onton.t * * * * ' UP It in proserfIng time ; bat tlia beat TO DATE nrl preBervatho"l ( thai which makes1 * - Jams In Ilio etoro p * Dr advertising , PEOPLE * will BOO the economy of putting a want ad in The Bee when In need ot help. Working girls pay close at tention'to this page , as do all who -wanting employment. You can talk to them through these little ads at a trifling expanse. THE BEE GETS 'EM 17 WORDS FOR 25 CENTS. , * * * < * * * * * * * I * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ' SPEOljL NOTICES Advertisements for these column * will J > } ttj ? until 12'3 * p. m. for the e Mini ; . " > ' . " " " ' ' > p m. for the mornlns nnd " " Advertisers , by requesting a an have answers nddnssed lo In care of T.ie llee. Answers so tie delivered upon prrainlnllon of nates. IVi" vo"1 flr l Insertion. 1C - . Iherfafter. Nothing taken for less than 2 * for " & . . ? advertisement , mu.t- run co ecutlvelr. 'WANTED-SITUATIONS SITUATION IIY YOUNO LADY FOK OFFICE work or tjpewrltlnK. , Address 11 y'j'y y WANTED MALE HELP. WANTED. A FEW PERSONS IN place to do writing ; ijenfl Btnmp for - - - . - - . - - Look of particulars J. Woodbury. 127 V , . 1 street , tf. Y. City. Ill-Met * II WANTED. ' SALESMAN , SALARY I Btnr , pfrm-vncnt i lnce. Brown Bros. Co. nur- II _ Brymcn. Chicago. 111. U-mO3 _ WANTED , RELIABLE YOUNG AND MID- die-need , men IB mry county to act aa cor respondents nnd Bpednl private detective * under Instructions for the largest nnd best equipped detective bureau of the kind in the country 1'revlous experience In not required or necejisary. fimsll lioys and irresponsible rjtrtlea vlll confer a. favor on us by not onswcrlDKJ Ueferfnccs sl en nnd required Unvo b a e tnbtl8lied for years. Send stamp for full particular * nnd gpt the best criminal paper published , offering thousands of dollars In rewards for parties urib are wanted Notlonnl Detective Uuroau. Indianapolis , Ind "MEN OP IOOD ADDIHiSS CAN FIND STEADY employment ana good pay by calling at 1515 Douglas. U M100-O29 WANTED. TIELIABLE SALESMEN ALREADY rnvellntr to rnrry our lubrlconts as n jld line. Manufacturers' Oil Co. . Clevcmml O. -WANTED. YOUNG MAN FOR LOCAL WORK on country newnpuppr ; knowli-dRe ot book- kceplnc required i printer preferred Allan * Herald , Hartlngltn. Neb. B-M141 2) ) ' MEN RANTED TO TAKE ORDERS IN THIS city nn.l Coxmcil BluffB for "Lyon's J'uel Snvcr and Heat Unainlor. " Illir wafres inixdo without capltnl. Also nKents wnnttd In evcrj- county In Nebnokn nnd Inwn. Tor particular * apply to D. It , lleetner & Co , mamifnitui .is agents , room 10 , IVenmer block , Omaha. Neb. WANTED. IMMEDIATELY. THIIEK aOOD frtil makers , steady work. r. M. KctirncY. Net/ . ' WXNTMP.I 0OT , AND SIIOE.J5ALESMAN Tf ) trn\el In the ndrlhern and eastern run of TJo- branka , to Mil l > ootB. shoos nnd rubbers for a manufacturer and lobl-cr of eactrrn frnods. llavo been repicsenteil on the trip. Heals , Torrpy & . Co. , Mllwaukte. Wlfl. It-il223 S WANTED. A I'1IIST-CLAS4 CUTTER IN A ment market In Jrlfcrnnn , la. Call on rno Vbnday at the Barker Hotel. L. L. Ilelsel , JefferBon , In. B-M2M 2'J * „ WANTED , ENOtNEKR AND FlP.EMAN hotel clerk , salesmen for \arloun Hnca , 2 jount , men to tuUertlHc. shlpplns clerk. City Em ployment BilreaU , 12M Fnrimm strppt. WANTED. SALESMEN VISITING COUNTY seati to otrryf mainzlne of national clrnilni u * ldp line : enelCBe t-cent stamp The Purio Official 1'ubllslilrijr Co Western olllce. J3J North S6th alrwt. South Onialn , Neb. U M2S4 JO4 1.00 * LABORERS. TEAMSTERS AND STATION men south In Arkansas. Tcnnr-cu-e MlRslsjIpp and I ulBlani. Work mnrnntefd. Kiatnei' agency , llth and Pnrnam street. IV-M2J7 ! WANTED FEMALE HELP. -WANTED. LADY NinVHPAPEIl CON Irlbutors In every ton-n to x p > > rt all Importan li I'lnlnas nnd write Articles for pulil-catlon on any subject. Experience not necessary. Hood nay for rpare time Our Inductions tell yoi now to do the work. Send stamp for full par tleular * . Modern Press As < ° n. Calcnso. III. C IIS USB PRESTON'S BEST FLOUR. IT GIVES entire satisfaction , All eroctrx yell It. C MJ10-NS LADIKS WANTING FIRST CLAHS GIRLS CA7I ttt Scand. Y. L. II. Office 203 N. lth. Tel. 11 > 5 C MB5S-N10' SIX LADIES AT GOOD"PAY TO ASSIST tl until Chrlslmai. Hlxcubaush & Co. . room 1 Ware block. - C BI2S6 30- JFOB , BENT HOUSES. HOUSES , F K. DABUNO. BARKER BLOCK. IN'ALL PARTS or THE CITY. TH O , F. David company , 1503 Famnm. O 89 I KELKENNY & CO. R 1 , CONTINENTAL BLK. -37 - DESIHADLi : 7-ROOM COITAGK. 31 } AVOOL- ' uortti "UVe. lUagnalt Itro * . Ilatker blk FOR tENf. TWO 8-ROOM ELEGANT BRICK house * , all. modem conveniences ; 1 block from Wnlnul UU1 motor. J2S. Comptroller' * olllcp. , . D toi IIABNEY STREET , u ROOMS. MODERN Rr.0llrst. . clisi John I ) . Webster , 410 Board ot Trada bu Idlns D M7 rdK. W. O. TEMPLETON. PAXTON BLK. t < U M 0-Nj K.IT W-TXOOM 110DERN HOUSE. J23.00 , ELEGANT repair ; c > > < Ht range , barn , .grape * and fruit tre.'i In l.irtw yard.- 6-room coltiice.'dOd : full slxe lot. in good re pair. Call and hee Fidelity Trust Co. . not Fur- Dam. D 741 C3i BO. imt BTP.HET. D-MS Nil * FOIl RUNT NEW 4-ROOM CO1TAOE COR. SOth ami Snhler sti ; < relar ! , cl tern. city watpr , t7. Enquire 131S Kurnhm D-1S2.2P 7-ItOOlt MODERN FLAT 3 BLOcifS PROM ll.-e bulldlne. 12S.OO. Omaha Utwl Elte nnd Trust Co. , room I , Be bis , t HOUSES & STORES. F.D.WEAD.10 & IX > UGLAS 11-101-31 I GOOD viviMtooM corTAoea. u. > lopntlt. U S. Skinner. SID N. Y. I.I to D-M27 ? I ) ESI It A HI.U ID-ROOM HOUSE. TWKXI Y-FiVH dollar * per month. Inquire 1919 Djdjr * st. TINE 7HOOM COIINER FLAT AT 701 8. 18TII street : range ami alt other conveniences. ! IJconro Ctouser , loom U , 1C3 1'aruuin. Ojw * DESIRAllLE bwKLUNG8 IN AI.L PARTS i > r the. city. E. H. fcbeafa , 422 Paxtou Uock. D-MSSI-N12 G , WALLACE , 212 BROWN HLK. D-HtNli EIGHT-ROOM 1IOU6U SOU MASON feTREET : f -l lKap ( location , one block fnim Park avrnuc. f 00. S5 , K. Humphrey , S23 New York Life. D-M1CS 2 * ( .ROOM HOt'SU. 417 NORTH 1ITH STREET. FOH HENT , HOUSE OK TENROOMs. A LL modern Improterurntsj M and Ftmam , BOW , lua turn cheap Mores , with reildence attached , barn , etc. , 110.04. Dexter L. Tliomaii , 101 tee building. MM .3Nl OK 10 KOOMR. MODERN OONVENI- encrs , 119 Bo. IBth street.ery handy to busl. lie * * . Inquire of D. T. iljunl , 21 So. l isltt > street. -M107 T-noou iiQUflu TOR RENT , INQUIRE wn Ii TEN-ltOOM BRICK IIOL'BK , MODERN , FIRST cliiw location : pouesalun el\ri No ember L Inquire oCV - F. Clark , tSU Douglas. FOB , KENT HOUSES. Conllnuctl. - lath room. ' AJ1 ? 