Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 21, 1894, Page 6, Image 6

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niUATTA hAtT/V mflTC : TRO.1.
Business In Wheat Was Light nnd Confined
to Chicago Scalper. ,
There 1V Knoiic" Stir In Pro l toim to
Keep Ilroker * Alert nnd the Opening
Win Marked by llrnvy
brlllni ; .
CHICAGO , Nov. 20. Business In wheat
today was light and confined to local r.calp-lj
ers nnd sprendern for the most part. The
feeling was weak , but with 5 o per bu. de
cline there woo a fair demand at the close.
Corn averaged weak , but closed Uc higher
than on the doy before. Provisions were
very heavy and declined 27ho tor pork. 15o
for lard nnd 12 < c for ribs.
The effect of yesterday's heavy sales of
long wheat was continued at the opening.
The first sales of May were nt from COJo
to WJjc , and In about an hour the value
had been reduced to COc. l-'orelgn markets
were not quite so firm In tone , but dis
played no Indications of radical weakness
such ns prevailing here.
The price Increased on the dry weather
reports nnd cnsh bualnt-ps reported from the
seaboard. May rose to COHc , again tumbled
to GOV&c , nnd In the lust half hour was
about steady , close to G % c. The close of
the market wns fairly steady at COftc for
May and Co'/ic for December , ffec lower than
on the diiy lefor .
Corn had one or two spurts of activity ,
but an a rule It wns a dull session. The
market had a' rather heavy undertone , al
though supported by estimates of only XV )
carloads for tomorrow'n receipts. Today's.
Inspection was 742 car.i. compared with S2U
estimated yesterday. Tin ; business done' in
the first half hour was fnlrly good , with
sellers In the majority , and lit from He to
> /Jc undpr yesterday's closing price , but at
4'Ja there was a good demand to cover
shorts , and In the end the maiket recovered
Its early losses and gained ' , c In addition.
At the close the price stood ut iD c.
Tliere was very little Intercut In the oat !
market. Fluctuations were governed by
corn nnd confined to a narrow range. There
was enough stir In provisions to keep brok
ers alert. The opening wa marked by
heavy celling by pa * krs and foreign houses.
All products got a sharp break. The close
wns at about the bottom figures.
The estimated receipts for tomorrow are :
Wheat , 110 cars ; corn , SoO cars ; oats , DO
cars , and 45,00) hogs.
The leading futures ranged as follows :
Articfca. I'o'pun. | High. I LowT
Cash quotations were as follows :
WHEAT-No. 2 sprlnff , no sales ; No. 3 spring ,
nominal ; No. 2 red , Me.
COI1N No. 2 , EOflMHc ; No. 3 yellow , 43iffl
45V&C ,
OATS No. 2 , S9Vic ; No. 2 white , 32'Jc ' ; No. 3
white , 31H032C.
HYK No. 2 , 48c.
11AHLEV No. 2. f. o. b. . Clr ; No. 3 , f. o. 1) . ,
SSftWAc : No. 4. f. o. b. . . Clf53c. '
rr.AX HKMO No. 1 , ! . .
TIMOTHY HKI-3O Prime. J3.o5.r,0. |
PHOVIHIONH-I.nrd , per IPO tbs. , J7.03if7.124. !
\VIIISICY-DlstllIcrs' finished Roods , per gal. ,
The following were the receipts nnd shipments
today :
On the Produce oxchanga to.Uy thn butter Innr-
kct wnnKlendy : creamery , lldjL'uc ; dairy , li'a'.o.
EfftB , bteady ;
NKW YOKIC ( lKXK.t.V.1. .
Xcstcrdny'u Quotiitloiii on I'ioiir , ( Iriila and
rrnvUlnnv. Slotrtls , Etu.
NBW YORK , Nov. 20. FLOL'R-UecclpIs , 43-
200 bbls. ; exports , 12,2i bbls. ; sales. 13.000 pkssi
Market held firmly , but demand Is light , as the
trnde Is nt present pretty well nupplU > d ; south
ern Hour , dull ; rye flour , llrm anJ fa.'rly nctlve ;
sales , 900 bbls. ; superfine , $2.53j275 ; fancy , $2. 6
Q3.00 ; buckwheat Hour , steady ; S1.UJU2.0V.
JIITCKWHEAT Quiet ; 65n Wc.
CORN MEAL Steady ; tales 10) bbls. nnd 200
Backs ; yellow westein , $1.1802.00 ; Itrandywlno ,
RYE Nominal ; car lots , 5IC53o ; boat loads ,
HAUL-BY Nominal ; western , C3c.
11ARLEY MALT Dull ; western. ; o75c.
WHEAT Receipts , 120,900 bu. ; expoi Is , 16,700
bu. : sales , 7,400.000 bu. futuies , 1"COW Lu. spot.
Bpot easy ; No. 2 red. In store and elevator , SS'ic ;
nllont , C0860Mc ; No. 1 northern. CSHc. delivered ;
No. 1 hard , 701ic. delivered. Options wenk all
the forenoon under nctlve liquidation nnd dis
appointing rubles. The locnl crowd got short
and In the afternoon , with the llrmnesw In com
ana some export bUH ness , they covered , steady *
Ink' the market. A largo shipping business wus
done Uxlay ; No. 2 red , January. CO l-lGi)60Jict ! ) ,
closed nt 60Mc ; March. 61 15-1C 62140. closed lit
62J4C ! Mny , C3'.i C3 13-10c. closed nt 635i.c ; July ,
64 1I-16S63C , closed nt 64tc ; November , closed
at 6Stc ; December , 58B69 7-16c. clooed at 69Uc.
CORN Receipts , 20,300 bu. ; exports , 3,000 bu. ;
ales , 600,000 bu. futures. 64,000 bu , spot , Spot
market ensy ; No. 2 , 6Sftc In elevator ; 69'ic '
afloat ; yellow , old. Cflo. delivered ; steamer mixed ,
62V4c ; No. 3 , 615ig62c. Options opened easier ,
but late months rallied finally on covering by
Bhorts , duo to reports of ruin nnd smaller car
lot estimates ; closed V4c off on near nnd ftc on
late months ; January , 63U5f53He. closed nt 5J',4c ;
May , 62 I5-16 53Hc , closed nt 63Hc | November ,
63O53VIC. clcsed nt 63c ; December , 55Uf3Vjc.
Closwl nt 65WC.
OATS Receipts. 31,2 * ) bu. ; exports , 7,200 bu. ;
Bales , 25,000 bu. futures and 65.IMO bu spat. Spot
market steady ; No. 2. 33Tifl33',4c : No. 2 white" ,
S7U3794o ; No. 3 white , 37c ; track , white , 36iJ ! !
lie. Options quiet , but generally steady- closing
unchanged to 1,40 aihnnco ; January , 3i4c : ; Feb
ruary , S5V4035U. closed nt 35H ! Mny , ! 6'.4J8 (
36V4C , closed at 36'Ac ; November , closed at 332c ! ;
Uecembrr. 33 > se33Hc , closlnit nt 33 ic.
HAY-FIrm ; shipping , 65857ic ! ; good to choice ,
HOPS Quiet ; stnte , common to choice , old ,
S 7c ; new , 6H12c ; Pacltlo const , S54W7c.
HIDES Steady ; wet suited , New Orleans , se
lected , 45 to 65 Ibs. , 6c ; lluenos Ayrcs. dry. ! 0 to
U Ibs. , lie : Texas , dry , 24 to 30 Ibs. . 6140CO.
LEATHER Quiet ; hemlock sole , Ducnos Ayrcs ,
light to heavy weights. 15ni9c.
WOOL Quiet ; domestic lleece , 1902lo ; pulled ,
IlL'TTER Firm ; western dairy , 'llOlCc : west
ern creamery , 154T2CO : western fnctoiy. 9014'Ac ;
KlKlns. 2tic ; Imitation crenmery. 13 (19c ; slate
dairy. 13 23io ! ; state creamery , lS 25c.
PROVlS10NS-Uc f , quiet. Cut meats , easy ;
iik-klcd bellies. CHC7Mc : pickled shoulders , 8H ®
6Hc ; pickled hams , gfitilic. Iird. easy ; west-
Jl'i.JSl1'1"11 ' clo > t'11 " ' 7-45 ! Ba'e ' - 2w : tierces at
J7.43O7.47V4 ; city at $7,1,4 ; November closwl ut
7.40. nomnnl ; December , $7.4a , nominal ; January ,
$7.40 , nominal ; rtnned , quiet ; continent. $7,75 ;
8. A. . $8.25 ; compound , 5,4ff5ic , 1'urk , dull.
CHEESI'J Firmer ; stnli > , large. SHlfllc : small.
SWll'.c ; part bklms , JHWSc ; full skims. 2 3c.
KCKIS Steady ; state nnd l'enns > lvnnla. Kit
tvlic ; refrigerator , 17ft21c ; western fresh , 23W
O4ej cases. J3.25 4.00 ; southern fresh , 234i-3ic ! ;
receipts , 8.0tf7 pkgs.
TALU\V-Klnn : city ( J3 pr pker. ) . 4Kc ; coun
try ( pkgs , free ) . 4'4c , us to quality.
PETROLKUM-Nunilnalj United closed nl 82T.
ROSIII Qulfc ; strnlnetl , common to good , $1.20
ItICK Steady.
-lOIiARSKS Klrm.
TIG IHON Mnrkct quiet ; Scoto.'i , tlJ.MfrN.OO ;
American , | 10.ooai3.00.
