THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE. 9-18. i r -i orri -\r\TTt csTT-vrn A * \ -\rf\iynrT-\rri. . - - " , . no < uni rin\r-f7i"VTnwr t / - > KIT-XT nopv Our Cloak buyer luis just returned from the Hast , nnd usvc have been busy marking do\vti and re-arrant- ing the stock 011 hand , and on Mon day we Khali offer .some bargains in Ladies' Jackets , Childs' Cloaks , Wrappers , Etc. Among the bargains bought by our buyer last week arc MANUFACTURERS' SAMPLES Worth SB to SIS These are nil different styles and arc worth double to 11 live times the price we aa ! ( . Avholo table of assorted styles Ladles' Jackets , nil at one price $2.45 , worth $0. Come early Mon day , NEW GOODS Arriving for this Cloak Department by every express. HMS and GPS ] He have Hats enough to cover the head of most every mtui nnd boy ink . Omaha. Tlint'a why we are niak- liiKHiich great iviliietiou too many Huts. Men's lieavy Winter Caps 20o Boys'heavy Winter Caps 15c Men's extra line Caps , in differ ent styles. , 25c Alen's Dross CupH 50c Men's Silk Plush Caps 75c Men's Fur Derby fiOcand 75c Men's Hue I'nr Tourist $1.00 and $1.25 Hoys' Crushers 40c Children's fancy Caps 25c Men's Fur Crushers 49c A full line of different styles of J. 1) ) . Stetson's Hats , $2.50 to $ tt.OO , half of regular prices. All the leudiiiK slutpcs of Men's Fur Derbys , $1.00 to $1.25 ; worth double. Underwear Bargains And Other Trade Inducements 6 cases of Ladles' Jersey nibbed underwear , worth 25c , each , only. . . lt-s' Jersey Ulbbetl Undorwonr , extra heavy , worth 25c , each only. . He 1 case of Ladles' Fleeced Vests and Pants , worth Me , only . Sac Gents' heavy Wool Underwear , Natural Gray , each worth $1.00 , only. . . . GOc Mcns' Pleeced Jersey Hlbbed Shirts nnd drawers , worth 50 c , only. . . . 3Dc itcns' All-Wool Underwear , worth 11.00 , each . . . 60c Mens' tine Lambs Wool Shirts and Drawers , worth Jl.BOeach , only. . . 7Sc Mcns' line Natural Wool Sox , orth 60c , only . 2Bc 1 cato of Hens' ' Fast Black Cotton Hose , Ilrrmsdorft dye , worth 2fic , only . 12l4c BOc Suspenders only . 2Gc Best quality Linen Collars , each. . . , 124c EO dozen of Jlen's Tcck Scarfs , worth 50o , each . 25c 100 iloren of , McnV Calfskin Driving Gloves , north $1.00 , only . BOc. Children's Derby Ribbed Wool Hose worth 25c. only . 19c An elegant line of Ladles' Cashmere Hose , worth 40c . 25c Eo of Ladles' Fast Illack Fleeced Hose , worth 20c , only . . . 9c House Furnishings no money wasted here It's all useful every thing that goes to furnish a house. Royal b'uo china bowls EC , worth 25. Tea Sets . 53.62. Dluo and brown decorations , they're worth Just ? 10 , next week 53.C2. Toilet Sets $1.89. Decorated tcllet sets , wash bowl and pitcher , etc. , worth Just $5 , reduced tq $1.S9. Decorated cuspidors Sc , worth 25c. Gold decorated cuspidors BOc , worth { 1-BO. Decorated water sets $1.25 , worth ? 5 00.