Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 23, 1894, Page 6, Image 6

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Anxiety of Holders of December Wheat t <
Cancel Contracts an Important Factor.
M nr Rnjrlnc Orders Were In the Mnrkei
for M r at Forty-Nine C nt
TriiilliiR In Oati
Vcrr Dull.
CHICAGO , November 22. The anxiety o
holders of December wheat to cancel thcl
contracts , nnd the nhndow o Monday'
expected Increase In the visible were th
bearish features of today's market. Other
wlso the fresh news wns bullish. At th
close there wns n loss of c. Corn wo
Hleady until near the close , when It wea >
encd a trllle , closing unchanged. I'rovl
Hlons opened llrm and closed weak. Oat
closed unchanged.
The icmpcr of the wheat speculator
changed again to the bull side tills morning
The ItusMnn crop of wheat was -olllclnll
tlcclated to be approximately 61,000,000 , bt
less than the year before , and Beerbohn
cabled that the Argentine crop would b
110 larger nnd probably less than that o
last year. Those Hems started wheat n
nn advance of lie compared with yestet
day's closing price. The Cincinnati Prlc
Current says wheat feeding continues , 111
era ! nnd estimated the visible reserves tin
stocks In sight In this country at 47,000.oc
bu. less than they were a year ago. Ue
cember was weaker than May , the nca
approach of delivery causing a general dc
hire lo liquidate. Minneapolis ami IJtilut
received B'J2 carloads , against G9S last yeai
Primary market receipts were heavy. Th
opening cablegrams were llrm and the cloa
Ing weak. The latter came In at n inumcn
when the market was ready to respond t
hear news , and they were the occasion o
the lowest prices of the day. May openc
nt fj9V&c bid , sold sparingly at u9c , workt-
gradually down to D3c , then recovered t
KtHc , after which the- price dropped to SS i
About nn hour from the close the price wa
Me. Selling out of long December when
was one of the weak features of the pi
trading. May closed at M c.
Corn was very dull , but rather llrm mos
of the day. A good many buying order
wcto In the market for May corn ntID <
The receipts were 019 carloads , Instead o
MO. as estimated yesterday , and of the totn
only forty corn were contract , The lattc
feature of Inspection was one of tn
strengthening points. The market vnrlc
very llttlo In price through the day , bu
got a trifle limp near the close. Ma
opened nt 49ic ! , nnd. after barely touchln
4UUc , It alternated until within a half lion
of the close between 49u bid and 49'fcc sell
era. As the end of the session apprgaclie
It got below 49c , closing ut 4S&e. '
Trading In oats was dull. A compare
lively steady feeling In syntpath
with the likewise well balanced condltlo
of the corn market. May started ut 3-S
und f > old at 32c , where It closed.
Provisions opened llrm , but closed weal
The run of hogs was C.OOO less than < -stl
mated yesterday , nnd to that and estimate
receipts of only 33,000 for tomorrow wa
ilne the early bullishness. The packer
turned sellers and prices went down. Jan
itnry pork closed IPO lower , February 715
lower and January ribs 7'-.c lower. Freight
slow. Two loads of wheat to Mllwattkc
were taken atHe. .
_ jrhe leading futures ranged as follows :
A tlcTes.Opcn.iritfli. _ | _ _ | _ I LoxvTl Close.
Crtali quotation * were nn follows :
WJIKAT No. 2 uprlnu , m > iSf37Jic ; No. 3 sprln
nmnlnnl ; No. S red , WUJiol'ic ,
COIIN-No. 2. % c . : . . No. 3 jcllow . . , 45c. . . _ _ .
fTL * * ti A ff K * I. ; ! - - -
U VIC No. 2. 4SC.
. IAm.f2Y-No. 1 , No. N. .
I , '
SEED No. 1. tl.31.
PllOVLSIONK-MesB. pork , per bbl. . l"i
12.37 < i. I ird , per 100 Ibs. , $0.97i. ! Slioit lib
Hides , loose. J6.12',4fiG.S7'S. Dry halletl nhouldci
J > " M. JS.M',4 3.7i ; shoit clear sides. Iwxe.
WlJjSKY'-l > totlllen ' Onlnhcd coeds , per eal
* I23
HUOAI13 Cut loaf , unchanged.
The followlnB were Urn receipts nnd Bhlpmcnl
On the Produce nxclianiru loilay the butter mar
ket was nrmj creamery , 14l&c ; dairy , 14S2Vi
Hggs , Bteadyj 20 t21e.
Vcslcrduy'e Qiiotntlonii on Flnur , ( iraln an
Provisions. Alntalx , ICtc.
NEW YOUK , Nov. 22. FLOUR Red > lpts , M
E liblB.j exports , ZI.90 * Mils. ; pales , 1,000 pkg
Market lower to sell ; nillN were willing I
itlmilo prlce In porno Instances , hut even the
were above bids. Hales mostly In car Ut
Houlhem Hour , dull , llye Hour , dull ; sales , 1 :
bhlR. lluckwheat Hour , dull but steady ut Jl.
FlUCItWIlEAT-Qulel nt Kiffcne.
COHN MBA ! - Steady ; Balex. 7H ( ) hbls. and 2ft
yellow western , ll.UfiI.iX ) ; llrandywln
. < .
UYC Nominal ; car lots. MRSSc ; boat load
" ' ' ' "
bu.j pales , 4"I70,000'bu.'Tutures iin'T"4)ouO ! l > i
* pot. Spot market dull ; No. 2 n > d , In stoni nt :
elevator , f,7Hc ; iilloat. MH ns > 4c ; f. o. b , , saw
[ iSftc ; No. 1 northern. SIHc. tlellvcn-d ; No.
hard. CSTic , ilellvered. Options weie uKuhi wraki
under liquidation of lontr wheat , piu-tlcnlar
December , nnd prices closed at un ? c neti il
cllna ; early cables weie uteady , but late foreli
news wan weaker ; European houses bought ar
old nbout eijually ; Interior iveelplii were beuv
market narrow anil trading mostly by xcalper
tv. 2 red , January , closed at r,9c ; 1'ebriiai
closed nt see ; March , iMTtiiCl e. closed at Co'i
Way , 2'UiC2 13-lCo. vloiuil nt ti2c ; July , a i
C3 ic , closed at Mic ; November closed nt S7JJ
December. C7UOMe. closed at C7ic.
( XJIIN Recrlil . 73,930 bu , ; export" . M.2 bu
alen , SSO.OW ) bu. futuren ami 12.000 bu , spo
Hoot market quiet ; No. 2. } ? ; , afloat ; steam' '
mixed. Me ; No. 3 , KtfM'.sC. ' uptlou'mnik
openetl steady with Rood local buylni ; nml m
vaneed towardB noon , but llnally lost Brour
with wheat , anil cloned dull nt a ( rood prlc
January closed nt B2Xe : May , 52lWM'.ie , COK <
Ht M ic : November , Mo ; Uvvemlier , 6I ' " M
closed nt Blftc.
OATH Receipts , 75oOi ) bu , ; exports , non
sale * , 175.000 bu. futureii und 70,000 bu. n > o
Hoot market quiet : No. 2. 33Kfi33ic ! ; No. 3. d
Ilverwl. J 4Jr34c : No. 3. : c ic ; No. 3 whit
37VitfJ7Hc : ; No. 3 whltt > , 36 Jo ; tnick , whltoweH
ern , 58HtC40Hc ; , white state , SBUIJ ( O'.S
Optlona opened steady , with com , nnd rub
quiet nil day ; cloned Ht unchanged prices ; .la
\iary clewed at 3l ? c ; February closed at "C'S
May. Sa'i T36\4o , rlovrd ut S6Uu ; Novemb.-r clew
nt 33Hc ; Ietfeml > er , S3S4 33c. closed ut SSHc.
"F'rnl ! 'lllpl > 1"Bl S5'1' ' * ! B0011 t" chotc
IIOPBQulet : tate , common to choice , ol
BW7c ; new. G IZo ; PJcldo const , 3'.5i(7c.
IUDEH Steady ; wet jaltetl New Orleans , t
Iccted , 4J to 65 Ibs. . 60 ; IlueiiOH Ayrcs. dry. 20
54 lb . lie ; Texas , dry , 24 lo SO Ibs. , 5'iW6e.
LEATIlUR-Cliilet ! hemlock sole , lluehoa Ayn
Unlit to licuvywo'KhtB , llttlSc.
WOOI/-Qulrt ; domeatlo llwce , 17O23e ; pullc
PIloYlSlONS-lleef. quiet. Cut ments , tas
Tickled hami , , BiiCSe , Ijird , quiet nnd eun
wealern iitenm doted nt J7.35 ankeii ; Hulea. :
tlenvg at J7.40 : clly. 16 84O7.00. ! closed nt 7.5
December , 17.30. nomlnul ; if lined , eu y : co
tlnent , J7.6J ; H. A. , W.1S ; compound , IS.ViOS.1
Pnrk , dull.
Ill'TTKH Klrm : weetern dulry , llHISo : ei
jni creamery , lOftMo ; western factory. BI4
Klrlna , 26c : Imitation creamery. 13U-50c ; gtu
Ualiy. lJ 23He ; Mat * creamery. W 2.V
CIIKESK Finn : lutr , Unr. S sill',4c ; ma
"He ; part iklnn. 3Vi o ; full i.kTmV.43'iW3c ,
HOtlS-Dullj ittate and Pcniinylvunlu , MtifH ,
refrlKenilor. 17O21c ; weitern freiih , 21S : 'i
mjuthem. JaOrJ'.ic ; ca e , | 3.K 4.00 ; recekv
. . - n-mer : city it : per jkir ,
4SO4 ll-l o ; country tpkK . free ) , 4HU4 13-lt
an to quality.
