Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 26, 1894, Page 5, Image 5

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    Testa on Iho Baker Contact Pronounce the
La Plata e Region of Fabulous Wealth ,
thn I.nrseit nnd Most Vnlaablo
Ore noily on the Continent rcnt VOITIT
1'rojrct nt I.en l lllo Anatlirr Hall-
roail Northwestern > 'C TS.
The nakcr contact has far exceeded the
most sanguine expectations of Its discoverer.
For several days rumors of a clcan-up nt
tlio experimental mill hare been floating
through the air. The reports said that the
result of the first woek's work allowed $10,98
a ton. An the experts never prophesied more
than M or $5 few persons placed any confi
dence In the reports.
Colonel S. II. Uaker , the discoverer of the
vein , arrived In the clly from the La 1'lata
region , says the Denver News. He corrobo
rates the statement of other persons from the
district , and his Joyous manner Indicates that
lie Is on the road to fortune.
"There has been so much talk about the
contact , " said he In reply to Inquiries , "that
I am afraid to say anything. I will say ,
however , that the ore body Is far beyond
our expectations. A mill run of thirty-five
tons for the first week cleaned up between
$10 and $11 to the ton , and tlio ten stamps
nro now pounding away day and night. The
ore Is growing richer as development pro
gresses. Three tunnels nre being run Into
the ore body , ono of which In In seventy
feet on ere all the way , nnd the other two
nre In about forty feet. The miners at work
In the tunnels arc all men of experience , nnd
they tay that they have reached $100 ore. "
Colonel Uaker says the mill Is running at
tha rate of fifteen tons a day. The- ore Is
ent to the mill as fait as It Is mined and
only eighteen miners nre employed , as the
road to the mill Is too rough to admit ol
heavy hauling. Thn ore body Is more decom
posed as depth Increases. It Is a porphyrltlc
quartz and Is stained with copper. In one
place the ere Is ljuarrlcd from the vein , a
straight cut of thirty feet being made. The
vein Is 700 feet between walls. The syndicate
o which I ) . H. Moffat , Eben Smith and Colonel
nel Baker are members has located eleven
claims on the contact. It Is now estimated
at a conservative basis , that there are $9,000-
000vorth of ere In sight between the twc
walls. If this estimate Is anywhere neat
correct the llakcr contact Is by all odds the
greatest gold discovery ever made on tha con
tlnent. Colonel llakcr will explain the situa
tion to Mr. Jloffat and a meeting of the corn-
pany will bo held to arrange for operation ;
on a large fccale. The success of the mil !
lias started a new boom In the La Plata re-
glen and miners are again flocking to th (
claims which they temporarily deserted pend
Ing the experimental the mill.
The news of the clean-up carries Joy t (
scores of Denver people who pinned theli
faith to the La Plata district and have waltei
patiently for many months for reliable In
formation as to large mill runs. Ten dollai
ere means the erection of a reduction plan
with ten times the capacity of the plant nov
In operation. It remains for owners of clalmi
on the opposite sldo of the mountain , flvi
to seven miles away , to prove that thel
properties are to be classed with the grca
Uaker contact. At a conservative cstlmati
the experts flguro that there are $35,000.001
worth of ore In sight In the Halter contact
The successful experiment makes It probabl
that the estimated value Is less than 1ml
of the real value of the remarkable dls
That money Is power has long ago beei
inown , but In the present ago the adag
inay well bo reversed , for now power mean
money. The Lcadvllle Water nnd Powc
company Is to build a plpo line twelve mile
In length , and will erect a plant for the pur
pose of generating electricity to furnls !
power to the mines and smelters , says th
Herald-Democrat of that city.
The necessity of an electric power plan
here has long been felt , and several year
ago'Mr. Prlddy Interested a number of gen
tlemen In the project. After looking eve
the ground It was decided not to erect th
plant. Last week , however , Mr. Prlddy re
cclvcd a telegram from Mr. Hawks to th
effect that himself and partners were no\
ready to proceed with the pipe line an <
power plant.
The pipe line will be twelve miles lonj
and the pipe will bo thirty-six Inches I
diameter. The new line -vlll tap the Ai
Icansas river at Blrdseyo gulch , and will b
run along the old Ore and Flumlng coir
pany's ditch Into the city , until reachln
Ninth street , when It will run down Jaine
street Or Letter avenue to Front street.
The pipe line alone will cost $100,000. 1
will rcqulro over 100 carloads of lumber an
forty cars of Iron bands. In addition to
larga amount of other machinery.
