Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 28, 1894, Part III, Page 18, Image 18

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    i a nmrtn mvrATTA nATr.v Tn < n ? ' . snrwnAV. nrrrrminr ? OQ
, 1801 , br the Author. )
"I suppose , Mr. IJouverle , " said Jackson
nCtor ordering a fresh box of cigars and a
new round of liquors for his guests , "I eup-
JXMO you , n * a publisher , have had some
worn or less curious experiences In your
day. "
"Yen , several , " replied th& Briton ; "sorao
ot them amusing , some of them tragic , and
a few of them embarrassing In a aanse ,
Ono poor ilevll of a poet brought his book
Into our shop one day and left It for Inspec
tion and possible publication , Wo Uccamo In
terested In It at once and brought out quite
on edition , which sold rapidly and was fol
lowed by another and larger edition. This
went off quite as quickly aa Iho first. When
the first royalty date ciiino to hand we sent
the author a check for 50 , and flvc minutes
after mailing It learned that the fellow had
blown his brains out. A * far ax could be
learned , he lofL no family and all his prop
erty wont to the government , our check with
the rest of It. and as a matter of fact we
hare been paying the government from 11 }
to 50 a year royalty on that book ever
since. "
"Rather singular that , " said Parlter. "Tho
Idea of a government getting royalties on a
volume of poems Rtrlltes me as something
new. "
"Tha Idea of anybody getting royalties
on a volume of poems these days , strikes
mo as novel , " said Jemmlson. "I don't think
anything like that happens In thU coun
try. "
"Americans liavcn't time to read poetry ,
tbat's why , " said Ilarlow. "Look at me , for
Instance. I can take n poem by almost any
poet Inlie ( United States , or out of It. and
read It through , but as for getting at the sense
of the stuff , that's a thing I haven't time
for. People hero live In a hurry and haven't
tlmo lor puzzloa , and when they read , It
Isn't merely for the purpose of exercising
their eyes. If you verso writers would write
the kind of stuff that can be grasped In a
mtmito , at ono sitting , as It were , simple
sentiment like that In the rhymed advcr-
tUorncnta In the newspapers or on the ad
vertising panels of the street cars , you'd
bo "much more appreciated. "
"There's a good deal In what Caddy says , "
assented Dr. Koblnson. "Most modern verse
Is of the hide and seek variety. The poet se
lects a thought , conceals It In a sonnet , and
sends the result out Into the world. In Eng
land , where there Is a leisure class , there
an * people who have the time to sit down
and work the thing out , but here we have
no such class , nnd what an American cannot
comprehend at a' glance he doesn't care to
have at all. The average reader of this kind
always Buffers after reacting a poem from
a sort of 'whero-am-I-at-Btatlvencss. ' which
he doesn't relish exactly. it makes him
leel as 1C ho were suffering from paresis
when "he reads a poem and cannot compre
hend It. the consequcnco of which la that ho
looks upon all poetry very much as a spirited
horsa loolcs upon a steam stona crusher.
Ho won't go dny closer to it than ho has to
and passc tt by on the dead run unless he
i compelled "to do otherwise. "
"You ought to write a aeries ot guide
books to Modern Poets , " suggested Jackson.
"Call yourself the BacdocKer of the Pools ,
and wade right In. "
"I should certainly bo pleased to under
take the publication of such n series * for
lingllnd , Dr. noblnson , " observed Mr. Dou-
vcrlo , with n smile. "They would form thp
nucleti of a library of humor that I have
had In contcmp'atlon for n number of years. "
"Did I understand you to say that you had
had some embarrassing experiences , Mr. llou-
verlo ? " asked Lieutenant Qerold.
"Yos , " said Douverlo. "One or two. Ono
ot them , was not only embarrassing , but
oostljr. I had a book of poems onca by Cole
ridge , Wordsworth , Shelley and a dozen other
famous poets all ready for publication and
had to withdraw It. I had a new reader , a
vary charming old gentleman with a bad
memory. Ho got mo Into very serious trouble
by writing so strong a rccommedatlon for
the book that I wont ahead with It without
reading It myself. It wai put In type ,
printed , bound , announced. Orders had been
received for It. but the day before publication
something happened which necessitated its
withdrawal. I showed a copy of It to a
friend and hn expressed himself so strongly
and portlnently that I tent the whole edition
Into th bins In tha stororoottiwhere It lies
to this day. "
"What was the trouble ! " asked Barlow.
"Weren't Colcrldga and Wordsworth and
Shelley good enough ? "
"They were. Indeed , but this book was
printed with the name ot a certain young
poetess of great ambition and little moral
snie on the title page but tlie most singular
incident I ever had In publishing was In
connection with the worki of the talented
Miss Hope. "
"Ah ? Yes ! " said VaJnntlnt"I know her
work , and a most extraordinary person jhf
mu t have bren. "
"She was , " assented Kouverle. "She toolc
London l > r storm. Her first book was ft novel
of vary great force. U came to ua In the
spring ot 'S3. With It came a modestly ex
pressed Utter In a dainty feminine hand ask
ing it we would Klvo 11 a speedy reading and
It possible publish it , slnro It was her first
Jtforl nnd she wai anxious to get a Btart.
