THE OMAHA DAILY BEE. ESTABLISHED JUNE 10 , 1871. OMAIIA , 3T1UDAY MOKNTNG , OVE LBER 9 , 189-1. O.K'V FIVE CENTS. GETTING ALMOST UNANIMOUS | Later Botnrns Increase tbo Republican Membership in tlio Uouso. HAVE FORTY-FOUR REFUB'.ICAN SENATORS Not Knntigh Democrat * Klocteil to Mnko Intorcftlliif ; ropullsti Mnka Heavy Gains In tlio llmiso. WASHINGTON. Nov. 8. On the strength of returns received up to 9 o'clock tonight Chairman Babcock of the republican con gressional committee , figures the republican representation In the next hauso will bo at least > C9 members. The change from this afternoon's tlntcr.ent , when , 2G3 were claimed to bo elected , Is made by one additional from Illinois and three from North Carolina. The dispatches received tonight that caused the greatest surprise was one stating that Repre sentative McMillan of Tennessee was possibly defeated. It came from the chairman of the republican state committee of Tennessee , and added that the district's returns were not all In. Mr , Babcock also says tonight that from present Indications the republicans will have at least forty-four members In tha senate and In this number Is Included Senator Jones of Nevada. Among the telegrams received at ! J * headquarters today was the following from fc'ottle at Greensboro , S. C. : "It Is conc ilrJ at democratic headquarters that we have elected seven congressmen In this state ; Third and Sixth districts doubtful. Sixty counties heard from. Wo have sixty-five members , democrats , twenty-three. This gives us control of the house , If we can hold thorn and the democrats concede us die senate. John L. Wilson , Spokane , Wash. , also tele graphed : "Have elected the two members of congress and have about thirty majority In the legislature. Congratulations on the great victory. " DALLAS , Nov. 8. The latest returns would seem to Indicate that Kearby , populist , has been elected In the Sixth district over Abbott by a small plurality ; Bell , democrat , over Jenkins , populist , In the Eighth ; Gill- > laml , populist , over Cockrell , democrat , In the Thirteenth ! Noonan , republican , over Houston , democrat. In the Twelfth ; Wcldon , republican , over Grain , democrat , In the Eleventh ; Pcndleton , democrat , Is elected over Barber , populist , In the Seventh ; Culberson , democrat , over Davis , pop ulist , In the Fourth ; Voakum , dem ocrat , over Perdue , populist , In the Third ; Bailey , democrat , over Broder , populist. In the Fifth ; Crowley , democrat , over Dozen- thai , republican , In the Sixth. The First , Second and Ninth return Hutchcson , Cooper and Sayrcs , democrats. SPRINGFIELD , HI. . Nov. 8. Finis E. Downing concedes his defeat In the Sixteenth congressional district , General John Rlnaker beating him by 200. This makes the Illi nois delegation solidly republican. ' WASHINGTON , Nov. 8. Chairman Babcock - ! \ cock of the republican congressional commit tee received a letter this morning' from A. E. Holton , chairman of the republican state committed of North Carolina , claiming that the republicans have carried that state. The following contains extracts from the letter : "GREENSBOROUGH , N. C. . Nov. 7. Hon. J. W. Babcock : Dear Sir Wo won a com plete victory at the polls hero yesterday. We have elected the Judicial ticket by an * " estimated majority of over 40,000 , and have - v- both branches of the legislature , with four republican and three populist congressmen. A fight will have to bo made tomorrow before the county canvassing boards. These boards have Judicial power with the right -Investigate the legal ity of every vote and pass upon the regularity of the precinct returns. It will ba necessary for us to employ counsel of repute - puto and ability to appear before these can vassing boards In many of the counties of the state. We will be obliged to employ democrat lawyers at good figures. The dem ocrats say they have given up the state , but our best Information Is that they will appear before the boards tomorrow prepared to do all In their power. " Chairman Babcock has already Instructed i Mr. Holton to employ all the counsel neces sary to protect the republican rights In the state. LEBANON , Mo. , Nov. 8. Congressman Richard P. Bland concedes his defeat by Dr. J. D. Hubbard , republican , by 600 plurality. DENVER , Nov. S. For congress. Second district , John C. Bell , populist. Is elected. SAN ANTONIO , Tex. , Nov. 8. The latest returns from the Twelfth congressional dis trict show the election of Noonan , republi can , by 1,000 plurality. UOANOKE , Va. , Nov. 8. J. Hampton Hoge , the republican candidate for congress In this district , the Sixth , said tonight he would contest Otcy's scat. He claims 4,000 legal votes cast for him were thrown out by the Judges of the election. HASTON , Pa. , Nov. S. Hart , democrat , for congress , defeats Judge Klrkpatrlck , repub lican , In the Eighth district , by 203 plurality. KEW YORK. Multiplicity ot lliilloU CniiHliiR Much Troulilo In < omit hit- . NEW YORK , Nov. 8. The multiplicity of bnllotn given to voters In the election booths lias caused much confusion and Is delaying the ofilclal count. In one Long Island City district the county clerk reports the returns arc badly mixed up , The vote for school trustees was given to the candidates for city treasurer and the city treasurer's vote was given to the candidates tor school trustees. Herman Drier , a candidate for school trus tee , received ninety-eight votes for city treas urer. Thomas Boyle , another candidate for school trustee , received fifty-three for city treasurer , and Felix Hughes , another can didate for school trustee , gets the votes for city treasurer. F. W. Bleckwenn , who wai defeated for the city trcasurorshlp by Lucius Knapp , U given 138 votes for school trustee , end Lucius Knapp , who was elected treas urer , Is given 102 voles for school trustee. Th uncertainty about the board of alder men was removed this afternoon by the po lice returns , which give the republicans eigh teen out of thirty-one members. The board will hiivp the apportionment of the city for assembly districts , The ofilclnl vote ot Now York City for inayur Is : William strong , republican. 153- 013 ; Hugh J. Grant , Tammany , 108.775 ; 3..u - clen Sanlal , socialist , 7,281 ; James McCullom , pooplo's , 2rlS ; Gcorgo Grttlen , prohibitionist , SCO ; Strongu , plurality , 44,265. Complete Now York state returns show for governor : Morton. 