COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Weak Domestic Markets and an Increased Visible Supply Weakened Wheat , THAT CEREAL OPENED LESS BULLISH Hulls In Corn Were Bmncnvlmt Uneasy ( Jror the Qnniilllr nt flint .trllcle Tlicjr Hud rurclimett Hie Day Itcforo. CHICAGO , Ocl. 31 Veak , domestic mar kets nnd an Increased woild'uvisible grain supply weakened wlient today nnd took ' , c off. tlie price for December. Corn followed , closing -JBo for Mny , anil Mny oats sym pathized to the e\tcnl of ? c. Provisions wire dull , hut Him and slightly higher. Wilful was less bullish at the openlne Ilnn It vur at the clCBe of the market. It slell-d 'ic of lt | irlcc nt the start after Bonto little buying ag-ntnst puts had caused n r i'0\ery of the lost Vic , It saRRCil once more to Its opening price. The weaker feeling1 dui- principally towhat was expected he the bearish Lffect of B'ttdstrcet'H vlnllile supply report , but trad- Ins upon that expectation wns restrlc'ed by Its ui'ip'lainty IJcfore 12 o'clock there wtis n break tt ? 4c In the price of Mny co-it , tpi-konlnn from HIP highest point It had tnurnrJ In the first halt hour , thnt brought atom a heavier feeling In wheat nnd a tlei'liip In the latter to 57'Sc foi .May It hul oiiorn ] at 57) ) c , and Hold as high ng from C7v.r to 6"c December , which lm I opened al rjc bid and nold 113 hlKh UH r"ii\ ( pot down to from Ei c to 5-V40 on HIP ilP'llne Just referred to. and It wan cUnclni ; mound that bo t to in price of the forenoon when Uratlstrcel's visible Mute- ment came , The looked for Increase In thp world B vlRlhle supply somewhat more tlun sallslltd the previous statements re- jafdlnfr It. It shewed a ROO < ] Increase In the world of 1.315,000 bu The eelllnfi In- cienivd fti a few moments. December de- rlllicil to K2c , with sellers at that , and MrtV to C4'4c. ' ThlK was followed lv' a qulolt but Fhort-llved spurt to fiom t > 21ic to ; % for December and 67vic for May , nnl was then succeeded by as quick n de cline to KHc , and from SJ'Jc to M c De- ce/nliof finished nt bm.c nnd Mi > nt D7c. A shade of disquietude ovci Ihe corn they liwl liouRlit yesterday wan observable In the action of the India In that article. Of- ferlncs for the near dtllvcrleq were rather fr"tr than for two or three davs back , and a premise of dry and cooler weather rp- movnl some of the opprehnifllon which tha rtcent damp weather had engendered Country offtrlnRS of new corn for forward delivery were Bald to be more liberal , and less desire was evinced to cover short sales made na hedges against forward sales of nnv corn. Map opened nt iJl'Sc with sales at thf same tlmp nt from BH4c to Gtc , after recovering1 to MHc. It ruled % ery weak after that and became heavier. After a few weak nnd poorly sustained rallies It nold near JiOVJc , und -winding up nt from CO'ie ' tu 50c Following corn In Its fluctuations and meeting with a very poor sale , the oats market was n very uninteresting one throughout today's entire session Slay opened n shade aslcr at 32c touched .at S.c. ! and sold down to 32c. where U closed In provisions some disposition was shown to cover previous short sales , but advantage wns taken of the rallies to renew the sell ing. The fluctuations were confined to nar row limits. Pork , compared with ycster- dcy's latest. Is 2'c _ higher , and lard Is also 2'&c higher , with ribs unchanged The leading futures ranged as follows : ArtjclOB. " | 'Open | Low | Close W"lcntNo. IT not MK Dec. . . . May . . . . Con * No. 2 , . oet 01 Nov. rwi cm oik Gift Die A'2 Nnjr. . . 5W C-tB Mo 2. . Ocl 28W Nor M.iy Pork per bbl Jan 11 85 11 02M 11 sawn 11 82W Lord.100Ibi Jan n 85 ff 85 M.iy 7 US 7 eon 7 00 Ehort Ulbi- Oct. , . 0 25 n 15 n is Jan 0 O-'K S 07M B U7K Cnnh quotations nerc as follows : WHEAT No 2 sprlnfr W ? ; % , N'o. 3 spring , nominal ; No 2 red , M CJ c. COllN No. 2 , S7i4e. No. 3 > ellow , 5Tc OATS No 2. 28ViC , No 2 white , 3S OJ3e ; No. I while , 32032'io. niB No 2. 47c 11A11I.13V No. 2. CJc : No 3 , XBW.ic : No. 4 , ri < AX snnn NO i. n Hovt n . TIMOTHY HCKH I'rlme. Jj f,0. rilOVIHIONS Jlesa pjrk per. hid. , 112 OOfli 12.1214 ; Inrd. per 100 Ibs. . $ S K ; short rlbt fldoi llinse ) , (6 204i6 K , dry united sliaulilcra ( boxed ) , l % fr. c : short clear sides ( boed ) , 6 iil V4c. WIUSK.Y DlaHlkrs' finished goods , per gnl , 11 ZX HUOAIIS Cut loir , 5.1S ; Brnnuliteil. $138 , Itnndard "A , " II 38. The following -were the receipt * and shipment ! todaj : IVvton rlfnrnnccs of Hour 4Sf ) bbls , Ilaltl- rnore , 21,200 lilils. I'rhnnry when ! rvcolpta. "C3 Off ) bu , hlpment . 249 000 bu. Corn , receipts , 1'AWO bu , shlimientn. bu. The iloslnK bonnl cables reported I'nrU wheat VffJta up ; Hour. .IHTMc up ikrlln. 101 % . marks upTlirre Tlirre are KIKH ! bids nt New York from England for I HI th vprtni ; nn < ] winter uheal Ocean freights , hov\e < ir , nreors - scarce , and may prevent nny large Ijusiifss. There Is one thing that we must not forget when bu > lrK wheat , f.ijs J. DuiKe. and thnt Is that we hcnc nearly tO.OOO.OUO bu here In Itorc nnd the tntnl visible supply will go to WK)0,0X ) ( ) to 83.000.000 bu. UAAI1A Condi tlnn at Truilo and ( Juotiitlons on Stiiplo nml I'micy I'roilucn. The cold and stormy vventher of the past fevv days has reduced receipts and ut the same time caused a better demand. As a ri-sult both eggs ind poultry nre higher. HUTTnil Common , solid packed. So common roll , Sc [ fair to coal country , HOUc , choice to fancy , IKfflSc ; Knth. > rcd irvamcry , ISGMc , sei arator crenmery. : io:2c. I'OULTIiy Old heni. 5He : spring chlrkcns , CO ( He , duck * . EHlfic , turkt-js , spring , be , hens , Jo , Keeae , CCa'ic. IJHOS 1'er dot , strictly fresh laid. ISc. OAMi : 1'rnlrle chickens , pir doj , tS WffS la prou e. per doz. , i5T3.oo , blue V.IHK teal , pei doz , . O.SU , green vvlnic teal , per doz , Jl 25. ducks mlxid , per doz. , Jl ; canvmliaclo. tlootM mallardi nnd reil heads , } i.CU , iiuall l KOI dK-r Buddie * , UGlSc : antelope middles , llifllc mall rabbits. II ; jack rnbblta. J2 VKAICiic.lce fut and mnnll veals are quotei at 6 I7c ; Inrne nnrt coaie. . se c. CHKUbK WisconslT full cream. ISc ; Ne brnjka and Iowa , full cream lie : Nebraska nn < lawn , part eklms TJj'Sc , l.lmhurKer , No. 1 , lie brick. No 1 , lie. Bvilns No ] , H1/15o. HAY Upland Iny. | W ; jnldland IS , lowland. 17 W , rye straw , ( S Color makes the prlco on hny. I.wit shades mil Ihe Lust. Only top gradei trlnp top prices. I'lQUONS-Old blnls. per doz. . 75c. VIOBTAIIIIS. : POTATOES Western stock , car lots , CJc ; stnnl lots 70ci narked. 70 T " . OLD llUANB-Hand-plckcd. navy. 12 , lima beans , per Ib , 4 > &c. ONIONS On onlern. 6i ; 0c. CAllllAaR On orders. HJc. CKl.KUY ! r doi ! MS3ic , BWKUT I'OTATOIJS 1'er l > l. . 