Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 17, 1894, Page 6, Image 6

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- - NO. 12 PBAItL , STKEET
Dillmtd br carrier to anr part of lb cllr.
. \V. T1LTON , Lewe * .
TELErtIOXES-Bu lnt > oBlce. No. l > ; nlgbt
dllor. No. n.
aiixuit MKXTIOH.
Miyne Real Estate agency , C39 Broadway.
A decision In the Nonpareil case Is looked
for next Monday.
The cltr council held a secret meeting last
evening for the purpose ot talking about the
momentous subject ot gravel for paving.
They talked ,
Mrs. M. F. Davenport , who has been libra
rian of the frco library ever since It was
started , has tendered her teslgnatlon , to take
effect December 1 ,
Pilgrim Sisters Academy , No. 1 , meet In
regular session at 7:30 : In their rooms In the
Drown building. Initiation at 8 sharp. All
members arc requested to nlteml.
The Girls' Industrial school , under the di
rection of Henry Delong , will inert this after
noon at 2:30 : o'clock In the Coyne building ,
the first door east of the Ogden house. Sixty
girls were In attendance last Saturday ,
Nothing has been done so far this winter
toward effecting an organization for helping
the poor. Considerable Is being done In a
quiet way , however , by private Individuals.
1 Mrs. Henry Dolong has been provide I with
a motor pass , which the uses almost con
tinually In making trips among the poor and
hriplng them with articles left with her for
Gladys Wallls , who was for four years with
Comedian W. II. Crane , Is booked for an ap
pearance next Monday night at Doliany's
opera house In Blanch Marsden's three-act
comedy , "A Girl's \Vay. " She Is supported
by Joe Caw thorn and the Pattl Rosa Comedy
company. She has made a marked hit since
nile has bsen "starring , " and should be
greeted by n crowded house.
Ulstolt and Mlnccnclll , who visited Coun
cil Bluffs a couple of years ago , made n re
turn trip lost evening and spent the evening
at the Ur.ind 'hotel ' , delighting a large
crowd of people- with their exquisite music
on the mandolin nnd guitar. They will re
main here for Fcvcral days. Proprietor
Clarke has engaged them to play for dinner
at the Grand hotel Sunday evening.
Kllza Watson of Washington state turned
up at the police station last evening , hav
ing been found wandering about the plat
form with a tremendous jag. She was In
Jail several nights ago , but It was thought
that she was demented. City Physician
Macrae ordered her taken to St. Bernard's
hospital. Last evening , however , there was
no disguising the fact that the was simply
very drunk , and film Inhabited the sky par
lor Ilko and other drunken lady.
Charles Sayles has been arrested by Sheriff
Hazen and put In the county Jail for a thirty
day term. He was convicted of cheating by
false pretenses four years ago , but ever since
that time his case has been In the supreme
court , which finally sustained the decision ot
the district court. In addition to Ms thirty
flays he has a fine of $50 to pay. Neither
the fine nor the Imprisonment have been
drawing Interest during the four years that
have elapsed between the rendering of the
verdict and Its execution.
Seven ot the parties wanted for contempt
of court In cutting corn and timber on Mrs.
Nora Murphy's land presented themselves In
. court yesterday morning , and seven meeker
$ looker "desperadoes" never were seen. Kuy-
kendall and the two Whetstones , father and
son , were released on their own recognizance.
The two SIglers , Fair cloth and Ilegwood gave
bonds for their appearance , and all seven will
be before Judge Smith this afternoon at 2
o'clock for an examination as to the truth
ot the charge against them.
Ed Mason , a colored barber , who has been
running a shop on Broadway near the North
western depot , decided to go out of business ,
and sold M. Baltsmann , a Junk man , his out
fit lor $2. It was worth about $50. Salts-
inann , appreciating the fact that he had a
bargain nnd that there were particular rea
sons why It should be kept a secret , con
cealed the stuff In his shop. In rumaglng
nround over the place the officers found It ,
having previously learned that It did not
belong to Mason , but to an Omaha darky
who had set him up In business. Saltsmann
was arrested , and In police court yesterday
v paid a fine of $10.20or falling to report his
i purchase to the police.
Wnntcd--Good farm and city loans. We
: have $400,000 to loan on Improved security
' at C per cent and small commission. We
also have money to loan on stock and grain.
LOUOBB & TOWLB , 235 Pearl St.
