? * . Tim OMAHA DAILY BEE * COUNCIL BLUFFS. Hi OFKICD NO. 12 PEAIIL STREET Dtltvertd by earrltr to nr part of lh cltr. H. W. TILTON , Lcwea. ' TKI.ni'IIONES Duiln f offlc * . No. 4 ] ] n1 hl filter. No. 0. .imvrjo.v. Maync Heal Estate agency. CM Broadway. The Woodmen of the World gave a. dance at their hall on Upper Broadway Tuesday night. Unity Guild will hold Its regular meeting Friday afternoon at 2:30 : In the Guild room Jf Grace church. Herman Nlchell of this county and Millie nivcn ol Phillips , Kan. , were- married yes- lerday by Justice Fox. Miss Lena Haworth gavea masquerade party lat evening at her home on Fourth avenue , In honor of Hallowe'en , E , W. Fenton of Staunton , la. , and Mls Lottlo I'lnkey of Olenwood w re married last evening by llev. John Aeklns. Robert E. Lee was bound over to the grand Jury yesterday on the -charge of selling diseased meat. Ills bond was fixed at 130. Mr. and Mrs. Bklon LOURCO and Mr. and Mrs. Wood Allen entertained a "Brownie party" last evening at the former's homo on Oakland avenue , The farmers living near Manawa arc find ing It necessary to camp out In the vicinity of their cornfields , In order tu prevent them from being stripped of their grain. Mrs. J. J. Brown entertained a party of friends at hlKh five ot her homo on South Seventh street In honor ot Mrs. F. M. Gault and Mrs , Ilyan , both of Chicago. Regular conclave of Ivanhoo commandery No. 17 , Knights Templar , tonight. Also \\-ork \ in the Order of the Temple. All sir knights are cordially Invited to be present. The report of Miss Laura Gny , teacher of the Uvlngsprlng school , shows a total of eleven pupils enrolled during October , with nn average dal.y attendance of eleven and one-fifth , The ladles of St. John's English Lutheran church will give an old fashioned sociable IVIclny evening at the residence of Rev. G. W. Snydcr , 217 'South Seventh street. Everybody welcome , Next Saturady will be the last day for reg istration. The books will be open from 0 n. m , until H p. in , , and nil who did not vote at the last general election must register now or they will not be allowed to vote. Three hundred and forty-eight carloads of apples have- been shipped over the Bur lington road from northwest Missouri and southwest Iowa Into Nebraska , Montana nnd the Dakotas during the mo-nth of October. Mrs. Harriet Clark Turncy will give a frcu lecture Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock at Liberty hall. She will giro the history of her Ron's Imprisonment , and how she Is still persecuted by these whom she blames for the Imprisonment. Clan Stewart will gfvo a Hallowe'en party tomorrow evening at the old Knights ot I'ythlaa hall. A country supper will be served and the old fashioned games will be played. A genuine good time of the Scottish variety will be had , and all friends of the clan are Invited to be present and enjoy It. The- Jury In the Bryant case had not ar rived at a verdict at midnight last night , and the probability Is almost a certainty that they would disagree and would ask to be discharged this morning. Various rumors were Inclrculatlon as to how they stood. The one most generally credited and that seemed to leak out through the windows and key holes was to the- effect that they stood ten to two for a verdict of $5,000 for Miss Bryant. The two old men named Woodward who were charged with contempt of court In arousing the hopes'of Attorney Stlllman and then smashing them by putting In two watches that were worth considerably less than ho had been led to suppose , were turned looseby Judge Macy yesterday. The watches they had , which they swore were all they had , were turned over to the referee , O. S. Wright , to be sold and the proce-eds given to O. C. Gaston. An old lady with torn garments and bruised , and bleeding face appeared at the pollco station last evening and filed a com plaint against her son. The woman was Mrs. Webster , of UOO South Ninth street , nml the son was the somewhat notorious Dick Webster , who has had frequent deal ings with the police. The son Is a husky , worthless rascal , .24 years old , and the mother Is a frail old lady of 60. Last evening sht- did something that did not suit her son and he assaulted nnd beat her In a shameful manner. The police arrested him and locked him up , and ho will have a Berloua difficulty with Judge McGee this morning. Hallowe'en pranks .were numerous and ex asperating last night. Among the meanest things that were done was the stretching of wires across the sidewalks In several places , causing a number of painful falls. No nrrests wcro made , but some ot the victims threaten to inako trouble for somebody today. At 11 o'clock the police received word that the Streetsvillo and Twenty-fifth street school houses had been almost wrecked by the vandals , and that nearly every win dow In the buildings had been broken and serious damage done to the property. A number of extra police were on duty , nnd many citizens guarded their premises with shot guns. Deputy United States Marshal Bradly will find hla big easy chair on the top ot C. It. Hannan's bsrn. Wanted Good farm nnd city loans. We have $400,000 to loan on Improved security at 6 per cent and small commission. We also have money to loan on stock and grain. LOUGKE & TOWLE , 235 Pearl St. The manufacturers' price sale at the BOSTON STOHE still continues with wonderful success. We call special attention to bargains offered In the dress goods , underwear and cloak de partments. FOWLER , DICK & WALKER. 