- Lamps $1.95. worth every every cent of $5.50 Is a lot of spring extension hanging lamps $1.35 $ each , and worth just $5.75 , Is a beautiful bronze Banquet lamp also at $1.95. Imported Dinner Sets 8.89. worth $20. This Is what money will do ; wo made on oiler for a manufacturer's stock of these ho took It. Plates 2c , Sc , 5c each. * Vegetable dishes 3c , 7c , 12c each. Slop jars VJc , coal hods lie , tea. kettles 15c , coal shovels 3c , milk , pudding and pie tins 3c , tumblers IVfcc each , wine glasses 2c , sugar and cream 30o pair , 3-quart fancy water pitcher ISc , wash bowl and pitcher 29c each , halt dozen crystal sauce dishes for lOc , chamber pots 15o each. IOC Lflt Crystal butter dishes , celery holders , fruit dishes , Jelly stands , comports , sugar bowls , nappies , etc. , etc. , all lOc each , Jewelry Department Sterling sliver belt buckles $1.50 , worth $3.00 , sterling silver souvenir spoons 4Sc. Notion Bargains For Monday 200 yards machine thread , 2c spool. IBc ladles' Initial handkerchiefs , 5c. ISc ladles' embroidered handkerchiefs , 6c. Ladles' hand bags worth BOc , 25c , Ladies' hand baga worth COc , 2Sc. Metal back horn combs , Be. Dest stockinette dress shields , Co pr. Turnwlro dress stays , EC doz. Ribbons On sale Monday. The greatest bargains In now all silk satin ribbons ever offered ; look at the prices : Np. t at 2jC ? , worth Be. No , 5 at Sc , worth lOc. No , 8 at Se , worth ISc. No. 12 at lOc , worth 20c. No. 1C at 12c , worth 25c. No. 22 at 15c , wprth 30c. All ilcslrab'e colors mall order * fllled. Mail Orders Pilled. DEN The celebrated Arlington Mills sold their entire stock of Fine Dress Goods at Auction Sale Wednesday , October 17th. To give you aim idea of the magnitude of this sale the total number of yards of dress goods sold was 2,500,000 two millions five hundred thous and and as we were the only Omaha parties that secured any goods from" the sale , we shall offer on Monday .bargains from the Auction Sale that will simply paralyze all past prices no shoddy , no poor goods but the cleanest and newest fall fabrics made. The reasons for this auction sale were that no one would buy goods from these mills until the tariff question was settled. Without questioning as to whether the Wil son ( bill is right or wrong , we can only say that \ it has resulted in lowering the price of goods fully one-third. AUCTION SALE Dress Goods , These goods arc fresh from the Arlington illlls. They are clean , new styles made for his fall's trade and opened for sale now 'or the first time. These 12'/5o double width ress goods nro In handsome stylish weaves , eautlful colorings , and before the auction : ale brought 20c to 25cts a yard , next \ieek AUCTION SALE 15c. Dress Goods , , Deautlful new effects In fancy double width , new fall colors , before the- auction sale were 25c , next week , 15o , AUCTION SALE ISc Cashmeres , Before the auction sale these were con- s' tdcred ' ' cheap at 25c , next week's price 15c. AUCTION SALE 25c ' New Suitings. 175 pieces new all woo ] suitings , always' sold at 50c. the price just cut In two next week to 25c. Black All Wool Serges ) , All Wool Scotch Checks. 39c FROM THE AUCTION BOOM. All colors In the serges and while these do not show so marked a reduction , yet have been the regular BOc serges on sale. Plaids have been G5c , Monday 39c. Broadcloths A yard and a half wide , all colors , 7uc quality , a stupendous bargain at 49c. All Wool Covert Cloth * 89c Worth and sold everywhere for $1.50 , on calo next week for 9c. Gnns. Gnus. At three special "wholesale prices. $0.00 $10.00and $15,00 worth worth worth $10.00. $1&.00. $22.00. Everything In shells , cartridges , revolvers , gun covers , cartridge belts , ammunition and sporting