Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 09, 1894, Page 3, Image 3

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Delivered bjr currier tft anr part of lh eltr.
II. W. TILTON , Lessee.
TELEPHONES Dutlneis offlc * . Nu. 41 ! nlfht
dltor. No. 23.
Mayne Real Estate agency , C39 Broadway ,
The city council will hold another meeting
this evening.
Mm. Jarlcy's wax works Imported at great
expense nt Christian tabernacle tonight. One
night only. Admission , 1C cents.
A marriage license has been Issued to W.
0. Lake , A Red 28 , and Carrie M. Rice , aged
18 , both of this city. They were married by
Justice Vlen.
Freeman Reed was given B surprise parly
nt his homo on Bluff street Wednesday night
In honor of his election to the county clerk
ship. All the guests were masked , and a
Jolly time was had.
Degree of Honor , auxiliary to the A. 0.
U. W. , will hold open lodge this evening-
Washington lodge , No. 27. of Omaha , will
give an exhibition of the drill. All work
men and their families Invited.
It Is reported on popullstlc authority that
General James II. Weaver , Instead of leaving
Council Bluffs , now that his political fate Is
once more decided for the time being , will
locate here and enter a law partnership with
J. J. Shea.
The Council Bluffs High school foot ball
team will play the Council Bluffs Juniors
tomorrow for the championship of Council
Bluffs. The gnmo will be called nt 0
o'clock at the grounds , corner of Fourth av
enue nnd Twenty-first street. Everybody Is
Invited tn witness It.
Conrad Llbbekke , a 14-year-old boy , has
been making life burdensome to a daughter
of one of his neighbors , pushing her off the
sidewalk , applying vile epithets to her , and
In other ways trying to convince her of the
truth of the doctrine of total depravity.
Judge McGee fined htm fll.40 tn police court
yesterday morning.
Harmony chapter , Order of the Eastern
Star , entertained Its friends last evening at
the Masonic temple. A unique entertainment
was given , consisting of a farcical representa
tion of an Initiation Into- the Masonic mys
teries , a la Mary Ellen Lease , A social
time followed the entertainment , refresh
ments being served ,
The case of J. C. Lewis against Henry
Schultz and others was on trial all day yes
terday In the superior court. Lawls , who
has a farm' ' south of the city , lost $1,500 worth
ot hay last summer by reason of some of
Schultz's. men starting n prairie fire and
neglecting to keep It under control. He
wants to collect damages from Schultz.
Some brutal bipeds employed by Charles
Gregory , a Fourth street blacksmith , took a
small nnd Inoffensive -dbg belonging to Dr.
Hanchett and covered him' with turpentine.
The poor animal's agonized howls uttracted
the attention of sonic of the neighbors , who
Investigated and learned the names of the
men who did the Job. They will probably
bo arrested.
The republicans of Noola have made ar
rangements for n grand Jollification this even-
Ing. Speeches and a torchlight procession
will be prominent among the features of the
affair , and the eagle's tall will be given a
post-election twist for luck. Chnrles G.
Satindors , the newly elected county attorney ,
will be present from Council Bluffs and con
tribute to the latter portion of theexercises. .
Carl Mortenson was trying to make his
team haul a load of coal up Hunter avenue
yebterday morning. The load was heavy and
the team was unable to make It go. Morten-
son seized n club and commenced beating the
animals In n vicious manner. An tiiforma-
tlon was filed with the city clerk charging
him with cruelty to animals , and he was fined
| 1 and costs. The fine was suspended for
thirty days.
t , \Wlllara Aliny , who works at the motor
power house , was walking along Avenue B
election day , when David Bush , who lives In
the western part of the city , came along , with
his mind full of evil thoughts and a desire
to whack1 somebody. A liny seemed to be
about the right size , and Bush knocked him
down. Almy Is subject to epileptic fits , and
the blow brought on his old malady and left
htm writhing on the ground. Bush will have
a hearing In police court this morning on the
charge of assault and battery. Almy claims
the assault was entirely unprovoked.
Wanted Good farm nnd city loans. We
have $100,000 to loan on Improved security
at 6 per cent and small commission. We
also have money to loan on stock and grain.
LOUQEB & TOWLE. 235 Pearl St.
Look at the prices ! Look at the bar
gains ! Look at the
many beautiful things
Ot W. H. Mulllns' china shop , successor to
Lund Bros. . 21 Main street.
We have a fine lot of chrysanthemums In
bloom now , Don't miss seeing them.
Visitors always welcome. J. F. Wllcox.
DcurlcluB' music house has few expenses ; :
high grade planes are sold reasonably. 11C
Etutsman Btreet ,
Washerwomen use Domestic scap.
W. J. Davenport Is In DCS Jlolnes.
Proprietor E. F. Cinrk of the Grand hotel
returns from Chicago today.
L. C. Patterson has rettlrend from a
week's visit to Burlington , la.
Dr. N. D. Lawrcncs will leave tomorrow
for a winter's visit to San Diego , Cal.
Henry S. Alward , business manager of
"New Boy , " was In the city yesterday.
Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Woodbury have re
turned homo from a visit of a week with
friends In Creston.
Miss Agnes Wink leaves today for Hast
ings , Neb. , where she will visit friends for
a week or ten days.
J. P. Manger , T. D. Gibson and William
M. Evans of Malvern were guests of the
Grand hotel yesterday.
Mfss Edith Snyder of Mount Pleasant has
returned homo after a visit with Miss Grace
Mnyno on Park avenue.