22 pounds granulated sugar for (1.00 at Brown's G. 0. D. Eagle laundry , 72-i Broadway. sr good work. Tel. 167. Toe laundries usa Daraeitio soap. 1'JUtSOS.tLIMHAlUl.ll'HS. . Elliott 3. Miller of DCS Molnes Is at the Grand. C. II. Ilolllns of Des Molnej Is a Bluffs Visitor. P. Egan , Jr. , ot Neola , was in the city j-estenlay , Dr. F. A. Besley of Chicago Is in the city , Visiting his brother , L. C. Besley. Congressman J. I1. Dolllver of Fort Dodge registered at the Grand hotel yesterday. Mrs. N. P. Dodge- has returned from a. year's visit to her children In Massachusetts. George A. Pll.sbury of Minneapolis , Minn. , Is la the city on business and Is stopping at the Grand , Mrs. M. A. Baker , who has been visiting Mrs. T. A. Cavln , returned Tuesday to her home In Cincinnati. P. C. Fllcklnger. after a visit with his ' brothers , A. T. and 1. N. Fllcklnger , has returned to his home In Wlntlirop , la. J. L. Hough of West Slila has moved his family to this city to take a position In the Northwestern freight office. Mrs. H. L. MIKer of Tampa , F1& . . la visiting her old Council Bluffs friends for a few weeks and la the- guest of Mrs. D. J. Clark. J. Q. Anderson , secretary cf the Council ,1Jluffs Insurance company , returned y03ter- " day from a business trip to DCS Molnes and "Wlnlerset. A. K. Stone , formerly superintendent of the Omaha and Council muffs Drldgo company , has been appointed division superintendent on the Great Northern , with headquarters at Glasgow , Minn , Feaalee'i celebrated ala and porter now eo draught at Grand hotel bar. Selected hardwood lor heating itovei. H. A. COX , 37 Main street. Tel. 4S. Gt * cooking itovei for rent tn < ! for ul tt Cl * Co. ' ยง office. Havana Freckle * clgirDavU , wholesale a t. Doaeitlo toty brtiki cud * ttir. > T . NWS FROM COUNCIL BLUFFS JudgoMaof Lieta the Liquors Among the Nonpareil's Assets , IN MR , HART'S ' CARE FOR THE PRESENT lie Snlil nlth tlio Othrr Properly of the L'ompanj on tlic 18th of Novcm'I bcr In CIIKP n I'urchnicr Shorn Up. The case Inwhich William Arnd , re ceiver , and the Carpenter Paper company , creditors , of the Nonpareil Printing com pany , were' quarreling over the possession of about a dozen cases of wln and whisky , waa brought up before Judge Macy yester day , It "will bo remembered that owing to the- fact that It was necessary for any one who wanted to sell liquor lo take out a license- , Receiver Arnd did not reckon the liquor among the assets , but allowed E , E. Hart , the mortgagee , to- take U to his home for safe keeping , In order thai the employes Of the paper might not get drunk. The circumstances under which the removal took place were all recited before the court yes terday afternoon. At the conclusion the Judge decided that inasmuch as Mr , Hart was not n democrat , but a republican ani n total abstainer , the liquor might bo safely allowed to remain at his house until It was sold. But In spite of the fact that liquor was not strictly a salable commodity ex cepting by some one with a license , the re ceiver waa Instructed to count It la among the assets. The paper will be sold at auc tion November 12 , In case any one wants It. and the liquor will be sold along with the rest of the property. TintjAN : Mit ; MONTH , The Council llliifM liiiurnnro Coini.iny'fl | U underfill Itccnrcl fnr Octolicr. Secretary J. Q. Anderson cf the Council Bluffs Insurance company was devoting the closing hours ot the month yesterday to the work of figuring up thecompany's business for the first ten months of the year. The result was sufficient to make him smile. It showed that the receipts since January 1 had been J60.000 , and of this amount the company had been called upon to pay out $20,000 for losses. The total losses for the month of October will scarcely exceed $50 , making the smallest loss record in the his tory of the company. This extraordinary good luck is rapidly making up for the fear ful losses of June , July and August , when the bulk of the year's losses were Inflicted. Such a record is a matter of pride to the company and the peopleof Council Bluffs , ami gives new solidity to the strong and pros perous home company. IVlit llo Nil .loinI Iliibate. It has been definitely settled that there will bo no Joint debates batween Congress man Hoger and Candidate Weaver , as was requested by the Union Protective Labor as sociation. The- following letter explains the situation , doubtless to the satisfaction of all : COUNCIL BLUFFS , la. . Oct. 31.-R. N. Whtttlesey , Esq. , Chairman Democratic Countj Central Committee Dear Sir I um In receipt of yours of October 29 In regard to the proposed Joint dUiciisslon between General J. U. Weaver , the populist-demo cratic candidate for congress , nnd A. L. Ilagor. republican candidate. 