668,712 ; Hill , 514,874 ; Mnrtim's plurality , 'loa.SSS. The official vote for president of the Board of Aldcnucn. gives John , repub lican , a plurality ofH.S73. . n. J. H. Tarn- tun , republican , for Mi'jrlff , 27,160. TENNESSEE ! " Turner Auniy In the l.riicl but Krputillrmik Kxpcct In Win , NASUVILT.D. Tcnn. , Nov. 8. Official and unoniclal returns from seventy counllei out of nlnely-jlx clve Tu.-ner , democrat , 5S93 ; ; ! and Evain , republican , 49,119. Returns ar4 coming In Blowlr. Both sides ar ? ftlll chim ing tlio election. Chairman Carroll denies that hconcedi'J : the flection nt F.vjr. ! . Official rind < motIltHl returns show hut envfaly-five domorrata have been * lete > 1 la ( ho legislature wllh eevcrul conntUs to hear from , which evrs ! tli- democrats control In both lc'43t-s ; am ! Inturcs tlis clec'lcn ' i > ( the UnlUd Status a nator. Tha election fur governor has not been defln tly lettltd. Return * are coming In very slouly. Ylio republican tbe * claim elec - tion c ( Evani by 15,040 majority , ivhllo the democrats claim Turncy's election by from 5,000 : to 7,000. MEMPHIS. Nov. 8. Returns received from the democratic strongholds In west Tennessee continue to swell the plurality of Governor Turney and It Is possible that It may go over 4,000. Several districts are sixty miles from a telegraph office and It will be tonight or to morrow bcforo the complete returns are re ceived. NASHVILLE , Nov. 0. 12:30 : a. m. The gubernatorial muddle In this state seems no nearer a settlement. Both the democratic anil republican state committee claim the gov ernor. The returns come In slowly and It scsms at this hour more certain than before that the ofilclal count In each county will be required to decide whether Turney or Evana U elected. Chairman Carrel of the 'lenv > - cintlc committee tonight again makes .1 rub- he statement that Turney Is elected by nut less than 2,000. Chairman Sanders of the republican committee la equally us poilti' e that Kvanb Is elected by not less than 10COO. and talk of frauds on both sides Is becoming common. The state legislature Is demo cratic In both houses. State Ticket nnil at I.emt Ti-n ConRrensnicn Are ICupuMlciin. ST. LOUIS , Nov. S. The surprising result of the Missouri election Is becoming clearer , and the extent ot republican success appears to be already well defined. There Is today every Indication that the republican state ticket was successful. The republicans In comparison with two years ago had a plural ity of 29.C61 to overcome. Fifty-seven coun- ties out of 114 show a net republican gain of 18,729. The same ratio for the remain ing 57 would elect W. M. Robinson supreme Judge , J. It. Kirk superintendent of schools , and Joseph Flory railroad commissioner , by not less than 0,000 plurality. In the state house of representatives- republicans have made gains enough to give them a ma jority of the legislature on Joint ballot , but the senate of Itself , by holdover members , will remain democratic. In the congressional district It Is now fairly established that the First ( Hatch's ) , Fourth ( Allison's ) , Sixth ( De Armond's ) , Seventh ( Hcard's ) , Ninth ( Champ Clark's ) , Thirteenth ( Fox's ) , Fourteenth ( Arnold's ) , and Fifteenth ( Morgan's ) have been carried by the republicans. The Eighth ( Bland's ) Is still In doubt OB also the Third ( Dockery's ) . The Tenth and Eleventh St. Louis districts are also republican. The only sure demo cratic districts are the Second , Fifth and Twelfth. From further returns this forenoon the slate democratic committee concedes the election of a republican legislature. It also corcedes the defeat , prlma facie , of R. P. Bland ( Silver Dick ) , for congress in the Eighth district by a plurality of nineteen votes. Complete returns , however , show the re-election of Dockery In the Third by 300. KANSAS CITY , Nov. 8. A special to the Star from St. Louis says : Returns from sev enty counties out of 115 Indicate the positive election of the entire republican state ticket , nearly 100 members of the house of repre sentatives , enough membrs o'f the senate to make that body a tie politically , and probably eleven out of fifteen congressmen , with con tests certain In the Fifth , where there were the greatest of democratic frauds , and the Third. If the present percentage of repub lican gain Is maintained to the close of the returns. Black Is defeated for supreme judge by 10,000 by Robinson , the republican candi date. Jco Flory will defeat Finks by 12,000 and Kirk of Kansas City will bo the first re publican for twenty years to have charge of Missouri schools. The fight In the Sixth congressional district Is so close that the official count only can decide the content. In the congressional fight Dockery of the Third , Tarsney of the Fifth and Cobb of the Twelfth are the only democrats that have been elected on the face of the reurna. Hatch , In the First district , Is clearly beaten by Clark. Hall , In the Second , for whom there were strong hopas until now , has surely gone down. Ellison In the Fourth and Heard In the Seventh are burled. In the Eighth , "Silver Dick" Bland's rural constituency has glvon the go-by to him In favor of Joel Hubbard. In the Ninth Champ Clark has been defeated by fieloar of Audraln , jj school teacher with protection tendencies. Bartholdt In the Tenth , Joy In the Eleventh and Ranney In the Thirteenth swell the re publican column. The "swamp angel" dis trict ot the southeast , the Fourteenth , where only democrats were supposed to live , has retired Marsh Arnold In favor of Mosoly , the republican candidate. For the first time In twenty-five years the southeast has failed to come up rock-ribbed for the democratic ticket. The anti-free sITvor-lead ore men of the Tenth district left Morgan at home by l.COO In favor of Judge Barton. Counties which have never gone re publican since the ex-confederates > wcro restored ta citizenship have elected the entire republican ticket. Analysis of the vote OH shown by returns received at demo 10j cratic headquarters shows that no portion jf the state has been exempt from the shaking up. It is Just as bad down along the Ar kansas line as it Is up on the Iowa border. The Mississippi river counties are as badly "slumped" as the tier which borders , on Kan sas. Two years ago the democrats had nine ty-two members In the house and the re publicans forty-eight. This time the demo crats anil populist ! > combined will not be atlo to muster mere than a strong minority. JEFFERSON CITV , Mo. , Nov. 