Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 15, 1894, Page 5, Image 5

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Ca.mpa.ign of the Corporation Candidate.
f. . inn , , - - .
. .
Aurora Republican : Alt h II can't do-
lea t Tom Majors.
M nden Gazette : Rosewater has made an
HSR of himself In the course he luu pursued
And Is pursuing.
Madison Chronicle : Rosey la for Judge
llolcrmb for governor. The judge should
devoutly pray , "Lord , save mo from my
friends. "
Alnsworth Star-Journal : Our adviceto E.
llotewatcr Is to get out of the woods himself
licforo trying to scare decent folks with his
licar stories.
Wahoo Wasp ; The next governor of Ne-
liraska wears a hickory shirt. Rosewater
forced the nomination ot Holcomb , but he
can't force his election.
Wahoo Wasp : The only thine under the
Bun that can defeat Tom Majors Is the un
qualified support of Rosewater and his black
mailing machine , The Omaha Bee.
Krlpnd Telegraph ; From the standpoint
of tli rePgiolis paper the best plan for The
Dee to defeat Tom Majors would bo to give
that gentleman Its undivided support.
Midlson Chronicle : Rosey says "Let us
rebuke Tom Majors now and In 1896 wo will
liove a glorious republican victory. " The
republican party has gone Into the rebuking
business all right , but his name Is not Tom
Majors. It Is one n. Rosewater.
Waco World : Rosewater's resignation and
the letter that accompanied It appear to
furnish pretty hot copy for pop papers.
Judge Maxwell's letter to The Bee last fall
did the same thing , but do you remember
the voice of the ballot box , my dear ?
Beatrice Express : It Is natural to sup-
pe30 that the editor of The Omaha Bee Is
carry enough by this time that he made
the bad break ot challenging Majors to a
church tr al. Thta unheard of and Insane
propo3ltl u has mi\Jo him the object of uni
versal rld'cule.
State Journal : Mr. E. Jonah Rosewater
Is getting a good deal more attention from
Bumlry republican editors than the occasion
Justifies , Rosey has got his dose at last , and
the Inscription over the hole he made In the
vaUr shr.uld bo "II. I. P. , " which being In
terpreted reads , "Let him rip. "
lleatrlca Express : We hear a great deal
obiut Mr. Rosewater during this campaign ,
liut we'll never hear much of him after this
year. With the election of Majors ho will
liavo rci-ched the end ot his rope for good
und all ; and the election ot Majors Is as
certain as the coming of the assessor.
Wahoo Wasp : Tom Majors Is the one man
In this ntato who can and will rid the re
publican party of Its greatest enemy. Rose-
watcrlsm , nnd the rallying cry that has Just
ticgun for him will sweep over the state and
lirlng &uch a grand republican victory
that the whole notion will rejoice as one
iMifJocfc Tribune : The potentiality of
Colonel EiT Rosewater's pull will not be fully
Icnown until after the fall election , and we
will be In suspense- till then as to whether
wo will mlbs him or not. Wo have come
slight misgiving the demonstration at the
etato convention would never have been given
an inconsiderable factor.
Alnsworth Star-Journal : The Omaha Bee
lias opened Its batteries upon Tom Majors.
This would tie unbearable were It not for the
lucky fact that Majors Is able to fortify him
self behind the recent legislative Investigat
ing committee's olaclal report , which alleges
that , the person who does much ot the writ
ing tor The Bee Is Intellectually and morally
Irreponslbte for his uttcran.ce.
Sioux County -Journal : There is one thing
of which the readers ot The Omaha Bee are
certain , and that ts that Rosewatcr wantc
Tom Majors to bo the next governor ot Ne
braska. It Is about as certain as death and
taxoi that whoever The Bee fights will be
chosen and elected by the republicans. The
light of Rosewater Is making more friends
for Majors than anything else ,
Ojceola Record : Judge Holcomb is "hoo
dooed. " and the best kind of a rabbit's left
hlndfoot , killed In a graveyard at midnight ,
etc. , will not save him. First , he Is runnint
on the populist ticket. That would kill on ;
man politically. Second , ho was nominated
on Friday. Just think ot that. If he did
happen to survive the first this would catcl
him. Third , and this does settle it. Thi
Omaha Bee ts making a personal fight ot
Hotcomb'a opponent.
Kearney Hub : In Tom Majors' speech al
Omaha a few evenings since he assured hli
hearers that ho would be elected , und that hi
would make the best governor Nebraska hai
over had. Ho also reminded his hearen
that when they should call at the otllco o
the next governor they wouldn't have to sent
their cards In on a platter , but they couU
walk right In and address him as plain Tom
At nrat blush this may seem a trifle egotistic
tut there Is no doubt that ho means ever ]
word of lf.
State Journal : No nomination made to :
ten years has created more enthusiasm amonj
the rank and ( lie ot the republican party ti
this state than that of Thomas J. Majors fo
the governorship. His personal followlni
la so largo as to bo an element of tremcndoui
strength In every township In the wholi
state. The vote by which * he will ba electc <
will show that the guerilla fightingdoni
against him has only Increased the zeal o
his friends and swelled the number of hi
ballots by several thousand.
Fremont Tribune : The republicans of Ne
braska were warned In two columns of spaci
In The Bee to beware ot nominating si
corrupt a man as Majors , and this Inclden
was referred to In Rosewator's letter resign
Ing his position as national commltteeman a
ono of his reasons for burning the brldgi
behind him. After Tom Majors had beci
nominated and after the Rosewatcr reslgna
tlon had been accepted with howling en
thuslasm by the state convention , Mr. Major
took the. platform and cut every Inch o
ground from under the little bushwhacker.
