TiHTVT ? --V"J" THE O3IA1IA DAILY BEEt NOVEMBER 10 , 180't , * : : : ; ; * . : : .v.v.v.v.v.v , UP ' 'II Is preserving time ; but the bast TO DATE art prcncrvatlvo"l that which makes'1 Jnmn In Iho Moro by ndvcrtUlnr , PEOPLE will BOB the economy of putting a want ad In The Bee when in need ot help. Working girls pay close attention - , tention to this page , as do all who are wanting employment. You can talk to them through these little ads at a trifling expense. THE BEE GETS 'EM 17 WORDS FOR 25 CENTS. SPEGiRL NOTICES. Ailvortlnemcnls for these columns will be taken until 12:30 : p. in Mr the evening , nnil until 0:00 P m. for Hie nn inlnR and Hunduy rillllon Advertisers , by luiutfllliig n numbered check , rah havu nn vvern a lJresf"Hl to a numbered letter In cnrc or The lieu Answer * BO nddn cil wilt l > o delivered upon presentation of the check only Holes , IHo n word llrst Insertion , lo n wonl thereafter. Nothing token for less than 2Jo for ( Imt Insertion. These ndvprtlscments muM run consecutively. SITUATIONS WANTED. AN AMHUIl'AN OIIIL , 26 , IiKIHiH : ANV kind of reap , ctnl'lc ? employment ; Rood pentmn , clerk , book-keeping. typewriting real estiito or abstract work , plain BCWIIIT ; nnylhtnB tc mnlco nn honest living. Address U 1.6 llec olOce. A M ! 03 19 YOUNG MAN AND YOUNC1 LAUV WANT place to earn board while uttindliiK collesc. Houses' Iluslness college , 15th and Kurnim A W9 WANTED. POSITION AS SECOND OIIIL IN private family ; can give Rood city reference ! , Address C 20 , lite. A M93S L0 WANTED , PRIIMANHNT "on TRMPoitAn\ l > osltl n by Kentlunnn competent to Ueep an ) net of books ; best of references. Addreis C 23. lice. A-MOJ7 21 * A I.AUV nnsir.ns PUPILS IN LmiiATimi : liml history or u position ns vlnltlnt ; or as- BlBtant gnvcincm. would HUpprlntrn I a helms mid education t clilldten. AdJresn C 31 lice. A M9 > 3 J WANTHD , POSITION IN BMALL TAJIII-Y , IJV rrllnblo Kill an cook or for Kcreinl liousi" wjrlc Can ( uinlah best of rtfercnces. Ail- Urets C 21 , lice A 880-17 WANTED MALI , HELP. \VANTn A raw rnitFoxs IN UACU I' . to do wrlltnK , 8"tul Etanip foi TO pico boo ! of particulars J. AVoodbury , 12 ? W. 4Jd stieet , N. V. City. U 313 _ WANTKD nxi > iuuNciD : : COAI , MINDUSTC < ro to Sherldnn. Wjo. Arply nt ofllce bherldar Coal Co. , IOCS I'ntnim. II 4G1 MIN or GOOD ADDHHSS CAN i-nociTiTt ; Steady employment nt coed pay liy rnlllntr nl 1B1G IJouglaa M. ll-lli9M)10 TAlfioTtT ONLY KOUnn M.XN ; STHADl work ; stntu rittrenee , ttperlenco and \\\eei demanded. Hubert , fatanberry , Mo - 19 JU-MSSO _ _ CLHANCU AND DYUIl ; BTA'rK enc and wngis demanded. HuUnt , Alo. U-J1SSO 19 M LAIIOUIJUS. TL'AMSTKnS. STATION MEN Unilior men , tie makers ; south , \\nrk KIMI.III toed ; chi-ai > labor mtes to Mcniihl.t. | Helonn Aikimsas nty .ind New Orleani. Jumei 1:3 hcrff , 1311 I'ainnm street. li asj 21 * \VANTib7 MENj WHY nn UNESII-LOYHI tthcn wolll piy silnry to men to cinvni' ' hoiiii'liold Kooils ? American Wrlnper Co . 1C1 ! Ilo\\nul Direct. li MHO 30 Z.DOO IAllOHiniS.THAMSTEUS , TIMKEIC.MEN All klndfl of work muth. Arkiuifiis Mississippi Ixulslnnn , Work etmrnnteeil. Hlilp clieipc than miybody. I am the only authorized agent Kinmer'u Lalior Aecncy. llth nnd r.irnnm t 11-10J 21 * _ _ _ _ JM I.AHOltEllK , TEAMCTEIW , STATION MEN Umber men , tl makers , nouth , work jrunrun toed ; clienp labor rates to Memphis , Heltiin Arkansas t'lty nnd New Orleans. Jatn- Ha berg , 1314 I'nrnim street. II MS IT WANTED FEMALE HELP. WANTEIJ , A NEAT SCHOOL anil. 1'UOM 1 to H ye.irs to wmk for her room nnd bouril Imiulro bet. 4 mill Q p. m , 131 Bo. 2th. _ _ _ _ _ - O-SS3-19 LADIES. II' 1OU WISH E.Ml'LOYMENP A1 your liomcs Bind Mlf-aOilicsseil envelope fo our descriptive circular nid ) tommence woik o once : BO < I nRia paid. The Alfred Knlttln Co.Vlnthr p. Mass. C M9H 22 * rH ; BTRADY WOHKi STATE KX pcrlence and Knees. Hubert , fatnnberry. Mo. C M8S3 19 _ _ _ WANTED , TEN MCHIE INTEM.ICIENT I.APIE for Omaha hndlcinlly to n.islst In a nei work. Snlnry and < > spon5oa paid lo Rood llcltors. Mrs. Stiobcl , 1311) Dodge street. C-102 21- FOR KENT HOUSES. HOUSES , r , K. D.VRI-INO , LIAHKEH HOUSES IN ALt , I'AJITS OK THE CITY. TH O. r. Davis company. 1505 rarnam. D 31C IvEI.KENNY . C-oTll. 1. CONTlNfiNTAL IMM 1317 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ KOU HENT TV\O 8-UOOM ELEGANT 11I11C1 houses ; ull mwlt rn cori\enlencett ; 1 block fioi Walnut Hill motor , ij. Comptroller's ollle. It 319 _ _ _ riVR-UOOM COTTAGE. 58 00. FUI.Ii SIZE LO1 In Rood repair , Call nnd see 1'ldellty Trust Co .1702 ruliuuii. 1 > 741 HOt'SES OI' 10 HOOMS , MODEItN CONVENi incea , 113 So. isth street.cij haml > to bus lieu. Inquire ot D , T. Mount , 2u bo. 16th. D-M107 _ _ BUVEN-UOOM MODERN FL.AT i 11LOCK from Ileo bulldlnir , 12500. Onnhu Heal Estai nnd Trust Co , room 4 , Ilee bldu. D Til nviMiooM COTTAQES. tsoo F " inonlh U S. hklnn > r , 31) N. Y. Lite. _ _ _ _ _ _ p-szo HOUSES. O. a. WALLACE , S13 HROWN "ilL ? _ _ CHEAEST 6-HOOM COTTAniT VITir nATI In city. Reduced to 13 OJ. 3U33 California st. rot n IIOOM MQDRiut PLATB , ami AN Lcavenworth. J. W. b < juln8 Ute bideMC5t l > -MC5t NICI : LAMB "nouasus IN DONUUG PLAC clieap till sprint : . JV. . Squire , SIS Hoe lilJ 1 > MKJ4 TIIIlUlMtOOU HOL'SK. Ill 3. ICTH ST. PEN-UOOM HOUSE. ALL MODERN IMl'llOVI inents. 2126 Ilniney nt. U CS3 HOUSES ; BENAWA & CO. , 103 N. 15TH BT\ IUUCU IlEDtlCED TO J2T.SO ON S016 MASO street ; eight rooms , modern ; elegant locate S. 1C Humphrey. U New York Life.DMS33 D-MS33 RENT. HOUSE OP 9 ROOMS AND UAH on Tark Avt > Inquire at 422 S. Ifcth El. IVOR HUNT. 1ST OP DUCr.UIIRIl. HOUHK C I rooms i good repair ! 1410 Noith I5lh strn Woclc from cnr line. Inquire John Hamll ugent. a Charles street. D MSB "P CLASS. MODEIIN 1MIOOM HOUS lllnnry ; J 0 W. Wlthnoll. 7 N. Y Life. D- ( PLAT OK 6 HOOMSt HUASONAI1LU TKUM Knqulm nt nit Oixlj . * " ? ! ? UIU5.NT' ' "OOM COTTAQU. „ . . , _ . . . W7 So. Jlth . l. It tit 19' BlX.nOpU COTTAOI FUUNISIIKIJ Oil 11 ( urntshd. 103 8. nth , D-Mnn ! ' RENT. A MODFllN HOUSE. " FU nlahcd or unturnlihed , illumed m Worthlnut I'laca. Apiily M llrownelt llalu RENT. NKW cOTTAaE. m & 3U trel , all modern Improvements , enquire A , L. Frank , neat door south D M JJ 19' BENT FURNISHED ROOMS FURNISHED IIOOM , AVENl'K I K-M133 FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOH3. Continued. rUUNISIIED ROOM , NICELY ruilNIHUEC south room ; all modern comcnlcnceo , Including heat. 2017 Dodge street. 