goods , all kinds at wholesaleprices. . Hardware. Retailed at wholesale prices. Wire nails , lo Ib ; Mortice door locks , He ; ntm door locks He ; door bolts , 3c ; 2-foot brats bound rules , 3c ; double Iron jack planes , 45c ; louble Iron imooolh planej , 39c ; braces , lOc and > one handled axes , 49c ; hatchets , 25c ; 2-key ill padlocks , Sc and lOc ; weather strips , 75c per > 100 feet ; stcsel Bliavels , 49c ; meat choppers and Btufters from $1.00 $ up ; barbed wire very cheap. Wo nave as complete a HARDWARE STORE as there Is In the state and "will sell you at half what you buy for elsewhere. Mail Orders for goods cr sample * promptly filled , Colored India Silks 39c. 32 Inches wide , worth and always sold for 7Cc , colors black , navy blue , green , brown , pink , cardinal , light blue , old rose ; these will go quickly at 39c. Colored Habntai Silks 59c. 24 Inches wide , SO new shades. This Is the most complete assortment of colors ever shown In a retail store nnd the goods arc a stupendous bargain , fully worth Sue , next week C9c. Figured Taffeta Silks _ _ 69&1 ? AUCTION BARGAINS This Is a splendid assortment of rich , I silks , dollar q.uallty jou can afford to buy J | Bllke , fine quality you can afford to buy them you can't afford to pass them when uylng for 69c. Gloating Piusn'es 50 INCHES WIDE $1.2s ! For tha new Oolf capes these are very cslrable ; they are woHh $5 $ a yard , our price 1.25. olored Silk-Velvets Genuine Lyons silk -velvets , regular $1 goods , black , dark o'llve , light olive , tan , sray , heliotrope , orange , blue they came " ram a bankrupt stock , 49c , worth $1. Set of six sterling sliver teaspoons worth IG.OO , for $3.95 a set. Dabys solid gold rings , 19c , worth 50c. Ladles' solid gold band rings , 95c , worth $2.00. . Ladles' solid gold 'set/rings / , 7Gc , worth $2.00. J Hair ornaments , 4Sc , worth $1.00. Eight-day oak dock-2. 5 , worth $5.00. Seth Thomas elght-day/clock , adamantine marble , $6.95 , viorth $ J2.Cp. Nickel alarm clocks , B5c. Watches. 4 . , ; So'.ld silver , han4engTaVfrd , full Jeweled Chatelaine watch , $3.49worth $7.00. Men's and boys' stem1 wind' and set silver- Ine watches , $1.98 , worth HOO. Men's Amerlcanl atem'jffndlnff sllverlne watches , $3,98 , worth J Men's Elgin or Va tfnf ! stem winding , sllverlne , dust proof { relents , $4.98 , worth $8.00 , | Men's gold stiffened' Itlfri or Waltham watches , $5.49 , worth t10.00. Men's Hoes filled watches , warranted to wear 15 years , Blgln or Waltham , $8.96 , worth $15.00. Ladles' gold Riled' 'Eglp | or Waltham watches , hunting cases,1 | 7,50. Watcn Chains Ladles' "Isabella" watch chains , -warranted to wear flvo yean , latest ; designs , 9Sc , worth $3.00. $ i Man's best tolld gold plated watch chains , very lateit design * , warranted for flyo years , SSc , worth $3.00. H g rs * knlvei and forki , $1.19 set , Watch and clock repairing at reduced : prkei. Copy nf Amiouncrmont of S.Uc held y , Oct. li , IS ) ! , nt II n'clock. Peremptory Trade Sala COTTON WARP CASHMERES The En ire Production of the ARLINGTON' MILLS MESSRS. HAROING , WHITMAN & SO ; SKI i.r.N Wilmerding , Morris & Milcliell , 0-1 otul CJ ( WliUo St. , NJ5W YOUU. Black Bayardere Silk $1.25 Yard. A yard wide a new , economical , Btout- wearing , everyday silk , worth $2 a yard 8 yards makes a dress , You