Tlio T.sito Snow Storm ,
The late political snow storm continues to
bo the chief topic of conversation all over
town and everywhere else. People are still
wondering where It came from and what
caused It , and In talking about the causes
they sometimes got hot. But It makes no
difference how hot they get they never over
look the fact that there ore more snow
storms coming , freezing blizzards , and the
wisest and brightest of them go down to 010
Main street and talk to T. B. Hughes about
It. They always find n warm welcome , the
best and warmest shoes and the hottest bar
gains In a full line of shoes , hats and gents'
furnishing goods.
Genuine Round Oak , Iladlant Home and
Colo's Air-Tight heating stoves , the fuel
savers , only at Colo's , 41 Main street.
Bo sure to see the wonderful Impersonator
this evening at the First Presbyterian church.
Domestic toap outlasts cheap soap.
I'RltSOXJL 1'All.HlllAl'llli.
Mrs. F. B. Dobbins Is visiting relatives In
Creston ,
A. W. Caeady nnd wife have returned from
ft trip to New York City.
F. M. Loomls , now connected with the
Lincoln Call , was In the city yesterday
greeting hU friends.
L. T. Genung , II. B. Gray and W. W.
Dcilart of Hastings were In the city yester
day and registered at the Grand hotel.
Attorney General John V. Stone Is re
covering from a lit of sickness which has
confined him to hla homo for several days.
James McCnbo has returned from Page
county , where ho took part In a divorce suit
In which about half the county were Inter
ested as witnesses.
Miss Ella Wlrt , who has been threatened
with an attack of pneumonia and has been
I confined to her homo on Willow avenue for
a number ot days , Is able to bo about
President I. M. Treynor of the Merchants
and Manufacturers association has appointed
D. W. Archer. George F. Wright and Frank
Trlniblo as delegates to the IransmlsslBslppI
congress to bo held at St. Louis November ,
Among the lowans who stopped at the
Oranil hotel yesterday wore II. A. Gabriel
of Clinton , J. C. Hooper of Dubuque , K. II ,
Howard of Iea Mollies. Fred Davis of Mai'
vern , C. F. Swift of Harlan , and George II ,
Hoblncon of Atlantic.
Miss Jesslo Couthoul , H Council Bluffs lady
who has repeatedly visited her old home
and given elocutionary entertainments , IB
now a member ot the Pattl Hosa Comedy
company , and will appear with Miss Gladys
Wallls at Dohany's next Monday evening ,
During her stay hero she will be Iho guest
of Judge nnd Mrs. B. 13. Aylevworth on
Fifth avenue ,
The renowned Impersonator , Clayton D ,
Gilbert , will appear at the First Presbyte
rian church this evening at 8 o'clock. The
program will bo a very flue one , and every
one should attend. Prices will be 2G and 15
cents. *
Grand Hotel , Council lllufr * , Unopened.
Newly furnished. Every modern con-
- > -venlenc * . Flrsl class In all respects , nates ,
12.60 to 13.00. E. P. 01 , A UK , Proprietor.
1'oppi Cho r unit Herb Tmilo
Can bo purchased only ot the O. n. Wheeler
Brewing company , Wheeler & Ilereld. Coun
cil Bluffs , la.
" 'Ten ptr cent discount on all trimmed had
Itls week at Miss lUgdale'a.
Special prices this week at Ml > * lUg'i
! ' .
ffh UundrUs UM Domtitio soap.
lanawa Electric Road Matters Postponed
by the County Board.
Considerable Time TnUcn Up In Conitderlng
Saloon llunlnoii Hetlrlne 1'rcilricnt of
the Hoard llamliointl ? Itemem-
bercil \ > j Ilia Amoclatci.
The question of granting n right of way
o the Council Dtuffs aud Manawa electric
alhvay over the county road will not be
a ken up at the present meeting ot the board
f supervisors. The work of clearing up
ho title to the land owned by George F.
Vrlght has taken some little time , so that
he condemnation of the property has not
icen completed , and cannot be before the first
mrt of next month. Another meeting of the
joard will be held December 12 , nnd It Is
IIely that the matter will be again brought
up for consideration then.
