Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 16, 1894, Page 2, Image 2

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opposed to tiny further contention. It It
certain that the latter Is dead against a con
test. On Tuesday last In the Lincoln hotel
ho declared positively that llolcomb was
elected end should bo given the seat unre
servedly. There Is a largo class of disap
pointed men who had been promised office
under Majors. These , together with thoie
whose money Is still up on Majors , are eggIng -
, Ing on a contest by every mcani In their
At the state capltol members of the Majors
rlna are unusually active. Attorneys are
busy comparing votes of different years In
Uio past with that ot 1891. At Independent
headquarters there Is a corresponding degree
of activity. The Independent executive com-
rnlttco has on hand a mass of evidence , and
In dally collecting more , showing gross
frauds In Lancaster county and other ills-
trlcta In the state. The result of a contest ,
the Independents say , will Increase Holcomb's
plurality to over 10,000. The committee
claims to have plenty of evidence that Lan
caster's plurality for Majors of 2,722 was
raised 1,000 votes by Illegal colonization
and registry. It Is well known , and can bo
proved , that hundreds of Illegal voters wore
run In from Wyoming tlo camps and Montana
ballasting gangs strung along the line of the
- B. & M. , and voted In precincts where com
plaisant republican judges had full power.
The Independents and Holcomb democrats
declare unanimously that they will go to the
bottom of this election In almost every
county In the state and brine all fraud to
the surface. They have names , locations and
facts In their posteriori which , In the event
of a contest , must prove most damaging-
lira desperate gang that la howling for a
The fact that Majors at one time In the
official tabulation of county returns , was a
few hundred ahead ot Holcomb has been
seized upon and made to work overtime as a
scarecrow. The same tabulation rfiows that
i at no time- previous has such a position been
held by Majors , while Holcomb by the same
tabulation has been from 1,00.0 to 1,500 ahead
qulta often. The returns now coming In are
strong Holcomb counties. They do not vary
from earlier returns and will not finally
reduce Holcomb's vote from earlier estimates.
Shadow at Dentil Kuddono Jho Kscrclini
Olllcom Elected.
Yesterday morning's session of the North
, Platte Lutheran conference was per
vaded by a shade of sadness on ac
count of the unexpected bereavement of two
of the moit prominentmembers. . Rev. W.
A. Duttoit of Tekamah and Rev. H. P. A.
Handel ot Columbu. % were ; expected to lead
the discussions at the forenoon session , but
during the preliminary exercises telegrams
were received announcing the death of Mrs.
Handel and the young child of Her. Mr.
Dutton. The bereaved members were- obliged
to leave at once , and prayer was offered In
their behalf and. resolutions of condolence
wera adopted.
r1 Preliminary- the devotional exercises of
the session the conference proceeded to elect
officers for the ensuing year. Rev. M. L.
, Kunkolman of Wayne was chocen as presi
dent of the synod , Rev. H. J. Hapcman of
t Dakota City , secretary , and Rev. W. C. Mc-
Cool of Ponca , treasurer ,
i- In the absence- Rev. Dutton Rev. Hape-
man delivered a short address on "Prayer. "
Ho divided the subject Into two topics ,
„ "Does God Always Hear Prayer ? " and
"How God. May Answer Prayer. " The first
emphatically answered In the affirmative ,
but took the ground that the answer ot God
' might not always be Just what the believer
wanted , but It was what the Infinite wisdom
knew was best for him.
"The Necessity and Possibility of the New
Birth" was discussed by Rev. W. A. Ltpe of
' West Point , who spoke earnestly on tha
t power of the Savior to change tha heart of
inan when the seeker was In earnest In his
deslro.tOjlead a new life.
Among other tilings the conference consid
ered at saino length the possibility of taking
sornejiarUas a church. In the relief of the
t\routl \ LBtrlokep 'district * wltljln the houii.
darles at the conference It was generally
contended that the conference should take
some actloatn , that direction and the entire
matter was" left to a special committee , of
which Rev. ' McCoolIs chairman. Provision
was alii made for-tha , pulpits a { .Central
CHS jIfjdJ3V > olback , which are.npw vacant. '
Sjttlfio- session In tho-afternoon the general
toplo was "Soul Winning , " and the fol-
towlns addresses were delivered :
"Tho Reasons Why an Ungodly Man Should
Become a _ Christian Now , " Rev. M. L.
Kunkleman , Wayne.
"How Can Wo Lead Others to Christ ? "
Her. J , 8. Detweller , D.D. , Omaha.
"What Constitutes a Vital , Practical , Per
sonal Religion ; and Is It Consistent with a
Busy Life ? " Rev. J. N. Zlmmer , Ucnson.
At the evening session Rev. McCool
preached and Miss Frances Roeder ot this
city sang the offertory.
hhnrl I'ollco btorlcft.
FrankPu Bols. a meat cutter , was the
first to face Judge Berka yesterday morning.
Frank admitted that he was drunk , but de
nied oil knowledge of having tried to break
Into Mrs. Koplan's house , . Ill North Tenth
Street , while under the Impression that II
was his. own homo. After pleading guilty
to being drunk Du Bols wanted to apologize
to Mrs. Koplnn for his Insulting remarks ,
but the court would not accept any such
settlement and fined the offender ? 40 and
costs , to stand committed unllE paid. In
sentencing Du Bols , Judge Berko. tqld him
that Mrs. Koplan would have been justified
If she- had drawn a revolver and shot at
Yesterday Jerry Boden. v > lie lives at 845
South" Twenty-fourth street , was arraigned
on : a. complaint charging him with beating
his wife. Boden pleaded guilty and was fined
Two burglars and one vagrant broke- jail
at Geneva Wednesday night and escaped.
