SACRETT JIUST CHANGE IT Jn3go Ferguson Bustalna Objections to Form of Ballot Adopted by Him. PETITION CANDIDATES MUST SO APPEAR C * o Ilrtinclit Up with Itef renro lo 1'opu- lilt -clnliitUf Cumlldnt Naraod by 1'otltlou tn I'lll ViicdiicleH on TlcUct. In Judge. Ferguson's equity division several lawyers devoted tlio whole of the forenoon "session " lo arguingIho question of how the names ol certain political candidates should appear upon the official ballot to bo used at the poll * nett Tuesday. When the regularly nominated candidate * for the legislature on the populist tlckel re signed , Michael Nelson , Avery A. Perry nnd Augustus Payne were nut .up by pcllllon and Invlled to run In the race. On ( ho official ballot they have been branded as "People's Independent , " a name to which exceptions are taken by some of ( ho members of the rank and file of the party , they maintaining that IhU lllle Is misleading and that Ihey have no right to bo designated as candidates of the party which did not place them before tha public. In this same category Iho name of George P. Wlttum appears n the people' * party candidate for county attorney , when as a matter of fact the regular nominee of the convention refused to run and Wlttum was nomlnited by pclftlon , nnd by petition only. The populists contend that these men should BO upon the ticket ns Independents and wllh- out the title of people's being added. After hearing all of the arguments Judge Ferguson withheld his decision until 4 o'clock In the afternoon. PETITION MUST UB STATED. IJeforo the adjournment of the afternoon Beaolon of Ihe court Judgff Ferguson passed upon the case , granting Ihe mandamus au prayal for by Elmer B. Thomas and the other members of the central committee of the popullat committee. Instructing the county clerk to designate all of the petition can didates as "people's Independent , by peti tion" Instead of simply "people's Independ ent. " . . , In passing upon the case Judge Ferguson reviewed the Issues nnd then said that none of the men were nominated by any conven tion assembled , and that thcro was no com mittee thai Ihe authority to fill va cancies which might be upon the ticket. He said that It had been contended that the rights of the people were superior lo Ihe rights of the convention , "but that , " ho con tinued , "I cannot view In ( hat way. The people have a right to make nominations by petition , but have they the right to des ignate and say that the nominees by peti tion shall be Ihe nominees of the people's , the democratic or the republican party. I say not. unless they designate thai such nominees are nominees bypetition. . Any other course would be a. fraud ; It would be wrong and It would be unjust. The mandamus in this case will Issue , and the county clerk will ' place none of these names upon the odlclal 'bn.llotij unless he does eo by 'designating them as people's independent , by pellllon. It would bo a fraud upon Ihe volcrs of Ihls county and district to create the Impression thai George F. Wltlum nnd the other parties mentioned In this action were candidates of thepeople's party , when , us a fact , they are not. " Wltlum , the petition candidate for county attorney , was considerably exercised by the decisionnf the court , nnd. letting his pas- slpns get the better of his judgment , he arose In his teat and said that ho did n'opropoy. \ . ! to have any Judge or Jury des- lffnatie lie party name that should follow hla name upon the oHIcial ballots which were to be voted on election day. In his usual mild way. Judge Ferguson replied : "This la the decision of the court , nnd It stands until It Is , 'rcversed by the supreme COUrt * 0f the state. " BIIACKETS MUST DB USED. - At the afternoon session of the court W. S , -Shoemaker Appeared In the equity division before Judge. Ferguson with what has been aaslgnated as his "brackel " . case. a suit which bobbed Inlo prominence at an early hour yesterday. This case- takes Into consideration nothing but the name of Judge- Sllag 3. Ilolcomb , the candidate for gov ernor. On the printed ballots which have Just been ordered printed by the county clerk the name of Judge Ilolcomb appears like this : SJIto A. Holcomb , Ptmoeral-reople'g Independent. In going Into court Mr. Shoemaker con tends that thU. U not the correct In which to designate way Judge Holcomb as the candidate of Ihe two parllrs which nominated him In their respective conventions. Mr. Shoemaker contends that when the official ballots go to the voters the name of Judge Holcomb should appear In this form : Blfcu . Democrat. A. Ilolcomti. ' People's Independent. Mr. it.ue Shoemaker contend thai * should the ue naipa of the Judge appear as being deslsnatod as both an Independent and democrat there rest are men in each party who would not cast their votes for him. while If he was designated as Iho nominee of bolh parlies and there - therewas -was a line where parly preference could bo expressed he would bo the favorite te wllh all of the people's test party with people and also a large majority of the democrats state. of hoer T In closing his remarks Mr * Shoemaker nmlnlalnetl : er lhat thla was simply a scheme to defraud the voters out of the right to express their honrat convlctfon and mis lead them In voting their choice. The other end of the fight , the ono which , MM In opposition to the placing of brackets opposlle. Ihe name of Judge Ilolcomb , waa championed by Charles J. Greene , the Bur lington attorney , who jrJ. was osslitwl by J. B. Kelby , another legal gentleman who J.ts m the employ of the llurllngton road. Mr. Greene- urged that the county clerk ' was without authority to designate the parly principled of any candidate for ofllce , aa he waa compelled to act solely upon the In- formation which lie obtained by the certifi cates of nomination. He Insisted thai Ihls vvasi case with which the court had nothing t do , < ft8vtbo power of the- court was to con strue the law nnd not act In the ' capacity of a'lawmaker. Two or three days ago Mr. Greene admitted that he had advised with the counly clerlr ami had given him soma advice aa tq _ liow the name * should bo placed upon tha ticket and how the party noIlUosf of the candidates ihould bo desig nated. The -court , he Insisted , had no right to Interfere with the clerk In this matter , as the statutes were sllant upon the Bubject , leaving everything In Ihe discretion ot . .theclerk. . / Mr. Shoemaker look Ihe position that the Icfils-laturo never intended that tha construc tion of the law ucto should be farmed out lo county clerks throughout the state , and that the party name could nol bo a com ) pound ot several designations. On the tickets which tha county clerk proposed la SEHIES NO. 43-44 THE AMERICAS ENCYCLOPAEDIC DICTIONARY. 