Bhelton Clipper : Rosewater would hav
proved hlmcolt the prince of hypocrites If h
bad supported Majors after the latter wa
nominated. He personally despises Major :
and he exerted himself to prevent the nom
Illation by saying all the despicable thing
lie dared , thinking the republican party woul
not nominate the man It did with Rosewate
lighting him. But Rosewaier was mistaken
and ha had to go to supporting Holcomb edie
die no one for governor. And It will prov
the greatest mistake ot Rosewater's life , fo
lie has lost his Influence and is greatly In
jurlng his business ,
Ansley Chronicle : There Is altogether to
much Btlr being manifested over Mr. Rose
water and The Bee on the nomination o
Mr , Majors as governor. . It Is the prlvlleg
of Mr. Rosewater to vote and work as h
pleases , and as editor ot The Bee he haa th
absolute right to dictate the policy of hi
paper. Any course Mr. Rose-water sees fit t
pursue should not In the least dlsconccr
republicans In the state , as It will have n
more effect on the general result In Novom
her than the opposition of any other on
man. Mr. Rosewater was never a power I
this state from any real merit In himself a
a party worker or organizer.
To Edward Rosewater : If expe
rlence Is wcrth anything you ought to be rlc
In knowledge. You ought to know that you
continued opposition to Majors Is almost cei
tain to bring a great victory for that cand
date , and It would seem that Itshould b
perfectly clear to yu that the "best metho
ot defeating Thomas Majors" would be fc
your newtpaprr to support him. We at
firmly convinced that Mr. Majors will b
elected ; that Is , so long as present condition
are undisturbed ; but should you decide t
advocite thla candidate' ! election we woul
hot haiard an old Iron nail on his electlor
Assuring you ot our mwt poignant coir
ml ratlon In this the hour ot your anilctlot
we have the honor to subscribe ourselve ;
your * respectfully , THE LINCOLN CALL.
Orleans Progress : Near the caster
borders ct this great state of Nebnuka. gome
where along tha banks of the Missouri rlvei
Is a town called Omaha. This town , BO rumc
< yi. U presided over by a little weezene. '
fc J Bohemian whosa name li Rosowatei
or Skunk Oil. we have forgotten which. I
Addition to being the self-constituted hoi
of , tha town and the World-Horald , this llttl
runs a paper called The DM. Thi
paper ban run along for a few years ostensi
bly a republican sheet , but particularly as a
medium through which Skunk Oil can vent
his spleen concerning all things outside of
Omaha which he cannot control. This fall
the republican party ot Nebraska , rightly
thinking It had a few rights of Its own In
which this gawed-off-and-hammered-down
little cusi could not dictate , nominated a
clean republican ticket , the head of which
Deems not to please the chunk of clay that
has been disgraced by the tenement within.
To obtain revenge for this "Insult" thrust
at the miniature jack , ho has turned his
head In an opposite direction and Is kicking
at that ticket like a bay mule. And the more
ho kicks the farther down and the less
effective are the Jars. His front feet are
on the sinking quicksands and a tow more
violent exertions will carry him beyond that
place where he could bo ot any benefit.
An lima 1'ropliet.
Council UlufTs Nonpareil , Aucust. M.
With every newspaper in Chicago op
posed to him except the Times , Carter Harrison
risen wns elected mayor of the World's fair
city by 11,000 majority. When the people
endorse a measure the newspaper that
seeks to turn the sentiment encounters 11
hopeless task. If Rosewnter defeats Majors
for governor In Nebraska It can be said
that The Omaha Bee Is more potential than
the republicans of that state.
A i'rninntiira Cliatt-Dancer.
Fremont Tribune.
New York has gone for Morton ,
A hundred thousand and more ,
Cleveland's out of politics ,
And Dave Hill is mighty sore.
The wave has struck Virginia.
Wilson struggled witha will ,
And this Is on his monument :
"Gone to answer for his bill. "
And out In young Nebraska ,
Where the pops have been on deck ,
You cannot find a trace of them ;
They were beaten by old "Speck. "
And even Colorado
Has got herself In shape ;
She's downed the dcmo-popull.
And beaten Governor Watte ,
It was a. famous victory.
From Maine to'Puget sound ,
U has taught the dcms a lesson ,
And has run the pops aground.
And oh , thou poor old Rosey !
And thy little stlngless Bee ;
You surely made a blunder.
And you have our sympathy.
So. here's to poor old Rosey ,
Who's In an awful fix ;
Henceforth ho may know better
And won't kick against the pricks.
Some Light Thrown on Unturns from West
ern Nebraska CounMct.
Congressman W. A. McKclghan and an
other prominent populist who was a candidate
for the legislature arrived In the city yester
day and brought with them the solution of an
election puzzle that has been the source ol
much work and worry on the part of political
statisticians. .
In all of the ante-election estimates It was
generally conceded that there would be a
falling off. In the number of votes In' some ol
the western counties of the state owing to the
exodus of drouth-stricken farmers from the
state. The returns , however , were a sur
prise to every one , except the manipulators
who were responsible for the result. In the
counties , where the biggestslump In vote !
was expected the returns showed a largo In
crease in the vote over last year. In the
town of. McCook , tor instance , more votat
were polled this year for Tom Majors than
were cast last year by the voters of all par
ties. In absence of any report ot a boom In
McCook or Red Willow county this vote wet
something of a puzzler to politicians whc
claimed to be well posted on the situation in
the state , but the explanation ot Mr. Me-
Kelghan's friend makes the matter plain r.i
That gentleman says that shortly before
election his party made a poll ot Willow
Qrovo precinct , which Includes the town ol
McCook , and verified the poll In sevsra
ways. The result ot the canvass was tin
listing ot 437 voters. The election return !
show , however , that 613 votes were polled It
that precinct. Speaking ot the cause for thi
remarkable Increase In the vote , he said :
"There are settlements all along the mail
line ot the B. & M. ot Russians and otlici
foreigners who live In dugouts on the Town
site company's lands. These people wen
colonized by the Burlington pluggora and vote.
