THE OMAHA DAILY J1EJ3 : SUNDAY , NOVEMIJEH IS , 1804. CONDITION OFOMAM'S ' TRADE Business in a Jobbing Way Very Oood for November COLLECTIONS AS A RULE SATISFACTORY Steady Cold Weather Would HoOrrntlr Ap > proclrvlrcl ir Merchants Haslnos * lcn- crnlly llcltcr Tlinn a WcoU ARO- Cummlislon Men Will Mct. . Throughout the past week the weather was aulto mild for November and It was not until near the close of the week that the thermometer dropped down to a point sufficiently low to stimulate business to nnj great degree. Ai a result , the retail trade of the country tributary to this market wns only fair during the early portion of Uie week and whatever altcctH the retail trade la certain to bo reflected In the demand for goods In a wholesale way. At the game time , the Jobbing trade ho8 been Invery fair shape all the week , owing , no doubt , to the fact that a good deal of business was held liack and delayed by the excitement of the elections. Some jobbing houses report a much better trade than they hod anticipated. Thus , the grocery Jobbers have been very busy filling orders , nnd most of the houses engaged In that line have had about all that they could < lo to keep even with the demands of the r customers. The fact that business In this line is holding up FO well ha-j been a sur prise to the Jobbers themselves In the line of dry goods there has not been enough cold weather yet to cause u break In the stocks of retail dealers and sorting up orders have not set In as yet to any extent. Tor that reason trade n the dry goods line Is only fair , but It Is In excess of lust year at this season. There luivc been so many new customers booked liy the Omaha dry goods houses that the volume of trade runs way uhcad of pre- In the line of hardware the Jobbers report nn Improvement In the volume of business Blnce the election , owing , apparently , to the fact that consumers and retail merchants hove gotten down to business once more , nnd nre doing more buying and selling nnd less o In toots and shoes la very fair for the season ami the same thing might be said of all lines of seasonable goods. As the holidays approach the Jobbers of holiday goods , toys , etc. , report an Increas ing business , nnd there Is every prospect that the volume of trade In thla line will be In excess of any previous year , owing to the large number of new customers that are coming to Omaha. During the past six days there 1ms he-en an Increase In the bank clearings of this city , Amounting to J 5 per cent. While this gain Is not as large as many would like to see nnd falls short of the showing made b > some cities. It Is In excess of the average gain for the whole country , which amounted to only 1 2 per cent. If the clearings are any Indication of business condltllons they would seem to Indicate that trade In this city Is slowly recovering from the depression of thepist year or more. While the recov ery la not rapid , the fact that there Is a steady Improvement Is taken as a good Indi cation. cation.nusiNnss nusiNnss MEN wit.n MEET. II. Warren Patch of Hoston. secretary of the National League of Commission Men , has written a letter to the Omaha members of the organization that great preparations nro being made for a national mcetlntr of the commission men to b3 held In NCA Ytrx City January 3. The cominl"ston men of the country have formed themselves Into n very strong organization for the promotion of fair and honest dealing. The character of the produce commission business Is such tlmt It Is a very easy matter for unscrupu lous parties to go Into the business for the sole purpose of defrauding the shippers of produce. Every year , In almost every city , llrms are organized , nnd , after extensive ml- 7CitUn | ( ; by minus of high quatatlo s , will h bring In n ilood of shipments from the coun try , they go out of business. Indebted hun dreds or thousands of dollars to the coun try. Bo common has this practice become that the responsible commission houses felt that something must be done to protect the honor of the business , nnd they formed a national league , the membership of which Is limited to llrms that arc known to be reliable. If at any time any member of the league Is detected In defrauding customers they nro expelled from the league. In this way shippers In the country are protected ugalnst fraudulent concerns. In January the league will hold Its second end annual meeting , and so well has tne plan worked that the commission men are enthusiastic over It. Mr. Patch writes that at the annual meeting held In Cincinnati one member of every firm wna a candidate for delegate to the national convention. In Omaha there Is a good membership and this city will be represented In the New Yoru meeting. The New York Commercial Bulletin says that preparations me being made by the rnotnbers In that city to entertain the vis itors and adds : The league Is composed of eli-ven local branch organlz t'ons , one each being In Nev- York , Philadelphia , Boston , Baltimore. Chi cago. Buffalo , Cleveland , Cincinnati. St. Louis. Omaha and Louisville. There will be llvo delegate * sent to the convention from each branch , nnd It Is expected that nearlj 200 of the most prominent wholesale fruit merchants from all parts of the country will be present. The National League of Com mission Merchants was orgnnl/ed to protect shippers of fruit and produce against Irre- sponslh'e ' men , who manage to secure con signments of fruit and disappear with the proceeds of Its disposal. Its members repre sent nn aggregate capital of about J10.COO.tWO nnd handle the greater part of the fruit ami produce marketed In the eleven , cities men tioned. AS DUN BlihS IT. Hotline * * Dull In Most I.lnei , but Still full of I'rnmlftc. Mr. W. II. Iloberson , manager of R. G. Dun & Co. for Omtilio , says : "This week hns been a lifeless one In Omaha Jobbing circles , nnd trade at the re tail stores has been slow. Dealers charge present conditions to the weather , perhaps because they cannot charge them to an > - thlng else. Aside from the hardware trade , \Yholesalera of staple lines icpoit a quiet week. Dealers in Christmas novelties and holiday roods npor quite an cc Ive demand but all orders are urn-ill. A country mer chant In town the other day , buying $50 to J100 worth of holiday goods , apologized and stated that he never before thought of pur chasing less than $300 to JHX ) worth. Whole sale Jewelry trade Is rather better than usual on account of the near npproacii of the holidays , but the retailers In this line loudly complain. "Omaha continues , however , to draw new traders. The depression of trade generally sends buyers to the nearest market and con sequently new faces are seen In this market every day. A merchant from Otoo county who never camn to Omaha until last year stated to a Jobber that hereafter he would tnake buying trips regularly once a month He will buv less at a time , keep his stock assorted more satisfactorily , and , at the end ° ' " ? . * liavw little or no unsalable mer chandise. He Bajs by this course he car rnake more money on the same aggregate of sales nnd handle his business to a bettei advantage In every way. Other merchants ulPtl experience worthy ol "Trade at South Omaha holds up bettci ! liui\ \ " * ? nn'lelPJted. ' At the banks monej ! fmietlfl deposits nnj demand light. With and demand from tm cast are not by any means as large proper tionately as they were this time a year ago It looks now as If January 1 would conn and uo without creating any noticeable strlnirencr In the local mSney market. News from the east continues | ng. A steady improvement Is reported encourag. nl sign ' of ' the " times ' } " ThJ The ? la west Uie cannot lnost hopefu expeci convalescence until the cnst Is well on tn way to n return of normal health. f o action hn- yet been