4 SCO Fngca. 250.00D Word ? of XiioirMaf a a Mini Ulrfitlnriu. are nioro llilnca lnnlruciie-uerul | nnd cntertalnliir In that iiook , "Tha American RncycloiMtlta DlcUoiizrr . " titan la any Rim liar imbllcallon uv < > r IDMUKI. This grrat work , now lor the rtrst tirnn | iUc t within ibo reach of everyone. Is ft unlQiio publication , forlt In at Ilm nanio lima * perlt-cl dictionary * uU a comultto uncyolo- DnlT thai number of tin ) booh rorrcaponj- lag with the wrlei number ul the coup 31 ' ented wilt t > e cttllvoreil. Suiiiiayi ud 'Jbtvo Wt > ek-day coupon i. with la ciMila In rolu , u-lll buy oiiiuirl or Tim American Kneyctoix-dl i Dio'.loj * rjr. Send order * to Tha Hoj O.noj , Oiordcr * Bhould t addraiul t } DIOTIONABY DEPABTilENT print , followlnir Iho name ot Judijft Hot- comb , there appeared upon the same line. "Domocrnt-Peopl&'B Independent , " a thing Ihnt was not and could not bo a party designation , while Ihe statute * oxpro ? lr provided that the political designation should follow upon the same line after the name of the candidate . In pasting upon the case Judge Ferguson laid that as ha viewed the iltuatlon them was purely a legal question to be considered. He had no feeling in Ihe mailer and could say -without hesitancy that howas Ireo from political , or other bias. The law as passed by the legislature had a rntttnlng , and It was apparent that the Intention was to have every party and principle fairly and hon estly represented. There was no such party n ( ho "Democrat-Peoples' Independent. " This was a case where Uio nomination had boon made by both parties In convention as sembled , and thai being n fact , each of those parti is had a rluhl to a fair and honest ex- pros-lion. "Tho order of the court , " tald Judge Fer- cuson In conclusion , "Is ( hat ( ho political designations of 'People's Independent" shall be- printed upon one line , and below It upon th next line shall tie the political dealgna- tlon , 'Democrat. ' bolh following the name of Judge Ilolcomb. " . The attorneys who represented the people's > arty were Instructed to draw the order , which [ ] ( , niter being signed by Judge Ferguson , was served upon Ihe county'clerk. MUST IKii > IUS C'ONTIC.XCT. Editor llltrlictM-k ltcftilrril | tn Publlili Home Hi'jiulilicnu C nip.iln ! Literal urn. Mailers political held full sway In both divisions of the equity court yesterday , and bolh of Ihe- court rooms were crowded to suffocation , In the division presided over by Judge Keysor there was a clash between Ihe re publican stale central committee and the World-Herald Publishing company , the re sult of which was that In the end the com mittee walked away with the baggage , and from this time on until election day the paper down the street , under the order or the court , will continue to publish two col umns each day of matter contributed by ( he scribblers who are working the republican news bureau. The hlslory of the case Is known. The World-Herald entered Into company con tract , agreeing to sell the space and receive 175 per day. ' Under this contract the matter was printed for a ddy or two , after whlcli- the proprietor of the sheet threw up the Job and the two columns were used for the "publication of general news matter.tufl Itlght after that the committee appeared In court nnd asked for an order compelling the World-Herald to carry out the terms of Its agreement , the case being set for bearing thla morning. In opening for the committee the attorney who was looking after that end ot the fight contended that the making of the contract was a business affair for the sale ot a cer tain amount of space , the same as any other contract between a newspaper publisher and an advertiser. This being true , there had been a willful violation of a valuable con tract , the damage of which could not be measured. The power of the court , the attorney contended , was sufficient to compel the performance of the contract , and there was no Justification for the breach -which had taken place. Law was cited to show that a contract once entered Into could not be broken as tne fancy of either party might dictate , but Instead there must be a good and sufficient reason for the action. Attorneys for the World-Herald urged that the gentlemen bringing the action were not entitled to a standing In a court of equity. The contract had been entered Into with the republican central committee , an organiza tion that was not n partnership , and an oiginlzatlon that was not Incorporated under tlic laws of the state. Such being- true , from a legal standpoint. It was a nonentity , hav ing no right to sup or bo sued. The mem- btrs of the committee were not In court in their own behalf , but were representing a thing that had no legal existence. It was contended ttat In the event that the other parties had violated the contract the World- Herald would have been -without a remedy , as there would have been no one who could have been sued , ns the gentlemen pretended to represent something that In law did not efclal. There was no allegation to show that the pctltlonets. wereto be damaged by the failure ot the paper to live up to the terms of thp agreement and. the Injunction was corrmandlng the publisher of the paper to do an act that was void , as the order was Issued after the publication had ceased. It was argued that If the matter was