Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 27, 1894, Page 8, Image 8

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Local Bank Officials and Police Trying to
Solve a Puzzle.
Veep Mjrstcrjr Surrounding thn ItrrakliiK
Into of < hu VniilU Connected with the
Iliink Jlnll lliif-riirtlni | Mho I lull
Their Money Mlstlni ; .
The general belief that a safety deposit
vault ls absolutely rvcure against loss by
theft or fire hut been rudely dispelled In
Omaha by the discovery that large sums of
money have been mysteriously taken from
boxes In the safety vaults of the Omaha
National bank. The discovery was made
more than two weeks ago and every pre
caution has been taken by the bank olllclals
to keep the matter a close secret. Chief of
Police Seavoy and one of h.s detectives have
been working Industriously upon the caio
and J. II. Mlllard , president of the Omaha
National hank , has given the larger share
of his time since the discovery to an effort
to unravel the mystery sunoundlng the case.
Ho has even rnado a trip to Chicago for the
purpose of making a special Investigation
Into the workings of the safety deposit sys
tems In that c ty , to discover , If possible ,
whether any Important precautionary mea
sures hail been nrgUcted In the Omaha vault
The principal loser In the case Is William
Glndtsli , thu dtugKlst at Twelfth and Dodge
utricle. Sir. ( Jladlsh has been the lensee
of a box In the vaults of the Omaha National
for a number of years. Last March he
placed In Ma box the bum of $2,700 In gold.
On October 5 he discovered that about ? lf > 00
ot the amount was mining. He at unco
notified Mr Mlilurd. anil the Investigation
commenced. Mr. Mlllard called In Chief of
Police Seavey , and a detective has had charge
of the case ever since. So far , however , all
efforts to discover the manner In which the
money was lost have failed , and the bank au
thorities , us well as the police , arc as much
In the dark as ever.
Another party who claims to ha\o lost
money from 'hoault Is IJIanche Wilson ,
proprietress of a resort on Ninth strent.
Jllss Wilson claims that three $100 bills
have been abstracted from her box and that
Ktio has no means of knowing how the
money was lost. She discovered her loss
over a year ago , but for some reason has
taken no action In the matte ; until recently.
She has now engaged an attorney and made
nfllilavlt to the particulars.
Very naturally the discovery ot the losses
has overwhelmed the Omaha National olllcluls
with perplexity They pHce every reliance
upon the parties who have any connection
with the management of the vaults and are
thoroughly In the dark as to ho\v the losses
could have occurred.
President Mlllard stated to a Bee reporter
yesterday that the report of the losses
came to htm as one of the grcalst surprises
of hh life. The vaults are under the manage
ment of lira , Mary McAusland , n very estlma-
l > lo lady who la In every way fitted for the
responsible position she occupies. No shadow ,
of suspicion exists that the losses have oc
curred through her knowledge or connivance
In fact , It would be absolutely Impossible * for
any qne , not entitled to open a box In the
vaults , to do so without her assistance.
'Mr. Oladlsh was'iccn last night , but he
refused to say anything pgsltlvely. From
his conversation , however. It could be Inferred
that ho lost more than was supposed at first.
lie spoke of ? 1GOO or $1,800 ns the amount
of his loss. Ho also stated that the sus
pected party was out of town , or hidden at
the present time. Who was suspected he
refused to say , but In the conversation he
remarked "that a < woman was harder to
entch than a man. " The police are equally
silent about tin- matter ,
Mrs. McAusland said that she was In
charge of the vaults most of the time , and
who.n she was absent , some trusted employe
of the bank was delegated to attend to them.
No one could enter the vaults without her
knowledge , and she said that as far as she
knew no one had opened Mr. CUdish's box
except his wife. In regard to Miss Wilson's
lt > 3S , Mrs. McAusland was Inclined to think
that It was a mistake. Other questions Mrs.
McAusland politely refused to answer.
Dl&nchc Wilson said that she lost $300
tbout a year ago , She had lost her box key ,
but she said that no one but herself had ever
entered her box with her knowledge and con
sent. She had not sued the bank for the
money , because her friends had advised her
not to do BO , for the reason that she could
not prove that she had the money In the box.
She also said that at the time she had mlsseil
the money $900 remained , she having hai !
