THE OMAIIA DAILY BEESATXOIDAY , 17 , KSJM. 11 COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL "Visible Supply Increase in Wheat Wcak- . enod that Oercal. ONE BULLISH FEATURE IN CORN -Quantity of that ( iraln Impeded Out o Store \Vns the Dhturblnc Factor In that ind : ) f the Market. CHICAQO , Nov. IB. Inllucnced largely by the expectation ot an Increase In the vis ible supply , wheat wan Inclined to weaken today , but cloned but % c lower. Corn closed % o lower , oats -o lower , and provisions at moderate declines , The wheat market opened slronir at from Vto to % c advance In prices. The Liverpool , Ixmdon , Paris and Uerlln markets were re ported as having opened firm , without quot able chance hi price , but the receipts In the northwest were again In excess of those received on the corresponding day of lant year. At the opening price , which wns for Jtay from C0' c to Glc , the scalpers were loaded , for lainb.s , nnd nt once opened a vigorous fuelladc , the result of which won -a speedy decline to COlic , while one sale was recorded as low as C0c. Notwithstand ing some rather bullish points In the do mestic situation , the receipts und phlp- tnentn for the week , premising another In crease of perhaps l.ww.uoo In the visible sup- pi } ' , canned heaviness to be the feature of the latter half of the session. The price , nftor re.covorlmj to Cpc , following Its first decline , sold to G0c about halt tin hour from the clcise. It rallied at the finish , closing at from C0',4c to 60c. Corn was heavy. Estimated receipts for tomorrow" 345 cars was n weakening fac tor ubout the middle of the session , follow ing the receipt of which the lowest prices of the day were made. The one bullish .feature In the day's statistical figures wa the quantity Inspected out of store , which wns 202.000 bu. . and considering that stocks here on Monday last were only 1,078,000 bu. , today's withdrawals make a very large hole In them , tlay opened about at yester- Ony's cloning price to n shade above. Tradlnu utarted nt from tOMtC to 50c. It continued to weaken and at 12 o'clock It was down to < 9c. Offerings of new No. 3 corn to arrive were much In excess of demand nt the previous discounts from .May . prices and the decline In May was another bar tc business In It. May finished nt from 49c to EOc. In oats 'a f Airly good business wns trnns- nctcd. The oat menl trust continued tc buy freely and was foremost In causlni the early strength. There was some synv TMithy existing between corn nnd oats at regards : fluctuations. May started Hteadj at 32 ic , sold up to 32io to 32c , nnd nl noon luut fallen oft to 3c ! , closing at thai figure. The provisions market was rather easier Trading was of only moderate extent. Mod. crate selling by packers was responslbh for declines of 12'ic ' In pork , 5c In lard nni lOc In ribs. The leading futures ranged as follows : ArUclua. | Open. | ClOHO. Wiiout.No. i ! Nov r-nfi run : Dee " * ' May UOKattl 01 til ) ? ! Corn No. a. . Nov Dl ! < ! Dec May rxw IOM OatBNo. ! 2. . . Nov 2SJA SBK 25 * BflW IL-O May Pork i > cr bbl Jan 1210 ! -10 12 20 12 rte May 1' ' Ml ) ! HO ly lil ) La nl.100 Ib8 Jail ? s ? ' 17W 7 l'J > . 7 IS May ' ! I5 7 30 7 32i } Short nibs- Jan i i7 11 in 0 11 May. . . . 0 'I'J I -I'-'H U .15 u : i ; Cash quotations were as follows : PLOHU Finn and lc higher. WHKAT No. 2 spring. G9V4O59e ; No. 3 spring nominal ; No. 2 red. G5JJ5CVic. COUN No. 2 , Glftc ; No , 3 yellow , 4V4 l5'ic. OATH No. 2. 2 ic ; No. S whllo , JJ'.ic ; No. i White. SsasSSSc. ItVl'V-No. 2. 47 We. IIAHLL3Y No , 2. J3150c ; No. 3 , GSSoIc : No. 4 FLAX flHUD-No. I , J1.44. TIMOTHY HEKD-Prlme , Ji.55. PIIOVI8ION8 Mess pork , per bbl. . J12.37H8 12. GO. Ijird , per 100 Ibs. , J7.12' ' , @ 7.20. Hhort rllia nldcs. Imice. JC2ifJ6.4) ) . Dry tailed shoulders 1n > xeil. J5.G2'iUG.7G ; short clear sides , boxed . . . WHISKY Distillers' finished goodf , per gal. J1.2X. 8UC1AUB Cut loaf , unchanged. The following \\ero the receipts and shipment ! today ; 7,001 1H.OIH luTlillOl J.IXJI _ 11,001 Thn wheat pi-onpects In Argentine are nald t be for a large crop of good quality. On thu Pruduu ) cveli.'inso today the bultor mar fcetwrw tlrm ; onvitnery , 1 Ja''ie ; ilairy , I'-'tii--'i : HiTBH. tt Kidyi ITM.Oc. Primary \vlient receipts , C51.0M bu. ; ehlpmenti 3IS.OOO lm. ; n-celpts last yrar. 710,000 bu. ; prl innry n-ct-ltits ot corn , 185,000 bu. ; plilpmcnti CO.OOO bu. New Yoik cleared , wheat , 40.003 hu. ; corr l.UOO bu. ; oats. l.S'J.i bu , ; 11'iur ' , C.5UO bids , nn 250 Fucks ; llnltlmoro cleareil , whcal , IC.OiU bu. flour , 5.0M bills. ; Philadelphia cleared , whenl .300 bu. ; corn , 9.71 ! ) bu. ; oats. 13,177 bu. ; Itosto Cleared , Hour , 1.9S5 hhls. lleorboltin's london cable saya : CnrgtK-s o passage rind for shipment , \\heat , steady ; corr llrm , but not nctlve ; lift coast , wheat und con : nothing offering ; Mark I ine Kngllsli.vhrnt , tur dearer ; forelsn wheat , higher prlct-s nski-d , bu no lulvnncc mtalillslit-d ; Mark l.ane America cxirn , dearer ; Hour , llrm ; French country maikcl llrm. .NKiV V.'l.tIC OK.V15K.U , .HvIUClU'- YcstcrilnyV. Oiiiitntloiii nn I'lunr , < lniln n < 1'riivlslnns , MellU , I'.lc. N1-\V YOHIC Nov. It-I-'LOlJll-Hecelpti 19,900 bbls , ; ciports , A,700 bills. ; tales. 24,800 pkgfc irarkct waa iult-t | , as buyers and tellers wci CfilOo apart ; trading today was chiefly In cpjola1 nt full prtcuJ. LiouthiTii flour , dull. I'.ye floui firm ; sales , KO Mils , llucl.wlient'flour , dull ; $1. ! QI.OO. nrrtCWIIKAT Bull ; KOClo. - COItN MKAIr-Slendy ; s.lli-a. a bbls. . 2,41 nvi : Nomlnal ; lioatloails. . llAltLT3y--Nomlnil ; -sti-in. . 6Sc. 11ARLKY MALT Nominal. WHKAT llccclpli. 39i'W ' hu. ; exporls , 40,11 bur , spot ; nules , 3,3IO.t J l < n. futures , 17,000 In suet Pint mi-ally ; No. 2 roil , In Horc , and eli valor i Ho iilloit , ( a'kWSO'iC ; f. i > . b. , G07 > o ; Ni 1 northern , GS ic Uellvrred ; No. 1 hard. C9Ho di llvcred , Opi.ona oivnod tlrm on tnicf coverliij but Immotllnlply weukriml under foiclsn srlllr nnd InaiJTrii-nt cnVl.c. Prices ralllwl at noon c reports that the Antenttne crap would lie smal but declined 1'ilcr under the liquidation nn < > V''ed ' un"liniRrtl to 'ic decline ; No. 2 ntl , Jai uary , ( . ( t iCUe. cl . ed COVdc ; February closi C0'c : Muii'li CiOiUViO , closed 680 ; May , C36-1C MISlCc , doMtl 62'ic ; July. ClHCrttKe. clo i f-lto ; N.n.mWr . closed 58c : Dect-ml , &S 15-16 GSH.c , i-lii'-ott Wi c. I'DUNR.rdpts. . 2 > ,400 bu. ; exjiorts , 1,100 bu naleu 4fio.jg | > u , futures. IVOW bu , spnt. Spn fi y. No. S , CO.In elevator ; COo nllonl ; No. J , K In clivai.i51'ic ; atlout. Options opened Uiul but wcKoiifd under cold weather w < t and luti un ler benvy rsttm itf > l cur lots for tomorrow , at closed ' . , fV < l > cllne ; January. GIU06IHC. clew. 5H4CMay. . 