In Dundy , Hitchcock , Red Willow , Furnas
Franklin , Harlan , Webster and Phelps coun
ties for the head of the republican ticket
There ts no question about this at all. It
McCook thirty-seven of the men were brough
to the polls at ono time. They could speal
but little English and answered all ot thi
questions ot the- election officials with , "Yaw
republican. " They were voted andmoved 01
to another precinct for the purpose ot golni
through the same performance again.
"Transportation was furnished to men win
had not lived In McCook for years , but the :
wore all brought back from all parts of tin
country to vote for Majors. Down at Indian
ola they hod a man In jail , but the Major :
men took him to the polls and voted him. Tin
judges asked him If he had lived In the pre
clnct the required number of days and he re
piled that he had not. They asked if he ha <
come Into the precinct with the Intention o
remaining and making It his permanent rest
dence. He replied that ho had not. but tha
he Intended to get out ot Indlanola Just a :
soon as he could get out of Jail , but the ]
swore , him In and voted him for Majors jus
the same.
"There waj another peculiar condition o
affairs at McCook. Some ot the B. & M
pluggers wanted to elect an Independon
candidate for county treasurer. They hai
Instructed the Russians and other Importa
tlons to vote for only the republican stat
ticket , and to provide agalnit them golni
too far , had sandwiched in the preclnc
ticket In the middle ot the county ballb
so as to bring the county treasurer am
county attorney below the precinct ticket
The Imported voters had been Instructed b
stop when they reached the precinct ticket
but they had ben so well drilled on the lin
portanco ot 'voting for everything markei
'republican' that many of them voted th
entire ticket , and came very near defeatlni
the railroad candidate for county treasurer. '
Congresiman McKelghan stated that he hai
a larger vote In every county In his dlstrlc
than ho had two years ago , and yet his opponent
ponont had a majority over him. He wa
certain that frauds had been practiced , bu
would make no specific charges until ho hai
taken time to make an analysis of the vet
In the counties In his district He had n
Idea of making a contest , but sliriply to un
earth any fraud that might exist in orde
to protect his friends In future elections.
i Cliargnil to Iiiveitlimt * Klootlou Fraud * .
i ST. I.OUIS , Nov. 14. When the Novcmbe
grand jury met today Judge Edmunds o
the criminal court delivered his charge , I
which he especially directed the nttcntlo
of that body to the allegations of briber
nnd wholesale frauds which It was pub
llcly asserted were committed during th
recent election. The charges allege tha
there have been violations of law In th
fraudulent registration of alleged voten
striking off the names of registered , quail
lied voters nnd In the appointment of judge
and clerks : thi't ' the judges and clerks 1
various precincts recelveu fraudulent vote !
rejected legal votes and made fraudulen
returns of the votes cast ; that the voter
were guilty of repeating. Intimidation an
other frauds , and that candidates for otllu
were guljty of bribery and other vloUtlon
ot law.
To Oppone 1'tttlfcrevr.
SIOUX FAI.JJ3. S. D. . Nov. 1C { Special
William Mclntyre of Watertofrn , thi
state , has announced himself as n candldat
for the United States senate , to succee
Hon. It V. Pettlgrew. The latter alrcad
has some eighty votes pledged , which place
Mr , Mclntyro'a chances almost beyond ho pi
Ilutlvr Will Vuta with tlitTltepubllrttni.
NEW YORK , Nov. II. A special to th
Evening Post from Raleigh. N. C. , Bayi
Marlon Butler the president ot the Nutlom
Farmers alliance , who la slated to succee
cnntor Ransom In the United States pen-
to utter March 4 next , Is reported an hav-
ng said he would vote with the republicans
n the organization ot the senate. If this
s BO thp republicans can count on both of
ortli Carolina's votes In the organization of
lie senate , ni the other to bo elected In
nnuary by the legislature to succeed Jar-
Is will bo a republican.
rnntorlat llnoim llcglnnlng to llattlo nnd
Hour In Lincoln.
LJNCOLN , Nov. U. ( Special. ) The scna-
orlal fight Is now wide open. Church Howe
eems to have a fairly well equipped scn-
torlal machine south ot the Plattc. That
: Is being most energetically worked for all
t U worth goes without saying. John M.
'hurston's forces In this locality are rallying
n good shape- . The bitter statement that he
acrlflced gubernatorial Interests north of the
latte In favor of the legislature Is now being
Igorously dented and combatted. Alt things
onsldcred , the senatorial situation up to
ate Is moat complicated. The B. & M.
rowd has started In to name the next sen-
tor , and propose to leave no means untried
o succeed. It la evident that there' must bo
largo number of concessions bcforo any
real headway can be made In the way of
For the position of warden of the penltcn-
lary there are at least two candidates fre-
, uently mentioned , James O'Shee , ono of the
Mermen ot the Lincoln council , and J. V.
Volfe , treasurer of the Independent executive
ommtttee. A person named Sheridan Is said
o have an eye on "the pen , " but his chances
ro considered decidedly microscopical.
