THE OMAHA DAILY BEE. ESTABLISHED JUNE 19 , 1871. OMAHA , FEED AY 311 2 , 189-L. SINGLE COL'Y 1TVE CENTS. ALEXANDER AT REST Dares of Stale No Longer Trouble the Auto- I' ' lorat of All the lussias. FEARFULLY PASSED BEYOND THE RIVER Great Grlof Manifested by the People Throughout the Empire. NOT YET PASSED THE HALF CENTURY MARK "Preserver of the World's ' Peace" Taken Away in Prime of Life. SKETCH OF A VERY EVENTFUL CAREER Took No ricamiro In Governing nnil Cntocl Were for the Koclcty of 111 * Wife nml Children Soiurtliln ? About Ills Bucci'BHor. ST. rCTDRSBUIta , Nov. 1. The Angel o Death , In the shadow Of whoso pinions the autocrat o ( all the Russians has been lying for many days , today beckoned , and the sou 1 of the man who had In hla hands the lives and destinies of millions upon millions , was. borne away. Calmly and peacefully as a , sleeping babe , lie , wlio by his slightest word , could have plunged Europa Into a war , the horrors o which would defy description , fell Into the dreamless sleep which ho feared not , He , though the head of the church whose mem bers number over 70,000,000 persons , took his last rites a few days before death , claimed him from nil his greatness , At 2:15 o'clock this afternoon the summons cane and a few hours later the thunderous booming of cannon at Llvadla and St. I'eters- burg announced the czar was dead , and that ho who ha d been the Grand Duke Is'lcholas , reigned In his stead , On lightning wings the news of Russia's loss spread throughout the world , and It Is safe to say that every where the Intelligence created sympathy for the family of him who , by hla policy , had maintained the peace of Europe. From America came words of sympathy , for the dead ruler had always been a friend of the great republic of the west , and sustained the north In the war of the rebellion. Among the peasants of llussla he will be mourned with a deep and abiding sorrow , for was ho not the "Peasant Czar ? " GRIEF IS UNIVERSAL. None of the grandiloquent titles borne him were thought as much ot as the one bestowed upon him by his lowly subjects whose vlr- * tucsncro magnified In him , and whose -vices In him wore entlre-ly lacking. He who de nies the popularity of the- czar among the lowly classes of llussla Is blinded by preju dice. Ills kind acts to them In their seasons ot plague and famine will never be. forgotten , nn < l tonight In thousands upon thousands o ! homes , from Vladlvostock , on the Pacific , to the fortresses ot the. Caucasus , millions ol people , as they kneel before their Icons , will pray from the bottom of their hearts for the ; repose of. the- soul ot their "Little Father , " woo was to- them as great In soul as he was In stature. There will be sincere mournlnc. too. In tlio royal nnd Imperial families of Europe. Not the conventional mourning prcacrlbsd by rule , but the mourning of little children. For who has not heard of the annual visits ot the czar to Copenhagen , tha home ot his beloved czarina , when with tliu children ot emperors , kings and princes around him , ho was tlio biggest child of them all , joining In all their sports nnd romping with them like n bit boy. Ills dentil will be a most blttor loss to the wlfo he loved so well that It was a proverb In St. Petersburg that he was "tho only Russian who was true to his wife. " His homo was an Ideal one , and all his pleas ure wns found with his oi\u family. But as the czar and not the man he could bo ns stern , as unrelenting as fate Itself. Ho has banished men and women to Siberia , but they were men and women who sought to hill him or to overturn the covernment ot whloh lie waa thu nbsoluto head , and which he , by the most solemn oaths In the mother city of Itussla Moscow had sworn to maintain In Its Integrity , CALMLY WAITED FOR THE END. Since Tuesday , when the doctors Informed tlio czar there was no longer room for hope , his majesty composedly watted ( or the end , attondlnc to necessary state and family af fairs In the short Intervals ot consciousness and freedom ot pain. These were necessa rily brie' , the doctors having : recourse to sedatives to procure steep and allay pain , On Wednesday the czar was still able to be taken to a. window of the palace , whence he Kazed out upon the country holoved. . The night passed with all the aggravating symptoms and dry cough. Dr. Saccharin re mained In attendance upon him throughout tlio night only snatching brief Intervals fet sleep In the ante rooms. The morning broke with rain and wind and heavy clouds and the weather was much colder. As the day ad' vanecd the weakness Increased BO rapldl ) that the czar himself recognized that he could only live a few hours. He expressed r desire to receive the sacrament , which was ndmlnlsterwl to him by Court Chaplain Vaiv Ishctt and Father Ivan In the presence ot the whole family. The czar then conversed lonp and earnestly with Father Ivan , concludlni by asking his family to again gather armim him. He spoke to each member separately and at the greatest length with the czarina Ha hlesscd all his children present. Thi scene was one of deep pathos , all being' ii tears. All this time his majesty was slttlnt upon an arm chair. After taking leave o his family he grew gradually weaker am his voice became so Indistinct that It wai scarcely audible. About noon a convulsive fit of coughlni was followed by a slight rally. Thence uatl the end the czar remained quiet , seeming ] frco from pain , ONE SIGH AND ALL WAS OVER. At 2:15 : o'clock ho heaved a deep ! an' ' breathed his last In the arms ot Cio empress who then broke down with the weight a her grief , The doctors f ar the result of the reaction on her already exhaustc system. The body Is now being embalmed , 1 will probably be laid tor n couple ot day I In the pjlara chapel. The arrangement that will be made for the funeral are stl unknown. It Is believed the remains wl be embarked on the Imperial yacht Point nala Flvczda ( Polar Star ) at Yalta , whcr HID Seventh army corps will render mil tary honors. The whole lilack sea flee will escort the yacht to Odessa , whence th body will be conveyed by railway to S Petersburg , stopping at the Important town enrouto to enable the troops to rcndc honors to the dead. The state mournln will commence on Saturday. The funeral will probably be held tn wccka hence. The- arrival of the prince and princess < Wales , now enrouto to LlvadU , Is anxious ! nwalted. - A special train awaits them i the frontier. It Is believed the presence i the princess ot Wales will afford great con fort to her slater , the czarina , nnd It Is e : peeled that she will make a long ; stay I llussla , An Imperial decree announcing tlio acce si an to the- throne of the Grand Duke Nlcl Dins ( the czarewltch ) Is expected tro Llvadla In a few day * . The theaters ar restaurants were closed this evening , b1 the streets , were as bucy as usual. Crowi Blood about the places vhere the bulletli from Llvidla have