1313 , Jcrses " I ) 5 per bbt. iicirrs-rer tu. sc ic. CAItUOTS-rer bu , WftCOC. OAUl.H-LOWUIl-l'er doz , 1215. . KCIO IT vNT IVr doi. , Wp JlOHSKHADISlI-l'er Ib TGEc. I'AHBNH'S Per bu. . WOCOe. HUTAHAOA8 IVr bu , 7&SMc. I'AllBLin l' r doz. bunchea. ! 5c. TUKNirs-l'er by. . Me. Hl'LU' 1'BAH 1'er Ib , JffJUc. F11UIT8. OnANOnS Kfxlc&ii. per box. H.SO ; Floiidas. HANANAB-Cholct stock I175C1W per bunch. I.KMONft-Memlno. JuJ , 15 ; 3 0. HtpCS W l'INUAi'l'L.-8-None , I | p OYBTEnS IXU te ; borse shcx * . He ; ulra taRa , .ir _ tclecii. lie ; company selects/equlrcvl to prk * ount * JSc. \ i NKW Kiaa-rancj' . par Ib , \ 1 HONEY Cholc * white. 1 < 01 UOUc. \ MAPLE BYnUP-Oallon can& HUXfl-AJmonJa , UQltc ; K-cI\ \ Itierti , I2r , nrnil ! nuts none ; fnstrrn chent- uln HBlZc , Khcllhork hlekory nuts , per bu 100 , fancy raw pinnuta , Co ; rousted pennuts , KtlAl'T-Cholce while , per bbl , IMS , jer half bbl . ) IC'U MKAT rnney. In half bbls. per Ib. , ic . 10 gnl. kegs. 7e. 'ISH Frr h taught crnpple , perch and sun- nil , 3f5o , buffalo , 3 < Hc | pike nnd pickerel , W c , rntiuh , HJW , block bass , 120110. CIIrt-l'urc ( Juice per bbl , IS , half bbl . II 23. HIDES No 1 green hldeii. 3'ic , No. t creen hides , 3\C , No 1 Kreen nlted hides , lUe , Nr > 3 green salted hides , Ilic. No. 1 irrecn sa I ted lilies , - . lo 10 , No 2 green tailed hd . Jo to 0 Ibs , JUc ; No. I veal rnlf , I to ID Ibi 7ci No . ' vral calf 1 lo IS Its Re ; No. 1 dry mm hides , Ic , No 2 dry flint hides tat No. 1 dry salted ilde , 5c. part cured hides ' .40 per Ib. leu than ully cund Slinnp rni.TH-Giccn sailed , , ach ZSfiCCc , .reen suited shearlings ( short wooled early skins ) nch , lomcc ; dry shearlings ( short wooled early klni ) . No i. each , GKlJc ; dry shearlings ( short tooled early skins ) , Ko 2 , each , So , dry flint Canta * and Nebraska butcher wool pelts , per 'i , sctual nd ht , { ? ! , dry flint Kansas and Vbrnskn 'murrain noel pelts , per Ib. , actual eight , 4C6HC ! drr flint Colorado butcher wool iells ' per Ib actual weight. 4at'4c , dry Hint 'olorado murrain wool pelts , per Ib. , nctual /eight. < fCc ; ( have feet cut off , os U la us lesj o P V freluht nn them * TALLOW AND QUKASE Tallow No. I. l o. allow , No 2. 3 ic , grease , nhlte A , 4c , Rrenne , white n , Hie , grease , yellow. 3'ic , Kreue , dark. Hie ; old butter Zt2Hc ; beeswax , prime , " " rough jellow. 1V4CSC. M\V : YOKK oiviuvL ; : .n. ' I'cstcriliiy's Qiintntloui nn I lour , Drain null I'mInlonn , Iithits , l t < i. NfiW YOIIK Oil 31-FLOl Il-ltecelptF. Sl.nOO ibis ; exports , 15 , ! blilp , fnlen , 16 1"X " ) pkRS iliirket llrmly hold for spring patents , linkers' ire * 1n some demand for export Southern Hour , ull I ! > p Hour dull. Dales , 23 bbts lEuckwlicut lour ntend > lll'rKWIIiAT-Qulet nt KCitec. COHN MiAL Plnn. nle . t this and 2400 neks , jilluvr western , II 1381.18 , Urnndjwlne , 3 10. 11YIJ Nominal , enr lots , C2gC1e , bent loads ll.VUI.nV Slcnih , No 2 Mlluaukpc. Blc. HAULiV MALT Nominal , western TOfc'So \ \ \T-llocelptB 3lOiW hu , extiorln 64100 l , sales 3 ono.OOj lm ruturc" ! nnd r mn > hu FIK.I pot mill kit run } , No 2 red. In jrtorr nnd elc ator. dP.c nllont. tCVSc f o l > , . ' . : c. afloat 1 northern , 64'jC , ile ereil No 1 bnrd . dclUcriMl Optlnni wtre llrm all the mnrn- nnd enrly attrinonn on hlgier nur < p ° nn idvlce' . foreign lnj > lng and good co\eilng nit ( In illUPiKcned In fjmi'Hthy ' with corn and Gospel heavy at { i'ie net ilicllne , No 2 red ebrunr > clon-d nt h7'nC , March closed at IS'ie , Hay , COVifi.Q | 13-lfc , elo d at CO'Sc ' , Km ember , 14V dowd nt M' c , Uieember. Sj'iQUt 15 ICc , lo erl at Wic. COIIN Uecelpls , 10 COfl bu exports 13.200 hu : inles , 4S7 iWO bu futurtH nnd SOfOI bu ppot. M > ot nnrl.ct quiet , No 2 6c ] , nnd 5 'jC to ar il e nnd delivered Options strong during th" renoon on ra'na ii st nnl local covering , btoke ter on Krger car lot estimates , nnd clo d at W < iO d > rllm > ; Jnnunrj' lo d ut n" ' e. 31 iv. S' 9 ! < . cloneil nt GIljC , Noitmbir i'c closed at C7'4c , December. 56u7c , closed H at CcOATS OATS Reeclpts , 172 COO bu , exports , l.'OO bu nil" " , 500000 bu. futures nnd 42000 hu spot | i t rmrket , Ko 2 , 32'S65213r No 5 lollvered STUBSJiic , No 3. 31" c , No 2 white , Clic , No. 3 while S3ic , track , white western 12V track , hlto slate. M40c OptlonB nil , nnced arly with corn , but flmlly vveakentfd ind ' cldocil nt 'to net decline , February closed nt 'c Miy 36'4 f3rV5c , clo ed nt 36t4e , November closed at 32Hc , December , S3itB33'ic low ! nt 2-T.iC. HAY Dull , shipping , 45S5-"c , good to choice ' Ofi77'JC HOI'S Wnk. state common to choice , old Iff7p neu , r.KlOHc. PncIHe c ast , 3'fl"c HIDna Finn , wet salted New Orleun" se- cted 45 to C3 Ibs. , 5c. ituenos A3 res , dry 20 to I Ibs , llo , Texas , dry 24 to 30 Iba. , C't < S e LHATHKH Qu'et hut Ktendy. hemlock sole. Uuenoa ' Ajie ? llsht to henv ) weight. irjTItc U'OOL St ( ndy. domestic IK-etc , 10i/2lc. / pulled. 0 ? 23e PHOVISIONS Heef. quiet Cut meati weak , ilckleil bellies. O fiJ'Sc. pickled sioulden. 5\ff > 7tC , pickled hiimn , 'iii'tVn Lard , steady went- rn steam closed nt 37.3) hid , city , ISM , Oeto- ier J6 , rertned , stittdy contlnint , $ T " 551800 'ompound K 2T35 , W ) ] * otk , active nnd stendv. lew niets I13SQ&I4KO 'extra prime family 111 CO Hll 00. short clcir. I1400S1000 Dull , iveslein < l lo HJMec , weitern iri 723'5c western fnctorv ] 0'ifl4c ; llglns 23U.C , lm lotion creanvrs" , 13JJ18o , stale ! anrj 13fi ! o. state creamery. nSKc CHinSK : Finn Ime. { ? 10Hc , small , 8'i@ Ic. pill skims 30"c. full skims E'twac TALI \V--\Vcnk tlty 4Ho countr > , 4Xc PimiOLlIUM-null United closed at S3c bid HOSIN - rinn , strained , common to gooO 11 40 1 4- 4KGCS KGCS Steady ; stale and Pennsylvania 207 1'ic , Ice house , IC'/jC , western fresh 17ff0c , K 7"ff3.riO. ' rirm , domestic , fair to extra , I QG'Jc , 'npan 4c I MOLASSKS-Sti-ndv. New Oilcans open kettle I good to elm ce TITIU'CNriNU-Qulot at 2S Mc. 1'IG IltON Dull. Scotch , I130001553 , Ameri can SloiMQUSm . Closed dull ; brokers' price , $ 50 , cc- chnnc"1 price for spot , $8 B09 60 . II'KLTKII Closed Hit ; spot , t3S-337'5 sales , nr necetnber. jexcltirlinK M & II. , nt ft ' 4 | need flrm for xpot , stead > for futures , brokers' prices for bullion 13 , exclntiKe price ' 'or ppot. J3 H ; pales , one carload spot at 13 17 TIN Closed quiet ; barely steads ; November . Ill C55J1I 70 Dec > mher. 114 704C14 50 , Jaiunry to 1 Aprll. 11475 Fellers , sales on 'change today. 