8. Gov ernor Stone was In a more communicative humor today and says that the loss of the state to the democracy Is due to the "stay- at-homo" element. Ho Is very pronounced In his demands for a western man for presi dent In 1890 , and suggested that his thought Is to so liberalize and broaden the demo cratic platform of that year as to secure 0P 0n consolidation o'f all the political elements op posed to the republican party. He concedes the defeat of the stale ticket and the election of a republican majority In the lower house of the legislature. NORTH CAROLINA. Itcimlillrans nnil ropulltt * Divide the Olllcrs Itrtirrrn Them. nWASHINGTON , Nov. S. A special to the Evening Star from Raleigh , N. C. , says : In tha absence of ofilclal returns the following carefully prepared report may be relied upon as nearly correct : The present te justice , Walter Clark , will keep his seat , as ho ran on both tickets nnil got nearly all the votes cast. The next United Stales senators - nnil ators will probably bo Marlon , Butler and Molt , fuaionlst candidates. Congressional ialr results are as follows : First district , Skinner : , populUt ; Second , Woodward , democrat , Third , Shaw , democrat ; Fourth , Slroud , populist ; Fifth , Settle , republican ; Sixth , Locklmrt , democrat ; Seventh. Shufonl , populUt ; Eighth , LInney , populUt ; Ninth , Pearson , republican and Crawford , democrat , both claim the offi . cial count la neccesary to decide. The state and judicial ticket of the fuclonlHts Is elected by several thsu'.and. Marlon Butler , the populist leader , claims 20,000. The legislature on Joint ballot will probably be fiiilon. NOR 111 DAKOTA. r.cjHibllcaM3 iictt : a Coti ( ioxrrimr. FARGO , N. D. , Nov. . . Congressman Johnson , republican , elected over Mulr , fusion nud ' Reeve , Independent-democrat. Allln , republican , elected governor over Klnter , democrat , and \Vnllnce , populist. Late returns from nearly every precinct In the stnte give. Allln , republican , for Koverncr. 6,000 , nnil Johnson , rcpuhllccn , fur congress , 6,000. The republican rtatn ticket U elected unrl the legislature Is overwhelmingly r publican , MARYLAND , Am ( Irnvruii * mid Will ; fnt Cimim C'uiigrfiiiloiial Mml . I1ALTIMOUR , Nov. 8.The republican state committee yesteiday announced Iti deter- mlmitlon to contrtt the three Maryland con- crcaalouul dlitrlcls carried by the its. Today the committee , after fully discussing the question , resolved that "Whereas , We have whipped the life out of our opponents , It would be both cruel and useless to kick the party when It lies flat on Its back. " COLORADO. Wnlto linn Two ThniiiiiiKl Itelilnd n Hope- IrMly llefrutcMt Tlclint. DENVER , Nov. 8. Mclntyre's plurality for govenor Is estimated at 19,000 on the basis of the returns so far received from all over the state. In Arapahoe county his majority over Walte Is 15.19D , with seven precincts missing. Walte ran 2,000 votes behind his ticket. Tne populists claim the legislature will be a tie on joint ballot , but the repub licans figure on a majority of 19. DENVER , Nov. 8. In splto of the positive announcement from Pueblo that Thomas M.K Uowen , republican , Is elected congressman , the result In the Second district still seams to bo In doubt. Returns , official and esti mated , received here from every county In the district give Dell , populist , 2,207 majority over Ilowen , The republicans apparently have n majority of sixteen on Joint ballot In the legislature. The senate will consist of sixteen republlcanb and nineteen democrats and populists , In the house the republicans will have forty-two members and the opposition twenty-three. Governor Walto has written the following letter to H. Q , Clark , chair man of the populist state cen tral committee : "I am Informed that you foal badly over the result. Of course a great deal of fault Is found. Now , everybody knew that 'tho old cow would eat up the grindstone. ' It would bo singular , Indeed , If there had been no fault In the management , but I am persuaded that nothing that was done or left undone by the state central committee or by any of the candidates could have changed the result. We may as well accept our defeat philosophically. We have lost this fight , but our cause Is just and therefore Immortal. "In an especial manner I wish" to Impress upon you my entire confidence In your Integ rity. The stars and their courses have fought against us , but 'freedom's battle be queathed from sire to son , though often lost , Js ever won. ' " WYOMING. Hcpubllcnn PI urn Itloi Incrniise us rait its tlio Itpiiiriit Arrive. CHEYENNE , Wyo. , Nov. S , ( Special Tele gram. ) Partial returns have been received from Johnson , the only county In Wyoming that gave a plurality for the democratic state ticket , and In this county the repub licans elected over one-half of the county officers and one member of the legislature. The average democratic plurality Is about 100 , with the exception ot congressman. Mondell , the republican candidate , carried the county by a small plurality. The complexion of the next Wyoming leg islature is as follows : House , thirty-three re publicans , twenty-one populists , three demo crats ; senate , fifteen republicans , three dem ocrats. As the returns from the outlying precincts come In the plurality for the re publican ticket keeps Increasing. Frank W. Mondell's plurality for congressman will not fall much under 3.GOO , and that of William A. Richards for governor and the remainder of the state ticket about the same. M. B. Campten , republican , Is elected Judge of the Fourth judicial district , comprising Johnson , Sheridan , Crook and Weston counties , by over 1,000 plurality over W. S. Mctz , demo- crat. TEXAS. I'opullstH Cliilm tlio Former Democratic Stronghold by Klglity Tliiiiimtnil. ABILENE , Tex. , Nov. 8. Texas , too , was caught In the slide of republican victory , but by populists Instead of republicans. The time-worn plurality of 180,000 for democracy Is a thing of the past. Today's returns very materially change the situation from that of yesterday , when the democrats were con fident of a plurality of 80,000 , while tonight they will be satisfied If barely ahead. Every return throughout the state today shows phenomenal populist gains , and may possibly Indicate the election of Nugent , the populist nominee for governor. The state tonight Is claimed by both parties. The populists claim a plurality of 80,000 for Nugent , whllo the