They gagged the night jailer. Chief Seavey
has a description ot the escaped prisoners
and has all his men looking , for them.
Charles Smith , A. W. Mnntaguo and Harry
E. Fletcher arc a hard- looking trio who
were arrested last night by Officer Monroe.
They each had a candle and one had a now
chisel.Tho police think , they were , preparing
to do some work In the- house breaking line.
Somorli- Qono to CMc : in.
NEW YORK , Nov. 15. Captain. R. Somer-
Bhayes , chairman of the Atchteon reorganl-
xat.qn ( committee , has gone to Chicago.
I'nllman' Quarterly Dividend.
CHICAGO , Nov. 15. Thfr Pullman Palace
Car company 'paid today Us regular quarterly
dividend of ? 2 per share.
SERIES NO. 47-48-49
42COPagcs. 250,003 Word *
I _ _
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J08 South 14th Street.
Magnates Look with Llttlo Paver on the
Dnplox Circuit Proposition ,
Circuit for 1805 Practically Decided Ou t
Change In ttia Jtules Allow * an
DlvUlon of Itccelpts Sllnor
I.eiiccio Meeting * .
NEW YORK , Nov. 15. A majority of the
base ball magnates were present In the Fifth
avenue hotel today when the twentieth con
vention of the National league reassembled.
Prior to the meeting GeorgeItuchstuhl of
Louisville exprcised the belief , that an ar
rangement would bo reached today without
muoh further discussion on the subject of
division of receipts.
If the constitution could bo BO amended
It Is believed an eight-club circuit would
very soon take the place of the present
tuclve-club arrangement , or If not , that
four clubs ; would be glad to sell their fran
chises. It Is practically acknowledged to
day that all probability of a change IB at
present practically at an end DO far as the
number of clubs Is concerned. The only
clubs that might sell their franchises will
not dispose of them for what would be con-
B dered a reasonable turn. Should the east
ern clubs buy four of them out It would
cost $200,000 , and such a sum Is far beyond
what those most In favor of the project would
think of giving. The scheme ot forming
two circuit1) an eastern and a western one
to play separate schedules and then conclude
the sirle.s ; by eastern , and western games ,
and vice versa , while It may eventually
come ( b something , does not appear today
to have even the remotest chance of adoption.
The convention on resuming business at
once took up the discussion of the disposal
of the 10 per cent gate receipts.
After a session lasting four and a halt
hours the convention decided to rescind the
10 per cent assessment rple. It was decided
that each club competing In a championship
game shall draw 50 per cent of the net re
ceipts of such gamev The following were
elected members of the board of directors :
J. T. Urush , Cincinnati ; J. F. Hart , Chicago ;
Chris Von der Aher St. Louis ; C. H. Dyrn ,
Brooklyn ; A. H. Soden , Boston , and H. n.
Von der Horst , Baltimore. The national
board , consisting of A. HSoden , p. H. Dyrn
nml President Young , was. reflected.
The resolutions abolishing , "the 10 per cant
assessment also .abolish section 49 of the
rules , under which It- was provided that 10
pdr cent of the receipts of each champion
ship amp.should _ bejorwarded to Washing-
toll to pay tiie expense's of the olHcera and
to-form a sinking fund of $25,000. In the
place of stctlon 49 a new section : s added , as
follows :
"Out of the funds of the league now In the
hands of the treasurer fie snail create a
sinking fund of $12.000 , which shall be In
vested In government bonds , and all other
funds shall be placed In the treasury to meet
current expenses. "
The following resolution was passed :
"That tha committee- rules Is Instructed
to report to the- spring meeting- such amend
ments ns may be necessary to compel the
umpire to enforce the playing rules , particu
larly thoseprohibiting noisy coaching and
rowdy or disorderly conduct on the ball
The following- addition was madeto rule
64 : "In addition to the penalty above re
ferred to , the captain or mana.ger , or the
person. In charge ol the offending , team , and
responsible for the team leaving , the field ,
shall Incur a penalty of $100 , which phall be
ipalfl In 'five days'to the secretary1 ot the
league. such penalty not to be remitted under
'any a\ijcyrfstances \ | " , ' This rule Is In addi
tion totUo. . $1000. penalty on a , club for leav
ing Uio . .field.
The minor leagues , w'tilch are- also In ses
sion today , will have some suggestions to
makn which will either maka confusion worse
confounded , or will , perhaps , provide some-
solution of the very tangled question with
, \vhlch the magnates are now puzzling their
Patrick Powers. , president of the Eastern
league , said ; "Our meeting ; will be a very
Important one , and we will , perhaps , let In
Eome light on all this business , which will
be of a rather surprising nature. As to the
formation of the new American association ,
.you can dismiss that.
"There has be"en an attempt made to take
Buffalo from the Eastern league. Now- Buf
falo will not Join the now association should
It bo formed , nor will It buy a franchise In
the National league should that be possible.
Buffalo Is making money , and IL would want
to JiaYo a team In- the first flight In the Na
tional league to- avoid losing a lot ot money.
I have some communications I cannot now
produce , but when I do they will create
a big aeniiatlon. " '
Special UmTncsH Meeting of tlio Utrectitrft
Hold nt Rock Inland Ytxterdnv.
nocic ISLAND , m. , NOV. i - < speciai
Telegram. ) A special meeting1 of the dl-
irectors of the Western Base Dull association
was held at the. Harper house today. These
present were : President Dave Ttowe , T , F.
