Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 21, 1894, Page 3, Image 3

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    THE 03EAJIA DAILY BEE : WEDtf : JE/il / VY , KOVEMBER 21 , 3804.
Deliver * ) by carrier to anr P tt of th ctly.
tl. W. TILTON , Le M.
7ELKriIONES-Ilu lne s ofllcs. No. it ; nl h ;
attor , No. tJ.
Mayne Real Estit agency. GJ9 Broadway.
* The city council will meet as committee of
the whole this evening.
Tlio ladles Of Hie First Presbyterian church
will meet this afternoon at 2 o'clock In the
uhurcli parlors to make comfortables.
The Ilebclfali Ilellef association will meet
today at 2 p. m. with Mrs. Gates. Ladles
will sew for the sick. A full nttendanca
Is desired.
Mlsi Kate Meyers , wlillo going to her
at homo at 410 1'ark avenue late Monday even
ing , fell over an embankment and was se
merely bruised.
The Ladles' Aid society of St. John's Eng
lish Lutheran church will meet Thursday
afternoon nt the residence of Mrs. H. J.
Meyer , 2212 Sixth avenue.
Sles. Blclolfo and Montanclll , the well
known musical artists , will glvo another of
their unique concerts In the rotunda of the
Grand hotel this evening from 7 to 9.
Invitations are out for the St. Andrew' *
society banquet , to bo given St. Andrew's
s day. All rccc.vlng Invitations will consider
themselves lucky , tor this society has become
famous for the success of Us entertainments
In the past.
Johnson's candy store , at 811 Main street ,
was broken Into by some small boys Mon
day night. They cracked a pane of glass
and took out a lot of candy and fancy ar
ticles. The police are on the trail of the
young thieves.
Hev. Dr. Asktn Is preparing fora "Mendels
sohn night" at the Congregational church
next Sunday night. His discourse will have
Its subject drawn from the llfo of this great
composer , and all the music rendered will
be from his pen.
Judge Smith has granted a continuance
In the cauo of Thompson against the Union
Land and Improvement company. The de
fendants have filed a motion asking that
0. C. Jouss and John W. I'aul be made cod -
d fendants with them.
The ladles of the First Presbyterian church
gave an enjoyable social lat evening In the
church parlors , qulto a crowd being present.
Mrs. W. W. Sherman and Miss Husk ren
dered vocal and Instrumental selections and
Miss Edith Thomas recitations.
Tomorrow night is "ladles' night" at the
Whist club. Klaborato preparations have
Ijeen made for lecelvlng the lady friends of
the members at the club rooms In the Mer-
rlam block and letting them In on the Be-
crcta of whist as she Is played.
S. I ) . Wadsworth , who "set 'cm np" on
the strength of his having won the Qany-
inedo bicycle , finds that he did so too soon.
II , E. Urlmm won the ticket from him some
little tlmo ago at an Innocent game * of ca-
elno , or the like , and Wadsworth forgot all
about 11 until It was everlastingly too late
and his treat had all been absorbed.
There Is an Improved lot on Broadway , In
Bamo block with postoillce , 50x192 feet , south
front , which you can buy of us for $6,000.
Easy terms. Lougee & Towle , 235 Pearl
Still Helen lit tliu lloHlon Store.
Sweeping reductions In every department
this week ; we must have more room for the
holiday goods which are arriving dally , and
\ have made prices that will speak for them
34-Inch English cashmeres , good line of
shades , goods usually sold al 25c a yard , we
offer them at 12',4c a yard.
Figured silk crepes for fancy work , regular
price , 89c ; our price , 65c a yard.
46-Inch all wool storm bcrges In black
navy and browns , usually sold at 7Gc a yard
now-50o ' a yard.
Just received 2 cases ladles' wool ribbed
underwear , goods that sold early In the sea
son for 75c to 90c , we place them on sale al
Gi'/jo each ; $1.2J a suit.
00 extra value In ladles' and children' )
wool mittens , marked IGc , 25c and S3c a pair.
Hoys' wool socks that sold for 25c a pair
we offer at 12' c a pair.
Men's cashmere and natural merino socks
rcducbd from 29c to 19c a pair.
Men's 50c chasmere hose just half price
2Su a pair.
We have Just received a new assortmenl
of mUses and children's caps In all style
and shaucs at 26c and EOc each.
uio neuucTioNS IN BLANKETS.
Fowler , Dick & Walker ,
Council Dluffs , la.
3. II. Purccll has gone to Chicago.
J. C. Richards Is spending a week In Mar
D. F. Richer has returned from a month'
visit to Colfax.
Mr. C. A. Atkins has returned from
week's visit at Ileatrlcc , Neb.
Mrs. M. C. Dally of Dunbp Is vlsttln
with her sister , Mrs. J. H. . Purccll.
Mr. Illlss of Allegan , Mich. , Is In th clt }
the guest ol K. A. lllanclmrd and family , o
South Eighth street.
Miss Gcrtlo Vlngst of Harrlsburg , Pa. ,
In the ctly for a visit of a few days wit
Mrs. G. E. Meyers , on Broadway.
Miss Van Camp of Omaha Is In the clt ]
the , guest of Miss Luella Hoga and Cai
tain O. M. Drown , on South Seventh stree
The Misses Elizabeth nnd Jeanette Qai
diner of Clinton , la , , are expected to arrlv
In the city today for a visit with Mrs. Mi
Ktino nnd Mrs. I. M. Treynor , on First ai
eiuie ,
Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Francis have returnc
from a trip to Arkansas , While on the
way they had the- rather Interesting ei
pcrlenco of being on the train that was he
up In the Indian Territory.