PKTltOLEUM-Nomlnal ; United closed ut SI' '
uld ,
HOSIN-Qulet ; itralned , common la jood , II
IllCtJ Steady.
TIN Opene.1 nrnier ; rulnl weak nnd cloi
ciuy ; ( pot , JU 15W14.S5 ; tin platei. qul l ; II
300 ton * December , S14.U ; 100 toni December , u
tlay-l notice , II4.M ; 100 ton llecemlxr , one da ]
notice * s. o. to double , lll.oij 100 tuni Dcemb <
one 0 y' notice , at II4.1V
PIG 1IIONMarkft quiet ; Hcotch , lU.OOtfn.l
American. I10.00UI3.00.
Hl'ELTKH-Httady , Oome tlc. J3.3S.
I.KA1) Finn ; broken' prlcf , J3 ; excban
prlc * , 115 >
COl'PKll Httady ; brokers * prlcr , JS.W ; ,
chaii e price. J1U ) .
COTTON tiEBO OJI/-Marktt ihoiva an u
want tendency on better demand nnd urniill
n > rlnir ! , r'ltrlctlnn bu lnen : clotie < l firm , prim *
rude , 2 c ; off crude , JIOKCj yellow , butter
rndrx , MO3lc ; 1 > clc y llow , : > c , nominal ;
> rlm yellow , IlQ32ci yellow off trader , ZSi !
9'.4c ; prime white , 34e.
Jondltlon of Trade HIII ! Quotntloot on
Stnpia ntl Fcncr Frodiicc.
The poultry market ti flat.
IJUTTEn-PacklnB ztock. 7W08c : fair to good
ountry , llitlJo ; choice to fancy , lSO17c ; galh'
red creamery , U020c ; Bepnrntor creamery , Kc ,
Iiaou-Rlrlctly fre : i lal-l. 21c ; fresh ( cold
torngc ) , 18O10C.
POl'LTHY-Old hens , 4c ; sprlnfi chlckenf ,
cj duckii , Co ; turkeys , tcj heavy torn * ,
&flj RoeFf > , jfit'lc ,
lIliSHit ) POI'LTIIY Chickens , fair. 4Wc |
holce larpo , tel choice small. 6c ; turkeys , fall
o Rood. Cjlft'.ic ; choice heavy , 7 Sc ; choice
mall , Sfl c : ducks , fair to Rood , CfjS'.ic ' ; fancy ,
c ! Rpone , fair lo Rood , to ; fancy , 7c.
GAME-Prairie chlckenK , per do * . , 1.M ; crouse ,
per doz. , S3 ; blue wine teal , per doz. , Il.CO ; green
wins teal , per < loz. , $1.2' | ducks , mixed , pel
loz. , Ill canvasbuckii. $ t.i > IM4.W : mallards ami
ed lieadf , J2.W ; quail , | l.Wsi.5 ; deer saddles ,
2B1.V ; antelope saddles , lOjrllci small rabbits ,
1 ; jack rabbits , )2.2. > .
VKAt Choice fat nnd small veals nre quotcO
nl Bo : Inrce nnd coarse , 8C4c.
CIIEEMIWlKConnln full cream , Yoiinu A. (
3c ; twin ? . 12'.ic ' ; Nebraska and Iowa , full cream
Ic ; Nebraska and lawn , part skims , 'iQic
.linbvu-Ecr. No. 1 , lie ; brick , No. 1 , lie ; Swiss ,
No. I. lldlJc.
HAY Upland hay. J ! > .M ; midland , JO ; lowland
S.W ; rye straw , JO. Color makes the price or
lay. LlKht ( .hades cell the best. Only top grades
brim ; top prices.
PIOHONS Old birds , per doz. , 7c.
POTATOES Western stock , car' lots , 205c
small lots. 70c.
OLD IinANH-Hand-plcked , navy , J2 ; llmi
icnns , per lb. , l',4c.
ONIONS On orders , CSJITOe.
CAIIllAll'-Oii : orders. Hie.
CELEUY-Per doz. . 25 35c.
8WEKT 1XTATOI ; Per bbl. , 2 ; Jersey , 13.51
per bbl.
IlHlvTfl-Per bu , , SOflCOe.
CAHHOTS-Per ou. , 50 600.
l'AltIIFI/1WBH-Per doz. , J2.25.
EK1 PLANT Per do . , We.
llOItHiitAUlSH-Per lb. , 7OSc. '
PAHHN1P8 I' r bu. . MflGOc.
HUTAIIAOAS-1'er bu. , 7BS90. >
PAHHLEY Per doz. bunches , Me.
TUItNIPS-Per bu. . Me.
HtlllllAItl ) PQUAS1I Per doz. , 75c.
TOMATOKS-Per hu. , Mo.
QltEKN 1'EAS-Per bu , , )1.2Q1.35.
QIIINCns-Callfornln , per ta-lb. bor , II.M.
APPLES-Oood Block , per bbl. . J2.riOfI2.75
Michigan slock , J3 ; New York or New England
3.01)f3.2.i. ) |
PLl'MK-Cnllfornla , none.
PIlt'NES None.
I'EAHS Winter Nellls , 11.73.
IIIIAPKS Conronln , 10-lb. baskets , none ; Cal
fornla , noniii Malagas , per 65 to C3-lb. bbls. '
7.WI 9.00.
CHANUEItUIES-Cape Cod fancy , 10 per bbl
ORANOES Mexican , per box , * 3.GO ; Florldas
:2.7f : , J.1.00.
llANANAH-Cholce stock , 2.00ff2.60 per bunch
LEMONS MalnRa , 4 ; fancy Florida , sizes 2JI
nnd SOO. tt.OW4.2J.
OYSTERS-IXL , 8c ; medulm , per can , lOc
lorpc chocs , 12o ; extra Blnndarrto , 15c ; extra fe
eels. 17c ; company delects , 21c ; New lorl
counts. 23e.
NEW FIGS Fancy , ICc ; choice , ISfJUc ; Cal
fornla. bags , So.
HONEY New York , 17c ; California , ICc.
MAPLE HYlll'l' Onllon cans , per doz. . 112.
NUTB Almondi" , 15016c ; Ensllali walnuts , 12c
llbci Is , 12c ; llnzlt nutu , Sc ; eastern cheslnuts
10 need clock ; ftliellbark hickory nuts , per bu.
2 ; lurec hlckoiy nuts. (1,75 ; fancy raw peanuts
ic ; roasted peanuts , 7Hc.
HAI'KU KIlAt'T Choice white , per bbl. , 1.5
$11.75 ; per half bbl. . { 2.00.
MINCE MIIAT Fancy. In half bbls , , per lb.
/ic ; 10 Ral. Uess , 7c ; condensed , per case of ;
doz. pkBS. , J2.75.
FIHII Freeh caiiRht crnnrfes , perch and sun
Ish , 3ff3c ; buffalo , 3W4c ; pike nnd pickerel , CBSc
cattish. &rj3c ; black buss. 12@3c.
CIOEIl-Puic juice , per bbl. . M.CO : half bbl. . J3
HIDES No. 1 Ki-ecn hides. C4c ! ; No. 2 sreei
ildes , S'Je ; No. 1 fireen fl.illed hides , 4VSc ; No. :
Bieen salted hides , SUe ; No. 1 green salted hides
23 lo 40 Ibi. . 44c ! ; No. 2 ureen Balled hides , 25 ti
10 Ibs. . 3Ue ; No. 1 veal cnlf. 8 to 15 Ibs. . 7c ; No
2 veal calf , 8 lo 15 Ibs. , Cc ; No. 1 dry flint hides
> c : No. 2 dix Hint hides , 4c : No. 1 dry saltei
ililos , tc ; pait cuicd hides , ! c per lb. less thai
'ully cuied. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . . _
ht. I.ouls ( ienoral IMnrket.
ST. IXIl'IS , Nov. 22. FI.OCR-iasy : , but no
quotably changed.
WHEAT Opened 'JWyc better , but soon tumc (
md closed Uc below yesterday ; cash , 50&c ; DC
cembfr. Mljc ; May , & ; "i4fS3Tc.
COHN Firmer tally , Imteatei1 , off nnd closei
a fraction below ycstetday ; cash , 43c ; Decem
her , 43Hfl4Jc ; January , 4IV4c ; May , 45 > 4W45j c
OATS Very flow , but prices maintained ; casl
SOc ; May. 32i ! 32 c.
Uri < > -liill nt ! 12 > .4e.
UAIlLEYFlrm : Minnesota sales at MfiMVic.
HAY Active nnd hlg'.ici ; prime to strlctl ;
choice , IS.rfl-if9.W.
HUTTEll Uiichansed ,
EOOS-Steady nt 17e.
IIAOOINO 5' . Ofl51C , nccordlnc to weight.
nilAN Only small lots at u.lll , sellingn
1 < M.AX SUKIJ IIlBlier nt $1.16.
WHISKY Steady nt J1.23.
I.U AD Lower nt 12.90.
H1'KI.TKU Steady nt J3.10 li'J.
CIXWEIl SKKU-tt.OOM8.6S ; red top. t3.00C5.7 !
PROVISIONS Pork , dull nnd lower nt I1I.M
Ijiril , lower : steam , 6.75 : choice , 16.90. "Olflcoi
nnd dry rait meats , quiet , with qnly a cmnl
Job trade nt prnvlsus prices.