Sha Informed us that aba was entirely de-
vandent upon -what she could earn by her pen
for a living ; had really no uttlcd home am
very tow friends. The simplicity of the let-
It f IntercitPd me. Uwag unlike other let
tors I had received from nthcr beginners
but tbo difference was In form rather than
In auhtlanrt. What hn lud to gay abou
hfTiMfva pjcprM'od with srcat cleverness
nd a > for the novel , while Usi not great
it WHS far h yond what must \\rltera who
lack eipulcnco can produce. H wai approved
unanimously by our reader * , nnd ao glowing
were thi-lr rccnmniemlntlons that I slipped
It Intomy iatchsl and took U off to my
bMt to read , rnyolf. It me abcofblBglr In
teresting , and despite the difficulties of readIng -
Ing a story of that length In manuscript I
went through It from beginning to end In ono
"Of course tt was published , and the view
the reading public look of Its merits as evi
denced by Iti sale was not In any way differ
ent from that which our readers and 1 had
taken , The first , second and third editions
went off Ilko hot cakes , and we were besieged -
sieged by the literary causerlc follows for
Information as to this new star In the firma
ment of letters. 1 xvrote to the young woman
and asked' her for same account" of her ante
cedents , and received within a few days a
sketch of her life , which was almost as ro
mantic aa the story HD had published : It
was pathetic and humorous , and through It
all ran tha same delightful quality that had
made her book , so fetching. Then people be
gan to try to lionize her. Invitations uy the
dozen were addressed to her In our care , re
questing her to honor literary gatherings
with her presence. Others wanted her to dine
with them. She waa elected to honorary
membership in certain women's asaoclatlona
but as far as 1 could gather never accepted
any of them. As time went on I began to
think that It would be a good thing If she
should accept some of the attentions the
world seemed so ready to lavish upon her ,
nnd I ventured to write to her to that effect ,
excusing myself for Interfering on the ground
that aa her publisher I look a great deal ot
Interest In her career and thought It due to
liersolt that she should come out of her se
clusion ns far as Bhe-roulil.
"Her reply was full of gratitude for the In
terest I had taken In her welfnrs , but she
was firm In her refusal to desert the
privacy which alio so much loved. She \\-is
of nn extremely dlflldent disposition , she said.
She was wrapped up In her work and had no
taaU for social diversions. She added that
aha uas engaged upon another book uhlcli
she expected to Bind me shortly , and closed
by saying that she hoped I would like It as
well as I did the first. Several weeks later
th ? second hook came to hand. It vias no
more like the first thnn a Chinaman is like a
frenchman ! ' It Was In an entirely different
vein , but every bit as clover as the first. It
was In many ways a complete surprise to me.
n tha first place. It was a man's book ,
while the first had been more of a woman's
look than anything else. She dealt wltli the
fortune of a young scion of nobility In the
second , and In such a way as seemed to In
dicate that she knew all about Iho trials and
omptntlons whtch beset the joung men of
today , a more or less astonishing acquire
ment In a girl of her tendency to make a
ecluso of herself. Of course I published the
jook , am ] it the first had-raised a storm of
applause the second aroused a hurricane of
enthusiasm. The magazines bga to take
notice and Miss Hope's work was in great
demand. She met the demand with a supply
: hat was absolutely marvelous. It made no
difference what she undertook , she did It well
and showed a grasp on subjects of the most
diverse kinds. Her poetry was specially taking
ingaud her essays wore written with a
ouch which evnii Lang might envy. All her
literary business was , at her request , carried
on through our firm , and we had some diffi
culty In convincing outsiders that our knowl
edge of the young woman's personality wai
almost aa. slight as that of the world.
"When she had written a sufficient number
of poems to warrant a booklet ot them I
proposed that It bo issued , and she readily
agreed , She compiled them herself ; made
certain alterations In them which showed
that aho possessed a nlco literary instinct ;
added a few unpublished verses to the lot
and sent them in. As the book was about
ready for the press It occurred to ma that a
photograph of the author would , make a
good fronttiplcco of It. Mlsa Hope demurred
for awhileto this. She had never had her
photograph taken , she wrote , and was of the
opinion that It would add little to > the value
of the book anyhow. She wished to be
Judged by her work alone. Her personal ap
pearance bad nothing whatever to do with
that , nnd on the whole- she preferred not to
let the public Into the secret ot how she
looked , Tbla struck me as being sensible
and I did not press the point , although I was
much disappointed- .
"It happened after awhile , however , that
she was forced to permit an authentic
portrait ot herself to bo published. Some
urscrupulous American newspaper syndicate
pirated the second book , and In connection
with It flooded the United States with a
wholly fabricated wood cut of MUa Hope ,
which would have driven any other creature
to sulclcle > . One of thcaa was ent to me by
an Amejrlcan friend , and I Immediately for
warded It to Iho fair original with a Jocose
note , expressing my regret that she should
thus have favored the American public , while
denyingto her countrymen the coveted
privilege of Raring upon her counterfeit pre
sentment. This had the desired effect , and
within two week * I was in possession of a
pnotogiaph of Miss Iope | , with permission
to publish It as the frontispiece to a volume
of essays which we were making ready.