The power house of the company will b
erected In the vicinity of the old clrcu
grounds , which property Is owned by thes
people , as Is the ground along which th
line is to bo laid. It Is estimated that th
power plant to be erected will cost at th
very least $50,000 , as It will bo fitted u
with mpdern machinery and will be equlppe
in such a manner that there will be no deut
of the ability of the company to furnish a
the power that will be required.
The real Importance of this new cnterprls
may not strlko the average reader at fir :
glanco. It will , however , practically revolt
tlonlzo mining and smelting in the cam )
One great element of expense In mining ha
l > een the. cost of keeping' up an expenslv
cteam plant for pumping and hoisting. Th
cost of keeping a number of pumr
running Is something enormou
nnd a great number of mlnln
.men have been frightened out of attemplln
to sink shafts by the presence of water. Wit
the Introduction of plants run by rlectrlcll :
manufactured , as It Is , at a nominal cost , a
this will bo changed. In the first place tli
cost of pumping will ba materially reduce !
and In the second place the cost of m nln
will bo lessened. This will enable the mine
to handle much lower grade ore than can t
handled now at a profit. With the Introdui
tlon of electrical power at the smelters tli
tame reduction In expense will be mad
thus enabling them to make lower treatmet
charges , and thus encouraging the shlpmci
of lower grade ore. Of course , at thU tin-
It would bo difficult , If not Impossible , I
.stato In dollars and cents just what this n
ductlon will amount to , but that there wl
> a a material decrease In both the cost <
mining and smelting Is assured.
From present appearances the wealth i
the Independence m&7 > > even past compU
Ing , says a Crlpplo C'ces eclal to the -Dei
Tor Republican. When the property wi
opened up at the surface the quartz on !
ran a few dollars to the ton. A llttlo deve
opment showed better values nnd the pr
„ ducts for many months were sent to stan :
mills. Later on U was discovered that tl
gold In the rock had materially Increase
and , from that time until the present cvei
pound mined has been shipped to tl
smelter. It must be understood that th
famous mlno has only been opened by drl
to a. depth of 100 feet. A station at tl
second level has Just been put In , fro
which miners are busily engaged In drift ) :
In both directions. It was no small woi
putting the shaft down to its present dept
as It Is of gigantic proportions. Mr. W.
v St rat ton , the owner , realizing the Urn a tl
' sinking of ths bole would require , nnd grov
' Ing somewhat impatient , concluded to Eta
a wlnxe on the vein and by this means s <
what he could find. This hole la now dow
fifty feet , and whlla It has been In good pi
, nil tha time , within the last few days It hi
cut something entirely now for the mln
It Is a lylvanlte ore. The discovery startli
. the foreman , and when the owner was li
formed of the find he directed that a drl
hould bo run toward each wall. Doth we
found. * nd tape Una shows that they a
fifteen feet end eight Inches apart. Fro
wall to wall the- quartz iparklei with H )
vanlto. Some specimens run Into the thoi
Bands , and It Is likely the entire body wl
Average much better than ten ounces In go
to the ton.
Still another Utah-Colorado-Wyomlng ra !
road project has been launched , ThU tin
It l the Colorado , Wyoming tc. Great No
them , Qrnnd Junction people , backed I
UMtern and foreign capital , being the pr
PrOTO is U b th western terrain
nnd Grand Junction another , naya the Salt
Lake Herald. Articles o ( Incorporation ct
the company were filed In Denver. The Incorporators -
corporators are \V. T. Carpenter , Thomas E.
Sanford , Crlss P. Lass , Melvln O. Whltehcad
and James 1 * . Ncsbltt , all of Grand Junction.
The company Is Incorporated for $1,000.000
and the route of the line It proposes to build
under Its charter Is from Grand Junction
northwest to Douglas Creek Summit , In ( Jar-
field county ; from there north to Rangclcy
In nio lilanco county , then by the most
feasible route to the Green river and up that
river to Green Hlver station on the Union
Pacific. A branch line wilt also bo run ,
starting at a point where the proposed line
crosses the Whlta river , down the White to
the Ouray Indian agency , up the Du Chesne
river to Strawberry creek and on up through
the old Indian reservation , crossing the
Wasatch range and down to Provo , Utah ,
The company also retains the privilege o
purchasing the Little nook Cliff Knllroad
company property nnd will do a general
railroad business. The proposed scheme wilt
tap son "f the best country In the western
slope < t H vlct , nnd they will have no com
petition , ns the country li off tlio line of all
roads nnd Is said to bo same of the best land
In the west , particularly up through Iho old
Indian reservation , which will probably bo
opened for settlement next year.
