Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 01, 1894, Page 3, Image 3

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    " TI VK
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elogalion of Ores Ventrca and AsjSna-
loSna Have a High Old Time.
Taken Ail Over the City and Shown the
In n tVny that l > cllclitcil
Jlicm Itcyonil Mcnmiro MUiccl
the I'reftlttcnt.
1407 P Street , N. W.
The little band of Indians which came
down to the national capital about ten days
ago to make a visit left today for the west
fully pcriuadcd that Washington la a great
place , that they had a good time , and that
their trip was a brilliant success. This com
pany of peaceful warriors hall from Fort
Bclknap Indian agency In Montana. There
were ten In all , four from the tribe known
as the Gros Venires , and four from the
Asslnabolns , with one Interpreter for each
tribe. The trip which they have Just taken
was at the expense of the government , and
was given because of the treaty which was
made with them , providing that they should
sometime be allowed to send a representa
tive band down to the capital city to sec the
president. Commissioner of Indian Affairs
Browning estimates the * cost ot the trip at
They came , "saw the town , " and departoJ
but they did not enjoy the fruition of their
greatest hope that of seeing the chief ex
ecutive the Great Kather who rules them
and exercises authority over them. It wan
too bad that they were not able to come Into
tlio presence of the president , but It could
notn \ helped. That ofllclal was taken lit
just a short time after their arrival In the
city , and did net return to the while house
from hi < couttry home at Woodley , where1
he I'.ftd t ( URht quiet and retirement , until
after th < * departure of the Indian : .
Hr , ' the disappointment which they suffered
at ! , ot U.'nK1 able to ten President Cleve
land -va.i allayed by the enjoyment which
they had In visiting the city and seeing
( he fciKiits. Ii.deed , It Is something unusual
for a baud -of Indians to be allowed to gn
nbout the city and visit so many places. II
Is generally the custom to have the small
baiiJs ct'ine to the city , call upon the presl-
drnl and depart Immediately , quietly and al-
m.'it unnoticed. But In this case It was not
so. They wtrt In charge of Major Joseph M.
K > ! ly , vho It the agent at the Fort Belknap
agency , and to his untiring efforts Is due
mi : ' " < red It fur the successful manner In
which thn trip was conducted.
TJiero are very few places of Interest In
and about our city which were not visited
and enjoypil by the little band. They spent
n day at the capltol building , and saw all
there was to be seen there. All the other
oxcijiitive departments were ) also visited
Upon one occcaslon they were received In
state Jtyle by Secretary of the Interior Hokc
Smith , and on the afternoon of the sanu
doy were buqueted In a magnificent manner
at the residence of the secretary. . On the
day before their departure they were at the
white house , and owing to the courtesy of one
of the executive clerks there , they were
shown through the entire building , visiting
all the private rooms and the offices ot the
president , nn honor which Is 'not usually con
ferred upon strangers at the national capi
They also visited the theaters. On Mon
day night last they were taken to see I'rof.
Herrmann , who Is always "great" wherever
you put him. Kor two hours they sat and
listened and gazed upon the great magician
and watched him perform his puzzling tricks.
They also had the pleasure of seeing Mr.
Joseph Jefferson , In his famous "Rip Van
Winkle. "
But the greatest treat of all a climax , as
It were , to their enjoyment was the football
gaino which they wero1 able to see , which
was played at our national baseball park ,
between the eleven from the Carlisle Indian
school of Carlisle , 1'a. , who cams down to
Washington to try their luck with the team
of the Columbia Athletic club'of this city ,
and It was this contest which ths Indians
from the west went t'o see. The weight and
strength of our sturdy athletes were too much
for the Indiana , and as a consequence the
red men lost the game. But that did nol
mar In the least the enjoyment of their
brothers from the west , who , while the
players were being tossed and tumbled about
Indiscriminately by the 4 > lg boys from the
athletic club , stood In thd grand stand and
danced and Jumped In high glee at seeing the
others pitched Indian and white man alike
over the damp and muddy ground. Soon
thp game was over , the decision1 was agalns
the Indian boys , but ns they marched down
to greet their kinsmen , the warriors who had
been watching the game from the benches
many times uttered their approving cries It
commendation ot the plucky fight which hat
been put up.
Those are only a few of the many ways In
which these "Ten little Injun boys" enjoyed
themselves during their trip to the city
Everyone was pleased that they could so
easily adapt themselves to our customs anc
ways of amusement. Wherever they wen
they were treated with the utmost courtesy
by the officials of the executive departments
as well as psrsons on the street. The secre
tary of thn Interior and the commissioner o
Indian affairs were both pleased with the
success iof the trip. It Is needless to say
that other descendants of the aboriginal In
habitants of our land , when they are per
milled to come on to t.he national capital
will hereafter receive similar kind treatment
Hon. D. H. Mercer anil wife arrived In
this city tonight and have taken apartments
t r the winter at the Buckingham flats on Six
teenth street , Just a block north ot the white
house. Mr. Mercer Is the first of the Ne
braska delegation In congress to return to
Washington after the recess. Mr. Mercer
said ho expects to bo kept quite busy during
tha next three months with mattery con
nected with the enactment of legislation In
the Interest of the state and district. Ho
Is as full cf life and vim and snap as over
and ready for the congressional fray.
The secretary of the Interior today rendered
the following decisions on appeals from de-
clulonu of the commissioner of the general
land office In Nebraska cases : Lucius C.
Vroman against William I1. Webster. North
1'iatte dlttrlct. decision nlllrmod , and Web
ster's entry held for cancellation ; In re
Daniel W. Cory , Broken Bow district , de
cision affirmed and entry held for cancella
tion on the ground that the application was
not made until after repeal of the timber
culture act. March 3 , 1891 ; Cliff H. Ablcy
against Ncls Berlin , Alllanc3 district , de
cision affirmed and Berlin's entry held for
.Patents have been Issued as follows : Ne-
birsko Edward Hards and W. A. Woodward
assignors one-third to W. P. BatM , Superior
combined purifier and separator ; Whitney B
McDermut , Omaha , tag holder. lowa-
Wllllam P. Blnghatn and D. R. Jones , Jr.