1 am advised that there hns been some correspondence between the chairmen ot the congressional committees relating to the same matter , and that they have failed to arrange nny Joint meetings. The republican county committee will , of course , be guided by the arrangements of committees directly representing- congressional candidates , anil for that rcnton , If for no other , I shall have to decline making any of the arrange ments you propose. I will add , however , on the part of the county committee , that your proposition IH now Impracticable , In view of the appoint ments I have already mode. Yours truly , T. C. DAWSON , Chairman Republican County Central Com mittee. 7hu Itat 'lulirii. Several local sports have been running the town over the last few day's , looking for people ple who would , like to bet on Weaver , and offering- nil kinds of Inducements , It Is rumored that they found what they were looking for too soon , and are now trying to find a graceful way to hedge. They are netlike like the people who are looking- all over town for bargains and don't nnd them unless they happen Into T. B , Hughes' down town gonts' furnishing establishment , for when they once see the Immense bargains he Is giving In men's and boys' underwear , shoes , caps and gloves , they don't try to hedge , but proceed to lay In their winter's , supply and go away happy. If you want to nnd what you are looking lor , and have the money , go down to 919 Main street , and you arc euro to find it , BS'nnynr unil Ilpnii. Marian D. Sawyer and Stlss Maymo Henn wcro married last evening at 116 Vine street , the residence of the bride's mother , Mrs. Mary E. Henn. Rev. John Askln , D D. , of the Congregational church , performed the ceremony , which was witnessed by only a very few Intimate friends. Mlsj Carrie Henn and Lewis P. Ilenn acted as brides maid and best man , and Miss Edith Allen and Bernard B. Sawyer as maid of honor and groomsman. The rooms were handsomely decorated with autumn le-aves and chrysan themums. The bride was becomingly gowned In taffeta silk and carried a beautiful bouquet of tube roses. Mfsa Lillian Shcpard played the wedding inarch. After the marriage a reception was given the happy couple , to which a large number of guests wcro Invited. Among those present from a distance were Mrs. H. W. Sawyer of Trenton , Mo. , and Mrs. C. Gross and Miss Ida Henn of Syracuse , N. Y. Mr. Sawyer Is the eldest ton of Superintendent H. W. Sawyer , and holds a responsible position In the postofllce. His bride Is a charming young lady , and a host of friends will extend congratulations. They will live at 116 Vine street , and will be at home to friends after November IS. Rubbers are the all-absorbing topic now adays , and Duncan sells them cheapest of them all. Men's rubber boots , best , { 2.50. Men's thigh waders , best , $3.00. Ladles' rubber boots , best , $1.25 , Misses' and children's rubber boots , fl.OO. Boys' waders , 12.25. Every style of laches' men's ' ' , , girls' , boys' and children's rubbers at any price ycu wish. We will also close out the warm lined and felt shaej. of the F. H. Evans stock. Slip pers and oxfords for GOc. High shoes for 7CC. Don't forget our store Is overstocked ; so buy your shoes while the prices are low. B , M. DUNCAN. 28 Main St. J. C. llnflmarr * luiicjI'm cut , Hungarian Process Flour. Mad a by the oldest milling : firm In the west , makes lightest , whitest , sweetest bread. Ask your grocer for It. Trade mark : "Blue Rooster. " Special sale on stoves this -week. If you want a ttove now Is the time to buy it ; 20 per cent discount on all stoves this week at Brown's C. O. D. Domestic leap outlasts cheap soap. ICriult ur ail Operation. Lena , the wife of 31. C. Sorensen , died at 8 o'clock Tuesday evening as th result of a surgical operation , after an Illness of two weeks , oged 23 years , at her residence , 24 East Washington avenue. She formerly lived In Avoca , and waa married there five years ago. She and her husband have been living here since March. The- remains were takea to Avoca last evening for Interment. Drum ! Hotel , Council lllufTa , Keopsnoil. Newly furnished. Every modern con venience First clait In all respects , Rates , J2.60 to 13.00 , B. F. CLARK , Proprietor. A Coitly I time Is that of a poor stove , The Garland heaters economize fuel and lave winter ex- pehiei. I' . C. De Vol has sold hundreds and wants lo cell one to you. Mm B. IX Tucker Demi. Ella M. . wife of B. E. Tucker , died lost Monday at Cottage hospital , Dea Molnes , as the result of a surgical operation. She was formerly a. resident ot Counlcl Dluffi , And winy friends who will regret to bear the news of her death. She was a lister of Mrs. C. H. Smith ot South First street. The remains were taken to Aurora , III. , yesterday for Interment. \Vntit n Now Trlnl. The plaintiff In the cano ot the Iowa Central Building and Loan association against the Phoenix. Insurance company , Involving several hundred dollars Insurance on the building of H. O. Meacie , has filed a motion for n new trial , which was argued and sub mitted In the district court yesterday niter- noon. The motion Is based on an affidavit 'I ' which It is claimed by W. J. Davenport , ono of the directors of the Building and Loan association , that E. H. Odell , the agent ofpri the Insurance company , was aware of the property having been transferred before the fir . They claim that Odcll himself admitted th In a conversation with Davenport at a time when his heart went out to Davenport with unusual fervor by reason of hie- having an axe to grind when he was trying