The graphite mines , situated In Halleck
canyon , on the boundary line betwtn Albany
nnd Lnramle counties , says the Cheyenne
Sun , are just now attracting 11 great deal of
attention. .
Considerable prospect work hss a'ready been
donu and several claims located the present
season. Assays made In Denver and at the
State university of Wyoming show a high
percentage of graphite.
The ore body lies between well-defined
walls of slate and Is practically Inexhaustible.
It Is well located for convenient and economic
working , both from the contour of the moun
tain containing the mineral and from Hi
proximity to railroad connections. It Is esti
mated that a little work would show up fully
80,000 tons of the ore.
The higher grades of the minerals are said
to bo worth from $ SO to $100 per ton , while
the lower grades are valued at from $50 to
J70. Of the $1,000,000 worth of the material
used In the United States In 1892 , over four-
fifths was Imported.
The substance Is largely used for pencils
and as a lubricant , for both of which It must
bo of high grade. The lower grades are used
for stove blacking and many other articles.
While work Is rapidly progressing on the
canal to tap Humboldt lake the plans of
the operators are materializing , and the mag
nitude of the operation Is becoming known ,
says the Lovelock ( Nov. ) New Era. When
the canal shall have been completed torrents
of water will speed through the great vent ,
tearing on within the Say slough to the Car
son sink. With water heads and dynamos
the expending energy Is to bo converted Into
electricity , to be stored or transmitted at the
will of the operators , and expended with
greater convenience than any other known
The opening of the canal will drain 15,000
to 20,000 acres of rich alluvial tulo land on
this end of the lake , of which the canal promoters
meters have already In tholr possession C.OOC
acres. The land la known to be especially
adapted to the growth of sugar beets ; fur
thermore , the work of the agricultural ex
periment station at Reno shows the average
per cent of the saccharine matter In the Ne
vada product to bo the highest In the world
ranging as high as 24 per cent , with cor
responding coefficient purity. With those
facta presented , the conclusion Is forced thai
the power generated at the canal , ten miles
distant , will certainly be transmitted by cop
per wire along the railroad telegraph poles t (
a beet sugar factory on the grounds.
Not only the beet sugar factory , for. In ad
dition , there will be a flouring mill to converl
the farmers' wheat Into flour ; a starch estab
Itshment , where potatoes will yield theli
starch ; a creamery , where milk will give uj
Its butter , The B.g Meadows of the Humboldl
produce GOO lo COO car loads of wheat yearly
shipped to Liverpool , and the farmers buy al
their flour In California. On the Big Mead
ows of the Humboldt last season G.OOO heat
of beef cattle were fattened for market jusi
as well might 3,000 milk cows have convertec
the hay Into rich milk for a creamery. Fivi
to sixteen tons at the finest quality of pota
toes are produced to the acre.
In the mountain range near the foot o :
the lake gold , silver and nickel and othei
ores arc found , and to reduce such an eleo
trlcal reduction plant will probably be bull
at the source iof supply. A wire Into towt
will supply Lovelock with electrical light. A
more Inviting combination of natural re
sources can scarcely be Imagined. .
"Chehalls county Indians have Just closci
a peculiar religious 'revival' In the westen
part of the county , " says a Walla Wall !
gentleman. "Now they have gone to Paclfli
county , whore they are going to stir up tli
tribes there.
"Their religion Is very unique , striking ) ;
original , and distinctly Indian. It seem
that It first originated In the Sound countr :
among the Mud bay Indians , and the stor ;
goes that one of the tribe , J6hn Slocum
was taken sick , gradually wasted away am
died. In the midst of the preparations to
the obsequies John created consterna
tlon by coming to llfo again the da ;
the funeral was to take place. II
ken , and this Is balled with delight , as It I
supposed that the bad spirit has left th
candidate and entered Into the bell , filling I
to bursting. AVhen this happens the candl
date Is completely cleansed from all evil an
Is born again. The candidate for admission
after standing In the position for a slier
time , commences to shako through fatlgUE
This Is taken as a sign that the good bplrl
Is entering , and the noise and the din are , I
possible. Increased , until , from sheer ex
haustlon , he falls trembling to the grounO
His conversion Is then complete and h (
admitted Into full membership. "
There are serious complaints of coal theft
In Pullerton.
Coroner Gregg of Howard county has re
slgnesj his position.
The work of rebuilding the burnt dlstrlc
of Talmage la proceeding.
Madison's new Knights of Pythias ha
will be dedicated December 11.