taken by Jobben looking to a remodeling of our collectlor and assignment laws , but something BhouU bo done Immediately. Within seve weeks the lvKl lature will be I i l ° 1' . .andl a < ) a senator Is to bi fi ' miV * 10,1si * V.duj's * " . ' le btull > ' br ° kei .yP.011 politics. Only those measure which ate presml with vigor by so me bed who means business will get through. " SNOW , ciumcu * co's.'IK . Cold Voit-Klaotlou Wrathor Ilrlnei i < > em-rul lleilvitl of Iluilncu. Albert Audrlano , local superintendent fo qnow. Church & GO.'S mercantile agency writes : "The colder weuthei bus materially Irn proved local retull buxlness. Dealers In Jew elry nnd fancy goods , as well as mfrclmnt In all lines , are preparing : for a lively hell day trude. and the Indications arv that the will not uo disappointed. The'riectlon excitement has passed uwa nnd business has resumed. Its regular courm General business U In a very ( air way. Met chants In most linen express their uatlsfac Von with the unexpectedly eood full trade and there Is every reujon to expect tha business will continue on the up grade Collections are very fair. Local condition have admittedly not been very encout King , and it la therefore nil the more gral U > IRK to recelyo favorable reports at thl time. Much of the trade that has como to this center Jm coma from the northweat territory , nnd Jobber * have , In fact , been moro aggressive than would hnvo been the cane under ordinary circumstances. As mat ters stand , however , wholesalers feel the ne cessity of on extension of territory , and the result hnn thus far been of the most satis factory nature "It In a little early to give n forecast of what the coming > ear will bring , but there l every Indication thnt there will be a very marked revival. Despite adverse cir cumstances , trade hna been gradually tin- proving throughout the countn until ft hns reached normal conditions , and real activity Is only Impeded by local circumstances. The hopeless state of uncertainty hns given place to well defined stability , and somp sections of the country are enjoying unusual prosperity. It Is therefore no longer a ques tion of general confidence , but of local pros perity , dependent. In this state , on the yield of marketable product. The early snows jrlvc Indication of a hpavy fall In this sec tion of the country. This will put the soil In prime condition and benefit winter wheat Prospects favorable to a good crop will en courage consumers and merchants to such nn extent as to make the early part of 183" , excel the latter half of this year , with n gradual Improvement of affairs , dependent , of course , on favorable crop conditions. "In making1 this forecast the fuel should be considered that the recent failure of crops was unu ual In the extreme , nnd that there Is every reason to hope for nn nbun- dant yield nnd little reason to fear a fail ure. " Condition of Tnulo nnd Quotation ! on Htuplo iind I'ancy 1'roiiucn. Willie tlio market hns been cik on tlic com mon gi-idea of butter nnd packing Block Is quoted IOVHT , the high firmles have been firm The supply of choice creamery anil dairy butter la rot InrRO nnd the demand IB good Some butler men clnlm that In their opinion the low point for butter Ims been touched for the present nnd thnt from nrm on nny change ought to be on the Hide of better prices. The IRK market has been on the upsrnde the pist few days The total receipts of eRRs are quite Inrpe , but thegreitir proportion of the arrivals In made up of cold BtornKC Block shipped In from different points In the country where they h.i\o heen held A larcc proportion of the ORKO ftold on this market nre nothing but cold storaRe. At thin en Mi of Ihe jenr a fresh ess meanH an CKS that Is fresh from the store house. The chicken market Ins been Rlutted nil the week nnd receivers have found It no enay matter to keen stocks from accunmlntliiR I'llces at the close of tlm w k were DB low an tlie > Imve b ii nt nn > time thlfl > ear. The lamer proportion tion of the dnBsed poultry tecelved has not been of extra ( T xl quality The Rnmo market has looked up flurlnff the past week nnd prices on prairie chickens nnd " .mill , i specially , nro higher limn they were a feu dnd ngo. The demnntl has been Rood , both shipping and local , nnd receivers Imve found no dllllculty In disposing of ever ) thing received The receipts of veal have been large on most ( la > of the past week , nnd as u result the nnr- ket has b r < i depressed and prkea aru lower than vva * the cowi a week ago The followlnR will show tha lecelpts for the v\eeks ending on dates IndlcaUt ! nt head of col umns , the ( Inures rcprescntlnB cases of eggs , c | i of poultry , packages of butter nnd cars of potatoes : Nv. . 10 Nov 3 Nov 2 Oct 26 Hggs . 1.083 70S 774 C75 Ilutter . 1,039 83. ! tat 1,121 1'oultry . 831 79.J 5J5 810 Potatoes . 21 D2 36 6" It will be noted from the nbovc thnt there hns been nn Increase In the arrhuls of most lines of produce. Quotations. IIUTTUK I'ocklnR BtocU , 7U@Sc : fnlr to coed countri , Iltfl3c , choice to fancy. lr > W17o. Rath- ertd crenmery , 19@20c , separator crenmery , 22 E23c. EGOS Htrlctly fresh laid. ! 1622o : fresh ( cold storage ) , 1S4T10C. I'Ori/TIU Old hens. a'iSNc , EprhiK chickens , 414 < f5c ducks , B@5V6c , turkcjs. 5MCc , heavy turns Sc : geese , 5W5V4c. IIUSSI3U I'OUI.TJIY Chickens , fnlr , 4 choice InrRe. 5c , cho'ce smill Cc , turkeja , fnlr to good CffOV c : choice he ivy , IftSc choice small 8B9c , ducks , fair to Rood , 6J6V5c , fanc > 7e , getse , fair to good. 6c , fanc > , 7c. OAMi : 1'rnlrle chickens , per doz , } 3 S3 grouse , per doz $ J. blue wins teal per doz , tl 60 , green wing teal per doz , It 25 ducks , nilicsl. per doz , Jl , cnnvnsbncks. J4 < WJ4G , mallards and nil heads.1M , ounll tLGOin.75 , deer Kiddles , 12W15C , nntelope saddles , lOailc , small labblts , $1. Jack ribblts , S2r . ViAIj Choice fat and small veals are quoted at Co large nnd coarse , 34c. OHUnsi : Wletonaln full cream , Young A . 13c , twins. 121c Nebraska and lown , full cream , lie ; Nebraska nnd Iowa , part skims , 70So , r.lmburger. No 1. lie , brick , No 1 , lie ; Swiss , No 1. mhSc HAY Upland hav. J9 : midland. S DO ; lowland , M. rje straw , 16 Coloi makes the price on ha > Wght shades sell the best. Only top grades bring top prices blids. per doz. 75c. While the receipts r > f jH > tatoes were not o large as far the previous Hveek. "they were ptentr Inige enough and the rmrlsct Is largely supplied nnd holders Ilnd It slow work to move their stocks The mnrhot mn > be summed up as Blow nnd wenk Quotations. POTATOKH Western Btotk , car lots , 62@G3c small lots. 70c. OLD HHANS-rlland-plcked , navy , J2 , lima benns. per Ib , BV4e. ONIONS-On orders. SlfHOc. AHIADlOn orders. IHc. CTL.KKY I'er AOT . ZWJ35C. SWnCT POTATOUS 1'er bhl , J2 ; , 'ersey , JIM per hbl. HEHTS Per bu , SOCOc. CAIlllOTS Ptr bu . DflifCOc CAUI.IKIXJWUR Per doz. . { 2.23. KQO PLANT I'er doz . 60c iionsnitAuiRii 1'er n > . 7 1 'TISNIl'S Per bu. . OOflGOc. H TAHAOAS-Per bu. , 75tO PAHSIjIlY Per doz liunches , Z5o. TURNIPS Per hu . COc. SPLIT P13AS Per 11) , SfllUc Ht'IlllAHD BQITA8II 1'er doz , 73C , TOMATOFIS I'er bu , GOc QUEEN PUAS-Per bu . > 1 S5 1.J3. rnuiTO. California quinces are lower than they were n wetk BRO. while ] > enrs are higher. There nre no good shipping einpes on the market , except ing Mnlncns In barrels Quotations : QIJINCIiS California , per 50-lb box , 11.50 * APPLKH Oood stock , per bbl . J2 Mf2.73 , Michigan stock. J3 , New York or New Englnnd , J3 OOW3 23 I'KAriinS None. PLUMS California , none. PIltlNnS None PEAna Winter Nellls tl 75 Oil A PCS Concords 10 Ib. Inskets , none ; Cal ifornia , none. Malagas , per 65 to 68-lb. bbls. , 17 5009 00 ape Cod fancy , $10 per bbl. rnuiTS. ORANtiES MeTtlcan , per box , $3 DO ; Tlorldas. 