HWKI1TS Flour. 3.i l'l bbln. : uheat , 18,000 bu.
corn , 2.000 tin. : oats , 58,00) bu.
Sllll'.MKNTS l-'lour. 4.000 bbls. : wheat , 5,00
bu. ; coiitn , 1,000 bu , ; oatu , D.OOO bu.
Chicago Fruit ( Quotations.
CIIIOAC1O. Nov. 22. The Earl Fruit compan
sold California fruit at auction , reallzlnc th
following prlci'M Umperor Krnpeo , half crates
ll.Wl doubln cmtes. J2.SMT3.10 ( ; Ooriilcheoii. hnl
crates. S1.10 ; double crates. $1.15 ; Tokay , hal
crates , J1.25W1.30 ; Muscat , half crates. S50Mc.
mr Government Isiuo 1V1U llo Iteadll
NKW YORK. Nov. Si-Subscriptions fo
nn amount greater than the entire Issue c
J ,000,000 of Kovcrmnent fa will be mad
by n number of banks anil other ilnnnclc
Institutions of this city , Including some foi
capital. This was decided tcday nfte
a number of conferences and It was settle
also that the members of this ngreorner
should make their bids separately , but o
the sameprice. . This action Insures th
success of the loan , which IH now certnl
to be over-subscribed. The llgures whlc
bankers In the agreement will bid for bond
are not made public , but It Is understoo
will allow a good profit to the govornmen
Some of the banks who hold the larges
Bold reserve have agreed to furnish gel
to subscribers to the loan to the umouii
of $30.000,1)00 ) , and other bunks announce
that they will sttpiily their customers wit
all the gold they may need for the purpose
of the loan without drawing upon the Unite
States treasury. Gold Is being shipped froi
San Kranclsco nnd other cities of the unto
and fiom Canada to this city on accour
of Intending subscribers to the loan , $1(00
OW coming through the Hank of Montrer
It is to be teen from this that the pltuitlo
Is brightening , nnd It IH fair to nssum
that as a result the treasury reserve wl
be brought up to very near the JlOO.OOO.a
mark. Not until nbout the close of basinet
on the Stock exchange were the clrcun-
stances made public , and the current speci
Intlon was not Influenced thereby. At tn
opening of business the shore market wn
strong In sympathy with the Improved ton
of American pecurltles on the London e >
change , und there was foreign buying c
the International stocks , both of which fact
led to a covering movement on the part c
the shorts and ent prices upward a frac
tlon , the grangers joining in the procexsloi
The market , however , had not recover *
from the shock of yesterday's scaling of tli
liurlltiRton dividend and the consequei
break In prices , and the advance this mori
Ing was not maintained for long , A rein
tlon followed. In which the gains were n
most entirely lost , and throughout the da
the trading was Irregular , recoveries nn
declines following each other In rapid sui
cession up to the close- , which was inurkf
by depression , the final trading being qttli
heavy In tone. The grangers attracted tl :
chief speculative attention and were vet
largely-dealt In , but fluctuated within
much narrower limit than yesterday. Du
llngton rose \3 \ per cent , reacted H'per cen
advanced 1 % per cent , closing U per cei
below UL < highest nnd * i per cent up c
the day. Rt. Paul moved within a , range i
% per cent and shows a gain of % per cei
on the day. Northwestern advanced ' /J 1"
cent , but was attacked by the hears on ui
favorable reports on to the forthcomlr
dividend , which It Is claimed will have '
be scaled , ns have Hock Island and Ilu
llngton. Heavy selling caused a break I
the stock of 1U per cent , with a rally of
| wr cent , of which H per cent won lost i
the close , making u. decline of i per cei
on the day. Itock Island sold up IH pi
cent and. reacted % per cent , closing > i pi
cent higher than on > yesterday. Sugar r
ceded U per cent , advanced * i per cen
broke 3'ii per cent on clique gelling , wll
only u rally of li pur cent , showing a. n
lo a of 2i per cent. The preferred Is dow
Hi per cent. Pullman broke 5V4 per cei
on the liquidation of a block of stock i
a time when there were no support ) !
orders. Sales of the stock were made at 1
to mv. ! sellers , sixty days , against 1U. rei
ulur. The bond market was generally fir
throughout theday. . The Atchlson Usu
were heavily told and betrayed weaknes
but In the final dealings they icored u sllgl
recovery. Tlioae securities figured for jiiX
000 In the traninctlons out of a total i
1. S.OO ) for the day.
The Kvenlng Post's London cablegra
nays ; Tlio Daring llo.uldMlon has virtual
closed. The trust formed to take over tl
entire concern will Issue llrata and secoan
ten year mortfugr debenture bonds f
tl.toO.uOO. Thl wtlf repay tb * amount owli
to the Dank , of England nnd complete tl
liquidation nnd will have a good effect or
the markets , The stcck markets today were
deadly Idle and Irregular. Consols wer
over ICO. Americans were flat , but rallied
after the regular hours. Gold still flow !
lo France , and a further efllux In expected
The decrease In coin and bullion of 540KX (
ft due to the net clllux for the week ol
762,000 , which gold ling returned from In ,
ternal circulation. The movements durltif
the week Included { 200.003 to America. 8b
lUnarcd and eighteen barn were sold , twcn
ty to South America : nineteen were re ,
celvcil from China and fifty-seven fro it
The following were the closing quotation ?
6n the lending stocks of the New York ex.
change today :
The total nulcs of clocks today were 237,14
sliare , Including : American SiiBnr , 84.400 ! llur
IlnKliui , ) ; Clilcaeo Oas , 13,2)0 ) ; Manhattni
consolidated , 2,700 ; NorthweBlern , ! 000 ; Pullman
3,200 ; Ilock Island , J2.7W : St. Paul. 2l,3oiT ; Bnutli
ern railroad , W. I. , 4noo ; Southern rallrcai
preferred , \V. I. , 2,400 ; United Htalea Cordage
0,700 : Unlled Plates Coidage preferred , 3,000
Western Union , 8,200.
Nan York Alnnnv Miirl/et.
Kasy at 1 per cent ; Inet loan , 1 per cent ; clo ei
al 1 per cent.
BTKIIUNO EXCIIANOR Quiet but nrm , will
actual business In bankers' bill ? at JI.81HW4.k7 ?
for demand , and { t.tG',1 for sixty days ; postn
rates , Sf.S7e4.87H and Jl.SSflt.SS'.i ; commercla
bills. Jl.SJUfft.W.i.
steady for other Issucsr stale Uonflfl , Inactive
railroad Imnds , firm , except for tlic Alchlsoi
Issues , which are weak.
Closing quotations on bonds were as follows :
London Hunk Statement.
LONDON , Nov. 22. The Bank of England
rale of discount remains unchanged at 2 per cen
The weekly stalemenl of tin * Hank of Knglani
Ismied toilay , shows the following changes i
compared \vltli the previous account : Total r <
serve , decrease , 207,000 ; cliculatlon , decreas
{ 332,000 ; bullion , decrease , { GW.W1 ; other Becur
tli'H , Increaflo , 1288,000 ; other deposits , decreas
fl,3)8.CO ) ; public depoKtto , decrease , 180,000 ; noti
reiwrvp. decrease. (1CS.OOJ ; government Hccurltle
decrease. 1,600,000.
The proportion of the , Hank of England's n
serve to liability for tha week was 63 ] > cr cei
and 1s now (1.66 per cent.
I'lninclil : Notes.
NEW Oni.EANS , Nov. 22. Clearings , $1,769,42
11OSTON , Nov. 22. Clearlnt-s , II4.402.M8 ; ba
onces , | 2,702e4l.
HAI/riMOHK , Nov. 22. Clearings , J2:2I,49 :
balances , J361.2TC.
NEW YOHK. Nov. 22. Clearings , J33,957lli
l ilances , Jf , , 92.87. !
PHILAUEI.PI1IA , Nov. 22.-CI arlngs , J11.704
721 ; balances , 11,481Wl.
1IERI.IN , Nov. 22. Exchange on London , elgl
days' sight , 20 marks 39 pfe.
WASHINGTON , Nov. 22. The cash balani
today WH $100.411,950 ! sold reserve , 57.74Z,7 3.
MEMPHIS. Nov. 22. Clearing * . J393.272 : ha
ances , )129,9SJ. New York exchange , celling <
CINCINNATI , Nov. 22. Clearings. $2,123.50
Money , 2'lff6 ' per cent. New York rxchane
40jWu prtmlum.
PAUIS , Nov , 22. 4 p. m.-Three per cei
rentes , 101 f 8Sc for the account. Exchange (
Ixindon , 2Sf IJ'.ic for checks.
BT. LOUIS , Nov , 22. Clearings , $ l,01139 ; ba
ances , $ MWMS. Money , qu' t al MJ7 per cen
I xcliangv on New Yoik , par.
LONDON. Nov. 22. aold Is quoted at Huem
Ayres at 250 ; Madrid , CM : Lisbon , 22.76 ;
Petersburs , to ; Athens , 77 : Home , 107.M ; Vlenn
CHICAGO. Nov. 22. Clearings , $ U,781OC
Money. 4S4V1 ixr cent on cull and 5C ptr cei
on time. New York exchange. 40o premlur
Foreign exchange , tlrm ; merlins , .commercli
I'AHIH , Nov , 22. The weekly statement of tl
Hunk of Fmnce , Issued today , shows the folloi
Ing chances , as compared with the previous a
count : Note * In circulation , decreuse , 47.815.Cxx
trea&ury accounts , current. Incitace , J,175OOC
gold In hand. Increase , 20,4MI.OOOf ; bills dl
counted , decrmse , 33,575WOf ; silver In hand , I
crr se , l.SW.COOf.
