r ATTAWTUT THE OMAHA DAIJjY BEE : SAVfeTRDAY. DECEMBER 1 , 1894. JL riT r.r. i : zizz : ivr : ri7 : rj Now is the Accepted Time. 'J Have you a horse or a cow that I I you clou't want to feed this winter fi there is no way you can find a cus fin tomer so soon as by patronizing n The Bee want columns. Thou , sands read this page , the very people ple you are after. * 25c pays for a 17-word ad , Servant girl * ft 3d other * seeking employment , do not have towalt I OUR for Jesuits linoURli thcso wuntaUa. JT. ! _ ir r _ * "im7jLr ± i L ; ' _ r * z t SPEG1RL NOTICES , Advertisements for these columns will bo taken until 13:30 : p. m. for the evcnlnc , snd until 9:00 : p. m. for the morning1 and Sunday edition. Advertisers , by requesting a numbered check , cnn ha\e nnswer * addressed to n numbered letter ID care of Tha Bee. Answer * so addressed will IK delivered upon presentation uf the check only. Hates , IHo a wttrd first Insertion , la n word thereafter. Nothing- token for less than 25o for first Insertion. These advertisements must run consecutive/ ! SITUATIONS WANTED. TOUNO MAN WANTS PLACE TO EARN board while ( attending college. Rooses' Business college , lttl > ' and Farnam. A-fM HXPERIENCED BOOKKEEPER , ACCfRATE and Kooil penman , desires pos tlon In ofllce eras as collector : bent of city refsicncet. D 4. Bee. A M467 I' WANTED MALI. HELP. WANTED-A FEW PERSONS IN EACH PLACE to do writing ; send stamp for l rf.pago book of particulars. J. Woodbury , 127 W. 42d street , N. Y. City. B 313 WANTED EXPERIENCED COAL MINERS TOne no to Sheridan.Vjo. . Apply at ofllco Sheridan Coal Co. , 1COS Farnam. B 4C1 MEN OF OOOD ADDRESS CAN PROCURE steady employment at good pay bjr exiling at liia Douglas st. D-M7M-DU LABORERS , TEAMSTERS , STATION MEN. south ; work near Memphis ; ship dally. Kiumer's labor agency , llth and Farnam street. B-MI75 2' WANTED. A OOOD I1ROOM MAKER AT FRE- jnent Broom Co. , Fremont , Neb. 11 4S1-1 WANTED. CLOTHINO SALESMEN FOR 8AT- urday. Continental Clothing Co. 11 ISO-30 SALESMEN , SALARY OR COMMISSION TO Introduce our ooda-to the trade. Permanent position , staple line , fast sellers , big prollts , pleasant work. Address with stamp. King Mfg. Co. , C 42. Chicago. B-M4S3 4' A GOOD MAN WANTED FOR NEXT YEAR lt sell tu the country trade , with his other Roods , dry KWxlrt specialties on commission. O. T. II. Schrnnitn. nigr. , Ill Chestnut street , riill.uklpliia. Pa. B MMO 1 * WANTED , GOOD SALESMEN TO SELL CALendars - endars , cards and tnnt on commission , direct from manufacturer. Can inuko JM 00 per m > ek. Richmond LlthoKraplilne Co. , Iluffjld , N. Y. It M573 1 SALESMAN IN EVERY COI'NTY , J73.M MONTH end expensed ; plllce , furniture , advertising fur nished ; goods monopoly ; experience unneces- uary. Address :1C : S. Co. , Colonnade lll.lir. . . Boston. Masj. B MS77 ! WANTED FEMALE HELP. .WANTED. RELIABLE OIRL ; MUST BE A eood cook and do general housework for six In family ; wages , 15.00 per week. Call 1701 South ICth stteet. C JHGf 1 WANTED. (100D QtRL FOR GENERAL housework , 8. K. cor. 10th and Dorcas streets. C M5S3 ! FOB KENT HOUSES. HOUSES , I1C. . DARLINO , BARICER BLOCIC D 31S HOUSES IN ALL PARTS OF THE CITY. THE O. F. DavU company. 1LOS Farnam. D 318 KELKENNY & CO. R , 1 , CONTINENTAL BLK. 1J-317 TOR 'RENT TWO 8-HOOM ELEGANT BRICK houses ; all modern conveniences ; 1 block from Walnut Hill motor , J2J. Comptroller's orrie. D 319 BEVEN-ROOM MODERN FLAT S BLOCKS from Bee buildingI2S.OO. . Omaha Real Estata and Trust Co. . room 4. Dee bldg. D 733 GOOD FIVE-ROOM COTTAGES , J3.00 PER month. L. B. Bktnner. no N. Y. Life. D 3M CHEAPEST t-UOOM COTTAGE , WITH BATH. In city. Reduced to 113.00. 3033 California st. D-MiSS I-'OUR-ROOM MODERN FLATS. 23TH AND Leav enworth. J. W. Squire , J(5 Bea bide. D-1I65I NICE LARK HOUGSES IN DUNDEE PLACE cheap till spring. J. W. Squire. ! tS Bea bid ? . D-MC5I I10USEB ; BENAWA & CO. , 10J N. TII ST. D M7C1 JTOR RENT , HOUSE OF ROOMS AND BARN on Park Avo. Inquire at tn a. ISth st.D D 854 FIRST CLASS. MODERN 12.ROOM HOUSE , Wl > Blnney ; I40.0i > . Wlthlcll , ! OI N. Y. Life. D-48 FOUR-ROOM COTTAGE. 514 WILLIAMS street. D-M249 D20 * NINE ROOM HOUSE. MODERN. J2S.OO PER month ; 2623 Davenport si , D 25130 roR RENT % CHEAP FOR THE WINTER one 8-rooin house , three 5-room cottaces. J , A. Beott. Omaha Kofi bank. D-Mr73 D > f.ROOil FLAT. REASONABLE TERMS. IN- UUlio IQia Dodge. D-303 FOR RENT , DESIRABLE DWELLINGS IN all paru of Omaha. E. II. Sheafc , 43 : I'axton block. D 331 D24 S.ROOM COTTAOU. s. E. CARNER OF and Clarl ; street. Enquire 1&23 Jackson street. D-M33S _ * e-HOOlt COTTAGE , 119 NO. 37TIL TAKE FAR . num car. Apply at Sloetiel Stove store. D-431 _ ( 'ROOM HOUSE , 311 WOOLWORTH A\T ; one 3-room. 1301 California at. P-333 D RENT. LARCIE IllllCK HOUSE , 13 moms , modem Improvnnents ; No. 1043 Georgia avc. J. M. Slmcral. > und Ki Bee bldfr. D-M4S9 t ROOM HOUSE. WALNUT HILL. J PER month. Apply SCO ) Hatney. U-6CT 2 _ 1OR RENT , MODERN S-UOOU HOUSE ; AT- tlc. stable. * CJ Seward street ; apply next UftOr. D-MMC 31' _ TOR RENT. A SPUNDID COTTAGE. EIGHT rooms : modern conveniences , separate yard , S blocks from new iioslomce (1911 ( Cass street ) , u rnre > opportunity tor a busmeia mail tn get a C'v dculruble houeo close down town ; to rlcht party will nuke rent f S.00. T. C. llruncr. itoom 1 , Warn block. D-3JM2 2 I'OR RENT. EIGHT-llOOM HOU8H. ALL MODern - ern Improvements. No. 404 N. ! 3d street. D MM1 3 BENT FURNISHED ROOMS. RENT. TWO ROOMS. HEATED BY steam. HI Eo ,24th. street. E M59I _ I'LEASANT SOUTH ROOM TOR GENTLEMAN Inquire 1313 Dodge. E S0 la'UNJSHED ROOMS ; HOUSEKEEPING. SOU Bt. Mary's avenue. _ E M370 Dl 8 ItOOUa. H1NQI.E OR ENSUITE ; MODERN ; 1 > ! 0 Capitol avenue , E MII33 * iAnnn DETACHED HOUSE. BKCOND FLOOR , with good lieal ; centrally located. Address > X 8. litU strict. E MS31 1 DES1UABLK FURNISHED AND UN- rurnulitd- rooms , with board. Zl ! a. lith street. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ E Mm NICELRY FURNISHED ROOMS FOR LIGHT lioniekecplu ; for two younr ladle * ; references. Address. 