TlN-Maiket weak ; Htrnlts. IU.ZSeil.30 ; platei ,
market dull , nlea on 'clmtiKe , S tum Jmiuarj'
tin , JU.SO ; 10 lout February , JH.30 ; 23 tuna De
cember , fM.ZJ ; li > tuna April , IU.S3 ; II ) tons May ,
HpBI/rER Dull ; domestic , $3.32405.53.
lUAIKlrm ; brokers' price , 1 ; exchange
price , 13.15 ,
COl'l'KU Dull ; brokers' price. J9.SO : ex-
tlmiiKM price. JJ.W atlted.
COTTON SEED Oils-Market uliows an up.
ward tendency on better demand ami imall
orTtrliiKJ. reitrlcllnr business : cloted llrm ; prime
crude , Z6c. orf crude. tltiiSe ; yellow , butter
grudei , SSOSlc ; chnlce yellow. S3c , ninllnal ;
prime y llow , llQ32e ; yellow , off sTttde , SSiiffl
fc Hcj prime white. Mo.
Cotlrn MHrkvi.
NK\V VOItK. Nov. 20.-TOFFnK-Ontlon
opened tteady at MfIS.wlnta advance , ruled nnn
ami active , recovering on Kurupeun ndvancea ;
cliMi-d nrm at MOJO i olnt net advance. Baits.
H.WO baE , Including ; November , H4.I5 ; D cem.
tier. S13.iUW13.CO ; Janimry. i.WlU. J ; Rlurrh
IU.tOBlS.1. ; May ! IU.S5tfli.10 ; Aueiit , h.C55
teniber. tU. S lI.70. Spot rottre. lllo. nrm. No.
I , U&.TJ. Mild , utradv ; CordoVa. J18.MO19.CO.
iule , too ba.a lllo. No _ . T and S. ipot. 115.15
10,000 bag Hlo , No. 8. .pot HttSH ; MO WB *
Ilk ) , No. , aflujt , lll.SO : I.CW ba _ tUnloi. NOB.
I to 7 , afloat , 118.50 ; l.UO tiaxi 8ano | , Noa. 6 to
I. afloat. 111.23. 1,000 baga Hantoi , Ni > . S to I ,
flout , tlC ; 1.000 ba.a Hantua. Noa. 8 to t , anoai ,
& . i.OJU baga Hantoa , Noa 5 to f. to be Bhlmwd ,
il& , J.KK ) mats ralerubniig. nut , lU.Wa-'O.tO ;
.000 mala I'edantr , * ot. Jll.WOi'.W ; 1.000 l > un-
lira Mocha , tnot. J.WUS3.Wi l.&CO I IK Mara
( _ lbo and SOO bus a Angoitura , p. \Varehuuaa
lellverlra from N w York yentenlay ST.ltij Uaipii
N w York Ituck today , 17 ,7al baga ; Unite.
( UtM itock. 2U.SM ba ; afloat for th Unit * .
Btntts , 'ZTAOOa linf. totfll Visible for the United
Slnlpj. 4S9.220 bais. ; ngnlnst 497,341 bnga lust year ,
KANTOS , Nov. 20.-Qulel ; Bix l BVcmw Snnto * .
til.CO ; lecelpu t d.iy , W.W.bngf ; stork , 401MO
HAMI1URO , Nov. M.-Htenfly ; prices Ve ; f nd-
vani' " : snips , 11,000 bags.
HAVRE , Nov. ZO. Opcnni steady ot WflU' nd-
vnncc , nt noon , sternly at 'if advance ; nt 3 p. m. ,
flim nnd unchanged to "if ndvnnco ; closed Hrm ;
total sales , 27,000 bags , nl llV4f nilvnncc. '
RIO DB JANEIRO , Nov. So. Market steady !
No , 7 , nominal ; exchange , II I-32d ) receipts , two
days , 6,00) bags ; cleurr-d for the United Htntcs.
1.000 bags ; clenred for Europe , 3,000 bngs ; stock ,
241.000 hags.
AMSTERDAM , Nov. M. The Dutch sales went
off nt about la above brokris' \nluatlons. Mar
ket firm.
OMAHA ( HANKItAI , . V ! l ' < KT J .
Condition of Trnilo mid ( Jtiotittloni n
Miiple iinil Tiincy 1'roilucn.
nUTTKR Packing- stock , 7NQSc : fair to erood
country , llfjllc ; choice to fancy , ISSlTc ; gnth-
red creamery , 19820cj separator creamery , 2J
naOH strictlyfieelt laid , 21c ! fresh ( cold
ituragc ) , 18flI9o. .
POULTRY-Old hem. SUB to ! spring chickens ,
Ili'iiJc ; durks , 6c ; tutkcys , liiOc ; heavy tome ,
Co ; geese. 6 < ? f6je. !
DREH8ED POULTIlY-Chlckens. fair , 4 c ;
choice laifc'e , Sc , cho'ce small , Co ; tutkcys , fair
to good , cj 6',4c ; chulco heavy , 7 8e ; choice
smhll , 8C9c ; ducks , fair to good , W.icj fancy ,
70 ! ge jo , fair to pood. , Cc ; fn-cy , 7c.
GAME Prairie .chl < Ken ? , per d . , $3.60 ; grouse ,
per doz. . $3 ; blue wing tcl , per Ant. , $ LM ; green
wing leal , per do. . . $1.25 ; ducks , mixed , per
doz. , $1 ; canvas-jacks , $4.0V04.5' ' ) : mallards and
red heads , $ : ,50 ; qunll , $ I.5CW1.75l deer saddles.
12ai5c : antelope saddles. lOJjllo ; small rabbits.
$1 : Jack rabbits , I2.2'i.
VIAI < Choice fnt nnd * mall veals nre quoted
at 60 ; large and conr e , 3jf4c.
CHEESE Wisconsin full crenm , Young ; A. ,
13c ; twins , 12VtiNcbta'Kn ; and Iowa , full cream ,
llr ; Nebraska and lown , jmrt sklmf , 7tTJc ;
I.lmbtirser. No. 1 , lie ; bvlck , No. 1 , lie ; Swiss ,
No. I. 14ffic ,
HAY I'pl.inrt hny , J9 ; tnldliinil , J5.50 ; lowland.
$8 : 'ye Hinw , 1C. Color inakt-s the price on
liny. Light shades tell the best. O.ily top grades
brlns top prlcfB.
PIOKON.-5-Old birds , per do. . . 75c.
rOTATORS-Wcwern stock , car. lots , 62003c ;
small lot , TOe.
OLD IIEANS-Haiid-plcked , nnvy , $2 ; limn
bcnni. per lb. , MJc.
ONIONS- ordeis , 63W70c.
CAIlllAOE-On oideis. U4c. -
CELKIlY-Pcr doz. . KVfi3rc. .
BWIJKT POTATOES Per bbl. , 12 ! Jersey , $3.50
per bbl.
KEETS-T'er bu. , 60Q600.
CAU1IOTS IVr bu. . .
- ( Inz. . J2.23 ,
EOrt \NT-Pcr doz. . f,0c.
) IORSEKAIIKn-lVr lb. . 708c.
I'ARSNIPH Per bu. . 60IICOC.
IlUTAIlAOAS-Por bu. . 755J90.
I'ARSLEY I'er doz. bunches. 25c ,
TURNIPS Per bu. . fOC.
SPLIT PEAS-1'er lb. , 383HC.
III'IJIIAHI ) SQI'ASH Per doz. , 7ic.
TOMATOES Per bu. , COc.
GREEN PEAS-Pcr bu. . J1.2581.3S.
Qt'INCES-Callfornla. per 60-lh. box. JI.SO.
APPLES fJood stock , per bbl. . $2.50ff2.73 ;
Michigan stock , $3 ; New York or New England ,
PLUMS California , none.
PEARS Winter Nellls. S1.75.
OHAPKB ConeonU , 10-lb. baskets , none ; Cal
ifornia , none ; Mulnens , per CS to CS-lb. bbls. ,
CRANUERRIES-Cnpe Cod fnney , $10 per bbl.
ORANnES Mexican , per box , $3.50 ; Florldai ,
HANANAB Choice stock , $2.00112.50 per bunch.
LEMONS Malaga , $ t ; f ncy Florida , sUcs 2:0
nnd 300. $4.011 4.23.
OYSTERS 1XL , Sc ; medulm. per can. lOc ;
horse shoes , 12c ; extra stnndatds , 15c ; extra se
lects. 17c ; company selects , 21c ; New York
counts , 2X1.
NEW FIGS Fancy , ICe ; choice , ISgUo ; Cal-
Itotnla , bngs. Sc.
HONEY New. York , 17c ; Cnllfornln , 16c.
MAPLE SYKUr Gallon cans , per doz. , $12.
NUTS Almonds , WICc ; EnRllsh walnuts , 12ci
nibcrts , Vic : Ilra/ll nuts , Sc ; eastern chestnuts ,
no ; ooH stock ; shellhark hickory nuis , per bu. ,
$2 ; large hickory nuts , 11.75 ; fancy raw peanuts ,
Cc ; roasted peMnuts , 7l4c.
PAUEIl KUAUT Choice white , per bbl. , $4.o
04.75 ; per half bbl. , $2.60.
MINt'K SI KAT Fancy , In half bbls. , per lb. ,
C'.lc ' ! 10 gnl. kegs , 7c ; condensed , per case of 3
doz. pkg * . , $2.75.
FISH Fresh , caught cmjitfcs , pprch nncl sun-
fish. 3T5c ; bufinlo , Gftlc ; irlko nnd pickerel , CQSc ;
cutl1 li. 8@9c ; black bas.i. 12013c.