LONDON , Nov. 21. American securities opeix
luwer on the Stock exchange today , prices tan
Ing- from unchanged to 1 per c nt off , the latt
In St. Paul common , English qonioU openi
l-lttTl. per rent higher : Canadian Pacific huw
a dKllne of Ti per cent. The amount of bullli
withdrawn from the Hank of England on bnlan
today was nil,000.
NEW YOUK , Nov. 22. The N w York agtni
of a large Canadian Initllutlon hai IYOKVI
from Its corrfipoiidrnti at San Francisco $4tOC
In gold within the lait t o dajr . nnd 1604,0
In vuld haa Wen shipped lo th U nk of Mu
trral to It * agency In thla city for tbe purno
of ubcrlblng to the government loan. A wi
Mr t banking nrm , wuh far ) * and Ban Fra
oUeo connrcuoni , ar * alia receiving small pa
eli r void ( rvin Callfomla.
Bbarp Falling Off in Arrivals Causes an Ad
vanes in.lfoc . Prices ,
; ! '
Clllen IndlfTerrnt. Jt . to thn High Grailc
Coirs nnd Stackers Sell Itrndlly HI
Strong 1'rlcnitol.lglit Hogs nnd
rigs &egtecteil >
THURSDAY , Nov. 22.
Supplies of all kftfia of stock were mor
moderate today , 215 cars , all told. Durln/ /
he past four days there have arrived n
his point In round 'numbers H.GOO cattle
8,500 hojrs and 1,250 , sheep. Compared will
ecclpts for the same period last week
hero has been a falling oft ot about 4,00
nttle nnd 1,000 sheep , while the Increns
n hogs amounts to over l.COO head.
The cattle market was dull and lower 1i
plte of the lighter receipts. As Is usuall ;
he case on Thursdays , there was no Inqulr ;
vhntevcr for shipping account , nnd th
Ircssed beef men were all Indifferent am
icarlsh , ns they have a liberal supply o
> ccf now on hand , for which the mnrke
s not very brisk at present , being gluttci
vlth all kinds of poultry nnd game , as 1
generally Is a week or two before Thanks
giving. There were 'several loads of prclt ;
good corned cattle on sale , which seller
found It difficult to get buyers to look at , t
say nothing of making a bid on. Wester :
range sXeers sold at around $1 to $3.00 , Or no
a Krcat deal lower than yesterday. It wa
a slow , wcalc market , with a decidedly lowe
endency. On all but the btst ripe beeve
> rlccs arc quotably oft 25c since Monday.
The cow market was active and stron
o a dime higher , as the supply wun llgh
and the demand from all sources good. Vets
calves sold slowly at lower prices , but th
market for bulls , stags , etc.was aboii
steady ,
Btockers nnd feeders sold very general )
at Wednesday's prices , but the trade wa
not at all brisk , lloth yard traders an
country buyers were after the good , we
bred , fleshy stock , and there was plenty i
call for good yearlings. Low grade stoc
cattle were In Indifferent request at tn
usual low prices. Good to choice feedei
are quotable at from J2.70 to $3.30 , fair t
? " 0(1 ( S n2-5 lo * 2-co nn < 1 common grade
from $2.25 down. Representative sales :
No , Av I'r. Nn. Av. I'r. No Av Pr
8. . . . SCO 3 00 12 , . . .io 13 13 W
1. . . . 820 75 7 , . . . 771 170 1..1100 210
1. . . . 7SO 115 1..1090 173 10. . . . % 5 210
} . . . . m IK 1. . . . 830 173 B..10W 215
1. . . . SCO 1 25 23. . . . 933 1 73 1. . . . D70 2 13
2. . . . 753 1 40 1. . . . gsi 1 75 1..1010 2 13
2. . . . ' 825 1 < 0 D..M4173 14 S2S 2 5
? - " ? 5i H2 - W > " 5 2.-.1085 2)5 )
} . . . . MO 1 40 6. . . . H 1 80 1. . . . JI30 2 13
J---5J ? iK o..ioo iso : : : : o3 tlo
? " S ? J 52 1..UOO 183 1..10IO 223
I"1 SSI JK 6. . . . 848 183 4. . . .1030 225
1. . . . S60 1 CO 1..1100 183 3. . . .H2i ) 225
7. . . .001 150 2. . . .1165 1S5 ] MO 5 K
3. . . . S03 ISO 4. . . .1102 100 6. . . .1113 223
° 8. . . .lift ) 193 . .
5'-2 ? J 5 6. . 971 S30
1..1120 1W 20. . . . 925 183 B. . ; . 872 2 SO
. . . . 160 1..900 2OT B. . . ,121ft 2 SO-
} " 2fS JK 19. . . . 812 iOO 1..1300 335
i".SH 1 flt > 6. . . . Sim 200 C..1032 233
1..1090 150 1..U40 200 3. . . . 9SO 240
1. . . . 850 160 14. . . . SSO 200 1..120 2 CO
2. . . . 1220 1 GO 10. . . . 900 2 OJ 2 1310 2 ftf
: : : : ! 8 J : : : : , IS Sa : : : : §
1. . . . 380 75 4..caiC3 3. . . . C23 173
; . . . 5Ua ICO 7. . . 6141 70 9..CIS IH
1. . . . 480 160 9.rE68-170 2..663 1 SI
1. . . . C40 ICO 2.630'l ! 70 11. . . . 0.16 190
L. . . 660 ICO C. . : 53M 73 8..333 200
2. . . . 123 100 l. . 2a5T2 00 1. . . ; 320 260
2. . . . 223 10) 2. . .M5:200 ! } 1. . . . )30 ) .1 W
J' " ' 2 i S 3. . . . 256.200 2. . . . 130 360
1. . . . 240 125 l..s. 110r200 2. . . . 173 373
4..243 160 2. . . . SCO1,2 10 4. . . . 132 3 75
11. . . . 297 160 11. . . : 349,220 1. . . . ISO 400
2. . . . 225 1 65 l. . .SOU,2 30 1 140 4 23
1. . . . 240 173 1 - 3(02 30 . 1. . . . 130 423
1. . . . 230 1 73 1..24411 60 ;
2. . . . 690 140 1..13M" ! CO' 1..1100 ISO
1..12SO 160 l. . J5:0.160 1..14CO 185
1..120. ) 160 1..11MO.-1G5 1. . .1000 185
1..1490 160 2..tJ2Co.l 70 1..1C30 185
2..1520 100 1..1600.175 1 1110 183
1..1200 160 1. : : 780M'75 I. . . . 980 190
0..11.18 1 Cj - I.ISW 1 75 1..1430 2 00
1..1190 ICO Innl420 1 75 l 1280 " 00
" "
1..1220 ICO " 1..12MT1 80 { "iclo 225
2..1040 200 1..1540 215 1..1S20 225
, ( . , > 3j 2 1 * >
1..1230 200
2. . . . 490 170 3. . . . 630 24) 7. . . . C17 250
8. . . . 690 175 4 < . .i 952 240 2. . . . 910 253
1. . , . 7W 175 1. . . . 610 241 2. . . . 765 260
3. . . . 698 1 75 15. . . . f&t 2 4) 12. . . . 8S3 2 CO
4. . . . B22 200 1. . . . 660 240 2. . . . CSU 2 CO
10. . . . 319 210 . . . . 613 240 4.,712 260
1. . . . 6GO 220 4. . . . GSO 240 17..C30 2 CO
2. . . . S80 225 14. . . . 643 245 11..1615 2 63
L. . . 8SO 223 32. . . . 699 245 4..1020 263
4. , . . 380 223 19. . . . S10 245 1..1U90 265
10. . . . COS 225 10 , . . . 73 * 245 117..1192 2 Gi
1. . . . 850 225 1C. . . . G5S 260 21..910 270
1. . . . 620 225 2. . . . 590 2W 15..944 275
5. . . . 900 223 1..72) 2 DO 13..193 280
8. . . . 442 235 3. . . . S9G 260 1..1C50 290
16. . . . 793 240 24. . . . 743 260 18..1143 290
5. . . . 800 240 a. . . . 737 260 1. . . . 900 290
4 , . . . 782 240 4. . . . C67 260 37..102 ? 290
7. . . . COS 240 2S. . . . C02 260 20..1140 310
1 cow nnd calf . , $3300
1 cow und calf 3000
1 springer zo 00
1 cow nnd calf , 2S w
1 cow and coif 20 00
20 milkers nnd enrlngers"each 2750
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
2 cows 1013 $1 75 2 feeders. . . . S23 J2 00
Moore & Blivlna.
1 sir , tiff. . . . 900 S 25 1 sir , t1g..UM 2 23
1 blr , UR..11C,0 26' ) 61 COWB 1021 260
1 ctw 1240 300 1 steer 1170 300
41 steers 1242 3 CO 1 sir , tig. . . . 650 1 23
I ) . McFarlane.
1 hclfcr. 810 213 1 c.w SJ ) 215
Icow 950 215 12 cawft 911 211
2 stis , UK..11GO 223 5 sleers 1143 325
3 sleers. 1076 3 25
C. lleclit.
1 heifer. 3SO 1 25 74 steers 10G4 3 00
F. Campbell.
26 cows 1043 2 43 *
3 heifers. . . . . 872 2 CO 21 heifers 914 2 6(1 (
27 cows 6S3 2 15
W. L. Jrwln.
Ibull 119) 160 .Ibull 1000 ' 1 SO
It cons 940 S 00 1 feeder COO 223
Scows 1000 1 63 2) cows SM 220
Cameron & C ,
8 steers 103S 285
Icow. 1150 230 21 cows 1018 230
Crawford & Moore.
