Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 19, 1894, Page 6, Image 6

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    THE OMAHA DAILY" BEE : ] VjtfDAY ( , NOVEMBER 19 , 1801.
Impromptu Affair that Followed a Failure
fr : Proves a Vigorous Contest.
Will Noi Kntcr the Illiic for I.vm Tlmn Onmlm llutchrrn llcclila
a Illiputo n to I'crumml
There were two prize fights , ono of the
( Jawbone order , and one of the Fltzslmmons-
Stnlth brand , out near Sarpy Mills yesterday
afterneon. The Jawbone fight hailbeen billed
as the star attraction , but It wasn't In It
with the other mill.
For several days It had been noised about
among the dead games that Morse Gordon , n
gaddlo-colore'd hot boy from Kansas City , was
going to make mince meat of Aaron Shcrroy
In a quiet , sacred mill at Sarpy Mills yester
day afternoon. The fight was billed for 3
o'clock , and at that hour seven gentlemen of
color and a reporter for The Ueo met nt
Mallemlcr's place at Sarpy Mills , and for two
hours there was a lively war ot words In
progress. Hoth Shcrroy and his adversary
were anxious for n meeting If there was
anything In It und there wasn't. A straw
canvass wan made , resulting In the dlscov
cry of $1.35 In sight , and neither of the men
would go Into the ring for anything lesJ
than $1.75. and the fight was declared elf
Mallender Is going to have a turkey shoot
next Sunday , nnd the warriors will make
another attempt to get together nt that time.
Hut the men whn wanted to sec a prize
fight were not altogether disappointed. There
nre two blR , hutky fellows employed In the
packing houses In South Omaha. George Mil
ler thinks he Is a little the best mnn
ever stuck a pig , nnd George Church thinks
differently. The mnn put up J25 each yesterday
ami went out In the woods below South
Omaha to Kettle the question of prowess ac
cording to the pri/e ring rules. They were
accompanied by about a rrore of thrlr
friends , and a ring was pitched on the sod.
As soon at time was called both men forgot
all they had ever known of the etiquette of
the game , and went In for a rough and tum
ble fight , ending In Church's com
plete Viuiqiiishment and almost nnnlhllatt'in.
Mlllor got the money and Church got n phy
sician. .
Bob FltMlmmiHH Act * 1'nll Hearer
\Vlinl tint Uittnr1 * l.mvior < . ys.
SYRACUSE , N. Y. , Ncv. 18-The funeral
of Con Illordan , who died Saturday morning
after bavins been knocked out by Hob Fltz
slmmons nt the Grnnil opera house In this
city , was held today nt the undertaking
rooms of James Mullln & Sons. It was at-
tcndeil by the members of the FltSKlmmona
Variety company uml n large number of
sporting men. The services were conducted
by llev. A. S. Durstau , secretary of HIP
local Young Men's Christian association.
The pall bearers were : Fltzstmmons , Joe
Dunfci"Yank" Sullivan , Dick Whittle * . 11-
waril Gibbon anil Captain Glori , manager of
the Fltzslmmons company. At the conclu
sion of the services th" bidy was taken to
the vault ot Oakwood. Lawyer Kmanuel
Frloml of Friend & House , of Ni-w York , ni-
rlveil In town today , lie Is Fltzslmimms'
counsel , lie told ii reporter It would take
expert testimony to get at the exact cause
of Illonlnn'w ilentb. He felt pure than Htz-
slmnions wculd be Indlcteil and tried for
mannlatmhter. but wculd bo acnultted.
INDIANAI'OMS. Nov. 18. The Sentinel
tomorrow will publish an Interview with Dr.
II. B. Tanner , u physician who has given
much study to psychological subjects. In
which the declaration Is made that "Con
Illordan was probably killed by the physi
cians who mnde the autopsy. Dr. Tanner
makes the assertion that they violated the
law of New York In holding an autopsy In
less thairtwelve hours nfter supposed death
nml without consent of the relatives ot thu
deceased. The doctor Is of the opinion that
Illordnn was In a state of suspended ani
mation at the time of the autopsy. He con
demns the physicians for not miUliiK ; all thu
approved scientific tests of death before ap
plying the scalpel. The suspension of respi
ration , he asserts , was the only Indication
of death , nnd this , the doctor holds , Is by
no means positive.
CANTON , Nov. 18. John U Sullivan gave
several performances , not counting the one
on the stage , ut this plnce last night , lie
was besieged by newspaper men anil local
sports to get his opinion on the Kltzslminohs
tragedy. Sullivan said :
" 1 feel very budly over the death of Con
Illordan. He was another good fellow nnd
* ils own enemy. It was purely an accident
ind a. thing that will not happen again In
l dozen years. As It wns not a fight the
authorities cannot hold FItz. The hitter
did not hit Con hard , but n hard blow IK
not necessary nt all times to put a. man ,
who does not take care ot himself , to
sleep. "
Asked If the trntredy would hove any
effect on Flte's match with Corbett , the ex-
champion said :
"I do not think so. It will be a great
fight , ami FItz will have a show. I am al
ways In favor of Americans over Austra
lians or anybody else1 , but that Corbtt If
the dirtiest cur I ever met. lie licked me
at a time when anybody could put me out ,
nnd he Is a cheap champion. "
CHICAGO. Nov. 18. Corbett telegraphed
Hob Fltzslmmons tonight , offering long Hob
financial nld If needed In his present
trouble , and giving the Australian permis
sion to draw down anil use half of his
forfeit money , the amount to be refunded
when Fltzslmmons Is free from legal com
I'jum THI : no t TOM. o v TH 1:1 : u VOGKKTS
National Louguo MugnutcH Imploru 1'lnyerft
Not to llmnrt Thorn.
NEW YORK , Nov. IS.-The result of the
recent deliberations of the National league
magnates concerning the new American
association is embodied In a manifesto
drafted by a committee of four appointed
for that purpose and made public today. A
synopsis of the manifesto recites the history
of all movements to establish opposition
clubs , showing that the result has always
been the loss of local pride by patrons and
Interest In both clubs destroyed. The man
ifesto continues :
"Today the future of base ball Is eon-
fronted by a new condition , a condition
which In every particular Is as harmful
and in many respects for more dangerous
than open dishonesty or llagrunt dissipa
tion. That Is , treachery within the lines.
