8 THE OMAHA DA\TLY \ BEE : KOTElSrDER 21 , 1804 , IIAHDEN BROTHERS , Special Grocery and Meat Bargains Adver tised on Third Page , GREAT REDUCTION IN CLOTHING DEP'T'T ' Kcnd Altout tlio All \Voot 40-Inch I'nuh- mere * , JiBr , Worth OOc Unilorwenr for Htont M nUBa Tomorrow , In addition to tlio grocery bargains ad vertised on third page , wo have as fine a lot of mixed nuta an It IB possible to obtain , and our prlco Is a paralyzsr. MIXED NUTS. 7' C LU. The quality IB the finest \\o ever saw they are a bargain. Coma quickly befo-e tlio Thanksgiving rush. HOSIERY , MITTENS , GLOVES. Men's heavy felt mittens 9c. worth 25c. Ladles * last black tights l&c , worth GOc. Ladles' natural gray vests IGc , worth GOc. Ladles' Egyptian cotton Jersey ribbed vests a bargain , 19c , worth 40c. Men's heavy wool underwear GOc , worth $1 , Ladles' cashmere gloves 12' ' c , worth GOc. Ladles' heavy wool hose lOc , worth 25c. Men's flno undershirts. In large sizes , no drawers , 98c , worth J2.GO. Men's lined leather gloves 3Gc , worth 7Gc ; mittens 3Dc , worth 7Gc. Men's heavy buckskin ovcrshlrts GOc , worth 7Gc. 7Gc.Navy blue all wool overshlrts $125 , worth J2.00 ; boys' heavy wool mittens 12fcc ! , worth 2r.c. 2r.c.Ladlw' Ladlw' fast black $1.00 corsets , GOc. Ladles' saxony mittens 25o , worth 40c. UNLAUNDnilED SHIRTS , 390. Men's unlaundercd shirts , double back and front , good quality , muslin , a GOc shirt , for 89c. 89c.Men's Men's GOc suspenders go for 2Sc. Men's GOc neckties for 2Gc. Ladles' fine cashmere hose 2Gc ; this lot cost 30c to make. CHILD'S WOOL HOSE , 2GC. Special bargain , the best wool hose In the whole west , sold all over town for GOc- ; nil sizes trom us for 2Gc. 2Gc.IIAYDEN IIAYDEN BROS. Head Fidelity's real estate ad. COMMERCIAL CLUiJ MATTERS. Trylnjftn HrliiB Honclquiirtrnof Locomotive 1'lrcnicti to Otnnlni linen Track rlirmp. The cxecutlvo committee of the Commer cial club held an Important meeting yesterday afternoon and decided to take action on Bomo matters of Interest to Omaha. A com mittee of four , consisting of Messrs. Saun ters , Benson , Utt and Payne , was appointed to go to Terre Haute , Ind. , and present the advantages of Omaha as a good place for the permanent location of the headquarters of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen , which arc soon to be removed from Terre Haute. At present only t\\o cities nro con testing for the headquarters of this organ ization St. Louis and Omaha. Omaha has many friends In the order , but St. Louis has Eomo advantage In the matter of being more centrally located as to railroads , and would probably be a convenient place for holding tlin general and annual meetings. Omaha has several advantages not enjoyed by St. Louis anil Is considered as having a show for se curing the plum. The matter Is to bo de cided within n few days and the committee will get ready to start for Terre Haute on short notice. A resolution was adopted by the committee to .thef effect that the members would lend their assistance to the commission appointed by Governor Crounso to assist In taking care of settlers who lost everything by reason of the crop failure. Reciprocal arrangements were endorsed by the committee with the Commercial clubs of St. Paul , Minneapolis and Indianapolis , by \vhlch the members of these Institutions may 4cnJ6y full membership privileges when visit ing In tlieso cities. Arrangements were made to call a meet ing of the Omaha horsemen at an parly date for the purpose of discussing with the lead ing business men the building of a fine nillo race track and exposition grounds similar to tlioto at Sioux City , St. Joseph , Grand Rapids and other points where a success has been made of combining trotting and pacing races with a first-class exposition of produce , man ufactures , etc. The idea Is to