13 n9TISK. BIX ROOMS AND J7tli street. modern comenlences. 723 S. D-M1M ' ° and U i' , ? SJ T > , , T.VVO "IX-nOOM FLATS AT 415 Poppleton street. In good condition. A. J. , room ill ut NafJ bank bldg D M69J-NH ZGth OR RENT-4 . IU30M FLAT CHEAP. 1702 N. street. D 175-29" 'UN-ROOM ' HOUSE. NEWLY TURNISIIED. < u I table fop boarders . , with or without furni ture , 2U8 Ilarncy BtreeU " 1J l"fl-29' ROOM COTTAGE. MODERN CONVENI- encts. JOJ3 Leavenworth street , D M231 30 * ( EAT , HOMELIKE SIX-ROOM COTTAoT near motor , trees , 1-iwn bath ; cheap. Thomas Bojd , 717 New York Life , D M153 N27 C92Y rHT fP ? 4 nee > 's. ' SPECIAL RATE small family. 2004 Pierce etreet. D M1S7 30 'URNISIIED fornln. HOUSB ; S ROOMS. 2009 CALI- D-1I119 30 OR RENT. 7-ROOM MODERN FLAT. Lange bloelt , 6M H. 13th street. D-890 27 OR RENT-A SPLENPH3 COTTAGE 8 rooms , modern eonM-nlencen , eepnratp jaid , nne location , five blocks from new postoillce , pies- ent occupant has Ihed In sums for 7 years , and now mine * out because ho IB IraUni ? the city. T C. Hruner. roam 1 , Ware block. D 177-2J I OB KENT FUItraSHEL * JtlOOHS. ItOOMS , 3S03 CHICAGO ST.- Suitable for one or two gjntlemen , E M363 FURNISHED ItOOMS. MODERN CONA'EfjI IcnoeB. C21H South 19th stieet E 191-30' NICELY FURNISHED ROOMsT vcnlencc * , at KKl California street. . . ' K M133 VERY DESIUABLE FURNISHED AND UNfurnished - furnished rooms , with board. 212 S. 25lli street. E-M13I DESIRABLE ROOM. 1S21 ST. MARY'S AVR- . _ _ _ FOR RENT , NICE FURNISH HO BED ROOM. with Bitting room. | 10 00 a month 220.1 Tar- nam street. E M159 29" NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS , ALL MODSRN oomenlinccs. RcferinceJ requlri-d. 2101 Fnrnnm. E 173 31 TWO LARGE ROOMS FOR TOUIt YOUNG men or man and -wife. 2105 DougliR. E-273 PRIVATE FAMILY HAS , THREE NICELY furnished hp-it , lo rooms fftntleirtert ; -nil ! oc rent Kfiitlcman cheap.nUli nnS KOS nn ' < L . * icferencca required. Call 2412 Cans street. MSIS 30 FURNISHED nd St FRONT ' ROOM. W2. COR. 19TII Mary's avenue. E M1W301 ItJRNlSHED OR UNFURNISHED , WITH OR wl'out , , lx > IinlIn prhuta family : references. Address U 17 , Bee E M1W 29 SUITE OF ROOMS , NICELY FURNISHED , J1200 a , month 1811 Fnrnam E M201 2J 00E LARGFJ SOtTTII FRONT ROOM SUITABLE . . , tTUJ' . 2112 ? "h Eraklne. or wl" ' ° t board , private family , 1 ! M282 30 * gURNISHED BOOMS AND BOAHD , NICE ROOM WITH BOARD. CHEAP. 2IOS CA&S . F-334 Oil' ROOMS , WITH OR WITHOUT BOARD. Douslas. 2310 r-M391 N23 LARGE rilONT ALCOVE ROOM SUITABLE for two , with bo-mi. In prUale family down town ; terms reasonable. Address 11 7. Bee F M13S FURNISHED ROOMS , WITH BOVRD. Oil Douglas. F M273 10 * OilU. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS HAVING modern ALL conienlence * . with itrlctly m t-clas board. Call 1722 Dodge. F 27S 30 TWO TEACHERS. WISHING TO CHANGE , can nnd aultu front rooms nt 513 No. 2W F-MJI731- DKSIHAIJLK ROOMS , EAST FRONT. WITH board , In private family. 70 N. ISIh. P-J12T1 3 UNFURNISHED ROOMS TO KENT. 4 " ROOMS. WITJI I1ATH , FOR HOUSE KKEP- Ing , ( S 00. 2415 Hreklne St. North 24th. - G 119 Sl TWO OR THREE UNFURNISHED JIOOM8 inodern ; ttt-am heat. 2236 Farnam. G Mill : * 3 ROOMS WITH HEAT INMODERN ' I'KIVATE house. 1009 Georgia a > e. O 1SG-1 THREE UNFURNISHED ROOMS WITH HATH newly pcpeiiHl ami painted , for light house sc- keeping ; Jio.u ) per month ; reference * . 2J19 ! Cass . street. G M " 7 30 ) * J7.M-THRKE I'NFUIINISHED FRONT ROOMS for housekeeping , 2011 SI. Mary's nipruip. , O M2 2 2l ! OUR ROOMS. GAB AND BATH. CItOICK IXJ cjitlon ; i car lint . 818 * North ISIh. G 1J2 23 FOR RENT STORES AND OFFICES FOR RENT. THE 4-STORY BRICK BUILDING 916 Funam street. The building has a fire proof , cement basemuu. complete itram heat ing flture * . water on all Hears , gag , etc. Ap ply nt the ofllC7 of The Bee. 1 910 FOR RENT. THREE STOHY AND BASEMENT * tore bulldlnc at 1011 - I-arnarn street , . email I store * and o1Ilc * In BiKi ltlon Jolnins building , nd- llfteenth btreel theater ; hall SZxlOJ feet nt 1001 Farnam street , nil In " 1 c" condi tion. A. J. ' 1'ojipleton , room 314 1st bank bid . Natl ] , g. I-M6SJ N13 TWO-STORY STOREROOM ! six ROOMS " above , now occupied by grocery Btore. Can give , ' po 's lon at once. Inquire 2208 rarnam. r - Tin " "nENT-S.STOnT , ' BRICK C60. 1807 St. Mary's a e , only 10 Enaulre IJts I nrnam , T m-29 AGENTS WANTED. AOENTSI Ins holiday WANTED book TOR THE PASTEST SELL- Clven - In publUhed lo iq years tS.000 . 00 ii-wnr premiums wins. Also CemplpiB niitnt I J5 llrst class ngrnts unntrd for a inuRnincent art work , lnB . containing 1.100 enerar- Freight paid. CivUltgUen. R. H. Woodward - . Co. , UaltlinorP. Md. J M2J3 ! 3 "WANTED TO RENT. DESIRABLE HOUSES WANTED. A. R. Thomas. S Barker > fclock. K M11S ! STORAGE , BTORAQB. WILUAUS i CROSS , 1214 HARNEY , M 903 1 STORAGE FOR IIOL'SKHOLD 1iAN nOODS : CLKAN nnd cheap rmte. U. 'jYell * . UU Kai-nam. M 944 ) OW.VAN i 8TORAQU CO..1W1 KARNAM. T l.li M SOS CAIUIIAOK3 , nUOaiES , ETC fTORED. wsrz ICarbich A BOD * . Cor. H.Ih nd Houard Sts. IIEST 8TORAQD HUILDINQ IN OMAHA. V. 8. , bonJed irev warehouse. Household coodj stored. Lowest rates. 1W3-101S Leavenworth. M0 WANTED TO BUY. WANTED , A STOCK OF GENERAL MKR- chandlso that -will Invoice from tl 040.00 > Kll19 | 6.ooi.o < l. One-half cash , baUncv clear Und. All oorreiiundruce strictly confidential , Act- Lmk Buc SO , QborlUi , Kan. N-llt 2- ONH OU TWO nORSK3Atiatrr 2M I.BS. I and Uoutl harnnrs , n-ngon , coal box , also seal : and four-TTbeel truck for feed store. Addreas I u 23. Her. NMt 4 Vi ANTE1OQOD liUUM ) l-ONY , TusTK cbeap. Apply IIS lX"J e , N-155-tS WANTED TO BUY. WANTKD TO Pt'nCHASE , BTOCK OENERAti rntrch , ndl for spot tn h ( must ba a tiu-Raln , Have Z nectloni of elenr land and part cash for merchandise Address Lock linx ill. Olwr- lln , Kan. N-M221 0 POR SALE FURNITURE. PAYMENTS EAST YOU WON'T MISS YOUR rnoner. Low price * on furniture nnd household goods. Enterprise Credit Co. , ( ll-CIS N. ICth st. 0-507 CLOSING OUT ENTIHi : STOCK OF FURNIture - ture , stove * , etc. L. Altman. E03 N. 15th. O MS STOVES AND FURNITURE AT COST. MUST be