P. Gunnoude , R. T. Mclntyre , Frank Bee-
bee , Gus Bergman , George Grow and L. leeT. .
Shugart have gene to Blencoe , la. , to spend
ten days hunting.
E. S. Miller of Des Molnes Is at the Grand
for a few days , arranging to secure a suc
cessor to the Council Bluffs agency of the
Connecticut Mutual , Mr. Gould having re >
algned that position.
Co pi's Cheer nnd Herh Tonla
Can be purchased only of the G. R. Wheeler
Brewing company , Wheeler & Hercld , Coun
cil Bluffs , la.
Grunil llotrl , Council lllulTn , Kpopcneil.
Newly furnlched.
Every modern con- ;
venlenco. First class In all respects. Rates ,
I2.GO to | 3.00. B. F. CLARK , Proprietor.
Selected hard wood for heating itovis.
II. A. COX. 37 Main street. Tel.II
Gas cooking itovci for rent and for il it
Gas Co.'a office.
Domestic toip breaks hard water.
"Now llojnt Iiohnny'0.
"New Boy , " another of Gustav Frohtnan'a
successes. Is billed for Dohany's opera house
next Wednesday evening , November 14. It la
Bald to be Indescribably funny , and has been
playing la enormous business In Now York.
This Is Ita first trip west. The hero Is a
boy at school who Is forced to do nil sorts
of drudgery for the bully. The doctor and
the villain are both trying to marry the
matron of the school , but at the wind up
it Is suddenly discovered that the New
Hey U 30 years old and the husband I of
the matron. "A paroxysm of fun In three
acU" Is the way the play la described.
Hog cholera preventive and cure by Dr.
JefferlB , Fletcher avenue. Council Bluffs ;
will ( top the disease tn ona hour. Trial :
bottle , n.
Dry pine kindling for file. Cheaper than
cobi. II. A. Cox , 37 Main itrcet. Telephone
Domestic patterns can only be had . it
7 vra' new dry good a store. 143 Broadway.
Dr. I. U. Pareona. Archer block. Tel. 215.
lUrint. Freckle * cliir.Uivli , wboleul * igt.
Canning Factory und Sprapne Iron Works
Entered by Bnrgla'S.
Matter Kept Quirt In lloprn of Capturing
tha Thieve * , hut with Xo Succem " omc
riitiirn TuUcn from
the Iron UorUn.
The canning factory was entered by burg
lars Monday night , but the fact wns kept
secret In order that the thieves might be
caught. A basement window wni forced open
nnd n wagon driven up alongside the build
ing to receive the plunder. When one of
the men employed there visited the place
during the day he found that eighteen cases
of canned corn , with twenty-four cans In a
case , were missing. One of the cases fell
and was broken open , and the remnants
scattered about were what first called the
attention of the owners to the fact that n
burglary had been committed. The value of
the stolen property Ij about $40. The at
tempt to locate the thieves has not been
successful ,
The same evening the Sprague Iron
works , Just across the street from the can
ning factory , was also broken Into and a
lot of brats fixtures were stolen. A short
time ago another robbery of the same kind
occurred at the same place and 110 pounds
of brass were found missing the next morn-
hiilo of Silks nil d Onus Uootls nt JMnn-
nfucturerH * I'rlrcs.
A new price on all our exclusive style
dress patterns ; any pattern In the stock at
cost price.
Don't fall to tec bargains marked $6.00 ,
$7.00 , $10.00 and $1.1.50.
Cheney Hros. velvets , all colors , at $1.00
a ynnl.
Double warp surah silks In plain colors
and changeable effects , COo a yard , worth
75c and $1.00. ,
Dig assortment striped silks In changeable
effect. ) ; regular price , fl.25 ; on sale at 85c
a yard.
Ladles' heavy ribbed vests , regular price ,
25c , now 12V&C each.
At 30e we offer ladles' heavy Egyptian
cotton vests In white only , worth 50c each.
Ladles' all wool knit underwear , n regular
$1.00 garment , manufacturers' price , 76c each ,
or $1.CO a suit.
Wo offer a bargain In ladles' fleeced hose at
19c , welt worth 33c a pair.
Misses' wool hose , In all sizes , at 19c a pair ,
worth 25c.
Ladles' fleeced hose at lOc a pair ,
C' c unbleached muslin 4c a yard.
Cc canton flannel 4c a yard.
Heavy white shaker flannel on sale at
a yard.
7c cotton battling 2'X.c each.
5c standard prints 2c a yard.
Indigo blue prints 3c n yard.
Council Bluffs , la.
For Rent A nearly new six room house
on Fifth avenue , near court house. See W.
9. Paulson.
Special prices this week at Miss Itags-
Ctmestlc soap outlasts cheap soap.
Mystcrlcn of the Kuniiroo Il.UliUt I'nrtlicr
iiucl : < luticl : by Various M n.
Each election emphasizes the fact more
strongly that the Australian ballot system
Is enticrly too complcated a thing for a
man who cannot read to tackle , and makes
It plain that a change * must b ? made If It Is
desired to cater to that sort of an element.
An entirely new way of making a , mlscue
was discovered by a voter In the Second
precinct of the Second ward. He had lead
the Instructions to voters very carefully ,
and knew that the proper way to vote the
straight ticket was to put a cross In the
circle. When the judges came to count his
ballot they found that he had carefully de
posited his cross In the " 0" of the "Of
ficial ballot" nt the top of the page.