Today and for months past we have hud
men identified with professional base ball
who for yenra have ueen the bcnellclnrlee
of the game , have- received liberal compen
sation for the work they have done , earned
their living entirely and aba-olutciy from
the opportunities afforded thfm by clubs
and organizations operating under the na
tional agreement , and we llnd and now
know that these men during this time have
persistently been Identifying themselves
with cchemes and combinations , the ob
jects and purposes of which nre to weakun
und perhaps destroy the- splendid fabric of
our national game , which It has taken years
of effort , anxiety and large outlay of cap
ital to construct.
"The moment any suspicion attaches tc
uase ball , and public confidence Is lost , o
oven chilled , the occupation of the ball
player Is gone. We must all stand or full
"It is a matter of public rumor and Is
also a fact which has come to our knowl
edge , that men Identified with the club mem
bership of the national agreement have
been co-operating in the formation of clubs
or organizations whose purpose Is to con-
"i . .wlln tlle national itgreement. In. view
or this knowledge the National league anil
American Association of Professional clubs ,
In convention assembled respectfully re
quest the national board to declare A C
Ijurkenbergcr William llarnle and Freii
1'cffer Ineligible to be employed either lu
manager or player , or In any capacity
whatever , und that they be forthwith BUS-
The suspended men ore given a chance
to exonerate themselves If they can. Tht
name punishment given them is advised to.
wards nil others who may be guilty of sim
ilar conduct. The suggestions of the com.
mlttee feigning the manifesto have beer
adopted by the national board of profcs
Btoniil base ball clubs. Apropos to all thli
the National league and American nsnocli.
tlon. under whoso protection the Went err
league and Kastern league are working
have received a commuiilcitkn from thi
secretary and president respectively of th
latter organizations , calling attention to t
movement that Is on foot to establish r
rival orb-unlzutlon to the National leagui
and a projected attempt to weaken the No
tloiml league at the outset by currying or
the leuKUe's players. The officers referrei
to ask for protection against such a move'
PITTOMI'IIO. Nov. 18.-A. C. llucken
oenw was much surprised tonight wher
shown the Associated press dispatch to thi
effect that he , together with Harnle nm
I'fcffer , hail been suspended by the Nutlona
league. Said he : " 1 cannot undentond whj
they should Include we , Kvery m * * . . o ,
that committee knows full well that I was
In no way connected with the new associa
tion until after I wns rrlenspd by I'lttsburK.
It IB a bluff to whip players ; Into line , but
they will pay dearly for their fun with me.
This will probably knock out my plans for
the Toronto franchise. It wns probably
( Joric for that purpose. "
A.NOIIIKK HUNCH in * UOAIJ imcoiins.
rcrfnrmnnce * of Wlirelmrn Onlclnlljr
ltrcugnl/.rd m Hin Murk * .
CHICAGO , Nov. IS.-The following road
records have been allowed by the Century
Iload Club of America :
W. U Stelmnl , Uuffalo-nunklrk ceWlury
course , 7:07:00 : : , June 20 , 1891 , course record.
H. G. Qobel , 100 miles , flGl:02 : : , September
29 , 1SDI , 7'onnnylvanla state record.
\V. L. Stflmal , 200 miles , 13:21:15 : : , Septem
ber 30 , 1&9I , American record.
Monte Scott , live miles , 12:53 : , October 12 ,
1S9I , New Jersey state record.
Monte Scott , ten miles , 20:07 : 2-5 , October
12 , 18tt : , American record.
Monte Scott , llfloon miles , 30:30 : 2-5 , Oc
tober 12..U9I , American record.
Monte Scott , twenty miles , C2:51 : , October
12 , 1S9I , American record.
Monte Scott , twenty-five miles' , 1:05:21 : 4-6 ,
October 12 , 1UI ) , American record.
II. I' . Son'le. ICO miles , 5:33 : , October 13 ,
SIM , Arm-Hems record.
II. P. Senile. 200 miles , 12:41 : M , October 13 ,
591 , American rccurd.
C. H. Gnup , twenty miles , M:3i3 : , October
> . lS9t , Maryland slate record.
T. T. Muck. 2W ) mlle. < , 13:10:40 : : , October 19 ,
S9I , New York stale lecotd.
.T. T , Graves , ten miles , " 28:17 : 2-5 , October
.8 , 1S9I , Ohio state record.
A.Vlnton and F. J. llalrd , ten miles ,
27:05 : 2-5 , October 19 , 1691 , Ohio state tan-
lorn record.
! ' . C. I.lst , Syracuse-Ullca century course ,
:30W : : , October 1H , 1891 , qourse record.
KitHtrrn Collrgn Alhlilrs llnpu t' ) SPR Yule-
llnrtitrrl Meet Oxfnnt'iin bridge' *
CAMHIUDOK , Macs. , Nov. 18. The Intcr-
; lcws with prominent Oxford athletes
'iiblrd ' the press from London , In
.vhich the Idi-u wns su-jgcsted that If Yale
ir a team made up ftom Yule and Harvard
iliould challenge an Uxford-Cumbrldgc team
o an International ulhletlc contest the
englishmen would very likely send a team
o this c untry next yar , has aroused great
.merest among the iMlleire athletes. Captain
Norman Hlngbam , Jr. , of the Harvard-New
lavpii tenm was SIMMI by an Associated
-fss ii-pdi-ter this Hftoriiouii and said :
"llnivnrd certainly fsivirs the Joint Har
vard-Yule trurk tfum mtetlng a like team
from Oxford nr.d CambilOgf. and would un
doubtedly aid towa d a < o up t tlon on elth-r
Bide of the water this sprljig. I should Jlke
'o see n representative team picked at large
rom the colleges , the cholre of mem
ber.- ) resting on tin * ri'Siilts of the Intercol-
leplnte games at Ni-w York. Of course ,
Yule being the vtlnnrr lu"t spring. Is thn
.ne to make the Hist advances to Hirvard
iir to the oilier coll.Tus. I fcl sure that
Harvard will do iverythltii ; she can to fur-
thpr the plan. Nothing cfllclal has jet bsen
: lone. Several llaivard Kfiidiiates have ,
lowever , bien working In tb0 Intereut of
Ihc matter , but they have arrived nt no
: lellnlte decision n yot. It lies with Yale
to take the Inillatlv and Harvard will
jutckly follow her load. "
ll.ivjiu-ycr li > r.nv Al'x ,
NKW YOIIK , Nov. 18. The Vi'orld will to
morrow sny that II. O. Havcmeycr has
practically made nrrnngfrnents to buy Allx ,
the trotting queen. Mr. Havemeycr visited
Slonroe Salisbury , who Is In charge of the
mare nt Madison Square garden , In regard
to the proposed puivlvise. He wanted to
know the price. Mr. Salisbury said he had
several times refused MO.OOO , and that he
would not part with her for less than J30.000.