25 tons IVcunlitT ILn. go to double , $14 13 , 21 tons November tin 114 i. COT1ON SHUU OIL Dull and heavy ; quoin- nominal St. I.diilH nrner.ilMarlcot. . ST. LOUIS. Oet 31. rLOUH-rirmcr , but not quotnbly chnng l. * WHI.AT Iluled weak nil day , rlo-lnj ; J0i c nelon jesterdny Pear of a henvj Increase In the Hradstreetlalble ruling. No 2 red. cash. SScc. November , 4Sc , December , 4JVkc , May , ' 4'i > IHc. CORN Was dull but under the Influence of the evenness of wheat closed Iffl'tc ilfron. No. 2 mixed , cash. ISc , November , 47V4c , December , 48c. May , 479 c OATS Dull , weak ; No. 2 cash , 28iC ; Decem ber. 2 < H.c. May 32'4c. IIYIJ l owci , offend at 49c , east side No HA IIL13Y Steady , Minnesota fancy , C7c 11HAN Clc. e.nst track PLAX SUHD II 38 Wd CLovnit HKKO 17 ; 50s 10 TIMOTHY 8KCD II 76 i 25. HAY htendy , unchanged IIUTTIIH llaslcr , separator creamery , good to choice dairy ; 1681Sc iOOS : Pinner , ISHe LIAD-H. M at $29 : . HI'KI/Iiil 13 15 Mil. COnv MCAI2 30O2 35. \ \ HISItY-ll 23. COTTON TIBS-Cic. IIACniNQ tTiOCHc. PIlOVlSIONb-Qulet. I ird prime steam ffi 75 choice , } 8 S2"S. Dry salt meat * , loose shoulders , 15 50 long nnd ribs. JC 10. shortx. 1C f.5. lincon pniKt-d shoulders , ( G73 , longs. J7 I-1 : ribs , J72j. shorts I737H lUrCKIPTS Plour , 6009 bblfl ; wheat , 22,000 hu : corn 10.000 bu oats 23 000 bu HIIIl'MGNTS rioar , 17000 bbls. , wheat , 1.000 bu ; porn , 1,000 bu , oate , 900 bu. Coffee Slnrkct. Nn\V VOHK Oct 31 COPPnC Options opened hiegular nt Ml" 21 points advance , llrm on strong cables and European buying ; ens d off Inter on ifjTitlon of foreign bu > lng. closed steady nt 5flli points net advance , Miles , 5,2.7) ) bngs , Including : November. (13 ( 15 : December. IliSOjm 40 , Januiry. I11.7511 'iO ; Mnrc-i , Jll 40 iltir. ' ; , April 11140 1145 ; May , fll 235(11 ( 10. \V'arehoup < > ilelherles from New York today , 12124 IUIKI , New \orl- stock tolas 174704 baga , United states rtook 2R5I9 bags , ulloat for the United States 237.000 lings ; total Ms'lile supply for the Unlt l Sla'es , 477,519 bags , nga nat 440,331 bugs last vear. HIO DC JANKIIIO , Oct. 31 Market steady mild , quiet , Cordova , | 1S 004)19 00 ; sales MO bags f > ANTO3. O-t 11 Noa 6 nnd 7. to arrive $15.50 ; sales , 2.000 bngs Maracnlbo BantoB quiet. gr > od average Santos , 11160 , receipts , 19,000 bags , stock 479 000 bugs. HAMUl'Iin , Oct 31 Market dull ; prices HO < pfg n ih n lira , sales. 17000 bags. IIAVItn , Oct. 31 Market uptned frm at 1'jf ' nilMtnec , nt 12 m , firm nnd 'iSi'jf advance : at 3 p , m. llrm unchangtd to Ut lower , closed llrm at l C2f advance , total salon. 3 $ 003 VI.IKS ; Illn. quiet , exrhnnge 11 13-10 ; receipts 0,000 hags cleni-cxl for the United States , 8000 bags , cleared for Europe , T.IXK ) bags ; stuck , 231.000 Mlnne pnll AVliojt Mnrknt. MINNOAI'OLIS. Oct 31 WHHAT Moderatelv * firm all di > ulth small fluctuations , the/ highest imlrit being shortly after the noon hour , nnd then ull wanted to realise on long uhiat at onro and prices declined and clowd at He lower than ) ejtterday fur futures Cash wheat prices were mulntulned The demand for It VHX good and although the receipts were largir than jeaterdiy they wen * not sufficient to satisfy the demands of millers and elevator companies buying for storaKe Receipts were 3187 % ) bu. ; shipments , 10.7K ) hu The market cloned tit 65'ic ' for October BSTtc for December ; 57 $ 8S7'4c for Mny On track M , c for hird ; 65 ? c for No. 1 northern , Ml4c for No. S. Weather In Ihe northueat was im favorable for large marketlngR bf farmers , liu. tin to la mittlclent In country ele-vators to keep the railroads busy till Ihe cold weather. Tin flour market was steady and mills were very active. Kales were made at | 3.1S3 * > for patents , II SHf-iO for Inkers. Production amounted to 19.000 bbls far the twenty-feu hours. Shipments. :2 298 bbls. < otton iVlnrttnt. NKW OHLKANS. Oct Jl.-COTTON-Oirtet sales , | H ) ( , C900 balea ; to arrive , 2'JW bales , ordinary , 4 3-IEc ; KIKII ! ordlnur ) . I I-lCc , Ion mlddllnB. 4 li-lGo ; middling. & 3-l cgood ; mid dllnp. 6Hc ; middling , Mir , c ; fair. 7 M6c ; re celpts , Sl.M'.l bales , eiports , continent , ( .293 biles cuastwlM > , 3,0 > 10 bales ; stock , 98.191 liales. Ku- tun' . quiet and steuily ; rales , 31.404 bules ; No vember , J5.10. nominal ; Dcceinlwr. H.KOJlfi ' -nuarj' . IS20OS21 , Tibruary , : E.t7. JIarch ? : . : ! ! Apill , 17fi.8 ; Hay , IS 4JJ1& II , June , IUOSU. lu' * . J5M Jt65 , August , | i.S7 bid , T LOl'IH. Ocl. SI COTON Qulett ralei , ' Ijles , rectlpts , (504 biles ; shipments , S.OOl .s ; stock , 211XX ( ) Lales ; middling , 5 5-lCo. J liiunilitl > otei. % ' . -CIenrlnr , in , 9I$3 ; bal onces , tt.W HI IIALT3MOIIB Oct. 31. CleormV. . balances. 123100 $ . NKW YORK. Oct. 11 Clearing * , balanced. II.003.0M. PHILADELPHIA , Oct. Jl. CleaHng * . > 3SM.- 155) ) balance * , 11.730,059. I'AIUS , Oct. Jl. Three per rent rente * . Ifflf ( THe { or the account. ' 1IEULIN. Oct. 31 I cchange on London , eight da > i' sight , S ) ma.ika SiV pfg. CHICAOO. Oct. Il.-Clearlngi , llBJi.000. Money , 404'4 per cent on call and 60 per cent a umo. ti vr Tcrk iiching * ( Do premjum. 'pro nn exchange opened dull , sterling , commer- 1 14 S 4 87 MKMl'HIB. Oct 31. rtenrlnir/t / , IJW. T ; bal incm , 1I3.MI. New"York exchange , silling nt par. par.WASHINGTON. WASHINGTON. Oct. IICash buliinc * In the rensun today was I1I2.JW.99I : Kohl reserre , ST. LOUIS Ocl -Cleailnss. . M MB ISO , bal- ncs . tr,3 475 Money < iulel nt 507 per cent , "ew ork exchange. 25c discount , NHW OIILUANH , Oct. 31-Cl.-nrlnps , I2.E9675 ew York exchange , hank , par ; commercial , 1 23 discount. LONDON , Oct. -Oold Is < i olecl at Iluenos Vires today nt 210. Madrid , IS frl. Lisbon 23 M ; < t Petersburg W ; Athens , 77 , Home , 137 Id ; 'lenna 193 CINCINNATI , Ocl 81. Money ! ' 4 ( ! per cent. S'ew York exchange , ! 3c to lOc premium Clear ings. H.SS6.400 Tor the month. JM.IWUSO ; for nonth last jear. I ,61 ! > .SOO. AM ) 1IONDH. tovrmcnt of Price * In Hocurltlcs Was Ir- rrRUliir In tlm Hxtrctne. NEW TOUK , Oct. 31 Tlie movement of irlces on the Stock cxchaiiKe today wns Ir regular In the mttln In the enrly trndlnK he coal shares nnd grangers monopolized he business anil were In fee l demand to cover short contracts , with the result of an Jvancc of 24 per cent In Delawnre & Lncknwnnnn , 2 % j > er rent In New Jersey Central , 24 } per cent In Delawnre & Hudson tu ! 