Another voter In the same precinct. In
order to bo sure that his ticket would be
counted for the winning side , put a cross
In both the republican and democratic cir
cles , and then , thinking that the squares
opposite each candidate's name were a sort
of ornamental fringe , put a check mark , In-
stead of a cross carefully Just outside the
squares. Finally he wrote his name at the
bottom of the ballot , thus In four ways In
suring his ballot being thrown out by the
Eagle laundry , 724 Uroaaway , fsr
work. Tel. 1E7.
The laundries uca Domestic loap.
Another llarlnrltz Jailed.
Al Rachwltz Is In Jail and will have a trial
at this term of court on the charge of
being Implicated In the robbery lof the
Wabash freight cars last winter. He was
arrested last winter for being implicated In
the robbery of Ben Marks' house nt Manawa ,
but the Justice- before whom his preliminary
hearing took place turned him loose for lack
of evidence. He Immediately left and has
not been seen In the vicinity since. His [
brother Adolph was convicted of robbing
Marks' house and Is now serving a term In
the penitentiary. He was also Implicated Ine
the freight car robbery. The grand Jury re
turned nn Indictment against Al Rachwltz
more than three months ago. He sneaked
back to town this week nnd went to his
mother's house on Twenty-sixth avenue near
Eighteenth street. Sheriff Ilazen and
Deputy Sheriff O'Brien heard of his being
there and gathered him In.
Carpets are cheaper than ever , nnd every
late pattern of the season Is displayed by
the Council Bluffs Carpet company. Do
you like pretty things ? Come and ECO them ,
Mozurt Ouurtct loncert.
A concert was given last evening In the
parlors of the First Presbyterian church
under the auspices of the Young People's
Soc'ety of Christian Endeavor. Every seat ?
In the room was occupl&d. The Mozart Male
quartet of Omaha furnished a largo portion
of the program , their selections showing ona
great deal of variety , and the singers appar
ently equally nt home In comic music or that
of a more classical sort. Mrs. L. T. Sunder-
land sang a waltz song by Ardltl , showing era ;
beautiful and well trained soprano voice.
Mr. Abel sang the "Boat Song" of Neld-
llngcr. nnd Mr. Hoffman sang "The Fallen
Hero , " both being enthusiastically encored.
The same was true of Mr. Sunderland's rendi
tion of Isaacs' "November Violets , " The
recitations of Sirs. Cora Page-Sunderland
were well received.
At Grand Hotel Postal Telegraph office
shorthand reporter and typewriter will write
letters , depositions , etc. , very cheap.
Mo\eiiietitH of * * rn nliif ; Vonsolii , Nov. B. ,
At Glasgow Arrived Hibernian , from
At Dover Arrived Manhattan , from New
Yoi k ,
At London Arrived Mississippi , from
New York.
At Southampton Arrived Spree , from
New York , for Hrcmen.
At Naples Arrived Kron Prlnz Frcldrlch
Wilhelm , from New York ; Kaiser Wllhelm
II. . from New York.
At Hamburg Arrived Wlolnnd , from New
York ; 1'erslan. from New York.
At Bremen Arrived British Prince , from
Port Royal , via Plymouth.
At Boulogne Arrived Oldham , from New
At Philadelphia Arrived Carthegenla ,
from Glasgow ,
hy I'urtlr * Unknown.
DENVER , Nov. 8. The coroner's Jury In
the case of Marie Contassolt returned a ver
dict this afternoon to the effect that she
was strangled or bUftocuteU to death by
one unknown.
.Memorial Service * nt New Vork.
NEW YORK , Nov. 8. Services In memory
of the late czar of llussla were held In the
Holy Trinity orthodox church In West Fl t -
third street today by Itev. Agathadoras
PnpaReorgarpulon , the pastor of n church in
west Alnskn , who wns passing through this
city enroute to HiiMln. The ceremonies con-
MMed of n upeclnl requiem moos for the
dend. The church wns drnpetl In mourning-
nnd lighted by many candclnbrn. Alexander
Oinroskl , the Rucplnn consul Ronernl. nnd
his entire staff were present In full uniform.
The cnnnul general himself nctcd ns usher.
The Oermnn , Ilrltlsh , French , Japnncse ,
Swedish nnd nnd other consulates here were
represented nt the sen-Ices.
ai kr Rtrvot Trnflle lUiiBcroitiil In
lloton Shipping Unningcd.
BOSTON , Nov. 8. A terrific storm raged
yesterday nil over New England. Its sever
ity wns only equaled by the great blizzard
of 188S. Reports from various points Indi
cate disasters to shipping and great destruc
tion to property aggregating In vnluo sev
eral thousand dollars. In this city the
storm raged with great violence and In the
center of the town the streets are strewn
with wrecked telephone and telegraph wires.
These crossed and twisted wires were a me
nace to life and destructive fires were
threatened In many places. Horses while
being driven through the streets trod on
"live" wires and were shocked to death.
The suffering brutes that were not Instantly
killed had to bo shot In order to put them
out of misery. At Providence , R. I. , the
storm was very violent and caused great
damage. Telephone , telegraph and trolley
wires were swept from their fastenings nnd
hung In bunches In the streets and from
buildings , endangering the lives of persons.
Along the coast line a tremendous sea roared
and the raging waters broke Into the lower
harbor. Reports from Vineyard and Ports
mouth tell of fleets which narrowly escaped
destruction by taking refuge In places of
shelter. The warning of the weather bureau
had given time for most of the vessels to
seek a safe harbor. Anxiety Is felt for the
safety of shipping. The schooner Ida South
ard of New York , from Philadelphia for New
Orleans , Is missing and It Is feared she Is
lost. At Salem the telegraph wires nro nil
wrecked. All eastern trains are delayed.