cannot buy It except from us. SmallCheckTaffeta Silks 98c. These small checks are the "Ewellcst" things yet used for unbts as well as full costumes. They are worth $1.GO , next week 9Sc. Fancy Colored Silk Plusnes 39c , 69c , 85c. We show the finest assortment of these goods In Omaha , all the new shales , nnd the prices nro popular. -Towels * 5 * v * * lOc. As In this lot there uro som& towels that are worth lOc , no more , but also about 100 dozen ( hat are 15c 19c and 25c knoted fringe , hemmed and hemstitched towels , we want to spin them out and will sell only G to a customer. They came from Itlgga & Co's. closing sale. They will be arranged on two long ] tables. Yard , wide bleached muslin , 3' c yard. Apron checked gingham , 5c yard. Do try to come as early as you can Monday. They will be picked out quickly , ma ) be , and vvo-don't want to disappoint. Bed Springs $1.85 $1.85 $1.85 $1.85 Worth $4.00 $4.00 $4.00 $4.00 All steel , no wood no place for vermin to accumulate , no noise , wlil not sag.Vo will sell one or one hundred at $1.85 , worth $4.00. In ordering mention size of the bed. Rockers $1.95. Wo ordered 4 only , and the man who makes them sent us 4 dozen. They made us an allowance of a dollar on them , and we offer them at $1.95. Furnitnre Bargains Solid Oak Suit , $13 50. 3 pieces , bed 6 feet high , 4 feet , six Inches wide ; the dressing case Is perfect with a French bevel plate mirror 22x28 Inches It's worth $2C.OO , Our price Is 113.50. Woven wire cots , C5c. S-foot spuare extension table , $2.95. _ Oak bed lounge , upholstered In beat ar' tapestry carpet , woven wire mutress , neat ridge In middle , JG.50. Large cane seated choir , high back , 7&c. Large oak rocker , with arms , cane scat , $1.95. Just In. new line of easels at DOc , 76c , $1.00 , $1.25 , $1.50. In oak. Bamboo and white enamel oak sideboard , polished French plate mirror , $12.GO. Fine Wilton Hug couch , fringe all around , $11.50. C-plece oak parlor suit , spring seat , sofa , rocker/orm chair and small chair , $100. Floor Cilcloth 25c. A new car load of first quality floor oil clolli , 25c. worth 60c. ALL WOOL INQIUIN CAnPETS , 40c , We. Bruiuela carpets , 40c , 50e , COc , 75c. Velvet curpotH , 7Cc to 85c. Beit Moquette carpets. $1.00 , Wilton carpes. 7Bc to $1,00. Chenille portieres , $2.25 , $1,00 , $5.00. curtain * . 40c , COc 75c. $1.00 , $1.60. Lace curtains , extra fine , $2.00 and $3.00 , Curtain poles complete , ICc. Carpet Sweepers , $1.75 , J2.00 , J2.EO. Cotion Flannels 2Jc Yard Our domestic buyer closed out o\cr 6' cases of heavy cotton flannels , the balance on hand at the I'oolo ml Is. They begin nt 2& cents , nnd run up nt Cc , S GI lOc , 12lAc , 15c. > Some more of his auction purchases ; come early on Moiuliy , wo anticipate- great rush and don't want to disappoint you lu getting some of the bargains. Dress Satines 5c Full pieces closed out from the mill , and medium shades , worth 15c 20o and 25c ono word for the lot Monday DC a yard.