CIDER Pure Juice , per bbl. , $ > .50 ; half bbl. , J3.
HIDES No. 1 green hides. 3Uc ; No. 2 green
hlilcs , 3',4c ; No. 1 green salted hides , 4Uc : No. 2
green salted hides , 3'ic ; No. 1 green salted hides ,
25 to 40 Ibs. , 4Uc ; No 3 green galled hides , 23 to
40 Ibs. , 3'ic ; No , i venl cult. S to to Ibs. , 7c ; No ,
2 vi'nl calf , 8 to 15 Ibs. . 5c ; No. 1 dry flint hides ,
Cc ; No. 2 dry Hint hides. 4e ; No. 1 dry Kilted
hldi-s , EC ; part cuied hides , \ ' c per lb. less than
fully cured. _
Tiirrlff Revlalou Ilrlng * Foreign ( ! on < l lulu
the Mnrkct.
"Here Is a pretty fnlr example of the effects
of reUucltiK the tariff , " remarked n local Jobber
ns he picked up n Inter fiom his desk. "A New
Yotk Impoiter writes me that he will soon have
n largo consignment of Turkish prunes to offer
on the market. There wns n lime when Turkish
prunes had n very large Eale In this country , but
of late years they hnve dlsappcaud almost en
tirely , owing to the ndvnntngo olfered California
producers by the tailtf.
1 "French prunes have always been on the mar
ket In greater or less quantities , but the demand
has been limited , the goods being Impirted for
thn fancy giocery trade , while the general run
of consume were contented to take the common
Turkish prunes. A good many people will re
member when the Turkish prunes , which , by the
way. nro from Bosnia nnd Benin. Instead of
Turkey , were received In Inrse casks , which usually
ally- occupied u conspicuous place In the old-time
grocery store.
"When California prunes put In nn appearance
on the market the trnde waa revolutionized. As
the product of that Btute Increased prices dropped
down until they were within tno reach of the
masses , nnd the demanrl Increased nt a inte that
drove the Turkish piuduct entirely out of the
market and caused the Flench to b nil but for-
"The tariff , however , promises to cause some
chamro < n past conditions. The new tariff re
duced the rnte on prunes from 2c per lb. to l',4c.
nnd foreigners 8cm to feel that they will have
n show once more. The Fr nch packers promptly
took ndviuitnge of the reduction , with the result
that the Importation and sale of that fruit has
been greatly stimulated , nml the Indications are
that they will have n continuance of large Bales
the balance of the year. While French and < -'all-
fornU' prunes nre the favorites with consumers ,
TuiklHh packers nro pieparlni ? to Invade the
American market , and will try to regain some of
the ground lost In recent years. They have
named very low prices , owing to the fnct that
the growers In llosnla nnd Bcrrla have very large
crops nnd American growers of prunes will soon
feel serious results trom the reduction of the
tariff , which has tlmmn the market open to the
world. California growers have complained In
the past that there wax no money nt the prices
at which they wore compelled to Bell their pro
duct , but If they hold their trade they will , with
out douht , have to sell ut still lower prices this
season. " _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Yesterday' * Security Murketni Unsettled
Throughout the S < * K < | < III.
NEW YORK , Nov. 20. Very little Im
portance Is to bo nttuoheil to today's stock
market It was dull nml unsettled through
out the day nnd closed Irregular. There
were no large operators In the Held , nnd
prices were moved one or the other way by
small cliques who decided to put some
small lines of shorts ur to cover their short
contracts. There was no opportunity for
any very profitable arbitrage trading , nnd
London wns not n factor in the market.
There wns considerable rpt-culatlon through
out the day as to the dividend on Hurllng-
ton & Qulnoy. The directors were to have
met In Boston this morning , but the meet
ing was put over until tomorrow. Tiie
stock was bought at the opening In ex
pectation that the dividend would be de
clared , advancing i p = * r cnt , but reacted
when the mcetlni : was put over , und grad
ually declined to " . ' , a break of li per
cent from the high point or the morning1 ,
with a llnal recovery of si per cent. The
other granger Pharos moved sympathetically -
ally , Northwestern being also unfavorably
affected by reports that it Is doubtful
whether the regular dividend oil the com
mon stock wilt IIP declared nt the di
rectors' meeting , called for the 27th Instant.
The Block rose Vi per cent , dropped J % per
ce.nt nnd rallied ? per cent. , Ilock leland
Paul moved wftliln narrower limits ! open
ing unchanged , It rene > A per cent , receded
1 per cent and recovered H per cent. The
preferred made a loss of 1 per cent. The
addition of a transfer system by the Man
hattan railway , which It In expected will
Increase Its tnilllc. Induced buying of the
company's stock In the morning , resultliit.
In an advance of 1 per cent , % per cent
of which had been lost at the close. The
general market wns strong during- the first
half hour and then became heavy , con
tinuing In that tone until noon , when pec-
ulatlon assumed a steadier attitude. There
was very little movement from hour
until about 2:15 : , when prices tugged off.
only to rally slightly In the llnal trading ,
and the market closed steady to firm. In
a majority of cases prices a're below the
tlnal Ilk-urea of yesterday , declines above a
fraction being ; St. Paul ft. Omaha , Hi per
cent ; Northwestern. l > fc per cent , and Itock
Inland & St. Paul preferred , 1 per cent.
The bond market was In the main nrm
throughout the day on u modi rate volume
of business. The sales were $1,198,590. with
the heaviest trading in Southern Cs and
AtClllBOM 48.
Th Post's London cablegram nays ; The
stock markets were generally dullish today ,
but American-were better on slight nupport
frtim New * York. Central Paclllcs were
llrm on the departure for New York today
of Director Charles H vets Wilson , Am rl-
cans blosed under the best Grand Truim *
were belter on tralllo returns. Consols are
itlll ruins' , reaching 103. The drain of jjom
o France continues , nnd there wns another
rcllnc on Ihe exchange In Ixitidon ,
The Kvenlng 1'osl says that It wns In-
ormed on trustworthy authority today
tat three trust companies , namely the
lilted Statcn , the Union and the Farmers
oan nnd Hanking houses of IJrexel. Mor-
g & Co. . Bpoyer & Co , , Kuhn , Loeb &
o. nnd llrown JJros. & Co. . would pra-
til cally subscribe for the whole Issua of
til ic bonds nt about 3 per cent , that Is nv
11' fi.103 ' from November 1 , with nccrued In-
le rest. They would bid Individually , nnd
tti icy had already secured the Bold necea-
ary to make the first payment of 20 per
enl on the acceptance of bids. The banks ,
Ittn was said , would nnd It to their ndvan-
nge to provide the gold for the regular
The following were the closing quotations
01cl n the leading stocks of the New York ex-
cl Itnngc today ;
SIAi i Northwest ern WH
AiAl < ! n HIH Kxrt MO 143H
.llon.T. . 11 now K. Y. Central
AlA ! ilu pfil ins N. Y. AN , K
A itn. Kxprt'Bi in Ontario A W
laltlmnru A Olilo. 07H Oregon Imp 12M
c.- mndii 1'uclllc. . . . 8'i ' * OrKKOii Nav . ' . . 20
| nailft Soulln-rn. . O. S. U A O. N , . . 11
'iitrnl 1'nolnc. . . . Pacific Mall
ClCl .lea. ii Ohio P. U. A K
'lilcneu Allen 14ft 1'lltHbnrc . Ifill.
C.Cl . II. i O 71) ) Pullman Pnlncc. "
Clc ! hlc.'IKO ( inn "TM
Clc. oiiHollrtntrtl GAB. KlchmoiKl Tcr. . . .
c.c . . C. . C. A St. L. . . . 37M do pM .
Colo. Conl A Iron. . 8 It. O. W . . - > . ,
Cotton ( Oil Cert. . . . 27M ILO.W.pfd .
H-lnwun-A Ilisili. ioc1t Inland . 01
! l. , LacK..tW. . . St. Paul . 01o
A K. O , pftt ilo pf < l . 110
I ) .AC. P. Co St. P.AOmaha. . . .
E Irlo : dopfil . no
' do ] ifd Soutliom PaclDc. . in
FIt < ) rt Wnyne 157 a-ar Kunnt-ry. . . .
ItC. Northern nfd. . . KM Tenn. Conl A Iron.
C.II -A E.I. nW 04 Taxai I'nclllc .
IIII locking Vallcv. . , IWli T. AO. Cent. pfd , .
II 'HnolH Central. . . ' Union Pacific .
SiK t. P. &I > iiIuth. . 2L U. H. KxprciiH. . . . . .
SiLl . . . . . . . . W. St. T , . A P .
LlI aho Krlo A West 1(1 dopfd . . .
LlIII do I pfd 71 Wells Knriro Ex. . , inn
yako Slion * KMVJ WeRtrrn union. , . . 87M
IIILi end < Trust 41K W. AL.K . . ' . . . 11W
LiI. .oulBVllluAN. . . . do pfil . 4H4
I.M . . A N. A .M.ASt.L , . 2H
I.W lanliattnii Con. . . . 1J. A K. O . 11M
W leniplila A C 10 O , K . 35
llcliunn Cent. . , . N. I. .
M Jlsiourl Pacific. . C. K. A I .
Mobile ft Ohio. , 10 do pfd . 72
N.N 'niihvlllo . Clint. . . . nit 11. AT. O .
N.N atloiml Curd.iKO. T. A. A. A N. M. . . .
< to fh\ \ T. St. L. AK. C. ; . .