II. P. Soar , William Blchel , Otto and E
Saar , John Pfellfer and Albert Saar ! ia\
returned from a hunting expedition In N
braska , bringing with them twenty gees
seventeen rabbits and thirty chickens.
There will b * a lecture given on "Dnglli
Polks" Friday evening , at St. John's Uni
llsh Lutheran church , James hall , 17 Pea
street , by W. M < Swain of Omaha. Soclab
after lecture. Whole charge , 25 cents.
topp * Cluirr uuit llcrli Tiinlo
Can be purchased only of the O. R. Wheeli
Brewing company. Wheeler & llereld , Com
ell Bluffs. la. _
Washerwomen uiu IJomeiuo 1009.
Herd ( luU III * IHtorcc.
County Treasurer W. B. Reed has bet
granted a divorce from his wife. Mrs. Rce
who Is with her Bister In Kansas City , maine (
no defense.
W. M. Anderson has commenced a suit
the district court for a divorce from Ma
Anderson , alleging that within a year oft
their marriage- she had commenced to fr
quent Improper places In Omaha.
Gertrude McNalr has also begun a suit f
a divorce from Charles McNalr on t
ground of habitual drunkenness.
Selected hard wood for Dealing stoves.
II. A. COX. 37 Main street. Tel. 41
Ten per cent discount on all trimmed ha
this week at Mies Uagdalo'a.
Car'e laundry , 724 Broadway , fsr jo
wprk. T l. 187
The Uundrlea tic * Domestic soap.
The following parties took out marrla
licenses yesterday at llie county clerl
ofllco ;
Name and Address. At
Boren Wllladvm. Council Bluffs .
Klratine M. Sorensen , Council Blurts .
C. 15. Brown , Lewis township . , .
Emma M. Belied , Council Bluffa . . . . . .
Qai cooking itovei for riot and tor al *
Gat Co. ' office.
Dr. I. U. Parsoni , Archer block. Tel. 2
Davit iclls drugs , paints and glass che
Cmeitlo soap oatlaiU cheap ioap ,
Recent Heal Estate Transfers Revive the
Talk of a Union Depot.
Itutnnr * Hint Hit * Compuny Intend * to Con *
tollilnto III Local flu tit niull a to
Incite Other ICoad * ( o loiter
Tcrnnnnl Stiitlon.
The recent organization of the Union In
vestment company has aroused considerable
Interest , from the fact that It contains some
of the ablest financiers of the > city , and Its
large capital stock leads to the conclusion
that great things are to bo attempted.
Among the Incorporates are W. W. Loomls ,
Leonard Everett , N. P. Dodge , George F.
Wright , S. Farnsworth and William Moore.
The first thing to cometo light as an In
dication of the purpose of the organizers
was when a deed was fllcJ yesterday with
the county recorder transferring the title In
What Is known as "the union depot prop
erty" from E. 13 , Hart to the Union Invest
ment company. This property Includes
blocks 5 , 31 and 32 of Riddle's subdivision ,
and extends from Seventh to Ninth street
and from Ninth to Tenth avenue. The con
sideration named Is $30,000 , and the deed Is
made subject to four mortgages amounting
to $0,000.
The purpose of this transfer Is Ulll kept
from the public , but there are several well
defined rumors , which lead to the belief
that there are to be some radical changes
In the railroad business In this city In the
near future. Rock Island railroad officials of
the top crust have recently been visiting the
city and teconnoltcrlng the union depot
grounds , and the probability Is that befi re
long the result of their In/oUlg.tiiona i\lll
be shown In the removal of the freight ui.d
passenger depot , the yards and the round
house from their present wllp'y ccatlerel
localities to the strip ol land running alcng
Ninth avenue from Ninth ntr < ? et to Main.
Such , at least , Is the rumor now floating
around , and n well authenticated ru
mor H Is. The Hock Island people have
already secured options on .ill of this terri
tory running from Seventh to Main , nnd ins
purchase of the union depot pioperty by
the Union Investment company Is talpn : o
01. the same as the purc'msu ' by the * Hook
Island company.
! t Is also reported that an effort willis
node to Induce other roads as Cast as pos
- sible to enter the new Rock Hliud depot
thus bringing the much-mo'inu'J union do-
pi' , schema again to life. This wl.l he worth
- many thousands of dollars t. ) ( ho Hock Isl-
. company , as It will l < rgf > ly Increase
tralflc , by making Its depots so much more
- accessible to the public. An examln.Hlon of
the cltv map shows that only a short tp'ir
of track would have to be run fru-n the
luofent track to land trains on the proposed
silo of the new depot , and only one bloc )
of paving would bo requlr : . ! to connect 'he
grounds with the paved streets to the nn th.
. I'rom the new grounds accchs tan bj caal y
secured to the Omaha Bridge & Terminal
company's tracls ; , which means the connec
tion with Omahu by the now bridge.