When I saw the photograph I became more
Interested In Miss Hopo. than ever , for It was
the face of a charming girl ot about 20 that
uaKtd back at me from the print. She ap
peared to be of a blonde type ; had deep , soul
ful > os , a wealth of hair arranged tastefully
over a high. Intellectual forehead ; a slightly
Irregular nose , and a mouth which Indicated
much firmness of character , to me the
essays becnmo the leait part of tbo Look
when tt was Usuod with that fc opposite
the tltlo page , and my susceptibilities made
me think of a possible Mrs. llouverle. who
should baa-ncman of exceptional mould.
"So a year went on. The popularity of the
young authoress suffered no diminution ; It
Increased nther , until one day 1 received a
short note from h r stating that she was In
London and would be pleased to have mo
call , fixInK the hour and date. No sooner
was this received than a rtply accepting her
Imitation was sent , though when 1 camo'to
address th reply , which task I did not rfara
in entrust to the hands of a clerk. I waa
Bomewhat disturbed to discover whera tha
fjlr vltltor waa Joduod , It waj In ona of
the most populoui nnd busy streets ot Lon
don , the last pluije In tin world where * a
jewel of humanity jiich aa I had came to
think of her as Mng , should find loJgnunl.
" 'An eccentricity pt statue , ' I tbougiu ,
and then busied myself with ether things
until th hour appointed. I dressed with
unusual care , called a II in so m and nought
the IIOUBO. I wan received at the door by
on ngod woman who smiled r hcr broadly ,
I thought , when I asked if Miss Hope was
Jn. She said eho was , and requested me to
go up to thu third story front.
" 'Wouldn't ' you bettor take my card to
her first ? ' I asked.
" 'Ho n , sir , ' replied the aged woman.
'Jty borders waa to show you hup as soon
as you kyme/ - - -
"So up I went through two dark halls ,
along three dark stairways , and tapped gently
upon the door of the 'front ' room.Instead of
the soft silvery voice- had expected for I
had been thinking so much about Miss Hope
of late , that I had a well developed notion
In my mind as to her voice , manner , walk ,
gestures nnd so forth" I heard a gruff , masculine -
culino votco cry out , ' In , and having
como close nfler you the"door. . '
"For a moment I was staggered. Perhaps
I had tapped on the wronp door. The thing
to do was to apologize and get out. So I
opened the door aud saw sitting around a
table playing cards and smoking profusely a
half dozen men I knew well , Gas ton of the
"Kambler , " Cliolmondeley I'hlpps ot tha
"Telegram , " nnd others all enormously
clever men of decidedly Bohemian Instincts.
" 'Halloo , Bouverle , ' cried Qaston as I on-
tored. 'Glad to see you. This Is an unex
pected pleasure. '
" 'It certainly Is for me , ' I answered as
well as J could , considering my surprise. 'I
liad no Intention of disturbing you , I am
sure. I cnmo here to make a call on on
one of our authors. I believe he haa rooms
In this house. '
"I'hipps laughed In a way I did not fancy
very much , nnd then he said In a way I
lilced still less , 'Her '
" M don't understand you , ' I said.
" 'You said you believed 'Ho' had rooms
n this house. Sure its a he , Uouverle ? '
" 'Well , ' I said slowly , for an Idea was be
ginning to dawn on my mind. 'I wasn't sura
of It when I spoke , but
" 'There are no rooms let in this liouso ,
Bouverle , ' said Gaston. 'We have It all.
This 1& our card room and you are welcome.
n fact , Bouverle , you'vo paid for most of It. '
"UT1 I queried , n little mystified.
" 'Yes , ' returned Gaston. "You and the
British public. Those blasted Americans
ilidn't pay for the stuff , did they Phlppsy ? '
" 'They did not , ' said Phipps ; 'but they
printed our photograph for us. ' ,
" 'Well.1 ' I putKln. " "This la , 'all "very rays'
.erlous unless I have been made the victim
of a practical joke. ' „ ,
' 'You have,1 said Gaston.
' 'And you gentlemen then are
' 'The talented Miss Hope at your service
Bouvcrlo , ' said Phlppsanl ( then the sextet
rose up and salaamed ? tr'.D-o you think our
photograph looks like us ? ' they cried.
"And so it was. Those six villains had
concocted Miss Hope ; had written her books
had started the- furor for her work In their
own papers , and I was their victim. "
"Victim or beneficiary ? " asked Jackson.
"A little of both. " returned Bouverle. "So
much of one that I forgave them for making
mo a llltlo of the other ; but from that time
on the talented Mlsa Hope stopped writing. '
A quaint , humor-loving preacher among
the early Methodists of southern Indiana wa
one of the name of Jones , and at one time a
visiting minister filled the appointment with
him. when during the sermon an amusing
Incident occurred , which was enjoyed to its
fullest extent by Rev. Jones. The minister
was lamenting the Infidelity of the times , and
lifting his hands in holy horror , exclaimed :
"Why , brethren , there are men In those fle
generate days who do not believe that Jonah
swallowed the whale ! But I believe that
Jonah swallowed the whale , and you believe
that Jonah swallowed tha whale ! "
Noticing the halt amused , half doubtful ex
pression on the faces of his congregation , he
warmed up , and , thinking to add a clincher
to the assertion , turned to his friend la the
pulpit with him :
"And you bellovo it nlso , . rother1 Jones ! "
Without relaxing n muscle Brother Jones
answered solemnly :
"No , brother. " . '
The Jaw of the astonished prea6her drop
ped ; ho fairly gasped for breath , and finally
cried out :
"What ! Do you 'not bellevo "that Jonal
swallowed the Whale ? " 8tlU , sticking to hi
"No. brother , " with the utmost solemnity
answered Rev. Jonea. "I bollovo that It was
the whale that swallowed Jonah' . "
The blundering minister gazed at him
stupidly for a moment , then suddenly grasp
Ine the whole situation , he Joined the con
grcgatlon In a quiet laugh.
