Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 04, 1894, Image 9

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l I III I H t Et-i
The extent of the demoralization of prices
in the east is beyond belief ; besides the goods
from the
of the Arlington Mills our dress goods buyer
purchased ISO pieces from wholesale houses
at his own price. This is such
that we want to inspire you with the same de
gree of confidence in its cheapness and good
quality that we feel ourselves ,
Dress Goods
Silk mixed botircttc and bouelo effects
worth fiOe to import. A lot of Annnro ,
brocades mill double width cashmere
from the Arlington Mills , unction sale
nil I'J'XsC a yard.
Dress Goods 19c.
Changeable serges , brocade mixtures ,
double width serges , cashmeres , a lot of
goods worth 35c to 40c.
Mail orders tilled.
Spiiig'le Velours 25c ,
This lot of dress goods was simply
KhuiKhtored some are -10 Inches wide ,
yvortlr OOc ; In this lot are also change-
nblc serges , all wool Scotch Drawn , tan ,
green , gray , heather mixtures ; all the
desirable plain colors , mivy , seal brown ,
black , etc. , etc. , 25e.
Novelty Suitings 39c.
In nil these goods we Imvc a large
variety of ( innlltles and styles. In this
lot'tWCr ulg , bargain la SCOTCH CHEV
IOTS 30e , Imported to sell for for 05c.
Novelty Suitings 5Oc.
This IncIudeH EOUIQ of the fluent all
wool and Hllk nnd wool mixtures , 40 ,
42. 40 , 48 Indies wide , worth $1.25 and
f 1.50 a yard.
We have some bargains In Feathers
nt Ic , : ) c , I > c each that are worth ten
times the amount.
M Trimmed Hats 95c.
Neatly nnd carefully trimmed. These
hats are sold for less than you could
buy the materials coine and see them.
Trimmed Hats $1.50.
The materials and trimmings on these
lints are tin good ns on any $2.50 hat
you ever bought. All neatly trimmed
lu perfect good tnste.
Trimmed Hats
$3 , $3.5O , $4.
Our low prices nre more apparent nud
we will trim n hat you cannot buy else
where for $3.00 und $0.00 ,
ladies' Vests 35c.
Wort ! ) 81.5a.
Finest Swiss merino wool ribbed xm-
dervests. pink , red , white , etc. , worth
pl.50 ; nlo natural urny Jersey fitting
line camel's hair an assorted lot worth
7fic to § 1.50 , only 3 to a customer for
t5c ! each Monday.
Men's Watches $895
Ros-s filled cases warranted to wear
IB ycnrs , Kljrln or Waltlinni works ,
? 8.05 , worth $15.00.
Hoys' stem winding watches , $1.08 ,
worth ? 5.00.
Sterling sllvtr Lolt liucklos. ? 1.50 ,
worth § 11.00.
I orffiK'lto or opeu chains OSc , worth
Kolled plate baby pin Beta , 3Sc. wortli
75c ; Indict' rolled plate link culf but
tons ; babies' solid gold rlnpt , lOc , worth
40c ; Itowia' 12 dwt knives and forks ,
$1.23 set
Arnold's Best KTo. D60
Black Henrietta 59c.
Monday we offer the best mnke of
best 10-Inch lilac ) ; Satin Finish
Henrietta Cashmeres Imported direct
by ns from the mnnufacturciY Frederick
Arnold ( Srlex , Germany. These always
sell for $1.U < ) , our price HOc. Itemember ,
black only , nnd as there nre two
weights of the same make , a light and
heavy mnke , we wish to say these are
the best heavy mnke , GOc.
Plaids OOc.
20 different styles , nlco , neat , high
colored and Mihduod checks and
plaids for Indies' nnd child's wear nnd
waists , 50c , worth 75.
Broadcloths 69c.
yards wide. A complete stock of
black and colors , worth just § 1.00 , next
week 00u.
52 in. Suitings 39c.
All good colors , such ns navy , browns ,
greens , as well as the mixtures. I'/i
yards wide , all wool , worth 05c to 70c ,
$150 Saved.
Chlckcring Is the standard of the
world. AVe have 10 other good mnkes
nnd we will guarantee to save you
150 big hard .dollars on a piano It costs
nothing to look.
Piano Case Organ ,
In nppenrance just like an upright
piano , 7 full octaves of keys secular or
sncred music executed with equal fa
5 Octave Organs.
0 Octave Organs.
7 Octave Organs.
Sheet Music 5c.