1275 3.00 DAN ANAS Choice stock , J2 { 1062.50 per bunch I.I2MON8 Malaga , 51 , fancy Florida , sizes 2W nnd 300 S4 0 < > iK 25 PIN13APPL1.S None. MlbCEU.ANEOUS. Prices on some grades of o > stera have been cut a little during the past week. Quotations. O\8TERS-IXU So ; medlilm , per cnn , lOc ; liome shois , 12c ; extra standards 15c ; extra se- lects. 17o ; company selects , Jlc , New York , counts. 25c. NEW FI08 1'ancy. 16c ; choice , 13O14c ; Cnl- Ifornla. ImRS 8c. 1IONKY New York. 17c ; California , ICc. MAI'l.i : BY111IP Onllon cnns , per doz . 112. NUTS Almonds , liOI o. English walnuts. lc ; filberts. 12c ; Itrazll nuts 8c ; eastern chestnuts , no good stock , shellbark hickory nuts , per bu . 13 ; large hickory nuts. 11.73 , fancy raw peanuts , s So : roaslcd pean'uis , 7'C. HAI'KH KHAIJT Choice white. per bbl , tl 50 ( H 75 , per half hbl , t2 50. MINCK MKAT rancy. In half bhls per Ib . 6Hc ; 10 gal. kegs , 7o , condense , ! , per case of 3 doz pkgs , tJ.75 , FISH Kresh caught cranples. perch and sun- , fish. 3 5c : buffalo , 3 4c , ( Hke nnd plckeiel , 60So , cnttlsh S'ti'ic , black lass. 12f13c. , OIDETt Pure Juice , per bhl. , t3 50 , half bbl. , 13 J No. 1 green hides. 3Vic ; No 8 preen hides , 3 < 4c , No 1 green Halted hides , 4ViC. No. 2 Kreen salted hides , 3Uc. No. 1 green salted hides , 25 to 10 Ibs , 4V4c ; No. 2 green silted hides 2"i to 40 Ibx 3'ii : No. 1 veal ralf , 8 to 15 Ilia. , 7c : No. 2 veal calf , 8 tn IS Ibs . Go , No. 1 dry Mint hides. 6c ; No 2 dry Hint hides. 4c , No 1 dry salted hides , Sc , part cured hides , ' o per Ib. less than fully cured. _ Many Hand * Mnko Light Work. New York Weekly ; Tourist ( In Utah } Polygamy Is no longer practiced , I am told. Ex-Mormon ( dejectedly ) No , and It's a shame. Only one wife ! What good Is one wife ? Just a trial , that's all. . "How so ? " "Everything Is at sixes and sevens. Noth ing ever done. Buttons off. meals half cooked everything wrong. In the good old days we- had one wife to sew on buttons , another to darn stockings , another to boss the servants , another to do the shopping , anil another to attend to the duties of so ciety. A man had some comfort then. " Oild Mgns. n : In front of a sign painting establish ment In Chicago is a great banner which sajs , "As a rule we don't believe In signs unless they happen to be selected from our new and handsome patterns. " A clothing store on the West Side has adopted as Its catch line , "Even snnkes shed their skins. " This Is supposed to be a Ken- tie invitation to purchase u new suit of 3r clothes. I On a bill of fare In a down-town restau rant Is the following notice : "Any Inatten tion or lack of courtesy on the part of em ploy rs will , if reported to the management , be gratefully appreciated , " r Affrerabljr Surprlied. Henry Wilson , the postmaster at Welsuton , y Kin. , says he cured a case ot diarrhea of long standing In six hours , with one small bottle ot Chamberlain's cholle , cholera and diarrhea remedy. What a , pleasant surprise that must have been to the sufferer. Such cures are not unusual with this remedy. In many Instance * only one or two dotes are required to give permanent relief. It can always be de Ltllfl pended upon. When reduced with water It Is llfl pleasant to take. COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Preponderance of Evldoncn Was on tha Bull Side Yesterday. FOREIGN ADVICES STRENGTHENED WHEAT llcrclpt * of Corn AVpro Heavier bj Klghty Carloads Tlmn I > lil r'n Kitlmatcs Transaction * In I.its Wore Unusimlljr Heavy. CHICAGO , Nov. 17. The preponderance of evidence was on the bull Bide today and May closed He higher. Strength abroad vvns the feature , and there was j > lenly of bullish news , or news In addition to help the holders' side of the market. Corn vvns heavy , closing unchanged for May , and lay oats nnlihed 14o higher. Provisions guild up with fair gains. The strength of the foreign advices gave he tone to the wheat market. An advance vlth which the session was Inaugurated on he strong cables was checked for a short me by receipt * of 914 rar loads of wheat , omparod with CG6 a year ago , at Mlnneap- lla nnd Duluth. The market recovered all It ad lost and rose Blowly but surely to the ml. It wound up for May nt 6HJo bid , hav- ig touched Glic n minute or two before he ilnal close. The opening wan at from 0o to GO-V , and U sold to COV4c before get- Ing above the first prices. New York sent cry bullNh dispatches respecting the ex- iort business. Koom for tvventj : boat loads or shipment to Liverpool was taken today t 6c per bu freight. About 15 loads were alien for export at other seaboard cities , "lour shipments were heavy , engagements avlng been made for Dl.OOO sacks for Am terdam. Bullish dispatches which rung the hanges upon all that could help the price vere plentiful , The receipts of corn were heavLuby 80 jar loads than yesterday's estlmuTes. and KH ) cars are estimated for Monday. Theie ncreased recelptB nnd pressure of corn , both in spot nnd to arrive , caused the markets o rule weak , but a decline was saved In .he end by the bullishness of the wheat market. May opened at fiom 41c to I3&c , declined to from 49o to 49c , advanced near the close to We , and rested at from 9'4c to DOc. A very good business was transacted In . ats. The disposition to buy was liberal. The consequences were a firmer feeling and jllghtly higher prices. The principal buyers ivere elevator people. May started a trifle .ower than It closed yesterday , at 32Ho , sold up to S2c , down to 32l4c to 32 % , up again to 3.O4c , and closed with sellers at that price. Provisions were firm and higher , showing at the close the following gains for January delivery : Pork , 2Tc ; lard , lOc , and ribs 17'X.c. The leading futures ranged as follows : Articles | Jpen lHlsk. _ _ _ I Low. I Close. Vhe it.No. 2 Nov. . BSH Die . . . QKH O'iHi 5tl > Mir - . . COVJ'l Corn No 2 Nov { SIX Boo r > ( > W 60H JIny. . 40 0 ? DO Oat a No. a . Nov. . 2f 28K 2RH 28M Dec 211 Mm 'ork per bbl Jnn. . . 12 SO 12 B5 12 30 12 nn Mnj . . . 12 OB 12 00 12 05 la uo ml,100 IbH Jan . . . 7 I2X 7 25 7 12W 7 2T Maj 7 M 7 42 7 ao 7 42 Short Rlb - Jnn. . 0 2-5 0 35 C 25 0 35 May. 0 47Mi H CO tl 45 ti 55 Cash quotatloni were as follows : TLOUH Winter patents 2 G002.70 : winter tralKhts t225flj.33 : sprlnc patents , $55003.60 ; iikers tl 75W2 10 WIII3AT No 2 Eprlns Efl eCOlie ; No 3 , nom nal : No. 2 red. C558 lc. COHN No Z Cl'ic ; No 3 vello * . 46t > . OATS No I , 23c ; No 2 white , o 3 white , 31483SC , IlYINo 2 48c. UAULUY No. 2 , M56c , No 3 , 53fflKc ; No. 4 , SOOWVSc. TI.A.K SHED No 1. Jl 41 TIMOTHY Sinn Prime. t3 55 PUOVIStONS-Mess pork , per hbl , tll 2'4 ' 275 Lard , per 100 Ibs . ? 7 27V4W.30 Short ribs ildcs ( loose ) , $ C WR6 75 ; dry HUlteil shoulders boJtod ) , SHS5c , short clear .sides , ( boxed ) . % r WHISKY Distillers' nnlshed goods , irtr gal , 1122 SUQ AltS Unchanged The follow Ing were the receipts and shipments oday : Articles Keoetpts Shipments. Flour , bhla 2 ,000 Wheiit. bu .m ooo Corn , bu ano ooo Oata bu 45,000 Hyn bu. . . . . 7,000 Parley , bu. . . .18,000 On the Produce exchange todiv the butler mir- kct vvns lf'u1y. crcimicry , UWJOc. dairy , M\V YOHK < ; INIK : Yesterday's Quotatluus on Flour , Urula and Provision * . Metals , Kit , W YORK , Nov. 17. Tl.OUIl-necelpts. 32.8QO bbls , exports , H 900 bbls ; sales , 3,3X1 pkgs , market closet ! strong , hut buyers vveje soiree and business ragged , city mill patents , $3 KXitl lr > , city mill clears , $333. Minneapolis patenls , $305 jf3 65 ; Minnesota bakers , t2.00@3 75 , spring Ion ( trades , tlTJfllSO , eprlni ? extras , $1850225 , whi ter patents , .75ffl303 , winter straights , J2 30 ® 2.70 ; winter extras , JLSOj2.40. winter low grades , tl.70@2 15. Southern Hour , dull , sales , none , corn- iron to fair extra. S1.SO32.40 , good to choice , | ! 