Asi a result of the conversation Allx WOM
today carefully examined by a. veterinary
surgeon , who prrnnunred her perfectly
Hound. It Is bellcvod Mr. Havemeycr will
buy Allx tctnorrow. II. O. Ilavemeyer owns ,
among n lilg stiiblc of ) ioros , Kelk A'era ,
2OS-4 : ; Charlie C , 2:11'j : , and Harrietts. 2:095i. :
< l s < t nf the llnrot > lmw.
NHW YORK , Nov. IS. Yesterday wns the
last day of the horsn show and the attend
ance was large. Tin- feature of the day
was the exhibiting of the trotting mare ,
Allx. John 11. Gentry. Plying Jib. Ulrechy.
Hubert J and Azol . Allx won the cham
pionship rosetlp. In llu- hackney class the
American Hackney soc'eiy challenge cup
was awarded to IJr. Scnvunl Webb's Match-
loss. The cup now bocomej the property of
Dr. Webb , having been won by him two
years in succcsplon.
ironrlll r.ii-Vo.'R U Idoiv.
HOSTON , Nov. IS The widow of the late
base ball player , Michael J. Kelly , was
Blven a benefit nt the llollis Street theater
this evening. The house was packed and
the receipts will net nearly J2.000.
Difference ! ! < ! ecu the Vctonin and th
A nmt riU'Kgar. .
"Ssy , B'nts , can't yo. . give a poor felllow
a few cents to get something to eat ? Haven't
had a bite all day. Can't you give a poor
fellow a few cents to get something to cat ? "
He was running alongside of them repeat
ing his plea over and over again In a sing
song voice , says the New York Tribune. One
of the men hesitated , and then put his hand
In his pocket , but his companion took htm by
the arm and turned upon the beggar.
"Get out of thlc , " he said In a tone which
srcmed almost brutal , and the beggar turned
away abruptly.
"Don't you think you were pretty rough to
him ? " asked the man who had shown an
.Inclination to give alms.
"Not at all , " answered the other. "The
only way to get rid of him. "
"Hut ho may be deserving. He may
have been driven to It. He rather appealed
to me. He may be desperately hungry. "
"No , " answered Ills friend , unsympathetl-
cally , "lie's a professional. "
"How do you know ? "
"Just keep your wits about you when a
beggar approaches y-u. That fellow said
'gents.1 That's professional. He called
himself a pcor fellow. That's professional.
Ho asked for a few cents. That's profes
sional. And what's more to my point , he
kept repe'tlng his sentences over and over
again. He has learned to sing them over
that way by repeating them a thusand
times. When u man who Is net used , to
brggjng asks you for help ho doesn't do it
that \vy. He Just stumbles alone , utterIng -
Ing any appeal that comes to his lips. Ha
hasn't anything by heart. He doesn't sing
It and It doesn't slip off his tongue so
gl bly. The professional beggar U like an
actor. He lus his lines and he always
reads them In the same way. Dn't let
one cf those fellows fool -ou again. "
Did " "nil , lnl > < m
NEW YOIIK , Nov. 18. Diehard Leach. 3 (
years old , u florist , who lived with his re
puted wife , -Mary Hope Newklrk , an Wesl
Forty-ninth street , killed her early this
morning and tried to end his own life by
cutting his threat with the name weapon ,
a small penknife. The mnn will probably
Oriiprul ( JiUiMiii { iruiliiaUy
TIFFIN , O. , Nov. IS.-The condition ol
General Gibson became much more crit
ical today and It In evident that the end U
near. He cannot longer talk above a whis
per , and even that exertion tires him sc
he seldom attempts It.
Illuh MIHM for the Drud Cmr ,
WIUKHSIlAltlti : , Pn. . Nov. IS.-rtlshoi
Nicholas of the itusslan Greek church cele
brated high niaHs for the late czar and foi
his successor Ht St. Mary's Greek churcl
hero today. The bishop will leave for Bar
Francisco tomorrow.
Ilrlclc Itlnrk Ilurnnil nt Sun Antonio.
SAN ANTONIO , Tex. , Nov. IS. Fire this
afternoon destroyed n brick business blocli
In the he-.irt of the city. A disastrous
conflagration was narrowly averted. Loaa
JSD.OW ; total Inburance. $5rCOO.
"Quick 'I line tit Hotwiring * und lleailirood
The F. E. & M. V. n. R. time schedule ii
a drawing card. Note the time and ex
cellcnt service from Omaha to Hot Sprlngi
and Ueadwood ;
Leave Omaha 2:10 : p. m. dally ; arrive Hoi
Springs 8:05 : n. m. ; Dead wood 11:00 : a , m.
Wagner 1'alucu sleepers Missouri Vallej
to Dtmdwood , Free reclining chair can
Omaha to Deadwood ,
Dcrths reserved and further Informatlor
Klven at city ticket office , 1401 Farnam street
Depot , Fifteenth and Webster streets.
J. H. nuCHANAN ,
General Passenger Agent.
The Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul fail
train , leaving Union depot at C p. m. , makei
exact connection at Sabula , la. , for MUals
slppi river points north , arriving at Dubuqui
0:40 : a. m. . North Qregor 8:40 : a. m. , Lt
Croa e 11.16 a. m. . St. Paul 2:45 : p. to. TJckei
office , 1604 Faruam itre t.
Henry Glows Sees Much Encouragement in
Present Indications.
CFMlly for lloml * Unfiirtunntr , but Their
iMtmnco Rlm\T n 1'ruper Determina
tion IlunlncKit Hccovcry 1'ro-
cccd * on n Solid
NEW YOHK , Nov. 18. Henry Clews , head
of the banking house of Henry Clews & Co. ,
writes of the situation In Wall street :
"Although the Immediate effect of the bond
ssue was a realization of profits made In
ntlclpatlon of the event Itself , Its ultimate
fleet will bo to strengthen confidence , both
t home and abroad , Nobody contradicts the
'act ' that the necessity of the loan is a mis-
ortune ; but the determination of the govern-
nent to protect the national credit by the
jest possible expedient , until the deeper
lauses for distrust of our currency system
: an be remedied , Is the strongest sort of ar
gument for confidence. Mr. Cleveland has
con lavish enough In promises to this end ;
ret his action lu the matter has not been
irompt enough to meet the preferences oi tha
banking community. Europe , however , can
now rest assured that our currency will be
maintained upon a gold basis , and this wilt
lo much toward overcoming the prejudice
if foreign holders , who have very naturally
'eared that Interest and principal of our
lecurlty might some day be payable only
n debased money. As for business inter-
: sts , sutllclent time has not yet elapsed to
irtually ftol the icsults of the late election.