McVlttle , Omaha ; Treasurer W. W. ICent ,
Dan 13. Plerson , ArthurTJlack , Jacksonville ;
J. M. Savin , Qulnoy ; S. P. Frlck , Dea
Molnes ; T.3 , Hlckey. Lincoln : Charles B.
Flynn , Poorla ; Charles McHusth , John Ohl-
weller , C , C. Hughes , Rock Island. St.
Joseph was not represented , anil beingIn
arrears J300 , a telegram was sent to the
association In that city tn the effect that
unless the amount Is made good forth
with the city will be dropped from the
Western association. Hugh NIcol Is here
making1 a vigorous effort to haveHockford
substituted , and Sioux City and Denver
are also applicants for places.
The odlclal standing of the clubs in the.
race of ' 94 li shown by Secretary Howe to be :
lloclc Island , TB5 ; .Peorla , G52 : Jacksonville ,
KM ; Lincoln , 6JU ; Omaha. 528 : St. Joseph ,
475 ; Des Molnes , 411 : Qulncy. SCO. The Rock
Islands were declared the champions and
formally awarded the pennant.
The season was shown to bo an exceed
ingly prosperous ono , and In view of this
fact the salary limit for 1895 was Increased
from J800 to $300 per month. It was deter
mined that hereafter no clubs shall occupy
a parto In grounds occupied by a fair or rac
ing association. Peorla and Qulncy will
both bo affected by this decision , but will
Kntz of nock Island leads the league In
batting , with Thompson. oC Qulncy second
and Moron of Omaha third. Jones of Dea
Molnes lends In lidding , with McVey of
Omaha second and Lookabaugh of Lincoln
and Omaha third , Uenm of Peorla leads
the pitchers , Darnes oC Lincoln being second
and Whltehlll ot Omaha third.
Humors of lloat ICneo Iletween Ynlo anil
Oxford DrnlBit.
OXFORD. Nov. IS. Mr. Pitman , president
of the Oxford University Rawing club , says
there Is no foundation for the reports circu
lated In the United States that negotiations
are tn progress for an International elght-
oarcci boat lace between Oxford and Yale ,
Oxford , ho cays , has received no offers from
Yale for a. race between. Yale ami Oxford.
mid Oxford has rentulnty not sent a- challenge
lengeto Yale. Finally , Mr. Pitman Bays
Mr. Cook has not even visited Oxford and
nothing Li- known among the Oxford oars
men of his coming.
Mr. Pitman said that he regretted the
repetition of these rumors , as they distinctly-
tended to diminish the chnnos of n match
being made , llut It a challenge Is sent ,
or If Mr. Cook -does come to tins city fur
the purpose of negotiating fora race , the
matter will receive' the courteous attention
of OxfarU , _ _
llunrnrit forubi U f ivt llranrn.
CAMBRIDGE , Mass. , Nov. 15. Harvard
defeated Ilrown this afternoon IS to 0 In n
poorly played K me. The Harvard coachera
were utruld members of the Yal team were
present , though they could spot none , no
pitted n scrub team against Ilrown.
, lno I'm linn < iettini ( Ontvn.
SAN ANTONIO. Tex Nov. 15-Joe PatoU-
en , driven by Jack Curry over n half mile
track , broke the world's 2-year-olit naclns
record. He went the half In 1:03. the three-
quarters in 1:3CT $ nml the mile In S.03 liar.
Htiil Tr.icf.r mill OCT.
ST. JXJUIS. Nov. 15.-NeKOtIatlons for u
ix-rounil fleht between Danny Needham.
and Tom Trncoy , before the Triangle club
of Chicago , next Monday evening , have
fallen through. It la probable that they
will box a limited number of rounds within
100 miles of St. Louis.
Dstr.iss : ,
Warm Work by the Wlranl Fall * to Cot
Dotrii the Nnpoloon' * Load.
NEW YORK , Nov. 15-When play was
resumed tonight between Ives and Schnef-
fcr In the balk line contest at the Madison
Baunre concert hall play stood : Ives , 1,800 ;
Schacffcr , 1,082. Ives had the cue. Nothing
much was done for several Innings. Then
Ives warmed up and got In eighty-one toy
good nursing. SchaefCer then put the balls
In the left hand top corner , and playing
the anchor shot from time to time pcorud
seventy-live , when he brought the red out
and hod to play for position. At eighty
he got them together again and ran to
ninety-eight , when on two open shdts he
scoted his century amid applause. At 105
the Wizard had the balln tn the right hand
top corner , where his 150ns scored. A
Httlo moro nil around pluy and again
Schacffer had the balls In the right top
corner , and after a few moments he brought
up his second century and was loudly ut .
plauded. When ho reached 225 and passed
Ives' highest break , enthusiastic applause
greeted his performance. At 241 a dllllcult
draw and a. masse brought down the house ,
but he missed at 211 , the score being :
Bchaeffer , 1.3G2 ; Ives , 1,887. Ives scored very
rap'dly ' , and by masterly play scored 100
and continued his break. His play was
mainly of an all around character and some
of hla cushion caroms and draws were won
derful. He reached 177 , when he broke
down on a plain bank. The Wizard scored
thirty-four , when he missed one of tne
easiest cushion shots. Ives , who had thus
two good chances , again proceeded to In
crease his lend , but fell down at forty-nine
over a dllllcult three-cushion stroke. Jake ,
by good open play , got the bnllq together.