By mail Oc. The latest sheet music
sold by other dealers regularly for 50c ,
7fie , ? 1.00. Send for a catalogue com
prising over 7,000 different titles.
; ! 0c. 45c , Wc.
rhino tuning $1.00 , first class work.
Ladies' Fleece Lined
Hose 9c ,
A midsummer purchase last summer
we bought for spot cash when no one
else would buy them , a few cases
ladies' llecco lined fast black cotton
hose cheap aud now offer them for Oc.
Ladies' Cashmere
Hose 35c.
Seamless line cashmere wool hose
with merino heel and toe , ribbed elastic
top , DOc quality , USir , 3 pairs for § 1.00.
Bed Springs , $1.85.
All fltcol , no wood or place for vermin '
to accumulate ; whether it is 1 or 100 the
price is still $1.85 ,
Woven wire cot ? , 65c.
( J-foat square extension table , $2.05.
Oak bed lounge , upholstered in best
star tapestry carpet , woven wire mat
tress , no rid go in middle , $0.60.
LarD'o cane seated chair , high back ,
7Co.Larco oak rocker , with arms , cano
soot , 91.05.
Just in. now line of easels at 60o , 75c ,
$1.00 , $1.25 , 91.50 , In oak.
Bamboo und white enamel oak sideboard
board , polished French pinto mirror ,
Fine Wilton Rug Couch , fringe all
around. Stl.CO.
5-pieco oak parlor suit , spring seat ,
nofu , rocker , arm ohalr and small chair ,
Haydeii's Meat Dept.
Summer satisnge , Sc per Ib ; sugar
cured Xo. 1 hams , only lO' e ; Boston
long cut hams , only T-j-jc ; sugar cured
California hnnis. Sc' sugar cured bacon ,
only lOc nnd 12' e ; dried beef , lOe ; salt
t ork , 7c ; pickle pork , 8cboneless ; hum ,
lOc ; pickled ox tongue , lOc ; corned beef ,
ItV-ic ; cotosuet , resolene nnd cookene nl-
wtiys In stock at lowest prices.
flood country butter , lOc , 12'Ac , 14c ,
ICc and ISc ; creameryi 20c , 22c and the
finest butter you ever saw In your life
for 24e ; Wisconsin cream cheese , 5c ,
7aC and ltc ) ; brick cheese , lOc , 12-XC ; ,
14c ; nnd Klc ; limbewr cliessc , 12V4C
and 15e ; Swiss cheese , 12c. . 14c and
Itte. AVe have the Hoqtiefort , I'lne
AppU > , Edam nnd bund cheese at
lowest prices ; mince meat 7 c per pkg ;
horse radish lOc per bottle ; finest
strawberry and raspberry preserves ,
Finest Florida oranges 20c per do ? .
These are the first of the season nnd
they are very nice ; new figs ir > c ; Cali
fornia pears 15c ; smoked white fish lOe ;
smoked salmon 15c ; smoked sturgeon
171/ * ; mackerel , 3 for lOc ; nice mackerel
7i/.c mid lOc per pound ; California snl-
mnii " "A' ! white fish , Ik7 ic nnd lOc ;
Hiillnml herring O.'c per keg ; cod fish
tic per pound ; herring : \Vjc \ per pound ;
we have nny kind of fish you want.
Brenner's luncli S'/jC per pound ;
cream toast lOe ; XXX soda crackers
nnd ' oysters "ic ; ginger simps "K'OI snow
flake . crackers 7'X-c. Uetnember our
stock of crackers Is always fresh and
you can get what you want , also bear
in mind that we carry fresh Baltimore
oysters tit 19c per quart and extra se
lects at 23c.
27 lias , Sugar 91.
27 ITm coarse granulated sugar , $1.00 ;
22 ll > s line granulated sugar , $1.00 ;
large pail jolly , : ! r > ejIb glass jar Im
ported strawberry. 4 ! > c ; large 1Mb solid
can tomatoes , S'jctt ; : ! > can golden
pumpkin , 7l.etb ; can California table
ponchos , 12f ! : ! -lt ) can egg , green
guage or golden drop plums , 12 > X.c ;
preserved blackberries , lOc can ; one
dozen boxes parlor matches , lOc ; laun
dry soap , He bar ; Columbian river red
snimon , 12'/c ' can ; sardines In oil , -\Vf \
can ; pickles. 5e bottle ; Imported mus
tard : , : \V \ > c bottle ; sweet chocolate , lie
cake ; linker's chocolate , 17Vje package ;
string beans , G-TiC can ; com starch , :5-ic : ;
gloss starch , : V4c } ; good corn , It'X-c ; Sc
size of cnstile soap for 2 } c ; tapioca ,
G'ic ) ; good rice. ! Je Ib ; sago , l : Jic.