N 1. J. Central do pfil . 0
LAW. pfd S. U. It . Jl'i
N forth Am. l'o. . . . do pfd . -liiH
N fortlicrn ' Pacific. . Am. Too. Co . 07M
N 'o. P.ic. nW 1794 dupfit . 108
U .P. . 1) . AU
The total dales of stocks today were 168,901
Hires , Including : American , B2.90I ) ; Ilur-
nclon , 12,700 ; Chicago Gas , 7,100 ; Distilling &
'lefepdlng , 8,000 ; Manhattan Consolidated ,
; Noitliwcstcrn , 6,100 ; Hock iBlnnd , 1,400 ;
t. rmil. 17.300 ; Southern Hallway , 4,700 ; South-
n Hallway preferred , 3.COO ; Western Union ,
1,400 ,
Ynrlc Mmier JMnrknt.
Jnsy nt 1 per cent ; last loan , 1 per cent ; closed
.t 1 per cent.
l'APEn-2iSl per
BTRItMNO EXCHANGE Steady , with actual
iislncss In hankers' bills at M.ST/t' for ile-
land nnd Jl.SC1 , ; for CO li.iyn ; | fctrd rules. S4.S7
4.S7 > ,1nnd Jl.RC'i : commercial bills , M.SDQ4.S7H.
OOVEIINMENT IIONUS Steady ; state bonds ,
nnftlvc ; railroad bornlo. Him.
CloslnB quotations on bonds were as follows ;
. S. HH. ivs O.A H. U. 48 . 82
. P. Cs.coup 117M Krlo MB . 76"
. S. ttt.TCg 114 G. II. AS. A. OS. . . . -00
J. -iB.cbup 114 < lo7n . 100
. S. CB.TCR OU H. AT. C. Cs . 1054
ncllla OH of ' 03. . 101 i3o Os . 100
Via , Ulan * A 102 M. K. AT. 1st 48. . SL'W
Ma. Olansll 100 do2U 4n . 4Ui )
Mn. Clans C JIutuat Union Os. . 108
\li. : Currency N. J. C.Gun. 8a. . . . 114
' .n. New Con. 4a. . 01 No , I'ac. lats . n r
tllsbonrl OH 100 do Ms . HO
S. C. Os 122 N. W. Councils . 141
S.C. 4H 100 do S. V. Dot ) . fa. 100
I. C. lion fund 100IN II. O. Weal , ists. . .
L'unn. now 801 OH. Ml St. P. Consols 7 .
Vnn. n w set r,8. 101 ! do C. A P. W. Ba. 112
'vnn. old Oa no 80
'a. Outlines caw St.l.tS. K.Oen.u 08'i '
do deferred Tox. I'ac. IstB . nw
U'lllKJU 4S clo2da . 20 k
tlo'-'d A U. P. Istsof ' 00. . . 100 } {
Canada o. yds. . . . ItlftU V.'est SlioroIs. . . . . 100
. P. letaof ' 05. . 10'Jit , So. K. K . 87
) .AK. O. 7s 11 il
Sun Fnmcliicn .Mining mock Quotation * .
SAN FllANCISCO. Nov. 20.-The offlelal cloalmf
ft itiot.ttlotiB for mlnln ? stocXB toclny wore aa fol-
ftA :
ftA . 74n JtlNtlCO 20
A HilitiCon . n Kentucky Con 2
A IMIC1 . . . . . . Cll Lady Wash. Con. . 0
liclcliur . 07 Mexican 10ft
IIII lollo Inlo . 07B Mono 0
II teHt A Belcher. . . . 00 .Mount Diablo : 10-
IIII ilodlu Con . 00 Nuvajo 10
IIC Inlllon . 28 Con. . . . 2
Caiuilonla . 10 Ophlr f. 305
Chullrnuu Con . HO Overman 13
Choll.-u- . 0 Polosl 01
c 'onfldcnco . 110 Savng-o CO
Con. Cal A Va . 41S Sierra Nevnd.1 63
Con. Imperial . 1i Stiver lllll. . , 63i : i
on. New York. . . . : i Union Con CO
Crown Point . fii : Utah Con ' . . 0
lould A Curry. . . . . f > 5 Yellow Jacket. . . . . ecu
Inlni Norcroas. . 100
Silver bars , 11330:1X0. : Mexican dollars , B2
He. Drafts , slt'ht , Be ; telegraphic ,
Ilo4tnn Stno't ( Ji
BOSTON , Noir. 20.Call loans , 1 per cent ;
mH l.jaiiH. 'J' < ( ii : per cent. Closlne prices for
Htocka , bo ids and mlnlnjr sliarus :
ATT. AS. P fiK West End CO
\U1. SllBUr. FOH W. End pfd 86
\m. Su.arifd..n33U4 Ws. Central
i'JLf Mate Gas. . . , 125 < ( tf Ji AtchlBin2ds
"lellTolophone. . . 10U AtchtHon 4s
: ! o ion& Albany. . L'07 Now Kneland Ca. .
Joston & , l > Iilno. : . IftriU Urn. Elt-otrlc Cs. . . OD
dopfd 101 Wl8. Cent. Istb. . . . f.7
. 11. A Q 71H ! Atlantic 10
Fltohbinv lifil 83 lioatnn A Montana 28M
i ion. ; Klralrlo 3B Butte A lioston. . . 10)4 )
I : ilinol3 Stcol 41) ) Calumet A Hccln. . 2 MO
Mexican Central. . 7 Centennial 60
N. Y. AN. E 4M Franklin
Ola Colony 170 Kcaraariro
Ore. Short Line. . . 7J OHCeula.
i itubucr 40M Qulncy U2
Union Pacific lll Tamarack 14H
NJ.V V.irlc .Mlt-.i'i ; ; i > ttttr > u ,
NKW YOUK. Nov. 20.-Tho followlnff nro the
closln ? mining quotations : -
liulwur 8 Ontario ooo
Choler 00 Oplllr 00
Ciown Point 6.1 Plymouth SO
Con. Cal. A Va. . . . 400 QiilckBllrvr ICO
Deadwood 40 dopfd 1SOO
Oonld A Curry. . . . 00 Sierra Nevada. . . . 70
Halo A Norcross. . 100 Standard 160
Homeatako liiOO Union Con 60
Moxlcan 103 Yellow Jacket. . . . 65
Lontlitn StooU Quotation ! .
LONDON , Nov. 20. 4 p. m. closlnsr :
3un. I'aclflc 01M St. Paul com .
Krlo UK
Krlo fids
111. Central
Mexican ordinary. 14J
BAK SILVER iiBIiil per ounce
MONEV-U' percent.
The tutu of discount in the open market foi *
both short ami throe months' bills ID H percent.
I limurlttl Xntf .
NEW ORLEANS , Nov. M.-Clearlnca , t3S3,111.
1JOSTON. Nov. 20. Clearings , J15,03S,518 ; bal
ances. .002.234.
I1ALT1MOUE. Nov. 20. Clearings , JOS8,5 1 ;
balance * , J4MM12.
NUW YOniC , Nov. 2 , ) . CleaInea , 1103,534,4)3 ;
balances , J5.SOO.W1.
PIULAnrJLl'HIA , Nov. M. Clearings , | 13-
7C5.913 ; balances , $2.3S9,733.
111:111 , IN , Nov. 20. Exchange on London , . S
days' slffht , 24 murks 33 pfe.
\VASIUNdTON. Nov. S ) . The cash balance
today was (100,234,177 ; eold reserve , 100,711,518.
MEMPHIS ) . Nov. 20. Clearings , 5116,100 ; linl-
aicte , $111,374. New York exchange , selling at
PARIS , Nov. 2J. 4 p. m. Three per cent
renli-M , 102F 7Vic for the account. Exchange on
iinton , Kt 1:150 for checks.
ST. I.OUIS. Nov. 20. Clearing. 3SS4D19 ; bal
ances , HS4.043. Money , fiilet , 667 per cent. Ex
change on New York , pur to 25c premium.
NEW YORK. Nov. . The National Bank of
tlm Republic has withdrawn from the
subtrensury , making I'JOO.COO In all wltlKlrKwn
LONDON. Nov. 20. Oold Is quoto.l . at lluenos
AJTCB nt 200 ; Madrid , 95 ; Llihrin , tl.OO. St.
1'ete.slHirn , GO ; Athena , 77 ; Rome , 10iJO ( ; VI-
i-nna , 110 ,
CHICAGO , Nov. 20. Clearings. I1J.075.001.
Muiey , 4jf4',4 cent on cell : & 0p"r cent on
time. New Yolk exchange. C6c remlum. Fo- *
i'sn exchange , llrm : stcrllns comnicrclul , } l.5 !
Now Ycirlt Jry OiiotU M r' it.
NB\V YORK , Nov. 20. As usual on Tuesday ,
with no malls fiom Important Interior and more
d stunt markets , the demand fcr current wants
was of moderate proportions , though i > me fairly
guo < l lots were called fur by telfKraph , On" the
pnrt at the visiting buyers , of whom a KU > H |
number Is rcatlnK In the market , considerable
alt ? tlon was extended to sprlns siioclalllcs ,
nucli a printed tabrlcs for diers purposes , sltevl *
In ? , prints , draperies , ginghams , dometts , drevs
iln-vluu , dirts kiK.iU , while tuods ana others ,
nn.l many goods were cuntracteil fur. Agent a made the price of Mcrrlmao shilling prints
Is. _
( all * nf Mi'ininii l.riiKins ,
NK\V YORK. Nov. W. The Hist sale of the
sn un of the new rut Messina lemons wits
held In this city toiluy. Prices were from Tie
tu W u box more thai was lecordt-d on the
first sale In 18)3. The lep rt'd rai t'i < iuale : In
the Mi-fKlna dutilct has made a Hi ring
fur lemons.