been posted , reading tl olllclal announcement ot his iiujesty'i deal ( t a. m. ) It Is reported here that tl ot MoicoWi Indicant t jvfc t th < believe to have been the malpractice of Dr. Zacharln In the case of the czar , are wreckIng - Ing the doctor's house In that clly. The telegraph offlcea liere > are crowded with newspaper correspondents seeking to send their reports and merchants waiting for the latest news from Ltvadla. The gar risons at Crotisladt and St. Petersburg have taken the oath of allegiance to the new czar. When all was over the czarewltch. Grand Duchess Xcnla nnd the other Imperial rela tives approached the bedside in turn to take a last farewell. The court officials and mem bers of his majesty's suite were afterwards admitted. The Hag over the palace was placed at half mast and a salute was fired by tha vessels In the port. Shortly after 4 o'clock the members of the palace guard were marshaled In the square la front of tha palace chapel for the ceremony of swear ing alleclancc to the new czar. They were the first to take thu oath. The grand dukes were the next to swear allegiance and they were followed In the order of precedence by the high court functionaries , court olHcIals , military ofllcers and civil officials , HK.KTCII OI-- HIS C.Vliiit. ! Alrinnilor I to inn no IT Iluil I.tltln Dicing fnr tlui I'oallliii Unit ll Occupied , Emperor Alexander 111. was born m 1845 , the second son of Alexander II. It was not expected that he would reign over Itussla , and his training was that ot a soldier , lint the death of his elder brother , Nicholas , In early manhood made him the heir to the throne. The prominent characteristic of his early life was his physical prowess. Like h a brothers , Vladimir and Alexis , he was the" performer of fabulous teats at the cupper table. He was a splendid wrestler , ex tremely powerful , wlio could drink more champagne than any of his brothers , and who took pleasure In Imitating the tricks with which history has cred ted Peter the Great. Thus he used to crush hon-cshoes In the hollow of his hand , roll silver rubles Into tubss between his thumb and finger , and used to sally forth with his brothers to dis reputable drlnklnK places at night. In strict Incognito , and thrash the assembled com pany. Whether ho ever stoppsd the sails of a wlncltn 11 in full motion , as Peter ! s reputed to have done. Is not on record. Alexander HI. i\as married October 28 , 1SCG , to Princess Dagmar of Denmark , who as < umed the name of Maria Feodorovna. This union was generally regarded as n mar riage des convenances , and In consequence not apt to be the Ideal of conjugal felicity. There was no greater delight for the em peror than to cast away the cares ot gov ernment and seek the society of his wife nnd ch.dren. He was fairly Idolized by his wlfo and family , and there Is no one , who served him In any capacity but had the warmest praise far his kind and unassum ing disposition. When his father , Alexander II , fell n vic tim to the bomb of the anarchists-on the streets of St. Petersburg , the crown de scended to Alexander HI , who ascended the throne In 18SI , and was crowned form ally In 1SS3. On the throne he remained the chief ot the Slavonic party. But he was practical , and did not advocate any of thote wild schemes which h s friends wished him to carry out. lie had commanded an army In the Husso-Turklsh war and Ifnew some thing of the terrors of warfare. He wns , therefore , obstinately In favor of peace , 13e- sldes , much as he respected the religious and Intriguing fanatic PopeGonostzeff , the empress hated this man , and so tlie fanatic 'never quite got the upper hand. Alexander III , had a certain kind of cun ning , which stujid men possess , and did not mind Increasing the power of llussla by the arts of diplomacy. Vhen his cun ning failed him , as In the case of Bulgaria , he had the common sense to swallow h s pride and did not proceed to bloodshed. This was his great merit. Otherwise he was an indifferent and lazy monarch , who governed Russia by means of favorites. He picked them up wherever he could find them , and prided himself on his faculty of discovering genius. In this respect he had sometling of the Napoleon about him. He spent most ot his time sleeping , eating nnd drinking. This was the cause ot his disease. He , did not take sulllclent exercise. When his ministers pre sented him with projects of laws ho would ret re to his study and go to sleep over them. SI * feet three In height , welglng 250 pounds , the emperor looked like a giant. He had small eyes , ttralgtit , hard eyebrows , a largo forehead , a fair beard and a- coarse mouth. In appearance he was not unlike the peasants ho ruled. A fad ot the czar was the collection of precious stones. He was very fond of them and took great delight In purchasing rare and costly specimen ! . Ills Jewels are with out doubt the most gorgeous In Europe and his uniforms and military trappings arc decorated with magnificent gems. In his private collection are any number of large and valuable diamonds nnd pearls. In the Russian scepter Ishe \ famous Orloff diamond mend , which weighs 1&4 % carats. This stouo is rose cut and resembles half a p geons egg in size. It Is supposed to have been the eye of an Indian Idol , which , after being stolen by a Trench deserter , passed through many hands , until It was purchased by Count Orlott for Empress Catherine , The price paid the Armenian merchant who then owned it uns 90,000 , an annuity of 1,000 rubles and a royal title. Nicholas Alcxandrcvltch , who succeeds to the Russ an throne , was born In 18C8. He Is of tmall stature , a very sallow complexion nnd bushy , black eyebrows over bluish gray eyes. eyes.For For the last five years he- has been In the habit of presiding over the council of state , a duty which his father's laziness inndo Irk some to him. At these meetings the young man conducted the business with surpris ing ability and tact. Much more tact than hla father ever showed. Ho has a will of hU own. His father at one time wanted Mmery much to marry one of the daughters ot Nlklta , the reigning prlnco ot Montenegro. These young ladles are of the Greek faith : they were educated nt a fashionable school at St , Petersburg , and they are flue , handsome , tall and strong , ot superb physique , with coal black hair and eyes to match. Hut the young czare vitch would have none of them. Alexander III. , mindful of the sad fate o ! his brother Nicholas , who had died of 'ncr vous debility , determined that his dellcati son should escape that fate. Manners an still somewhat primitive In Russia , and si the czarewltch was Introduced to a verj charming actress , with whom he tell violent ! : In Jova and who became his mistress. Hi loved this woman , who had an excellent ills position , so passionately that he declared hi : intention of marrying her , backing his resolu tlou by the theories ot Tolstoi. His fa the lost