Everybody now believes that populism , sll-
'erlHin and tariff agitation arc questions ut
he past ; or at least that the country Is
assured of a rest from such disturbances
"or Komo time to come. Industry will thus
cci'ive encouragement towards renewed ex
ertion ; and \ > hlle from the nature of tne
case recovery must be slow , It will be cer-
"nln and vastly more substantial than could
mve been possible except for the popular
rerdlct of November C. One of the most
satisfactory features of the times Is the
.mlvcr il aversion displayed to any revival
n the shape of a boom.
"In some quarters thre Is a disposition to
exaggerate the effects of low prices for
wheat and cotton upon the agricultural In
terests. It is overlooked that both wheat
and cotton can be raised much more cheaply
than formerly , and that It costs less to
handle and transport these articles than
ever before. In some portions of the south
cotton can be grown probably with prollt
even at the present depressed price , and In
other sections where low prices press hard I
some compensation is hod from better fer
tilizers and better methods of cultivation ,
Aaln , we have a great abundance of these
low-priced commodities , which brings their
aggregate value up to normal volume. Con
sumers nre benefited by these low prices ,
und have more to spend In other directions.
About 50.000,000 bushels of wheat have al
ready been fed to cattle with advantage ,
not wasted , and good authorities estimate
that as much again will be used before the
next crop. When all these and other offsets
are considered It will be seen that the pres
ent condition of the American farmer , while
bad enough , la not quite so wretched as
many would have us believe. Through all
these long months of panic and distress we
have had fewer complaints from the farm-
Ing1 than from the manufacturing districts
anil as the farmers In common with other *
aru sharing the cheapened cost of living , wt
cannot believe that they ore worse oft thar
other divisions of labcr.
"As for the Industrial situation , that Is
hopeful. Our textile mills ore not fully cnv
ployed , but they arc turning out n larcei
product at better pronts than six months
ago. The boot and shoe trade has beer
very active in low-priced goods for Severn
months. The Iron trade revives slowly , stll
there Is nn unusual degree of confidence li
the future , and many of the western estab
llshments which are most favorably circuit
stanced as to locality and plant are runnlnt
close to their full capacity. The Stock ex.
change Is not blind to all these factors. In
vestors show general confidence In the fu
turc , and while often not able to buy , stub
bornly refuse to sell ; In fact , the tenuclt )
with which stocks and bonds Dre held li
unusual. Money Is plentiful and easily ob
talned for enterprises of merit , but rallrorti
stocks are naturally neglected while eain
ings continue so poor. Hotter business , how
ever , will soon result In Improvement In thh
respect , hence railroad shares will qulcklj
share and possibly anticipate the brlghtci
prospects now In view. "
InvcKtnimit Stocks In Demand and Amcrl-
CUD ItHlhvuy Srciirltlni tiecllnn.
LONDON , Nov. IS. Important gold move
ments during the past week material ! :
.strengthened money rates. The contlnuei
demand for bullion for the continent Is ex
peeled to suffice to maintain rates at tin
present level. Both China and India an
buying silver. Humors are current of HI
attempt to corner silver In America. Husl
ness at the Stock exchange was almos
wholly confined to the mining market
where excitement ran high. The scttlemen
showed the business In South Africa ven
tures was even larger than was supposed
Paris Is still buying largely , and the rlsi
continues unchecked. Shares of the Char
tered company of South Africa ndvanc * <
3s Gd , Bechuanaland 3s and East Hand 5
on the wc-ek , with consols touching 103. In
vestment stocks are generally reaching rec
ord prices. The dltllculty In finding- good In
vestment securities is driving the publli
to purchase home railway and colonial se
curltles. The tendency all around Is up
ward , The spurt on the market for Amer
lean securities on the announcement of tni
new loan speedily subsided In the face o
poor trafflc returns. There was no cncour
ugement to buyers except of first-clan ;
stocks. The week's changes were mostli
adverse. Lake Shore , was up 114 and Ncv
York Central V4 , The following decline :
were made : Milwaukee and Heading firsts
each 2 ; Louisville & Nashville , 1J : Den
vcr preferred and Mexican Central , eacl
114 : Central Paclllc , Norfolk & Westcn
and Union Pacific , each Hi : Denver & Hli
Grande , Atchlson , Illinois Central am
Northern Pacific , each 9i , and Krle , Read
Ing and Wnbash incomes , each ' , .
Chicago llocrlptH the 1-ait Week tin
llnivlput on Iternril.
CHICAGO , Nov. 18. As far as the stocl
yards are concerned , Chicago continues t- -
lead. Last week nearly 448,000 head of stocl
was received at the yards , the heaviest re
ceplts on record. The number of cars , wltl
Saturday's estimated at 530 , reached 8,438
or within eighteen of the greatest receipt
of cars In a week. The receipts were mad
up of 77,381 cattle , 2,968 calves. 271,016 boss
and 94..000 sheep. In the same week In 183
the receipts were : Cattle , 69,638 head
calves , 2,873 head ; hogs. 142.483 head , an. .
sheep , 53,434 head. In comparison with th
preceding week , the gain is : Cattle , 0,000
calves , & 8 ; hogs , 70,000 , and sheep , 19,000 head
The shipments for the week aggregate. .
78,174 head , made up of 19,251 cattle. 27
calves , 43,130 hogs , and 10,508 sheep. A yea
ape the shipments were 6G.077. divided li
about the same proportion , Chicago packer
bought last week 219,077 hogs , against 103,16
In the corresponding : week last year , j
comparison of the receipts at the prlnclpa
markets Is as follows :
Cattle. I lot's , filiei-r
Ohlcaso . 77,400 271.1100 31 , Of ]
Kanrna City . 4 , . 45,000 77,000 SC < ] I
Omaha . 22.000 . 2,80
St. Louis . 21,000 29,700 7,30
ll low /uro In Mlnneitatn.