63 U-16o ; November closed GUcj 1) Cftuhi'r. f > C ; tfec , closed 66 4c. UATtf HiMi'lpu. SI.OW bu. ; uxport * , 1,100 bu nale * . STM.Vd' ) Ul. futures. .iO.OOO liu. spot. 8m | ults'.uM No. ! . tt\ifc"3l. ' ; No. 2 dvllvrriHl , SI11- No. 3 , 53.No. ; . while. SSHCao dc-llvn.-d ; N n 'white ' , Siftc ; track , white wertern , 37WIHi trnch , while stale. 37tfll c. Options kteat rnily , lull dkcllned \ > llli coin , nnd cluvnl un > OcilliKJiinuury. ; . 34HW55iclusid 34Kc ; IV ruiuyl' ' . ed S3 4c ; May. 3t > U-ltiJi | 3 ( . ic , closi rt ; c ; Pemlwr , MtiOaiKe. closed SS e. mU'S-rinu ; wmnum la choice , old , 397 IRW , ; .ulA-.v II.VV Finn : ntiliplng | , UG17V&C : good to cholc We. IIlintJ-Flrm ; w t salted New Oileans , s l < rrti < d , ' .3 lo 6Ibs. . , Gr ; llntnua Ayres , dry. 9) ( I Itis. . lie : TI-XUE , dry , : t to SO Itm. , GVitftlo. I.i\Tlliit-Quk'l but steady ; licmlock sol lii. : MM A > re . IlKht to li.-avy weight. 15471 Co. \VoOlr-SlMidy : domestic llce , 19i4c ; nullc ' . quiet ; teof hams. I17.t pit i.irats , mvady ; nlckUM txlllcs , 7tf7Vic ; pick ! luimj. x uaUr. Laid , louer ; western men cloned , J7.SU a kiHl ; roles. SIO tlcroes , ut J7.f ity. T'.iOmc ; NovrnilH'l' cltwed J7.55 inked ; I ) emlHT. J7.4J asked. January. J7.50 n Ked ; r lln dull , camlni-nt. J7.W : South ArrK-rlcun , JS.I Pork , oull ; nrvf mrtf. JIJ.7SSH.3S. IlfTTBIl Quiet , wiutern lUJry. HfTICc ; we cm . ivmne-ry. 1M > .6 < - ; wi-slrin factory , WWII Klxliik. S c : Imliailon creamery. llt/lSo ; etn tfalry , HIKS % < - ; dale creamen' , 18 c. rillUSlJFirmer : Urge , SUdlOUe ; small , I ll'iu : imrl iklmi , 3 ( < fl8c. full skims. JKW'- . F.CJdS Finn : tal - and Pcnn ylvnnla. ISff iefr1Kruili > r , H krnelpts ; , S.lSl pkgti. ; v em , flesh , 17CiSi ; ruses , J3 50H 1.80 PnTKOLKUM-Nomlnal. United ole > c4 at S Kd. Kd.TAt.LOWFlimtr. . city , 4UQ'lKc ; country , ' t-jji' . TfUPUNTIKH-flMndy at MHtfBo. llli'B Firm ; domestic , fair to extra , tfnily : New Orleani , open katt cholic. S < > 3& . IltuN I'ull. tfcotch , I19.000M.OO. Am ( Iran JMODUtt K ) . TINI'lini. . slrulH. Jll ioflll 0.- KPKLTKK Flat domntlc. J3.SiiQ.U I.UAltH.loiftl quirt and ttrady. broken prli 'hdnse price , PPKllQUHM broktm' price. 1"io , rxchan . W.W kkcd , alH on 'change , U ton * ti January , February , Mnrch or April , JH.M ; 2 * tons ( In , n. o. to May 1. one day notice , JI4.4 * . COTTON 812131) Oil. Firmer ; prime crude. 17 O3c ; off crude , 52j(3lot yellow butter gradey , 31(32c ( : cholcp yellow. SSc. nominal : prime yel low , 27SOZ cj yellow oft grades , 270Z8ci prlm white , 3233c , nominal. OMAHA ( ) I.MIIVL : ALLKKKFJ. Condition of Trniln mill < Jtio1ntlon on Mnplo nml Fniicr 1'roiinrn. Fresli laid eggs aro' very scarce ami nro blglier. The great bulk of the rggs sold ns troll are cold storage eggs. The poultry maiket Is ( ewer nnd stocks are moving \ery slM\ly even at the reduced figures. Quotations ; llUTrnil Packing Etocl : , 7'JOSc ' : fair to gornl country , llOlJcj choice to fancy. IGtdie ; gain- erod creamery , 1920c ; sepaiator creamery , 2 : Q23C. KCJOS Strictly fresh laid , ! 10:2e ; ftcsb ( cold Btnrnge ) , 18 ( 190. 1-OULTItY-Old hens. S'.jOIci sprliKT chickens , 4',4fltc ' ; ducks , GtfGlic ; turkeys , G c ; heavy loms , Gc ; geese , Gffl'ic. , , . . . DIIKSHUI ) POULTIIY Chickens , fair , 4',4c ! choice large. Go ; choice nnuill , 6c ; turkeys , fair lo goml. CflCVic ; choice heavy , 7WSc ; choice small , § fl3c ; ducks , fair lo good , G U'ic ; fancy , 7c ; geese , fair to good , 6c ; fancy , 7c. UAMB Prnlrlc chUken. ' . per doi. . J3.G ) ; Krous , per doz. , J3 ; blue wing leal , per dot. , Jl.GO ; green wing teal , per dor. . , J1.25 ; ducks , mixed , pet di.z. , JI ; cnnvasbncks , J4.0. ff4.GO ; mallards nml red heads , J2.GO ; quiill. > 1.GOJ1.75 ; deer middles , 12@15c ; antelope Knddles. lOifllc ; small rabbits , JI ; jack rabbits , JZ.ri. VKAI-Cholce fat nnd small veals nro quoted nt Ge ; largo nnd coarise , SWIc. . CHKIIHH Wisconsin full cienm. Young A , , 13c ; twins , 12Hc ; Nebrnsltii and Iowa , full cream , lie ; Nebraska and lown , part skims , 7f3c ; LlmUurger , No. 1 , lie ; brick , No. I , lie ; Hwlss , No. 1. 14U1&C. HAY Uidand bay , J9 ; midland , J8.GO ; lowland , J ? ; rye straw , 1C. Color makes tin- price or Imy. Light shades sell the best. Only top gradci bring top prices. PIGEONS Old birds , per rtoz. , 7Gc. Sweet potatoes have be.'n low ever since tlu commencement of the season , nnd durlny the present week the prices Imvr been dfnpped still lower on western stock. Tlie New Yolk Com mercial Bulletin says ; The crop was large In Iwth Virginia and New Jersey. In Virginia 9 : Per cent of nn average yield wai grown , und In New Jersey W per cent , or nlmo l a full crop. The Virginia potatoes hnvi si.Id . mainly nt JI per barrel for month only , n few known marks higher , nm JI was shaded on n peed many within the lasl week , and this week It has lieen nlmost Impos sible to realize that figure , bulk of the stocp selling from llist hands al 75c Iq 90c per liM These are the- lowest prices of the season , anr mean prucllcally notlllnir for the grower , ns Ihi freight , cost of l rtvl , l-ost cif diguing and ship ping and the commission merchnnl's comrmssloi equal this Ilguro , nnd doubtless In some cnsei exceed It. The recclpls from Jersey have nls < been large , but are of better quality than Ihi more southern potatoes nnd prices nverngi higher , hut so many dealers use the Vlrglnlj stock that the outlet for Jersey Is small nni prices low and unsatisfactory. The season Is t < far advanced , however , that most of the out door stock has been forwarded , nnd holders o ; cellar stock are not Inclined to bike- the prescn low figures nnd are holding until the Vlrglnli are out of the market , when they expect to es tntillsli nn advance. Quotations : POTATOKS Western stock , car lots , 6206 0 small lots , 70e. OLD 1IBANB llnnd-plcked , navy , JSj Him bcnns. | > er Ib. , Gl4c. ONIONH-On onlers , 05fj70c r-AIUlAClH On ordcm , IV4c. OKLKIIY Per dor. . . 23 35c. HWKl-rT 1OTATOKS Per bbl , , J2 ; Jersey , | 3.G per bbl. 1IEBT8 Per bu. , DOKCOc. CAHHOTS Per bu. . GOfiCOO. CAl'LIFLOWnil-Per doi. . J2.2S. KOO PLANT Per doz. . GOc. HOU8RUAUIBII Per II' . . 78Sc. PAHSNIPS Per bu. , GOJJCO- . Ill'TAllAOAB-Per lit ! . , 75W.K ) . PAIZSLKY Per doz. bunches , Sic. TIHINIPB Per bu. , GOc. SPLIT PKAS-Pcr Hi. , 34WJc. llt'I.u iltn HQITASII Per doz. , 7oC. TOM ATOMS Per bu. , GOc. OUEKN PKAS Per bu. , $1.251.33. FKUITS. QI'INCnS California , per GO-lb. Ixix , 1 1. GO. APPLKS Oood stock , per bbl. . J2.GOff2.75 Michigan stock , J3 ; New York or New llnglund . . . I'KACHIJS None. PI.ttMH raJIfornln , none. PIH'NKS None. PKAUK Winter Nellls. JI.75. dllAPIJS Conconls. 