Teas and Coffees.
Rio coffee , lO&c ; No. 1 Itlo , 22V e ;
extra golden rio , 25c ; Mnricabo blend ,
2 i/.c ; 1'eaberry and Santos , 281/e ! ;
Arabian Mocha and Santos , 20Kc : ; Mo-
clia and Java , IKt c ; peerless cultivated
Java and Mocha , 'UH-ic ; broken llio. He ;
Itlo and Java , 7c ; Santos and Pen-
berry. lOc ; Java coffee , 12'/jc ; Santos
ami Java , 15e ; I'eaberry and Moulin ,
17e ' ; Santos and Marlcabo , ISc ; .lava
nn'cf Mocha , 1'Jc ; tea dust , 12'X.c ' ; suu
cured tea , 25e ; tea nibs , I'.lc ; pan tired
tea nibs , 25e ; regular Japan , 27'c ;
pan fired Japan , . ' < 2c ; uncolored Japan ,
lOV-c ; basket llred Japan , 2'J-X.c ; garden
. cultivated Japan , 3 ! c ; Moyutic teas ,
2liy.c ; Imperial ten , ID'/jo ; Monsoon tea ,
25cT pin head gunpowder , Cc ( ) ; hand
rolled gunpowder , fitic ; India and Cey
lon 1 blend , 50e ; fancy Ceylon ten , BSe ;
pure \ Ceylon , 0c ! ) ; best imported Ceylon ,
Dried Fruits-Crop 1894
New California evaporated apricots ,
12i/.c . ; new California evaporated
peaches , 12i/.c ; California evaporated
pears , 121XJc ; California rnlshi cured
primes. 7Vjc ; imported seedless raisins ,
He Ib ; Valencia raisins , O1/ ' ! Muscatel ,
7.c ; Sultana cluster raisins , 8i ;
new evaporated pitted plums , Stfio ;
evaporated blackberries , fji&c ; new Cali
fornia golden drop pluniH , S c ; Vostlz/a
currants , 4&C ; cleaned Yosti/.za cur
rants , 0'4c ; California white cherries ,
12VJci black cherries , 12M.C.
Flour Department.
XXXXX Minneapolis Superlative ,
$1.15 sack ; Valley Lilly flour. ? 1.10 snck ;
ISonlta flour , $1.10 suck ; Well Known '
Cream flour , $1.00 sack ; XX Superla
tive , t > 3c ; Kxcelslor tloiu' , n3e sack ;
Select Hour , 73c sack ; Snow Flake flour ,
tJ3c ; Good Hour , 50c sack.
Crepe Tissue Paper 15c
For Monday only. All colors In crepe
tissue paper worth 2T c , will be sold for
Ribbons 1-2 Fries
A line line of all silk , satin and gros
grain rlbbpn from auction , nt half price :
Ko. 5 r. 5c yd
No. 7 , 7c yd
No. 0 Sc yd
No. 12 lOc yd
No. 22 32&C yd
Boys' Hose 19c ,
Fast black double knee stockings foi
boys , nny size , 5 to 8VC , for lOc , mortl
Solid Oak Suit ,
$13,50 ,
Three plecoaj btfd 0 ft ? t high , 4 feet
fl Inches wide , is perfect , wlih Frenoh
bevel plate mirror , 22x28 lnche il's '
worth S2A.OO : our DI-IRH i111.50.
Monday wo place oasnlo \ the result of
it ready cosh
$50OOO worth of Silks
and Velvets
Our Xew York buyer has purchased
the entire stock of n. foreign Importer
of silks nnd velvets .fov less thnn 20
cents on the dollar. These are being
shipped dully to us nnd as fast as they
arrive will be placed , on snlc In our
mammoth silk department. You never
have bought silks ns cheap as we nre
going to sell ( hem and while of some
lots we have large quantities , others
come In smnller lots , so conic early nnd
get first choice.
5,000 yards of n nice qunlity sntln ,
regular 40 cent goods , lu light blue ,
pink , cnrdinnl , brown , iiinvy , orange ,
cream , etc. , Monday tne'jjrlce ' is lc ! ) a
yard. : ' '
li.OOO ynrds of an extra good qnnllty
china silk , 22 inches wide , In cardlnnl ,
brown , navy , -pink , light , blue , black ,
emerald , old rose , etc. , regular 40 cent
silk , Monday the urlee iia 19 cents n
Colored moire silks , 20" Inches wide ,
In black , brown , navy and myrtle. You
can't match this silk for lens than 50
< *
cents n yard any where In this country.