ST. PAUL , Minn. . Nov. 18. The first col
wave of the year swept over Mlnensota tu
day. At 9 o'clock today the temperatur
had Just touched zero In St. Paul. A
Crookston It waa 6 degrees below zero on
at St. Cloud 4 below. In the extreme north
western jnart of the state It is 10 degree
below. Over In Manitoba the weather I
still colder , at other points the registe
being 14 to 10 degrees below zero.
. \iiiorlciin I.lfn InnurancB O. > mpniir Sued
LONDON , Nov. 18.-A Paris dispatch t
the Standard says the Compagnle des As
suronces Generates Is suing the America
Life Insurance company for damages to
unfair competition by means of pamphlet
and circulars. The trial Is expected to las
for weeks.
licalli nf Colonel \VtlUrlck.
NEW YOniv. Nov. 18. Colonel A. C. W lii
rick , aged 68 , who retired from his static
three months ago. died nt his home at Clll
ton , Statrn Iiland. Colonel AVIldrlck wa
last situated at Fort Wadsworth.
An Oililltr lu Tlmuilrcei. |
The latest among these curious tlm
pieces Is constructed as follows : A BUG
newer of silver protrudes from a whit
crystal vase , graceful In shape anil sober ]
decorated. The stalk In of brown gilt , th
leaves Kre n , the petals yellow and th
heart of the flower deeply oxidized. Hou
and minute marks are engraved around th
heart of this sunflower , which facra U
lookers-on , A ladybird of spotted re < J-tt
ameled cold nriparcrftlj- Vests on the flower
on the line dlvldlntr the heart from the
petals. This pretty"inject , which moves
Imperceptibly by nlcatis of n mechanism
hidden within the flowir , shows the time.
Hy only n close Inspection can one detect
the time divisions on this original dial ,
which Is granulated nil over and In bluish-
black. Aa to the HollAw circular line on
which the ladybird trUVels , It Is completely
o i
A U'oninn Who Ali U < - Her Own llookft
Aftur lief- < | ITII Idem.
I know a lovely dark-eyed girl whose
position In life gives , Ticr not only the
raiment , but the unchallenged leisure of the
lilies of the field , who has taken unto her
self , anil finds much pleasure In , one of the
most laborious yet charming pursuits.
She Is an omnivorous reader , and has be
come In some sense a collector , or rather
a maker of rare books. Not that she Is
literary ; she never wrote a line for publica
tion In her life , but she has a considerable
collection now of odd volumes , some bound ,
Interleaved , Illustrated by means of photo
graphs anil prints , by her own hands , and
others that are entirely her work from cover
to cover.
One of these productions is a collection of
sea songs , beginning with Shelley's :
"I see the deep's untramplcd floor
With green and purple sea-weed strown. "
and closing with KoeeUI's ,
"Consider the tea's listless chlm . "
These , Studentla , as we will call her , has
clipped apart , Interleaved with photographs
and prints of famous marines , sketched In
dalntv little head and tall pieces , best of
all , adorned hero and there with finely
mounted sea-weed , the spoil of last sum
mer's seaside days , and rebound In shim
mering , blue-green lizard skin with title
and lettering of silver.
The most charming of Studentla's books
however , are those which she makes entirely
for herself.
She Is , you must know , passionately fond
of poetry , and reads everything going , Ir
rhyme , from the somewhat soggy sonneti
which the magazine editor feels moved tc
offer to a patient public , to the bright poetli
Jetsam and flotsam of the Sunday newspapers
Occasionally she finds a little gem In soim
obscure place , a bit that Is plainly by an un.
practiced hand , but which has merits of pun
loveliness ; and then she cuts It out.
Some time ago she found that she had imlti
an accumulation of these versellngs , running
from grave to gay , and on all sorts of sub
jects. She hardly knew what to do wltl
them. A scrapbook was not to be thought
of , since many of the verses were on pool
paper and In worse type , and she felt sun
her discoveries were worthy of and wouk
grace a better setting ,
She has a nice tact for lettering ( does I
with a number one red sable brush , In Imtlr
Ink , or carmine ) , so she got from an art stori
as many sheets of fine , thick paper , assortei
In the very faintest tints of cream , amber
pink , azure , violet , etc. , as she had llttli
poems. On those she lettered the verses
adorning as her fancy and the text sug
Ono poem of a devotional character Is doni
on cream , and has each verso begun with ni
Illuminated Initial , which , with an Illumt
nated border , makes It look like a page out o
an old missal. Another has a tangle of will
morning glories rioting over and through tin
text. This one is on fajnt blue. Some vcn
dc soclete have exquisitely etched figures li
pen and Ink meandering through the lette ;
press , and Illustrating It , while very man ;
have the tiny bits of water color landscapes
In which she excels , added to them.
On the cover of creamy chamois skin sin
has lettered the title In red ,
Above and below this rims a band ot hlghl ;
convent onallzed figs and thistles , wrough
In heavily stuffed bullion embrbldery , am
the little' ' volume , dainty and complete In al
Its details , Is more precious In her eyea thai
a black letter Shakespeare.
One of the most'charming of Stuilentla'i
books , because It reflects her own charmlni
self , Is not at all literary In character. Shi
calls It her "Vanity Qodk. ' . ' The Idea for I
was suggested to .her by the little wale
color or' pencil sketches' sh < ! Is In tlf'e habl
of furnishing her dressmaker for special cos
tumes. Some of them looked really ( oo prett ;
to throw away.
Then , like many girls , she loves to bi
photographed In a successful new costume
photographs and sketches accumulated on he
hands , and so the Idea grew.
She has now 'bound1 them , each plctur
upon a carefully handled mat of the gcod
actually composing the costume It represents
Snippets of trimmings , adornments , etcar
skilfully used , and the date- and place wher .
the frock was first worn are given along wltl
other bits of Interesting "contemporary his
tory. "
The pictures were to be limited to twi
gowns per season ( one street and one evcnlni
gown ) , which should make the. number clgh
for each year ; but so many tennis dresses
hats , riding habits , plead for admission tha
the number for each twelvemonth far ex
ceeds that figure , and the somewhat bulk ;
volume represents only five years.
Head and tall pieces , Initials , borders an
enrichments are sketches ot such plcturcsqu
things , as favorite fans , girdles , clippers o
Jewels , and bouquets that specially charmcil
grouped with the eye of a decorative artist.