democrats only claim the state for Cul btrrson by 30,000. The democratic strongholds have been heard from , while the populists are yet to receive returns from the country districts. MONTANA. Helena I.cnl : > In tlio Iltice for Oap'tul Locution. HELENA , Mont. , Nov. 8. On the returns so far received Helena leads Anaconda 500 votes In the contest over the location of the capital. It Is estimated that 132 precincts to bo heard from will Increase Helena's majority to 1,750 or 2.000. Returns enough arc In hand to make cer tain the election of a republican legislature In both branches. ' Hartman , republican , Is elected to congress and Hunt for associate Justice. Official figures cannot be had for several days. Helena's majority for the state KANSAS. Seveii Republican ConKresmiion nml One Populist Morrlll's Mnjiirlty. TOPEKA , Nov. 8. The latest figures at state political headquarters show that Kansas has elected feven republican congressmen and one populist William Baker In the Sixth dlstrlc1. The latter district , how ever , Is so clo-o that a contest Is likely. Chairman Breldenthal ot the populist state central committee concedes the defeat of Jerry Simpson and all the populist congres sional nominees except Baker. Morrlll's ma- orlty of about 30.000. KENTUCKY. IClcrtlou In Not Certain In the Ash- luiul Dlitrlrt. LEXINGTON , Nov. 8. The situation In the Ashland district Is unchanged from yes terday. Owens , democrat , claims 118 plur ality , but Judge Denny , republican , eays he Is confident ot his election when the official returns are counted tomorrow. If Owens Is given a certificate , Denny will surely contest his scat In congress , on the ground of the refusal to register republican voters and acts of frauds on election day. IDAHO , IlcptUillriina Carry the State nnil Capture llio l.t-gUlnture. B01S15 , Idaho , Nov. 8. Later returns do not change the estimates respecting the results of the election. The Statesman has received half of the vote of the state. It chows a republican plurality of 1,800 to 2,000 over the populists. This will be Increased to 2.000 by full returns. The republican ! have tlecu-il thirty.two out of fifty-four members of tlir legislature , possibly more. ' .YASHINGTON . , I'rurtlcully Ununhnoiu for the ll | iuullcaiu. TACQMA , Wash. , Nov. 8. Indications are tonight thst the republicans will have eighty- five numbers of the legislature out of a total of 112 , the populists fourteen and tbe demo- crate thirteen , giving the republicans a clear majority on joint ballot ot ofty-eluat. PAvtMnitiIIP T'inr"r > iff ITIIP CONFIRMING MUST CLAIMS Official Figures So Far Obtained Shaw Hol comb to Be Well in the Load. HIS ! PLURALITY IS STILL OVER 2,630 Scvciity-NIno Comitle.1 Heard from lu I'lill and lilcvcn I'urtlnlly Show this Ito- nutt-Further Details on the Oilier Citmllililc9 : , The Ie ! has received official returns on _ governor ( from seventy-nine of the ninety counties In the state , and ' partial returns from the other eleven , which show Hoi- comb's election by about 2,600. The returns printed In The Bee. of yesterday were verified by telegraph after the official count In many of the counties , and while some changes wore made In the actual figures , there was but little variation In the totals. Enough figures have been received from the missing counties to make a close estimate of the pluralities given Holcomb , and as these have been made conservatively , It is proba ble that the official count will show gains for the fusion candidate. The actual plu rality shown for Holcomb by the following table Is 2.G2C : ANDREWS' SAFE PLURALITY. Ofilclal returns , have been' received- from all but two counties In the' Fifth congres sional district. With the nilsSmis : .counties closely estimated , Andrews haa a. plurality over McKelghan of 857. Th.e 'Vote by coun ties is as follows : Returns are still lacking1 from five counties In the Third congressional district , but the election of Melklejohn Is assured by u largo plurality. ) In the Fourth district th'ere are still four counties from which the official returns are not known on congressman' , but Halner , re publican. Is re-elected by a substantial ma jority over both of his opponents. Starkpopu- llst-iutlan , and Alley , straight democrat. There are several back counties to bo heard from In the Sixth district and the race there Is a close ono between Daugherty , repub lican , and Kcin , populist. The Indications are btlll favorable to the election of Daugh erty by a small majority. CO.VFIIt.MI.VG THK ItKK'H COUNT. I'tii-tlicr ripnres from tlio Htutu Show that ThU Taper \Viis Might. In the list of special telegrams printed bclnw mort all are the official figures of tbo counties from which they are sent. They confirm The Bee's figures absolutely , and must not bo confounded with the specially prepared reports given by alleged competi tors. The true returns are : ANTELOPE COUNTY Complete vote gives : Holcomb , 1,15) ) ; Majors , 872 ; Sturdevant , 51 ; R. E. Moore , 900 ; Gaffln , 1,059 : Diinphy , 80 ; Piper , 889 ; .McFadden. 1,007 ; ISllIck , 75 ; Rolf. 62 ; Eugene Moore , 916 ; Wtlsbn , ' 989 ; Baurnan , 108 ; Bartley , 859 ; Powers.-flSS ) Lulkari , 120 ; Breldenthal. 64 : Churchill , 8S7 ; Carey , 1,017 ; Ames , 86 ; Russell , SS2 ; Ktfnt. 1.058 ; Blgler , 78 ; Corbett , 891 ; Jones , 1JMOJ Doolittle , 91. Congress , Melklejolm , republican' , ' 908 ; Hens- ley , democrat , 14S ; Devlnfc , 'populist , 993. State senate , Ninth district , Mifrtln , repub lican. 873 ; Council , democrat-127 ; Jeffres , populist , 977. Reprsentatlvo , Twenty-first district , DeCamp , republican ; 333'r Sutcr , pop ulist , 1.138. BOVD COUNTY Official returns from four of the nlno precincts ID the bounty give : Holcomb , 204 ; Majors , 2T 9. Sjame precincts In ISM gave Harrison 29S votes' . " Butte pre cinct , the ropubllcan strongholJ ; gave Ma jors , 117 ; Holcomb , 97 , Republicans concede the county to Holcomb by 126 easy , CEDAR COUNTY Official count : Gerrard , 47 ; Holcomb , US4 ; Majors , 804if Sturdevant , 145 ; Blgelow , 36 ; Dunphy , 194 ? Geffln , 837 ; R. E. Moore , 851 ; Elllck. ai ; 'Hompes. 35 ; McFadden , C28 ; Piper , S3 $ Ref } , 142 ; Bau- man. 274 ; Eugene. Moore , ' 862 : Smith , 39 ; Wilson , 778 ; Bartley , 824 ; Breldenthal , 188 ; Lulkart , 290 ; Pond. 38 ; Power * . .608 ; Corbett , 846 ; Doollttlo , 231 ; Jones , , ' 821 ; Kearney. 28 ; Ames , 211 ; Carey , 867 ; Ch&rchlll. 