With the aid of the "anchor" from time to
time In the lower right hand corner , he
parsed the 100. At 141) ) he fell down on n
dltllcult follow , with his score 1,561 , Ives ,
2,130. From then on nearly to the end of
the game the runs were small. Sclmeffer
had a good chance to win out after a run
of 117 on his last Inlng , but he
fell down on a ilHHcult two-cushion
carom. Ives then ran out. Sclmef
fer scored 711 during the evening , ns ngalnst
Ives' 600 , but left Ives with a lead of C07
points. Score tonight by Innings :
Ives-fi , 81 , 0 , 0 , 17 , 177 , 49 , 59 , 118 , 3 , 22 , 58 ,
SchaelTer-28 , C , 21 * . 16 , 51 , 119 , 62 , 43 , 7 , 104 ,
highest runs : Schaeffer. 214 ; Ives , 177.
Averages : Schaeffer , 5 9-13 ; Ives , 42 6-7.
Total score : Ives , 2,400 ; Schaeffef , 1,703 ,
Ornnd average : Schaeffer , 36 39-49 ; Ives ,
48 4843 ,
Only Twa Fuvnrlces Miow First nt the Wlro
In I'lvo Knee * .
SAN FRANCISCO , Nov. IS. Only two
favorites , Mollie R and Jim Flood , won
today. Other winners were long shots. Sum
mary :
First race , live furlongs , selling , 2-year-
olds : Mollie R , 106 , Carr ( even ) , won ; Vigor ,
113 , Covlngtou (6 to 1) ) , second ; Terra Nova ,
101. Jackson (100 ( to 1) ) . third. Time : 1:01 : % .
Mabel T , Churea , Outright , Hanford , Skee-
dance , Gus Strauss , Hueneme , Alcyon , Miss
Ruth and Dolly L , filly , also ran.
Second race , about six furlongs , maidens :
.Tim Flood. 85 , R. Isom (4 ( to 5) ) , won ; May
McCarthy , 107 , Fljnn (6 ( to 1) ) , second ; Clara
D , colt , 105. Weber (3 ( to 1) ) . third. Time :
1:11. Borcnldlne , Oovla. colt , Umma and
Chlqua also ran.
Third race , cne mile , handicap : Broad-
Head , 97 , Carr (2 ( to 1) ) . won ; Pescador , 115 ,
Combs (10 ( to 1) ) , second ; Gllead. 108. Cheva
lier (8 to 51 , third. Time : 1:41 : % . Sir Reel
and Duke Stevens also ran.
Fourth race , steeplechase , mile and a half :
GuuiUloupe , 142 , Madden (6 ( to 1) ) , won ; Kl-
dorado , 131 , Stanford ( even ) second : The
Coon. HI. Cairns 02 to 1) , third. Time :
& ; 22 % , SlnbiUl , Cy Moor and CUchara' also
ran.Fifth race , six furlongs , selling : Molor ,
10J , Helnrlchs (12 ( to 1) ) won ; Jack Richelieu ,
110 , Carr (3 ( to 1) ) . second ; Pasha , 109 , Weber
(8 ( to 1) ) , third. Time : 1:14V5Niapara , Obc ,
Charles A , Seaside , Jennie Dem , Navy Blue
and Sam Lucas also ran.
I.nto Kunciiroo t'lmniplnn Agnlii Kites Off
Moro Thau He Cnultl Cliovv.
CHICAGONov. ; . 15. Jim Hall failed to
night In his endeavor to put out Henry
Baker ot Milwaukee and Bill Woods of
Denver In four rounds each. Fully 6,000
people assembled at-Tsttersalls1 to see both
exhibitions. Trie 'first round In the' Hall-
Baker match was principally devoted by
tha men to "slzlngr each other up , " al
though towards the close Hall hit Baker
quite freely. In the second round Baker
led wildly , but when Hall got bock at him
he received several blows which left him
badly winded. In the third Hall landed on
Baker's face as he pleased , but did not
seem disposed to push things. In the fourth
round Baker started In to rush Hall , but
was quickly stopped with a. hard right and
left. Hall could seemingly have knocked
him out had he followed him. However ,
a" * Baker was on his feet at the end of
the round , he was declared winner. Hall
complained that hls stomach was weak , and
he was unable to exert his full strength.
Hall knocked Billy Woods down In the
first , but Woods saved himself by clinch
ing at every opportunity. He repeated
these tactics throughout the fight , and
managed to stay the four rounds.
htolnlli Wins First I'rlxe , with a Very
NDW YORK , Nov , 15. The chess mas
ters' tournament was finished ; today when
Stelnltz took first prize. Albln was placed
second and Showalter and Hymes divided
third and fourth prizes. The games In the
final round resulted as follows : Plllsbury
against Stetnltz , queen's gambit , thirty-
seven moves , Stelnltz won ; Halpern ngalnst
Delmar , two knights' defense , fifty-five
moves. Delmjir won ; Dalrd against Albln ,
Ruy Lopez , twenty-two moves , Albin won ;
Rocamora against Byrnes , 6 k b 4 , thirty
moves , Hymes won ; Hanham against She
walter , Gulcco- piano , thirty-nine moves ,
Showalter won.
Following Is the full score of games :
* WonJ..ost.i Won. Lost.
W. Stelnlts , . . 8M : W,3. Halpern. . . . 4 8
A. Albln . 6Hs 3V6MSI. . Hanham 4 6
N. Hymes. . . . G 4 R. Rccamora. 4 G
J. Showalter. 6 4 ID , C. llalrd. . 3 7
K. Delmar. . . . 5 5 [ Jasnogrodsky. 3 7
II. Plllsbury. . 5 S \ _
Cralghtim Un > rer Uy , linl > ist Council Illiifr' .