13-930 2S VERY DES1HA1ILE rt'RNISHED AND UN. furnished rooms , nltli boanl. 212 S. 25tli street K MU1 GENT AND WIPE WITH REFERENCE CAK rent 2 well furnished , south rooms , larce clos els , heat nnd ias stove , for light lioupckeopInK brick bouse , nku location , 11300. Address C 33 Ilec olllcc. E M9S6 19 _ rOH KNT , TWO ROOMS , HEATED m steam. 211 So ,21th street. E M993 FXJBNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD. ROOMS WITH OR WITHOUT HOARD. 2311 Douglas. F MW1-N23 HANDSOME PRONT ROOMS , WITH HOARD central location. 202 N. 18th. F M853 19 'OR RENT , SOUTH ROOM WITH BOARD 2215 Howard st. r 878-22" NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS , WITH FIRST class board. 172.J Dodge. T M8SS 20 * _ rnONT IIOOM. WITH BOARD. 2013 DOT'OLAS T 103 D17 * DES1RAHLE ROOMS , EN SUITE OR SINGLE with board 1S10 Chicago street. r MS-Hi 19 * OR RENT , LARGE ALCOVE ROOM W1TI or without bonrd , four blocks from Ilee lMs private family. Address 11 fi2 , IJee olHcc F-M67S FOR RENT STORES AND OFFICES FOR RENT , THE 4-STORY DRICIC I1UILDING 'Jli ! rarnam street. The building has n lire proof cement basement , complete steam heal Insr flxtuies , water on all floors , gas , etc. Ap ply at the olllco ot Thu lleo. 1 310 STORAGE. STORAGE. WILLIAMS S. CROSS. 1211 HARNE1 M 321 STORV.OE rORJIOUSEHOLD GOODS , CLUAI and cheap rate. R.Vll3 , 1111 rumani.SI SI 322 CARRIAGES. nUGOIES , ETC. , STORED. P. J Karbach - Sons , Cor. 15th and Howard Stu M07 UEST STORAGE HUILDING IN OMAHA. TJ. E ROV. bonded warehouse. Household coed stored. Ixnveat rates. 1013-1015 Leavcnworth. M-321 WANTED TO BUY. WANTED TO DUY CLAIMS OP JUDGES AN ! clerks of election : also registrars. Duff Greer room 8. IJ-uker block N 135 CITY OR CO. CLAIMS. It. P. . 1712 TARNAM N IS5 FOR SALE FURNITURE. PAYMENTS EASY. YOU WON'T MISS YOU1 money. Ixjw prices on furniture nnd househol goods. Enterprise Credit Co. , C13-615 N. 16th si 0-325 FURNITURE AUCTION AT 1111 TARNAM SI S.atunHya 10 n. m Rabt Welts , O-971 HO 00 PENINSULAR 1SASE BURNER. X1SE1 ono Reason , good 03 new , will sell at half prlci 13)00 ) , stota can be teen nt 3007 Mason street. O-M796 CLOSING OUT ENTIRE STOCK OP TURN ) lure , sto\ca , etc. L. Altman , SOS N. IGthO328 O-328 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. IF YOU HUY , 11UY THE REST : MACKIh toshes , rubber boots , arcllcg , eyrlnges of n kinds , Ras tublnt ; : all best quality. Omali Tent and nwnlng Ci > , 1311 I'arnam st. Q 543 CHEAPEST CHICKEN AND ORNAMENTA fence made. C. R. Lee. Ml Douglas. Q 327 CORN rODDER TOR SALE FOUR III.OCK north Lead nurlvsjt Ea Omuha. Tom Andersoi Q-ail D1C CLAIRVOYANTS. HEALTH , WEALTH AND HAPPINESS 13 consulting the highly Rifted clalrvojnnt. Pro Almcila ; ono who will make > ou liapr und successful thioueh life : correct aiUlce c business chaiiRis , lawBultn. marriages , d \orcca ; brlnxs the sepuntcd toxether , causi happy marrlauo \ > llh the ono > ou love , o\e comen > nur enemies , remo\es liad hablt , U terpicts drtams , Rhes you Rood luck , ami tcl where to go nnd what to do to be succrssfu tha future foretold ultlioiit mistake ; rcunlti the separated without fall ; those -nlio hai been derel\nl by to-LalU-il cl.Ur\i > ianla , befoi irlvlne up In uosmlr. consult the profetiso J21'4 N. 15th stroct. flat A. Hours , 9 to Letters lth stamp promptly unsnereil. S MSiO-27 * THE CELEIJRATED CLAIRVOYANT AN IMlmlst , the jotuis Mmc. Romalne. has a rived In the city nnd can bo consulted on a matters ; thousands ha\e been made hnppy I her nd\lco , those wishing correct ndUce i l > uslnei 8 , clmnBes , Journcjs. marriages. la\ suits , fiunlly , cto. , call on the madanie ar bo ron\lnced she has no equal ; Icttcis co : ttlnlng stamn promptly unswcied ; butHne strictly conndentlul. Hours , 9 to 9 1617 Cli cngii street. S MCSO 20 * MRS. DR. H WARREN , CLAIRVOYANT , III liable business medium ; 7th } car at 113 N. ICt S 33) MASSAGE. BATHS. ETC. MADAM SMITH. MI S. 11T1I. 2D TLOO1 loom 3 , imsilfO.apor , alcohol strnm. st phuilno and aca batlis. T M9I1 21' MA.SSAQE."MADAME RERNARD , 1421 DODG1 T-WO-19' PERSONAL. MAC1C1NTOSHES . RUUtlCK 1JOOT3 , 1311 T U-333 VIAVI ; HOME TREATMENT TOR LADIE Health Imok and consultation free. Address call VlaU Co , , 31G lieu bldtr. Ijidy attendar U 33i AULARAUGH I'lJIl CO. SEAL SACKS AN fur capes undo to order lu Aery litest stjlt Room Ml KarUich block. Telephcna 1611. U-M131-N23 COMPOUND OXYGKN CURES CONSUMITIOl a | hma. bronchltia and catarrh. Home Ues ment tn per month , J days trial free tret mutt. Room XV DouElas Ilk. ICth end Dodge. U 441-3C CHRYSANTHEMUMS : HESS & HWOI1OD florists , Hll rarnum ; Paxton hotel ; tel 1511. U I84-I > ! OSCAR SUNDELL. THE SHOEMAKER. FC 12 jcara with U.V. . Cook , hui re moved to lilli street , flrst rtooi1 north of Douclas. U 33J-D1 MASSAQK F.LECTRO THERMAL DAT11 chiropodist. Mmc. Post , StiM.i H. 15th st. U-ll PROF. ANDERSON. CHICAGO'S TAMO ! hypnotist and iclrntlfto toglenlc und maRne phjslclan I * now nt 109 B. I7tli street , Omil for a short time only. Worst cages of stammering cured Immedltti or no charges ; speech and hcarlne s\\rn \ b > mutes. No dlffvrencr nhat jour trouble or nho li fnllwl to cure ; call nnd see him ; positive pr < of ability shown free. Recommended by phjslclans , nrets and put Ctmtultutton and advice free. Onic * hour * . n. m to I p m U-MS33 2 ] PERSONAILADIES' HAIR SHAMPOOI At home free at charge by lady hair dress Ulmply our way ot advertising , AdJrem I N. V. Ufa. U-10021 MONEY TO LOAN REAL E8TATJB. LIFR INSURANCB POL1CIHS LOANED ON or bought. F. O. Chesney , Kansas City , Mo , ANTHONY LOAN ft TRUST CO , 311 N.T LIFE , loans at low rates for choice security In Ne braska and lows , farms or Omaha city property. W-3M MONEY TO LOAN ON FARMS IN DOUGLAH county , Improved snd unimproved Omaha real tatc. Fidelity Trust Co. , 170S rarunm st. W 339 MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED OMAHA resl estate. JJrtnnan , IM\C & Co. , Paxton Mk. W-313 ONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST RATES THE O. F. Davis Co. , IK * Farnam st W 311 ONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST RATES ON ltiiio\t | ) i nil unimproved Omaha real estate , 1 to 6 jiors. ridellty Trust Co. , 1702 Pnrnam. WS39 OANS ON IMPROVED A UNIMPROVED CITY property , $3,009 nnd upwards , 6 tu 7 per cent ; no delays. W. Farnnm Smith & . Co. , 1320 rarnam. W 348 IAS. W. RAINEY , DM. NAT. UK , 11LDO. W-3II. : ONEY TO LOAN ON OMAHA REAL ESTATE at 6 per cent. W. U. Melklc , 1st Nat. bk. bldg. W-3U ERY LOW RATES MADE ON GOOD LOANS. J. W. Squire. ZIS lleo bldff. W 366 k'E HAVE SEVERAL THOUSAND DOLLARS for short tlmo paper or first class jntge. loans. H. H , Haider & Co , ground Moor , lice blu'tr. W S4-1 ITY LOANS , C. A. STARR , CIS N. Y. Life bid * . W m RIVATE MONEV FROM J100.00 TO 5.000 00. T. D. Wcad , ICth nnd Douglas. W M8 > 0 23 MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. ONEY TO LOAN ON FURNITURE , PIANOS , horses , wagons , etc. , at lowest rates .11 c.ty ; ho removal of goods ; strictly U3'lltdcnl..il , jui ; can pay the loan oft at any lime or In any amount. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO. . SU S. ICth street X-317 ONEY TO LOAN ON PERSONAL PROP' crly. Hnrvln Ixjan Co. . 701 N. Y. Life bldg X J4S iONEY TO LOAN ON HOUSEHOLD TURNI. lure , pianos , horses , wagons or any kind ol chattel tefurlt/ lowest possible rates , whtcl you can pay back nt any time nnd In un > amount. FIDELITY LOAN GUARANTEE CO. Room 4 , Wlthnell block. X 349 . II. HADDOCK , IIOOM 4Z1 UAMQU I1LOCK X S50 BUSINESS CHANCES. 5 PER CENT AVERAGE WEEKLY PROFITS on JIM 00 Invented. Frosiiectus , Itemized sto tlstlcs free , licnson & Dwycr , 834 llroadway New York. Y M955-N22 * ASH PAID FOIt ENDOWMENT POL1CIKS Ih old line comnmles. Send description , A. K Rrocklesby , Dot 233 , Hartford , Conn Y M8W-D14 * FOR RENT , A GOOD STORE ROOM. 23x7 feet , with brick-walled cellar , next door t < postofllce , In good soul hern Nebraska town o 1.000 people , having- only two general nnd one drug store. Address C 22 , care Ilee , Omiha Nt b. Y M8S9 23 N AT1ORNEY IN A GOOD COUNTY SEA1 In central Nebraska. Is obliged , for health' ; sake , to leave this climate. Has a paylnf business and a beautiful home. Will ( .ell hi residence , olllcc furnltuie , part of library , am good will of business for $3-00 ; cost In mone ; outli > over JG 000 A splendid chance foii i K od man For particulars rfc George G. Wnl lace , 312 J. J. Ill own block , Omaha. Y 92 > 20 'OR SALE. NEAT DRUG STOCK ; GOOD ! clean , select , not Ehclfnorn ; no hard stock terms very reasonable. Address Ilex S73. Wes Point , Neb. Y MS97 20 .VANTED. A GOOD , LIVE MERCHANT , WITI sulllclent capital to run a Mrst-class ienem mirihandlsu more. litst opening In stute. l < u further Inroinnllon nddioss W. J. Ci.ind ill secretary liuslncss Men's association. Firth Neb. Y M1M 23 * iVILL TRADi : FOR CLEAN STOCK OF GRO cerles at Invoice alue , J2.0DO 00 equity In choice centrally located , welt rented residence propeity Address C 29 , IJee. Y M953 10" \N ESTABLISHED RUSINESS IN A GOO1 general store In one of the best towns In north ern Ncbnska , stock about J1.000 00 ; population 2,000. Address Wa > ne , .Nth , Hex 1000 Y-M790 20 * FOR EXCHANGE. A. GOOD LOT IN EAST OMAHA TO EX change for young tvork herpes ot mull' " Lamprcam llros. , 3i H. 16th. a 851i WE HAVE MERCHANDISE STOCKS AN ! other property for sale nnd exchange ; also nil tomer for a bank In western Iowa. Nations Information and Exchanuo Co. . 203 First Nat' ' Hank. Omaha. Neb. y. M921 HANKERS AND REAL ESTATE AGENT Take Notice Hard times has made It posslkl to get hold of good business blocks In Omah nnd take.farm lands In exchange. I nolle ! correspondence. J. J. Glbboa , 317 1st Nafl b'l < X SOI ISOOOO IN CASH AND IX3T NEAR BUSINES center for desirable residence Inlclulty r Hanscom park or west Farnom street. H I : Cole Co. , 106 N. IStli street ' Z-S61 19 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. GARDEN LANDS , 5 MILES FROM 1'OSTOI flee , easy terms Call at 940 N. Y. Lite , RE 352 RARGAIN8 , HOUSES , LOTS ANU FARMS : sale or trade. F. K. Darling , Unrker block RE 353 FOR SALE NEW 4-ROOM COTTAGE ; CEI lar , clntein city water , coi. "Mill and Sihlci tl,25000 , lonir time. Inquire 1318 rarnam Sun ucl Hum" . RE 331 ! AST FRONT LOT PUT TO GRADE. NEA1 Hanscom park , Jl.OJO.OO. I' . D. Wcad , ttth nn Douglas. RE MUW 19 IHOICE GARDEN LANDS. B MILES l'Eo ! Omaha postolllcc. 10 lo ICQ acies , some trndi N. D. Keyes , 617 Paiton bll ( . RE 353 ARM LANDS , C F. HARRISON. 912 N Y. L1FI RE 18-N23 IRA D. MAPES , FIRE INSURANCE. LOAN ! real estate. 319 First Nat'l bank bids. Tel fig RE 171-N2C NOW IS YOUR CHANCE Wo will take jour JJOO 00 to 51,000.00 lot towar ; the purchase of any of these beautiful Ins'n residence lots , within , e ght minutes walk c The Ilee building : Two Ic'x sold last week. Lot 1. u.ock 1. Drake's addition. | 2.0 < W.OO. Lot 10. block 1 , Drake's addition. t..OOO 00. Lot 4. bloclc 2 , Drake's addition , J2 000 00 Lot 9. block 3 , Drake's addition , J2,2Tt ) 00. Lot 16 , block 7 , Drake's addition. 2 500.00. " I.ot 7. block 8 , Drake's addition , } 2,0000i ) . Terms $500 00 cash , KM 00 to $1,000.00 lot , balam to be arranged on long time at per cent li terost. This Is an exceptional bargain for tl reason that the. owner of tha property mui hi\o money , and This Is jour opportunity To get rid ot jour outside lot that Is not nalab and get a fine Inside building lot These lei are on graded streets , sewers , etc , , all paler ( or Call nnd see us at once. Fidelity Trui company. 1703 Fariiam street ; JtE M75I I1ARGAIN ICO TO 1,500 ACRES OF C1IOIC land 6 miles from Omaha P. O. cheap. Liter terms. Addicts C 12 , Dec , Om.Uri. RE-SOS-Dll 5-IIOOM COTTAGE AND NICE LOT 11,100 ; JI cash , balance $1200 per month without luteieti Lot 60x124 feet , one block from Tnenty-foun street C4ir line , $10000 , worth 1300no H ] Cole Co. , 10 N I5th. RE-S63 19 5 ACRES 2 MILES SOUTH OF Q STREE' South Onmlm. tr > W 00 ; 275-acre farm 9 lull from P. O. . ? 50 00. F , D. Wenil. 16th at JJouglus. Hi : M106 19 MODERN 1Z-ROOM HOME. VERY CHEA and on easy terms. 2019 Illnney st , RU-'Jia FOI , SALE OR RENT , NINE-ROOMED , FU1 nlshed Imusu , modern ; tilled with roomers , bargain to Immediate purchaser ; moderate re to esad tenant. Address c SO , Itee. RE M1000 19 < $70000 CASH TAKES TWO HEAUTIFHL IJ proved farms (3-10 ( acres ) , both very level , wi located , rich soil. An Investment never befo offered In this country. Perfect , clear till A chnnco to double jour money. Quick nccer mice nwesiiiry. C U IJccker , Aberdeen. H. i RU-MDC1 19 < EIGHT-ROOM ; HOUSE AND LOT. ji.ioot owner must sell ; S-rnom house In walking dl tance of postolllcc. $80000. 