10-lli. liankotn , none ; Cnl Ifornla , none ; Malagas , per 65 to 6S-lb. bbls. J7.GOff9.00. CUANlinnniES C'npp Cod fancy , JIO per bill TllOPICAL. FIIUITS. OHANOKS Mexican , per box. J3.GO ; Florldai . I1ANANAS Choice stock. J2.Cfln2.GO per bund' LUMONit Malaga , JI ; fancy Florida , sizes 21 nnd 3 > V ) . JI.OUrH.25. PINKA PPLES-None. MISCHLLANnOUS. OYSTKnS 1XL , 80 ; inedulm , per can , lOc horse nhocs , 12c : extra stimdaids. IGc : extra PC leels , 17c ; company selects , 21c ; New lor NKW "Fids Fancy , 16c ; choice , 13O14c ; Cal Ifornla. bags , Sc. HONKY New York , 17c ; California , 16c. MAPL1-J SYIlOP Gallon cans , per doz. , J12. NUTH Almonds , ISfflCc ; English walnuts , 12c Illberts. 12c ; Ilrazll nuts. Sc ; eastern cliratnutf no good stock ; shellhark hickory nuts , per hu. J2 ; larg hickory nuts. J1.75 ; fancy raw ueanuti Cc ; roasted peanuts , TVJc. tAt'l-it * : KltAUT Choice white , per bbl , , Jl.t IJJ4.75 ; per half bbl. , J2.GO. MINtT. Ml'JAT Fancy. In half bbls. , per Ib C'.ie ; 10 gat. kegs , 7o ; condensed , per case of doz. pkgs. . J2.75. FISH Fresh caught crapples. in-rch and sur nsh , 3C3c ; buffalo , ! rlcAkc ; \ nnd pickerel , CQSc cnlllsh. Sii9e ; black bass. 12JJ13C. CIDKlt Pure Julep , per Mil. , J5.50 ; Imlf bbl. , J : IIIDHS No. 1 green hides , 3'Se ; No. gree hides , 3Uc ; No. 1 green sailed hides , 4Wc : No. green salted hides , S'.ic ; No. 1 green salted hide : 25 to 40 Ihs. , 4Uc ; No. 2 preen salted hides , 25 t 40 Ibs. , 3Uc ; No. 1 veal calf , S to 16 Ibs. , 7o ; Ni 2 von I calf , & to 15 Ihs. , tc ; Nn. 1 dry flint hldci 6c ; No. 2 dry flint hides , 4o : No. 1 dry wiltf hides , Gc ; part cured hides , ' .ic. per Ib. lees tha fully euicd. _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ hTOCKH ANI > 1IONDS. Spi-riil.ttlnn In .SecuritiesViis tlnicttloi ivltli : i Tcndoncy TiMVaril Lnwor Klcurei. NEW YOniC , Nov. 1C. Speculation I stocks 'today wag unsettled , with the tent oncy In the main tovard lower flKtires. Tli however , dlil not shnre In tli depression to any appreciable ej tent , tlie lust prices made belni ? unchuiiBc for llurllnstoti & Qtiincy and ' ,4 per cet lower for St.- Paul nnd VI per cent for Itoc Island nnd Northwestern. The entire mm kgt wns quieter than of late and there wei periods of absolute dullness. At the opei ItiK a brisk tone prevailed nnd during th j-reatcr part cf the first hour prices move downward. At 11 o'clock the market hi cami' llrm , but quickly lapsed Into Inai tivuy uii i wiis u i.reai' a , bat y oidl U towai noon. DurliiR the afternoon there were 01 cjslonnl rallies , but trading was mainly c a descending scale. In the final deallnj fractional recoveries were made. The mai ket closed llrm , but , compared with ycste day's closing tuJcH , al a decline of from to ' , i per cuit. Sugar lend In the movi iiient cf the trade , IIB well as In transai tlons. An. advance of % per cent was mat In this block In the early trading- , but , ci eual with the publtcntli.'ii of a Btatemei to the effect that German refiners Bell 1 this nurket nt llgures with which Amer cans cannot , n break In the Elian of 1 per cent'vas effected. There \vt Feme tulr huylpK after this story had rv Its course , which brought ubout n recovei of 114 I'er cent , of which V4 per cent he been lost nt the close , leaving n Rain i % per cent. Su nr preferred declined Vj pi cent. There wns scllhiK cf the coal stocl on reports of strained relations nmong tl coal buying companies. The beara took ni vnntuKU ot the unfavorable rumors to han mer the shnres In the late afternoon. ] the early dealings Delaware & Hudson r ; 1 per cent , selling" off 1 % per cent nnd rail ; ing % per cent. New Jersey Central openi Vb per cent luvvt-r , fell off an additional per cent , advanced H4 per cent , broke 2 per csnt , and closed at u recoverof 1 p cent , but i per cent down on the day. 1 > aware & l/aokawnnna. fell * ft 114 per cei without any recovery. Heading lost % p cent at the opting , but oftcrwui advanced % per cent. The prlnclp Ir.HseH on tlie day ure : 1'ullmn IVi per cent ; Manhattan , lH per cet .Minneapolis nnd St. Louis nnd Colorai Fuel unrt Iron , 14 per cent ; Hlclimot Tcnnlral preferred , "i , per cent , and Ne Jersey Central , General 1-Jlectrft , Denver Ulo Grundu preferred , Ulclunond Termln ooiiuiiDii und Tennoaseo Coal nnd Iron , per cent , l.aclaile Gn preferred shows i advance of Hj par cent and Distilling > 4 p cent. Tlie bond market was firm durh the mornlmr , but became easier In the nftc noon In sympathy with sharp su > culatlo the tendency was fairly active , the sul aggregating J1.101.WJ. The Kvenlng 1'cst's London cable say The engagement yesterday of f : o,000 gold for New York , as reported In the dlspntches , wns absolutely correct. Tl ; pjper has It front the actual quarter whl tcok It. Humors that It went la Canada a entirely wrong ; . A further shipment gold tomorrow or next week Is probab but It will not be u large amount. Hold movementK are now wnMieil wl the lit moil Interest herIt U believed th President Cleveland's talked of llnnncl scheme will be of the utmost Important The Paris demand for sold continues. On this Hiibjeet the Kvenlrp Post's Wi street article today says : The transnc'tlc ' doubtltfis a forerunner of others similar character , la unusual , because sterling e change rules rulu today , even en u | iurt commercial untie , nearer the gold cxportl point than to the specie Impart level , 11 though unusual , the movement Is far frc unprevedtnU'd. Sterling exchange w well above the gold Importing point In l : when Secretary Sherman ncoured frc Kurope a largo part of tlu * gold ncocHaa fur resumption. Through ut the lut > t t' years Austria's currency C'0iiv.-r. lon plu have r > peatedl > InV' ' Ived Imports of g < from Berlin to Vienna at times when Ai trlan exchange was relatively higher th our own existing rutCE In all theie I stances the told was shipped at a u in.t rommerclal lose. Uut the rhlnn-rs , who ach cnnc were subsorlberM to netf ecurl- es , reckoned this loss ns nn Incidental rut- ay which would be more thnn recovered on he lloatlng ot the bonds. The real fltgnlll- nnce of mich transnctl ns nn that fit the Irltlsh Hank of Ncrth America lies in lelr plnln rellectlon of conlldence In the nlue of the new securities. The fact that > anks In thla city nro already receiving Ids nt 11734 fQr the unissued bonds shows safely me ugh the local sentiment. The following were the closingquotntlona n the leading stocks of the New York ex- hange today : bid. The total sales of stocks today were 1S7.78S hares. Including : American Tobacco , G.300 ; American Sugar , 44.COO ; llurllngton , 2,700 ; Chi- ago Ons , 6SO ) ; General lilectrle. 2,900 : Man- intlnn Consolidated , 1.900 ; New Jersey Central , 2,800 ; Heading , 30.800 ; St. Paul , 10.200 ; Hoiitlu-rn tallrond , preferred , Vf , 1. , 3,100 ; Western Union , TltKASUHY CASH IIAI/.VNCK. iVlthclnuvnU ot Gold friim the Now Yorfc Depository A'ory I't-iivy. WASHINaTON , Nov. 16.