The binding Is in closely wrought needle
work on cloth of gold. The front cover show
a peacock with spread tall , standing upo
the word "Vanltas , " the back cover a slngl
broken peacock feather , with solemnly I UP
trous eye , above the word "Vanltatum. "
The title page records In old English texl
"A Hccorde of Vanities
A llsto of some ut the gauds , trtnkcttcs an
value adornments wherewith Mistress Stu
dentla did apparrelle her frail and per
Ishynge bodies In the yeares 1887 to 1892 In
some account of the juncketlngs and merry
making too whyche In them she wente. "
I fancy the trtifuro such a volume woul
be to a writer on the history of costum
snniewl.iTi > ! n tr.u year 9200 , and what
prlc-s It would fcch at a book auction u
whatever shall then be the equivalent for
book auction.
This Is to finilnlne eyes perhaps the mos
fascinating work of the entire collection , an
the maker avows that It has served , wit
her , a purpose never Intended.
"There Is one thine that book has done to
me , " she says. "It has Improved my last
In circus. How can I look at a. monstrou
thing like that , " laying a reprehenslve fore
finger on one of the portraits for 1887 , wit
Its enormous tornoure , "and remember ho'
pretty I then thought It , without beln
rather abashed. And I can't turn over thea
pages without finding that the simple , hutna
looking forms are the only ones which don' '
look ridiculous when they're out of date. Th
book Is a regular sermpn on the beauty c
classic , severe simplicity , -which Is shown t
be artistically right since Its beauty alon
to make the book a"paper covered Knight :
Shakespeare and a chcip copy of 'Galno' '
Literature. '
Another book that Is 'all her own Is tli
memento ot a summer's''trip. It Is a rathe
K > thin , square booklet-bound In flue Madra
) muslin "Part of the duster I wore" sh
K ) explains , and It Is lettered on the back "Or
Summer , " with the
Within , the pagesiiareimerely a title pag
a roster ot the names of those who con
posed the camping " "pary , and such matt <
as would naturally accumulate upon such
Jaunt , and which one would scarcely like I
destroy , nor know exactly how to prescn
In shaped-
any pleasing -
Then comes a pliotogrnliplc group of tl
crowd taken altogether In front of the
tents by the earner * flwd of the party ,
sketch or two of bur own "The Camp In
Fog. " "Surf Dathlntr " fto. . several pieces i
exquisite seaweed gathered on the beach ar
contributed by a friend , along with a quoti
tlon which brings up the date upon whlc
they were found. There ore groups i
flowers so carefully pressed and grouped thi
they rlvnl water colors , besides having
quaint grace of their own.
The main literary feature of the work Is
round-robin poem made by the campers-
each one contributing a verse which Is d
F.crlptlve of their arcadian simplicity and tl
f- bllsjfulness of their outing. The volun
close with more autographs , photographs ar
much pleasant nonienie , that will bring bol
smile and slnh to the lips of the campers
after years. Such a book on one's tab
would furnlih a tubject of pleating convert ;
tlon with the dullest of callers.
"One of the dear friends who went on tti
trip , " lays Studentla. "Is de d. And tv
more are married which Is worse. It's
remembrancer of the happiest summer ot n
life , of a happy , congenial band that a
oevcr b gathered together again In th
world , and I wouldn't take a gold mine for
It. "
Such la Studentla's pet pursuit. A pretty
and elevating ono for any girl , and one of
which a bright young woman would be sure ,
In one or another of Its branches or modifi
cations , lo inaJio n ple.inura and success.
I have detailed only a fragment of this col
lection I think there are fully twenty vol
umes now In It , with many more planned ;
but as such books should be ot personal In
terest , each fair worker who fancies the plan
will wish to select subjects for herself.
Audience \Vns Promptly Notified by the
tt ( Himu'M Scrciuin.
There was a large and elegantly dressed
throng present to see "Madeline ; or , the
Magic Kiss" at the Park theater In Urooklyn
Tuesday evening , says the New York Sun ,
The first and second acts of the opera had
been finished without accident or mishap
and.the heroine. Madeline , whom the pro
gram calls on unklsscil maid , had received
her third kiss from the hero. The audience
were delighted at the hero's luck In getting
this third kiss , and ns the curtain was let
down they settled themselves back In their
seats to chat about It. The few rude men
who go out between the acts to get a drink
of water had already left and the air was
filled with low conversation.
Suddenly there arose above this buzzing
not one but a succession of shrieks. These
shrieks came and continued to come from
the left-hand balcony box nearest to the
stage. All eyes were directed to this box.
In it was a man and a woman. The man
sat with blanched cheeks etarlng at the
woman , while she stood upon a chair
screaming and shaking her skirts.
, The audience did not know what to make
of the strange sight. Finally the CRIIFC of It
all appeared In the shape of a rat. The poor
crcaturo was more frightened than the
woman. It jumped upon the railing of the
box and ran up and down several times ,
while the woman kept up her screams.
The face of her companion , when he tn\\
the rat , changed from white to a deep red
and , taking hold of the woman's arm , he
tried gently to lift her from the chair. She
wouldn't budge an Inch , but kept screaming
white the poor rat , half frightened to death ,
stood still and stared at her. This made the
woman scream all the more , made the audl-
once laugh , and turned the color nn thp es
cort's face to a deeper red.
The man finally let go the woman's arm.
and pulling out his handkerchief , ndvi'i.ceil
In a threatening attitude toward the rat , yellIng -
Ing "Shoo ! " and waving his handkerchief al
It. The poor rat let out a pitiable squeak , anil
made a movement as though tu jump on the
chair on which the woman etood. No sooner
had this motion been made than the woman
gave a long-continued shriek. Kven the rat
couldn't stand it. So , quickly turn'ng , it
gave a farewell squeak and jumped down in
among the audience. The tables were- turned
now , and the women In the orchestra sud
denly turned pale. The rat l.indcd without
harm to himself on the soft foot nf a fat
middle-aged and giddily dressed woman. Slit
leaped up and stood on the scat. For a few
seconds she was perfectly still. Then she
gave utterance to a scream equal to any
that had come from the box.
Some one yelled out that the rat was dead
while another man rudely yelled :
"For God's sake , don't let that woninn
scream again. "
The fat woman gave him a withering Icok
Her escort assured her that the rat ivar
really dead. Then picking up lier skirt , flu
got down from her seat and walked oat ol
the theater , her escort following her nm !
carrying her wraps. The box where the ral
had first appeared was now aho empty. Af
ter the opera was over a couple of the theatei
attaches tried to find the body ot the dead
rat , but couldn't.