The Fullcrton company of the stats mllltl
has been reorganized with twenty-five ne <
Mulligan post of the Grand Army of th
Republic at Western has been revivified wit
about twenty members.
The fourth annual meeting of the Bui
County Farmers' Institute will be held e
Craig some time during next month.
Tokamah's lodge of the Ancient Order <
United Workmen has been disbanded , and
number of the members have Joined the Hei
man lodge.
Emll Von Dergen , a prominent business ma
at Columbus , was held up on the outskirts <
the town , but as he had little money he dl
i13 not \oso \ much.
13 John McCarthy of Bellevue Is down In Ml !
sourl to buy a pack of fox hounds and coo
dogs for Sarpy county. He also proposes I
jP bring back a live red fox.
10 William Dustln , the aged postmaster i
Dustln , was thrown by a cow and lay fi
several hours In the cold before ho eon'
make himself heard. Ho Is likely to t
laid up for several weeks.
Now that Ponci has secured her new ml
she Is after a canning factory. It Is polnlE
out that there is an unoccupied building I
the town which could be utilized , and tt
cost of the machinery would not exceed J3.00
Mr. Farrls of Ilroken Bow has removi
to Auburn to enter Into the hotel buslna
la that town. While on the- train enrou
to Auburn his cook , who was traveling-
the car , accidentally upset a lamp and a
the goods and the car they were In wei
George Purncll , a farmer living near A
klnson , was moving to another farm for tt
winter. He had taken several bushels '
grain and some household goods and le
them for ono night. When he returni
they had all disappeared.
Rev. J. P. Aurellus has preached hU far
well sermon at the Swedish Evangelical LI
theran church at Wakefleld and has le
for El Carnpo , where he has beeu assigned
missionary work along the gulf coast. He
succeeded at Wakefleld by Her. P. SJoblor
D. D. , of Fergus Falls , Minn.
Hon. James Whltehead. irho campaign !
through the Sixth district for Matt Daughert
has returned homo , and report ] to the Call
way Courier that the Russian thistle Ls g li
lug a strong foothold In tha northern portli
of tha state. He saw timber claim * o pllt
up with the lodged weeds that only the ti
limbs of the trees could bo teen ( ticking out
above the mass , while wheat fields , harvested
this summer , were covered with a dense mass
( the prickly growth. They even come up
n the prairies wherever there Is a chance
or them to take root , nnd the roads nnd
nces are lined with them everywhere.
Hon. William Kaup , member-elect of the
glslaturo , has disposed of his windmill
nd pump business at Western In order to
o able to give his time to his constituents.
Rev. Francis Mueller of Clinton , la. , has
ecelved a call to the Lutheran church at
/erJon , and wilt begin his pastorate there
bout the first of the year.
Richard Bruin was In Lodge Pole for n
hort time , and while ho was In a store
lap robe and a blanket were stolen from his
art. The complaint is made that recently
uch thefts have become- very common In
ho town , and the business men of the place
re Invited to take measures to put a stop
o them. They even steal ballot boxes and
lection returns when nothing else Is in
The Incorporation of the Black Hills Ar-
eslan Well company at Rapid City bodes
ell for the future Irrigation In the state.
The Merchants mill of Mitchell has been
warded the contract to furnish 260,000
Bounds of flour to Indians at Crow Creek
.nd Lower Brulo agencies.
The Burlington road has completed a spur
o the Crown Hill group of mines , situate
ear Elk mounatln In the Black Hills coun-
ry. There Is now over 100 tons on the dump
hat will average $17 to $18 per ton. As
: eon as the railroad company furnishes cars
egular shipments will bo made to the cyan-
de mill In Deadwood.
Stutsman county has been notified that , the
ccent decision of the supreme court of North
Dakota reaffirms the first decision of Judge
lose of the district court , before whom the
: ase was originally tried , In the Northern
: 'aclflc gross earnings tax suit. The court
holds that the taxes are legal and can be
iollected. The amount due the county now
mounts to several thousand dollars. Other
lountles In the state are similarly affected.
The Suffolk mine , Ophlr district , Is pro
ducing gold at the' rate of $3,750 per week.
Pine Creek , the new gold camp of Gllpln
aunty , will continue development during the
A Inter.
Up In the Red mountain country the sled
las taken the place of the wagon for hauling
bovo tlmberltne.
The Summit lode , Virginia district , Gllpln
county , Is producing ore running twelve
unces In gold per cord on the plates.
Durango Is moving for better roads to the
La Plata mines. The present highways are
unfit for the hauling of heavy machinery.
The big Gunnell property. In Gllpln county ,
Is being gradually pumped out. Several car
oads of timber ore on hand for use In re
pairing the sha-fts and levels.