not , pub lished In the World-Herald It could be pub lished In other papers , so that the petitioners would not be deprived of the means of circu lating their matter. There were no property Interests at stake snd consequently the plaintiffs could not suffer any damages. In passing upon the Issues Judge Keysor contended that the court was bound to take notice of the fact that political parties did exist and that they transacted their busi ness through committees , These committees , wh'llo they -were not partnerships and while they were not Incorporated companies , had the authority to expend money and manage the campaigns In the Interests of the party candidates. The contract with the World- Herald was made In good faith and could not bo violated so long as there was no showIng - Ing that It should bo discontinued. It was a contract that was made for a good and Valuable consideration and could not bo broken at will , The finding of the court was to the effect that the temporary order would continue In foice , the paper being compelled to publish the matter furnlahcd by the committee. Attorneys for the World-Herald wanted to know what was to be done In the event that the matter furnished was libelous , to which the court replied that that was a bridge which was to be. crossed when Itwas reached. At any time when the publisher of the paper should conclude that the matter Bent In by the committee was of a llbeloua nature , that was a thing that could be settled by calling upon the court. UK.viti ) LAST NIGHT. Sixth n ml Tlilril Ward Voters l.tsteti to the Pnnplo'ii Candidate * . Several hundred voters of the Sixth ward wore gathered together last night In a hall at 11WA North Twenty-fourlti street to lis ten to Judge Holcomi ) nnd 'Mr. E , Uosewater. The audience applauded often. Judge Ilolcomb confined his speech to an outline of ( he present campaign In Nebraska. He raid thai on the ono eld-e were the rail roads and corporations of the state , and on the other the mass of the people , who were supporting him. The business men had banded themselves together and formed the Huslne.38 Men's association. They bad set up a standard for themselves , and were calling upon ' .Jho pcoplo tp yoe according to. , this nta'iiJard. Some of ths corporations were forcing their employes ta vote the ticket they were supporting , by threatening them ? wl li the lost s > t their ' Jobs..But , the speaker ; continued , . If voters would consider that this ! was a struggle between corporations and the mass of-the people , and then vote con scientiously , he would bo elected by 15,000 or 20,000 majority. After the conclusion of ! lib speech Judge Ilolcomb shook hands w th the audlencs. Mr. Kojewater was called upon for a speech and responded. Mr. Hosowater " elated thai howas a republican. He said that he had 4 Iliad ported sfrven republican governors who had been elected , but he could not support the : preent republican nominee , who wa-s being presented to the people by the corporations of the .state. The speaker reviewed the a Infamous " methods before and 'during the state- convention which had resulted In the nomination of Majors , anil made a few re marks about hU record. Now , he con tinued , J& tli a time to gel the republican ma chine out of the hands of the corporations by a crushing defeat. After the. speeches were concluded Ihe speakers proceeded to a meeting In the Third ward at Twelfth and Chicago streets of anil made short add r eases. At bath meetIngs - Ings Mr , nosewater 'announced that he would ipeak to wag ? earners next Monday night In Expedition hell. Lincoln ICfpultllcaiM itnlly. LINCOLN , Oct. Sl.--Speclal ( Telegram. ) A orowd sufficient to111 the district court room fqllowrd the Lincoln Flambeau club 'to a republican rally this evening at ; lubM. court house. It was expected ( bat Tom Ma jors would bo on hand to speak , but he failed lo show up. Stirring republican ipeeche-i were made by C. L. Iluisrll and W. L. Hay- ward. The Damboau club made n brl'llant display , They were armed with Ilonun randies , which Illuminated the line of march El frnm the Lincoln hotel to ( be court home. | i HEARD FROM THE TWO JOHNS John M. and John I , Bp nk to the Voters of Omaha. AT EXPOSITION AND ERFLING HAILS Former CoiiimniU on n Certain rcnturo of t l ) lmto nltli Hryiiii l < Flt nitvs HID ColUouiil Sperrh AVolister on Ntitlonul l lie . Itcpubltcanlsm was ambitious In Omaha last night , the two central places of "at- traction being Exposition hall and Erfllng's hall , where ( ho speakers ot the evening held the boards , lloth auditoriums were filled with ladles and genllcmen. The principal meeting , however , was at Exposition hall , where John L. Webster spoke , while John M. Thurston waa speaking at Crtllng' * . . hall , nf.ter , .which they both changed places , and the oratory went on undisturbed , " When Introduced by Chairman Wharton at Exposition hall , Mr. Webster said that he waa out on the stump In the Interest of the republican tlckel of Iho state. Two years ago the democrats secured control of both houses of congress , and ever slnco that day the country had taken on a gloomy as pect. There had been great strikes , business depression and many failures. Worthy men were out of employment , and the- great soup houses had become democratic dining halls. Slnco the republicans had gone out of power the condition of the country had been "hell up to date. " STIIAIGIIT DEMOCRATS FOR MAJORS. Speaking of W. J. Ilryan. Mr. Webster said that ho had stolen the democratic platform nnd had turned U over to Iho populists , though tha straight democrats were going lo ' vote ( the republican ticket Ihls fall. The speaker tald that bo had some sympathy for Tobe Castor. Euclid Martin , J. Sterling Morton and democrats of their Ilk , as Bryan had stolen their party ana had traded It off ' for a senatorial boom. Mr. Bryan's free silver Ideas were at tacked , the speaker maintaining that If the country had free and unllmlled coinage of silver. It would mean cheap labor and hard llmos , with gold going