-Cnsh balance In the reasury. J102.695.27Z ; gold reserve , J61.7S4.462. The withdrawals of gold from the subtreasury n New York today In exchange for legal tenders was JJ70.000. That gold was not withdrawn for x- port Is shown by the .fact that nt today's llgure.1 terllng exchange can be had nt a figure below he cost of shipping the coin. It Is assured , hcrcfore , the gold will be used In purchasing bonds. Mail leports received today show othei vllhdruwals aggregating J122.061 , making a total or the day of $1,097,061. Nntrs. I1OSTON. Nov. 1C. Clearings , J14.677.030 ; ba nnccs. JI.SDI.CIU. NRW YOUK , Nov. 1C. Clearings , JW.llJ.SG balances. J6l oT10. IMIlI.ADKI.l'HIA , Nov. 16. Clearings. JU.SIO 302 ; balances , JVJOl.WS. IIKRI.IN , Nov. 16. Kxchangc on London , elgl days sight , SD marks 3S pfg. NKW YOIllv , Nov. 16. The steamship Campan nil ! tnku out tomorrow 120,000 ounces of silver , MKMPIIIB. Nov. 1C. Clearings , JI4S.320 ; ba nnces. JT0.180. New York exchajigc sslllnu i par. par.CINCINNATI. . Nov , 16.-Money. Sji0 Per cell New Yoik exchange , 25GOc premium. Clt-urlng J2.217.8SO. NKW OULKANS , Nov. 1C. Clearings , J3.113.W New ViirU exchange , bank , par ; commercial , dlsC4wnt. PA HIS. Nov. 10. Three per cent rentes , 103f I for Uut iicoount , exchange on Londmi , Kf 12V for checUs. ST. LOLHS , No * . 10. Clearings. JI.3I7.6S7 ; bo nni'en , J531S0. ! Money , dull , 6 < j7 per cent. K change on f. > > v Yoik , 5e bid. CIIICAOO. Ncv. 16.-Clearlng3 , J16.013.0- ] Money , 4NH per cent. Money , CO6 p cent on time- exchange al COo premium. I'oreli cxihunllrm ; steillng commercial , JI.B5fj4.SC. I.ONIX1N. Nov. 1C. Gold Is imoted twtay ; nuenos Ayres , 2IS ; Madrid , 13.W ; Llslxin , 3. HI. Pctvraliutg , KO ; Athens , 77 ; Home , 107. C Vienna , 133. The American securities i Hit * Block exchange opened rusler loda Ilia prices r-.ins.-lnE from iinchiinKi to 2 p re cnt lower , the latler In Ilr reconds ; Kngllth consolH for both money nnd tl account ndvanct-d 1 1-10 from yesterday's clo * Tha anuiuni of bullion \\lihilrnwn trom li Hank of l-n land on txitancu today was flO,0 . l-lvi-rp > . > i iliii-mti. LIVKIUKK ) ! , . Nov. 16.-WHKAT-l-'lrin r ; d mand good ; No. 2 rol , oprlng , SH Id ; Nd. y wl ler , 4 10.1. CO11N Hull : drrrwnd fair ; rpot , 4s llVtil. I' turt-s , llrm ; ilfinund fjlr ; Novemtx-r , 4s ld | ; 1) ) ct-mbrr. 4s lO-Tirt ; Junimry , 4 * THd. KI.OUII I'lrm ; demand mudeniliSi. ; . l/m fancy \vlntf-r , 8-1 I'd. ' PHOVIKIDNS-Ijird , dull ; lUnmnd | ioor ; six 37s Eil. Pork , llrm ; d inand fair ; prime rn i wentern. I3 W ; wi lern nw-1lum. 56a Jd. lli firm ; Ut-mnnd fair , i-xtni IndlH IIIMW , 07 6 pi. me. 6C Id. Hants , llrm : dtmund inwlvrnt short cut , H . Itactn. drirwud mad ratv ; fui berlnii'l cut. llrm , SSc ; short rlb st Hdy , > H t Imu ilenr. I ) 11 * . . ntfHily. Si MnnK ; \ and rhc tl < ur. &UIH ! ) sleudy. 3S . BhijuUrrs. fleady , a i'HK" i : I' nncst i\hlte and ml-irnl , ! fir tKi | | _ TAM OW Nominal , supply poor. j..lme c'- " " "VoTTON Bl'.Ert OILSto.dy K' < : IN M n i > di mar.J niojiratcjmm . HOP * At Ixindim ( Pa > ( He rciut ) , Orm , dt-ma J moderate , new crop , 12 U * to IX. OMAIIA LIVE STOCK MARKETS Receipts of All SorU Fall 0 F Sharply tit the Local Yards. STRONG DEMAND CAUSES BUSY TRADE liort Suppllc * llrhiR Dealers Into Active Competition iimlj'Sctiil Prices Upon Uvorjrthing l.'icept ilin I'lalnly \Vortliljs Unifies. ' , , FKIDAY , Nov. 16. Receipts of nit Jddflh it stock were lighter todny. So far tlilJ week , compared with lust , there Ims u K'Un of 9WO cnttle and 17,000 hogs nnd n loss of 7,000 sheep. The lighter supply of cattle jinil the rather buoyant tone-/ ! reports from eastern market ! ) put new Jlfp I Jto the trade today , There wns a beUre demnnd from nit ources , nnd although..there was nothing holce on Bale to t at"tlic rent strength of he mnrket , on thiilpaifr to fair stock , of which the ofterlngg-jwfirc mainly rmide up , rude ruled brisk , ivUli prices strong to n lime higher than Thursday. The cow market'Avas also nctlve nml tronfrcr. Supplies wbry not much over hnlf is heavy ns \Vcutiesday nnd nil classes f buyers wanted them. Too large a pro- ortlon of the offerings were cnnners , nnd 10 Improvement wag nottrenble In this iranch of the business. V il calves sold rendlly nt fully steady prices , but bulls , oxen and stags were slow sale and rather weak than otherwise , There was n reasonable degree of actlv- ty In Mockers and feeders and desirable grades were picked up quickly at good , llrm Igures. The demand for medium and In- 'erlor stock wns alack , .but there won tic 'urther dccitno In prices noticeable anil quite a few changed hands. Good to choice eeders are quotable at from $2.70 to $3.30 fair to good from $2.35 to J2.CO. and common grades from $2.25 down. Representative sales : DIIESSED BEEF. No. Av. Pr. No. Ay. 1'r. No. Av. Pr , 5. . . . 950 J2 r.r 19..117 < > $ .1 15 51.,10SS (3 45 I..IDCO .1 oo 20..1103 3 40 0..i,10J2 4 35 O..WX 3 00 COWS. 3. . . 1 00 4. . . . 935 1 CO 7. . 821 2 00 .1. . . , W2 1 ir , IS. . . . 750 1 GO 80S 2 00 oi " , 845 1 25 3. . . . K63 1 CD 2. . 805 2 00 i ! 1 25 27. . . . 867 1C5 17. . . .1000 2 00 i. . . ! CM 1 25 2. . M5 1 G5 8..1000 2 00 i. . . , 7SO 1 25 2. , S30 1 05 4..10)5 2 10 3. . . ' 125 1. . 700 1 IB II. . . . 811 2 15 , cv > 1 25 1. . 880 1 65 1. . . . 710 2 IS " , 970 1 30 9. . 937 1 65 18. . . . 787 2 15 i" ! , 800 1 30 14. , 83i 1 70 1..1050 2 15 3. . . , 873 1 30 15. , 703 1 75 30. , , , STiO 2 25 2. . . , 8 > t 1 35 930 1 : 2. . . .11IS 2 25 1. . . , 810 1 35 1..1000 1 75 ' 1 . . 816 2 25 S. . . , 727 133 936 1 ! . . 920 2 25 3. . . . S66 1 45 13. . . 843 1 85 10. . . . 929 2 25 1. . . , 720 1 CO It. . . 827 1 S5 1. . . . 909 2 25 1. . . , 910 1 DO 10. . . 952 1 85 , .1000 2 25 1. . . , 770 1 DO 3. . . 760 1 90 l ! ! 225 17. . . , 842 1 DO 3. . . 773 1 90 , .1070 2 30 S. . . . 852 1 DO 3. . . 91C 1 90 , . Ml 2 .10 36. . . , 76S 1 DO 21. . . 879 1 M , .12T > 0 2 35 9. . . . S83 1 DO 9. . 8S1 1 90 i , . 950 2 40 10. . . . 941 i no 1..1200 1 90 4. . 730 2 40 1. . . 030 .1 GO 2..1130 200 31. . 883 2 4S 912 1 DO 853 2 00 1..1170 2 CO . 973 1 DO 830 2 00 1..1270 2 V ) . .1020 1 50 HEIFERS. . . 403 1 00 9. . . , 511 1 45 4. . . . 532 1 G5 . . 270 i in 10. . . 477 1 f > 0 7. . . , 671 1 73 . . D02 1 25 , G17 1 CO 703 173 . . 410 1 25 2i ' 450 1 CO 1. 700 2 15 . . 393 1 25 i ! . ! , 510 1 DO D30 2 50 , till 1 33 i. . . , 400 1 M it 662 2 CO , 400 1 35 i. . . 370 1 M iti. . 662MO 2 DO DOG' 1 35 2. . . WO 1 01 i.i. . 420 2 CO 3X0 1 40 1 G5 CALVES. . ISO 1 00 1. . . . 370 200 3. . . 150 3 75 . 210 1 23 1. . . . 00 200 . 120 4 00 . 223 1 23 I. ' . . . DO 250 I" , ICO 4 00 . ISC 1 23 2. . . . SO 2 DO " , 205 4 00 . 210 1 25 7. . 