A large number of early birds seeking some
me of the thirty odd petitions In the gift of
lovernor-elect Holcomb have discovered that
Iroken Bow is the place toward which they
hould wing their flight Instead of Lincoln ,
udge Holcomb has said that ho will proceed
o close up much of his legal buslnosa In the
arlous counties In his judicial district before
he resigns. H Is also reported that he will
'eslgn as soon as he can accomplish this and
xmrtcously penult Governor Crounsa to name
ils successor.
Mr. Henry C. Russell , newly elected commls-
loner of public lands and buildings , Is here
ooklng up a residence in which to move at
an early day. He , too , Is being dally sub-
ected to Importunities of a horde of petty
ilaco hunters. The story that ho proposes to
males a clean sweep In his office has , doubt-
ess , greatly accelerated this onslaught.
Returns from counties known to be favor-
iblo to Judge Holcomb are very slow In coni
ng Into the ofllca of the secretary of state.
This evening there had been received returns
.om but sixty-seven counties , leaving twen'y-
hreo to hear from. Most of these counties
ire north of the Platte , and ore known to
iave given Holcomb good pluralities. The
rounty clerk of Phelps county has corrected
ils error and forwarded a new return to the
secretory of state. The vote Is now tabu-
ated : Holcomb , 1,136 ; Majors , 840.
There Is now considerable talk wafted Into
republican headquarters , now centralized at
the capltol , concerning a probable election
contest to be brought by Dougherty against
< em In the Sixth district. It Is claimed by
3augherty that Kern's name was on the
: lcket twice , and that the name was marked
.wlco with crosses on a sufficient number of
ilckets to have turned the scale In favor of
At Independent headquarters they have
been figuring on the present strength of the
pops In this state. They claim United States
Senator William V , Allen. Governor Silas A.
Holcomb , congressman from the Sixth Dis
trict O. M. Kem , Supreme Court Commis
sioner John M. Regan , Mayor II. W. Weir ,
Lincoln , 350 county offices , nine state senators
and twenty-one members of the 'home.
IJnnsaa City I'tipor * Allege the Democrats
Did Some Lively Counting.
KANSAS CITY , Nov. 14. Tho. Star , inde
pendent , and the Journal , republican , continue
today the publication ot sensational articles ,
charging the election of J. H. Bremmerman ,
democrat , for prosecuting attorney , and J.
B. Keshlear , democrat , for county marshal ,
ia been stolen. To Mr. Bremmerman's re-
ily that he could' not question the honor ol
its party by declining the office , and that the
charges , were , general , the Star submits seven
specific charges.
Seven precincts of the city are named , In
: ach ot which , the paper alleges , that a num
ber of votes , sufficient to change the result ,
were deliberately transferred from the col
umn occupied by Jainteson , republican , to
that of Bremmerman. Attention is called
to 1lio fact that for all candidates , excepting
Sloan , republican , for county marshal , the
official vote tallies exactly with the vote an
nounced by precincts by the recorder of votes.
It Is pointed out as a remarkable fact that the
official count changes Sloane's vote only In
two precincts , and that these changes , like
Bremmerman , are also just sufficient to over
come Sloane's announced plurality and to
elect Keshlear , democrat. Citizens of Kan
sas City recently raised a fund to prosecute
men for alleged crookedness at the polls elec
tion day In several wards. The newspapers
that are now taking up this fight make the
charge that members of a .so-called political
gang have stolen the offlcoi of prosecutor
and marshal , believing that this move might
protect them from arrest or Imprisonment ,
Nebraska's Gnvnrnor.l'.lort Given a Warm
\\olcnnio nt Ilia Homo.
BROKEN BOW , Neb , , Nov. 14. ( Special
Telegram. ) A large audience gathered at the
North Side opera house tonight In honor ol
the city's highly honored citizen , Judge Hoi-
comb , governor-elect , and Congressman Kem.
Political difference vras obliterated in the
gathering. Butter politicians who but recently
wera arrayed against the successful candi
dates 'had laid aside their differences and
were vicing with each other In their efforts
to make the occasion pleasant for all. Aa
friends and neighbors they met to manifest
their high affection for the governor-elect ,
who Is held In the highest esteem of the
whole community , irrespective of party af
filiations , position or condition In life.
At the reception Governor Holcomb wat
accompanied by his wife and mother. After
the ordeal ot a general handshaking , which
was extended to the governor-elect and Con-
gretsnian Kem , the program of the evening ,
consisting of music and toasts , was rendered ,
The toasts were responded to by C. W. Beal ,
B. P. Campbell , Taylor Flick , C. L. Gutter-
son , Hon. L. H. Jewett , Alpha' Morgan and
Cordeal of McCook. Muslo was furnished by
C. W. Shepherd and daughter , Josle , Messrs ,
Belts and Jones , Misses Michael and Gould
and Mesdames Stuckey , Campbell and Cald-
well. Many 1iavo been the social gatherings
of the city of Broken Bow , but at no time
has more cordial geol feeling been manlfeal
than was observed at the reception tonlghl
to Broken Dow's distinguished and honored
Arrested Tor Kllllni ; u Democrat.
CHICAGO , Nov. 14. Antolne Savarbero , i
wealthy Italian undertaker , was arrestec
today charged with fatally assaulting Johr
Panghlghl , election night , Panghlghl was i
democratic politician. Savarbero denies thai
the crime was political , saying It waa ti
protect hli sister , whom , ho alleges , Pang
hlghl Insulted , The Marquette club , the re
publican organization , prepared the evldenci
against Savarbero.
Will Cuntest lloatuer' * Seat.