631' ; Mack , 37 : Blgler , 216 ; Hill , 44 ; Kent. 85C ; Russell , 824 ; Ilentley. 245 ; Uryarr'SOU Uevlne , 673 ; I Hensley , 430 ; Melklejohn , 802 ; Thomas , 33 , State senate. Eighth 'district : Ank ny , 5S2 ; Mlkesell , 529 ; Suunders , 825. Representative , Nineteenth district : Beck , 831 ; H'ckhoff , 748 ; Leamy. 351 , County attorney ; BrU nbiugh , 1,053 ; Engteman , SCO. CIIEYI3NNE COUNTY Complete vote : Holcomb , 160 ; Majors , 379 ; Sturdevant , 'U' ' ; II. E. Moore. 433 ; GalUn. 360 ; Dunphy , 03 ! ; Piper , 418 ; McFadden. 305 ; Elllck. 66 ; Rolf. 74 ; Eugene Moore , 422 ; WlUon. 424 ; Rauman , 92 ; Hartley , 401 ; Powers , 312 : Lulkart , 54 > ; Breldenthal , 74 ; Churchill. 420 ; Carey. 349 ; Ames , 72 ; Russell , 412r KenJ , 333 : Blgler , 76 ; Corbett. 420 ; Jones , 352 ; Doollttle. ' 3.1 Congress ; Daugherty. republican , 435 ; Kern , populist , 3SO , State senate' Akera , republican , 479 ; Mllltr , democrat , 19 ; ShraJer , populUt , 333. Representative : Hurls , re publican , 448 ; Hampton , populist , 350. Leroy Martin , petition candidate for county attorney - torney , elected by 68 majority. CUMINO COUNTY Complete vote : Hol comb , 1,410 ; Majors , 998 ; Stunlevant , 155 ; U. E. Moore. 1,073 ; Gafiln. 1,042 ; Dunphy , 245 ; Plpor. 1,053 ; McFadden. 318 ; Elllck , CIS ; Rolf , 233 ; Eugene Moore , 1,047 ; Wilson , 624 ; Bauman , 605 ; Bartley , 1,032 ; Powers , 624 ; Lulkart , 696 ; Breldenthal , 2C3 ; Church- III , 1,066 ; Carey , 1,111 ; Ames , 25 ; Russell , 1.04 $ ; Kent , 1,092 ; Blgler , 260 ; Corbett , 1,100 ; J < t(8 , 927 ; Doollttlo , 2SS. Congrces , Mclklc- John , republican , 1,143 ; Hensley , democrat , 948 ; Devlnc , populist , 438. State senate , Stuefer , republican , 1,342 ; Hanacn , democrat - crat , 909 ; T. E. Hall , populist , 321. Repre sentatives , county , Burke , republican , 1,152 ; float. Mcll C. Joy , republican , 1,091 ; county , Tccbken , democrat , 1,116 ; float , Nick Fritz , democrat , 1,106 ; county , H. M. Kcyme , pop- ullst , 273 ; tioat. L. Dewald , populist , 299. CASS COUNTY The official canvass com- mcnced this afternoon and Is completed only on governor , resulting : Majors , 2,573 ; Hol comb , 1,881 ; Gerrard , 106 ; Slurdevaut , 140 ; Majors' plurality , 689 ; total vote cast In the county , 4,868 ; a gain of 449 over last year. CHASE COUNTY The official vote gives : Oerrard , 4 ; Holcomb , 233 ; Majors , 309 ; Slur- dcvant , 29 ; Blgler , 12 ; Dunphy , 62 ; Ganin , 218 ; Moore , 277 ; Elllck , 34 ; Hompcs , 7 ; McIMdden , 186 ; Plpor , 301 ; Rolf , 35 ; Bauman , 62 ; Moore , 301 ; Smith , 7 ; Wilson , 202 ; Bartley. 291 ; Breldenthal , 60 ; Lulkart , 20 ; Pond , 7 ; Powers , 200 ; Corbett , 292 ; Doollttlo , 69 ; Jones , 215 ; Bernlce , 6 ; Ames , 48 ; Carey , 221 ; Churchill , 294 ; Mack. 6 ; Blgler , 77 ; Hill , 8 ; Kent , 201 ; Russell , 280 ; Andrews , 299 ; Ashby. 21 ; Hubbell - bell , -4 ; McKclghan , 244. Senator , Rathburn , republican , 301 ; Young , populist , 198. Rep resentative , Cole , republican , 284 ; McGlnnls , populist , 258 ; republican county ticket elected. COLFAX COUNTY The complete vote gives : Gerrard , 37 ; Holcomb , 1,088 ; Majors , 714 ; Sturdevant , 184. Congressman , Third district , Dovlne , populist , 744 ; Hensley , dem ocrat , 600 ; Melklejohn , republican , 737 ; Thomas , prohibition , 31. Senator , Twelfth district , Murphy , republican , C86 ; Sprecher , popullst.1,003 ; Ecntmeyer , democrat , 414. Representative , Twenty-sixth district , Lepsa , republican , 865 ; Vanhousen , democrat and people's Independent , 1,166. DAWES COUNTY The complete ofilclal vote gives : Holcomb , 945 ; Majors , 777 ; Stur devant , 73 ; R. E. Moore , 801 ; Gaffln , 809 ; Dunphy , 146 ; Piper , 798 ; McFadden , 734 ; Elllck , 114 ; Rolf , 37 ; E. Moore , 786 ; Wilson , 778 ; Bauman , 158 ; Bartley , 795 ; Powers , 737 ; Lulkart , 83 ; Breldenthal , 126 ; Churchill , 803 ; Carey , 787 ; Ames , 135 ; Russell , 795 ; Kent , 810 ; Blgler , 143 ; Corbett , 825 ; Jones , 749 ; Doollttle. 152. Congress. Daugherty , repub- Ican , 682 ; Bone , 50 ; Kern , populist , 882. State senate , Scamahorn , 70S ; Owens , 230 ; Stewart , 773. Representative , Cox , demo crat , 751 ; Dempsey , populist , 773. DEUEL COUNTY The complete vote on rjovernor : Majors , 222 ; Holcomb , 307 ; Slur- levant , 16 , DUNDY COUNTY Complete vote gives : Holcomb , 273 ; Majors , 2SG ; R. E. Moore , 281 ; Gatlln , 261 ; Dunphy , 21 ; Piper , 279 ; McFadden , 251 ; Elllck. 12 ; Rolf , 16 ; Eugene Moore , 283 ; Wilson , 249 ; Bauman , 21 ; Bartley. 275 ; Pow ers 249 ; Lulkart. 7 ; Breldenthal , 21 ; Churchill , 283 ; Carey , 262 ; Ames , 17 ; Russell , 279- Kent , 255 ; Blgler. 24 ; Corbett , 283 ; Jones , 262 ; Doollttle , 16. Congress , Andrews , republican , 288 ; Ashby. democrat , 14 ; Mc- Kclfihan , populist , 262. State senate , Rath- burn , republican , 273 ; Lehew , democrat , 39 ; Young , populist , 245. Representative , Cole , republican , 278 ; Shahan , democrat , 21 ; Mc Glnnls , populist , 258. GAGE COUNTY The official canvass gives : Majors , 3,689 ; Holcomb , 2,111 ; Sturdevant , 480 ; Gerrard , 174. GOSPER COUNTY Complete vote : Hoi- comb , 6C5J Mnjori , 365 ; Sturdevant , 27 ; R. E. Moore. 378 ; Gaffln. 569 ; Dunphy. 45 ; Piper. 302 ; > McFadden , 670 ; Ellick , ' Eiigen6 'M6D7BT350 : "Wilson. 47 Bnrtlev , 3CC ; Powers. G65 ! Lulkart , 17 ; Broldcnthal , 38 ; Churchill , 373 ; Carey. 569 ; Ames. 42 ; Russell. 266 ; Kent , 56(5 ( ; Blgler , 46 ; Corbett. 359 ; Jones , 572 ; Doollttle. 49. Congress , Andrews , republican , SGo ; Mc- KelKhan , democrat. CS9. State senate , Unth- bun. republican , 381 ; Young , populist , 566. Representative. Schroeder. republican , 3i8 ; McDrlde , populist , E76. GRANT COUNTY Complete vote : Hol- coinl ) , 109 ; Majors , 70 ; Sturdevnnt , C ; U. B. Moore , 73 ; Gafiln. 87 ; Dunphy , 15 ; Piper , 73 ; McFadden. 76 ; Elllck , 1 ; Rolf , 11 ; Eugene Moore , 74 ; Wilson , 73 ; Dauman , 18 ; Uartlett , 70 ; Powers , 69" Lulkart , 18 ; Breldenthal , 13 ; Churchill , 61 ; Carey , 52 ; Ames , M ; Russell. 70 ; Kent. 4S ; Blgler. 14 ; Corbett , 72 ; Jones , SO ; Doollttle. 13. Congress , Daugherty. re publican , 63 ; Kcm , populist , 89. State senate , Akers. republican , 6G ; Miller , democrat , 31 ; Schrader , populist , 68. Representative , Price , republican , 86 ; Barry , democrat , 56. IIAYICS COUNTY Complete vote : Hol comb , 257 ; Majors , 305 ; Sturdevant , 37 ; R. B. Moore , 317 ; Gaffln , 243 ; Dunphy , 40 ; Piper , 312 ; McFadden. 