2 GO 2" , 100 4 00 , 203 1 25 7. . 150 3 00 3. , , 173 4 00 . 300 1 SO 1. . ' 230 3 00 1. . , 140 4 00 , . 290 1 75 2. . 110 300 6. . , 125 423 . 310 2 00 1. . . 110 350 4. . , 122 4 23 .873 201) ) 125 3 DO 0. . . 188 4 CO . 100 20rf 130 375 3. . , 126 4 CO . . 90 2 00 HULLS. 1..1010 1 00 1. . . 1430 1 55 1. . . 810 1 80 1 , . . . 730 1 40 2. . . ,1195 , 1 CO 1. . . 11401 80 3..1220 1 CO 1. . . 1030 > 1 G5 ' 950 1 SO 1..1709 1 CO 1. . . 1400 1 G5 2.1370 ! ! 1 SO 1 DO 1. . . ,1160 , 1 70 1..11BO 1 85 ! ! ! 530 1 DO 1. . . 880 1 73 1. . . .1120 1 HO 1.-.13CO 1 DO 1..1370 1 75 1. . . .1000 2 00 STAGS. 1 , . . . va 1 ) „ . .L.-iesd" ; , ! 73 ,2r.G30 200 3..110.3 1 CO 1. . , ; . 810 200 STOCKEIIS AND FEEDERS. . . -CM 1 DO 10..V760r'2 ' 15 7 , . , 972-S SO . . G50 1 75 l . . : . ' -844'2 ' 15 1. . . 480 2 35 . . 540 1 73 19..1. 814 2 15 9. . , S35 35 . . 753 1 73 18.495 2 20 1. . , 430 2 .15 . . 780 1 90 . . , . DIG 220 1. . , 430 233 . . D37 1 90 3.(196 { ( ,2 20 18. . . iiGS 2 35 . . 4M 1 90 21. . . ! B62 < 220 28. . . 416 2 35 . . GGO 1 90 9. . . . 343 2 20 20. . . 511 237' ' , . . D50 200 l.,430,2 20 20. . 611 240 . . 390 2 00 6.\52t 220 7. . . , 901 2 40 , .10eO 2 00 3.,9S3225 - 20. . , . 681 249 . . 402 200 i. . . : sio 225 7. . . . 901 2 40 . . 413 200 4. . . . 815 2 25 33. . . . 892 2 45 . , 5SO 200 5 GOO 2 25 7. . , . C62 2 45 . . 480 200 17.'GSa. 223 11. . . , 672 2 50 , . 4SO 2 00 20. . . . 02 2 23 16. . , , 943 250 . . G72 2 00 2.635' ; 2 SO 1. . . . 3M ) 2 50 . . D50 200 7. . . . 351 230 1. . . . SSO 2 50 . . 958 200 ll. . . . 6Sr 2 30 3. . . . 723 2 CO . . 652 2 00 2 835 230 6. . . . 673 2 GO . . 662 2 00 16./71T' 2 30 1. . . . 360 2 CO . . 350 2 00 11. . . . GS1 2-JO 16. . . . 390 2 CO 1. . . . G70 2 10 2. . . ; 833 220 1. . . . 980 2 .n 3. . . , 383 2 10 16-717s 2 30 IS..1114 3 25 1. . . . G70 2 10 24. . . , 593 , 2 30 " -1QU 3 23 2 10 lO.-.V.'B/ZM WESTERN CATTLE. SOUTH DAKOTA. -Hamm. . " Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 18 steers 1082 2 75 9 steer * . 1333 S3 73 1 bull mo 163 4 bulls . 1432 1 75 2 cows 975 2 10 I bulls. . 1G35 2 25 9 cows 1026 2 40 K. Lockhnrt. 2 COWB 993 2 00 4 cuwn % i ) 245 3 COWB 1166 2 45 . 1 cow 11)3' ) 245 2 COWS 1163 2 45 . 1 steer 930 3 00 5 steers 1064 3 00 8 shvrs. | OiO 3 0) AV. IJrainberg. 3 cows 1014 2 00 11 c-in-s ,1110 2 SO 18 cows. 1012 2 SO 3 ftcero. 1163 340 17 steers 1145 3 40 Stewart & . 1 bull 1120 1.73 . ' 1 cow , .1020 2 CO G cows S31 2 10 l. ' 1 cow..1240 2.10 2 cows. , . ; . , . 993 2 50 1 cow DM 2 CO 3 cows 110- - ) 2 M 43 caws 1018 2 CO 15 feeders. . . .1154 3 23 COLORADO. 1 heifer. 480 1 15 1 heifer. 30J 1 11 1 bull 1600 1 5' ' ) 1 bull 122) ) 1 0) 1 bull 910 1 60 1 cow. 910 1 GO 2 cows..1085 16. ) 1 cow 841 1 GO 3 cows. . , , . . . P66 1 75 D5 cows 711 1 75 1 cow 740 2 15 1 cow , . 730 2 15 2 cows. . , . . . 935 2 15 _ 3 cows 833 2 15 100 cows. . . . . 913 2 15 1 cow 710 2 15 2 cows. . . . . . SSO 2 15 18 cows 861 215 3 cows. , . . . . 820 2 15 1 cow 1COO 2 15 4 COWB. . . , . ,1012 2 13 - 31 cows , . 917 2 20 4 cows , . . 2 2 > SO ciws. , . , , , , DI7 231 13 cows. . , . K19 2 25 79 cows , , 732 2 25 1 feeder , . S90 2 25 3 feeders. , . . 7S6 2 2 > 1 cow .ICO ) 2 30 2 rows Sir , 2 :0 5 cowx 1024 2 30 1 cow ' 030 2 30 4 COWB 937 2 30 9 cows 917 2 3' ) 1 cow. 770 2 35 1 row. . . , . , , , 830 2 35 31 feeile . . . . 933 2 40 22 feeders. , . . B'J7 2 DO 1 feeder 9M 2 SO 1 feeder..1280 2 50 1 feeder 1100 2 30 1 feeder 930 2 50 1 feeder 8ix ) 2 M 7 feeders. . . . 32 S M 23 feeders.,1023 2 60 2 cows 1105 2 15 2 cows 1250 2 55 M feodsrs. . . . 941 1 GO 9 steers tot 26) ) 33 feelers. , , . 933 2 73 8 steers 975 3 Oi ) 4 steers. Wf 3X ) 7 ulcers 1079 3 00 16 stcerit. 1D13 3 00 4 steers 1072 3 ( V ) 7 steers lOfil 300 7 steers 11)30 ) 3 0) 3i steers 1050 11 3 > ) Ftceu 1099 3 1J M steers 1171) ) 325 1 bull 1319 125 2 bulls. 1413 1 CO 2 bull 1235 1 00 2 hull * IGiO 1 CO 1 bull 1140 1 75 2 -di-rs.ll23 2 80 1 feeder 1150 2 M 3 feeders. . . . 93) 2 0 2 bulls 130) IS ) 3 feeders.1113 2 8) ) 3 rows 1026 1 D < ) 7 cows , . 0& ) 1 M 2 feeders. , nco 2 DO 10 feeders. . , . ! i23 2 5' ) 8 feeders. , 921 2 W 5 feeders..1113 2 CO 1 feeder. . , 870 2 to 1 feeder 850 2 DO 4 feeders. , . . 1007 2 SO 7 feeders.,101 ? 2 CO 2 feeders..1000 2 CO II feeders , . . . 833 2 CO 5 steers 1054 3.1) ) n steers 115) ) 3 CO 6 StCHMK 1110 3 CO 5 rteeis.,1052 3 DO s steers 1139 2M U slcera..113.1 3 DO 25 steers 112 < ) 3V ) * 2 ! cows. , 932 2 30 P. Peterson. 3 cows 1010 2 00 2) coirs 961 2 DO A. i : . inn. G cows 1045 175 1 bull 10:0 1 feeder 134) 2 60 , ,1 feeder 11W 2 U 3 steers 116) 3 25 1 ! steers. 12)5 4 00 2 bull ) 1210 1 DO 1 cow i..140) 2 y ( leorgc Harris. " 3 oowa J66 2 40" 3 cows. . , , , . . D13 2 V. 1 oown 977 240 1 caw 1190 2 4 ( 5 cows Ml 2 40 G feedtru , . . . Ubu 2 & : 4 filler * . . . . ! > S ? 2 G0r Gutters 181) ) 31 ! 5 cows 10S5 2 40 4 cows 103) ) 24 ; 8 steers. 10M ) 3 > 1G steers 11(0 3 % 1 iteer 1210 3 Si - ' steers 1150 3Ci c. a , Hoover. 1 TOW ttO 2 00 1 cow 8V ) 24 : 3 onwe 966 : 45 24 steera 9V 2 : i wir 210 3QO. 1 ulcer 1G2J 3S ! : buns , itoo i or ; HUv--ir MlHtlla | Company. lM Ure. . . . . 189 2CO 4 ' . 1)97 ) ! 12c-w lir , 260 3 steem. 1120 300 3 rteers IS < a 00 5 stcora. 970 CO 11 fleets 1211 3 CO 15 Meern. . . . .13.12 ICO II Moors 1041 3 CO IKH1H Receipts today were 8.MO llnhter than Thursday , nnd about 800 lighter tlmn on lnt Fri day. The fixlllne off In supplies \\n mainly du to the recent dump In prices. OrTerlnss aveniKed up only fair ns to quality , nnrl Includeil nn uniisunlly lurue rrcenlaRo of stuff welRhlnR from ISO Ibs. down. There was plenty of wclRht , but the hoivler IIOKS were mostly coarse nnd "Kowey. " Selleni nil started In rnthcr Imlllsh this inornliiR. Hcceljits were llKhter. nnd there wns a Kuod line nf buyers out riftrr tha IIORS , OK | nlnir prices ruled strong to n nickel hlRhor thnn Thursday for nil Krndes. heavy nnd mixed h'iRS selllnn InrRrly nt $1.15 to tl.M , with n few choice heavy loads nt II.Cl to $1.05. The rnalket tor light nnd JlRht mlxnt IIORS wns more or less uneven , nnd poor to choice load * of this class sold nt from $4 up tn 14.43. ( loud In choice plRS welKhlnc from 73 to 110 Ibs. sold readily nt slron * prices from 13,10 to $1.10 , but the very llRht nnd thin stuff was Flow snlc nnd went nt from t2 tn 13 , nnd there were several hundred hend unsold nt the clone. Trade wns tolerably netlvc at the mart , but became brisker nnd prices ( Inner as the day wore on. Thn pens were cleared by 10 o'clock , some nt the later sales bclnR Co to lOc hlpher than Thursday. The bulk of the IIORS nold today nt from $4.45 to 11.15 , as nxnlnit JMO to JI.50 Thursitay , and 11.35 to | 4.45 one -week ago today. Representative sales : ket Rhowed no material change. Local houpe : are all after good muttons and lamUs , nnd or fciich prices are iiuotahly strong. Oommon anc Flock sheep are Blow sale and prices very low Fair to choice natives are quotable nt 12.25ft 2.90 ; fair to good westerns nt j2.03ff-.GO ; commor and stock sheep , JI.5871.7S ; good to choln ; 40 tc 100-11) . lambs , I2.DOif3.75. Representative sales : No. Wl. T'r. 63 native inlxcd 73 $210 1 native cwc 110 : CO 101 native ewes 110 2 20 JtcrelptMiml Disposition of Stock. Official receipts and disposition of stock n : shown by the Iwoks of the Union Ptock Yard ! company for the twenty-four hours ending at : o'clock p. m. , November 16 , 1891 ; RECEIPTS. Cars. Hi > ad Cattle Ki 2,19 IIog , 107 7,761 Sheep 1 10 DISPOSITION. DISPOSITION.Catlle. Catlle. Ifnci. Sheep Omaha Packing Co 1,031 The G. II. Hammond Co 201 1,777 Swift and company 916 1,743 10 The Cudahy Packing Co b03 1,123 C Wilson. G. 11 41 O. II. II. , Hlmix City BO L. Decker GO J. Lobman 28 Hamilton , S IG'i A. Unas 62 U. Decker & Degcn 21 Carey. J. L. . 