1 > S. Bee. E 4M 1 _ TWO WARM , FURNISHED ROOMS TOR haus kccplajc , cat&p. S > ll at. Mary's avenue. " ROOMS AND BOARD. VIIRKB HANDSOMELY FURNISHED FRONT rooms , with an coomalMieu , for ( entlemen oiUiri locaUoa v ry dcslroilc. Apply to MH Huuy Mntt. F Mill U * FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD. Continued. FRONT ROOM. WITH BOARD. J013 DOUGLAS. F 103 D17f NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT , with board. Call at 2107 Douglas. r as D 21 LARGE SOUTH FRONT ROOMT'BAVVIN - dow , 'modern conveniences , with lionrd , reason able. 2408 Cass. If M303 1 LARGE. AVELL-HKATED ROOM , WITH board ; fumlshrd or nnfurnlshedln a targe , de tached house. 2019 St. Mary's avenue. F-M331 ! THE HILLSIDE. 1STII AND DODGE ; LARGB south rooms , steam heat ; flrst-class table. F M402 8 TWO SOUTH ROOMS , FIRST CLASS BOARD. 2105 Douglas , Fr-457 1 SOUTH FRONT PARLOR : ALSO SMALL RM3 ; good board ; reasonable. The Rose , 2)2 ) > ) Harney. F 388 D2D FOBTIENT STORES AND OFFICES FOR RENT , THE 4-STORY BRICK BUILDING. 916 Farnam street. The building ha * a Ore- proof , cement basement , complete steam heatIng - Ing fixtures , water on all floors , gas , etc. Ac- ply at the oltlce of The Bee. 1 310 FOR RENT , DESK ROOM , J5.00 MONTH. S31 Board ot Trade. I ! > - AGENTS WANTED. AGENTS : A WINNER AND MONEY MAKER safety shaft support for carriages , buggies and vehicles : new patent ; send 25 centi fo sample. 8. Worthlngton , patentee , 21 Qulncy street. , room. 401 , Chicago. J 32J 30 * AGENTS MAKE J3.00 DAILY ; NEW INVEN tlon ; retails 25 cents ; 2 to 6 sold In n house aampl * free. 1'orsheo & Makln , Cincinnati , O J-M57S ! WANTED TO RENT. WANTED. 2 OR S ROOMS , PARTLY FUR- nlshed.for light house Keeping by man and wife ( no children ) In private family ; references given and required : North Sherman uvenue preferred. Addiesa D I. Bee. K MO 30 6TORAGK. STORAGE , WILLIAMS &fCROB3 , 1211 HARNEY STORAGE FOR HOUSEHOLD GOODS ; CLEAN and cUeati rate. , II. Wells , Hit Farnam. CARRIAGES BUaGIES , ETa. RTORBD. . ' P. J Kaibach & Soil' Cor. 16th and Howard Sts. - - . M 607 BEST STORAGE BUILDING IN OMAHA. U. S. gov. bonded warehouse. Household goods stored. Lowest rates. 1013-1015 Lcavcmvorth. M 321 WANTED TO BUY. CITY & CO. CIJUMS. PRITCHARD , I ? ; ? FAR'M. N -485 I WILL OIVK J22.000 CASH FOR 2Z-FOOT LOT on Farnam or UouKlas between 15th'and lota J. J. Gibson , 817 First Nat'I bank bldg. _ , N 237 SECOND-HAND BOOKS BOUGHT FOR CASH Antiquarian book store , 1519 Farnam street. IF YOU WANT TO SELL YOUR BUSINESS list with F. D. Wead , IS & Douglas. . N S75 3D LIST BARGAINS IN REAL ESTATE WITH F. D. Wead , 15 & Douglas. N 575 30 HAVE CASH BUYERS FOR 5 TO R-ROOM houses , eust of ! lth street , north bf Cumlng Qjrvln Broi. . 2ll > N. Y. Life. K-M593 5 WANTED , GOOD SECOND HAND HOT water heater ; give size. make , price. Addres Gurney , Yonkton , 8. D. N M589 3 * WANTED , AN OLD CAVALRY SABER ; MUST bo cheap. Address D 7 , Bee office.N N M58 ? 3 * FOR SALE FURNITURE. PAYMENTS UASY. YOU WON'T MISS YOU ! money. Low prices on furniture and household goods. Enterprise Credit Co. , 613-C15 N. ICth st FURNITURE AUCTION AT 1111 FARNAM ST Saturdays. , 10 a. nu RobL Wells. O 871 CLOSING OUT ENTIRE STOCK OP FURNI ture. stoves , te. L. Altman , SOS N. 18th. FOR SALE , NEARLY NEW J FOLDING BRD will sell nt about half price. If taekn soon Apply at 1311 South 88th Bt. 0 453 30 * FOB SALE.HORSES , WAQONS.ETC PHAETON. TTAROAIN ; NEW XJLOTH. LEATH er , paint , J6J ; another 25. Drummond ( Tge. Co FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. IF YOU BUY , BUY THE BEST ; MACK1N tosfies. rubber boots , arctics , syringes of t ! kinds ; gas tublnir : all best quality. Omaha Tent and awning Co. , 1311 Farnam st. Q 51 ] CHEAPEST CHICKEN AND ORNAMENTAL fence made. C. R. Lee. 901 Douglas. Q CZJ CORN FODDER FOR SALE FOUR BLOCKS north Lead works , Ea Omaha. Tom Anderson Q-SU Pit' _ WEGMAN PIANOS , BRIDGEPORT "ORGANS Woodbrldge Bros. , 117 So. 17th. Q-JW FOR SALE. A FRESH COW AND CALF ; HOL- Bti-ln ; large , rich milker. 23iVeb ter street FOR SALE. AT PUBLIC AUCTION. ENTIRE stock of groceries and fixtures. Saturday , Due 1st , 1651. commencing 10 a , m. Corner 13lh an Cans streets. F. Htabrel. q33 < J * TIRE BRICK , CAR LOTS , Jll ; SMALL LOTS 115 M. ; fire clay , rand , gravel , screening * . Wm J. Y.'elslians , 331 Board of Trade. Tel. 16SJ. Q-IDS DZ7 CORNI WHEAT ! OATHI v WRITE OIL WIRE for prices on mixed or whole cars ot corn wheat , oats , feed or flour , delivered In you town. W. J. Crandall , Firth. Neb. Q-M47I l F , D. TONNE Y. CORN BROKER , CAN SHIP corn on short notice to all points In the north west from southwestern Missouri or southeast ern Kansas. P. O. address. Fort Scott. Kan , Q M4tu 1 * MISCELLANEOUS. FIRST-CLASS DAIRY FARM , GOOD BARNS Ice house , excellent pasture , spring vmtpr ; on mile from South Omaha. Charles Chllds. ISOi Loavenworlti street. Omaha- It 433-3 * CLAIRVOYANTS. MRS. DR. IL WARREN , CLAIRVOYANT , RE llabla business medium,7th year at 119 N. Ktb S 3 THE CELEBRATED CLAIRVOYANT AND palmlit. the young Mme. Romalne. has ar rived In the city and con lie consulted on a matters ; thousands have been made happy b ber advice ; thoxi wishing' correct advice o business , changes , journeys , manlaices , law suits , family , etc. , call on tha madam * uti b * convinced she has no equal ; letter * con talnlng stamp promptly answered ; business trlctlr confld < ntuil. Hours. I tn . 1617 Cfc c gn itreet. 8 M6M ft * TURKISH BATHS. LADIES" TURKISH BATH ; HOURS. ( . A. 1 to I p. m. Beauty culture parlors , removci from Uarbaen bldg , to lOa-Ua Be * bldg. in MASSAGE , BATHB , ETC. MADA1T SMITH. 101 8 , UTH. JD FLOOR room 1 | roassacev vapor , alcohol , stnra. s l pburln * and sea baths. T-MJJT1 * UASdAQE. UADAME HERNARD , HJ1 DODQK. T as-n-i * PERSONAL. ACKINTOSIIES & RUBBER DOOT3. 1J11 Fat. U-JOJ HRYSANTHEMtMS ; HESS ft BWOBODA. nor Is U , 1111 Farnam ; Faxton hotel ; tel. 1MI. IAVI ; HOME TREATMENT FOR LADIES. Health book and consultation free. Addrets or call Vlavl Co. , tit Be bldg. Lady attentlant , ISCAU 80NDEI.L. TICB SHOEMAKEU. I'OR 12 years with O. W. Cooh. hni r moved to a llth itreet , nrit door1 north of Douglas. U U6-D1 IA88AOH ELCCTno TIinRMAL HATI13 , chiropodist. Hmc. 10(1. JI9H , B. 16th Bt. u 811 nn uni.i-n EPPERLY conanr , MADU TO order from mcaauin. 1909 Farnam itreet. U M247 OMl'OUND OXYGEN CURC8 CON80M1T1O.V. mtl.m.i. bronchlt' * and catarrh. Horn * treat- menl $9 | i r month. 