110x120 foot lot. nl house , _ fine location ; make an offer. We i not offer nn > thine but genuine snaps. H Cole Co. , 108 N. 10th , RE 0i 21 WANT TO SELL ? LIST YOUR HOUSES AN Iota with Spencer ; he has caah buyers , $1 000 nnd up Want to buy7 He has bargains ; s him. 304 Kfirback lllk. RC MD74 19 6-R HOUSE RENTING AT $1000. FOR $ 0 ( house nnd 30-foot lot , S. llth street , } 1,500 ( CSxCO and cottace. 10th stieet , $ 1,2V ) 00. F. Wead , 16th and Douglas. RE MIO U HOTKL3. HOTEL UARKER. 13TH AND JONES STS. 75 rooms at $1 M per day. U rooms at $1000 per day. Special rates to commercial travelers. Roc and boanl by wtek. or month. Frank Hlldltc mgr. n : AETNA HOUSE ( EUROPEAN ) . N. W. CQ llth and Dodge. Rooms by day or week. MM _ COZZENS HOTEL. STH AND IIARNE team heat , electric bells , telephone , bathi. c ctllent culsene. elrcsnt rooms ; $1.00 per da $400 and upwards p r week. M94I ADDRESsnAnoN t N. Y. Lite UNDERTAKERS AlfD EMBAL5IEI13 H K. IlUnifRTT , Ftfei'lJAL DIRECTOR AND embalmer , 161 ! Chlcii , telephone ? . 16) B\VAN80N& VALlEWH NDERTAKEn8 AND cmbalmers , 1701 CUnlllWfet , telcphons 1060. M ! O MAUL , UNMHJTAKEII AND EiH balmer , 1417 rarnanv > jhj telephone 23. 161 C. W. 11AKEII , UNDEJ CAKEIt , 61S B. 16th BT. IflO PLU Ut KS. _ _ PJiniJ PI.t'MtllNO COfi EVERY KIND , OAS , steam & hot water hetatlny ; sewerage , 113 S 16. irt SC6 _ JOHN ROWE * CO. , PrifMlJINO STEAM AND hot water heating , gilicnxturcii , globes , 411 S 1C. , . J67 D LAWRENCE. PLUMBING. GAB FITTING and drain lav Ins. 2603 Cumins street.M453 M453 Dl .RUGER IIROS. , PLUMBING. OAS FITTING , d'nln laying. Phone O27J 2815 Leavenvvorth. 791-N17 LOST. , OST , GOLD WATCH AND CHAIN , FRIDAY. In cnr or ttotwrcn Mattle nnd Farnam , Ro * ward If returned to Margaret Rlley , 2219 Maple. 939 IK' XST , ST. RERNARD PUP ; LIRERAL RE- ward. Van Cott Jewelry Co , 15th and Fnrnnm. M107 ! .OST-I1AY HORSE ON THUIISDAY IN SARPY Co. , 1,100 pounds , strap around neck ; only two fore shoes. Crush llrua. , house movers. 18th nnd Center. 802-17" STOVE REPAIRS. ITOVE REPAIRS FOtl 40000 DIFFERENT makes ot stoves. Water attachment nnd con nections a specialty. 1207 Douglas street. Omaha Stove Repair Works. 330 1TOVE REPAIRS FOR ALL MAKES OF stoves. Hot water attachments. Huxhes , 601 8. 13th. M8S3 N20 TURKISH BATHS. .ADIES' . TURKISH HATH , HOURS , 9. A. M. to 9 p. m. Reality culture parlors , removed from Karbach lildg. to 10J-110 lice bldg. 331 MUSIC , ART AND LANGUAGE. G. F. GELLENI1ECK. 11ANJOIST ANE teacher , j810 California street. 814 . FEW PUPILS FOR PIANO OR ORGAN ; apply at Max Mcjcrs between 9 and 12 a in. , or address Mrs , Wlllmaser , Morning Side , Council Uluffs , lu. 857 21 RANJOS , THE J. It. BCHALL & . CO. . HIGH grade , superior tone banjos. 271 Wabash ave unc , Chicago. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. RMATURES AND CONVEIITERS REWOUND storage batteries recharged , electrical and gen ernl machinists ; superior work guaranteed Omaha Electrical works , 617 and 619 S. ICth fit 373 iLECTRICAL ENGINEERS AND CONTRAC tor ) for clectrlo light and motor plants nnd al kinds of electrical construction Western Elec trie Supply Co , 41S ana 420 S. 15th st. 374 BUSINESS .NOTICES. DAMAGED MIRRORS RESILVERED. 719 N 16 359 IIOGNER & EISELE. SIGN PAINTERS ; HES1 work at lowest prices. . 1518 Douglas street. I 361 IND HAND ROOKS KOUG,1T FOR OASH Antiquarian book ttore. 1519 1'arnnm fit. , , 1 , NSCO D14 BUILDING & LCAfvf | ASSOCIATIO.NT. IOW TO GET A HOME' ' OR SECURE GOOI Interest on savings t | Arf > ly to Omaha L. & II Aus'n , 1704 lleo bldsr , A G , , M. Nnttlnger , Soc. SHARES IN MUTUAL Ji3 AND I ASS'N I'M 6 , 7 , 8 per cent \vhqu J.rS. 3 jenis old , ulway , redeemable. 1704 Farnam st. , Nattlnger , Sec. i HAY ANJJ 'GRAIN. [ JUY YOUR' IUVY 1IY.TTON"OIV CAlV LOTS. Wl buy hay. AV | I. SnVd.cr , 1515 ISurt ut , Tcl 1107 -J * ' 375 NCtmASKA HAY t'O.uiwiIOLiSALI3 HAY Breln anil mill stuffr , 'we ' are always on th market to buy or fiell.J'I402-t-G Nicholas st. 1 i 878 COAL.t n , T , .MOUWr , HAS nEMOvptt'xita COAI ftfllce tU'SoTy/lClh st.fitroVfn'WAcIt , r ' 381 SHERIDAN COAL. EXCELLENT SUBSTITUTI for hard coal , and $3 DO Ion cheaper. 1603 Far nam street , main entrance Hoard of Trade. 460 DRESSMAKING. MISS MINNICK'S DRESSMAKING PARLOR ; at 834 8. ' _ > tb street. , Prices reasonable. MSS9 18 . . -.u J. . - i DRESSMAKING IN FAMILIES. 431tt GRANT. 9S7 D 1S CORNICE. .VESTERN CORNICE WORKS , GALVANIZEI Iron cornices. 1722 St. Mary's n\e. 383 3AGLE CORNICE WORKS JOHN EPENE tcr. prop. , 10S , 110. 112 N. llth Estiib 1SCI. 381 IRRIGATED FARMS. 023 PER ACRE , FAMOUS RIO HORN RASIN big crops and homo market , great place fc homo bulldlUK , price good to December 1st transportation free. Yellowstone Park Uind t Irrigation Ass'li , 8. W Cor. 16th & Dodge sU 437 Dl TYPEWRITERS. STOLEN TYPEWRITERS OFFERED FOI sale should make jou suspicious , funny the are mostly Smith's Try ono and jou \ \ \ undeiBland why Full line of supplies Smltli Premier Co. , 17th and Fat nam , telephone 12S4. 382 DJSNTlaTS. DR. GEORGE 8. NASON , DENTIST , SUITE 2 ( Paxton block , 16th and Farnam Bts. Tel , 712 370 DR. PAUL. DENTIST , 020 HURT ST. 373 CARPSNTEKS AND BUILDERS. C. E. MORRILL , CARPENTER AND HUILDEI piper bunging nnd signs , brick \\qrk and plai teringOlllcc , 409 S. Htli St. , telephone 103. 377 WANTED TO BORROW. WANTED , TO RORROW $ < WO 00 FOR TW years at 10 or 12 ner cent , to be paid In month ! Installmcnls of $ .s. Security given. Addrei D , Ilee olllcc. Council Bluffs , M853 19 GOAL. JOHNSON IIUOS. . VVHQLUHALU DL'ALKRS 11 nil hlnils of coal. Corr Ei > ondcnce solicited 10 ( Parnam street. 333 DYfi WORKS SCHOEDSACK , TWIN- CITY DYE WORK ! 15il Farnnm street. Ojelng of ever } ' descrli tlon ad dry cleaning ; 3S REST FURNACE MAlYlJf'BOFT ' COAL SMOK cnniumliiB and hard.WAflfurnacM. Eagle Co nice Works. lOS-HO-Atli M. Itth st. S0 - - OPTICIANS. THE ALOE & PENKpItD CO , . SCIENTIPI opticians. 110S Farnam st. , opposite Puxtc hotel. Eyes examine 'Tree. 387 TAKKN UP. A IIORtM' OWNKfl CAN RI covr tame by rnlllna'and no Inn my charge U. H. Young , 5IJ s. gf utreet , Mlu9 ls SHORTHAND VAN SANT'B SCIIOtKL/ifr BHOHT HAND. 1 V. Life. Omaha. "AEP for circular. J93 JOB nnun JOD piiiNTijm ro. KINU PIUNTIN of alt klnila. nth g in * building. 293 PAWNBROKERS. H. MAHOW1TZ LOANB MONEr. < 1S N. 16TH. GRINDING. nAzons , BiinAits. CLIPPRIIS. LAWN MO\ era , etc. A. L. Unfleland. 