'S to % per cent In the Kmneera. Sugar .VIIH notably weak , tlocllnlng 1W Ppr cent on ) rlik selling on llquldntlun of n speculative iccount and nlso for the short account. When the pressure to sell was removed , .here lielntr no unfavorable ne H current , : he shnres BraJunlly ntipreclaled to 874. ivlth n llnnl reaction of ft tier cent , making a loss or * per cent on the day. On the Keneral list a reactionary movement set In jefore 11 o'clock In which , however , only mrt of the early g-nlna ivus lost , ami by It 10 the upward tendency vvas nun In pre- lornlnunt the highest pi Ice of the tiny being - ing current nt that hour Tovvtml noon the Jiears attacked values In force. Northwest havlnir to bear the- brunt of the raid nnd recording 28 per cent decline The selling "n the stock tvas unusually later , and \vhlle he orders were carried out by brokers vtho sually operate for the bears.there vvns a su1- iilclon that some of the sales vvcie on llqul- latlon on account. Iturllnfiton fit Qulncy fell off I'd per cent ; St Paul M per cent , and Hock Island % Her cent , Bt. I'au ] & Omaha gave vviiy lsi per cent , Western Union % per cent , nnd the coalers 1J4 per cent for New Jersey Central , 114 per cent 'or Delaware & . Hudson , IVi for Delaware & . : . , ackav\anna In the llnnl dealings some ew shares ralllid a fraction , but the general market eloped heavy , prices com- arcd with yesterduj's closing being Ir- CKtilnr The bond market was strong dur- I\K the ci'rly session , but In the afternoon irudlng some heavy receptions were , .hey . , however , being principally confined to , he Inactive mortgiiges. Trading was very ictlve " , the dealings ngKregatlns$1,190500 , , "Jock Island extended lives and Northern 'acillc collateral trust sixes leading In point > f business Speculation left oft generally llrm In tone. The Post's London cablegram says : The took markets were steady today on the ivhole , being very little affected by the sad lews from the czar Americana were rather better on purchases ngalnat options , but Louisville und St. Paul closed weak Mexi cans broke sharply again on forced sales if pawned stocks. Tlie Paris house keeps ery firm. It Is believed the bear specula- Ion In the Russian trouble on the Herlln course may result in serious difficulties. If not failures of bear operators there. More gold has g-one to Paris. A recovery In Krench exchange Is expected with the con tusion of the bourse settlement. The following were the closing quotations on the leading stocks of the New York ex- hange today ; Atchlnon O. P D. . G . . AdiniH Express. . Northwestern . . 0' ' > 4 Alton. T. H do pld . . . . 145 do pld N Y CcntriU . . 07W Am Ex press . . . N Y. f. N Enp . . 3 ( H laltlinoro.VUhlo. Ontirlo A. W . . . IC'H Cinacla Paclne . . Oregon Imp . . . 141 , Catiadi Southern. OrvKon Nav . . . 20 Central Paclflo. . . O i L. & U N . . Chi a i Ohio Pacific ; Mall. . „ Chlciuo Alton. . . . l > D , t E C..IJ &Q Plttsburff. . . . . . . Pullman 15HH Consolidated Ons Ilcadln ; nH 2.C. C &St L . . . Richmond Term . 17M Colo. < Coil , V Iron do pftl B1W Cotton Oil Cart. . . K. o ; \ 10 Del. A. Hudson . . . K.O W. Dfd 42 Del. L ok i W. . . Itock Island D. MS O pM St. Paul D.AC P. Co St. Paul ufd . . 118H East Teim St. P. It omam. . . ' .rlo X2H 10O " dotiM Southern I'ac . . . . 17 < Port Wixyno Suitnt 1:0 finery . . H4 i n. Nortliorn pfd. . Tonn Coil fcltoa icu C..E. Lptd Iotas Pacific. . . HockingValley. . . 17W T. It O Cent cf J. , Ill Ccmnl . . . . . . . fift .Union Pacific . . SUP. A.DUUUU. . . . im U S Bxpruaa . . K.4 T nM W.SL L _ P. . , II LnkoErioA , W. . . do pfd 13M . do pfd WellnFirKO Ul. 103 Lalco Shore Western Unloit. Lead Trust 3HH1 W.AL E. . . llltj LouisvilleVN . . . do nld ovj Loulavlllo& N A. M A.St.L , 2UK Manhntfxn Con. . . I ) & .U. 0 1UU emulilKi C. . . . O.K. 8J < Michigan Cent. . . 07 N.L. . . . . lit ) > Mo Pacific i' . i 22 Mobile * Ohio. . . . do nfd 72 NialiilllaChit. . . H. AT. C y-t Nitlonal Conlajo. T A. A tN. SI. . . fiji do pfd . . . . . T , St. L. i K.O . . . 1 N. J. Central . . . . OopfJ f ) N A W. pfd s n n. pfd < o North Am Co. . . . Am Tob. Co . . . . H8K Northern Paolno. do pfd Kill No Pac. Dfd . . 1CH bid. The total sales of stocks today were 193 5G3 shares. Including : American Hugar , 7S.CKX ) ; Hur- llngton. 9.401) . Chicago Clas. $300 ; Delaware Lackauanni & . Weitirn , 2,100 , Delaware & Hud son 4 400 ; New Jersey Central. 11 MO , Northwestern - western , IS , 700 , Hock Island , S.IOO , St. 1'aul 23SOO \ < > rk Money -Murlict. vonic , Oct. ai MONEY ON CALI asy at 1 per cent ; last loan 1 per cent , closed per cent PHI31U MERCANTILE PAPER ! KQ3H per bTKULINO nXCHANGH SllBhtly Wgher. with actual business In bankers' bills nt JIS7S,0 4 6- > 4 for demand and II 8 H@4 S \ for Plxt > il.i > , posted rates , Jl S7'5Ji I 83 and Jl.SSH ® ! S3. SILVKH CI3HTIPJCA'1LS-6 < C CJOVUHNMUNT IlONDSStrongState bonds , quiet. Closing quotations on bonds were as follows : U S DBreif 110 DAB CI. la " fiO U.S. SB coup . . . . 1JO Erlo iinds 71 U.S. iarog SlS ! Q H. It 3. A. Us. . as II.S Jscono 11M do 7a vs II. S. .iiroir Da II. AT. C.5s 1U4 " 1'aclnolisof'uS. . tlfltt Ala. Uliim A 1II2M M.K"4t/Ut4V. : Ala Class U . . . . 1UII rte ll11 Ala Clans C. . . . U2M Mutual UntonOs. 108 Ala Currencies , OL'H K.J.CcntOon 5a , La Now Con. 4u. IIS No 1'ic. 1st a , ! SH Missouri Us 10(1 Ne P.ic. 'na . , . . N C.Oa 123 N. W. Consola. . do4 1UU do 8 lDnu. . is S C. nonfund . . . r It O. W. latfl . . . Tenn. now BUI o SU P Con ots TB. . Tcnti new set 5. . 102 St. P.O. A P. W 5s. Tun ) old 0 . . , 1)0 ) St.LM.M QenSs 70 Va. Ccnturleit . . . 687H S L. A.9 P. liea 11. 04 do duforrud . . . . 7H Tex. Pnc. l ts . . 8U Atchlson4i > . . . . (1G > 4 i Tex. Pac 2s. . , , " 5H AlcIiliOn 2a A . . . 1DU U. P. UtHof UJ. . IOSM ran Ida So. 'Jnds . 104.H \VoBtSlioru4s . . . I05M Ten 1'no l ts ' 09. Id.'H As. 7M D. i U G 7n . . 11BH bid. notion Htooli BOSTON Oct 11 C-vll loans mai ojr cent : llmo loans. 2XdJW oercent. Ulonlnr prloai tar siocknbonds and mlnlnic sunns. A T. & h. y W. i.lec. pfi . . . ,7 ADI. Surar B4H Vflm Centru . 3H liny amtuUan . . . . 11 ! | Atchl on fla. . . . III Doll Telephone . 104 Atehtfton 4 > . . . . ttSIi Boston & Albany . 04 Now England Os. 101) ItostaniiMilno. . . 14UT2H Oon. Electric fls , . Kit C.ll. AO T2H \VIn.Ceot. \ 1st a . . 65M 39 Flloliburr 77' < Atlantic . Gen Plictrla. . . . . . 3IU UOBIOII& Montitu Illlnola Steel 40 Ilntt Ji Dostun . 10 Mexican Central. Cahiincti llocU. , 208 N. V AN. K. iS % Ccntonnlnl . 80 Old Colony. 17 Oreiron Short Line ? Durjoer 40H Onceola Union Pacific . . UlllCV . . \Y Knd Dfd. . . W ? amaracli Wcmlngh Tiloctllo 35 Run KrancUco Mknlnar Moc'c Quotntloni. SAN'FRANCISCO. Oct. 3l.-Th official cloalnir Qiiotatlonn for mining atojtts xoj ty were as fol- 21 1 Alia 20 Kentucky Con. . . . 0 Alpha Con . . . 7 Lady W.iHh ton. , Anaes 03 Mexican , . . . Itelchcr . DO Mono IS Hem A Belcher . 115 Mount Dlaolo. . . . 10 llodto Con . . . . 120 Occidumi Cou . , 10a 11 llnlllon . . . . 35 Ophlr. . . sns Caledonia . , 14 Ovcniun snsn > Chollar . , . 72 Potosl 70 Confidence . . . 119 Savage Oil Con Cal i Va , . 43Sn , Sk'rr Nov.idu. . . . 37 78 Con Imperial , . . . n siherHIU. . . . . . 3 Crown i'olnt . . . . tiS Union Con . . . . , 0. ( iould A , Curry. . . 03 Utah Con 0.b Hul < i .V horcrosB DO Yellow-Jacket. . . 70 Justice. 24 3 Silver bars. B3H ( W c. Mexlcindollars , B2Wa " -n" DraUB.sltht. lOc. teluyrapUle. 12 0. fii York Ulntnr ijaitttlan. NEW YOtlK. Oflt.31.-Tho Jollowmr an thi IS Uulvvcr . U Ontario , 500 Cliolor . RO Oulnr. „ 2ftO CroHti Point . . . lit ) Plymouth. . , lo Con. Cal & Vn. . . . 40U Qulckillrer , lee (1 Duadwood . 