3 days trial free treat ment. Room HO , N. Y. Llfo Illds. Omahn. KLKQ\NT CAIIINHT 1'IIOTOS IN illfferent stylMll. . at Cownn1 * . Ml nrnndwny. Council Blu.'ii. . U-MI3 D27 ) pnN. oncEMnun 2. < . TO TII of Omaha. Neb. : Two ladles from Iloston. Mn n. ( will open rooms nt 1816 Chlcajro tre t for the benfHt of iiiffcrlnsf women. The o ladles have had a wide experience In treating chrunla and ncute diseases by the latosl methods. r.a.lls . , call on us , state jour case plainly , and wd will be sure to Rive you rellcfr do not suffer longer ; consultation free. Olllce hours , 9 a. m. 'o 5 p. DV ; Satur.tajB. 1 to 6 p. m. U M404 P:8 HONEY TO LOAN BilAl , .ESTATK. LIFB IN8URAMCU POLICIUS IXANED ON or bought , F. O. Chesney. ICnnsas City. Mo. W-3.17 ANTHONY LOAN & TRUST CO. , 318 N.Y. LIFE , loans at tow rates for choice security In Ne braska and Iowa farms or Omaha city property. XV 33J MONEY TO LOAN ON 1'ARMB IN BOUC1UAS county. Improved and unimproved Omaha real estate. Fidelity Trust Co. , 1733 Farnnm t. \V-J2S MONKY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED OMAHA real estate. Urennan. Lov & Co. , 1'axtnn bite W 310 CITY AND FARM LOANS AT LOWEST rates. I > usey & Thomas , 1st Nat' ! , bldg. MONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST HATES. THE O. r. Davis Co. . 1K'3 ' Farnam st. V > " 3U MONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST RATES ON lnipii.\id i nd unimproved Omiha real estate , 1 to C jeers. Fidelity Trust Co. , 1702 Farnam. WSJ3 LOANS ON IMPROVED & UNIMPROVED CITY property , J3.000 and upward * . 6 to 7 per cent ; no delays. W. Faiimm Smith & Co. , 132) Farnam. -W-442 CHAS. W. RAINEY , OM. NAT. OK. CLDO. W-3O MONKY TO LOAN ON OMAHA REAL ESTATE at 8 per cent. W. II. Melkle , 1st Nat. blc. bldg. - VERY LOW RATES MADE ON GOOD LOANS. J. W. Bqulre , 2S Be bld . WE HAVE SEVERAL THOUSAND DO' LAT1B for short time paper or llrst class iitge. loans. II. II. Harder & . Co. , cround Itoor , Her llcir. W S CITY LOANS. C A. STARR , 615 N. Y. Life bldjf. V SSI PRIVATE MONEY , FROM J100 TO J3.000. F. D. Wead , 16th and Douglas. W 571 30 MONEY TO 1.OAW CHATTEIiS. MONEY TO LOAN ON FURNITURE , PIANOS , horses , wagons , etc. , at lowest rates .n clt > ; no removal of goods : strictly uo'iiidtntUtli you can pay the loan off at any tlms or la any amount. amount.OMAHA OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO. . 3U6 S. IGth street. X 317 MONEY TO LOAN ON PERSONAL PROP- erty. Harvln Lean Co. , 701 N. Y. Llfo bids. X-JIS MONEY TO LOAN ON HOUSEHOLD rURNI- ture. pianos , horses , wagonn or any hind 01 chattel fci-turlt/ lowest possible rates , , which you can p y back at any time nnd In anj amount. FIDELITY LOAN QUARANTRK CO. , Room 4. Wlthnell blocK. X 3 J. B. HADDOCK. ROOM 427 RAMGE BLOCK X-3SO 13U31NESB CHANCES. CASH PAID FOR ENDOWMENT POLICIES IN old Una colnpanle * . Send description. A. 1C. nrocklesby. Box 233. Hnrtfonl , Conn. 1 3T MS:0-Dli PROPOSALS INVITED TO PURCltASE 'LO beclc-LInn Hardnare Co.'n complete stuck liullders * hardware nnd mechanics' tools Auc tion Saturday evenings. W , N. Nasoa , Re ceiver , 1101 Douglas st. , Omahn , Neb.Y Y HT7-50 WANTED. TO RKKT A IIOTEU IN TOWN oC 1.000 to 5.000. Address * , \\lth full pnrtlcutani II. P. Alexander , 310 S. 2Gth street , Umahn , Nab. Y MKW 1 FOK EXCHANGE. A GOOD LOT IN EAST OMAHA TO EXchange - change for soungorl : horses or mut 8. Lamoreaux lira : . , MC B. IGtli , 7 Z'j\ HANKERS AND REAL ESTATI ! AGENTS Take Notice Hard tlmei has made U possible to get hold of good business blocks IP Omaha and tnkrt farm lands In exchange. [ solid correspondence. J. J. GI boon , 317 1st Nat'l b'k Z-S01 GOOD NEW niCYCLE FOR HIGH ORADI hnmmerless gun. Addiess E. Falim.m , Octavln Neb. Z MtSD 2 WILL EXCHANGE A F1N15 IX > T IN GOOD county seat , cleir title , desirable location for a good shotgun. P. O. Box 90 , Neb. FOR MORTGAGE PAPER OR CLKAR LAND one of the finest properties In Lincoln , bilne ; Inp annually I4.CUO. Address , Lock I lor ,1G2 Lincoln , Neb. 2 M1SO 2 * 6 ACRES NEAR SCHOOL IN CITY. WOO. FOR rental propcity. F. D. Wcail , 1C & Douclas. Z 570 30 HOUSES AND LOTS FOR GOOD FARMS OR inercliand'se. ' F. D. Weud , 1C & Douslns 5ii7C < 30 T\VO HOUSES AND LOT. CLEAR , PART PAY ment of good farm. F. D. Wend , 16 & IMnjl.is 7. 57G 3J OMAHA RESIDENCE OR IIITSINESS PROP crty , clear , and ca h , for stock of merchan dlse. Alex. Mooie. KU N. Y. Life. FOB SALE RKAfc ESTA1E. GARDEN LANDS. 5 U11,123 FROM POSTOF- llce , easy terms. Call at IMt ) N. Y. Life , RE-352 BARGAINS , HOUSES. LOTS AND FARMS sale of trade. F. K. Darling , Barker block. FOR SALE NEW 4-ROOM COTTAGE ; CEL- lar. clstein. city water ; tor. 30th and Sahler SIKU 00 ; long time. Inquire 1313 Farnam. Sam uel Burns. RE-331 CHOICE GARDEN LANDS. S MILES FRO1 Omaha uoetofllce. 10 to ICO acres , some trade N. D. Keyes , Cir Paxton bile. RE Kj BAROAIN-IM TO J.500 ACRES OF CHOICE land. S miles from Omaha P. O. cheap. Llbera terms Addess ; C IS. llee , Omaha. RE-S03-D11 MODERN 15-ROOM HOME , VERY CHEAP and on easy terms. 2019 Ilinney st. RE 913 GRF.AT BARGAINS Which must bo sold within the next few dajs. 22 ft. on Cumlnir Ft. Double stoie In Dinwnt Place. l-raom cotlaco In Ixme'it addition. IVroom house In Credit Fond or , line frul and lots of It. ground 8 > xl(7. $2.000 Lot In Creston for JSOO. And other BIG BARGAINH. Fidelity Trust Company , 1703 Farnam st. RE-2M WANTED. FOR A CUSTOMER , AN S Ol ( room modern house In Hanscom Place or vl clnlty ; must be cheap { or cash. Fidelity Trus company , 1702 Farnam street. RE MII3 EXCHANGES At'TO BALES : CITY PROPERTY farms , merchandise. d r\ln Bros. , 210 N. Y Llfe , Jti : M203 _ WE HAVE BUYKRS FOR NEAT F1VEOR Six" room cottagrs , must be snaps , for all cuih Vldellty Trust company , 170.1 Farnam street. RE-MiU RESIDENCE. -FOOT C'ORNER , KOt'NTXF Place , > 5i i < )00. F. K. Purling. RE M573 2 " " 60-FT VOW BET. O , Us H , O. JIM. Coiner lot. 23d t , north Kounta : PI. , > 3".0 , DO-ft. Georgia atenue. ! : , ? . Ka t frnnt west K'dr ' II , Park. U.OCO K D. Wrad. 1C U Douglas. RE-574 30 SPLENDID t-ACRK TRACT 2 Ml. SOUTH OJ Q street. 8. O. , > UO. 40rk-acr farm. IS ml. out , O JJ7.1. 