40jn ( < X > . n > e flour , quiet , Biles , ZOO hbls ; Biiperflne. J2oO275 , fancy , $2 833 00. lluclc- wheut Hour tl 8J@2 05 ItUCKWHUAT Quiet , ESfiCOc. COHN MKAL-Steady ; sales. 150 bhls ; jel'.ow eHtern , 1 1.1 SQ 00 ; Urnndywlne. M 05. HYC Nominal , car lots , 54ijj05o , boat loads , UAllLHY Nominal ; western , 63c. ItAItl.m" MAI.T Dull , western , 7075c. WHKAT Heeelpts. 33100 bu . exports , 15 00 bu. ; sales. 19G5V04 bu. futures and 120.000 bu. spot. Spot market stronger , No 2 red , In store elevator , (3c ( ; atloat. GO"4@Me : f . o b , , tin. 1 northern. Clc. delivered ; No. hanl , 70' c , delivered Options strong nil the forenoon on foreign buying , Increased weekly exports from both roasts and hlsher cables Trade was veiy bullish The close was at from 5iC to % c nd- vaiue , and on the curb prices advanced ijo moie , No. 2 rd. . January , uOH61c. closed tic ; bebruar ) , closwl 61T4C. March , closed 6 > c. May. 63i 6l'4e , cloac < l CIVto. November , 59 o3 > > c , closed y c , December , 68'i(8094c. ( closed Kr CORN neccliUB. 106,900 bu , exports. 2.000 l > u ; sales , 209.000 bu futures and no spot. Spot mar ket dull , No. 1. COc In elevator , CO' c altoat , No 2 white , GOe. delivered. Options opened stead ) nnd advanced with wheut , but afterward re acted under law car lot esllrnatefl nnd closed 14c higher on the sear and lie lower on far months , January , 54t/4c , closed 54V c ; May , & 3H ffrJTtc. closed MKc , Novemlier. closed 69c ; De cember. GG < 456Xc closed 5Cc OATS Hecelpts. 37.200 bu , exports , 400 l.u , sties , W 000 bu futures anil 23000 bu. spot. Spot market nrm. No. 2 , 33ttc , No. 3 , 33 lie : No 3 white. S7Hc ; No. 2 , delivered , 345.C , No. 2 white , 3Sc. . track , white , 37jllc. Option market was Benerally llrm with wheat , ami cloned at MiC ml- vance , Januar > , closed 34 c ; IVhruar ) , closed 35 0 , Mil } ' , closed 3G\c ; J Vnember. closed 334c , December. 13ft34c. HAY I'lrm , shlpplnff , D5857'4c , coot to choice , GOS67V4C. r HOI'S Quirt , state , common to choice , old , 3S/7e. new , C 12c , I'aclllc coa t. 3VS4f7c HIDUS hteady ; wet Kilted , Nc Oilcans , se lected , 43 to C5 Ibn. , Cc , Iluenos Ayres diy 20 to 24 Ibs , lie Texas , dry , 24 tn 30 Ibs , 6H&6' . I.IJATHKH Quiet , hemlock sole , Hurnos A ) rrs , light to heavy weights. 16 13c. \\OOIv-Qulet , domeMlc lleece , 19ff2Jc , pullc < l , I'ltO VISIONS Il f. quiet , family. tlO OW1 ! 00 ; extra mess , tS 0008.50 , beef hams. tl7. 08l7 60 ; city , extra India mess. t7 ! 00 19 00 Cut meats. quiet , pickled bellies. 6\J7ic ! ; plckletl shuoldcrs. SHc. pickled hams , SViWViC. iMtd , stead ) : west ern strain ilosiil Dt J7.80 bid ; city. } 7.1 > ; Novem ber , closed t7 CO , nominal , December. J7.53 , nom inal , Janudr > . } 7 55. nominal , nflned , steady. cantlnenl. J7.10 ; H. A. . Jii 50 ; compound , 5 SOtf S75 I'ork , dull , new me-H , 13 75 11 23 , family , t I3.7SO1 4 00 ; short clear. tU 50017.00. 11UTTI2II Steady ; wtiittrn dairy , llBlCc. we t- i > rn crenmery , 15SJ6c ; western factory. 10j > 14c ; Klslns , 2Cc : Imitation creamery. 13yi9c , statu dairy , 13R lHe ; enn creamery , ISiJJSc. Cl I KUSB Acllvcr large. SVifilO c ; snnll , t < A e e : P-irt ( klius , 3Vi 8o. dill skims , 2ViW3c. HCiOS Steady ; state and l'cnnslvanhi. 232Tlc ; rtfrlKerator , I'it'Xc ; > veslern fresh , J7O22c ; cases. JJ50CMOO ; recrtpts , 6673 pkgs. TALIX W Strad > ; clt > . 8Hc ; countn' . C c. IIOSIN Quiet , strained , common to EOO.I , Jl.SO 01 35 . HICK-KIrm ; domestic , fair to extra. 4i4O lic ; Japan. 4V4 4 c. MOI.AbSKS Quiet. New Orleans , open kettle , good to choice 2Sf36c. 1'IQ IHON-null. facltch , 119000:000. Amer ican. tl OOOI3.00 COI'IT.H-Qulet ; brokers' price , t9 SO. PiniOI.KUM-Nomliml ; Unite dclosrtl at 62T1P hid. hid.l.iAI > Ktendy ; brokers' price R. TIN Firm : straits $14 6 ® 14 53 , COTTON HEED OILr-Qulet. but nrm ; prime crude. SSlTICc , oI crude. 3r:4c. > ellow. huller grades , 31f3fc ; choice jcllow , Me , nominal , prime > cllow , 3Oi(31c ( ; yellow oft frail.-s , Z7/2Sc , prime vvhltp , J'33c. . nominal , CotTro Murket. NIJW YOnK. Nov 17. COrKKK Options oi > ene < l barely tead > nt 10O2J points decline under weak Kuropeun advices , react ivl partial ! ) on local covering , closed steady at WIO points net decline , ulra , 13 000 bngs Including ; De cember. JI3.05 ; January , tia.Uirli.Cl , March , tli , May. til (54711 65 , August , til 30 : September. til Ii ) bpot Illo , firm ; No. 7 , J10.7S ; nillJ , quirt and steady ; Cordova , USOOeiSW ; sale * , none ; warehouse deliveries fri n New York , 9H77 ho * * , New York stock today , 197231 hacr > , fnlletl Mates itock Za7c4)1t ! > nici ! | ft ft oat for the United mates , U40"0 bsjt * total visible for the t tilted States , 491.000 | Hff. gnlnst 1W.WJ bags last sear SANTOS. Nov 17-Uttnjr Eood average Jll M , receipts. l.COO bncsi strife 4(4,000 hags. HAMlllrilO , Nov 17 Steady ; prle-es. 'jei ' pfB. decline , sales 130"M Mf8 HAVltU , Nov 17 OiwijeJ quiet , linchnnced to 'At advance , at IS noon tinlvt. closed ViRlf net decline ; total sales , lO.tOT bags , Monda > nlll be holiday at Havre. / ' HIO JANHinO. Nor 'IR-No. 7 , $11 CO : cx- langp. 1 ! 1-10.1 , receipts , 4 0 > lmg , cleared for in United Stales , lflW ) . bigs , cleared for ' " ' uropc , none ; ztock , ! tit. l.ouH -ivyrrtl ST. LOUIS , Nov. 17-lM.Orn-rirm nt recent notations. ; , WIII3AT Very tame nt life opening , qulckeied liter and turned string , closlnr 'jc up on hetler ble and export bu > lnBl No. 1 red. caa'i , 52'4o ' , ceml r , 52c : M > , .W > V c , COHN Unsi tiled nnl Irreguhr , clos ng flmlly , c up ; No 2 mixed , cash , 45 4c , December , V.O4H4C , Ma ) 47c OATH Klrm , We hlfiher ; No 2 cash , 62(4c ( ! ifcember. 52 > iC , Ma ) ' . 68'4c ' UYIJ Higher , No 2 , east track , sold , HAHMJV Quiet , steady at late advance , ItllAN I'lrin at last quotallons 1'I AX BCIjU Qulcl , tt.4I. cixivim snir > is win w TIMOTHY 8iUl-l 20 1 25 HAV-kSlrong , hlghtr ; prime lo crolce tlmoth ) , ! 0 owl I no. llt'TTint Quirt and higher , separator cream- ry. 22R23C , good to choice dilry , 18621)0. Haas-Steady nt ICLic. I.HAD Plriii , 1292H Sl'HLTini Dull , 3 10 bid CORN MiAI.r-2 10C2.15. WHISKY tl 23. COTTON Tins-Ate. HAQOINO 5 % 0c. PROVISIONS Qu ct Pork , standard mess , , t > blnp , 113 Lard , prime steam , ti. choice. i 15 ; dry salt meats loose shouldeis , t5 Wfli 67Vi. longs. jeWiSCiJ. nln , JC12S. shorts , 0874 II icon , packe < l shouldi-rs , J6C2' ' , : longs , ; 7.2S. ribs t137Vi , shorts , ' 7 G2V4 KKCUIl'TS Hour , IDUO'tibl ; vvheit , 19,000 IU , corn. 31 000 hu , oats , 10 000 bu SHIt'MUNTS riour , SOW bbls , vvheil , none ; am , none , outs , 1 000 hu I.lvcriiool uvnurooL , , Nov n WIIRAT closing : 'Inn ; holders offer sparlnglj No. 2 red , winter , Is 10.1 , No 2 red , spring , r. M CORN Dull , holders offer modernlely , spot , 4a 1'4 > 1 , futures , firm , holders offer spirlnBly ; No- einher , Is lid , December , 4s 10d ; Januarj. i 7'icl FLOUR nrm , holders offer moderately ; St. ' uls fancy winter , 5 9d PROVISIONS I ird , stcijy ; holders offer spar ingly ; spot , 37s 9d I'ork , flnn ; holders offer iparlngly , prime western mess , 53s 9d : medium , i6s 3d. Itccf , firm , holders offer sparingly ! rxtra nilhi mess , C7n Gd ; prime mess , Kg 3tl. llamy , Urm ! holders offer moderately : short cut , 44s. IJaoon , dull , holders offer moderately : Cumber land cut , nrm , SCs , short ribs , steady , 3Ca 0.1 , iong clear 43-lbs . str-iuly , 3T i ; long and short lear , 4i-lbs , uteady , S.1)- ! , shoulders , steady , SC Steady ; holders offer moderately , flnent wlilln and colored , 51s for spot. TALLOW Nominal , supply poor ; prime mess 23s. 23s.COTTON COTTON SHED OIL Easj. IBs 9d. TUIU'ENTINIJ Stead ) ) holders offer moder ately. spirits 29s M ROSIN Steady , holders offer sparingly , com mon , 3s 7V4d HOI'S At Ix > ndon ( Pacific coait ) nrm , holders offer moderately , new crop. J2 15srl3 MlnnnnpolU W limit Murkot MINNCAPOLIS. Nov 17 Wheat opened higher his morning , with a Rood demand at the out el for May. The rl e was about tc to * 4c ihortly after the opening The lack of ocean ton nage and u higher ocean rate , with large re ( .clpts In the northwest , vnre the chief factors In holding prices down from further advance. The market closed higher than seslerday by le for November , % c for December % c for May and to higher for wheat on track nt 59 0 for No\em .ter . , 53 e December , GlHc , Mn ) , on track 61Uo Imnl , CO'ic ' , No 1 northern , 5S54C , No 2. re ceipts were 3jl,12i > hu shipments. 