220 ; Elllck , 21 ; Rolf , 36 ; Bugene Moore , 31-1 ; Wilson. 216 ; Bauman. 53Bartley , 313 ; Powers , 210 ; Lulkart , 21 ; Ilrcldenthal , 41 ; Churchill , 310 ; Carey , 231 ; Ames. 48 ; Russell , 312 ; Kent , 234 ; Blgler , 44 ; Corbett , 311 ; Jones , 232 ; Doollttle , 4 . Congress , Andrews , republican , 310 ; Ashby , democrat , 31 ; McKelghan , populUt , 246. State senate , Rathbun. republican. 234 ; Le- hew , democrat , 50 ; Young , populist , 210. Representative , Cole , republican , 323 ; Shahan , democrat , 52 ; Mrdnnls. populist , 220. JOHNSON COUNTY Oltlclal vote : Gar- rarcl. 62 ; Holcomb , 982 ; Majors. 1,401 ; Sturdevant , 80 ; Blgclovv. 74 ; Dunphy , 151 ; Gamn , 898 ; Moore , 1,381 ; Elllck , 187 ; Hompes , 78 ; McFadden , 73G ; Piper , 1.369 ; Rolf , 101 ; Bauman , 243 ; Moore , 1,381 ; Smith , 96 ; Wilson. 771 ; Bartley , 1,340 ; Brcidenthal , 190 ; Lulknrt , 17fi ; Pond , 79 ; Powers. C96 ; Corbett , 1,388 ; Doolittle , 187 ; Jones , S65 ; Kearney , 63 ; Ames , 189 ; Carey. 862 ; Churchill , 1,373 ; Mock , 70 ; BlKler , 178 ; Hill. 85 ; Kent , 877 ; Russell. 1,351 ; Bentley , 291 ; Bryan , 1,018 ; Hawley , 67 ; Strode , 1,128 ; Weir. 978. State senate ( Second district ) , nuffum , republican , 223 ; Hitchcock , republican , 1,360 ; Williams , popu- lin. 803. Representative ( Fourth district ) . Bills , fusion , 1,039 ; JCink , republican , 1,312. Representative ( Fifth district ) , Overturf. fusion , 1,000 ; Pohlman , republican , 1,378. County attorney , S. D. Porter , republican , 1,321 ; C. Rood , fusion. 1,082. County com missioner ( Second district ) , J. T. Hedrlck , republican. 435 ; J. Keplltiger , fusion , 339. JEFFERSON COUNTY Official count : Holcomb , 1,131 ; Majors , 1.700 ; Sturdevant , 17S ; R. B. Moore. 1,697 ; Gafiln , 992 ; Dunphy , l'S9 ; Piper , 1,670 ; McFadden , 887 ; Elllck , 188 ; Rolf , 199 ; BiiRene Moore. 1.703 ; Wilson , 8S5 ; Bauman , 338 ; Bartley , 1,666 ; Powers. 851 ; Lulkart , 197 ; Breldenthal , 243 ; Churchill , 1,691 ; Carey , 049 ; Ames. 310 ; Russell , 1,676 ; Kent , 963 ; fllgler , 341 ; Corbett , 1.753 ; Jones , 917 ; Doollttle , 202. For congress , Halner , 1,729 ; Stark , 948 ; Alloy , 283. State senate , Cross , 1,741 ; Barnes , 1.156. Representative , Cramb , 1,759 ; Clary , 1,092. Float , repre sentative , Deaver. 1,101 ; Richards , 1,749. KIMBALL COUNTY Complete vote : Hol comb , 91 ; Majors , 82 ; Sturdevant , 4 ; R. B. Moore , 94 ; Gafiln , SO ; Dunphy , 10 ; Piper , 92 ; McFadden , 82 ; Elllck , 3 ; Rolf , 4 ; Bugene Moore , 91 ; WlUon , 87 ; Bauman , 8 ; Bartley , 92 Powers , 77 ; Lulkart , 5 ; llreldeiithal , 5 ; Churchill , 90 ; Carey , 75 ; Ames , 9 ; Russell , 90 ; Kent , 81 ; Biglor. 7 ; Corbett , 93 ; Jones. 75 ; Doollttle , 8. Cotig.ess : Dougherty. 100 ; Kem , 80 ; Bone , 4. Senate ; Akers , 100 ; Streater , 74 ; Miller. 5. Representative : Har ris , 98 ; Hamton , 82. KNOX COUNTY Complete vote : Hol comb , 1,207 ; Majors , 937 ; Sturdevant , 85 ; R. B. Moore , 977 ; Gaftln , 1,071 ; Dunphy , 109 ; Piper. 971 ; McFadden , 1,104 ; Elllck , 150 ; Rolf. 149 ; Eugene Moore. 1.125 ; Wilson , 838 ; Bau man , 237 ; Hartley , 992 ; Powers. 921 ; Lulkart , 153 ; Breldenthal , 139 ; Churchill , 1,015 ; Carey , 1.079 ; Ames , 129 ; Russell , 9SO ; Kent. 1,048 ; Blgler , 143 ; Corbett , 1,005 ; Jones , 1.016 ; Doo- little , 166 , Congress , Melklejohn , republican , I 1.016 ; Hensley , democrat , 253 ; Devlne , popu- list , SCO. State senate , Saundcrs , republican , I 1,078 ; Mlkesell , democrat , 326 ; Ankeny. j populist , 819. Representative , Irwln , republl- : can , 1,039 ; Wart , populist , 1,057. LOGAN COUNTY Complete vote : Hoi- I comb , 110 ; Majors , 105 ; Sturdevant , 8 ; R. E. ' Moore. 105 ; Oaffln. 97 ; Dunphy , 18 ; Piper , ,101 , ; McFadden , 04 ; Blllck , 13 ; Rolf 10 ; Eugene Moore , 102 ; WlUon , 92 ; uauman , S3 ; Bartley , 101 ; Powers , 93 ; Lulkhart , 8 ; Brlcdenthal. 18 ; Churchill. 101 ; Carey. 91 ; ' Amea , 19 ; Russell , 100 ; Kent. 95 ; lllglcr , i 19 ; Cnrbett , 101 ; Jones , 95 ; Doollttle. 18. Congress , Daugherty , republican , 113 ; Bone , prohibitionist , 3 ; Kem , popullit , 101 , State senate. Akerrf , republican , 108 ; Miller , demo crat , 12 ; Schrader , populUt , 101. Repre sentative , Clause , republican , 123 ; Maze , re- , publican , 92 ; Farley , democrat , 21 ; Smith , democrat , 25 ; Gear , populist , 88 ; Hlgglns , populist , 90. LOUP COUNTY Complete vote : Holcomb. 122 ; Majors. 112 ; Sturdevnnt , 1 ; R. E. Moore , 114 ; Gaffln , 113 ; Dunphy. 1 ; Piper , 114 ; McFadden , 102 ; Elllck. 2 ; Rolf. 3 ; E. Moore , 112 ; Wilson , 111 ; Bauman , 6 ; Bart ley , 114 ; Powers , 111 ; Lulkart , 1 ; Brelden thal , B ; Churchill. 113 ; Carey. 114 ; Ames. 3 ; Russell , 111 ; Kent , 115 ; Biglir , 4 : Corbett , 114 ; Jones , 112 ; Doollttle , 3. Congress , Matthew A. Daugherty , 113 ; 0. M. Kcm , 121. Senate , Homer M. Sullivan , 120 ; William Gray , 111. Representative , John T. Price , 106 ; H. H. Barry , 109. NEMAHA COUNTY Complete , vote : Hol comb. 1,362 ; Majors , 1.528 ; Sturdevant. 51 ; R. K. Mooro. 1.405 ; Gnffln , 1,341 ; Dunphy , 107 ; Piper , 1,434 ; McFaddon. 1,162 ; Elllck , 170 ; ; elf , 103 ; EugvMio Moore , 1,431 ; Wilson , ,257 ; Bauman , 144 ; Hartley , 1,431 ; Powers , .182 ; Lulkart , 162 ; Breldenthal , 115 ; hurchlll. 1,444 ; Carey. 1,341 ; Ames , 109 ; lusscll. 1,349 , ; Kont. 1,367 ; Blgler. 101 ; Cor- ett. 1,105 ; Jones , 1,331 ; Doollttle , 103. Con- resa. Strode , republican , 1,456 ; Weir , pop- llst , 1,413 , State senate , Hitchcock , rcpub- can , 1,417 ; lluffum , democ-at , 189 : Williams , opullst , 1,297. Representative , Poppleman , epubllcan , 1,411 ; Bridge , republican , 1,307 ; ly , republican , 1,446 ; Overturf , populist , , { 01 ; Johnson , pitpullst , 1,337 ? Re-ymnn , opullst , 1,240. PIERCE COUNTY Official vote : Holcomb , 00 ; Majors , 574 ; Sturdevant , 60 ; R. E. Moore , 83 ; Gaffln , COS ; Dunphy. 122 ; Plpor. 668 ; itcFiulden , 355 ; Elllck , 305 ; Rolf , C'J ; Eugene loore , 654 ; Wilson , 4GC ; Bauman , 188 ; Bait- T , 553 ; Powers , 357 ; Lulkart , 228 ; BroideJi- ial , 112 ; Churchill , 692 ; Carey , 5 ! > 2 ; Amps , 24 ; Russell , 575 ; Kent , 59G ; Blglcr , 129 ; ! orbett , 6J3 ; Jones , 682 ; Doollttle , 129. Con- Tcssman , Melklejohn , republican , 601 ; lensley , democrat , 291 ; Devlnp , populist , 10. State senate , Bressler , republican , 591 ; He , democrat , 442 ; Brooks , populist , 286. Icprcsenlatlve , Beck , republican , CS6 ; Elck- off , democ at , 414 ; Loamy , populist , 212. POLK COUNTY Ofilclal : Gerrard , S3 ; lolcomb , 1,285 ; Majors , 781 ; Sturdovant ; llglow , 85 ; Dunphy , 62 ; Gallln , 1,142 ; Moore , 155 ; Elllck , 52 ; Hompcs , SS ; McFiuldcn , 1,168 ; 'Ipcr , 811 ; Wolf , 50 ; Bauman , 76 ; E. Moore , ! 