MONROE , La. , Nov. 14. Hon. Alexandei
Benolt , populist candidate for congress a
the recent election , sent to Hon. Charles J
Boatner t formal notice that ho will conies
Mr. Boatner'a right to the seat In the Fifty
fourth congress. Mr. Benolt claims grew
frauds were perpetrated.
( Julnry Dors Not Want to Ilo Mayor.
BOSTON , Nov. 14. Josla"ht Qulncy Jia :
written a letter to the chairman ot tin
drmocrMlo city committee positively de
cllnlng to be a candidate for mayor.
1'ucli Hi'tn the eeut In Conifreiv
FRANKFORT. Ky. . Nov. 15.-Complet <
returns from the Ninth congressional OIB
trlct give PiiKh , republican. 19.053 ; Hart
democrat , 1S.SW. rush's plurality , CS2.
II ( > ' !
Geneva Republican ; , , Jf Rosewater and The
DM didn't do It , what , dJd ?
Tender Times : t'jiufaton ' count- owed Tom
Majors nothing he/ got his pay , too.
Hralimrd Tribune : Majors , but lie Is the
only republican on earth that didn't get
elected ,
Lincoln News : In the matter ot governors
: t would seem that the republican party nom-
nates and Mr , Rosewater preaomlnates.
Lincoln Call : Judge Holcomb seems to
have received the votes , and the Call Is pre
pared to officially recognize him as the gov
ernor-elect ,
Fremont Herald : Who said Rosewater
was not a republican ? Guess he will be
cordially Invited to take part In the arrange
ment of the ticket In the ( uturc.
Genoa Banner : In spite of the strenuous
efforts made by the railroads and bankers'
association of Omaha to defeat him , Mr. Hol
comb will be Nebraska's next governor.
Randolph Reporter ! Rosewater Is certainly
entitled to a long and loud crow. He has at
least convinced the people that It Isnoi ,
necessary that everything The Bee supports
Is doomed to defeat.
Strong Reporter : Judge Silas A. Holcomb
Is elected for Nebraska's next governor by
about 2,000 plurality In splto ot the state
house ring and the great railroad corpora
tions , which have spent money BO lavishly.
Greeley Citizen : The election of Holcomb
Is due to the persistent efforts of the unfet
tered republicans , who were able to rise above
party and make an effort to save the state
from Us plunderers , and they have again put
a man on guard who will do all In his power
to save the people from bring robbed.
Falrflcld Tribune : Where , 0 where Is
Tom Majors , his striped shirt , his 20,000 ma
jority , his sale ambition to bo governor ot
Nebraska ? The Tribune gave you notice
last week that he would be snowed under.
It was correct , for Silas A. Holcomb Is elected
governor of Nebraska by over 2,000 majority.
Geneva Republican : Perhaps the astonish
ing thing about the vote of Flllmore county
Is that outside of governor every republican
candidate got pluralities ranging from 162 to
299 , while the republican candidate for gov
ernor had a plurality against htm of 13 votes.
This will give the politicians something to
ftguro on for the next year or two.
Nlobrara Pioneer : It Is a remarkable
victory for Judge Holcomb when It Is con
sidered that he comes out against 10,000
plurality cast for Governor Crounso two
years ago , and In the face of the Influence of
gigantic corporations and their army of paid
emissaries. To Edward Rosewater and his
Omaha Hoc must bo given a large share of
credit for thla victory ,
Kearney Sun : While the .election of Hol
comb Is a republican-defeat. It Is In no sense
a populist victory , 'because ho was the candi
date of two parties , neither of whom have
had the hardihood ito claim his election as a
party victory , for the reason that Rosewater
stands on the banks' pt the muddy Missouri
and _ appropriates tljo laurels of triumph as a
just tribute to the seU-constltuted conquer
ing hero. T
Wayne Forumi Tlnfs ever be It to cor-
ruptlonlsts. What jwe say of Thomas J.
Majors , , pplltlcallyllwp. should like to say of
every man of every parjy who has attempted
jpr may attempt tjje same corrupt method ! )
In politics. Against- the man , personally , we
have no words -reproach to hurl. He Is
the representative "wf" " a class who are to be
ouncl Ih , each of the. p6lltlcal parties. Upon
this class ' ( he eaglq , cyes of Justice and right
should over bo kept. q
Central City Democrat : Holcomb's elec
tion Is alRosewataiwlotory , and no one else
can claimany ! glory.wvThe' democrats cannot
elect anybody In Nebraska. Neither can the
pops. Both of , thesd together could not elect
a statp officer. Mr. Rosqwater stepped Intc
the breach and gave us a governor and
allowed us to win a few thousand dollars from
enthusiastic republicans. Blessings on The
Bee. What will the politicians do with
Roseniter ? They had better take his ad
vice hereafter , but they won't.
Wlsner Chronicle ( rep. ) : The Chronicle ,
at the close of- the recent hotly contested
campaign , desires to express Its acknowl
edgement of the many congratulations ant ]
words of endorsement and encouragement
which It has received all through the canvass
from 1U friends. Stalwart republicans , whc
have grown gray In the service of the party
no less than the members of other parties
have commended its course. It waa a ills-
agreeable duty imposed upon us by the Ae-
plorable circumstances surrounding the actlor
of the last convention. We tried to discharge
the duty fearlessly , confident that he whose
cause Is the people's cause cannot go fai
Wood River Interests : Because Majors
tlia republican candidate for governor , was
defeated Is no Indication that Nebraska is no
solidly republican. The manner In w.lilch hi
received his nomination , and the number ol
corporation cappers and railroad heeler :
with which he keeps himself surrounded , wai
very distasteful to a large number ot the rani
and ( lie of the republicans. The return !
