PART III. THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE ESTABLISHED JUNE 10 , 1871. ( XMAIIA , SUNDAY MOBNTNG , NOTEHEBER 18 , 189d TWENTY PAGES. SINGLE COPY PJLVE CEJJTS. Cor.16th and Douglas-Sts. OMAHA. Wo malic it a encred covenant vviththe people to do nnd rto1mvo and to Roll , every single article wo adver1- tiao as wo advertise it and when wo advertise it without fail. from tlie Cor. State & Monroe Streets , Chicago. At $1.08 , lloiiver , Kersey and Cheviot JACKETS with fur revcics10 , Inches in length , cout buck , PurKian price 812.50 , our ] ) rico , 84.98 500 GOLF C1PES light and dark colored cloth , with and with out hoods , Parisian price $7.50 , go at $2.50 LADIES' ' LONG Paletot Coals Ijcuiur , clilnclillla or covert cloth , I'urK- Itin Jirloo J25 X J30 , font $10 Handsome Imported. , Paletot LoiitJiicft Some fur edged and some plain. Paribian price , & 10.1X ) , & 35.00 and $40.00. Go at$211 LADIES' Long Prince Albert Chinchilla double brousted Jackets , with READY MADE velvet collar or plain , large SUITS. slco\os.b\coplicnai values , worth All the Ladies' Tailor- u ) > to 825 , go on Monday ( tomor made suit ? row only ) , at in covert cloths , serges niul cheviots , in Prince Albert and Paribian styles. Parisian price , 815 and $20 , go at $7.50. HATS CAP On Out * Main Floor. 8oO men's heavy imported caps a. 0 Turkibh fez caps , worth worth $1.00 to & 1.25 , go ut. 35c , go at 450 boys' warm heavy winter caps , worthsoOe , go at . 500 men's heavy ca hmo re caps , worth 75o to 81.00 , goat. . . . , 360 men's fine capo mackin toshes , all colors , wdrth1 GOO boys' licnvy. wool ' caps , QQ- 'X. | $9.00 to 4H.OO , go at worth 50o to 7oe , gent . w * / w 400 boys' fine Imported beaver and melton caps , worth & 1.00 700 Scotch caps , worth 50o nnd to $1.23 , go at. 75cgoat. , . . . . English decorated dinner Wa'rranted , .90 Fine China A. D. Coffees , 24c ; wortli 50o. China Egg Cups , 4c formerly - , . , merly 8c. A'Retinned Dipper , 4c. - 17 Quart Dislipan , 21c. Why pay high prices for Hair Goods when you can get first-class goods at Bos ton Store prices ? HAIR CHAINS . FOB SHRiSTMAS Lowar than anybody and all work guaranteed * f 111 tlie Basement. Broken Java nnd Mochn , | 2Jc > O. O. Java and Mocha broken , | 5c > Fine Rio Coffee , I8c. Fancy Golden Bio , 22Jc. No. 1 Moracaibo , 25c. Ooldon Santos , 25c. Bcgular 3 Ib. for a dollar Mocha nnd Java , 25c. Finest grade Old Governmeut Java and Mocha , 30C. Tea Dust , best grade , Qc. Fine new sun dried Japan , | 7c. Beet Pan Fired Japan , 25(5. Best Sun Cured Japan , 25C- Good Gunpowder Tea , 20C. Extra Fine Moyune Gunpowder , 25c. Fancy Pinhead Moyune Gunpowder , 38c. Gardou Growth Moyuno Gunpowder , 43c. Regular OOc Basket Fired Japan ' 25c. Fancy Uncolored Japan , 38c. Finest Grade Spiderlog-Japan , 45c. Oolongr , Best Grades , 3Qc to H2c. English Breakfast , best , 32c to 45c. Ceylon , Finest Imported , 58c. BOSTON STOR ] Continuing the sacrifice tomorrowand adding