27J acres , 8 ml. from P. O. , ( f JM. I'.D. Wrad. 18 & Douglan. RE-S70 SI 8-ROOM IIOt'SE AND BARN , KOUNT7.P I'lace , It.SSO ; mtir 13.000 O C per ivnt. 11-rooin house , cost (9.COO , with "S-fool ground price. J3.500 ; cju > - termx. Finn ccirncrr North 21th si. , 1 bldgg , oil J5.0H ) ; will accept rmaller property In part. M-ft ; 2 houses. 1 nil South 13th , JI.SOO , F. D. Wead , U & Doughto. Jtlv 67t 4) I ACRES S MI. N. W. CULT. . H.S7J. 10 acres , near Mascot t. 13 , Wu. B acre * , near South Omahn. ( Soft. 11 acres. M ml , from Omaha. IJ. Z7t acres , 9 ml. from Omaha , $13.710. 400 acres. 1) ml. , O 7.W. F. I ) . Wead. U & Douglas. RE 57 < M 10 ACRES. VEHY FINE. PLO3I1 TO OMAHA half value , Sl.SOO : easy terms. Aler. Mooie- CM N. Y , Life- . REMM7 2 > U. O. DAXON , i02 N. 1CT1L U l AUCTION SALE OF CLOTHING. EREStPTORY ID tat AT CHICAGO , ILL. n Thursday , December 6 , UJJ , t 10 a. m. , In rder to wiml up pirtnershlU , matter * we will < ! ) nt public auction the entire stock of Stmuss , ondorf & Rosr , maniilacturcrs. of mtn'a yinittm * and children' * clothing' , at tliolr store , or. Market and ( ju ncy "trti S Chicane conilsl- n ot over worth of II at MEN'S , BOYS' AND CHILDREN'S CLOTHING n full suits , overcoats , ulsters , pnnls , single estn nnd a quantity of ! > IWe irinxlx. All fresh made for this l afln' s Jrn Je , which fact , ngether with the unquestionably high reputation nj-iyed by thin firm a * makers ot the highest rade of garments , makefl tlila une of the most ttrnctlvc- sales It has ever been our pleasure t'j nnounc to tlid trad ? . Stock will be put up n lots tn su't ' the trade Terms of unle : Cn h on ellfery ; a. depoult will Iw rcqulrnl from pnch nnd every buyer , Stock , will bo nn exhibition , vlth ciitalogue , Tuesday , December 4. George P. Gore A Co. , Auctioneers. HAMUEL OAN8. Manager. Wcstcin Snhage Wrecking Axrncy. JI5S3 2 HOTELS. IOTEI > BARKER. 13T1I AND JONES BT3. 75 rooms at fl.to per day. 60 rooms at JiOOO per dny. Special rates to commercial travelers. Room and board by week or month. Frank Hlldltch , nigr. 372 AETNA HOUSE ( EUROPEAN ! , N. W. COR. 11th and Dodge. Rooms by day or week.MJ31 MJ31 COZZENS HOTEL. 9TH AND JIARNEY ; ste m beat , electric bells , telephone , baths , ex cellent culsene , elegant rooms ; 11.00 per day ; 14 CO and upwards per week. M9IO UNDERTAKERS AND EMB AI/2IEB3 I. K. BURKBTT. FUNERAL D1HEOTOR AND embaltncr , 1618 Clilcago St. . telephone 90. 36J SWANSON ft VALIEN. UNDERTAKERS AND embalmerr , 1701 Cumlnc ( t. , telephone 1060.Ul Ul M. O. /AUL. 1 . UNDERTAKER AND EM- balmcr , 1(17 Farnam st. , telephone 223. 361 W. BAKER , UNDERTAKEIt 013 8. 8tb ST. STEAMSHIP LINE. ANCHOR LINE MAIL BTKAMSHIPS-SAIL regularly every Saturday from New York for Londonderry and Glasgow. JMrnciwU , Decem ber 1 , 8 a. m. ; .Anchoila , December I , 2 p. in. ; Clrcarsla. December 22 , 2 p. m. ; Ethiopia , December 13 , 7 a. m. SMoon. second dais , and steerage , tingle or round trp tickets from New York or Chicago at reduced rates to ths principal Scotch. EngllsH , Irish and all conti nental points. For money orders , drafts , out- want cr prepaid tickets apply to any ot our local agents or to Henderson Bros. , Chicago. PLUMBERS. FREE PLUM IJINO OF EVERY KIND. GAS , iteam & hot water heating ; sev.erage , 311 S. II. 3G6- JOHN ItOWE & CO. , PLUMBING STEAM AND hot water heating , gas fixtures , globes , 421 S.15. 3G7 ED LAWRENCE , PLUMBING ! , GAS FITTING and drain laying. 603 Cumlng sticet. sticet.M153 M153 Dl ELECTRICAL SOfi-LLKS. ARMATURES AND CONVERTERS REWOUND ; storage batteries recharged ; electrical and gen eral machinists ; euperloi work guaranteed. Omaha Electrical troika. C17 ami 015 & 16th st. 373 ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS' ' 'AND CONTRAC- to-i for electric light and motor plants and all kinds of electtlral constructliir. . Western Eleo ttlo Supply Co. . 418 and , 4o.ij. 15th fit. 371 BUILDING & LO Aft SOOI ATIOtf. IKW TO GET A IIOMtJ'&fr SECURE GOOD Interest on savings. Apply td Omaha L. A n. Au'o , I'M Bea bids.a.W. / . Nattlnser. Sec. " * X f ! SHARES IN MUTUAL IV-AND B. ASS'N PAY 6 , 7 , 8 per cent when II Si. & years old , always redeemable. 1701 Fatnomj | t.r Nattlnger , Sec. HAY ANDGRAIN. ! , BUY YOUR HAY BY TON. OR CAR LOTS. VfK buy bay. A. II. Snyder _ liU Uurt st. Tel HOT I i i u J7J NEBRASKA HAY CO. ' 'MrOLESALE HAY1 , Ifl-fln and rnlll stuff. Vfeliif nmyon \ tl. j mirkct tb'bUy-'or ' B IL"lire3-fli Nicholas st. ' " DENTIbTS : DR. GEORGE S. NASON , dENTIST. SUITE 200 block , Uth and Farnam its. Tel. 711 370 DR. PAUL. PE TIST. 2020 BURT ST. 372 STOVJ3 .K&PAIKS. STOVE REPAIRS FOR 40.0W DIFFERENT makes of stoves. Water attachment and con nections' a specialty. 1:07 Douglas street Omaha Stove Repair Works. 3SO OPTICIANS. THE ALOE & TENFOLD CO. . SCIENTIFIC ootlclaM. 1403 rarnam St. , opposite I'at'i brt l. Eyes examined free. Jf. COAL. D. T. MOUNT HAS REMOVED HIS COAL office to 209 S. IGth it. Brcwn block. 381 SHERIDAN COAL , EXCF.LLENT SUBSTITUTE for liard coal , acd { 3.50 ton cheaper. IMS Ifur- nam stieet ; main entrance Board of Trade. 480 TYPEWRITERS. STOLEN TYrrr\YRITCR3 OPTERCD FOK tale uhoulil make you xusplcloua ; funny lhay aro. mostly Smith's. Try one anil you wltt understand whr. Pull line of supplies. Smith- Premier Co. . Htli and Farnam , telcphons IMC 231 IKBIOATED FARMS. Jf.25 I'KIV ACRE ; FAMOUS Bid HORN JBASIN ; blB cropa and home marjfct : e'eat place for home bulldlns : price Bood to December 1st ; transportation free. Yellovvstont Pork Land & Irrigation As 'n , 8. W. Cor. l la & Uodse U. 4 7 Dl CORNICE. WESTERN CORNICE WORKS. GALVANI7.ED Iran cornices. 1722 Bt. Maiys ave. 3S3 EAGLE CORNICE WORKS , JOHN EPENE- ter , prop. , 108 , 110 , 112 N , llth. E tab. 1801. 884 MUSIC , ART AND LANGUAGE. O. F. GELLENBF.CK , BANJOIST AND teacher. 1910 California street. H HORSES WINTERED. ADDRESS BARTON & PHELPS. Tel. 1051. 20T N. Y , Llfa Bldg. M42S D3I HORSES WINTERED 13 00 AND J < 00 PER month. Address Hopper Bros. , Elkhorn , Neb. M 313 D24 CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS C. E. MORRILL. CARPENTER AND BUILDER , paner hanging and signs , brick work and plas tering. Olllce. 409 S. llth it. , telephone 4Si. LOST. LOST , BROWN BPANlEliai'UP. NBAR POP pleton and ParU avenues ; tHturn to IU W. Fltt 1321 Houtli 2Cth st anil revive reward. 509 30 * DYE WORKS. 