"What's tha matter with that mule ? " asked
a man who was standing oft the bank of the
capal. "Ho doesn't seem to Ixs of any ac
count whatever. "
" ' " the boatman
"Ho's all right , replied
"Ths fault's with me. Yo se , mister , he ua
dcrstanda every word y& say to him. "
"He doesn't pay much attention to wha
you say. "
"That's what shows hts Intelligence. I'v
jlst Jlned church , an' ho thinks I'm
a stranger. "
* *
"You ought to have been at the pra'ye
meetlne last night , " Bald Deacon Sowbors
"BUI Abncrford got up and told how he had
forgive you fer that hess you sold him. "
"Oh , yes. " said Deacon Podberry , "he'
ferelvo me nil right enough , but all the same
he ain't paid fcr the hosa. "
"Was Miss Fllmaoy pleased with the ne-w
minister ? "
"Oh , dear , yes , I'm sura from what sh
said. "
"What was It ? "
"Sho thought ) hit sermon was BO cute. "
* *
"That was a finished1 sermon , " remarked
lady as she came out of church yesterday
"Yes. but I was afraid It never would be ,
said her husband.
Helen Gould has a fed. It Is for bowling-
Last -winter she formed a private class 1
bowling , which met on Monday nights at th
Berkeley Ladles club for practice. Thor
were only about a dozen In the class , and , un
fortunately for Miss Gould , aha was elthe
III or out of town nearly every night durln
the season. She hired two alloys for ha
friends , ao that the pine could ba set up I
ona while the sport was going on In th
other , Mlas Gould la strong enough t
ba an expert bowler. An alley recent !
built on tier Tarrytown premise * east 110,00
and Is as beautifully equipped as the boWlln
alley at Blltlmore , George Vanderbllt'a Nort
Carolina homo.
_ _
I know nothing tweeter than the leakln
In oC nature through all the cracks In th
wall * and floors ot cities.
Hospitality la a good deal a matter of latt
tude A good deal which In colder regions I
ascribed to mean dispositions belongs nail
to meau temperatures.
lotave Tlmnot Reports a Charming Denver
sation with the FroncL Novelist.
ThB 1'lillnntliropIcSliloof Chicago Trench-
nioti Abnorbuil In Women , Americans In
( letting Dollars for \Vonicn Uront
Novelists < jl thn Ttro Kapulillcs.
: ta > | ijrrlKlitei1 1831. )
Of course JshajJ many conversations with
Imo. Blanc , qurJIiff the two weeks that wo
pent together oil an Arkansas plantation ;
nit ot one only did I take any notes ,
"Tell " "I have told
you what ? said she.
ou many times Ibat 1 love America. I have
nly seen the itwl , It seems to mo. In Bos
on , I was at MrsTFIcld's house. Mrs. Hold's '
Saturdays are delightful , Sha gathers about
er the most Interesting men and women
n Boston. That house seems to me nearer
a French salon of the best tlmo than any
hat 1 know mit-of France and there flow *
hrough U like historical shadows such If
vltclilng remembrance ot those who wce
great men for the Whole world ; Dickens and
liackeray to apoak only ot those two. You
neet them through their photographs and
utographs ami through anecdotes , chnrm-
ngly told by n woman who has the gift of
nthuslasm enthusiasm In poetry , in art , In
charity , lor she Is In a nulet way an ever
msy philanthropist.
"In Now York also , at Mrs. Glider's , I was
charmed with the miscellaneous people whom
t got acquainted with ; all countries , all
creeds and the most various talents meeting
n the poet's home , during one short after
noon of talk , tea and music. We had oven
a genuine Indian among us , vho was a per
fect gentleman although an Apache , perhaps
because * o. Indians can bo stately , every
one knows It through Chateaubrlan. The
vender la to see them keep the-lr stntellness
n a drcsa coat.
"I talked with some elegant society-women
n Chicago , and with very clever ones , too
Don't you like Miss Monroe's poems ? And
she has th6 face of a poetess , which spoils
nothing there are so many ugly Corlnncs
and Saphos that It Is a relief to meet tMth
a young and fair one. By the way , I mot
also with an angel , which , you know , Is a
rare treat a western angel ot course you
have heard of Miss Addams and her set
tlement !