$1,200 In the box.
Mr. Gladlsh said that he would begin a sull
against the ban ) : for the recovery of the lost
amount ,
The safety vaults arc constructed In the
basement of th Omaha National bank buildIng -
Ing , near the corner of Thirteenth and Doug
las streets. They nro modeled after the
best systems In the > country and the private
boxes are surrounded with every safeguan
that the Ingenuity of science can devise
The lessee of a private box Is first require !
to write his signature In a book and also
upon a card , together with his residence
etc. He Is then given a private pass won
and no two Individuals have the name past ,
word. Kach box renter is ahi
supplied with two keys to
his box. When lie desires , to gain access to
the box ho has rented ho is first require !
to pass through the heavy steel gates b :
giving his pass word , If It Is required of him
In the event thut ho Is not recognized. Hut
oven utter he passes through the steel gates
to the Interior of the vaults ho cannot opei
lila box without the assistance of the maim
ger. The Individual boxes , of vihlch there
arc several hundred , are Inside a burglar
proof vault constructed of the best hardenei
steel and supplied with double time locks
Each private box has a ttroiiK
lock , which cannot be opened with
out the use of two different keyy
The manager of the safety vaults has one
key , of which no duplicates exist. Slit
places , her key In the lock mul then th.
owner of the box can throw back the bol
of the lock by using the Key furnished bin
when he rents the box. When ready to
leave he cannot lock thn box without the
use of both Ufjs , neither can ho remove hi
own key without leaving the box open
This fact precludes the possibility of any
renter leaving his box open , for he canno
remove his key without locking the box.
Of course , It may bo suggested , that a
person not entitled to open any given box
may secure possession of the keys surrep
tltlously. Hut the possession of the key
"alone will not enable a stranger to open i
box. He must upon himself a
the safety vault present at the name time a
written order signed by the owner of the box
and he must also give the private pass word
These facts only servo to Increase th
mystery surrounding the that hav
b n recently reported. President Mlllan
has made a trip to Chicago slnco the lossc
were reported and has carefull
examined the operation of the larg
safety deposit vault Byitcms In tha
cty. | He wished to satisfy himself that th
Omaha National hud omitted no precaution
nry measure for the protection of Its vaults
He Is perfectly satlstled that his pjuteni I
OS perfect as any In the country.
The Omaha National guarantees the Eatel
of Its vaults and U therefore very much ex
ercised over the developments.
, < & . . . = * * - ; -
Character tells In everything. The high
character of Dr. Price's llaklng Powder Is
the fruit of forty years' growth. Its repu
tation lias etood the tests of time and com-
ny * tl Witt Not un Acclileut.
In the case of Kale A. llcnahain against t
the Standard Life and Accident company
wherein suit WAR brought to recover on a 1
$3.000 accident policy , Iceued to John A
Uenalmm , who died on March 10 , 1S91 , while
In the lavatory at his residence , the defend.
apt has filed ltd answer. The answer set :
uj > the fact that the death of Ilenuham was
not due to accident , but that Instead II
resulted from bodily Infirmity , vertigo. 01
n't i Such being the caw. the defendant
overs that under the tcrmi of the policy n
14 met llabU ,
Miitlirday ( 'lunlui , Uiulemrnr , llrrM ( loodn
tutct Nolloni nt Hpeclnl l'rlc i.
Cloaks wilt be a necessity from now on.
We have them for every one.
Ladles' heavy brown cloaks at $2.45 , JI.50
and. $6.50 $ , excellent values.
Heavy fur trimmed brown cloaks , $8.4 ! ! .
Ladles' golf capes , silk lined hoods , IG.GOj
same style , extra fine quality , $10.00 ,
Special attention Is called to our line of
Astrachan , seal and beaver capes , which are
being sold at nur popular prices. A full line
f children's cloaks In all sizes and In all
ne latest Htylcs.
f > cases of ladles' Jersey ribbed underwear ,
nly 12Hc , worth 25e.
1 case of ladles' fleeced vests and pants ,
nly 35c , worth COc.
Gents' heavy wool underwear , natural grey ,
tily 60c each , worth tl.OO.
Men's fio'ced Jersey ribbed shirts and dinw-
rs nniy 3e. ! ) worth EOc ,
Men's all wool underwear , DOe each , \\orth
1 00.