Snow has fallen to a depth of nix Inches.
ixi'jtsita.iTixa THE TOIIACCO TJIUST
Will Not Sell to Driller * \Vliu Handle Other
NEW YORK , Nov. 8. The methods of
the cigarette trust were the subject of
further Investigation today In nn action
brought by Attorney General Stockton of
New Jersey to annul the charter of the
American Tobacco company on the grounds
that It Is operating as a trust , contrary to
the laws ot New Jersey.
Commissioner Wnlton Cleary of New Jer
sey presided at today's Inquiry. Joseph
1'arlc of I'.uk & Tllford tcstlllcd that the
American Tobacco company dictated the
terms of the sale of cigarettes. The Amer
lean Tobacro company would not sell Its
goods : to Park & Tllford If they sold oUer
than Its Rocxls. Other manufacturers also
forbade the llrm from selling1 competitors'
wares. "ChnmpnKtie houses do this particu
larly , " snld Mr. 1'ark. "They let us have
their goods at a greater discount If we
ugree to keep up the price and only sell
their brands. "
Leopold Miller of Miller & Sons testified
that he favored the methods of controlling
cigarettes nnd snld the manufacturers al
lowed the retailer larger rebates when he
Kohl only their goods. "Competition , " he
Bald , "demoralizes nnd Impoverishes the re
tailer , who Is not nllowod uny profit when
manufacturers cut prices. "
slickest Motet Thlof In the Country Nabbed
a * I.os Ancoloq.
LOS ANGELES , Cal. , Nov. 8.-The police
are gathering Information against the
burglar J. B. Bright , who was recently
sentenced to the penitentiary for burglariz
ing the rooms of Mrs. J. S. Noble at the
Hotel Metropote , Cntallnn Island. In 18SS
Bright wag arrested In Washington , D. C .
for robbingMrs. . Jntnes Brown-Potter of
over $3,000 worth of diamonds -while she
was stopping at one of the lending hotels
cf the cnpltnl city. He has the distinction
of belntr the only man who ever broke out
of the Washington city Jail and eluded ar
rest. After leaving Washington he went to
Florida , where he had all the leading hotel
proprietors distracted on account of his
smooth work. While In Washington Hriifht
had , or caused to have , his picture published
in n New York sporting paper ns the husband
of Mrs. James Brown-Potter. The police say
he Is the smoothest nnd most dangerous
hotel thief in the country.
Itcports to the Annual Alcctlnj ; Show the
Annofhitlon Is rroniicrons.
PITTSBURO , Nov. 8.-The Waif Saving
association of the United States Is In session
here. The afternoon meeting was given to
organization nnd preliminary work. Among
the delegates nre T. E. Daniels of Chicago ,
secretary of the national nssoclntlon nnd
superintendent of the Chicago Newsboys'
home ; Colonel U. 13. Butler of Dc'rolt ,
Judge II. 31. Thompson of Louisville , Ky. ;
Malor R. W. McClaushrey. Illinois , nnd L.
D. Drake of Missouri.
At the business meeting this afternoon
several rtpjits were read , showing the II ur-
condition of the society , after which
the next place of meeting was decided upon
as Detroit. The election resulted : President ,
General Russell A. Alger , Detroit ; first vice
president , T. J. Keennn , Plttsliurg : corresponding
spending secretary , T. E. Daniels , Chicago ,
tecordlnff secretary-treasurer , L , D. Drake ,
Boonevllle , Mo.
K. o' I * . Supreme Tribunal ,
CINCINNATI , Nov. 8. The supreme
chancellor , Walter B. Ritchie , of Lima , O.
representing the executive department , Is
here attending- the meetlnp of the supreme
tribunal of the Knights of Pythias. The
tribunal Is composed of live tribunes , ap
pointed l j' the supreme chancellor , ns fol
lows : Judge George E. Seay , chief tribune.
Dallas , Tex. ; John II. Alexander , I.eesburgr ,
Va. ; Edward A. Graham , Montgomery , Ala. .
Benjamin T. Chase , Lewlston , Me. , and
Frank II. Clnrk , Cheyenne , Wyo. Several
officers of the supreme lodge nre present.
The German question has not been consid
ered , nnd only questions of lodge practice
are handled by the tribunal.
Inquiry Into I.leutrnnnt Wcldi'8 Sanity.
CHICAGO , Nov. 8. The bonrd appointed
by the secretary of war to Inquire Into the
mental condition of Lieutenant Blnnton C.
Welch of the Fifteenth Infnntry. who last
summer slapped the face of Colonel Crofton ,
commanding the Fifteenth regiment , con
vened today. The only witness examined
wns Lieutenant Welch , who denied In the
most positive terms that hewas mentally !
unbalanced. Documentary evidence was
Klven showInK that the lieutenant had sev
eral years ago been sunstruck nnd that In
the opinion of the nrmy surgeons who at
tended him nt that time the sunstroke has
affected hit ) mind. The Inquiry will prob
ably Inst for several days.
llniik Failure at SHU Ilern-irdliio.
SAN BERNARDINO , Cul. , Nov. 8. ne
San Bernardino First National bank ed
Its doors this morning and posted a notice
that thn suspension was due to lack of
funds. The directors assert that the batih'8
depositors will not lose a dollar. They state
that the withdrawal of large sums of money
bjj a few heavy depositors who had become
alarmed by rumors that the bank was un-
eafe brought on the failure.
