10 THE OMATtA DAILY BEE : SUNDAY. NOVEMBER. 1R. 1fl < U. I 4,000 yards Heavy Stair Carpet . . . . $ . 15 worth $ .65 3,000 , yards Ingrain Carpet 28 worth .55 2,000 , yards Brusssl s Carpet -.54 worth 1.00 1,000 yards Velvet Carpet 75 worth 1.25 500 Smyrna Rugs 2.38 worth 5.00 200 Moqnclte Rugs 2.95 worth 7.50 250 Kasmir Rugs 2.59 worth 4.50 100 pair Irish Point Lice Curtains. . 2.85 worth 7.50 200 pair Nottingham Lace Curtains. . 1.25 worth 4.00 3,000 , Window Shades 24 worth ,75 225 pair Portieres 2.60 worth 6.50 85 Ait Squares 3.50 worth 8.00 200 Hassocks 45 worth 1.00 Oak 0jsk , SSJ5 , Folding Bed , $9.1 Reduced from $12.r > 0 The above is nn exact inudo of oak , polish finish picture of it. Wo have the batno desk would cost them finished in antique or you olsevvlioro at least 10th century has woven $12./ / > . Mull orders ro- wire spring and Is ma-Jo to colvod no later tlinn drape In front. _ A child Wednesday will bo lllled. can open or close it. MODERN GIANTS OF JAPAN A Race of Men Distinguished for Their Muscle and Appetite. THEIR QUEER METHODS OF TRAINING A Visit to a ( Srcnt Wrontllni ; JIutcli and a Look ill Nuked Ulnillnton How llumnii Mufcdo Iluns I lie I.mul of the Mlkudo. ( Copyrighted , 1804 , by Trank O. Cnrpunter. ) I sec that the most famous wrestlers of Japan have offered their cervices to the em peror In the war with China. They have sent a delegation to him at Hiroshima , ask ing that they be sent to Corca and bj given a place In the Japanese army. These men liavo done a great deal In the crude wars , of the past , but It Is doubtful whether they will bo ot much use In connection with Catling guns and Winchester rifles. They form a curious class of the Japanese people , and they are like no other athletes on the face of the globe. They have entirely different methods of training from our prize fighters , and John Sullivan or Corbstt would laugh at their cor pulent frames. They would think them puffy and flabby , and would expect to see them go all to pieces at a blow. Still , I venture the Japanese giants could stand several rounds with cither Sullivan or Corbett , and they could probably throw either of these mus cular Americans In a wrestling bout. They seem to bo of a race of their own. They are taller and heavier than the ordinary Jap anese , and many ot them are over six feet In height. The Japanese man la no taller than the average American girl. Ho has a long body and short legs. Ho Is as stralgln as a stick , but he Is stocky rather than tall. These wrestlers weigh from 200 to 300 pounds , and they are mountains of fat and beef. They cat quantities of meat , while the other people ot Japan live largely upon vegetables , rice and fish. They drink coup and beer by the gallon , and Prof , liurton ot the Imperial university , who has taken the best photographs of them , told me how two wrestlers whom he was entertaining one dny , In order to get their pictures , each drank two dozen bdttlcs of beer and great quantities of soda water , ginger ale and claret. These wrest lers have features much the same as the ordinary Japanese , though their hands nro much larger , and more like cannon balls than anything else. They wrestla almost stark naked , and the only hair I could see on their bodies wan under their armpits and that which was put up In the old Japanese style on the tops ot tlielr heads. They shave their heads from the forehead to the crown , leaving that over the ears and at the back ta grow long , and tying It up on the top ot the head in a queue like a doorknocker. They are by no means fierce looking , and when I visited the wrestling matches I was token among them and chatted with some ot them through my Interpreter. I felt their muscles , and they were hard aa Iron , and what I had supposed to be great lumps ot fat I found to be bundles of muscle. MADE AN E.MPKROR. Those wrestlers date back almost to the "beginning of Japanese history. The lal- ralos kept a corps at them about their per son * , and when the princes traveled over the country they always had some of thene men with them. They gave exhibitions at funeral and wedding processions , and they am mentioned In Japanese history as far back as twcnty'-four years before Christ. About COO year * before Columbus and his band of Spanish pirates discovered America the throrie of Japan was the prize of a wtcstllnc milch. The emperor had two Bony , Whether they were twins or not I tlou't know , but. they both aspired to the throne. Their father told them to each pick out a , champion wrestler , and the'one who backed the vlc.tqr should be emperor. The boys agreed to this , and the successful backer succeeded his father , Krom that time trf < hla wrestling has gone on all over Japan , and Japanese history Is filled with th& ' exploit * ot wreitler * . Tbert ore regular Where can you find them better exemplified than here. We illustrate the correctness of their claims every day. We have strongly proven it with our GIGANTIC SALES. Another magnificent offering to morrow. Don't miss reading every line , for the line you don't read may be the one of most interest to you. EASX" TERMS , Presents Given Away $10.00 worth ol Goods , This Week. $1 wuclt or $ ( > month. $25.00 worth of Goods , With $10.00 worth of poods , $1.50 week or $0 month. Ono Sot Silver Plated Ten Spoons $50.00 worth of Goods , With ! ? 