construct one of the best mile tracks that money can bnlld and offer pursea for races largo enough to attract the owners of the kings and queens of the light harness turf. The committee has substantial assurances that the project can bo carried out In time for a fall meeting next year , and probably In tlmo for a spring meeting similar to the one at Union park last June. Some routine business was trans acted and the committee will take steps to put new vigor Into the work of the club by getting the Individual members Interested In the good work for Omaha. Shlloh's Cure , the great cough and croup euro. Is In great demand. Pocket size con tains twenty-five doses , only 25 cents. Children love It. Sold by druggists. " . * "HOCK ISf.ANO" HXCUItSION Through TnurUt bleeping Car to S.m Trim- CIPCO and I.IM A nice I PH. Via Chicago , Rock Island & Pacific railway , leaves Omaha every Friday at 1:10 : p. m. , via Denver , Colorado Springs , Pueblo , Salt Lake , Ogdcn , Also through tourist sleeper to Los Angeles every Wednesday on our southern route , \\a. \ Fort Worth and El Paso. Tickets and sleeping car reservations can bo secured at the "Rock Island" ticket office. For full Information cull on or address CHARLES KENNEDY , 1002 Farnam St. , G. N. W. P. A. BUHNED TO THE GROUND. Two Cottucr * Dcfttroyctl nt nn Knrly Hour YpHtnrilHr Morning. Shortly after 2 o'clock yesterday morning fire was discovered In a shed In flie rear of A. Patterson's residence , 4GIG Douglas street. The flames \\ero fanned by a west wind and before the sleeping Inmates of the adjoining houses could bo awakened the flames had spirad and the cottages adjoining had caught tire. Fire alarm boxes are scarce out in that neighborhood , the nearest one "Is at Fortieth and Farnam streets. Some ono pulled that box and hose company No. 7 was the first to reach the fire. When this company arrived the cottage of 0. M. Cooper , 4613 Douglas , and the adjoining one , occupied by Patterson , were In ruins , Next to these cottages on the west Is a two-story brick building , occupied by Theo dore Wolsman. This building caught flro also and the loss on It will bo about $700. Cooper's and Patterson's houses were burned to the ground , nothing was saved. Their loss will be about $3,000. ADAM COOK NOT QUILTY. lie "Wrote the 1'oMnI Cxril but the Jury 'thought It No Crime. A jury In the federal court returned a verdict of not guilty In the case nt Adam Cook of Falrfleld , who was charged will Bending an obscene postal card , written in German , to his nelce , Maggie Ojik. The case was given to the Jury Monday night and a verdict was reached about 9 o'clock. , This was staled and given to the bailiff , wtu. if-r- inltted the Jury to disperse. When Judge PunOy learned of that fact yesterday he vns quite Indignant , and severely censurc < thV ( UrAllut bailiff. He Bald that had the jury brought In a verdict of guilty , under the circumstances he woull have stt I aside , lie wlfhed It was In Ms power to ffl aside their finding * In tha can any Why Tlip contflUs-AitMlio postal carJ made sor.-.e crave * charges against the character of MU Cook. MurrUga I.Ucn r . The following marriage licenses were Is sued yesterday : Nameam ) Address. Age Otto Crane , Omahn 23 Delia Uuune , Omaha 2 Edward Sommer. Omalin 20 Florence U. Cope , Omaha 1 Dan iUcNumcB. Washington county 2 Dell * Davis , Florence 1 John * ! ' . Lukgord. Omaha 32 Mary Kerrigan , Oraulia , 29 SIKH : SAM : THUUSDAY. ixtjr Tlinumuut 1'nln of Hliocn Will lie rUurd on Pale Tliurmlny. IS or. 23 , AT BOSTON STORE , OMAHA. Great as Boston Store shoe sales have iecn , thcro never was ono to equal thU. f you can Imagine as many as almost all ho shoes of all the retail dealers In Omaha tut together placed In ono sale , you will mvo an Idea of how great this sale will bo. In this