prove that there was a strong disaffection Ir
the republican ranks. The balance of tin
state ticket was elected by 10,000 , he wai
defeated by 3,000. Besides , It Is a wel
known fact that a large body of the admlnls
tratlon straight democrats voted for him
Front Interests' standpoint. Instead of repub
llcana being downcast over the defeat o
Majors , we believe they should rather be thi
reverse , for It Is our belle
that It Is one ot the best things Urn
could ever happen to the republican party
for It Is an emphatic setting down upon thi
leaders ot a pernicious element of the party
Lincoln Call : Several times In the cam
pain just ended wo stated that the republlcai
party Itself -was to blame for the populls
uprising in Nebraska ; that had It not bcoi
for the neglect of duty on the part of. re
publican ofllce holders and the indlfferenci
to the rightful demands of the people tha
characterized many ot the leaders ot thi
party the farmers' alliance would not' havi
entered politics and there would have beei
no formidable populist movement as an out
growth ot this organization. This , as even
Intelligent resident of this state knows , I :
the truth. In the Interim now between tin
election and the assumption of power In thi
legislature It would be well for the legls
lators and state offlctrs-elect. as well as thi
leaders of the part/f-gi nerally , to reflect 01
the lessons of the past four years. AVould 1
not be a good Meaifor-the party to traversi
with more regularity and consistency am
honesty the lines 41ontt which the republlcai
party won Its first'Victories and ostabllshei
Itself in the conlUlefico ot the people
Is there not In recent ; events a demand tea
a closer observance ] at the obligations o
the republican partys to the people ; a mor
Intimate connection anil association with th
real Interests ot the' Svhole people , and i
more effectual dl'ydrpp from the Inlluenc
and manipulation cot ( Corporate power am
of utterly selflsh apd corrupt self-constitute !
leaders ? Many poputldts have recently for
( taken their party Und"iavo allied themselve
with the republican ? . V'TiVhy not , by an honea
and effective policy ofclean and economics
government , win wcl he remaining thoua
ands who deserted too republican party , Le
us aa republicans Tlo.onr duty , and by doln
our duty stamp out' populism. Lot us reitor
the republican party , to Its rightful placa 1
public confidence. Ppr populism , as It ha
been taught in Nebraska , we have but
small measure ot commendation ; but thous
ands of honest but deluded citizens hav
been gathered Into this picturesque cabal
and these men we want back again into th
republican party. With victory on our ildt
let us ler.d a better lite. Acknowledging the
there are wrongs that need correction , le
us Invite the populists and all good citizen
to come Into the republican camp and d
the reforming by a tepubllcan agency.
Kearney Hub : T n't re Is sufficient In th
Increased rcpubllcan.aiajorltlea in Nebraska-
an overwhelming majority In the leglslaturi
a gain ot two republican congressmen , an
the election of all the state ticket gave th
head to connote republicans In the losa ot th
governor , True , In these days of generi
republican rejoicing , when populism In th
west and democracy In the east have bee
put to rout and a new star of republlcanUt
ms risen In the south , Nebraska republicans
would prefer to point with pride to n com-
ilete victory In this state , but the mischief
las been done and there Is no use to grieve
about It. It Is just as well , however , to
ook the cause of defeat squarely In the face
and extract from the result a lesson that will
> c of use to the republican party ot this
state In the years to come. Every one knows
.hat there wcra many good men
n the the state whoso nomi
nation for governor would have called out
.he united vote ot the party. But none of
: heso were chosen. There are thousands ot
republicans In Nebraska who deemed the
nomination of Majors the very height of
unwisdom , but who , nevertheless , gave him
a loyal support and did their best to elect
lilm In the face of the bitter opposition
Ills nomination created. There were thous
ands of other republicans not swayed by
political considerations who could not be
licld In line oven In the face of the menace
of populism , mul It Is this latter class whose
votes elected Judge Holcomb governor. The
unnecessary Interference of the B. & M.
llullroad company In recurlng his nomination ,
and a widespread belief that Mr. Majors'
rotations with that corporation were alto
gether too close , along with a general feel
ing that he had been honored to the limit
of his personal deserts , caused a strong re
action In the republican party. The result Is
known , and defeat and humiliation are the
price that has been paid for folly. It Is not
probable , however.that the party will over
repeat the folly. It IB not probable that the
party will ever again go Into the vindicating
business , or bo Influenced by dislike for any
man or newspaper , or fall Into the trap of
the railroad Influence , to make a nomination
that will destroy harmony , offend the pro
prieties and Invite defeat at the outset.
Had It not been that thousands of republi
cans felt called upon to choose between two
evils , viz. , corporation manipulation on one
hand and the danger of populist administra
tion on the other , the revolt would have
been so general that Majors would have been
defeated by ten or fifteen thousand. Fortu
nately the republican victory otherwise Is
so complete that Holcomb will be powerless ,
oven It Inclined to carry out a populist
policy , and viewed In this light It certainly
to Impossible for Mr. Majors or his friends
to lay up any Just grievance against his
party or any member of It. The fact Is
that what has happened must have happened
some time. In no other way could the party
be freed from the Incubus of the old factions
and railroad domination. Nebraska railroads
will have to go out of politics or go out of
business. But they will take the hint and
keep their hands off. Two years from now
the west will name the republican candidate
for governor and the people will elect him.
The blunder of the late election * will be
atoned for and the lesson of today will bo
sufficient for years to come.
Only One III Michigan.
Detroit News.