2o.OO worth of yoods , $2 week or $8 month. A Beautiful Uisqtio Fi'niro. $75.00 worth of Goods , With WO.OO worth of goods , $2.50 week or $10 month. A Handsome Picturo. $100 worth of Goods. FORMERLY PEOPLE'S MAMMOTH INSTALLMENT HOUSE. With $75.00 worth of goods , M > 3 week or $12 jnuntli. A Genuine Oak Center Table. $200 worth $4 week of Goods or $15 , month. Senfl 10 cents to cover pistagc on big ' 94 catalogue. Write Dr Bib ; Cirrngc : ana1 Stovj Catalogues , nuilil free. Opja Monday and Saturdiy Evening ? . With An Elegant $100 worth Oak cf Rocker. goods , matches held every year In the big cities , those In Toklo and Osaka last for weeks , and the champions of the eastern and west ern parts of the empire are pitted against each other. Not long ago wrestling became a great fad , and one of the cabinet min isters , I am told , entered the ring , while the noblest men of the empire were ready to meet all comers. In 1888 Count Kuroda , the prlmo minister , gave wrestling a great boom , and during the past year some of the moat famous matches ever held In Japan have taken place. A GREAT WRESTLING MATCH. I saw famous matches In both Toklo and Osaka , and 1 spent one day at a wrestling match In the Japanese capital , In which 120 of the greatest wrestlers of Japan struggled together. The wrestling began at 10 In the moinlng and lasted until 5 In the afternoon , and there was not a minute during that time that wiestlers were not In the ring. But let me give you some Idea of one of these Japanese prlo lights. Imagine the biggest circus tent you have ever seen to bo spread out upon a network of bamboo poles to that It covers about JO.OOO people. These sit on the ground and In boxes or on platforms which are built up perhaps ten feet above the cround. and In the center of the crowd there Is a little pavilion about twenty feet square , supported by four posts as large around as telegraph poles. This pavilion is trimmed with red , and Its posts arc wrapped with red cloth , whllp about Its top there Is a curtain of blue. It has a raised foundation perhaps two feet high , and a ring of rice bage runs around Its floor. In closing a circle twelve feet In diameter , which Is floored with black earth. This Is the famed wrestling ring of Japan , and In such rings all these matches arc fought. The giants struggle Inside the rice bags , and If one can throw the other over these or can fling him to the earth he Is proclaimed the victor. At each corner of this pavilion , against one of the red posts , situ a sober , dark-faced , heavy brewed Japanese , dressed In a black kimono. He Is raised upon cushions , and sits cross-legged , and he forms one of the four Judges In case there Is a dis pute as to the decision of the umpire. In the center of the ring stands the umpire , wearing the old brocade costume of the days of the Dlamlos. He has a black lacquer fan In his hand , and he looks like a chump.He screeches out his voice as though he had the colic and was screaming with pain , but his shrill cries penetrate to every part of the circus , and ho Is n man of great Importance and long training. The spectators squat on the ground back of the ring , and on these platforms. Each has a little tobacco bos before him , with some coals of fire In It. All sit cross-legged , and nearly all smoke little metal pipes with bowls as big as a thimble , NAKED GIANTS. Hut let us take a look at the wrestlers. There arc scores of them squatting about the ring , Just outside of the rtco bags. They are entirely naked , with the exception of a band of blue silk , four Inches wide , which runs round their waists and between their legs ard Is tied In a knot at the back. This has a fringe about four Inches long , which falls to their thighs , but further than this they had no more clothes than had Adam when he was gardening before he- had eaten the apple. Here cpnje two Into the ring. They are the most famous wrestlers of the cast and the west , and the people receive them