61 Lee Ilothschlld 9 Vnnsnnt & Co 28 Dcnton & Co 67 fudahy , Kansas City 39 .Shippers and feeders 213 79 . . . . Left over 900 . . . . Total 2.701 7.S30 IS tmiu.too LIVI : STOCK. Thrronfi r.ooit Di-mnnil for Unsteru nut ForrlijM Account. CHICAGO , Nov. 16. The cnttle market wa firm. There was n good demand forcnsteri and foreign account and also from local dn-Sfoi beef nnd canning concerns. Native cattle soli principally at from J1.75 to J2.70 for cows am bulls nnd at from J3.GO to J5 for steers. Western and Texans were quoted nt from Jt.75 to J4.7 and at from J1.40 to 13.49 respectively. Today's hog receipts are among the Inrges ever known for Friday , amounting to' nbou G2.000 head , and making n total for the last fly days of 253,000 bead. Trade maintained n satis factory degree of activity. Kor heavy hogs th market displayed a steady tone , while Ugh and light mixed lots were weak lo a n'ckel lower Hales of the former were nt from J4.GO to 14.8 for common to choice , nnd from JI 23 to JI.G wns paid for poor to prime light. The bulk o the 2GO to 3W-I1) . hogs sold nt from JI.G' ) to JI.7C nnd from JI.40 to J4.GO bought the greater par of the hogs weighing under 200 IbM , The sheep market wns lifeless. The receipt for the week exceed the largest total ever pre viously reported , nn.l sellers were entirely a buyers' tneicy. Sales wern from 75c to J3 fo poor to choice sheep and from Jl.GO to J3.75 fo lambs. Thcsa figures show n decline of th week of from 23c to GOc per 100 His. Hecelyts Cattle , 8,000 bead ; calves , 300 head licgs , G2.0HO head ; sheep , 9,000 head , Tl'he Evening Journal reports ; HOGS Receipts. G2.000 head : yesterday , G.2J head ; shipments , 9,263 head ; left over , about .19,1X1 head ; quality only fa'r ' ; imiket quiet , but o gcKNl grades prices are firm , whllo covnmo grades are. a shade easier ; sales range at JI OO * ! 4.G5 for light ; j4.IDfll.40 for rough packing ; 14.1 JH.70 for mixed ; J4.40W1.90 for heavy paclctn and shipping lots ; J2.40ST4.30 for pig * . CATTLE Receipts. 8.000 head ; falrl active and prices n shade fliiner. SHEEP Receipts. 9.00) head ; nuirkqt ijulcl steady and unchanged. Kuiim ! < Ity Live Stock Harlet KANHAB CITY. Nov. 1C. CATTI.K Itecclpti 7rW head ; rb'pmenls , 9,400 heud , mailel slron nnd nctlvu ; Texas steers , J2.00H3.25 ; Texas cuwi 11.75J,2" ; b ? f elects. JS.fGfiS 41 : native cowi JI Ii0fi3.25 ; stackers and fca'Jerg. * 2.11i(3. ( < ri , bull : JI.GOC2.GO. HOGS Receipts , 14,400 head : elilpmvnts , 1.9. head : market nctlve and steady ; bulk of f-alui J4.SOftG.G5 ; packers. JI.35iH.7il ; mixed , JI.ZJffl.G. llg'.ils , | 4.0i)04.3i ) ) ; Yorkers , ) .25f4.30 ; pigs , J4.1 fl'4.30. 8HBKP Receipts , 600 head ; hhlpmcntp , ; i''m ' market cu-ady at yesterday's qiutatlons. St. I. milt l.lvn .Sloclc AInrI ( t , ST. LOI'lH , Nov. -CATTLi-llecclpls. . 3.3 head : shipments , l.SOO head ; market stront native plcers , light to medium , J2.dW3.10 : cow Jl.7GW2.fG ; Texas sleors , 1'ght. ' U'.Ci&'i.SO ; cow J1.S04C2.SO. HOGS Receipts , P. 0 < X ) head ; rhlpincnls. G.O liead : market strong and 5c better : fair to heav ; J5.25S5.GS ; good light nnd mixed , JUJ I.DO ; con men to fnlr , J3.7Gftl.SO. 8HEI3P Receipts , 700 head ; shlpmrnts , nnn market aulel nnd steady ; native mixed , $2.15 2.W ; SGUthwfHtern mixed , J2.25. York l.lvn Hi i.-k llurlct. NKW YORIC , Nov , 11. 11RBVKH llerelpl 4,400 bend ; market slow and lOc lawvr ; until clecrs , poor to prime , } 3. lOiH.'JJ ; xru , J5.0 > 4.10 ; hulls , J1.7S4 > 2,80 : dry cons. H.bKi-.TS. SIIKI-IP AND LAMI1.S Ilcrelpls , lil.IW ben. . mm kit Uft'ic lower , but fairly ncllvtrhpf ; poor to piline. Ii.0.-ff3. ) 00 j lamtxi , oonumm cholro. JJ.Wfll.OO. lIOUS-Itec lpts , 4,900 brad ; market wcnk. hliu-K In Mjlu. Rpcnnt nf reeelptg at the four prlne'twl ' itwi k ti for Friday , Novemlwr 16. 1V9I : Cat Ik. I Iocs Hlioi- H < itith Omaha . : . K > 7,78) 1 Chicago . s.i > , u.rxio 9 , ( Kan iCity . , . . , . , . 7.HO 11. W ) ( HI. I Alula . . . 3.W1 0.004 \ Telal . . 21.199 W.lsJ 10,1 \Xinl . . .uri t , ST. LOUIS , Kov. 16. WOOtQulet nnd u . LONDON , Nov. lC.-Cal.le udvlcen from Mi bourne today ray the word auction ak-.i the ar pr Kre lng tlrmly. The cmnp'-tuiun. ' bo Drlllsm a-d ( x.ntlm-nMI. Is nrtne. p C'-plli ' I'renrh , wlih h U slues . The \merl an i3 mind baa be > "ii K-x > J smre the uprning uf t sales , Hre'ly und Lurry gnwtha ui t'lKht weaker , but nther cirn a"O unchanged T ! total number of bale * offered for rule tirouxlm Aiulralla up to dule is .000 , of wlilcli 2 .C liavu ) UN'S ' AND BRADSTREET'S ' rutlual Improvement and Eottor Peeling Was Manifested in Business. A.NKtRS APPROVE THE NEW BOND ISSUE .oltnn Mills Worklnc > > Holtpr Tlino nnd Woolen Mills llusjr on Current Or lcr SprciibitlvaMiirkcitu .Stlnuilntcil by the Hunil Cull. NI2W YOIUC , Nov. If ! . U. Q. IJilii & Co.'s ecltly review of trnilc , whlgli Issuus tumor- o\v , will ! > ny : Iti ncnrly ull brandies of uslucss Kradiinl Inuirovctiicnt npitcnrs aixl hojieful fcclliiR obtnlncd Insl vvcok utul III continues. It will take time to titt islness out of Us depression tuul tlie pro- ress made , It less than the mingulne ex- ectetl. In nt lenst eiicaurtiKlniT. Tltc lie- slon to offer JSO.OOO.TO ) liynils for replenish ment of the trenmiry reserve wns K < meruliy pprovcd by bunkers. It Is Kcncrally HH- tineU the bonds will bo taken nt once , ho pffect Is less cnsy to anticipate , for the ormul nnnounccmcnt that nftor n Bcneral cconsti action of revenue Inwa It Is still omul ntcessiiry to borrow largely tends to also doubt about Ilnnnclal pruvlMlonn for 16 future. The reported. I in pi r a 1 n of BJltl roiu London , with a los on UK fnuo or J7- , \tOJU at the protut , exeh n c rnte . , p isuin- tbly meant to effect Duiul siiljsorlptloii. . I'licre hiive already been some wIlhdnuvulM f Bold from the treasury by redemption of