Dubuque. trunk and display tray ; Isaac N
Bowen and T. Troxel , Charlton , thill coupling-
George Martin , Rock Rapids , plow ; Arthui
M. Snyder , Kalrfleld , interchangeabl <
sprocket. South Dakota Edward R. Jones
Bt. Lawrence , corn cultivator.
Until December 12 the postmaster genera
will receive bids for carrying United States
mall from Hope to Culbertson , Neb. , twentj
miles and back , three times a. week , frotr
February 1 , 1895 , to June 30 , 1898.
The Treaiury department today authorized
tHe custodian cf the public building at Slou >
Kalla , .S. D. , to award the contract for sup
plying wire screen partitions for that build
Inn to the F , I' , Smith Wire and Iron com.
pany of Chicago , at ill bid ot $217.14. Thi
ecretary < of the treasury today awarded th <
contract for the heating and ventilating-
paratus for the building to the Samuel Popi
company of Chicago at Us bid of $5iG49.
Poitmasters have been appointed as fol
lows : Nebraska Arliona. Uurt county , S
R. Deaver , vice W. II. Newton , resigned
Bayard , Cheyenne county , Mlts Oltle Wliner
vice James O'Hallortn. removed. lowa-
lUter , Davl * county , Charles Skinner , vlci
Marlon Cor on. resigned ; Weston , Pottawat
tamle county. L. D. Grove , vice J. JI Shields
.South ! Dakota Marlon. Turne ;
unty , It J. QoUhelf , vice Mrs , Acht
Rhodes , . f/mov d.
Postmasters were commtsloned today as
ollows ; Nebraska Felix Heath , Charles-
on ; Rmma 1C. Lea , Illvcrdale. Iowa Onab
fay , Gholson , Selection ,
Dr. W. C. 'Whitman has been appointed t
metnher of the board of examining surgeoni
at fender , Neb.
rniu'Aiuxo mi : DIPHTHERIA CUIIK.
) etrolt FhnrmncUtR liana Mmlo Arrange
ment n to Manufacture It.
WASHINGTON , NOT. 30. The officials of
the marine hospital service were today notl-
led that a latge- firm of manufacturing clicm-
sta at Detroit , Mich. , Is making preparation )
For the manufacture of antl-toxlne , the new
remedy for diphtheria , which has cratp.1
such widespread Interest In Europe. This la
Relieved to be the first house ot Its rliar-
acter In the United States to begin expsrl-
monts , and already they have taken active
steps to scientifically demonstrate Its value.
It la understood this firm has established a
tacttrlologlcal department , where the experi
ments were carried on under the direction
if competent scientists. A number of young
liorses have already been Inoculated with the
toxlno , but It Is said It , will l ) ? > three or four
months before the result ot the experiment
can be announced , as the processes are said
to be not only very delicate , but Odious. The
strength of the toxlne obtained from the
culture ot diphtheria baccllll and the strength
of tha antl-toxlne Is ascertained by experi
ments upon mice and guinea pigs. In Ger
many two houses and In Prance the govern
ment at the Pasteur Institute , under the di
rection of Dr. Roux , have taken In hand the
manufacture of antl-toxlne on a large scale ,
though not by far sufficient to imct the de
mand even In public Institutions alone and for
experimental purposes. No other country
seems to have been taking any definite" steps
toward the manufacture ot antl-toxlne , al
though several governments have set aside
funds for the purchase cf the substance , to
be used In public Institutions.
John Miutc.i Does Not 'Ililnk Ucrnmny Will
l'\\j Much Anierlritn Mrut.
WASHINGTON. Nov. 30. Secretary Mor
ton Is In receipt of a communication from
John Mattes , Jr. , special agent ot the
Department of Agriculture In Germany , re
ferring to the possibilities of extending the
markets In that country for American meats.
lie writes under date of November 15 as
follows :
"Last year German farmers and stock
breeders were compelled to sell their cattle ,
Irrespective of prlco and condition. It was
then predicted this year Germany would be
short on beef cattle- , resulting In a rapid ad
vance In price , which would give foreign meat
exporters an opportunity to establish them
selves In tlio German market. I have visited
many of the German cities and paid attention
to the sale of Imported meats , but In my
opinion Germany will never become a large
consumer of Imported meats. It Is true the
consumption of American salted bacon and
other meat products In cans may Increase In
such abnormal years , but under normal condi
tions It may bo eatd the poorer classes can
not allow themselves the luxury. The more
fortunate are as a rule unreasonably preju
diced against foreign meats.
"The sale of imported fresh meats Is , how
ever , conducted with many difficulties and
possibly with great loss to the exporters ,
brought about by the lo"al regulations. At
the best , the business always rests upon a
speculative foundation. "
Mist of ( lie I.oaclhiK I'owera IInvo Olllclnllj
Itrrngnlrrd thn New Itrpubllr.
WASHINGTON , Nov. 30. Tha Hawaiian
charge d'affaires , Mr. Frank P. Hastings , has
received In his current mall Information that
since the establishment ot the republic In
Hawaii on July 4 last the official recognition
of the following governments have been re
ceived : United States , Grtat Britain , France ,
Russia , Italy , Belgium , Mexico , Guatemala ,
and also notices of Intents from Germany and
Peru. On November 15 , the day after Presi
dent Dole's return from a visit to th ? Island
of Hawaii , the British commissioner at Hon
olulu' called at the executive building and
presented an autograph letter from Queen
Victoria announcing their recognition of the
Still I'.iyliiB Hut Hojoiul the Income.
WASHINGTON. Nov. 30. The regular
monthly Treasury department statement , to
be Issued tomorrow , will show an excess of
expenditures over receipts for the month of
November cf { 8,150,307 , which makes the de
ficiency for the live months of the present
fiscal year J22.510.22fl. The receipts from
customs during- November were $10,200,092 ;
from1 Internal revenue , $7,774,074 ; from mis
cellaneous sources , $1,370,007 , making the
total receipts for the month $19.411,403 , and
for the last five months $136,398,817. The
disbursements for the month amount to
$27,507,770 , of which J12.037.ll95 Is on account
'of pensions , making the disbursements for
the five months $158,909,043.