Nearly all of yesterday was taken up with
matters with reference to the saloon busi
ness. The supervisors never had so much to
o with the saloon business In their lives un
it now , when the ? mulct law Is In force , and
very eesrlon sees a long line of saloonlsts
vnltlng for n chance to be heard. They want
remission or reduction of taxes , and a great
; eal of evidence has to bo taken In order
hat the board may act upon their requests
The contract with C. E. II. Campbell for
he building of county bridges during the
year 1895 was renewed by the board yester-
The board paid a visit Thursday to a
irldgo over a ditch northeast of the city
vhlch Is claimed to have caused the death ot
\ number of horses whose owners now want
amages from the county. Several carcasses
vcro found , but the members of the board
iccm to have a suspicion that they were
lead bcforo they went there.
Just after the board adjourned last evening
Chairman Black was surprised by being pre
en ted with a fine edition of the Encyclo-
> edl.i Brltnnnlca , In twenty-four volumes ,
> ound In halt Russia. The speech was made
by S. n. Wadsworth , In behalf of the board
nd the other friends who contributed. Mr.
Mack retires from the presidency and from
ho board January 1 , and the present was In
ecognltlon ot his good services during the
ast two years.
Saturday' * Snlr.
Attend our big sale Saturday evening.
Greatest cloak sale on record. We are dong -
ng the cloak business of this city. Bring
lit the children today. Children's elder-
town cloaks , age 2 to C years , $1.50 each.
New line misses' Jackets. See them today
at $3.98 , $5.00 , JG.50 and $7.50 each , they are
Ladles' chinchilla Jackets , new line Just
n , $10.00 each , sold everywhere at $15.00.
Big hosiery sale. 3,000 pairs boys' and
Iris * fast black bicycle hose , full regular
nade ( no seams ) , all sizes , lOc pair. In
tuits' wool knit bootees , Co pair. Children's
wool knit mittens , lOc pair.
Saturday evening , 7:30 : to 9:30 : o'clock , we
offer 100 pieces of novelty all wool dress
goods , were COc , 75c and $1 yard , all at one
price for two hours , entire dress pattern of
7 yards for $2.78. This Is a snap. Don't
miss It. Only Saturday evening.
Lumber Ueallngn Aired.
A case Involving $3,000 worth of stock of
ho now retired Council Bluffs Lumber com-
iany la on trial In the district court. Some
line ago the company was merged with the
; lex Lumber company. Before that Mrs.
M. J. Irons disposed of her Interest , $5,000 , to
he John II. Davis Lumber company of
Wisconsin for $3,000 , Inasmuch as that com
pany held a claim ot about $11,000 for goods
sold the Council Bluffs Lumber company ,
which would almost , It not entirely , wipe
out the company's assets. Mrs. Irons now
illeges that the sale was brought about by
false representations , and that the claim of
Uio Davis company was entirely fraudulent.
She accordingly wants the sale set nsldo and
a judgment for the difference between the
value of her stock nnd the amount Mio re
ceived. She further claims that all the
money actually In the business was put In by
lier , although she held only one-third ot the
stock. Evidence to that effect was Introduced
yesterday , and It was shown that she did
not know of the way In which the affulr was
managed until after the sale. The other
stockholders , consequently , had no real
financial Interest In that company , but were
members of the Star Union company , whose
bills they accordingly made ns large as
possible , so she claims. Six years of business
wiped out entirely the $15,000 claimed to have
been Invested. She wants the crurt to
adjudge her the owner of the cthar twc-
thlrds ot the stock , as well < ti the ine-thlrO
for which the held certificates.
Still Uruw the Crouds to the Uoiton
Better values were never offered than those
now being made on staple dry goods by the
Boston Store.
This week wo offer special bargains In
dress goods , underwear , hosiery and blankets
Call and compare prices. You will bo con
vlnced that we are leaders.
Council Bluffs , la.
Dry pine kindling for sale. Cheaper than
coba. II. A. Cox , 37 Main street. Telepbons
Eay'o laundry , 721 Broaaway , tsr coi' '
vrork. Tel. 1G7.
At Grand Hotel Postal Telegraph office
shorthand reporter and typewriter will write
letters , .depositions , etc. , very cheap.
Domestic soip breaks hard water ,
directs to I lie Itupurt.
Luclla Gunnett , formerly wife of Samue
Helchart , who died about ten years ng1 1
Neola , filed objections In ( he district cour
yesterday to the final report * of C. Itelclutr
ns executor ot the estV.e and guardian o
the three minor * heirs. During the who !
period of his office ho mad : no report t
the court , and when ho finally wound u
the affair and presented hla final report th
other day Hie fact was developed that th
strong box of the estate , which former !
held about $15,000 , was empty , and the estat
owed him money which he had laid out upo
the heirs. In addition to what had passe
through his hands. This report , Mrs. Gun
nctt claims , Is Incomplete and Incorrect , an
does not account for the money. She relle
on his Inability to show vouchers for hi
expenditures to prove up her cast.