The Crelghton university eleven defeated
a team composed of High school and AVest
Omaha players yesterday afternoon by a
score of 14 to 0. The Crclghton university
will play Council Bluffs High school at Y.
M. C. A. park Saturday nf let noon at 3:30. :
This will be the third and decisive game
between these two team * . The first , which
was played last Thanksgiving , resulted In
a draw , neither side maklnir a touchdown.
The second , played three weeks ago. was
won by Council Blurts by a score ot b to 0.
The teams will line up as follows :
C. TJ. Position. C. B.H. S.
Leahv Left end Avlesworth
Dougherty L fc tackle. . . . . . Maiehouse
Gannon Left guard Aitheon
Whalen Center Blanchaia
Connolly Right guard Zinc
Colgnn Hlcht tackle Knu-c
Davis . .Right end Kverett
Houser ( Capt. ) Uuniter GIasin :
Morgan Right half Mathers
Gllmorc Lett half Dyai-
Welch Full back. . .Sawyer ( Capt. )
Substitutes : Crelghton , Stewart. Lyman ,
Bowes and Burke ; Council Bluffs , Zinc ,
Whlster , Pontius end Bradley.
Klrliirinnnn the Champion.
CHICAGO , Nov. 15. The shoot for the
wing- championship of the United State *
came off this afternoon at Burnslde. The
winner was Q. Klelnemann of Chicago , who
scared 91 out of a possible 100. The other
ocores'were as follows : Brewer , 89 ; Dr.
Carver , ! G ; Grimm. 5 ; Rtbilns , 50 ; Blngnam ,
61 ; Elliott. G7 : Budd. 47.
iludd. Rabbins , Blncham and Elliott
dropped out of the contest , owing to the
high wind. The match between Brewer and
Elliott , which was to have come oft to
morrow , has fallen through.
Morals Pointed by Iho Upheaval that Ovor-
tooi the Democrats ,
J -
Anticipates n llrlglitcnlnc Up of Condition *
In Time rornbplrltod I'roslilctitliU Con-
to t wUHAcTj l J Stovciimm HeaU-
IIIR the Ouiiiucnitlu ticket.
NEW YORK , Nov. 1C. Senator Drlce , who
Is In the cly { , has been Interviewed regard-
tug tko political situation. He Bald : "The
democratic party was defeated because ot the
bard times. The question was not so much
a tariff Issue as a great many people are led
to think. The people all over the country ex
pected that the party In power would bring
better times , and when those times did not
materialize , they turned their ballots against
them. The same cause defeated Harrison two
years ago. When prosperity languishes the
people blame the party In power as the cause
of It or at least as being able to restore the
normal condition ot affairs. Dut I think that
things will brighten up so that wo will have
a decidedly spirited contest. "
"Who do you think will bo the next presi
dential candidate on the democratic ticket ,
and will Cleveland run for n third term ? "
"The next democratic candidate to run for
the presidency will bo Adlal E. Stevenson ,
and ho will have the united support of all
factions of his party. Ho Is the logical can
didate , and he comes from a state which can
bo carried by the democrats with his name
leading the presidential ticket. He Is the
best man we can take. I do not think that
the party would make a mistake. The elec
tion ot last Tuesday settled the fate ot sev
eral prospective candidates , and I am more
than ever convinced now that Adlal E.
Stevenson Is our man. As for Mr. Cleveland
running for a third term all that kind of talk ,
Is twaddle. "
Dlrnrrn the 1'ollce from Politics.
NEW YOUK. Nov. 15. At .the meeting
today of the Board of Trade and Transpor
tation this resolution was passed :
Resolved , That the New Board of Trade
and Transportation believes the police force
of the city of New York should be divorced
from all political control and that It should
be constituted on some such basts as the
nrmy of the United Suites , or the militia
of the state of New York , with a com-
mander-ln-chlef and all grades of officers ,
who shall rise from the ranks ; that pro
vision should be made for court-martial and
for appointments to the force by the strict
est civil seivlce rules , with provision for
promotions linked on a civil service exam
ination , and this according1 to the worth
of the applicant. _
ItrpulillntiiH Ciinjr Ir.\ery till lie In Oklnhoma.
GUTimiE , Okl. , Nov. 15. The official re
turns of the recent election In the territory
are now In. Fljnn , republican , for dele
gate to congress , has 4,100 over Ueauinont ,
populist , and "KMBQiver Wlsby , democrat.
The legislature iwll stand : House , twenty
republicans , fourJpopulists and two demo
crats ; councU.ttfu republicans , two popu
lists and one democrat. The governor had
gerrymandered the district to suit himself.
and appears to have about gerrymandered
his party out ot existence. The democrats
carried one county ( Hoger aillls ) and the
populists three ( Payne , CIe\ eland ami Pot-
tawnttarnle ) . All the rest are solidly re
publican. _
i'msldcnt IliirrlHimVt Ciingnttiilntlmia.
BA1.TWIOHE..NPV . 15 , ThftJoHpwInfiJeJt-
ter explains l&el ; ; . , „ . . „ .
"INDIANAPOLIS , Ind. . Nov.9. . aer.eraJ
Felix Agnus , njaltimore , Md. MyiJJepr Gen
eral : I beg to congratulate Urt republlcaps >
of Maryland upon the magnificent results at
tained in that state , . The- victory has baen
so great that language Is pauperized and
every Illustration we havej been tyout to use
as a. type of disaster falls to serve Jn the faca
or thesis overwhelming overthrows < of-thmo4 :
cratle policies. Yours very truly ,
s , _ _ _ _ . _ _ * t
Ts-Stuto Soimtor ' . '
O'.Mulio > Surrender * .