fresh interest and even more excitement to our already .famous sale of the $140,000.00 Wells Street Pair stock of Chicago , by placing on sale side by side. * " I R f"\ - I h-l HP i n r\ From Parisian Suit Co.'s Stock , C6r. " State and Monroe Streets , Chicago. From the Bankrupt New York Importer , Broadway , Mew York. J Front the D. M. Pollack Stock. Chicago , Ills. 0nNVlrd , OREAM CHINA SILKS „ 49c , worth $1. On our front bargain square colored and black dress goods ; 2UO pieces as sorted line TUurni-patecl CTievlots , pure silk and wool Jpnported eltles , Epgllj i 1 } yards wide , black & brown serges. Tlilo line , for vnluo , is unapproachable - . approachable , a n d [ will bo saorilico'l for Monday at4lea ) yard. 79c ; worth $2.50 The entire line of importel suitings of 1 } yards wida , check Cttsvlot SuitipgSj feilk and wool , nil wool IVlela-pge Suit- Boucle Suitlpgs ; ninny of them worth S2.fiO a vnrd , go Mon day at 70c. Extra Super Ingrains , very heavy , a largo assort ment of patterns , a regu lar 35e carpet. Wo will sell them this week for. . Extra Super Ingrain , half wool , CO patterns , regu lar prire , 45c ; special sale price All Wool Ingrains , best goods manufactured , 80 patterns to select from , sells everywhere for 85 ? , our price Tapestry Brus-bcls , great assortment of the most desirable patterns , all wool surface , No. 1 printed goods , a regu lar 85c quality 100 rolls Extra Heavy China Matting , good styles , worth ISc ; for this sale 100 rolls Extra Qualitj Jap anese Jointless Matting , regular price , 30c ; lor this sale 29c , worth' ' 75c , On our second bargain aquure 200 pieces all wool flepylettasand Epg- lishi SeygeSj in blaak and colors , Fapcy pla1dsall wool De Beiges and all wool Uadtes' jHfc j , Cloth. These are exceptional bargains , and go on sale Monday at 20c. 5 15c , worth | 35c. All the 2.3c and 33c -"Warp CaslATneyeSj soft finish , 40-inch wide , in red , navy , black and changeable. These in our dress goods depart ment for Monday at 15c. Smyrna Rugs , 30x60 , regular price 85.50 ; special sale price. . Fur Rugs , 30x00 , reg ular prfco , $5.00 ; special frale price . Chenille Rugs , 14.\,10 , ) regular nrice. 50c ; spc-j cial sale price.- 4 Jute Rugs , 30\CO , regular price , $1.2 , " > ; special sale price Cocoa Door Mats , regular , price , 50c ; special bale pi'ieo Japanese Rugs , Ori- „ outal patterns , 0 * " * foot , by 9 feat , regular - ular price , $15.00 ; special sale price. v ? 3 BI Window Sliades 15c 5-Foot Curtaia PJes , Corapiete. . . 13c Large Steel Engravings $1.2 \VindowShides Mali to Srier. Picture FramYSlafle t ) Order Ill OUR DRESS GOODS DEPT , Black all wool D lag opals , all wool , It yards wide , Coveyt Clofhj pure silk and wool fl- lujnl'pated TMov. elticS ] goat 69c for Monday. Id OUR SILK DEPARTMENT , 200 pieces now Jap- a-pose Silks , also satins , 30 dlltorcnt shades , including black , worth up to $1 a yard , go at 'Me. Heavy Ribbed Underwent Fancy Striped Underwear