sale you'll find. Ladles' carriage boots , Men's cork sole shoes. Men's patent leather shoes , Ladles' flno white stitched shoes , Children's , boys' and misses' shoes. Hundreds of cases of Ladles' warm shoes. Ladles' warm slippers , Children's warm shoes and slippers , Men's and boys' custom made calf shoes , Ladles' hand turn shoes , Ladles' welt shoes , All of these In the best and latest styles , At prices Absolutely and positively BELOW ANY EVER QUOTED , cither by this or any other dealer In the world. This Is saying a good deal , but the facts will pro\o even more Interesting. These goods are now coming In by the- car load , and are being marked and got In readiness for the sale. There are so many hat It may not bo possible to get all of hem on sale on Thursday , but we'll do our > est. Remember , the sale commences Thursday , November 22 , and Is at BOSTON STORE , N. W. Cor. 10th and Douglas. Clothing nt l.rs Tliiin Unit Vntuo. That receiver's sale , consisting of $45,000 vorth of men's and boys' clothing , gents' urnlshlng , hats , caps and shoes , Is now In nil blast. Prices talk. Heavy wool socks , Gc. Boys' gray ulsters , S9c. Striped cotton socks , 2c a pair. Men's full suits , J1.9S. Wool mittens , leather faced , IGe. Men's 'Ight good overcoats , $1.50. Celluloid collars , c. Extra good specimens of fur overcoats of which there Is a good supply In this stock ) are slaughtered at $7.75. Men's heavy vlntcr caps , IGc. Men's black clay worsted suits , $4.25. Wool felt mittens , 9c. Heavy cersey ulsters , $2.50. Men's GOc four-ln-hand les , IGc. Chinchilla overcoats with fur col- ars and cuffs , $7.GO. Extreme heavy wool inderwear , scarlet or yellow , to close , 4Gc. Flno English kersey overcoats In all the late hades , $4.50. Men's silk web suspenders vtth wire buckles and all other late Improve ments , lOc. Boys' strong durable suits , 7Gc. Light weight knee pants to close , Gc ( small sizes only. Duck coats , wool lined , for C9c Is this cheap enough ? ) . Cooks' and waiters' ackets , formerly $1.00 , take your pick for ! 5e. Men's real heavy wool filling pants , 89c. Goatskin gloves unllned , IGc. Fine suits and overcoats , of which there Is a big over stock , are marked way down In proportion , as every dollar's worth has got to bo sold and old quick ; former cost not considered In the east. RECEIVER'S SALE , At Globe Clothing Co.'s old stand , 115 S. 16th st , near Douglas St. , Opposite Boston Store. Now Omaha I.lmltoil Train. On and after Sun-Jay , November 4 , , the Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul "electric Ighted limited" will leave Omaha at 6 p. m. , arriving In Chicago at 9 a. m. Remember this train carries diners a la carte. C. S. CARRIER , Ticket Agent. 1504 Farnam St. iiAuvisjT i\cimsioNs SOUTH. VI * the \Viib-iih It. It. On November 20 , December 4 and 18 , he Wabash will sell tickets at ono faro , with $2 added. For tickets or a copy of he Homcseekers * Guldo call at Wabash of fice. 1602 Farnam street , or write. G. N. CLAYTON , N. W. P. Agt. , Omaha. BORN. At Walnut Hill , Monday , November , 19th , n son was born to Mr. and Mrs. II. D. Neely. DIED. MYERS Henry C. , son of Mr. nnd Mrs. II. C. Myers , Monday , November 19th , UKed 3 years and 2 months. Funeral Wednesday nt 2 o'clock from 819 N. 2.1nd. LI3 GEYT Daniel , at 8:40 : p. in. , November 20 , aged DO years 5 months and 2 days. Funeral private. IIAYDEN BROTHERS , Special Oloak Week Head About Dress Qoods Bargains on Third Page. UNDERWEAR 33 CENTS ON THE DOLLAR China -Sllkt Tomorrow MorninglOe Light Colors In Ciislimcrtu , 30o 06c All Wool Henrietta * , 23c llroudclotln at Third Vnluo Thursday. The bargains we advertise on 3rd page are well north your attention , particularly those mentioned above ; referring to the framed pictures given away with every $3.00 