to get the franchise- for the new motor company to Manawa. Inasmuch as the Judgment was given ' In favor of the defendant nt the time of the first trial on the theory that the de fendant ! had no knowledge ot the transfer , they > claim that this entitled them1 to another trial. "viitlo" fcoclnblo. The public Is invited to conio to the Broad way Methodist Episcopal church this evening J0 the- Curio Display given by the ladles. Relics , heirlooms and curiosities from many a country will be on exhibition. A short program will be given. Refreshments se . Tvvent } > flve cents Includes every th . Cnppa Clioer nnd llerl > Tunlo Can purchased only of the G. R. Wheeler Brewing company , Wheeler & llcrelcl. Coun cil Bluffs , la. Look nt the prices ! Look nt the bar gains ! Look at the. many beautiful things at W. H. Mulllns1 china shop , successor to Lund Bros. , 21 Main street. Chrysanthemums are now coming In bloom. Visitors are welcome. J. F. Wilcox. Beautiful toilet articles , reliable drugs , paints. Dell G. Morgan & Co. . 134-1-12 Bdy. "Tlio IJuecii of C'nmeillo * . " The famous comedy , "Jane , " with the re- mnrkable record of 400 nights In London and 400 nights at the Madison Square theater , New York , comes to Council Bluffs on next Wednesday evening for one night. "Jane , " while written on the lines of English light comedy , has a decided farcical element In Its construction , and It's many a day since n play has excited so much genuine mirth as has the many ridiculous situations In "Jane. " The title role " 111 be sustained by Miss Mamie Johnstone. Other members of the company Include actors and actresses who have assisted In making the comedy famous. The charming one-act comedy "Lidy Fortune tune- " will be given as a curtain-raiser. Carpels are cheaper than ever , nnd every late pattern of the season Is displayed by the Council Bluffs Carpet company. Do you like pretty things ? Come and see them , Hog cholera preventive and cure by Dr. JefferlB , Fletcher avenue , Council Bluffs ; will stop the disease In one hour. Trial bottle. $1. Bcurlclus' music house has few expenses ; high grade planes are sold reasonably. 110 Stutsman street. Just received , a new Invoice of all the latest styles In millinery at Miss Rngsdale's , 10 Pearl street. Now sterling silver novelties , very beauti ful and stylish , at Wollman's , 103 Broadway. Washerwomen use Domestic ntarrlni : I.Ice-lines. The following marriage licenses were Is sued yesterday : Nnme and Addreta. \ " ' K. W. Fenton. Alontcomery county , la. . 32 Lottie .M. PInkney , Mills county 3G Hnrlnti D. Sawyer. Council Bluffs 20 Mayme B. Ilenn , Council Bluffs 18 lllram Nlchell. Ccuncll Bluffs 2) ) Millie E. Itlvers , Phillips county , Kansas. 18 Dry plno kindling for sale. Cheaper than cobs. H. A. Cox , 37 Main street. Tolepnona 48. 20 per cent discount on all stoves this week at Brown's C. O. D. Domestic patterns can only be had at Vavra's new dry goods store , 142 Broadway. Pocahontas masquerade ball November 21. I PE.1 T H Ki Fair Weather , IticrrmliiK CloudlncM unil Might Chance In Temperature. WASHINGTON , Oct. 31. The forecast for Thursday : For Nebraska Fair ; Increasing cloudiness ; winds shifting to southeast , slight changes In temperature. For Missouri Fair weather ! variable winds ; warmer In the northeast portion. For Iowa Generally fair ; slightly warmer In the eastern portion ; variable winds. For Kanras Fair , but threatening in the western portion ; variable winds. For South Dakota Light local showers In the western portion ; fair In the eastern portion ; variable winds ; no change In tem perature. I.ocul Itecord. OFFICE OF THE WEATHER BUREAU. OMAHA , Oct. 31. Omahareconl of temper ature anil rainfall , compared with the corresponding day of past four years : 1631. 18SS. 1852. 1S01. Maximum temperature. . . 15 74 3 62 Minimum temperature . 31 55 47 34 Average temperature . 4J 61 51 4- Precipitation . 00 .00 .60 .00 Condition of temperature and precipitation at Omahn for the clay nnd since March 1 , 1S9I : Normal temperature . . . . . . 41 Deficiency for the duy . ; Accumulated excess since March 1 . 7CO Normal precipitation . 05 Inch Deficiency far the dny . OS Incl Total precipitation since March 1 14. 05 Inches Accumulated dellciency since March 1 . 14. 50 Inches iteiiorti from Utliur Slutlotn lit t ) i' . .11. * a CTATIOXI. I f 9 Omaha 7 .61 Clear , North Platte. . 7CO .OU Cloudy. Valentine. cute , OU Cloudy. CIllC.-IKO -to .OU Cloudy. St. Ixnim 68 .00 Clear. St. l'.mj 11 ! .04 Cloudy. Davenport. . 44 .OU Cloudy , - City. . OU .00 Clear. Uouvur , SO .00 Cloudy. Salt Lake City. . 6-1 .02 lliiliilrih' . KiiDliICIty Gi Ualnlntr. Ilelfim ll Cloudy. illem.irck Bl > .00 Clear. , St. Vincent . . , Blua , .00Wl Clear. Clu-yeimo 50 .OU Cloudy. Mtlei City CD ,114 lUtnine. ' Gll'.VfltOll. . . 70 .OOlCJenr. "T" Indicate * trace. L. A. WELSH. Observer. Till : KKAI/IY MAUKIOr. INSTItUMENTS placed on record October 31 1E91 : WAIIIIANTY U W Patrick nnd husband to U W Patrick. Llockn M. SS and S9 , Dundee Place . J36,00f C V CiooJman and wire to Nebruikii In vestment company , luti 13 and II , block JO. Clifton Hill . Andrew Miles , executor , to 1 , U Bearer. lot 5 , Aldlne Square . , . Olcf Olson ami wile to 21 I Illchardton , n 33 foot lot 15. bloclc 3. JIanwotn I'Jacu. . . 