18.630 bu I'lour was actlv e and quoled at 13 31f1 50 for pit. ents , J200JI2SO for halietrf I'r-xluctlon for the 24 hours was estimated' ' nt W 000 bbls ; Bhlpmnets 'or the same time. 39,173 , libls ( ottoig Vlttri. NEW ORLKANS. Nov -COTTON Ste-xdy , sales , spot. 2SOOr bales , to arrive .950 biles ; middling , 5 1-lCc , low mid- lllng , 4 13-llc : good ordlnnr ) , 4 9-lCo ; net re ceipts , 20.327 bales , gmi.9. 21 345 bales ; exports to Great Ilrltaln , 33S1 Imll-s , to Trance , I047S ' ) ales , to the continent , < * ! ! r 1l biles , coastwise , I CCS bales , stock , 3,2,749 bales , futures , teady. Bales , 28 fOO hales , November , K 01 hid : December , t5 < y > { ( BOG : lanunry , K OSfj 5 OD : v Kcbniurj' . J5 13W14" Mirch. fi 19 * 5 a ) April , J5MWS.25 ; May , J3 JOS" 3I , June. $3 3CirJ 37 July , ? 542frSi3 ; AUKU , * t5 1Cff. 4S.- ST. LOUIS , N.QV. 17i CQTTON Steml ) , middling dling5 1-lOc , sales JOQ biles , receipts 8700 bales , shipments , S,00i > > bales , stock , 33 , 300 bales 'loh'do ( Iruin Mnrkot. TOLUDO. Nov. 17 WHHTcllve hlu-her No 2. cash nnd NovemT > fcr , [ X , D'cembjr , 56 to May , 0)ytc. > 1 CORN Dull , steady ! NO..IS mixed. 49 o ; May , 49 > s c ; No 2 j.'llow. W c. ' TSStcidrrN nrt i' ' , SOcrNo. 2 RYK cash 4 Hc.Sl Dull ; , Hc. CIXVEll 8KKI-.Actlve , steady ? prime , casl and Nov ember , ft 57V4- KKCEIPTS \ % heat. 2J 000 bu , corn. 9.COO bu. oals. 200) ) bu. : clover seed. 2SC bags SHIPMENTS Flour , G.VX ) bbls ; wheat. 43000 bu. ; corn , 25,000 hu. , oils , 3,000 bu ; rye , 1,000 bu. ; clover aied , 10S bags. _ Knnsnt City Mtirlcnts. KANSAS CITY. Nov. 17 WHEAT Klrm. No . 5051c ; No S red , 49fMc. rejected. 4S 47c , sales hy samply. on 'chinse , f. o b. , Missis sippi river : No. 2 hanl. 57t , No 2 red. SC' < c. CORN r iwer , No 2 mixed , H042c : No. 2 white , 42Hc. OATS Slow : No 2 mixed , SOViOSlc ; No 2 white S3T(33V.c. ( HirTTEH Steady ; creamery , 10@21o ; dairy , 13W17C HOGS Less active. 18c ntrCEHTS Wheat. 2,300 bu. , corn. 7,700 bu. oats none SIIIPMKNTS Wheat , none ; corn , 10.000 bu. ; oats , none ' _ _ Sugar Mnrknt. NEW TORK , Nov. IT. ' SUCAR Riw , quiet fair reflnlnB. 3c : centrlfugH , 96 test , 3Vtc ; refined Inactive. No 6. 3 , 3 IG.lCc ; Nn 7. 3 l-lM3to ( ( No 8. % @ 13-lCc. No. S , 3 { ? 3 H-lCc. No 10 3 7-l603c , No 11 , 35,63lCc , No. 12. 3 5-18 ® 3'4c. No 13 , 3Uc , oft A , 304 c : mould A 4 7-16J4Hc. standard A , 4 1-1G4MV4C. confcc Honors' A. 4 ll-luiJlHo : cut loaf. 4Ti@J 1-lCc crushed , 4T4W5 1-lCc , powdered , 4 7-16J/4liiC , gran ulnteil , 4 1 ! Cif4Kc , cubes. 4 7-lfifr4 , c. LONDON. Nov 17 SUOAR Cane , dull and depressed ; centrlfugiil Java , 12s , btLt sugrar ulet ; prices barely malnlalned , November. 9 ? 'id ' ; December , 9s 7'jd. MILWAUKEE. Nov 17. FLOUR Steady. WHKAT rirmer. No 2 spring , 57to ! ; No. northern , G5c : May , 6114c. CORN Firm ; No 3 , 4JV4c. OATS Stracl ) , No 2 white , 33c ; No. S white. 33Vic. 1IAULEY Quirt ; No 2. IBHc , sample , 4356c HYIStendy , No 1 , MIAC PIIOVIBIONS Higher. I'ork , t 45. I ard t7 15 15UKCEIPTS Dour , 8 65 bbls , wheat , 3,300 bu barle ) . 400 bu SHIPMENTS- , 8,400 bbls ; wheat. 1,300 bu. ; Larley. 1,000 bu. IVmln .rnln Miirkct. PEORIA , Nov. 17 CORN Active , easier ; new No S 43c , new , No. 4 , 42c OATS Steady No. 2 white , 30 e32c ; No. whltf. JO&iMKc. RYH-Scarcc. nominal , No 2. 50O51c. WHISKY Firm , high wine basis , tl 23 IlECEIITS Wheat , 2 4"0 bu , corn , 69900 bu. outs , 13,200 bu ; rye. 600 ML , barley , 9,800 bu. SHIPMENTS Wheat , l.S'O ' bu corn 9.100 bu oills , 10,500 bu ; rjf , none , lurley , 4,200 bu Now York lr > < : < M > IH Mnrknt. NKW YORK , Nnv 17 In the dr ) goods mar ket unfavorable weather conditions were aeralns any demand , except that of an urgent characti U meet current wants. No new arrivals of 1m portanee were present and outsldo of dellverle on account of old and new engagemenls tha took a great mmy gcods there was little to re mark , Printing clyths wcro very llrm at 211-lCc Dulutli Mhluit IMurllfit , DULUTH , Nov. 17 ( W11EAT Close ; No. haul , cash and Noveiu1ter'J''Ic , No 1 northern cash , fo c : NovembfiH on.c ; December , 604c May , 63c : No 2 northerner cash 57 0 : No. 3 54c. rejected , 61c ! > ti > arrive , No 1 northern 60'40 , No 1 hanl , C2c. _ Friar. i Wlii-iit I0"notiitloim. SAN TRANCISCXVoy ) -WHEAT-StronB December , MVtc. May. U 07 > ST IX5UIS , Nov 17"lVOOIy-Sllghtly mor active , prices unc I limnalatfiXotos. NEW 'ORLEANS. Nevi iTJ-Clearlngs , Jl.9i5.WS UEI1LIN. Nov. 17. pi/Liljtge on London , eigh days' night. 0 marks ityiffK- I'AIIIS Nov. 17. S Itw m Three per , ccn rentes102f 67Ho Tor thr { account. MEMPHIS. Nov. ' 17A.Ml-arliiBS. t42781 ; bnl ances , J23.450 New TorK exchange , scllInK a par. ' i 4 HOSTON. Nov. -tldarlngs , tlS 017.150 ; ha nnces , 11,890603 ; for Jim , .week. t87.3IJ7.KI4 : ba ancea , t 656 7S7. , { HALT1MORE. Nov , 17 , Clearings. 11717171 balances. I1SI , SM , for the week , tlS,433 , 5S ; ba ance , 12 23I.W6. o NEW "ionic. Nov. 17. Clearings , * 86 012,419 balance * . IIGS. . for the week , 15CI.700.40J , ba ances , | 33,248kl5. PARIS Nov. 17. 5 p. m Three per cen rentes , lOIf 62 > 4c for the account. Exchange o London. Mf 12 o for checks. ST. LOUIS , Nor. 17. Clearings. JJ.tiS SH ; ba ances , IK3052U : for the week , clearings. t3'5.473,7J balance * . W,10 029 , Money , dull at 6O7 iwr cen LONDON. Nov. 17 Oohl U quottil today a Iluenos Ayrrs at 250 : Madrid 1350 ; Lisbon a SO bt. Petersburg. 50 ; Athens , 77 ; Rorns. 107 CO ; V cnn a. 103. CINCINNATI , Nov , 17 , Money , Z'SOG per cen New \ork oichange , J0t/ic piemium. deal Int-a , n.9S8.5W. For the week. tl3,241dJO ; for th snmn week last year , lit 914,750. CHICAGO. Nov , 17.-Cearlngi | , tl7.S5i000 ! : toll for the week. 7,36 .OOQ : rnrrr | > ondliii ; vvetk Us ) rur , rJ3SjixiO. Money , 4t' < i per rrnt on cut 5i6 per lent on time. New York exchange , 70 premium. Sterling , commercial , t4 & 5f > 4 86. NEW YORK. Nov , 17 The exports of pec from the port of New York for Iha week endln loday were tli.022 In gold and t < Cl.G91 in sllve The ImnorlB fui the w k were ; Gold , ti.IM ; il tr tllK * . general mcrchnndlw , J 0UM : < lry goold , JI.67J SOS WABHINOTON Nov 17The nmount of nn- onnl tank notes received for rolrmptlon nt the irnsury during the week WM tl,6ll ZJi. The deiKMlt * received tu ret ro nitlonnt bank notes nggrrgnled t 05e * ) , leaving the balance of such rpoKltn on the Ixioks of the treasury 123 501,034. odny'n wllhdrnwiilii o ( gold from the ub- casuiy In New York , presuinibly lo huy honds mm the United States , amounted to Jltt.OW , M calnst f95000 withdrawn yestenlay. The total mount nf gold withdrawn from the severs ! nub- ea urles s nco 111 ! hond call was tOOS 0 hn cn. h tialincp In Ihe tn-asury today was 01fi.614 ) , gold reserve , J01S32,2I9. bTOCKS AMI 1IONDS. ran cent A\oro Anioiip the Wpukcst Slmrc * nn the List. * N13W YO11K. Nov. 17. The stock mnrket na heavy during the two hours of business odny , nnd , with the exception of a sllKht ally nrotmil 11 o'clock , fi'cea ' stemllly de- llncd. The RrnngeMwere nmotiB ths vvcak- st shares on the list , being freely Bold on tie unexpectedly heavy decrease In the St. 