cold at once I. llruiscll , 710-71 ! N. ICth. < 000 PENINSULAR BASE BURNER. USED one season , Rood na new ; will soil at half price , KOOO ; stove can be seen at 30G7 Mason street. O M7M TOR flALK HANDSOKtn OAK SIDEBOARD , dining ranni table , chairs. bc > ok cajta nnd furnl- ture of 7-room house Apply this ueek. 1011 South 32nd at O-183-23 * ruiiNrruRE AUCTION AT 1111 FARNAM ST ! Saturdays , lOja. m Rnbt. Wells. O-H71 HAN DSOME OAIt" SbniiOARD DININO table and six chnlrs , ono mahn nny upholstered dltan anl chair to match. Prices rrason.iblc. Applr tgQi Webater street. O-10i-29 1250 WORTH NEW FURNITURE IN A NEAT 4-room hriiisig blocks from 1' . O. Will sell for (100 nnd rent houw for lit. C. D. Hutchln- eon. 1123 Fumam. O 121 27 FOR SALE HORSES , WAGONS.ETO FOR SALK. A SOUND AND GENTLE HORSE. Address B 1. Bee. P 933-30' rOU BALE AT HALF VALUE , THB FINKST stjle road team. C tears old , 10H Imiuln high , ( Kjuncl and fearleos drhers , ono sired by Victor HprnRiip , 2 22. Iroltrtl AS n 2-year-olil In 2,33. must bo sold at once , at 5UU N. 24th street , I' M197 S ) ' FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. CHEAPEST CHICKEN AND ORNAMENTAL fence made. C. It. Lee. 901 Douglas. Q 715 BANK AND PLATTB VALLEY SAND TOR Bale. C. W. Hall Company. 20th and Izard sis Q-B IK YOU BUY , BUY THE BEST : JIACICIN- toshes , rubber boot * , arctics , syringes of al. kinds ; KM tubing ; all best quality. Omaha Tent A Awning Co. 1211 Farnam st. Q-6IJ IMPORTHD HARTZ MOUNTAIN CANARIES , warranted ringers. J3.W ; 3 gnld ftxh with globe. tl.K ; jounp parrot * . M 00 to 120.00 ; binl coco , eed , etc. aelsler * * bird store. 403 N. 16th street. Q-M220 Nl MISCELLANEOUS. FOR LEASE TOR A TERM OF YEARS. GO acres level land Immediately east oC Foit Omnha , InslJe the city limits. Fidelity Trust company , 1701 Farnam. H M9BO CLAHtVOYANTS. ADVICK THAT HRINCS SUCCESS AND HAP- plnena ; many people Jme consulted Prof. Al- mcnla , and found him a perfect gentleman and very honest In hla profep lonj correct Information mation on business chanees. Jotirne/s , mar- rinses , dUorces , lawsuits and all family af faire ; tells whether ynur lo cr Is true or false ; causes happy marrla c with the one you lo > e ; brings the separated togrether , removes eUl Influences , bail linblta ; locates hidden treniurei. minerals , nrtlctea. ttc , professor doej nut give charms , belts , or such train , nnd does not want to be classed with the many eheip pre tenders found In c\ery city ; befoie gnn \ up In despair come and consult Prof Almiilo. C . 321'4 N. ISIh atr.t. ! . flat A , hours , 9 to 9 Letters contalnliiK a stamp promptly answered. MRS DR. II. WAHIIEN. CLAIRVOYANT. REliable - liable business medium : 7th year at 119 N. 15th. S-911 _ NO TEHSON CONSULTING THE WORLD-KE- nowned clali-roynnt. Prof Almeda C - . was ever disappointed. In\arlnMe satisfaction re sulted In nil cases , as proved by Jnnu/nerable testimonials. - In heilth. wealth , happiness , all In trouble. desptlr , or doubt , will rim ! positive relief nnd assurance of Incalculable benefit by consulting the must celebrated clairvoyant the United States knew. The professor possesses powers of eloiiB character , unsurpassed by Qny so- celled medium or luture render. Ills success In the pint pimei his ast ability to help you now Inlenlew him nnd you will nay be 1 * the Rient- est wonder of the nsw. The professor challenges the world to prove his equal In the great powers whlph he iiowsaea to carry out nil he promises Ha overcomes your enemies , remo > cs family troubles. restore lost affections , causes happy marriage with the one you love , removes ovll Inlluence , bad Imblts. elves rorrr-ct Information on law suits , dliorces. lost friends , etc. Valua ble advice gl\cn ito Indies and ir ntl n non - loic , courtship , mairlnetnJ How toi chodsa fa wife or husbvid for future happlneas ; what Ijusl * ness best ndnpted lo epe < d riclves ; tolls If , the one you love Is true or false : stock speculation * a specialty. The profenaji doc * not require Jo return to such methods aa Egyptian chirms , nna other frl\olltles. He In no fortune tftler. but a life reader from the lans of science , that Is clalnoyancy , anil thoae who Imve oe n hum- bugsred hy pretenders the professor wishes them to call before elilm ? up In dezpolr. as lie guar antees prompt benefit. Conx'Fponrtencc strictly confidential. Send Htamn for reply. Remember thinumlier. . 321H N. 15th street corner Chlcoro riat A , 9 to 9. Sundajs Included. B 022 Si" MASSAGErBATHS. ETC. MADAM SMITH , 593 B 13TII. 2D FLO It room t , mn nie. M per , alcohol , steam hu1- phuritio nnd sin. baths. T M210 3 * MME iT/TnUETTie BOUTH 1GTH. 1GTH.T T 7 MASSAGE , MADAME BERNARD , 1421 PODGE T M352 5' TURKISH. BATHS. LADIES' TURKISH BATHS ; HOURS. 9 A. M to 9 p. m. Beauty culture parlors , removed from Karbach bid ? , to 10M10 Bee bid ? . MSII PERSONAL. BATHS , MASSAGE. MME. POST. 319V , B. 15TH MACKINTOSHES & RUBBEH BOOTS.1311 FAR. U-543 PHYSICIANS WHO DISPENSE THEIH OWN prescriptions ran secure \nluatile Information free by addiessln ? P. O. box 813. Omuh i , Neb. U M79 COMPOUND OXYGEN CURES CONSUMPTION , nstbraa bronchitis and ratarrh Home treat ment tS per month. 3 days trial free treat ment , llootn 2uO Douglas blk , Ibth and Dodicp , U-15S-O23 VIAVIj HOME TREATMENT FOR LADIRS Health book and consultation fiee. Address or call , Vlavl Co , H6 Bee bldg. Lady attendants. U-407 LACE CURTAINS CLEANED EQUAL : ere new. Uru8nels and other grade * a specialt > . See our specimens of work. 143S No 20lh street. U-M7M NI5 PRESTON'S CALIFORNIA. FLAKES FOR breakfast ; superior to oaliaeal. Try It. U-371-NB THK BELLE EPPERLY CORSKT. MADK reID order from measure. 1909 Farnam street. " U M763 NIC i AtILAUA"tfGH FUR CO . SEAL KACQUES AND ? ur c1" * * f lo * TI'er ln.erjl latest Btles , Itooni 301 Karbnch block. Telephone 1S1Z. U M13Z N5 * LADY AOENTS WANTED TO SELL 'THE Pilncess Shoe and Stocking 1'mtector , " nalable to t\ery Indy. D I ) Be nr & Co , manufac turer'a ugcnts , iixim 10 , Krenier Mock , Ormha. Neb U 149-Z9 * WANTED , LAWYERS BANKERS. BUSINESS men und prUale Indlilduals cterjwhfre to know that there U n detective bureau located at IndlanapoHn , Iml , that Imrstlffutea all clangs of crime cotnnilttiMl. fuinbihes e\ldence In chll and criminal rases and dors all kinds of legitimate < lctectl\e work through IU Idap resentathri located In all jiarls of the I'nlted : Statra. Canada , Australia , Sciutli America nnd Europe. We ha e e ery facility , nd ure pre- pixred to do wm1t qulcl-ly. by huvlnr datectU rofi located everywhere. AddreKS Charles Alnge. General Supt. . National Detective Bureau , room * 11 , 12 , 13. 