163-165 Uearbont-st. , Chlcaeo.
! 5 Wall- . , New Vork. 70 Stalc-st. , Uoti
cirf. couHTr , r-s - i -
K *
/ \ r-s
--.BOOL , WATER and I if ] j\l I ] > -
Bought anil Eold. Cortc pod nc Uollcitci.
' ' it
Onttlo and Hog EcceipCa at the Local Yards
Fooplo Not Rnttnc Frcuh'Mcut nmt a llnll
Market Ilr.ulU IlngIlrMik Itaillj
Under Jlcnty' ijuppty ami
Lower I'rovliloni.
TUESDAY. Nov. 20.
Receipts of cattle ttntl hogs were liberal
today , 32S cars In all. There -were no sheep.
The two' days' receipt/if 8,000"cnttle , 15.700
hogs nnd CGO sheep , compared with receipts
for the first two days of last week , show a
deprcase' of l',300 cattle and 300 sheep and an
Increase of 4,200 hogs ,
The cattle market was very dull. Dressed
beef tneni claim that , tluj abundance of
poultry , game and .oysters In the market
now has curtailed the demand for beef tea
a Rreat extent.- while the condition of east
ern markets has not been such ns to war
rant much activity on' the part of specu
lative shippers. The continued liberal sup.
ply constituted another very bcarich feature ,
and the generally Inferior quality of the
offerings still another. In fact , there wns
very little to raise the salesmen's low
spirits , and trade was dull and dragging at
ail of a lOo 'decline. The cattle itetitcell -
Inrr. however , ami the close found the sup
ply practically all disposed of.
Fully seventy straight loads tof cows were
"ii sale , and enough odds and ends to innke
rather more liberal than usual Mipply.
oed to choice fat cows and heifjro i-nt
Yltlrn. fair demand at right close to stoidy
irlccs , but on the medium and Inferior eon-
ilng stock that up the bulk nt ti.e
upply the market ruled slow and fully a
lime lower. The , market for venl calve *
tiled mode.itcly ; active and about steady.
[ at bu Is and stags sold at full Monday's
irlces. but rough , thin stock was lower.
Stackers and feeders did not show a very
; reat degree of activity today , itlll unlcr
he Influence of a good demand and a by
10 means excessive supply the trade was
-.bout up to the
average and pncusn -
ra y well sustained. Low grade stock
cattle are still discriminated rif.-nirs't , but
oed fleshy stock soils rcn-llly. flood to
. : " ° lce feeders , are quotable at trim f,70 to
J3.30 ; fair to good from 12.35 to $2.00 , and
ommon grades from J2.25 down. I'.f-pre-
entatlve sales :
tfo. Av. Pr. No. Av. IT. No. Av. Pr
. . . .1065 BO 20. . . : 036 JS ISO '
. .113 2 75 17. . . .1110 335 21..112S M m
. .UK 3 K . .1170 3 65 20. . . .1201 3 70
. . ? : o co 7. . . 11 1 6S 4. . . .1057 2 10
. . 783 1 00 1. . . .1060 1 63 " . . 866 2 10
1 00 9. . . .835 1 65 l" . . 700 2 10
. 920 1 00 1. . . . 860 1 65 2. . . .955 2 10
. 640 1 25 1. . . .11CO 1 65 19. . . , 813 2 10
, . 880 1 25 32. . . .855 1 65 3. . . .933 2 15
. 020 1 25 9. . , . S02 I 75 3. . . . 860 2 15
. 645 1 40 2. . , . 980 1 75 ' . .1035 215
.10i2 1 40 1. . . .750 1 75 111' . . 985 2 15
.606 1 45 2. . . .1020 1 75 8..1018 2 15
. 930 1 CO ! . . . .1110 1 75 20. . . . S23 220
. 880 1 60 1. . . . 940 II 75 10.1050 220
. 7(0 1 60 10. . . . 944 1 85 19. . . . SCO 2 20
.1130 1 60. 32. . . . SIO , 1 90 .970 2 20
. 620 1 60 15. . . . 9C3 .1 95 1 , . 830 2 25
.1070 1 60 17. . . . 810 .200 19. .1004 2 25
. 8G3 1 60 ' . .1MO _ 00 6. .1210 2 25
, .1030 1 60 c'.l . . 900'2 M 1. .1000 2 25
, . 950 1 60 1. . . .1000 200 13..1014 2 27li
1 60 5. . . .1024-2 00 27. . . . 800 2 30 '
. $95 1 60 4. . . . 840 240 12..1010 2 35
.754 1 CO 1. . . .1270 200 1. . . .850 2 40
, 948 1 65 13. . . . 804 2'05 7. . . . 878 2 40
, 86 1 65 . .1143 2' : > 1. . . .810 2 60
, 84S 1 60 10. . . .917 2 10 1. . , .12GO 2 60
,917 1 CO 5. . . .1000 210 1. . . . 780 2 60
. 9C1 1 CO 5. . . . 981.2-10 1. . . . 990 2 60
. 885 1 60 7. . . . 842 2'10 1. . . .1350 2 65
715 IS. . . . 7.10 ! CO B. . , 343 200
, 667 1 15 2. . ,475 , 1 CO 683 2 ( X )
,403 , 1 25 12. . fllO 1 65 603 2 00
,430 , 1 60 2. . , 3C5 1'65 413 200
,433 , 1 60 3. . 680 1 5 775 2 00
,635 1 60 36175 805 t 10
,425 1 60 . . , , C32 2 15
5. . . . t90 2 00 4. . . . 23 2'45 92. . . . C91 2 65
r. . . SSO , 75' 10. . . . 328 ,2.25 1. . . 160 4 00
i. . . 310. I 00 s. . . . 273 ; r6o ,170 4 00
21 | ! 100 1 25 2. . , 115 2fO ill , 110 M Od
1. . . > Tl 50- . , . -225 2 Mv
1. . . 300 .U 75' M ' 3 00- 143
3. . . 230 1 75 . . . 220 200 150 4 23
1. . . 90 i2 00 , . . 270 3 00 100 4 TS
1. . . ,380 , 2 00 , . . 120 3 00 175 4 60
4. . . ,377 2 00 , . . 96 300 ,130 , 4 60
, 300 2 15 , . . 106 360 , 21" 4 75
, 370 .2 25 , . . 120 3 DO , U : 4 75
.1230 1 15 1. . . .1240 175 1..1370 1 S5
.1100 1 25 10. . . . .12301 75 1..H10 1 85
.1270 1 33 5. . . .12CS 1 SO 2. . . , 830 1 85
.1140 1 60 1. . . .1110 1 80 2..1230 1 DO
, .1470 1 SO . . . 970 1 0 1..1240 1 DO
. .1310 1 .r 5 2. . . .1145 1 80 1..1340 1 95
, .1180 1 60 1. . . .1150 1 80 1..16JO 200
, . 810 1 CO 1. . . .1300 1 80 1..1C60 211)
1 CO 1. . .1080 1 W 1..1220 2 15
.1435 1 65 1. . . .1340 1 85 1..1COO 225
1..1310 1 65 1 , .1250 1 85 1..1470 290
1. . . . 780 1 70 1..1230 1 1. . . . 890 3 01)
1..1190 1 75 1..12GO 225
. .18GO 2 65
I. . . 630 1 75 1. . . . 7RO 2 30 29. . . . 901 2 55
' . 470 2 00 230 4. . . . 810 2 CO
3' ! . 700 2 00 4. . 700 2 30 3. . . . 776 2 60
2. . , 670 200 13. . 70 2 20 1. . . . S 2 GO
1. . . SCO 200 B. . 454 230 7C9 2 CO
. 740 2 00 C. . SIC 2 35 6..1081 2 03
2i ! . 3fO 2V > 2S. . S56 2 35 45. 845 2 65
3. . . 976 2 ( X ) C02 235 .1170 2 r.S
1. . .1000 200 29 ! ! 932 2 40 . SS5 26 >
. 890 2 00 1. . , 9M 2 40 23. . 919 265
i ! ! ! . 640 2 00 C. . , E 0 2 40 6. . 735 2 65
c. . . . 706 2 00 1. . , fcSO 2 40 2. . 430 270
8. . . . 646 Z03 1. . , 735 .2-40 ' , 833 270
3. . . . 326 2 15 10. . , 631 2 40 .11C5 275
28. . . . 906 2 20 13. . , 656 240 . 955 275
49. . . 882 2 JO 62. . , 803 240 8. . 978 275
1C. . . 863 2 20 42. . . 824 2 40 4. .1103 275
5. . . 4C8 2 25 1. . C70 2 SO 23. . 956 2S5
1. . . 940 2 25 3. . . . 846 250 23.I. . . 8SO 2 90
6. . . SSO 2 23 6..1070 2 60 B. . , . 972 290
1. . . 610 2 25 7. . ' 58 265 8. . . .1180 3 00
, CC5 2 23 1. . . 900 2 &S 3. . . .1010 3 00
2 25 , CIO 2-55 . .