CHICAGO , Nov. 15. Ex-State Senator
John O'MaIIey for whom the
> .RoHce have
been searchingslnco the night of the' ' elec
tion , surrrendered himself today. O'Mal-
ley is charged with having wdunded a bar
tender and cab driver , and was also wanted
for alleged complicity in the murder of
Gus Colliander , the Judge of elections , who
was killed while resisting an attempt to
steal a ballot box. O'Malley denies that he
had anything to do with the ballot box theft.
Democrats Will Content.
HUNTINGTON , W. . Va. , Nov. 15 , The re
sult of the recent election In this ( Cubcll )
and Wayne counties , Is to bo contested , and
will probably elect four democratic legislators
Instead of four republicans , as heretofore
Cuduliy Packing riant Damaged by Flro to
tlu i.xlunc of Ttiouvuiul llolliirn.
Fire' broke out In the1 boiler room of the
hog killing department at the Cudahy packIng -
Ing house yesterday afternoon about 1 o'clock ,
but was extinguished before doing a .great
amount of damage- . The Ore Is attributed
to friction In the freight elevator near the
roof. The boiler room Is a one-story structure.
It stands to the east and south ot the hog
killing- and cutting departments. Tom Kel-
ley. foreman In .the cutting room , turned In
an alarm , and laa few minutes there were
at least a , dozen alarms sent Into the A. D.
T. office. One of the specials also pulled
the general alarm and called the Omaha fire
men. . who arrived shortly attar the South
Omaha department reached the scene.
Tha firemen from the Omaha Pack
ing company aho made a coupling ,
and In a very short time there wore
thirty streams of water playsng on the fire.
The water pressure was weak , but ai the
structure where the Ore was raging was
only one-story high It was easily controlled.
There Is a thick fire wall on all sides of
the boiler house , and this kept the fire from
spreading. AH the , workman In the plant
turned out and , worked faltnrully until the
fire Wits under'control. . The loss Is esti
mated. at from $2.500 to $3,000 , covered by
Insurance. ,
A Viwtirr Il
The resignation of Her. Thomas Stephenson
as pastor of the First Baptist church , which
was tendered -August , was accepted with
great reluctan < ijr.-by the church members
Wednesday n'ghbd-Thls action was taken
after due consideration. In view ot taking up
work In connentloQi with the Baptist Home
Mission socIety.nltMwhlch Rev , Stephenson Is
already engageil * j I
City > 'ote .
George. Man8trvf.rie ? fs reported as being
dangerously slclf. '
John Storack fsumder arrest on the charge
of assaulting. C.v-J.o Free man In a caloon on
Railroad avenu.frt , i- >
riRsmussen , tltwsniallpox patient , Is said
to bo getting alone tivell , No new cases have
developed as ycttil L
Owing to some IrregularUte * the garbage
ordinance , as pit'istdiby the council last Mon
day night , has not been signed. A new ono
will be sprung" } Jtlio next meeting.
W ISE ONES are making .their selec
tion now while our assortment of
Christmas Jewelry is complete.
We lay aside such purchases for
those who are responsible.
There la Httlo to IMJ said that has not been
sad ( of "Tho County Fair , " Nell Burgess *
faithful picture of Now England life , which
carried one back to childhood lait night at
Doyd's theater. The tccnt of the country
permeates the play and nils the nostrils with
an aroma ot simple pleasures , of loves , ot
duties well performed ; In a.word , the dear
delights which are so Inseparably associated
with that part of the republic which gave to
history the pioneers of a now civilization
erected upon a stern and rock-bound coast.
The play has preached Its lessons of holy
living to thousands of theater-goers , and Itself
Is an Idyl In l simplicity , appealing Irre
sistibly to the hearts of these who have fol
lowed the varying fortunes of the m&n and
women who make the storr very real and
very natural , As great dramas go , it would
hardly stand a cruclcal test It placed along
side the works of Mollere , Sardou , Ibsen or
our own I3ronson Howard , but as a New
England character sketch , with just enough
story to make It Interesting , "The County
Fair" has a place quite as prominent In the
history of the stage as the plays that go
thundering down the ages , remarkable In
the treatment or great social problems. In the
handling ot strong emotions and still stronger
human passions.
The company Is excellently balanced , MUs
Marie Dates playing the leading role of
Abigail True- with all her old-time versatility ,
bringing to the part excellent stage training
and a knowledge of stage business abso
lutely essential In the development of a typo |
by no means rare either In 'Now England or.
the mlddlo states. Otis Tucker Is In the
very competent hands of J. Lo Braso , who
Injects a great deal ot genuine humor In the
character , which Is a companion piece to
Uncle Josh of the "Old Homestead. " F.
Leiden , as Old Hammerhead , the miserly
deacon and the villain ot the play , It such
ho ctln be denominated , was entirely satis
factory , while II. H. Wlnchell plays the
juvenile part of Joel Dartlett with excellent
discrimination. Miss Ella Salisbury makes
a loveable Sally Greenaway , playing the same
part with which she has been Identified for
years , whileTapgs , the waif , la given a very
strong representation by Kiltie' Deck , who
was seen hero a season or so ago In the
J'Voodoo. " She Is a bright bit of femininity
dances- well and plays the soubrct part with
Intelligence. The play Is well mounted , the
race as exciting as ever , and the mortgage
DU the farm 1 lifted by the dexterity of
Cold Molasses In throwing dust la the eyes
ot his competitors for the big purse hung
up by "The County Fair. "
Co ml Hi ? Attractions.