14 nnd II. Ea t Market atrettt , Indianapolis " , Ind. U f" OSCAR "SUNDELL. THE BHOEMAI ER , rOn 12 years with U. W , Cook , lias removed to S. 17th street , flrit door north of Douglas U M21 > MONEYTO LOAN REAL ESTATE. E.3N INSURANCE POLICIES LOANED ON or bought , F. 8. Chesne/ , Kansas City , Mo ANTHONY LOAN & TRUST CO. , 318 N.Y. LIFE. latins at low rates for cho'ca security In Ne- bratka and Iowa ttrma or Omaha city property. W-91 ty.AS MONEY TO LOAN ON FARMS IN DOUGLAS county. Improved and unimproved Omaha real eitate. Fidelity Trust Co. , 1702 Farnnm at. I MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED OMAHA real estate. Drennan , Lo > e & Co , Paiton blk. W-IU MONEY TO UOAtt AT IjOWBSTf JIATES. O. F. Davis Co. , IMi Farnam It W-U > MONEY TO J.OAN AT LOWEST RATES ON 0 Improved and unlmpro-ved Omaha real estate 0T 1 10 5 year * . Vlflellty Trust Co. , Hul Farnam. * T W-917 a ° LOANS ON IMPROVED & UNIMPROVED CITY proi > erty. U,0i and upward * . I to 7 per cent , no delays. W. FaiTiam Smith & Co. , 1330 Varnam. W. HAINEY. OM. NAT. CK. 13LDG. _ UONKYTOLOAN ON OMAHA REAL KSTATK at C per cent. W. fl. Utlkle , 1st Nat. bk bkWS2J VE11Y IJOVf RATES MADE ON GOOD LOANS. J. W. gqulres. 241 Bee tldg. W XI % VE HAVE 8BVKRAL THOUSAND DOLLARS for short time paper or let class mt , loans. II. H. Harder It Co. , ground floor De bide. W-MI41 MONEY TO XQAN CHATTELS. MONEY TO LOANj5fi 'URSITtrRE , PIANOS. horse , wagooi. etC _ . ' l lowest rale * In city ; no removal of inxrai\ktrlcUr { confidential , you can pay the loanoTtjil , any time or In any ftmouot. ftmouot.OMAHA MOltTOAOi : LOAN CO. . 1' L 109 S. 16lh rtreit. T M X-92J MONEY TO IX > AV iirf PERSONAL PROP- crty. Hnriln Loaf % , TOI N. Y. Ufa Wile. X 931 MONEY TO LOAN .OKTlIOUSEHOLD FURNIture - ture , pianos , -4"\knirons or nn > kind of chattel ecurlty at lo't jioBslble rates , which you can p.i > back .at , nm tlmn and In any nmount. FIDELITY T.HAN GUARANTEE CO. . Room 4. Wlllinel > * ilfocL- X-92ii J. B. HADDOCK , IlOpiff 4J7 HAMGU BLOCK. ' , X925 BUSINESS CHANCES. M5.00000. H CASH. HAL. ON TIME ; BEST liaylog drug store In the west. Address A 31. .Bee. Y MB01 N19 < 5 1'ER CENT AVERAGE WEEKLY PROFITS on $110 00 Invoated , Prnsi > ertus. Itemized otntlstlc * frco. Benson & Dnyer , R34 Broailwny , New York. Y M955 N22 Till ! HE4T LOCATED CIGAR STORE ON16TH t. Will be eolil cheap If sold Rt once. Good i-caaona for idling , Address A 4 Bee. TOR SALE. riRSTCIS8 DAKHKY. DOING Bood business , in n Bouthcrn Iowa town of Z.sno , Bood location , o cn nn.l store room : living- moms upHtnlni ; half cash , balance on time. Address 8. care Bea ofllce Y M167 Z3 RARE OPPORTUNITY ALL OR PART OV well established lianlw.iro business In pros- l > erous lo n In the Wlllamcltp < alley. Stock , tl 000. Hcanon , owritr KOPS to Europe. Wilte linme-llatdy. Box K > , UruwnIlls , Oie. Y M2)l ) I SMALL STEAM LAUNDRY FOR SALK. AD- lrens 11 S , 13c oltlcc. Y 124 27 FOB EXCHANGE. A OOOft LOT IN EAST OMAHA TO EX. chance for youngvork horsei or mulr * . T amorcnux Bros. . SOS B. i th. 2 10S WE HAVE MERCHANDISE STOCKS AND other property for sale and exchange ; also cus tomer for a bank In western Iowa. National Information and Etchings Co. , 203 Pint Nnt'l Omaha. Neb. Z M J1 TO EXCHANGE , J2 COO CASH INVESTMENT and 1500 cnsh for stock of shoes or clothing , C. F. Harrison. 913 N. Y. Life , Omaha. TO SATISFY A CLAIM WE TOOK * A NICE. clean stock of staple dry goods , .shovs , glove * and mittens , hntH and cniis , 12.700 W ; vrlmt have you got to eioliongo for themT llartlett Grocery company , 7 < 4 Brundway , Council Hhlff K-M142 4 ICOrli ACHES GOOD NEBRASKA LAND FOR clear city lots or acre property. Williams & Mi , room 313. McCaffiio liulldlng. 7.-151 2 A GOOD SELLING PATENT RIGHT TO EX- ctmngo for real estate. Address IL * . H , Lock Box 708 , Omaha. Neb. Z-M15S 23 IMPROVED FARM NEAR GOOD COUNTY seat , also good residence nnd bulnesii lots in trade for cattle , horses or mules Write me ; no can iloal. Lock Bojr. ' . ' 0. Osalall.i , Neb z AN ACRE , SOUTHWEST. WITH T\VO houses , rrant cottage and lot close to city. A line properly fftNorth 24th st , with 3 liMff , price , 15,000. V'lll accept lot part pay ment. Bakery business and clenr lot for good rental property. Houses and lot . for good farms , Clear lit for nieat market. F. D Wcad. IS arttl 13ouglas. Z 12S 27 FOR SAIlE-FREAL ESTATE. GARDEN LANDS , B MILES FROM POST OF- flee , easy terms. Call at 410 N. Y. Llfo I - \ K E Til BARGAINS , HOUrlia , .LOTH AND FAR1I3. eala ar trade , F. K. QorllrLg. Barker block , . , . , H E-3J7 OMAHA LOT FOR 0AGB CHEAP ; COR OF 21st and Cnslellar ltn.ra. Wrlto to B. Peter son , Blair , Neb. o , n E S1504-N8 FARM LANDS , a F HARRISON , 9I2N.Y. LIFE . i f R E S13-N2S * tXIR SALE. J EW' JnOOM COTTAGE ; CEL- lar. cistern , city Wafer : cor. SOth and Pnhler , Jl 25300 ; long time. Inquire 131S Tarfiam , Sam uel Burns. * " R E 773 CHOICE OARDENj.LAND3 , 6 MILES FROM Omah postofTlce. ro ( o ,100 acres. , some trade , N. t > . Keycs617 Wxrton blk. R E M52T ou. r * . - f - - - - Do hot hesitate ; U-tvltl cost you nothing to In- ve > > tlBate. ' < ) ' - . 9 i it FliolUy 'JSiitt pompanH ITOt'lTarnam trctii ' ' t J RU MU9 Sir. ' NOW is toxin CHANCE We will take jour JSWCO to n 11,000 M Iqt to wards the purchase of arty of the e beautiful Inside residence lota , namely. Lot 1 , block 1 , Drake's addition , J2.00000. Lol 10 , block 1 , Drake's addition. J2.onow. Lot 4 , block 2. Drako's addition , J2.00000. Lot 9. block 3. l > rako's addition. 51 2W.OO Lot 18. block 4. Drake's addition. 12 7M.OO. ' 1 . block 7 , Drake's addition , J2.SOO 00. Lot 3 block 7. Drakn's adriltlon , .Ooa.flQ Let 7 , Mock X. Drake' B addition. I2. < 0. < Termi Km 00 Mali. * IW W to tl.Va.DD lot. bal- nnco to be arraiifc' on lonff time at 7 per cent Interest , thla Is < m oxccptlonal bargnln for the reason that the owner of the property must ' Im\e moii y , and elves , you nu opportunity to gi > t rid of > aur ouisMc lot that U not stilable nnd Ktt tv line Inshlo uulldlng lot. these lofi nre on Kraded streets , sewers , etc , all paid for , cull and oe u > ot ancv. Fidelity Trust compalfy , solo acents. 