Augusta Grove , No. 1 , will give a masquerade
ado ball December 7 , 1894 , Woodman of th
World hall. Prlzc-a to be given for the bes
costumed lady and gentleman.
Carpets are cheaper than ever , and ever :
late pattern ot the season is displayed b
the Council Bluffs Carpet , company. D
you like pretty things ? Come and tee them
Don't fall to be at the Presbyterian churcl
this evening to see Clayton D. Gilbert , th
wonderful Impersonator.
Bourlclns' mualo house hai few expenses
high grade planca are told-reasonably. IK
Btutsman street. ,
Dr. I. U. Parsons , Archer block. Ttl. 215
Foot Hull III Omaha.
The I Ileli School Junior foot ball team wll
[ Jay the Crelghton College Junior * today 01
the grounds ot the latter In Omaha on th
center of Twenty-flfth end CnHfiriia street
at 3 p. m. Council IllUiti Irani wilt be
Dattaman , left end ; Johnson , left tackle
Arderson , lift guarj ; Thornton , center
Imhall , right guard ; Cavln , right tackle ;
Green , right end : Dally , quarter ; Hutchlnaon ,
oft half backs W. Pardey , right half back ;
"lamant , full back ; H. Pardey , captain and
lanagcr ; Edwards , linesman ; Stewart , ref-
rec. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
The O , A. U. will give a dance Monday
veiling , November 19 , 1894 , Admission ,
entlcmen , 25 cents ; ladles , 10 cents ,
Gas cooking stoves for rent and for sal * * t
in Co.'i office.
Havana Freckles clgnr.Davts , wholesale agt.
L09t I'UOt.
Christ Nelson , a farmer living In Cass
ounty , lost his right foot last evening. He
etofo a ride from Atlantic to this city and
managed to get along until ho reached tha
lock Island yards In the southern part ot
he city. There ho managed to lose his
ootlng In some manner , nnd fell beneath
ho wheels. The cars passed over his right
Imb Just above the. ankle , severing the
oot. Ho was picked up and carried In the
iatrol wagon to the Woman's Christian asso-
tlatlori , where his Injuries were cared for ,
The choicest and largest stock of meats ,
loultry , fish and game at the lowest at C ,
B. Handlett's market. Dressed chickens , So.
Washerwomen use Domestic scap.
I'tittlne 1" > 'c r Wires.
C. A. Atkins , the manager of the
Vebraska Telephone company In Council
lllufTs , Is putting In new wires throughout.
The wires now In use have been working
or the past six years , and their Joints will
soon begin to show the effects ot old age.
Before they are In anything Ilko a utrlcun
condition , however , they will have been re
placed by the new ones , without Interfering
t all with the workings ot the
Clayton D , Gilbert , Impersonator , this evcn-
ng at First Presbyterian church.
Selected hard wood fcr heating stovss.
II. A. COX , 37 Main street. Tel. 4S.
Numerous Attachment Kulln Force Its Snlo
to Another Cninblnntlon.
DBS MOINES , Nov. 10. The Dally
' . .carter plant In this city will change hands
n a very short time. It will probably bo
sold to James Pierce , who has eo success-
ully ! /ult ! up the Iowa Homestead. The
> aper haj been In a bad financial condition
'or some time , and several attachment suits
are alvcady filed against the plant In the
: ourt3 , and If not sold soon the milts will
10 pressed. Twenty thousand dollars Is
said to ba tha sum agreed upon for the pur
chase price. Pierce expects to sell his Inter
est In the Homestead to Henry Wallace , who
ms been the editor for many years. Post-
naster Ed Hunter Is supposed to have some
ntcrest In the new deal for the Leader ,
Dlncovcrcd Sonsutloiiul Evidence.
CEDAR RAPIDS , la. , Nov. 1C. ( Special
Telegram. ) A petition for a new trial con-
alnlng sensational charges was filed In the
supreme court today by the defendant In
ho case of E. D. Markley against George B.
Owen , an action Involving the title to eighty
acres of land. The new trial Is asked on
he ground that evidence Introduced In be-
lalf of the plaintiff was false and fraudulent.