lo a premium , aa U did during Iho war of the rebellion. City treasuries would becotnu empty and railways and other corporations would be come bankrupt and go Into the hands of receivers ; It would mean a financial panic such as the world never know. Discussing the tariff question , Mr. Web ster showed the Inconsistencies of the Wil son bill , arguing the serious effect Its' passage - sago had upon the country closing up the factories and bringing general disaster. The change of the tariff on sugar' had levied upon the people of Nebraska a tax of $1,440,000 per annum , all for 'the benefit of the Sugar trust , which amount might much betler have been given lo the poor of Ihe state to keep them from starving. In re ducing expenses , the democrats had pro ceeded on a certain line , that of taking away the- pensions from the old soldiers , an amount which aggregated $28,000,000 , and this In the most prosperous country on the face of the earth. MR. THURSTON SPEAKS. At Uils point Mr. Thurston arrived , and as ho walked up the nlsle of the hall he was loudly cheered. This cheer continued until 1 he stepped upon the platform. Mr. Thurston was Introduced by Chairman Martin ns the next senator from Nebraska. Mr. Thurston said thai he had just returned from a campaigning tour , during which ho had spoken In fifty counties and had met more than one-half ot Iho people of thentate. From what ho had seen , ho was of the opin ion that the republican ticket wouM be elected. Including six representatives In con gress anil the entire legislature. Two , years ago. Mr. Thurston said , In this cquntry every willing man could flnd. ' employment , while today at ) least 2,000.000 men In the country were- wandering : up and dowi/.iho land seeking labor and finding Itnot. , Today there were X0,000,000 persons' who were rapidly becoming paupers. These could b $ supported In two ways , ona by opening to them the doors of the poor houses nnd the other by opening the doors of manu facturing establishments , which would ting sweet American music. Protection ) , he said , opened the- doors of American Indus tries , while free trade opened the doors of the American poor houses. In all of the years of the republican party's power there was not a man from a foreign land whd did not flnd a place to work ; tliero was not an American factory permanently closed and shut down. H was apparenl that God Al mighty knew what party he could trust In America. Every strike In 1892 was by labor demanding bolter wages , and In almost every Instance the advance was made , but today , with 3.000,000 men out of work , no man's place was secure , as there were plenty of good men who would underbid for the chance to bo employed. , Two years ago there were 2,000,000 men making articles to be transported anul sold , but toda'y 2,000,000 men were idle , the result of which was thai train crews had been laid off , section men had been dis charged , and there had been a reduction all alqnR the line. The United States could compete wlth > England In the manufacture of any-article known , and lhat was why Great Britain op posed the McIClnley bill. Upon the senatorial question , Mr. Thurston said lhal the nexj senator from Nebraska would not be a soft shelled democrat not a hard shelled pop. but he would be ( ' 'Thurs- lon. " ) cried the audience In overloud voice , a man who represented the people nnd nould not have to lake fourteen hours In order to let the world know he' was there. SEEN FROM THE It EAR. Since the last Joint debate , Mr. Thurston said lhat he had felt that ru > wished be was dead. At lhat time he said thai \V. asJ. Bryan's female J.on edllorlal assistant was upon the stage describing the personal appearance of Mr. Bryan , who had the ambrosial locks. " The lady , Mr. Thurston said , described Mr. Bryan as a man with "tho front of Jove , " but how she knew he , could not Imagine as she was looking at Mr Bryan from the rear. ( Applause. ) Mr. Thurston declared that If ho wenl lo Washington as a senator he would not go there riding , two hordes. There never was a day when the republicans were In power that a man could not sell a dollar's worth ot property for 100 cents , but then a man could not get-something for nothing. This country was large enough to , take , care of every ounce ofsilver that It had In Its possession , bul before being coined. Mr. Thurston Eatil lhat he woiild have that dollar Just as good as any dollar on earth. The free silver people say , "let's open up the mines to nil the" world. " This mean ) , said Mr- . , Thurstonthat / /100 / .cents .of labor or 100 ccnta worlti "of wheat" for fifty ( cents worth of foreign-silver. - Two years ago the democrats said : "Turn the ropubll < yms out ami the price ot wheat will go up , " bul It went down ; two years ago i the democrats said : "Turn the republicans out and Iho factories will opqn. " but they closed. Two years ago HIP democrats Bald : "Turn the republicans out and the country will boom , " but It burstcd. HE IS ENTHUSIASTIC. Republican victory could , no more stopped this fall than Niagara Falls could ba dammed up with mosquitoes. It was republican year , and there waa going tote be victory all along Ihe line. In order to have the country thrive and. .prosper toU was necessary to have the co-operation of the west and the great seaboard of the cast. Nebraska put one- star Into , the azure blue of the American flag and New York another , but when they got In "there they helped to form one flag. Three weeks ago Mr. Wilton , the author the Wilson bill , was banqueted tn Lon don , but William McKlnley recelvftl his ot ovation from the people of his own country , Mr. Wilson had received ceived two great ovations In hU life , the flrttwhen the bill passed the houee. The day -when the. vote was. taken bla colleagues gathered around him and raised him bodily upon their uhauWef ; ; flnd , amid the shouts , carried him from the chamber , but Impartial history recorded tho-fact that W. J. Itryau carried out one of the hlnq quarters. Ho brought up the rear on that