3.W MrCavock & O'K Co to J II Hullu. lot 5 , Mi > cU 1 , > Icf5a\ock & O'K'ii add . " Union i'liclllo Hallway company lo August nmtVllllatn Schneider , nw aw f-ll-Ii ) . 32C II N Dickinson nnd wife to numr , ne nw fame . Mny Itn > - rt ol to Buean Knight , nw * w ll-16-li ) Icxcrpt e J ) roils ) . . . A J JcnnliiK" and wife to J P Itninp , lot 7. bloclc I. Uyilo park . C K Oumlman nnd wife to II C Olson. COxIM ( eel at ne comer Stli and Dorcns Blrvctv. . 5 , < X QVIT CLAIM DKUP9 , O M Perkins lo K S Morton , lot 3 , block I , Newixut . II i : Ounner and wife to O II Oil more , lot T , M.irk ! , Sheridan I'Uce . V > O M TunnlBon Had wife to Auiruit ami William Schneider , part n\v leU10 . Frank Murphy to I" 1 < Dallcy , ISVi feet lots US And 111 and w lUi ! feet lot li : . ' artd DEEDS. Special mntter to U A Jeffries , undlr H lots I und 9 , block 1 , Itedlleld add . , . . . Same lo K D lloweis , 40x135 feel In He e -U-U , . . , . . . , , . . 1.20 Total amount of trnniferu. . A Bore throat or cough. It suffered prDgr i btttm rrtui'o | n Incurable throat o liwfi trouble. "Urowu \ < nr . < J.J i mown. give * Inttant relief. EXOff HAS A LIVELY TIME : UIT ommissioner Bheebnn's Refusal to Answer OFF WANTS SPECTATORS EJICTED Scnntor Cnntor 'nutCoimilnsloncr / Slicclmn irltli 1'nck'lnc tlio JCooiu with Tliclr 1'iir- c I E < NEW YORK. Oct 31. The statement Is made at police headquarters today that the rand jury has found Indictments against ollca Captain Stevenson and "Wardens Glen- on , Burns and Smith upon evidence brought Jt before the Lexow committee. The spe- flc charge , It Is said. Is blackmail. Chairman Lexow of the senate Invcsllgat- ng committee Intimated at the opening of oday's session that should Commissioner heehan show tut her recalcitrancy Mr. Goff ould be likely to take him off the stand nd certify him to the grand Jury. Mr. heehan was accompanied to the investigation tiamber by his brother , the lieutenant gov- rnor. The commissioner had brought some ank books with him , concerning which , he aid : "Because I have my bank books Jt oes not mean that I will tell what's In them nlcss I am accused of depositing money legally , and then I will produce them. " James W. Boyle , Tammany leader of the Flnth assembly district , was first placed on 'ie stand today , "Did you send out a notice , " asked Mr. off , "calling for a list o people who were nder police control ? " "I did not. " "Now , here is a typewritten slip attached on a circular bearing your name. It Is ad- ressed to the election district captains , Will ou swear that this slip was not sent out rom your headquarters ? " "I swear I don't know anything about It. " ASKED TO JOIN TAMMANY. "When a taloon keeper wants a license do ou not force- him to Join Tammany hall ? " "I ask him , but use no threats. " "You go before the excise board In their nterests ? " "No , sir , I appoint an excise committee. ' "That's Interesting , " broke In Chairman .exow. The witness attempted to amend Is admission , but Senator Lexow said ternly : "How could a political organ I za- lon look after excise matters ? " "Well , the commission consisted of one nan who was a member ot the liquor deal- rs" association. " Commissioner Sheehan was called to the land. He was holding several books and omo typewritten papers , but declined to tell Ir. GofC what they were. Mr. Goff read n Interview with Mr. Sheehan , published everal years ago. He laid stress on the tat e merit that advances had been made by a mm any to stop ( he payment of police lackmatl. "Is that true ? " asked Mr. Goff The commissioner wanted to explain. He ould not answer positively. "You can be committed , for contempt , " xclalmcd Mr. Goff. ' "You had better try It , " defiantly retorted tie witness. "You'll answer the . .questions as counsel ants , " Chairman Le-xqw eajd. "I'll answer them In.my qwn way. " "You have done enough to be committed 3r contempt a score of times , " exclaimed Chairman Lexow , rapping for order. "Did you over hear Uiat some one , acting n your name , had suppressed news stands . 'hlch sold papers politically opposed to ou ? " asked Mr. Goff. "I heard some thing nbou't it. Tlio man lad no authority to uie my name. " "Was a saloon keeper named McDuff told n the rooms ot theBoquod club that the e-ws denier in front iol Ms baleen would iavo to cease selling' , certain'papers ? " "Not tlmt I know of. ' i bn "Did you know that certain newspapers lad tried to establish , a 'special delivery In our district ? " SHEEHAN -iVOULD NOT ANSWER.P "I heard so. It w'as a filthy sheet. The icople'ln my district are sick of reading It , I uppose. " "What is Its name ? " "I am not prepared to say. " "Are you. afraid ? " "No. " , The commissioner colored and shifted his chair and Bald , "No , I am not afraid of the newspapers. " "What Is Its name. ? " "I'm not prepared to say. " "Tho witness must answer , " ruled the chairman. Then ensued an exciting scene. Senator Cantor spoke up excitedly : "Don'l lut that down , stenographer. " Then to 3halrin.an Lexow , "Why don't you put the question ? " The chairman attempted to cut him off with his gavel. Bang , bang , bang ! "You can't down me , " shouted Senator Cantor. "Come to order , " Bhouted Senator Lexow who betrayed considerable ) excitement. 