Pho petition charges that the letter Intro
duced In the recent trial purporting to bo a
copy ot a letter written by the late Daniel
thlan , said to bo lost , to Markley , which
admitted the sale of the land in controversy
.0 Markley ; that the same had been fully
paid for , and that he was ready to execute
i deed for the same at any time , was fraudu-
ent. Owens says ho hast two witnesses who
will testify that the original letter stated
none of the purchase money , had been paid.
[ t Is claimed Markley used chemicals to
destroy that portion of the letter and Insert
.ho false statement that the land had been
> ald for. Owns la executor and trustee of
.ho Lothian estate.
Sudden Dcnth of A. M. llcnd.
DBS MOINES , Nov. 1C. ( Special Telegram. )
Word was received hero this afternoon an
nouncing the sudden death of A. M. Head
of Jefferson from paralysis of the brain.
He was a brother of Captain Albert Head ,
ilo was 38 years of age , and leaves a wife
and flve children. With his four brothers
he removed from Poweshlek county twenty-
five years ago to Jefferson. He filled many
positions of public trust.o .
President Contradicts the Stories Concern-
Inff Himself anil Curl late.
WASHINGTON , Nov. 1C. The attention
of the president was called to the state
ment that there had been a disagreement
between him and Mr. Carlisle In regard to
the Issue ot bonds and other matters , and
Intimating such disagreement might result
In the secretary's retirement from the cabi
net. The president emphatically denied the
entire "batch of silly mlsstatements , " and
said : "Never since our association to
gether has there been the slightest unpleas
antness or difference concerning'the affairs
ot the Treasury department or any other
matter. I have every reason to believe
his. attachment to me Is as sincere and great
as mine Is for him. I should be much
afflicted It anything should cause him to
entertain the thought of giving up his posi
tion , where ho Is doing EO much for his
country. We have agreed exactly as to
the Issue of bonds , and there has been no
backwardness on his part on that tubject.
I see It Is said I am formulating a financial
scheme. If such a scheme Is presented It
will be the work ot the secretary of the treas
ury and I ehall endorse and support It.
The trouble seems to be that those charged
with the executive duties ot the. government
do not appear willing at all times to take
counsel ot the newspapers and make public
all they Intend to do. "
Honduras Ornimiotlips Silver.
WASHINGTON , Nov. 10. The secretary
of the treasury has been Informed the pres
ent currency of British Honduras was de
monetized October 15 , 1KM. The demonetized
coins will be redeemed at the rate of W
cents of the new currency for each dollar
of the demonetised currency. The gold dollar
lar of the United State * will hereafter be
the standard coin of Honduras. Hitherto
the currency linn been the silver coins o
Central and South America. The effect o
this action , therefore , Is demonetization ot
Still fnlllnti for Troops.
WASHINGTON , Nov. 1C. The Indian
office has received a telegram from Agen
Wlndom at Muscogee , I. T. , giving a brie
account of the train holdup by the Cooli
gang. Ho calls attention to his formei
requests that troops be sent Into the terrl
tory and states that the people are unable
to protect either their lives or property. I
having been decided that troops cannot le
gaily be sent Into the territory the matte
must remain with the Department of Justice
Agreeably Surprised.
Henry WlUon , the postmaster at Welshton
FU. , says he cured a case of diarrhea ot loin
standing In six hours , with ono small bottle
of Chamberlain's chollo , cholera and dlarrheti
remedy. What a pleasant surprise that mus
have been to the sufferer. Such cures are
not unusual with this remedy. In man ;
instance * only one or two doses are required t'
give permanent relief. It can always bo de
pended upon. When reduced with water it U
pleasant to take.
- Cannot Flelit Till Carbrtt Doei.
BOSTON , Nov. 10. J. J. Qulnn , backer
of Peter Maher , posted $500 to match Mahei
against Steve O'Donnell , the forfeit to remain
up one month. Manager Brady said O'Don
nell would not fight any one until Corbet
had fought Pltzilmmons , because O'Donnel
was under contract to Corbett , and wouli
not bo at liberty until after the theatrlca
s a on closed. Brady suggested that Mahei
endeavor to arrange a match with Joe Choyn-
ski or Jim Hall , and also said If Qulnn wouli
post a forfeit of $1,000 any dy this week
for a match with O'DomieU at the same
time aa the Corbett-Fltzslmmons fight the
amount will be covered.
K 1 > . VluliiK' . Neir Job.