occasion , and he would bring It up next Tuesday. on the ot IMPERIAL , Neb. , Oct. 31 ( Special Tele- at gram. ) Hon. J. U , Tate spoke to a lirgo udlnico here this afternoon. The tariff , and | money questions received his attention. No candidate * ' rafijirii were nameJ. The speech was well re ( fvi < 3 | The Imperial Olco club furnished the music. TO MA.IOIIH. ml sJI " Knell Mnrtln I.rinU 111 * I'allo-nori > Into Iho I MAH'M CHIMP * LINCOLN , Oct..31. ( Special Telegram. ) ucl.d Martln.hU. small democratic cotitluREM gant and IheWeOubllean workers for Tom Majors . . . hehl n Joint secret meeting tonight at the LlncolijbDtel. | TJje conclave had ev- Idcntly ' been , called together by a precon- ccriei ' signal. , A Macedonian cry had gone out from republican hj-ajJquarters for nld from the democratfc pdrty. Al 7 o'clock Ihe rotunda of tlu Lincoln was dotted with Omaha ] and Lincoln "administration demo craS . " This unusual sight caused consider able comment , but this was explained shortly after S o'clock , when the entire combination disappeared Into a small room on the ground floor of the hotel and. .prpceeded lo unbottle Ihe oratory. Aside froni seven or eight fiery speeches the assembly appeared to bo all at sea. Nothing definite was decided upon an-3 no resolutions passed. It was expected that some kind of a political roorback would , be hatched , but nothing of the sort transpired. Among the democrats present were Leo Spratlln , Euclid Marlltl , George H. Halncs , Charles U. Connoyer.snd S. R. Hush , from Omaha ; A. J. Sawyer. Captain Russell and T. M. Marquette pf the II. & M. from Lin coln ; Mayor Stewart of Ulalr , and J. H. Ager , Frank White and J. W. Crawford , The speeches made were all of ono burden , an urgent solicitation to democrats to work hard for Cnmlld"ato Sturdevant all day on November 6 next. It was explained1 that Nebraska democrats must make a showing for the benefit of Washington critics. W. J. Bryan was vigorously denounced by nearly every speaker. This evoked enthusiastic applause from the republicans , but was greeted with grim sllenco by the democrats. Candidates for- the legislature on the Independent tlckcl came In for rather mild treatment and the sentiment of the meeting aposarcd to be kindly toward lliem. Euclid Martin was Ihe king pin of the event and his friendly hob nobbing wfth tlio republicans was a new nnd Interesting element In Nebraska politics. Altogether the results of this' meeting were decidedly tame. No particular objccl seemed lo have- been accomplished , ex cept to pledge Hie few stray dmocrals pres ent to vote for Tom Majors on election day. This pledge was given " with a will that smacked strongly of "typical Boreheadlsm. NO iiriNii..MAJOIIS. : : . Lrador ot the l.lucMii Klugatora Not ( liven tin Ointlnn at Wnlioo. WAHOO. Neb. , Oct. r 31. ( Special Tele gram. ) Thomas J. Majors and . \V. S. Sum mers of Lincoln addressed the people ot this city this afternoon. Mr. Summers Is a finished orator arfd entertaining speaker , but lacked the ono essential qualification which captivates a Saundersjcounty audience , facts and figures. Ho ald < ho would not attempt to defend Majors , further than that ho had been a soldier and ought , to get the vote of the soldiers on ttR.t ) account. When Majorp appeared it was noticeable he did not rccclve-Uie > wurm applause which was expected by ,1(1 , .few supporters In this city. Evidently. IWnhoo and Saunders county people look beyond the color of. a shirt. [ [ . MET : OFF THK TICKET. . - Iforinun G.Miller YV1II Nut Kccolvo Votes n * CaiillHlu'ln ror Senator. SIDNEY. Netf' Oc's"3t.- ' < Specal ! Terrain. ) Herman G. Alijle " " , "rump" petition candi date for senator. In. tltoi.Tlilrtleth district. Is knocked out. Objtcttbns were made lo It on the grounds thflf t'f/o / certificate lacked the requisite legal runnier of voters , was. indefi nite' In matter < ol address , and 'that it had been circulated ibyirapublicans who Invclglod democrats Into signing by the false pretense thai It .would ptesefvo the-democratic organ ization. 5Tho'qounty--clerk suslaincd Ihe ob jections and omitted' 'Mlller's ' nim. * 'from 'the ballots -c , + KJ " ' * v > , * . of Pulil Moore H llruulflonio Compliment. In his speech atNel u a.ifcw . nights since Governor Crounse , In his discussion of state affairs and tho. economy that had attended the conducl of Iho public Institutions , took occasion to pay Auditor Eugene Moore a handsome and deserved compliment. lie said Mr. Moore was especially' qualified' for the place he holds , being on honest , pains taking' ' and courleous .gentlemdn , exercising extreme care In the scrutiny of all accounts coming before him , and fearlessly rejecting any which had not , the full warrant Of law behind them. Ho said the state was much Indebted to him for , ( no able and efficient manner ( n which he discharges his duties , and that he deserve the ? support of all vet ' ers. Irrespective qfparly , who nave a concern for the finances of 'the state. No one , he said , could afford to chance a change. Vim WyckTiii IHX. Sales. Ex-Senator Van wV'ck ' was asked last night It this were a campaign of national Issues. "Not entirely , " ho 'answered. "Sliver cuts some figure and th'c tariff Is not to every body's taste. But , thera , are Important staf6 mallei's to bo considered. The state can help Itself along by abolishing- usury In one of Us worst forms. I mean where Ihe state thinks It cannot collect Its .taxes without allowing usury at 2Q..per cent , creating the worst kind of money .sharks , and , .allowing : them to prey upon unfortunates , taking bread and clothing from wives and children. There | s abundant remedy for Iho state. , When there Is a de fault In payment , without advertisement or tax sale , give the properly to Ihe county , to be redeemed within- certain time on pay ment of 8 per cent Inlerest. " WIH Follow the Secretary of Stato. YORK , Neb , , Oct. 31. ( Special Tele : gram. ) The form of the official ballot made "by the secretary of state will ba- used by the county