Some of ths local repr ontat'ves ' of the
Kork Island were seen laet evening lor the
purpose of finding out wh it they k'lew oi
tic ! proposed plans of the. roiiipinv as lal.l
down In the above rumors , bin the attempt
was not a glittering success They unani
mously displayed a great d.xl of reticence
re-fusing to cither affirm ur 'Isny. One cl
them generously gave the Information that
the general offices of the company were In
Ch-cago , and It would he a compiratlvely
e sy matter to buy a Mck .t and go thtre
for an interview with the head officials. vMic
, doubtless would know If tlirtr * was r.ij : thing
, unusual In the wind. Nevertheless , llie&i
rumors are given on good authority , and the
people cf Council Illufts need not be sur
prised.If they tee In the. near futiue
tig advance In the sort of rillwiv fatlllllei
afforded them' by at least one of the bit
trunk lines now center Ins here.
ForcliiK Ilown I'rlciu.
33 children's heavy winter jackets , all wi
got. ago 4 to 12 years. They Bold at $3
$3.SO , $4.EO and $5 ; wo want to close then
: out. Your pick today , $1-50 each.
\Vo have In stock twelve ladles' fines
quality seal plush sacijucs , car ; led over fron
last season , In small sizes only , 32 and 34
they sold at $25 , $30 and $33 ; If you cai
wear small size come early Thursday ; you
choice , $6.08 each.
$4 beaver shawls today at $2.9S.
$3 beaver shawls today at $3.CO.
L'S Finest quality Improved Saxony yarn , larg
skeins , was 15c and ISc , now lOc skein ; Ic
wool , now 12&o ! box ; Angora wool ,
Infants' 20c all wool knit booties , 5c pah
y.Dll New lot down sofa pillows , 59c each. 25
curtain shades , lOo each.
Is' I BOo best quality opaque curtain * shade
now 29c each.
New shades In girls' capes , Just In , at 50
Pand C9o each. 1JBNNISON HHOS. ,
> Council bluffs.
irve Mollior mill Son ut U'nr.
Ic- The case of Jane Klrhy against Wllllan
IV- her son , was before Judge Smith yes'criu
for a short time , on a motion for a
uir ance. Mrs. Klrby , who Is 15 yearj of cge ,
seeking to compel her son to support In
! In her petition she alleges that ho compclle
her by threats of personal violence to dec
Cd to him forty acres of farm land fir JJ.OC '
which were worth-about twice that amoup
< and then turned her out of the houta to shl
se , for herself , a thing which , at her advance
age , she finds a pretty dlfi'.ciilt i r-eratlon fc-t
wants the co.irt to compel him to pay t. <
Ifh the sum of ? 300 per am im foHie lest (
ig- her life to aid n ner support. In reply I
nrl these charges William Klrby denies Jhat 1
ble over made any threnH , und says he III-P a
ways been ready ti jd\e his mother , \ lion :
with himself an I wlf * . but siu refiHoJ
live with him unless he wouM cut loose froi
his wife. The ra evau finally allowed I
m go over until the next tsrni to allow tl
defence further Hmfl for preparation.
Mrs , Everett will entertain the mcmbci :
and friends of St. Paul's congregation at hi
home , on Second avenue , Wednesday evei
ed , 1"B. November 21. A cordial Invitation
lju extended to all.
Oruml Hotel , C'au n ft I ItlulTa , llroprncil.
In Newly furnished. Every modern cot
iry venlenc- . First class In all respects. Rate
terre J2.50 to $3.00 E , F. CLAUK , Proprleto
D'.mestla toip brraki hard water ,
11 CUT 'The I onililnit" Won.
At last the returns from all the count ! '
are In , and yesterday It was known for tl :
first time Just how the figures stood at tl
last election In the Judicial district. The vo
ats received by each candidate was as follov
In the eight counties composing the dlstrlc
Smith. 20.183 ; Thornell , 20.IG2 ; Orten. 19.90
Culllson , 10.105 : Kelley , 10.H3 ; Ware , 15,00 '
Smith's majority , 4,024 ; Thornell's majorlt
3,997 ; Green's majority , 3,738 ,
At Grand Hotel I'cstal Telegraph offl
ihorthaml reporter and typewriter will wrl
age letters , deposition ! , etc. , very chrap.
Dry pine kindling ( cr sale. Cheaper tbi
cobj. II. A. Cox , 37 Main itrett. Tclephoi
ge. 48.
> I'lrununr burprlie
50 Mr. and Mrs. F , Q. I'felffer were ve
23 pleasantly surprised by their many frlen
it yesterday , It being tho25th anniversary
thslr marriage. The surprise was comple
. . At 6 o'coccn \ the morning they were treat
" * to a serenade b
eap. daughter , Miss Alma , who has been vlsltl
In Oregon for the past four months ; M
Ffelffer'i ilster , Mrs. Zeneckle of LJnco
Neb. , nnd her niece , Miss Fay of Lyons , ar
rived later In the day , Their home was
taken pouccslon of by their friends , who
spent the evening In playing games and so
cial conversation. Refreshments were served.
Mr. and Mrs. Pfelffer were the recipients of
many beautiful presents. Mlsa Joncuskl of
Omaha dtllghted the guesta with her vocal
and Instrumental music.
Bcurlclus * music houie has few expenses ;
high grade planoa are sold reasonably. 118
Stutsman street.
Oil cake , $1.10 per sack at Davis' .
Ul'.D.tll H.iriDS' 1'OSTOrt'lCK llOltllKt ) .
Mntiy Letter * Opened but I.lttlo Money
\Vn Secured.