pur chase , we wish to say that these are an ex clusive feature In our furntturo department and only go with furntturo purchases. CHILDREN'S CAPS AND BONNETTS , 2GC. In our millinery department we have some bargains In children's warm bonnets , lined and ruffled , at 25c and GOc. CHILD'S DRESS BONNETS , $1.00. Made of rich moire sl'k , navy blue , brown , cardinal , richly trimmed , a lovely little bonnet , worth $1.75 , for $1.00. UNDERWEAR SAMPLES , 33 0 ON DOLLAR. When you think of all the odds and ends accumulated by the large manufacturers east and that wo are now selling the accumulation on C mills for the past season which we sell. $1.50 samples men's underwear , GOc. $1.00 samples men's underwear , 35c. 75c samp es men's underwear , 25c. $1.00 samples ladles' underwear , 35c. Ladles' , women's , children's underwear , Jersey fitting and flat In this lot , all sizes , don't miss the chance. One of the best bargains ever offered In Omaha Is the special lot of 40-Inch colored Imported Henriettas , that we offer for 26c , read the big advertisement on 3rd page ; tlieso cost double this prlco to Import ; we want to close out the lot , that's all , Read advertisement on 3rd page. IIAYDEN BROS. o Itotleilni ; ihorry County. Charles II , Belts of Colonel Wood Grand Army of the Republic post , No. 208 , of Val entine , Neb. , takes pleasure in thanking the ladles of the Grand Army of the Republic and Garfleld Circle , No. 11 , of Omaha , Neb. , for their kind contribution of clothing , etc. , toward the poor of Cherry county , Neb. - o Opium habit and alcoholism treated. Years of experience. II. W. Hyde , M. D. , 407 Paxton - ton block , Omaha , Neb , o The Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul fast train , leaving Union depot at 6 p. m. , makes exact connection at Sabula , la. , for Missis sippi river points north , arriving at Dubuque 0:40 : a. m. , North Gregor 8:40 : a. m. , La Crosse 11:15 a. m. , St. Paul 2:45 : p. m. Ticket office , 1604 Farnam street. Our Italy. Tlmo was when the "glorious cllmato of California" dll not attract tourists. But year after year the tide of travel sets In stronger and stronger every fall and winter toward this favored region. There Is no climate llko It on this continent for a winter resort , and the usual fine service of the Union Pacific system has this season been brought to a degree of perfection which leaves nothing to be desired. For further Information call on your near est ticket agent or address H. P. DEUEL. City ticket'agent. . 1302 Farnam Qt. . Omaha , Neb. Sold T..quor to InillunH , Morris Korpela Is on trial in the federal coniTon the charge of selling liquor to Green Rainbow and other members of the Wlnne- bago tribe of Indians. It seems that at the session of the federal court last spring a number of Indians were brought to Omaha as witnesses , but their fondness for firewater rendered them worthless as evidence givers and the grand Jury was instructed to In vestigate , which was done and resulted In the Indictment of Karpela. Some of the Indians are alleged to have got so drunk that they wanted to take Sclp Dundy's calp home with them for their pappooses to play with. Klllml In a ItuiiHWiiy. SPRINGFIELD , O. , Nov. 20. Uobert J. Ernest , steward of Wlltenburg college , was f * v , ; * * * , Triumph ] * ! . J * W 1 R f , Tvfc -s 0- * , * . * * - ' * America Leads the Nations\ the March of Progress. Among the wonders of the World's Columbian Fair the grandest was the exhibit of American products. The Ex hibition was , in this respect , an object lesson of the grandeur and glory of the Republic. Among the exhibits from the United States no article of its class stood so high as Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder. The Chief Chemist of the Agricultural Department at Washington , backed