Our price will be 17 cents u yard.
Colored silk plushes , 18 inches wide ,
u v r
in brown , peacock , light blue , cardinal ,
old gold and olive , , just , < what you will
need for Christmas fancy ivork , well
worth 50 cents a yard. Gur'prlco Is 21
cents : i yard.
Silk velvets In blnck , lilue , olive ,
1 *
* '
bronze , heliotrope , inn.t blege , gray ,
orange , etc. , fine quality , usunlly solder
or f1.00. Oiir price will be only : tO
cuts u yard.
5 pieces , just 0 pieces o colored
Vrmurc silks , In brown , nnvy nnd myr-
le. Silk thnt cost 50 cents a yard to
nnke. Our price while they last only
3 cents.
Don't ask for snmpleaj'ilurlng this
Bargain Table 5c
- ,
Windsor ornnments , Jlomle cloth ,
sntlne , double fold novelties , wash suit
ngs , double fold plaids , tvorth lOe , 15c
lOc , 20u nnd 2."c , all on 2.
In the wash goods department.
Gingham Bargain 5c
Monday Lancaster nn.d''Canton drcsi
gliiKlinms , Tolle du Xord Everet
Glassies , Tollo du Kord In dark styles
worth lOc , 12'XC ; and 15p. only 10 y
to a customer , Monday DC a yard.
Eiderdown 25c
You know these have nfyynj's sqld for
best colors , tan , pink , cronin , light blue ,
etc. , 23c.
Outing Flannel lOc
Here we offer goods.niyl styles thnt
arc worth Justine. Soninny use these !
for children's night j
| J " * * " *
00 yards machine thmul , tic ; 5 spools
for lOc ; finest corset jit-tail. ! made , 5c ;
large size curling. U-omi tjc'f.dozen twin
wire dress stays , 5cr ; Meet- stockinet
dress shields , 3c vciy best 4-
yard bunches 2-lnch'l w ; do velveteen
skirt binding , 15e pletfpj 40 packnges of :
hair pins for Oc ; tho-ww tuoth hnish ,
5 cents. V j
Lndles' Initial linudllerchtefs , Sc ,
worth Ific ; Indies' oiubroldeiv l hnndker-
clilcfs , DC , worth ir > e $ luillos' tnttlng
edge Imiulkcichlcfs , 25c , irorth 50c ; nil-
other lot 15c , worth 25E Hf-
Corticelli Silk Co.'s
Hope silks , wash twfstH.etchInj ? silks : , ,
etc. , which we will sell one-third off the
regular price. We closed on the ti
celli Go's , entire stock ou Jinnd nt ll D
end of this season. All the sllkn that
were 'Me and 40c dozen , now 25c dozen ;
a.ric knitting silk , now lOc ; the lOc dozen
Bilk floss , now 5c.
Table Damask , 75c yd
We have taken n lot of 2-yard wide
bleached , nnd crenm dnmnsk thnt was
$ t.OO , ? 1.2 , " and $1.50 and offer them for
next week 75c.
Napkins $150
5-S nndt ! linen nnpklns that were
? 2.00 , ? 2.23 and $2.DO just a mnnll lot
of them for Monday , ? 1.50 u dozen.
Towels lOc
Turkish , linen nnd cotton towels
worth and reduced from 12i.e $ , 15c , 17c ,
lOc , all down to lOc.
Fringed ! nnpkins , 25c , tl.'c , 50c.
Brown. Mitsliii 4c
Heavy LL brown muslin , yard wide ,
Ic n. yurtl , worth Cc.
12 l-2c
2t yards wide , our own special mnko
f unbleached sheeting , worth "Oc ,
I own to 12' ' c.
Bleached Muslin
Yard wide lilenehed muslin , one oC
nr Monday bargains , nt : ! ! ( .o yard.
Cheviot Shirtings lOo
Tory best Amos kcng nnppcr chcvolt
striped and cheeked , lOc yard.
Blankets 1-2 Pries
K-t gray blankets , r 9e pair.
Mixed Blankets 65c
10-4 brown nnd gray mottled blankets ,
educed fiom $1.00 down to CMC a pair.
10-4 brown blankets , 7fic per pair.
11-1 white blankets. S)8c ) per pair.
11-1 gray blnnkets. $1.00 per pair.