SAN FRANCISCO. Npv. 16. E. P. Vlnlnr
foiraerly traffics manager ot the Union Pa
cific railroad and arbitrator of the Weatern
Pa ttnc r association , li to take full charge
of the street car linen In this city owned
and controlled by the Southern I'acJflc com
pany. Ylntnff , who will reclro $15,000 a
11. Hi
Hit I , .
till t f
One of Strictly
the Fireprpof.
Most Eleetrie
Elegantly Lights ,
Appointed Gas ,
Hotels Steam Heat ,
Between Two
Chicago Rapid Transit
and Passenger
Denver. Elevators.
October 1 , 189-4.
Dining room and kitchens on the second floor. 100 rooms facing a beautiful park , southern and eastern frontage. 30 ;
rooms en suite.with bath. All electric lines passing the house to all parts of the city and to Omaha. Twenty rhntateV
ride to of Omaha. Every modern appliance and convenience is provided in this hotel. An especially attractive -
tractive house for ' commercial men. Large sample rooms and excellent service. Rates $2.50 , $3,00 and § 3.50 per day ,
Especial rates by . 'the month ,
year , will replace M. D. Stein , who has been
general manager of the company since the
consolidation of the various lines.
jt.ivK'i'itn\nis \ JITAB.
Killed II union Thinks to Step Into Favor
Agntnvltli a Kovr Czar Kalcnlng.
EUREKA , Cal. , Nfav , ' 1C. A. II. Nowy
has started for Russia . to claim his title
and estate confiscated twenty years ago by
the Rusilan government. Ills title was
count and he owned a large property , which
ho forfeited for criticising the czar. Ho
fled to America , and during the last twenty
years has supported himself and his family
by various occupation ! . A year ago be
came to Eureka to take charpe of a ranch.
Since the death of Alexander III. he has been
advised by friends that with the accession
of the new czar his restoration to rank and
fortune Is practically assured. Should this
be done not only will Nowy receive his title
and e&tate , but under the law the accumula
tion of his property during all these years
will also be his.
1 lie Host rinntcr.
Dampen n piece of flannel with Chamber
lain's pain balm , and bind It over the seat
of pain. It Is better than any plaster.
When the lungs are sore .such an application
on the chest and another on the back , be
tween the shoulder blades , will often prevent
pneumonia. There Is nothing EO good for a
lame back or a pain In the side. A core
throat can nearly always bo cured In one
night by applying a flannel bandage damp
ened with pain balm.
Depositor * Taking Over tlio Hank.
SAN DEUNAnDINO , Cal. , Nov. 16. The
depositors of the First National bank , which
closed Thursday last , ara making arrange
ments to rehabilitate the bank themselves.
At a meeting at which , $75,000 out ot a total
of $170,000 was represented , a committee of
six was appointed to confer with Bank Ex
aminer Wlghtman as to the plans for reor
ganization. Two members ot the committee
said that they had good grounds for stating
the bank would bo reorganized , and that nil"
directors would be chosen from -among de
positors , excluding any who have heretofore
served as directors or officers.
Dcninnili Titmiii > y' llfiilcnnllon.
DENVEH , Nov. 1C. Adjutant General
Tarsney has. refused to comply with a re
quest from Governor Walto for his resigna
tion , saying ho will reilgn when the gov
ernor , whose retirement has been demanded
by a majority of 20,000 , does the same. It
Is understood the governor will remove the
adjutant general. The general opposed the
nomination ot Governor Watte as candidate
for governor , and the governor wishes to
place a friend In the adjutant general's
office for the remainder of his term.
Itullroii'J Need Not Tuy Jt.
INDIANAPOUS. Nov. 16. Judge Theodore
Pravls of the appellate court , acting as special
Judco , decided ngalnaf 'the stateIn / the case
of the Chicago & Eastern Illinois railway.
The state claimed a ffp ftf $25,000 , said to bo
duo on Incorporation papers. The court
ruled that no papers. ) had been Died. The
case will be taken to the ( Supreme court , and
If lost there , quo warratlto proceedings will
be begun to keep thouoad from operating In
Indiana. The road la'.ona of those to protect
whoso property the state spent $50,000
during the late Etrlktv
Drawing from Iha tTruit Fundi.
NEW YORK , Nov , JB.-j-The Central Trust
company , as trustee of , the general first
mortgage bonds of the Nprthcrn Pacific rail
road , drew for the /sinking fund In com
pliance with the requirements of the trust
$872,000 of these bonds , which will be paid
at 110 and accrued IhteVest to January 1 ,
1895 , on which date1 interest shall cease.