his temper , but did not succeed In fright cnlng the young man , who declared that I ho was not allowed to marry her he would no marry any one else. It was for this reason that the czarewltcl was sent on his famous journey round th world , In order to give him other Ideas. Th wild and boisterous but extremely powerfu Grand Duke George of Greece went with bin to amuse and take care of him. The young princes behaved with anythln ; but the repose which marks the caste of Verde et do Vert- . The Journey was n perpetual orgle Interrupted by boxing , swimming and fenc Ing matches. It was on this trip that th is czarcwltch's brother , the Grand Duke Georg of Russia , sowed the * seeds of tha dlseas iff which Is now killing him , George of Greec was too rough a playmate and Inclined t forget his strength. The boxing and swim mlng was too much tor the Russian Georgf who had to be sent home by himself , a spa having been clumsily dropped on his head I the course of some mad pranks. To atone for his misfortune , the flran Duke George ot Greece saved the life of th czarewltch on the memorable occasion whe he was attacked by a Japanese policeman t Toklo , who hit the czarewltch over the liea with tt sword. hin The trip round the world had Its desire in effect. It very much fortified the constltutlo nd ot the czarewltch , nhowed him "cities an ut manners" and cured him ot hla love for U ds actress , who had meanwhile been splrltc us . away. beh. On hl > return , however , he [ ell In Io\ h. with the Princess Alls of Hesse. Ho had a h ( CouUnuea on Filth. NO BUSINESS ON THE LIST Omaha Fi ms Continue to Bepudiato the "Business Men's" ' Manifesto. NAM S PUT DOWN WITHOUT AUTH.RITY < Jrr l Claim of tlio icnrccrow ttoomcm Ills- jiclled by I'riinJt Statements from Jobbers ni < i HclnUer Country Dealers llcputllutu tlio Scheme. The bankers and railroad p cplc who have been managing the so-called Business Men's Association of Nebraska In the Interest of tha Burlington candidate for governor have trle < l to createan Impression throughout the country that the Jobbers of Omaha are all with them to n man. The object In view was to overawe country merchants and lead them to bellevo that the commercial Inter ests of the country would be Injured by the election ot Judge Hoi comb as governor or the state. Country merchants have been reasoned with In this manner : "The fact that all the jobbers and business muti of Omaha have signed their names to the roll of membership of the Business Men's associ ation Is the very best reason In the world why the business me'n In other towns of the state should favor the same side , " The facts In the case are that out of the 100 or moro Jobbers reported by the commercial agencies as doing business In Omaha the names of only a very small percentage are on the list. Of the number whose names are to be found In that list a large proportion wcra placed there without the authority ot the members of the firm. The signature of seine party connected ! with or employed by the firm would be secured nnd Inserted In a way that would give the Impression that the firm had sanctioned the movement. A num b.r of the most prominent jobbers v.ho e firm names were attached to the business men's manifesto have already stated to- The Bee that they uero taking no part in politics and that their signature was obtained with out their knowledge of the use to which It was to be put. Some names were placed on the list by the promoters without consult ing any one , it being taken for granted that the parties In question -would support the movement. Thus , the name of W. A. L. Gibbon , wholesale dealer In hats , caps , etc. , appears In the list , and while Mr , Gibbon Is out ot the city and cannot bo consulted , and Intimate friend ot his affirms that the gentle man was never asked about the matter of his name appearing on the business men's mani festo and never saw the list until It was In print. SIGNED AS A PERSONAL FAVOR. Others signed the list as a personal favor to the one presenting It. Thus Mr. Balfe of the Arm of Balte & Heed slgnc-d the list ut the request of his banker , but says that he really did not pay any attention to what ha was signing. His sympathies are. on the other side , and it is very evident from what he says that the head of the republican ticket will not receive a vote from him W. E. Clark and W. W. Cole of the Consolidated Coffee company both state that their house was requested to sign the list and that the question was taken under ad visement by the members of the firm , with the result that they refused to sign , on the ground that It was not good business for a houseto take part In politics. Later on Mr. Clark was urged very strongly nt the club one evening to sign the. list as an Individual expression of opinion and did so , but the use of the firm name was unauthorized , The name of the ICIlpat rick-Koch Dry Goods company appears on the roll of the Business Men's asioclatlon , but the firm never signed It , and gave it out to start with that the house was not in politics , One. member of the company was prevailed upon to affix hla name to the paper and the name of the firm was added , but without authority and against the wishes of the company. The name ot the American Biscuit and Manufacturing company appears among the signers of tbe manifesto , but that It had been placed there without the- authority of those- who had a right to sign the- name ot the company has been stated by the manager , Mr. Hugglns. W II. McCord says that he was misquoted In Wednesday's Bee. That McCord-Brady company received three letters protesting against the signature of the Business Men's association list. The use of the name of McCord-Brady company by the Business Men's association was unauthorized. While some of the officers of th& company signed the list , they did so personally and OB Individuals , believing It to be their privilege to express an opinion. In the same way some of the employes have signed the list , but the connection of McCord-Brady company with their names was taking a liberty which none of Its olllcers would or could have pre sumed to do. "With the above names marked off In addi tion to those that have been mentioned be fore this , the Business Mcn' & association be comes a nonentity so far as the jobbers are concerned. The largest houses and those that wcro pointed to by the- managers of the movement with the greatest pride have repudiated the movement and have asfertod that their names were used without their authority or consent. RETAILERS FEEL MUCH THE SAME. The names of quite a good many retail flrms appear on the list , but they were ob tained In about the same way as the names of the jobbing houses and do not signify any more. Thu& the firm of T. P. Cartvrrlght & Co. appears as one of the signers ot the manifesto which Is being used In nn effort to elect the head of tha republican ticket. Mr. Cartwrlght says that his banker asked him to sign the