oti'H to make payments for bonilx , nnd : oodH rnthcr thiin cold nro likely to come rom lOurope. Hesumptlon of work and Increase of work- K time h.ivo been more cnnspleuout In the otton Industry than In others , but no In- ircnaed demand for ( jooda appcani. Kor Un shed products of Iron the demnnd IH on the iVhole narrower. At the west there wns n Utle Improvement. Manufacturer ! ) of wool- ns have Kood orders lor Roods suitable to .ho time of the year , many tttlll running : nntnly on such Roods , but there Is a Kenernl failure of suppleinenlnl orders for spring moods. Sales of wool lire ngaln smaller than ast year. .Speculative markets hnve been stimulated n part by the call for bond ? , nnd wheat : ios advanced 1 % cents , corn 1(4 ( cents , and 'otton ' cTie-slxtcentli of u cent. Western wheat receipts In two weeks ol Movember have been 7i > 71S'Jl bushels , igalnst 12.1CC.830 bushels last year , but At- antic exports In two weeks have been only 023,355 htlshels. against 1,770,015 bushels last , car , and they uro not Increased by the idvnnce In price , which Is partly due tu iccounts of extensive feeding to cattle. In October over half the exports were from ho 1'nclllc const nt less than 51 cents , sc lint the average for ull exports was only ; 0.8 against CS.O last year. Corn receipts 'iavo ' been less than half of lust year's , wllli xports insignificant , The failures of the week haves been 270 In he United States , against 232 lust year , ann hlrty-elght In Canada , ngalnst thirty-six nst year. CIIAIINU IIOUM.TOTALS. : of Itnslm-s * Tritnvictrd by tin : As < icmtni | < > n > it < I.IIHI VX c'i It. NDJ.VYO 1C I ov. 1' . T o ollo.vlngtt.bre . , compiled by DraustnefB , hews the total clearances at the principal cities nnd the lercentage of Increase or decrease , ns ompared with the corresponding week last ear : iiiAiNTiKir'.s TU.VUK itunr.iv. 'Mairhanta nnd .Mnniifuttiirors lictinrt n : Onlluiik , 'KW YORK. Nov. lC.-I3r.idstrett'a t ( morrow will ftuy ; rerhaps the most cor bplcuou.s favcrablc f cut uro of the gener : tmili ! HlUuitlon is found In numcrotm n puru from merchants und maimfacturct throughout the country of u disposition I regard the business outlook more encouraj Ingly nndvlth Incrcnsed conlldence In 11 early Improvement In trade. Kvc-n In man poi'tloiiB of the south und BcuUiwcut advlct from thr > interior are that the country me ; chant Is doing nn Incrcuiicd volume nf bus neen , bused on faVL < iahe | , > v < : utlior nnd lart crops. Thin Is the moiu striking In vie of the continued repot-In of the unfavor-ib effect on tiiul In the Mnith of the lo price of cotton. l > 'iotn Georgia It Is leunu that fertilizer munufactureri ) have arrange to curtail their output H'xt season , In HOII Inutaiicfx us mueh uuIt ) per cent. In ens urn centers iiuinufac-tincr.s if gloHt ) , leatlie Imnbur , cultony and woolens , tobacco in agricultural Implement * , ns well n Jobbo in scneral dry eti'-dw ' , liurilwniv. grocerle heavy clutliliiK ami Hlioes , In numerotm li stanceM , n-port itn increased volume i IiuBlnen.IndlLntlonB of thlH tendency boh rorrub.Tutud by luul ; oloarlnca at soveiit live CHICK ainoiiutlntr to JIUl'.io'Xi. < XW , Kuiii uf 7.0 per cent us compared with tl \v * elc before ; 1.3 per rent heavier than the like \ vok lust year , and ' i per cent Iv than hi Uir tame week of 1SOJ. This Is tl llrMt week In which the volume of clf > urlni Iwve cquall * " ! or exi-c < > di'il.Jl,009,000 , U < ) Bin early In Jununry l sj. Thu favorable cliuntic In the inoveme of iirlces hut week also continues , wl higher quotations for butter , eggs at hides ; wheat , 1 % cent ) ) higher : sugar , 3- of n cent ; oorn , 2 cents ; oats , } , of u cun lard , 15 ont i puric , y > cents , riml coiYoe , of a cent. Leather , form- grades nf Ire wool und lumber ut eastern markets uru ( llrm. The prlni-ipal declines are u t-hudo the price tl tlt-satiner pig Iron nnd for U' ' rattle and IIO-K at wc tirn markets , whe receipts of luw Hr.'i < ie huv < > been free. ] < , i era lit the wool tradt say -inlfc-a for | h ronimruuy have reacht-d llit-lr lowest M ure , and thnt the InTi-uscd demands nn election point to un advance , tlunicli ua y Uontestlc lice ecu reel the compi'tulon Austrnlln. The Improvement In ilcmnntl ( in l for distribution cf dry nooiln htm bern nuinclent to Htlimilntp dlncusslon of lilpher jrlccn. Kxportn of wh a from the Unltol Stntcx and Canada , both. eonRts , Bhow a sharp spurt , followlnt ; the UecllnlnK move ment of a week HKO. duo larnely to heavy clenrnnccs from 1'ortlnnd , Ore. , Inst week , the Rrnnd totnl ( Hour Includes ! ns wbcnt ) to 2.909.000 biislicN. nit compared with 2.K 000 bushels the week before. 2,615 , . ( KM hiishel.i In the corresponding week onn year ngo , 3,913,000 bushels In the correspond- ng week two ycnrs nrto , nnd 5.385,00. ) bushels hreo years npo , UeluniH to llrmlstn-et's of gross nnd net enriilngs tt nlnrtr-llvo rnllrond companion for September mid 125 rotnjiiintcH for the line months ending Soiitomlu-r 30 show , In coinparlson with the results ot. the Bnmo In 1KB. losses In September of 4.-I ; > rr cent In gross nnd 12.8 per cent In net L-nrnlngs , while for the nine months the lecrcaso In giops Is 13.1 per cent nr.d In : ict 11.7 per cent. ft. l.tiuts < ! ciu-rul .Murkol. ST. I.OITIB. Nov. 1G.-VIm'Il-iiiilrr : , qulctt atents , 2.Mf2.70 ( ; extra fancy , J8.SOfl-8.44 ; fancy , 2. < > 3 2.13 ; choice. JI.7MJI.V5. WIIHAT-OiH-neil V Xo up , hut nl , | off. tic , liwliig llrm nlK > ut linrlmiiKeil ; Nn. 2 rod , rsnh , 2Uc ; November , tl c ; Deccml-er , 62 < , ie ; May , C'OIIN Wns dull , moving gradually down Ha icrniuc * of cold wonlher hnnli-iiliiB tlio new rup and Improving country nmils for hauling n market ; No. 2 mixed , cash and November , . > T.cj ( Prcrinlivr , 46'jc ' ; May , 46'c. ( , OATS Weak and He lower ; .No. 2 , cash anil November , SOc ; May , 33\c. HV1J Quiet and unchiingt-d , IIAIUiUY Hlrung nnd ncllvc ; fancy Minnesota seta , f > 9o. ItltAN-Dull nt f,0c. lake nnd mil points. FlAX KKKIQ | | | < -1 nt 11.41. t'f.ovDit iii-i ; : > - j < .ooi < s.oo. TIMOTHY Hii5D-JI.75WS.23. : HAY Strong , but nut quotnlity chniiReil , IIUTTKIt < jiilet and higher : Rtpnralor crenra- ery , 23M2&- ; good ti > choice UHlry , 18t'24i ! . llcitJS-Sti-mly nt 16'ic. ' ; s'p'ni.Ti-it-i&io. : OOHN MIIAI. ! WHISl-CY-tl.53. I'OTTON TIKS-BSc. PHOVISIONS-Qulel. Pork , standard . . , , Inblilng , $13. I.nrd , prime steam. I,87V choice , I7.02V4. Dry sail nu-M * . IHOSS sbolilern. J3.3HW ; 6.W ; lungs. , ; ribs. I5.M ; nhorts , J6.7t. llacon. packed shoulders , I6.DO ; longs" . I7.12V4 ; llw. 7.25 : ( ImrlM. 7.rKtf7,62V4. HIirnilTS Flour , D.WOO bl Is. ; wheat , S3.00) bu. ; corn , 84.000 bu. ; onis. 11,000 Im. HUH MHNTtt Klour. S.IWO bhls. ; wheat , 3.000 bu , ; corn , 4,004 bu , : onta , 6,0 bu , CuttiHi .Miii-Mu. NIJXV OIII.MANH. Nov. 16. COTTOrv-Qulet ; m ilJllnp , r > 1-lCc ; law middling , 4 13-ICc ; KCKK ! niillnnry , 4 9161net ; rccelpls. 