Men's fine lambs wool shirts and drawers
nly 7Ec , worth $1.00.
Men'n line natural wool BOX 23c. worth 60e.
1 care of men's fast black cotton hose ,
lerrnsdorff dye , only IZVfcc. worth 2 ! > c.
fi c suspenders , on Saturday only 25c.
Ilcst quality linen collars , 12'/fcc each ,
CO dozen of men's tcck scarfs 25c , wortli
100 do/en of men's calf skin driving gloves
nly Mr , worth $1.00.
Children's derby ribbed wool hose only 10c ,
vorth 25c.
An elegant line of ladles' cashmere hose
3c. worth 40e.
1 case of ladles' fast black fleeced hose
nly lOc , worth 20c.
Great ? atutday sale of dress goods at
tayden's , biggest bargains of the season ,
jalo all day.
CiMncli broadcloth , all colors , 49c.
38-Inch all wcol Scotch check , 39c.
100 pieces all wool suitings , 25c.
f > 2-ltich all wool covert SOc.
Children's nnd ladles' cloaking , 31 Inches ,
A beauty In cloaking , $1.9S.
Examine our remnants and special bar
Saturday will bo the last day of our C9e
Ilk sale. Tallle dress silks In black and
olori , black swivel Bilks with colored
IEJIIICS , black brocaded satins In bmall neat
leslgns , plaid India twill silks and many
other handsome silks , wortli from tl.OO to
I.BO per yard , each at Ctlc.
Prices to suit everyone.
lien's h avy winter caps. 20c ; boys' heavy
Inter caps , ICc ; men's extra flue caps In
llfforent styles , 20c ; men's dress caps , OOc ;
nen's silk plush caps , 7Cc.
Men's fur derby , GOc and 75c : men's fine
Hi- tourist , $1.00 and $1.25 ; boy's crushers ,
lOc ; children's fancy caps. 23c ; men's fur
crushers. 49c. A * full line of different styles
of J. U. Stetson's hats at $2.60 to { 3.00 , worth
Wo have Just received nil elegant line of
eatherctte wall pockets and fancy orna-
1st lot contains fancy baskets , ships and
'ancy boxes at tic each.
2nd lot consists of beautiful comb and
irush holders only ] 0c each.
3rd lot. elegant wall pockets nnd paper
racks , only 15c.
We luivo the finest K3c hand bag ever
shown In the city , on Saturday only 2Sc.
A beautiful line of fancy Initial handker
chiefs only EC each.
We will place on sale Saturday 100 cartoons
of all silk , satin nnd gros grain ribbons , In
ill colors and widths , at the price of cotton
goods , 2'4c up to luc , Including sizes 2 to 22.
CtilrUun Tlilovrs < miglir.
Louis Brown nnd Madison Mlllburn were
arrested last night by Detective's Savaga and
Dempsey for stealing chickens. It Is alleged
they robbed the roost ot C. P , Ferguson at
C52 South Fortieth street Thursday night of
fifty chickens. Yesterday they disposed of
about twenty to a butcher at Fortieth and
Hamilton and a dozen more were found In
the cellar of MUlburn's house at Thirty-fifth
and Corby streets. Mlllburn Is a notorious
chicken thief. The men wcie charged with
Dr. Price's Baking Powder is as Justly cele
brated for Its perfect purity as for Its unequaled -
equaled leavening strength.
runrnil of Jiimoi Illclcoy ,
Janus HIrkey died Wednesday noon at his
residence , 1113 Center street , at the age of 83
years. Mr. HIckcy was a resident of this
city i'or forty-two years. Ho lenvos ono
child , a daughter , Mrs. J. C Rlloy. The
funeral will be held this morning at St. Pat
rick's church. .
The Ethiopian songsters will reappear at
Ho > d's Monday evening for the benefit of the
Old Ladles' Home and lodging house for
uonien. New Jokes , new songs and a new
object arc the attractions. Tickets. COc and
ICc. Seats may bo reserved Saturday.
llnd u Sellout Tlnin of It.