This I * the largest drawing ever made , no
bonds having been drawn for eighteen months.
I.nke Erla Jt Weatern Kitendlnjf.
INDIANAPOLIS , Nov. 16. From a private
souroo bore this afternoon It la learned that
the Like Erie & Western railroad has prob
ably purchased the Indianapolis , Decatur &
Western railway. The deal Is under way In
New York today. The general officers In
this city will not talk about It. '
O'Uonneir * ClmllenBe to the World.
OALESBUHO , III. , Nov. 18' Champion J.
J. Corbett announces that Steve O'Donnell Is
preparing to Issue a challenge for a match
between O'Donnell and any man In the
world for $5,000 a sd | , I'ater Maher or Jim
Hall preferred. The match ta-to take place
tha amewe k Corbttt fights Fltutrnmons.
Sooners Qot in Their Work on Uncle Sam in
Great Style.
Grosi Irregularities liclng llroucht to IJcht
Ilefore the Government Townslte \
Commission lluira Guthrle Law
yer Avoided Waiting In Line.
PERIIY , Okl. , Nov. 16. Many of the great
frauds perpetrated In the opening of the
Cherokee oulet , which consists of 6,000,000
ncics of valuable land , formerly occupied by
the Cherokee Indians , are coming to light ,
but the greatest was unearthed today In a
trial bcforo the government townslto cora-
mlsilon , and a tribunal appointed by the
secretary of the Interior to determine con
tests for town lots. Perry , by great odds ,
Is the largest townslto In the new promised
land opened by the present administration.
At high noon September 18 , 1893 , of the
12,000 persons who ran for homes or town
lots In the Cherokee strip , nearly 4,060 of
them slept on Perry townslto lots on the
night of September 18 , 1893. To bo a quali
fied entryman to take town lots or homes
It was necessary for the man or woman to
go to government booths and there on oath
make a certain required declaration before a
booth ccrtlllcate could bo Issued to qualify
one to acquire land. Thousands of men and
wrmen stood for days In the almost un
bearable dust and wind to obtain this neces
sary paper which would qualify them to get
a home.
Ono of these booths was located at Orlando ,
ten miles south of Perry , and It was there u
great fraud vsaa perpetrated which only came
to light yesterday. The Interior department
sent out several men from Washington to
superintend this work of booth certificate's
and one D. Lecato was put In charge of the
Orlando booth. A prominent lawyer of
Guthrlo and a well known character ot the
territory , then living at Quthrle , concocted
a plan to make a great speculation. Ho
obtained the friendship ot Locate , got him
drunk and for a few dollars obtained many
hundreds of those certificates without the
formality of making oath nt a booth , stand
ing In line In dust and dirt for days.
As the evidence developed In court yester
day , he filled hla valise with booth certifi
cates and sold theni In Guthrle and other
towns at the enormous price of from $25 to
$100. It was the presentation of one of
these certificates In court nnd a full Investi
gation that has brought this Orlando fraud ,
and In fact frauds at all of the ten booths , to
Memorial I'ortrult of IMtrln Iloolli.
BALTIMORE , Nov. 16. Edwin Booth's
memorial portrait has been formally pre
sented to the city of Baltimore , Critics
pronounce the deelgn and execution perfect
In every detail. It delineates Mr. Booth
In his great Impersonation of the character
of Hamlet and was palnttd from a photo
graph taken about the time of the memor
able 100 night's run at the Winter Garden
theater. New York. In presenting the portrait
trait , which Is encased In a massive gilt
frame and will bo hung on the south wall
of the room , Mr. Charles E. Ford delivered
an Interesting and appropriate address.
Fortune Dropped ut Ills Fnitt.
CHICAGO , Nov. 16. This morning W. II.
Dent , president of the bank at Lemars , la. ,
was ttartled by the unaccountable fall of a
large pocketbook be ldo him on the side
walk. He feared to touch It , but John Casle-
man , an electrician , picked It up. Examina
tion showed It contained a very large amount
ot money. How much Is not known , as the
under took It Into an adjoining bank and de
posited It pending Inquiries by the owner.
Children Cry for
Pitcher's Castoria.
Children Cryfo ?
Pitcher's Castoria.
Children Cry for
Pitcher's Castorlao
CouncilBluffsPaint , Oil & Glass Co.