Hoivell Turpodoo * . ' 'unit.
NEWPORT , R. L , Nov. 8. Work on fit-
tlnjr out the cruiser
Montgomery with her
complement of torpedoes has been sus
pended pendlnu n sitting of a conference
oMorpedo experts at Washington. This la
supposed to be a result of the failure of the
Howell torpedo tilnl on the Detroit and
Cincinnati , torpedoes fired from both these
ships having sunk.
rrrnoh ( 'HiiiKlliiiu Coinlnc In.
NEW YORK. Nov. 8. A dispatch to the
Evening- Post from Montreal says there has
been a very large exodus of French-Can
adian families to the New England states
of late. It Is estimated that nearly 3,000
have left for Lowell , Holyoho and other
manufacturing centers In Massachusetts
since the middle of October ,
Killed In uii Klecllui ) KolF.
LEXINGTON , Ncv. 8.-John Traynor ,
mayor of Athens , Ky. , shot and killed Isaac
Davidson here tonight. He also seriously
shot Lewis Sharp , u farmer. Traynor Is i a
Brecklnrldgc man nnd Davidson and Sharp >
were Owens supporters. They quarreled
over the election.
Murder < > ron Out of l.unit Quurrel.
LITCHFIELD. III. , Nov. 8. Four miles
south of here today a farmer namedA. .
Hottenrot shot nnd killed Mrs. Charles Nel-
mtiyer nnd then fatally wounded himself.
The tragedy wns the result of a quarrel
over the ownership of a piece of land.
I'runk llulloxv llrxil ,
NEW YORK , Nov. 8.-Frank P , Bellew ,
the caricaturist , best known as "Chip , " ha *
died of pneumonia. He was 32 years old and
a son of the Fa k B lle.vvhos ; u ea
were features of the Illustrated newspapert
twenty years ago.
Revolutionists in Brazil 'Show Signs of
Eeturning A
Three Important 1'ulnti '
L'ntitnrcd Iiuur-
* Clnlin Tlipjr Will lltivo Homo
of tlic rinrit Ships In
ti.o . N.UT.
HIO DE JANEIRO. XoY. S. The revolution
continues In Itlo Qranile do Sut and during
the last week the revolutionists seem to be
gaining ground , They captured Santa
Ana , Santo Chrlsto and San Matco. They
succeeded In capturing a lot of arms and the
garrisons nt these places all Joined them.
It Is now reported that a conspiracy exists
among the ships of the flccU to go over to
the rebels , and several changes In com
manders have ( alien place to avoid this , but
the rebels claim all this Is useless , as It Is
not officers onliom they count , but on
sailors and marines , and they claim to be
sure to have three as good ships as are In
the navy on their side , If the revolution con
tlnucs after November. It Is the general
opinion that after Moracs Is Inaugurated
there may bo quiet for a few weeks and
then serious riots will take place , In which
foreigners as a rule will bo victims , and
tinder the pretext of quelling these riots
Plcxoto will assume supreme command , but
will not relinquish It to Moraes or any other.
The prisons all over the country are filled
to overflowing with political prisoners ,
thcugh It Is said many who were Imprisoned
have been put out of the * way Eccretly.
Iteninliiii of the I.nto Cziir Sturtcil for the
Anvlftit Ciipttiil.
LIVADIA , Nov. 8. The first mass for the
repose of the soul of Alexander III. was
celebrated at 10 o'clock yesterday morning
In the Byzantine chapel , where the remains
of the czar are lying In state. The mass
was attended by officers of all the regiments
In this vicinity. The ceremony was most
Impressive , all present holding lighted tapers
In their hands.
As the body of the czar lay In Its coffin ! t
wa noticed that the late emperor's face wns
little altered. It had a very placid expres
sion and the form of the dead czar seemed
as herculean as over. The broad blue
ribbon of the Order of St. Andrew was dls-
played across his breast and over It his
hands were folded. Beside the bier were
two Cossacks of the Terek bodyguard , two
Dvorjony grenadiers , two chamberlains and
two riflemen of the Sixteenth corps.
At 2 o'clock yesterday afternoon the second
mass , at which the czar , czarina. Princess
Allx of Hesse nnd the princess of Wnles and
all the Imperial and royal suites attended ,
wn celebrated at the same church.
The streets of the town are very quiet
and ' there are very few visitors here.
The body of the late czar was moved nt
8 ! L o'clock this morning and escorted with
great ceremony on board the Russian cruiser
Pamyat Merkoovla for transportation to
SEBASTOPOL , Nov. 8. Salutes from the
ships and the forts here- announced the ar
rival of the cruiser Pamlat Merkoovla. Czar
Nicholas and the grand dukes bore the
coflln ashore. They were received by of
ficers and deputations representing the whole
Russian army. The cofhn was placed In a
saloon special train. The czarewltch , whose
health would not permit him to accompany
the remains lo St. Petersburg , took an af
fectionate farewell of his relatives and the
train started on Its Journey. The czare
wltch will Immediately' return to Abbas-
ttilmen In the Caucasus. The train will stay
one day at Borkl and the , body will be
placed upon a catafalque In the > church
erected on the spot where the late czar's
life was attempted by. derailing the train
In which he and the Imperial family were
( Ircut IJcfiret thaf. WINnn WHS Ucfentoil in
\Vo < t Vlrfflnln.