170J Far- nam street. - RE M133 31 A LITTLE PALACE. Modern and complete In every respect A per fect home rot a rooms , eaut front on VJrslnla n\e. , between Mason und Paclllc. This prop erty will be finished soon U'e will take a ilenr lot and rn h as tlrat payment , balance on vaay terms. ridellty Trdst Company , 1702 Parnam st. , IRA 1J. SIAPES. rinEINSURANCE LOANS , real eutatr. 31V 1'lrst Njt 1 bant bldg. Tel. tS. > HE 171N20 A SPLENDID BARGAIN IN NHAT COTTAGE and lot Hi ml from r O. , Jl.OiO ; I331) cuali and assume loan )71)0. An lies ant C-r. cptUee. plaitercd , cellar , I1.JOO. Sotcral llltlc liomci at from II2S to Jl.OOO S T. D. Wend. ISth mid Douglas. R i : 127 27 Mil2l , NORTH 23RD ST. . I UL FHOM MOTOR. > 00 25x150 ft. cast front. Georfila a > c , nr. Wool- worth. , 00x135 east front , cut to in-ade , 11 , 0- 1' . U. Weail. 1C and DoUKlas. RE-127 27 -R. COTTAOE AND LOT , EAST OP H PARK , | 2 600. 600.r. < -r. cottage ( line ) nr. Walnut III11 motor ; 1300 cash , bal. mtinthely , price , JJ.SOO. Splenilld 12-r. houne. trees , enst front , nr. Pacific and S2d it car , ti.LVX ) , and -would take lot part payment 7-r. house nn nice tot , c of 21th nnd south of Cumlng. J3.2CO. i P. D. Wrad. 16 And Douglas. RE 127 J7 PIATTOS AND ORGANS. THIS WEIIK THK POLLOWINO INSTRU- menu for cash or monthly payments : One Hale uprUsht piano , $170 09 Auther Hale upright'piano IS1) 09 One Hall ft Pen uprisit plsna 11101 Ohio Valley quaro piano , COCO Mason & Hamlln organ. 12.9) Heatty organ , high top 2259 Smith Ain rk-HH oiean , lilph top 27.60 , Mason & Hnmlln organ , hlRh top 4500 ICImball , Ememon unit' llall t-Dastii pianos. A. HOSI'E. JR. . UU DoOBlas st. IF PURCHASED AT ONCE One upright planor.f3j } One 3-strtng new scale piano , S1S7.M. ' i < ' 'a1'1 ' Bold' One new Wegman , 1354 One new Wegman.iTJ " One Eity orxa.il , US One Klmball orguq. 123 One Bay stateorcojij t M. Bnld. - bOlO. h j On Shonlnger. f25. * " Ona Rood organ. JI5. Woodbrldge IJrog.-12U , N. ' Uth ilreet. 874-087 MUSIC TEACHER. MARTIN CAHN. . .TEACHER OK PIANO , forte. Studio. 406 NT 23d st M131 O31 MUSIC , ART /ND LANGUAGE. a. r. QKLLKNIIKOK. IIANJOIST3 AND teacher. iS10"Caiifo-riila" . 814 STOVES. BEST HEATERS ON EARTH. Be surt you examrn * them befor * you buy. Parties who desire the choice of lh best line ot itovrs on th market mubt buy either th Favorite baseburner or the Oak heating stovea They have been manufactured the pait 30 years , and where they hav ' been used alongside of other stoves have prottn themselves tha most economical stoves made. We guaiantca ( DStm. Th y are the cheapest and best stove * made. We have tha Barn steel range , a model ot per fection. - A. M. llcCarear. 410 N. Hth street. EM ! M2J4 Nl _ BUILDING & LOAN ASSOCIATION. HOW TO GET A HOME OR SECURE C1OOII lnter l en VIIE Apply to Omaha L. ft II. Aia'n , 1704 Be Uds. U. M. Natllnger. Seo. ' M9U SHARKS IN MUTUAL L. AND IX ASSN. PAY 8. 7 , I per cent when 1 , S. 1 years old , always rtdecmabl * . 1704 Pomaxn . , Nattlng r. Ito. 951 ' BUSINESS NOTICES. OMAHA MEERSCHAUM I'lPH FACTORT ; OLD pipes made new , ill 8. 16th 9 DAMAGED MIRRORS U1MILVEUED , 7U N. 11 941 TUB NKATE8T 11ARBER SHOP IN CITY ; court of Uea bulldJnir. Fred Buelow. Prop 311 ROGNER A EIHELE. SIGN PAINTERSS IIEST work at lenient price * . 151S Douglas street. MC63 UNDE RTAKER3 AND E MBALMER3 II K ntmKCTT. FUNERAL DtltnCTOR AND embnlmer. 1C1S Chicago t. , telephone V ) . 931 SWANSON & VALIEN. UNDERTAKERS AND embalmer * . 1701 Curolng ti. , telephone 1060. 923 M , O. MAUL. UNDERTAKER AND EM- balmcr , KIT Farnam it. , telephone 225 S3J C. W. BAKER , UNDERTAKER. 6 8. 1 ST. BICYCLES. ijrcYCLTs REPAIRED AND REMODELED. Tires nnd sundrlex Safes opened , repaired. C. It. Heflln. locksmltli. 311 K. ICIli it 834 BICYCLES ALL STYLES. ALTPRICES. . Send for our Hit of second-hand and sh6p- worn bicycles. Hi pa In nnd cycle sundrlc * ot all klnJa II. O , Daxon , 102 N. 16th st. 938 BICYCLE miens CUT IN TWO. A ' 4 Towler for JM SO. A 'K 8y1ph for MT.U. All other makes equally OB low. Bee our stock and get our prices before buying- A. II. PERRIGO & CO. 1214 Douglas Btreel. SOT O-27 HOTELS. HOTEL BARKER. 1200 PER DAT. HO ROOMS. In the heart of the business Imutt-s Special rates and accomdalloni to commercial trav elers. Iloom and lnvud by the week or month. Frank Hlldltch , Mgr. 31 } AETNA HOUSE < EUROPEAN ) N. W. COR. Uth and Dodge. Rooms \ > y day or week. SI Ml COZZENS HOTEL. BT1I AND HARNEY steam heat , electric tolls , telephone , baths , ex cellent culsln , elegant rooms ; 11.00 per ilayi 14 M and upwards per week. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. ARMATURES AND CONVERTERS REWOUND storage baterlcs recharged ; electrical and gen eral machinists ; superior work guaranteed Omaha electrical works , 17 and19 3. 10th st , ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS ANT > CONTRAC- lon for electric light nnd motor plants and all kinds of electrical construction. Western elec tric Supply Co. , 4IS and 420 S. 16th at SHI WOLFE ELECTRICAL CO BUPPLinS AND electric Hiring , till Capitol ate. Tel 1411. 1411.cm PLUMBERS. rRB E PLUMBING OI" J3BVHY" KIND , GAS ( team & hot vtaler heating ; sewerage. 313 S 15. 3n JOHN ItOWE & CO. , M.UM1HNCJ , STEAM AND hot -water Seating , gad fixtures , globes , Ki S. 15. 933 KRUOEIl BROS , PLUMI3INCJ. GAS FITTING , drain Lnvloc. i'hone 1ZP. 2313 Lea * enworth , 7JI-N1T DRESSMAKING. PINU BRESMAKINO AT LOWEST PUICG3 iladame Cat lie It , 421 N 17th at , , cor , Cn.is um 023' DRESSMAKING IN TAllIHES. 2120 BO. 10TIL 751 MIS' MISS MINNICK'S DRERSMAICINd PARLORS at 31 U. tstli street , Pilcca reasonable. HAY AND 1JUY YOUR HAY BY TON OR CAR LOTH.'E " " "buy "hi > V A."i Sn > - d"er"l5i5"Dart sT. "Tel. 1107 NEHUASKA HAY CO. , WIIOLESALfc HAY. anil mill Blutl. We are fllnayn on tha market to buy or tclL H02-4-C Nicholas Bt. Bt.3J3 3J3 CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. an. MoratiLL. cAnrnrfTEn AND . paper lians-lne nnJ HlKtis. lirlck work and plas tering. Ollice 409 S. Itth tl , telephone 408. 016 HAMILTON BROS. CENKHAL COjmtACT- or and bulldere. curpenter Trorlc. itftrm irln- and doors.411 a 18th at. , Tel. 1179. - M108-O SHORTHAND 'VAN SANT'S fSCIJOOL OP ( SHORT 1IANU. N. Tf. Life , Omiha. Aik for circular. 