31 ; Smith. 100 ; Wilson , 1,171 ; Bartley. 721 ; Ircldenthal , 68 ; Lulkart , 33 ; Pond , 85 ; Poweis , ,169 ; Corbett , S61 ; Doollttle , 67 ; Jones , 1,129 ; Ccarney , 92 ; Ames , 63 ; Carey , 1,159 ; ! hurrli II. Sin ; Mack. 1. ) ; B glop , 60 ; Hill , Iu2 ; tent , 1,169 ; Russell , 810 ; Alley , 66 ; Hnlncr , 32 ; Stark , 1,176 ; Woodward , 93 ; Campbell , , ljl ( ; Holland , Mil ; MncUio , 10 ; Mackinson , 7 ; Bcostrom , 92 ; Buckley , 911 ; Horst , 1,130 ; launders , 886 Stanton , 1,192. PERKINS COUNTY H. E. Gooilall , rcpub- Ican , defeated C. P. Legan , independent , for lounty attorney by 135 imjorlty. PERKINS COUNTY Complete vote : Hol- : omb , 291 ; Majors , 241 ; Sturdovant. 26 ; R. E. loorc , 217 ; Gaffln. 266 ; Dunphy , 47 : Piper , 240 ; IcFaddcn , 269 ; Elllck , 24Ro'f ; ' , 30 ; Eugene itooro , 234 ; Wilson , 207 ; Bauman , 49 ; Jartley , 230 ; Powers , 266 ; Lulkart , 12 ; Brcidenthal , 41 ; Churchill. 236 ; Carey. 272 ; \rncs , 39 ; Russell , 236 ; Kent , 267 ; Blglcr , iO ; Corbett , 239 ; Jones , 270 ; Doollttle , 43. Congress : Andrews , 259 ; Ashby , 28 ; Mc Kelghan , 270 ; Htlbblq , 14. State senate : Akers , 259 ; Miller , 42 ; Sheridan , 233. Reprc- entotlvo : Harris. 274 ; Hampton , 260. PHELPS COUNTY Complete official vote : lolcomb , 1,130 , ; Majors , 840 ; Sturdevant , 34 ; R. E. Moore , 931 ; Gaffln. 992 ; Dunphy , 57 ; 'Iner , 942 ; McFadden , 975 ; Elllck , 23 ; Rolf. :9 : ; Eugene Moort , 935 ; Wilson , 96. ! ; Bauman , 61 ; Bartley , 909 ; Powers , 1,000 ; Lulkart , 21 : Brcidenthal , 53 ; Churchill , 932 ; Carey. 995 ; Ames , 49 ; Russell , 924 ; Kent , 9S8 ; Blgler , 53 ; Corbett , 935 ; Jones , 965 ; Doollttle , 55. Congress : W. E. Andrews , republican , 1,014 ; Ashby , democrat , 34 ; McKclghan. pop ulist. 957 , State senate ; R. L. Kolster , republican , 936 ; W. F. Dale , populist. 1.030 , i..J ? , JjBroainc. republican , 973"E. ; " Soderman'riopu st.l030.-- ; - - . - PLATTE COUNTY Cotnploto vote : Hoil comb , 1,794 ; Majors , 993 ; Sturdevant , 165 ; R. E. Moore , 1,001 ; Gdmn , 1,593 ; Dunphy , 359 ; Piper , 991 ; McFadden , 964 ; Elllck , SOS ; Rolf , 205 ; Eugene Moore , 1,061 ; Wilson , 1,233 ; Hartley , 999 ; Powers , 913 ; Lulkart. 699 ; Breldenthal , 343 ; Churchill , 1,008 ; Jarey , 1,607 ; Anus , 339 ; Russell , 1,012 ; Kent , 1,559 ; Blgler , 362 ; Corbett , 1,002 ; Jones , 1,032 ; Doollttle , 390. Congress : Melklejohn , republican , 1,009 ; Hensley , dem ocrat , 1,223 ; Devlne , populist , 788. State senate : Murphy , republican , 1,096 ; Colfax county , 1,003 ; Sent Myers , democrat , 781 ; Colfax county , 414 ; Spiechcr , populist , 1,123 ; Colfax county , 686. Representative : Gus Becher. republican , 1,241 ; Penney , republi can , 1,290 ; D. Becher , democrat , 970 ; Schelp , populist , 862 ; Spackman , populist and dem ocrat , 1,612. RED WILLOW COUNTY Complete vote : lolcomb , 876 ; Majors , 1,001 ; Sturdevant , 35 ; 1. E. Moors , 997 ; Gaffln , 845 ; Dunphy , 62 ; Piper. 920 ; McFadden , 840 ; Ell ck , 37 ; Rolf , 4S ; Eugene Moore , 973 ; Wilson , 815 ; Bauman , 76 ; Bartley , 97 ; Powers , 820 ; Lulkart , 42 ; Breldenthal , 56 ; Churchill , 9S1 ; Carey , 817 ; Ames , 69 ; Russell , 970 ; Kent , 831 ; Blgler , 75 ; Corbett , 959 ; Jones. 831 ; Doollttle , 58. Congress : Andrews , republican , 897 ; Ashby , democrat , 40 ; McKelghan , populist , 863. State senate : Rathbun , republican , 9SS ; Lehew , democrat , 88 ; Young , populist , 829. Representative : Lamborn , republican , 983 ; Sheridan , populist , 859. RICHARDSON COUNTY Complete vote : Holcomb , 1.764 ; Majors , 2,107 ; Sturdevant , 210 ; H. E. Moore , 2,105 ; Gaffln , 1,611 ; Dun phy , 332 ; Piper , 2,105 ; McFadden , 1.003 ; Kl- 1'ck. ' 671 ; Rolf , 2,103 ; Eugene Moore , 2,107 ; Wilson , 1,461 ; Dauman , 415 ; Bnrtley , 2,103 ; Powers , 947 ; Lulkart , 667 ; Breldenthal , 320 ; Church II. 2.113 ; Carey , 1,546 ; Ames. 312 ; Russell , 2,113 ; Kent , 1.655 ; Blgler , 311 ; Cor bett , 2,150 ; Jones , 1,513 ; Doollttlo , 313. Con gress : Weir , democrat , 1,670 ; Strode , repub lican , 2,102. State senate : Lindsay , repub lican , 2,098 ; Cotton , demo-pop , 1,626. Rep resentative : Brockman , republican , 2,073 ; Jones , republican , 2,016 ; Clark , democrat , 1,847 ; Morgan , democrat. 1,934 ; Smith , pop- ulht , 1.633 ; Shook , republican , 2,017. SHERMAN COUNTY Complete vote : Holromb 719 ; .Majors , 399 ; Pturdevant , 105 ; R. E. Moore , 436 ; Gaffln , 666 ; Dunphy , 39 ; Piper , 440 ; McFadden , 635 : Elllck , 27 ; Rolf , 31 ; Eugene Moore , 446 ; Wilson , 630 ; Bauman , 44 ; Bartley. 440 ; Powers , 634 ; Lulkart , 168 ; Breldenthal , II ; Churchill , 446 ; Carey. 648 ; Ames , 35 ; Russell , 437 ; Kent , C51 ; Blgler , 32 ; Corbstt , 450 ; Jones , 634 ; Doollttle , 45. Con gress : Daugherty , republican , 480 ; Kem , populUt , 639. State senate : Black , republi can , 4S7 ; Dlckcrcon , populist , 635. Repre sentative : Palmer , republican , 498 ; S51nk , populist , 626. SCOTTS BLUFF COUNTY Complete vote : Holcomb , 155 ; Majors , 200 ; Sturdcvant , 30 ; R. E. Moore , 202 ; Gallln , 133 ; Dunphy , 42 ; Piper , 200 ; McFadden , 133 ; Elllck , 33 ; Holt. 32 ; Eugene Moore , 201 ; Wilson , 131 ; Bauman , 47 ; Bartley , 196 ; Powers , 12fi ; Lulkart , 15 ; Breldenthal , 39 ; Churchill , 205 ; Carey , 127 ; Ames , 47 ; Russell , 194 ; Kent. 133 ; Blgler. 45 : Corbett , 200 ; Jones , 133 ; Doollttle. 47. Congress : Daugherty. repub lican , 227 ; Kem , populist , 151. State senate : Akera. republican , 260 ; Scharder , populist , 143. Representative : Harris , republican , 22S ; Hampton , populist. 151. STANTON COUNTY Complete vote : Hol comb , 6C8 ; Majors , 495 ; Sturdevant , 95 ; R. E. Moor * . 533 ; Gaffln , fifil : Dunphy , 145 ; Piper. 627 ; McFadden. 362. Elllck , 253 ; Rolf , 72 ; Eugene Moore , 684 ; Wilson. 414 ; Bau man. 223 ; Hartley , 517 ; Powers , 314 ; Lulkart , 218 ; Breldenthal , 130 ; Churchill. 6112 ; Carey , 636 ; Ames , 140 ; Russell , 617 ; Kent. 629 ; Blglcr. 105 ; Corbett , 653 ; Jones. 503 ; Doollt tle. ir > 7. Congress : Melklejohn. republican. 