40 do preferred. . , .l ( io Gould Jl Curry . 25 Sierra NurnUa. . , . 75 Halo it Norcross , 70 Standard 115 Union Con , 08 10 Yellow Jacket. . , OS Loud on block Quotation * . LONDON , Oct. SI 4 D. nl. Closing ! ' Canvllan 1'acinc . esi St. Paul com , F.He 1 _ l'enn yl _ nl _ . KrioVda 7 llcadlmjr b IUs.Ceatral OU Uex. Uen. new 4s. 41) Mexican ordlatry. .3) ) . OMAHA LIVESTOCK MARKETS October Receipts 'jfjlljftw a Nice Gain All Around and a Eecord on Cattle , 1.0 GENERAL TRADING'13 RATHER DULL Inquiry tor Ocjlrnble tuft \lfiornus , hut Cliolio OfTcrlngs Arc Scarce 1I S Uliipolut ) llcalcr * , Ulio Merc L < ioklt > K fur Liberal WCDNKSOA.Y , Oct. 31. Hecelpts of cattle \vcre tolerably liberal but hojr supplies Here light nml uliccp only fair The three days' receipts as compared ivlth supplies fop the flrat half of Inat week show nn Increase of over " ,000 cattle , but a decrease of 6,000 IIOBB nnd 3,000 Bhecp. Oc tober receipts foot up 112,9.7 cattle. 113.010 hoes and 45,426 sheep. As compared tvlth txst October this shows an Increase all around of o\er 6OM cattle , nearly 6,000 hoRS and 22,000 nheep , not a bad showing for a year of crop failures. Cattle receipts for October were heavier than for any other single month since the yards wore opened , while the month's sheep receipts were also heavier than ever before nt this point. Conditions were such that a dull cattle market va1 ? almost Inevitable. Receipts ucro comparatively liberal and there was a preponderance of low grade western stock Included In the offerings. There was the usual very fair demand fop desirable beef radc1 ? , but bujtrs all complained of the poor quality of cattle on sale , and while they vere rendj- and iv tiling to pay fully steady prices for what suited them , they were In no mood to tnlte the ftilr to poor stuff except nt lower llgurei. Hat her dis couraging reports of heavy ricelpts nnd loner markets east did not help matters any and the trade was slow and weak throughout The market for cow Bluff was liberally supplied , nnd generally lower. There was o much low grade western range stock on sale that bujers could afford to and did exhibit an Indifference toward all grades of co\v , nnd while medium and good stock did not show any great decline , the common and canning grades were hit hard , selling largelj nt from Jl to $1 BO Buvers are still hunting for good veal calves , nnd the mar ket ruled active and firm on thlH class of tool ; Bulls , stags , etc. , sold at about tendj prices. There wan no great degree of activity In the stocker and feeder market Uoth fresh and stale supplies were liberal , nnd while theie was a fulr Inquiry for1 good lo choice stock at firm figure" , dealers found It hard work to get rid of the poor lo medium stuff at any price Good to choice feeders nre quotable at * 2GOft3 25. fair to good $2250 200 , and common grades from J2.25 down. lU'prcsenlatlvc sales : DHUSSKD BEEF. No Av Pr. No. Av. Pr. No.Av. . Pr. 8 .1186 | 2 CS 14 . .1119 | 3 05 No.K 123S M 30 21 . . .1010 2 DO COWS. . . 800 00 1 . .11M 1 60 9M j 95 . . 610 CO 1 8'0 1 BO . 980 IS 4I .0-7 1 65 970 200 . .1000 15 I .1040 I 5" i. 13ZO 2 00 . . sis K 1 1050 1 81 i.i. . 720 21)0 . 6M 25 4 947 1 60 5. 1018 2 00 850 25 11 770 1 60 1. 100) 2 00 fse 35 20 925 1 64 II 902 2 OJ . ceoST. 1 1100 1 CO 8. S7G 200 930 35 1 1130 1 CT 9. 63S S 00 . M7 40 1 . 9:0 1 65 1. 1210 2 05 . SW 44 1 1200 1 65 15 . 1(133 ( 2 Ot 1. 1200 40 7 972 1 70 33 9JS 2 05 1 720 40 2. . 995 1 70 33I 070 2 10 1si. 91 ? 40 15 . 73X 1 70 1 MO 2 U si. SIS 40 . 79J 1 70 79 S3" , 2 11 7. . . J.GO 1 40 3. . 931 1 70 79C 792 2 ll 830 1 40 1. j1 75 13 KM 2 10 9V ) 1 40 5 1 < > 2I 1 S3 C. . 1112 2 10 t30 1 40 3 . I M 1 S5 2 . 1215 2 10 812 1 45 3. KC 1 K 23 C'Jl 2 10 WO 1 43 2I . . . K5 I 1. IOM : is 7 1 45 I , . " 35 1 M 1 72) S 15 1 45 17 f.l' , 1 S5 23 883 2 15 .1MO 1 50 18 . 747 , 1 DO 1. 1120 2 15 700 1 60 9 970" 1 90 47. * 29 2 15 .710 I 50 4 ' ' 1 9.1 3. . 1130 2 25 i.ii6za \ iv > I' . . 956 i s ; 100 223 , 360 I 10 21 . - . 586- 41) t 940 17S , 455 I 11 I . ( . M1 C ) SO 41 173 , 720 1 K . . . . Eh' ' ! to C > 8 1 90 . 450 1 25 - - . , 4IZ7.1M SOL CIO 2.00 . r.2 3 30 , 671K , 1 IH 2 25 9 207 100 . .375 2sS 4 0' ) I ] 293 1 25 . 4.1' ' ) 250 IT. 110 4 00 10 2 0 1 S3 2SO 2 50 I. 100 4 00 3 240 1 30 . < 20 2 3. 131 4 04 2 175 1 40 . -151 2 75 12 . 175 4 M 2 323 240 . 160 3 ft ) 1 . 130 4 M 5I. 411 2 40 . 123 3 09 E. . 134 4 M I. . 372 2M ICO 3 60 1. . ISO 4 75 . 330 2 CO . SO 3 60 DULLS. 1410 1 . . .1370 1 CO . 430 175 14GO 1 . 9 1 70 . 905 1 SO 10M i co 2 .1205 1 73 .10W I 85 1930 1 CO 1. . 1 7 ! -1J19 1 91 1160 i es 2 . . SS5 1 75 .1090 2 00 1090 1 65 1. . 1160 175 .1400 2 M STAGS. 1..1UO 1 45 . SIO 240 STOCKEHS AND FEEDERS. SS5 1 85 37 . 2 21 : 45 4S& 1 85 8 . OM 2 34 39 2(0 1020 1 90 27 . 771 2 30 S72 2M 940 200 15 . 6S5 2 ! 0 689 2M 910 2 00 U 642 2 35 962 260 91S 2 00 13 . Co2 2 35 21 769 2M sis 2 00 3 41)0 ) 235 21S 703 255 $60 2 00 2 440 2 35 16 CS9 2 0 Cl ! ) 2 00 3J1 235 3S CS9AS ( 2 < a 510 : 10 15C 235 3 900 260 3H > 2 20 C 2 35 16 972 260 113 ] 2 : , - > 3 733 240 6 C05 2 65 4C3 S 25 17 161 40 16 895 2 0 ! . 910 2 : s 4. 1012 240 16J. . 794 2 69 770 ! So 6. ( ' 245 11. 10CC 2 75 25 2 S3 18 .1032 245 41. 1U5S 2 W . 7W 2 23 45. , 765 243 22 917 2 ti , . 032 225 1 744 243 83. . . 1005 2 90 WYOMING CATTLE. Henry Keatn. No. Av Pr Ko. Av. Pr 1 Cfllf U ) II V ) 1 sterr 1950 25 1 steer . 12W 3 0) 2 steirs 1124 3 25 12 steers 127S 3 25 21 cuvra , SDS 2 25 23 cow a . .1083 2 40 21 rows , ion 2 40 22 steera . .1136 2 W ) 24 steers 1033 2 ; o 22 steers . . .11C1 2 90 23 steers 11C3 3 ( H ) ] ' . Mullen. 1 hull . . .1320 1 M 1 bull. . . 1290 1 CO 1 bull 1270 ISO 2 bulls. . . 1220 1 54 Scons. . . . 876 1 ( ID 15 cows . . . 914 2 25 1 cow . . . 900 2 25 3 COWB . . . 996 : : s 1 feeder . . 9W 2 25 4 feeders. . lux ! 290 6 feeders . .1026 2 90 14 feeders. . , S35 290 J. II Kcndrlck 3 calves. . . 303 2 25 1 calf 120 273 13 feeders . . .US ) 240 47 steers . . . 1205 2M 13 COWB SIS 2 10 1 str , tiff . .1230 225 Carlisle Cattla company. 4 cnlvm. . . 157 2 CO 1 calf . . . . 120 275 22 COWB. . . . S51 1 DO 28 coivs 932 2 10 8 calve 16. ! 3 75 J L. JfcCoy 31 steem. . . .3170 ! CO 1 cona 985 2 10 J McDoucal. 3 steers . .1140 3 45 12 nK-era . . . .1(177 3 41 1 bull . . .12M 3 CO 1 cow SIO 1 60 1 cow. . .1000 1 f 0 Scow * 1041 J5 11 LOWS . . . 914 Z 15 1 feeder. . . .1200 2 40 1 feeder. 1100 S 40 2 feeders. . . . 44 275 Milwaukee A. XVjonline Investment company. 30 strs , ilg. . ! ; S 25 1 uteer 1170 2 e ) 2 feeders 77i ! 23 J75 feeders. . .WI2 2 35 i : T. David. 1 calf . , . 400 2 25 1 calt . . . . 350 1 fleer 1510 I 05 C steers .1205 3 05 HI 9 steers . . , 1101 3 05 1 cow . , . . 900 1 C5 11 cmvs. . . . 542 1 BJ 44 ccms. , . 333 215 J M1.'Carey. sirs. UK 1118 2 SI 23 steers .1211 225 1 bull 1104 1 4 r , 1 eow 9.0 210 Swan Laml nfl battle compiny. 