20.5111 b.ilea ; Krims , Sl.1'56 lutes ; exports to I'Varee , 41 biles ; in tha continent , 7,788 bales ; cunstwlHi2,653 bnlen ; Miles. 10,654 lialra ; stork , corrt-cted , 27,1.01 li.ili- ; destroyed by lire , dciluctcd , 3I6.SX3 bales , weekly recelptr * , l.l.t-03 baled ; gro H , ll , 8 bales ; cxi > orts In ( ireat lliltiiln , 3lr lii hales ; tn I-'rntice , 11,163 bales ; lo the continent , 4.D07 bales ; coastwise , 9,207 bales ; sales , 67.900 bales. ST. IjOL'IH , Nov. 16.-COTTON-Steruly ; mld- Ifng , 6 fr-16c ; tialctf. f,00 bales ; receipts , 7,6o4 iiles ; slilpinents , 7,300 bales ; stock , 32,604 hales. NKW OIU.nANH. Nov. 16.- < 'OTTON QulCt ! sales , ppot , 6Ky ) bnK-a ; lo nrtlve. 4,600 liales ; r * * * CL'Ipls , 21,056 bolen ; ctpoilH to contlni-nt , 7J2t lialcs ; coastwise , 651 bales ; stoelt , 3I7,61S bales } 27,691 bales of burned cotton deducted , this sub ject tu rcvlsic-n ; futures , steady ; Mies , 64,700 link- * ; November , J1.9S hid ; Di-cemlo-r , J5.01Q 6.03 ; Janunry , J5.C6fl5.07 ; February. } 3.1ItiG.12 ; March. J3.16SI6 17 : Apill , $5.220523 ; May , 15.SI ; Juno , $5.34i76.3o ; July , { 5.1005.41 ; August , J5.44U 46. C ciIII'll .tliirkut. NKU" YORK , Nuv. 1C. COFI'KIOptions ! e.pened easy nt IOij'15 ' pnlnls di-cllne ; weak cn Miw , rulcil generally eak wllli foreign selling , " steady , IPtjtS polnln net decline ; salrs , linirs , IncludliiKt Nnveinber , JI3.iOfli1 ! ! . ] ; Pecembcr , H3.15id3.SO ; January , J12.60W12.73 ; March , JllOiffW.15 ; May , Jll.7S5Tii.FO. Hpot wltee. lil < i. llrm : No. 7 , 115.76 ; mild , nun : Cor dova , JlS.25Mr..Oi ) ; wnrehnusfe deliveries from. New York yivtrrdny , 11,723 bags ; New York si ck today , 181,750 bnga ; t'nileil ' Htales Mnek , 243.122 bags' ; nllnnt for Ihc I'nlled Hlale228.000 ic.-ii Intu4lsllc | for the United Ktntes , 471,123 igs , against 467,769 ) > ags laPt > ear. HANTOS. Nov. 16. Ilccelpts , nothing ; no other iinliiH Infnimallon cntlnl , . HAMlll'HG , Nov. 16. Dull ; prices Vi pfB- advnnciv in \ \ pfg , decline ; snlen , 16,000 linns. 1IAVKK. Nov. 10. Opened barely steady , Uf advance ; nt 12 m. , barely stp-idyif decline ; nt 3 p. in. , quk-t. unchanged , to Uf advance ; closed quiet , nt % b.lf net decline ; total sales , 19,004 bags. 1HO JANEIRO , Nov. 16. necclpls , 5.004 biiE ; no other ICIo'lnformatlon cabled. KANSAS CITY , Nuv. -WHKAT IIar.1. ptcndy ; led , aViouta higher : No. 2 hard , 60tl Me ; No. 2 red. 4' > ii/r,0r , ; No. 3 red. 48fM9o ; re- jccK-d , 4fi17c : Ealefi tiy sample on 'change , f , o. ti. , MlBflrs.ppI . river , No. 2 hard , ( ,7Hc ; No. 2 red. 67c ; Nn. 3 red , D3c. ( X ) I IN' In fair demnnd. but slightly weaker ; Nn. 2 mixed. msWHc : No. 2 will to , WftKa. OATS Active ; No. 2 mixed , S0 3lc ; No. t while , 32 < f.13Uc. IHJTTKIt Stcody nnd unchanged ; t-opnrator crc.iini-ry , 18i2c ! ; dally , ICfjITc , IlUl-KlITS Wheat , 'l3,600 bu. ; com , 114,600 bu. : ( ils. 10,000 hu. H1IIPMKNTS Wheat , none ; com , 4.000 bu. ( oats , none , Mllnu'npiilitVlinit IMurkct. MlNNfiAPOLIH , Nov. IG.-Whoat opened cons nnd advanced xllghlly nbovo yesterday's closing prices , but Inter declined under strong pressure to fccll by people long on UIQ market. Farmers are marketing ipille freely , as Ilia roads are now hi belter condition llian for some time pant. KecelplH , 31S.VO' ) hu. ; shlpmenla , 21,000 bu. ; November. DVftc : ni-cemlier , 6 H | 6Sc ; May , 60',4c ; on track , No. 1 hard , 6j'ic ' ; No. 1 northern , .Vi'ic ' ; No. 2 narlhern , DHFluur. . quiet nml Blciiily ; putt-nls. .WifUtf ; tmlu-rn' , $1.9082.20. Production fur tlie iwenly-four hnurs Is call- inaled nt 41.OJO bbls. ; shipments , S' ,73I bfalu. Mimu- NKW YORK , Nov. 1C. Ht'ClAIt ' Raw. llrm ; lr retinue. 2c ; cvntilfURiil , 1" ! test , 3'to re- ncd , ( Irm ; No. C , SViUfS 15-lCo ; No , 7. 3 ll-IGft 3T4c ; Nn. 8. 3W3 13-lio ; ; No. 9 , 3't5f3 ' ll-16c ; Nr > . 10. 3 7-I5V3 ( ; > cJ No. 11. 30"3 " 9-lGo ; No. 13. 3 15-1G@35c ! ; No. 13. 3'ic ; off A. S % 4V4c ; mould A. 4 7-1tiU4'ic : standaid A , 3 l-liii3'tc ; ; coii- twllnnels' A , 4 l-lCItVr ; cut loaf , < \ ' . .WI'lCc ; cniFhed. 4T4M5 l-ICc : iKiwdenil. 4 7-WHc ; gran- ulatrd. 4 3-1G l lc : culws. 4 7TIGiiJ4rSc. ; LONDON , Nov. 1C. HIJOAUI'line. . very dull ; centilfUKUl Java , 12u ; Muscuviydo. fair rellnlng , DH Sd. ' Nnv York NKW YOHIC. Nov. 1C. Tlivrc lias been con- stdi-r.ililn done In advance for rprlnc worsted , vaai. cotton nnd drcsa Roods , nlio KlllKhiim-.i , domcHtlcs , printed fabrics , cottonadcg , camelH , fihlrtlnRS , silks and ribbons , by epot purclmnca nnd talenmen on the iiud. The chuiiKed nenll- nicnt fur the better I ; extra , and In nianl- fentlni ; Itself In n freer preparation nf xpeclal- ties for sprlntr. 1'rlntlntf cloths active , wlli | pules well on lo 400.000 pleci-s for the week. Clilc.iuo 1'rult ( juo'iitloiK. 471IICMOO , Nov. 17. The KniT Fruit company : mld California , fiult at auction today , realmnK HID following prUns : I3nulcr llilir pcam , 70c9f Jl.tW ; Vicar , 7rc5) $1.00 ; Nellie. lOcQSt.OO ; Coo'a Into lo.l plumfl , ( uciiJI. ' . ' ) ; tuncL | , JI ; Mai-cut Kiapcs , half crates , 4u9/TOc ; Tokay , * half crntes. i3crtl.20 : doubhcrntesi , . | 4.W | fornlcheon. halt cruteB , JI 21 ; llmpcrur. half crates , Jl.O'Wl.lS ; duublc cratea , $2.,0. . T'l'lirn U'liciil ( JiuitutlniiH. BAN FHANCIHCO. Nov. lG.WhcatQuiet nnd iU-nil ) > : Ueceiaber , 1'IViiC ' ; May , tl.c < % ; cleared , 103/JJ7 rentals. _ _ MANCIIKSTKU , Nov. 1U.CI.OT1IUasj'J ynrnn , dull. Bomcrvlllo Journal : Employer We nro always courteous to our servants , on prin ciple. At our holi e you will always bo treated Just na If you were one ot the fam ily. Cook ( tosslnR her head ) Thank you , ulr , but 1 don't think I care to connI have al ways been iicciiRtotin-d lo btltiK treated bet ter than that wherever i liavo been. . W. HARRIS BANKERS , 163-165 Deariiorn-st. , Chicago. 15 Wnll-st. , New York. 70 StatO'&t. , Doitof , CITY , connT ? , -inoj..v/ATEa ? Stand at the Head. Vor thirty Kuti DucbcrVatrli Cnacs iinvu bcctinndiireciHiy very prominent tlca > Jcrlntliot'nltcdStnlcs. TIio Dunlior trade mark In this ccninltr , 17 I nml the Kail mark la I RU3Y JEWELED JjiUlnnil : ; nro a timrAn- W. ADJUSTCO f Ice at piird metal , 17- WATCHES Jewel Hauipdsn niuvi- cicnb In Dticbcr cntet ttrnul nt the licnd , Ifyniirrteilerdoci nut keep nurwatchrx in ll ui your uddreai nnd w will xoiid you Iho IIHBIO nf n dimler who dnn. TIlK uuicjici WATCH WoiiK , Canton , O. WM , LOUDON. Commission Merchant Grain uiul Provisions. Private wires lo Chicago and New York. All business ordc-m placed on Chicago UourU of Trade. CorreEixindence sullclti-J. Ofllre , room 4 , New York Life