611 ; Hensley , democrat , 274 ; Devlne. populist , 434. State senate : Brpseler. rcpubl can , 606 ; Pile , democrat , 420 ; Brooks , populist , 321. Representative : Chase , republican , 630 ; Brit- ton , demo-pop. 630 , THURSTON COUNTY Complete vote : Holcomb , 72 ; Majors , 313 ; Sturdevant , 40 ; Moore , 322 ; Gaffin. 625 ; Dunphy. 68 ; Piper , 322 ; McFadden , 206 ; Elllck. 300 ; Rolf. 53 ; Eugene Moore. 319 ; Wilson , 217 ; Bausnmi , 160 ; Hartley , 325 ; Powers , 201 ; Lulkart. 275 ; Breldenthal , 88 ; Churchill. 350 ; Carey , 4S2 ; Amen , 60 ; Russell , 233 ; Kent , 493 ; Blgler , 05 ; Corbett , 331 ; Jones , 476 ; Doollllln , 78. Congress. Melklejohn , 342 ; Hensley , democrat , 327 ; Devlne , populUt , 251. Senate , Sauuders , republican , 308 ; Mlkesell , democrat , 401 ; Ankeny , populUt , 172. Representative , Jay , republican , 299 ; Fritz , democrat , C51 ; Dc- wald , populist , 151. VALLEY COUNTY Complete vote : Hoi- comb. 793 ; Majors , 594 ; Sturdevant , 2Ti ; R. E. Moore , 613 ; Oaffln , 740 ; Dunphy , 0 ; I'lpcr. \ ( Continued on Second rag . ) TO COUNT DIM OUT Enilroad Conspirators Contemplating a Treasonable Assault on tbo Ballot , PLANS TO DEFRAUD JUDGE HOLCOMB Where Kcturns OnnnotBo Tampered with Contests Are to Bo Started , ASSISTANCE FRCM THE VOLD-HERAID Wobbly Old Sheet Doing What it Can to Aid tbo Daring Gang. SECRET OF ITS WONDERFUL FIGURES Election Itrturns Kvhlcntly Mnnliuliitc | < l In the Intrrrst of tlio Defeated Aiiplrunt for tlio llurrrnornlilp Tlpti from tlio llrml of tlio ( Jung. Tlio treasonable conspiracy to count out Judge Holcoinb by doctoring the official returns - turns and by tampering with tlio ballot ! has taken practical shape. Several conferences were held yesterday at liurllngton headquarters anil at tlio Mlllard hotel , having lit view n pretended contojf , which In reality contemplates the counting out of the governor-elect. In the early part of the day J. W. Deweeso , the political attorney of the liurllngton , who came up from Lincoln In the morning , was closeted with Czar lloldrege and then re turned post haste to Lincoln , from which point operations ere to bo directed. H. J. Davis of Omaha , a member of the kitchen cabinet of the czar , was also taken Into con sultation. During the day Holdregc inado at least two calls at the Mlllard head quarters of the state committee. According to re ) table Inside reports several of the mem bers of the executive committee expressed themselves adverse to the plot , but Czar Holdrcgo was Inexorable , and it was given out cold last evening that the contest must proceed , como what may. CORRUPTIONISTS SENT OUT. The old gang of oil room boodle men wcro at onro called Into requisition for the desper ate criminal work , and a dozen arc to > bo dispatched on the early morning trains over the various roads to the various seats whora It is thought reasonably safe to manipulate the county clerks and boards of canvassers with a view of doctoring the figures so as to inako a prlina facie case on the face of tha return ? as transmitted to the secretary ot state. In case of failure to consummate this' villainous-work It Is'.proposcd , to have a contest trumped up under pretense that the count In certain precincts of various counties was Incorrect and would , If revised , wipe out Holcomb's majority. This process would bo somewhat tedious and opportunities would be given to the sleek workers In collusion . lusion with county clerks or their deputies to substitute fraudulent ballots. It Is an open secret that the chief pro prietor of the alleged organ of democracy published In this city has long been conniving with the railroad gang to defeat Holcomb. Ills cloven foot was shown long before the campaign and many times during the con test , and by the double column bargain to knlfo Holcomb , for which the Majors cam paigners contracted with him. On the night of the election Hitchcock publicly congratulated the Majors jamboree gang upon the triumph of the tattooed can didate. It Is also known that Hitchcock personally has taken charge of compiling the state election returns , excluding Bryan and other members of the staff who have always been In charge of the news department. That alone explains the bogus election bulletins and fictitious claims for Majors sent out to the eastern press from the World-Herald office. Night before last , for Instance , the World-Herald wired to the United press that Majors had carried the state by 2,000 plural ity , when the returns In their own offlco showed at least 2GOO for Holcomb. CLAIM THE WORLD-HERALD. It Is openly boasted at the Mlllard hotel railroad headquarters that the World-Herald has been enrolled on the side of the corporals combination. This report was fully confirmed last night when It became known that the Majors managers had sent out telegrams to commltteetnen and railroad organs that the returns show that Majors has 911 plurality , although the official returns and the most moderate estimates from the counties from which returns have not bean received , give Holcomb fully 2,000 plurality. On the heels o'f this announcement It waa given out last night that the World-Herald would fall In line with any statement , claimer or scheme that would emanate from tha ntrlkors and heelers of the Uurllngton to back up the conspiracy to count Holcomb out. It remains now to bo seen whether the people of Nebraska will tuko any stock In these- fraudulent election returns or whether they will countenance any attempt to defraud the people of their choice of governor. GIVEN POINTERS KRO.M HOLDIIEOB. In confirmation of the fact that this plot to count Judge Holcomb out Is not a fig ment of the Imagination , It may bo stated that Captain Palmer , who has a number of bets on Majors pending , told Frank Moorea In front of the New York Life building to "wait till you hear from Holdrogu before you give up on Majors. " To Slovo Crow , who has ono bet with Palmc-r himself , he uald ho mutt wait till the 1st of January bcforo ho would give up. That was a sufllclcntly largo straw that the plot to count out Judge Hol comb Is no I u myth. The nee Is determined t.i cxpove every man connected with this Infamous plot , and with * In forty-eight hours will print tbe names ot tiio bribe dispensers whu have taken the con tract to tamper with the returns and ballot boxes. r.l.SCOI.N HOOSTKllri ISIlAC'i ; III * . Conr B " ' " > " ' Dcfi'uloU Unit ? Suddenly Itevlrri on n ( Julrl Tip , LINCOLN' . .Vov. B. ( SpecUD-WMI Hol comb be counted out ? This qutnllon hat been th- ) subject of conuderublo agitation ID Lincoln all day , Ittpubllcui