7 calves. . 387 250 W calves. . : . . . 36T Pratt irerrlu 1 str tig. . . SCO 2 t.i 1 cow (90 2 00 13 covv 1012 . . ' ' j 30 Bteira. . . , . .1219 3 00 D ricknnl. 1 str , tig . . .1350 1 75 1 tr. 11 ? HOD 2 U 1 sir , UK . . .1370 2 23 , , I sir. tig 1U04 : 25 7 etrs , tls . 1244 2 ft ' Calle d KdvrardK , 2 cons. 91S 1 ' 0 l cow 10CO 200 t COWB. 944 " 1 c < w. , 810 200 4 cons. 9S5 : M . ' ma 2M 5 cows. IHtt 2 . IS cows 1053 2 W orma . 946 2 W 1 1 cow 10JO 275 ! iteeni. 103S 3 W , 1 steel 1143 375 > steers. 1127 3 7 % C rey"Hro8. I&im s - 1 heifer. 330 ! ( XT 3 COIVB. , . 776 200 to 10 cow . ' " " . .1121 2 65 ' * steer * . . . 1227 SS * 2 calves. . . . 105 3 75 ConvereenCaUle company. tteera Ull 3 i > Vn j \VeBtern I'nvjp lleef company. 1 str , UK . . 980 1 M. , , SI cows. . . . MS 2 20 steers 11J2 2 M O. If. Wallop. 1 Mr. tie .13W 2 J5 M cow 9C1 2 10 COLOHADO. H feeders . . .110S 2 M 10 feeders. . S70 2 70 sirs. Tex..l02S 2 Ti 41 str , Tex. IOS9 2 75 103 steers. . . .1016 2 75 BOI'TH DAKOTA. l 1 bull 1390 2 00 3 ro-vtf 1 feeder IIJO i UO i cow . . .uro 225 f fillers. . . . II 2v. I 75 31 frrden lot ] 32 ! 3 bulls . . , .1(43 1 M II cows 961 1 U 8 cows ,10(2 2 00 1 Jveiler. . KO 2 23 4 cowa . . . .1235 I 40 steer , . tco 3 00 NEVADA. iteen..1079 i 00 103 steers . 1118 ICO IDAHO , 1 bull . 1CM 1 70 4 row . 1025 I 75 Scowl . 1073 249 1C cowa . 9"ii IK UTAH. ( . * ; * " - a feeJersT , , . 0 I W IIOQB Dealers were lealn dlsappolnled at the limited supplies , Ilecelpu wer coniJOeraLly | ss 'nan lialf oa hi-avy a * on last Wednesday , and T ftlltnR off. so far Ihla week , aa curoparm ] with la t. &incunu lo over < 000 head. Naturally , this created B. butllih sentiment , -which iva further Jl i thened by the favorable report * tnm Ctilcairo , The muliet Onrd | out active at a tc to 1CK > bdvance , and th * iltuitlou itnprovi < l rich' lions under brl k competition Clo lnn Mies re nil ot rt il ms hlsher Ihnn Tucudny and here tverc nomc Instflm-M i f n lOc to lie rise The fair lo KOIX ! heMy n J medium vvi > Khl hem old largely nt Inim 1141 to Jl 46 with n II 1 op 1'onr to very Rood llRht and light mltnl fluff * K > ld nil Hie uny fr in 14 i : > up lo 1150 .ljsht iilRs Mere nlow wile end weaker , hut oo l Iresseil \ > tft | > | R nrd mock hoes were at f * l equist nnd steady , Halm > MIO nt from 12 75 to 1 Zf. . Under l'io clrcumliitices bujera were not nna In cleaning up the moderate ofTrrlnirs. Sales Tverc very largely nt from | 4 4) to Jl SO , an mralnrl 14 3ft to 14 40 Tueslnj. and | 4 15 to M M n. iveek ago Ilrprrsentattve calm Av. Kh. I'r N.r. Av Bh. Pr. . . . IV ) 10 II IS 52 2 l . II I't 37 . . 151 SO lri S3. 2)9 121 4' II .111 50 15 a Z ( > 3 ( .1 . r. 6. . . 131 120 20 54 273 41 I7'4 23. . . 162 4 > > 20 11 272 4) CO 4. . 197 44 30 ' 32. 2,2 SO DO 4. 172 44 Si ) 21. SI * SO M 3 .100 . . . 30 II ) 313 40 M 14 .1VS 12. ) fO 62 . 274 120 U . 175 12i ) 35 70 SIS0 CO 2 .204 16) 40 61 . .1.S 1C ) CO 3 2 * ) IM 40 t.3 . .29 ISO M J ) .208 "SO 40 6S 2-2 llO 4 M S .179 I2i ) 40 43 .232 201) 4 50 0 .184 16) 40 C.3 .26 iS > 4 JO 1 214 Sl 40 21 .19 . 4 50 1 217 . . . 40 49 .211 100 4 40 8 , 178 . . . 40 4 . . . 2/7 . 4 0 . . 2 < K ) 4) 41) 67 2H ( 44) 450 12 . 1S7 38) 40 CO 277 M 4 SS 1S3 121) 45 7. . . . SIS . . 55 65 197 41) ) 43 . * : 315 . . 55 6fi . . 270 160 45 74. . . . 2M 40 55 S9 . 231 FO 4ri . . . . 271 240 55 ' 6 . . 225 240 43 6S. . . . f'S fO 65 . . 271 12 < ) 45 114 . . . Kl 2S3 60 ; . . . . . 211 19) 45 67 . . . Ul . . U 14 195 120 4 45 1'iaq AND iiouan 2 . . . .190 . . . 2 f.0 2 ! 2J . 3 N . . . .14i ) . . 2 50 1 1,0 . 3 W 5. . . . 240 . . . 2 75 1 . 190 . 3 10 17. . . . 5S . . . 2 7B 1 1V > . 3 10 1. . . . 12i ) . . . 2 75 1 . : . 3 10 3 . . .133 . . 276 58 . . M 3 23 'J . . . 4' . . 2 7 ! 18 .76. 3 23 1 . . 310 . . 3 00 t . 9 . . 3 40 3 . . 310 . . 3 00 Cl . 59 . 3 73 1 . 22) . . 3 00 39 .120 . 3 ! < 5 2 . . ISO . . 3 CO 111 .114 4 00 1 . 110 . . 3 0 > > SI .113 200 4 00 1 230 . 3 00 5 .130 -I 10 8 43 . . 3 0 > > n .121 I 23 1 . 220 . 3 M SHKIII1 Todays supply -nns mmle up Inrsrly of Ulnh stock sheep Hie demand for thin class ot stock wn not at all urnm but pr c n nv eniKed fully st. inly Qood muttons nnd Innilrn arc In hitter iltnmnd at quotnldy firmer ( loins I air to chulie natlve-t are nuntatde at 12 23 < fKO. fair to good uegterni * $2.0)020) ) common niul < t ik nhccii. II 25 ( | 1 & KO < M | t clulce 4i ) to 104-lb lamlis. 12 2J3 M. Hip cJcn nt Ve Bales ! No U I. IT S ) western ewes. . . , 79 Jl 10 " western mixed 10J 2 30 Kei'clptMliul DUptxttlnti of Stn.-k. Olllrlnl receipts und dH'onltlon of stork as ho vn b > the books of the Union htock Ynidfl company for the tvvonty four hours Lndlng at 3 o'clock p in . October 31 , W4 C.irs llp-nl : attlc . 1S3 MWiJ logs . 49 3521 heep . 4 S77 Iomf3 nnd mules . 13 " 37 DISl'OSITION. DISl'OSITION.Cattle. Cattle. llOKt Sheep. Omnha Packlnc company . . C 313 O. II lliunmond cojnpiny 2" > 0 $30 Snlfl nnd compan ) . 1,151 1.14R 400 The Cudahy 1'ack ng company 1 1S6 46 A. Haas . 195 I Decker & Detnn . 152 Hamilton & Stephens . IS ) uinsint & Co . 4 I L Carey . 259 1 UKft < t l > r > fus . 9 I Ixibman . 114 , . Ileck-r . 31 . Uottuchlld . 30 lenten & U . CS Ship . . . 415 25 Local . 81 Lcvl . S3 Totals . 4093 2,790 J79 CHICAGO LIVi : hTOCK. Hun of Cuttle Was Uncxi | ctoi1ly Hcuvy mill 1'rliot Hillpcl Airiinlliujly. CHICAGO Oct. 31 The urn of cattle wns unexpectedly heavy , FOmetlilnK like 10.0 0 head arriving Naturally a weaker fecllns obtained n common to Rriod Kridea the wenKne s amounteil to a , decline , lut the few choice and xtra steers on pile were closed out nt nently steady prices. All of the latter were easily dis posed of , and the bulk of the lower grades were ultimately worked off , though It was a ilrtiKKlnff market from elnrt to flush. Ihe rupply vns made up of about 10,00 ] natives , 7000 westerns nnd 3000 Texas cattle. Natives were quottd at rum II to tC 23 westerns nt from $175 to 1465 nnd TcxntiB at from 1125 to IS 65. Sales wcr principally nt from 1175 to | J25 Cor natHts nnd J2 15 to $3 for vvetterns. ICccclpts since Saturday hav K been about 5 500 head more than for the sume time last ueik. SelKrs of hugs secured a good advance today. They held them from Bo to lUc iibovc j < slcrJa > s prlcen , nnd had the fatlyfactlon of BecltiK the pens cmptkd at that advance The detimtd was strong ; being stimulated by the up turn In pro visions nnd the fact that today's lecclptn nerc several thousand In excess of the uumNr looked for. The lone of the mirket appeared lioalthler than for a long lime , nnd thete MOS a feeling- that the weakest spot hax been passed , at least for the present , fehippers ufid local paLKers Ixith bought right and lift , nnd If any h gs remained unsold there It was not the cause of nny lack of demand Prime liea y hogs were wanted at from 14 iO to 1485 , and prime lightweight * were readily xnlnble at from 14 d ) to Jl 65 and It was a very poor article that could not be tinned off at lictter than 1435 However , t.ure were many sales below that figure the arrivals Including a good deal of poor stuff bales of 1 xht hogs vvere large at from 1149 to 14 C5. und the ( > re- volllng1 prices for heavi weights averages of over 250 Ibs were from 146) Jl 70 The tlos was quite tOc higher than Tuesday Balea of pheep and lambs were at strong prices. The arrivals -were again very moderate nnd the demand reasonably active , and although sellers did not get any furtier decided advance , the trend of the market uus upward The quotations > ranged from II ta 13 25 for cheep nnd from II 75 to | l 20 for lambs. Mnst of the. trading iras at [ from 12 to 1275 fur the forinir and from 53 to 13 40 for Ihe latter Itecelpts Cattle , 20000 head , calves , COO head , hogs , 2S 000 head , sheep 13 , Wl hi ad. > The KvenlnR Journal reports : HOGS Itecelpts. 