Few subjects present a more fruitful Held
to the. dramatist than the balmy lifeof the
south , with Its diverse- types of character ,
and where extraordinary events ot high
dramatic value Impassible In any other en
vironment are of everyday occurrence. it
Is this life that the author has endeavored
to depict In "On the Swanee River , " the
southern comedy-drama In which Marie
Wellesley will be seen In the principal role
at the Fifteenth Street theater for the week
of November 18 , beginning Sunday matinee.
A short synopsis of this play Is that General -
oral Ualton , a once- wealthy ex-confederate-
officer , meeting with financial reverses. Is
compelled to mortgage his old plantation tea
a miserly old money lender , and Is to medt
the mortgage at a given hour on a certain
day. General Dalton returns with the money
In time to pay the debt , but Is struck from
behind and Instantly killed by the miser.
The son of General Dalton witnesses tile
murder and after a struggle Is knocked
senseless and upon recovery his reason Is de
prived It I in by the blow , leaving him a help- ;
losrvlmlf-wlt , with Jia memory of the past.
i TJieremaining , acts of the play show how
the daughter of the murdered man Is stricken
Mind from the effects of a severe attack of
'brain fever , Into which she Is thrown by the
death , of her fatljer. The aunt , an ad
venturess , schemes , with the miser for the-
p'ossesslon ot the dead man's property , but
she Is oul itled by Major Barlow , an old
friend oMffehcral Dalfom a West Polrit'iia'det ,
.and. the. faithful old" nSefQ aunt. Deborah , jvho
Ts " < " 'DaltQr ' fc
aservant of "Massa
The theater-going public of Omaha will 're- '
me.mbVr the successful engagement of the
realistic southern drama. "Old Kentucky. "
"On the Swanee River" bears a striking
similarity to this drama. Like "Old
Kentucky. " they carry a pickaninny band ot
fourteen Uttlc darkles , who come forward la
songs and dances. They also carry a car
load of special scenery anil the famous Mng
nolla quartet , and present a realistic repre
dentation of life In the > aunny eoutli. The
company la a good otic.
Coming to Uoyd'0 on Sunday next , Novcm
her 18 , for nn engagement covering- two
nights , Is Pauline Hall and her superb com
pany , who will present for the first ttmo In
this city the new operatic comedy , "Dor
cas , " the author of which Is Harry 1'aulton
made famous by his brilliant work as the
composer of "Krmlnlc. "
"Dorcas , " which Is In three nets , combines
the pleasing qualities ot bath an operatic am
dramatic entertainment , as It Is replete wit )
bright , parkllng and pretty music , all o
which are In strict keeping with Us brilliant
comedy llnca.
"Dorcas , " the Idea of which Is taken from
an old German comedy , takes place during
the aoventeenth century. In writing this
comedy Mr. 1'aulton has taken the Idea only
as for filling out of the details of the story
he has relied upon his own Imagination.
Miss Hall Is called upon during the action
ot "Dorcas" to appear In three distinct char
acters. In the ilrst place as a Jolly young
peddler boy , then as Dorcas , the wife of the
\Jllago Inn-keeper , and lastly In her true
character of Lady Itanorla.
.Not content with her own personal popu
larity and drawing powers , Mtsa Hall h.ia en
gaged as strong company as possible , com
prising as It does such we.ll known artists as
Jcannotto St. Hnnry. Kate Davis. William
Uroderlck , J. Aldrich Llbbey , Charles H.
Dradshaw , etc. The sale" " ot seats will open
at 9 o'clock tomorrow.
Frank Murray , the advance manager ol
the American Extravaganza company , which
will present "Aladdin , Jr. ( " at Hoyd's theater
the last half of next week , has , with his as
sistant , taken possession of the offices and
the advertising department ot Manager
Doyd's theater. Speaking of the new bal
let In "Aladdin , Jr : , " Mr. Murray said last
night : "The two premier dnnsueses In
'Aladdin , Jr. , ' cannot , I am sure , be excelled
on any of the stages ot the London and I'arls
theaters. It Is surely unnecessary to tell
the patrons ot IJoyd's theater anything about
Martha Irmler , who has been with the Amer
ican Extravaganza company for three years ,
and who Is as great a favorite herean she
Is everywhere else. The new premier. Mile.
Catherine Bartho , who will make her first
appearance In Omaha on the opening night
of 'Aladdin , Jr. , ' was engaged by Mr. Hender
son directly from the Imperial theater , Mos
cow , She Is certainly thd finest ballet dancer
seen In Russia for many years. Irnlter and
Bartho dancing together , en oh moving to the
same measure , gliding and floating about ,
just alike. Is a picture that Is not soon for
gotten. "
StMRO WliUpnn ,
"Tho Coming Woman" Is.thp nnmo of anew
now play ut the Fifth Avenue.
James O'Neill Is playing anew romantic
drama entitled "Don Carlos de Seville , " by
Eugene Fellner.
Mr. Paur has received an Invitation to
conduct a festival orchestra for the Llszt-
Vercln of Leipzig In June. ,
Miss Rose Coghlan has accepted a new
emotional play called "Nemesis , " With which
she will probably open her engagement at
the Star thcatrr on December 30.
' ' 'A ' Milk White FlnR. " has settled down
at Hoyt's cosy theater for a long run am ] Is
likely to break records. The fiftieth per
formance takes place on November 2C.