11-1 white wool blankets , ! f2. 5 per
> nir.
10-4 gray wool mixed blnnkets , $1.25
> er pair ,
12-4 ( Mb grny wool mixed blankets ,
? 2.00 per pair.
11-4 all wool California red blankets ,
$4.75 per pair.
40-4 all wool .Sanitary blankets , ? 3.)5 !
pel1-v pal V * . f
11-4 all wool Sanitary blankets , $1.03
per pain
Hardware Department
Double barrelled breech loading shot
guns that retail for $15.00 , our whole
sale price Is $10.00 ; a gun that'retails
for $20.QO , our price $15.00 and the same
saving applies to all our guns up to a
300.00 Greener Immmerlcss gnu. Hard
ware ruiCES CUT no rim CENT.
l'"or ' Instance
100 feet weather btrip at 2c a
foot is $2 2 ?
Or price islie '
Yon save 1 25
20 Ib * wire nails , of which the
regular price Is fie , amount to $1 00
Our price is I'/ic ' It ) 30
Yon save 70
And HO on.
2-key Jail pad loclc. regular price. TtOc ,
our price is lOe ; door locks , regular
price , 40c , our price Is14c ; we have aa
complete a ha id ware store in our ( base
ment us you can lind anywhere and
save you a lot of money.
Jewelry Department
la connection with the Jewelry depart
ment we have added a complete
on second Moor , where the light and
facilities for accurate "glass fitting" arc
all one could desire. We sell spectacles
at the same low profit we put ou gro
cerles or dry goods.
Your eyes tested
Clocks $6.95
8-dny adamantine , marble clocks , en
thedrnl gong , hnlf hour strike , wortli
? 15.00 , for $0.1)5. )
Oak Clocks $2.45
Hnlf hour strike nnd ulnrm , wortl
jrj.00 , for $2/15.
Ladies Cbatelaiii
Watch $2.49
Lnflics' coin silver chatelaln
$2.4 ! ) , worth $0.50.
Shaker Flannel ,
100 pieces 3-4 width Shaker Flannel
cheaper thnn cotton flannel , at 3jc , 5
8cnnd lOc yard
Things ,
Glass tumblers , Ic < jach ; wlno glasses ,
2e ; royal blno china bowls , Sic , worth
25c : tea sots , In bluennd brown , $2.li2 ,
woHh $10 ; decorated toilet sots , $1.80 ,
worth t" > ; dowomted ouspldorcs , 8c ,
worth ; decorated water tots , $1,25 ,
worth S5 ; spring extension hanging
liimpg , $1,05orth \ $5.50 : bronco Imn-
< iuet lumps , 81.05 , worth ? 5.75 : 100-pIeco
imported porcelain dinner sots , $7.00 ,
worth $20 : flno decorated china cusnl-
dorts , gold striped , 50c , wlrthJ,50 ; cups
and saucers , lo each ; plates , 2c , 3c and
60 each ; bnKer or vegetable dishes , 3o.
7c , 12o each ; slop jars , 79c each ; conl
hods , Ilo each ; coal shovels , 3o each ;
teakettles , IScoucli ; milk , pmldln ? and
pie tinti , 3c each ; Jap sugar und cieara ,
20o a pair ; 3-quiirt fancy water pitcher ,
15c ; wiibh bowl and pitcher , 20jc ; chain-
bore , 15c ; 0 crystal suuco dishes for lOc ;
crystal butter dishes , celery holdurs ,
fruit dishes , jelly stands , comports ,
bowls , nappies , etc. , Do each.
Our Clonk Department may truthfully bo called "Our New Cloak Depart
ment. " Our bnyoi1 has just returned Iroai the cast and wo have opened oil the
late novelties , shapes and styles. We have some special bargains to "opon" up the
season' with.
A bargain In Fur Capo , 27 Inches long , justllko thla
cut , rciil value , S20.CO ; wo have a few to soil for 812-50.
Another leader Fur Capo , 30 Inches long , satin lined ,
818.00) ) real value , $30.00.
Heavy Wool Sonl Capo , 32 inches long , fancy silk
lined , $35.00 ; a $50.00 garment.
Splendid Astrachan Capo , 30 inches long , at 837,60 :
this cannot bo bought any whore else loss than $50.00.