by an intelligent jury at the Exposition , found it strongest in leavening power , peerless in its -purity and beyond comparison in uniform excellence Received Highest Award At the World's Fair. The award is a matter of official record. Nothing ; could settle so decisively the Jmmeasureable superiority of Dr. Price's over all other powders as the great honor bestowed at Chicago , nntnntly killed nnd lilmlion badly Injured n a runaway today * ! MM. Krnest Is no ndly shocked that lied lUcIs despaired < > f. W. C. Estcs of Nellgrrls.mt the Paxton. T. D. Norrls , QuIncyjcTO ! ; is al the Darker. F. B. Mcdlnnls , Hastings ; ) Is at the Darker. Judge N. D. JacksomofiNellgh is a Mlllard guest. . George A , Brooks , Ddxito Mills , is at the Illlard. John L. Durke , I'ocattllD , Idaho , is at the tlllaril. H. J. Wells , Olenrockv , Wyo. , Is at the Dellonc. F. M. Moore of Sheridan , Wyo. , Is at the rcade. Lyman Brown , Falls City , Neb. , is at the larker. George T. Beck , Sheridan , Wyo. , is a Pax- on guest. N , McCrary , Shenandoah , la. , Is at the ilerchants. Robert Craft and wife of Norfolk are at the ilerchants. W. L. Folrbrother of Lincoln is a Mer- hants guest. O. A. Brown and wife of Plattfmiouth are Dellonc guests. C. B. Christy , Malvern , la. , Is registered t the Arcade. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Peck of Palmer are at the Dellone. Mrs. L. W. Thornton , Washington , D. C. , s at the Barker. II , N , Carpenter and wife of Syracuse are t the Merchants. Mr. and Mrs. E. J , Hosecrans of Hushvllle re at the Dellonc. J. 'W. Curry and wlfo of Mcrriman ore guests at the Arcade. Ilcv. William Rehbuck of Bow Valley Is eglstered at the Dellone. J. A. Kerr and William Petrle , Yuma. Colo. , are at the Arcaikv ' L. L. II. Austin and W. Morton Smith of .Incoln . are at the Merchants. F. S. Steele , Ed S. White and Joke Grouse , Casper , Wyo. , are at the Merchants. Jack MacColl of Lexington was In the city or a short 'time yesterday afternoon , en- oute to Lincoln. Sam A. Combs , M. S. Mansfield , Martin \Iansfleld , II. Dalrd , George W. Rockwell and E. J. Smith of Homer are In Omaha at- endlng the United States court and are quartered at the Arcade. W. H. Barstow of Crste , formerly with the Itate Board of Agriculture , has been appointed nanager of the Massachusetts Mutual Life nsuranco company , with headquarters in his city. Mr. Barstow has already taken iharge. _ NobrnHk.in at Mm HotMs. At the Arcndo J. II. Ulenklron , Oelden ; Mrs. G. W. BrlRgs , Ueemer ; J. N. lUilne , Merrlmnn ; T. Fulton Qantt , North Platte. At the Dellone D. J. Sinclair. Nebinslsa 2lty ; J. C. Uurd , H. W. Lad In. Wymore ; E. lenner , Menomlnee ; H. II. Bowes , Ira ThomaB , Oakland. At the Mlllard Victor McCarthy , Belle- viie ; Charles Hoyt. Clarks ; J. M. Brown , ' 'riemi ; M. C. Ebei stein , Exeter ; John S. Musser , Aurora ; W. L. Tark , North Platte ; W. H. Barstow , Crete ! W. P. McCrenry , Hastings. At the Paxton S. Slcnnan. W. J. Hynes , H. S. Kenfrew , Hastings ; E. C. Calkins , Mrs , II. J. Mack , Dr. . Eliza B. Mills , "Ccarncy ; H. G. LtvinBaton , Plattsmouth ; 3. S. Hadley. A. C. Storrcll. Cedar Itaplds ; Charles B. Allen , Lincoln ; H. J. Reed , He bron. At Hie Merchants-rA. B. Golde , Hartlng- on ; W. S. Cnllett , Bancroft ; R. S. Alley , Wilber ; L. M. Pemberlan , Beatrice ; Alex Morris , Fred Uoblson , F. Coatcs , Beth Geary , J. E. Nye , Hush Bovill , P. W. ? rutchen , Meirlman : "George Barr , T. L. Ackerman , Robert Barr. Stan ton ; J. M. Lee , Oxford' J. W. Battler ; Kdgnr ; Allen Light , W. P. Noble , Hynnnts ; 12 A. Coffey , Chnd- on. COMMIT TIUS TO MEMOIIY STVLE34-r.mV.lCbT _ ClOAKS.SOITS.rtS. . . . Cor. 16 < b.and r amain Sts , , I'AXrON BLOCK. In White and Mi i * WJ < SIt - It is easy to understand why architectural bedsteads of white Iron with