Premium on American Gold.
WASHINGTON. Nov. 30.-The Bureau of
American Republics has cfllclal Information
that by a recent decree of the tupremo court
of the state of Panama the ordinance of
July 12 , 1831 , imposing an ad valorem duty
of 10 per cent on goods entered at the ports
of Colon and Panama has been declared un
The bureau is also advised the premium
nn American gold In Haytl Is 20 per cent.
Thin high rate Is attributed to the fact an
unusually large codec crop Is just now being
put on the market and large sums of money
are needed to move It.
Treasury's Cnsh llnlnnce.
WASHINGTON , Nov. 30. The cash bal
ance In the treasury nt the close of business
today was $110,687,461 ; gold reserve , $102,010-
178 , showing an Increase since last Wednes
day of $33,863,207. The gold receipts do not
Include receipts nt Chicago , Ban Francisco
or Boston by the acceptance of the bid for
bonds , nor today's figures of receipts from
New York on the 28th. It Is expected that
tomorrow's report will materially Increase
thCKC figures nnd by Monday or Tuesday
next the whole amount of the bids will
likely have been deposited.
Columbia l at Snmo Unknown Port.
WASHINGTON , Nov. 30. A cable to the
Navy department received today announces
the arrival of the United Stales cruiser
Columbia , at Calmenza. No such port Is
known here nnd Inquiry Is being- made , but
It Is supposed to be near Santiago , Cuba.
Her movements nre of Importance In consequence
quence of recent sensational nnd warlike
dispatches stntlng that the Columbia was
hurrying to Uluetlclds.
Graver Cables Congratulations ,
WASHINGTON , Nov. 30. The president
has cabled to United States Minister Breck-
Inrldge at St. Petersburg Instructions to csn-
vey to the czar the president's sincere con
gratulations upon his recent marriage.
Wentlier Too lluij for ( jrovorv
WASHINGTON , Nov , 20.-O.wlnB .to the
unfavorable weather today It was thought
best for the president to remain nt Wood-
ley nnd nat venture out. . The cabinet meetIng -
Ing- for today was abandoned. i
Movements of Muviil Ve el * .
WASHINGTON. Nov. 30.-The Baltimore
has arrived at Nagasaki , Japan , nnd the
Marblehend has sailed from Port Royal ,
Jamaica , for Hampton Roads.
Would you be strong and healthy ? Use
, no baking powder but Dr. Price's.
- Studying tu I'lense.
He had been particularly fortunate In his
, , business , says the Philadelphia Press , am
felt In the mood for tipping the waiters a
! his hotel rather liberally. As a result , every
time he entered the dining room half a dozen
willing waiters rushed for him like foot bal
players In a big match. This came to be
annoying after a while , so he called the hea <
waiter to him and said :
"Now , see here , I don't want all the waiters
In the place bothering me every time I gel t
something to eat. Settle on one man , and il
let him attend to my wants , "
Then his eye roamed around at the as
sembled attendants , and , without any partic
ular reajftn , he .said :
"There , let that fellow with a wart on his
nose look out for me. "
So It was settled , and for some time the
designated waiter was on hand. One day
however , the man with-money found anothei
attendant at his table. He motioned to the
bead waiter. ' '
"Didn't I tell you to let me have the waiter
- with a wart on his nose ? " he demanded.
"Yes , sah ; but this , one will be better , sah
He has two warts on his cose , "
Secretary Lament Urges the Adoption of
the Battalion Formation ,
Much tins Ilcen Done by Henry Appropri
ation ! Needed to 1'crfcct the Coast Ie
frnio System Now Cnllber Smill
ArinI for the Troop ] .
WASHINGTON , NOV. 30. The annual report -
port of the secretary of war was given out
today. Much ot the matter treated of has
already been printed when the report of the
commanders ot the various departments were
The expense of the service for the year
ending June 30 , 1S94 , were $56,039,009.34 , and
the appropriation for the current year Is
$62,424,112.78. The estimate for the coming
year Is $52,318,029.55.
The reports of the officers In command of
the several geographical departments corrob
orate the opinion expressed In my last annual
report that Indian warfare Is virtually at an
end In the United States , and that beyond
occasional calls for police duty In the neigh
borhood of Indian reservations the army will
henceforth be relieved to a greater degree
each year of the labor of armed surveillance
over the tribes of the west.
The total authorized strength of the arriiy
Is : Officers , 2,136 ; erUlsted men , 25,772. The
total strength of the unlisted force was
25,516 and the effective force , after deducting
the sick , absent on furlough , detailed to other
service , etc. , 20,114.
I earnestly recommend that congress enact
the legislation necessary to establish In the
army the battalion formation now adopted
by the armies of every other civilized nation.
As necessary to effect that change I recom
mend the removal of the limit ot 25,000 men
fixed by the , act of June 18 , 1874 , and a return
o tlie limit fixed by the act of July 16 , 1870.
cglslatlve approval of these two proposl-
lens will restore to the effective force- about
1,000 enlisted men , bringing the actual
strength of the army up to the nominal
itrcngth now fixed by law. Iy thcso changes
he army will bo Increased In efficiency 20
per cent. In numbers about IG'.i ' per cent , and
n cost of maintenance only about C per cent.
In brief , It Is proposed that two companies
be added to each of the twenty-five Infantry
eglments , so that each shall consist of three
battalions ot four companies , and that two
oot batteries be added to each of the five
irtlllery regiments. No Increase In the
cavalry Is proposed.
The organization ot the line of the army
ias undergone no material change since the
close of the civil war. During the period of
hlrty years every large foreign army has
> een completely reorganized. Changes and
mprovements. In arms , ammunition and
pulpmentg have forced upon the leading
strategists and tacticians ot the great armies
of the world the necessity of a broad de-
larturo from the old systems.