' ' 2. . , 575 3 00
. 990 225 1. ! . 550 2 55 15. . . .1177 3 03
210 & . . , 318 2C5 1C. . . .1063 3 10
1. . . . 410 2 30 8. . , 610 2 65
1 cow nnd calf . . .125 00
1 springer 28 00
1 springer 3000
1 cow and calf 30 00
No Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr
1 feeder 1070 J2 75 .3 feeders..1073 3 25
2 cows 1075 2 00 2 cows 915 2 23
6 COWH 966 2 25 1 feeder 9M 2 50
7 feeders. . . . S2S 2 60 1 bull 1380 1 50
1 bull 1010 1 CO 1 feeder , . . . . 900 2 45
2 feeders..1205 2 75 1 Htr. tig..1180 2 75
4 f ci'ders. . . . 952 3 23 14 Ptcers..11SL' 3 40
7 Bteern 1064 3 40 1 steer. ' ' 990 3 40
4 steers 1303 3 40 3 steersi.'jlto ! ! 3 40
3 cows 950 2 00 1 COWL , IO 2 23
3 cows 1010 2 40 8 COWS-- 2 40
Swan Land and Cnttle Company ,
1 hull 1400 160 3 stllRS ISOO 210
16 cows 1026 220 31 steers 1210 315
92 calves 151 3 37V4
Enloe Cattle Company.
4 cows 8S5 2 20 71 ! cows 883 2 20
1 steer. 1070 3 25 1 eteer. 1090 3 23
2 steers 1095 3 25
Spear Ilros.
19 cows . 8S2 2 10 1 cow 1020 2 15
6 cows . 836 2 15 -.a steer 1100 3 00
7 cows . S57 1 60 TJ cows SJ1 1 75
J. & W , C. , ltcKene ! ,
23 COWH 834 1 CO I ' 220 cow 603 2 00
20C cows 803 2 00 . ' > in
William > ll. 'Hunter.
47 cows 983 223 I'
J. Itetvea.
1 bull 1480 1 6 ? ? II rows 1134 270
13 feeders. . . 3 20
K. W.'Shlek.
1 cow. . .10SO 1 90 C < tl cow 1020 2 00
3 cowa. 2 25 u i-o cows 1037 2 35
31 utters1100 3 10 . < -i.
J. Kebccker.
1 steer. 1100 3 00 ' > 2 steers , 1015 3M
1 strer. 1100 3 00 ' 'i.l B leers. 1018 3 00
1 cow . O 2 20 2 cows 940 2 20
10 cows. . 1026 2 20 U cow 10.10 2 20
4 cows . 11S7 2 20 3 COWS. 1000 2 20
I cow. . . S40 220 ft ; W cows 1021 220
lleckwlth Land anUi Cattle Company.
2 COWB 1115 2 < A > . ( I'J cows 1106 233
4 cows 1120 2701. ' K steers 1215 375
2 sirs. tiff..1000 2 25 I 1.1 M steers 1031 300
n. McDonnld.
15 cows . 980 2 60 . . . 1 steer. 1150 3 00
33 steeis . 1173 3 75 .fl-J
J. Croure.
1 cow. . . 800 1 63 i , _ cows. . 900 1 f.5
2 cows. . . . . . . 810 is . . i C0w. 830 2
6 cows 10U5 225 11 cows 9:0 2 25
4 steers 1WIO 3 10 ,1 ,
H. Hlchart ! s & Co.
75 cow nt 2 20
II. Trollope.
C cows 10SI 2 35 22 steers 1090 325
J. L. Jordan.
I bull KCO 150 I cow S61 235
3 cows litS 235 4 steers 1152 313
U steeih. 1U : 3 CO
'William Thonipnon.
I cow. , ' .1050 2 W 19 cowtt 101 $ 2 CO
23 feed'e'rsi.'iiilH 3 20
6 bulls 1356 ICO 2 bull . . .1590 150
11 cuws. 1010 SIO , 21 cows SM 225
1 calf 710 3 75 6 feeders. . . . SI2 2 60
t steers .111)0 ) 3 00 3 steers 113 ] 3 00
I heifers. . 378 20) 22 feeders,10M 2 Tl
Ktir & U.
1 heifer. . , C',0 i " 3.1 rows , . . . . . . IX 2M
CO feeders , . . SIS 2 73 * 1 feeders. . . , liM 324
77 feeJei s . 1 Jli 3 20 0 feeders . tli 2 W
A. Illnfon ) .
2 feeders .975 223 18 feeders. , 1131 290
HOOK Thu hog niarWt wu Jim the reveri
of Mond.y's trade. lttccll > u were he-vler ihan
they have been since the middle of Au.uit , an
ho pcnersl quality of ihe offerings wns rather
xMtfr than It wns on Monday No now buyers
ut In nn appearance , nnd with Ijenrlsh reports
rom the enst nml he-ivy .supplies local puckers
K > und < x1 the market And pouridml It hard. All were
fler the henvr IIOKJ. nnd lh * old early nt
rom SI.C5 up to 11.70 , or Kentrnlly 6c lower than
lonrtar There were tots of light weights on
nle. nnfl buyers took ndvnhtnje of that fnrt to
skp oft Iflc to 15c. They paid from JI.10 to $4.60
or poor to choice Hunt nnd mixed stock. The
nnrltol weakened oft us the mornlnir advanced
nder the Influtncr of bad reports from tioth
tigs and provisions In Chicago , ami finally closed
at , ISc to 0c lower than Monday , on which
nsld sellers refused to sell , and fully 2,000 lings
venl left. The bulk of the hoc * that sold went
t from II.W to JI.CO , ns nprnlnst 14.60 to 11.70
( onday nnd 14.60 to $1.60 one week ago today ,
( cpresentatlve sales !
S'o. Av. Rh. Pr. No. Av , Sh. Pr.
0 170 80 $ ( 15 48 260 100 $4 S3
(5 ,1V ) 210 4 20 16 344 , . , 4 Ki
3 176 . . . 420 12 221 . , . 4 M
US 1M 4 20 ID 196 . . . 4(5
IG9 60 4 Z3 79 237 60 455
i ) 219 . . . 4 25 C6 240 . . . 4 K3
1 1S6 80 425 69 2CO M 4 55
4 1C9 . . . 430 73 :03 40 4 55
7 182 280 " 4 CO Cl 270 120 46 !
1 . .131 120" 4 30 28 233 80 465
> ; ,171 . . . 4 32V4 M. 274 210 4 65
67 109 . . . 435 13 293 . . . 453
H 1C8 120 435 C2 2M 120 455
3 160 . . . 435 C3 233 107 4 65
. .9 199 ICO 435 CO 242 40 4 S5
01 ' .1S3 40 435 71 227 40 465
03 171 240 433 87 226 SO 455
5 184 120 435 77 23.3 SIO 465
0 19C ISO 433 74 22G ! < 0 4 65
0.-.M2 . . . ' 436 ' 83 231 SO 4 M
7 UO 80 435 70 1S5 40 4 Mi
7 154 . . . 437(1 ( 1(5 232 HI 4 & 7H
1 231 . . . 440 73 2M 160 4 B7t {
2 216 240 440 IDS 348 COO 4 CO
01 187 120 440 87 192 . . . 4 GO
1 US 40 440 87 216 . . . 4 CO
07 169 . . . 440 57 291 280 460
" 166 160 4 45 62 JC9 . . . 4 f.O
0 " 211 . . . 443 63 290 80 4 M
805 . . . 445 6- M4 200 4 CO
3 220 160 445 62 239 40 460
3 196 40 445 70 223 120 460
5 18S 40 445 C 252 120 4 CO
01 " 210 80 445 85 250 80 460
274 . . . 445 61 236 240 460
4 S04 . . . 4 45 71 277 120 4 60
8 " 1S2 . . . 44 > 71 219 280 460
210 . . . 4 43 72 213 SO 4 60
3 26C . . . 445 67 271 40 4 TO
2 315 . . . 445 63 308 200 4 CO
2 196 200 4 60 69 322 160 460
6 220 160 460 67 222 40 4 CO
7 156 . . . 450 61 239 160 4621.4
9 230 120 450 79 259 ! 0 465
9 282 200 4 CO 65 285 160 4 C5
1 203 . . . 450 72 229 . . . 4 M
7 ' 263 120 460 68 .10.1 160 4 C5
217 (0 460 61 303 120 465
3 410 . . . 4 60 38 406 . . . 4 65
2 2T > 2 80 4 60 51 293 . . . 4 CD
8 225 280 460 62 323 40 4 65
9 160 . . . 4 60 58 2X8 200 4 65
2 232 240 4 CO 5 ! ) 280 80 4 01
0 SOO 160 460 62 2S6 120 465
214 . . . 460 27 322 40 4 B5
6 223 120 460 61 300 120 461
1 233 120 4 CO 71 248 40 465
206 SO 460 ' 72 241 . . . 463
C 206 . . . 4 CO 70 268 SO 463
9 2DO 120 460 63 277 320 465
282 240 460 61 S0 . . . 463
4 234 200 4 60 C5 282 . . . 465
2 174 . . . 460 76 239 . . . 4 C5
3 191 40 4 60 56 286 40 4 C >
0 207 120 460 60 312 320 4 6714
1 255 120 450 77 261 SO 4 6714
8 267 40 4521,4 63 326 440 46714
4 223 200 46214 5 > 319 160 4 67H
3 2C9 SO 453 53 321 240 4 674
65 259 260 453 15 236 . . . 470
0 239 200 4 GJ 60 259 40 4 70
4 194 40 455 67 293 120 470
.8 231 40 455 66 293 80 470
8 224 120 455 52 322 120 470
0 265 160 463 45 353 200 470
1 254 SO 4 65 60 363 120 470
naa AND notion.