6CHOEDSACK. TWIN CITY DYB WORKS 16J1 Karoam stieet. DyeUitf. of every descrlp- " tlon and. dry cleaning. ' " 1S FURNACES. HKST VURNACE MADE | sdjn. ' COAL SMOKE rnnsunilng and hard coal furnacei. Eagle Cor nice Works. 101-110-113 JJjJj-tli st. 8 JOHNSON' BROS. , WHOnfiSALE DEALERS IN all kinds of coal. Corretpondtnc * solicited. 1M ] I'arnsm street. , Oi 8M MASQUERADlfl bsiUMES. GENTLEMEN AND l Sty.a CAN RENT masquerade costume * at , lll. outh ISth > t. nyitr 231-D13' DRESSTMAKENG. DRESSMAKING IN FAMILIES , 431t GRANT. 9S79D IS' SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING. VAN HANTS SCHOOL OF- SHORT HAND. N . Y. Life , Omaha. Ask for circular. 793 BUSINESS NOTICES. DAMAUED MIRRORS RESILVERKD. 719 N. It. 353 JOB PKiNTINU. REED JOB PRINTING CO. . PINH fRINTIXO of all binds. 17th it. . Be bulldlnrX > 3 PAWNBROKERS. IL MAROtVITZ LOANS MONEY , 41S N. ICTH. JJ5 GRINDING. , EIIBAHS. CLIPPERS. LAWN MOW n , tie. A. L. Undeland. 1 < M0. . 14th. 341 \CREED \ TO RESTORE RATES Western Lines Take This Preliminary Step Toward Reorganization , EXAS LINES NOT YcT CONSINTED 'rnnicontlnoutnl Linen Also Muklag au Effort tu ( lot llntn Iliick Ilur- llngtcu Earnings for October. CIHCAao , Nov. 30. All of the western Ines have agreed that , beginning the 1st , \xcess commissions anil all circular methods f reducing rates of whatever character shall 10 discontinued. At the. incetliiK today , at vhlch this was agreed upon , the Missouri , { ansas & Texas ami Cotton licit were not represented , and the agreement Is not , there- ore , effective on nny Texas business until hose roads have had an opportunity to record heir vote upon the proposition , and not then unless both lines declare In favor of It. The other roads will keep the agreement , how ever , In all territory which Is not tributary o the Missouri , Kaiuns & Texas and Cotton Belt , even 1C those roads decide that they vlll have nothing to do with the agreement , mmedlatcly after taking this action the roads decided that , effective December 1 , they would restore rates between Kansas City and Chicago to $12.GQ , and between Kansas City and St. Louis to $7.CO. After the meeting of the western lines the transcontinental people gathered to see what hey could do In the way of the removal of obstacles In the way ot an agreement of all Ines to join one association , The principal .hlng for them to do Is to get the transcon- Incntal rates out of the demoralized condl- lon In which they have been for so long. They considered the adv.incs of rates to Mon- nna , Utah , Colorado and IMclflc coast points. Nothing was done , however , nnd the meeting went over until tomorrow. A general meet- ag of the lines Is scheduled for tomorrow to attempt the reorganization of the big as sociation which Is to cover all the territory Between Chicago and the I'aclflc coast. As the transcontinental lines have not yet made all their arrangements. It Is hard y possible. The net earnings of tha Uurljzgton for tli. month ending October 31 were $764,483 , a de crease of $227,118 from the same month of last year. The net earnings of the road Trom January 14 to October 31 were $2,276- 912 , a decrease of $750,981 over the same period of 1893. A1KKT1NO WITH SUCCESS. A Now Piis eucor Aftvnrliitlan Olio of tlio J'oMllillltlrx. The sentiment seems to bs growing that a reconstructed Western Passenger association will be formed on the site of the association which died yesterday. The men who are In charge of forming a new agreement arc meet- ng with considerable success , and It Is confi dently expected the new association with transcontinental trimmings will be a poten tiality by the first of the ne-.v year. There are those , however , who are Inclined to think : hat the outline of what the new association promises to be Is too" vast In Its scope , and : hat It will prove unwieldy when actually In existence. Tile location of five sub-points , as Chicago , St. Lonls , St. Paul , Denver and San Francisco , with IccM associations In all Im- [ fartnnt points included In lite scope of the general association , does not glv ? any nrcat pleasure to some lines. One railroad ofllctal said ho could not see why Omaha should not Imve the transmlssourl headquarters Instead of Denver , as proposed , and remarked that Omaha usually got the worst of It where there-was to be any distribution of the loaves - irnd'Qshes. In answer to this Mr. Francis of . id Burlington .saltj thit DcnVer 'occupied a ate atfva itaseods' ' ground , than either Kan sas City or Omaha for the transmlssourl corn- mlttee , the territory as proposed by those 'laving ' the details of the new association In charge , and comprhed In the transtnlssourl branch of the association , extending as far wet as Ogden , He thought that Kansas 3tty should have had a show , but It seemed to b the policy of the promoters of the re organization to place sub-headquarters at YOUNG . . . . We Offer You u Remedy V'Sitch Insures Safety to Life of Mother anC Child. Robs Cominemenljj r-Q rrivirv of Its Pain , Horror S FRIEND and RitL j sj After Tislntr ona bottle of "MontEns'ij 8 FmzNn" I Biifforsd but little pnln , and did ' 'not ' experience tlmt weakness afterward,9 It usual In Bach cnses. JIW3. ANNIE QAQE.g Baxter Springs , Kan , S cj Sent > > THM1 or Rxpr a. on receipt of price , f I : tl. oer bottle , lloolr t UotlteiHinMled 1' $ Free. Bold by nil Druggists. nniPFiF.t.n REflHiiToii ro. , AtUnti , o . ij SSWSBTfltJWili RAILWAY TIME CARD Leaves iBURLlNGTON . MO. RIVEH.IAir.ves OmahalUnkin Depot. 10th EC Mason bts | Omalfv 10lSnm..7 : Driver Etpiess Srum : 4r.pm.lllk. : HI119. Mont. & Pugoc Snd. Ex. 4:10pm : 1:3pn\ : Denver Express. . . 410pm ; CMliim..Nebraska Local ( except Hunda7 : Jpm f.liam..Lincoln Local ( except Hunduyh.llu'l.lm Leaves It-lllCAGO. UU1C1INO'IX N i Q.iAirlves OmahajUnlon Depot , 10th & Mason Sta.l Om\hl ; 4 : < 5pm Ch'cugo ' vcstltinle Uliam ; Sl5am : Chicago Express , . 4:2ipm : 7&pm. . . . .Chicago and Iowa Locnl. . . . . . KtXJam : llS5am..Paclla : Junction Ijjcnl U.OI.im LeaveniCHICAao , _ OmalialUnlon Depot. ll ) > ' S Mason 8t | Omam 'e.OOpm. . . , Chlcaro Limited 9AOam : lUlOanL--Ctilcaeo Cxpresa ( ex. Hun. ) . . . . 