III OMAHA SUNDAY BEE : ESTABLISHED JUNE 19 , 1871. OMAHA , SUNDAY HORNING , OCTOBER 128 , 189-1 TWENTY PAGES. SINGLE COPY FIVE CENTS. THE GREATEST IN THE WEST ALWAYS TO THE PROUTT ( OMAHA ) RIGHT ON TIIK CORNER. In Their Own New Mammoth Fire Protif HI tick , N. W. Cor. IGth and Douglas Sts. , OMAHA , NEB. On Monday we begin the greatest bargain week in the history of our house. Our buyers have just returned from New York where , they have purchased over wort'n ' ° f t e mosS : desirable and newest styles of dry goods of all sorts for spot cash. The prices which we are able to. make are as much of a surprise to ourselves as they will be to you. Prices tomorrow are at the lowest mark ever recorded. -pf FIRE pR99FBlHLDINGr ON OUR IVIAJN FLOOR-Flrst Aisle- 200 pieces Satin FlfeuroJ .Tncciunrda AT nnd Ciopo Clot ha in nil the loading styles ; worth $1.00 yuid ; go on Mon day on our ftont bargain tquaroat 39c yard. On Our Second Bargain Spare. 8SO All Wool 50 . w Kress Patterns , In navy blue and blk ; 5 : ! indies wide all Worth $6. wool. Storm Serges , AH Woo ! Cheviots , All Woo ! Diagonals , All Wool Covert Cloths , Thcso goods nro extra heavy and fill 52 inches wide G yards "for an en'irodiess pattern. Your choice lor S2. 0 for the wholodrcss pattern. Many in the lot worth 81.00a jaid. Colored Dress Goods , 200 PIECES English Changeable Henriettas , 48 inches wide , woi'th 30 < j ; dnrjc grounds. 1.400 Plocosf * Colored Dross Goods In : Silk and Wool Novelties ' Covert Cloths all 40 inqh wide. 35OOO YARDS SILK AKD WOOL USES. In assortment of handsome styles and colors ; all 62 In. wide ; now this season's Worth $1.50 ; go at 70c. Extra Special 60 stylish puio silk and wool very heavy antl wide DRESS PATTERNS In inciindebcont ilurk colorings. These pooda were imported to tell lit S3.00 a ynul. On .Monday we will sell the entire - For the whole 7- yard tire dress pattern , containing 7 yards , Dress Pattern. for ST 60. Oil Our Main Floor A Model Drupr Store. Corn ? Corel for 20 Cents , Money Refunded if Wo Don't. Woodbury's 50o Fuclnl Soap . 2 > o njua | | c | rc | flnn ng | | i Beef , Wlno and Iron per pint. . .ape DIVE US JLSl UllrJ Udll | Face Ponder nor box . 3c ' SBiib ! J : : : : . : : : : : : : : : : : : : : We'll ' Do the Rest. Tooth Powder per box . IQo > HAIRGO HAIRDRESSING . . . . . . . -BBo f1n bhfttnpooingi SHAMPOOING . . . . . .35o nnd 50o J u ciricutiy now CURLING BANGS . 10o | Sl ml Trco of Chaise whuu Cutlocl I V ' ' ' no < t ITolntrod TVT A 'KfTrTT'5JT'SCTfiJfortl10 jyiAJMlLf UXWJLJM VT lout prlco will bo - - - f Depart HAIR GOODS , SWITCHES , Etc. , LOWEIt Than Elsewhere , < Tea and Coff IN OUR BASEMENT 'Wlioloalo and RotalL Coffee Roasted Fresh Daily Java ami Mocha , 12'ic and 15c. \ Fine Hif > , Me. lixlra ancy Golden Ulo. Z3c , Best 3 paunils tor U.W , Mocha and Java , Bo. Finest O. G. Java and Mocha , 30c. Plantation Ceylon coffee , 3 pounds for 11.00 , Tea dust , best iirnde. 9c. Gunpowder , fine lea , 3c. llest Moyune GunpowOer , SSo. aUEiihir 90c and l.Ofl Qunpoudcr , < Jc. Bun dried Jajmn , 17c. Uncolorcd Jupuii. 