1 cow 13M 200 H civil 1174 2M
66 cows 1124. 2 65
P. II. Grill.
46 bulls 1146 150 53 cms 1CG3 240
4 feeders..1250. 2 7B
Nicholas , Ilurnvlt , Ferguson nnd .James.
Scows 1045-245 12COW3 1111 243
15 cows 11C4 24" 4 cows 1210 243
3 cows K'SO 245 Scows lObO 2 43
1 steer. 1270 34) 3 sttere 1010 340
6 Bleers 1213 340 2J steers 12G1 3 40
1 steer. 1200 34) 1 steer. 1U70 340
1 steer. 1200 340 1 sleer. 1110 340
2 COWS 975 200 3 COUK 99i | 200
Icow 12.10 200 2 cows SUO 200
Icow 11 * ) 2 45 Icuw. 1220 24 !
Icow 1140 245 2 cows. . , 1149 24 !
Icow 1250 245 2 COWB. , 1,0) 241
Icow 1180 245 I 2 cows. . . 10S5 24.1
Icow ICG ) 245 I I cows..1)21 ) 24 !
1 Lull 1230 160 I 2 bulls 1C35 IM
Ibull 1420 IM I 1 bull. ' . 1390 160
1 bull I2M 1 CO ] 1 bull 1190 1 6(1 (
2 bulls . .1SOO 150 I 2 cows 810 2 0 < i
Icow 940 200 1 C7W 1050 2 Ofl
Scows 983 2 W ' " 1 cow IfrW 20" ]
2 cows l'X 2 tag. ' 1 ste.T..HOO 3 4t
I ! steers 12CO 340. .Batters 1250 3 4 (
2 feeders. , . , 80S 2 508K JIG feeders. . . . 975 2 C
18 feeders.1141 2 SS * ' '
J. Itlcbfrdson.
Ibull 1470 1 51) \ * * 2 bull 1435 IK
1 sta 1460 1 3 C3W I'KO 20
Scows 933 2ND 115 cows 970 21
1 feeders..1180 2 W , . ' J,10 , feedera..l24J 3 < X
HOGS There wns lie sharp falling off In. I
celpts and a consequent reaction In the marki
Good bogs , thuti Is ' > n .JiOK with weight u :
quality , opened outX da lo lOc higher tin
Wednesday , and fat lightweights brought ruth
firmer figures. Puckttvdld : about nil the buyln
and whllo the early Jradbig ; was brisk the mo
ket lost HB edge liefer * Iho closv. Mont uf t
advance on hraVy ho t disappeared , and It w
hard to sell plg and lightweights at luiythl
like a decent price. Same 2,000 of there remain
unsold In the 'iwns. Fa'r to choice heavy ho
told at from )4.4) to $1 C ) . fair to goul mix ;
grades at from $4.4) to J.45 ( and llghtwelgt
at from 14 to $4.40 , wbllc pigs mild very u
satisfactorily at from $2 to $4 , according-
weight und quality. Tlic bulk of the ho >
chajif'd hands At from $4.4) to $4.50 , ai ogalr
$4.M to $4.45 Wednesday and $4.25 to $1.45 o
week ago today , Representative sales :
No. Av , Sh. Pr. No. Av. Rh. Pr ,
1Z3 145 10 13 Si M 237 249 $4 4 1
11 ] 13 ] 0 4 00 304 205 210 4 41 0
100 144 . . , 400 72 211 400 441 0
107 14 . . . 4 10 77. , 240 210 4 4 9 :
II 1U SO 4 1 U 225 120 4 ( 0 I
IT 140 / . , 410 7. . . , . , .W 210 III 0
11 , .1 5 . . . I 10 , 74..237 83 > I ( :
> 5 149 iO I 10 62 231 210 4 I :
100 ICO . . . 5 15 70 tS 1 4 4 :
> 1C2 120 415 75 . . ) . . . 41
15 IM . . . 4 K 12 , , 341 li ) 4 4
12 171 110 415 CO 261 11) 41
U Ut 200 Hi 74 2U (0 441
\ . . . m a 4 yt n . . . . IM to 4
00 . 114 200 410 7J . 2fl ZOO 4 45
3 . 135 M 4224 3 . 443 . . . 4 4t
7 . 178 . . . 4 22'k ' 71 . 223 . . . 445
H . 171 240 425 85 . WO 400 4 4.r.
1 . 169 240 4:3 41 . 231 U ) 445
2 . 1GJ 40 42.1 7 . 197 . . . 445
10 . 173 ICO 4 23 65 . 380 40 445
4 . 157 . . . 4 M C2 . 232 210 441
. . , , . . . .204 ' 240 430 C7 . ? 240 445
90 . 210 280 4 30 87. . . ' . . . . . 21S Id ) 445
3 . 192 360 4 3J 63 . 2T S ) 44. ' .
8 . 243 80 4 30 85 . 238 200 443
9 . 15 120 430 79 . 232 400 445
00 . 164 40 4 BO Cl . 263 2 < D 445
1 . 172 . . . 4 30 7G. . 237 32) 4 45
1 . 221 (0 43H 74 . 233 80 445
. 775 . . . 43l | 75 . 223 . . . 445
3 . . ,293 . . . 4 30 fil . 272 1GO 4 45
M . 1.11 , . . 430 t.2 . 257 2 > 4 4T'5
2 . 175 . . . 4 32V4 77 . 213 120 460
3 . , i.1S4 . . . 4 331,4 M . 2)9 . . . 46)
I ! . ilSl . . . 432(1 ( , 01 . 2U 32) 4 M
1 . 172 . . . 435 C7 . 272 16' ) 460
t . 19ti 80 435 in . 318 FO 4 M
fl. . . 2.M ) . . . 4 35 Ml . 2 < S W 4 M
7 . 2(2 ( * ) 435 4(1 ( . S5G . . . 4 M
i'j . 181 1KO 4 33 10 . . . .279 12) ) 4 M
j . 18.1 40 4 35 6:1 : . 2.H5 2(0 4 50
2 . 215 80 435 U . 271 ISO 4 tO
21 . 2)3 40 4 55 67 . 2SU 2 4 M
' . 1S8 M 435 G ) . 31 12) ) 460
7 . 249 20rt 440 ! fl . 241 11 4 M
1 . 20S 120 440 G7 . 27 Si ) 46) )
3 . SGI . . . 4 4' ' 72 . 21) ) 451
3 . 2S6 . . . 44D 57 . 274 & < ) 4 tO
) . 220 2WI 4 40 M . 273 200 4 r.2'S
0 . 22' ) 80 440 M . 29' ! 10) 4 f.2'J
0 . 223 M 44) f,2 . 315 . . . 46. )
4 . 207 120 4 40 tfi . 21KJ 40 4 5.1
8. . . . . . . .338 . . . 440 l',7 . 2S1 . . . 465
2 . 221 40 4 40 r.1 . 22 80 4 65
2 . 203 4) 440 122 . 2S ! > 2iO 455
( ) , . , . 279 80 440 66 . 311 ICO 4 r,1
. 221 100 440 4.1 . 338 40 4 G )
7 . 228 2(0 440 G2 . 337 HI ) 41V )
4 . 1 5 240 440 Ct . 33.1 12) ) 4 GO
1. . . . . . .202 40 4 4) to . 331 . . . 4 GO
1. . . . 239 80 440 63 . 339 . . . 46. )
5 . 201 123 44D- 126 . 290 80 4 CO
7 . 2:0 . . . 443 121 . 277 12) ) 400
3 . 46 . . . 2 10 3 . 130 . . . 3 10
5 . 47 . . . 2 M 1 . 270 . . . 310
1..1.-&UO . . . 275 1 . 210 . . . 31)
4. . . . 72 . . . 2 7C > 2 < . 91 . . . 310
2 . 293 . . . 2 85 ft . 2G ; . . . 315
2. . . . 245 . . . 2 SKI 2 . 315 . . . 3 15
1 . r20 . . . 290 10 . 297 . . . 315
3 . 2CG . . . 2 9 < l f,2 . E2 . . . 325
S . 230 . . . 3 10 23 . 88 . . . 32' .
1 . 190 . . . SO ) 113 . S3 . . . 325
! . . . 305 . . . 3 00 6) ) . 102 . . . 330
; : , . . . . . 64 . . . 300 64 . 112 . . . 34)
2 . 2V ) . . . 8 ( K ) 40 . 10S . . . 34) )
1 . 130 . . . 300 22 . 115 . . . 3 GO
1 . ,20(1 ( . . . -3 00 121 . 131 40 375
1 . 230 . . . 3(10 ! ) . 123 . . . .175
1 . 240 . . . 300 7 . 144 . . . 380
1 . 270 . . . 300 31 . 1S5 . . . II ! )
4 . 22i ) . . . 300 8 . 115 . . . 40)
3 . .193 . . . 301
81IKBP Receipts weio light , n couple ( if sinal
bunches. The mm ket wan < | ilotiibly steady , will
i fair demnml for dcHlinbli' Hindus of mutton :
nnd Inmbs , but a Flow trndi * for common nnd
stool : sheep. Some 112-lb. mixed natives broiiKhl
I2.50. Fnlr to choice natives aru quotable ut } - ' . ! '
(22.90 ; fair to KCIJI ! wexteiiM nt f.UOf2.GO ; com
non nnd stock shci-p , ! 1.25T1.76 ; need to choice
40 to 100-11) . limits , J..r.Q'/i J.TD. Ilriuv.icntatlvt
roles :
No. Vfl. Pr.