'nul earning- * for the Fecund week of No- cmber , which vvns nearly J-MO.OOO. London vas a heavy seller * of St. 1'iiul nnd the oem traders followed suit. HurllnB- on & Qulncy closed H4 per cent It on the day. tut % per cent bove the lowest. The grangers were nt heir worst In the final sales , Northwestern honing n loss of 1 % per cent. Hock Island .ml St. Paul , ll& per cent , ami St. Paui jreferred , V4 per cent. Sugar opened j per c3nt higher , reacted % per cent , rose % per cent , lost the entltc Improvement nd recovered V , per cent , closing at last ilght's llgnres. Wcitern Union advanced > , J ier cent , derllned \ % per cent nnd rallied V * cr cent. Missouri , Kansas Ac Texas lost % > er cent , nnd Cordage preferred. 1V4 per ent. St. Paul & Oninha preferred made n advance of 2 per cent. The ether changes which ate alinnst entirely declines , nre nerely In the smaller fractions The mnr- tet closed heavy. The result of the week's radlng lias been a ver > general dcprecln- lon In value * , and during the last three aya the principal declines have been mndr 'lie bond market today was somewhat un- eltled. but fairly active , the salei nggregat- ng $531,009 During the week the bond mar- tut has moved Irregularly with the active Bsues and closed .generally a fraction 01 more lower. The sales aggregated $8,500,000 The following were tlm closing quotations in the leading stocks Of the New York ex- ihnnge today : AtchlHon . ' ,4 Northvvcstcni . . . . 100K Adims Kiprosa. . 140 ilo pfd Alton. T. II : in N.Y. Central . . . . 0 M ilopfd 1H8 N. Y. A.N M ' Am express 111 Ontirlo A , W 1(1 ( IilttmoruOlihi. . 118 Ortiroti Imp . . . . . * Cuiada Pacific . . 10W Ort'gon > av zo "Jiunili "oulhi'rii , O S L & IT. N . . . U Piolllc. . . . Pacific Mall Mies. A , Ohio P. D ( t K Chlcniro Alton . . PltlHbunr. . IBS J. B. & . Q Pullman Palace. , 1(57 Chicago Qas llmdlnir. . . . lll % Connolld itod Gas KichmondTer . . IfiH C. . C. C. ASt L . . do pfd IP . 'o\o \ Co it , V Iron . n < } w IPH. K Cotton Oil Cei t U O W pfd n ) elavvnrn & Hud Hock Inland O.'M Bel Liek A. W. St Puil DOS * I ) AK O pfd . , do pfd 110 ! D AD P Co . . . . St P A Omaha . . . .14 Jrlo Uo pfd . . . 111 do pfd . . - Southern Pnclllc II ) ? oit Wayne 15H * ug ir Rcflnory . . G Northeni pfd 11)1 ) Tumi Coil A Iron C A , II. I ofd 111 Tex IB Pic I He . locking Valley . T AO Cent pfd. . llluols Conlril . Union Picltlc . . . . IB St P &lululh . . U S Kxprinn . . 12 1C & T Pfd W t L. A P L.-1110 ErloWeHt In pfd. Uo pfd 7 WtllH t.irRoKx . 101 Likw Shore 111 ! Wt l < rn Union. . H7H Loid Trust tn W & L K . . LoulnvllloAN . . c do pfd . . : A N A . . M AM L . M.mlintfm Con. . . lO10 U A. H. O . . 1P4 MemphlB&C 10 0.12 3u 4 Mlchlirin rout . N L . . VO MlBHourl P.ulllo . C P AL . . . 2f > 'l Mobile .V Ohio . IS do pfd on . on II. AT. C . . Nulotml Corel lyu. T. A A A N M . . . do rfd T. St. L & K. C . N J. Ceutril do pfd . . . . U r. pfd SHU 11 Am Co. . do pfd 36 > 4 tforlluru Piclflc. . Am Tob Co. . . . No Pne. pfd . . . . do pfd . . . . . U. P. . U AO. . . . St. P , M. A M. 17K The tatnl sales of stocks todnjvere 122170 shares. Including American btiKar. 10 800 , lia > > tate Oas , 1,800. Iluillngton , 11 7W , Oilcigo Gih 4 COO. General Electric , 1.300 , Laulivllle & Nash vllle , 1.01)0 ) , Manhattan Consolidated , 9500 , Nn tlonil Lead , 2100 : New Jerse > C'enlrnl , 4 300 Norltmestirn , 4,000 , Reading , 4.500. II & W. P. 3,423 , Hock Island , 2900 ; St. Paul , 22 2IW. South ern railroad. W 1. 4 900. Southern railroad , P. L , W. 1 , 6.COO , Western Union , 8,700 CHKAP AIONKY AT AN KM ) , London Financial Jimnmls on tha American Moni-tiirjr sjmti'tii. LONDON , Nov. 17. The Hconomlst today says t thinks the diy of excessive cheipness of money Is drawingto a close It adds that Ittle dependence can he placed upon Itusslan supplies nnd objects to the form of the new American bonds. The Economist also sa > s : Unlesa there Is a radical change In the American currency syttem , putting gold In the treasury Is Ike ixmrlng water Into a sieve. The Statist regards the American bond Issue na anything but a good sign and as being merely a stoppage N vv York .MOIIBT Mnrbet. NI3W YOHK , Nov. 17. MONKY ON CAL Eaay at 1 per cent , last lonii , 1 per cent ; closed nt 1 per cent PllIME MnilCANTILn PAI'mi-ZMOSW pel cent STEllLINO UXCHANGIJ Quiet , with nctua iislmss In bankcra * bills at t4 ST,1 for demand and W 66U for CO dajs. Pusled ratis , W 87W1 87V4 nnd { 4 ? 8 il SSV4 Commercial hills , J4 8504 65'i SILVI2U CLHTIKJCATHS G3VSc bid , no sales Closing quotations on bonds were as follows : U. S n . ix-ff. . . I ) A B G 48 . . . . B Cs.toup . . . 711 U. 8 4s , rejr G II AS A.Us. . . . IN ) 17. 3 4n coup ( lo 7B . 1)5 U. 9 t'H reg II AT C. Ba . . . 105 Paclllc tlaof ' 05. . do OB All Claim A M. K. AT. lBt4s. . Aln CliiaHll All C1.18H C Mutual Union Ga. . 108 All Curruiey N J. C.Oeu. r.s. . . . 114 L.I. Now Con. 4H. . No. Pic. iBttt . . . . llfi MlBHOiirt UB ( lOL'llH 89 N. C. tlB N.V. . Coimola . . . 141 N.C. 4 do S. F. Uch 5u. 100 4 O nonfumt . . . . H. O. WfHl. Iwls Tctm. now Met On. St , P. ConsolH 7B Tenn. new net ! > a. doC.AP. W. Bs. 11B Ivan old OH M.Rcii S. HI ) Va CenlurleH St. L .VS. F Gfii.ll 08 do deferred tax. Pac. iBts . . . HOlj AtchlHon 4s 2HM ' " do.'d A 17. p'lBlBOf M" ! 'Ma. . . \\'i Ht Shore 4H. . . . C. P , iBtaof 'OS. . So. 11. K. . . . . . . . . . . 87M U All O 7s 11:1 : liotton Stnok ( Jtuititloii BOSTON , Nov. 17. Cill loann. 1 per cent : tlmo loaiib , 2Vc * ) per cent. Olotlii ? oricea for btocka , bo Ida nnd mining all.iron : A.T. A-S. V W End pfd HI Am. Sugar. WlR. Centnl . . . . 3 Am , Sugar ufd . . . Atchla m lMn . . . 1DK II ir snto G.ia Atchlnoii IB . . Hell Tolophonu. Now Unfr land Oa . ItoBlon A Alniuy ( Jen Klratrlo 5a. . llottou A Muliio . Win. Cunt , lats . O II AQ. % Atlantic II ) ntchbiuv pfd . . . IloHtnn A Muntiua Gen llletlrlc . . . . llutto A IIOBton , 10 $ Illlnola Sticl . . . Ciliunet A UH4 Muxkaii . Centennial . . BO N. V. ANi ! . . . FrinUlln 12 Old Colony. Ki arBirife . . o7 Ore Short Lino. OscooU Uubber. . . . . Qulncy da Union Pacific . . . . Taminick 14B Han Francl4to Mtiilug Mork Ouotutlonn. SAN KUANCISCO Nov. 17Tho ofllclll closing quotntlona for mlnliiff Hloclis ted ly vvoro na tot- Iowa. AlphaCon ft Hnlo A Norcroaa , 12U Andca ni JllBtlCO J6 llolchnr Lidy Wash Con 8 Hello lale 5 Moxlcun. 116 Hc t A Ilelcher. . . 110 Mono 12 Uodlu Con . . . Mount Dl.lblo . 10 Ihilllon Ophlr 321) CJhallLnco Con , . . . 41) Ovcnnaii 14 Chollar 71 POIOBl (15 ( Coiindenco . 110 S ivasro . . 64 Con. Cal A Vn . . . 421a Sierra Novad i. . 80 Con Imperlil a Sllvcrlltll 80n Con. New York . . 7 Union Con . . . . oo Crown Point , , B9 UlihCon . . . 0 Gould A Curry Ytllow Jacket. . Silver b irs. I11J4-SB-JJSC. Mnxlcandolllra , Mi ; . Drafts , 8lht , 6c ; talerrnphlc , 7Ko. Nir V r < Ulnlit ; Jniitlni. * , NEW YORK. Nov. 17.-Tho following are the cloning mlnhiif quotatiouar . llulwer..T H Onmrlo , . . . . . . . . . bOO Choler CO Ophlr 310 Crown Point ftl 'lymotul ' JO Coil C.iL A Va. . . 411) QutcUBllver loo- IXtvdvvood 40 do pfd 1500 tloiild A Curry . . . CO SlLrra Nevada. . . . BO Halo ANorcro&a , . Ill ) Slindard 1BO llomcstaku. . , . . . .lo5O Union Con 0 Iron Silver 10 Yellow Jacket. . . . 00 Woxleatu. . . . . . . . . . 110 London St'io * QIIOCitlnn LONDON , Nov. 17 2 p. m. cloaluct Can. Pacific fl2'/ St. Pmd com Krle , N , Y. . . 