list and ho told him that while ho was a republican and naturally In favor of a republican administration for the stale , lie could not support the head of the ticket , believing Judge Hoi comb to be by far the better man of the two. Finding that ho could not change his opinion In that respect the banker concluded that he hail better sign the paper anyway , as Jn favor of the balance ot the- ticket , and thus one more name was added to the business men't list. Mr. Cartwrlght says that tha uc tc which the managers have put the list ol names has been a great mistake and I : calculated do Omaha a great deal o ! Injury. The feeling out through the state la none- lee friendly toward Omaha to beglr with and a matter of this kind Is only In tended to widen the breach , William Fleming , the retail grocer , sayi that ho signed the list without the sllghtesi Idea that it was to be used as a polltlca document and circulated over the country and city. Both members of the firm of Kelley S Stlger are very emphatic In their declaratloi that they arc not In politics and do no believe In trying to mix business am polltlca. Edward Robinson of Robinson Bros , sayi ho signed ( he list as an Individual cxprcssloi of opinion and without any Idea of trylni to Influence the vote of his. customers 01 any otio else. Mr. Rlnehart , the photographer , consider : the manifesto mighty poor clectloneerlnj stuff. Tom Rogers says that ho does not knov why that list was signed and he did no like the Idea of stirring : up politic ? , atovi grates and tinware In the same kettle. 1 \\as a kind ot a stew that every one woulc not relish. Samuel Gamble of the Continental doe not think It within the province of the re ( alters to do much talking , SENTIMENTS OF I ) . A. HALE. John Peters , E cretary ot the buslnes men's Majors combine , had the privilege yes terday of reading * om& wholesome truths which , owing to his dyspeptic condition , ill not r-ct well on his stomach. The letter wa from D. A. Hale , a prominent business nia of Humphrey , and read as follows : HUMPHREY , Neb. . Oct. 30 , ! $ ! . Her John I'etem , Secretary Business Men's As Boclutlon , Omaha Dear Sir I am In re celpt of your letter and circular , benrln date of the ISth Inst , ursine me to form i "business men's organization" In my cltj Permit me to say in reply that your lettei ns well ns the circular oncioicfl. Is nn in- putt to the ability nnd integrity ff the In telligent voters of N l > ranlc.i. I was present ns n delegate nt the convention that nom inated JUOKO Holcomlt. Hcfdre there was any bolt tlie counties were called. Artnmn , Antelope , etc. , down the lift .to Dodge. Dodge votetl Bollil for him , nnd so en clown the list , with n few divisions , , nearly every county Riving nil , or portion if Its \oles for Holcomb. Lancaster threw Its entire vote to Holcomb. When Douglan WIIH called , It RIIVO nlncty-ano votea for Hol comb , nnd when the total vote wan counted It stoo'l two to one for lils nomination. I nccepted the result of m party's ! conven tion ns the voice of thextepresontatlves of the party In- the great litnte ot Nebraska. As I read your circular , 3 um con trnlned to Inquire where there 8N\ business men of O ma tin were whe-n the nfctropolln ol Ne braska held Its prlmsiiesi nnd when thut city decided , by unanimous voice , for Judge Holcoml > 7 1 have been a democrat all my life , hnv- liiK en si my II rat ballot In Nebraska for Hon. A. J. t'opnleton for district Judge tn the city of Omaha some twenty-eight years since , and thlH Is. the llnu time In my life thnt any erfrrmlzed Ixnly of men undertook : to give me Instructions as to how I should ; vote. I nm not nfrnld thnt theielectlon of Judse lolcomb will lie u detriment to the fnlr lame of Nebraska or injure Its credit In he lenst. On the other hand , he Is the holce of n larne majority of the furm'-rs if the state , nnd , as the city of Oinnln de lves Its support from th products of the ion , it Is in } ' opinion thnt vour so-called 'Huslmss Men's association" Is a worse calamity howl" than you accuse tlie . > ther ollows ot making. In the long list of S33 -ilgniTH to your circular , every bank In Omaha Is represented with but one exccp- "Icn. The ntimcs of their1 odlccrs , the ern- doyes , clerks , nnd even Janitofa , are signed o the circular , the name 'of W. A Pnxton .pnearlnB several times as banker , whole sale grocer , director ot the stock yards , tc. The stock ynrds represent some 100 inmes on this clicular. Including the olll- .Inli , employes , traveling men , and persons n business crntrolled -coerced by the itock ynrds. The above- applies equally o the railroads. And thi whole 'brood ot : jrporatlons , vultures and ilnwyors who di- Ive their sustenance from , the corporations ire represented In your circular. Monupo- lats , ccrporatlons , peculators , gamblers nd rionpurchascrs of every kind and Oc- rec , ben me to organize ( in association to ilefeat Judpe Holcomb. fivcry bondsman if the state treasurer Ifl on the list , which s natural , for If Holcomb Is elected the itnte money will have to be counted and .urncd over , nnd tlio banka of Omaha that have been using the stritq funds may have o sacrifice some of their Interent-bearlnR iccurltlcs in hard times to raise moneyi say nolhinp of the quarter1 of a million that has been lost to the people In the wreck oC Mother's ' bank nt Lincoln. For the above * and ether reasons , as a . 'armer and Hock raiser , I cnnnot comply with your request , and I shall preserve yovir circular as thousands of others ore- doing , nnd when Holcomb Is elected and the bum- : iesg men of Omaha send their solicitors lo us for business , we shaHJiave this cir cular as a memento. I nm for Judge Holcomb , nnd I am not akliiK rny cue from either Il'sewater or .lie Business Men's association. Vorv truly yours , , 'D. ' A. HALE. ENDORSEMENT IN-THE EAST. With all tlio pressure that the Business Men's association has brought to bear on eastern investors to secure from them and from their organs matter condemnatory of the opposition to the rins republican candl date for governor , there , are some sclf-re- spectlnK men of money and financial jour nals which refuse tq talk , to suit the railroad nnd corporation combine. One Instance is the United Investor , ono of the solid flnancia papers ot New York. discussing \ the Ne braska campaign , the. Iryveatbr says In Us Itsuo of October 27 : The Investor Is , ot cquwe , not In polltlcs1 and thc-alm > of your "correspondent Is to Klye both aides arid Impartial Judgments. Your correspondent has examined this mat ter carefully. He rlndq thH Judge Jlrl- comb Is regarded by tlicvbqr ot his district as nn essentially able , honorable and honfcs man. In this campaign- .mud slingin not one charae tin * heeji .made-'agalnsLUlrn . Curefu ! searchlrR througlt" his"5' decisions shows no evidence of repudiation of debts. On Hie other hand. In 1891) when hq was elected lo the b'ench , his