- Towels One-lialf Price. "When llayden It It's . " says BO. The > rn < tire line o ( samples from George Hlggs & Co. , who , owing to the tariff changes , arc making other stjlcs all their American samples of towels at half price. Sheeting 12JC Yard Wo have only 12 pieces. It's 2'/l yard wide , unbleached of course- , but It's worth 25c , Monday 12l4c. Shaker Flannels They are cream color why , they're cheaper - er than cotton flannel the pieces arc small. If jou can't como order a whole piece for $1 00 we'll return you the change If any. They're worth this kind , Sc , a'.Jc Monday. Eiderdown Flannels 25c You know what you've ' paid for them so It's necOlcss for us to tell you that these are the 60c grade but they arc there's twenty different colors , too. Dress Linings lie Yarcl Wo sell hundreds of dollars every day In this department and the remnants will ac cumulate , EO on. Monday all the remnants of lining cambric under four- yards , will be sold for Dressmakers In Omaha , South Omaha and Western lown buy all their linings from us , we're cheaper than other houses Best dress cambrics , all colors , 4c yard. Dlack hair c'oth , 25c and 35c yard. Grny hair cloth , 2uc , 30c , 35c and 40c. Gray , brown or black crinoline , plain or checked , lOc a yard. 35c sateen sllesia , now 25c yard. All colors silesIa , I0c , 15c. best , 20c yard. Millinery Department We would like to have you look at some of our new itylcs ; hard times may necessi tate the purchase of one this year where you used to buy two our work Is so neat that we will make that one fit to wear with any costume. Children's boriets , 25c ; child's silk bonnets , 45c ; fancy feathers , Ic each. Ladles' trlmed hats , $1.50 , $2.00 , { 2.BO , $3.00. At $2.50 $ We make a specialty of ladles' trimmed hats at this price and they are worth $5.00. Book Department SPECIAL KOH NEXT WEEK. $3.C9 , Scott's , $5.25 ; Washington In Ing , $3.25 ; all In the- finest binding 50e NBW EDITION FOU 28c. 3,000 volumes of the new oxford edition , some of the choicest title : published , only 2Sc. 2Sc.Finest Finest notepapcr , 78c a ream , CO envelopes for Be ; tablets , 2 for 6c ; 2 doz. lead pencils for Cc ; 2 bottles of mucilage for 5c. Buttons and T'lmraings ' [ 8 New stock of latent novelties In bone , Ivory and pearl coat and drcsa buttons at ISc , 'Me. 2Bc dozen ; pearl buckles , 30c , 40c , C3c. Finest line of new jet buttons In the city. 35c , 4Hc , EOc , COc and 75o doz. Small ones to match. Haydens' Meat Market Ilavo you vliltcil It ? It's by far tlio best In the city , Wo buy only heavy fat beeves nut first qu.illly meats. Butter. Like- cur meat department , It has no equal lu the country , l-'rcsh country butter. tU4c , I2'4c , 14.0 and \6c , fresh e\cry day from the dairies of N'ehraaka. Our creaiiu-ry sur passes nil.Vo have It nt ISc , 20c nnd 22c , and wo will sell separator creamery for 24c , uid Riiarntitco Its quality to bo the best made. Clieese. \Vlsconsln full cream cheese. Be , 7Uo and lOc ; Swiss cheese. I2V4C , 14c nnd IGo ! llni- berscr cheesy. 124c and 16c. llrlck cheese , ll'.jc , IS'.iC ' , He and 16c ; ncutchfltol checso , So ; head cheese , S Scj mlnco meat , 7Ho per package. All kinds of preserves at lowest prices. Meat. Head tlieso prices carefully , then con sider for a moment the money you wilt save- hy buying your meat at Hoyden's. Sugar cured liams , No. 1 , only llHo ; sugar cured California liams , only SV&c ; Hoslon lonR'nams , Sc ; boneless ham , lOc ; corned beef , Ccj plcklo pork , 7Hc ; salt pork To , sugar cured No. L bacon , 11 % o ; pls | fret , 6c ; bologna , 5c. Ko- inembcr It > ou buy at these prices you will save money. money.Crackers , Fresh oyster nnd soda crackers , 5c ; ginger snaps nnd snonlUko crackers , 7Vfcc ; molasses cake , grandma's cooklos , assorted Jumbles , sugar cookies nml frosted creams , lOc ; creaia toast and Brenner's lunch , only lOc , Fisli Dept , il Hero nro prices that will surprise you. CnVfornln salmon , "He ; white flsh. Be ; Nor way anchovies lOo ; three mackerel , lOo ; eight largo herring for 25c , Holland white -i hoop herring , 95o per keg ; cod fish , J'/5c , lOa and 12J c In n short time we will have In all kinds of smoked lleh , which we will give- ' * you some low prices on. Groceries. 22 pounds fine granulated sugar for $1.00 ; largo palls Jc ] / , 3Ec ; 3-pound can tomatoes , 7V c , % cry choice sugar corn , 7' c can ; string beans , Gic can ; early blossom peas , 8l c : can : table peaches In heavy syrup , 12V4Q can ; 3-lb can preserved plums , 1214c can ; 3-lb can CallfoniIn apricots , 12'/&c can3-lb ; can 2 ] golden pumpkin , S'.ic ; corn starch , 3c Ib ; * } gloss starch , 3 c Ib ; Instant rising pan cake flour , 34c ; pure- buckwheat , 3c Ib ; baker1 a chocolate , I7 c package ; sweet chocolate , 3c cake ; laundry Koap , 3c Ib ; castlle soap , bar ; plckloa , Be bottle. Hew California Fruits French prunes , Be Ib ; ratsln cured prunes , 7' c Ib ; large sweet California prunes , 8V4ct Ib ; Sultana raisins , 3Vic ; Imported seedless raisins. 9c Ib ; cherries , 7 > ,4c Ib : egg plumo. 9o Ib ; now California apricots , 12'/c Ib ; now California peaches , 12 o lbnew ; California pears , lli'ic Ib ; pitted uluros , 73,4c | b | new- evaporated blackberries , 7c lb { Imported currants , 4c Ib. Flour Sale. If you want to eat good bread , try Hoyden Bros. XXXXX $1.15 $ Sack. Bonlta flour. ( I 10 a sack ; the well known Cream flour , $1.00 a sack ; Valley Lily flour. $1.10 a sack ; Diamond 4 X superlative , 9Go : n sack ; Minneapolis superlative , $1-00 a eackj Excelsior flour , 96c a sack , select flour , 76o n sack ; Snowflake Hour , G ! > c a sick and GOOD FLOUK , 60u A SACK. Special Clothing Sale , 50c on Dollar. Eeiver or Kersey Overcoats , $5 00 , Brown , blue or black. They would bo cheap at 18 Very heavy beaver overcoat In blue , blaclc or brown ; nil wool and well made ; worth 110. Next week , 16.75. . Shetland and 'frieze storm ulster , extra length and double-breasted ; 4 shades , worth i8.EO. Next week , I&.DO. I Heaviest all wool frieze , ulster , double- breasted , well made ; black , brown , gray onfl oxford , Tlio kind all stores tcll for $15. Special sale at two prices , $8.75 and $9.75. Boys' ' Overcoats , 81.75 and $2.25 Boys' cape overcoats , aics ; 3 to 14 years ; $1.60 quality. | n two lots , at $1.75 nnd $2.25. Boys' ' Disters $2.75 aud $3.75 Boys' ulsters. double-brcast l. In gray ; brown end oxford , mixed $5.00 finality , at two prices next week , $275 and $3.75 , Men's Suits $5.50 Those sold for $7.00 to $12.50. Wo hav from ono to flvo suits of n lot. Come early ; for those next week at $5 CO. Boys' ' Suits $3.25 Ages 10 to 15 years. All -wool Cheviot * , worsteds and casHlmeres ; worth $5 to $7.50 , Boys' ' Suits $2.50 AgcSI 10 15 years. All wool knee pant suits ; every suit warranted not to rip ; worth $4,50. On sale at i $2.50. Men s Trousers $2.50 and $2.75 All wool casstmero trouicrs , worth $4.GO , for $2,50 anil $2.75. Mailorders rilled.