1M H. 14th. raHOLSTERINC r , ' , . VEUY CUBA' * THIB MONT ) M. a. Walkln. an Curalntf. Tel. COi. XK U. O. DAXON , S N , ICTH. U7 { ( BUKRA.U. SUES & CO. , Solicitors. D ( Oulldlnff , OMAHA , Neb. Advlco FRE1 TALE OF A BOOM CITY The Best Efforts of tha West Dlscountod by nn Alabama Specimen , ELANCMOLY STORY OF FORT PAYNE lorloiii lllio nnil ItUngtruui Drcllnc , with Flvn Million * llloiru In-rilln IIulIll- Ill C l r ertccl nnil 1'ortunc * Sunk , The mining towns of the west liavo had > oem towns Innumerable. Mining camp ; nvo sprang Into cxlatcnco In a Uny and do- eloped Into towns of moro or less linpcr- ancc In a year or tno. Many have held heir own despite the gradual decline of the lines which gave them birth. Many liavt Isappeared 'from ' the map , and where once fc the active border llfo that Is fast bfl' -omlng a memory , reigned In Us varied hases , decay and desolation Is now en. ironed. None of the deserted camps of tin rest In their best days reached the proten. ous altitude or now presents as great ( pectnclo of desolation and ruin ns th ( wrecked town of Fort Payne , Aln. The story of Fort Payne , recently the ride and hope of so many New UnglanO eoplo , Is related by a correspondent of tin t. Louis Qlobe-Uemocrat , and presents n raglc lesson to enthusiastic Investors In dls ant properties. The company that boomed the ill-storm own was organized In the fall ot 1888. H .as looking for Iron and coal , and In th < Icinlty of a little- village on tlio Alabami Great Southern rn'lroad ' It found both it Idlest profusion. Jt was In the beautlfu V'llls valley , -with mountain ranges on clthei Ide Lookout on the cast and Sand moun atn on the west. In selecting the officers of the companj are was taken by the prime movers In tin ntcrprlso to cheese from various points met if Influence In their own districts mon o terllng Integrity and honor. New Knglaiu was thoroughly canvassed , for It was in thli cctlon that the stock was principally offered > uch vvns the faith In these men that wlthli month KOOO.OOO of the ? 5,000.000 the sun irlglnally fixed as the capital of the com iany was token. In January , 1880 , th irospectus went forth : "It Is the Intentloi > f the stockholders and officers of the Kor 'ayno Coal and Iron company to build i manufacturing city In the Wills valley a 'on Payne , and If the results obtained li ther localities , many of them with far los advantages , can bo taken as a criterion , tin accomplishment of the object can readily b < attained The company has laid the founda Ions broad and surrounded the entcrprls vlth men whoso financial skill and judgmeji are a guarantee that the Inexhaustible re vourcos of this fine property will be care ully and fully developed , and , as a natura result of suqh development , a city will rls n Its midst , " etc. Early In 18S9 the pioneers arrived In th illago and began the foundations of the nev city. Uroad avenues and streets were lali out and carefully graded ; building went 01 with great rapidity ; houses sprang up a f by magic ; moro pretentious homes , will leautlful grounds , quickly followed ; man ; nero were caiofully planned to be bull ivhen the expected fortunes were realized Young men from our various college ngerly Bought positions with the companj and a really charming lot of people becam lettled there. It was called the "New Kng and of the South , " and truly It might be 'or from , each and every town , village an : lty were culled the men of means or In luence/ As the mining and manufacture of Iror which was everywhere so abundant , was t jo the principal feature. Iron-working plant und furnaces were established. Coal wa everywhere , too. Coking coal was dlscovore and coke ovens were built. A rolling ml ! hrid steel plant was"equipped. . Stove works abaskef factory,1 an Ice factory , a flre-cla ; works , a hardware plant and many moro In dustrles were well established within a yeai . A complete system of sewerage , wate works and n fine electric plant to lllumlnat .ho city followed. Klne hotels vvera built an Beautifully fitted with every comfort. A academy with a well selected corp ? ot teacli crs was established , for hero was to be center o'l learning aa well a ? of Industry hurclieg were built and an opera house. In eighteen months from the time of start ng the prophecy set forth In the prospectu was fulfilled , for a model city stood In th place of cotton fields. The taxable property Increased during thl period from J14G.C33 to $3,000,000 The northerners who tmd gone there t : lwell were enthusiastic over the place The were making money rapidly In their r al es POISONED Is a source of much Buffering. The Bystem eboulcl bo thoroughly cloanscil of all Imiiurltlcs , and the blood kept In a licultliy condition. S. S. S. removes Chrnnir c nipei w/nronit oorej , - / * ulcers , otcpurini-s tbo blood , and builds up the general hcallh. It is wltboutnn equal. Ira F. Stiles , ot Palmer , Kan. , says : "My foot and leg to my hneo was n running Bore for two ye.vrs. und physicians Bald it could not bo cured. After taking fifteen small bottles of S. S. S. there Is not u sere on my limbs , and I have a new lease on lite. I am Hovcnty-scvcn years old , nnd have had my ngo renewed at least twenty years by the use of I - - jOur Our Treatise on Blood and Skin Diseases mailed free to any address. SWIFT SPECIFIC CO. , Atlanta , On. RAILWAY TIME CARI Leaves mt/RLlNGTON . MO. RIVER ( Arrive ; OmahaUnion ] * Depot. 10th b Mason hts | Omah TOIEam : . . ; . . . . Denver Expicss 9Jni : 4.3'iirn.lli : ; . Hills , Mont. & Pugct Snd. Ex. 4UOpi 4,35pm Denver Express 4.10pi C'ISpni Nebraska Local ( except Sunda > ) 7.4 pi S.lSiill..Line'In Local ( except Sunday ) U. jai Leaves ( CHICAGO HURLINGTON & Q iArrlvei Omaha'Unlon Depot. 10th & Mason Sts | Om.ih 4H5pm..u. . . . ChiCJEO Vestibule ! ) :5Jm 9.4 am ChlcaKO Express 4.2opi 70pm : . v Chicago and Iowa Local . . 8 ooai [ lliCim . .Pacjllo Junction Local . . c.05pi LeaveiriCIliCAlFdrMIU . 8T l 7vUL I Arrive OmahnJJJnlpn Depot , iqth & Mason Sts | Omali r..Mpln ChlcaKO Limited. .7. . . . 9.30ai 11lO.illi..ChUiiK" Uxpresn ( ex. Sun. ) . , . . C.15pi Leaves [ CHICAGO & NORllIU EsT'N lArrlvo Omalialy. P Depot , 10th & Mnnon bts 1 Olliah 11.05am..EasteTn" ExVfess 5p" J:00pm : , , . . . . .Vestlbuled Limited 9:40a : :5'iam Mo. Valley Local loJOpi C.45pm Onmh.1 Chicago Special j.lipi Leaves PciIICAdO , R I. S. PACIFIC. ( Airlvei OniahalUnion Depot. 