with clapping. What giants they are. and how queerly they act ! At the corners there are buckets of wate-r. They walk up to these and gulp down great swallows. They fill their mouths and squirt the fluid Into the air so that It falls back In a spray over their cream colored bodies. They take bits of paper and wlpa themselves off and then they look about on the audience and show off their muscles , while a yell goes up from 5,000 throats. They pound their naked chests -with their flits. They slap their brawny thighs. They lift their legs up as high as their shoulders , and they stamp their feet down on the well- packed earth so that the pavilion trembles as though a cyclone were paislng through It. Look at that man's arm. It U ag big round ua Grovcr Cleveland' * thigh , and the belt of the champion would loosely fit the waist of \\MUon Shannon DliBtll , He looks more like a man with the dropiy than a great athlete , and hi * body * eem * to be f dried with great bunches of fat. He has a front like a saloon keeper and his face ihlnei like a butcher' * . He Is the champion ot the east , and the man from the west Is almost as large. Now th to giant * walk to opposite- sides of the ring. They bow to the umpire and Judges and then squat down on their heels and look at each other. They come to the center of the ring. They bend over and rest their fists on the floor. They poke their great heads to the front and their big almond eyes almost burst from their buttonhole sockets. How they glare at each other ! They are watching for the signal to close. Now they rest for a moment , picking up the dirt from the ring and rubbing It under their armp ts and over their bodies. Then they kneel and glare again. The umpire watches them closely. He waits until they breathe together , and then gives the signal. As he does eo they crouch like tigers and spring Into each other's arms. Each tries to grab the belt of the other. They wrap their arms round one another , and you al most hear their ribs crack. The bunches of fat have become mountains of muscle , and both arms and legs look like Iron. Their b eeps stand out. Their calves quiver. Their paunches shrink In. Now the .giant of the west has reached over the straining back of him of the east , and has grasped the band of blue silk which runs round hit waist. He lifts that 300 pounds as though It weie nothing , and he throws him with a Jerk over the rice bogs. How the people yell ! Some of them tear off their clothes and throw them Into the ring , whtch they will redeem with presents of money at the end of the day. They call out the name of the victor , and some of them hug each other In their delight at the success of their man. There Is no sign of pool selling , though I am not sure but that some betting goes on. The defeated gathers him self up and walks away with bowed head. The victor goes to one side of the ring and squats down on his heels w illo tha umpire holds up his hands and proclaims him suc cessful. The prize Is awarded and the apron of silk embroidered with gold Is shown to the people. The victor receives It , and , with his seconds behind him , he marches away. Then another couple enter the ring and the same sort ot struggle goes on. Some matches last no more than a minute , and some are so evenly pitted that they strain for a quarter of an hour before one Is vic torious. The snakes of the Laocoon never gripped their victims more tightly , and ribs are often broken , and men have been killed In these terrible struggles. Some wrestlers throw their opponents from one side of the ring to the other. Now and then onei strikes a post and his skull Is cracked open. There Is no striking or hitting , and the rules are as rigid oa those of our prize fighters. There are forty-eight different falls , and tha um pires stop the matches at a single mlsmove- ment , and they now and then call a halt In order that their belts may be more tightly tied. MUSCULAR JAPAN. The Japanese have very queer methods of physical training. These wrestlers pound their muscles to make them strong. They butt with their shoulders against posts , and they stamp the earth to strengthen the muscles of their legs. They have a wonder ful strength of back and wrist , and a com mon test of strength Is what IK called wrist wrestling. Two of the men will sit opposite each other , with a little table between them. On this they will rest the bare elbows of their right arms , and grasping each other's hands will twist and turn , and see which can break the hold of the other. The acrobats bats can bend themselves Into all sorts ot shapes , and their little boya go about through the streets and perform acrobatic