opponent was a republican , ' the incumbent , who on beliiR renornlnattd , declared that because of tile hard times he wculd make no more orders or foreclosures of mortpuges until the times Improved. Mr. Holcomb refused to make Huch a pledge , and reputable republicans united In electing hlrrt over his rcpubll can v > ould-be lepudlator opponent In t strongly republican district- Kiiitherniore , Judge Holcomb Is making his campaign on state issues alone and re fuses to discuss free silver or any other populist mlrcltile. It Is Impossible thnt n populist legislature can bc'elccted. There are many hundreds of republicans who will KuVport Holcomb. It looks now us It he win be elected. The candidacy nf Mr. Majors would belter not be discussed. He does not disc-Hsu state Issues at all , nor do republican speakers generally. The Investor correspondent , taking no part In politics , but only qeslrtng to state the actual facts , is able to .assure all riwl - ors of this paper that the election ot Jud e llnlcomu will In no way Injure the vjlu of any legitimate investments In this sirdc It cunnot regarded as.iupopullst victory In uny sense , and will rather uplift than degrade the standard of Nebraska politics nnd government. ' BOOMERANG IN DURT COUNTY , An Idea of the sentiment that throughout the state In regard to the busi ness men's ' combine can .be gained by a perusal of the- following special received by The Bee labt evening' j TKKAMAH , Neb. , Nov. l.-Speclal.- ( The Omaha business men's dodger has not yet spent its full force * The reaction has now set In. When It was received the local dealers consigned the dodger to the re ceptacle for waste paper nnd laughed nt It ns a practical joke. At. Craig the farmer patrons rose up as one man to remonstrate ug alnst the merchant that jdiowcd his sym pathy with the association , which they re gard as nn organization of favored corpora tions and those receiving favors. Today three farmers , rcpi cscntlng from 600 to l.SOO ncres of farms each ! nnd liberal lenders to neighbors , wereIn Tekamah collecting the business men's circular for future ref erence. When Interrogated concerning the object of the collection , one said the letters would be kept for future reference , and that local retail den lei K would be solicited to trade with no one whoso name is attached to the circular. The feellpg ot Insult nnd Injury Is not felt alonts by the farmers nnd tradesmen , but by the local business men ns well , who will not be coerced Into voting for Tom Majors. A great many of our htanchest republicans voice the Hcntimenls of Representative John F. Kessler , who publicly proclaims his InteiUlon of voting for Holcomb , but adds he might be Induced to support his ticket straight if he did not know Tom Majors personally. Fully one- third of the republican business men of Teknmnb , Craig and Oakland , and a large proportion of Lyons 'also , ivlll withhold their suffrage from the tattooed man. A meager effort Is being pul forth by certain BloUK City jobbers tn tap this territory , and f the new condition of aflnlra'will ' be watched with Interest. The bugaboo scare concern ing the withdrawal ofsVmjtPrn money from the state Is dispelled hen1. Some Teal estate owners have personally arranged wjth Ohio paitteH for all the money.they can use at as low rate ns they have ever been offered , The promise of unlimited loans on approved real estate securily of wealthy Ohio citi zens who have lanreVsurnlus funds will lo more to hurl thorn help the'-"buslriess men" boost the oil room candidate. The repub licans who will votctffor Holcomb here are the better class , some occupying places In the party's councils,1 ' - ' ' . come-'lo I'rrn. TACOMA , Wash. . Nov. L A special to the.Ledger from Victoria , n. C , , Bays that the flagship Royal Arthur 'and four other ships of the British ennadron at that point have been ordered to Callao at once. The British consulate at that t'lace ' has been taken possession pf by revolutionists and the -consul maden. . prisoner. Ills wife and daughter have been killed and the consulate has been burned totlie ground. The tlau- shlp leaves under full stodm tonight and will call at Victoria for ona hour about midnight. Admiral Stcphcns'on la on board. End Allllrtlnii ot a Chlcacn Couple. CHEYENNi : , Nev. l.-Spcclat ( Telegram. : A little , child of Mr. nnd Mrs. C. N. Har ris , enroute from Chicago to San Francisco , was taken sick and died ona Union I'acllk train as It was ascending1 Sherman hill just west of Cheyenne list night. .At Laramlc tlu * remain * were placed In a. casket nnd the parents continued on their journey. Morrmontu nf ht' e < u < r VseU NOT. I , At New York Arrived Lahn , frorr Uremen. At Bremen Arrived Alter , from Nev , York. At London Arrlvtsl-Mussucliusetts , frorr New York , At Genoa Arrived Werra , from New Xork , BY BLUNDERS AND BRAWLS Closing Dajs of the Majors Onmpaign Filled with Dissension and Mistakes , COURAGE CF THE WOFKER5 IS VANISHING -Iimlile I'lgurvs of the Committee. Glva Very l.tltlo Hope to the rollinvcri < if the Itntltonil I anilhtiito iMnjnni' 1'ro- lilblUmi Krcnril. The Majors managers are winding up their campaign with a series of brawls ami blun ders such as have never been known In the history of Nebraska politics. The atmos phere at the Mlllnrd headquarters la bluer than the shirt of the railroad , candidate for governor. Whllo some ot the members of the committee arc lighting mad , no blows have been struck so fnr ns known , though hard words nnd big round oaths have been hurled about quite recklessly. To add to the dismay the blunder made by the literary bureau In making public tha actual estimate of the committee as to the result on gov ernor has called down on the devoted heads of the managers curses loud and deep. Be fore noon yesterday a hundred men called at the commlttco rooms to tell Chairman Jlor- rlll ho had made n mistake In letting the public know the straits lo which Majors had been reduced , especially ns Majors \\as claim ing on the stump that ho expected to be elected by 20.000 plurality. Br the time fifty men had called on him , Chairman Morrlll realized the importance of the blunder , for each man came In with a tale of how the workers' had become dis couraged upon seeing the flcures , as It was generally conceded that a claim of 2,000 plurality was equivalent to admitting1 de feat. Before noon , after a consultation , It was decided to announce that the figures printed In the "advertising" columns of the World-Herald were not these of the com mittee , but that they had been "doctored" In the World-Herald office. This would be a very nice story If it were true. But the facts , are that' the figures nlvcn In the World-Herald are the exact estimates of the republican committee , but they were not Intended for publication and would not have been given out , hut for a blunder of the man who writes the Majors 'advertising' matter. After having sent lie matter to the World-Herald office the oung man who wrote It told several friends n the street that the committee was only : lamlng ! 