8lSpia : Lvavea ICI11CAUO & NOlUUVViST\\.IAiilvoj OniglialU. P. Depot , JOth & Maaon bis I Onmln llOSam : Eastern Expicss r.iijpm 4:00pm : Veitlbuled Limited 9:40am : C:5ium : Mo. Valley Local lo 0pm t4Spm ! Omaha Chkaeo bpeclnl 2ltpm ; Leaves I CHTCAOO , R , I. Ac PACIFIC. | ArrK _ OmalialUnton Depot. 10th & Mason BtsJ Omaha 'EA&T.- Il.lSam.Atlantic Kxpre ( ex. Sunda . . . C-ulptn C2Ipin ; Night Express . , . - t.Wpm 4IOpm..Chicago ; Vrctlbulcd Limited. . . , l-.Oitm ir.SSpm..Oklahoma Exp , ( toC. II. ex Sun..llJOpm ) : ' WEST. l _ 2 e.COnm.Oklahoma & Texas Ex. ( ex. Bun..ll:0pm : l10pm ; Colorado Limited 4MOpiii Leaves I C. ST. P. . M. & O. lAtrlves Omaha ! Depot Ijlii and Webster SJs lOnmlw _ 5idara..Nebraska : Patsenser ( dally ) . , , . 8:15pm : 4UBpm..Slou * City Expreu ( ex. Sun..ll : . ' > 0.im 6:10pin : , , .8t. Paul Limited 9HOam LeavcsT FTTE7& MO , VALLE1. ( ArfTves' Omahal Depot 15th nnd Webster Bts. | Omaha 2.10pm Fast Mall and Expieis 4Vpm ; lIOpm.cx. : ( Bat. ) Wyo. ex. ( ex M n ) . . 4Us : > m V.uiani..Norfolk. Express ( -iunitay.MDJ.un ) : 4Spm..Fremont : 1 ass. ( ex. Kunlay ) . . . . 7Mpin : 6ilDpm. . . . . . St. Paul Express 0lo.irn : Leavesl tt."c. ST. J. & a IS. fArrlves Omalial Union Depot. 10th ft Mason Bli I Omali > $ :4 : m.Kunsa < City Uay I < xt > rr < a , . . . , o:0'pm : J : i5pmIv.C. _ NlKht r.x. via. U. f. Tran * . 6Mam : ' " 'l > cave | MISSOURI I'ACIFIC. IArrlve Omahal Depot 15t ! ami Webster Sts. | Omali-v " : 5nm7m..T7r.St. Louis Expresi CiOtam 9.30pm St. Louis Exprrss C.OSpm jilUpm..Nebraska Local ex. Sun. ) , , . _ . . : iujm TJaveli BlOUX' CITY' PACIFICT TArrtvei Omaliaj Depot ISth and Webster Bti. I Omaha 6)0pin..t..fcl. ) I'aul LlmlTtiI. DWitn ; Leavesl MIOUX CITY & P.\C1FIC. ( AriU'ts' OmahalUnlonpepot..Jglh.ftMa nn Bts.I Oioah < B.Oiam t Sioux City I'ast neer.lai4iini ; CMOpm .Ht. I'aul Limited 3:4 : am "Lejve | " UNION PACIKIC. | Arrlv OmahalUnlon Depot , 10th & Mason Sli I Omahl 10 00am . .Kearney Uxprru . .7. , 3l3pm : lUnm : Overland l-'lHT 6 : > jpm 2IIpm.ltttlrlr ) & Stroinab'ir Kx.ex.ttun ( ) , 3 : < Jpm TUOpm , , . ,1'acina Exprtxa ] 9AJam ; l : pm..v Fail Mail < : lOpm l avMl XV'AHAsrt 'ItAUAV AVI I Arrive * OmalialUnlon Depot. 19lh f. * IasonUUj Onulu t C2bro7.T..i.tltr ix > Vl Caiinua I tall „ DUItKAU. SUES & CO. , Solicitors. IJee , OMAHA , Kcb. Adrlco FltKH. those places where the headquarters of rail road companies were located. , _ rOUKGLCMUIti ; TIIM HKMKDY. Clinlriniut Vrnnmn lUprexKm 111 * Vlcirs on Union Pnclllo Aflitlrp. Oeorgo W. Vroman , chairman of the Uroth- crhood of Locomotive. Engineers , and a mem ber of the Rrlcvanro committee of the Union I'aclflc system , was In the city this uwk to hold a conference with General Mtinaecr Dickinson on matters connected with the engineers. The absence of Mr. Dickinson from the pcnernl offices made It possible ( or Mr. Vroman to spend ThanksglvlnR at home In North I'latte. Mr. Vromnti , In talking over the object of his visit to Omaha , sthtcj that ho had revcrat personal matters to take up with the general manager , but beyond this there was little nlgnlflcance attache * ! to his visit , as these affairs vvcra of almost weekly occurrence. "Kor the first tlmo In three years" , unld he , "I will KO back to my engine on thp Union Paclllc between December t and 10. Of course I still retain my position with thu brotherhood nnd will hold my place on the grievance committee of the system , but the work seems light In my department , nnd I like' to keep In touch with the boys. 1 maybe bo called upon any time to meet commltUcs ot the botherhood ; , but my arrangements with the Unfon Pacific maka It poaslble for mo to hold my position with the compiny while acting In the capacity of chairman of the englnesrn of the Union Tactile. " Then he passed to the discussion of the terms of the reorganiza tion of the system as fore shadowed by the government directors of llm " " remarked that "Overland , nnd sentectlously the plan was Impracticable nnd would not be accomplished under existing conditions. "Capital wilt be found arrayed against thi scheme as outlined by Receiver Anderson and his confreres , for the reason that holder * of bonds will not agrco to accept less than the face value of those bonds. Herein Is the vital question. Individual property holders are compelled to sell their property at present prices , not what It would bring In prosper ous times. Depreciation must be met by In dividuals , but capital refuses to accept the changed condition of things , and there the dmculty of final settlement rests. The laboring man Is confronted with these changes , and capital must come to the same Inevllab'e realization. Tlio hope of the Union Pacific rests In fore closure , n wlp'ng ' out of all the burdens which have kept It down for a decade. When this is accomplished , then will como reduced rates , fair wages to Avorklngmen and fair dividends to stockholders , nnd not till then. "As for strikes , they have had their day , have accomplished their purposes and are ended. Employes now turn to the courts for a righting of wrongs nnd the sentiment of arbitration grows moro powerful.Vo are on the eve of Justice. Wo demand nothing more , wo will accept nothing less. " On the Line uf Kroiinmv. L. A. Pease , who leaves the service of the Milwaukee- railroad today , having for a num ber of years been In charge of the dining car service of the company , waa In town yester day. Mr. Pease sent In his resignation ono month ago , and , In accepting It , General Man ager Earllng paid Mr. Pease a high compli ment for his efficiency. The sleeping and dining car departments of the- Milwaukee will now bs consolldited tinder the chief of the sleeping car department , Mr. F. W. Getty , who assumes charge today. Mr. Pease Is somewhat undecided as to his future , but the chances seem bright for his taking a similar position with the Great Northern road. It Is understood that the consolidation of the two departments on the Milwaukee Is on the line of economy. I.iillwnv Kotos. Judge Walter Sanborn nnd Special Master In Chancery Cornish , with their families , left Los Angeles yesterday for Denver , where they will hear evidence In matters affecting ithe Union Pacific , Denver & Gulf and Union pacific , December 3. The .IJurllngton. has nl > t yet finished with manipulating Its schedules. The ' latest1 change will lajcc effect tomorrow , when , the lime of No. 1C