LONDON , Nov. S. The afternoon papers
of tlila city continue the comments on the
elections . In the United States. The Westmin
ster Gazette says : "McKlnleylsm IllS
triumphed and Wilson has been defeated , The
decision of West Virginia must be n source
of great regret to many Englishmen. Wilson
is a man of high character and broad views
and his non-succors Is a distinct loss to con
gress. "
The Globe remarks : "The main cause of
the democratic collapse was the pitiable
weakness displayed by that party over tariff
reform. The republicans will make a pro-
cund mist ke If tl.ey In o pret heir astonish
ing victory to a triumph of protection.
What It does represent is the Indignation and
disgust of a great and resolute nation at
being half ruined by feebleness and In
capacity In high places. "
The St. James "
Gazette states that "Wilson
himself , the author of the antl-McKtnlcy
tariff bill , the promise of which was sup
ported by President Cleveland before his
election with such a show of moral Indigna
tion against Its predecessor , has been de
feated and McKlnleylsm Is once more with
the tide. " thy
The Pall Mall Gazette has this to say :
"Wilson , who fought for the poor man most ' ,
gallantly , has gone under in the general I.
undlscrlmlnatlng Indignation , but the tariff
stands where It did and McKlnley's bill Is
forgotten. In n certain way wo may assume
that the work Is done. Senator Hill was nea
democrat , but President Cleveland Is well
quit of him. Ills defeat Is absolute and let
us hope that It Is permanent. "
Sympathized with Ituitln.
BUDA PESTII , Nov. 8. The proposed ad
dress of sympathy with Russia at the death
of the czar was considered In the lower
house of the Hungarian Diet. The motion
was opposed by Herr Thaly , a member onof
the extreme left , on the ground that Russia
suppressed the struggle for Hungarian free ;
dom and also on the ground that the wordIng -
Ing of the address painfully affected holly
Poles. The motion , however , was finally
passed by an overwhelming majority.
Volcano Follow * Knrtluimkc.
CITY OF MEXICO , Nov. 8. The volcano
of Collma Is In active eruption , and the people
ple In the Immediate vicinity are greatly
alarmed , as streams of lava are pouring
down the sides of the mountain , the flames
being visible for many imlles. They have
abandoned their homes.
Police headquarters In this city report a
total ' of fifteen deaths as ttie result of Fri
day's earthquake and tbe subsequent erup
Germany Will Not Curl ) Japan.
LONDON , Nov. 8. The , correspondent of
the Standard at Berlin telegraphs that Ger
many will adhere to her/ policy of reserve
and will certainly do nothing to limit the demand
mand Japan may make.on China. He adds
a remark made by the North German Gazette ,
a semi-official paper , ti Hhtf effect that the
Chinese ambassador has already experienced
difficulty In securing Joint .action . on the part
of the powers. . . H ) -
China Still WuntK I'lilll'H Ship * .
VALPARAISO , Chill , 'Ndr , ' 8. The cabinet
crisis continues and utfenuous efforts are
being made by leading m n to form a coali
tion of liberals and radicals In the cabinet.
The government has asked the senate to
sanction the sale of the warship Esmerelda
to China and persistent rumors are afloat
that negotiations nro on fcot for the pur >
chase of the Captain Pratt for an enormous
sum , also for China.
Montuir Votei KM II rait oil I'unentl I'liuil * .
ST. PETERSBURG , Nov. 8. The work : of
preparing for the obsequies of the late czar :
Is proceeding both day and night , both here
and In Moscow. The municipal authorities
of thU city have voted unlimited credit : to
defray the expenses attendant upon paying
proper honor to Russia's dead ruler.
Chliiftc Muailron In n Tru | > <
SHANGHAI , Nor. 8. Consternation has
been caused by the discovery that Tel-Yang
juuadron baa been caught la a trap at Fort
Arthur by the Japanese , owing to the neglect
or overruling i of LI Hung Chang's orders.
I.I Hung 1 Chang disclaims any responsibility
In the matter.
The report of the capture of Tallcnwnn by
the Japanese has not been confirmed. The
reports hava been confirmed , however , that
the Japanese are steadily repulsing the
Chinese and that they have taken Port Kin-
chow. An Imperial audience within the palace
nt Peking I has been arranged for the foreign
.Selection of SiiKKrMlom ItcKurnliiR JiipunV
'Icrnn of I'rttcc.
LONDON. Nov. 8. It Is stated that there
nro diverse opinions In Japan respecting her
terms for peace with China. A leading
Journal J declares she will require the cession
of tha Island of Formosa and an ample money
Indemnity. Another Journal says Japan will
demand the payment of an Indemnity of
100,000.000 gold sterling , with which to es
tablish n gold standard. The progtesslvc
papers , lion ever , demand that Japan shnll
insist that China yield all her warships ,
arms , ammunition and the vessels of the
China Merchant Steamship company. They
also demand that Japan shall take possession
of Shanghai and Its customs revenue.
righting with Nntlvri.
BERLIN , Nov. 8. A special dispatch re
ceived here says that 21,000 natives of the
MnwnoJI tribe recently attacked Kllwakl-
wlndje. East Africa , nnd were defeated by n
force of German regulars nnd natives under
Raron von Ehrsteln. Later , however , the
MawnoJI tribe returned to the attack nnd
captured Kllwaklslwan with much bloodshed.
n Is \ added that the Germans hnve not a force
strong enough to recapture the latter place.
Cuii't tii't Ills I.irrimo.
LONDON , Nov. S. The appeal of George
Edwards , manager of the Empire theater ,
against the decision of the London county
council sustaining the action of Its licensing
con.mlttco not to renew the drinking
auditorium license of the Empire , has been
dismissed ! with costs and the council's order
'efusi , n license to Mr. Edwards' stands.
llrltlnh ScndhiK Muru ( ! on < M Oior.