"I would have .wished to bo worthy of-help-
lng.ln.11nn hoiwffi Would you1maglne that
Chicago society men are willing to so and
llvs there among the poor and the anarch-
IsttJ. for days' oftd weeks , at a time ? Yet
I know of young Chicago lawyers who do
that and U Is .great social work. In the
world they are-perfectly slmpla and like
other men otlwcalth and position ; but with
out boasting of It , they are living this self-
denylne life. I found that very noble. "
"What did you on the whole find most
striking In American society ? I am ashamed
of that questionj-but I don't quite know how
to put It better '
"That would lt > & hard to answer , " said
Mmo. Blanc , musingly , "your society Is
like your country , BO his , so diversified | n
Its aims nnd Interests. The charm of Now
Orleans , where I lived like In fairyland at
the fanciful time of carnival and the calm ,
sober charm not } JBoiton , for Instance , are
qulta different. But one thing struck me ,
everywhere , In all ( the different social circles ;
and It certainly * Impressed me deeply ; that
was the part played by women. They are
the society leaders. And this struck me too
very vividly the women In your country
are BO Interested' In each other ; they were
as witty , as brilliant at the ladles' luncheons
where there were only women aa if they hail
an audUnco of men. I fear we might get a
llttlft bored , In France , shining for three
hours without a man to hear our best thing * .
But your women seem to like It. I find the
friendships among women beautiful here ,
above all when there Is not that little touch
of exaggeration , which rather spoils them
sometimes. Friendship has nothing to do
with passion and Is not the less strong , for
that , I think. The chief point Is to be able
to trust each other , and I know we do.
Thcro Is a great deal of true , solid devotion
between , women frlenfls In America. More
than , once I have seen two of them who spent
part of all of their time together. This
could hardly be in France. There one would
not bs likely to have a chance to form suoh.
a close Intimacy -with another woman. Our
custom * do not encourage it , and French
husbands would not be pleased that their
wives should have very close woman friends.
The wife might confide too much ot his little
errors aa a husband , you know , " she addeO
smiling. i
"Out , " I could not help Interrupting , "I
should fancy that -woman would be a less
dangerous recipient ot her confidences than
a handsome young man. and her pity would
bo far less dangoioua ! " ,
"Perhaps. " said my French friend , smiling
"but ho is less afraid of the man than of
the woman. "
"Women , I dare eay , have less liberty in
France , anyhow ? "
"They ara Ie s emancipated ; but I hardly
think that they have * less power. Do you
know ono thine ? Your men are admirable
I am fond of them ; they are so kind tt
women , to women everywhere , Irrespective
of the woman's yotith or looks or condition
yet I really don't think they are so Inter
ested In women as are French men. When
two Americans meet , by cha'nce , they tall
of politics or the business situation or the
like ; they would never think of discussing
women , "
"Surely not ! " T. cried , opening my eyes
"do you mean that Frenchmen would ? "
"The talk would veer round In that dl
rcctlon , finally , however It began , " Bald eho
dryly. < t
The comment came involuntarily from the
Itatenir : "American men have soinetlilni
morn important to talk about than Am.erlc.4n
woihen. They have to talk about gottlng the
money to support the American woman. Uu
I can see that this trait must make a Frencl
lever or husband a very delightful person
while hli emotion ! lasted ! Tell mo another
thing ; do the novelists paint French women
She grew graVer , "May I say that tha
depends on the life of the writer ? I do no
sea how a mam whoso whole acqualntenci
has been with a bad type of women can un
derstand tho.soul of an Innocent girl or a
purewife. . He Is only familiar with the 111
regulated Impulse * and the hysterical nffec
tlons of the women whom he haa known best
He paints wlUi colors dipped out of his own
heart ; the result is vivid , Impressive , bu
not always true. And It la of necessity nar
I row.1
"I suppose tliQ'T/oman ' described U usually
the ParlBlenna ; I * there In France ai marked
a difference between the life of the provinces
and the city life aa there U here ! "
"Oh , qultor" she answered , "provlnc !
life U free from the faults with which Paris
Is reproached , but I admit there li torn
clullnwa then. Society It more dtvld d
Then you will find always tha ime little
knots , tha circla a * the old aristocracy , o
tha burccolila and ftailly of the trades p
Romovjiblo nnil fixed brhlffo tooth. A full sot on rub
ber $5. 00varrnntod ; to fit. Pntnloss oxtraoUon without
gns. Now tooth thu snmo day. Tooth filled painless.
Graduate of ( lit Vntrrnttu of . at Ann Arbor. Ctust
' 84 , V VS.V J.V UM.lllAl
Offices 3d Floor Paxton Block , 30th and FnrnnmSts.
Tjitly Allrnitattt , 3'r/rj4iuii 1OH3. ( irrinun Npokrn.
Only Rrmluuto dcnttstH In this nfllco. Plates raado
b.v Pi-nfoi'sor Morris , twenty yews' nxporlenoe , Inventor
of the Morris Thin lilustlc I'liito. This la the
only olllco In Oinahtt wliero those plntos can bs Cotton.
Our Motto : All work the boat thnt can bo done at
living prices : Sllvor lilllnga , 31.00. Pure Gold FilUnes ,
& 2.00 nnrt up. Gold Crowns Slf.OD to $8.00 , 22k. Gold
Drill ( jo Teeth , $0.00 per tooth and attnohinont.