feats which would be considered wonders In our circuses. The jlnrlklsha Is used all over Japan , and this Is always pulled by men. It In , you know , a baby victoria , on two wheels , and these men pull you about In these little carriages at the rate of five to six mile * per hour. I have had tome human steeds which could make six miles an hour without turning a hair or gettlnc outside of the shafts. I went twenty-five miles In four hours last summer , with two of these men to pull me , and we stopped for lunch on the way. The road wai com paratively level , but we had some hills , and on a day's ride these men could make bet ter time than a horse , I have heard of their making seventy miles In twelve bouri , and they do this not on meat and milk , but on rice and fish. Their calve * are wonderfully developed , and they sweat pro fusely , ' HUMAN MUSCLE RUNS JAPAN. It Is , In fact , human muscle that still runs the land of Japan. There are lew cattle , and outside of those used by the cavalry there are few horses. The fields are cultivated with a hoe , a sort of a spade-like Implement wlih a hoe handle , and you see little plowing. Merchandise Is carted through the cities by men. The boards used by the carpenters are all sawed by hand , and mighty temples costing millions of dollars are now being made In Japan without the use of machinery. Logs which are used as beams are carried up by an army of men along a road which has been built up to the roof for this purpobe , and which will be taken away when the building Is completed. All classes of workmen use their toes al most aa much as their hands , and the cooper holds his tub between his feet while he squats on the ground and pounds on the hoops. In mountain traveling you are cer- rled by men , and it Is only along the rail roads and In the cities that you realize that Japan Is fast becoming a modern machinery- using nation. The rice fields are all culti vated by men and women , and the tea which wo drink Is picked and flred by hand. Nearly every leaf of tea Is picked over care fully , and a pound of tea , which , I Judge , contains at least 1,000 leaves , has had each leaf handled by a Japanese girl about a half dozen times. It Is first picked from the bushes. It Is then dried In the eun. It Is next put Into great basins of clay or Iron , with fires under them , and Is rubbed about again and again by hand by a half- naked , sweating Japanese girl , whose beady drops of perspiration now nd then fall down and soak Into the exhilarating leaves. After the firing It Is again sorted , and all the poor leaves are picked out and put Into a lower grade of tea , while the others are carefully examined and each given Its proper place. It Is agnln handled when It Is packed , rehandled by the grocer until each leaf has had a chance at the bacilli of about a score of mortals on this continent and Asia. I hope some day to write a letter on "Tea Without Frills , " when I will describe some other little appetizing mat ters In connection with the Chinese and In dian tea , which may add to the gusto with which It Is partaken of at our afternoon parties. JAPANESE MASSAGE. Speaking of the physical development of the Japanese , they understood massage long before It was brought Into America or Europe , and nearly every Japanese work man Is shampooed two or three times a week. Every wife Is supposed to know how to knead the muscles of her hutband , and one of the most , affecting stories of Japanese fiction Is about the dear little girl who leaves her play And her companions to press her little fingers all over the skin and squeeze every bit lot the meat on her grandfather's bonei.A large part of this shampooing Is done vtoy the blind. These men make a profession * ot It , and there are no blind asylums rroqulrrd In Japan. They go about with piped In itheir mouths , on which they whlstlcvnand In the past they we're the- money JeWUra of the country They had a blind mart'H union , which , I be lieve , still exists , andr. they shampoo both women and men. iJJtook many shampoos during my stay In Japnn ; and It Is wonder ful how It takes thortlrtod feeling out of you. I usually strip myself and put on a long cotton Japanese klmcnn , , and then sent my servant for a shampoocr. He would bring In a bald-headed fetlo-wrwlth a door-knocker queue fastened to Ids glistening crown , and with eyes which wweailmond silts with no light behind them , .1The man was always dressed In one of Mttiese night-gown-like kimonos , and he woillll pull his sleeves up so that his arms were bare to the shoulders , He would be led overjto my bed , or In the country , to the placq ; where I lay on the floor , and would at ooce begin to pass his hands over my body. He would gouge , my nerve centers with his thumb , anil my whole frame would quiver. He would stretch each of my- fingers and toes until It cracked , and ho found out hundreds ot muscles which I never knew existed. All of his motion comes from his wrists , and he pounds the flesh again and again. He continues his work until every molecule of your frame ha * been put Into actlorr , and you feel at the time as though you had been run through a corn iheller , At the end , however , this sensation passe * off and you are a new man. All your tired feeling ha * gone , and you are again glad that you are alive. IN THE GRAND ARMY OF LABOR Some Laws that the Legislature'Will Be Asked to Pass , REASONS WHY THEY ARE WANTED Central Lulior Union Will Iluvo u Commit tee at Lincoln to Urge Them Which \VI11 lie A8Hlstiil by Attorneys Demands In Detail. ho question of legislation demanded by the working people of the slate will most likely receive some consideration from the legislature which meets In Lincoln January 1 , after the membsrs-elect have agreed on a man to represent this ttate In the United States senate. If as many men "stand up and fight for labor" then as promised before election there should be no trouble In passing some of the laws that are asked ) for by those who toll. Heretofore the trouble seems to have been more or less with the worklngmen them selves , who were often , from some cause not readily explained , unable to agree jimong themselves on measures , and for that reason were unable to present a "united front" when they demanded anything of the law making power. During the past summer the officers and committees of the labor organizations of Omaha made a thorough canvass among the workers to ascertain the sentiment regarding the adoption of the day labor system on pub lic work Instead "of the contract system as at present In vogue. HEPOUTS OP COMMITTEES. The committees reported their findings early In the fall to the Central Labor union to the effect that all wcro agreed that the day labor system would be beneficial , and accordingly the unanimous demand ot or ganized labor was registered In behalf of this reform. It Is also generally believed In organized labor circles that the demand meets with the approval of a large ma jority ot the unorganized workers , but as they have no system for expressing their wants this can only be surmised from Individuals. In addition to this a list of ten demands was agreed upon at a meeting of the Central Labor unlo i threxj weeks before election , which demands were printed and mailed to every legislative candidate In the state , many of whose answers were favorable and are now on file at the office of the union for future use. use.It It U qulto probable that the Central Labor union , In accordance with Its established custom , will maintain a legislative committee at the state capital during the session of the legislature , and these gentlemen will carry the favorable letters , to be used as "re minders of past promUcs , " It la claimed by those who ought to know that It Is neces sary to .hnve some one present directly In terested that the labor bills may be taken up In committee and acted upon , as other wise some of the best bills might be al lowed to die In the pigeon holes of the com mittee room. The following Is an exact copy of the de mands as agreed upon by the Central Labor union and mailed to the legislative and sen atorial candidates : 1. A bill for 'an act to provide for the establishment of a state printing ofllce. i , A bill for an act to protect the health of employes In factories and workshops , to prevent the practice cf sweating the employed - ployed , anil the manufacture of clothing and gurmentK In dwelling * nd tenement houses. 3. A bill for an act to provide for stampIng - Ing and branding convict made goods. \ . A bill for un net to protect employe * niiil KU.irantea their right to belong to labor organizations. 5. A hill for an act to provide for a state board of arbitration , and fixing the duties thereof. G. A bill for an net to establish and main tain free public employment nlllci'K , and to dcllne ( he duties of the ofllcers thereof. 7. A bill for an act to provide for collec tions of small accounts for labor performed , without expense to the claimant. 8. A bill for on act to provide for -thu oince , appointment , tlutlea and salary of a. 500 Base Burners $11.66 worth $22.60 358 Oil Heaters 6.75 worth 12.50 450 'Soft Coal Healers 5.00 worth 10.00 210 Cannon Stoves 3.50 worth 6.50 50 Wood Stoves 4.25 worth 8.50 185 Oil Heaters 4.90 worth 8.50 340 Cok ) Stoves 8.00 worth 16.00 68 Laundry Stoves 3 75 worth 7.00 48 Ranges (6 ( holes ) 10.00 worth 19.00 35 Parlor Coolis 9.45 worth 17.50 1,000 , Joints Pipe 09 worth .20 1,000 Elbows .09 worth .25 2,000 , Dampers 08 worth .26 Peninsula Range , Iron Bed , $6,75. 