We carry a full line of all kinds of Paints
Oils , Glass and Painters' Supplies. "We arq
manufacturers of Art Glass and can make yov (
anything you want in that line. "We carry a
full line ofWindow Sash , glazed and unglazed ,
and will make you bottom prices on any Bash
that you want. Our sash are all Gounod
Bluflsmake. W"e have over 1,000 hot-bed
sash in stock. .
Come and see us or write for prices.
Nos. 1 and 3 Fourth Street ,
If It If n "
Vmbrrlta , " that f/Jrr - ! ; /
liailyt ; of hint lanlc tinil carr-
lenKiirin. that make * lite man
ti'ho rrnT/rn / ( ( < i ii-nltfliiii -
iratHffofa iiciidrmaH , "TJt'U
J.V H.lJilt , " it rnur anil itm-
linllii ! Hint' ilot'n Unit Killt j/uil' '
A li iiilnoiiirflnll.ili vit lie , Hint
run lie r.'iiiti ( / < ! lulu a licniitlful
ftrrrfrrfffffft iiifif'ivf/n In rru lu-
dtiit Then are "tiro tn our , "
find ( ii' tltn ItaiKlKinnrnt , noli-
litest in ic tliliin oj'llie m-iiHon A
beautiful jH'mrnt to yournrlfof
any fi'lrnil. Jtlrgantlu rarrnl ,
rai-e iromf liniiillrn , tnumitfil In
lollit ullicr unit fluid I.Vtf
I/oii ( ir them , unitlotnof other
nortltles ,
M. WOLLMAN , - - 409 Broadway.
, jii\\-nTiin ,
: : Absolute Purify Guaranteed :
Itciponsiblo uhyslclans Imvo Intcly s ild
that the purest and moat economical Is
11 1 1 Liebig
Extract of Beef.
. r 7'reo from fat
nnd uolutlne ,
> i nt flno llnvor.
i i IH oxcullonce
never varies.
All Druggists.
President. Cashier.
First National
Capital , $100,000
I'rofits , 12,000
On of Ib * clclut bank * In the ! ! of Iowa.
W solicit your builnma and colltctloni. iv
par I per cent on tint * dtpoilt * . We wtU Iw
plcutd lo it * ml nre you.
. . , , ,
The Good Samaritan. 20 Years' Experience ,
WOMKN. i > iioi miTcm : or THE
IVOULD'S HintllAI. DISl'liN.
/ treat the following Diseases :
Catarrh of tlio Head. Throat nnd Lungs : Din-
rases ol the Ujo nnd Hur , Fits and Apoplexy ,
llnut Dlscuno , Wvcr Complaint. Kldnojr Com
plaint , IServoiiH Delmlty. Mental He-
prcHHloii , I.OHH or nxnnliobtl. HCIII-
liiul WcHlciicHH. Diubclcs , Urlaht'6 Dis
ease , St. Vltns' Dunce , Itlirninntism , rnrfiljs' * ,
White Kwclllnjr. Sorntiiln , l-'u\orS retTuni-
orn ami l-'lHtula tit ntio retuovCi !
wltliout tlic Uiilfo or < l raw I ii | r u
drop nfUlooU. woman with licr
delicate orifiiitH rcHtorecl to
liraltli. DropHy cured W
lapping. Mpeclul Attention
lo I'rlvnlo mill Venereal nlu
of all UliitlH. 8S < to Ssooijforfelt for
liny Venereal lllHeaHe I cannot euro
wltliniit mercury. Tupu Worms removed
In twonr ihirohourd , oruupay. Hemorrhoids
or Piles uurcil.
Will save life nnd hundreds of dollais by call *
Ing on or using
The only I'll ) ilclau who mil toll wtiHtalll
pnrson without inking li " ( notion.
Thnso nt u illntnurn fend fur Un
IllanU.No. 1 for moil , No. " for TToinen.
All coirospoiuloMoo si i lolly confidential.
Kcdtclnobcntby cxpicea. Addrecs all letter *
O. W. I'ANOI.U. 91. D. ,
Enclose lOu in stamps for reply.
Special Notices
CoU eil
Kd lurk . at W , B , Homer * * . US Urotaway.
and Blioen ; well lucutctl , ilulng KooU Ludntiti
will take part . In city real eilat . * . Improved ] ,
AclJresa L 10 , ] ! < oilier , Council Uluff .
furniture ; city vruur , barn , tic , ; on pav
itreet. It. 1 , Officer.
lion , I75.W. Call at 331 Uroadurar.