0 native mixed . 112 12 50
Receipts anil Disposition of Mock.
Oniclnl receipts nnd disposition of stock n ;
shown by the books of the Union Htock Yard ;
company for th& twenty-four hours ending nt :
o'clock p. m. , November 22 , 1891 :
Curs. Ilend ,
Cattle . 102 2,64 !
logs . 112 8,35 !
Sheep . 1 7 :
Cattle , llozs. Sheep.
) mnhn 1'ncUlng company . 1t > . ' > 0 . . . . .
Q. II. Hammond company. . . . 78 2,307 4'
SwHft nnd company . t'J2 1,671 .
C'udahy P.icklng company. . . . 37'J 2,3S4 .
Wilson . T4 .
Hamilton & S . 23 .
I. I- , . Carey . 97 .
3. Lobman . S .
A. Hans . 92 .
1. licckcr & DoRan . 114 .
lentcn & W . . . . Gl .
Vansant . 72 .
Rothschild . 2 * .
O. H. II. , Sioux City . 49 .
Shlmx'tH and feeders . 725 87 31
Lett over . 40) 2,10) .
Totals . 2.G73 11,012 71
\Tonkncsn Again Wan In Full Possession ol
tlio fattln Murkct.
CHICAGO , Nov. 22. Weakness again was In
full possession of the cattle mniket , Inlluencci !
uy receipts of 40,000 liend of cattle In two days ,
The decline for the last two dajs nmoimts tc
from Me to 23c In fair to good steers nnd ti
from lOc to 13o In other descriptions , Nnl'vet '
nre quoted at from 42 to I2.C5 for poor to choice
cows and bulls , at from 12 lo 52.35 for tstockcri
nnd feedei s and nl troni { 2.30 to 14.33 foi
common to extra steers. Western rangers wen
salable nt from 11.60 to (4.60 , and Texnns wen
taken on a basis of from $1.23 to I4.61) ) fur pee ]
to choice.
Hog receipts for today weic nbout 4o,0 > lifad. .
llhotiKlt" 'tile 'earlymm ket slmwcd n llttli
strength the prevailing tone was \w'ak. The
extreme top ot Ilia maiket UUH H.KT'.i. Tlini
was only one tradent that price , nnd very feu
nt over 14.75. The bulk weic nt from ! ( . . ' tr
14.70 for hcnvy und nt from 11.30 to 14.10 foi
The slieep nnd lamb maikets were Hat. Tliert
was very little demand , nnd the supply wm
large. The few lots sold showed a IOKS of fren
lOc to 2Sc In hheep nnd of from 15c to 25o It. .
Iambs. The former are now quoted nt from 7Sc
to 13.15 for' Inferior to choice , nnd the latter nl
from 11.75 lo 13.25.
Receipts Cnttle , 18.000 head ; calves , 600 head
ho , 45.000 head ; sheep , ll.WM head.
The IJveiv'ne Journal reports :
HOGS Receipts , 43,000 head ; otllclal > e > tei-ilay ,
44,150 head : shipments , ' . .697 head ; left over ,
nbout 16.000 head ; quality fair : market fulrl\
active ; rales range at | 3.i5iT4.60 for lights ; ll.25j
4.40 for rough packing : Il.20ff4.70 for mixed
S4.43W4.90 for henvy packing and shipping lots
J2.40W4.15 for plK .
CATTLK Receipts' , 18,000 head ; market Oul
and weak at 6f(10c deel'ne.
SHKKP Reenlpts , 14,000 head ; In only fall
demand , but prices stttidy.
NBW York Mvo Murk Slnrkct.
NI3W YORIC. Nov. 22.-I113BVKS-HecclptH. 13 :
lieud ; no trading , Kuronenn cables quote Amer
lean steers Wile per lb. , dressed weight ; re
frlgerator beef nt G'.JftSHo. No expoilH today.
CAI/VKS Receipts , 230 head ; market very dull
vrals , steady ; other calves , shade easier ; veals
poor to prime , J4.0W7.00 ; grnssers , Jl.7602.12',1
western calves , J2.00'53.00.
SHEKP and I..AMHS Receipts , 3.397 head ; 4 :
cars on sale ; market almost nt a standstill ; price :
steady : over 6,050 head still unsold ; sheep , pool
to prime , II. 60 (2.60 ; lambs , common to choice
HOGS Receipts , B.3S9 head ; CM head on bale
market steady nt unchanged prices.
ht. 1'OiiU l.lvo Slock M.'irkot.
ST. LOl'IS. Nov. 2 : . CATTI.n-Rccclpts , 3,7d
heatl ; shipments , 1,200 hentl ; mniket easier uni
slow , and moht grades 10ji26e below last Mon
day ; mi KXd natives offered ; light Meeis ol <
nt J2.23W3.00 : cows , J2.0002.53 ; Texas steers
I2.00W3.00 : CO B. Jl.lOi2.00.
HOGS Receipts , 7,10" ) head ; phlpnient * . 1,20
head : market steady ; heavy , JI.V)1(4.70 ) ; mixed
J4.OOji4.CO ; lights. J4.OOW4.70.
SHBKP Receipts , 1,2)0 ) heid ; sliliinents | , none
market nctve nnd go < ids muttons wanted : mi
lives , J2.70 ; mixed. J2.25fl2.50 ; Inmbs , J3.l1fl3.75
HIIIISIK I'lty l.lvo Stuck Miirknt.
KANSAS C1TV , Nov. 22. CATTLE Receipts
7.100 bend ; shipments , 4.GIK ) lirad ; Texas steers
J2.60jr3.15 ; Texas cows , Jl.90fi2.2Ti ; beef steers
J3.00f5.50 ; natlvi * cows. ] .GOj3.73 ; slockers niu
feeders. J2.53W3.C5 ; bulls und mixed , J1.50W3.00.
HOGS Receipts , 12.300 bend ; shipments , none
market strong to 5o higher ; bulk of sales , 11.30
4.60 ; heavies. J4.35W4.60 ; packers , J4.30WI.6U
mixed. J4.25W4.45 : lights. J3.WHj4.23 ; Yorkers
JI.201I4.2fi ; } > | ES , S3.WSi3.7S.
8HKBP llec lptn , 3.700 head ; shipments , 20
head ; maiket unchanged.
Mock In Sight ,
Record of receipts nt the four pHnclpal mar
kets for Thursday , November 22 , 1894 :
Cattle. Hogs. Sheer
South Omnhin . 2.6(8 8,5U 7
Chicago . 18.000 43.01)0 ) 14,00
Kansas City . 7.100 12,300 3.70
HI. I-ouls . 3,700 7.100 1 , U
Totals . 31,415 72,953 18,97
Migur .Market ,
PHILADELPHIA. Nov. 22. There was n die
of Vie today im nit hard sugars except browi
A , which was unchanged. No. 8 while , soft , ik
cllned He. and all other soft white sugars de
dined 1 l-16o , will the exception of Not. 4 ,
nnd C. The tin-alt wns caused by n largely over
sold market , Recently the trade has been pell
Ins light and left until Jobbers are overstocked
The demand has fallen off nnd It looks as I
prices would go back tolieiti they were befor
the recent lulvnnce. At present there Is no In
dlcntlnn that Hpreckels will start up , owing I
the reaction In Ihemarket. .
NEW YORK. Nov. 22-SlJGAR-Raw. dull
refined , quletl at decline : No. G , 3iC ! No. ' <
3H 3 13-16c ; No. 8. 3'i83 11-lCc ; No. * , 3 7-10i
3H4e ; NX 10 , 3 % f3 9-16c ; No. II , 3 t-16G3',4c ; Nc
12. 3U03 7-16e ; No. 13. 3 3-16c ; off A. 3 13-191
4 l-16c : standard A , 3 ll-18 l'i.c : confectioner )
A , S 15-16 j4'ic ; rut loaf , 4Ti&5 11-lGc ; rruthri !
47i05 1-lCc ; pawdercd , 4 B-16C4'io ; eranulatcJ
4 l'16fi4Uc : cubes , 4 .VlCfilHc.
LONDON. Nov. 22.-8UOAR-Cane , n t ; cer
trlfugal Java , HH ild ; Muscovado , fair rcllnlni
t Cd.
MlnneiipolM AVIini
MINNEAPOLIS. Nov. 22.--The wheat marki
was % ery weak and closed U6"io lower all aroun
th ne tenl y. The Wenknesi rcm tilt * to rrn-
rrnl sympathy with Itie (1fcllniIn other mar
kets , Thn local feeling was firmer nnd them
wns n good tlemitnd for rash Tnhrat , nnd nil of
the < > rr > rliiK were alworte < l rendlly , but future
were do n In other places nnd this market < lo
cllnnl with them. llecripts for the day were
335.3CO liu. ; shipments , 19,720 till. Close I Novem-
Iwr , I7'ic ; December , 6 tct ( May , 69'ic. On
trncht No. 1 haul. * 8 ict No. 1 northern , 67i > j
No. 3 northern. Mc. The Hour market wns
easier niul quiet i patents , J3.WU3.CO ; bilkers ,
vvot > i , MAHKIT.