2,000 plurality , as reports Indicated hat Holcombould come down to Douglas county with a slight plurality which it was " oped would be overcome in Omaha. The ; ame morning Chairman Morrlll slated In reply to a question from a friend that ho itlll had "some hope ot pulling Majors hrough. " But outside of tlio admissions quoted hove. The Bee has the prool that the esti mate printed Is just what It Is claimed to be. V complete statement of the outsldo claims f the committee , by counties , was secured estcrday that Is , leaving out Douglas county , n which the Majors managers do not care o make an estimate. In the face of this roof , the "typographical error" explanation will not ga. Here are the Majors managers' iwn figures : WHAT THD MAJORS MEN CLAIM. Counties. 1 l.TOO 1,300 60 ntelono 1,070 KB 23 Maine 1,070Ul 23C lanncr 175 KBoo 10 Hotine oo 1IW ! < ix Ilutte 15 ! ro\vn 3,0 ooUO 15 ioy < t . , . , , 2SO UO 50 luftnlo 1. < CC l.iOl lutler 1.400 COO luct 1,309 ro 2,500 2.000 100 CO ) 1,200 so 300 1 0 'heycnne ' BIO co 'hcrry ' 454 coUO 1.575 1 571 5) 'olfnx ' 7to 1S' ' 19 'unilng I.OCHI ; 1,140 20(1 ( UBlcr 1,270 ion ) aknta v.o 7S 1,000 7.V > 75 700 S75 CO 1,173 , not ) COOJ 1,800 2.CXM 40J Dumlj- 210 eucl 27E 325 Illrnorc lG73l 1.1 23D rnnklln roe 623 2. ) 'rtmtter 72 ; 760 r , r'grnas 1.100 1,000 Oage 3,525 2,023 ejatllcld " 150 Grant 71 3107S Oreeley 100 t0 all i.tav 1,363 I. million . . . i.roi 201 larlan 700 too 23 Inytx 22'i 225 1C lltohcock . . 22'iW 32i 1Cr lolt . 500 1,000 1W looker - . . , . . 1,000so 1Wb loutiril 95) 10J lefli-rson . . . l.MO 1,204 KM ) fohn on . . . . 1,2W Kt KlmUnU 90 Kearney 75 ICi-ya 1'alia 173 375 r. . Keith 17.- 150 10 Cnox . . . . . . . 17.750 l.OW ire ancanter . . 5.200 3,2M 31X1 120 IX 10 922 OJ .oui . 100 OJp Madison , . . . . 1.150 1(0 Mcl'lirraon , . 40 1(0f f .leiilck . 60 tlOO 2 ; Nance . vx Kl Nemnhn. . 1.423 2(1 ( Nuckolls . iw | l.COO IS Otoe . 1.90C l.COO 330 nwnee . ' 7W i : . . 1'erlilna . 2 ( 204 Ill I'lerce . GOO 61 Phclps . swWO GOOHi 4) I'lutte . ! WO 1,10 10) I'olk . .711 1,175 5) lle < l Willow . 573 2' . Itocl : . . 2J' 10 [ Clcliaiclson . l.SM 2H ( KootiB IJlurr. 175 10 Saline . 1,700 153 Snrry . 1.200 2.300 fiewaril 1,530 Sheridan W Sherman . . . C7I 2 : Sioux 17 : J ) Klnnton 25 Thajer . Thomns . . . . ThurMon Valley 100 V 'n hlngton 7 ! Wayne 35 Velwter 97 12- 12E York Totnls 75,01 7.ZQ1 ITS INACCUHAC1ES PALPABLE. The figures given above wcro made to win , for when they first were tabulated they failed to elect Majors by 2,000. Later they were "revised" for the edification of workers who came In from throughout the state am ! who needed something to revive their droop. Ingspirits. . The claims , made in a numbet of counties are absurdly high on the Major ; side and correspondingly low for Holcomb The very latest poll of tlio state , the result of which will be given In The Hco tomor row or Sunday , shows the fallacy of theec claims. Over one-half of the counties Placed In the Majors column In the abcvt statement will be found In the Holcomb Us next Tuesday by pluraltles ranging frorr fifty to 500. The statement Is also fal laclous as to the number of votes that wll be polled. It indicates that outside ol Douglas county nnd th prohibition vote o the state there will be 163,000 votes. Thli IB from 8,000 to 10,000 votes too many , ai Douglas county alone will poll from 21,001 to 22,000 votes , which fact alone will mori than wipe- out the paltry 4,500 plurality tha the Majors managers say they may secure , QUEER WORK OP A QUEER CROWD. The "straight democrat ! , " who held i meeting at Lincoln night before last and de clared for Majors , have only thrown off tin mask that they have been clumsily wearlni for ueeks. At this meeting of "utralghttT there were many familiar faces. ICuclli Martin was , ot course' , the leader , and thci came Charlie Connoyer , Leo Spratlln , S. It Ruah and George V , Hlncs , from Omaha J. C. Robinson , Waterloo ; W , K. Jackway Kearney ; A. S. Campbell , McCock ; J. C Kesterson. Falrbury ; HAVO Campbell , Au burn ; Dan W. Cook , UM trice ; O. W. John ston , Huttings ; It. M. Uttley. O'Neill ; J. A. Rice , Stuart ; U. Williams. O'Neill ; Milt Doollttle , Atkinson ; C. C. Jones , NcllRh ; J. J. , Chtulron ; Judge Crawford fltul Mlko Hushes. West I'oint ; J. J. Mclntosh , Sidney ; K. A. Stewart , Illalr ; D. I' . ItoH , Nebraska City , and II. 0. Kochler , Dlue Hill. While these men stood In the fore ground , hovering In the background were the shadowy but still substantial formi of Tobc Castor , lllll Morgan , Jim Agcr and Dick Shannon. In fact , they wcro the peonlo who really engineered the meeting , wlillo Btlll further In the reir waa T M. Maniuelte , 11. & M. general solicitor , pulling the strings. H waa no wonflcr that with the o hidden forces directing affairs thnt the meeting declared for Majors. U couldn't have done anything else. Hut the dropping ol the mask will do little good , for It will make no votea for the tattooed candidate now that the true Inwardness of tlio deal Is known , The railroads have diverted a little of tliclr Tom Majors election fund Into a channel that Is dark and devious. They have established a now set of headquarters at L ncoln , which arc under the guidance- Tobe Castor. Walt Seely and Jim Aper. These three worthies are supposed lo have exclusive control ovtr the destinies ot the new state senate , but they ore also working n little on the side for M.ijors. They nro the men who are to dcclo > Jutt who shall and who shall not be elected to the senate. They have their emissaries out over the state , and any candi date for the senate who refuses to bind him self to vote against bills for the rcgulal on of corporations Is at once placed nn the list of the defeated. The railroads will use every endeavor lo encompass the defeat of candidates they cannot control , and In this list they have rlaccA Isaac Hoycs of Douglas county. If the people can be made to realize the tltuatlon of affairs Mr. Noyes will be elected by an overwhelming majority. A correspondent aska The Ueo to state what party had n voting majority of the last legislature. No parly had a clear majority , not even the railroad party. K fty-one mem bers of the house and seventeen members of the senate comprise a majority of both houses. It Is these seventeen senators that Tobc Castor and his allies are after , and they don't care whether they are democrats , republicans or populists. MAJOIIS' PROHIBITION RECORD. OMAHA , Nov. l.