Vn Dr. Itnllfu'B Tnoth l'ntn1rrtJGp | ri * botllef j cu < miut > -
ii\\i \ Ictlli Jlllcil < irci > rc ci > tr < i trl/ ( < < t
le. And you cannot pass from ono circle
nto another as you can In Paris. Yol
t Is country life that Is most Interesting
iftcr all. "
"I suppose It Is very different from our
lountry 1 fc. "
"Not BO different as you may fancy There
.re points of resemblances between the sou th
ru country life and life In our province * .
"There Is the same hospitality. 1 flml
many of the same frank virtues and the
a mo tptrlt of kindliness between different
aiika. ; Your negroes , you tell mo , have
he habit of calling their masters and mls-
resses familiarly by their Christian names ;
so , too , the French peasants would Bpealt
if the eons oC the house , calling Monsieur
Icnrl or Monsieur Louis , although they
might have a title , Just as your negroes
vould say Mr. Henry , Miss Mary. "
I felt encouraged to ask whether the
Yencli critics were most attracted at pres-
; nt by Engl'ali or American literature. And
t yras pleasant to hear from to Rood and
safe a Judge that It was- the literature of
America that attracted most attention.
"Oh , to ba sure. " she said , "a man llfco
iCIplfng will have suddenly a name , but It
you will allow me , a no\el like Robert Els-
nero will never greatly fntercst France. "
"And how about Divlil Qrlove ? "
"David Grieve has so many mistakes , about
ho Paris part. And that sort of wild devil ,
its sister why , no woman Is BO naughty , all
lie time. It becomes Insupportable ! "
I laughed ; and In a minute sha added ;
'What Interests us In Franco , above all , In
- our American life , Is that It Is a new window
opened upon the world. It Is your novel
view ; and then It Is your freshness and youi
loneaty. Wo like these qualities of American
writers very much. Yes , wiiat I think so
splendid Is your taking , each of you , your
own corner and carefully studying It. You
are doing for literature what the scientists of
his century do In science. "
"Has not Maupassant done the game kind
of thing with the Norman life ? "
"Yea ; but I don't think that he has. made
UB feel a strong love for It , showing us the
> eanant under rather a comic aspect. Yet ,
n fact , Maupassant , of all the French writ
ers , was a great provincial. He Knew the
earth. Zola has slandered her. But Zola ,
et us do him Justice , never belittles anything
: von In calumny , while Maupassaift somc-
Imcs belittles nature by his contrasts , as
where ho compares the harvest fields , un-
Idlly cut , to the cheek of n man who has
mdly shaved himself. He has been reproached -
preached with that Imago. It Is true , how
ever , now the magnifying eye of Zola would
lave neither seen the harvest Held on the
man's cheek , and It wou'.d have been true
also. There- arc splendid parts of description
n Maupassant's longer novels , but has
iouched many of the most painful questions
of morals without seeming to call attention
, o them. He. has not preached nor given ad
vice , but ho has forced people to think !
Take the tale of La Flls. with the man In It
vho so cynically and carelessly wrongs the
peasant girl in a vil.age through which ho
is merely passing. He goes away and for-
golu ; but ; years after , when he returns by
: ; hanOi > -ip-4.ile village , ho finds that the girl
Is dead of what you would call a broken
heart , and working In the fields he sees her
son , a , repulsive Idiot , In whose hideous fea
tures he perceives , nevertheless , n resem
blance to his own. In the renlorse that sweeps
upon him , ho would help the wretch , ho
would give him money but ho. cannot do
oven that ; for the Idiot Is a drunkard , a
debased offspring of violence and lust ;
money would only bo a harm to him ! It
U a thpmo of sin , and 1U. consequences
that has been treated by innumerable hands ;
but In none with * uoh tragic sowor. Mau
passant Is very human , there Is his strength.
I cannot deny his faults. There are many
painful things In his tales , many coarse de
tails , much that seems useless In his trank-
noBS. but underreath It all , there .Is some
thing that wrings the heart ! "
"Yeis. " ' I Bald. "I have felt It a. hundred
times. Do you not think , also , that more
than most Trench writers he has a sense of
humor. ? "
' 'Oh , surely. Ho Is a little cruel In his
humor , some times , and often ho Is sad , but
It la humor , not wit. "
"Mr. Dunnor had seen that. I think. In
his paraphrase of Maupassant , called Told
In France , ho has rendered the Norman
humor most onchantlngly Into United States
forma ; It is awfully good. I find the first
story about the French tenor with a wife !
a little overdrawn. That funny English the
Frenchman talks Is very funny though. And
very true to life , too. Yes , when I read
that I-can hoar myself talklnc ; 1 Bay that
Is the way I pronounce words. " She was
laughing good-naturedly.
"Well , it Isn't , then. " I answered with
entire honesty , for It Hi only occasionally
that a French Intonation , as pretty as it Is
droll , attracts the listener's attention ; while
her mastery of English idioms was a con
tinual wonder to me , "you speak lovely Eng
lish ; and you know all the shades In our
apoech , you always use the- right adjective. "
"Oh. but I have spoken English ever slnco
a child , and always have loved the English
literature since my English governess gave
me tha Waverly novels to read. My mother
would not hnvo permitted me to read French
novels * but she has great confidence In the
English writers. And wherever In any hooka
ho thought there was something that a
child should not read , she pinned the pages
together ; to this day when I read those
books. I remember the looks of those- pins
In tbo pages. "
I ltd the conversation back to the French
writers , to the- symbolists and the decadents
and the realists , but I cannot repeat what
Mmo. Diane said ; for Just then the black
man grinned at the door to announce that
the cart was ready ; and wo wont to drive.