Colonial U'ool Hnlci far the Year
LONDON. Nov. 2i.-ThF ( Ixth Mtles nf the
colonial wool sates for this > ear opened nt the
Wool exchange today. There wa n poor selec
tion offeieil , ns Is tiatinl on the opening day , Th
competition wiis dull IhroURhout , In plto of the
large utlumlnnce of KHK | | | I and contlnentiil
buyers. Tile chnincter of the bidding was lies-
Itntlnj ; nnd Im-gular nnd theie wns five wllh-
drnwnls. Any really sound parcels attracted
competition nnd lliesi' intule 1 > oor prlce . Merlnn
wt l nil imiund were > quoted from 6d to 7'id ;
coarse nnd cross breils were < iuoted at ntiout Id
off. Cape of C1oo l Hope nnd Nntat wixils wen >
hnitlculnrly bad nt Id decline ; frequently Amer
ican growthx were down n ftncllon , nnd new
cJ.pped lue > > nslniid , very faulty , wns ! .
Austrnllan eall , , > dlypatche.i had n bail effect on
the mniket. The number of bales onYied today
was 9,951 , of which 1,600 Here nlthilniwn.
Kollowlnir nre the wiles In detail : New South
AXitli-n. 1..MJ Inles ; scoured , C' < , , | 1s Id : RH-IUV.
I'iOSHd. Victoria , 1.4S bnles ; scounil , 4'JiUi
Is 4d ; Mreimy , tiiMSUiI. South Aiisttallnn. 1.470
bales : wolired , 4i4djMs 4d ; Klensy , ft'idji ' .id.
Hvi-uii river , 31 bales ; greasy , 4d. New /.cnlnml ,
1,694 bales ; scuiired , 7\dHIs IH'li greasy. 4'Hi ' >
* VW. Cap. , of ( liKid Hope nnd Natal. 1t,87 , bales ;
scoured , ti'inlffls 4 > iil ; Kivn y , 41i G4d.
KT. LOl'IS , Nov. 22.-WOUL-ia.ler ! under
Kuropeaii ailvlccs , but prices nre not quutably
forfeit Miirkrt ,
NEW YORK , Nov. 2c-roi-VEE-Optlons !
opened Irirgular , with SeptrmliT 20 points higher
and others unchanged ID 10 points higher , tutod
caller unilcr local pri-winr , and closed steady
at net unclmnKcd to 15 points lower ; sale * , 18,750
bugs. Including : November , $ U.liOfI13.95 ; Decem
ber. $13.30 ; Januaiy. $12.751112.90 ; March , JI2.20i *
12.2May. . JI2.MI ; Sciilfiiilx-r. lll.55Kll.GO ; npot
coffiv. Rio , steady ; No. 7 , $15.75 ; mild , steady ;
Cinilovnv $15.50ft 19.M ) ; siiles , Il.tKW bags Rio No.
9 , nllo.U , al $13.25 ; lux > I > UKH Rio , No. 8. alloat ,
at $14.12j ! ; 3X)0 ) bag * MarncallKi , pilvali ; lermi ;
3.00) lings PadatiR , KI.'J''il "i.M. Wiireliiiusi1 de
liveries from New York , 11.900 IUKS ; New York
stock today , 153,972 IUKS ; t'nltcd Slates Mock ,
217,821 bags ; nlloal for HIP Vnlteil Slater , 237,500
IHIKH ; totnl vlfllhl" supply for llm 1'nlted Ktntcs ,
475t24 IKIKH , iiKiilimt ( Tfi.tSI IIIIKS last year.
SANTOS , Nov. 21. . Maiket linn ; good axvraiir
Santos , J11.70 ; receipts , 24,000 bigs ; slock , 58,100
HAMIlflin , Nov. 2 ! . Miiikct quiet ; prices un-
L'hanRed to ' ; pfjf lnw.-r ; pairs , 4,000 bass.
HAVRE Nov. 22. Market opened xtt-ady at
UW'7if decline ; ut 12 in. Firmly , ' f advancr ; at
3 p. in , > 4f low.-r ; clnsod slrnily at "iHjl f net
advnncf ; total miles , 2KO.OOO IIHKS.
RK ) DE JANEIRO , Nov. 21' . Mniket ctiwur ;
No. 7 , Rio , $12.10 ; vxclianKC , lliil ; tcc.'lpts ,
14,000 liUK ! > i i-l iircil for tin ; fulled Stales , l.OM
IIIIKH. cleaied fur Elllope , 1,00bags ; stock , 210-
000 buns.
< utton Aliirkiir.
NEW ORLEANS , Nov. 22. COTTONSInnilj ;
middling , S'4i'j low inlildlliii ; , tkgi ; > od-oidln.iry ,
4ic ; net nvrlpti , 12.GUS bales ; m-o > . , 1.1,140 bales ;
i'xporl lo Oleat llrllaln , 3.4U > ) bales ; to the ron-
tlneiil , 4,500 bale < ; voimtwlvp , 3,930 bales ; siles ,
870 bales ; stuck , 356.317 b.iles.
ST. LOl'IS , Nov. SI-COTTON' Firm ; m'd-
dlliir , 5 3-lCc ; nalfH. 750 bales ; leci-lpls , i',000 '
bales ; shlpnieiitii. 9.001) bales ; flock , 55.SOJ bales.
ntcady ; wiles , rpol , 1 , ! > ; o bales ; to arrive , 3,900
balex ; icci'lptB , 1:1,130 : bales ; exports , Oieit
City AlnrkcH.
KANSAS CITY , Nov. 22-WHEAT-IIniil ,
strong ; m ft , > low ; No. 2 hard , fiUe ; No. 2 icil.
4S'iW49e ! ; No. 3 led. ( Se ; ii'jci'led , 4e ( ! ; wiinples ,
Mlsslrslppl liver , f. o. b. . No. 2 hard , B7.c ! ; No.
2 reil. Kt\kv. \
CORN Finn ; No. 2 mixed , 41-iSIJc ? ; No. 2
white , 42H42'4e.
OATS Steady ; No. 2 mixed , 3i ) ! ' , ? 31'je ; No. 2
white , stiff 3lu.
lUJTTElS-Dccllning ; creamery , 10W22c ; dairy ,
13iilC ( < - .
KtlOS Weak : strletlv fresh , ISc.
RECEIPTS Wheat , 21,000 bii.j coin , G9.000 Im. ;
oats , none ,
l.lvorpool .Mnrloitt.
LIVERPOOL , Nov. 12.-CORN-Fpot , qul t ;
Ameilcan mixed , 4s lOd ; futures opened quiet ,
near positions unchanged nnd distant postilion ;
Id higher. The buslnem was heaviest on early
positions. Closed ihlll ; November , 4s lOd ; De
cember , 4slOd ; Jaiinaiy , 4s Cd ; Febluary , 4s C'l'l :
Marcli. 4s 5d ; Apill , 4s Mill.
FLOl'R Firm ; demand moderate ; St. Louis ,
fancy winter , 63.
PEAS Canadian , 4s 10'.id.
PROVISIONS-lleef. extra In.lla mess , 67s GJ.
loik. prlnirr mers , tine w iteni , Css M. , ? .
TllRPKNTINi : SpllllH. 2is ) Gil.
COTTON SEED OIH-Llvcrpool , roHned , 18s M.
Pporl.'i < .nilii Al
PEORIA , Nov. 22. CORN- Quiet , easier ; nc\v
No. : t. 42o ; new No. 4 , 4lJe.
OATS ( Julet , steady ; No. y white , CO'.iflSlV-i ! ;
No. 3 while , ! 0 30tc. !
RYE-Scaree ; No. 2 , 50ff,1o.
WHISKY Firm ; high wine basis , J1.23.
RECUHTS AVheat , P.4W 1m. ; inita , 4bOO Int. ;
rye. none ; Inrlev , 18,200 Im.
SHIPMENTS Wheat , : i,400 Im. ; coin. 2.100 bu. ;
oats , 2,103 bu , ; ryT , 1,100 bu. ; bailey , 11,290 bu.
slnilned. SJite ; go.ul , Jl.02' , . .Spiills , steaily nt
23c. Tar , lculi at It.
TtTRPENTlNE-Flun ; haul , | I.W ; soft , ll.BO ;
virgin. | l,2rt.
SAVANNAH. Nov. 2J. SP1IUTS Finn nt 23'ic ;
pales. 4U bbls.
ROSIN Fli in nt J1.01.
DnliitliVhetit - Mlirket.
DITLVTII , Nov. 22. WHEAT Clo e : No. 1
hard , cash und November , 69ic ; No. 1 northern ,
cash and November , r/f'ic ! ; December , 57ic ; May ,
C0\o ; No , 3 nortliein , cash. 5V. c : No. S , 62ie ! ;
rcjecteil , 4Uc ! : to arrive : No. 1 noithern , SS'.ie ;
No. 1 hard , 59 ; c.
'Frisco Wheat Oiiotntliius.
December , ! ) l ! c ; May , 51.0 * ) % .
'O- '
TVrMrrn Theological rrinlnary Objects.
riTTSUUKQ , Nov. 22. The boanl of trtts-
tees of tlic WcHlern Theological setnlaary
of this city met today nnil refused to con
cur In , the recommendation of the Presby
terian general assembly that nil Presby
terian seminaries lie placed under the control -
trol of that body. The action of the general -
eral assembly was brought about by the
complications nrlnliifr from the cane of Lr.
Hrlggs und his retention by the board of
trustees of t'nlon Theological .seminary , and
was designed to prevent heresy on the part
of the professors.
lllhinlft Culliolle KnlghlH.