-To the IMItor of Tlio Bee : It la renlly amusing to BOO' limv some political business men of Omaha nrt > shouting- themselves honre In their frantic ITortfl to eli'ct Thomns J. Majors governor t tills stutc. This , of course , Is only a nllroad republican dodge lo ull nnd de- eive the unwnr } . Tour years OKO these nine political business men , with many thcr business men In Omaha , were mov- ig hravcn and earth to dt-feiit the nets of homas J. Majors and snvo the Btato from .ic bllsht of prohibition. This question came ip In the legislature in 1SS9. when this ame Thomas J. > lajors was In the lower , ouse. Here is the record : Tage 151. Hou'e Jour- , al , shows the report to the house by Walt I. Seely , secretary ot the senate , of the .ctlon of the senate on senate tile No. 31. Mich had parsed the n-nnte. Tills bill irovUled for the submission to the electors f the state the ( iwptlon of nn amendment -o the Htate constitution prohibiting iho manufacture , sale nnd keeping- for Kale of "ntoxlcntlng lltiuors as a beverage. Tape 553 of the House Journal shows the nnouncement of the speaker , "That senate- le No 31 would bo road the third time anil ut upon Us passage. " I'nffes 5H ! and SM how the Rfillunt fight made by the Douc- as delegation In thu house to stave off the ote on the hill and defeat Its passags by llbusterlnK , Thomas J. Majors always vot- with the prohibition KUhmlsvlonlKls , atjes KG and K7 show the reading * of he bill In full uml the vote thereon : "The peakor stated that this Wll , having been ead nt large on three different days , nnd IIP same , with nil its amendments , having een printed , the question is. Shall the bill lass ? "The roll was callqd and resulted : Yens , CO ; nays. 38 ; absent , 2 ; , as follows : Yeas all y1 Bal- " 1 anl , Berry , Hlsby"Burtls7jarlnk , Burn- ; am. Ciidy , Camoion , Grisly ot Clay , Cole- ian of Antelope , Corbln , Cruzcn , Dempster , Ulller. Hlliott , Eveu'tt , Knrley. Fenton. rialdgrove- , Gilbert , ( JllchrlRt. Hall , Harnp- on , Hannn , Hanthorn , Hardlnpc , Ilay4 * , 1111 of lititler , Hill of Gape , Hunter , Jacob- ion. Lash , JtAJORS , McNIoklc , Potter , lulner , llhoades , Robb , Sarucnt , Satchel ] , ? covllle , Seed , Shephnnl , Stlrk , Sweet , frucsdell , Weber , AYcller. Well * , Wcstover , , Whltford , AVhymnn , Wllco * . .Vllllnms , Winter , Yutzy-CO. "Those voting nay were : Ueckmnn. Berlin , Bohncek , Uniucht , Caldwell , Cristy of odee , C'oleman of Cook , Collins , CushlnR- , Jelaney. Dtnman , Ulcklnsnn , Dunn , Frcnno , Jardner , Gates. Oreen , Hnhn , Hooper , Horn , Helper , Larson , L e , Ley , .Mattes , Jr. , Mc- rlde. McMlllen , Meeker , Morrlsey , Neve , Olmstcad , O'Sullivan , Severln , Snyilcr , wnrtHley , Towle , White , Mr. Speaker 3S. "Absent nnd not voting ; Messrs. Fuller nd Hungate. " HereIs the dark record of Thomns J Inlors , vottmr to force the blight ot pro hibition on this stnte , nml yet inllroad re ublicans nnd stock yards business men In [ his city arc asking our liberal people , nnd especially our German fellow citizens , to vote for Thomas J. Majors for governor ig-nlnst Silas A. Holcomb , n man of liberal lews. W , S. SHOEMAKER. Conclave of tha IlcuiN of the Church In VVMi-y Unit , rii11a < letphlH. PHILADELPHIA. Nov. L All the bishops of the Methcdlst Episcopal church In the nlted States who are nt present in thlt- country assembled In Wesley hall In 1'itf city todny. The meeting- the regular semi-annual session of the gen com mittee of church extension , W.Vn Ihc meeting1 was called to older by ISIshop t'oss the following bishops -were present : Bowman of St. Louis , Foster of Hoxlniry , Mnsu. ; Merrill of Chicago , Andrews of New York. Warren of University Park , Colo- hurst of Washington , Waldtii of Cincinnati , Mallallcu of Uulfulo , Fowler ot Minneapolis , Vincent of Tonekn. Fitzgerald of New Or leans , Joyce of Chattanooga , Newman ol Omaha , nnd Goodscll of Fort Worth , Jn addition 10 the bishops there were prcs cut representatives from nil parts of the country : Rev. Dr. J. M. Durrcll , Tllton , N. H. , Rev. Dr. M. It. Freshwater , Scloto , O. ; Itev. J. M. Carter , Tullahoma , Tenn. ; Uev. Dr. W. II. Shier , Detroit ; Rev. T. L. Fleming- , Cedar Raplda , In. ; Itev. Dr. J. F. Chnffce , Mlnenapolls ; llev. Dr. D. W. Chuntlngton , Lincoln. Nob. ; Rev. 1C. J nentlcy , Cameron , Mo. ; Rev. Dr. I. B. Scott , Marshal ] , Tex. ; llev. Dr. J L. .1 llarth , SI. Louts , and Rev. Dr , G. C. Wild- 'nu. Vancouver , Wash. The sessions of the general committee art pRpecinlly Interesting frcm the fnct that c larger number of churches than ever befon lire in financial dllllcultles uml have ap ponied to the board for aid. Other mutter : of Importance will come before thq boaid There will be two sessions today , loinor row and Saturday. Sunday will be ob served aa church extension day. KfltiAXS .IS U1T1XKXS. Th'7 JMuy Itny Liquor I.llco Other Pcnnlr Unlcm Unilrr Acftits. SIOUX PALLS , S. D. , Nov. l.-WHhln ( few days a very Important matter will bi settled In the United States court here Yesterday Judge Udgcrton Instructed thi grand Jury not to return any more indict ments against persons accused of sclllni liquors to Indians residing in Slsseton reaer vatlon , as he was In duubt whether sucl Indictments would hold. The matter wll come- before the court on a demurrer to at Indictment against Tom Kindred , who wa arrested here ti few cluyn ugo while in th < act of selling liquor to SisHtton Indians , Judge Edgerton said It appeared to him a llrst glance that where Indian lands wer divided In severally , as Is the cuse wltl the Slsseton reservation , and where the In illans huve the rluht to vote , the latter ar citizens of I lie united States , and the nc of selling liquor lo them Is no more ot i violation of the United BtriU-H InwH thai l the act of selling liquor to a wlilto man Hu says that a person selling liquor to ai Indian is only amenable to thu United State laws regulating thut matter ivhvn the In olan IB under an agent or superintendent. K ! ) yKjlL'ti SKKLRTOJf , lo Ilo In th Ponm-nlon of a Halt I < ' > l < < MUM , 8AI.T LAKR , Nov. l.-Bpeclal ( Telegram , A Salt LuUe curio dealer has receive from Omaha what In guaranteed to him t be the skull and portions of the skeleton o Ed Neal , who wan hanged nt Omaha In IM for murdering an aged couple , The relk1 are attracting considerable nttentlcn. It I claimed the body was Bold to physician and the skeleton found Its w y to Halt Lab through Boroo undertaker. EUCLID MARTIN'S ' STRAIGHTS Mere Technicality Will Keep Them on Douglas County's ' Offlcinl Ballots. QUESTION SETTLED BY JUDGE KEYJOR t'iuliily Inlliimte * Hint tlio Objections ArO Omul but lloliln Hull 'IhuyV < ro Alnilo Ton l.iitn fur the Court lo lutrrfcre. The last and latest suit of a political nature was Instituted Just betoro yester day wns horn , the petition having been filed with the clerk ot the district court only a short time before the hour ot midnight was reached. In legal parlance this suit la known as W , S. Shoemaker vs Fred J. B.ickett , but ns a matter of fact It has for Its object the Invoking of the law to make the nominees ot the democratic rump con vention glvo up the designation of straight democrats , as they now appear upon the cop/ fo- the olllclal ballots. Flushed by the