822.50 , Tlio sumo as other stores chnrpo Reduced from $ . ' 17.50. This is $12 for. It is nicely bra-'s trhninud , otio ol the Peninsula Steve Com white enameled , patuut castors and pany's finest rnnjrcs it is full made us peed sis any of your higher nickeled mid has nil modern im priced beds Wo have them binglo , provements. A written guar three-quarters and full size. antee ocs with each one. plumbing Inspector nnil nn assistant plumbIng - Ing Inspector In cities oC the metropolitan class. 9. A bill for nn net providing for tlie In spection of htcnm boilers and the appoint ment of a state boiler Inspector , and pro- vldliig penalties for the violation thereof. 10. A bill for an act to prohibit lumber dealers cr olier ; persons , com ; anles part er- shlps or associations from enteritis Into any cotitrnct , or nerecment or combina tion to pool or fix the price at which lum ber or coal shall lie sold , and to provide punishment for violation of the same. IlEASONS FOU WHAT IS ASKED. The labor leaders claim that the demand for a state printing office Is made on the grounds of economy , and the desire to secure fair dealing with the workmen em ployed In doing the work. They can see no reason for a profit accru ing to the contractor unless It be to pay a political debt , which they think should be paid In a different manner if paid at all. They clto the attempt o ( the Journal PrintIng - Ing company to secure thla work two years ago at figures at great variance with good business principles on the pan of the state as one very strong reason for supporting the demand for a state printing office , and call attention to the fact that the state can em ploy compositors as well as other laborers , which compositors could be paid the union scale of wages and tlien the wqrk would coat the state much less than when let by contract to the "lowest bidder , " which well Informed union men regard as a bluff. In short , the workers claim the establishing of a state printing office would be a great saving to the taxpayers of the state and at the same time give them a better and more agreeable em ployer. The demand to prevent the practice of "sweating employes" Is certainly endorsed by all well thinking people , especially those who have taken the trouble of posting them selves on the sweating system as practiced In many of the eastern cities. This demand Is being specially forwarded by Journeymen tailors of the state , who see low wages fol lowing the sweating system in large cities. It Is the Intention of the labor leaders to se cure this law If possible before the system gets any foothold In Nebraska. The third demand "to provide for stamping and branding convict made goods" Is one of the demands of labor that has been Ignored term after term by the Nebraska legislature , but as Iloss Stout and Charley Mosher are out of the way now the workers hope to be able to secure some legislation on this line during tlio next cession of- the legislature. It Is claimed that If the products of the peni tentiary were branded as such they would not be bought so generally and In thin way would bo prevented from coming Into competition with honest labor. Since machinery has been In use In 4he penitentiary the members of the local Coopers union claim that their trade has been nearly ruined on account of the penitentiary made barrels that are In general use In the state. Members of this union say that were It not for the competition from penitentiary made barrels that would not be used If they were branded as such they would have steady work the year around , Instead of being Idle about one-third to one-half of the lime as at pres ent. Members of the Harness Makers union also make complaint that the contract at the penitentiary Is Injuring tradesmen of their craft , many of wlio'm are Idle because they cannot work cheap enough to compete with convicts. VITAL QUESTION TO BE SETTLED. The demand "for nn act to protect em ployes and guarantt'O their right to brlong to labor organizations" r.ecms to bo cne of the principal demands of the organized workers at the present time. The alarming decisions rendered Our inn the pant year by seine of the higher courts has led the workIngmen - Ingmen to ash for a law defining their rights and to prevent them from being blacklisted at the aneet will of the corporate em ployers. Demand No , 5 regarding arbitration will most likely be a vexed quoitlon for the members of the