23004 head , olllclal > ester > lm , 28933 head , shipments 6,90) head , left over. about 6.WO head quality not so good , no g'xxl heavy lots on the inirkit , active and llrm at C@ lOc andvanee ; packers nnd shippers bolli biiilng M freely , Mies ranged. II 5 for light ; } i:0J440 for rough packing , II35I75 for mixed ; IM'0 ISO for heavy packing and shipping lots , and 12.50(24 10 far pigs CATTLIIecelpts , 24.004 hend , supply In ex cess of the- demand , hence prices are weak and Is [ 5tOc Ion IT JI1 Receipts. 13000 head. In food demand , n active and firm at 514c advance. of ri" 1VibTKUN TACKING IJU'KKIJSTS. 78 Quito nil A < * tlio Mnrketlng oC HI > K Alnlti- Inlnnil the I'aHt V ek. of [ CINCINNATI , Oct. 31 ( .Special Telpgram ) 3.3 Quite an active marketing of hogs has been jei maintained the week , racking returns In to dicate 320,004 , against 285,000 tha preceding week 1.2 nnd 205,004 last jear. The aggregate for the eight summer season months now ended la 8- CCO.OOO hogs , against 3.721 000 last year. I'romlnent places compare as follows , 2 1S)4 ! ) Chicago . 2.2.000 2.523.000 rlv Kansas City . 1.2 009 SiS.nno rlvwl Omaha . ! i75.000 m.C'JO wl St. Louis . 450000 324.MIO Indlanniiolls . 376.000 Ml "Oft wl Milwaukee . 3S0.004 203 ( K Cincinnati . 2C6.0M 193.004 SI Joseph . > . . ; 6i X > nc.OCKi Cleveland . 215.003 2S1.MJ oa Otlutnwa . 220000 122.004 Ce < lar Itaplds . 191000 190 , < | 04 Sioux CIlJ . 190000 101 04 1'nul . . U0003 11(1001 ( Nebraska City . 162 000 H9 OOJ All others . 673000 68 ? 00) 1 , Aggreguta B 650,000 6,7i,0 , Nc YorU l.lvn Stuck NK\V YOnK Oct. 31. IlIinVES Hecelptu , 1 S oat head , 02 cars on sale ; dull , 10t15c ? lower , ex cept for prime natives , native steers prime , oa I50 > O635 ; fair la _ ood. Jl.V3 4 0 nidlnary to miillinil , I375O435 , common. (3 3SW3 55 rangers , fair. 13 50 , nxen. II 80Q3 90 ; hulls , 1200 225 ; dry cons. II 15f2 67'4 European cables rjunlo Ameri dei can bceM-B SifTllc per Ib , dre ed vvelKht , re frigerator beef , 7S1IC , exports , ISO Ltevcs and Z.r.iO quartern of lM > ef It OALVI.H-Ilecelpl * 1 IS3 head , 831 on ea' < - Itof f nellve 'itlUo hlKhcr ; vi-.ila jmor to prime , S3 00 JIB ! 75 , griuibvni , 12 Sf'/iffS ' 75 ; western calves , (300 pn C375 du ' IiniP AND LAMHS-necelpts , 16 SOS head , . earn on fall- . Sheep llrm , lambs. Uc lower , -heep , | H r to prime. $ ! 20j300 , lambs , common choice | 3 < * U4 12H } ! OGIUcHptB , I.3S2 head , firm ; inferior to choice. | 4 7MJ5 1214 , no City I.lvo Htoclc. ' KANSAS CITY , Oct 31 CATTLE Iiecelpt * . 8,100 heul ; shipments , 3900 head , market slaw and weak , Texas cteera , II ,11)3.76 ; beef steers. IZSOiSC 50 , nallvo cows , JlOOfiS23 , stockers and fn lers. I2.IHI300 sal IIOHH Hecelpts , 8500 held , shipments , 1.200 lln heail , market mroni ; to lOo higher bulk of sales , II35 J4CI > , heavies , 14 JSfil M packers , 14 4064 C& , cei mixed , IHOai-U , llRht 13 S3&4 55 , pltu , J3 00ft fin on HHirr-IUcflpta , 3S < JO head , shipments , 2040 lii-ail , market steady ; nntltes. I2.503 | 00. west crum I2.25fr3.00 ; stockers and feedem , | Ii38J:5 , In lambs , J WQ 4,00 8lool < In Slant. J He ml of receipts at Ihe four principal mar ken ( or Wednesday , Odder 31 , 1W4 , Cattle. Hoes Sheep I * Houth Omaha ! , WI 3 ill UT I < ChlraKO 200uO 23.HOO 1 ] 000 Kansas City. . B MO 1.100 3 8 * ) it. LOUls tZH rrAfiil MOO t.i'J ) Totals 4J.B1 l . 7 . a , HI. Ix > als M o Stock Jllarkct. [ lo ST. LOUIS. Oct. 31. CATTLE H clpls , l.COO hnul : shipments , 1,800 heiul. Market slow , but twuly , native Hurt J2Wtf3W , cons , llthl , W , Trias st trs. light and uiminon. J32SU 2.00. cows II 6502.19. HOOS Ttecelpl * . < 00 he-di shipments , J0 head. Maiktl Unas , l a tiltherj Ust titavy , nnri i nrnriTo . Prices Giear Beiow Zero This Weak. Stoves , Carpets , winter nnd low prices. How is that fern n combination for right now. This wcuk's prices put all our efforts in the shade. Come right off us these prices cannot long , CARPETS , STOVES. Jute 21x30 , lings Onk Heaters , wet th $ l.a" > , now 38c . worth $14.00 , now S7.SQ Chenille Rugs , lB < c32 , worth $1.00 , now 34c Oak Heaters , Bt-ussuls Kuijs , 40 40 , worth ? 19.00 , now $9.73 worth $3.50 , now SI.25 Buso Burners , Moquotto Cufputs , worth $22.fiO , now $13.QO wortli $1 50 , now 98c Oil Heaters , Brussels On poll , wntth $10.00 , now $4,85 \voitli $1.00 , now 55c Cnnnon Stoves , Ingrain Carpets , worth $000 , now $2-75 \\orth 50c , now 24c Sto\os , Laundry \ Ileiiip Ctirpots , worth $0.00 , now $3.6O worth 30c now | 2c OilCloth , wotlh lOc , now 2Oc Iliiugos , 5-holo , llussnuksorth $1.25 , now 50c worth $19.00 , now $9.75 Art Sqntn es , Ranges , steel , woith $7.50 , now $3 45 wotth $10.00 , now $24-5O Presents Given Atviy This West With tlO 00 worth of poods. brtbllvoi p uteri tcaopooni W 1th I2& 00 worth of Kootli. llu.iiitldll bisque flur | With f5C 00 TTorth of Koodb , A hiinilsoiiio | ilctur With I7C 00 north of nooils , A Eciuilno ( ink center tnbll With 1100.00 worth 01 Kootln , Cash or Weekly ; or Monthly An olcgunt oakrocUol Payments. Formerly People's Mammoth Installment House. Open Monday and Saturday Evenings * 14coi 6031 70 : fair to mcillum mixed , common to incillum hitht , Jl lOSil 23 SHEKI1 Iti-ciljits 2,400 lioail plilpmenty , none Market Ptrontr. lint not ( tm > tnl > b higher , Blieip and InmLs , JJ 3041200 , fmlera. t2 & . cullB , $1 2i I Ivcrpuol MarliotH , LIVnnPOOL Oct 11 WHIJAT Steady : holders en offer BpnrlnEly. No 2 red winter , 4a J'itl. ' enNc 2 red spring , 4s 8d COHK Spot nomlnnl , Buppl > . poor , futures , Irm : liolilcrs offer siurlngl > , No : , 4s &d , le cember , 49 4'td. rLOirn Stendj , holders offer moderately , St Lou IB fancy winter , r.a 3d I'HOVlfalONS-Liiril steatly holders offer jparlnply : , spot , SCs llecf , dull , upily In exctM of tleinuid , prime mtH < ; vvestern , ICa 2,1 I'urk , lull : Hupply In ixceh-f of < lemnn < l , | , rimc inens iMBlirn , CCs. 3d prime mem medium Sis M Hams , dull. hr.liUrn offer freely , nhort cut , tto llacon. dull , holders press salts , Cumberland cut 314. Blcail > 27 . CIIKESK btend > . holdtrs offer frejly , finest nhlte and colored , 48s td TALLOW Nominal , supply , poor , prime cllv , liltngn 1 rnlt Uaotntloim. iO. Oct. 31 The Earl TYult company sold California fruit at auction today an follows BrnpeR mo tly poor , Toka > , linlf cralei , 75fflS5c , outili1 cratet * . )1 OS. Muxcat. half crates , 75o , Soubli * crates , )1 35 Kmperor , half crates , E5@ 0o. Feitrra , half crnteH , 1'ortcr llros , Chicago. Kohl six rnrn Double rates , ToUay jfnipei peed onler. 