A difference of opinion as to methods and
results has caused a temporary shutdown of
ho Prussian mine. Boulder county. About
hirty-scven miners are thrown out of em
ployment , but will doubtless find places In
other mines.
The Wilmington group of gold claims. In
Ophlr camp , Is now owned and operated by
a company of miners. Their first run of five
tons at the Suffolk mill returned $22 per
ton In gold. The ore Is free milling , and
occurs In large veins.
Quito an excitement was caused In camp
at Yankee Hill by the discovery of a rich
piece of float , found by W. G. Compton on
Chesapeake mountain. One piece weighed
several pounds , and a portion of It assayed
$10,000 to the ton. A piece of It taken
to Idaho Springs was literally permeated
with gold.
The Climax mine In the Tcllurlde district
has a new silver vein about one foot In width
and widening with development. The gold
streak Is now about flvo Inches In width and
Is just as rich as when first encountered.
The contractors are working a double shift
and are now In over fifty feet. The Climax
Is an Ideal mine to work , being rather soft
and easily handled.
The Captain , the latest big find made at
Cripple Creek , Is a bonanza. Returns from
the first carload shipment of ore , eleven tons ,
went 81.00 ounces , or at the rate of $1,009.20
per ton. The. shaft Is down only thirty feet.
The vein Is well defined and the pay streak
two and a half feet In width. Another car
load of ore from the Portland , shipped a few
days ago , a&says $1,080 per ton.
A force of surveyors In the employ of the
Gulf railroad Is at work laying oft the land
In blocks , lots , streets and alleys , preparatory
to the opening up of a new town on the
south side of the Platte river , where Orr sta
tion was formerly located. The name of this
new town will be Latham. Austin & Moore
of Lupton have already opened up a general
merchandise store there , and W. L. Clayton
of this city has erected a large new ware
house. The country around Latham is hlghl )
productive and well cultivated.
One ranchman In the Big Horn basin ralsei
over 12,000 pounds of alfalfa seed this year.
A vein of coal has been discovered In tin
Big Horn basin , In the vicinity of Hyatvlllo
Ranchmen In the Lander valley have beer
experimenting with celery this season. I
makes a prolific growth In that region.
The Union Pacific coal mine at Almy
which caught fire over a year ago. Is stll
burning. The company shut up the mine ai
closely as possible , but the fire was no
The work of exterminating wolves Is belni
prosecuted vigorously by ranchmen in tin
northern part of the state. Hundreds of tin
animals have been driven Into Wyoming b ;
the prairie fires recently raging In northen
William Marshall , at the mouth of Greei
river lakes , has recently started up his nov
sawmill. It Is his Intention to raft lumbe
down the Green river and establish lumbe
yards at the mouth of tributary streams. I
his rafting venture Is a success it Is hi
intention to place the- lumber on the market
A contract has been awarded to J. A
Thompson to build a bridge across Wlm
river at Merrill's Crossing , north of For
Washakle. The contract price Is $2,450 , am
the structure Is to be completed not later thai
May 1 , 1805. The contract was also let to
the building of a flouring mill at the Shoshone
shone Indian agency.
The owners of the Watklns mine In th
Centennial district are convinced that the
have discovered a fine quality of platinum
An Australian sample of this ore sent fret
Denver for comparison looks like a twin par
of the Watklns ore. This Is a valuable mln
oral , and If It holds out as the first assa ;
shows the owners have a bonanza ,
The Nehalem cannery closed after packln
over C.OOO cases of salmon.
Nestucca boy put up 1,500,000 pounds o
fish during the season Just closed.
There ore 31C Slletz Indians to partlclpat
In the present disbursement of $24,000.
A Scott's valley farmer drove Into Medfor
the other day with 1,800'pounds of honey.
Gllllam county Is spending $300 In build
Ing a new county road , known as the "Thlrt
Mile. "
A Baldwin tree In the yard of Prof , Johnso
at Eugene bore twenty-five bushels of apple
this year.
There arc hundreds of bushels of refus
apples rotting on the ground , says the Cress
well correspondent of the Eugene Quart
pointedly , yet In six months from now th
farmers , as well as other people , will b
buying California vlnegnr , just as It there
was nothing In OregoaOg make it.
David Hughes of Ofiyonvlllo has raised
thH year a 125-pouna rbuash. It measures
eighty Inches In cltculnlVrence.
I lay ford Droi. of tiuke county have Just
nlstml a drive of | CqUJe to Gazelle , Cat. ,
or shipment , which paid them $23.000.