Some very dainty sash curtains are made
of cream white net , which comes three
yards wide. These are cut one yard In width ,
leaving one yard to be out In ruflhs. which ,
wbpn whipped on to the edge , Is till that is
required. An addition to these curtains late
to run a pretty design In colored silk on tha
border and on the edge of the ruffle. A run
nine floral design Is very pretty when made
in the natural color * .
Dlacli moire silks striped with gold , nas
turtlum red , old rote , magenta , etc. . are
made up with soft lustrous satins the- color ot
the atrlpc , these accessories draped with
heavy black silk lace or veiled with fine
arabesque designs of cut Jet
la ever } n here rfcoenlred. Beauty nnd an
appearance am Irououllil * . nne woman In a
mllllnn IB pro Ily with ray hair. Th * other * muil
( irraervo Ilivlr lialr nnJ ( heir beauty by using
U I * not a dye. but a color In ? , clean , liraltli *
ful. efficient. It not only roitortti tha linlr to a
rlctr. Ixautlful color and luitjr , but aMi a * a
hair tonic ulio. Hevcn ihailci , from llghlMt aib
blond to raven black. iUda only by
292 FIFTH AVE. , N. Y ,
WE Scrvous
Trcatmentby Mail , Consultation
Catarrh , all disttascH of the nose ,
Throat. Cliest.Stoiunch.Uvur.lJlood
Shin niivl Kidney diseases , Lost
Manhood and all Private Dis
eases of Men.
lion or address ,
Dr , Scarlcs & Ssirles , '
Prepared from the original formula pro
orved in the Archives of the Holy Lniul , liav
ng an autheutlo history dating back GOO years.
for all Stomach , Kidney and Bowel
troubles , especially
Price CO cents. Sold bj all druggists.
Tine Franciscan Remedy Co. ,
. .i for Circular a > "l Illustrated Calendar.
WELL ! 'WELL ! ! WELL ! ! !
Our scientific method * of applying magnetic
"lines ot force. " tpeaki tor Itself. "Da a too to
pain a lasting tonic a relief ( or ncr\ou pros
tration with KB many conBcquenceii. Whatever
may be your nlllnpa try the llfcglvlnR torn ot
our magnetic field. A few treatments will
make jou feel > ounir again. It noolhlng- , pene
trating powir will ire where medicine fulu to
reach and cconmpllsli WONDERS.
For pamtifilets tnJ particular ! wrlto
Electro Magnetic Dispensary ,
Room 420 N. Y. I.I fa
Open both dajr and ( veiling * . Tel. 1018.
Proclamation and notice to the electors and
legal voters of ihe city of Omaha of n
general city election of the city of
Omaha to be held on Tuesday , the sixth
day of November , 1KM. for the purpose of
electing one city clerk to servo from the
first Tuesday In January , 1303. to filL unex-
plrcd term , anu one city councilman from
each ward of the city ; also proclamation
and notice of submission to the electors
and legal voters of the city of Omaha of
the question of Issuing the bonds of the
city of Omaha in the sum ot seventy-five
thousand dollars (175.000) ( ) to pay for the
coat of paving , repaving or macadamizing
the Intersections of streets and spaces op
posite allays In said city and to pay the
cost of pavingin front of real estate not
subject to assessment of special taxes for
paving purposes.
To the Electors and Legal Voters of the
City of Omaha :
I , George P. Hernia , mayor of the city of
Omaha , do Issue this , my proclamation , nnd
by authority vested In me as such mayor , do
hereby give public notice to the clectora and
legal voters of the city oC Omaha that a
Koneral election will be lield 1n said city on
Tuesday , the sixth Cav of November , 1891 ,
for the purpose of electing' one city clerk to
serve from the first Tuesday in January ,
1895 , to fljl uncxplract term , and one council
man from each w rd of the city ; also for
the purpose of submitting to said electors
and leffal voters the question and propo * !
tlon following , to-wlt :
" &hal ! bonds of the city of Omaha in the
sum of seventy-live thousand dollars (175-
000) ba Issued for the purpose of paying the
coat of paving , repavlnc or micadamlzlnc
the Intersections of Directs and the spaces
opposite alleys in aald city , or paying tha
coSt of paving In front ot reai estate not
subject to anBrSnrnfnt of special taxes for
p.avmg ' said bonds to run not moro
than tw'ejUy ( SO ) years , and to bear Interest
payable 5cml-annually at a rate not exceed'
Ing five ( S ) per emu per annum , with coupons
pens attached , to be called 'Paving Donda.1
and not to be nold for less thnn par , the
proceeds of which shall bo used for no other
purpose than paying tin- cost of paving , ro-
pnviriK or macadamizing Iho Intersections of
streets and space * opposite alleys In Bald
city , or In front of real eatnte not subject
to assessment of special taxes for paving
purposes ? "
The said question nnd proposition flhall bo
submitted to n.tld electors entire In tlio
proper form provided by Inw for ofllcial bal
lots , with the words "Yen , " "No , " printed
thereon. All of nnld ballots Imvlng an "X. "
mark following : the word "y a" shall bs
counted In favor of ( suiting said bnnds. nnd
all of snld ballots hiving an "X" jnsirfc fol
lowing the \iortl "No" shall bo counted and
considered as against the Issuingof said
The polls shall be open on the clay of salct
election nt i-lslit o'clock In the morning- and
shall continue open until six o'clock In the
evening of the same dny. nt the respecHvo
votlnjr places folluuliig , to-\vlu
rinST WAflD.