2. E. Rice has found a gfild mine of pos
sibilities In the plot of "Llttlo Christopher
Columbus" ami la "working" It for a second
" 1492. " It is a new and-'brlghter piece every
Lottie Collins appeared , at ther Grand opera
house In "The Fair Equestrienne" and "Tho
pevll Bird , " apd proved , to the satisfaction
of a big audience that she Is a very clever
farceur. ' - *
A girl on' dishabille , bidding good night
td her pug dog and ! white kitten , formed a
very -pretty domestic tableau called ' 'Retir '
ing" tn tliB living se-rtea at ono of the New
York theaters. .
Nat Roth has a new opera called "Brains"
under consideration , with a" view to having
Delia Fox appear In the principal rolo. The
libretto Is by Katherinc Stagg and tliq rnuslc
by Emma R. Stelner * , , . . . r
The steamship Augusta Victoria , from
Genoa , brought several ot the singers en
gaged by Messrs. Abbey , Schoeffcl & Gran
for the next season of grand oppra. Among
them- are Mme. Libia Dreg , Mrne. Eugenia
Mantolll. Signer G. Russltano , Signer Roberto
Vanni , Signer Maurlzlo Beneaude. Signer
Alfonso Marlanl , Slgnor Agostlno Carbone ,
Slgnor Lentatl and forty of the chorus.
Cor * ijlh and Douglas Sts ,
A Cold Wave-
We can't , control the cold wave business
But we do control the Ulster Business
Men's Boys'
Ulsters. Ulsters-
-S5- -$5-
In every known in endless variety
cloth or color and at the above
with big collars prices are gunran-
and peed and long. loud to aavo you
We don'trosk more the moit money of
than half price. your Hfo.
Ulsters- $3-$3.50-$4-$5
The little fellows' mammas are saved from $3 to
$5 on every ulster bought of us tomorrow.
Whatever the lowest prices are u-e make them.
ICth nnd Farrmm. I" 3
Friday , November IGth , 1894 ,
Wewant a thousand
of you to see how pas-
simentaries are manu
factured in France , It
will be of much inter
est to you if any of you
are contemplating
starting an industry in
Omaha for the manu
facture of these goods.
Come anyway you'll
be pleased to see in our
South 16th street win
dow a French artist
engaged in manufact
uring passimentaries
and as she comes di
rect fro n Paris she
shows the latest ideas.
She will make collar
ettes , dress trimmings
and all of the Parisian
novelties--can be seen
in our window today
tomorrow , too 1O to
12 and 3 to 8 o'clock.
Right of main nlsle.
A special effort to please you nt this coun
ter we'll pleasa- you by showing the most
complete line In this or any other western
city and we'll please you again with th
prices. All of our line of Passlmcntarles , as
well oa all other fancy dress trimmings , and
the goods made by our artist , will be priced
to you cheaper than you'll expect them.
We don't have relics
or curiosities at this
counter but choice ,
fresh , stylish things
from both continents ,
Special designs will be
rnade , tor any one de
siring them.
Six little things , but
good :
French perfumes , Including crab apple. 20 <
peij ounce. .
Hooks and eyes , Ic per card.
Ammonia , large bottle , lie.
Crochet cotton , 3c.
Talcum tooth ponder. 12c.
English tooth ponder , 17c.
A speeiolpurehase ql
3 cases of Japanese tea
pots enables us to offer
a large size blue owan
tea pot with strainer in
side tomorrow for'24c
they are sold every
where at 4Oc.
Please understand
that when we give you
notable news it is , , ifo-
tab 1 p ; ne ws , , The rusual
way is to say that these
tea pots are worth 9Oc
- which isn't true'-- ,
we're aching to tell
you some more news ;
no room in the paper.
We'll say some more
Just received Extra
heavy astrachan for
capes and cloaks , 82
inches wide , $2.78 yd.
inth and Farnarc
, 15
rnEsnNTiNa ma succussFtm rt\\
The County Fair
No Dead Heats ! No Muddy Trucks !
Sec Cold Mohiascs win the race !
Usual prlcos. Silo : of seats opens Wednesday ,
Rrvvivcal a JV/WIT.S owr.v ,
JO\Jf Jt JL O | sun , & nti.v. , M > V. IH-IO.
Tlie i'avoi Ito Qucfn of Comlo Optra.
And her Brilliant Associates ;
ivumplto St. Ilcury , K.Uo U.ivltt ,
C.itu Tr.iym- Win. UroUerlplc.
J. AMrtdi Llbbt y , ChaH. H. Ih-udxliaw ,
Chun. llc > or. Downing Cl.irka ,
nnu oilier * ,
Presenting the now opor.illo comedy nucceso ,
By 1IA1UIY PATH/TON ( .iiithor ot Ermliile ) and
Itox nhcets open Saturday. Prices ZBc , 50o,75a
Telephone 1531.
"Great Successl" TONIGHT.
-Albiri's London E-npire Entertainors-30
The IClnir A T."RTTOT The
of Cards xlJJJDiXMA Incouiuttrlblo
' Telephone 1631. Week of N iv. 18.
Couimpnclnu wild Simtlnr Matlneo ,
71m now CumeJjr Urania
A picture otHoutliernlltobyafitnmUirdcompany
Introducing tlio I'lcktnliuiy Uand ilajnolla
vit toO to'8,000 ' rM iiT -
Writ e forEank Reference ! .
Jo Operation , No Detention from Business ,
307 and 208 Xevr Vorlc UI blJc.