2 130 . . . 260 97 90 40 323
3 176 . . . 2 75 1 260 . . . 3 25
1. . ; 210 . . . 275 1. . . 280 . . . 325
1 210 . . . 275 37 110 . . . 3 10
2 25S . . . 300 121 106 . . . 3 f,0
235 . . . 300 66 87 . . . 350
26 71 . . . 300 102 86 . . . 350
1 150 . . . 300 63 79 . . . 360
1 210 . . . 300 22 90 . . . 360
1 350 . . . 300 52 103 . . . 360
2 275 . . . 300 22 120 . . . 360
1 270 . . . 300 140 116 120 375
6 50 . . . 300 124 ICC 40 373
2 310 . . . 300 95 114 . . . 390
3 226 . . . 300 29 116 . . . 390
2 CO . . . 300 66 121 . . . 400
1 200 . . . 300 10 110 . . . 400
3 223 . . . 310 12 130 . . . 409
77 62 . . . 3 12V4 1 200 . . . 415
7 78 . . . 325 16 132 40 420
1 68 . . . 3 25
SHEEP There were no fresh receipts of sheep.
The demand was good and the market quotnbly
8t ody on at Idecent killers. Pair to choice naIves -
Ives are ( | untable at $2.25iQ'2.90 ; fair to good
westerns. $2.00tT2.60 ; common and stock sheep ,
1.2501.75 ; good to choice 40 to 100-1 b. lambs ,
2.50U3.75. Representative sales :
No. Wt. Pr.
238 Colorado mixed 78 $2 10
Itacelptft nnil nUpoilUcin of Stock.
Official receipts nnd disposition of stock ns
shown by the books of the Union 8tmk : Yards
company for the twenty-four hours ending at 3
o'clock p. m. , Tuesday , November 19. HOI :
Care. Head.
Cnttle 161 4r. i5
KS . . . . / 167 12,433
Cattle. HOBS. Sheep.
Omaha Packing'company 2,170
The G. II. Hammond Co 71 2,081
Swift and Company CCS 3,360 328
The Cudahy Pncklng Co. . . : . . 1,132 2,287
G. II. H. , Sioux City 106
J. Lobman ISO
L. Decker 118
A. Haas 318
H. Decker & Dcgen. . . ' . 201
Vnnsant & Co 114
J. L. Cnrcy . . . . , 292
ir. & 8 144
I'enton & W S3
Shippers and feeders 711 291
Left over i , . , . 400 2.000
Totals 4,330 12,301 328
Cattle Supply Ytas Largo Though Choice
Wtcers Were Sc.ircr.
CHICAGO , Nov. 20. The cattle supply was
large. Natives were salable nt from $1.25 to 16.40 ,
westerns at from 11.75 to $4.75 , and Texans
at from $1.40 to (3.40. There was little change
In prices. Choice steers were scarce and firm
and other descriptions were generally steady.
Stockers nnd feeders were In good demand at
full prices. Veal calves were strong.
The run of hogs for today was about 35,000
lirad , and the market opened dull and lower.
Compared with yesterday's opening prices there
wua a decline of ISc , heavy grades selling oft
to from $1.40 to $1.90 , and light weights selling :
from $4.20 to $1.65. At those quotations there was
active business. The prevailing prices for heavy
hogs were from $1.60 to $4.80 , and for light
welchts from 14.35 to $4.50. Poor stuff sold nt
from $1 to $4.25 , nnd there was trading In culls
at from $2.60 In (4. The market closed steady.
The sheep market today wan also steady for all
descriptions. Fairly liberal tecelpls me expected
during the remainder of the week. The quality
of the receipts Just at present Is anything but
good. Quotations were : Sheep , from $1 to $3 ;
lambs , from $2 to $4.
Receipts : Cattle , 10.000 hend ; calves , 600 head ;
hogs , 35,000 head ; eheep , 12,000 head.
The Evening Journal reportsr HogHRecelpts. .
35,000 head ; olllclal yesterday , 35.836 head ; ship
ments , 6,683 head ; left over , about 13.000 head ;
quality Improved ; more heavy lots ; market only
moderately nctlve , but prices nro steady und
unchanged : sales range nt II.0304.&Q for light ,
$ l.23ifft.45 for rough packlngr. $ I.25 ? 4.SO for mixed ,
$1.50ft4.95 for heavy packing and shipping lots
ind $2.40JI.C3 for pigs.
CATTLK Receipts. 10.000 head ; market mod
erately active , llrm nnd steady.
SHEEP Receipts. 12.000 head ; In good demand ;
market s.trong , and on best grades prlcus are 5Q >
lOc higher. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Nt. LnuU l.lvo mode Mnrknt.
ST. LOUIS. Nov. 20.-CATTLn Receipts. 4.600
head ; shipments , 900 head. Market active , with
gi d demand for bcrt bulclier grades. No fine
Hhlp'tlnic grades offered ; nnUve stteis of 1,130
to 1,300 Ibs. brought $3,6504.40 ; comm.n light
steers , I2.00tt2.40 ; cows , $ l.t52.CO ; line heifers.
$3.00 ; Texas steers , 2..OiT3.00 ; cows , JI.OJtt-.30.
HOGS Receipts. 12.2JO head : shipments , SOO
head. Market opened firm , but closed lOc off ,
heavy ranged , J4.Wt74.SO ; mixed and light , $4.25
O4.65 ; common , J3.6004.20.
HHKBP Rece'pts , 1.600 head ; shipments , none.
Market steady , hut Flow ; native mixed , $2.15 ®
260 ; lambs , $3.0033.21.
Itnii'iK City I.IVH Slock Miirknt
KANSAS CITY. Nov. 20. CATTLE-Rccelpts.
10.000 head ; shipments. 2,600 head ; maikel weak
to lOo lower ; Texas steers. J2.03.S3.25 ; Texas cows ,
$1.65(83.10 ( ; beef steers , | 3.0flfs,60 ; native cows ,
$1.60fi'3.2j ; stockers und feeikts. $1.3533.60 ; bulls.
1IOC1S Receipts , 13,003 head : shipments , 10'
( lend ; market 101H5c lower ; bulk of pales. $1.10
6 > 4.5 : heavies. H.4304.70 ; packers , $ M5I.70 ;
mixed , $1.3034.65 ; lights , Jl.UijI-W ; Yorkers , $ I.2J
04.35 ; pigs , $ _ 50S3.tiO.
SHEEP Receipts. 3,500 heart ; shipments , 2MO
head ; market , ste.tdy , unchanged ,
> civ York l.lvo SlmiU Marknt.
NKW YORK. Nov. 2. HEEVES-Recelpls. 2)1
head ; none on sale. European cables quote
American steers at Sllc , dressed w 'ilil ; re-
filKerntor beef at CfSc ( ; exports today , 780 beeves ,
: ,1S quarters of beef.
CAI.VES-llecelpls. 54 head ; low and weak ,
8IIEKI1 AND LAMRS Receipts. 3,470 head ; 40
oare en sale : dull but steady ; over C.600 head
unsold ; sheep , poor to prime , $2.00j3.00 ; lambs ,
common to choice. 2.60 < 74 (0
IIOO8 Receipts. 8,425 head ; weak at $4.40 ® 1.75.
Stock In sight.
Record of receipts at Uu four principal mar
kets for Tuesday , November 10 , 1891 :
Cattl" . HOES. Sheep ,
South Omaha 4,5U 12,433
Chicago , 1 .0 35.COO 12.00 <
Kanis City . . { 10.00. ) 13.000 J.HX
81. Louis 4.650 12,200 1.6K
Totals , ' M.lSi 72,633 17,10
hugar MurKni ,
NEW YORK , Nov. 20. SUQAR Raw. steady ;
Sales. 2W ) bags centrifugal , K , lest , atlie. .
rrflnttl. qlllcl.
LONION ) ( Nov. 20. SI'CIAR Cnne , weak nm :
rlipreised ; centrifugal Java. 12 ; Muscovado ,
fair rellivnK , s W.
Oil Mnrkf-tn.
_ prl , SS a Cd ; November and December shipments
via cape , SSs > d ,
i octiiu Jlitr. lie.
salts , spot , 4JIM boles ; to arrive , 2,75) bales , to-
"IPts , Jl.tta bales ; exports , to Ornil Ili-llaln.
18.224 hnlt-s : to the continent. 8HI luilej ; Hoik.
3M.089 lm\tf. \ Futures , slendy ; n\\t \ . M.400 Imtfu.
November. $5.14 bid ; December. $5.1W5. ; , Tnn-
uory. $3.23flj,24 : lbriinry , $ S.20 < | i.30 ; March. $1.31
5- i April , J5.4 < MJJ.4li May , IS.4 { fi.4 . June.
l5.Ue&S2 ; July , $5.3705.63 , August , J3.CJe6.GI.
St. I-oul < Clrnonil
fiT. LOUIS , Nov. rO. FLOlMl-lull. un
changed ,
WHEAT-Opened He off , dropped > $ o more ,
hen milled ! 4fl < , p. hut clo cd No under yeMer-
IlJ&MCh.mI l' < lmlr. 61Hc ; Mny. 6'"ic.
COHN-Wns wrnk nnd tfised off ' ( .tfUc. but
closrd Just n shade belter ; cnsh. 45 c ; liecem-
b r. 4JWcj May. 4UfllCtto.
OATHpA shade better ; casti , 30HCJ Dcccm-
HYIPrmi | C214.C.
IJARLEY-Held firmly ; nothing done.
HA\ Quiet nnd unchn-ced.
nilAN-KIrm : C3ncr.c nt mills.
FLAX SKED-Qulct ! 11.41 ,
LEAp Firmer , with sales of chemical hard
' Illll * 11 12'i nuked
WHISKY Steady , ' $1.23.
IICTTnil-Unclmngetl ,
EGOS steady nt 17c ,
nAnaiNJ-5\4BCHc. according to weight ,
PROVISIONS Pork , lower ; $12.C2',4. ' Uird ,
lower : steam , 16.8714 ; choice. $7. Dey nnd mil
meats , quiet nt previous quotations.