How the Harvest of tlio 1'ndtil Vnnety Maj
Ho DlmlllUhccl.
A man who has made the human foot ar
object of research and study declares thai
short stockings are very nearly as Injurious
as short shoes. Hose of Insufficient lengtl
press the knuckles of the toes upward , am
when the shoes farce them down tin
natural result Is a painful excrescence thai
vulgar folks designate as a corn.
"llut surely you don't consider an Ill-fit
ting stocking the cause of bunions , do you ? '
I Inquired.
"Ono tit them , " he replied. "Corns nre thi
result of pressure. .You see , the blood Is
i. forced from the sebaceous glands , therefon
an excessive or unnatural quantity of oil h
e thrown off. This diseases the blood and tin
oil forces Us way to the surface of the toe
As it reaches the cuticle It evaporates , leav
Ing the top layer hard. Layer upon layer o
oil forms downward and deepens until I
* } presses on the nerves. Corns' have no roots
That Idea Is fallacious. Dut they cannot bi
cured until an Instrument goes beneath al
those layers of diseased oil and remove them
A soft corn Is more easily treated and li
largely the result of acid In the blood.
"After a corn has been removed find ou
literally where the shoe pinches , then batlu
the feet In cold water every morning upoi
arising and rub the part with preparei
chalk. "
My Informant added that for dry feet al
ways use Ice cold water ; for moist feet , In
cllned to perspire freely , the water as ho
as the skin can stand It , and bathe just be
fore retiring. If the feet swell after mucl
walking , put a little vinegar In the ho
water ; if they ache , use a few drops o
ammonia or borax.
Rest the feet often. To do this change tin
shoes as frequently as possible. Even fron
an old to a new shoe Is a rest. The mus
cle.s of the foot tire of ono position , no mat
tcr how easy the leather or last may be
Four or five times a day , If It Is convenient
nro none too often to take this trouble , am
Us benefits are astonishing.
Ingrowing nails are the result of the corn
era being cut too close , allowing the shoi
to press against thorn. This again require :
skilled treatment. The pedicure's patronagi
Is becoming as extensive as that of the man
icure , for , apart from the treatment of pain
ful excrescences , beautifying the foot Ii
greatly In vogue. Preparations to whiten thi
skin are In use- , and all the. art of the manl
cure Is called upon to assist that of the ped
Icure. Some society women can now presen
as well kept a foot as hand , the nails roundix
and polished with equal daintiness.
One other suggestion the man who know
gave out , and that Is Important to mothers
Ho says that babies learning to walk shouli
not be allowed to wear the popular pape
soled shoes. A slitter bottom should bo sup
piled , for all nail affections are apt to set li
from rubbing the edges of the toes on th
Aa Arab Xoiv In Kuropo Nearly Beven Fee
HlKh und .Mill ( ironing.
The very latest In the world of freaks , a
far as giants are concerned , has recent !
been discovered In Arabia. A German pro
fessor , traveling In that country , chanced t
run across this tremendously elongated spec
linen ot man In a caravan that pitched It
tents In the oasis of Slwah-Amons. The pro
fessor at once , recognizing how appreciate
both by scientists and the public at larg
would be this "tall palm of the desert , " a
the giant was called by his companions , < i
once opened negotiations with a view t
bringing him to Europe. After no end c
trouble the bargain was closed , and a cor
Ir tract drawn up by which the giant agreed t
exhibit himself under the direction of his ills
What makes this giant doubly Interestln
Is the fact that he Is a beardless youth , an
nothing more than a preposterously over
grown "kid. " He Is only 1C years ; old now
and how tall he will be when he reache
Ills maturity Is a matter of speculation , Hat
san All , which Is tha name of the youngstei
stands nearly seven feet high just at present
He crows a centimeter or so every weel
He U perfectly healthy , acd Is not at all ba
looking , though his features are rathe
coarse. He has a good appetite , and eat
and drluks fully as much an three full-grow
men. Ills hand , from the tip of the. mldd |
finger to the wrist , measures nearly thlrte *
inches In length , and U proportionate !
broad and heavy.
All Is by no meant a Cinderella , as far a
feat are concerned , these being In keeptn
with the rest of his body , and molded on
at heroic scale. This young giant Is real !
splendidly proportioned , and appears to b
enjoying the- very best ot health. He I
uy dressed with regal magnificence , and the cu
of hla multi-colored silk robei aid t
j lengthen bis appearance. He Is ot a cheerfii
goes by favor. So docs Pearl-
inc. It's the first and only
ifi washing compound more
popular than ever sales
larger than ever there
never was such a general
favorite. Not at all strange. It
rubbing wear and tear.
S/f \ This saves time , health , money.
' /I If you are not one of the favored who
[ use it , dp us the favor of trying it at
once. Then you'll join the majority.
Bewareonce. anil some unscrupulous grocers will tell "you ,
Beware "this is ns Roixl as" or "the same as Pcarllne. " IT'S
_ FALSE Pcarlinc is never peddled , If your proccr sends
you an imitation , be honest senifit tack. 439 JAMHS 1'YLK , New York.
what we like to harp on. We can't help it. These de
partments are just teeming' with the choicest goods you
ever saw , and at prices so low that it will astonish you.
First-class goods never were so cheap and the time to
buy is now , when the assortment is complete.
Comforts from . . .49c from $4.50
Blankets from . . .58c Healing Stoves from. . * 2.75
Pillows from . . .37c Laundry Stoves from. . 2.90
Pillow Slips from. . . . .24c Gasoline Stoves from . 1,98
Sheets from . . .58c Gas Burners from . 11.90
Sliam Holders from. . . .24c Oil Heaters from . 3.95
Ingrains from lie s from
Brussels from 43c Mattresses from
Velvets from 69c Chamber Suits
Body Brussels from 58c Parlor Suits
Malting from iOc Sideboards
Hemps from lie Extension Tables
$10 00 worth of ( roods ,
$1.00 per week or $ .00 i > er month
$25.00 woi'Ii : of goods ,
41.oO per week or $0.00 pot1 month
$50.00 worth of poods ,
$2.00 pnr week or $8.00 per month
5-75.00 worth of goods ,
$2.50 per week or 810.03 per month
Take your choice. Your trndo S100.00 worth of pooil ! ) ,
is equally appreciated $3.00 i cr week or $12 0 ! ) pur month
whether you pay cash or on $20 ' .00 worth of goods ,
payments. $1.00 per week or $15.00 per month
Formerly People's Mammoti Installment House
Open Monday and Saturday Even.n35.