from Denver will bs short ened , a difference of lifteen minutes balng mada Into Kansas City and St. JOB' and twenty-five into Kansas City. Chilrmaa Caldwell of the Western Pas senger association advised Secretary David son of the local association that under pro vision of article , 14 the local association would be formally dissolved November 30 , but he urged the secretary to counssl conservatism on the part of th ? members pf the association pending probable reorganization of the asso ciation. General Northwesterrt Passenger Agent Charles Kennedy of the Uock Island , speak ing of the article In The Bea of yesterday , wherein It was stated that Mr. W. II. Trues- dale , the vice president of the Uock Island , was a nephew of President Cabla , said that the relationship did not exist as stated in The Ilee. "Mr. Cable , on the contrary , has been opposed to fostering relatives In posi tions on the road , and Is no advocate of nepotism In any fotm. Mr. Cable desires men around htm who af capable of doing the work allotted to them , and the article Is mis leading In that particular wherein it attrib utes to Mr. Cable an Intention of taking care of relatives. " A. n. Kllpatrlck of Flllmore , Cat. , had the misfortune to Imve his le caught between a cart nnd a stone and l ndly bruised. Ordi narily he would havo'becn laid up for two or three weeks , but says : "After using one bottle of Chamberlain's Pain Balm I bsgan to feel bettor , and In three days was entirely well. The peculiar coothlng qualities which Chamberlain's Pain Halm possesses I have never noticed In any other liniment. I take pleasure In recommending It. " This lini ment Is a'so of great value for rheumatism and lame back. Munppil Oiniilmuld' * llit lnit < The following advertisement was noticed In a local paper for Beveral "days : "Men Wnntcd At n. talary of $10 per month nnd expenses. Come nml sec me at once. Cozzrnj hotel , a. K. Dumbuuld , gen eral agent. " In re 'ionao to this advertisement scores cf mcr Hocked to the hotel , There they were met by nn in bane frentlemin who In formed them Hint he wast retuly to hire all of them tinder proper conditions , lie alleged that lie wns agent for a , publishing company. Onu of the llrst conditions he Imposed upon the prospective employe wau that he advance the Bum of $350 as e\I- ilence of his good faith In the contract. The depositor was to receive n certificate- deposit for hla T3.W ) , nml hevus to have any part ef the state ho selected to travel In. He was to receive $10 per month nnd all expenses. Tlie men needed no experience , nnd nothing else except thp $3M. Dum- bnuld waa doing n land ofllce business when Chief netertlvc Hrzs nnd Detective Sav age dicpped In on htm. Icoklng for u Job. They were hired , except Unit they illil not dcpo-lt their required deposit fee , when the chief thought that the game had tfunf far enough nml placed the man under wrest for securing money under false pretenses. Dumbauld , WI > K somewhat rattlej when he found thiit his Intended victims were olll- cersbut went nlont ? with them , eaylng that ho wns nil right nnd would Boon prove It. IIo said thut he was from Yale , la , , nnd that his operations were legitimate. Not n ( n of Milfliln. It wns reported at the police station lust night that n woman was lying unconsclou : In a room at thr Union hotel , nt Sixteenth and Webster streets , apparently from the effects of some drug taktn with Huicldal Intent. Dr. Towns was summoned , and dis covered that fhe was guttering from al coholic. palsonlnK. A btttle of the ntufC that she had taken was fcund to be pure alcohol. The womnn's name Is MM. John Dunn , and she has been living at the hotel for ten days. She hft separated Horn her hus band , and th hotel employes say that she has apparently been brooding over this facl ever since she arrived. ga l.trpnm 8. Marriage llcensss wore Ussued by the county Judge yesterday aa follow B : Name and Addrpas , . Ago. David Q , a-rhum. Omaha . , . 4 : Mr.i. Annlo Rvlnatedt , Omaha. , . . . . . -I Christ Sorcnsen. H nnlnston . , 28 M , HtelTersen , Hennlngton . 13 Nrvr < > rnitli l < imV"il 'I ruin. On and after Sun Jay , November 4 , . Ui Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Pitul "elactrlo lighted limited" will leave Omaha at 4 y. m.r rrlvlng-in Chicago at 9 u. in. nemembtr thl Uiln carries cJInera u-la carte. C. S , CAIIIUICU , Ticket Agent 1541 Farnam SL BLACK BEAR IN A BREWER ! Thrilling Fight with a Two Found Onb in a Dark Room , A PIT CAT TAKEN WITHOUT TOAST The Ainu n llclor , but thn r t 1'rarr * n ilonnli llin l > or > r , thn thuia mil ! the taiituriIlrulii Miilnnltn tu .Viix-rlor.4. Everybody has an Idea ns to how a bull voulJ act In a china shop , but It has re mained for n Los Angeles ( Cal. ) man to determine Just exactly \vhat n hear will do n a brewery. And thereby hangs n tale. Heretofore slight mention 1ms been made , iays tha Los Angeles Herald , of the rare fact hat a bear did actually happen In on the night watchman at Maler & . Zobolctn's brew , ry last Thursday night , and that ho was captured and placed In durnnee. Since then a reporter ot the Herald has bfen Invcstlgat- ng the strange circumstance with n vlow to giving the world the details of It. < Tha bear , nt present sulkily crouching under a large box In a chicken yard near he brewery , refuses to bo Interviewed. IIo a evidently afraid of arrest for burglary and does not cure to say anything which' might end to Injure hla case until he has had an pportunlty to consult with his lawyer. When the reporter approached his lair nnj ook hold of the light chain which tethers hla royal brulnshlp to a tree In the Immediate rlclnlty his royal brulnshlp said sometitlng In his gruff way that Indicated to the ro- lortor that ho had bJUer drop that chain anil ; ot out of that. The reporter didn't do a thing but drop the chain nnd get out. Thti man who. In the dead of night , when : ho great grain' room of the brewery was filled with Eolttudo enough to scare the llfo , out cf nn ordinary man , went In and yanked the bear out Into the moonlight by the tcruff of his nrclt was easier to Interview. Ho told the reporter how It nil happened. John Ortller Is tlio night watchman at the brewery. HP has hot been long In this land nnd speaks