788 HOOSE S OM. BUSINESS COLLEGE , 15 & FAR. MS OMAHA COMMERCIAL COLLEGE. 1STH AND ; tend ( or catalogue. IlolirbouKh Ilroe. STOVE REPAIRS. STOVE REPAIRS POIt 40.000 DIFFERKXT makes of stoxesVater attachments ami con- nectlons a. spcclillj1S07 DoudaB street , Omaha StOAa Repair Works. M ITS 'STOVE REPAIRS TOR ALL MAKES OF etoves. Hot water attachments , lluuhes. 607 B. 13th MSC5 NJ9 LOST. STRAYKD-HED AND WHITE COW , ONE horn broken off Return lo 702 North 40th Bt. and get regard 180-29 * LOST SUNDAY EVE. , WINTER CLOAK trimmed with hlto fur , on Is'jrth wtii iit- turn 1C05 Lcavennorth end get toward 117-2O COAL. D. T. MOUNT HAS REMOVED HIS COAL oince to 209 S. JCthtt. . BromT bock' ! 93S SHERIDAN COAL , EXCELLENT SUUSTITUTB far hard coal and (3 M ton cheaper. 100S I'ar- nam atroet ; main entrance lioarJ of Trade. 153029 FLORISTS. B. STEWART , FLORIST : ALti KINDS OF bulbs and cut lion era ; 1621 Capitol avenue. 873-030 NEW IllTLHS. JUST IMPORTED , CUT KLOW- ere. I less & Swoboda , I'axton hotel. 1411 Tiirn. 11133 O3I TYPEWRITERS. STOLEN TYPEWRITERS OFFERED FOR sale should make } tni suspicious ; funny they are mostly Smith's Try one and you will Un derstand why. Full line of supplies Brnlth- Premier Co. , 17th and Farnam. telephone 12SI M-829 CORNICE. WESTERN COHNICE WOHKS. GALVANIZED Iron cornices 17S2 St. MaryVavoV s ' a EAGLE CORNICE WORKS. JOHN KTE- netcr , prop. , 10J , 110 , 112 N. llth Estab. 18C1 DENTISTS. A DR GEORGE 8 NASON. DENTIST. SUITn 2 I'axton Mock. 16th &nd ranu.ni ts Tel , 712. DR. PAUL. DEVTIST. 2020 BURT ST. W4 PAWNBROKERS. H. MAROW1T2 LOANS SIDNEY. 41S N , 10TH. 70 JAPANESE GOODS. JAPENESH GOODS ; USEFUL ARTICLES JXJR wKlfllnt and birthday preaenti ; cpeclnl calc for a chart time only , Nippon Mactil. 1511 rornam. MT12 TAXIDERMISTS. TAXIDERMY AND PURS. BEND FOIl CATA- loeue. Georse E. Brown. Jr. , & Co. , 709 S. 18tn til FURNACES. BEST FURNACE ilADK. SOFT COAL SMOKE cwnsuniliiff and hard coal furnaces. Kagle Cor nice Worki. lOS-llO-llJ N. lllh st U OPTICIANS. THE ALOp & TENFOLD CO. SCIENTIFIC opticians , 1403 Kornam Bt , opposite Parton hottl. Eyes examined free. 791 COMMERCIAL COLLEGE. of OMAHA COMMERCIAL COLLEGE. ItTII AND Douglas ; send for catalogue , llanrbouyli Bros. M-221-NI WHOLESALE COAL. JOHNSON DUOS. . WHOLESALE DEALERS IN all Kinds of coal Correspondence lollclted IMS Kirnim street. ( H DYE WORKS BCHOEDSACK. TWIN CITY DYE WORKS : Hit Farnam street Drdnc of every desorlp lion and dry cleaning. 917 STENOGRAPHER 3 U. . J 8UTCLIFFE. GENERAL 8TENOCJ ( npher. 232 life bulldlne. Telephone 5S7. 5S7.MMI ir - Alt GRINDING. tfO. RAZORH. HIIEARK. CLIPI'EUS. LAWN MOW er * . te. A. L. Undeland , 109 S Hth. 15S BICYCLE RIDING. niCICLB lllDINQ 6CHOOL , 111 I CAP AVK. UPHOLSTERING. UPHOLSTERINO VERY CHEAP THIS MONTH U. S Wilkln. 2111 Cumlng Tel. C02. < S JOfi PRINTING. IEKD JOII 1'IUNTINd CO. TINE I'RINTINO of all kinds. ITlh it . llee liulldlni ; 9(7 NIGHT SCHOOLS. OU BUSINESS COLLUOE. IS & TAR. Or Ihc IJqiidr liable PonllHety C'urrd by uilniflilnlerlna Dr. llnlur * * Uuldcn M i-dllr , Itoiq . . . be Blven lap bun - _ olconeo or tra , or In food [ | t ltlBb,01ntej , _ . and Wfll offset K permanent and ipeeiil cure , wiietner Ue patient a moderate drinker or naiujohollo'irreAk. It hoi b en given In tion [ M of o ( , 4hd Ifl ( Very Inttapos * porfeot cure U to ] , ed. It\ TiM . ' ll > 'lherit tnonoBlrujr < > sn t d Ithtbn apeoine.1t t > oeotnr ia utter lmpo lhUI * * * , rth llauor ipofilto looilit lOLDUS SIT.Cll'ltl CO. . rrop'rs. Clnrtnnntl , 4Q-DSC' book of pirtUt'lar * fre * . To bo bad o Tor sale by Kuhn & Co. , UruRslsta , Corner 15lh and .Douglas streets , Omaha , BURHAU. SUES & CO. , Solicitors. Bee Building , OMAHA.Nob Atlvluu FREh RAILWAY TIME CARD Leaves IBUR'LlNOTON A MO. RIVHR.lAirl\ < . Omalml Depot 10th & Husou eta. ] | Onnha IDtlUnT Denver i : prcM . . . 9.33.im 4-DOpm lllk Hllla , Mont & 1'ugct Hnd. Ex 4:10pm : 1,50pm Denier Express 4,10pni GM : > r > m Nebraska Locnl ( except Sumla6 50pm B:15am : Lincoln lucul ( cxeept Sundiy ) . ll:2inm : Leaves ( CHICAGO. BURLINGTON ft < l.Arrl\es | Omaha ! DeKt | IQIIi & Masoii Sts. _ I Omaha 4 4pm . - . . .Chicago Vestibule . . 9 Mam 9 45am , . . ChlcaKO Expriss . 4 23pm J.O.'pm . . .ChlcaKo and town Locnl . . 800am ll5.ini. : , . . . . .l' . < dnc Junction Local . S'SSpm Loares ( CHICAGO , JHL k ST. PAUL.ArrlM-s | OnmhalUlUon Depot,10th A. Mason bt | Omaha 6:3 : .pm ClT1c.iRi > Llmltnl 9 30am 11 : litm ( . . .Clilcago Exprcta Iff. Sun. > . . . . 5.00pm Leavet ( CHICAGO & NORTHWIWT'N.Arrl | es OinahalU. I' . Depot , lOlli & Maton Sts | Omaha j I OT am : Eastern Express (730pm 4DOpra : ; Veatlbuled Limited 9:10am : C:55am Mo. Valley local 10,30pm 6:4Jpm Omaha Clilcaga Special , . . . 2.13pm Leaves I CItlCAQO. " lf I A JVTCII'lO TArrTvcT OmarialUi' . Depot. 10th & MaBon SI * ' | Omaha . . .Atlantic Express ( ex. Sunda } ) . . 6 C5pm . . .NlKht Express t t,0am 4 : < 0pm. . . Chlcaeo V'eaUbuled Limited. . . 1 03pm UJ5im..OUahoiiu Eip ( to C. It. 11 Sun ) .11 30pm WEST. Oklahoma A Texa > Exp. ( ex. aim ) IrlOpm. . . . . . Coloryjo Llnilled . . . . . . .4.30pm . . | G. . ST. P. M He. Q | Arrlvea liaL Depit 16th and Wtbtter Sts. _ | Omaha * -6oam..Slouic City Accom"Ei ( Sun.1. . S 03pm IOOOAm..Slouz City Accum ( Sun Only ) . 8 O'pm 12:16pm .Sioux City Express < Eic. Sun. ) . .ll.Oiam 63Cpm . St I'aul Limited 8.40am Leave * F > . . "E. & MO VALLEY lArrhcs Om.ihal Depot 151 Ii and Webitter Sts , _ I Omaha 2 10pm. 7 .Fast Mall aid Kxprcss . T4 53pm 310pm.ei. ! ( Sat. ) Wyo. Ex. ( ex Slon ) . 4:5Ipm : . . . . Ntirfolk Ktpress ( ex Hundo . .10.30am 4.5Spm Kremont I'asn fex , Suuda ) ) . . T 30pm E3Qpm. . . _ Bt 1'aul Exprtsa . . . . 9 Leaies I 1C C. . ST. J. & C. B | Arrl\es Omahal Depot lOlli & Mnson ata. | Omaha 9-iram Kansas City Day Express . . C-Cpm 9.1 ! pm..K. C. Night Ex. via U. P. Trans . 6Wain : Irfnves I MISSOURI PACIFIC. " lArrlves Umahal Dep6t 18th nndVeb3tcr Sts. I Oinalio * 9 6'onml St. Louli Express e.OOi'm 9 30pm St. Louis Ejrprrss . . . . S'SSpni C 10pm .Dally ( ox. Sun. ) Nebraska Local 9:1 On in Lea p I BIOUX CITY A PACIFIC. ( Arrive * Omahal Depot 15th and Webster His. | Omaha 530pm . Ht Paul Llmlled . , . SMOim 5'30pm . Chicago Limited . . OMO.un " Lei i ? s" | SIOUX c"lTY"fe PACIF 1C" JArTlTes OmuhalUnlon Depot , IQtli fe Mason Sts | Omaha " c":5iam : . Hloux City I'ncaenscr . 