10th & Mason Sts | Omul " _ _ EAST. ' ' HilCam ; , Atlunllo Ihipreiis ( ex. Suiday ) . , ( l.O p CZ5pm Night Express 9.50p 440im..Chicago ! | Vestllmlfd Llm.ted. . l.O u IlMpm..OklahomaExp. : _ ( toC. n. ex bun..11.30p ) _ - WF.ST. _ 2I " : OOam.OUahoma i Texas Ex. ( ex. Sun."ll,30p ) lilOpm. . . Colorado Limited . . . . 4.jpp Lea\es I C. . ST. P. M. & O. [ Arrive jmaha | Depot 15th and Webster StsJjOinat > :2iiain , . Nebraska Patntnger ( Dally ) . . 8:25p 4:15pm..Sioux : City Kxprec.1 ( ex. Sun. ) .llMa : 6:00pm : . . . . . .St. Paul Limited o:40d : Leaves I P. . E. & MO. VALLETI ( Arrive Omahal Depot 15th and Web > ter Sts. I Omal 210pm ; . Fast Mall and Eipress. . . , . . 45Cp ; 2.10pm. . ( ex. Sat ) Wyo. ex. lex. Mon ) , . 4:6Sp : 9.05am. . .Norfolk Express ( ex. Sunday ) , , .10:30a : 4.55pm. . .Fremunt I asa. ( ex. Sunday ) . . . , 7:00p : j.OOpin. . . . St. Paul Express. . S.4a Ltavesl K. C.rfaT."j. & C. I ) . ( Arrive OmahalUnlon Depot , loth & Mason Sta. ) Omal * S45am ; . Kansas City Day Express . 6.u5n :4.pm.K.CvNI : ! . ht Ex. via. U. P. Trans. t'Jz : " Irfaves | MISSOURt PACIFIC. lArrlve OmahoDej [ > ot 15th and Webster fits | Omal 9.00am . St , Louis Express , , , . ( f.OO.i 9 , } pm. . , . , . St. Louis Express . eip : t:10pm : . Nfbratka IJJCB ! ex. . ) . . _ . . . . _ : I7ea\e7 | H10UX ClTY"S PACIPic ; fArHv Omalnj Depot 15th andVebsler _ Sts , [ Onia 6.00pm . . . .Ht. Paul Llmllfd . ! ) MOl Leaves ) SiOUX ClTY & PACIFIC. TArtlve OmahalUnlon Depot , loth & Mason fUt ) Omal toim . Sioux City Passenger . lo7wli t'.t5pm . St. Paul Express . 10l > iq Leaves ! UNION PACIFIC. IAnlv < OmahaynlojiD ( Dot , JOlli ft Mason " 8li. | Omal ID Mam . Kearriey'Expresi" , . . . . . . . . . S.43r * :15pm . Overland Flyer . 6:53 | I.Upm.Ittklrlca&Htnmib'K > Kx.ex.&un ) . 3 tlu 7.10pm . . . . . .Paclno Express . . . . . . . . .10.Ua < :3upm. : . . . . .Fust Mall , . , 4:10ji : " OmahalUnlon Dtpot. lOUi Jt Mason 8tsJ Oinal I.Mpn . , .8U Louis Cannon Uall . , , , , lt.Kf ate ventures , and as fast as one sale \viu onsummatcd anothnr was negotiated , The Bcencry waa delightful , with Its rocky tens nnd falling water * . The mountain Kca were plcturoquo at every turn. Old /ookout had many mctnorlos to the Boldler iig pnrtli-s oxnlored hills where nil wai ovel and strange.Vlthln twenty miles icro were tintrtxlden forests. Tlie climate ns mild , the temperature equable ; fet enlthfulnesi It could not bo surpassed. The KhUvere cool , Excursion nfter excursion Ind been planned ml executed during these eighteen months , rlnglnp ; from New Knglaml * homes hard nrncd savings to bo deposited In the 'Ulectrlc City. " These excursions wore nl- -ays - lavishly arranged. After a delightful ournoy from Huston the \pBtllni1cd trains ftcn tvvelve In number wotiitl arrive In the arty even lug of the second day , when the wInkling llnhtn of the little city shone out rllllantly The visitors were tnhen at mice o the famous hotel , the ( lining room of whlcl vas most Rttractlvc. Its wnltafsvcro well rlllrd , nnd a well Unown chef from Iloalon ttundoil to the cuisine. The guests were nthtislastlcnlly welcomed and well enter- alncd. What wonders \vcro shown thoin ! 'hey subscribed eagerly to ever ) thing , < oath to leave , they returned homo com- ilotcly under the charm of the place and nrrlcd the tale ot wonder to their friends nducliiR them also to Invest. A year passed , nnd Instead of marvelous e turns there CAIIIO Imperative demands foi iiore money. The Investors must protect heir Interest , so moro money was raised nany homes being mortgaged to do this. When the company had drained one BOO- Ion It reached out In another direction , A oily party of Chicago business men foum ho place very nttractlvc and Invested coil' Idcrnbly In the new enterprises. Hut wtl ) iislness men from the northwestern cities ere not caught. They cntno and saw , bul vero not conquered , and toilay have reasor or congratulation Times began to change ; money , once sc ilentlful nnd free , wan harder to get ; still ho people had fulth In their \\oiulerful town 'hey boon began to criticise the manage nont. Too much money had been uxpondci n n fancy railroad -to the coal lands. H vni n pretty rldo up the steep mountain quite no\el , yet complaints were heard The ; icat furnaces that were to maUo such won lerful steel and Iron were obliged to shu lown for lack of funds. Some of the officers of the company , re llzlnp ; their false position , withdrew fron ho enterprise. In the spring of 1891 pteparn Ions were made by the most promlnon vorkers In the field to withdraw quietly Hliers followed as quickly ns possible al it n heavy loss and so the exodus began The academy closed Us doors ; the hotel wai hut up ; all building was suspended , and tin > eople were panic stricken. All who couli cave went nway. Uut there were many win could not leave , for their Interests were nl centered thero. One bright joung Janycr , who had left i rood practice , with good social position , li ho cast , to build up a homo at Fort I'ayno irlnglng a clmimlng wlfo and family , wa : so tortured by the situation that ho resorlei o a dangerous drug to still his anxiety , am s now bereft of homo and wife , the woman' loath being hastened by the change in thi once happy llfo. One man , somewhat elderly , but full o Ifo nnd vigor , gave up his prosperous busl ness and lovely home. In a Vermont tovvi 0 Invest all at Kort 1'ayne. This man , sttd denly aged , by this blighted trouble , hi ier\ous condition developing Into Insanity dicnl alone nnd deserted In n Ma&sachusott nsane asylum last July. Another man was so overcome with c\ cltcment In the early days to troubled tha 10 could not get nil the land ho wnntcd- : hnt his brain became unbalanced nnd ho I low an Inmate of an insane asylum. Man ; others followed In his pathway , and suicide were frequent. One > oung man , who l.ad Inherited a sniti 'ortuno , placed it all In the hands of i : rusted agent to bo Invested for him a Tort I'ayno , so gtent was his faith In th ilnce. A charming villa was to be bull Tor him on the outskirts of the town , for h vns coming with his brldo In the fall Th liouse was never occitplel save by tramps nnd It stands nlono and deserted. Ono of the chief officers of the company , man respected by all , of strictest Integrll ) surrounded by friends