'I'll have my say , " shouted Senator Can tor. tor.Tho The spectators joined in the uproar. The excitement grew intense , and Senator Cantor and Senator Lexow kept up ft flcry word bat tle until the latter , all the whllo hammering his desk , cracked the gavel , ThenMr Goff caused additional excitement by saying In a high-pitched voice : "Information has reached mo that the 'room U packed wltl Pequod club members , who came liere through an arrangement between Senate Cantor and Sheehan to applaud the com mlssloner. Let the senator explain. " "Why , this Is astonishing , " gasped Sen ator Cantor. "I accused of that. It I preposterous. " "I do not think Senator Cantor would d such a thing. It must be false , " said th < chairman. "I want the spectators removed , " de mended Mr. Golt. "There Is a clique here Whllo I can't believe Senator Cantor has packed these men In , they nro here. "They must not make any demonstration or they will bo ordered out , " said the chair man. , . "Thcro arc only three Petjuod club members bors here , " broke In the commissioner. REFUSED TO SHOW DANK HOOKS. Counsel Goff asked Commissioner Sheehan for hla bank book , but was refused. II denied that ho had said Commissioner Me Clano was a fool for showing Ills bank books Ho also denied that he had received J6.0 < from Policeman Townsend for a promotion t a sergeancy. Chairman Lexow ordered tha Sheehan's refusal to-show his bank book be laid before the district attorney and th grand Jury. The commissioner smiled as ho stcppei down from the stand ! "You are chairman ) "of the committee on supplies ? " questioned ) Mr. Goff , after recess "Yes. " i "Do you know the ofUcers of the Uuflal Steel House company , which has erected th election booths ? " , "No ; Commissioner Murray had charge o select INK what booths' ' * ere made. " "The company performed the work In vlo latlon to the law relating ; to the cmploymcn of labor on public world- ? , " said Mr. Goff. "We received a notification from labo unions. " 1 ' ? "And that Is all yoU'dld ' ? " "It was not In our province. The booth were completed when'tils'notice ' reached us. "What about the condition of the depart ment ? " ' ' "Excellent. " Mr. Goff then went lr.to the reported vlsl J'TIothers' # " MAKE * CHILD BIRTH COLTIX , Li. , Doc. 2,1680k My wife used "MOTHERS' FRIEND" before her third confinement , and says she ' would not bo without it for hundreds i of dollars. Docff MILLS. - gent by cipresa ormall , on receipt of I1.M o r boltle. Jlqos : "TO MO mallei Irec. 8otabr ll Druggist * . llKOAULTOIl Co. , Atlanta , G * . j f Commissioner Slieehan to Wnll ( tropt to ell advance ! Information n to ( he decision f the court ol appeals In the Sugar trust matter. The -witness denied he was a , "huck- ter of decisions , " ni charged by n local paper , te denleO that he had vIMtcd II , O. Hnve- mcyor and others In Wall street for ( he pur- x > so of selling them advance information. The men who said Ira had done 10 were mis taken. "Did they llet" "I don't lay that ; I denied the whole story vhen It first came out. " "You ! would not appoint a man who Jind ommlttcd a crime ! " "No. " CALLED SHEEHAN A DEFAULTER. "You are a defaulter , thcugh , " exclaimed tr. Goff. " "I am not , " the witness Bald quietly. "I aj explain what you are driving at. " Lawver Grant arose nnd asked that this lln ot Inquiry bo excluded , as It was not I > crtlnent to the Issue. . Senator Connor , who x\as presiding In Chairman Lexow's absence , said : "The wit- esses will be nllowed to explain everything t the proper time , Ho should be glad of an pportunlty to clear hlmrelt of the charge. I he Is a defaulter It should be shown , " Mr. Goff produced papers and documents earing the \Ulness' signature for the pur- ese of proving that Commissioner Shcehan ad misappropriated $1,000 while comptroller f the-city of Buffalo. The commissioner told him he had re- ucstcd the mayor to have his accounts ex- mined , and when n shortage was dlscov- red he refunded the amount , $4,100. He lalmed that his coupon and trust accounts eeame mixed. Mr. Goff asked : "Did you turn over lo your successor the ccounts of the trust fund , the whole of hem ? " The witness did not answer positively. "Did you turn over $86,319 , the amount of oupon and trust accounts ? " "I turned over the amount on ths paper ou have In your hand. " "Do you claim , " asked Senator Connor , 'that the balance of the trust account was vlthheld with the coupon account ? " "I do , tlr. " "Now , sir. Is It not a fact that you nils- pproprlateU $2,690 ? " "It Is not true slr , " Mr. Goff read th ? following document , ated November 9 , 1883 : "Received from John C. Sheclian the sum f $5,900 , , In payment of any deficit that may be In his accounts on a , proper exam- nation. T. J. MAHONliY. "SCHUYIwEK EGAN. " Mr. GofT read another letter , dated Uecem- er S , 1883. It was addressee ! to T. J. Maloney - loney , and read as follows : "Dear Sir : You nre hereby authorized and requested to use or pay out the money iald by me for the purpose of making peed he shortage which v as In my account nt he time I turned over the comptroller's ifiice to you. JOHN C. S11KBH.AN. " SENT HIS BROTHER TO FIX IT. Commissioner Sheehan stepped down to ; lve way to Timothy J. JIahoney , ex-comp- roller ot Buffalo. Mr. Mahoney