While In Chicago , Mr. Charles L. Kahler ,
a prominent shoe merchant of Dea Motnes ,
Iowa , had quite a serious time of It , He took
such a severe cold that ho could hardly talker
or navigate , but the prompt use of Chamber
lain's Cough Remedy cured him of his cold
su quickly that others at the hotel who had
bad colds followed his example , and halt a
dozen persons ordered It from the nearest
drug store. They were profuse In their
thanks to Mr. Kahler for telling them how to
euro a bad tfold so quickly. For sale by
Some Arc Alive , but How Many is Not
Known at Present ,
Itrmo I'.Rortl He hip Mftilf to lleocuo Them
With Orrnt ilnpri of HucrrM Ilavo
I'lcnty of Air , lint no I'ouit
or M' tcr.
MILWAUKEE , Oct. 2C. A special to the
Wisconsin from Iron Mountain , Mich. , bays :
The f.ite of the eleven entombed miners In
the Pewablc mine will not bo known for
some hours yet , probably not before night.
An Immense mass of rock , Iron ore and
broken timbers twenty feet In length Is to be
cleared uway. Superintendent 13 row n Is con
fident that all but three will bo taken out
alive and he has hopes for all. The accident
was w Jsed by the sandstone capping on the
third level of shaft No. 1 giving away.
The- awful accident has shrouded this com
munity In gloom. Following Is a list of ths
entombed men :
Peter Hascae , the pit boss , In charge of the
men at thn time of the accident , and the
only one known to have escaped uninjured ,
states that the accident was caused by run
ning water eating away the sandstone cap
ping In a room 100 feet in height on the
third le\cl. This Immense mass of rock ,
weighing hundreds ot tons , crushed down
through the floor of the level carrying away
timbers and everything to the fourth level ,
on which the men were working. Ho beard
the thundering crash of rock and broken
timbers and by fast running made his escape.
Peter Gabardl , a trammer at work directly
umkr the fall ng rock , was caught and
crushed to death. Ills body has been re
To "rut a road through this wreckage to the
room in which the men are entombed Is a
work of difficulty which few but experienced
miners can understand or appreciate The
work cannot bo done hastily , for the walls
have to be heavily timbered ns the work pro
ceeds In order to avoid another fall of ground.
Although hard and persistent work has been
done since the disaster occurred by as many
eager men as could be worked to advantage ,
only the seemingly short distance of fifteen
feet has been cut through the conglomeration
of Iron , ore , sandstone and broken timber In
fourteen hours , and fifteen feet has yet to be
out , which will take until evening. An ominous
nous feature , and one that convinces many
miners that the men will lie found dead Is
that , although only fifteen feet away , not
the faintest sound has been heard that w < ftd
Indicate they were alive. Miners say that If
the men were olive this tact would have
been made known from their prison. It Is
the general Impression that they have been
suffocated by gunpowder gas. Superintend
ent Brown , who heads the rescue party , nnd
who has remained at his post since the hour
ot the disaster , says there Is on abundance
of good air in the room , and fs very confi
dent that eight of the Imprisoned miners will
bo found unharmed. Three , he thinks , may
have been caught under the mass and crushed
to death.
This Is the worst accident of the hind that
ever occurred on this range , the only approach
preach to It being the caving In of a ihaft at
the Kelrldge mine some twelve years ago.
when nine men were buried alive and their
lernalns never recovered.
DETROIT , Oct. 28. A special to the News
from Iron Mountain , MIchT , says : The fact
lias Just been established that at least a num
ber of the men In the mine are stIU alive.
The fact was ascertained by signaling with
hammers. It is now confidently expected
that the room In which the men are confined
will be reached by 6 o'clock.
IRON MOUNTAIN , Mich , Oct. 2C. The
only facts known at this hour , 11 t > . 'nf. , is
that a number of the men Imprisoned at the
Pewablc mines arcs alive. Who and bow-
many v.111 not bo known until morning , The
men are well supplied with air. Superin
tendent llrown is certain that at least eight
of the men have escaped uninjured , but fears
three may have been caught under the falling
mass of timbers and rocks and crushed to
death. .
Mercrr llntol U. Slllowny , Mnmgcr.
Rates reduced : $2.00 to $300 pel' ' day.
Dili Yiiil Itrnil Alioiil It ?