The Sluslaw flshlnfe season closed on the
t of November , with about 22,000 cases of
: anned salmon put up. and about 400 barrels
altcd. , , ,
James Wlllielm has yrwmrthod a twelve-foot
eln of coal on Dear crebR , about eleven miles
torn Crcsswell , Lane county. Experts have
ecn looking at It and tlink | welt of the coal.
James Campbell and.Ira , Sprout took to
Jakcr City their latest cleaning up of nug-
; ets from the Humbolut placer mine near
lanyon City , which I aggregated 280 ounces ,
ho value of which wjasjover $5,000.
The railroad from Wclser to the Seven
devils mines "will certainly be built during
ho coming year , " according to the editor of
ho Welser Signal , The distance of the road
ivlll bo 110 miles , and Its cost $1,250.000. The
ilerrlts of Duluth , Minn. , are back of the
More activity than ever before In Us hls-
ory Is reported from the Sparta mining
lamp. Several Utah , Montana and Colorado
: ompanles have recently become Interested
n both placer and quartz , and considerable
money Is being expended In development and
iiachlncry for working. The old camp Is
oklng on new life. There are about 250 men
t work and all are doing well.
A company has been organized at McMlnn-
Ille for the purpose of constructing an clec-
rlc IJght and water system , to bring water
rom the hills two miles north of town ,
ho city has passed an ordinance granting
hem the use of the streets for the purpose
lamed. The. water system Is to bo com-
iletcd within twelve months and the electric
Ight plant within eighteen months from the
late of the passage of the ordinance.
The Standard Oil company has Just put In
n 18,000-gallon tank at the South Dend
The State Agricultural college will apply
o the legislature for a grant of $3,000 for a
alrylng plant. .
The Dungeness Trading company has built
n approach and wharf about three-fourths
-t - a , mile long at Dungcneas , costing $13,000.
The Northern Pacific car shops at Edison
re giving employment to 400 men and turn-
ng out large orders for coal cars , besides
egular repair work.
The city of New Whatcom Is still In dark
ness , the city council refusing to give the
Ight company what they want , and the light
company refusing to give the citizens what
.hey want.
Some -100,000 feet of logs were set loose by
ho lilgh water just above Woodland , and
floated down to the mouth of the Cowlltz.
lost of them were recovered , some of Them
after they had reached the Columbia.
There have been shipped east this season
rom North Yaklma 1,057,331 pounds of hops ,
859,667 pounds of which have been shipped
his month. This does not represent the
otal county shipments , as there ore five
other stations where many bales are being
held for future shipment.
The stamp mills In the vicinity of Loomls
are all running , and the result Is bringing out
several fine gold properties. At Conconnully
there Is considerable excitement over the
placer mines , and everything has been staked
out for claims. Miners ore making good
wages on a large number of claims.
T. A. LInghani of Johannesburg , South
Africa , has sent twjd cargoes of lumber to
South Africa , nnd Js' negotiating for the
whaleback City of IjYerdlt and other vessels
of the same kind , tov < yigago In the same
trade. There are cpuntrles which can com
pete with us In whijat.ind cotton , but none
' .n Oregon pine. 5 f
The German carp1 'am reported to be de
stroying the sturgctou' wallows In Cowlltz
county. They dig Into , ( lie mud and destroy
everything in' sight , Tpey are wonderfully
ravenous , and during. Uie great frcsliot this
year they nearly rulued"some of the rich bottom
tom land on Sauvla'ai.valley by rooting up
tha grass.
' '
In Arizona the Ha'rg'uijVIIala mine shows i
surplus of $150,000'aifiX has declared a dlv
Idend of 10 per cent.The oro. veins are Ir
regular. f
The Mount Baldy'rmlnlng district nea
Marysvllle , U. T. , has come , out as a won
derful producer of gold. Large ere bodle ,
of low grade are the rule.
After a week's run with a full force o
men the English company's great pumpliiE
plant at Ploche shut down for good. Tin
result of the clean-up was $30 In gold. Ex
pert Glendennln has decided that the pump
will have to be moved and their locatlor
changed before they can work successfully.
Senor Pallo Martinez Del Rio of Pueblo
Mex. , who has returned from New York
announces that arrangements have been per
fccted for the consolidation of the Mexicai
Southern and the Intercolonial railroads anc
that the former line will be Immediately ex
tended to Sallna Cruz , where It will connec
with the Tehuantepec road , thus forming i
direct route from the United States to th
Isthmus of Tehuantepec.