10JH Krlo VdB 7ft ! { IVims > ) vanlil . C''K HI. Central , . II1H lleaJlhu. H'l Mexican ordinary. Mox. C n. new 4B 40H lUU SILVEH-BIM perouucu. MONKY-U percent 1 hu rate of discount in tha open mnrket lot both Abort mid tlirco inonlhh'bills U ti per cent. The uniount ol bullion vvIIhilrawn from the Iliulc of Knelund ou balances today w.i JLI.niut. I oniloii hlnrk Alurkut Quiet. LONDON , Nov. 17-aiie stock m-vrket loday uas quiet : American securities opcnej unchanged In 'A lowrr and closed at these nguien , Canadian Paclflo as the wtnk feature , open nK nt a de cline of h nnd closlne at CiH , B net loss of ; from jeaicrday's cloning : ! Kngllih consols were unchanged. OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKETS Excessive * EocoipUof Oattlo Responsible for the Softening of Prices. GOOD BEEF STEERS STILL WANTED Active Competition nn All I > r lrntilo Unities IIreps Up tlio Vnlurs HORS Coming Ahcnil of Srimon , but Still Sclllni ; Uoll. SATUHDAY , Nov. 17. receipts of both cattle nnd hogs TV c been the rule this week , while supplies f sheep have been llfcht. .Tho week's re- elpls compare with last week and the same celts In 183. ! and ISIS ns fallows : Cntlle Itogs Sheep lecclpls this week 2S 240 49.733 3611 lecelpts last week . 14.0SI 30501 9 4 < 6 amc week last Jenr . . 24.542 24 839 2 001 ame Week 1892 . . . . M.SM 21413 l.Ml The excessive cattle receipts caused n caher feeling during the fore pirt of the vcek , and for the first throe dnjs there vas a steady decline In values. There vvns good enough demand , nnd anything fat ough to suit the dressed beef men or good nough for shippers to take met with a endy Kale , and prices were llrtnly held us n tile There vvns so much more of the me- turn nnd poor stuff. low gride western angers and short fed natives , that buyers ad no dllllcully In making their purchases t lovvci Hgures During the latter halt of he week conditions Avere somewhat re- ersed. receipts were lighter , the demand iCtter and prices Ilrmer all around. Closing rices for the week nre substantially the time as n week ago and a good llrm feel- IB iKJrvades the trade. Hiirdly enough cnttle arrived today to fford n fair test of the trade , but the nvld- ty with which the few ilecent cattle on sale vere picked up at prices fully a dime higher ban Krldaj showed that there was plenty f life and strength In the mnrket. There vas no outsldp demand , In fact there was othlng on. sale that would suit shippers , ut local dressed beef houses were all wani ng supplies , and trade was active while It asted , and the meager offerings had soon hanged hands. Only about 15 loads of cows were on the market , hardly nough to go around All vanted some and they wore soon worked off t good strong prices. The slump In values urlng the early part of the week hns been ntlrely recovered , and prices for good cows nd heifers are. If any thing , stronger nt lie close- than at the opening of the week. Janrcrs have sold at low , mean prices all week the supply being rather In excess of he. demand The mnrket for veal calves as been active and llrm throughout , but nrge stock has been selling rather low. iulls , slaps' , oxen , etc. , have been In liberal upply , nnd while fat stock has ruled tomb , rough , thin Mock has been l > Inging ather unsatisfactory prices A very good business has been translated i stockers nnd feeders this week. There js be ° n a very active demand for good , eshy stock and good , smooth , well- red yearlings , and prices have finned up Ight along on these grades On the other and , there hns been a plethora of low rnde stork cattle , for which the demand us been of the most Indifferent character 'here has been no noticeable advance on his class of stock , neither hns there been ny decline to speak of The movement sluggish , but the close found the pens irclty well cleatcd up Oood to choice eeders are quotable at from $2 70 to &i 30 , air to good from $2 3 > to $2 CO , and common radon from $2 2j down. KouriBmitutlvn Hiles. Dunssno Mo Av Pr. No. Av Pr. No Av. Pr .10C5fS 75 16. . . . 966 (3 K 3 . 1263 (3 35 MIXI3D. . 080 3 10 COWS. 1. 80i ) . yt 1 75 .1120 2 00 1C. 500 1 25 2 S5r. 1 75 2 10 C. 921 ! 3 140 1 75 . 810 2 10 1. 1000 1 Si 19 mi 1 75 . 828 2 15 1. 820 1 43 89 747 1 75 1 , 828W3 2 ZO .1 . 84 ! 1 r.o 5 , 'ice 1 8r 1 11V ) 2 20 2 . ' 101 1 v , 3 mi 1 83 1 .1050 2 20 1 74) 1 55 1 100 1 90 33 .10TO 2 2T 1 . . 770 12 1031 1 90 21 879 2 25 4 . 715 i c ; 3 100) ) 1 93 1 010 2 2' . 1 . . 870 165 1 CM 200 2 . OS" , 2 3" 6 . , . 813 1 6r > 1 1190 2 00 1 1110 2 40 2s , .1100 I G5 1 . 1030 2 00 1. .1210 ! SI s ! . 827 1 70 9C . tcr 2 00 10. . .Ill ) 2 61 3 . , . 813 1 73 C kco 1 00 1..122) 2 50 1 . . . 810 1 75 B..101C 2 CO 1..10M 2 85 7 . . . 80 $ i ; r 1..1180 2 00 6. . . .1121 290 9. . . . i ; s IIEIFHRS 1 , . . SSO i oo 20. . . . 796 1 60 L. . . 470 1 00 5 , , . 60S i K L. . . 410 1 1. . . 4CO 2 25 1 , . 650 I 50 3 . . 640 1 75 1. . . . 729 8 50 4 , . 575 1 50 4 , . . . 475 1 90 L. . . 780 2 50 2 , . . 316 1 50 10 . . . 531 2 00 1. . . . CCO 2 85 . . 300 1 50 CALVES. 1. . . . 270 1 25 1. . . 60 2 50 1. . 210 t CO 1 . . . 210 1 K 3 , . : se 3 00 1 , 230 4 50 7 . . . S61 1 40 1. . . 300 3 00 2 . 123 4 50 2 . . . 230 2 00 5 . , 94 3 04 2. . IM 4 75 1 . . . 350 2 00 1. . . 8) 3 CO 12. 137 4 75 1 . . 290 2 10 1. . . 190 4 00 1. . 150 4 75 2. . . 330 2 25 1 . . 14) 4 00 1. . , 150 4 75 I. . . 300 2 30 HULLS. 1 .1700 1 CO . . .1500 1 75 1. . , .1JW 1 7S 1 . 10W 1 60 . 1101 1 7r. 1 , 134) 1 90 2 Io05 1 60 .1600 1 75 1 ir > o 2 r. 1L. 1. . .1170 1 65 010 1 75 L. 1600 2 CO OXKN 1..HW 2 25 .1521 2 75 STAGS. 1. . . . 970 1 GS .1230 1 75 STOCKEHS AND FEEDER1 * . 2 . . . 770 1 85 17 . 477 2 25 780 2 40 2 . . . 811 2 00 1 110 2 21 K2- 2 40 7. . . . 700 2 CO 8 . 643 2 30 S. , K2CG 2 40 1 . . . 900 2 CO 8 . 612 2 32 4 11)0 ) 2 50 0 . . . 475 2 23 1 . CCO 2 35 4 615 2 Ml 2 . . 413 22' . 3 . 773 2 40 8. 702 2 50 1 . . . 770 2 25 5 , . .622 2 40 3. . . 1133 2 65 1..1030 2 25 7. . . . 697 2 40 2 > . . . . ! IMt 3 15 WESTEUN CATTLE. COLORADO. .No Av Pr. No Av Pr 4 bulls 13M it CO 22 coug TS7 $2 05 :9 : cows 793 2 10 23 ulcers . . . .1019 3 40 fl steers 1016 3 40 M T. U > an 20 sleers 1115 3 CO W L. Smith 1 bull ,1110 1 CO 3 bulls 1351 1 CO 3 cows . . . . . . 856 2 00 2 cows 1125 2 40 1 cow 11JO 240 9 COHS S92 2 40 24 COWS . . . . 921 2 40 1 ox 1460 250 3 sirs. tiff. .913 2 00 11 steers . . . .1023 3 00 1 steer 790 3 00 4 steers . . . 1150 3 W 41 steers . . . . 1109 3 25 25W W , Cran 1 bull 1140 1 25 1 hull 1150 1 40 3 cows . . . 946 2 40 1 cow 94) 2 40 8 cows . . . . 1WJ 2 40 4 feeders. . . . 942 2 60 Cunn ngham 1 bull 1010 100 Scows 92 ] 260 3 fcedcis : . . 800 2 CO COOresory. Oresory. 4 cows 1180 2(5 Hurrying HOG : * to Market. Although receipts of hogs this week were about 19 000 heiv Ier than last , and nearly 24 000 leavler than a year HBO , prices on the whole iiuo averaged up fully as Rood as last week , If not better. Supplies have heen heiv Ier than for three months , Ihe quality better nnd welsh t Krenter. The average weight so far this nvmth lias heen about 218 Ibs In AuBUst It was 203 , September 196 , and October 210 Ihs. In speaking of tha quality of the hogs being marketed at this point a prominent bujer remarked : 'Tho IIOBB are lots hetler every way lhan Ihey were a iitonlh ago. and sllll nolhlnR like as good u Ihey were a year ago. Hecelpls Includu quite a good many hoes but of these S < ) to 90 per cent are old brood sows while the arrivals still contain large proportion of pigs nnd light weights , nnd of these 70 tn 80 per cent are barrows , the young funvs being kept back for bleeding pur poses nnd to consume vvhal food may be on hand A large porernlnge of the hoga have been fed wheat , nnd they show It , thnt Is they shrink from 1 to 2 per cent more In killing than corn hcgs Whrnt fed hogs finished on corn nre till right. There may be plenty of hogs In the. country now , and receipts would seem to Indicate as much , but there won't be iter on If farmers everywhere aru running In t lelr pigs and brood sons ns they are here at present , " Aside from the Increased receipts which dealers consider only temporary and due In a lirge degree to the npproich of rough weather , tlure his heen no chanBeIn the flltuatlon , Prices have fluctuated n little more than usual , this Ix-lngvdue to the Increased activity In the spec ulative market for provlslonB. Local packers .mve nil Iwcn free buyers here , and Hammond has taught several thousand nt Hloux City , where they have been cheaper. 