" "
VllaUzt > rlhe prcscrlio
tlon of n famous FriMicli physician , will quickly euro you of nil tirr-
vons or ilisc-nseo of tlio generative uream , such 1111.ostMiiiihnoil ,
ItDsomiiln , I'liliialti tuo JuclcKemluul ! JZmlsslniin , Norvoiii Debility ,
J'lmplei , Uiifllncos to JIarry , Exhausting Drnliis , Vnrlrwplo und
Cons'.lpallon. It stopn all IOKSCH by day or nlglit. J'icventH < | iiltk-
HiMOI discliargp , which If not cbeclcocllpBilitoHpcrnmtorrliiuaBiicl
. . , „ AMUH - ° " tlmhorrnriuf Impotfncy. CIII'IIUJWKplcuuscaUiollvc'r. tUa
AND thnurlnuryorRanaoJuUluiiiurllles.
Tlio reason nulTereri nre not cured by Doclnrn It hcriiuso ninny per cent ore troublra with
ProMntIII * . CUPJDUNKInthoonly L'nown remedy to cure wliliout im operation , Cmxui-ntlmmil-
' ami returned If six Imxra deed not i-tTucl .
aK A written BUnrnnti'oglvPii money u permanent euro.
| l.OO a box , six for | 5. ( , by mull. Bend for KIIEI : circular nml testimonials.
Address 1 > AVol. JHEDICINF. CO.I' . O. IorHrTS.Sunl-'rmiclsco.Onl. J\o-Snltliy
UUODMAN DRUG CO. , 1110 Fimiam SlrGotOmuUiu
childish disposition , and has not as yet been
able to master any of the harsh guttural
words of the German language ,
He Is an ultra-orthodox Mohammedan and
performs his religious exercises with rigid
punctuality. The ono drawback to All's appearance -
poaranco Is the curious shape of the upper
part of his head. From his ears upward tlie
head tapers In a most peculiar fashion. This
defect Is , however , hlil under the tall fez he
Invariably wears. Though this young giant
has but little experience In the show business
ho has nevertheless proved himself to be
thoroughly able to take care of his Interests.
In fact , he Is given credit to be a regular
Joey Dagstock In his slyness. He has a
number of first class offers from American
managers under consideration , but thinks
America Is too far off.
Strange I'ecullnrlllri nf tlio Kestmirniitft In
Unit Country.
Table methods In Sweden differ from those
In most countries , writes a correspondent of
UIB Philadelphia Telegraph. An Institution
which exists everywhere nnil precedes all
meuh Is the so-called "smorgasbrod. " This
Is the high table In every restaurant room
spread with small appetizers , such as
schrlmp , anchovies , cold roast meats , rail-
Uhes , tinned ( lines and an abundance of
bread and butter. To this the guest walks
up and helps himself to hU satisfaction , at
the same tlmo ordering of a waller what he
desires for his next later course. When ho
has finished his standing meal ho take * a
seat and Is ready for the main meal , which
Is very like what Is to bo had In other coun
The visitor will be Impressed with the
fresh milk , cream and butter which are set
on the table In lavish ijuantltles , a circum
stance which Is easily explained when It
Is remembered that Bweden and Denmark
provide Great Britain and some other parts
of the world with a great part of their dairy
products. The system of helping yourself
also extends often to the entire meal , us at
such places as railway stations where a halt
I ] made for dinner. A great table set with
an abundance of most excellent viands Is
placed unguarded at the mercy of the guests ,
who each for himself walks to the soup dish
and dtps out what ho wishes and takes U
axvay for silent consumption at the small
ildo tables near by. When the .soup Is ( in-
1-bed he casts his dish aside , takes a new
one and goes to the flt-h salver , und so on
throughout the meal. When he is dons he
walks up to the cashier , reports what lie lias
eaten , and pays the bill , which Is never ex
A feature of the table In Sweden Is the
so-called "Hadbrod , " or flat bread , which a
stranger U not apt to like. U occurs In the
form of a thick wafer extended to about 'the
circumference ot a bucket top. It has a hole
IP the middle Into which one might
Commission Merchant
Grain anil Provisions.
Private wires to Chicago and New Yor.k.
All business : ) orders placed an Chicago
llonid uf Truile.
Correspondence solicited.
Olllce , room 4 , New York Life Dulldln ? .
'Jinaha. Telephone 1203.
poke IIH | head and adopt the thing as a new
mode In collar , ' . It Is mostly very dark anil
Is made variously , usually from wheat or
barley , and mixed often with mashed pota
toes and peas. In the far north It Is some
times made of ground-up bark. H Is very
brittle , cracks under the teeth like nothing
elseon the bill of fare , and tastes at times
llko coffee , at other tlmex no worse than
a left-over from last Christmas cracker. It
Is set on the table ten or fifteen thicknesses
high , a Joy to those who like It and a pest
to those who do not and who would llko to
see the space filled with something clao.
Tlio Queer Vchlclo Unit Ilui Apprnrcil In
Several weeks ago the cycle hansom made
Its appearance In hondon. The occupant ot
the vehicle had the appearance of being a
foreigner , but In hh movements ho scorned ]
to know the city well.
His vehicle was a liniitoin body on three
pneumatic tire wheels , prupellcd by two lack *
vys , one In front und one behind.
The front man , uf course , steered ; but
both helped the propulsion , and they pedaled
away over tha rough pavement at a pace
of nearly eight miles an hour.
The gentleman was making business calls ,
and Ills flunkeys were therefore In ordinary
dre&s , or what these gentry designate aa
morning clothes. I'osslbly ho makes toe-til
calls In his hansom with flunkeys In livery.
Others of theie vehicles have since been
noticed In the struct , and It Is learned that
a large manufactory In the suburbs haa
been started to rush them on the market.
An Admiring Auditor.
The political orator had Juat concluded a
flight of eloquence which had occupied ex
actly three : hours , says the Washington
Star.Tho pugilist turned from the place with
admiration on his face. Yet there was re
gret In his voice when he spoke.
"Chlmmy , " he said , "ho's a fine talker ,
ain't he ? "
"Daf what he Is. "
"I wlibt 1 could take U-ssons of ' 1m. Et
us fellrs c'ud tallc like dat , we wouldn't
never hatter ilgn fer no matches wld no- ,
body. . "