CEDAR RAPIDS , In. , Nov. 20. ( Special
Telegram. ) Last night after 10 o'clock bur
glars succeeded In opening the boxes at the
postofflcc containing mall belonging to T. M.
Sinclair company and the Order of Hallway
Conductors. Klfty or sixty letters were
taken , carried to a stairway on Second avenue
nuo and opened , where they were found this
morning. Nearly all contained money orders
or drafts , none of which were taken. It Is
not believed much currency was secured.
There U no clew to the robbers.
1.ill In-rum In Conference.
IOWA CITY. la. , Nov. 20. ( Special Tele
gram. ) The eastern conference of the Iowa
synod of the English Lutheran church opened
here last night. Sermons nnd addresses were
given by Hcv. W. II. Blancke of Davenport ,
Hev. J. W. Breltcnbach of Clinton and Hev.
M. L. Mcllck of Falrfleld. The meeting was
held In the new $8,000 church dedicated
Thousands of cases of rheumatism have
been cured by Hood's Sarsaparllla. This Is
abundant reason for belief that It will euro
you ,
nvritEMK couitr f.
LINCOLN , Nov. 20.-Speclnl. ( ) The su
preme court met pursuant to adjournment.
Im Thomas , esq. , of Hurt county and Wil
liam L. IJrow , esq. , of Douglas county were
admitted to practice. Slauth against Ogden
leave to amend petition In error. momgra
against Hulmquest ; Icnvu to amend petition
In error. Stratton against Nye ; leave to
tile amended petition In error.
The following causes were argued and
submitted : Standard Stamping company
against Hetzel , on motion ; Ctalg against
Clark , on motion ; McMnhun against state
on motion ; Gllcrost against Nantkor , on
motion ; Housh against sUte ; F.irester
against Ilarter , on motion ; Gates against
Uohrer. on motion ; Stough against O-fden
on motion ; Kuhl against 1'lcrce county , on
motion ; Garncau ugnlnst Omaha 1'rlntirg
company , on motion ; State ex rel Mc.Mullen
atalnst Affhohler ; Head ugalnst State ; Mc
Aleese ngnlnst State. Court adjourned untl
tomorrow morning- 9 o'clock. Following
are the syllabi of decisions remitted :
Eckluml against Willis et al. Appeal fron
, Lancaster county. Alllrmed. Opinion by
- Chief Justice Norval. *
An nllcieil error not brought to the atter.-
tlon of the trial coutt will not be considered
- by this court on a. review of the case by
petition In error.
2. A finding based upon conflicting testl
morS- will not be set aside unless found to
be clearly wrong.
3. Held , that the evidence was suillclent to
authorize the appclntmont cf a receiver to
take charge cf the mortgaged premises and
; to collect the rents and prollts accruing
. t. The taking of a stay of the order of
sale under a dcirec of foreclosure Is a
waiver of nil erors In the proceedings In the
case prior to the Lblatnlng < .f such stny.
The Nebraska Mortgage Loan company
ngalnst must. Appeal from Douglas couctj.
Alttrmed. Opinion by Justice 1'ost.
An estoppel to be available us a. cause of
action or defense must bo especially
2. Kvldcnce examined nnd held to sustain
the dectee appealed fiom.
Ingwers-on agaln t K'U-ecomb. ' Appeal
, Madison county , Reversed. Opinion
by Justice Post.
Tim relation of the directors nnd manag
ing ofllcers of nn Insolvent private corpora
tion toward the property anil assets thereof
Is that of trustees for nil of the creditors
Such ofllcers cannot take advantage of their
position to secute n preference for them
selves , but are tcqulrcd to share ralably
with other creditors.
Lanham ngalns > t First National bank of
Crete. Eiror from Saline cuunltHe -
versed nnd remanded. Opinion by Justice
The limitation of two years within which
un action under the provisions of section
5,198 , Revised Statutes of United States ,
may be commenced for the recovery from
a national bank of twice the amount of
usary paid to It date * from the actual
payment of such Intel est and not frcm the
bank's reservation of It from the original
loan by way of discount. ( Following First
National bank of DoiChester against Smith ,
38 Nebraska , 199 , ami Smith ncnlnst First bank of Crete , decided present
term. )
In re Thomas W. Van Seelver. Error
from L-incnster county. Atllrmed. Opin
st ion by Justice Harrison.
Whore u requisition Is made upon the
governor uf one state by the governor ol
another state for the return of nn alleged
; fugitive from Justice and the requisition Is
accompanied by n copy of the complaint
filed In the court to which the party whose
return Is demanded was held to appear by
the examining magistrate , nnd also a copy
of the evidence adduced at the preliminary
hearing before the magistrate , and on
belni ; arrested under n warrant Issued by
the governor In compliance with the re
quest of such requisition the party sues out
ge a writ of habeas corpus In the district
court or before a Judge thereof and
to reverse the order of the dis
trict court or judge denying the- relief
prayed for brines the case to this court
by petition In error , the evidence tnken al
the preliminary hearing will not ha ex-
Ir. arnlmil for the purpose of ascertaining
whether It sustains n charge of the crime
alleged In the Information nor to deter
mine whether It supports the ( Hidingof Uw
examining court that there was probable
! Ciiusu to believe the party had committed
the crime with which he was charced. "
2. Where a requisition Is accompanied by
a copy of an Indictment found by a gram
Jury , the fact that nn Indictment has beer
found Is at least prlma , facie evidence that
the net charged is a crime and Is so re
warded In the state where the act was
done nnd where the policy of prosecutlor
by Information has been established by
, law nnd It appear. . ! . . . from . . . the records ac-
companyliiK1 the requisition t
whose rendition Is asked has been accorded
a preliminary examination us a result ol
1 which he was belli to nppcar ami answei
to the chanro In a h'gher ' court and hue
; be-in duly charged with the crime In the
ed higher court In nn Information filed therein
a copy of which Is attached to the paper.-
pd presented with the requisition to the gov
00 ernor , such Information Is of as high n
't. grade ns a criminal pleading at nn Indict
Ift ment nnd entitled to the same weight as
evidence nnd will be
so considered.