15antcrn packers nre gelling plenty of lings at home , nnd very few of Ihe hogs now coming here crosa the MIs- > url rlve-r alive. There was n very fair run today , the ninety- four loads received Including ten from Hloux City , hilled direct to Hammond Packers stnrted In miller bearish on account of tlio weak close to provls'ons ' 1'rlday nnd the rattier ample sup plies todj. Hellers held out for firmer figures , nnd under the combined Influence of act he com pelltlon among local packers and rnlher more favorable news from Chicago , the market strengthened and prices ruled steady to a shade higher than I'rlday , with coma of the later sales showing nil of a f c advance. Good to choice heavy hogs sold largely H ( from tl (5 to J4C5. fnlr to KOIM ! mixed and butcher weight grades at (4 40 to 14 CO , anil | K > r to choice light and light mixed stuff anywhere from tl to Jl DO , but largely at M 30 to 1140. Common Until pigs sold for S ! CS. nnd good 122-lb. stuff brought 14 After the rnlher sluggish opm'nK ' tha markrt bc-cnme decidedly active and the close was strong , with several buyers Hill hunting hogs Hates were prelly ! ! rpread out today. l > ut were largely at from M 40 to Jl CO On Friday J4 4) to $1 61 liought Ihe 1'ilk of the offerings , and last Hat * urday the tradllng uas mostly at J4 40 to 410. ItrprnnnutullvK Hulei , No. Av. 8h. IV No. Av Eh Pr. . IU . . ,1100 M Mil 160 II K ) 4 * . 153 SO 4 10 t'J . , . , . 2CJ 200 4 U 103 . 145 80 4 10 C3 ,115 240 t M ft . 150 . . 4 IS 72 ! 4S 12 4 M Z > . 197 40 4 20 M 221 204 4 00 tl . 172 ! 40 425 fii 4 1W 4 M 19 , . . .Z3 > IU . . . . . . . . 40 4 M bhcnn Srll Strong. The four don We decks of sheep tlmt arrived today were nil Inmbi , blllid east for feeding. A smiUI hunch of common native mUod slock held over from ji" < ter < 1a > pokl fur J205 There la a good Inquiry from local klllen for good multoni and lambs , nnd such are readily wilnblu nt good strong prices Fnlr to choice nnllus nre < iuotnhl < at t22jij2tO : fnlr to good wesli rrm J3-0 > JCO ; common nnd stock sheep SI 2' > ifl,75 : good to choke 40 to 100-lu. lambs , 12,50 3.75. Ilrpresent- utlc sales : No \Vt. Pr. C'lIICACiO I.lVi : .STOCK. Cuttle Trudo Win Quint nnd Values With out dinner. CHICAGO , Nov 17 The citlle trade wns quiet nnd values without chnnge There wns n lltllo Inquiry from Ihe different classes of bus era enough to .ihsorb the 4 000 bend on side on a basis of from II 25 to 56 40 for Inferior to extra nallves , from II75 to 75 for westerns nnd from Jl 33 to J3 40 fop Texas cnttle. Tills week's receipts ntnotmt to iihoul 77 400 hend The receipts of | IH were estimated at 52,000 head , making 271,000 for this v\e < k lleavj hogs wcro in nctl\c ilemand nnd for thnt sort the mnr ket rcmnliuil strong Light nnd light mixed lot1 * were not more than Bteidj. Sales were at from $4 25 lo 14 50 for common to choice light , fnm J4 40 to J4 Tt for medium weights nnd from 14 60 lo J4 90 for heavy weight * . Only about 1,000 sheep and lambs arri\eil todnjv There , wna ( v quiet nml nominally unchanged market at from 75c to (3 for Inferloi to choice sheep nnd at from Jl 50 to $3 81 for lambs This week's nrrlials foot up ahnit : 94500 hend. Receipt * : Cnlllo. 4,000 hend ; calves , 400 headf hogs , 2i\000 hend ! sheip , 1.000 head. Ihe Evening Journal riporls : HOO8 IteteiplH , 20.000 hend ; official jesterday. 48,668 head ; shipments > esterda > . 6073 hend ; left * over from > csti-rdny , about 2(000 hend ; quality only fair , market active nnd strong under a good demand , both from shippers nnd pnekors ; prices to higher on better , prices ranged about (4 0004 50 far light. (4 1504 75 for rough ana I iiklng. HI 5 | 475 for mixed , JI45 I50 for heavy packing and shipping lots and J2.40&4 25 for pigs. CATTLE-Receipts. 4,000 head ; market quiet nnd firm nt uncbinged prices. SHEEP Receipts , 1,000 head , market quiet arid steady. II 1C A VV I.JVK STOCK UKCKIITS. Number HonulvDil lit the Four l.ondluK Muiltrts isuvrr ] rxrtnil tfl * KANSAS CITY. Nov. 17. The Dally Drovecs' Telegram compiles figures showing thnt 787,000 head of cattle , hogH nnd sheep were this week received nt the four great western llva stock markets Omnha , Kansas City. Chicago nnd St. Louis While there have l > oen weeks In which more than 166.000 cattle were received at Ihe foUr IK , nts , and while the 440 O'W hogs and 121 000 sheep have been exceeded twice previously , the combined lecelpts have never been paralleled. Kan s City Live Stuok XiirUnt KANSAS CITY , Nov. 17. CATTLE-Recelpts , 7,100 head , shipments 7,400 head ; maikct steady , but slow. Tcxns alters. (2.0003 00 ; bc f steers. J2 r.Oji'5 CO. nntlv < > cows. J100 3.G5 ; stackers and feeders 2.20ii > J 65 HOGS Receipts , 10300 head ; shipments. 400 hend , mnrket lp rtv lo firm : hulk of nnl ex. t4 3J ff4 05 ; heavy , 14 45&470 ; packers , SI 35l.70 ; mlicod , M30W460. lights. U.90ltfl40 , pigs , t3JWQ > 40 . SHEEP Receipts 4 ( XX ) hend ; shipments , 204 hend ; mnrket steady and unchanged. Hi. Lnul * Llvo Htoclc Mnrkot. ST. IXMJI8 , Nov 17 CATTLE Receipts , 1.5W hend , shipments , 1,800 hem ) , mnrket nominal ! sales too light to establish quolnllona. HOaS-RecelpIs , 2 SOO hind ; shipments , C.200 head , market steady to strong ; good heavy , 14 600 > 4 C5 , medium to good light mixed. J4 35O 4 45 ; common tight. J4 004 25 SHEEP-ltecelptH. 200 head : shipments. 204 head , market quiet , mixed sheep and Iambs , S2.25&2.CO , lambs , 3 25 3 CO Stonk IIIililit. . Record of recelpls nt Ihe four principal mar. kels for Salunlny , November 17 , 1894 : Callle Hogs Bheep. Boulh Omaha. , 1,231 7.763 1,251 Chlcagu 4000 20.000 1,001 Kansas City 7,100 10800 4.4M St. Louis 1,500 2,200 201 Total 13,831 40,263 MM T1IK Iti/VLTV MARKET , INSTRUMENTS placed on record Nov. 17 , 1894 : WARRANTY DEEDS. J P Ilymer and wife to C E Prntt. lot 14 , 1 Hack's mihdlv. a U lot 18 , block 3 , Coiner X. A's add t 103 r H Wltllney nnd wife lo L II Kent , lots 8 nnd 9 , block 9 , Kountzo Plucc. . , . lO'.WXJ H 11 Nellson and wife lo J A Cummings , lot 1 nnd o 1,5 lot 2 , Mock 1 , Waterloo 351 Ella Cherry and husbtnd to Union Trust company , lot 1 , block 3 , Pnddock Placa. . 1,001 O W York nnd wlfrto 1 > Jl Covtlcs , lot 4 , block 19 Walnut Hill f.04 C L Dolnn to William lire , lot 5 , block 78 , Omnha 25,001 W A llrown nnd wife tn Kntle Uurktc , lot 14. block 13 , Clifton Hill 2COt C A Do > l to O W Qulnn , lot IB , Mock 12 , Orchard Hill 1,250 Hamo to same , lot 16 , block 12 , n'line , . . , , , . . 1,251 QUIT CLAIM DEEDS. N \V Nelson to Mary Nelson , s H lot 10 , elldlck'n 2d ndd. lot 1. block 219 > & ( ex cept 8 27V4 feel ) . Omaha JTM DEEDS. i Special master to II * F Thomas. lot t , block "K. " Shlnn'x 2d ndd 2,004 Same to U E Jlatrs , B , lot 9 , Mock 71 , South Omaha Itl Total amount of transfers. ! , N .WI SUCCESSFUL SPECULATION Can he Attained through our Dally and Weekly Market Letters and Telegraph Code Manualt , . sent free upon request. In handling trades bated an our market letter * we are earning from 10 to 100 per cent per month. 120 lo 11,000 may bo InvMtesl In this way without nllentlon of Ihe Investor , Pamphlet fre . J/lalIKU UU , , HtiicK and Ur.iiu llrokeri. 18 unit 20 Hruailwny , J\e r York. WM. I.OTTDON. Commission Merchant Grain and Provisions. Private wires to Chicago and New York. All buulnecH orders placed on ChlcaKO Hoard of Trade. Correspondence solicited. Olllcc , loom 4 , Ki-vv York Ufa Building jruiilia. Tcle-plionj 1103.