RECEIPTS Flour , 1,000 Mils. ; wheat , 16.COO
bu. : corn. 25.000 hu. ; oats , 24.000 bu.
SIIlPMliNTH Flour , 9.000 Mils. ; wheat , 3,000
bu.j corn , 7OuO bu , ; oats , 1,000 bu.
MlmirupnlU Murkot.
MINNEAPOLIS. Nov. 2) ) The wheat market
eased off this morning nnd wns at one time
about ? ic lower than the close of the prevloun
day. Cash wheat closed that much under ycster-
dny , although futures milled towntd the end of
the tension nnd were but * ic lower nt the cloe
The cause of Ihc decline wan mainly due to free
selling and lower cables. Larger tccolpls of
corn , too , nnd consequent l < iwer pilcfs produced
somt effect on the wheat markets. The oMxirts
were fair nnd receipts lighter nt primal v points ,
which encouraged holders. Pat s HH : HiK > firm
and Indian shipments were smaller Umn the
week before. All these latter Items nsslMed to
maintain the market. November , 5S\c : May ,
WHCCO'ic ; on track , No. 1 hard , 6Hc ( ; No. 1
northern , 69'4c ; No. 1 northern. S7Jc ; receipts.
161,480 bu. ; shipments , 23.210 bu. The Hour mar
ket was easier , although noklnir prices were
nearly as high as yesterday. Patents , $3.20 ®
3.CO ; bakers. $2.10ti225.
Wool .Market.
ST. LOUIS. Nov. 20. WOOL Steady , with
fair demand ; Missouri nnd Illinois medium. Hit
16c ; coai-se nnd braid. 14c ; tints meilluin , 11 T'2- ' ;
heavy nnc , 9H914o ; Texas in dlum , 12H14c ; ( in-
medium , 9012c ; coarse nnd low , Sidle ; llht
fine , lOSHc ; heavy line , "iffSc : western nnd
nwthern medium , 1101-c : line medium , 9fllc ;
coarse nnd low , " ( llOe ; light fine , W94c ; heavy
line , 7fl8c.
I1OSTON , Nuv. 20. The wool nm-hft has
shown a decided Improvement during the Jinst
ws k. Ohio nnd No. 1 lleece , 2nft21e ; X and XX
nnd iibovc , 18V4C19c ; Oli'o delaine Ilcpoes , 19JJ1
We ; Montana line nnd line medium , 10fl3e ; No.
2 medium. 12fl2'4c ; Wyomlnff , I'tnh , Dnkoln.
Nevada , Idaho nml Colorado line nnd line
mi.-ilhim , 9 ? llc ; No. 2 medium , Iiyi2o ; Cali
fornia wools , spring northern , IStfl'c ; middle
country , spring , 10'i/llc ; Oregon wools , eastern
fair , OBlOc ; Auntrallan combings , BUperll c , 41
@ 4lc ; average , SSQlOc.
KHIIII Cltv M r' < ot .
KANSAS CITY. Nov. 20. WHEAT Me lower ;
No. 2 hard , 60c ; No. 2 red , 49Vic ; No. 3 red ,
4S c.
OATS In tnlr demand ; No. 2 mixed , S0'ff3lc ;
No. 2 while , nominally 33I314c.
HUTTER-Stcady ; creamery , ICjfllc ; dairy , 13
EGGS Stnady ; strictly fresh , lc.
RECEIPTS Wheat , 1,400 bu , ; corn , 62.COO bu. ;
oats , 2.000 bu.
SHIPMENTS Wheat , 200 bu. ; corn , none ; oats ,
none. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
DulntliVlirat Mnrliet ,
DULUTH , Nov. 20. No. 2 northern , cash ,
66Jc ; No. 3 , 635ic ; rejected. 60ic ; to arrive , No.
1 northern , 67c : No , 1 hard. Cl'Jc ; No. 1 hard ,
cash and November , ClUc ; No. 1 northern , cash
and November. 67c ; December , 61Vic ; Mnj , C2c.
TrUce \Vhont ( Juotiitlons.
, 20.-WHEAT-nasy ;
December , t6c ; May , $ I.C41i.
Do You Want To . Booomo
nnd Not 1 lit Ulint It Nrcilerl.
What thin people want Is flesh , nnd no !
fnt. To bo symetrlcal nnd properly proper *
tinned , cvo person should have a certain
amount of flesh. To bo plump docs not
necessarily mean to be fat. 1AU la undesir
able , It clogs and retards the action of every
muscle , Interferes with the healthy action
of the heart and lungs , and when e.xct&slon
predisposes of fatty degeneration of vital
organs ; to sny nothing of the discomfort
more or less , resulting from excessive adi
pose tissue.
Common sense would suggest , that It ona
wishes to become fleshy and plump , the thing
most needed would be llcsh forming foods , In
other words , albuminous fools , like PRKS ,
beef , oatmeal , etc. The kinds of food that
make flesh are thu foods form the greater
part of our dally bill of fare.
Now , the only reason so many people re
main thin Is because thvlr stomachs do not
properly and completely digest and assimi
late the flc h-fonnlng beef steak and cgga
we eat every day.
There are thousands of such people and
they are really dyspeptic , although they may
not suffer any particular pain or Inconven
ience from their Blomaclis. If such persona
would take with tliclr meals some prepara
tion like Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets the fooil
would be quickly digested and the proper
degree of plumpness very BOOII necured , be
cause these tablets are prepared exactly for
that purpose. They will digest every variety
of flesh-forming food , which Is the sole reason
why they so quickly build up and strengthen
thin , dyspeptic men nnd women.
Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets cure dyspepsia
nml every form of indigestion on this com
mon sense plan , that they digest the food
promptly , giving strength to every nerve
nnd organ In the body , while at the same
time the stomnch has a chance to rest hn.rt
recover Its natural vigor. Nothing further
Is required to cure uiiy stomach trouble or
to make thin , dyspeptic people strong , plump
nnd well.
This excellent preparation Is manufactured
by the Stuart Chemical Co. , Marshall. Mich. .
and sold by druggists everywhere at GO centa
per package.
Commission Merchant
Grain ami Provisions.
Private wires to Chicago and New York.
All buslni'su orders phtccil on
Board of Trade.
CorieEpoudeiice solicited.
OMIce , room 4 , New York Ufo
Oniaha. Tulephono 130S.
WS &ESP doin8' the UBNITURE , CAR-
Si HHHJ& PET and STOVE business of Omaha-
Stacks ot goods leave our warehouse daily loaded on
wagons sky-high. It is good goods , low prices and easy
terms that is doing it all. If you have never dealt with
us you should do so at once in justice to yourself.
Dinner Sets $8.65 worth $17.50
Tea Sets 4.15 worth J9.GO
Toilet Sets 2.65 worth 8C.5U
Piano Lamps 4.95 worth jioro
Banquet Lamps. . . 1.90 worth 80.00
China Cuspilorcs. 35c worth $1.00
Oak Center Tables. 98 c
Wardrobes $4.90
Hall Hacks 8.25
Folding Beds. . 14.50
Mattresses 2Cf"\ worth fl.W
Springs worth
Parlor Suits.$14,75
Bed Lounges. . . 6.90
Single Lounges. . 3Q C wqrrh
Divans 4,80 w"rth r 10.00
Plusli Rockers. . . 3.00 wor'h
Leather Couches. . 9.75 wortl1
$10 00 worth of poods ,
ash $1.00 per week or $1.00 per month
$25.00 worth of goods ,
OR $1.50 per week or $0.00 per month
$50.00 worth of goods ,
redlt. $2.00 nor week or $8.00 per month
. $75.00 worth of goods ,
$2.50 ) ior wcok or 810.03 per month
Take your choice. Your trade $100.00 worth of ( 'ooils ,
is equally appreciated $3.00 ior : week or $12 00 per month
whether you pay cash or on $203.00 worth of goods ,
payments. $1.00 per week or 615.00 per month
Formerly People's Mam moth Installment House t
Open Monday and Saturday Evenna3. ! _ ?
HgEMT inH-JrifTTT iiriNiTrrin > iHffTwiTM-rc
TblsKre tVeg < t-bl *
, , , , , ,
tlon of a famous French pliyticl.n , will quickly euro you ot all utr.
youa or dlw-urs,1110 * generative cirfcsiii , siicli in LcstM-nhood ,
Insomnia , 1'iilniln tUollucHemlnol Jiuilulinin , Krrvnuii Drbllllr.
J'lmplou , Uiifllniws to Marry , Kzlmiiitlu. Drulin Varloorcla and
Constliutlon. It.topn a II IOMM brdar or night I'rcvenl * qulck-
IH _ of diTCh-rcp , wlilcu U not ch rVfd iftutt to Hperraalorrtiam anil
AFTER nil tlioliorrornor Impot ncr. ! yi'IHKl tcleaj > e toUveri Ui
kldney thourlnaryorgainof UUnuurtU _ ,
The ri-iuon nulTerpri sru not cured by Doctors H brc-uie ninety per rent ( ire troubled with
I rostnllll < . CUl'I HEN fill tilt ) only known remrdr to cure without unoporatluri. tUXJimlmnnl-
sli. A written jrunrBnt B given and mnney returned If six boxes does nole ecla vorumueutcut *
I ! 00 a bor , six for fVCO. by mall. B nd for rK-K circular nU tesilmonlala.
: CO. , P.O. Boxa77 , Sanl--ranclacoCal. - -
UOOUMAN UKUQ CO. , 1110 FurnuiuBUcot.Otual ; * .