Camel's Hair aiu Natural ( Iray Underwear Worth 50c. Mcn'sTiMVool Gray Underwear Cost Fleece Lined Underwear Mcn's"AU Wool Fancy Colored Underwear ' Worth $1.25. Men's Finest Grade All Wool Imported , Natural Wool and Camel's Hair An Immense Purchase of Over 2. ODf/D'ozn Ladies' Underwear. Elegant Ladies' Heavy Rib Over 1,000 dozen Thcso Ladies' Ladies' All Wool EQUHSTHIAH COTTON Zophvr Hafr and KniU Natural Camel's TIGHTS UNDERWEAR Gray Wojl SUITS 1 IBo 8Oc UNDERWEAR Worth TJc , Voals or Punts. Worth $2,25. . $ Ulack or GravJ Worth 50o. Worth up to 81.50. In YARN and SILK ITT Ml the Ladies' Pine All the Highest Grades All the and All the Ladloo > All the Ladles' Zephyr Yarn Wool Silk and Wool thoChildren's" Large Heavy Children's" Zoph.vr Knit Yarn Fine Silk , Double Knit FASCINATORS All " \\ool Yarn FASCINATORS MITTS , Worth 75c , go ut Worth $1.50 , go ui M1TT8 , MITTS , Worth up to $2.50 , BOc C IOC Best quality plain black calico , wbi'th 7Jo a O.- yard , go ut OU All the fancy black ground prints , , worth 8Jc A n I'u'.l slzo lienvy Nottlir lnm lj ice Hxtrn Hlzo Xoltlmrlnni LVMI C'ulnlna a yard , go at , . ' , . . . . * * - lurtulnx hunil-oiiio patlerm. worth full aVj yanlH lunir , Uu lnv.ici uM > ilu- from tli&O to t'AUO a pair , go al pnut iiHHorliuunt uuw Ui All the cotton convert cloth , worth 15e n yard , go at , , . . All the eteol gray prints , wortli UjcTa yard , go at V. . < . . . . .j.- . . . . . v- A 1'AIU. A I'AIU. All the 12jc ohovlot shirtings go at" C An liiiniuii n lot , bo.iuUful Notllirj- liiuu , Iinltutloli HrufiiulH anil Irl li Full Hlzu heavy Cliunlllo Mxtra Bhakor and Ihinnol heavy canton IhinnolQl / s\ I'olntUiirfilnti. latojt htvlos ami ef all tliu uituHl ahailca , wltli leup worth 18c a yard , go at o/3v- ' fects.nrtliub toO.oOu lialr , frlii.-o , wortli f J.OU go fit Fine white apron lawns , cbrdod andsu't'ln \C\n \ k _ triped , worth 25e a yard , go aU. , , . . . . . . . J-WU "ouble nap btinitury tlanncl , worth 2oc , go AI'AIIt. A PA III at Corner Sixteenth , and Douglas Sts. , I Omaha , Nebraska. A There's no store in the West lilio our "Bos ten It towers nfcovo nil others ns a Giniit above a Figmy.-Boatoii Store is recognized as the Leader of all Beyond oven a Shadow of a I oubt. MAIN FLOOR. Making Room Sale 'or our holiday poods , Unit nro arriving Itiily. Ti morrow wo will clobo out u olcot line of Watches , Diamonds , .low- Iry , Silvcrwaio , Clocks , Opera Glasses , etc , that wo purchased nt n rccclvor'a ale In Chic.igo , nnd all poods must bo old regardless of vuluo. See a few of our Iiargnins , as wo are rowded for BUOO ] ! to mention till. 200at98c. 30Oat98 GENUINE DlAMntlD- GENUINE JIAWOHD- DIAMONDS. 200 pair Gonnino Diamond Ear rings , worth $10.00. at $1.43 100 Genuine Diamond Rings , worth 2.98 120 Genuinn Dlaim nd Shirt Studs , worth 81.00. at 1.98 248 Genuine Diamond Childrrn's Rings , worth $2.50 , at 98 WATCHES. 40 Opntf1 Gold rilled Watches , nisln or Will Urn MI niniiMiiptit S9.98 J2 Linllos' Oold nili-d Watclius , Klein nr Wiiltlinm tiinvflmi'tit . . 