polished brass trimmings are so popular. They subserve every need. They please every fancy. They are theoretically the best , they are practi cally the most economical , and they are ar tistically the most beautiful. Theory asserts the need of frames that shall bo light , not porous , easily handled , very strong , washabla and impervious to decay. What better material than tubular iron ? Practical considerations demand a pries that shall compete with the painted plije bedsteads of country trade. We have brought do\\n these architectural bedsteads to $6 and upwards. Finally the fancy of the purchaser demands beauty. And these dainty bedsteads , in their soft ivory white framas with trimmings ol burnished brass , reallza every desire. They are the finest bedsteads ever offered at the price. Catalogues of our Hoe of Iron and brass beds will bo mailed upon application. Charles SMverick & Co. FURNITURE of'.Ewary 003 cription JXQtt find rjH < Zniisrl H Straot. MILLAKD HOTEL BLOCK. STRAIGBBTEN UP THE In the way they should go by using1 Shoulder Braces. Wo liavo thorn AT ALL PRICES The Aloe & Penfold Co. , 1403 FAU1JAM ST. THE LION DRUGHOUSE. . TUBE PERMANENTLY CURED NO PAY UNTIL CURED WE KtltR TOO TO 8,000 PUItKIL Vnt for Eank References. . . , < EXAMINATION FREE. ( o Operation. No Delation from Business , SEND FOR CIRCULAR. THE O. E. MILLER CO. . W on < J 808 New York Life bid * . Omaht , NERVOUS PROSTRATION , < NEUIUITIUKU ) INSOMNIA , NERVOUS DYSPEPSIA MELANCHOLIA , AND THE THOUSAND I LI a THAT FOLLOW A DERANGED CONDITION or THE NERVOUS SYSTEM THE riTRICT Of THE DRAIN Of THC OX. PREPARED UNDER THC FORMULA Of Dr. WILLIAM A. HAMMOND , IN HIS LABORATORY AT WAHINCTON , D , C. DOGE , 0 DROPS. Pnici , Pen PMI L or 2 DK CHM > , $3 , SO. COLUMBIA CHEMICAL CO. WASHINGTON , D. C. END FOR HOOK. I. a KU11N & CO. . AGENTS FOR OMAHA. Fine Cooking at Home , So mo pcoplo think that they ciinnot p-ropnro the dollcuto soups nnd sauces and delicious made dishes which nro pecu liar to the best French cooking in their homes. But by usu ot Liebig Gompany's ' Extract ot Beef as a stock for Soups , Sauces , Made Dishes , they can be nmdo easily , cheaply and successfully at home. N. B. Got the genuine L'eb'g ' COM PANY'S ' and avoid disappointment Keo tlnit the signature of JUSTUS vos Licnin Is inbluu on the Jar. \ * j - Rplendld cnrntlTe ncent f or Krrvoni or f'H. lleadaclio. Drain Kihaujtlon , 8leopleti > nt i. ipeejal or senernl NeuralnUt else for 'ir .v matlira , Oout , Kidner Difordem , Aota .lyn Dopitn , Annrralu. Antidote far Alccii : ' j and ollmr oicobeca. i'rloo , 10 , 2uand W : t : : LUsnooent. THE ARNOLD CHEMICAL CO. 151 S. V.'oelorn Avenue , CI1ICAUD. For sale by all drucRlats. Omaha. DUFFY'S PURE Mil WHBSKEY. All Druggists. "OFF" This country is off this year. Democrats arc republicans , republicans are populists and populists are democrats. The goldbugs are after silver and the silverttes are after gold. The Nebraska is off , too couldn't figure out such a possible demand for overcoats , as made upon us recently. The fashion is ' 'off" a slouchy-fitting- long , loose , blankety overcoat is the fad of fashion this year. Even short people sigh for long over coats. All of our overcoats are long. Matters not what quality or price , they're all long. Even our Two-Seventy-Five coats are made according to this season's length. Our Five Dollar overcoats are as close to the fashion plate as any stylish garment you've seen so far. Six-Seventy- , Ten-Fifty , Fifteen Dollars , Seventeen , and up to Twenty-One- Fifty they're all long and stylish , best of fabrics , most serviceable of linings and handsomely draped. But our prices are only "short" features about our coats. In one of our windows you can see some of our Five Dollar overcoats. Tell you what it is like : A patent all-wool beaver , lined with cas- simere , velvet collar , made up clean , silk stitching all over. It is by heavy odds the best $10. oo article ever retailed by fnan. Side by side you see some of our Five-fifty long , warm and storm protecting ulsters , of several different cloths and as many colors. That will also put a surprising smile on your face , because you know others charge you for one like it at least $10,00. By the time you see other prices you'll know why we are the acknowledged money-savers of this country , Here is an additional sacrifice : We have a few styles of shorter than usual gauge-of. overcoats , that formerly retailed at from $17.50 to $25.00. Are to be cleaned out this week at Fifteen Dollars. They're clean , brand new stock , but the sizes are 34 , 35 , 36. Nothing larger. Truthful advertising demands that you shall know it. We never misrepresent. i B Special sale of drop patterns in carpets. Too many pat terns that can not be duplicated prompt us to offer for a weeks' sale reliable makes of goods at prices to close them. . . If you know what a good Tapestry Brussels is you know what excellent goods Smith's and Roxberry's are for wear. A nice line of these makes at 700 a yard. We have Tapes tries at 350 a yard-and all the way between. We prefer to recommend the best makes. Ingrain Carpets , too , at prices much lower than the same qualities have been shown. Best quality two-ply all wool a small lot onlyat 45C. Please examine these before you buy. Extra quality Union Wool and cotton , 250 yard. We have al o a few drop patterns of Moquette and Body Brussels that will be sold at two-thirds regular price. Orchard. & Wilhelm Carpet 1414-16-18 Douglas St. Complete Drapery Dept. 2nd Floor. NEW SHORT LIME TO HELENA 1. FRANCISGen'l Past'r AgentOMAHA , NEB. A For 30 days wa TOOTH will give atoooth BRUSH brush with eacli FREE. Physician's P RESCRIPTION Our Prices are Low. We are ACCURATE AND EELUBLE. The Aloe & PenfoM Co. , 1408 FAKNAM STREST. THE LION DRUGHOUSi Lost Manhood and stored. vigor . Vartcocelf quickly , M1. . .ml.l0n . . trophy , rlr. . lUirlr . currd . . by IMIAI'O. . . th . [ p > / < lliodoolUmedy. Wllh.rtue.iMf.WMl.wrt. Bold/ ! 1 I , A. Fullci & Co. , Corner ijtu ind OougUu Sth OMAHA , * " " ' CHEAPER THAN CANAL POWER The OTTO Gasoline Engine will furnish you power at a cost of 50 to 40 per cent less than the price proposed to be charged for power by the Canal Co. For particulars call on or address , The Otto Gas Engine Works , 321 S. 15th .t. OMAHA , NEB Nervous nj for ODtlTIOM LISTS md l Of t B l. Vf looutcn U 4 > . . - . I Ml CIRB OP. T .nl I"1 MP.n.o . IMrfUU $ Md MKlt wriu b f i.klJ. lr..lm.tl .l. . k.t . CooulutloM ( xrion.lll M br B > "l , lit * ml tiuil , IHH P jHERj B 4UI MW l , ri.krr.lfcnl..ill-C.lt D. ! . .rj.r.4.1 t Irimlll Ullir aiijrililtct > oj loUIUTU. Dr. N. E. WOOD , President.CHICAGO MEDICAL & SUHGICAL INSTITUTE. 30 Vin Buren Si. Chicago,111. BAILEY , THE DENTIST J'axton Jlluah , 10th ami raritam at * High-Olasi Dental Work at ReatoaaWo Prices Prompt and courteous treatment trlvon to nil. Palnk-bH extraction ot tooth without Iran or chloro form , full Wtt elti on rubber * iOU. 1'ooplo liv ing away from Omaha watted upon Ihoday they aru in the cliy. ady attendant. Telephone 108J. German pokcn Or the Liquor Habit , Positively Cured BY AOUWSmmata. HAWS'OOtOUJFlCIFIC. It can be gl n In a cup ol coffee or tea , or In ir- llclei ol food , without tlio knowledge ol tha pcrton takloglt ; It Unlnolutcljr liarnilcuanO. will effect * permanent and upeedjr core. Whether the patient It a moderate-drinker or an alcohnlla wreck. IT NEVER FAILO. We GUARANTEE acomnletecuio In everyluiUncc. IH ntge book FREE. AilrtreaiIn ronndence , GOLDEN SPECIFICCt,18BnactSUCInclnnatl.O. ) For aaU by Kuhtt & Co. , Drut'slsti , Corni * Utb ana LougU ) ilreeti. Oiuuluu