First District Northeast corner 12th and
Second District Northwest corner 10th and
Third District Northeast corner 13th anil
Fourth District Northeast corner 6th and
Fifth District Northeast corner 8th nntl
Sixth District Northwest corner Sth nnd
Hmicroft. ,
Seventh District Northeast corner-Hth nnd
ElgTith District Northwest corner 5th and
First District Southeast corner I6tli and
Second District Northwest corner 19th and ,
Thlnl District Northwest corner Mill and
Popplcton avenue.
Fourth District Southeast corner 16th and
Fifth District Northeast corner IClh and ,
Sixth District Southeast corner 17th and
Seventh District Northwest corner 16lh
and Martha
Elehth District Northeast corner 20th and
Ninth District Northwest corner 13th and
Tenth District Southeast corner 20th and
Eleventh District Northeast corner 24lh
ami Vlnton.
Tinno WAUD
First District Northeast corner llth and
Second District Southwest corner 15lh and
Third District Northwest corner llth and
Cnpttol nvonue.
Fourth District Southeast corner 14th and
Fifth District Northwest corner 15th and
BKth District Northeast corner 12th and
Snvcnth District Southwest corner llth
anil Douglas.
Elrrhth District Northwest corner I0th find
Capitol avenue.
Ninth District Northwest corner 12th nnd
Tenth District Southeast corner Dth and
First District Northeast corner ISth nnd
Second District Northeast corner 22nd nnd
Third District Northeast corner S5th nnd
Fourth District Northeast corner 25th
ami Farnam.
Fifth District Nin-thwcst corner' IBlh and
Sixth District Southeast corner 18th nnd
SI Sfary'a avenue.
Seventh District Northwest corner 18th
and I-i-nvonv/ortli.
Eighth District South side of Harney , be
tween Mill and 24th.
Ninth District 20th street between St.
Mary's avenue and Half-Howard.
First District Southeast corner IGth and
Second District Southeast corner ICth and
Thlnl District Southeast corner ISth and
Fouith District Southeast corner 16th and
Fifth District Southwest corner 19th and
Sixth District Northwest corner IStli and
Seventh District Southeast corner 18th
nnd Charles.
First District Northwest corner 30U- and
Ames avenue
Second District Southwest corner 42nd
nnd Ames avenue.
Thlnl District Northeast corner 45th and
Grant ,
Fourth District Southeast corner 27th and
Fifth District-Northeast corner 21th nnd
Sixth District Southwest corner 28th ave
nue and Corby.
Seventh District Northeast corner 3Id and
Klchth District Northeast corner 27th and
Ninth District Northwest corner 27th and
Tenth TJtgtrlct Northeast corner 224 and
Eleventh District Southeast corner 2ith
nnd Grace.BByBNT1I
First 'District Southwest corner 23th &nd
Second District Northeast comer 30th
avenue and I'opplftou uvemii * .
Third District North side of Center , oppo
site 34th street.
Fourth District Northwest corner 23th
and Arbor.
Fifth District Northeast corner 23th and
Sixth District Northeast corner 29th street
and Poppleton avi nue.
First District Southwest corner 24th and
Second District Northwest corner 27th and
Third District Northeast corner 2Cth and
Fourth District Northwest corner J5th
avenue and Cumlng.
Fifth District Northeast corner 21U and
Sixth 'District Southwest corner 21 t nnd
Seventh District Northeast corner 18th
nml Cumlne.
District Southwest corner 17ih and
First District Southwest corner 3M and
Second District Northwest corner 40th and
Thlnl District Northwest corner 40th and
Fa main.
Fourth District Northwest coinar 32d ave
nue and Davenport.
Fifth District Northeast corner 31st ave
nue and Fnrnam.
BlxlH District Southwest corner 29th ave
nue and Jackson ,
In witness -whereof I have hereunto set
my hand iia mayor of said city of Omaha
this 17lh day of October. , Ugl.R
Ktookliolilor * '
Notice 1s hereby clvcu that a
meetlnR of the stockholders of Ida Bouth
I'Jattc Jand company will bo held at Ilia
olllco of said company , In Lincoln , Neb. ,
on the 15th duy of November , 1831 , for the
purpose of cMitnlderlitg and net Inw upon the
matter of extending w rcnewlnn the arti
cles of Inccrporntlnn of iiald company ,
Ily order of the board of directors.
U. O. PHILLIPS , Secretary.
Lincoln. Neb. , Oct. 1C , UUt OH ! O39I
For flalo by all Flrat Clium Doaloi-9. Miinufnoturotl by tlio
Factory No. 301 , Bt. Louts , Mo ,