ed 3. The proceedings In a hearing on habeu :
he ; corpus may be reviewed on error , but belnc
.er In its nature a civil proceeding such re
of view must be by petition In error.
to 4. Section 902 of the code , page 9CC , Corh.
Piled Statutes. 1K3. wherein It states "UnU
the legislature ) shall otherwise provide this
alne code shall not effect proceedings on habca :
ne : corpus , " etc. Held : To apply to the mu
tote I reeillnjj's relating to the application for th <
writ of habeas corpus and UN hearing ; am
not to the manner of their review or th <
removal of the case for such purpose.
he 5. Where there Is a trial In i habeai
case nnd It Is Bou ,1it to review allecei
onors occurring during the trial , a motlor
fiir u new trial must be tnndo emb-Jdylni
Mm ' nrrnra i\f which m l in t _ " _ , ' "r
ler prevented ! ; .of the trial complaint court or Is judtre made am am
Is a ru Ing obtained thereon , to entitle tin
complaining party to such review.
Record ngalnst nutters. Error from Dawe *
county. Opinion by Commissioner Ryan
A motion to dismiss an action brought ti
in- this court on error must be sustained whet
ines , the transcript containing the final Judgmen
jr. sought to be vacated was filed In this cour
after the lapse of a year from the date o
Enid ludgmcnt ,
Tullcys against Keller et al. Error fron
Douglas county. Opinion by Commlsslcne
C3 Where It Is shown that a supersedea
hews bond Is entirely Inadequate In amount i
aulllclent bond may be required of the no
pellant as a condition ncccsary to the con
tlnunnce of a stay cf proceedings.
ws Dutton et nl ngalst Pankonln ct al. Erro
cf. for Cnss county. Affirmed. Opinion b-
Commissioner Rag-an.
03 ; "Louisville precinct , " a political subdl
'OC. vision of Cass county , voted its bonds t
ty , aid In the construction of a free wage
bridge across the I'latte river. The count
commissioners of Cnss ccunty Issued th
bonds voted , sold them and used the proceed
He In constructing a free bridge acres
the Platte river near the village of LouU
vllle In said county , and at a point wher
the river is the dividing line between th
c&untles of Cass and Barpy.
The southern portion of the bridge becam
out of repair and unsafe for travel. Th
county commissioners of Cass county wet
notified thereof by three taxpayers an
ery citizens of said county , and requested to re
nds pair the same. The commissioners refuse
to make the repairs on the ground that
of was not the duty of Cass county to ket :
ete. such bridge In repair.
ited Tu compel the commissioners to repa
ielr the bridge said taxpayers Instituted pr
ceedlnga In mandamus. Held ,
ting , 1. That aa these statutes make the mldd
irs. of the main channel of the Platte river tl
alt ) , I boundary Una betwen , the counties of CQ
Hi ( Cr
" °
ill' ' o
Silk Velvets , I9ca
Wednesday . It.
Olive , bronze , rcsctln , helkffrope , tnn ,
blege , blue , orange nut ! grayl , silk vel
vets for only lOc n yard. K' > , '
Wednesday afternoon w pjn'ce on sale
20 dress patterns of 12 yards each , ex
tra line quality black gros grain silk ,
black faille silk or black royal arinuru
silk at ifO.-lS n pattern.
Only one pattern sold to a customer.
25c Dress Goods
All wool 'lO-lnch suitings.
All wool : tMnch Scotch heather mix-
All wool -10-Inch colored cashmeres.
ICplngleiie velours , Hourette mixtures.
fill-Inch gray repellant waterproof.
All worth 40c to lU'c a yard ; making
the grandest lot of bargain ever offered
In America for
Our line of double width Arlington
dross goods consists of so many new
weaves , changeable effects , dots , serges ,
cashmeres , Irrldescoiit mixtures , just the
thing for house wrappers , etc. , all
Dress Linings Free
Balance of this week we give dress
linings free with every purchase of
dress goods at 75c or more per yard
and remember our prices on goods that
expensive are , { less than any other
store In Omaha.
Broadcloths , 69c
Entire Hue of 7."c , S3c , 1)5 ) broadcloth
all cut down to (51)c. ( ) And the line of
Broadcloths at 75c
Is tlio ffl , ? I. 5 nnd ijn.riO'-quallticH. AI
lilK bargains.