The four bargain tables
opened up last week have
proven a "hit. " The pric.cs qro
$2.45 , $4.40 , $5.75 , $7.95 , O nd
everything on them , ladles
or children's Cloaks , Jackets ,
etc. , are really worth double to
three times the price asked ,
The cntiro block IB BO now ,
particularly in Ladies' ' nnd
Children's Jackets , Golf and Mil.
itary Capes , that we are anxious
to show all who have any idea of
purchasing. Conic nnd see hovr
cheaply wo do sell.
Chenille Table Covers ,
Speeitil bargain in chenille tnblo cov
ers ; newest colors , dollar and a half
quality , 7. > c.
Entire cap st-ck from MillarO Uotel
: mtetoro will bo put on sale Monday
xt loss than cost to make.
Men's heavy roll caps 20c
11 " wool " ICc
' " band caps in yachting-
and Brighton fatylos 25c , 40e ;
best COc
Boys'ailk plush caps 75c
| T heavy winter caps , . . Ifjo
Men's heavy yachting caps 2.o
" slllf ) ) lusli caps ICc
Men's pcnuiiie Scotch caps 25o
The Hats
are being clo'od out at loss than half
the codt to make.
Hallway men's caps 05c
with heavy roll band , Ooc ; worth 81.50
and $1.75.
Men's Overcoats$6.75
J3luo , black and brown beaver , silk
velvet collar , heavy farmer's satin
lining ; sold everywhere t $12 ; our
price , $ G.7fl.
Men's Overcoats$7.50 ,
Fine blue nnd black beaver and kersey
cut medium long , very dressy , worth
8J2.5U. cut to $7.50.
Overcoats ,
Vo"v line korcoy overcoats ; the best
niulc , I ami silk lininir. silk yoke ,
heavy HI : sleeve lining , loose or tight
'itilnir ' , 1. blank , two shades brown
and ulu-t. rlh ? 20 to 820 ; reduced to
$12.50 , 8.i.oj ! , , * 15.00.
B2en's Ulsters , $4.50.
Shetland and frieze ulsters , no bolter
irarments made In the world ; cost $8 ,
? 15 and $20 to mnko : on gale Monday for
Sl.M ) , $5,50 , $0.0) , $7.50 and $11.CO.
Floor Oilcloth , 25c ,
A new carload of first quality floor
oilcloth , 25e , worth 50c.
JOe , 50c.
Urtissela carpets , 40c , 60c , COc , 75o.
Velvet carpels , 75o to 800 ,
Hoitt Moquetto carpets , 81,00.
Wilton carpets , 75o to 31.00.
Chenille po-tlorcs , $2.2.5 , * 4.00 , Si.OO.
Lace curtains , 40c , 60c , 75c , Sl.OO ,
Lnco curtains , extra fine , $2,00 ami
Curtain coles , complete , loc ,
Carpet Swoouors 31.75. 22.00. S2.50.
Dress Linings ,
Theao nro in remnants of less than 4-
vnrds. Sometimes two or throe rora-
mnts match together and muko a skirt
Reductions in Silesias , , .
Fercalines and Grinr I
olines. * '
Joe Porcalinc reduce to lOc.
3oc Saline Sllesias now 25c.
25c Black Back Slleslaa ncnv ICc.
Plain und Check Crinolines , lOc.
Same reductions in Grass Cloth , Hair
loth , Fancy Sleeve Linings , Farmer's
Satin , Serges , etc. >
Quilted Satin , 75c.
Very finest Fancy Quilting in leading
shades of satin , 75o yard.
Wo have just received from our Now
York buy or the entire stock of the P.
B. Q. Clothing Co. , 8 to 14 Woat Third
at. , New York , amounting to 817,000 , at
COc on u dollar. The name of this con
cern , "Finest Beyond Question , " indi
cates the very high grade of the goods.
On sale Monday.
Men's Suits , $6.5O.
Fine all wool slnglo ordoublc-brciistod
Sack Suits , chovlot and cuHsinioro , worth
410 und 812 ; this week , $0.50.
Men's Suits , $9.75 ,
Very fine slnglo and double-breasted
Sack 'and Cutaway Frock styles , finest
American worsted , Bedford caeyimoro
and fancy plaids , worth $10 to 318 : at
Boys' Suits , $3.75.
Very fine Knee-Pant Suits , ages 4 to
15 years ; your choice of all the finest
fubrlci ) made in cheviot , cassinioro and
wore cd , double-breasted coats , war
ranted in every respect , worth JO , $7 and
$8 ; one lot , $3.75.
Boys' Long Pant Suits.
$2.75 , $3f 75 , $5.50.
Ages 12 tn 10 years , double or ajuglo-
bi'oaatcd ; they are worth J8 to $12.