C. E. Mayne , well known to the people o
Omaha , Salt Lake and Ogden as one of th
mo-st active "promoters" during the boon
days , and the original projector of the Ogdei
power dam scheme , has come to the surfac
again. This time he appears as the projecto
of a transcontlental railway line , which aim !
have San Diego as Its western terminus an
run through southern Nevada and Utah. Th
novel feature of the enterprise Is that It 1
to be built by subscriptions from rallroa
A suit Involving the title to a large numbe
of lots In Cheyenne and Evanston , as well a
a large number of tracts of railroad land , ha
been Instituted in the. United States cour
for the district of Wyoming. The title o
the case Is the United States against th
Union Pacific Railroad company , and 1
brought under the act of congress of Marc
5 , 1887 , for the purpose of setting aside pat
ents to lands wrongfully acquired from th
United States under the railroad land grants
It Is the Intention of the United States at
torney to make present owners of the pror
erty defendants In the case. It Is an Impoi
tunt action and will require some time t
take the testimony. A commissioner wl
probably be appointed by the court for tha
The official statement regarding the pelag !
scaling of 1891 , compiled from log book
sworn to , has been forwarded to Ottawt
London and Washington. They spent fret
the 1st of August to the middle of Septembe
strictly observing the law prohibiting the us
of firearms under the watchful supcrvlslo
of United States gun boats and conflnln
themselves to the use of spears. Only aboi
halt of the fleet were. able to secure spean
men , nnd these did remarkably well. Dssplt
this and other Interferences the total for tl
year la the largest catch on record , the catc
of the fifty-nine vessels being 94,474 th
year's skins , against 70332 ; Vor the fleet i
fifty-five vessels In 1893' ' and 45,385 for tl
slxty-fivo schooners 'In ' 1892. There were er
gaged this year 818 whites and CIS Indians ,
ACl.ll.l HnJo.T
The pleasant flavor , gentle action and Booth
ing effects of Syrurij ol-iFlgs , when In nee
of a laxative , and IfUh * father or mother b
costive or bilious , the most gratifying result
follow Its use ; so that l Is the best famll
remedy known , and dvery family slioul
have a bottle on handi '
i -i i
id '
ss There's no Danger
tom to be feared , even if you doiujfi too much
IIo Pearline in the washing. If'there's ' any
t- danger of damage at all , it's $ Jien you use
tle too little. In that case , you'll have-to begin
of ft that dreadful rubbing and carloads of
Pearline couldn't do as much damage
to your clothes as that will.
ft Follow the directions on the
to Is package that's the best way of
Isn all. But remember , tob much
won't hurt anything. It's-only a
> d
dY waste of good Pearline.
i.l - Cj/a - r\ Peddlers and some unscrupulous grocers will tell you " this is as good as"
lm OU11LL or "tho same as Pearline. " IT'S FALSE Pearline U never peddled ,
: d 1 and if your grocer sends you tomching in place rf Pearline , be
> P JE honest unfit tact. 439 JAilES PVL2 , New York.
The will of Mrs. Henry Hcmcnwuy of Mil-
on , Mass. , provides that thn Income of an
state of $15,000,000 shall be used far educa-
onal purposes.
Prof. W. S. Wyman thinks that President
ndrcw Jackson , Instead of being the author
' the expression " 0. 1C. " ( abbreviation for
all correct" ) , borrowed the phrase from
10 Choctaw language. In which the word
okeh" means "It Is all right. "
Mr. Henry W. Fisher Is probably the only
nan who has interviewed the household of
he late emperor of Russia In true Amerl-
an style. The result of his visit and ad-
enturcs at Fredcnsborg , Denmark , will np-
car In an article called "Tho Truth About
10 Czar , " to bo published In Harper's Weekly
f November 17.
Dr. Edward Everett Halo not tinreason-
bly thinks the fact significant that five dls-
inctly American poets WhlUlor , Longfcl-
ow , Bryant , Ijowell , and Holmes were nil
fnltarlans. And with this should go the
eclaratton of Rov. M. J. SavageIoston ( ) )
hat he believes that "no Unitarian can be
ound who disclaims that ho Is a Chris-
Ian. "
"Tho Dawn of Civilization , " by Prof. Mas
ere , edited by Rtv , Prof. Sayce , Is nn
ouuced by D. Applcton & Co. The porio. '
colt with covers the history of Egypt fron
lie earliest date to the fourteenth dynasty
nd that of Chaldaca during Its flrat empire
Tlio book Is brought up to the present year
nd deals with the recent discoveries n (
toptos nnd Dahubur.