Four companies are ns large a body as It
s now possible for one officer to lead and
control In action. Formerly , and down to a
recant date- , the colonel could see and direct
ho movements of all the men of his regi
ment who marched and fought In double rank
with touch of elbows. Under such conditions
a regiment of 1,000 men occupied a front on
he batle line no greater than would now be
covered by a small battalion of one-third that
number. A few years- ago small-arms fire
vas Ineffective at distances greater than 6QO
or 800 yards , while * now It will be deadly at
2,000 yards , or even greater distance ? . In
modern warfare the men will act In small
roups or singly , and the advance will be
made In successive lines In open order. Per-
ect organization and perfect control by the
commander of each unit will be absolutely
ssentlal to efficiency and success In the
The national guard of several of the states ,
more progressive than the general govern
ment , already has the battalion organization ,
and our own army Is being Instructed as
horoughly as our defective system will per
mit , battalions of from two to five companies
> elng- Improvised In the different garrisons.
The formation desired admits of rapid and
great expansion to meet the exigencies of
ictual warfare , and Is especially adaptable to
.he small force constituting the peace es-
abllshment of the United States.
Resolving the effect of these changes Into
money , It , appears that for pay , rations and
clothing of the Increased number of .enlisted
men proposed an Increase of $1,200,000 In
annual appropriations will be required. The
proposition outlined contemplates an In
crease In the number of line officers. In
volvlng an Increase for salaries of about
1200,000. This Increase of expenditures
should bo met and more than overcome by
reductions In the expenditures for the staff.
Seven regiments have been supplied with
the new 30-callber magazine rifle , and It Is
expected that the infantry will be com
pletely equipped with this weapon by the
1st of May.
The major general commanding the army
renews his recommendation that the supply
of these modern arms be Increased , so that
not only all the regular troops and organized
mllltla may bo fully armed with them , but
.hat there may be an adequate reserve for
any additional force that may be called Into
service. To perfect the new weapon , testf
of smokeless powder , cartridge cases , and
lullets of various materials and types will
30 kept up during the year. The cavalry
lias been equipped with the new 33-callber
revolver , and , upon recommendation of the
major general commanding the army , the 45-
caliber revolver has ben retained for the
present for Ilgjit batteries. Aluminum has
been employed 'successfully In the making
of spurs , waist-belt plates and smaller ar-
tlclcs. and It Is hoped eventually to obtali
the desired quality of the metal for other
articles of equipment.
During the year twenty-three 3.2-Inch and
twenty-two 3.C-lnch field guns have been
finished ; twenty-five 3.2-lnch field and ten
B-lnch siege guns and ten 7-Inch howltzen
arc nearly finished. Carriages for these
guns ore In process of fabrication. Funds
nro available for the manufacture of about
forty more 3,2-Inch guns , but further ex
perlments with smokeless powder will bi
made before- this work Is undertaken. Pro
vision has been made In all for 190 2.2-Inch
field guns , twenty G-lnch siege guns , slxteer
3.0-lnoh field mortars , twenty 7-Inch siege
howitzers , and It Is proposed In time to
manufacture a supply of modern field aw
siege guns and mortars adequate for the
The establishment of type disappearing gun
carriages for 8-Inch and 10-Inch guns , fo
coast defense. Invented by officers of the ordnance
nanco corps , and believed to be unequaled fo
rapidity and simplicity ot action by any car
rlago elsewhere In use , Is a notable achieve
ment of tha year. This problem solved , th
armament of our harbors may now be prose
cuted as rapidly as means are available.
'The wisdom of promptly giving utility an
practical value to the large Investment
which we have already made In preparatlo
for coast defense by appropriating money t
mount the guns and mortars , made or t
process of making , and to place them In posl
tlon , Is manifest. The approved project
ore for fourteen ports. Appropriations o
$1,000,000 for emplacements and platform
and mounting guns and mortars , $250,000 fc
sites for fortifications , and $100,000 for case
ments , torpedoes , galleries and submarine
mlnei , are desired for the prosecution of
engineer work on these fortifications ,
The plans contemplate the- making of forty-
four 16-Inch guns. 215 12-Inch , 257 10-Inch
137 8-Inch. Of these 162 are built , 100 more
under contract and 431 are yet to be con
tracted for.
The- estimated cost of the 16-Inch gun IB
$140,000 , end the average cost at the army
gun factory of the 12-Inch gun Is $48,750 , of
the 10-Inch gun $31.000 , ot the 8-Inch gun
$16,000 , and of the 12-Inch mortar $13,600 , '
To complete the manufacture of the con
templated armament will require $20,639,987
for guns , ofwhich $250,000 Is available under
former appropriation ! , and $9,801,120 for
mortars. The contract work calls for an
expenditure of $3,430,130.
The total expenditure ( or order'1' ' > "i >
lortars and mounts will thug be $50,277,248 ,
nctudlng $3,430,130 under thL4)ethlehem ; ) con *
ract. Operated at Its fulLcjjwclty the army
gun factory at WatervllcT fill turn out In
leven and a halt yean t hoi mini end tnortari
et to be built ; th ? UetMthem contract re-
ulres the delivery ot the'llst ot Its 100 giins
Y July 7 , 1903 , and carjflWs can be pro-
uced at Watcrlown cuv "X contract as as the guns , to that the ordnance for
ur coasts can be finUhedi' Atlthln twelve
ears , " " ' {
Army officers on duly , with the national
guard of the states , of whom twenty-seven
wore regularly csstgncd to state headquar-
ers , concur In reporting steady Improvement
n the training and cfflclotnry ot the mllltla.
The fact that state camps.iff. , Instruction , In
which forty additional army , officers pnrtlcl-
lated , were held by tlilr.ty-Uirco states Is
iroof that state mllltary''cstijbllshment8 are
in a better footing now 'than ever before In
Imc ot peace. ,
The Issue of field guns and ordnance sup-
illea to the mllltla hastbcen continued as
or as appropriations permit , but the In
creasing requests of the states each year
exceed the department's resources available
by law. More l.beral provisions by law for
arming the state troops will be an economical
nvestment. Changes In the laws to permit
arming the mllltla with Improved weapons
and the Improvement of Its equipment , and
0 promote closer relations between federal
and state troops , have a claim upon the fav
orable consideration of congress.