10opin : 3 :55pm . St. I'aul niprcaa. . . . . 10.00am LcaveTP IINION'-PACIFIC : | Arrives" Omahal U P. Depot , 10th & Mason Bts I Omaha 10-OO-iin Ke-irney iSpress. , , . . . . „ . SMopm 2lSpm ; , . .Oierlund I''l > er S:3T : > pm 215pm ! Beatrice & StroTUBTj''Ex.exSuti ( ) . 34''pm ! 730pm. . . . .Paclflo Express. .10 53am :3 : pm ' . _ . . . .Fast Mn . . . . . . 4:10pm : ttTrea'l WABASH "RAILWAY lAnlvei 3maliaUnlon | Depot , 10th & Mason St * | Omalu 3:53jun : St. Louli Cannon 1UI ! 15.33pm JIOOKS AK1 > 1'EniOinCAl.S. TALES. By HJalmar H. Uoyescn. Illustrated Cloth , $1.25. Charles Scrlbner's Sons , New York. From Megcatti Stationery fcomp.iny , Omaha. Comprise ! ten BhorE stories ot adventure In Islant lands , three of which have already on popular favor In the columns of The 'oath's Companion and Harper's Young Peo- le. le.JFB JFB ON A BACKWOODS FARM ny Will- tarn niley Halstead. Cloth , | 1 , Cranston & Curtis , Cincinnati. A medley of country tales not reflecting ountry life In any distinct sense , but very emotely bringing It to view beneath serious ontemplatlons. It la a series of Incoherent hapters "containing reflections growing out of ackwoods llfo rather than pictures of the Ho Itself. 1PE AND LETTERS OP ERASMUS. By J. A. Froude. Cloth , $2 CO. Charles Scrlb- ner's Sons , New York. From Megeath Sta tionery Company , Omaha. Twenty lectures delivered l > r the eminent ilstorlan , Proude , are combined In thlx vol ume , form Ins an excellent atory of the llfo rvll tills scholar , the brilliant contemporaries vlth whom ho was Intimate and their Influ- > nce on the reformation. His pen portraits > f Thomas Moore and Dean Colet given In alters to friends and his versions nnd oplti- ons conv yed In such clear , expressive style ' nvest them with a persona ] as well as a hls- orlcil Interest. Doth the letters and the remarks of Mr. Kroudo are full of life and ight. RAVCNSHOE. fly Uenry KIngiley. T very volumes Cloth , J2. Charles Scrlbner's Sons , New York. From Megeath Stationery Company , Omaha , This U the Initial Issue in the series of lenry Klngsley'a novels now republlBhed for In first time In many years. The plot of this j tale Is founded on the Intermarriage of Catholic-and Protestant , developing stirring deeds * In the > remaking : of a man. The story 9 very complex , but Is ot a wholesome order and shows the handiwork of a master. lUiPUDLIC OR DESPOTISM , WHICH ? Ily Lee Nance Paper , 1C cents. Louis' ' Nash & Co. , Chicago. A strong protest against the practice of ynchlng and other wrongs Inflicted upon the colored race In the noiilh. WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE. By Harrott Wendell. Cloth , $1.75. Charles Scrlbner'a Sons , New York Prom Megcath Station ery Company , Omaha. A study In Elizabethan literature which ' th& author lells us "has grown from lectures given at Harvard college to classes who were systematically reading the \vorks under dis cussion " Much ai lias been written of the greal maMer mind of literature , there arc ilwnys new views to bo revealed and new lights to be Ihruwn on his wonderful per sonality ami his marvelous creations , In this respect the reader will not be disappointed In this volume , and , what U more , Its pertinent criticism is dressed In a style forming the most agreeable reading and convoying to the mind nut lessons In art , but art In lessons. LITERARY NOTES. Rudyanl Kipling's first American story > will bo printed In an early number of The Century. "Sentimental ' Tommy" Is the name ot Mr. Harrle's forthcoming no1.el , and "The Men the Moss-Hag * " the title of Mr. S. lenR Crockett's new talc. Bret Harto Is writing a story of American : llfo and Incident for The Ladles' Homo Journal , ' -which will publish also Frank Stockton's new stories. "Love Before Break fast" and "As One Woman to Another. " i A "HcaConversation" \ but ween Conan Doyle and Hoburt Harr , giving glimpses of Dr. Doyle's home life and Ills methods ot work , and reporting bla opinions on the state of the novelist's art In Ensland and America at the present tlmo , will appear In McCJurn's Magazine for November. InT. Some month ago It got Into print that T. . AUrlcli had been Invited by thn editor of ho 1'all Msll Magazine to contribute a son net filling "about a i % K < 3 and a halt. " Those who know Ibat a sonnet contains but four teen lines had a good laugh at the editor's expense. But the tables are turned , and the editor baa th laugh on his critics , for over Mr , Aldrlch'a signature appears a flo sonnet occupying two pages. The trpc , ol course , Is very law ; nnl on each page con siderable spaeo U filled by A picture. The Writer In Us October mini bur hna somt very opt suggestions for literary v orker . "More. Inconsistencies of Illustration , " "plac Ing Manuscript * " and "queries" nre nmon * the ( papers of this number. The Writer , Hos- ton , Mass. The American Enquirer nml Railroad Jour nal In the October Inane mtkos the announce men that hereafter the monthly called Aeronautics -\\lll bo Incorporated In Its pages andl lImvo \ \ special attention. The Amor- lean Engineer and Railroad Journal , 47 Cedar Street , New York. "Tho Tutiiro Problem r > f Charity and the Vnomplo } od. " by John Graham Brooks. "I'Daceablo : Boycotting. " by Choker A , Reed , and "Tho Failure of Biologic Sociology , " by Simon N. Patten - , are among- the latest con tributions , each published under separate cove by the American Academy of 1'olltlcal and Social Science , Philadelphia. . The llookmim tells an timuslnR story ot .Mr. Oscar Wilde and n. certain poet who shall . _ bo nameless. The bard complained to the aesthete that n book of his had been practically Ignored by certain critics. "There Is a conspiracy of ullcncc against my bookl" he said. "What should you do about It , U you nero 17" "Join It , " -was the answer. Homo and Country for October ha a new nnd highly attractive design for 1(8 ( cover page and dlsplajs throughout signs of Im provement. Its papers cover nvldo ranga Of topics and are very entertaining. Among other contributions Dr. Frederic. A. Cook tells of "Tho Arctic Regions as a Summer Resort. " Joseph W. Kay , G3 East TenlU Street , Ne York. October : Hook News gives a portrait of Clporgu Dti Maiirler. thi ? artist-author of "Trilby. " with