and by every comforl n piomlnent attorney In his own city , lei all behind to place his fortune hero. Thl man thoroughly believed in the greatest sue cess for the venture , nnd , reaching out I ; nil directions , brought every friend and rela Uvo he could to the place , desiring them t ihare In the glorious profits to come. H has left nil behind him to begin llfo anew li northern city. Ho la broken In splrll To all his own troubles he has the ndde rnng of remorse for the friends and Klndre w recked through their faith In him. Many many other Instances of horror nnd despal could bo quoted , for of all the bright glor ; only ashes remain. The wilier was painfully Impressed by th 'lesolnto ' appearance the lltllo town prescnto leccntly. It was night when the vlslto arrived , and tha blackness of old Lonkoul irlni and dark against the horizon , but em [ ihaslzed the painful contrast to the appear unco of the gay little city four years age It Is a tragic tale the rise nnd fall of thl llttlo town carrying with it desolation an despair Into so many once happy homes an hearts In New England. The beeautlfitl homes , costing so man : thousands of dollars , laid out with sue ! loving pride , are owned now by the native of the place people who had lived In "call Ins" before the boom , whose ' "farms" ha been so eagerly bargained for and wh could afterward use the money thus give Lhem to buy for a mere song the lovcl liomcs built there. Those vvho do not bu cilmly select a house anywhere and prc ceed to dwell therein. No rent can be co ! lected from them , for they once moro rul the town , so wonderfully Improved for thci by the "Yankees. " All the Industries arc lying Idle , many c them dismantled by the men having charg of them for the past tlireo years , scllln the fine machinery to pay their own salarle : All Is waiting for a purchaser. The vvho ! town , costing more than $5,000,000 , could I : bought today for $50,000 or less. Dut wi ) will buy ? Of all the outsiders vvho Invested In Foi Payne , but ono is recalled who did not suffc by the reaction. Ho did not wait for it I come , lie arrived early In the spring < 1889 , without money and apparently fricm less. For weeks ho sat around In tl different real estate olfices , constant ! smoking an old pipe. No one paid any a tontlon to him , but ho was getting point and , finally , managed to borrow some mnnc from n good natured broker. lie Invested I land , vvas very lucky , and had many qulc returns from his real e tate ventures. The : while the fever was at Its height nnd ei thiislasm boundless , while ho might safe : have lingered nnd Increased his winnings , 1 quietly departed for his western homo vvltl out saying goodby and with $50,000 In h pocket , A strange feature of It nil Is that tl honest leaders ot the enterprise lost not on ull the money they ever had , but all prestli besides. It was nil a tragedy for the li vestors. A Child Kiijiiyn The pleasant flavor , gentle action and soot Ing effects of Syrup of Figs , when In nei 01 a laxative , and If the father or mother 1 costive or bilious , the most gratifying resnl follow Its use ; so that It la the best faml remedy known , and every family shou have a bottle on hand. 11U Milit Out. A Germantown bachelor ot convivial ha its , missing his last train , spent the nig with a friend In town , soya the I'hlladelph Record , and met with a harrowing oxpei ence. When they awoke In the morning t Germantown man , to me his own expresslo felt like a fur salesman who had swallow his samples. He wag Mill a trifle under t Influence of the rosy , and his nerves we not In the best possible condition. On t dressing case was an open pill box , cental Ing two p | Uts , He was about to ask 1 friend what kind of pills they were wh unu of them sjave a little * squirm and turn completely over. The Oennantown m ; rubbed his eyes and stared In amazement. Then the other pill slowly began rolll about tha box , and his eyes threatened bulge out of their sockets. The two pi next began hopping up and down , as thou trying to escape from the box. ThorouKl frightened , the. Qerrnontowner gave a yi and , jumping Into bed , pulled the clot ! over his head. "Take 'em awayt" groaned. "Take what away ? " asked I very much surprised friend. "Those pi In Hint box. Have I got 'cm , or are th really jumping about ? " "Plllsl * ' was I laughing reply. "They're not pills. They1 a couple ot these Jumping brans I bought yesterday ami put In the pill box to ke r > . ' ' And the Oermnntown man felt a BT at d l 'tetter. tlhcumattam Is primarily cixusrd by ncMlty ot the blood. Hood's Snrsipnrllla purifies the blood and thus cures the disease. A FAIR VIKQINIA-BANDIT. Pretty N ll Pruncott UHS H Terror to the \\uj-fnrlni ; Mouiitiiltioors The recent exploits ot two female highway robbbcrs In a part ot West Virginia recall the rather romantic story ot the llfo nnd death of Nell I'rescott , old Virginia's first highway woman. Nell was born and lived and died within sixty miles of ParkersburR , says a correspondent of the CJIobe-Democrnt , ami. though her span of existence only ex tended over some twenty years , she made. things lively In the mountains while she did live. Vet her daring on the rend had a lilting climax In the unique manner of her capture and melancholy death. Nell Prescott lived and died "bcto1 d with. " She was the pretty daughter of old Job Prcscott , who lived nt the foot ot old Hold Top mountain. As a school girl sh was bright , Intelligent and studious , and II Is generally believed that It was the cxtroma poverty of her parents that drove her to tha highway. IJarly In the spring of 18S3 a rattle buyer named Jonnlngj reported to Sheriff Mul- cahey that while crosslnn n.ild Top and when near the county line ho caught up with a prepossessing , boyish-looking follow on tha trail , who said ho had walked from Llnwood nnd was goingto Deorlng , a little settlement nlno miles this wny from the mountains. Jennings offered the wayfarer a scat behind him on the horse , which oder was thankfully accepted. Tluu mounted the pair rode mer rily on their way , chatting plensuntly as they proceeded. Jennings thought his companion wna a very entertaining fcllnw , nnd was nil unconscious of danger until , while passing thtough n narrow delllc , . he felt the muzzle of a pistol pressed against his head , and a volca exclaiming from behind : "Give mo your money or clso I'll shootl" Jennings wus dumfounded by the sudden nnd unexpected turn of affairs , but as he heard the pistol click , knew there was nothing else to do but to comply with the command , nnd ho nt once drew out a roll of bills , amounting to $ . ! 