13 00 73 Oi poor snlpr { 1 Will 55. slrurlt rmtes , 6 : < ? < iJ 30 , double L'omklieons. 52 C" , . KliiKlif. | 1 30511 to. slnglo Utnperors , 5105. Muscatfl } 1 23 , Suhvay pe.ichei > , X'Sll W , quinces , II 4GI 65. Gloul Morccau lunrs. 51 M Porter llros. company. Phllaileliihli one car. Double iratei. . Tokay urapes 53 40f3 45 I'orter llroa tompnny. r > iwork , one 1 Single TokajB TSctpJl 5. Muscat , Morocco , 11.10 , aesorteJ Jl.lCKjl IS. \taol 1 rtiilo Itnvluir. ISOSTOX , Oct 31 The American Wool and Cotton Hi porter will Hay tomorrow of the wool trade : The market IB nulet ami steady. Thire no bvijInK to spenk of on the | irt of the larne mills Iml Fin. ill purchnieR Imve been made In considerable number ami the nhtcreKate umount all kinds of wool taken duiltiK the week under review nmounta to over B 000 000 pounds n.ulto per rent of which was clcirmstlc wool 1'rlcis lary little from those of n wnkK The BaliH the -week amount to 1.7SS OX ) pounds of domes tic and 501 000 pounds of foreign. inTltlnK a total 2 2S2.0UO pounds. apalnnt n total o 2.407.MO Kiumls for the inrvloua week ami 11 lotnl of 311.100 pounds for the corrvFpomllnK week last tear. Tin- tales since January 1 HVI umount 122.7.0,583 poundaRalnst S < i. 6f.COO pounds n jc-ir a o. The falos In I'hllailelphla BKEregatu 1,2-IO.OM ) pounds a rity tlnrkntt. KANSAS CITY. Oct 81 W1IBAT Stcadj . No hard I , < 7c. No 2 red. 'J l5c : itjpctetl < 2ft c balea by pnmplo on 'change , f. o. h MlixouH river. No. 2 hard , 6IVio. No 2 red Ej HSVijc COUN-SlovY , No 2 mixed. ' 4 < ij42:1.i. : , No 2 whltr. 43Vic. OATK-Sleady ; No. 2 mixed , IfSai'Si. No 2 while. liaos I'nchnnited ItilfKIITSVVIieat , 17,000 bu. , corn , 1,100 bu , ts , t JCtO lii ] HIUI'MI.M.S Wheat. 13.WO bu , corn , 3.700 bu , oats none. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I'mrlJlnrk \ n. rnoniA Ocl 31 COHN-Actlv e , higher ; No C2c. No 3. 51'lc. new. O'iWIOlic. OAia rirm , hlKhcr , No i white , 51Q31HC , 3 white. 30'S 30'4c ' IlYH-Rearce , No a. WViQISc. WII1KKV Klrm , hlKh wine hauls 11.23 UKCli ITS Wheat. IX bu , corn. 10.800 bu , oat" . 25.300 bu , r > e. none , liarley. 700 bu WUl'MUNTSWheat , 600 bu , corn , 3900 hu . oats , 3G.300 bu , rye , CCO bu , barley , none .Ncvriirk Dry < iooil Vlnrllot. NEW" YOHIC Oct 31 On the part of Ihe rfsl- Jent retiiesentatlves of out of tonn houses , there was an Irrecular demand for plain nnl tolored rotlon . ulso for fancy for ilrrnswiar and ulilrls has bfcn a slow day , however ax the result the rain that lantid tnto Ihe afltrnoon On thu part oC thu eOltrn and hu > er , there was an ex pression of a better Inte Hade 1'rliUlin ; iloths dull at " ? .c for 61 miuarca. IMIlvviinltro ( iruln Alnrket , MILWAUKCU , Oct. -PLOUIl-Qulet and steady W11BAT Weak. No 2 MTlnjr , K'ic ; No , 1 norUum CO'.c , ilny , S7viC. COKK ' Steady , No 3. 43C. OATS-Hlghcr. No , 2 while. 32'io , No. 3 white , .Murker. ND\V YOIIK. Ocl -SUdAH-Haw. . dull , BQlei , MO llhcb MugCQvddo , K > left , at Jc He lmed , quiet. I.ONDON , Oct 31 SIJOAH Cane , very rmlel , centrlfucal Java , 12i ( d ; Muscovudo , fair n- IIM Sd. Ilulillli Wlioat Murket. DULUTII. Oct. SI. Wl IK AT Close No 1 hard , cash and October E.7V1C , Nn. I northern , Liuiti anil October , C3' C , Uerember , W c. him. Wio No 2 northern rii h , J2 > c , No. 3 , I'J'.c. rt- cltd , 45 ; o , to arrive , No 1 northern. W ! < c. 'Frl i > Mhcnt Ouiitntlnm. flAN TOJtNCISCO , Oct 31 WIII3AT Kasy , December ti7c ; May , Dane Avruy Till ll ctloni Are Oror. WABHINOTON , Oct 31. Judge lleynolds , anlitant eccretary of the Interior , hag gone Pennsylvania to remain until after the and Chief Clerk Joseph DanU-lu left for North Carolina. Oregon Kidney 'ft * cures all kidney trou- blea. Trl-l size. 25 cents , All 1. Thfs eitri- ordinary Ke- Jnvenator la iho most Sen. wonderful satlonn.Nenr- discovery of the ac. u of Iho dye * and other tits been on- rtorsed by the pu.U. leadlujrideu. tlflo men of Europe ( uicl and tone ! the America. rti'Ireiyitcm. Hudian Hudran cnrca Debility , Nervousness Hudyan Btopa Prematuieness Qiiddevelopea of the dig. and charge In 20 weak days. C'lirea In tbo back , lone * LOST by da ; or MANHOOD nlgbUtopped quickly. Over 1,000 private maoiiemcnta. 1'ieniatuieneiM meuni Impotence In Ihs ard itage. It li a ) mpluin of tfrnlnul weakneu anl baiienncsm. u cao b cured In 20 dajs by thi uce of llud an. Tha new dticovery wu > made by the tpeclalliti of lha old famous Hudson Medical Inilltute. I | li the strongeit vllnlUor made. It Is very povren ful. but hurrnleta. P-i-t for ; i 00 a packaie. eaU aU package * for J6 00 ( plain sealed boxeil. Written Buarante given for a cure If you buf ilx boxes , and are not entirely cured , ilz mor < will be neat to you frea of all charge fiend fo IrctJlar * and testlrnnnlnln Addreji HUDSON MEDICAL INSTITUTE Jtini'tion Stockton Murkot , nnd El Hi SU-cots , Sun FninniacoCnL Stand at the Head. For thlrtv yeari Puttier Watch onaca have hccn indorsed by every prominent tlco * Icrln thoUiiltcdStatca. The Duo bor trudo- mark In this country , y 17 f I anil the Hail mark la RUBYJEWELEDf ) ] : igland ] arc a gunran ADJUSTED ' . 'tccof pure wctal. IT * .WATCHES v * V THE , o * jewel Hampdsn move * SfEtf ments In Ducbcr coses Etancl at the head. II your dealer docs not keep otir vvntchea mall Ui jour address and v > o will send you tbft nttno of n dealer wlio does. TUB WATCH WOIIKB , Canton , 0. Proofs Rnlenrlfd cnratlroneont for NerroDior ! c > c lleadachs , Urnln 1 iliauMlon , HlMfl i n . j , jipoclnl or tenornl Nourulala/nlioforl / nistlim. Goat , Kidney IhNnraors , A la 'AmeinU Antidoli ) for „ 1'ricc , 1(1,23nd ( THE ARNOLD CHEMICAL CO. ICt S.Wc l rnrcnuo , CHICMJO. For sala by all druggists , Omaha. "CUPIDENE ' ' Carer the ceU o | eelf'use , excesses , emr ions , Impotcnoy , va.cocele and constl < patlon. One dollar a box. six for J5. Foi Bale by THR UOOrJ. MAN DHUO CO , Omaha. Neb. WM. LOUD ON. Commission Mercliant Griiln und I'rovlsIoiiSt Pdvata wires to Chicago and New Tork. All business , orikra placed on Chlca.a Hoard of Trade. Corrc pondenco solicited. O/llce / , room 4. New YnrU LU Bulldlnifl Omaha. Telephone ISOS ,