The strength of the mllltla shows nn In
crease of about G.OOO since last year , the
utcst returns showing a total organized fore a
of 117,533 officers and enlisted men. The nr-
1 lejy am , imlnta'nod by thlity-thres state- ,
ias an enrollment of C.922 officers and men ;
he cavalry arm , maintained by twenty-six
states , of 6,069.
Neir4 for I lie Army.
WASHINGTON , Nv. 30. ( Special Tele
gram. ) Captain Walter L. Flnley , Ninth
cavalry , will proceed to Annapolis for duty
with Maryland National guard.
Find Lieutenant James U. Green , Twenty-
Ifth Infantry , 1 * detailed ns professor of mlll-
ary science and tactics at Lawrence univer
sity , Appleton , Wlo.
First Lieutenant Henry R. Stiles , assist
ant surgeon , granted two months' extended
eave | Second Lieutenant William G. Haan ,
' 'Ifth cavalry , twenty days' extended ; Major
William M. Wallace , Seccnd cavalry , two
nonths ; Flr < t Lieutenant Alexander Dean ,
Tourth cavalry , three months' extended.
Second Lieutenant William M. Crofton , First
nfantry , will report for temporary duty at
? ort Sheridan.
Prof. R. Ogclen Doromus of Bcllevue
Medical College , New York City , reports :
'I find Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder
composed of pure materials and compounded
on correct scientific principles. Its yield of
carbonic acid gas Is greater than that of any
other powder. "
rho Kccentrlo Owner of the MnH Profita
ble Mlnei In Ilm Mate.
Over In the mountains are the great mines
of Idaho , and In particular the famous Wll-
on mine , says the Boise City correspondent
of the Chicago Record. } t formerly belonged
o Louis and Christian Wohl of .Chicago , from
whom It was obtained by J. R. De Lamar ,
'the Monte Crlsto of Idaho. " Larnar Is a
Dutchman from Holland , with red hair. He
3 of small stature , with shrewd , twinkling
; yes , large features , ar.J an energetc , push-
ng manner , talks Incessant/ ! , on all subjects
vlth equal fluency regaraltvss f his company ,
and telegraphs a full account ot all tils doings
: ach day to the Boise CltytlStatesman , pre
paid. * .
Ho was a sailor In hfcftyiilth , and gradu-
atej as mate of a brlg-thot sailed between
Rotterdam and Java. ' JforrVeliow or another
10 drifted to Chicago'ntl'd worked a while In
. .ouls Wahl's glue factnry.iK Then he was
> artcnder and butcher , am ) ( there Is. a tradl-
Mon that ho managed a sausage shop for a
: lmo at the stock yards. ' Next he turned up
n the mines at Silver ( City,1 * Colo. , and had
some good prospects limvlilrh ho succeeded
n Interesting the WahJ brothers , his former
employers. Then be came to' Idaho and got
told of a claim In Owylied county belonging
o u man named Wilson ? which the Messrs.
Wahl furnished the money it : purchase , and
; ave him a half Interest t for his trouble.
They concluded to sell , and le't him have the
> ropcrty at his own valuation' . Some say
t was $30,000 , sonic$60,000 and some $100-
)00. ) But whatever the price , they accepted
ils note * , with a mortgage on the mine , and
10 dug out enough gold during the next
month to pay them. Within a year 'Lamar '
sold half the property to an English syndicate
"or $2,000,000. Now , and for several years ,
: he net profits have averaged $60,000 a month ,
and train his share Mr. Lamar receives a
steady Income of $1,000 a day.
Three winters ago the Monte Crlsto of
Idaho appeared In Washington , and It was
announced that , having found a fortune , he
was seeking a wife. Ho had sumptuous
apartments at the Shorelmm. sported a
coach and four-in-hand , and left a trail of
; old wherever he traveled. Russell Harri
son Introduced him Into society , and his
coming .out party was a. dinner given In
lionor of Mrs. Harrison at the Arlington
liotel. which was described In the greatest
detail by all the newspapers. There was
never but one banquet In Washington that
surpassed It. That was' given hy Andrew
Carnegie to the members of the International
American conference , and cost $85 a plate.
Mr. Lamar had several members of the cab
inet and some prominent social leaders as
Ills guests who had never' heard ot him until
they received the Invitations , and the affair
was the sole topic of gossip for many a day.
One of the novel features was a gauzy net
suspended from the four corners of the cell-
Ing and so arranged that when the host
touched an electric button at the close ot the
dinner It separated in the 'center and covered
the table with several wagon loads of flow
ers.But even with this princely debut and the
rumors of his enormous wealth Mr. Lamar's
social career in Washington was not a suc
cess. He rented the Tyler mansion for the
next season , but never occupied It , and
finally , shaking the dust of Washington from
tils shoes , went to Now York and married a
beautiful girl by the name of Sands. She
was only 17 , and her mother was a widow
who lived on Lexington avenue.
After his marriage lie bought n handsome
house In the swellest part of Madison avenue ,
and a yacht and now spends most of his time
In New York , Once or twice a year he re
turns to Owylico county to look at the hole
his money comes from , but the people out
hero keep posted concerning his movements
through the newspapers. The mine Is the
most profitable In the state , and Us riches are
said to be Inexhaustible.
The Average Amount of Whisky Consumed
by ( he American People.