LONDON ] , Nov. 8. In its financial article
tin Times says the Board of Trade returns
for October are more than those for any
previous < month In the year. They were
largely Increased by the American demand ,
which ' > Is more marked than In September.
Crow of 1'onr Lost.
HALIFAX , Nov. 8. The schooner Annie
M. Pride was driven on the rocks at the
entrance to the harbor near Bar Cove nnd
her crew of four were lost. The vessel was
completely wrecked.
( . liolorii In thn ( icrintn Army.
BERLIN j , Nov. 8. The Tageblatt says that
seventy men belonging to a foot regiment
stationed at Glogua , Prussian Silesia , are suf
fering from a choleric disease. The barracks
have been Isolated.
I'repu rliifj to Attnok 1.1 inn.
BUENOS AYRES , Nov. S. It Is reported
hero that General Plerola , who Is leading
the movement against the Peruvian govern
ment , is making preparations to attack
Clilnc'ii I.onil S'ttlxrrlbcil.
LONDON , Nov. 8. The Chinese 7 per cent
loan , amounting to 1,700,000 , secured by
the treaty ports , has been subscribed for
here much In excess of the amount required.
Kinpcnir'H HrolhcT btrtcKvn.
VIENNA , Nov. S. A doubtful report Is In
circulation to tho. effect that Arch-Duke
Charles Louis , brother of Emperor Francis
Joseph , has been stricken with apoplexy.
Liquor l-nv on Trillin.
ALBANY , Nov. 8. In answer to an Inquiry
Attorney General Hancock has given out an
opinion that In the matter of selling liquor
on a train the law Is not violated If the com
modlty Is sold In the buffet , or licensed car ,
though after being purchased In the buffet it
may bo taken to any other car.
Colilor nnd Itnln or Snow In the Nortlicnst
I art of Nnhraokii.
WASHINGTON. Nov. S.-The forecast for
Friday Is :
For Nebraska Falr.except local roln or
snow In the extreme northeast portion ; cold
wave by Friday night ; northwest winds.
For Iowa Rain or snow ; warmer In the
extreme eastern portion ; decidedly colder In
the central nnd western portions by Friday
evening ; winds BhlftliiK to northwest.
For Missouri Generally fair ; warmer In
the eastern portion ; cooler In the north
west portion ; west winds.
For South Dakota Snow fluirics ; cola
wave ; northwest winds.
For Kansas Fair ; colder ; winds shifting
to northwest.
Loriit Itcconl.
OMAHA , Nov. 8. Omaha record of temper
ature and rainfall , compared with the
corresponding day of past four years :
1SUI. 1833. 1832. 1S91
Maximum temperature.II 63 39 51
Minimum temperature . 31 40 1G 39
Average temperature . as ,12 1:3 : 46
Precipitation . 00 .00 .00 .00
Condition of temperature nnd precipitation
at Omaha for the day and since Starch 1 ,
1S9I :
Normal temperature . 42
Deficiency for the day . 4
Accumulated excess since Mnich 1 . 741
Normal precipitation . 04 Inch
Deficiency for the day . Clinch :
Total preclpltntlon since March 1 ID. 00 Inches ;
Deficiency since March 1 . 14.C6 Inches
Ituports from Other Station ) lit U I * . AI.
"T" Indicates twee of rain.
I * A. WELSH. Observer.
They Stay Dyed.
Stockings , Feathers , Gowns , Cloaks ,
or other articles dyed with
will retfiin their color
no matter how often
they are washed or
exposed to the sun.
A package of
Diamond Dyes
costs only ten cents ,
end plain directions
for using accompany
it. Nopreviousex' '
perienco is neces
sary to get t
best results.
Sold everywhere. Direction Book and
forty samples of dyed cloth sent free ,
WELLS , RICHARDSON ( t Co , Burllncton , Vt.
President. Cashier
First lationa
Capital , - $100,000
Proiits , - . - 12,000
One cf the oldeit tank * In the itti ot Iowa.
W rollclt your builneu and collection * . W
pay i per cent on Urn * deposit * . Wt wtU tx
nliutd to u * ana terr * rou.
More from force of habit than from any other
cause , we speak of overcoats on a chilly and
drizzling day. However , it might prove inter
esting to you , There arc more buyers this year
in search of bargains than ever known from the
clays of the Pilgrims down.
The Nebraska approves of this. Buy cheaply
but be sure it is cheap. To know where to buy
is an important item. Scan all newspapers , clip
all miraculous incidents of purchasers or other
wonderful tales of daring advantages required
to secure a dozen or so overcoats , and of some
hairbreadth escapes some experienced while
making a daring plunge of an offer for a whole
manufacturer some 17 overcoats in all. Go by
all means and investigate examine prices and
quality a most eloquent salesman will , no
doubt , help you to get the best of the bargain.
When you are through , give us your time for
a minute ; come in to the ever humble Nebraska.
We hav'nt any moquette carpets , plate mirrors ,
neither eloquent and persuading salesmen , but
honest overcoats to be sold honestly , and loads of
'em to select from. We don't handle any so-
called half price floods , but we can furnish vou an
overcoat for TVTO SEVENTY-FIVE of
good chinchilla , Italian lined , warm and durable ,
that'll cost you $500 anywhere. A long , deep
collar Melton Ulster , wool lined in two shades at
FOUR DOLLARS for which other stores
charge at least $7.00.