clerk' here. This was the decision cision handed In In the mandamus case this afternoon by Judge. Wheeler. The proceedings were Instituted by the populist party In the name of iTred Archard. The suit was to compel the .county clerk to have the ballots , prlnte < l so that where a candi date had received more than one nomina tion It would bo designated by two > separate lines. The writ was denied. Itrj-nn Tullcltin lor Jlnyil. MILLAtlD , Neb. , Ocf 31. ( Special gram. ) Congressman W. J. Bryan spoke here this evening fgrtwo _ hours , and thirty minutes to a sraalrcoudlcnce. He gald the democrats would i-nrurfor populist candidates for congress In four districts , not because hey belle veil as > Irtha populists did on all questions but for the [ lurposo of beating the republicans , 'and aJ : Mr. Ilcavcr , the populist candidate' ' In this iffttrlct , did not have i a ghost of a show for being elected lie thought the populists ought ! to reciprocate by voting for IJoyd. m v . Dcilllvi'r lit Iteil ( Ink. " RGD OAK , Ia.fOct. 31. Special Tele gram. ) Congressman oDolllver addressed a very large republican' mass meeting at Elliott this aUernon-Mr1' wa3 a Gala day for nillott. Probably file largest crowd over < gathered within Jlmlts listened to Con gressman Iolllvcr0 , , , There Here excursions from Red Oak nimiJifrlpB 300 , also from AtT lantlc. Polllver'qinWW'1 ' was a very strong and convincing argument of republican prin ciples. Lafe Young , editor of the Des Molnes Capital , . addrfSM * the evening moet- I"S. i'lliiinco I.Hrnn "Ml liy Itlniiilaraon , NELSON , Neb. , ' Octf 31 , ( Special. ) One the most convincing , political speeches mads in N'uckolls county during the cafn- palgn was delivered in Nelson lost evening by Senator Mnnderion , Mr. Mandcrtjon de voted most of Mi * pectr lo the financial question. The house was packed , many being unable to gain tadmtsslon. The sen ator made many friends here. 1'rankllii Mroiiff for lliilroiuU. HILDRBTH , Neb. ' , Oct. 31. ( Special. ) Hon. W. A. Mclvolghan spake on the political Usues at this place yesterday to on audience about COO people. T/ie / ; nentlemaii showed some length the part taken In Nebraska politics by the "tl. & M. railway. TliU county ( Franklin ) wlll'-Blve Ilolcomb a good majority. > AtlEH ABD I10LCOMB SPEAR Bauer's Hall at Bouth Omaha Crowded with IhoFricndioFEoth , RENOVATION IN PUBLIC AFFAIF.S NEEDED Juilgo llnlcomb CfieorcMt nu Siijlnjr Unit Stood -with n Miijurlt- the Voters of Nt brilnIm-lltUlirr Hv Itlfillt Thiin Unvcrnor , Senator William Allen"addressed V. addressed a largo audience nt Bauer's lull. South Omaha , last nlBhl , He flrsl spoke of the unfortitnalo condition of the country In so far an the laboring man was concerned. A few years ago , ho said , such an Individual as. a. tramp or an Indi vidual In search of bread WHS unknown. At the close ot the war tlio per capita was about $52 , Since- that ( line the volume ot money hod been gradually decreased until It was now ridiculously low , the per capita being but $23 , This did not mean that there nas $23 In circulation for each man , woman and child In the country , for at least one-third of this amount was held In bank reserves. The actual circulation was about $8 per capita. Only three weeks ago wheat reached the lowest value In the hls- tory of the countrjHe said the laboring man and the farmer had Interests In common The enforced Idleness ot so many men In the last year was produced by the withdrawal ot nineteen millions of del lars of the people's money , which was called In by the government and destroyed. This fact naturally caused prices to fall , and nil a result lliouiamls ot People were thrown out of employment. A few , years ago the people sneered at the "hayseeds'1 when they began holding meet- Ings. They Bald the farmers knew how to ralso corn and hogs , but they did not have sufficient , brain to conduct thu business of a nation. . The speaker predicted thai In a few years the populists would-poll a vote of at least 3,000,000. The populists were/ not opposed to legitimate corporations. o long as Ihe corporations lived up to the laws of politics they were all right , and would not be opposed by-Ills parly. Senator Allen spoke of the reverses and later of Ihe upbuilding of the French re public , until now the pcrcaplta of thai na tion was $48. CLEANING OUT DEMANDED. What this country demanded , according to the 1-dea , was a general renovation of tSi management of affairs. Senator Allen" then discussed the sliver question. ; Insisting on the populist solution ot It. He devgted flfteennllnutes to roasting the McKlnlcybill. . Under high protective tariff there had 'been more strikes , more suffering ahd Svnnt than during any year In the history bf the country. What the populists wanted was legislation so that nil met and women might stand on ah equality before the lnvi. Under the system of protec tlor a certain Individual , who only a fc\v years ago was a telegraph operator , was worth $30,000,000 and Is over In a foreign country ; drinking champagne and playing bac carat ; with the prince of Wales. Sir George Pullman also came In for a good trouncing. When Senator Allen referred to the Income tax law he said It was upon the motion nnd vote of populist members that the law was passed. A GREAT FALL. Great changes hacTtakeri place In the coun try. The patty of Lincoln 'la 18(51 ( has be came , lti the stale of Nebraska lnlS94 the party of Charley Mosher. At the conclusion of his remarks , Senator Allen was heartily applauded. Chairman Bell made a. few remarks , ex plaining that tha alleged populist ticket , gal lon up by Ihe D. & M , company , was no worthy the suppprt qf the populists , ar.d hi recommended that -Ilia , populists vote for the democratic ' nominees off tile county ticket. Judge. Holcomb.who arrived late , made a few remarks. ' Tld said It was the thlrt meeting he had addressed last nlghl and he was tired out. He said-ho believed that he was In the right In this campaign and was on Ihe side of the majority of the people He Would rather