Identified the coupon re- elpts ami the trust fund receipts , "Who gave you these receipts ? " asked Mr. Goff. Goff."Mr. "Mr. Sheehan's brother , William. " "I told Will , " said he , "that I would not Ign the receipts for money which I had not ecelvcd , and asked him to tell John to come nd see me. He came In later , and I told ilin to pay up as soon us possible. " "Did he say the coupon account was mixed up with the trust accounts ? " "No. " "What did ho say ? " "That ho would pay up as soon as possi ble. " "What time elapsed before the story of the lefalcatlon became public ? " "About two years. I was worried to death , bout It. " Witness testified he subsequently ; ot the money from Mr , Egan , one of Mr. iheehan's bondsmen. It amounted to $5,800. $ "How did it happen that you got the sub- equent letter of December 8 , 18S3 ? " "The $5,900 was deposited In a special ac- ount , and I wanted the authority cf Mr. Sheehan to place It In the general fund , " "Did you know how the deficiency oc curred ? " nsked Connor. "Did you use the $5,000 , In covering the deficit ? " "Yes , and there was also a shortage in the coupon account. " You declined to runt for a public office lecauso this was on your mind ? " "Yes , I never rested until it was cleared up. " Commissioner Sheehan was recalled. "I , have one question to ask you , " said ilr. Goff. "Will you produce your bank )00k8 ) ? " "No. " "You , a defaulter , a grand larceny thief , refuse to produce your books In the face of his evidence ? " "You're a Mar ; you know you are lying , " yelled Commissioner Shcehan. Your language Is Intemperate , " Senator Connor admonished Mr. GolT , who read the statutes to show he had used the harsh words advisedly. An adjournment was taken until tomorrow. UUllSltl ) . * Cnrnntl Shoo Factories nucl Unrolling- lloimpa Destroyril l > y Fire. NEWBURYPORT , Mass. , Oct. 31. Fire broke out this morning In the shops of the Newburyport car factory and soon destroyed that ] largo wooden structure. The flames communicated with tliolargo five-story wooden shoe factory of Burly & Usher , which wag soon n mass of flames. Several dwelling ! were burned and the big shoe factory of Dodge Brothers , was threatened. The lass will probably exceed $80.000. Aid was sum moned from Porttnouth. N. II. , llaverhlll and several other places near by. By noon the tire was under control. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. Children Cryfc ? Pitcher's Castoria. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. Cloanecd , purified , nml tcnutltUil t > y CUTICUIU. SOAP , ( jrfnUitof i kin purlfkm tnd Icuutllion , Hell us puiiit utd ttcctcitoltilttamlnurter ( ! > fonjm. Only ruiu for plroplo unil bluclc. liradu , beentue Uio only jircvimho ol InfUmmntlon nnd clugiilne of Iho poron , tbD cnuiio of mo t toniplti. lonol dliHguratlone , Hold ercryirheic. Prepared from the original formula pro erved In the Archives of the Holy Land ) liav uganauthentichUtory datingbackGOQyeitra ; A POSITIVE CURE for all Stomach , Kidney and Bowel troubles , especially CHEONIC CONSTIPATION1. Price 6O cents. Sola by all JrugelstB. The Franciscan Remedy Co. , 131 VAN BUREir 3T. , CHICAGO. ILL. i for Circular tin ) Illustrated Calendar. BAILEY , Dentist I'axton Dlnck , JOtu and Faniain Painless Extraction of Teeth-Painless Pilling Full not teeth S5 DO. Sllvo nillnirH tl.OO. I'an ) Guld I'.UO. Uuld Crowns .Oil IM.T loolli and at tuchinent Tclephona 1085. Lady " * ' < Attendant PI - > - , , , , - . i'B TOOTH POWDEIU BLESS PAINPS CELERY COMPOUND Mr , and Mrs , Ruff Were Restored by It to Perfect Health , i "There Is no doubt that the life of most vomen at the present day Is a complex one. " ays the Ladles' Home Journal , "and In the arge cities the demands made upon time and trength nre legion. No wonder so many fall ly the way. " Even women of the privileged classes kno what fatigue means , and the weariness re- itiUIng from overtaxed nerves , that Is more ntense and more depressing than anything known to tired muscles. When frequent headaches and neuralgia jive warning that the nerve tissues are not jalng fully repaired after hard work or anx- oty , further mischief will bo avoided by eedlng the- brain and nerves with the won- erful nutriment , Palne's celery compound. Nature is a gentle mother nnd soothes while she strengthens. Palnc's celery compound builds up the body according to nature's plan , The human machine must have fuel. This grand Invlgorator and strengthener Is able to estore the delicate nerves to robust health > y feeding them rapidly and abundantly with he peculiar elements they find It so dllllcull o extract for themselves from the ordinary learty diet. A great nerve doctor , famous n two continents , says that any ivomiin whose nervous strength Is at all' deplctbd must either take time to- rest at any cost or replace the wornout" tissues with I'alne'a celery compound. A woman should never be too tired to mile. Palne's celery compound Is today busy in ta mission to homes everywhere In the laivl , making sunshine , hopeful faces , and ready smiles where there was sadness and tin weary looks of despair. Sirs. Jennie A. Huff , whose portrait is jjlreq above , writing from her homo In Sebcwa , Mich. , says : "My husband lias had a stomach trouble for over a year , from which ho suffered the tortures of a dally death. Ho could cat scarcely anything , and what he did cat soured on his stomach and caused htm to bloat so terribly that life was only a burden. Ho tried phylclans to no avail , and as I was tak ing Palne's celery compound , he thought ho would try It. In a short time he was sur prised to find that ho could rat anything with no bad effects ; the bloating la all gone and his stomach Is In good condition. "I had suffered for years with periodical spells of sick headache ; pen cannot dc-scrlba what I suffered at such times. For the last two years I noticed that my nervous system was getting all out of order ; I had no appe tite and was getting to be a mere shadow of my former self. I was nervous , weak , could not rest nights , and felt gloomy and low spirited. Before I had token one bottle. o 1'alno's celtfry compound I began to feel Ilko a new person , and now , after taking e\x \ bottles , I am enjoying perfect health. I hava not bad a spell of sick headache In over a year. My nerves ore- all right , my sleep It Ilko that of a healthy child , and I feel mora like ona than like a woman of30. I do all my own work and bless Palne's colon' com pound for what it has done for me and thine. "Wo hovt > used ! In our family 12 or 15 bottles of Palno's celery compound. Doctor * ' bills are now unknown la our family. " CouncilBluffePaintOilKlassCo. LARGEST EXCLUSIVE PAINT AND GLASS HOUSE IN WESTERN IOWA , "Wo carry a f\ill line of all kinds of Paints , Oils , Glass and Painters' Supplies. We are manufacturers of Art Glass and can make you any thing you want in that Una. We carry a full line of Window Sash , glazed and unglazed , and will make you bottom prices on any sash that you want. Our sash are all Council Bluftsmake. We have over 1,000 hot-bed sash in stock. Come and see us or write for prices. Nos. 1 and 3 Fourth Street , G.W.PANGLE M 0 . . , , , The Good Samaritan. 20 Yeari' Experience , AIIini OU DISEASES OF MEN ANI > WOMKN. PKOl'KIUTOIt Of THIS lVOItI.I'SHiiUIAL : lUSL'liX- SAItV OF3CKIIIGINK. / treat the following fl/s eases ; Catarrh of I ho Ilcnil , TUront and l.un a. Dis eases oCUio Eye ami Knr , Fits end Apoplciy. llonrt DlBi'iiec , Mver Complaint. Klclntty Com plaint , IScTvmiH l > elilllt > . niculiil ne- nrCHHloii , I.OHH of Maiiltooil. ML' in itialVeiiltncHH , Diabetes , llrlplit'e liij- cnfio.Bt. Vltus' Dmiuo , Itliuumutlfltn. I'arnlyfds , WlntoNwollInucrofuhi , Fever SOICB , TUIII- orH iiittl 1'lHtuIa In liio removed without tliu Uiilfe or Uril-vvltiff a clrup-aflilaoil , "Woman wllli licr ilcllcatc orifiiiiH rent ore il t < i licallli. J > ri > | iM > - enroll Vfilluuit tapping , ttpuclul Attention j1 veil to 1'rl vale ami Venereal DlHcnHcu firallltliulH. 0io to asoofllcrfclt for any Venereal ] > lHcauo 1 cnntiut euro wltliont Mercury. Tupo Wormsruniovod lit two or three liouru , or no pay. or 1 'lies cured. TIIOSI : WHO AUK WllUnvo llfoaii'l ' hundreds of dollnra by call- liiffoti or using- DR. G. W. PANQIE'S HERBAL MEDICINES. Tim iiiily I'lij ulclini ivhix-nti tell -vthutulli porvou ulllioiitik klii | > a < | iic tlun. Tlm n nt u ( Ilitiiiir-i bit ml for ( { lilauk , Nn. 1 fur mm , No , 'A for women , All corrcspoiidi'iico strictly confidential. Kcillclno Bent by impma. AdJrcea all letters lo G.V , I'ANOI.-K , M. . 555 BROADWAY. COUNCIL Cuclote lOo la Btiun | > 8 for reply. t\ * tt. Doinltvifliva.Attornnr nl- S ll U DamDriUgGi IrracUce In I lie 81 Me and Federal Courts Itoouis -U , J-b.U3u.rl Ulock , Couucll llluffi , NEBRASKA ATIOJV .r , 13A.ZV.K U. M. Dtpotllorif , Vmahttt Hebrtuha , CAPITAL , $400,000 SURPLUS , $55,500 Officers nnd Directors Henry W , Tale * . prf . Ident ; John B. Collins , -vice preilgent ; Ltnli 6 , Heed , Canliler ; William II. S. Hujlitj , ant cainler. THE IRON BANK ( JEO , P. SANFOHD. A. W. niCKMAK. President Caihler. Firsl National Of COUNCIL DLUFF3 , Iowa- Cap ! lit I , $100,000 Profits , 12,000 One of th * olilut bank * 1n the > ute of Iowa. t\ > ( Ollclt your tu lnet nd collection * . W pay I per cent on time depotllj. W will bt pleased to ie and terve you. -Special Notices Gotitjei ) CJIIMNBYS CLEANED ] VAUL.TS CLEANED. Ed Iturkg. at W. U. Uomer-i. K Broadway. FOIt HAbU On TltAIJi : . 0 AUIIKB OP In I lock county , Ncbrnika : (40 arcop timber Und In Michigan ; will truila either ior itoclc of Kencral merchandise , and will I'Ut In ci ! Sl.Oou.UO or tl.COO.dUj liouie and M In Colin * , price , H.GOO.UO ; will undo fur > tock of c n r i merchandise ani put In VAa < cash ; fine res * Idencv property In Council Jllufli. i > rlc U.WW.OO ; will trade for aeners.1 stock ami p > ' IB 11,005.00 , cash. All correujxmdencj to.1" , * eon riduntlal. Ad < Jr s luck lux 14 , Cou cll HlulTi. WANTED. J-OaiTJOtf A8 nooKKCKl'Ell OR tenoeroph < ir. mornings ! , e , lw and Satur IV J FOH . . ' * 'n QAJinnw rATtu , on couw. try iiiSS ? "nly one mlle fnmi tlio city. Will , .lu part payment In painting- , taper hanging ind llk Murk. Apply to Leonard UVtrttt , Council UlufTn. la. FOH BAL.R. OAIIDKN ANI ) KJIU1T LAND ! 40 acres ) well In proved ; c miles i-uit poitomee ) KOMI house. Urn ; plenty null , price IJ.WO.W. . . 1. II , HlK-afe , FOIt BAKU , OOOI > Ml LCI I COW , OU WILIj Irula for good hors j no plug or puny -wanted. Iniulru a ( lld't i th , .ynu .