The fast tlmo now made by the F. E. &
M. V. R. It. from Missouri river to the Black
Hills , less than eighteen hours , to Hot Springs
and less than twenty-ono hours to Deadwood.
Leave Omaha 2:10 : p. in.
Supper , Norfolk Junction.
Breakfast at Buffalo Gap , S. D.
See agents for details and Important
changes in local sch-1-- '
J. R. BUCHANAN , i-u
ToJay Is chicken < lay at Haydtn Bros1
fresh meat department ; E > ,000 chickens tobe
sold at 7V5C- per pound.
Siillin' I'list tllrn KobtMT Cuinurnil.
Deputy United United ' .States Maishal
Coggswoll and Pen tunic * Inspector Sinclair
returned from Sioux 'City with ti. I. King ,
the nun who & Bhortirtrnia slnco burglarized
the postofllce at Sullam. Neb. , and carried
awny with lilm nbouU'tf > 00 worth ot postage
stamps , King was tnctd to Sioux City and ,
placed under nrrfet Thursday night. He was
taken before United' Slates Commissioner
Diimly yesterday. He Waived examination and
was held to await thn 'action of the grand
Jury When arrested King still had In his
possession 1410 worth of'the stolen stamps ,
Today is chicken ttaat llaydcn Bros'
fresh meat department ; 5,000 chickens to bo
sold nt 7'ic per pound , i
Umiilin mul Clilcngii l.lmkltHl I'lftoen-Iluur
Leaves Omaha at C'lS p m. nnd arrives
at Chicago 9 40 a , m , via C. M. & St. P.
Ry. for Chicago and alt points cast. Trains
tnnde Tip nnd started from Omnhn , assuring
passcnffcrg clean and well aired cars. The
only line running solid vestlbuled electric
lighted train from Omaha direct. No watt-
Ing for through trains.
Elegant chair cars , palace sleeping and
dining cart. Ticket office , 1504 Karnam street
Ticket Agent.
All Alioiml for Ilia lltuck Illlli ,
Note change of time on Fremont , Elkhorn
ft Missouri Valley R B. , taking effect Sun
day , Oct. 28th.
The fast mall , express and passenger train
will leave Omaha 2:10 : p. in. , Missouri Valley
2:00 : p. rn. : arrive Hot Springs 8 05 a. m. ,
Deadwood 11:00 : n. m. Fastest time ever
made with regular train to the Black Hills
Inquire of ticket agents for details of Im
portant changes in local and through service.
General 4'assengcr Agent.
. I A\Y ( > VXCRMCX TJi.
There , will bo a merry time at the Fifteenth
Street theater on Sunday afternoon , also
Sunday , Monday , Tuesday and Wednesday
evenings , when the brand now farce comedy
surprise , properly termed the prize \vlnncr
of fun , entitled " 4 11 11 , " will be the at
traction. While young In the race. It has
proven to bo a heavy opposition to the older
aspirants for farce comedy honors. The fun
Is new , bright and pure and Is truly refreshIng -
Ing to the up-to-date theater goers. For an
evening of true enjoyment see " 4 11 4J. "
Adhering slavishly to the author's lines ,
when frequently the action drags , docs not
characterize Willie Collier When a line
doesn't catch the public Mr. Collier Is quick
to see the defect and his originality promptly
provides a remedy. "No matter how good a
play may be , " Mr. Collier remarked , "an
actor of any capability can Improve It. I try
to grasp the s-plrlt of the audience , then I
think of the first word of a line and the last ,
and proceed to fill In to suit myself. " This
would bea dangerous undertaking for many ,
but Willie Collier's quick wit has been one
of the features of his success. Mr. Collier
conrtg to the Boyd on Tuesday and Wednes
day next , In his new play , "A. Back Num
ber. "
Mr. Meyers , agent of "Friends" company ,
which comes to the Boyd on November 2 , 3
and 4 , is in ho city. He reports the business
of bis company on the Pacific slope very
good. _
For nearly a half century Dr. Price's Bak
ing Powder has ranlted foremost among the
celebrated household helps of the age. As
shown by the awards a.t the World's Colum
bian nnd Midwinter Fairs its fame never
stood higher than now.
i'KHso.v.ii , r
Arthur Ware of Chicago Is a Barker pa
J. H. W. Miller , Pocatello , Idaho , Is at the
T O Carter , Deadwood , S. D. , Is at the
B. G. Spencer of Kansas City Is at the
The Ontea college foot ball team Is at the
Barker. ,
J. P. Detwcller ot Philadelphia Is a guest at
the Barker.