The October Virginia Magazine of Itlstorj
nd Biography continues Its antlquarar
leanings from the manuscripts found li
mbllo and private collections. Some o
heso are of more than local Interest , such n
The Causes of Discontent In Virginia , 167C , '
ho genealogy of the widely scattered Flour
ley family nnd the discriminating review
f Keith's "Ancestry of Benjamin Harrison '
Dr. Holmes paid as little heed to thr
tctum of the. rhetoricians that a sentenc
hould not end with a preposition or othci
unimportant word as did the author of r
vork on rhetoric , who laid down the rule
'A preposition should not b3 used to cndi i
entence with. " Dr. Holmes ended not
nly sentences but chapters with preposl
Ions and other insignificant words. Fo
xamplo , chapter VI. of "Elsie Vennsr" end
vlth the words "attend to , " and chapter XII
f the same novel ends with the words , "dl
nt n
Herr Wltlmann. the publisher , of Berlin
ays the Echo , has Issued a curious accoun
of how the l.brotto of Rossini's " \Vllllair.
ll" has from time to time been changet
or political reasons on the continent. Ai
ho Royal or era. Berlin , In 1830 , for exam-
do , the title "William Tell" was altered tc
'Andreas Hofer , " the hero of the Tyrolesc
nsurrectlon against the French and Ba-
arlan , who was shot at Mantua In 1810
vhlle the tyrant Gcsslcr was , of course , re
placed by a French general. In Russia the
> : cco was some sixty years ago rechrlstened
'Charles the Bold , " and Instead of William
fell another hero was Invented , called Ro-
lolpho Doppleguggel. It may be added
Meyerbeer's "Les Huguenots" has In Italy
and elsewhere suffered similar alterations ,
or both religious and political objects.
MARIE. By Laura E. Richards. Square. 1C
mo. 50 cents. Estcs & Laurlat , Boston.
VASHTI. A poem. By John Brayahaw Kaye.
160"pages. . Cloth. G. P. Putnam's Sons ,
New York. From Chase & Eddy , Omaha.
ROSE. By K. Sutro-Schnecklng. German.
Illustrated. Paper , 25 cents. Laird & Lee ,
Chicago. From Chase & Eddy. Omaha.
wick , M.D. Paper , 50 cents. The Truth
Seeker Company , New York.
GRAY ROCKS. By Willis George Emerson.
Paper , 50 cents. Laird & Lee , Chicago.
George Reed , Jr. Paper , 114 pages , GO
cents. Optlmus Printing Company , New
SAINT AND SINNER. By Fanny May. Paper -
per , 216 pages , 50 cenls. J. S. Ogllvlo Pub
lishing Company , New York.
THE ONE TOO MANY. By E. . Lynn Lin-
ton. Cloth , 358 pages , $1.25. F. Tennyson
Neely , Chicago. From Megeath Stationery
Company , Omaha.
Stewart. Cloth. 38S pages , $1.25. F. Ten-
nxson Neely , Chicago. From Megeath Sta
tionery Company , Omaha.
HEARTS. By Albion W. Tourgee. Dec
orated by Almee Tourgee. Cloth , $1 ,
Merrill & Baker , New York.
Oregon Kidney Tea cures all kidney tru'-
I'.ts. Trial Klzc. 25 cents. All druggists.
Wo'df Suggest
That you place your order now for
your stationery including cards , invi
tations , etc. as within a week will
have all we can do to fill orders by
100 cardswith name engraved , § 1.50 ,
ISTll A.\J > 1 > IIU(11..18 UTS , ,
Thomas Hardy's
To le called
in subsequent numbers
December ( Chiistnias ) Number
The Show-Places of Paris , by RICHARD HARDING
4 e I i DAVIS ; The Evolution of the Country Club , by
ii i CASPAR W. WIHTNEV ; An Arabian Day and Night ,
i i by PotiLTNEY liicri.ow ; Six Short Stories , anil 100
i illustrations nre among the many other attractions
Read/ November 22d. A Subscription by the Year. 94 00.
Published by HARPER & BROTHERS , Now York , N. Y.
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Thermometers he needed not
To soon convince him that the spot
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We innst Jurnish you with that overcoat or ulster that
you've put off buying till noiv. We know weve got to make
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Long cut , black and blue and tan
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Black diagonal worsted overcoat
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All wool , blue , brown or tan ,
beaver Overcoats , extra heavy 7.50
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Extra fine blue or black kersey
overcoats with silk sleeve iin-
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H. Cook Clothing Co ,
Successors to Columbia
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jo Mattloll kept. If act .
\Vhlta Louis XIV\
< t about Invadl