a sketch de&crlptlVe of Ills lifts und works. The usual collection of ro- vlowa of the month's books , aery full list of now books nnd new editions , pictures from them , notes of author's doings , with full an- nouncemcnts from the publishers for the holidays , make up a mngiilno that Is n necessity lo these who would be posted In things literary. John Wanamaker. Phila delphia. deliA Al the recent auction sale In London ot < tilt effects of the late Maharajah Duleefi Singh there v > aa sold a rare- and quaint old Hindustani manuscript work on taming anl- 1 rnal and birds , with Illustrations drawn by hand , There -nan plenty ot competition for It among the bidders , nraily all of whom retired from the contest when TO guineas had been reached. Then Ilio linttlo became ft due , until at length the hammer foil at 430. Another native work , called "Tho Indian System of Hawking , " with fine minia UJI ! drnwlnRs , fetched C5. j The October number of IJonalioo's , coming ' out In the midst of the political campaign , has for Us leading features three nrttcioa InSho answer to the question , "Which Party Should bo Supported ? " lr. Thomas Dwlght , In iSm a i striking article on "Sham Science , " at tacks Prof. Urumtnond ; and Kov. John Talbot Smith ! analyzes the character and works of Archbhhop Corrlgan , In the flrst of a scries of articles i on "Eminent American Prelates. " There Is also a cotqpleto story by the En glish novelist. Robert Dorr , and many other artistic attractions , stories , poems and pic tures. Donahoe's Magazine Company , Cll Washington Street , Boston. Hall Calno recently said of "Tho Manx man : " "Hardly ono passage of It was writ ten with pen In hand. I used to wako early in the morning , usually about 5 o'clock , prop myself up In bed , and , -with closed cye-8 , think out my work for the day , until not only the thing took shape , but e\ery pas- sngo found expression. About 8 o'clock , I would get up and hurriedly write down the words. This would occupy about an hour , and then I would do nothing but read until evening , -nhen I tpont another hour In re vising or rewriting what I had written In ( he morning , and the rest of the. night In planning the work for the following day. " Recreation Is the name of a bright monthly beginning Its career this month. It IB beautifully and liberally Illustrated. There are six full page Illustrations and eight smaller ones , representing. In the main , out door sports , though blending with It Bomb . features . . . of the family magazine , Among ittie more prominent articles In this number ) are * "Alaska , " by General John Gibbon- . ' S. . A. ; "The- Herd ot South Mountain ; " "How .IM Troutl Carte California , " by Dr. David , Starr Jordan , president of Stanford university ; "A Winter With the Cheyennos , " by Captain H. H. Delias , U. S. A. , and 'Turkey Shooting by Moonlight , " Major C. J. Crane , U. S. A. Published at 216 William Street , New York. Dr. R. M. Bucke , the ardent worshipper of Walt Whitman , Is still engaged In swinging the censer "Walt , " he says In his recent Whitman Fellowship paper , "was pretty aur that the man Shaxper never -wrote the 'Shnkespearo' plays , but ho would not and did not commit himself to a positive declara tion of opinion on the subject. His mode of dealing with a dubious matter of this kind was always by sldp glances and In stances. For this particular case he liar } the following little anecdote : 'At a dinner party a guest recited qulto a long passage ) then aeked those present to say from whoso works ItWHS taken. Five or six , I among them , pronounced positively that the lines were from Shakespeare. He said that ho himself felt perfectly certain , and wondered that he could not place the lines , as ho was at that time very familiar with the plays. No one guessed any other author. The pas- sags wan from Dacon. ' " The frontispiece of the October Century iami n fine portrait of Edmund Clarence Sted- miEC . Tha opening article Is "Tho Real Edwin Itooth. " being letters of the late J nctor , with an Introduction by his daughter , Kdwlna DooJ.lt Grossman , The article Is tha opening of n series of extracts from the "Life , " which Mrs. Grossman Is now pre- pnrlng. In "Tho Eternal Gullible" Ernest Hart exposes some of the frauds -which am roaming about under the name of hypno tism. Dr. Eggleston has an Interesting paper OI5 on "Folk-Speech In America. " Prlnco Wol- konaky gives "Echoes ot the Parliament of Religions , " "Tho Recollections of Aubrey KiM < Vero" are prefaced l > y a short note by Mr. Woodberry. The bicycle articles con tinue , there la a war paper by Major Gen eral Fry and an "Artists' Adventure" by Castaignc. For fiction , there Is the continu ation of Mis. Harrison' * "Bachelor Mold" and short stories by Julia Sctiayer and Na'n- nle A. Cox. The Century Company , New MAGAZINK3 RECEIVED. THE SANITARIAN. The American Noiyg Comopny , New York , General Agents. THE ) NINETEENTH CENTURY. Leonard Scott Publication Company , New York. THE WESTMINSTER REVIEW. Leonard Scott Publication Company , New York. THE DIETETIC AND HYGIENIC OA zette. The Gazette Publishing Company , 1218 Broadway , Now York. POUT LORE. Poet Lore Company , 198 Summer Street , Boston , THE CHAPnOOK.'Stone ' & KlmbalJ , Cbl- ARCHITECTS' ELECTRICAL BULLETIN. New York THE ALTRUIST INTERCHANGE. The Al- trulst Interchange Company , 10 East Four- teenth Strict. New York. OMAHA DRUGGIST. Omaha Druggist Publishing Company , Ninth and Jackson Streets , Omaha THI3 CHURCH AT HOME AND ABROAD , Presbyterian Board of Publication and Sab bath School Work , Philadelphia. THE KING'S JESTER. The Herbert Booth King & IJro. Publishing Company , Now York. PAVING AND MUNICIPAL ! ENGINEER. ING. Municipal Engineering Company , In dianapolis. TUB BOOK BUYER. Charles Scrlbner'a Sons , New York. THE AMERICAN PHILATELIC MADA- KINE. Parmelee & Irov.n , P. O. Box SCO , Omaha , POET-LORE. PoctvLore Company , 198 Sum * mer Street , Boston , NEW ENGLAND MAGAZINE. Warren V. Kellogg , 5 Park Square. Boston. THE PARENTS' JOURNAL. Published at Hot Springs , Ark. JENNESS MILDER MONTHLY , 114 Fifth A > enue , New York. When Italy was tick , wo cave her Cnrtorl * . Tfhen she wo4 a Child , she cried for CastorU. * When eho became Miss , f ho clung to CastorU. WUca &lio ha J Children , nha cata them Costorte