00 , which was Im mediately snatched from his hand by till boyish companion , who leaped lightly from the horse to the ground , and then cooliy said. "Stranger , you're broke now , nnd as I took the pistol from your belt to do the job , I'll give you $20 so as to get another. " Then the robber disappeared , nnd Jen nings went disconsolately on his way to Huntley , where he found the sheriff. Mill- call ey at once dispatched n posse ot otllcera In pursuit of the highwayman , nnd , although they scoured the mountains for three days , could obtain no trace of him. Three wc-cks aftcrvvnrd a peddler was held up and robbed of $ C3 near the t > amo spot where Jennings had been despoiled of his money on the Llnwood trail. This deed was done by a small , bewhlbkered desperado , From thence highway robberies were frequent on the mountains. The Inhabitants of the sparsely settled country believed they were at. the mercy of nn organised band ot highwaymen , for In no two rases did the descriptions of the robber tally. The fact , though , that the crimes were nlwn > s committed by one person nnd In a certain locality nt last led the au thorities to doubt the existence ot a band of robbers and to believe that nil the "jobs" were the work of but ono Individual. At once they set about effecting his capture. Jinny attempts were made In that direction , but all to no effect. At last , however , U was deemed necessary to have deputy sheriff a constantly patrolling- mountains and $500 rcwnrd was ottered for the capture nnd con viction ot ritiy highway robber. This offer set many private citizens on still hunts , nnd at last Gnbe Jlmlson and Al Wheaton devoted - voted their time lo the pursuit of the un known highwayman Ono morning , accom panied by Gabo's bloodhound , Jennie , they were on their way up Rattlesnake mountain , when they met a Hebrew puck peddler , who an hour before had been hold up by a bearded highwayman oil the Bentley road nnd robbed. of $30 The peddler accompanied Gabe and his companion back to the place where the rob bery occuircd , and the dog was placed on the highwayman's trail. The hound vva held in leash so as to keep her constantly within range of her owner's rifle. Thus thl trio of men , led by the dog , followed the trail around the mountain side , through the woods and across chasms and brooks , Jennlo baying loudly the while. After a two hours' journey , and when ncarlng Hunt- Ity , Jennie begun tugging furiously at her Icash , and Gube knew she was hot on the trail , and at last he caught a glimpse ot a human form flitting through the trees ahead. Instantly Gabe Jlmlsun raised his rifle and fit oil , but , apparently , without effect , for the chase- was continued , but teen ended at a fallen tree , 'Into which the highwayman had so ight concealment Gabo and Al knew they had treed their "coon , " nnd that his capture was inevitable , so the hound was riM. allowed U > enter the aperture. Gabo kicked the log repeatedly , then shouted "Come out o' thar an' s'rcnder ter th' law or I'll smother ycr with smoke , [ or vve'tins has yer sho1. " There was no response to the stern com mand. Not n sound cnuld be heard from within the log. Evidently the robber was disinclined to surrender , so Gabe and Al held a consultation of war In whispers , which ended In the latter going to summon as sistance whllo Jlmlson remained to guard the selMmprl oncd captive. It was shortly after 1 o'clock when Al re turned accompanied by three vvoodmon and Deputy Sheriff Strong. Strong 'opposed tryIng - Ing to smoke out the robber by a fire , at the bnso of the fallen tree , and directed another method of getting hold of the robber , which was to split the log open So , with axes and wedges the log was cpllt , disclosing within u motionless human form. The aperture vv ts materially widened , while the deputy sheriff und Gabe stotd on the alert with drawn re volvers , and nt last the officer reached down and grasped the form by the shoulder , saying at the same tlmo : "I arrest you in the name of the Common wealth of Virginia for highway robbery. " There was no response. With n vigorous jerk he turned the form over , nnd then jumped back aghast. The bearded face that confronted his was that of the dead. Gabc's bullet had done its work. The robber had been shot through the back. In raising the body from the log the whiskers w6rn were discovered to bo false , and when the olllcer removed them Gabo Jlmlson ex- cHlmed : "Holy smoke. It's Nell ProscotJI Hoys , I'm flabbergasted. " Some of hla companions also recognized the pretty face , nnd , despite the tact that the form was clad In male uttlrc , declared U to bo that of old Job 1'rescott's daughter. It was mercifully decided to not Inform the Prescott family of the death of Nellie , and to , after viewing the body , the coroner ordered It Interred on the mountain Bide. near Oak Grovo. After the burial there were no more highway robberies lu that part of Virginia. A melancholy sequel to the death ot Null Prescott was the suicide , by shooting at her grave , of the young ( .clioolmaaler of Hunt- ley. lie had been the girl's lover. Oregon Kidney Ten cures all kidney "Mc U.K. Trial size , 25 cents. All druggist ) . 'Hui Melancholy Days ll.ivo Come , These are the melancholy days : liecause sneezing seems to be the most popular mods of salutation. Because painfully neat housekeepers deem It necessary to give the house a fall clean ing. liecause It Is so hard to decide- between a buffalo robe and a linen ulster , liecause your umbrella Is a miserable thing ot shreds , patches and broken steels , and your pocketbook U In even a less happy condition. Because the dancing days have come- again and , like an Idiot , you gave away your nlceit fan and your prettiest slippers last June. Because for the next month you will b constantly discovering clews that will tell you that all your woolen things have been appropriated by Industrious little moth * . When Dab/ was elcV , wo garo her Costorla. When Bhe woa a Child , cho cried for Castoric. Wh < u Bhe became Kiss , she clung to Costarb. 1 rofff cho had Children , the gave thorn Ciutotk