be right than bo governor but this fall he believed tha ho would be "both. He asked tha If there was anything detrlrnenta lo the state on the platform on which h stood he wanted his opponents to come fortl nnd name It. Ho knew that the corporation were threatening their employes and nr gulng calamity and ruin in case ho shoul be electeil , but ho believed the men on elec tlon day would go lo the polls and vol their honest convictions , The speaker was repeatedly Interrupted b ; hearty applause. Congressman. Bryan speaks here tonight. -\Vlicro Mttji > rA IKVriilr. . FRANKLIN , Neb. , Oct. 31. ( Special. ) Congressman McKelgJian addressed his con stltuonts In Franklin county at Macon Mon day. The- meeting had been advertised ex tenslvely , but by actual count only 25 persons were present , Including women an children. He failed to explain his recon abused the republicans and made no votes Andrews will receive a majority of the vote here. here.Tom Tom Majors will net ba able to obtal his party vote In this county by at leas 100. rim PRO * Ills Opponent with Libel. BEATRICE , Neb. , Oct. 31. ( Special Tele gram. ) Somewhat of a senratlon was create In this city by Alfred Hazlett , fusion cand date for county attorney , tpday commencln action for $10,000 damages against his repul llcan opponent , George A. Murphy. The nc tlon Is the result of an article ? appearing In last evening's Dally Times charging Hazlett with unprofessional conduct In the settle ment of a damage suit against the Union Pacific company. Murphy is a stockholder Dr. PIERCE'S PLEASANT w PELLETS CURE- SICK HEADACHE , BILIOUSNESS , CONSTIPATION , INDIGESTION , DYSPEPSIA , POOR APPETITE , and all derangements of the SfoinacA , Liver and JJonr/s. Of all druggists. _ , ONCB USED ALWAYS IN FAVOR. VOUNQ SPIRITS , a vigorous body and robust HtrenKt't ' f ° l- low i oed health. Hut nil fail when the vital powers aitr weakened. Nervous debility mid lois of maiilv power result from had hnljit < , con tracted bylheyouiifr through ignorance Cc of their niinouf. eon. sequence * ! . Iow spirits , melancholia , Impaired memory , 0 morose or iriitablc Irtupcr , fciir or impending calamity and n CO thousand ami out ; di'roiiQ-cincnts of body nnd uiiiul , result from such pcniicioim prac tices. All these nre permanently cured by improved method * of treatment without the patient leaving home. mi A medical ticatisc written in plain but I'l ' cha > le language , treating o [ the nature , often pymptoiiiH and curability ofhtich diseases , on pn sent hectirely sealed jt a plain envelope , oti pnmi receipt of thlsnotlcc.xvilli to cents in stamps , Cli for postage. Address , WORLH'S DISPHK- QABV MEDICAL ASSOCIATION , Buffalo , N.Y. n the Times , and Hazlott claims the article was written by him. ItopuMlcnn KiitlitHlnmii nt Itnoper. HOOI'KH fl A4 /M _ l l \ A , Neb. , Oct. 31. ( Special. ) A otislng meeting waa held In the opera house pro last nlrtlit. Hon. Qcorgo D. Molklejohn , Ion. , J. B. Prick of Fremont , the candidates or representatives , Messrs. J. F. Hanson and J. C. Hum ? , and the candidate for county Itorney ( , W. J. Courtrlght , addressed live copl . Mr. CourirlKht reasoned ably for a omul currency. Hanson made an earnest ppeil In behalf uf sound business leRlski- .on , which WAV highly appreciated , nd Melklejohn delivered a logical dla- ourso on the question * of the day. areat tithuslasm prevailed throughoul his ml drew nd ho was frequently Inlerrupted with icarty applause. Hon. J. U. Krlck mndo tha elating address. . U" . Lynmn WUH chairman of the meeting ml delightful muslo was furnlsted by the loopcr cornet band. 1 hur t.ill's licri'iitliiu In Niincr. FULLERTO.V , Neb. , Oct. 31. ( Special. ) ilon. John M. Thurston addressed a magnlfl- ; ent audlenco Insl night al Sheaff's opera louse In this city. Delegations were hero from Cedar Rnplds , Central Oily. Clarks , 3cnoa. Albion and Belgrade. Hundreds were compelled lo leave without .hearing the i | > eeoh. Mr. Thurston spoke for two hours. Ilia voice was frequently drowned In the tremendous applause which his speech called otil from lime lo lime. All parties were well pleased with Mr. Thurston's fair presenta tion of the political Issues of the day , Mill 11111111(011 tint Administration Mrn. PORT GERVIS , N. Y , . Dot. 31.-Senator llll arrived here nt noon and spoke at the opera _ house from 2 o'clock until 4. Ills speech was devoted to the apportionment , tedernl election laws , nnd the tariff. He said the friends of the administration were giving lilm a cordial support everywhere , burying past dissensions , for which he thanked them , Hnnglirrty mi Irrigation. HURWELL , Neb. , Oct. 31. ( Special. ) Matt Daughcrty spoke to the most enthusias tic meeting ever held in Burwell last night. His speech was on the subject of Irrigation nnd the enunciation of true republicanism. Ho also addressed a rousing meeting at Tay lor In the- afternoon and made many friends. Unity nt Muywuoil. MAYWOOD , Neb. , Oct. 31. ( Special Tele gram. ) The republicans of thla place and adjoining county held a grand rally tonight. About 400 were out to hear the Issues ot the day discussed from a republican standpoint. The audlenco was addressed by * Hon. J. L. Caldwell. I'K.VA'/O.VJ * . VctornnH of the I.nto War Itamciiibrrcil liy tlin ( ioncnil ( lovi-rninr nt. . WASHINGTON , Oct. 31.-fSpoclaI. ) Pen- Blons granted , Issue of October 19 , were Nebraska : Helssuc Lorenzo Pickle , Fulr- bury. Jefferson. Original widows , etc. Ellen M. Jones , Beatrice , Gage. Iowa : Original Frank W. Sencebatlgli , Mason City , Coerro Corro. Helssue William Snniplcn. Anamoga. Jones. Montana : Orlelnnl Patrick Hennessy , Helena , Lewis uctl Clarke. South Dakota : Original-Gordon Aldrlch. Grand Meadow , Mlnnelmhu. Supplemental llucklln II. Wood , Fort Pierce , Stanley. Colorado : Original Hiram Shuts , Jr. , Pine River , La Plata. Clinrcc'l with llni-uliir.v. Yesterday Detectives Savage and Dempsey - sey arrested James Mnllory for the larceny of fifteen bales of hay from the stable of Thomas L. Klinball. 