Donovan of Bay Is the last leaf. He Is
the democratic party In the legislature of
1833. He Is the left , the center , the reac
tionary party , the opportunists , the radicals
and all the other shades of political belief
that are not of the party ot the extreme
right. Ho la Wlnkelrled and the pass of
Thermopylae ail in one. He Is the New
SCcalander on London bridge , sketching the
ruins of London. Ho Is Napoleon pacing the
quarter deck , alone on the way to St.
Helena. He Is the single Fitzgerald to
whom allusion has been made. He Is the
solitary sentinel on the watch tower. He
must-be awuke all the time to partisan
legislation , and , being the democratic party ,
must keep himself well organized to with
stand the attacks of the enemy upon the
principles of which he Is nt once the cua-
tqdlan , Representative and protector ,
A green spot In the desert , an Islet In the
I sea' ,
A. single , small green leaflet upon a blasted
A Crusoe minus Friday , a bright spot In n
cave ,
The man without a party , the boss without
a slave.
The chief without an army , an estate with
out an heir ,
A prisoner In a dungeon at a game of
The unlit earth , with but a single tantaliz
ing ray.
Is not by half so lonely aa John Donovan
of Bay.
ICmincr nt n South Dnkntn Mnn Canning
Herloin 'trouble- .
SIOUX FALLS. 8. D. , Nov. 14.-Speclal. ( )
Indictments have been returned In Mc-
Cook county against Constable Frank T.
Jackson , Thomas Wllloy anil N. T. Hnlle for
[ he murder of Bam Irvine nt Montrose ,
January 1 , 1531. A former grand jury failed
to return a bill against these men , nnd the
matter was supposed to have been dropped.
The Indictments tire noxv for willful und
imllclotis murder , anil not manslaughter.
The state's attorney lias engaged a Sioux
Falls lawyer to assist In the prosecution ,
and an earnest effort will be made to con
vict the men.
In the spring of 1893 Mrs. Irvine secured
n divorce from her husband on the ground
of cruelty. Later Irvine forcibly entered her
: iouse , and site nskcd the authorities to In
terfere. On December 30 Irvine went teen
on tnblo Jackson with an order for Mrs ,
Irvine's furniture. The constable went to
Mrs. Irvlno nnd found that Irvine had ob
tained the order under u threat to murder
his wife If she- did not Rive It up. Irvine
was placed In jail. Late that nlKht or early
the- next morning Constable Jackson wan
summoned to the jail to prevent Irvine's
escape. He found that the prisoner hid
broken from his cell nnd wan using one
of the large bars \\hlch bad been In front
of his cell door to break his way out ot the
outer room , Heast made to return to his
cell , but he took the Iron bar with him.
He refused to give this up , and the- con
stable covered him with a revolver. Irvine
was again otdered to throw the bar out ,
when he sullenly remarked : "Walt till I
light my pipe. " When he had done this
Jackson claims the prisoner made n motion
an If to strike him ( Jackson ) . and the latter
II reel. Thu bullet passed just to the light of
Irvlre's heart. The \\oumled man said :
"Jackson , you have hit me hard. " He died
In an hour.
Wlllcy and Halle were In the Jill corridor
rider when the- shooting occurred , und It Is
in this way they arc Implicated in the mat
ter. _
I'nrly Mmtlng I iitullty nt blnnx I-'nll
SIOUX FALLS , S. D. , Nov. 14. ( Special
Telegram. ) Roland Gage nnd Miss Elsie
Wilson wont skating on Sioux river last
night. Thi' Ice pave way and Gage was
drowned. Miss Wilson succeeded In getting'
out. Gape's father Is a merchant at Llnk-
vllle , Mich. _
A. it. u. KXTJium.mrs
.Imlga Itlyor Mini * Thorn Not ( luUty of In
UmUliitliiR Nrw Mm.
CHEYENNE , Nov. II. ( Special Tele
gram. ) 15. L. Burke , clerk of the district
court , Editor Kgan of the Journal , City
Marshal Dan Hcaly and James McDonald ,
all prominent citizens of llawllns , who were
charged with contempt of the United States
court In attempting to Intimidate deputy
United States marshals sent to Rawllns to
guard railroad property during the Ameri
can Hallway union strike In July , were dis
charged thin afternoon by Judge Uluer. The
testimony Introduced on behalf of the prose
cution did not show that the defendants
took any part In the demonstration against
the deputies. The case , therefore , was dis
missed nt the llrst hearing. The evidence
was so contradictory that Judge lUner re
fused to pass upon the cnsp without giving
the defendants a jury trial.
HplHrnpul ( liurch CongrcHt.
BOSTON , Nov. 14. At the second days'
session ot the Episcopal church congress
the first topic for discussion was
" Education . "
"Proper for Ministers.
Ilev. D. S. McConnel nnd Uev. J.
Lewis Parks of Philadelphia and
Uev. II. IS. Swnntzel of Brooklyn , N. T. ,
spoke , thc > latter saying the church needs
only the very flower of our youth , anil she
would accept none other. Bishop Potter ol
Now York said there should be three notes
for the proper education of students for the
ministry : Propulsion , accuracy and re
Ili-urlnt ; of the Tnhtcco Trust Cnn Itcnuined
NEW YORK , Nov. 14.-Hcarlng of the
action brought by the attorney general oi
New Jersey against the American Tobacco
company upon the allegation that It li a
trust was resumed In this city today. The
evidence taken wan to show that the com
pany had refused .rebates to dealers hand
ling the cigarettes of the company not In
the trust , which rebates were allowed to
dealers selling' Us goods exclusively.
Milt Agalnt mi ICIrctrlo .Supply Company.