Americans are accounted a fairly sober
people In the hurlyburU- nations , but the
figures of the Internal revenue commissioner
for the last year are eifou to make a tern
perance crank stagger , without a drop o
whisky or beer , says tbORAtlanta Constitu
tlon. We distilled lafft ytbr 87,346,884 gal
Ions of liquor , not InyWuig 1,430,353 gal
Ions ot brandy , maklnc1 In-iall 88,777,187 gal
Ions of alcoholic splrltn. ' Expert bartender
estimate sixty-three the gallon
Therefore there were & , pQ4.jgS91 drinks pro
duced In this country. < A conservative estt
mate of how much -wasI Imbibed acres
counters Is about 37,0001000 gallons of whisky
brandy and other dlBtllle < J 'spirits , or in othe
words wo drank 6.090,000,000 glasses o
whisky , for which we paltf flyer the bar $609 ,
000,000 , or $5.000,000 niorc .than all the an
nual appropriations ot congress combined
Thin represents a consumption ot 100 glasse
of whisky each year for eVery man , woma
and child between the rock-bound Pacific an
the storm-tossed Atlantic , or , counting enl
the male adults , COO , glasses per week eact
Of beer the figures are' equally astounding
The consumption was 31,962,943 barrels ; tlm
Is 12,785,169,200 glasses , representing th
expenditure for this mode of Teutonic hllar
Uy of $617,258,400 , or about 10 cents fq
each Inhabitant. In the neighborhood o
220 gl rn-s ue charged up In this calcula
tlon against each of ua as our annual allow
once. Therefore , If we do not average ou
dally glasses wo may be sure that ou
neighbors ore getting the benefit of ou
abstinenceBy estimating this year's In
ternal revenue receipts from iplrlu on th
baaii of last year's product , with the In
creined tax of $1.10 per gallon , the Interna
- . . . . nwaiuts will be $97,674,905.
nltfornla nnl Qorraanj Too Much for the
Great Eastein Trust.
'resident of the AVcitcrn Trust ShtmB Wliy
llavfincjcr'n Monopoly \Vns Forced
to Throw Fifty Tlioumml Men
Out of Umplojrincnt ,
SAN FnANCISCO , Nov. 30. In reference
o the Associated press Interview with II. 0.
lavemeyer , president of the Sugar Kenning
ompany , Adolph Spreckcls , director nnJ
resident of the California sugar refinery ,
aid : "I have read that Havemcyer Inter-
lexv , and I understand the exact condition ot
ugar refining In the eastern states , Have-
icyer and his people control the sugar trades
f nil the country cast of the Missouri river ,
nd the California refinery controls pretty
much nil west of the river. 1 think Havo-
ncycr Is right when ho rays that closing1 his
eflncrles will throw 50,000 people out of
vork. The reason they are to close Is this :
They cannot compete with foreign sugars ,
'ho ' administration has effectually shut out
he sugar refining business In this country.
German granulated sugar Is laid down In
S'cw York at J3.6G the 100 pounds , and raw
r crude sugar costs , laid down there ? J3.0
he 100 pounds. That leaves a margin of
-100 ot 1 cent per pound on which to pay
dining- expenses and make profits. The
hlng Is simply abiurd. In the east they pay
eflnery hands J1.70 per day. In Germany
he wages are but $1.13. The trade cannot
land the difference. The German sugar Is
icct sugar refined abroad. This market Is
low bringing a great deal ot Chinese sugar
hat Is refined by two English firms In Hong
Kong. They use raw sugar from Dntavla
nd the I'hllllpplne Islands. These refineries
mploy coollo labor at 10 cents per day.
There Is only one remedy , and that Is pro-
ectlon. "
MAY lN01U\Si : THK Pit ICC.
ucnr Trust Mny Not Cloio Down Entirely
After All.
NEW YORK , Nov. 30. Henry 0. Have-
iieyer , president of the Sugar trust , qtiall-
ics his previous statement that the refineries
f the company In Brooklyn , Boston , Haltt-
lore and Philadelphia woulcj not bo operated
gain for an Indefinite period. Ho said that
bout one-half the men would ba permitted
o return to work Monday. He said : "So
inch ot the organization as was Indispensa
ble will return to work on Monday. That
means a partial resumption of melting , but
n Increased cost per pound of sugar. It
s a matter of conjecture with the company
vhether It Is cheaper to shut up entirely ere
o work the reduced amount at an Increased
rice. It will take three weeks to determine
hat question. "
Trnilo IJIipcMcd to Think the Sugar Trust
I * Daring Congroii * for Sympathy.
NEW YOKK , Nov. 30. The Evening Test
ays : "The statement of II. O. Havemeyer ,
resident of the American Sugar Refinery
ompany , that the refineries of the company
HUB ! be shut down for a while , owing to
lepresslon In the trade , due to legislation ,
vns discussed today by business and labor
Ircles. The modified announcement made
iy Mr. Havemeyer today that , only half the
ores ttoulr be laid off was regarded JIB an
ndlcatldn of n less fixed purpose than was
ndlcnted In the declaration of the com-
lany's Intention on Wednesday night. At
he refineries In Hrooklyn hundreds of wrk-
nen und women members of their families
vere gathered this morning. From their
tntements It appears that about 3,000 of the
,000 men usually kept busy there were Idle
oday. They did not know how long this
would last. When they were discharged
in Wednesday night they understood that
hey would , resume again on Sunday night.
Others said'that so far as they knew the
L'flnerles were not overstocked with sugar ,
IB. there was less than 40,000 barrels on
mnd , not more than four days' supply for
he market.
The Moltenhauer reflnery , which Is not In
he trust , was running at Its full capacity
oday. Extra hands were put on this morn-
ng. In Wall street the disposition was gen-
> ral to connect the action of the Sugar trust
managers with the coming- session of con
gress. The directors have received nothing
officially since the vote In the senate and
have refused to talk , even when the rather
trlklng trade developments of the past two
months have been In progress. It hau , how-
; ver. generally been oelleved that the next
llvldend on the Sugar company's common
tcck , which Is payable In January and will
> e declared the middle of next month , will
IB reduced from the quarterly 3 per cent.
A perfect jewel for the enterprising house
keeper Is Dr. Price's Baking Powder.
low a Kentucky IJonilnlo Drought the
Code Into lllillculc.
One way of combating an evil practice Is
o make It ridiculous. It was by this means
.hat dueling was stopped In a certain dls-
rlct In Kentucky some forty years ago. At
.hat time a traveling preacher named Bow-
nan , a strong , muscular man , was conduct
ng a series ot religious meetings In Ken-
ucky. At ono of them a well known des-
lerate character created a disturbance , and
> elng publicly rebuked by Bowman , sent
ilm a challenge to fight.