25c to SSc. KiiRllsh Hreakfant , Wo to 4jc. Cejlon , llncat Imported , 4So to COo. All our tens are new crop , bright and fresh. fresh.CROCKERY. . 12-ploco Toilet Sets , assorted colors , S4.75 former price $3.00 , . Beautiful IJALF GALLON PITCHER , worth 60c HQuartD1SHPAN D1SHPAN , llotlnned , ON THE , OUR Second Floor. Fashion's freshest fancies , all that's new , novel , Cloak exclusive , is here in matchless array ( . It's here in chic , Department L-R E , ROOMY , WELL ton ) ' , genteel individual effects. It's here as you'll find LI HTED. FIILB3FDbL them nowhere else. Not only that,1 but prices are different ISTjEFINE T.PBGIIT- E8P AN i PEITWESPCF OF H.7EL-IB' . ferent as well as styles. And thcj values cannot be HEW YO K. duplicated. J INTERIOR VIEW OF BOSOR CORE'S ' MAMMOTH C.O K S&LESHOO-f , SHW ) HC LATEST STYLE CLOAKS. Fancy all wool beaver double-breasted long PRINCE ALBERT GOATS Satin faced , full skirts , brown , navy and black. VERY MUCH UNDER PRICE AT GLOVE 7ue heavy Working Gloves and Mitts 81.23 Llnod and Unllned Gloves and Mitts S1.7C Buckskin , Castor and fine Kid Gloves $2.00 Dont'a Entrlish DrivingQQr > Gloves , < 7OU 33.50 Fisko , Clark and Flagg'a Meu's Lined and Unllned Kid Gloves FURNISHINGS. Men's Fine. Silk Suspenders Men's Heavy Working , Buckskin Gloves Men's While LAUNDERED SHIRTS § | Q and Colored Laundered Shirts , & 1.GO Men's White Shirts Men's Colored and Blue FLANNEL QUIRTS , nnd Ilcuvy WorlcSnlrts , Finest ( jradcs Mon'a All- Wool Casslmoro Shlrte , north $ i50 BOSTON STORE , FASHIONABLE CHINCHILLA JACKETS , 42 Inches Long , B cck and N , vy. ACTUALLY WORTH$25.00. WOR'l H 825,00. A La Mode DOUBLE MILITARY CAPE , IN T > & EK bLtfE AND EL \ OK. BEftVER , with velvet collar The same sold elsewhere for $10.00. Wo sell It at WORT 810.00. LONG , STYLISH BEAVER CLOAKS , All SJzjs , Hlu-k and Navy. CHEVIOTS VERY STYLISH LONG PRINCE ALBERT CLOAKS , TnBsaver , Ohinchill.s , Diagonal's ' MONDAY ONLY. ' e are s ow n8T l ie largest variety in chil- CHILD'S CLOAKS dreil's ancl misses' long and short cloaks ever brought to Omaha , ranging in price from 750 , toji5. All guaranteed this season's styles. CDS ' ' ' LADIES' MISSES' CHILDREN'S ' , , 'loor. All the ladies' natutal gray , camel's hair Ladles' high grade derby ribbed fine Ladles' ' finest grade medicated sanitary Indies' putont flair pra- Woo ! gray t bwuot anil dry. lice tlm . in jersey riband plain Five different stjlos , Silk front and silk noiit. : goods , vests or paints , pants or vests embroidered necks , > f course. Worth "Joe. Worth $1. Worth $1.50. 1,000 I OZEN In. Merino , Scarlet , Camel's Hair nnd Gray. Men'B Underwear. Hundreds of Dozens Men's All Men's Very Finest Men's ' Underwear Gray Underwear Underwear In natural wool , camel's hair ; fancy Fine fleece UneuindenVear ; and high Medicated scarlet underwear ; tuncy colors ; worth 75o npicce ; go at grade colored underwear } worth 81.25 ; coloicd undorwcaryorth ; up to S2. ! > 0 ; goat goat 75c All from this Bankrupt Stock , All from tills Bankrupt Stock. All from this Bankrupt Stock. FOR THE Grand Opening OFOURNEV JEWELRY DEPT. N. W. Cor. N. W. Cor. 