two legal victories Wednes day , both of which were fought out on lines moro or less political , that night Mr. Shet-maker Jumped Into the political arena and Hied a petition reciting the fact that on September L'ti , 1S34 , the democrats of this state assembled In convention In Imposition hall In this city , where they nominated a full and complete state ticket ; that this con vention was called to order by the chairman of the democratic state central committee and .organized by all of the members ana delegates from the several comities In the * slate participating. Candidates for all of tha state oltlces were nominated , alter which a handful of delegates withdrew and In a rump convention assembled these few men nominated I'lielps D. Sturilevniit ns a demo cratic candidate for governor , Rodney 13. Duuphy for lieutenant governor , D. Forest P. Holfo for secretary of state , Otto Bauman for auditor , Lake DrUlentlml for treasurer , Milton Dooilttlc tor superintendent of public ) Institution , D.i n I el B. Carey for attorney gcne-ul and Jacob Blgelow for commissioner of public lands anil buildings , BUNCH OF NONOKSCltll'TS. In addition to this , Mr. Shoemaker alleged ! that the eertlllcutcs ot nomination ot these men were filed with the secretary of state , wliero a protest was tiled , and that utter the Issues had been heard it was decided that they were not the nominees of any convention and they were rejected as being the regular nominees of the democratic convention. After this action by the secretary and the supreme court Mr. Shoemaker alleged that they secured a petition , asking them to make , the race. To this Mr. Shoemaker dlil not object , as that was a thing which they had a perfect right to do , but his objection was to their bring designate las sir I h' demo crats upon the olllclat ballots wlKch are to bo voted at tlio polls next Tuesday. In his peti tion Mr. Shoemaker alleged that without any authority of law County Clerk Sackett was about to place the names of these men upon all of the official ballots for this county and that thereon ho was Intending to designate them as straight democrats. He contcndea that the clerk was without any authority to designate tlie men ns nominees of the demo cratic party , when as a mutter ot fact they were not nominees of any party , but Instead -were slirp'y retltlon can IOa CB , without bplua entitled to any political designation. It th billets were printed , < smrtylns the ) Information to the voters that these men were straight democrats Mr. Shoemaker alleged that ( t would bo a fraud upon Ihei people of the state and would mislead thousands of voters into casting their ballots for the fraudulent deal that was consummated wheiuthe rump con vention was organized. As soon as Mr. Shoemaker had filed his petition he applied : to Judge Ksysor fop a mandatory order. Instructing the county clerk not to designate these candi dates as straight democrats. A temporary order was signed and served upon the clerk , Instructlnc him to delay action until the case could be heard , the time for the hear ing being set for 2 o'clock yesterday after noon. In his petition Mr , Shoemaker alleged that he had no objection to the nomi nees of the rump convention going upon th ticket , but he Insisted that they should appear - pear as Independent candidates , or by some. other title that was appropriate to the crowd which placed/ / them In nomination. ARGUMENTS JN THE CASR. "When the court convened in the afternoon Mr. Shoemaker appeared In his own behalf and County Clerk Sackett , not by Charles J. Green , the Burlington attorney , aa ho did Wednesday when the gubernatorial con troversy was on before Judge Ferguson , but by Attorney Joseph Crow , one of the re publican nominees for the house of repre sentatives , and J. B. Shcehan , an attorney who was with the rump convention demo crats. Mr. Shoemaker , In opening the case , re vloweil the action of the regular and tha rump democratic conventions , which wro held In this city on September 28 , after which he quoted the- law which describes how candidates may get their names upon , the ticket , contending that If a candidate had his name upon the official ballot , by another way than by party nomination , ho would bo detgnatcd ns an independent , republican or popu- llit. as the case might be. In this particular case none of the nominees had been nom inated by convention , committee or political party , but by petition which was on ( lie with the proper authorities. As the arguments progressed Chairman C. J. Stnyth of the regular democratic Btato central convention and Euclid Martin , father of the rump convention , dropped In to watch the proceedings. Warming up to the emergencies of the oc . casion , Mr. Shoemaker held to the position that after the democrats had rcgularljj held their convention and had placed their candi dates In the field , no men or set of men had authority to coma Jn nnd steal the name "democrat. " If a man was nominated as the candidate of any convention Mr , Shoe maker contended that no other party had a legal right to enter the political field by petition and fcteal away the party designation. WHY IT WAS MISLEADING. The designation " " "straight democrat" waa a designation Insinuating that soma other candidate on the ticket was not straight Jn this particular case Mr. Shoemaker urged the Idea conveyed to the public1 was mis leading , as It wasi a known fact the demo cratic party of the state met Jn convention and nominated Its ticket , while a few boltcra. left the hall and put up a ticket which waa not representative of the party In this state. Mr. Crow , In behalf of the county clerlr. argued that the printing of the ballot waa In conformity with the ccrtlflcatej on fllo In the olllce of the county clerk of thla county and that there the- nominees were designated ns straight democrats. if tha theory of Mr. Shoemaker was held good ] throughout the- state , Mr. Crow thought thaB It would create great confusion , as each county clerk might have an opinion of hla own concerning the manner of designating ? candidates. "Has It not been held , " aiksd Judgs ICcysor , "that the convention nomluatlna these men was not the regu r state con * ventlon ! " Mr. Crow admitted that tuch was tha case. Continuing , Judge ICcysor tahl that aa hd understood the Australian ballot law It won ( or thu purpose of furnishing the voter wlthl the correct Information. The voter wanted to know that the ballot told him the truth and that when the ballot said that a candi date was a straight democrat or n straight republican such should be the fact , Mr , Crow Insisted that that was just what tha ballot showed. "How can U , " asked Judge Kcyior , "whea the candidates are not the nominees ut anjf political convention or committee ? " JURISDICTION ClIALLBNdRD. 4 Here Attorney Sheehan , who aisUted Mr. Crow , Insisted that tha court had no juris * diction , 31 the law provided that tbo bailaU