J. S. Plumb of Lincoln is stopping at the
Barker while In the city.
George E , Kellogg and wife , Hot Springs ,
S. D. , are nt the Merchants.
J. F. Brown. J. D. Thorn and William
Wagner of Dayton , Wyo. , are at the Paxton
Captain W J. Itcnard , for five or six years
steward at the Mlllard , has gone to Denver
to Join his family.
James Douglas , L. Culvert , L. M Itanner ,
A. M. McCargar and A. McCargar of Wyo
ming arc registered at the Merchants ,
Hin tic tlift lintel * ,
At the Arcade F M. Crow , Lincoln , C. A
WIlKon , Fiemont , B. S. Lilly , Hroken How.
At the Dcllone It R. Douglas ) . Nebraska
City , M. II. Yobbe , Gibbon ; J. A. Cobbcy ,
At the Millard W. B. Ilnper , Pawnee
Pity ; W. Ilardon , llrpubllcan , Orelghlon
Morris , Hutnboldt ; I. J. Hamilton. Norfolk.
At the Merchants W. E. Brawn , David
City ; L. J. Dillon , Nebraska City ; Robert
Byerp , Holdrege , F. P. Olmstend , Hastings.
ToJay Is chicken day at Hoyden Bros'
fresh meat department ; 5,000 chickens to be
sold at 7iic per pound.
rllNNINOHAM Mrs. Marj Claik. October
if. , IS ! ) ) , aged r 7 ytars , v.lfr of Mr. Thomas
Cunningham , ungi'Bt daughter of the
late Captain Clark of Tayport , Flfeshlre ,
Scotland. Funeral from family residence ,
211 South list street , Sunday , at 1.30 p in
Interment Kvergreen cemetery. Friends
invited. Scotch and Australian papois
please copy.
IE official reports show that no
baking powder received an award
S over the Royal at the Chicago World's
SJ Fair.
S i ! The judge of awards on baking pow * o
der writes that the claim by another g
0 S
0 company to have received the highest
5P 5S award is false ; that no such award
P 0
i was given to it. 0
S ? The Royal Baking Powder is the
8i purest and strongest baking powder E
i ri
5 made , and has received the highest 1
r award at every fair , wherever exhibited
* : 0
Er in competition with others. 0n 0B
I n
. , . , .
Omaha Likely to Get Eltl of a Vicious and
Dangerous Character.
Mult I'njr 111 i. IVniUty fcir 1111 Assault ITjmn
a Child Attorney Morriirtjr I'ouml
llnllly of forgery Clinrgcil nrltli
llnrjrlnry Court Culllngs.
In the criminal court yesterday the notor-
ous James Sparks , colored , was sentenced
to the tjcnltentlary for life for n beastly
assault committed on Clnudo Vamlerburg , a
)0y 7 years old.
The crime was committed n few days ago
itnr Fourteenth ami Nicholas streets.
Sparks had pleaded not guilty twice , but
on being brought In for trial yesterday said
wished to plead guilty and persisted In
loltig so after the natureof the penalty had
jccn explained. The child then described the
letalls of the crime and the sentence Mas
Sparks was released from the penitentiary
about a year ago , ntler serving a term of
eighteen months for assault with Intent to
kill. .
Morr.irty I'miml Utility.
In case of the state against Edward P.
Moreaity , the Jury returned a verdict ot
guilty. Moreurty was charged vrltli forging
tlio name of Constable McKenzle In order to
get possession of a trunk belonging to some
woman who was his client and which wna
held on a writ. He pleaded not guilty and
went to trial. Thursday the Jury got the
case and yesterday returned a verdict ,
finding the defendant guilty of forgery and
also of uttcj-lng u forged Instrument. After
the verdict had been returned Morearly was
remanded to the custody of the sheriff to
await the sentence of. the court.
Wants Ills l.ommU Icm.