next house to deal with. In speaking of this dmnand one of the mem- berg of the Central Labor union Bald. "There seems to be a great difference of opinion ai to whether or not nn arbitration law can be made to become operative , but It appears to me that something mutt noon be done toward n more eperdy settlement of labor troubles In the future and I can see no reason for not trying an arbitration law and see how It weirlu. " A bill for free employment offices In cities was before the last legislature and urgently- pushed by the commit tee , from the Central Labor union. It wan killed by opposition In the senate , but the workers are going to try It again. It Is claimed that such a , measure would bo a great benefit to these who are unfortunate enough to bo out of work and that money spent In the running expenses of the offices would bo money well Invested. The advocates of this measure point to Its operation In the state of Ohio , where , It Is claimed , It works to perfection and gives general satisfaction. The demand for a bill providing for the collection of small amounts for labor per formed Is one of the demands that were also prominently before the last legislature. Many of the workers claim that It some times cosla as much for a lawyer to force payment of a debt as the- claim Is worth and for this reason they ask for such a measure. The demand for a plumbing Inspector In cities of the metropolitan class Is supported by the Central Labor union on the ground that a competent person should fill thla olllco for the purpose of protecting the publlo health. Likewise the demand for a state bollor Inspector Is supported for the benefit of the public good It , being claimed l > y men of that trade that many defective and unsafe - safe boilers are being used In the state t the danger of the workmen and the general Demand No. 10 Is considered a very Im. portant question by the working people and has been given considerable attention dur ing the past two years , and an effort will be made to secure such a law as Is defined In this demand. The committee on legislation has secured the services of attorneys to assist the com. mltteo In the preparation of this bill , with the hope of framing u measure that will b practical. IJIliS for all of the above demands arg being prepared with great care by these whu have been assigned to this work. Inili i.rltil .N < Ht . Artificial whalebone Is made from leather- American corset factories represent an In. vestment of $7,000,000 , Aluminium Is being Introduced In bund In struments In the Austrian army. The Canton copper works of Ualtlmore. employing 400 men , advanced wages 10 net cent. cent.The The biggest carload of shingles over shipped east was sent out of Washington state a few days ago. It contained 340,000 shingles , beating the previous record by 3,000 * Experiments are being made with com pressed hay for paving blocks. The bay. after being pressed , IB soaked In a drying oil , which , It Is claimed , render's It Inde- iitructlblc. Paper Indestructible by fire has been In vented by M. Meyer , of Paris. A .specimen ol It was subjected to a severe test 148 hour * In a potter's furnace and came out with lt glaze almost perfect. A Manchester ( Enc. ) man carries on Ma person a complete pickpocket alarm system. Kcmaval of his watch , pin or other Jewelry rauscs the ringing of the bell , The clectrlo. plant weighs twenty-two ounces. It Is Bald that a week's work In Dlrmlnfr- liain , Eng. . comprises , among Its various re sult * , the fabrication of 14,000,000 pens , e.OOd bedsteads , 7,000 guns , 300,000,000 cut nall , . 100.000,000 buttons , t.OOO saddles. 5,000,000. copper or bronze coins and 20,000 pairs of spectacles Mora than half the world' * supply of tin Is mined In the Stalls Settlement at tlje Up of the Malay peninsula. The output In 1891 wae 31,0fil tons out of a total of 07,551 tons : ' 12,106 tons cnme from the Dutch Kaat Indict , chiefly from the Itlalld of Dnnka. leaving only 8,384 tonn for the rent pt thft r world. , Ilenjamln F. Hunter , a New York colored man , will build several mills In Virginia and the Carolina ! , In which only black labor' i\lll he employed. All the cotton mills nf tb south are now operated exclusively by ivhlt * help , who will not vork In inllln wher * negroes are employed , Nothing could better llluitrate. the tendency of modern railroading than tlio decision of lb Pennsylvania xyitcm to Increase the standard weight of ralli on the main Una from eighty-five to 100 pounds , and tlm length , from thirty to sixty feet. A few year * ago , flfiy-slx pound rails were considered quit * heavy enough and almost any kind of bed would da.