9.4R 120Slt\or Olii'H'luIno Wntclic < - . 9-98 10U Nickel Watches. . 2-48 JEWELRY. lOOOItronnlnStlcIc I'lns SO7 2000 Mother Hooso IMns OG 1,500 SolIU Gold t'lilhlicn's KliiK-i 13 SILVERWARE. ire Children's Cut ) ' ! , ho = t pinto. . . . S 98 200 rhlldron's i-'ots Knife , I'orU and Spoon , bi'st plate 73 200 Iliillni ] > Mir < s , bet t plate 1.23 UOWutei 1'ltchors , best pluto a.18 CLOCKS. lOONIuklo Alarm Clocks $ 57 JCM 8-dav Wiilmil Clucks strike hour and Irilf wllh "larin 2.98 .J.JI s-dav Wiilnut Clocks , strlku hour and half , nllli iilatin 2.48 A full line of I'ocketboolcs with silver mountings , Spootnchs J'ycKl'isies ' , Link llut- Icin" , Gold 1'lns , tuid murytliliiK contained In tlio Jowi'lty line Watch mid Jewelry topiililng nt ono-hiilf JottelerV in lee , Mull oideis promptly attended to. Li dies' $3.00 Shoes ' . , . $ 1.50 Ladies' $5.00 Shoes r.U ! > 0 Ladies' $ . ( ) ( ) Shoes $3.50 .Men's $1.50 Shoest : 7ic ) Men'stfU.OO Shoes $1.50 Men's $5.00 Shoes $3.00 < r * . . Bargains for Tomorrow. Tomorrow pluco on our coun ter 30 pieces of dm flncst blenched liiinil loom D.-unnsK , t'liils sIlRlitly solte.l , worth up to $1. CD JUKI , BO ut TV yard < M lilecM of lilcuclictl nntl mi- uffaolifd D.unasic from Hie Imiikrnpt stock of thu Wells btrcoi Kalr of lliloiiKu , CD to- inoriow tit liulf their lit lee "do worolWo to tl.U . \\T/r GOOId-\Vo ) \ lm\e rrcl\uil today two cnsus of Daniiisk. allKlitly soiled by water , worth OJc , KOIU .T > o Incitement still continues on our Towel siilo. This Is a bonii lido shipwreck Rait ) . All thu lliiin- sely erepoTowels , actually worth 26c , go ut. . . . . CJSASII 00 iHecL-i of 20-Inch Twilled OrMli nnd Checked Qlu-is Toweling , woith 18c yard , KoatT'icyartI COO pairs or slight ly soiled , llnest qualitv , nil wool California , White Blankets , vorth from $7.50 to 8W a pair , go 1113.00 AtSl.OSapnir Pull size extra heavy , strictly all wool Blanket * , in tan anil gray , worth $3.50 a pair , sale price $1.08 At SI.39 a pair-Larg est S170 0-lb. silver pray Blankets , ac tual value $2.50 a pair , stile price At OSc a pair Full size heavy llcecod- Blankets in white , gray anil fancy stripes , regular viiluu $ t.75 a pair , sale price 9So m S ft JgmEn KT - n KlfGHEfi SAFE , Oil. HEATER ; try fc . < f O W Kui03 ; , $7,25 Largo double safe , well Sumo as you would pay made and well fin- Then \vo have bettor ones olbowhoro $17.50 for. Dl at 80.10 and $7.15. Each mcnnions ' ) ft. 2 in. wide , ishoJ. one warranted. 7 ft. 2 in. high. Stove Pipe , 9c. Folding Table , 58c , Funnel nod ? .4c , Hall Back $4.98 Upholstered Chair , Zinc Boards 39c Sells elsewhere for Dampers 60 SIO.OO-So i l oak , $5.60 Pine Collar * 3o polish finish , brasa Pokerri 5e hooks , very styllsii. Dl from . Reduced $ 12.5O. . . wldo Lifters 2o roetifilons 1 ft. 10 In. , Oak frame tufted back upholHtoved , ! n Hamfe. , Elbows Oc 0 ft. fi in. high . , with mir ror 10x10 in.