1503 Park Wilde avenue. Some two months ago Mallary was caught In the act of stealing hay from Mr. Kim- ball's barn. He pleaded so hard with Mr. Klinball that he was allowed to go. Tuesday night the same barn was robbed again. Th ? hny was found In ' Mnllory's barn and ho was arrested for burglary. llrlckluyers Support the Canal. The following resolution was unanimously adopted by the Bricklayer's union of Omaha : KesolVeil , Thai we , tlio members of the ' lirlcklayers' imlori. In meeting- , assembled , hereby declare ourselves that we will give our utmost suppbrt to carry the- canal bond jiropoaltlon nt the next election , as we think that the building : of the canal will for Infants and Children. " Castor ! a isso well adapted lo children lhat Custiirla cures Oilier , Constipation , I recommend U ns superior to any prescription ! > our Stoniat'h , Warrhaja , Kructatlon , linowu lo mo. " II. A. Anrncn , H. D. . Kills \7onn3 , gUes Bleep , end promotes < U Ill Bo. Oxford St , Brooklyn , N. Y. gcstlon , Without Injurious medication. "Tho usu of ' Castorla U so universal nnd 'Tor several years I have recommetcod its merits so well known that U aeoma a work your 'Castorla , ' and thall nln-ays contlnoc U of supererogation to endorsoll. Fcwnrotho do so as It baa Invariably produced bcncllclaf Jntolgent ! ! XamUlcs who da nol ieep Castorla results. " v.-i-jhi cosy reach. " HDWI.V F. PAtinnn , JI. D. , CJJ11XX1 JlAKTVS , D. D. , 121th Blreut and Tin Avo. , Kovr York City. Kott- York City. TUB CcsTArn COVPANT. 7" Mcnnx * STJIKET , NEW Yoait CJTT. Drink CHOCOLATE For Breakfast. U invigorates Mind and Body , whereas Tea and Coffee slowly ruin the Nerves. Da not tut Bitter Chocolate , T DUt % as you have been in the liabit of citing ; Jl'it onfy nod for bakingf Do not we that dim-Red cheap stuff sold as sweet choco Q becomes iiijurtout. s * < - 1 ± You must use a Chocolate Vanilla Chocolate. Ask your Grocer lor Chocolat = Menier , the world renowned French Vanilla Chocolate ; Delicate as a Luxury ; As Nourishing as Meat ; As cheap as Tea and Coffee. MENIOR , . 89 Wnlrash Ave. CHICAGO- AMUSCMRNTS. . . TWO MATINKK8. FOB It NIOHT1 ? . 'ommeiioing Sunday Mai. Nov.1th. . The Kiiiliii-utGurmiin Coined Liu CHAS. A. 1.ODEH. In llio IIIlurloiiH F.ircu CamiiHr. _ ) H ! WHAT A WIGHT ! MATINKK WKUNX.Sn.tY omlnj November H , 0 , lo - MAK IN IlbACK. Mockholfliir * ' JM Notice is hereby frlven tlmt a anrclnl ctlns of the atockholilera ot tlio Mouth 'lalte I > aiid company will be ricd | at the ftlc of nl < l company. In Lincoln. Neb , , the 10th day of November , Ib'Jl. for th iiriioso of congltlerlrtK and acting ui > on thu latter of extending or nnewttntho urtl * of Incorporation of aulil company. ly order of the board of tllrectora. K. O. I'HII.MI'B , Secretary. Uncoln. Neb. . Oct. 1C. WH. Old O30t urine nbotit a revlvnl of Iho prosperous times llil.i city lined to enjoy , nnd tflvo cm- iiloyment lo many of our unemployed m m > bfnr niul , be It nirllier Herolvcil. Tlmt a copy of Ihls resolution lie Klven lo Iho press ot tlila clly for publl- cnliott. JOHN. M. THIS3UN , Secrejary * The federal IVtlt .litry. PollowlnR Is a list of the federal petit Jury drawn for the 13lh : William 1U Bell , Oinalm ; Victor McCarthy , Itollevuo ; J J. Mercer , Omaha ; John Kryc. Omahn : II. A. Cox , Cliadron ; T. J. Moclle , Moiiiil Clar [ Peter Dane. Alma ; J. S. Iloovor. Illtio Hill ; Scott I'lilllo , Ayr ; J. O. Noel , Ashland ; Kd Wilton , Ileatrlco ; J. II. Kelson. Lincoln ; K , W. HcllwlK. Lincoln ! ! ' . McCartney , Ne braska City ; M. C. Rbburslerm , OenevAj John S. Musscr , Aurora ; J. A. Illalr , I.I n coin ; W. M. Seolcy , Hemidt ; CJcorRv B. Whitman , Oxford ; J. M. Drown , Krli'txl ; 13. Ilcnedlut , Omaha ; John Ilaltorf , Omaha ; GcorgQ Horn , Cellar Creek ; Whitney Miller , IMatlsmoiith ! A. M. llolib , Omahn ; A. U. Duel. Omahn ; James Slockclalo , Omaha ; Thomas W. Klcl > arden , Omaha ; N. II. Apple. Omaha ; Frank W. Iliiyes , Fremont ; Duvlil I ] , Top- ham , Mlnden ; B. A. Ulchardsan , Clarksf S. I ) . Allen , * Schuylor ; Charles Hoyt , C. W.Vhltlaker , Kearney ; Jerry Howard , South Omaha. The following marrlugo licenses wore sued by the county clerk yesterday : Naino nnd Address. Henry Krlcke. aiatllson , Nub. . . S3 Anna 1'loiuler , Uimilm . . . . . . . . lit JunifH Dnrloy , Vllcii. S. V . 20 Nellie Krazler , Omnha . . . . . . . SI ItnmlH lltpliMltnl In JUIIun. MILAN , Ocl. 31. During last two bombs were exploded In front nf Ilia local police station. The buildings were dam aged , but no ono was Injured. KNOWLEDGE Brings comfort and improvement nnc ? tends to personal enj'oyiuent wlici rightly used. The ninny , who live bet ter than others and enjoy ; ifo more , with less expenditure , by more promptly nJApiiue thaworld's boit products to the needs of physical being , will attest die value lo health of the pure liquid Ir.xativo principles embraced in the remedy , Syrup of Figa Its excellence ia due to its presenting in the form most acceptable and pleas- nut to the taste , the refreshing and truly boncficial properties of a jwrfcet lax ative ; effectually cieansing'the system , dispelling colds , headaches and fevers and permanently curing constipation. Tt has given satisfaction to millions and mot with the approval of the medical profession , because it acts on the Kiu- iioyr , Liver and Bowels without weak ening them and it is perfectly free from every objectionable substance. Syrup of Figa is for sale by all drug- < ists in r > 0c and § 1 boHlcs , but it is man- il'actured by the California Fig Syrup jo. only , whoso name is printed on overj nctage , also the name , Syrup of Fig * . .nd being wnll informed , you wiJl noi cfpt any substitute if offered. AM US ISM ROVTVS -FRI.-SAT.-SUN. DU I U 0 _ i Nov234. . .Mittlnan Njiftiri/iiy. K1h ( to DIM time * of T1II5 BUCCKSHKUIj COMEDY IWAMA , FRIENDS. Hy UWVIN MILTON 1JOVLI- : . MnnccmeDt cf AET IJfi 0 AI .TON. Interpreted by the name cirrllent company , Tli * aln lit r t will open Thuri&iy niornlni . at pncct. NI-JU Mtractl n-"T > COUH'V tf. r" Vnv. 1 * U ana IT.