CAIRO , III. , Nov. 22. Tito biennial mootIng -
Ing of the state council , Catholic Knights
of America , wns held In this city today.
The council elected the following- grand of-
llcern : President , J. T , Morrlssey , Danville ;
vice president , T. D. Keller , 1'unu ; secre
tary. Matt Wlcenian , Danville ; ticastirer ,
11. KverHinun , Kfllnghani. The supreme
delegates to the national convention at
Omaha next May are : A. M. Haggle ,
Cairo ; L. J. Kadeskl , Marshnll ; nll < 'nmtes ,
ThomaH llntssle , Ulney ; John A. Jledell ,
hvntencrd hi London for Porjiiry.
LONDON , Nov. 22. At tlic Old Ilalley to
day II. li. Winter of Denver , Colo. , an or
ganist , was sentenced to six years penal servi
tude for pcrlury.
0 Kissing
goes by favor. So docs Pearl.
washing compound more
popular than ever sales
larger than ever there
never was such a general
favorite. Not at all strange. It
\ saves rubbing wear and tear.
\ This saves time , health , money.
If you are not one of the favored who
use it , do us the favor of trying it at
once. Then you'll join the majority.
Peddlets and some unscrupulous grocers will tell you ,
Beware "this is as e < xl as" or "the tame as Pearlinc , " IT'S
_ FALSE Pearlinc is never peddled , if your procei tends
jou an imitation , be honest send it tacit , 439 JAMES I'YLK , New Yoik.
in to "CUPIDENE"
gs * * MANHOOD RESTORED Thl * great Vrgetabl *
. . - - - Vlullt rth prescrip
me * vJ tion nt a faoiom Kr nch brilcUn , will quick/ ! cure Ton of all ner
yoni or dUeaiti of tbe lenerallye u ani , aucu ai IxxtUanbood ,
Insomnia , I'ajii * In the flack , a < jnnal | ftuiuufujji , Nervoui Debility ,
1'lmp e , VnatntiM to JUarrr. Uxhauttlug Dralna , Varlcoralo aiiil
Conitlpatlon. 1 1 ( top * a I I M I by day or night , Prevent * quick *
- ' o _ rtuoldlKharge , nrhlcliltnotclirckrd lendiloHperrnatorrbopitand
ll tut horrorj of Impotencr. CBII KMKcl ai i aUiellfer , the
jdn | yjand th iirlnaryorganiolallltnpurlUea ,
CUPIDKNE tre gtlj n nnd re tor tmall wtKk brgina ,
Ttie reawn lutTerrni ara not cured by Doctora t * brcauo ninety per rf nt am troubled with
zv ProMntlt I * . COrlDENIJIi the only known remedr to cure wlilioul nn uptrntlim. coooirillmoiil.
. ala. A written ru r ntegtv o and money return Ifilr bnxra dot * not elfecl a iicroiaurtilcur * .
tlM a boi , ilz fur (9.00 ( , by mall. Band for rnKK circular and If itlmonlala.
JLddieu DA VOl , HXOXCI.VC CO. , I * . O. Cox 2C79 , Dan Francbco , Cal. J\o-fali In
UOOUMA.N UUUG CO. , 1110 i'arnuta Btrcot.OmaUa.
What the Great lather Owes the Bimpla
Sons of the Forest ,
Trusts nnil 1'rlvlIcRcs Hare llrcti Lament-
1)1 y Abmcd Mint It IB Time for III *
Government , tn Take llnrk thnt
\Vliltlt It ( litre , f
' '
WASHINQTON , Nov. 22. The report of * ,
tlio committee on the live civilized trlbos to
tlic secretary of tha Interior recommended the
revocation of the power of self-government by
the United St.ttcs. U Is a rehearsal of ( ho
proceedings ot the committee In the conference
ence- with the Indians , which hitvc already
been given to ( lie public from tlmo to time , an
they occvtrred. The committee appointed by
the Indians was not given authority to enter
upon negotiations looking to allotment or B
change of government , BO little 1ms been tc- f ,
cumpllshed. The proposition made to them waste
to divide the land among the Indians except
the town sites , coal and minerals , which were
to be sold and the proceeds divided. A home *
stead for each citizen was to be made Innllon-
ahlo for twenty-live years or longer. Safe
guards for the Interest of the tribes were In
cluded. After a division a territorial gov
ernment wns to bo formed by congress anil
approved by the Indian government. The In
dians refused to entertain these propositions
nnd declined to sell the lands. Complications
nro growing tip In the titles to coal lands
which will lead to endless litigations. The
full bloods nro less fit for citizenship than
they were twenty ycnrs ago , and there Is
llttlo hope they will Improve. The Indians
Invlto nnd Induce white people to como Into
the territory , there being 25.000 white people
who cannot be called Intruders , and the In
dians cannot fairly auk the United States to
remove them , The treaty stipulation for
equal division of land Is llagrantly and wide/ )
violated , large tracts being tn the control ot
leaders , while the real Indian Is powerless
to secure any part of his common properly ,
The report says ; "Tho United States
guaranteed the holding of these lands as con
templated by the treaties , und Is In honor
bound to wrest them from unlawful holders
and restore them to their rightful owners.
This can only be done nnd the treaty stipula
tions honoorably maintained by allotment ot
these lands among the people , giving to them
Individual title therefor. "
The failure of tribal government , It Is said ,
makes It Impossible to enforce the treaty pro
visions. A vivid picture Is given ot the law
less condition of tiftulrs In the territory which
Is reflected dully In the newspapers. Many
private persons entitled to benefit In the pay
ments by the government , It Is stated , never
receive any money , while agents are growing ; t j
rich. Payments should be made directly to f
the people by Us own officers. The liquor \
traflio should he prohibited. Provision should
be nmdo for the education of the children. , {
The report concludes as follows : "Tho
United States put the title to a domain anil
Its countless wealth and unmeasured re
sources In these several tribes or nationali
ties , hut It was n conveyance In trust for
speclllc uses , clearly Indicated In the treaties
themselves and for no other purpose. It waster
tor the use and enjoyment In common of each
and every citizen of his tribe of each ant )
every territory , thus tersely expressed In one
of the treaties : 'To be held In common so
each nnd every member of each tribe shall
liavo an equal , undivided Interest In the
whole.1 The tribes cannot make other use
of It. They have no power to grant to any
one an exclusive use ot any portion of It.
These tribal governments have wholly per
verted their high trust , and It Is the plain
duty ot the United States to enforce the trust
It has so created and recover for Its original ,
users the domain and all the gains derived
In the perversion ot the trust or discharge the
'Tho United States also granted to these
tribes the power of Belt-government , not to
conflict with the constitution. They have
de'monstrated their Incapability to govern
themselves , and no higher duty can rest upon
the government that granted this authority
than tn revoke It when It has so lamentably ,
failed. "
I'rojent Consumption of Steel tlio
In tbn Country's HUtory.
CLEVELAND , Nov. 22. The Iron Trnflo
Kevlew this week says : The probability ,
amountingnltnost to a certainty , that ,
higher prices will be paid In 1893 for coke
and for liessemcr or.s , the fncl that up to
November 1 stocks ot pig Iron had been , de
creasing slightly In the fttcu of a Btcndlly
Increasing- output that reached a yearly
rate of nearly S.DOO.nOO tons on that date ;
the further fact that any noticeable Increase -
crease of Hcssemer pig Iron consumption
will call into activity ftirnnceH which must
have , a higher tirlco for their Iron than thnt
ruling today these arc the ptlmo elements :
In any forecast of the Iron und steel situ-
atlon that reaches Into the coming yCKf.
Related to these furls Is another one the
country's consumption of steel In the * past
few montliH linn been at a rate never
equaled In thu United States' history , wltli
tin' rnllroudH , oni-e a mainstay of the stci-1
mills , buying- less than In thu disastrous
second half of 1KW. At I'lttsburK there ban
been light buying In Bessemer pig anil stpcl
billets , with the \vonkneH attending- the
close ot the year. Some Rales of Bessemer
art rppcirtpd at $10.93. and In a few Instance ! ) , .
$ IO.T.O has been touched. Billets have bcci\ , *
sold by brokers nt J15.M to $1 .M , Mnkeru1
refuse to Bell at thu lower priced talked of. .
Chicago reports a , siiBtnlned demand for *
northern foundry Iron on thn low basis
lately prevailing ; Kales of southern Iron are
Htlll light. j. . , , .
HiiCiir 1 runt WltiifKKpq Aiprnl.
WASHINGTON , Nov. 22. ShPllnlmrger &
WIlHon presented today to the court of up- fjl
prills of the District of Columbia n pell-
tlon for an appeal In the cases of Messrs.
McCartney ami Chapman , indicted recalci
trant wltin-KM's In the Sugar trust InveBtl-
Katlon. The appeal wax from the decision
of Judge Cole , who denlen the demurrer
of thu defendniitH. The petitioner claim
thu legality of the Indictments and the
constitutionality of the law under wlilcn
the defendants were Indicted was Involved
In the appeal and that for Bitch reiiHona
they were entitled to a decision by the
hlgliPHt court. The court announced that
the decision would be given tomorrow.
Oregon Kidney Tea cures all kidney > roa
tlis. Trial lze. 25 cents. All ' ' - ' -
Commission Merchant
( jralu and 1'rovisiiiiis.
I'rlvate wires to Chicago nnd New YorlC.
All buBlneus ordeia piucccl on CIilc'ABti
Dourd of Trade.
Correspondence solicited.
Cmiie , room 4 , New York Life UulldlnH ,
Orouha. Telephon * C .