16th and OMAHA.N. 16th and Douglas. . Dousflas , -OF- We are overstocked and must unload. Sumn er can't last always. Cold weather must come and come soon. It's the time of year. We mean business. These goods must go. We will offer you greater bargains to morrow than you ever heard of in stoves , fur niture and earpe'ts. Read the following prices ; BOSTON STOKE BOSTON STOKE 250 ladles' reed rockers , pretty designs , 50 Homo nifihl Base Burner No. 16 ; Mon $175. day's price , $ H.ftS , worth $30.00 100 oak cupboards , Rlaaa doors , J5 05 75 1'ralrlo Oak No. IS , best on earth ; Mon 50 hardwood wardrobes , flno finish , $4 7S , 300 elegant babj carriages , $3.95. day's price , $0 15 ; worth $16.00. 75 solid oak extension tables , nea 350 conimon lieitcrs No. 0 ; Monday's price. polished finish , f 7 00. ' ' , $1.58wartli $1.00 200 oak rockers , tapestry hnd plush seats , BOO cool : nncl heater combined ; Monday's hand carved , $2 75. price $2 48 ; worth $6 50. A special sale ot chamber suits , consisting- 250 No S New Homo Comfort Hangcs , with of nincty-flve defiant designs , will continue lilKh shelf ; Monday's price , $11.OHorth ; JJS. Monda ) and Tuesday , Instead of Afpmlay only , ICO Famous 1'uris Ranges , hlfjli shelf , rca- as heretofore , so that none jni 1/be disap crvolr and closet , Monday's price , 120.46 ; . pointed In securing a. bargain. $15. Great Special Sale on Monday , All wool Ingrains at 3Ge. Heat 2-ply all wool at I2c. Best 3 ply all vyool at CSe. Iloyar JavnncED Wlltona at B2c. Best tapestry at 39c. o fur rugs at $1.98. Largo steo Wilton rug worth $7 at $3.95. Largo Blzo Brussels rugs worth $2 at 9Sc. 0x12 art squares at 53 D5. Basement FLANMELS. A Splendid Line of Eider OKfl Down Flannel , fancy and /fll * plain colored , wort h 50c * W U A very fine line of ALL WOOL FLANNEL , Scarlet and imvy oluo , worth 35o toCOc , goat I9c , 25c 3Hc- Plaid , Chcok nnd Striped ALL WODL FLANNELS- 15c - 19c - 25c - 39c Full Line PlaUl and Striped Skirt Pattern Flannel 30c , 75c. 98c , Si.25 , SI,50 Cotton a 4 wool Slia sr Fl nnsl , 5c , 8JC , 10c , 15c Worth up to 2c ) n yard. The cheapest line In the city * of While Ml Wool Flannel , , 25c,35c,50c , Unbleached Canton Flannel and bleached Canton Flannel , 5c 8 . IQc , - c. - - Plain Color Canton Flannel yd BEAUTIFUL PATTKRNS 6Jc , 8ic , lOc , Beautiful "White Downy Cotton Bats , 5c , 8 c , lOc , I2c a Pound , Bargains. 3 IKIMENSE LOTS OF Blankets Full SlKo , Daublo Fleeced , BLANKETS , white , gray and fancy stripes , worth $1.50 . Full size , strictly all wool Blankets , in natural color , brown , pray , white , actual value , $3.50 A PAIR Very fine , all wool BLANKETS , In white , K'iy ' , red and plaids , , worth up to & 7.CO a pair , goat $3.03. 8t : 50 extra size Lace Curtaliia . . 82.GOSilk qulns Strlpo , Lamhre- SL39 Handsome Irish Point and iinHutlon Brussels cur- tuina ; worth $5.00 and $0.00 Full alzo ehenlllo portlorca , in nil shades ; top and bottom fringes Extra heavy plain colors chenille portieres , \or\tf \ fringes ; worth J7.50 $1,98 0,60 Silk Strlpo For- AND ticros $3.98