholic , but I love tor 'say * my robary night , and morning. And I fancy many people do , for where : > venty years ago roses nvere grown by thu ' lozens they aie now grown by the thousands. The rose shows , I think , are responsible for his. From a duchess to a mechanic , all rosarlans struggle for u prize. In Rnglaml the wars ot the roses arc btlll being hotly vaged. " "And American roscb ? " was a question. What of them ? " He answered that their perfection sur- irlsed him. "They ors tho. equals of our Inest Kngllbh roses , " ha said. "The liffqrence , of course , conies In oiir's ' 'ing grown out of doors , and yours la hot louses. " He had visited tluee ot the noted New Jersey loiie farms nndvab enthuslastlo ivcr the peifectlon he found In them , And he American love for floweis Impressed him , He zald ho expected that , universal wearing ot them In the southern Mates , but not In the far north. "Every street corner , " h ? continued. "b ars Its great burden gf flovvprs , and women crowd to buy. Everywhere the > eople wear flowers , and as for my roonm. I can almost sit and lie on the rosej , " for .he New York people have EC'n to It that lie should be greeted with his own royal queen. queen.SOMR SOMR I'llACTlCAL SUGGESTIONS. "Now to the practical sld ? ? What do you do to yours ? " "Well , tha two climates are so different that no plan ot mlno would be of practical value to women here. Still , u lew Ideas fit anywhere "A bpot should be found that Is sheltered without being shaded. Don't think you are fl planting a windmill. Every overhanging tree Is as mi apas tree to n rosr > ; get a spot where the sun shines waimly on the Kheep and the wind Is tempered to the shorn lamb. Avoid drips and root" ; marine In winter and mtilcir In spring. In thu summer months let them be wJI watered below und well sprinkled two or three times a vvoek. Let all Insect * be removed , for they sap thu life like Jewibh money-lenders 01 Christian bookmakers. Sulphur , or soot , or sojp water should be applied as mildew shows Itself. "When the ground U 'clayey' drain It well , for when water Htagnatea about the roots of a plant , they can not reci'lve air or warmth. Cut your drains with a good fall , straight four feet deep. Uurnt clny. I find , produces peiinanont friability In soils , " ' 1 he doctor romddcrb hli : method of burn ing clay excellent. He keeps all primings , banes and vegetable matter together ami makes llrcm lulu a fire , puttliii ; an uld tree stump on tup , This he covers with clay , renewing it us the fire breaks through ; sup presses Hit llamew , and after burning a fortnight blends the ashes > \ltli the soil. As to the manuies , he thinks root excellent for te > roses , whlph grow to such outdoor perfection in England : autumn leuvps arji good for HourbotiH. He does not caru much for lea leave * , as the old lady friend of hit who drenched the roots with tl'f cdntonl of the teapot that she might havfe "led- scented HIIH ! | , " The bebt manure cf nil. he thinks , U Hie refuse heap of th farm yald. 'Tor pffecllvenea-J In nrrangcmbiit , I yield always the palm to women ; nature ban ctio dovvfd them svlth defter lingerie than OUM. Tor the arrangement In the prow Ing of tha roses ah ! ther. I have my Idea. The approach preach should be dark and narrow and ttjea the glory of the rosary should burat upon - one. 'Tla then I feel like Ktandlni ; v/ltli head uncovered ; Mich a night affortH iu an the Hallelujah doss when sunn by 1,009 voices. * 1 "Bummmlng It nil up. ag ln J would my as I/aak Walton did , "Have but a loye of.Jt , and I'll warrant ye. ' " H , . Keep your blood pure and healthy nnd yotf wilt not have rheumatism. Hood's'Sarsdpa * rllla Blv > 8 the blood vitality and richness. A Itrncfiiftnr. Detroit Tree Press"I'm Jiorry lllll got beat. " said the constituent. "Thai ther Ml he wan Intending to get passed will never git through , I suppose. " "What wan It ? " allied the other conMItu ! cut. cut."W'y , you know what Is called a derelict one of them abandoned whips that U slch a danger to navigation ? " > rye . " < "Well. 1)111 ) he allowed to eel a bill through requlrin' them all to carry red light * at night. It would 'n' been a big thing far navigation , and fer Dill , loo. " Oregon Kidney Tea cure * nervou he * l aches. Trial tlie , 2 $ rttiti. All drugglati.