PITTSBURG , Nov. H.-Bcfcre Judfre
Acheson and Judge Bufllngton In the United
States circuit court today the suit of the
Denver Consolidated Electric company
against the Standard Underground Cable
company of this city was placed on trial
The suit was , brought to recover $58,490 , with
nterest from June , 1&90. It ts nlleRCd In the
ill ! ot complaint that the plaintiff company
Miipht Roods to the amount named under
a , RUaiantcc that they would be durable
and elllclent. The goods. It lit nlleRcd , failed
to work. The cuso will likely last several
da > s , _
VAVSlt OJ-'a Utl'lTAl.lST'S JOV.
Htuldpnly DoMruypd U ItoMored When
All Alcdlmt 8klll fiillrd.
DKS MO1NES , Nov. ll.-(8peclal ( Tele-
Krum. ) After seventy ilnya of total blind
ness , which came suddenly upon him , the
sight was ao suddenly rcntoird to a. Van-
Rlnkcl , the well known Dm Molnes capitalist ,
about 5 o'clock this nioinlng. Ho had been
LO ChlcaKo nnd New York consulting emi
nent oculists , but they Informed him they
could do nolhlni ? for him more than wan
being done here ,
Mr. Vnnclnkel said : "These seventy days
without night seemed like ncvcn yearn in
Jnll to me , and every one may sincerely
liopu that no such calamity will ever befall
them. "
The theory Is that a clot of blood lodged
In the brain behind the nerves of the ,
nnd Its vnssltiR away restored the sight
There waa no Inflammation and no pain. Ho
snys everything looks big to him except
democrats. _
Di'fti-rtrd it Yoiinir Wife.
CEDAK HAPIDS , In. , Nov. 14.-Speclal (
Telegram. ) Anamosa has a biff sensation. A
few months ORO a younc fpllow named Cur
tis went there and started the Dally Call ,
having been In the ncwsp-iper business for
a few months previous lit Center Junction.
Shortly after moving to A mimosa he wan
married to a daughter of Deputy Sheriff :
Arnold , Last Friday his wife went to Wyo-
mlnp , where Curtis was to join her Sunday.
He did not do so , however , and upon Mrs.
Curtis' return Monday she found he had
skipped out , no one known where. He leaves
a InrRe number of dubts behind. His young
v > lfo Is prostrated. _
Itnllrimd 1'rrnlilcnt UN u I.ccturor.
DCS MOINES , Nov. lt.-Spcclal ( Tele
gram. ) President Stlckncy of the Chicago
Great Western railway lectured here this
evening on the mibject , "Conditions Prece
dent to Ilevlval of lluslness. " Ho waa no-
companled to the city by Judge Lusk and
wife , General Flower and wife and Howard
Hammond and wife. The party were iuesta
oC the Commercial exchange and were ten
dered a reception this ofternon by the busi
ness men ot the city ,
MlnHourl Vallov lintel Hiirnrd.
MISSOURI VALLEY , la. , Nov. ll.-Spe- (
clal Telegram. ) The Cheney house was en
tirely destroyed by lire this afternoon. A
portion of the contents wcro saved. It was
caused from a defective Hue , sturtlnu under
the roof , spreading rnpl < ) ly. and the building ;
was In flames before water could bo turned
on It. By two hours' laborious work the
adjoining buildings were saved. Loss esti
mated at $10,000.
llrsponclenoy I ml lints Hulclllo.
LEMARS , la , , Nov. 14. fSpcclal Telc-
Rrarn , ) Frank Arrusmlth , n young man liv
ing In the country near here , committed
mtlcldc this morning by putting the muzzle
of n shotRiin under his chin and pulling the
trlRRcr with his toe. Despondency through
sickness Is supposed to be the cause.
I'rliitlnp ; Coinpitny Itt-urganUcil.
CEDAR IIAPIDS , la. . Nov. 14.-Spcclal (
Telegram. ) The Republican Printing- com
pany was reorganized today by the selec
tion of Mrs. L. S. Merchant , president ; W.
II. Boyd , vloe president , and L.A. . Brewer ,
secretary nnd treasurer. Mr. Brewer waa
also made business manager. ,
Coinmlttrd biilcliln Whllo Drunk.
CEDAU RAPIDS , la. , Nov. 14.-Speclal (
Telegram. ) While under the Influence of
liquor Marsh Lathrop , a painter , took flv
grains of morphine , which resulted In his
death today ,
l.niit of tin * Knul 1'uirol Itctiini' .
BAN FRANCISCO , Nov. M.-Tho revenue
cutter Bear , the last of the Bering sea fleet
to arrive , came In here today. 'The ofllcera
nnd men left on St. Paul and' ' St. George
Islands by the butu-rti Hush nnd Corwln to
watch several .poolers that were tardy in
reporting came down on the Bear. The
Bear's cruise In the Arctic began In April
last >
Vti-RrncB Hlurt fur Llhorln.
NEW YORK. Nov. 14.-The White Star
liner Adriatic took In her steerage a party
of twenty colored people bound for Liberia.
This Is a flying column for the army of
4.000 negroes that In said to be gathered In
southern seaports awaiting means ot de
For business reasons
We offer our entire stock of
$15$18 and some $20
Suits and Overcoats for $5.00-
Your choice of all the single and
double breasted kersey Over
coats silk and Farmers' satin
lined worth up to $20 , go at $5
" '
tomorrow .
Your choice of any of the Cassi-
mere or Cheviot suits in four pat
terns , single or double breasted ,
worth all the way from $15 to $20
for $5.00
M. H. Cook Clothing Co. ,
successors to Columbia Clothing Co.fl
13th and Farnara Streets , Omaha.