The preacher's first thought was to treat
ha matter with silent contempt. Then ho
reflected that dueling- was all too common In
hat region , and he decided to accept the
As the challenged party Bowman had the
choice of weapons. He selected a half bushel
f Irish potatoes snd stipulated that his op-
Eczema of "Worst Type. School nnd
Society Abandoned. Felt Death
Would bo Relief. Cutlcura
Soon Put An End to
nil Sufferings.
Brer since I was throe ycara old I have been
troubled-with Eczema of the worst type. It at
times completely covered my head and neck. I
have tried all sorts of medicines , and lmo been
doctored by many very eminent phjglclans , but
with no favorable result. Sometimes my head
was ono mass of thick Bcab that would run and
bleed , nnd In summer would bo BO much \ \ oreo ;
my cars looked as though they would fall oil. I
could not K ° to school or mingle with society , as
the dlacaso smelt so bad. I felt at times that
death would bo a lelief , Buffering and Itching
until I hardly knew \that to do. I got your
CurictmAHEMnuiuithoi.'Cthof January lastand
nsed them according to tllrcctloni , and can now
tliemtowhoo\cr I BCD Buffering from the tcrrlblo
diieaio. I hail swnt money and tried the best
ol doctors with but Httlo relief.
1137 Ueorgo Street , La Crosse , Wis.
I have suffered from a severe attack of
what U called I'mrlgo. The disease produced
anlntenia burning and itching sensation that
kept mo In coniUnt agony all the while , 10 that
1 got but little rest day or night. Cinicuiu.
cured mo entirely in a few weeks. I cheerfully
recommend It for Ilka troubles ,
Ottawa Station , Mich.
CcTicuiu r. EM ED its cleanse the system by
external and Internal medication of every erup
tion , impurity and dlscaio , and constitute the
most effective treatment of modern times ,
Bold throughout tha world. Price , Ccrictmi ,
Me. ; SoAp.ilc , ; rorrxn Dnro
AMD CHEII , Conr. , Bole rroprletori , llotlon.
a -"llow to Cure BUn Dlicaiet , " tnalltd fr .
msiriKabl cVh di , red , rough , chapped , Bnd
i I III ° "y > Lla c rcd by L'tmcuiu
Hip. kidney , and uteri no pains and
weakneici relUred In onn mlnuto
by tha Cullcura Anti-Pain 1'UHer.
Ibe ant tad only palu killing plwtcr.
onent mutt utand fifteen paces distant and
hat only one potato at a time should be
alien from the monnrc.
The desperado mas furious , but Mowmnn
nslsted upon his rights as the challenged
arty and threatened to denounce tha fellow
is a coward It he made further objections.
Seeing no way out of the scrape the dca-
icrado at Iflft contented.
The contest took place on the outskirts ot
lie town , nnd almost everybody In the place
urniil out to see the fun , The seconds ar-
angcd the two men In position , by the side
t each being the half bushel measure tilled
with Rood-sized potatoes.
Howinan threw the first one. It struck his
pponcnt In a central spot and tell In pieces.
A shout ot delight went up from tlio crowd ,
which flurried the desperado , and his potato
ew wldo of the mark , llowmnn watched his
hance , and every time his opponent stooped
or a potato another hit him In the side , Icav-
ng n wet spot on his clothes and then scat-
crlng on all sides. Tlio fellow was hit In
his way five times ; then the sixth potato
truck him In the short ribs and he lay on
Ito grass and doubled up with pain and
" . "
roanlng "enough.
The bystanders went wild with delight , but
Ir. Dowman looked very rober. The dcs-
icrado was taken home and put to bed , and
hero he stayed for more than n week. And
vhcn he appeared again he was greeted with
o many Jokes that life was almost a burden
o him. That was the end of dueling tit that
cglon ,
I'lrxllilu Memo.
It may be safely said that no specimen
n 'a "geological collection Is more curious
han tlio bar fit flexible sandstone , which
can bo bent with less pressure than that
required to bend a piece of wet leather of
ho EQIIIO Flic. In an article1 upon the subject
n the Mineral Collector , wo nro told that
'when a thin slice of stone Is looked al under
a lens by transmlttcJ light the fragments arc
seen ( o be locked together like the parts of
a sectional puzzle toy , fixed , but only loosely ,
The simplest nay of explaining how this
stone was formed Is to toy that the grains
ot sand wjro once cemented firmly together
by another material , which has been partly
dissolved , leaving countless natural ball-and-
socket Joints of Jagged slmpo behind. "
2&NJOY ©
Both the method and results when
Syrup of Figs is taken ; it is pleasant
and refreshing to the taste , and acts
gently yet promptjy on the Kidneys ,
Liver and Bowels , cleanses the sys
tem effectually , dispeis colds , head
aches and fovcrs and cures habitual
constipation. Syrup of Figs is the
only remedy of its kind ever pro
duced , pleasing to the taste nnd ac
ceptable to the stomach , prompt in
its action and truly beneficial in its
effects , prepared only from the most
healthy and agreeable substances , its
many excellent qualities commend it
to all and have made it the most
popular remedy known.
Syrup of Figs is for sale in 60
cent bottles by all leading drug
gists. Any reliable druggist who
may not have it on hand will pro
cure it promptly for any one who
wishes to try it. Do not accept any
it P
It Receives the Official Endorsement el
Eminent Experts and a Jury ol
Representative Citizens ,
The suit brought by Ohio's food commis
sioner against a Cincinnati druggist for toll
ing IJaskola , on the grounds that It was )
nothing but glucose , resulted In a great vic
tory for 1'askola and a verdict against Ilia
During the course of the trial Prof. Shatter
of the University of Cincinnati testified that
Paskola was not glucose , and even If It was , *
It would be harmless. He also bore witness
to Its activity as a digestive agent.
I'rof. William Dlckmoro ot the Miami college -
lego testified to the same facts. So did Prof.
Schmidt , the chemist of the board ot health ;
Prof. William Hoffman and others.