little of Its language nnd knows ess of Its zoology. It was along about midnight ; everything vas still ; the light of it pale , wan moon and ho feeble glow of electric lamps filtered luoiigh n dense fog nnd cast baleful shadows' ' across the brick pavement In the llttlo yard vhlch leads from the gate on Allso street o the arched driveway tinder the tall brlcl : jrovvery. John Ortller was standing In the shadow , all alone , thinking of the homo ho iad left , far away In Kaderlandt. Suddenly an opaque figure * appeared crossing the road- vay. Its tread was heavy nnd slow. The term crossed the walk , came through the vide gates and passed Into the llttlo court. Ortller stood perfectly still. He had never seen nn animal llko this before. It sur prised him EOinowhat. Each Individual hair on his head seemed to suddenly rlso up and stnnd alone , and streaks of wild lightning pl.iyed tag along his spinal column. There vaa n strange and unaccountable lump lu ils throat , which couldn't be swallowed , try as he might. Tlio ttrange animal never once noticed John Ortller In the shadow. IIo seemed to have como on Important business and evidently uiow what he was up to. Across the little court his bare feet made scarcely a sound as he paced oft the distance with measured ! tread. The door to the barlsy room stood partly open. He illd It back just a llttlo further and passed on Into the dense darkness of the place. John Ortller's reason came back presently , " and he stole ciutlously to the door and pulled t shut. He had capture ! something- kncvv not what. Asleep In the englno room was Crist Huff. John Ortller , called Crist .Huff. Cr.st Huff Is made of the stuff lion tamers are made of. Ills powerful frame gpes well with his grtat courage. Ho has no fear of * wild beasts , even In the iflarkhCss , Wben'iomb " men ore afraid of thelr , own shadows In placss like that. Crist drew open the door nnd let himself Into the room , closing- the door again after him. Ho stood still until his eyes became ac customed to the darkness , and nil the whllo lie could hear the powerful Jaws of tha beast In there with him craunchlnff great mouthfuls of barley. As soon an ho 'could sea well enough to locate bruin ho boldly advanced. The animal held his ground nnd growled. Crist never va\ered. Ho crossed ths Inter-- vtnlng space rapidly and pounced upon the animal with all the force of his powerful frame. It was a remarkable struggle ; man and1 beast there alone , and It lasted some time. Crist was torn several times , the claws of the brute ripped hla clothes from his lo\vor > limbs and Imbedded themselves In his flesh , while the teeth set In the powerful Jaws lac erated his hands. Hut he held on. Ho had grabbed the brute ( Irmly by the throat , and though lib hold was again and again shaken off , ho came back to- the struggle , and nt last ho triumphed and held the brute pros trate on the brick floor. John Ortller came to his rescue , and to- Bother they secured the bear with n light chain. Any chain would have held him. Ho liail met Ins master and ho know It. The men led their captive * acroM the way to the house of ono of the brewers , and se cured him to a treeIn the chicken yard. He was still there when the reporter called on him. him.Frank Frank Cummlngs of Boyle Heights clalmi Lho bear. Ho offered Huff a large silver dollar lar for hla trouble and wanted to take tlio bear awny , but Crltt lost a pair of pants and considerable sleep and thinks * 1 would hardly repay him , co ho didn't give up the bear. The bear originally came from Tehachppl. Ho was captured up there n few weeks ngo and sent down to Mr. Cummliici , who U trying to domesticate him , but with meager success. Ills bearshlj ) Is about 8 months old and weighs nearly 200 pounds. Ho Is a black bear and has the Ugly disposition of his hind. Yesterday afternoon Mr , Ruff had some trctible over the possession of the bear , which was In a cage. Deputy Conilablo Urakesuh- ler , armed with a writ of. replevin , wanted thn bear. Crist Ruff , who captured It ana chilly night , alter the fright attendant upon meeting the animal had subsided , rcfunod to give the animal up , claiming that It was a wild beast , and as he had captured It , It belonged to him. Ho wanted $30 for the bear. The matter was cut short by the con stable telzlng bruin and leading him away. Dyspcpula tuldom causes death , but permits Its victims In HVP on In misery. Ilood'if Sar- naparllU cures dyspeptla and all vtunmch troubles , _ Cheat ) KiloH to Ilin Wn t. On December J and IS the Union Paclflo will sell first class round trip ticket ] to all points In Kansas , Nthraafca , Colorado , Wyo- mlngaml Utah at n rater cf one standard flr t clans fare ( or the round trip , pluz $2. Head 'of wonderful prosperity of the irrigated cll - trlcti along the Una nt the Union Pacific and take this opportunity to sea far yourself. Tor further Information , descriptive printed matter , time tables' , etc. , call on or address your neareit ticket agent , or II. P. DUURL , C. T. A. U. P. System. 1302 Farnam St. , Omaha. TIIK KKAI.TY MAIIICKC. INSTnUMHNTS pi iced on record Jfov , 30. 1834 : Diit 1.1 Amlerixm nnwlf * ti > Cljr Cilioon , li.t It block 3. iciitn' ! > I'licr 1,000 Annn Corrlg.in to U 1 * I'nilt. lot K . l.liuU 1. tint ndd to MlwmJrt A enuc park. . . . . IOJ J ! ' I'l.irli company ID u H Jiwlln < ( ul , trustees , lot 13 , block S. J I } lu.lkk' ndd 1 Maurice Anderson nml wllV la Ullan 8reu > nan , lot X bloc * I , t'ovrll'ii , , , , , . 1 J A It. bertl tn AUKUlt Xrlunn , it I ] nf lot 2 , block < V Omalu 7,009 O M llnudvvell and liuibnnl in Jlt.-tnel ItPimilds , lot 4 H f 1'ortpr' * 2.000 " * J Mclai nnd wlfo lu II II Crwilull. umllv fe vt lot n. block I , Hawthorn ? . . . COO Frank Muri'liy I" Thomn * Hcr.l , lot M , Nelinn'i niM. . , , . . . , - . . . . . . . \ MU > url Lumber mil Mlulnif compunr teA A I , riithtk. B II feet , lot II and II , Urxk 8 , Orchnnl II.II . . , , . . . , IlKKU * HhrrttI ID OmnlM I i.in nml .Trttit com * rnnr , lot * S und . UlmIC M. lot * 5 uad . Llcwk 13. lot II. binck Ht. lot * 19. U nnd I 13 , Me * . It M. lot * 3 urwt ( . Unck W. lot 3 , blo.-k H pun lot 1 , W.x-tc n , un < llr T- * > - oct lot 2(7 , Plortnee , . , , . . , . _ 7t Total amount Of trmr r * U , K >