John J. Glb&on has sued Louis II. Kent In
an action to recover the sum of $1,000 , which
amount ho alleges Is due as commission on
making n teal estate sale. The plaintiff
alleges that Hio defendant was the one-half
owner of the Dellonc hotel und that with
him the property was listed for sale at $70 -
000. In hunting customers the plaintiff avers
the great
Instantly Relieves
Skin Diseases
And the most distressing forms
of itching , burning , bleeding ,
and scaly skin , scalp , and blood
humors , and will in a majority
of cases permit rest and sleep
and point to a speedy , perma
nent , and economical cure when
physicians , hospitals , and all
other methods fail. CUTICURA
cures of torturing , disfiguring ,
humiliating humors arc the
most wonderful ever recorded.
Bold throughout the world. PriceCrrirrnA ,
0c. , BoAr.i'Sc. . Itsaoi.viM'.tl. I'OTTEBUrtua
AND CIIKM. Conr. , Polo 1'ropj. , Hoitou. "All
about thoSklu and Blood , " 61 page , mailed irco.
% Farlnl Blf inlilics , pimply , oily , raothy
ekln , falling hair , > nd simple baby raihes pre
vented and cured by Cn'iciini Soap.
nnd wcuknf n , back ache , weak KtJ.
Be ) i , rhi-umutism , nml chart palna
relieved 11' it * mlmiiti b > the Cu.
tlcnr * Aiilt ! ! I i- I
Fifty stjIeH of liuby Canlauea must be closed
out The prices put on them In our October Sale
la what will do It , Tills one nas 5J5.UO , la now
Shiverick's October Sale
In. the way
they shoul d
go by using
Shoulder Braces.
Wo have tliom AT ALL PRICES
The Aloe & Penfold Co. ,
If jnu don't li llcte HP < an < Mre > our case.
4rjni < ! lo "ur olrVe nml pit' wliii we jn i > < for
j u Vfr nr , < lin- nl > | ii-tiallfU li lll taht
> ur i if < un ! Mttkl ) i > vm nts urul fur
nl ) i nil meliciiu > fiif l''iimiiiiii | n lie ' 'or
imp-wiirifp Kllrlirl Cure' Huirjniefl in W tr
W < l y Office i j > rn in \ \ Ine * 11 > on I iitinla )
r\TTIIKH. fr m i l'i ' > Olfl'f lirura.0 ! n m t < j
G 1U | i. m IHNK.MOItK MIl > K' CO. ,
too li uxlaa t Om.ilm ( r l > cnlge uinl Kill t. ,
that II. K , Cadr offfrfil lo tnke Iho property
at the price named , 1mt thai I ho tlefomlant
refused to par the qprocil commission.
Settled ( Mil ( if Court.
The nppp l ot Albert NciMi from the plan
of nssostment on tlio widening of Thirty-
third strrcl from i'or > i'leton nvemio to
Lcnvenworlh street , which Is now hnnglnK
flro In the courts , was settled before the
board of equalization yesterday. The suit
will tie dismissed on account of an adjust
ment in the matter of the assessment which
xvas made on the recommendation of the nt-
slelanl city attorney.
Muirt rnllro .St rlp < .
0. M. Hurley Is wanted by the police on a
complaint sworn to by G. M. Randall who
says that Hurley obUilm-il from him on
Iho pretense that there was rnoiiKli money Iti
the American National bank to liquidate
tlio loan ,
City Prosecutor Shooimihor lias filed n
complaint acnlnst Qeotge nml Walter Shil
ling , alleging that they , ns manners of tlio
Co-operatlvo Supply company , carry on a
5 ? ? , ' , ° of chance' " I * claimed that the
bMllllngs run a suit club company nml that
customers are dissatisfied with the results.
t.uv.ii , jiiti : fjrus.
The Kdgemont Stone company , with n
capital stock of $300,000 , , has tiled Its articles
of Incorporation In the offlceof the county
clerk. Omaha Is to be llio principal phca of
mislness and the purpose of the company Is
to open up the stone quarries at KOgmont ,
Ct JJ ,
ClRar Mnfcets union N'o. 03 of Omaha will
filvo a grand Thanksgiving ball nt Germanla
hall on Wednesday evening , November ZS
The membeis ot this union are good enter
tainers and the boys are
preparing to bn at
their best on this occasion. Good union music
will bo secured and the- program ulll contain
a list of the very latest dances.