A practical test was made In court , showing
the digestive action ot Paskola on egga and
meats ot various kinds , whereas glucose under
precisely the tame conditions produced no
effect whatever.
This test but confirmed the experts' state-
mcnts and proved Paskola to be ot great
value In Indigestion and wasting diseases.
This verdict disposes of the malicious attack
that has been made against' Paskola by In
terested rivals , and cults have now bean
brought against the proprietors ot & welt
known emulsion of cod liver oil for having
given wide circulation to a falio fornviU and
other misrepresentations regarding It.
The animus of this attack will b * ' ) ! tfr
understood when It Is stated that Pa * ' * > .U Is
tieltiB largely used In the place of cod Uvcr
oil ,
A M'OBHI M b ; N T s.
Henry Guy Carloton'a Comedy ,
1'rlcen-Flrst floor. $1.00 : bal
cony. f.Oc and 7fic.
Evcnlm Performance nt 8.
C. ( Double bill )
T. W. Itobertiort's Immortal
Comedy ,
and Morton's Farce , i
WIN. VrleFirst floor. $1.00 ami
$1.00 ; balcony , SOc , 7Co and $1.
Jrt 4 NUHT3 B
u Sunday , Doc , 2 s
Popular Priced Mntlnee'Wedncsilay ,
When they will present for the llrst lime In
Om.tlia , their laUKhlng success ,
With the Stronscst Farce-Comedy Company ever
organized. Including Mlsd ISAUEI.LU UHQU-
fippclnl cnrlniul of new nml beautiful scenery ,
nmi startling electrical effects.
Iox ! ccats open Saturday morning at usual
Telephone 1531. -
, TOXIGllT , 8:1H
The Rarnum of Them All. " Interpreted by ar
tists of unusunl merit , headed by MISS NEL-
„ , , . „ . riizoaa. ,
Telephone 1531.
4 Nlchu. commencing- Sunday Maltnoo , Dec. Zd.
Tlio Wittiest , Brightest. Cleverest of 'cm all ,
on Titn HOTEL.
Ada Hothncr ai Teddy ; C. W. Dowser as Snaeei.
and a clever company of comedians. Matln 9
Wednesday. Coming , Dec. C-8 Etro Kendall. I
A Thanksgiving Story.
l | E was at a boarding school to spend his first Thanks-
P H giving away from home , and this is what tjje
lonesome little fellow wrote home a few days before
Do you blame him ?
"When tlio Turkey's in the oven ,
And the 'Tator's ' in tlio pot ;
\ \ hen the Cranberry's a boiling ,
And the Pudding's smoking hot ;
When the nuts ure cracked and ready ,
And the raisins heap the plate ,
And you feel BO awful hungry
That you'd rather die than wait ,
THEN you'll ' remember mo.
P. S , 1'A , can't I coiuo homo ? "
THANKSGIVING WEEK is always a busy one with us ,
particularly in our Crockery and Stove DopaFimems ,
Our Crockery department Is of spe CO dozen hard wood antique finish
cial pride to us. Everything conceiv DINING CIIAIIIS , with brace arms ,
able In China , Crockery , Glassware , hand made cane seats , double stretch
Cullery , Plated Ware , Lamps nnd era all around , embcseed backs. Reg
Clccka. ular price , tl.25.v vj *
Onr Spsclal TiianKsgiving Offerings. -Thanksgiving Pr'oo 74pEqoh
. CO dozen massive solid oak , hand
' liollshed DINING CHAIRS , with wide
Thanksglv'ne Cldor Pltahors quarter sawed oak panclx , handsome
In clear , fire polished , crystal glass , ly carved and to match the table men
hold nearly three quarts. I'egular tloned above. Regular price VIM.
price We. Thanksgiving Prlco SI.48 Enoh
This Week 29o
Thanksglvln1 : Tumblsra SIDEBOARDS
For tomorrow or ns long no they One cf the many bargains In side
last , a first class crystal table tumbler boards Is described us follows : Con
ler , one dozen only to a customer. structed of the best selected oak. H
Worth COc per dozen , measures O Inches In length by 20
Inches In width ; with bevel mirror
Thla Wcok2o Each measuring 21 Inches by II Inches. It
Thanksgiving Carving lias a commodious shelf overhead ,
Knlvoo and Forks , supported by tasteful brackets Appro
With genuine stag handles , Merldan priately curved , two drawers with
Cutlery goods. Worth ? 3. roomy cupboard below ; the case work
Is all paneled ; the trimmings are
This Week SI.85 Pair solid cast brass ; It Is mounted on
Thanksgiving Salts and Peppers good castors. It Is worth every cent
In blue , rose or white opalescent of (20 , but our
tints , with fleur-de-lis embossed dec Thanksgiving Prloola $11.49
orations. . Wprtli. JEc.
From ourStovo Department
Th s Week only Go Eool
THAT BIRD must be cooked , nnd
SPECIAU PRICES en a beautiful cooked rlcht. To enable you to do It
line of celery trays In French and we make a. remaikable offer of Just
Vienna China and embossed glass. 35 highest grade eastern made Rung-
Your friends will call Thanksgiving cs , at half price. We thoroughly guar
eve. Greet them In a pleasant ! Ighted antee every one , although much be
hall. We have the finest line of hall low the lowest wholesale pi Ice.
lamps In the city. They are very swell
Special for Thlo Week WE ARE
Rose and Ruby Globe Pendant Hall Complete house furnishers and noth
Lamps. Worth J5.00. ing else. Our store Is teeming with
J5.00.Only such bargains In household goods as
Only $2.40 Each we nev r FUW. It would well pay you
* Our further Thanksgiving offerings to look us over , whether Intending to
are : purchase or not. particularly at this
Pillar Ex'onjlon Tables Thanksgiving time , when all that
careful preparation means In the way
Solid oak , 42 Inches wide ; heavy ofassortment , prices and pervlces la
PI bsiuntlal goods ; quality and work at your disposal. This Is the time of
manship guaranteed. Worth $11 the year to help the good wlfo out.
This Week $5.90 Use us.
Formerly People's Mammoth Installment House
Open Monday and Saturday Evenings.