All Wool Serges , 33c
Blacks and colors , arc MO inches wide
no one attempts to n.itci ) , them , tlicy
are new , fresh , clean goods , Worth COc a
/ * . ' . ' '
' ' ' * '
yard , and'the
and Sarpy , that the lesal presumption Is thai
the south half of such bridge Is In Cat.
county , and that It Is the duty of the nu.
thorltles of said county-to keep said portlcr
of said bridge in repair , and that the
would be compelled to do so by matiUamui
proceedings Instituted and carried on bj
and In the name of said citizens anil tax
2. That fold brldKe Is not the propcrtj
of said ' 'Louisville precinct. "
3. That such bridge Is the property of tin
public and a part of the public hlshways o
4. Whether It Is the duty of the authorltle
of Cass county to maintain the entire brldgi
In repair and in a condition safe for travel
not decided.
Oregon Kidney Tea cures nervou * head
aches. Trial size , 25entB. . All druggist * .
I.lttlo Trlxl AlaouifT Oooil Progress.
OLATHE , Kan. , Nov. LU Rapid progreE
Is being made in the A. W , Little trial
The statement of the case to the Jury ha
been made on the part of the Btute by J
A. Hale and on- the part of the drfens
by C. H. Hutchlnps. The evidence for th
state Is nbout all In.
Oregon Kidney Tea cures ail kidney tru
- bles Trlft' ulze , 25 cents. All druggists.
I'ulr Wcullier fur Itclmiftlcn niul Wind
Shifting i omh.
WASHINGTON , Nov. 20. The forecast fo
Wednesday Is :
Kor Nebraska and South Dakota Fair
winds Khlfting to south.
Kor Iowa Fair ; wanner , except colder i
the extreme southeast portion ; varlabl
For'Missouri Fair ; colder In the wester
portion ; northwest winds , becoming varlo
bio Kor Kansas Fair ; variable winds. Ilncnrtl.
OMAHA. Nov. 20. Omaha rqcord of temper
, ature and rainfall , compared with the cor
- responding day of past four earg :
Maximum temperature . . . CS CO G4 S
Minimum temperature . . . 28 30 2S 2
Average temperature 43 43 40 !
Precipitation 00 .00 .00
Condition of temperature and preclpltatlo
at Omaha for the day since March 1 , 1831 :
Normal temperature !
Excess for the clay
Accumulated excess since March 1 ts
Normal precipitation OJ Inc
Deficiency for the day . .01 Inc
Total precipitation since March 1 15.CO ! nch °
Deficiency since March 1 15.22 Inche
: ilcports from Other Stt tlon al 8 i' . M.
"T" Indicates trace of precipitation' .
L. A. WKLSH. Observer.
ty he an Heals Running
iBre Sores
he Owes the ,
reed ml re SeppenFs Sting.
ep [
air leotedbf8.8.B. ObiUnata sore * > na ulceri j
tolls heMlna oirers. K remorei the
ro- po ton and bnliai np the r lem. A
mw"e " 4
dle . /
the SWIFT BI'ECIFIO CO. , Atlanta , Oh
46-inch Serges , 39c
Double vrarp , all now colors niul black ,
vorth and usually sold elsewhere Tor
Kic to 7Cc.
Special Bargains
Kxtra large white crochet bedspreads ,
1 each.
72 Inches wide bleached damask , 75c.
-4 full bit-ached all linen napkins ,
were $1.25 , reduced to $1 dozen.
Fringed doylies , 25c , OOc and COu
bulf bleaehed dainiiHl ; , . 25c
IS-lnch bleached llueu crash , lOc yard.
Twilled cotton crash , 3c yard.
White Shaker llannel , ItVio yard.
Mill remnants of yard wide bleached
muslin , liyja yard.
Mill remnants of heavy standard un
bleached sheeting , IS' c yard.
Hest Indigo blue prints , fie yard.
Fast colors dark comfort calico , tt'X-c.
10--1 white blankets , 40c a pair.
11-1 white or gray blankets , $1 pair.
10-lbrown mixed blankets , 7."c pair.
Large size crib blankets , & 0c pair.
Quilted satin , 7" c yard.
Slate colored German canvass , tic yard
Double fold colored bunting , 3c yard.
0--1 blown sheeting 1'JVic yard.
Itemnaiits of llannel less than cost.
Grocery Dept
The great meat sale now on , compare
No. 1 sugar cured hams , Oc ; Xo. 1 sngai
cured picnic' hams , ( ) i ; Xo. 1 sugai
cured bacon , Oc ; 27 pounds granulated
sugar , ? ! . .
House Furnishing Dept
Ktove pipe , 7VGc ; elbows , ! ! e ; coal hods
lie ; collars , Ic ; dampers , He ; Round Oal
stoves , $4.75. Don't jou believe It will
pay you to examine our goods and com
pare prices V
! . Mme. M. YALE ,
World's Fair Medal
and Diploma ,
; ,
3'J ' Kor the flint time In the hlBtory ot tlie worl
Kray hair Is turned back to Its nalufal uml or !