Here are other coats and ulsters finer , finer
still and the finest to be had. Can't possibly
dream of a style or sort you can't get here at a
good healthy saving on each one. From $2.00
up to $10.00 is what you save hee. If we mis-
repress it this , cjmi and get your money back
you 're welcome.
Vflll ho t e boon harobniHreilbr the " . . .
"Electric B | M. Follow BaflcrernMBcloi , "
lull Crayon , " "rocei. " " Vacuum , " "Freo Cure" Q naci. and wo h T e tnani )
youreeK crowlns older and worioj YOU "no liavvclronup Indeipnlr.i aylnc
I am uoninpd , there I * no hope . Tor me i" to 700 1 cay. who are pinking Into an S4" !
a < % op drift intr upon aBliorcl"i.iea or slrkneMtnd mlnfortUBc. ! ' ] * , nnd t&A ,
inn * * mt a full hUloryofyooreua. tndfor . QUESTION tlST3 nd lftorirR * k. Ttj reiouree * it *
J u , mrtkilllltrol. . I hi < car > d lli.aitndl. I Clil Ct RE IOU. T nlr yein1 cintri.nee. IFirr
, 3 ED . writ. MorAukiurtreHliBtnleUrwhare. . . CttDialutlnn. . . perttinkllr nr by null , lre # > n < l ncrfd.
3 H.iilclDrt. . . .
Ntrtfrrfrli.r ( htit D ier LD. ail. .or4.rr4.l A IneodlTlellef i dirwl fou tenEiLTUi
Or. N. . WOOD. President. CHICAGO MEDICAL & SUHGICAL INSTITUTE. 30 Van Buren ty St. ChicagoIII.
A i ' I . . . . . .
H \ 'Jm . nnc.fKIIIW mgcinrrg * w % o > % * > -
Our warranty Goes with Each Michlne.
The Soutlmlck Ballnc Press Is ti2-liorse.f ull-clrclo machine.
H lins the largi'st I rod opening of
v any Contliiiions-Ilallni : ,
y Doulilo-Htroko I'rcsslii
Dales tight ; ilr.ift llglit.
Capacity ; Construction ; Durability nil the BEST.
T * l ! < s. They talk in tons the language of profit.
They are easy sellers. They are a double stroke praae.
Profitable to handle. Writ-3 for catalogue and discounts ,
Council Bluffs , Iowa.
All kinds of Dyelnsr
nnd Cleaning dona In
the highest style of
the art. Faded and
stained fabrics mac ] *
to look as good at
new. Work promptly1
done and deliverer
In all parta oC the
country. Send for
price list.
O A , MAOHAlf ,
l'rol > rlotor *
y. near Norm *
western Depot.
f ? Telephone 22.
< osp.2. WORKWOMEN ,
* * ' }
* 2.l.7-BOYS'SCHOOLSrOE3. !
You can BUVC 11101107 t > r tvcnrlnc ( he
W. I. . Dauclaa S'.i.OO Hlioe.
Hccniifc. wo Are the largfit manufacturers c.
IliK graitoof ihoei lu tin worhl , niiU guarantee their
value by clamping tbo came anil prlco on .bo
bottom , which jirotect you against ulzh prlcet ou < l
the middleman' * proflu. Our iliots ciuul | custom
nnrk In ityle , ea r fitting < , nd wrarlng qualltlci.
Vi'e have them * nt < l errrywhero at lower prlcfifor
ho value glrrn than nr otiirr moke. Take no tut ) .
rltute. If j our dealer cannot supply you , we can.
Sold by
A. W. Bowman Co. . 117 N. ISM ,
C. J. Carlssn. I2IB N 24th.
Elles Svonaon. 2003 N. 24t'.l.
Ignatz Newman , 424 S. I3tii ,
W . W.FIahar , 2923 Leavan .vjrM
Kelly , fatlior & . Co. , Fnrnnm & . ist.i
T. A * Croasy , 2500 H et. So , Ornahi
htockhoiil * ' Mauling.
Notice IB hereby Klven that a cneclal
meeting of the stockholders of the South
I'lattu I.and company will lie held at tha
olllce of Bald company. In Lincoln , Neb. ,
on the IMh day of November , 1831 , for th
purpoua of conulderlnic uriri acting upon the
matter of extending or renewing the artl *
clou of Incorporation of Bald company.
By order of the board ot dlructura.
II. O. IMIIliLU'g , Secretary.
Lincoln , Neb. . Oct. 16 , ISM. O1S O30t
A For 30 days wo
will give atoooth
BRUSH brush with each
FREE , PJiysiolan's
Our Prices are Low.
The Aloe & Tenfold Co. ,
Special Notices
CoUijcl )
K.I . llurke , at W. U. Homer * * . US llroadway.
In Hack county , Nebraska : 40 arcti tlipbtff
land In Mlelilifan ; will trade cither for stock
of Krneral imrchondUe , and will put In caul )
ll.'wO.OJ ' or ll.bM.OO ; lioura and lot In pplfax.
trice , U.CUO VI ; will trade for ttock of t6n r )
inerOiandlne and put In 1100.00 cajh ; fln r
Idcnco property In Council Hlurti , price.
H.OOO 00 ; will trade for general nlock and put Id
11.00000 ci li. All coire pomlenc to bt con. '
ndentlal. Addreii lock box 41. Council Uluff
acreij well Improved ! 6 mllr ea t poitomctj
rood home , barn ; plenty fruit ; price
i ; . U. tinea- ,