A musical and literary entertainment will
be Riven at Knights of Labor hall next
luesday evening , to which Iho public Is In
vited. The entertainment will wind up with
a social hop. The Gnte City orchestra has
tendered Its services free and a good crowd
Is expected. The entertainment Is given for
tlie purpose of raising funds to pay the ex
penses of the i ntlonal delegate to the next
meeting of the
eencral assembly at New
. . .
V. a. Jcj > vslofiUmaliti ( ,
CAPITAL , - - $400,000
SURPLUS , - - $55,500
Omccra nnd Directors-Henry w. Yatc * ores-
? hf ' P'11" ' ' Low'
? ' v58 '
- , ,
S Ile l C
r W""am
S " S .
nht caVlilw ? ' " "She * . Bsa3t. |
Brings comfort nut ] improvement nntj
tends to pcn-atml enjoyment when
rightly uwu. The ninny , who llvo bet
tor than others ami enjoy life more , with
less cxp.'iulituro , by ntoro promptly
rut.lpthiK the world's l > obt products to
the needs of physical being , will nttcst
tlio valtio to health of the pure liquid
Ir.xutive principle.cnibiaccd ) iti the
remedy , Syrup of Figs.
Its uxccllcnee is duo to its presenting
in the form moat acceptable and pious-
ant to the tnstc , the icfresliing and truly
iKMiefieinl projwrties of n ] > crfect lux-
athe ; erti'Ctuiilly demising the system ,
dispelling colth. ] iemlnchc.i M d fevers
nncl permanently curing constipation.
U ha * given satisfaction to millions ami
met with the appro ; ! of the medical
profession , because it acts on the Kid-
neyf , ivcr and Dowels without weak
ening them niid it is perfectly ftco from
every objectionable substance.
Svrtip of Figs is for sale by all Jitig-
tfstsin r)0c and $1 bottles , but it is man-
ifticturcd by the California Tig Syrup
.o.only , whose name is printed on every
actage , alto the name , Syrup of Fijjs
nd being well informed , you will not
ntRiiy substitute if
Why nut sclocl WHIP of > < ur liutlil.iy ilftn now
Our line nC Lnriics PckH Is superb , nnil th *
October prices ire tlio liui > ntlrc to purchase now ,
Shiuerick's October Sale.
In the fall-time--
The only pretty ring-time--
Weshow tomorrow for Ilio nrnttlinotbo most beautiful
assortment or now deshrna In rlusa wo over purulMsud.
RAYMOND , Jeweler and Silver'smith Cor.
, . 15th and Douglas.
Is an easy tabk. The man with a character UB puro.iis tlio
" 1 illy of tlio valk-y" who is ready to sacrifice his individual
interests for iliat of his state , who loves and reapocts his
fellow-men batter than himself and who's ideas arc over in
consistency with all cranky notions , will always ba BOIHO
voted short after the election. The other follow with less
angolie qualification is usually the ehoico of common sonbo.
So it is in society , so in business , The clothier who slashes
and smashes and gives goods away in order to bo a good
fellow , it is to bo fought shy like a Jersey niosriiuto. The
Nebraska ( jives nothing away neither do wo take anything for
nothing : . We'll try utmost to protect your dollar and
give you all wo can for it. This season wo can yivo you moro
for your money than over before and wo do it cheerfully , with *
out much ado , and superfluous ncwspapordlsplay. A suit you
formurly paid us $7.5'J , was always worth $10.00 In any store.
This season we'll ' take but FIVE DOLLARS , and give you
choice of two ro3pectablo all wool cheviot sluts , well made ,
good linings and honestly finished ono of dark blue , the other
of dark gray etTcet b-jtli of a neat plaid.
A true black ohovlot all wool suit is worth $15.00 so is an
all wool , but wo'll furnish cither tblb year ut
KlfJUT-SUVUXTV-l'IVH , although they were cheap last
year at $11.50 , common sense buyers bought It at that price at
n bargain. Our black choviota nro double breasted bergo
lined , elegantly trimmed , and the caBaiincro ones Is eingio
breasted pin cheeked of brown and gray mixtures Italian lined
Examine all 8lfiW ( suits offered about town first If you
please ami compare 'cm to ours That's all wo ask.