24 nal color without dye. Mine. Vixle'B i\ci-lBlo :
31T lair Tonlo l'iis the rnnrlous iiower of K'Vlni
T ho naUiral coloHng matter circulation , coime
on quently n ( restorlni ; the Bray hairs to their mvi
original color. The c-omplote mastery of thin mar
37 vcluua compound over the human hair hnsw-.e
6 ate l a ceiulne Benwtlm ijll o\cr the worlil
31 and Its dl co\ery has bfc-n hailed ulih encilet
ch loy. There will be no moie Biuy hair to worr
eh over now. an < l no longed necessary to use Ir
lurlous aitlllclal hair djes. Mine. Yule's skll
as a chemlHt h H never been t-riitnlled b ? im
or woman. Bho elands alona H queen and con
nuerop. Thp whnlo waild bows down to her as
p'oneer and eclcnt'et. Ilxcels'.or ' Ilalr Tonic wll
Btop any case of hair from falllnff In ( went *
four hours. It IB n guaranteed turi- for an
nllnvnt of the hair or disease of the scalt
It Is absolutely pure nnl < r 'iom everythln
InJuilouR. It cnn bo taken internally with | > ei
feet safety. H contains nothing Breasy or stick !
has n dcllKhUul ilcllcule odor , and inaktu tl
most perfect hn'.r drefslns Un.iwn for genet i
use. It will aid In keeping fie hair In curl 1
creates a luxuriant. Kloasy growth nnd preservt
ll natural color until the end of jour day
After gray hair has been rcatoied to its natun
color with th's tonic It Is not necessary to co-
tlnue lla utc. except nt 'nti'nulu ' CM a tonic , c
the hair growi out from the scnlp Its own cok
the same as before It turned Bray.
For IViI I llpnris Jt | s the . onl5 > remeii :
1 UI UtUJ 11CUU3
cn „ „ , ] , known I
make the hair grow on bald IK ads. He vure tin
fly. > vu get the Kenulne. Uewarc of counterfeits ar
ImltBtlons. Make sure that every bottle h.
Mme. Yale's photo on. nnd labelled Mme 1
Yale's Kxceltlor Hair Tonic , Guaranteed to I
ay , store gray hair to Its or'e'nnl color without dy
Hold by all dnifrglsts. Mall orders filled. Prl
il.OO iior bottle , six for (3.00.
MMI1 M. YAI.n , Hcnuly and Complexion Pp
clallst. Temple of Deauty , 113 State St. , Cli
caco. 111.
Slim & Bainbridge ,
In the Stiite untl rudontl Courts. Hoon
UO-7-a-O , Shu : url HlosU , Council illufTx , liw.i
CoUqci )
Cd Durkr , at W. d. Homtrs , US Broadway.
C * furniture : city water , born , etc. ; on pavi
itnet. H. P. Olllccr.
housework. 2132 Avenue II.
rent : all modern conveniences ; will rent chco
131 Tails ftvtuue. '
Clothing Sale
Too many high priced suits , and we
lon't Intend to wait till we're "stuck"
too bad on them , but want to sell them
MEN'S SUITS-lmported cheviots ,
fancy worsted and casslmere suits ,
made .In all the late styles , it-button ,
double-brcated sacks , the long 'cut sacker
or frock now selling for ? 18 , ? 20 and
? 22 , marked down for this week's sale
to $11.50. *
5 lots out of the 10 left yet In the $5
men's all wool nulls ; by Saturday night
-very one will be sold ; come tomorrow
and get best choice for ? . " > .
TOO MANY HOYS' high priced knee
pant suits , ages -I to lo years , double-
breasted coals , line all wool serge lining ,
llnest kind of casslmeres , cheviots and
worsteds , new fall patterns ; suits now
sell for $ 1.50 , $3.50 and $15.75 , down for
this week's sale to , ? :5.-15. :
lowest prices In the city.Ve have the
extra long Storm King ulster , and have
just received a fresh lot for $5.
DllHSS OYKItroATS , In molt on and
kersey , brown , tan , double or single
breasted , $10 value Cor . < . " > .
HATS AND C'AF'S--Men's and boys
cloth Itrlghton side bands and yacht
caps , worth 50e , for --e.
HOYS' heavy tmlmiH , worth -lOc , a
big bargain. In two lots , at 15e and ISc
bands , silk lined , bine , black or brown
worth 7.V. for ! ' > .
MKN'S KKOOUAS , worth $2 , very line
fur. price .l > 1. ' . 2.
MKN'S FINE DKH11YS. the latest
styles , worth if'- , our price 'J5c.
Jewelry , Opera
Glasses , etc.
Flno block Morocco covered
oporti gldbBGs , Including leather
cnsoj have ulwuys been $2 ; Mou-
dny for OSa
98c ,
98c ,
Hlegant black Morocco leather
opera glass , with gold tube and
trimmings , achromatic lenses.
They've been $4. Open Man-
lay for $1.08
Beautiful oriental nnd whlto
line achromatic lenses and Mo
rocco leather case ; worth $7 ; 3 ,
for $3.48. Send mall orders. . .
10-line achromatic louse , gold-
brimmed opera glasses , In Mo-
occo leather case : regular beau
ties. $ ; t.05 ; worth $7.50. Send
nail orders
Celebrated Lemalre gold-
trlmint'd ' and handsome oriental
[ > uarl opera glasses-fancy gold
trimmings , achromatic lenses ;
worth , for $ -1.05. Send
mail orders
Watches , Silverware ,
etc ,
Men's Elgin or Waltham Boss-
lllled watches , warranted to | fir
wear ir > years ; value and cheap , .Hil
for $15. Monday , $8.05 I UU
Gold stiffened hunting case i
Klglu or Waltham watches , r J n
made to well wholesale for $10 ; h AM
will be sold Monday for $5.49. . UITU
Flue Elgin or Waltham hand-
engraved gold-niled watches , If ) TO
warranted to wear 20 years ; a Ihi I
$20 watch for $12.50 ILlUU
Ladles' coin silver , fulljewn in
eli-d chatelaln watches , worth /.AH
$7. for $2.48 LltU
Men's or boys' sllverlne stem1 rn
wln'llUK ' watches , $ l.r > ! ) ; worth hM
Storllnjc silver thimbles , We ; Itogors'
host 12-dwt. knives and forks , per sot.
5.1.25 ; llrst class $1.00 nickel ALAHM
( LOCK , Cijc.
Storllns silver belt buckles , OSc : eight-
day oak clock , Imlf-hour strike nnd
alarm , worth $0 , for $2.-18.
A 1 'A I nnn-n-unv mw-miw * § . .
. * - - - - - >
n luiu u
uuy our Warranty Does with EnchMachln * .
The South wick Baling Press Is az-liorso.full-clrclomachlno ,
U liaslholiirKf'st irrd opening of
nny ( ontliiuous-llnlliiL' ,
Doiible-Stioko Press lu
tliu World.
Bales tight ; dr.ift llrht (
Capacity ; Construction ; Durability-oil the BEST.
. They talk in tons the language of profit.
They nro easy sellers. They nraa double stroke press.
Profitable to handle. Writs for catalogue and discounts.
Council Bluffs , Iowa ,
All kinds of Dyeing
and Cleaning done in
the highest style of
the art. Fuded and
Etuined fabrics mad
to look an Rood aa
new. Work promptly
done and delivered
In nil parts of the
country. Send for
price list.
A. 1
llroadway , near Nona
western Depot.
Telephone 22.
J'ntfrln\lij \ tf tl lif ( i "llmlty
Umbrtlltt " Hull \ <
, g\i a - aicuy
Ixiiltfe of Imil ditto mill niro-
le.iinexti Hint iinilenin / IIKIII
ii'Jio carries U u iriiltiliiji c < r.
: icaturaofa gentleman "Ttt'O
J.\ ir.l.\l > , " a nine diid uiti-
brcltufoir itoeftttntt ttulton / /
A liiiiitlioinr , ulilllsli ritiKi , Unit
CHiiliecliiitiyrit Into ti beautiful
tervlcealile uinlirill.i In tin tit *
* l < i t Tlii'if tire "twain one , "
ami are. Ilia h' , nub.
blrst new Iliinu aftliv iie.isitn .t
beautiful jiriteiit to jioumrlfar
anufrtfiul / i''ciiirarrrtf ' / / ,
rare mix ! Iinnillri , iinnnitril in
fullil illiriillltl f/uM Like
{ /OK In ure them , an < llotufotlier
iitieelttm ,
M. VOE-LMAN 409 -
. - , - - Broa-lway
ThU Kumoii.
Kouirtly cures
J _ , quickly ana pcrmn-
ntntlr all ncr > ous
dlueato * . Mich * n Went Memory ,
j/o > 3 nf Ilraln 1'owcr , IleadaclieVnlolulnos , Vltiilliy , nlvlitlyoinlihlonii , oTlldrenmiIra *
polcnoruiutnastlnatlleeiiBcirauwil bjr > iilbrul
error * orcxcc re. Coiiialni no oiilnlc-t. lin
nerve tonic n < l lilnoil liullilrr. Makontlie palo
u * neil puny "trout : unit pi u in p. Kaillrcurrlodln e tie
| io k t. HI | iertiui | o tortffi. Iff mall rri > | nl < t
! f'awrltt ! < ! "Jf1"lri" " < 'oln < 'llrii0rl 0' ' < 'TreninOcd.
\Vrltouiior frra iiicillrnl lx > ok , trnt.onlvd In
ed plain wrupiwr. which conlnlni torllDionliiln and
unancml refcruncoi. No cburca r r con.ullu-
tlonIfioar < o ) < rntfiit < 4iii. t-olrt brnurnilrer *
ku i tl d HKOIUB , or Brtdrou A'J'.HVU &EIZO CO. .
Matonlo TempleClilcueu. 111.
jn CONNELL , ir > n DODOE. KIMIN * c
* 4.Vf. FlNECAlf &KANGARI1
You cnn unvo money br wenrlnit the
W. I. . Douclns S3.OO Shoe.
nccniiKD , tro are the largest m.inufacturen n
this grodeuf shoes In tha world , aud guarantee taeh
value \ij \ clamping the name anil prlco on tbo
bottom , which protect you kcalntt high prices and
Itie middleman's i > roflt . Our ilioo equM cuitora
work la tjrle. rasy nttlng und wearing qualltlea.
\Vv have them Bold ercrywhere at lower prtctsfor
ho rnlno given than any other make. Taka BO ( ut >
tit , He. If your dealrr cannot < uppljr you. we cao.
Sold by
A. W. Bowman Co. , 117 N. IQIii.
C. J. Carlson. 1218 N 24th.
EllesSvonaon , 20O3 N. 24th.
Ignntz Newman , 4243. 13th.
W . W.FIshar , 2925 Loavanwortn
Kelly , Stlgor & . Co. , Farnam St. 15th
T. Croosy , 23OO N at So. Omaha
rrealdent. Caihl r ,
Firs ! National
Capital. $100,000
1'rofits , 12,000
One of lh oldest banks In th slat * ot Ion * ,
W * solicit your business and collections. Wl
pay i per cent on time deposit * . We U1 U
pleased to set and tcrv * you.